Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1889, Page 6, Image 6
6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEES THURSDAY. APKIL 25 1889. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS , OFKlOi ; . NO 12 P13AIII4 BTHKET. Delivered by carrier In Anv Tart of hcCltyn Tw cnty Cents i'cr Week. . , , . . 11 , W , T1LTON. . JJANAOKIt. * TKLKPHUNKSt nt'MNrFfi OFTICB No. . NIGHT I.'DITOH , No.23. PUNCH MENTION. N. Y. Plumbing (5ol ( A case of scarlet fever Is reported nt the residence of Samuel Newton , 230 Bcnton street , by Dr. Green. Building permit * w'cro Issued yesterday to D. N. Heislor for a * I,600 residence , , nnd Chris SorciiBon for an (600 cottage. The funeral ot Mrs. Nancy Joiner took place nt 10 o'clock , yesterday inorning , from her late residence on Vine street , nnd was largely attended. Holders of season tickets to the Ragan lectures can secure reserved scats at the Opera House drug store Monday morning , April 29 , after 0 o'clock , nnd not May 1 , ns stated. The musical , literary nnd social entertain ment to be given this evening at the Broad way will bo very interesting , nnd should draw a largo crowd. Refreshments will bo served nt low rates. The following Indies are elected ofllcers df the Ladles' Aid society , of St. Paul's church : President , Mrs. Joseph Lynmnj vice-presi dent , Mrs. George ICeellno ; secretary , Mrs. J. Y. Fuller ; treasurer , Mrs. H. C. Cory. Mr. John L. lircnn'eman nnd Miss Stella Dado , both of Carson , were married yester day afternoon by Rev. T. J. Muekay , at the rectory or St. Paul's church , In the presence of a few Immediate friends of the happy couple. . A children's choir Is being orgnni7cd for the Presbyterian church. There will bo fifteen or twenty voices. As there Is much good talent in this congregation , it Is ex pected that n very line choir will soon bo formed. The sociable of St. Paul's Episcopal church will bo entertained by Mrs. E. H. Odell and Mrs. H , C. Cory , to-morrow evening , nt the residence of H. C. Cory , on Sixth avenue. All are Invited. Two drunks and six vags received liberal doses of justice in police court yesterday morning. Certain little extras that they had indulged In came high , and they will boom real estate for the next ten days. The racing hose cart for the P. Lacy hose team , which Is composed of boys under eleven years of ago , has arrived nnd Is n lit tle beauty. Racing suits for the boys have been ordered by J. W. Bacharach , and will bo hero in about ton days. Little business was transacted in the dis trict court yesterday. The Judge listened to a few demurrers in the afternoon , { but ns none of the cases In the day's assignment worn ready for trial an early adjournment was taken until this morning. Contractor C. R. Mitchell yesterday begun the work of moving the truck of the Alun- * awn Motor line to its now locution on Ninth street , south of the city limits. The change will be completed by Sunday morning anil trulne. will be runulni ; ns usual on that day. The Easier muslculo at the Presbyterian church parlors tins evening will bo an event of much interest for the muble-loving citi zens of Council Bluffs. The participants are all local artists of much merit , and the pro gramme they \vill render is an excellent one. Admission 1 * only 50 cents. The Firemcn'8 association held a meeting at the city building last evening und per fected arrangements for the races at Union park on the HOth lust. A few changes wore made In committees , and J. W. Poregoy wus elected chief marshal , vice P. Lacy , * ro- signed. The match race at Union driving park Saturday afternoon will bo nn event of" un usual interest. It will bo a single hcut , live mile trotting race , and it is expected that the distance will bo covered in less than cigh- teen