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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1889)
TTTTT ! OMATTA DATTiY BEE. THUKSDAY. APKIL 25. 1889. i. . A Moderate Ronctlon In the Whont Pit To-day. A FIRMER TONE IN CORN TRADE , OntH Quieter Tor Severn ! Hnjs No ClmitRC of Consequence In lrovlnl ns Cattle Jloga. CIIICAOO I'llonUCE MAIIKKT9. CHICAGO , April 2 . [ SpecialTelegram to TUB Unr..l With everything as favornblo AS bo.ore for a continuance of the downward movement ] n prices there wns a moderate reaction. The weather was all that could bp dcftlrcd from the standpoint of the farmers' friends mid the foreign markets were of the now stereotyped desponding character. ISccrbohm's ' figures on the quantity of wheat on ocean paBRago was about the only Item In the early bulletins from which comfort could bo drawn by the bulls , although the decrease which wns at first reported wns afterward materially reduced , the error having In the meantime been discovered. The first dis patch reported a ddcrcnao of S.&o'-.UOO bush els , the corrected figures reducing the quan tity to a shortage of 1,010,01)0 ) buih- ols. The report frojn the board" of trade statistician made out an Increase of 1,040,000 bushels , a rather wldo difference between the two computations. The bulls wore In a moro desponding mood to-day than the beam , some of the heaviest weight of the latlof being heavy buyers of largo quan tities , talcing profits of course. There vero said to bo orders In Now York for consider able quantities , but at prices somewhat below - low the present level of prices. The exports of wheat from the seaboard were light , but between Now York and Baltimore 3I.OOJ barrels of Hour were cleared yesterday , and nt this point tlicro was some movement of whoitt , the steamer' Algonquin being char- tercel to-divy to take out 08,000 bushels. This latter circumstance nnd the report of some little export business having been worked nt New York ( throe boat loads ) was the cnuio of the llraincss towards the close. There wns a considerable amount of business done ana one or two of the most prominent houses , who usually act as brokers for the big boar con tingent , were heavy and persistent buyers nil flay. Some reaction apparently would not bo disappointing to parties who nro fond of hard spots to sell on. The fluctuations were narrow , July ploying between 78 ; ' cand 78o the greater part of the session , although it touched 77J o early In the day and & { c later , thcso being the extremes. The clos ing price for July , 78 > c , is n M ° improve ment on the final quotation yesterday. Mnv , however , only gained } c over yesterday's trice , closing nt 80 'c. 1 Tlicro was n firmer tone to the corn mar ket , induced at first moro by the steadier feeling In wheat than any other visible causo. The demand for cash corn for Imini- illato shipment wns up to Its now usual activ ity nnd prices for the grades Immediately below - low No. S were firm and n trillo higher. The export clearances 'from the Atlantic port were libo-'al , 'and from Now Orleans Oo.OOO bushels were cleared ycatorday for Liverpool. There appears to be u great many outstanding contracts for May deliv ery , as transfers from that month to Juno nnd July nt the prevailing differences are quite frequent , a good deal being done in that way to-day. Heavy engagements of vessel room , amounting to . ' 183,000 bushels , was the cause of some strength near the close , which wns linn at or near the best prfces of the day. TJio closing prices all round show n gum slnco yesterday of about J c per bnshcl. Oats wore moro quiet than for several "trays previously , a largo part of the time ruling actually tlull , with conoral firmness noted. There were some changes of May into the longer months , nnd whllo the de- mar ; ! lor oats for account of the shorts was enl > moderate , there was no pressure to sell , with the buying by the elevator houses tend ing to support the market. May sold around 22M < 3' 2Xc , with Juno nt } { @ % c premium nnd July dull. The receipts were only moderate nnd the sales of car tots were chiefly at 22J c. The provision traders found it n little diffi cult Vo keep alive much Interest in that market. There was considerable doing in the ptt , but the trading Indulged In was con nected largely with the disposition of the May holdings or the transfer of May con tracts to July. The day's now business was simply too restricted to have any significance for the general run of the traders. The trade was uninteresting nnd there was no change In the situation to cause any comment. Pork nnd short ribs continued yesterday's dopros- aion , and from the former prices suffered n - further decline of 5@7J c and for short , ribs of 7J > c. Lard showed moro strength than its companion urtlclcs and closed unchanged 'to 2)o ) higher. ' CHICAGO LiIVE STOCK. CIIIOAOO. April 24. [ Special Telegram to TUB Una. ] CATTLE The 12,000 posted ns the run looked big nt first , but with 0,000 less than last week and only a fair supply elsewhere - where , the outlook was not so bad as might bo , yet there were too many for the wants of the trade , as n largo number were can led over last night and the general market opened alow nnd weak , the early sales show ing n slight decline , but later on there were moro liberal shipping orders. The export buyers began to look over the stock and bus ! ness became more active , and the chances wore that about everything would bo sold The slight advance of Monday has been about wiped out , so that nro DOW near the lowest of last week. Cow itock Is selling considerably lower , perhaps I0@15c , on account of the fair run of Texnns , lomoof the latter making lower prices , es pecially ths graascrs. There is-nothing now In the Htockor and feeder lino. Choica extra beeves , fl.5@4.70 ; good to medium steers , 18CO to 1600 lb . tn.Vi@4.00 ) ; 1200 to 13.10 Ibs , 13.50@3.85 ; V50 to 11200 Ibs. $3.80 < SU.tW ; stock- Bra nnd feeders , f2.5U ( < ! K2.GS : cows , bulls nnd mixed , fl.70@3.10 ; bulk , fi4U@2.fl5 ; Texas itcers , I.OOctt,80. Hooa Trade opened strong and Go lower , Mid gradually weakened , the bulk selling n itrong IOo lower , In many Instances 15o off , and llnnlly closing at the lowest figures o' the day , namely nt f4.tiOft4.n5 ( for the bos mixed. A few fancy hcnvv sold at (1.7 early , but at the close f4.