Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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    i 'V } > * * ' 1. ' * jr'
Harris , the donlor In rnpfl , lins boon
accused of carrying off 8160 from the
Union Pacific shops.
The case ngainst WHHntn MulllnRcr ,
charged with wife bontlng , will bo heard
by Judge Bcrlm this nftornoon.
Ofllcor Newman yesterday arrested
Harrv A. Ashford , tv deserter from the
United States army at Fort Robinson.
A young boy nnnied Koown was ar
rested last night , chat'gad with the larceny -
cony of a lot of old lend nlpo from the
Union Pacific shops.
County Treasurer Bolln yesterday
forwarded 835,101 to the state treasurer.
This amount wag collected from Janu
ary 1 to April 1 , as state taxes.
Burglars brolfo Into Butt's saloon at
the corner of Thirteenth and Capital
avenue , and stole a few dollars in
change and a small quantity of liquor
and cigars.
Charles Duke pleaded guilty to the
charge of larceny from.tho person of his
mistress in police court yesterday after
noon and was committed for trial at the
district court.
0. O. Allyn , of Dubuque , Is registered at
the Darker.
E. D. llooth and wlfo , of Arlington , Neb. ,
arc stopping at the Barker.
D. F. Houncsoy , of the Conrel [ ( Opera
company , Is nt the Uarkor.
Miss Jcsslo Graham , ot Hutto City , In
Among the lady guests nt the Darker.
Captain Thomas G. Troxol , Seventeenth
infantry , now In this city , will return to his
station at Fort I ) . A. Hussoll , Wjo.
Ofllocr Newman's Assailant.
Gcorgo Duncan , the negro who attempted *
to shoot Ofllcor Newman , and got a badly cut
head for It , will have his trial at 10 a. ra. to
day. _
IJulT.ilo UlU's IndlanR.
Mr. Gcorgo West , city tlckot agent of the
Northwestern , loft yesterday for Pllgor
to accompany Buffalo Hill's Indians from
that point to Missouri Valley , la.
Two Small Fires.
Two alarms of fire were turned In between
Onnd 10 a. m. yesterday , but neither blaze did
very much dnmngc. The first was on Six
teenth and Iztird and the second on Shcrldun
avenue and St. Mary's uvouuo.
Tor I lor Hiislmml.
Mrs. C. Wizard , of Crcston , la. , Is In the
city looking for her husband , who came to
Omuhn for a short vacation ten days ago
and then disappeared. Ho IB an engineer on
tbo Kansas City road and had about $100
with him. _
Chtckon TlilovcN.
Mrs. U. B. Irwin , who lives at 3340 Miami ,
complains that thlovos have been stealing
her imultry of lute and ended the haul by
stealing olpht ehlulccns Monday night the
lost she had. An ofllccr bus been sent up to
Investigate the diso.
The trials of Messrs. Kopold and Kratlcy
tor selling liquor 011 Sunday will como up at
Z p. m. to-day.
Charley Duke is charged with stealing $4
from a woman of easy virtue named Lltta
Cuyno. Charley denies the allegation.
A Small Burglary.
Mondry night thieves broko.into a residence
In course of construction , corjior Mandernon
and Eighteenth streets , and after prying
open a room door stele about $75 worth of
carpenter tools belonging to W. M. Boll , F.
O. Wrodberg , T. J. Davis ana Henry F.
Guctzkow ,
Sent Homo to Tlioir Parnnts.
Charley South and Him Muzzio , the little. .
bo.ys who gpt accidentally locked up In "a"
box car and transported to this city , were
sent homo to their parents at Gnum Island.
During their stav hero Mrs. Peterson , at 818
Pacific street , cared for the little follows.
Put a Collar on Your Onr.
All dog owners In the city must register
their pots by May 10 , as dog killing will
common CQ on the day nftur that date. Chief
Seavoy soya that It is to bo noped that the
thousand and ono curs that infest this city
will bo wiped out ia a few days after that
IUrn. Wii-tli Cliiincos Justices.
The cases of Maud Reynolds and Jack
Dadrcam ngainst Mrs. Minna Wirth , land
lady of tbo City hotel , who is charged with
unlawfully holding property of tbo plain
tiffs , have been given a change of venue to
Justice Wade's court on request of the de
fendant ,
Yountz Ilorso Thloves.
William Dclashmutt , the sheriff of Mills
county , Iowa , was in the city yesterday ,
looking for a couple of thieves , only seven'
teen and. eighteen years old , who stele a prey
horse and open buggy , at Glenwood , yester
day. The boys wore tr.iccd as far as the now
wagon bridge over the Missouri.
Stole Ilia Boer.