minutga. Such races are not common , nnd the purse , J2UU a side , will insure n hot contest. This feature alone will doubtless call out n largo attendance. The fire department was called outyestcr- , dny afternoon , about , ' ) o'clock , by a lire at the corner of Wushlngton avenue and Eighth street. It was in a manure pile , and had been sot by boys. The department got on water before the flames reached the build ings , and the burn was simply scorched a little. The funeral of little Esther May Clomon- eon , who died Monday morning , after a very brief Illness , took place yesterday afternoon , from the Broadway M. E. church. , There was a very lurgo uttendnnco , ns the deceased was a general favorite in tbo eastern part of the city. The remains were Interred in Fairview - view cemetery. Frank Peterson is In trouble agalr. . This time ho is charged with larceny from the person. It is alleged that ho snatched n pockctbook.from drunken companion Tues day evening , in the alley .south ot Broadway between Mala and Fourth streets. Ho de mos having anything to do with it , and is locked up in jail awaiting a hearing this morning. The porters on the Union Pacific dummy trains are fooling a little bit nervous. The conductors of tlio trains received letters .yesterday morning from Trainmaster Bax ter , to the effect that after May 1 there would bo but ono porter on each train. His business will bo to ride on tli3 rear end , call the rear car , and get off nt ouch station. The conductor will call the middle car. This will lot out four colored gentlemen , and tnoy are anxious to know which will re main , A contract between the Odoll Bros. " base ball team and S. B. Wadsworth , was yester day filed with the county recorder. It pro vides that the club shall have exclusive con trol of Fairvlow base ball park for the sea son of 1SS9 , and nn option on the grounds for 1800 and 1691. Mr. Wadbworth Is to receive 25 per cent of the gate receipts , and the club agrees to play ball for business as well as pleasure. Otucrclubscan secure the grounds on days when the Odell Bros team does not desire to use them. ' Council Bluffs Lodge No. 270 ( Loyal ) A. O. U. W. , meets In G. A. II. hall very Friday evening at 8 o'clock. llcmuinbor ! The blue Ice wagon sells pure river Jco. Your orders holicitod. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Telephone 1U. ( Of fice 6021st uvo. , under Citizens' bank. AD S. Clmso will exterminate goph ers and rats from farms and private res idences for the season for $ o nnd up wards. Work warranted. Address Ab S. Chase , Council Bluffs , la. For 925.00 The N. Y. Plumbing Co. will put a lead service pipe and hydrant in your yard ; also 50 feet extra hose. Call at once at 114 Main street. ThoSoiiloi Will Stay. At its last meeting the council directed the city marshal to remove the scales at the Junction of'M.iin and Pearl streets , within f.vo days. This was the second time a simi lar ordoi had been issued , the owner of the scales , Mr. O. C. Ilonn , having secured nn injunction the first time to prevent the order being carried into effect. It worked BO wol , that ho triad it again , and Judge Docnior Is sued the required injunction. When the marshal went t < t > remove the scales , ho wus knocked out by the order of the district court , und Honu is still doing business at the old stand , These orders arc simply the rather feeble attempts of the council to compel the trade to go to the duly elected wolghrnaster at the city hnymarket. The city receives no rove- DUO from these scales , und the wolghinustar regards it as an encroachment on his rights us well , so the mutter is periodically brought totho attcntljn of the council , which Issues an order , both for the purpono of pacifying the wcighmaator and casing its conscience. * Jt is hardly prohiblo that the mutter will bo board from acaln for at least a couple o ! months. Scottish Rlto rings nnd charms just received at 0 , 13 , Jacquemin & Co's. Rooms to rent in the Merriam block. 