(15 ( would buy the pest in the yards. Light sorts sold'at M.70 ® I$0 , and { 4,73 would buy the best York sort ID thepi'iis. _ FINANCIAL. . . . New YOHK , April 24. [ Special Telegram to TUB HUB. | STOCKS The snuio features niarliud the stock mnrk'et this morning as on Ihu previous days of the week. The notion was mild with the activity confined to a fo\v nocks in which nctlon and reaction were about equal , leaving the market a llttlo dis turbed. Much Interest belonging to stocks la engaged in bond investments. There was lomo buying by London In Louisville & Nnshvlllo and Union Pacific , but the local traders were indifferent. There Is a bearish feeling , with little encouragement from the west , business will bo light till the cen tennial colouration Is otit of tbo way , when It Is thought buying orders may bo on the uinricet. It U confidently expoctnd that Uoi\'d ' will again become active In Wall struct , and nQuthwcatorn securities will bo closely watched. At the opening to-day prices Vtcro about steady , the exceptions being nn advance of % la Louisville & Nash ville , Now England and Oregon Hallway and Navigation company , Chicago ( Jus started % lower. In the first hour of the dealings there was a better tone. Union Pacific moved up X Per cent , with gains in Atclii- eon , Hurlliigtop , Itock Island nnd Chicago Gas. Thcjo stocks , with St. Paul , Louis ville and a few others got most of the atten tion. The advances mainly ended with the hour , and dullness followed till noon , broken f nly by some activity and atrcoctu in Wa- bash preferred nnrt a brcnk In Cleveland. Columbus , Cincinnati & Indianapolis of 1 # td 07. Tlicro was no general reaction after the upward movement ceased , nnd at noon prices were nbout the best of the day. The sales were 02,003 shares. The close of the day In slocks was marked by activity and strength In u few stocKn , whllo the list re mained dull. Oregon Hallway and Naviga tion went up to S3 , a not gain for the day of % per ccnU Transcontinental also gained * f per cent , la several stocks , such as RendIng - Ing , Louisville and Uurllngton , the best fig ures of the day were reached , but \hcso were not significant. The not gains for the day were % per cent for Tennessee Coal , UurllnRton , Atchlson , Cotton Oil and Union Pnclllc. Heading , HocK Island and North western showed \i \ to ? advance. The total sales were 121,753 shares. The following were the clolni ? quotations : t ) . 8.4s regular. 121 Nortm-m 1'Rciflc. U. H. 4s coupons . .IXiM doproforreil , U. 8.4's regular , .lori 0. AN.V 1J. 8. 45is coupons .10H cloprorerrcd Pnclrtc CM of 'Hi 1S1 N.Y.Contrnl , . . .10J , ' < Central rncinc. . . . ni > { I'.U.&H ! M ChicagoAlton. . .I'd Hocklalantl ff. " . { Chicago , Uurllngton C. . M. &KU' MS .VQulney mtf dopreferrod 104.H 1) ) . . I.AMV. IMS SM'nul.V : Omaha XI Illinois Ontrnl. .112 I iloproferretl. . . . HI I. , 11. & W S'j'irnlnn ' 1'acinc 00 Kansas JeTexas.V..St. ! ! < . L. & 1' . . . . . . It t LnknShoro . . . . ' doproforreil ! M Mlchlgnn Central. Western Union 8j'j Missouri 1'acHlc . . . 7iii Moxiv : ox CAti--Kasy at 2jMJ4 ( per cent. PIIIMI : MIIICAXTILI : PAi'cu 4gG ( per cent. EXCIIANOI : Unchanged ; sixty- day bills , $4.S K ; demand , fi.SS/ . I'ltonuoioJM AIUCISTS. CuiCAfio , April 24. Wheat Stcndv ; cash 70 fe ; Mnv , SOj c ; ; July , TS c. Corn Firm ; May , : i4 < fc ; July , 33 fe. Oats Steady ; cash , 2'JKo ; M"Vi1 MOo ; July , ffil c. Hyo May , 40'/c. ' Uarlo.v Nothing doing. Prime Tlinoihy--tl.u@1.33. : Flnx-$1.5l. ( Whisky 1.03. Pork-Steady ; May , $11.35 ; July , lll.GSif. Lard-Steady ; May , SO.S2 ; July , eO.HO. Flour Unchanged. Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , $ , j.23@5.r > 0 ; short clear , $0.25@0. : ) * } > f ; short ribs , $5.85 Cajn.05. Unttor Quiet ; creamery , 10'v12lc ; dairy , 14@21c. Cheese Dull ; full cream Cheddars and lints , OX@ln > fo ; Young Americas , Eggs Easier ; fresh , 10@10 } c. Hides Unchanged ; heavy and lightgrocn salted , nifc ; salted dull , 4 } c ; green salted calf , Co ; dry Hint , 7o ; dry salted , 7c ; dry calf , 7fiZb'c ; deacons , 25o each. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed , 4c ; No. ! . ' , Utfc ; cake , 4 c. Uccelpts. Shipments. Flour . 15,000 10.000 Wheat . 12,000 2:1,000 : Corn . S03.000 340,000 Oats . 110,000 98,000 New York. April 21. Wheat Receipts , 1,000 ; exports , 12,000 ; spot , firmer but quiet ; No. 2 red , 623 0 in store ; S4'.j@ 84o afloat ; 8a @S5J4'c f. o. b. : No. 3 red , 7i ( } e ; options moro active nnd irregular ; May Sic. ' Corn Receipts , 37,000 ; exports , 02,000 ; snot , steady but less active ; No. 2 , 4I@4I14C in elevator ; -f5@45.54U nfloat ; No. 2 , white , 40 > jo ; ungraded mixed , 41@45c ; options dull but steady. Oats Receipts , 103,000 ; exports , 200 ; spot , steady but dull ; options , firm and moder ately active ; April , 21c ; May , 23 ; c ; spot , No. 2 white , 33@33 > 4'c ; mixed western , 2Si ( 32c. 32c.Coffee Coffee Outlons barely steady and 5 points down ; sales , 15,500 hues ; April , $ Ui.7M ; Mny , ? 1H55@10.70 ( ; July , $10.00 ; spot Hio , quiet : fair cargoes , $18.75. Petroleum Dull ; United closed at S'JKc. ' Eggs Quiet nnd ' easier ; western , 1214(18 ( 12 } < i c. * Pork Lower ; now , $12.00012.25. Lard Dull but steady ; western steam , $7.15 ; Mny ? 7.11@7.12. Butter Quiet and easier ; western ll@25c. Cheese Quiet ; western , 5 > J @lOe. Liverpool , April 24. ( Special Cablegram to Tjin UKI : . ] 3)0 : ) p. m. close. Pork Holders offer freely ; prime mess , eastern , Cos , steady ; do western , 5s ! , dull. Lard Holders offer moderately ; spot , April , May nnd Juno , 35s ild , dull. Wheat Holders offer freely ; now No. 2 , winter , Os Sd , easy ; do spring , 7s 4d , easy. Corn Holders offer moderately ; spot , 3s Ojtfd , steady. St. IjoulH , April 24. Wheat Lower ; cash , 80o ; Ma.v , T9fc. Corn Steady ; cash , SO % < &SQXc ; May , Oats Higher ; cash , 24c ; May , 'i Pork Quiet ; * 12.00@12.2r . Lard Nominal at * 0 03. Whisky-$1.02. - Huttor Quiet ; creamery , 23@24c ; dairy , nillwatikce , April 24. Wheat Firm ; cash , 775i'e ; May , 7Sc. Corn Dull ; No. a , 34c. Outs-Dull ; No. 2. white , 27@23c. Iyc Steady ; No. 1,42c. llarloy Finn ; No. 2 , 07 > < c. Ijrovlcloii3 Unchanged ; pork , 111.33. Cincinnati , Auril ! . Wheat Weak ; No. a red , 84KtS5c. Corn Firm ; No. 2 mixed , SOc. Oats Active ; No. 2 mixed , 20J < e. Whisky Stendj ; J1.02. Minneapolis , April 24. Wheat Sample dull with no imwrovoinent ; receipts , 148 cars ; shipments , 70earn. Closing : No.l hard , April anil May , iH5Vo ; on track , U7@USc ; No. 1 northern , April and May , bOJ o ; on traelr , iS7c ; No. 2 , northern , April anil May , 7fi c ; on trauk , 77@7Sc. KiuiHns Oily , April 21. Wheat Weak ; No. 2 red , cash , 77c usked ; July , COcbld ; No. 2 soft , cash , 70o uskcd ; July , ( iOo bid. Corn Steady ; No. 2 cash , 24J < o bid ; May sales at 242oo ; No. 