Captain Woods is very angry over the fact
that somebody with felonious Intent did
break Into the bottom drawer of his desk in
the police court between the hours of 4 p. rn.
nnd 8:80 : a. m. , and stele a bottle of choice
Uudwolser boor. The captain offers * 5 reward
ward for tbo arrest of the thief.
How ItohbcrlcB urn Invited.
Tbo police scorn to think that some mer
chants Invited burglaries nnd thefts by their
carelessness , and they believe many thefts
ore committed on this account. Thus last
night Gucker ft McDonald , tailors nt ! U5
BontU Fifteenth street , loft their back win
dow open , and they were found In that con
dition at 2 o'clock by Ofilcor Cook , who
closed them.
Not Doutl lint Sleeping.
A physician was hastily summoned to the
roxidonceo of a prominent mnn on Twentieth
street nt 2 o'clock a. in. yesterday , by the wlfo
who declared that her husband was either
dying or dead. The physician discovered
that the man wax simply in the worst stapes
of Intoxication , and In formed the anxious
wife that her liege was not dead but ulmplv
dead drunk.
Governor Ilinyor.
Governor Thayer arrived yesterday morn
Ing , and upon Invitation of the police couimls
\vitnes3Gii.lho . 111 email's parade in the af
ternoon , Ho is the guest of Mr. Genrgo I
p GIlliuit , of the police commission. U'tn
I governor , In conversation with a HUB man ,
aid that ho probably would not go to New
York to attend tha Washington Inaugural
centennial , as his ofllcial duties would prevent
vent It. Ho will return t his morning
to Lincoln.
For Criminal X.lliel.
Paul A , English of this city Instituted suit
Monday In the district court of Dodgi
county at Fiomont , against John O. Mllll
gait , for criminal libel , and -places his dain <
uges ut $50,000. The case Is based on an
crtlclo published In : ho Wayne Gazette over
Milllctui's ' signature , ami accusing him
of having appropriated M.3,000 belonging to
the Una of J. O. Milllian ft Co. . doing buai
jiosa some time ago at Way ifo. The affairs o :
this tlrm , stiys Kuglish , wore in the court ;
for adjustment and were brought to trial re
cently , the result beltii ; a verdict In bis favor
Therefore , lib considers Mllllgjn's attack
purely iiuuldous.
The "Reference Handbook of th
Medical fcsclonco , " speaking of kidney
dlceiibo , says : "Often symptoms on the
jmrt of other organs , palpitation , Uya-
popsU. difllcult breathing , headaches ,
or wciuc vibion first Impel the patient
to seek advice. " The symptoms mis
lead both the phyrilcinn and patient.
The only Btifo method of treatment is n
faithful use of Warner's Safe Cure. It
no ! , only secures healthy notion ot the
kidneys , but cures the symptoms of dls-
U6t3 ,
Otherwise the Plans of Local Politi
cians Would Itnvo Bson Exposed.
Couticllmcn ClinfTco , O'Connor , Lowry
nnd Lee occupied a carriage in the llromon's
parade yesterday at tornooa.
"O'Connor feels sore that you didn't re
port his maiden speech in favor of the grnd-
Ing of North Sherman avenue , " said Coun
cilman Lo.-vry to n DEB reporter who was
"You can say , " retorted O'Connor , "that
Lowry has deserted the mavericks and
Joined the combination In order to got his
ordinance for the grading of Sixth street
passed. "
" 1 got the ordinance signed all right , " said
Lowry , "hut I'm With the minority when the
closing order repeal conies up again. "
"Tho chair rules , " chinned in Mr. Leo ,
"that It requires a two-thirds vote to Intro
duce nn ordinance that has once been
vetoed. "
Councilman Lowry Interrupted the cross-
flro to Introduce MulCondull , who was super
intendent of bridges when the Elkhorn road
was built. " 1 used to watch bridges on the
line , " srtid Lowry.
Then Clmffuo spoke up. "Tho bridges
were fastened at one end before Lowry wns
watchman , " ho explained , "or ho would have
had those bridges all down in the First
ward. "
"But honestly , now I'll glvo you a straight
political tip , " sold Leo. "Broatcb will bo
the republican candidate for nmyor , and
Hnscall will bo the democratic choice. The
campaign will bo fought out on principle and
wo will bo happily spared the too common
Indulgence In personalities "
Then the procession started.
Stood tlio Test.
Allcock's ' Porous Plasters have successful
ly stood the test of over thirty years' use
by the public ; their virtues have never been
equalled by the unscrupulous imitators who
have sought to trade upon the reputation of
ALLCOCK'S by malting plasters with holes in
them , nnd claiming them to 'bo "Just as good
ns ALI.COCK'S. ' "
ALLCOCK'S Ponous PLISTEIIS stand to-day
indorsed by not only the highest medical au
thorities , but by millions of grateful pa
ttcnts who have proved their cfllcacy asa
household remedy.
