Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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No mlrortlflctnpnta will bo taken for
iliennboluinnfe nflor 1-:3O : i . m.
"Xorniii Cnoh In nilvnncc.
AflTertiwvmrutfl under thU hoafl
llae for the flrtt lBiertlon.7 CTnU for eacb nnb-
iciinent Insertion , and 11X0 per line per month.
Ho advertisement taken for lest than 25 cents
the first Insertion , Boron words will bo counted
to the line ; they must run consecutively nnd
must be paid in ADVANCK. All advertise
ment * must b handed in boforn 12:30 o'clock p.
m. , and under no circumstances will they be
taken or discontinued by telephone.
1'ftrtle * ndvortialtiB In those columns ana liar.
tng their answers addressed In care ot Tux UKH
trill plonso nsk for a chock to enable them to get
Ihelr letters , nn cone will be dellvercdexcepton
troentatlonof check. All answers to nUver-
uscmontn should bo enclosoalln envelopes.
All adrertlaementi In those columns are pub
lished In both moraine nnd orenlng editions of
TDK ItKR , the circulation ot winch aggregates
morn than Ifl.OW pnpon dally , and glres the ad-
rertlsers the ooncOt , not only or the city circu
lation of TitK HIK , tint also of Council muffs.
Lincoln und other cities nnd town * throughout
this section ot the country.
those columns will bo taken
yn tne alxivo conditions , at the following busi
ness houses , who are ni thorlzed agents for Titn
IIBK Kiieclal notices , and will quote the saint
rates iu can bo had at tlm maltt onico.
' W. " iiBLtX Pharin cistrB20 South Tenth
C H.u it KDDV. Btatloneri and Printers , 113
.So u th icth Htrcet.
II. FA HNsVoilTH , Fharnu (1st , 2115 Cum *
ing Street.
J. HUOIIK8. Pharmacist. 024 North ICth
BO. W. PABIl , Pharmacist , 1S09 St. Mary's
E"'NOAOKM'KNT8 to do drcismsKlnx in fnm
Dies solicited , Miss Bttirdy , ' 'U17 Lcavonwortti
BJI in 23
_ _ [ _ _
CJ1TUAT1O.V wanted by a Ilrst class bread
Onud cake baker. Address U K. Rlkhorn ,
Volley , llth and Dodge Ms. 205-25t
4 , AWiTsb A good barber , 418 B ID st
DltESSMAKHH from ChlcaRo. 'good cutter.
litter nud draper , desires work in families
oy the day. Address X H. lloo olllce. 14H-27J
W NTKlA situation to take care of horses
or gardening , In private family. Address
lice. 178 8 it
WANTED-Situation by married man as
( ooV in-liotol ; understand cooking in all
Its brandies ; eobor and steady ; boot of refer-
nces. Address X 21 , lloe. 1&1-24J
T > A11TIKS doAmg experienced stenographers
X can obtain just the natty wanted without
delay or inconvenience from the Western Ston-
pgraphlc agency , Lincoln , Nob. KU-in'l
PAHTJF.3 desiring experienced main or
female stenographers can obtain just the
party wanted without delay or Inconvenience
mini the Western Stenographic agency , Lin-
Coin , Nob. 473
SALK3MAN wanted. One ortwo good sales
men. Hide lino. Standard article. No Ham-
pies required. Address , Drawer ; ClKnliimazoo ,
Mich. lift ) 4 *
\\7' > NTKD Ono wldo awake Traveling m an ;
good oDenlng for energetic party. Call
to-day. Itoom 2 , Arcade notef , city. 212-25J
WANTKD Young man of good habits wants
a room-mate. Address X 25 Deo. 2U2-2JT
"l 7 NTKD Man and wlfo on a tarm ; noob-
Joctlon to2 children , * iX ( ) ; also niuu and
vite lu a private family , SJ50 per annum. Mrs.