8. \VuOsworth & Co.,230 Main street. * J. G , Tlpton , real estate , 627 B'dwoy IN AND ABOUT THE BLUFFS , A Rumored Hallway Ohnngo of Great Importance. * A HOUSE WITH TWO HEADS. An In.lmiction I'rolooln the Pearl Street Scales A Hrllllnnt Wed ding Sport nt the Drlv I'ark. A StnrtlliiK Rumor. The report is being circulated that the Union Pacific proposes to abandon its track In this city between tlm transfer mid the IJroadwny depot , and will run Its trains over the Tenth nvenuo line to Mnln street. When thnt'Is done the present dummy line , up Union avenue , will bo devoted to the use of the new electric motor company that will run over the Union Pacific brldRC. Promi nent railroad oftlctals arc of tliu opinion that there is n great deal In this report. Said one of them yesterday : "it did not surprise tno In the least. The Union Pacific has always fought the union dcpit project , and wants to do thli in order to bring the transfer In close connection with the busi ness part of the city , In order tp plve that project a black eye. It la decidedly averse to giving up the fat rentals it is receiving from the eastern roiuls for the use of its transfer depot , nnd Council HlufTs will never have n now union depot if the Union Pacific can help It. It Is now time for the people of this city to take the bull by the horns if they want this depot , or some move will bo mnilo that will render the project altogether out of the question. The people hero don't want new local' depots , but n union passenger depot , and thpy should get n move on them selves if they don't ' want the Union Pacific to checkmate all the work they have done thus far. " Buildlups loans. Odcll Bros. Sr Co. Too Small n House. There was war on South Madison street yesterduy morning. Two families , named Hough and Lemastcr , live in the same house. As frequently happens on such occasions , the house is considerably too small for both of them , and the dully affairs of life do not glide along as smoothly as might bo de sired. Frequent , quarrels have ensued , and yesterday the climax was reached. The head of the Hough family met the heiress of the Lomastcr household , and according to the story of witnesses ho fortliivlth com menced to abuse her. She stood it for awhile , but when ho commenced to apply opprobrious epithets she concluded that it was time for her to take n hand , and did so with a club. Hough received quite a severe pounding be fore the strength of the girl wus exhausted. Ho swore out u warrant for the arrest of the girl , Lillie Hough , and her mother , on the ground of assault nnd battery , alleging that the mother had Instigated the assault. Judge Aylesworth released the prisoners until Monday , ordering them to move out of the house before that time. Colo& Cole , 41 Main street , Tor the best Lawn Mower on earth. Sitmlny School Workers. The Eighteenth annual convention of the Sunday schools of the county will bo held at the Presbyterian church next Wednesday. The following Is the programme : UiOn. : ! m. Devotional exercise' } by Hev. franklin. 10:00 : a. m. Address of welcome by Rev. Dr. Phclps. Responded to by all the dele gates. 10:30 : a. m. Calling roll , officers and dele gates. 11:00 : a. m. The value of early religious impressions , by liov. George Wright , of Car son , and G. P. Williams. 11:30 : n. m. Sunday school missionary re port , also report of county secretary. 1:30 : p. m. Song service by Joseph Wells. 1AS p. m. Election of ofllcors , reports of committees , appointment of committees , re port of treasurer , reports of schools by dele gates. 