A Healthy Growth Indicated By the
CoiiNUH KcturnH.
County Superintendent of Instruation
Brunor received the census reports of school
children in Douglas county yesterday. There
are fifty-five districts In the county , and
they show the total number of school
children , between the ages of five and
twenty-one , to be 21,010. The number of
males Is 12,2 > 3 ; females , 12,418. Within the
past six years the number of scholars in the
county has moro than doubled. Following
are the years nnd increase of pupils for each
year over the preceding one , from April to
Apiil in cucti instance : .
Year. Scholars. Increase.
aasit . 11,013 . -
Ife84 . 13i04 : . 1,703
1895 . 14.-I84 . 1,070
18SO . " . 15503 . 1,01 i3
18S7 . 1,411 ! ) . 309 ! '
18jS ! . tt'I.l'J'J . . a,7lS
18S9 . 2tC4 ( ( . 1,517
This shows nn increase of the present year
over 1SS3 of 12,934.
A positive guarantee is given by the
manufacturers of Dr. Jones' Red Clover
Tonic that a 60 cent bottle of this rem
edy contains moro curative properties
than any dollar preparation. It promptly
euros till stnmach , kidney and liver
troubles. Goodman Drug Co.
Chances in the Liaw Department.
A circular from the ofllco of the general
solicitor of the Union Pacific states that by
action of the executive committee of the
board of directors , April 13. Mr. .lohn F.
Dillon was appointed general counsel of thu
cqmpany , and Mr. John M , Thurston general
solicitor ; the general solicitor wns also au
thorized to malco the necessary changes in
the olliciiil titles of other members of the
law department.
By virtue of the authority thus given , the
following ofliclnl titles arc announced :
Mr. W. H. Kelly , to be assistant-general
solicitor ; Mr. W. W. Cotton , to bo assistant
to the general solicitor ; Mr. J. S. Shropshire ,
to bo nssibtnnt to the general attorney for
Nebraska ; Messrs. Teller & Orahood. to bo
general attorneys for Color.idof Messrs.
Corlott , Lacey & Uinor , to bo general attor
neys for Wyoming ; Mr. W. H. Kelly Is also
appointed general attorney for Nebraska ,
and such will bo his title ns to legal matters
in his charge within Bald state.
Tbo duties and powers of all officers of the
law department will continue the same as at
present , there being no change intended ex
cept in the olUcial titles of the o ulcers above
European Incursions
To the capitals of five European coun
tries , $2(10. ( . Longer tours , $350 and
$460. All expenses included . Send for
itineraries. 'M. J. Wood & Co. , 12 3
Vanitim St. , Omaha , Nob.
Licensed to AV > cI.
Folio wing are the marriage llconsss issued
yesterday in the county court :
Name and Residence. Age.
Fred Nelson , Omaha . * . . } ! 3
Tilla Anderson , Omaha . 2 < i
Ed. O. S. Suhuclmrdt , Omaha . 27
Krally Bortloson , Omaha . IS
Frank Davis , Omaha . 2S
Jennie Wright , Omaha . J8
John Varlov , Omaha . 28
Hulda Kleltnor , Omaha . 21
August Jacobson , Fnrragutjla . 84
Ella Amis , Ouinha . 24
Andrew Larson , Omaha . 20
Hannah Swanson. Omaha . 2 1
Thomas B. Nichols , Omaha . 20
Minnie M. Koder , Omaha . 17
Joseph Bortu , Omalia . 20
May Haul. Omaha . ill
Fred A. Huntley , South Omaha . 28
Mary K. Kyno , South Omaha . 25
Homer J. Taylor , Lincoln , Neb . ! J8
S. Edith Brown , Omaha . ; tl
Coal tar for sale by the single barrel
or in car load lots. Address
Sioux City , la.
( Joinlnir.
Tha military * at headqunr tors have
been notified that the secretary of war aim
General Schotleld are coming to make them
n visit , but they did not know , until TUB BKK
opptiscd them , lust evening , that May 13
was the duto of their arrival. Neither did
they know that General Crook , General
Drum. Colonel Barr , and other prominent
officials were coming with them. U Is Un
derstood by General Crook and his associate
that the secretary's trip is being made for
the purpose of visiting nnd inspecting the
posts nt Chicago , Omaha , Fort Hobinson ,
Denver and Lcavcnworth , with n view to
acquaint himself with the frontier forts and
their condition. It is understood , also , that
during their stay hero the party will Investi
gate the proposed now slto for Fort Omaha.