Jlrepa , 3UK S 15. 11 > 2-2I *
WANTKlJ-Twocoatmakcrs , London tailor ,
fi.17 Ilroadway , Council Dlutfs. 180 25
* \V" A N f L D A ge nts ; magic eignr llgnter ;
T very smoker buys ; lights in wludorraln ;
lasts a lifetime ; sample I5c , two for25c , dozen
Sl,1 > yiiiall ; Htamiw taken. Stavuer & Co. ,
J'lovldonco , It. 1. 179-111 *
WANTKD Two good olllco clorku ; must bo
goQl penmen and accuraie at Ugiirca. Ad-
drecfl X 22 , lice olllco. I81-23J
WANTUn Rxporionced hardware sales-
map. knowledge of builders' hnrchvaro
Jjreforircd ; sthie'ogo ana salary required.-- ' Atl-1
UiOiS X 17 , Die. " - . * ' > l&8
* \l/ANtlrKD ) T\vo young men to trav i : salary
r T Y nnd expanses paid : room 17 , 220 N. 16th.
"V\7 ANTED Canvassers , male nr.d female ;
TT good ' \tnges. Addresi X 8 , Bee office.
| 121-2t *
_ _ _
WANTI'D Live , energetic mon with small
capital to invest in 'an invention whereby
tbnUHunds of dollars can bo made. No humbug.
Bells on uight : big money In It. Address with
stamj ) C. \Vcstron , 1212 Douglas st. , Omaha ,
Neb , _ 11B SU
\\7ANTKD Two (2 ( oed machinists. Apply
T T before S n. in. or between I nnd 2 p. in. to
A. 0. Ciilllna. Waterworks oHlco. 110211
EMi'I.OYMKNT for young man or lady.
Itcferencus required. O. B. Thompson , 213
Bhcety block. _ m :
WANTi : ! ) A good carrlUKu trimmer , steady
work by day or piece , guarantee work the
rear round to the right party. For fuithor
jjartlculara apply to Lou Wehu. tlcutrice. Nob.
_ IKM 21
\\7ANX1U ) Jinernetlo men and women every-
T T where for n gentoc ] , money-making busi-
ess , MO wi okly pvolli guaranteed easier than
KW monthly oiherwl&o. Experience absolntely
nnncressnry. 1'ormnment position and cxclus-
Ivetnrrltorynssured. SSsnmplcsfree. Write for
particulars- . Address with stamp , Merrill Mfg.
L'o. . II Kl Chicago _ 714-ml2J
LJATjKSMKN Wo wish a few men to s nil our
KJ goods by sample to wholesale and retail
trade. Large&t mnuuf 'rs in our line. Enclose
8-ceut stamp. Wages Rl per day , Permanent
position. No postals answered. Money ad-
ranccd for wages , advertising , etc. Centennial
MimTRCo. . Cincinnati , O. _ 614
WANTKD Men to solicit ; must deposit 2.
and give security for money collected ,
Salary 87ft tu ? liW per mont h. Call on or nd *
tress Geo. B. Cllne.611 First National bank. 470
WANTKD-Agents to sell the 1'lg Puzzle ;
ovorj'l'ody crazy to got ono ; sample by
mall l"e ; stamps taken. A. A. Austin & Co. ,
manufacturers. Providence. It. I. iS m 2J
men for railroad work In
Washington territory ; good wages nnd
itwuly wort. Apply ut Albright's Labor Arency.
112(1 ( Faruam utrcet. aw
-Am. Dlst. Tel. Co , 1504 Douglas.
_ _ 1128
AdKN'i'8 wanted , on salary. 7f > per month ,
and expenses paid , any active man or
woman to sell our poods by sample and live at
bonio. Salary paid promjitly and expenses lu
advance. Full particulars unu sample case
free. We mean just what wo ( > ay. Address
Standard silvciware Co , , lloston. Mass. U30
. ) Dreosmaker and good waist and
11 skirt mnlrer , 1320 Capital ave. SUU'ir ;
* V\ A NTJI D Four dressmakers and one ap.