'J white , cash , 24J < c bid , 25o asked. Oats 1,0. 2 , cash , 20 > e asked. LiIVK STOCK. Chicago , April 24. The Drovers' Journal reports as follows ; Cattle Receipts , 12,000 ; market weak and lower ; beeves , | 4.25@4.70 ; Btoera.j.BOg4.00 ; ( ; stackers and feeders , $2.fJO@i.tlo : ; cows , bulls and mixed , $1.70@3.10 ; Texas steers , | n.OO@3.fcO. Hogs Receipts , 18,000 : market slow and IOo lower ; mixed , $1.5004.75 ; heavy , $4.40 ® 4.70 ; light , ft.GO@4.Sf > ; skips. $3.6004,40. Sheep Receipts. 7.00J ; market weak ; natives , $3.l)0@5.40 ) ; western corn-fed , $4.50 (35.35 ( ; lambs , fl.50QO.00. KnnsiiH City , April24. Cattle nocclpts , 4,700 ; shipments , 1,610 ; market slow ana weak ; dressed beef and shipping steers , 10 ( tilooloworj good to choice , corn-fed , ? 4,00@ 4.25 ; common to medium , f..0ii8.yu ! ( ) ( ; stockers - ers nnd feeding steers , steady , $2.00@3.60 ; cows , shade lower , $1.75C < | ) ' . ! 15. Hogs Receipts 10,500 ; shipments , 3,800 ; slow and 5(410a lower ; common to choice , National Stouk Yard ) . East HI IjoulH , April U , Cattle Receipts , 1,200 ; shipments , 400 ; maiket steady ; cholco heavy native steers , $1).75 ) ( 4.40 ; fair to good , (3.00(1 ( 3.40 ; stockera and f coders , J2,203.10 ( ; ratipprs , corn-fed , $2.703.40 ; grass-ftd. * llHliI2.00. ( Hogs liecelpts , 6,700 ; shipments , 800 ; lower ; choice heavy and butchers' sclec tions , t4.GOQI.70 ; packing , .40@4.55 ; light crados , J4.W@4.05. ' Sioux City , AVU-U 24. Cattle Receipts 770 ; shipments,2$3 ; steady ; fatstoers. $ .1.oOi ( 3.70 ; btoi-korH , $140C.(2. ( ! ; feedcrsJ.i5(5'J.S5 ; ( ; caimirit utU uujls , $1.00'1,75 ' ( ; vuul calves $2.0034.00. Hogs Receipts , 2,100 ; market 5o lower ; light and mixed , f l.i7Hif4.40X ; ( ; heavy , $4.40 @ 4. 5. OMAHA lilVK STOCK. Cattle. Wodncsdny , April 21 , 1SS9. The market on bcuf and shipping steers was slow ( o open , reports from eastern mar kcts Indicating a surplus of cattle , and con sequent ly low prices , hud a depressing offec on trudo hero. Puckers had orders to bu ; their cattle lower , and they were talk itig prices that wcio anywhere from 10Q20o lower than yesterday. The shippers \vnro holding back , waiting to hoar from their cat tlo on eastern markets , before buying moro. H was mlddcy before any trading of any no count had taken place. Quito u good many cattle were sold late In thd day , but at n de cline of fully 15o. butchers' stock was in good request and , with the moderate supply on sale , the market was steady. Some choice llttln heifers sold at $2.80 , nnd some heavier weights nt $ .1.00. There were n few very good cows nnd heifers among the odor- ngs. The demand for fccdcrswnn good , but ho supply of fresh offerings was limited to hrcoor four loads. Hogn. The hog market suffered n heavy decline ns well ns the cattle market , The prices mid were n good big IOo lower than yester- lay's market , the bulk going nt f4.35. A ow choice loads sold early nt $4.40 , nnd as ilgh n * $4,45 , but the packers' prlco was 1.1)5 ) for-everything : they would offer that for common mixed loads nnd no moro for good mixed loads. The amount of trading done during the first half of the forenoon vas extremely small. The packers would ako good loads at $4.35 , bat thcv would not raise their bids , nnd the reluctance of sales men to accept those price was what made he market jlow. , Hlii-cp. The receipts were not heavy , and every thing In the market met with ready sale nt strong prices. Thcro were two loads of ahccp received , consigned to n packer , nnd wo doublo-dccki of choice heavy sheared vesterns , which were sold nt $4.25. The demand continues In excess ot the supply. Itcccipts. Cattle 1,000 logs 4,200 Sheep 000 Prevailing Prices. The following Is a tnblo of price * pild In his market for the grades of stock men- loncd : 'rime steers , 1300 to 1MO Ibs. . $ .1.00 @I.OO 'rime steers , 1100 to J3JO Ibs. . 3.55 ( # 1.75 N'utlvo feeders 2.70 ' (23.10 Common to good cows 1'JO ' ( < $2.CO ylioico to fancy cows 2.05 M3.10 ' 'air to choice mills 2.00 © 3.00 ' 'air to choice light nogs 4.35 @ 4.45 ' 'air to choice heavy hogs 4.3'j ( M4.40 'air to choice mixed hogs 4.321 ( < C4.40 " "air to choice woitorn sheep , . 3.00 @ 4.75 Fair to choice Nobraskas 3.75 (34.50 ( HoprcHcntiulvo SnlcR. STCUIC. No. Av. Pr. No. AV. Pr. 4 1202 i.30 IS. . , 12(52 ( $ : ) .co 5 018 3.30 34. . . 1253 3.00 4 101S 3.30 17. . . 3.UO 2 075 3.3- 18. . , 1200 3.B3K 5 1)22 ) 3.115 7. . 1250 3.05 8 1081 H.35 20. . 1203 3.70 1050 3.33 23. . 1187 3.70 7 83'J U.40 18 1337 3.70 3 1KI3 3.45 38 1317 .1.70 0 1207 3.50 17 3.70 13 1123 fl.55 41. .1318 3.75 11 1117 : t 55 13. .12U' 3.75 3 1''OO 3.53 54. .1300 3.75 11)05 ) 3.55 24. ,14'Ji ) 3.75 1239 3.53 14. 1514 3.60 123'J U.GO COWS. 8 .1000 1.50 1220 2.75 0 . ! > 50 1.50 1130 2.75 1 2.00 1350 2.75 0 ! l048 2.20 1220 2.75 2 .1040 2 25 1070 2.75 20 .10411 O O"j 1045 2.80 > 0 . 991 isij 1100 2.80 1 .1040 2.5 : ! 1051 2.SO 1i i . WO 2.35 1003 2.80 1 .1170 2.5U 1190 2.85 3 .1010 2.50 1111 2.90 3 .1(183 ( 2.50 lOfiO 2.00 1 . 9iO 2.50 1010 2.90 2 .1150 2.00 1231 3.00 0 .1152 2.00 1042 3.00 1130 3.05 0 930 2.05 1010 3.05 0 1033\2.05 HULLS. .1370 1.73 1 .1830 2.50 1070 2.33 1 .1SOO 2.60 1372 235 .1700 2.75 15.'iO 2.50 .1870 2.90 2 15bO 2.50 S G9S 3.05 3.00 24 SCO 3.15 4 SOS 2.50 34 577 2.SO 10 ' . .1307 2.00 12. . , .1101 2.50 STOCKBII1 , 590 3.00 IIO09. No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk Pr. H. . .202 200 $4.30 CO. . . .273 120 54.35 ' 0. . .235 120' : ' 57. . . .247 120 4.85 K' ' . . .254 40 . 07. . . 