2:30 p. m. Question box by Rev. G. AV. Crofts. 3:00 : p. m. How to malto Sunday school work a success , by Hov. Harris. 3:30 : p. m. "Picking Up the Crumbs , " by Rev. G. P. Williams and others. 4:00 p. m. The Council lilutls and Omaha Chautauquu. 4:15 p. -Unfinished business , 8:00 : p. m. Address : "ThoHook Wo Teach and Its Influence On the World , " by Rev. Charles Whetzol , Avoca. Iliivo our wagon call for your soiled clothes. Cascade Laundrv Co. Notice the beautiful finish given col lars , cuffs and shirts by Cascade Laun dry company. Headquarters lor builders' hardware , Odell & Bryant , 613 Main street. Money loaned at. L. B. Craft's & Co.'s loan ollico on furniture , pianos , horses , wapons , personal property of all kinds , and all other articles of value , without removal. All business strictly confi dential. A lU-llliant Yesterday afternoon witnessed the mar riage of another of Council Blufls' fall- daughters. At 3 o'clock Miss Miitio E. Palmer and Mr. Frank S. Stclling wore united in these holy bonds. The ceremony occurred in the Presbyterian church and was witnessed by a largo gathering of friends f the principals from homo and abroad. The altar was lavishly und tastefully deco rated with flowers. The usher * were friends of the groom as follows ! E. E. Hastings , Harry Nott , D. W. Kelster , of Omaha , and Charles Woodman , of Denver. These nlso acted as groomsmen with the following young ladles as bridesmaids ; Misses Anuio Patterson , Minnie Stalling and Hattie Palmer , sister of the hrido. At the hour stated Rev. Dr. Phelps , pastor of the Presbyterian church , and Rev , E. T. Dotwollor approached the altar from the cast entrance. Simultaneously the brides maids und groomsuiun approached by the west and east aisles and as the Lohcngrcna wed d I nc march pealed out joyously under the skillful touch of Will Thickstun , the party proceeded to its plaro by the nltur , The bride and groom were thn lust to enter , she olad In pure wlilto.bearlng a bouquet of beautiful white flowers. The circle thus completed , Dr. Phclps united their hands and lives in n short but impressive ceremony. Dr. Dotweller pronounced the benediction. Ro-ontcnng carriages thn party were driven to the residence of the bride' * parents , Mr. and Mrs , J , M , Pulmer , MO , Fourth avenue , where a reception to friends was held until 0 o'clock. At 0:30 : Mr. und Mrs. St piling were driven to the Burlington depot and started on u brief wedding trip. Tlio.v will visit Chicago and frlcnUn at Masillon , O. Returning , thny will make tholr Iwnio with the parents of ( he bride. There were many friends from abroad. Charles D. Pulmer , brother of the urlde , ob tained a leave ot absence from Fort Wurrcn , Boston , and witnessed the ceremony. Ho was accompanied by Lieutenant Charles Lee , of that commnnu. Other friends pres ent wore : Mrs. Jsuuo Cooper and daughters , Charlotte aid Alice , of Denver ! Mrs. H. lit Glover , of Gr.ind Island , Neb , , and Mr. William Stalling , brother of the groom. Thoypung lady who has thus taken a matron's place was reared In , Council Hind's and has won a hoU of friends by her charms of wind imil person. The groom Is a young man of sterling character , occupying the po- sitlorof receiving teller in the First Xatlonil : bnnU , Si > urt On ilio Track. The programme- for the races at the driv ing paik Saturday afternoon has been slightly changed , and Is now so arranged 'that there will Lie no entraucn fee charged in any of the race * . The entries for the roadster race must all be sent to P. Lucy , manager of the driving park , before 7BO this evening. AH borica with * record ore barred in this race , and owners will drive. The prize is a f 15 whip. The 2:30 : trot has been changed to n 2:35 : race , and the purse is $150. The