Mnn VTnnts n Tonic
When there Is a lack of clastic energy in the
system , shown by a sensation of languor nnd
unrest In the morning , froaucnt yawning
during the day and disturbed sleep nt night.
Hosteller's Stomach Bitters infuses un.
wonted onorpy into the cnfcoblcd nnd ner
vous , endowing them with munculnr onorpy ,
nn ability to repose- healthfully , and digest
without Inconvenience. Nervousness , head
ache , biliousness , Impaired nppctlto nnd a
feeble , troublesome stomach , are all and
speedily sot right by this matchless regulator
later and Invlgorant. The mineral poisons ,
among them strychnia nnd nux vomlca , are
never safe tonics , oven In Infinitesimal doses ,
The Bitters answers tbo purpose moro effect
ually , and can bo relied upon as perfectly
safe by the most prudent. Fever nnd ague ,
kidney troubles nnd rheumatism yield to it.
SH121M1EIU ) .
Ho "Works Another Ijlttlo Game nnd
Again Disappear * ; .
Shepherd , the swindler who so smoothly
"did" the Columbus Buggy company and
other firms hero , nnd who after bis subse
quent flight nnd capture , deceived the county
commissioners Into believing ho was insane ,
and thereby secured his release , suddenly
Hashes Into notice again by disappearing.
This tune the Paxton hotel is the sufferer.
Ever since his release from the county Jail
ho has been boarding at that hostelry , and
owes a largo bill. A night or two ago ho
came in all covered With blood , as though ho
had been fighting , nnd when a porter went to
his room the next morning to see how he was
getting along it was discovered that ho had
[ Atlanta Constitution , March 17 , 1SS9.J
Animal 1'olson.
The fearful increase In mortality , result
ing from the bites ot rabid animals Is alarmIng -
Ing , and the fact that there have been fatal
results from the biles of animals which had
exhibited no signs of rabies , adds to the
alarm. The case In Walton county , Ga. , is
nn Instance. The poison was communicated
by the bite of an ordinary house rat , which
had never seemed to bo mad. The reporter
heard yesterday of a remarkable case of a
lady who was poisoned b.v fondling and kiss
ing -a poodle dog. Tno doe had distemper
nnd died of It and the lady's blood was
poisoned to a degree that her body was
broken out in ereat ulcers and sores from
bend to foot. From a beautiful and healthy
woman she soon wasted to a mere skeleton ,
Buffering great agony. No treatment bone-
fitted her until on the 28th of February she
commenced to taico Swift's Specific ( S. 5.
S. ) which at once begun to force out the
poison , anil she is now gutting well rapidly.
Dr. Mrrccr TnllcH About the Extenalon
lo South Omahn.
There has been a rumor in circulation that
South Omaha Intends placing the street
railway companies under heavy bonds to
complete the extension of their lines by n
certnln time , before granting them fruchtses.
Dr. Mercer , of tbo motor company , said
yesterday that if this were true , and the
bonds wcro made oppressive , his company
would not make the extension. "But , " said
be , "if the diflleulties of injunctions are
done away with , nnd the people of South
Omaha put no obstacles In our path , wo will
soou have both our southein lines in opera
tion to the stock yards.1
The motor company was yesterday granted
a permit to extend its line on Sixteenth street
from Burdetto to Ohio , having first de
posited with tbo city treasurer , 52SC3.0'5 ' to
pay for the paying.
The ofilcors of the horse car company were
yesterday moved to the cable power house ,
where they will bo permanently located ,
the companies now running under the con
A J\ew Train.
The conncctiiifr link between Ne
braska and Kansas has just boon placed
in faorvico by tbo iTnion Pacific railway.
This train loaves CouncilJiluffs daily at
4:45 : a. in. ; leaves Omaha at 5:05 : a. rn. ,
and runs through without change to
Manhattan , Kan. , making direct con
nections thara with the Kansas division
of the Union Pacific railway for all
iii Kansas and Colorado west-
otind , a'nd for Topeka , Lawrence , Kan
sas City and points cabt ana Bouth via
Kansas City. Returning , train leaves
Manhattan at 2:2-5 : p. m. ; arriving at
Beatrice ut 0:25 : p. in. , Lincoln at 7:50 :
p. in. , and Omaha nt 11:20 : i ) . in. , Coun
cil LJluifH 11:40 : p. m. , making direct
connection with Kansas division trains
from Kansas City , Lawrence , Topekti
and the east , and from Denver , Salina ,
Aboline and. all points westj enabling
piiBsengors to visit the principal points
in Kansas and Nobrnska in the shortest
possible time. These trains have first-
class equipment , consisting of smoking
cars and first-class day couches of the
latest pattern. The now train will fill
a long felt want , and is bound to bo
popular. _
An Omaha Insurance Company.