53 SO 4.35 150. . .235 40 4.32)4 ) 0'3. . . .272 4.35 .274 120 CD. . . .224 120 4.35 .270 100 4.32 ' ' .202 100 4.U5 ' 0. . .243 120 4.33 6l ! . . .800 200 4.85 " 0. . , .202 80 4.35 120. . . .259 100 4.35 iG. . .222 60 4.35 CO. . . .240 120 4.35 i'J. . .283 120 4.35 70. . . .215 40 4.35 33. . , .323 120 4.35 00. * .242 40 1. . .253 80 4.35 04. . . .279 4.37 CO. . , .243 SO 4.35 03. . . .270 SO 4.37H 05. . , .25C 40 4.35 58 . .25 4.40 05. . , .25 SO 435 57. . .2b3 60 4.40 71. . , .23.1 200 4,35 59. . .280 4.40 63. . , .252 40 4.35 07. . . .232 4.40 63. . , .2SO 100 4.33 57. . .234 40 4.40 01. . , .25S 4.35 00. . . .284 4.40 BO. . , .233 40 4.35 01. . . .255 2SO 4.40 , .251 120 4.85 05. . . .257 240 4.40 , .208 160 4.35 02. . . .294 120 . .234 40 4.35 04. . . .270 80 . .211 1150 4.35 78. . . .23J 40 suncr. No. Av. Pr. 393 westerns , shorn , .118 54.25 171 Nebr.isUas . . .03 4.25 7 bucks . . .121 3.00 Live Stock Notes. Cattle 15c lower. The hog market takes a big tumble. Sheep market strong nnd nil sold. The rccoints of hogs , to-day , were higher than yesterday by about bOO head , but heavier than the receipts of lust Wednesday by about 2,500. The hog market is now nt the lowest point since March 4 , when the bulk of the hogs sold at $4.30 ® 1.35 , with over half of the sales at the former price. Armour's ' Urovo of hogs , purchased on to day's Chicago market , cost 15o less than the day before , which will give some idea of the decline In Chicago. One year ngo the ton on cattle was $4.30 , and three years ago $4.75. One year ago , to-day , the receipts of hogs at this uoint were 8,378. I , W. Peed , of Plalnviow , came in with n nice load of hogs , which brought $4.45 , the top. top.During During the month of April , 1888 , nnd 1887 , hogs sold on this market at about the same prices , there being very llttlo difference be tween the two years. The prices paid wore SOc to $1 higher than the present market prices. In .April , 1SSO , the price ranged from I3.70&3.05. _ OMAHA WHOLKSAM : MARKETS 1'rortiicr , iTiillH , Kto.MMI BuTrnu Table dairy , 10@18o ; packers' atoek , 8@llc. Creamery prints , fancy , 240 20o ; choice , 20@22o ; solid packed , 20@22c. Knos SJtrlctly fresh , ! ) @ 10a CmiscYoung : America , full cream , 13e ; twin flats , 12u : oft grades , 6@10o ; Van Ros so m Kdom , ll ( 50u ; sap sago , lOc ; brick , 15c ; llmburgcr , 12o ; domestic Swiss , 14u ; skims , 4@iHi ; cheese safes , uronzo medal , No. 8 , $ ' , ' .75. Pour.TiiY Live hens per doz , $3.25@3.50 ; roosters , $ .1.0003.25 ; turkeys , 10@llo per Ib. AITI.BS ( Janitoms , per bbl , $3.50 ; Wine- saps , per bbl , $2.75 ; N , Y. Baldwins , per bbl , $3.75@3.00. Ciusiirnisins Boll nnd I3uglo , per bbl , $7t'0 ' ; Uell nnd Cherry , pur bbl , $0.00 ; Jersey - soy , per bushel box , $2.50. STIUWIIUIIRIBS 1'er case , 21 qts , $ fl.00@ $9.00. ' " Mediterranean sweets' , $2.7503.25 ; fancy bright mountains , $2.25Q2.75 ; Los Angeles ( choice ) , $3.25(38.50. ( LBMONB Choice , $3.25$3.CO ( ; fancy , $0.75 CJ4.00. ConnNUia Choice Ruutana , per 100 , $4.50 ; lens than 100 , $5.00 , HAXAXAS According to tlze of bunch , $ .3.00 ( g.1.00. UAIU.Y VraETAiiLts Lettuce , per dozen ' ' ' heads , 5Qtoo QySo ; green oniona , i(0o ( ; soup bunctics cnrrots , 50ig55c ; turnipd , ftO@55o ; oyster plant , i < 0tg35i ) ; celery , b5criill.Cki ; caullllower , $1.75S2.25 ( ; ; cuc-umboi-s. B5cC < i100 ; green jieas , bu boxes , $2.00tSi.25 ( ; string beans , % bu box , $1.51) ) 1.75 ; tomatoes , 3 bu , $1.7565 2.00 ; usparagui ) , per Ib , UK3l9e : * plo plant , per ib , a < Jt5o ; new potatoes , per Ib , SJ @ 3o cabbugc , 2H@3o. KIIESII l-'isu White flsh , frozen , per Ib , 7o ; herrings , frozen , per Ib , 6u ; trout , frest caught , pur Ib , 9o ; white norch , frcsl caught , per Ib , To ; buffalo , fresh caught , per Ib , 7o ; pickerel , fresh caught , per Ib , Ke rp ; black buss , fresh c.v.ighW ) Jor Ib , lie. OiMK Jack snipe , fl.OCQl.'iS ; plover , TRcfgf 1,00 ; mallard duclti , $2.50(33.00 ( ; teal , $1.00 ( < ? I.25 ; mixed , * 1.IKX ? 1.85. UCANSChoice hand olfkcd navy , $2.25 ; cholcohand picked mculiiin , $2.00 ; choice hand picked country , fl.T&Ql.W ) ; clean coun try. $1,501.03. . POTATOES Choice , sacked , ucr bu , 25fflct50. Oxibs i Per bu , 2. @ 3Qa VEAL Choice , medium size , 7Q8c ; choice , heavy , 4gOc ( , HIHES , PELTS , TALLOW , ETC. Grcon salted hides , 5'ic ; dry tatted hides , Cc ; dry Hint bides , Sc : cnlf hides , S'lCrfOo ; damaged hides Cc less ; sheep pelts , green , each , 25@1.00 ; sheep pelts , dry , per ib , Ocil2c ; wool , nvcr- ngo , 14@18c ; tullow. No. vlt 4 ( 4We ; tallow. No. 3 , a fSiJfo ( : : grease , white , 4 > @ 4 { c ; grease , yellow , 2Xri2 c : ArrLK lifTTnu 7c. CIDKII Hbls. $5 ; hf bbln , $3. UUTTKUIXR 14il5c per Ib. MAPLB SCOAII 12Kftil5o per Ib. Ho.SKV 16@17e per Ib. PuESBiivr.s 9tf@10o ! per Ib. JELLIES > ( < $4o per Ib. tJroccrlCB. The sugar market is active and fluctuating , nnd quotations are unreliable , except when made on day ot salo. Early vegetables nro cheapening daily. BAOS American A , seamless , $17,25 ; Union Square paper , discount , 35 per cent ; Mikado Square paper , discount , 95 per cent. BIHXS Dried Lluin. bags 00 Ibs , per Ib , 60 ; California nnvy , CO-lb bags , per bu , c : me- Hum , h p , per bu , $1.90. CANNCU FMJITS Apnlcs , per gal $2.15 ; olnckberrlcs , 2 Ib , 75c ; blueberries , 2 Ib , 75c ; jlucborrles , 2 Ib , $1.50 ; cherries , red , 2 Ib , )5o ) ; cherries , white , 3 Ib. $1.55 ; pros , figs , i Ib , $2.90 ; goosbcrries , 2 Ib , $1.10 ; pine ap ples , 2 Jb , $2.75 ; pine apples. 2 Ib , $ J.50 ; pine apples , 3 Ib , $2.25 ; pine apples , 2 Ib , $1,00 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , $1.15 ; strawberries tires. , J Ib , $2.00 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , (10 $ syrup ) $1.20 : peaches , R. & 11. cxtrn yellow , 3 Ib , ! 3.00 ; R. & R , yellow suearcd , 8 Ib , $3.00 ; Kcnnctt Imperial yellow , U Ib , ? 1.90 ; Grecht's standard , 8 Ib , $1.75 ; Monitor seconds , 8 Ib , $1.35 ; Atlantic , 3 Ib , $1.30 ; Booth's pies , 8 b , ? 1.10 ; Grccht's , 8 Ib , $1.00 ; Myers' , 0 Ib , Cnniiod I'lsli. Brook trout , 3 Ib , $2.50 ; salmon trout , 21b , $2.35 ; clnms , 1 Ib , $1.25 ; clams , 2 Ib , $2.00 ; clam ctiowdcr , 8 Ib , $2.25 ; devilled crabs , 1 b , $2.25 ; devilled crabs , 3 Ib , $3.50 ; codfish balls. 