running race is for n purse of $200. In addition to the races previously an- nounccd , there will be a match race for $200 n side between Wild Irishman nnd Don , two Omntm horses. The match was made some time ago , nnd the parties have requested to bo allowed to use this track. The afternoon programme will be of much Interest to horsemen. Dr. C. C. II tine n , dentist , Opera house block. Notice to Water Contmincrfl. Water rents arc now duo and payable at ollico , 114 Main street. COUNCIL BLUKKS CITY WATKII WOUKS Co. KOI- Sweet Cliarlty. The third evening of the charity bnzaar for the benefit of St. Bernard's hospital was oven more successful than either of the pre ceding ones , The Interest is constantly in creasing , and the receipts are correspond ingly larger. The first cvonlnc the not pro ceeds were ? 110 , Tuesday evening -04 , and last evening the amount was oven larger. An excellent musical programme was ren dered , Miss Hatllo Smith , a very pleasing t > opruio ( , rendered ' 'Night Hlrds Cooing" very acceptably. Mrs. F. H. Kvaus sang "The Uravo Sentinel" in her usual faultless manner. Mrs. James F. Dillon pleased the audience with "Tempest of the Heart. " Mr. Wostcott rendered "If the Rivers Could Speak ns They Flow , " as n solo , und with Paschal brothers sang a trio , "O Restless Sea. " Prof. Hnelons played two violin solos with great skill and excellent effect. This evening the Arion club , of Omaha , n double quartette , will uppear In concert. The following programme will bo rendered at Dohan.s's opera house : Song ICIllarnoy Halfo The Arlons. Solo-I3igHon Poulet Herman Oclnltrce. Song Forsaken Koschet The Arlons. Solo-O Happy Day Goetry Mr. F. Duncan. Accompanist E. C. Crappo The comic opera "Penelope , " will bo ren dered by local talent nt the opera house. The following is the east of characters : Pitcher , in the police J. H. MoWtlHams Tosscr , in the grenadiers..E. M. Thornton Chalks , n milkman P. P. Paschal Mrs. Croaker , the "missus".Miss S. Corner Penelope , n servant Miss Jennie Keating The Anon club , of Omaha , will assist in the evening's entertainment. The opera will bo rendered at Dohany's , and one ticket will admit to that and to the fair at the MasonieHcuiple. "Will KxtenU the Motor Ijlnc. It is stated that in n very short time work on the extension of the electric motor line will bo in full blast. Said n prominent stock holder in the company , yesterday , "Tho ma terial for the extension is already ordered , and as soon as it gets here work will be com menced. The work laid out to bo done this season is quite extensive , and will require some time to complete. The line will bo ex tended from the present terminus nt the Broadway M. E. church , south on Madison street to Pierce street , cast on Pierce to Oak , nor on Oak to Hroadway , nnd west on Hroadwuy to the present stopping place , forming a loop. The track around this loop will bo a single one. A line will ilso run up Grnhnui avenue to Fnirmoutit Park. This will of necessity bo n single truck , as the street is not wide enough for a double , even if it would bo desirable , which it is not , as the line will bo u short one , nnd n siding will furnish the passing place. These two extensions will be completed in thirty days if the material gets here on time. .The company will also change the present Pearl and Mam street line to an electric line this season. A double truck will bo laid trom Broadway to the Rock Island depot and fully equipped. The company will add two 200-horso power engines , four boilers and four generators to the equipment of the power house , to furnish motive power for the extra lines. You see there is a great deal of work to bo done this season , and it will be impossible to say when it will bo completed , but as I snid before