The Omaha Fire Insurance company filed
articles of incorporation yesterday the parties
Interested being A. J. Popplcton , S. G. Jos-
sclyn , Win. Wallace , H. W. Yatcs and J. J.
Biown , They propose , so say the at tides ,
to carry on a tire Insurance business , with
Ouialm UB the headquarters of the company ,
their policies covering buildings , houses and
structuresof every character , an well also
as all 1 ; I nils of personal property. The cap
ital stuck is placed at $100,000.
Fisher Printing Co. , 1011 Farnnmst. .
telephone 1201 , blank book makers , etc ,
Tommy Skips Out.
Yesterday W. M. Springer , who conducts
a billiard hall at 1337 Saundcra street , loft
his establishment In charge of a young man
mimed Tommy Lent { . yesterday upon
his return ho found tho.plavo locked up and
further developments revealed tin ) fact that
Tommy had skipped with the cash , In all . * 3 ,
left him lo make eliungc , anil the receipts ot
the housu of Monday. The police have
been notified.
Vtf < \ l > y the United Slates Government ,
and Public Forl AnnlyMn , ns the Mronccst ,
ItaUusr I'uw.ln iloesnbtcontain Aiituiniila. J.
Itactn , VuullU.lxuion.OuyKc.AluioiiJ.KoM
PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. . How York. Cnlcogo. Louis ,
- + "I"
Absolutely Pure.
Tills powder never varies. A marvel of purity
Mtrongtn and w hole-mtnenosi. Moro economical
than the ordinary Kinds , and cannot bo sold In
competition with the multitudes of low cost ,
Bliorhvelfiht alum or phnspnato powders. Sold
only In cant. Itoval linking 1'owdor Co. . I'M
Wailstrcet Now York
Chcng0 | | | | | 8 , IciarkOt.
Tbo Regular Old-Established
li ( till Treating with tha Greatest
Clironic , Nervons and Mate Diseases ,
* NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lott Manhood ,
Palling Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible
Dreami , Head and Back Ache and all the effects
fading to early decuy and perhaps Consumption 01
Insanity , treated scientifically by new method ] with
ever'failinE' success.
38 YPH I LI Sand all bad Blood and SklnDls.
easts permanently cured.
# KIDNEY and URINARY complaints , Gleet ,
Gonorrhoea ) Stricture , Varicocele and all diseases
of the Qenito-Urinary Organs cured promptly without
injury to Stomach , Kidneys or other Organs.
CCSNo experlmenta. Ace and experience lm
portant. Consultation free and sacred.
.OS-Send 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
US- Those contemplating Matriage send for Dr.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male anil Female , each
S cents , both as cents ( stamr-s ) . Consult the old
Doctor. A friendly letter or call may save future suiter-
ing nnd < hamc , and add golden j ears to life. * 3Booic
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " socents ( stamps ) . Mcdicma
nnd writings sent everywhere , secure from exposure.
Hours , S to B. Sundays 9 to 12. Address
F. D. CLARKE , ffi. D. ,
186 So. Clark St. . CHICAGO , GLL.
( Opposite Paxton Hotel. )
OIHce hours , Ua. in. to Sp. m. Sundays , 10 a.
m. to 1 p m.
.Specialists In Cluoulc , Nervous , Skin , and
Blood Disease ) .
5"f Consultaton : at ollico or by mall froo.
ileulclnca aint by iniill or express , so"tuoly
packed , fife from observation. Guurantcuso
cure imlcklv. biifelv anil permanently.
HERYOUSDEBmtTS. . . . . . : . . . . . , . . . . . .
slons , I'hyalcal Decay. urlsiuK trom Indiscre
tion , Kxcesa or Indulgence , producing Sleep
lessness , Despondency , I'iniplos on the face ,
aversion to soi iety , easily discouraged , luck or
conlldencc , ( lull , unlit ror htudy or buslnoss.and
llnds llfo a Imidon. safely , permanently and
privately cured , t'onfiult IJts , Belts to IJetts ,
" F iiinani St. , Omnha , Ncu.
results , complctolv eradicated without the aid
of .Mfruirv. Scrofuli , ilrjsipeln , Fever Soies ,
lllotche" . Ulcer1'ains lu tlui Head and Hones ,
Syphilitic Sofia Throat. .Mouth and Tongue , Ca
tarrh. A.C , permanently ctucd where others
have failed
Vin'nnir ' ITpiliaprr nntl "ladder Complaints ,
JullllQy. Unildry rammi. mm- nit , fee fre-
iiuent Hnruiiit : or Illooily Uilne , Urine hlgn col
ored or with milky sediment on standing ,
Weak Hack , Unnnorrlura , leet , Cystitis.c.t
Promptly andSafely Cured , Charges Reasona
movul complete , without cutting , camtic or
dilatation. Cures cliVctvd at home bv patient
without a moments naln or nnnovancu.