' prontl-u. Miss KatoMcCnbe , IL 11 , iftisii-
Hi MI blockcor loth and Douglas. 1W7 Kit
WANTKD An experienced youm : woman
to attend in bath room ; good \\agos to
the right paity. Address Mrs. K. 15. ItrenKtor ,
box 6 ? , Lincoln , Nub. 2I3-2HJ
W ANTKD Experienced waist llnlsher. 1510
Douglas , upatalra. 20fl 34t
WANTKD An elderly woman to do light
work In aHinall family ; m o woman to turn
for children , * 2 : 2 dlutiie roam giiLs for Ilcn-
trlce , 118 ; 2 for Wrun fM ; a women cooks , ft ) to
till ; K girls for mine hotel , till & UK ; MI girls for
nice private fnmlllcs in nlid cut of city , Mrs.
llrega , UmiS 15th. _ , 1 W-24t
TLSTANTRD 1'Uubant middle URouTady , as
TT housRkuep r for n widower on a farm ; no
objection to one child. Mm. llret-n , 314h K 1Mb.
OlRLfor I'oiierul lioiibo work
aye. i 2JT
* | 71Ill8'i < and secimcl rook at onco. OneMln-
X' utu Loiree lloii.My , IWJ Farnam st. 17U23 ?
\\rANTKD-Gennan pirl to do upstairs work
T and taito case of child 4 years old , in fam
of three SilK . * > 01
ily , Douglas. 173 SI
\\7ANTF.D A ( lermau or BwrdUh clrl In a
T > farjlly of throe nt 1024 Baundcru Kt.
lass. !
for ceuoral liousowork ;
fmnlly or two. Inquire ItWi Capitol live.
1VJ W *
WANTF.I trlmmor ndsal * l dy. Oenlus
Ilros HM DOIIH'.XI st. _ VSJ
* V\rA NT D-.V j-Suna or eldaily lady to "liiiTlte
T her home rrlthlamlly of three. Address
vrllli ref r iKO. V6U , DcopBlco. VJI
wwk. "SIM. o. w , Looiiii3'n'js"uotira\e.
f _ _ _
WANTED Oood girl forgoimnxlhoi'juwort.
a in family ; must beood washer and
truner. Oorniaa preferred. 1715 Ca.s . KK1
W ANTKD A gTrl to da housework at 2719
Jackson at , VJ-SOU'
_ _
" "
toBipitftETYudy" Initruct"
f T m i for the Improved Stiiger Sow
tuachlre. lil * Douglas. ; $ ; .24
Mna. HIIKOA , Canadian Rmp , office. ai4 ! { B
16th. Itefcrcnco OmaUa National bank.
r MAHAEmp.bureau , 110N Wtht estixbllshod
\Ja years. Most reliable in city. H. R. Whtto.
and ictn st. lia-A-o
' ' ' '
T Ify n Bonllomea , anil wlfaGiTjle-
board breakfast nnn six o'clokd inner
In the nlghlx > rhocKl of 2Cth and Farnam. With
private family preferred. For superior accom-
moaatlons a liberal prlco will bo paid. liefer-
enccs will bo exchanged. Address X in , lloo
olllco. .15M4 * .
TXfANTRD Any ono nnilcted with nnyprl-
V ? vato or chronhj blobd disenso to cnu on
thn National llcmody Co. , 14H Dodge st. and In
vestigate their treatment for prlvnto disorders.
WANTKD Ilnyer for n good lot on Capitol
nvo. , within four blocks ot high school.
gVM Davenport at. 12j-27t
\\rANTKD To lease nowsp.ipcr outllt In
> > Komo thriving Nebraska town. Hofercuces
given. Address , IJox 100 , Jcllerson , In ,
IIUSINKSS man would llko to join one or
more gentlemen going to thn Pacific cosst
About May < 1th , for company while traveling.