the upper lines will be in running order in a short time , and the lower line will bo running by the end of the season. " Attention Firemen. Special meeting of Council Bluffs Fire men's association at City building this evening at 8 o'clock sharp. Business of importance. By order of the president. I. W. Coo run , Secretary. Money loaned on fuinituro , pianos , diamonds , horses , buggies or anything of value at low rates of interest. No publicity fair and honorable dealing. A. A. Clark & Co. , olllce cor. Broadway and Main , over American express. Huron Ilothchlld's Heavy LOSH. RcDort has it that Baron Alnhonsc ue Rothschild has lost about 11,000,000 sterling over the breakdown in the cop per syndicate , says London Life. Ho can view the loss with comparative equanimity , for he lias managed to con siderably increase the paltry 10,000- 000 which ho inherited from his father. Altogether the Rothschilds arc worth Fomothing over 100,000,000 , and there is a family compact in existence by which they are bound to stand by one another. It is reported among those who should know that nothing but the strenuous exertion of the personal influ ence of Alfred do Rothschild prevented the English branch of the family firm from following the load of Baron Al- plionso. _ A Rogue Kxpoacd. Now York Weekly : Winkcl ( at a re caption ) "That English lord is an im postor. Ho is not even an Englishman. He's an American. " Minkol "Eh ? How did you find that out ? " Winkel "T offered to caller him with my carriage to-morrow , nnd take 111 in n little drive around the suburbs Maine , Texas , California , etc. ; and in stead of accepting the offer , ho laughed. " A Kpmedy Tor Baldness. A correspondent of the Scientific American attributes his now growth of hair to the frequent use of the yolks of nn egcr ! After rubbing his head thor oughly with the yolk ho rinsed it off with tepid water , and ho advises others becoming bald to follow exactly the same course. lie thinks the treatment efficacious because of the sulphur in the egg. A Hearty Compliment. Now. York Weekly : Mrs. Maguin- ncfis "Phat's thim picture in that paper , MiUo'i"1 Mike "Thim's photygraphs uv some 01 the Now Yoorik boord av nldor- min. " Mrs. Mnguinness ( examining them ) "Moy , moyl Thorn's nnndbome enough to have boon bourn in ould Oirlitnd. " FOR TURFMEN. ALL T1IU LUADINO 3L O 3EB , Q E IVI 13 IS USB NO OTUEU UHMEDY. tot Sulo by Drucglitt ana Dealers. THE CKAHLES A. VOCELEB CO. , BUUmort.lM. 4" " "IP V * * * * " * * " A "Klrsl" Lesion. Now York Wcolfly : Boston Child- "Did you licnr Unit innn ? Ho snid fur-ist. " ' i Chlcngo Aunly-t "Never mind , pot ; only educated pcqplo know enough to sin'fust. . ' " SPECIAL NOTICES. Foil KKNT OoodS-rooin honso , corner of Oth st and Sil RVC , ono block south of dummy depot. Apply to Horace Kvcrott. WANTED A competent ulrl to do Kcncral housework. Apply at 010 Illult st , Council lIlutTs. TX/ANTKD At the deaf and dumb Instltu- ' tlon. Council Illulls , la. , a llowor gardener. Apply In person or by mall to the superintend ent. ent.FOU 11KNT Two dwelling houses. 8 anil 10 rooms , and two centrally located unices lu Council llluirs. Horace Uvorett. ENGINE roil SAI.E-OnoOxW. twenty-horse power , mostly new. Union Iron works , No , 1307. 3d st. , Council Illulfs. la. Tnos. Orricnu. W. II. M. Pusuv OFFICER & PliSEf. BANKERS. t Corner Malt ) anil Broadway , COUNCIL , UUUKFS , IOWA. Dealers In foreign zjid domestic exchange. Collections wntlo uud intercut paid on time de posits. > THE RftlLTO .TIME . TABLES , SUUUUBAJV TUAINS. Won't w ircl. Running between Council Bluffs ana Al bright , lu addition to tlio stations mentioned trains stop at Twentieth anil Twenty-fourth streets , ana at tno Summit In Omaha. COUNCIL ! CHICAGO , HOCK ISLAND 4c PAUIK10. Leave. Arrive. A No. 2 . 