To Yotnc Men ani MiiUlc-Ageil Men ,
A WTDDTITDP Tim awnil ullccts of early
11 JJUnu uUllD Vice , which mines oiganlc
w o.ikness. dehtii > ylni ; both mind nnd bodv , w ith
all its dreaded lllH.purmanentlycMirea.
UPC ! RUT'TQ ' AilrpMS tlioMi wno have Impaired
UIlUi Dul lU IhPinsclvcs by Improper indtil-
Keuees and nollury li.iblfl. whlrh ruin both
body and mind , unfitting them for business ,
study or nmrriHRo , . .
MAUHIKD MK.V. or those entering oil that hap
py life , awnro of phVBlcal Uoblllty , uulckly as
Is based upon facts. I'irst 1'ractlcal Kxpo-
rlenco. Second Kvery case Is especially studied ,
thus Htartlng ariijht. Third Medicines aru pre-
paiod in our laboratory exactly to suit each
case , thus aih'Ctln eurJH without injury.
rsT'Heiirt 'J ' cwitH postage for calebrntod works
on Chronic , Ncrnms and Delicate Diseases.
Thousands cniod , Yf A friendly letter or call
may savn ) on futui o suirerlm ; and tihaine , and
adil Kol'leu je.trs to life. tiT'No letters an-
Mei ed unless accompanied by 4 cents in Btamrs.
liusi ranuiiii Hrtcot , Omaha , Neb ,
ic , IBS : . inrroTti ) itu. i , 18S9.
and arocuornnteedto
can tlio follow. , All line m
atlo OnmpUlnU. Ueue-
Tbls Is the luTlfcTiuidOniATUT Improvement i r
rnado.end latupeilor to nil otlieri. Lvcrybujer ot on
Kl.ctrlo Kelt w nt tlia UtMt-tbli he will flml the
! . . u ' ' . ' " dlaBM from nil other. , ns Hlmmnfiir - .
o current
oil to tlia
iwnr , nn.i unoru only elx to tea Hours dally. It Jon
rlll r mlna this belt you will buy no olhor. Tothow
( be fcdTiHK CONrini-Kc-B no ttTB III our Llwlrp-O l-
aale Hell. Bnl Ar > pllanea . ! wl c r. . i IWJ
l ll ilioiklbl * rarHrtoa . Trial , btml
, it ) forour El r. lllu.trntril i.-iuii'iiti.
iJ r.lroUr. 0-rD'.LLEnllHI5tJII.U..rltiIl. rl' lr.
( ututloa tblt f i r. ) ( H' ii oJui ] ib. Itel. )
300 North Broadway , BT. LOUl4. MO.
Nebraska Clothing Co.
In medium weight and light underwear we are in a position to beat all competition
ont of sight. "We are largo buyers which moans low prices. "We buy these goods direct
from the mills and commission houses pay no jobber's profits and wo guarantee to save
you from 25 to 50 per cent , and on the finer goods oven more. Our assortment comprises
over 50 different qualities as "Specials1' wo are offering this week.
75 dozen fine medium weight Merino Shirts and Drawers of an elegant clouded shade ,
Shirts with satin fronts , full fashioned , at 50c each. These goods are worth fully $1.00.
100 dozen very fine medium weight Merino Shirts and Drawers ( regular made , at 75c.
These are in new shades and we consider them an excellent bargain. Other houses are
getting for like goods $1.50.
French Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers at 35c , 45c and 60c each.
-Our Spring selections in fancy Flannel Shirts are the most extensive and varied over
shown by any house in the city. We have a full assortment of the most elegant novelties
of the present season , in all wool , silk and wool mixtures , and all silk. On all these
goods we quote the lowest prices. As an extraordinary bargain in this department we
will offer to-morrow :
3 cases fancy knit Tennis Shirts , in several beautiful shades and stripes , sizes from 14
to 17 , at $1.0O each. This is a new material for an overshirt , and excellently adapted for
Spring and Summer wear. Other houses would ask S1.75 or $2.00 for the same shirt.
Fresh arrivals this week , direct from the manufacturers of Spring Derbys , in all th
latest and most fashionable shapes , in tan and light colors. Wo offer in this department :
Elegant light colored Derbys , silk band and binding , at 85d worth § 1-50. *
Men's and Boys' Crushers , of art excellent quality , in all shades , at 40c. Other
houses sell them for 75c.