2 Ib , $1.75 ; caviar , K Ib , $2.25 ; cch , 1 b , $3.25 : lobsters , lib , $2.00 ; lobsters , 1 Ib , $1.90 ; lobsters devilled , % Ib , $2.25 ; mack erel , 1 Ib , $1.00 ; mackerel mustard sauce , 3 b , $2.90 ; mackerel tomato sauce , 3 Ib , $2.90 ; tinckcrcl tomato sauce , 8 Ib , $8.40 ; mackerel mustard sauce , 3 Ib , $ .1.40 ; oysters. 1 Ib , 85o : oysters , 2 Ib , ? 1.50 ; salmon , C. R. , 1 lb$2.10 ; salmon , C. R. , 2 Ib , $3.10 ; salmon , Alaska , 1 b , $1.85 ; salmon , Alnslta.2 Ib , $2.90 ; shrimps , lib , $2.65. CAXIILCS Star , Ss , 10 oz , per Jb , Oc ; Star , is , 14 oz , per Ib , 9c ; Stearie , wax , 16 oz , Os , icr Ib , lie ; Stcarlc , wax , 14 oz , 6s , per Ib , .lo ; half boxes , We extra. CANKV 9 ( ( ? 12 > ic per Ib. CHOCOLATE AND COCOA 24@39c per Ib. Copi'BE Roastedetc. Arbucklo's Ariosa , . Ib packages , 242fc ; Dilworth's Standard , Ib packnces , ' 'IJfe ; McLaughlln's XXXX , Ib packages , 24Jc ; Lion , 1 Ib packages , 21 ; e ; German , 1 Ib packages. 24Kc ; Mo- kaskn , 1 Ib packages , 24c ; Tomson's es sence in tins , per gross , $2.50 ; essence , in bulk , half bbls , per Ib , 5c ; essence , 1 Ib mpcrs , 50 Ibs In box , per Ib , lie ; Franck's jermnn chickory red , 8c. } Cotrnns Greon- Fancy old golden rio , ! 4c ; Fnney old peabcrry.jlKIc ; Rio , choice to 'ancy , 22o ; Rio , prime , 2lc ; Rio , good , 20e ; vlocha. 2Sc ; Java , fancy Inndehllng , 27e ; Invn , peed interior , 24c. / , j' Conn von AxnTwiui : Manilla rope , basis in , 17c ; Sisal rope , 13' c ; Good's New . 'rocess rope , 9J < e ; cotton rope , tf. % and } n , lOe ; cotton twine , riiie 4-ply , 13ibb , 22e ; lo medium , 20o ; do coursei 18c : hemp twine , No. 108.22c ; Hax twine , NOj 19. 20c ; cotton mops. Sib , per doz , Sl.BOf ; candlcwicl : , 23c ; sail twine , U , 3-plv. 22o. CitAOicniis AXI > CAKES OV v lSc per Ib. Dituos ( Grocers' ) alum , 4e : borax , lie ; copperas , 2u ; Epsom salts)8e ) ; flour sulphur , c ; salpotre , 9c. Ditini ) PIIMITS Per Ib , apricots , 14a ( > 17c. Apples , Mich. , 4 c ; stars6c ' ; alilcns. OJ ( Vg 8c. PcachcR , Cal. Y. , peeled , 17@20e ; fancy unpnclcd , ll@13osun ; dried , OKc ; SaltLako , 6c. Prunes , Cal. R. Cr , 7 &ld o. Cur rants , 5@7c. Turkish prunes , 4Kc- Citron , > cel , 23c. Lemon | we ) , l c. Fnrd dates , lOc. igs , ( i ( < J10c. Raisins , malaga bunch , dcho- ins , $5.00 per box ; vnlcncias , per Ib , 7c ; Cal. 3. & S. $2.40 per box. Dried grapes , 5c. 31ackberries , 55 < c. Pitted cherries , 17c. ? ltted plums , 9@llc. Raspberries , 21c. Ncc- .arines , 13@l4c. Ginger , Jamaica , ) { pts fit.OO per doz. FAHINVCEOUS Goons Barley , forinn , 4J o ; peas , 8c : oatmeal , macaroni , llj e ; vermicelli , ll > ac ; rice , 7c ; sago nnd tapioca , 6@7c. FISH Salt Dried codiiah , OJ @ 8J c ; hall- } Ut , 12o ; scaled herring , 25c per box ; hal. icrring , dom , 50o ; Hamburg spiced herring , fl.00@1.10imp. hol.horntig,70c@$1.00mack- ; erol , hit bbls , No. 1 , $13.50 ; largo family , $12.50 per 100 Ibs ; white flsh , No. 1 , $7.25 ; family , $3.50 ; trout , $5.25 ; salmon , $8.50 ; anchovies , 10 Ib palls , SOc. LIT. $1.75@4.50. NUTS Almonds , ! 6@lSc ; Brazils , Oc ; fil berts , 12o ; pecans , 13c ; walnuts , 18c ; pea nuts cocks , 8c ; roasted , lOc. OILS Kerosene P W , JOc ; W W , 12' c ; headlight , 13o ; salad oil , S2.85@7.00 per dozen. PICKLES Medium , per bbl , $5.00 ; small , $000 ; gherkins , $7.00. WIIUTIXO-PAITH Straw , per Ib , 21 < e ; rag , 8 } < c ; manilla B , Oc ; No , 1 , 9c. SALT Dairy , 140 2-lb pkgs , $2.70 ; do 100 3-lb pkgs , $2.60 ; do 60 5-lb pkgs , $2.50 ; do 28 10-lb pkgs , $2.40 ; do Warsaw , 50 Ib bags , Ashton , bu.baRs , 50 Ib , 85c : do 4 bu bags , 2 Mb , $8.40 ; do M S A , 50-lb bags , 55o ; SEKDS Bird , 4K@C > c. SALSODA ! % ® 2 c per Ib. STAIICII 53 @ 7c per Ib. STOVE POLISH ? 2.00@5S7 per gross. Sricus Whole , per Ib Allspice , 12c ; Cassia China , lOc ; cloves , Zanzibar , 25c ; nutmegs , No. 1 , 70c ; popunr , 20c. SUOAHS Granulated , 0@94o } ; confection , A , 9 , standard , extra C , 8 ; (3S ( > < o ; yellow C , 76c ; powdered , 9X@10 ccut loaf , lOJtfo ; cubes , lOc. Sviturs Per gal , 27@46o ; N. O. ml lasses , 85@4Sc. i § ViNCOAit Per gnl , 18@20c. Dry Goods. COTTON FANXKLS 10 per cent trade dis count. Unbleached LL , 5Ke ; CC , O c ; SS , 7Jic ; EE , SJfc ; GG , OJfo : XX , lKc ( ) ; OO , NN , 12 > c ; AA , 14o : DD , 15Ko ; TT , YY , 18o ; BB , 19o ; bleached , SO , S 80 , 13Mc. Brown nnd slate , 50 , 9o ; 00 , 12 90 , IOo ; 70 , 12 c. . CAIU-ET WAIIP-Bibb , white , lOc ; colored , 2c. 2c.BATTS BATTS Standard , See ; Gem , 10 ; Beauty , 2Xo ; Boone , 14c ; B , cased , $0.50. PIIINTS Solid colors Atlantic , Oc ; Slate , 60 ; Berlin oil , CKc ; Garner oil , C@7c. PitlNTS Pink and Robes Allen , Oc ; River point , 5 os Steel River , OJjo ; Richmond , OMc ; Paciflc , 7c. PuiXTB Dress Charter Oak. 5)4'c ; Ram- npo , 4c ; Lodl , 5c ; Allen,1 Go ; Ricbmond. 6u ; Windsor. 0 } < fc ; Kddy ' one , O c ; Pacific , OKo. 'i H PHIXTS Indigo Blue -St. Ledger , 5J e ; Arnold , 6 0 ; AmcrlcauV , 6c ; Arnold C , long cloth. 9o ; Arnold B , long cloth , lO o ; Arnold , Gold Seal , lo c ; Stelfol A. I''o ; Windsor , Gold Ticket"WX" ; Arnold A , ISc. GIXOHAM Plunkct checks , 6 > { c ; Whlttcn- ton , O a ; York , } { a ; Noi'mandl dress , 7 } o : Renfrew dresn , 8X@12JiCi Whlttenton , 7 > Jo ; Calcutta , 7J/o. CAMIIIIICH Slater , 5o : Woods , Gc ; Stand ard , 5o ; Peacock , 5o. ' /1 BLEACHED SIIEETIXO Ellcrton , Housekeeper , 8Uc : Now Candidate , Berkeley cnmbrli ! , No. 00 , I'Moi ' Host Yet , 44 , % ; Butternloth , OO. 4 fo ; Cabot , 1 o\ \ Farwell , half bleached , 8Ku ; Fruit of Loom , 6Jfc ; Green G. Co ; Bopo.Wo ; King Phillip cambric , lOc : Lonsdnln'canibrlc ' , lOc ; Lons- dale , 8 > < fo ; Now York Mills , IOo ; Pcmiere.ll , 42-ln , IOKo : Pepporoll , 46-lnr llKo ; i'cpper- cll , U-4 , 14Kc ; Pepporell , 8-4 , 20o : Pcpperell , 0-4. SSo ; Peppcroli , 10-4 , Sic ; Canton , 4-4 , 8J40J Canton,4-4 , 9fc ; Triumph , Co ; Warn- sutta , Ho ; Valley , 5o. BKOWN SIIKKTIXO Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7 } o ; Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic , D , 4-4 , Clfo ; At- lantlo P , 4-4 , 60 ; Aurora LL , 4-4. ( lo ; Aurora C , 4-4 , 4 'c ; Crown