Address , with reference , lloxnttt , Kearney.Ntb ,
174 24
ANTKD May 1. furnished or nnturmshod
cottage ; family of two. Address V 42. lice.
WANTKD to rent by family of two , an un
furnished cottaga in good condition con
taining Oor 7 rooms : must imve terms and lo
cation to receive any attention. Addrosf , U 55 ,
lice. 22fl
IffiOtJlt rooms , $ Sr Mr3 87UitK no5r DorcHs7
I ) IjKABANT 7-room house near Hchool.churcli
nnd street car line , with a barn a little dis
tance out , Call and sea mo about it. C. F.
Harrison , Merchants Nat. bank. 1543
MU HKNT 8 room house ; centrally located ;
. .lodern Improvements. J , F. Ilartoii. ailO
Capitol avenue. lD7-2fti
TJIOtt HKNT Two elegant brick Hats , well
X1 located , each 0 rooms , 7 closets , all modern
Improvements , arc worth 1.11 , but will ruutlhem
to good parties at $27. Apply to T. 0. Hrunner ,
IflosFornainbt. 142-51
"IJIOH HKNT A ID-room house , largo yard and
X1 mid shade trees ; two blocks from T. O.
llent rcnsonablo.aiul can bo paid by the routing
Of rooms ; wish to bell n small part ot furniture.
Address. X 7 , lieu. 127-23t
"T7\OH \ ItKNT 7-room Hat , all modern convon-
Jlouces , coed location , cheap to good party.
L. & S. Itontal Agency , room 310 , Sheoly block.
UKNT May 1. a nice 6-roomcd cottage ,
furnished ; the finest location In the city ;
beautiful lawn and shade trees ; only 7 blocks
f rom T. O. : on cable and horse car line. Ad
dress V G7 , Ieo ! olllce. Dili 28
"jjriOK HUNT A new 11-room house with largo
X ! yard and all modern conveniences , 2215 Cal
ifornia St. 101 85"
fjlOIt KI3NT Ono ten-room nnd ono eight-
X ! room house , all modern conveniences , nest
part of city and within 5 minutes walk of post-
olllcn. Nathan Shelton , 150i Jfornam st. U42
'IJIOH HKNT ifouso of all modern imorove-
X1 ments , perfect repair. Inquire 712 N. IBth st
flOTTAOK nicely furnished for ronrr > rooms ,
vyclosu to business ; references. 11310 , Sheoly
bik. .10,5-211
8 JtOOM house for rent , city water , (2n. Itoom
207 Shccly block. B70
IJ1OH UKNl1 Hoautlful 8-room nouso with
X' modprn Improvements , splendid location.
Apply at once , 0 , F. Harrison , Mer. Nat. 11'k.ififl
TJ1OH UKNT Good houses at.V ) , J40 , 302,5.20 ,
X1 and$12 per month. If you wlsn to rent call and
sea me.D. . V. Sholes. 210 l t Nat'l llauk. 7K )
011 UENT A choice u room nouse. icncod
lot , gas. city water , furnace , bath room ,
cistern , largo well equipped uarn. 201,1 Capitol
Rve. Inquire 2 < I hoiice east of premises or room
14 Omaha Natl bank bid. It. 11. Uobison. 733
FOU HUNT Five room house , corner Leavon-
worth and 15th sts. Apply to Dr. Matttce ,
1U03 Dodge st. -712
FOR UBNT-rSouie'now 'fl'room houses In
Mlllard & Caldwoll' addlUon , UJ miles
from postoffloe. Apply early. Bpotswood ,
: tQ5K So ICth st. i TM
TJ10U ItKNT 14 room brick drolling , all ron-
X ? venlencca. SIB N. liith Bt. attj
( \ GOOD houses for rent rent rally located.