Our new Shoe Department is a grand success. We have made an
mmense hit with our Genuine Calf Sewed $2.50 Shoe in congress , lace
and button.
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha.
20to60 DAYS.
Thia is u disease which hits heretofore )
Bafllecl all Medical Science.
When Mercury , Joiildo of Potassium , 3arsipa
rllla or Hot Springs fall , we guarantee a cure.
Wo have a Remedy , unknown to anyone In the
World outside of ourCompimy. ntidono that lias
to cure tlio most obstinate cusas. Ten days In
recent cmes rtous the woi k. It Is the old ehroalo
deep sentoil cases that we solicit. Wo have
cuieA hundreds who have been abandoned by
I'uyslcliins. and pronounced Incurable , and via
challenge the world to bring 111 u case that wo
will not ctuo lu lest than sixty rtayn.
Slnco the history of meaiclna a true speeltli
for Syphilis has beau sought for uut uovor
fauna until our
\vaBdlscovcred.andweaio Instilled In saying
it is tun only Homeay m the World tnat will pos
itively cure , brtcauae tlio latest Medical Works ,
published by the best known authorities , nay
tnero wasnevcratrnospecillcbefore. Ourrem-
cdy will cure when everything else has failed.
Why wuste youritlme nnd money with patent
medicines that never had virtue , or doctor with
physicians that cannot cure you , you that have
tried everything else nhould come to us now and
K t permanent relief , you never can get it elss-
where. Mark what wo say , in the cud yon
must take our remedy or NIJVRU recover and
you that have been allilctpd but a shon time
should Ly all means como to us now , not one In
tenof nmv cases ever iot permanently cured.
Many itetheln and think they aio free from the
disease , but In one , two or three years after it
appears iguin in a more horrible foi-ia.
This is a blood Purifier and will Cure
any Skin or Blood Disease when
Everything Else Fails.
Room 419 Paxton Block.
Over 14 Millions Sold in this
Country alone.
The Best Fitting and Best
Wearing Corset Ever Made.
lie J.luiior llnbil , i'nultlrrly Cured
by AuinlnlMtvrliti : l > r. llulnca'
liuldcn hnddflc.
Hcanba clveu na tup of cotree or lu urti *
cles uf looil , ullliont tlio kiioulfl e of Dm pa
tent ; it Is absolutely iinrnilesii , aim will et-
Tecta permanent tiuiNpesdycuri' , vthvlher tin
patient la a ni'iilir.t'o ' drinker or na ulriihol
wreck. IT NKVIIH K.UI.S , Over IOO.OQO
drunkitrdit liavo be ninitile tenipcr.uo men lie
have taken ( Jolden Bpui Illu in tnelr cotri > u with-
outtlicli knowledge. anl toiluy bjllovo ttloy
riutt drliikUii ; of thcla o ti Accord , ti ) iiio
Ixiok o ( | Uilluuluni fii < o Knlin > V Co , r.truts )
intli und DoiiKlHH alf , Ibth aii < | Cunilnb' strei'ti ,
nninhu , Neb : Council Illiitru. loun : At ; iUj , A.
I ) , FosteriV Ilro.
tir > r > or
. _ . . . . _ _ . . .n. may b4
ncr f on II v rrrilniit l > r ( I tuf
hull r ui > r in * HIII tntcil MIIIUV ta
IIIIU" / . ! < tiitp n.r.fy. Varloo-
relfi iwnlKitUutL ir ti" J , u Auilrwi
ueslon-nuprn Cl'nlc ' < uoi vt rtfiw.t Mjioilca.
ami liniiorat'L'llhli ; iri Lulfo ,
' - ! , CiuuMV , ILL.
They're Limited.
Wo have some Special nnrf.m.s in
MEN'S SUITS for you this week.
Hlglit at thc < beginning of the season vo
propose to do you some good , and have
made special pilces on some especially
good suits I" , ? S $10 and S1I2. Como early
lias Mayer-SststlishoJ ISSS-Adolpb Uoyor
ax Meyer
and JAS , W , STARR
Story & Clark and ShoiiiHgcr-Bcll Organs ,
BiT.qi.Uj piticis : A
Write for 'V.taojiie. !
Koiiiurkublc powerful byuipatliutSc
tone , pljulilo action and absolute ilura-
bllity ; HO years * record tlie bo t gunriia *
tec of the excellence of thofio instru
Wyoming Oil Lands "
Ami all iircc Miy paper * lllled ,
W , E , HAWLEY , Civil Engiliasr ,
OAHl'iat. UVO..or OMAHA. MillltAflCA
lalford FOR
& 0.