XXX , 4-1 , ittfo ; Hooslor LL , 4-4 , c ; Indian Head , -1-1 , 7 > { o ; Lawrence - ronco LL , 4-1 , Co ; Old U6nnm67i.j4 , 6 > ; c ; Pepuorell E. 40-in. 7 0 : Pepporoll , 6-4 , 17c ; Popperell , 9-4 , 2lo ; PcpperoU , 10-4 , 22c ; Utlca C , 4-4 , 4Jfo ; Wachusett , 44 , 7/c Aurora R , 4-4 , 7o , Aurora B , 4-J , fttfo. FI.AXXELH , PiAID Raftsmen , SOc ; Ooshon 82V < o ; Clear Luke , 3iJ ! .0 ; Iron Mountain 30'1c. 3 7iXc Anawan , 82 0 ; Windsor , S2 FLANNKLS , RED-O , W-lnch , 16 } < c : E , 24 inch , ai c ; ( J U , 24-Inch , SOciH 27cG ; , 4',25c. Con ET JEAXS Andre coggln , 7 ' fc ; Konr- sneo , 7fc ; Rockport. Oaic ; Cones'togn , 0V' , TICKS Oakland , A , iUoi International , YY , 8c ; Shctuckot , S , SUc ; WnrronNo.S70 , ICc ; Berwick , BA. ISc : Acme , 13c ; York , 30- Inch , 12 , ' c ; York , aMneh , 13Wo : Swift River , So ; Tliorndlko OO , 8'fc ; Thorndlko EF , 8 > fe ; Thorndlko 120 , OKc ; Thornfllko XX. 15o ; Cordls No. 5 , % c ; Cordls No. 4 , Kc. DKXIMS lie : Beaver Crcnk , CC10c. bleached blcachcd _ . , - , , - , bleached , 85/0 ; Stevens' N , bife ; N , bleached , O&o ; Stevens' SRT , llj DUCK West Point , SO-lnch , 8 oz , do , 10 oz , 12Kc ; do , 12 or , 15o ; do , 40-inch , 11 oz , lOc. Jlotnls. BLOCK TIN Eng. Rof'g , small iilg , 2So bar , 29o. Corrr.n Planished boiler sires , 32e ; cold rolled , 30o ; shrnthlng , 30c ; pltts , 80u ; flats , SOc. GALVAXIZEII SHEET luox .lunlntn , 00 per cent discount. PATEXT I'LAXISIIHD luox No. 21 to 27 , A quality , per Ib , 10) o ; No. 24 to 27. B quality , Me. For less than bundle add He per Ib. RooFixn ( Best Charcoal. ) 1C , 11x20 , 112 sheets , $5.75 ; IX , 14x2,1,112 sheets , $7.00 ; 1C , 20x27 , 112 sheets , $11.00 ; IX , 20x28 , 113 sheets , $13.50. SHEET luox No. 2D , $ ,1.40 ; No. 27 , $3.50. Soi.nnu Hoyl Metal CO's half nnd lihlf In I Ib cases , per Ib , lOe ; commercial half and half , 15c ; No 1 In bars , 14c. TIN PLATE ( Best Charcoal ) 1C , 10x14 , 225 sheets , $ (5.50 ( ; IX , 10x14. 225 sheets , $3.25 ; COKE 1C , 10x14 , 225 sheets , $0 ; 1C , 14x2 , 112 sheets , $0 ; 1C , 10x2 , 225 sheets , $9.50 ; steel nulls , $ J.20 ; steel wire nulls , $2.65. nml Chemicals. Acin Sulphuric , per Ib , 2o ; citric , per Ib , 60c ; oxallcpei' ; Ib , 18c ; tnrturlc , jiowdered , ior Ib , 50c. ALUM Per Ib , 8i c. AMMOXIA Carbonate , per Ib. 15c. AuiiowitooT Bermuda , per ib , 40c. BALSAM- Copaiba , per Ib , 6Sc. BOIIAX Refined , per Ib , 12c. CALOMEL Am , per Ib , 82c. CASSI i BUDS Per Ib , ISc. Ciii.oitoronM Per Ib , 47c. CoiutosiVE SUIILIMATE Per Ib , 72c. CIIKAM TAIITAU Pure , per Ib , 42c. EXTHACT LotnvooM Bulk , per Ib , lOc. GLYCEHIXE Bulk , per Ib , 23e. GUM AHAIUC Soleot.per Ib , $1.00 ; assafoc- Ida. per ib , ISc ; camphorpcr Ib , 3Sc ; opium , icr ib , $3.25. IODIXE Rcsubliraatcd , per Of. , $3.PO. LEAVES Buciiu , short , per Ib , 15c ; senna , Alex , per Ib , 38c. OILS Linseed , raw , 50c ; linseed , boiled , i9cs ; castor , jer gal , $1.20 ; Bcrgnmot , San derson's , per Ib , $3.15 : lemon , Sanderson's , ) er Ib , $2.25 ; peppermint , per Ib , $2.50 ; win- orgrecn , per Ib , $2.25 ; olive , Malaga , per nl , $1.15. POTASS Bromide , per Ib , 4lc , Iodide , per b , $3.00. QDINIA Sulph. , per oz. COe. SEKIIS Canary , per Ib , 4K ( < ? 5c ; Castile , nottlcU , per Ib , @ 10c ; Castile , white , per b , 13(7B15c. ( Si'iuiTs NiTiiE Swcot , per Ib , 35c. Snuciixi A. Crystals , perez , $1.10. Si'Li'ii. CIXCIIOXA Per oz , ISc. WAX Wlilte , per Ib , 55@03e. Ijumbci DlinctiRlon niu > Timber. 12 ft 14 ft 10 ft 18 ft 20 ft 23 ft 21 ft 2x4 . $15.00 15.00 15.00 16.00 16.00 19.00 20.00 xl ( . $15.00 15.00 15.00 16.00 10.00 19.00 20.00 'x8 ' . . . . $15.00 15.00 15.00 16.00 10.00 19.0020.00 JxlO. . . . $15.00 15.00 15.00 16.00 10.00 19.00 20.00 2x13. . . . $15.00 15.00 15.00 16.00 16.00 19.00 20.00 x4 8x8.$10 00 16.00 10.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 FEXCIXO No. 1 , 4 and C inch , 12 and 14 ft , rough , $16.00@m.50 ; No. 1 , 4and : 0 inch , 16 't , rough , $17.00@17.50 ; No. 2 , 4 and 6 inch , 12 and 14 ft , rough , $13.50@14.00 ; No. , 4 and (5 ( inch , 10 ft , rough , 15.00@10.00. FINISHING First nnd 2d clear , \\6 inch s 2 s , $49.00(551.00 ( ; 1st and 2d , clear , M and 2 nch. s 2 s , $47".00@50.00 ; 3d , \ inch , s 2 s , 43.0040.00 ; d , clear. 1 % and 2 inch , s 3 s , 43.00@40.00 ; 13 select , I'1U and 2 inch , s 2 s. 87.00@38.00 ; 1st and 2d clear , 1 inch , s 2 s , $45.00 ; 3d , clear , 1 inch , s S s , $33.00 ; A se ed. 1 inch , s 2 s , $34.00 ; B select , 1 inuh , s 3 , $31.00. FLOOUIXG 1st com. 6 inch white pine , 34,00 ; 2d com. 6 inch white pine , $31.00 : 8a com. 0 inch white pine , $20.00 ; D , 0 Inch vhito pine , $20.00 ; com. 4 and 0 in. yellow ) ine , $15.00 ; star , 4 In. yellow pine , $18.00 ; st and Sd clear yellow pine , 4 and G inch , $20.00. POI'LAH Lt'MitEU Clear poplar box bds. % n , s2s , * 35-00 ; clear poplar , % in panel , 'tO.OO ; clear poplar , % In panel , $25.00 ; clear )0plar , J in p.mol , stock wide , s 2 s , $28.00 ; clear poplar corrugated coiling , % , $30.00. POSTS White cedar , 0 in , halves , 12o ; vhlto clear , 5 % In , halves and 8 In quarters , Ic ; white clear , 4 In round , lOc ; Tennessee red cedar , split , ICc ; split oak , ( white ) Sc ; sawed oak , lOc. SmxaLES , LATH Pun M XX clear , $3.20 ; extra A * . $3.80 ; standard A , $2.0X3 ; 5 inch , clear , $1.60@$1.70 ; 0 inch , clear , $1.75@S1.80 ; No. 1 , $1.10j ( * 1.15 ; California red wood , di mensions widths , $1.50 ; cypress , clear heart , $3,40 ; lath , $2.50. SHIP Lu1 No 1 , plain , Sand ISiuch , $17.55 ; No 2 , plain , S and 10 inch , $15.50 ; No 1 , O G , $18.00. Sinixd First com nnd 16 feet , $22.00 ; 2d com and 16 feet , $19.00 ; 3d com and 10 feet , $15.00 ; fence com and 1C feet , $18.00. STOCK BOARDS A 12 inch si slS , 14 and 16 feet , $40.00 ; B 12 inch s I s 12 , 14 nnd 1C feet , $41.00 ; C 12 Inch s 1 s 13 , 14 and 16 feet , $30.00 ; D 12 inch a 1 s 12 , 14 and 16 feet , $2300 ; No. 1 com 12 in si s 12 feet , $18.00 ; No. 1 com 12 in s 1 s 14 and 1C feet , $17.50 ® 18.50 ; No. 1 com 12 in a 1 s 10 , 18 and 20 feet , $19.50 ; No. 2 com 12 ins 1 s 14 and 10 feet , $17.00. CEILINO AND PAKTITIOX 1st oem % in white pine partition , $ . ' 22 ; 2nd , com % in white pine partition , $37 : clear % In yellow pine ceiling , $20 ; clear ) ( In Norway , $14.50 ; 2nd com % In Norway , $1S , BOAHDS No 1 com s 1 s 12. 