< -'fiirulturo for wale on time. Co-operativo Land
& Lot Co. U74
TjlO'l UENT 7-room Hat , IX ) mouth. Inqulro
tX' at The Fair , liitn nnd Howard. 074
7 ROOM house witb barn , out a little distance
0 per moutlu C. F. Harrison , Merchants
Nat , bank bltlg. 4tH
17IOII UKNT TATO 3-room flats on N. 17th at.
X1 S12audl3 : onofl-room cottaijo N. 17th at. ,
Ml. Apply to ( Jrocn tc Williams , 1st Nat. Hank
abiding. fiOi
IfOH KENT Elegantly furnished rooms with
all modern improvements , atUJiS. 13th st.
Tji'UllNIRIiKlfnoiise for rent in 1-arkTen ace ,
X1 opposite Hnnscom 1'ark ; all modern con-
vejileucos. Inquire Lee At Nlchol , Will and
Loavenwortli. ' .U5
fTlOU HKNT 0-room modern Improved house ,
Jt ? A 1 locality ; rent moderate. Apply to M.
Klgutter. 1 l ll rarnaiu st. Hia
T31OK HKNT Cottages , B rooms. 27Si Charles
I ? st. and 1521 S tth st. Inquire ut room SI ! .
SJii-elyblocfc 0.3
* | 71lU HUNT When you wish to rent a House
J ; store , or olllco call on us. II. E. Cole , room
C. Continental blk. 1)13 )
IjiOH HUNT The u-room residence. 2107
J- ' Douglas st. , all modern Improvements. In
qulro 8. Kntz 13IU Farnam. 9C5
T iHlNISIIKD rooms. 222 N lOtn.
X1 1K2 2St
AVr.NUH rooms. t 1813 and 10I5 Capitol avo. ,
2 blocks from I' . O. . newly furnished , prlvae
boarding housu.plcasant rooms.allconveniences
"ITIOU HKNT For ono or two gentlemen , largo
X1 front room with alcove , nicidy furnished.
On cable line , north uido Dodge nt , oppuslto
ath avo. u27t
fTlOU UKNT Nicely , newly furnished , all
X1 modernconvenloiiciv221li Douglas , If-
OR HKNT 3 fnrnlnhed roornH for house
keeping , for man and wlfo ; rent taken In
board. 3I'/N. 17th. wil ait
7J OU UKNT lloom 1C21 Howard !
X1 OT5
1lt HKNT One furnished room with closet
and every convenience , gas. eto bath room
on nauiu floor ; suitable for one or two gentle
man.2214 J'lirnnui. ir.ii
rooms with board lu private
/family : handsomely altuatPd ; references ex
changed ; Sim llarney. Wl-SJt
TJI OH KP.NT Furnished rooms Binalo or en
JL } suite. 11.09 Doiigliif. 713
TnUKNISIIHD rooms with Ih'ft-clasi board at
X 2013 Douglas Ht. hl.-21t !
TjllIltNIBHKDfront room with board : first
A ? tloort 2U1 . 24th Bt. VIU-20t
ItKNT FimilMlMd room \\lth all modem
convenience B. 724 S lUlli st. bJO
F01I HKNlVNlcely furnlkhed rooms ivittfor
\ > ithout bo-ird : M9 B V1tllit. _ ! K 24t
' ' ofturnislicu rooms , modern conven-
jnnces , 'J blocks from I1. O , , prlvatu family.
A. llospe jr. 1513 Doughy St. KM
> * 1J1UltNI8IIKD Itoom with board , suitable for
X' ona Kuntleiiian , 1(0,11'iir'f ( uve. 'M-'W *
O FnnilNliHd rooms with oil modem conven-
i Icncea , Ull t.'upllal nve. 117 S3t
with or without board. 1812 Dodga ,
- .v CH
ST'TlTTS'lsTfiri ) rooms for rout , with board ;
mustgivorttfurmicu atllUl Dcdgo at.
, *
TJOO.M8 and board 1813 Chicago t.