N , W. Cor. 13th Si Dodo Sts.
. AppHanean for Daformltics and Trusses.
Ilest laclllttos , apparatus anil reincdlos for euccon
rul treatment of orcry form of disease ruqulrlnf
Modlial or finrsicul Trontmuiit.
Hoard and attendance ; bctt hospital accouiuioda *
tons In the wi t.
WKITI roROiiicnLAns on Deformities and Draco ,
Dlaeasoa of Women a. Specialty.
MAKING \ sproiu/rv or
All Ilood ! Dltoanos suecimfully treated. Hyphllltla
Polieu removBd from the nystuni without mercury ,
Him rmlorutlva trestmont ( or lass of Vital rower.
Ptimoni unable to rlilt u * mar ho treated nt home \if \
corresriondrnra. All commuiilentlons confidential.
Hu.llUncii or Instrunioiili' rnt by mnll or express ,
oturoly nackcil. no murks to IndUalu cuntuuti ot
sender. One pannnal Intcrrlutr iiroforrcd. Call ana
consult us or send history of your cusa , and wo will
i na In plalu wrapper , our
Dpon Private , Hpoelal or Nervous Discuses. Imno *
tcucr.8/pnllls , Uluot and Varlcocelo , with qnestloa
lint. Address
Omalia Medical awl Surgical Institute , or
UK. fflcMCNAMY ,
Oor.iet&MdDoilBoBU. , OMAHA , NEB.
H i is Wealth
In. U , C. WIIHT'S NKIIVK AM > IliuiN Titr.AT-
MKNr , a KiiftrAiiteed aporlllo for Ilyi > toil.i , Dixzl-
nets. ConvulHlons , Hto , Nervous NuurnlKln ,
Jlcnd.irhe. Nervni'8 I'rostr.ttloiuausod by the
iiHuot nlcoliol ( , r tobacco , Wakofiiliiasu , .Mental
DopiesKlon , 8oritnlnt { of the llraln it suiting in
Inxanlty and leading to misery , nuc.iy and
ilcath. I'H'iiuitino Old Ago. lliirronnuHH , J.oss of
I'nwf r in aex. Involuntary tosses and
Hprrmatorrhii'iv caused by over-exertion ot
tlio tir.un , HuiliinuBuor o > er iiidul oncu , Kacli
box contains on month' * treatment , il a bor ,
or six I > exes for tj , Bent by mall prepaid on re
ceipt of prlto ,
To cut H any case. With each order received by
ns for six boxes , accompanied with II , wo will
send the purchaser our written ( [ muantco f > ro
tund tliu money If tliu tiuatmrnt does not n'Toct
a cure , ( limninlces Isnucd only by ( loodmaq
li ng Co. , Ii ) nilHts ; , Solu AfoutH , 1110 rsrninn
htifct Omaha oh.
Tlia I'ubllc arc nut trrncrullawirc that ur di *
pruiicnt iiit'ttiols nf rnoklntc fully oiiU'liLlf uf thu
( OtTttfl tliat 1 UHotl I * thrown uwuy in tliuuruunds
tii'l iTustud , Cliuminti cuniiftlttJ with till * tonipsny
liavn uotniiilfj in Milnu this irunto tiiul tliu com *
l inf can fiirnMi n > rua nmdn of the tlncitJava , put
iiMln siniill I'uiubli ) J rs ami WAUIIAMI n rtiiitcr. ;
l.v I'liiiK unit t-'iin.-iinU'Uit to bo only uOuui UNU *
I1A1.K'I III : ros-T to tint tuiikiiiiierni ciiinmou cot.
leu. Only liiillliiii uati'r Is neixlml whuii proj.irlntf [ U
( or tliu titiilo. fro.vii l.l < | ui I t'uiruu Ciiui.inr. |
Ask Your Crocor ( or
CltOU'Jf L10UtJ > UO1WKE.
MuCOIlU , JiJtADV > t CO. ,
Grocers , - - Oirmlm , Ncbf
. .
T-"fH * - ffww * m.f- * * ! * U * >
rt 3 > ircr 3uily u xi nior.tlily Uovtir 10 , ( > X )
tu'vIjiilliH Aro.S'ti/r , VjTcctualanitJ'lccuaiit
. „ vJl | rl'fxliyinall.oralilruttUU..VfaI < J
B J"nrici4ur ( 2 | V > * t ( ( B etnmpi. AddreM
TUG KCIUUCA Cuaxtcub to. , Durwir , Mjca ,
For sale uiul b.v mail by ( Joodinun Dru
Coiujnuiy , OiiutUu ,