0:00 : p. m. Ko.l 7:00 : a. in. C No.O . 000a. ; m. ( J No fi 5:50 : p. m. A .No. 4. . . . 0:40a.m. : . _ No. 3 6:45 : p. in. CHICAGO. BU11L1NUTON 4 QU1NUV . A No.4 . 0:50a.m.A : | No.5 . W)5a.m. : ) A No. U . . . . ( l:55n. : III.IA No.3 . :30p. : in. Kxcept Saturday. tllxcept Monday. CIUCAOO AiNOllTHWUriTKUN. No.O . ,0:40 : a. in. .No. 7 . :45 : n. in. No.8 . 4:15p. m. No. 3 . ! l ; < ru. ) m. No.4 . (1:40 p. m. No. 5 . 0:1311.111. : All Trains Dally. CHICAGO. MIIAVAUKI5B&ST. PAUL. A No.2 . 0:40 : a. in.'A No , 1 . 0:50a.m. : A No.4 . 7:01) p. m. 'A ' No. 3 . 7:10i.m. : KANSAS CJTV , ' 151'11 & COUNCIL No.2 O.-a" . u. m.iA No.3. . . .fi:10a. : m. No.4. l : : np.ralA No. 1 . 0:2.p.m. : imv oi'Hir i11 * ni.i/v . No. 10. . .7:0.5 . . No. . . . * I/ * : " a. m.VA l tj. . 8:55 : a. Jill . No. 13 7:0) ) p. in , A No. II 0:00 : p. ra OMAI/A / & ST. LOUIS. No.8. . . 4'np.m.lA No. 7. . 12:00 : in. C except there between Trans- er and local ( lopoM. - WatchTheSlGNS Buv Yourt- by -RIEZ \ y/e / / invite - IVi your Prompt patronage oeuycry- E.B.GARQ IN E R o. / BROADWAY : I The VlD3l Modern Novolltl os ' PAPER HANGINGS , AND Artistic Decoration ! AT PETER C. MILLER'S. IIoii so nnd Ornnmental 1'nlntlng , Kalso mining , Graining , etc. Nos. II and 13 Pearl St. LADIES OF OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS AUEJ.N'VrCEI ) TO CALL AT Mrs , C. L OILLETT'S I'll 1(1 ( And see her flno line of Hair doorts. KlNHbT HAIR OUNAMUNTS Intho city. WlKH.BeiudH.utc. , foi Kent or Sale. Gluth and Coylo and Myers Grease Paints. Hair UreaMiif. , Utc. Mo. ! M > illuiii St. , Council ill nils Orders by mall recelvopromptattentlon. Electric Trusses , Belts , Chast Pro tectors , Etc , Agents wanted. c. B. JUB > S > , Council llliifl'r ) In , No. 27 Main Street , Over Jiicqiiciiiiii' * .Ic\vclry Store. * A. F. CLATTERBUCK , iAL UMAlll 41J > IIROAIMVAY , COUNCIL ! ItLjUFK.S , t i * IOWA. PRIVATOUECTIVE' Private watclmi'jn furnished at nny and all tlmea , ( Special attention glvnu to collection of chat tel mortgages und notca. Money to loan on good rnattol security. Uefcronce Any b.Mik , attoiuoy , or business man In the city. D.H.McOANELO & CO. , HidesJata , Pelts , Wool & Furs , HlghcHt maiket prices. Prompt relurnn. No , RiO aiilR-"J Maln-Ht. , Council Ilium * . Iowa. . as K/I am s-b F. J. BBEZEE , iTaxidermist and Naturalist. Permanently located ut No. 14 Noith Sixth Str p | . opposite pout- ollteo , nu inutur llnu , Council Hlntr * , Iowa. Birds and animals mounted naturally and In the Lost racthcd of the ait. Warranted to jiresetve for yuan , rorvien Mras nuppl.od n khort notice. Highest prlca puld forowUnnd liitwk * of nil klnda. I'MWIIW scuiUnf order * Bbured of perfect satisfaction. Fur dresilnK n specialty. Write for paitlcnlarv. CASCADELAUHDRY GOOD WORK : : PROMPT DELIVERY. NO. 33O BROADWAY. TELEPHONE NO. 260 FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. ss Ion Oiitit to U i w V.M. SCAN LAN , ' Fashioned ' . --Te/.ZOL English N.I.TIBBELTTS Kitchen G-ROGERIETS. " narchCuriceBros.Brands Fine Caudles , Fresh Made ate & Loan Aents. Sosi5t.AVe.Bef.Main & Pcar/ / > Dempsey & Butler , 36Poarl-st fe : EVERYTHING NEW AT THE ROOMS OF THE MUELLER MUSIC COMPANY , Preparing for the GRAND RECEPTION ADI ! Aid Opening. Finest Music Hall , Finst and Largest Array of First Class PIANOS. A Fine Programme will be rendered. Watch for the date. THUE ! KTJSSE1LL social / ) > Adapted far SIZES FROM 25 TO 3011 LIGHTING , HORSE POWER , Mills and Elevators TIC CUT-OFF ENGINE . . . Bnbcltlcfctlons ai.d csUniBtci fiirnlsueil . for complete aim p'ants. Iqulatlon. ( Durability Ouar KiilotJ ( an fho'V lultt-ra frj.n ussri where I'uel Kcnnoiuy Is ciiml | ultli t'orllaa Nou-Coiiuouilui E.G. HARRIS , Agent , Send for Catalogue. No. O1O Pearl Street , Counoll Bluff"