TJ1UHNJ6HUD KOOMS-UXB Douglaa street
. eta
TflUHNlHllKD roomii , IU U 20tSi it.near Dodga.
"triUKN 1811 ED room torrent ; muatljivTriffer"
X euit. at 1M21 Dojbje. 4(0
"niit'ONT roaiiisfMll cJnvenlwncos'jlai ?
A * 11
_ _
j Oll ItbMT Uood busDMent , Douelu-s M.
rcH > m lo.'j-out at Dodjje
roouu to Mnt at tMJi S.
l modern couvuul cuciy. Tm S5J _
? ) FiiHNISHKD'froutrooiiiG Htnulu or en suite ,
-"ln " cottaai- , with beautiful ahuiir lawn. 414 N
Hth at. b7l-aij
TJOOMS and oartl ,
JV 183 mitt
_ _ _ _ _
rooiim by iloy , weoi : or moninT
Bt. Clalr hotel. ior : litl ; : and Dotlg * . ii
UHNIHIIKD rivjiui , ilnulu oreniutti. bath
ami tteam ; for t au only , luU Howrd.MJ
llENT Iront rooms al fefl Farnam.
| 7Ht ! 1IKNT i ) new rooms suitable for house-
-L' keeping , IS per month , saa J antclln st.
TflOnilENT iot B unfurnished en am DO rs to
JJ bousekf oping. 818 N litn Ht , K > i SK
FOHltliNT Ahaudsomo-suiteof three nn-
, furnished rooms with batliroAm nud
closets , at 1JOO Sherman avo. 883
OR HKNT Cheap-imlldlnK suitable for
htpvo manufacturing or warehouse , 22x t ,
pns. water and sewerage. Santider.s st. near
Oddfellows' hall. Kn'iiilro at broivn livery
stable , next door. vti 24 C ±
"I710H HUNT The 4 story brick hnlldtm : with
X1 or without power , now occupied 1 > y The lloo
Publishing Co. . nit ) Tarnam st. The- building
has a tire proof cemented basement , complete
stciuii heating fixture. , water on nil the floors ,
pas , etc. Apply nt the olllco ot'l'na lloo. U15
TT1OH HKNT Store and living rooms on Cum-
X' ing struct : also house on Caxs st. Harris It.
13. * L. Co. , Itoora tll lst Nat , bank. H14
STOllK 407 with naspmunt , Itamgo bldg. In-
_ qulro FrnnkJ. Itanigo. ( CT
FOll HKNT Store 2JxOJ ; 111S.laoltsott st , ln.
qulru 1114 Jackaon. KW
1(71011 ( HUNT 2 Ioo ! rs22x8) each , In brick bulhT
X1 Ing , with elevator , close to express otllce ,
heap rent , just the thing for wholesaling , goud
location. Apply to Geo-Hoyn , 110S Farnam st.
IF yoi want to"ren
rls , H. K , & u Co. . room 411 1st Nat'l bank.
_ _ _
LIST your property torrent with Itomliigton
& Frj'o , Northwest Corner 11th , andrnrnam. .
_ _ _
'ANTKD 20 nouses at once for wnich wo
con furnish good tenants. List your houses
with the Li UHental Agency , 310 Sheely blk.
_ _ j _ Ttcf
] F YOU want to buy , soil , rent or exciiange.
call on or address , U. .1. Stornsdnrtr , rooms
317 and 318 tlraL National bank building.Oil
Gr.O. J. PAUL , 103'j Faruam St. , houses ,
stores otc. . tor rent. _ DIM
Wl5"glvo special nttontlon to renting mm
collecting runts , list with us. H , B. Cole ,
room Continental hloeC. _ 017
Jnoit UKN'l llouiui m nil parts of the city ,
' J. .1. Olbaon. No. 3. Crolirliton bloclt. Oil
T J. OlllSON'S new system of renting houses ,
J .No. 3Crclchton nlock. Ortl
"VTOU that nro sufforlnc from prlvnto dlsor-
tdors u III tliid the National Homuly nt 1411
Dodguat. , wllere you can got bdcntinc treat
ment and a cure guaranteed. 211
" " "
SdNN"iN"Sc7flUN"hasmoved : to47S ! l.ltii ,
liny and sell fecund hand furniture ami
stoves ; bottles bought and sold. ISfl-mJl
WILL tnko to pasture at tillmoro.