14 and 16 ft , $19 ; No 2 com 8 1 B 12 , 14 and 16 ft , $16.50 ; No 8 com s 1 B 12 , 14 and 10 ft , $14.50 ; No 4 com s 1 s 12 , 14 and 10 ft. ( shipping cull ) , $15. Add 50 cents pnr M ft tor rough. Bvnixn ; , WELL Tinnxa , PICKETS O G baits , 2X-Inch , OOc ; O G halts , Mx8 , SIS,85o ; 8-in well tubing , D , t M nnd bov$23 pickets , D & II flat , $20 ; pickets , D & H square , $10. LIME , ETC. Qulncy whlto lime , oest , OOc ; English and Gorman Portland cement , $3.50 ; Milwaukee nnd Louisville , 61.30 : Michigan and Fort Dodge plaster , $2.25 ; Blue Rapid plaster , $1,95 ; hair , SOo ; sash. 60 nnd 10 ucr cent dls , ; doors , blinds , mouldings , 50 per cent dis. ; tarred felt , per cwt. , $2.00 ; straw board , $1C5. Alrtnl Market. A London cablu to the American Mela Market April 19 , gives the following quotul tlons i TIN But four business day A hove been had this week , nnd the opportunity for nn extended - tended movement by so much lessened , Values were fairly steady on Monday fore noon , and forward delivery nven firmer later In the day. cloning at Ss ( id advance to J-'OJ 17s ( id , whllo spot was worth 20s less. The same relation was maintained the next day at a 2s M decline all around , succeeded by an advance to JL92 5s nnd JUKi yesterday , gpot closing easier again. To-day thcro was only one 'Change , at which spot was again llrni at 4.92 5s , and three months prompt advanced to 93 5s. Coi'i'Eii. Increased uneasiness begins to prevail , an no settlement of the existing difficulties is announced , rumors balng cir culated instead that none will bo reached , Very largo transactions are again reported but about the only buying is by these who had already sold boar : nnd the aumily It tufllcicntly liucrul to olfcct u steady dtii-llnu , The loss nt Monday's early 'Change wns 103 ; but ttio mnrkot closed for the da.i fairly steady nt X'U7 7s Od spot , .t'87 10s forward. Anntficv fts was loit on TucsJtiy morning , but the closing \vai < again steady ; which was i cpcatod yesterday after prices hud got still 5s lower. No change was nu'ed to-day , ex cept that futures worn llctter nnd down to even with spot , which closed nt i.117 nftor u few sales at oven slightly lower tfgurcs , AxTiHosi Stands unchanged for the week at 49. Si'Ei.TEU Again experienced nn Improve ment to 17 104 for Sllcaiau. ENOI.UII PJU Inox Stiffened up 18d on Monday to 3ds Cd ruled steady thereat on Tiioiday , Advancing toJISi 9d yesterday , but reacting thl < \ forenoon w > : < S Od. BcsstMEii Pjo Is also firmer , nnd ngnln quoted 50s Od from Worklngton. STEKL Rut. Maintain their position in de mand , heavy sections bringing JL'4 12s Odw 4 15s f. o. b. OLD ltui.8 Are held for higher figures , which cannot yet be obtained. Nominally quoted 07s Od for T's nnd 72s 6d for D. H. c , I. f , , N. Y. Sciur luox About ns last quoted nt 4os@ 47sCd f. o. b. ( JLAROOW , Thursday , April 18th , 1SS9. BCOTCH WUIKANTS Within narrow bounds have been quite unsettled nnd Inclined to ward lower values. Monday's market opened Atoady nnd unchanged , but dropped fourpcnco In the afternoon to 44s Id. A further softening early on Tuesday was fol lowed by a reaction to 44s til again , nnd this Improved by n penny nt the late board yesterday ; this morning's market remaining steady at 44s 2d. Makers' quotations are for Coltncss , alongside , Glasgow. . . fiosOd Gnrtsherrlo , " " 52i tkl Summerlcc , " " 51s 9d Lnngiuan , " " 54s Ud Carnbroe. " " 46s 3d Glcngarnock , " Ardrossan ; . . . 51s 3d Egliliton , " " 44s 9d Dalmclllngton , " " 40s Od Lighterage , Ardrossan to Glasgow , Is ton. LivEiti'ooi. , Friday , April 19 , ISM ) . TIN PIATES Market not qulto BO linn. Charcoal tin plates , Moylu grndo 17s 3d ® 17s 4 } d. Charcoal tin plates , Allnwny grade , 15s 1 > { d@ir , 3d. Charcoal tonic plates , Dean grade , 14 , 20 iisQiis : } ; 8a. Charcoal tin plates , Dean grade , 20 , 2S 20st72t ( ) ' 8d. Coke tin plates , B. V. grade , 18s 4 > ii@13s Od. Notlco the beautiful finish ulvon col lars , cutTs unil shirts by Cusoudo Laundry - dry company. SHROEDER & DEAN , GRAIN , Provisions i Stocks Basement First National Bank. 3 < > n South ittli : Street , - Omnlm OlIlANDFlfifOB. B aota and Shoos. K1RKBNDALL , JONES &CO. , Bucceisors to Heed , Jones & Co. Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots & Shoes Agents for IJotton Ilubbcr t-hoo Co , I1U2 , HOI and 1109 Hamcy Street. Omnhn , Nubraaln. Brewers. SToftz A TLER , Lager Beer Brewers , mi North KlKhlecnlh street. Omaha , Kett. Cornice. * EAQLE CORNICE WORKS , Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice Window caps anil mr-lntle krll ht . John Kpcneler , proprietor. KB nnd llus-outh 10th street. Office Fixtures. SniTMONDS MA N UFA CTUmNO" . Manufacturers of Bank' , Ofilce and Saloon Fixlnres , Il nllc , HldcbonrcU. Hook Cniics , DniR Caii-s , I'nrtltloni , UnlllncH.Cmintcrs , llcernnd Wlna Coolorf. Mlrrorn , KUFarlorj nnd otllco , 17 ® and ra Houtli IJth St. . Ouiahn. Tolt'plione ll.'l. Pa per L. WILKIE , Proprietor Omalia Paper Box Factory , Kos. l.ll" add 1319 Uouelas street , Omaha , Neb. Sash , Doors , Etol Jlf. A. DISliROW A CO. , Wholi ale msnufncturerj of Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , Qrnnch ' .iWcc , I3tb nnd IiHrd street Omaha , Neb. BOH If MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings , Btulr-itor'i nnd Interior hard wood finish. N. IS. corner fth nnd I.evfii f rth streets , Omubn , Nel > . S t oa mjnttl ngs , Pumps , Etc. sr/UA < 7.i VLMIKSTK'IU Pnmps , Pipes and Engines , Steam , water , rnllwar nnd mining supplies , etc. KIO , .C3 and iU < Farnnm ktrcot , Oiuaha. U. S. WIND ENGINE A PUMP CO. , Steam and Waten Supplies , wind mills. 018 mid I < 2J Jones St , , Omaha. U. F. Hots , actlnfuunuuor. . A CO , Engines , Boilers and General Machinery , " SbecHron work , steam pumps , faw mills. 