Prlco * 3 perino. D. \'ouncOIIinore.Nub. .
010-11117 *
rp.HK banjo taught as an art by Goo. F. C3el-
-l li-ubock. Annlv at lice Olllro. 1150
T"7OST Or Rtoion , nn iFTsh swg fionmt An-
j-J swera to name ot IColl. 65 reward for re
turn to 120 N. 2titli ht. Sit ) 2. ) *
TOST Itotweoii Omalia luul South Omaha ,
Jour local express delivery ri'culpt book , lie-
turn to No. loin Howard st. and will pay for
your trouble. Itces I'rliitlug C . IBS
TjlOUND .Money In alloy between Wlrt nnd
-L1 Spouceraud yist und 2.M. looser can have
same by apply Ing to Under , proving piopeity
and paying expense. N. Frederlcksen. 2121
Wlrtst. 2J3I : ; I )
Physician wants onico room at
JL or near drug store. AddrehS X 20 , Itoo olllcti.
ISti 2.K
iJlUVATK course in fencing , boxing or fancy
club swinging , J10. Address T 14 , lleo olllco.
at ml4
" " "
STOHAGE At low rates nt 11J1 Farnam st
Omaha Auction & Storage Co ; 117
rpllAtilCAUE , storage , lowest ratal. IV. M
X Mushman. l-'ll ' Leavenworth. 118
BRANCH & CO. , storage , 1211 Howard.
BK.NANNII ! V. Warren , clairvoyant inedl-
cal and business medium. Female < >
a specialty. 110 N Iflth st. . rouma Z and : ) , tui
M1HR Standard Shorthand School , having pur-
JL chased Vali-ntlno's Shorthand Instltute.l'ax-
ton block , opp. jmbllo library. Is now the larg
est , best equipped , exclusive shorthand school I2.i { , 'rniluates In good situations
The school ! - > Inchartteof Mr. II. A. Smith , a
tti'iiograplior and teacher ot many yoar.s prac
tical experience. Twelve No. " HcmUigton typewriters -
writers in use. Send for circulars , 411
ELKCTHIC Telegraph School ; thorough and
practical Irstriictlon by competent loach-
prs. Send for circular or call 103 S. Hth. lil-2ij ( !
SHORTHAND nud Type-writing tmtcht the
moHtiirac-tlcal at the Omaha Commercial
College. IJenn I'ltman system and Hcmlngtou
typo-wrltei-s ; Btudents romplet menual in two
\\eekK , and write from (0 ( to 100 words per min
ute in three months ; practical ofllco drill madu
n specialty. Instnictlon in grammar , spelling
and writing free. Address llohrbough llros. ,
Omaha for clrrnlurs. 317 m3
T\7"ANTED To Buy good commercial apar. ]
T T H. C. 1'attPr.son. 318 3 15th at. int
" \X7ANTKD Furniture , carpets , stoves and
T t household goods of all kinds. Omaha
Auction & Storajru 4 . , 1121 Farnam. IWO
" FO fCS AC e M I SCEtrCA'N O U S7
FOR SA LI ? Handsome folding bed , ward
robe and wa-shstund. Apply to ' janitor liar-
ker bit. 200 S I *
Oil HALF. 1'Hlrot nno carriage imrso.s. 1711
Webster St. , Bullpy llros. Tel. 09.5. IK ) 3.5 *
T710H 8ALK A good , nound home , six years
J } old. price 11.10. 3178. 11 til St. 134 ZK
"IJiuitNITUIlIi of 7-room house , liiclnamg up-
X1 right piano , tor sale cheap. 2010 Daveiiort. )
8 < U-2)t
frOlt BALK-A 61-Inch Victor blcyelo , almost
JL1 as good as new. Address , Morgan. 151S
Douglas. _ 175 24 1
" 1710H BALK I work team , waon and liar-
J1 ness complete , very cheap for cash , 519
1'axtpn blk. _ _ _ ma
"TI1OII 3ALK Sliafting , baiting , pulleys , etc ,
J.1 good oa new. Hip MW , croscut und band
saws very chea . OJt Douglas. 123
lW bed room set and carpets lor sulecnuap.