1213-121 } I.CHvcnvfortli street , Omaha. Iron Works. STEAM 11O1LER WORKS , Carter & Son , Prop's , Manufacturers of all kinds Steaia Boilers , Tanks and Sheet Iron WorK Works Bouth 20th and U. & M. cresting. _ PAXTON A VJERLINO fRON WORKS , Wrought and Cast Iron Bnl'.ding Work , DKlnes , brnss work , Kenpral fotindrr. machine and blacKsmltu work , oalca and works , U. 1117. . and Kth street , Ouiaha. OMAHA WIRE A IRON WORKS , Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings Desk rails , window guards , flower stands , wire signs , etc. m North lull rtrvot , Omaha. OMAHA SAFE A IRON WORItS , Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes , Vaults jnll work. Iron shutters and tire escapes. O. Andruen , prop'r , Cor. lllb and Jackson tits. - THE - CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF THE Chicago , Milwaukee & t , Paul R'y ' , Tbo Best Route from Ouiahn nnd Couucll muffr to ZZITHE EAST TWO TIIA1NB DAILY 1IISTWKKN OMAHA AND COUNCIL lll-UKKB CblciiKO , AND Mihvnukeo , St. 1'iuil , JIInnonpoMH , Cedar Ituplds , Rock Island , Frrcporl , Rockfortl , Cllutoii , Duuuquc , Unrcnport , liltln , Madison , Jnuo&iillo , Itclolt. Wluonn , La Crosse , And sll Other Imporlnnt points Kitst , Northeast snfl bouthenil , Kor tliioiifh tickets , call nn the ticket njjent at IW1 Knrnatu struct , In Darker llloci.or nt Union I'acino 1'ullruin Sleepeis and the flncit Dlnlnif Tars In th * world are run on Hie m tin line of the Chlciuo , Mil waukee A Ht. I'aul Kullwujr. nnd ever ? attention Is paid lo paiscn frs by courUuus einplo/es of tbs company. H.MIl.l.RU.deneral Mmmer. , J. K. TIK'KKII. Asilitant ( Jeueial Manager. A. V. U. CAUI'JiNTKll , ( lectrul 1'us oncor ana Ticket Aneot. (1 KO. li. 1 1 KA KKOlin , Assistant ( lenerairastengcr and Ticket Au iil. T. J , CI.AllU.Utiioml HupfftntonJent. , $ l\S \ ( FOR ILIA/STRATUS ( ArALQCVi : FREE an nliii'lnarrtroubl | < 8 OK.SU/ , lyalllleafelvcul l.a > ) ylUlyuAOal ) Keralnime cured In sujvondara. Hold tl.GOper box , all iliuffKliu , or by mail from Doc- ura.MruCo. UJWUliu St. N.I' , ruliaiiuaioiu Agricultural Implements. PARKER , Dealeri'i ' Agricnltnial Implements , Wagons Carriages nnd ruurslev Jones utrret , between ftb soil lutli , Omaha , Ncbraua. A METOALV CO. , AgriGiilt1 Implements , Wagons , Carriage nutRlc ( , rtc. Wholesale ) . Omab ' , OltKNVOltF A MARTIN CO * ) Wholesale DonlcM In AgricnltDral luiplciuents , Wagons& Bnggle3 Wl , Rti , ItXl mnllW Jones itreal , Ornfthk. MOLINE , MlLUUltN A STODDAHD CO , * MRnuUcluren nnd Jobber ! In Wagons , Bnggies , Rakes , Plows Eta Cor. Mb and 1'nclflo itrccU , Omaha. Artlata' Mntprlnla. A. UOSPti , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos anil Organs , ltl.1 Douglas itrcol Umaha , Ntbrnika. Pools and Shooe. W. V. MOIISE A CO. , JOute of Boots 8nd Slices , 1101 , HOT , I1W DmiKlm ttrcol. Omaha. Manufactory. Hummer drool , Iloilon. Gonl , Cokonnd Llmo. OMAHA COAL , COKE A l.IME GO. , Jolcrs of Hard and Soft Coal , 1.1th street , Omaha , Nebrntka. KEHltASKA FUEL CO. , Sliipre s of Coal al Coke , 214 South 13th St. , Omaha , Neb. Crookorv nnd OtgBBvynro. PERKINS , GA CH A LAUMAN , Im | > ortoni nnd Jobtorj of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware Elo. 1M4 Fnrn&m itrcct , now I'nxton bulldluu. C o tnrn SBlon and Storggo IIWDKLL A UIDDKLL , Storage and Commission Merchants , SpcclallU'i Iliitlcr , r u , choose , ro Hrj , game , llpllunnril ftrcct. rimahn.Ncb. Goods and Notlons. M. E , SMITH & CO. , Dry Goods , FiMisniiig Goods and Notions 1102 andllOl UotiKlns. cor. lltli street , Omaha , Neb. ' K1LPATRICK-KOCHDRY GOODS CO. , Importers and Jobbers in Dry GooflsNotions , Oenti' furnlBtlne goods. Corner llth nnd llarner streets , Omntm , Nebraska. UEL1N , THOMPSON A CO. , Importer * ami Jobbers of Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings , 317 .South IMIi itreft. Fumlturo. DEWEV A Wliolesale Dealers in Furniture I'nrnnm otreot , Omnhn , Nebraska. CHARLES SlllEmCKt \ Furniture , Cmnhn Nobrnilta. Groceries. PAXTON , QALLAOUER & CO. Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , 705,707,709 nnd " 11 South 10th st.Omabn , Nob. J , 13RADY & CO. , Wholesale Grocers' 13th ana i.enreuworth otrccts , Omaha , Nebraska , Hordwaro W. J. ItnOATCH. Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Sprints , wnROn stork , hardware , lumber , etc. 120 ] and 1211 Ilurnojr street , Omaua. _ LEE , CLAIIKE , ANDI1EE5EN HARD WARE COW AS Y. Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate. , Metals , Blioct Iron. etc. AncnU for llowo scaloi. Miami powdur nnd I ioun barbeJ nlrot HlMEUAVail A TAYLOR. Build rs' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , Mechanics' tools mid Ilumuo ncnlcs. KM Doualai street. OnmliH. Nob. , Toys. _ x JAnjY ji CO. , Jobbers of Toys , Dolls , AMuis ; Fancy Goods , House fnrnlshlne EooJ , children's oirrlagci , eta. SHU taruaui ilroei. Oi > uha.N s ) . Oils. _ _ _ 1. . CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale Reflned and Liihricating Oils , Ailo grease , etc. . Omnhn. A. II. HUliup , Manager. CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers , Carry a nlco stork of printing , wriipplnu nnd writing paper , biieolal itttenllon given to cur load orders. Lum bor. A A.'WAIZEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc , Im ort d and American I'ortland cement. Btes > aztnlfcrllllTrruikco DTdruuiloooDieot mid , ( julncy xlilto llmo. Oil AS R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lnniber , Wood carpets unrt parquet rioorlnp , lull and Douzlti strccls. Omaha , Nab. , OMAliA LUMIIER CO. , AllKinflsofBttildingMaterial at Wholesale , 16th EtreHtand Union I'nclllcTrnck.Otunba , LOUIS 1IHADVORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sasli , Doors , Klc , Yards'Cornel 7th and Douglas , Corner lOlhand , " FRED IK. QUAY. Lumlier , Limu Cement , Etc , , Etc , Corner eth and Douglas Bis. , Omaha. < 7. ff. DltlTX. Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber , Utb and California btrcetn , Omaha , Nobrnika. " Mllllnory " arid Notjona. / . QllKRVKLnKR A OO , , Importers & Jolliers in Millinery & Notions 20H , ! 1U and 211 booth llth street Notions , J , T. llOllINSOtt NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Famishing QooHi , iU ( and UX > HomU IClli slroci , Omaha. PALMER , IIIQIIMAN A CO. , Live Stock Ccminission Merchants , VKION STOCK YARDS CO. , OfOniata.Limitel . cjobn r. led , I 1 j j i . bllrvlr bf r ou tjr . * r.ek',1',1.1.K-'iTUm RtARCUSHION5'Xl' | : , C * t > lip ri.Ciii cfiSll sujlM lslitul ( , Vvulljfl VJE . wbrrtafl ottr iciccJIr , r | ) Oibi/Miv 1,1 V. UIBCOX ruadWHf. r r.lllt-nra < > > Krk.