Iiiqulre _ gglt CopUol uve. _ lill-'i ;
EOll SALK At a bargain , A llrst-class "Mil
ler" hart ; good as now ; run only II months.
Can be si-en ut Simpson's Carriage oiks , or
addvi-HS X 15 , Uee olHrc. _ iri2-27t
roil § ALK-aCOO tons Ico. Adam Hod"orT
lllair Niib. _ KK mist
1J10H BALK Coal and grain busIuesM iu'ii , lire
J- ' town of 5,000 population ; good upeuliur.
Address box 167. York. Nob. 977 2S
F'OU BALK Choaji , household fumlturo , to
be Hi-en from 10 to 12 und 2 to 4 , IMl Califor
nia * _ _ _ _ _ HDrL : _
A FINE Cabinet Grand rosewood CUBO up-
Xi-rietit piano forlllU.K ) ; cost when new $ tOj ;
only used one year : must bo sold at once ; will
glvp time on part of it if dealrocl. Address V
tfl. tare Omaha llee.
V ) U 8A LK-Good work team , wagon aud bar-
J- ' ness ; fet carpenter tools und chest ; full set
jrglcal InHtriiiiibiila. nearly now ; household
pooiln , etc1. On easy paymeuu. J. \VilkIuson ,
n417 Furnam st. _ 143
TjlOlt 8ALIJ Draft hor.sos. buggy norscii , and
JJ Kinuli delivery mules. Woods Bale utabl
1510CalIfornla. _ ' _ _ _ _ iesi _
AFIlTs'lX'I.ASS upright plauo , very reason
souablc , on easy terms ; very One Instru
ment. 2010 Davenport.
" 171OH OALK-Ciinap.a nearly new top buggr ; Co-
X1 lumbus make. A , H. Comatock , 312 8. lotn.
TTlOlt S'ALK Horuo and liuggy. Inquire A.
X1 llospo. 1513 Douglas st. 815 mil
Guarantee k Trust Co. , 1605 Far-
nam. CoiuplvteabitracO furnUhod It. titles
to real rotate examinedperfected & guaranteed.
B ti
A HSTKACrg Llnahan If Mauoney , room 600
r\MAIA | Xbbtract 4 impany. 1519 Farnam st.
V.'Mo- complete und carefully prepared bet
of abstract books and plats ot ull real property
in the city of Omaha and Douglas county.
i \V.I'r.IC ! lo iuJ money on Omaharoal estate
rilulldlni10Mi9 a specialty. 114 , Frenzerblk
IONUV loaned on unimproved Inside Omaha
M1 real estate. G. W. 4 , Frenzer block.
UNlMPHOynD.aml Improved property :
loans inadanwmptlrj money on hana. i %
M. Hldmrdsolt * * cor ISth Mid Douglas.
'VIM 890
GOODnotcspsliort or long-time , unsecured
or wltu niKtit c. bongm anywnero In Neb.
or la. _ qnick , roAtu , , city or fftrm- Call or write
. lPM VVd. Trade. ftn
. , . . . . . . .
xr * ii > iutvu and uuunpiovc < l
XJreal estnte-atjlq est rates , by Odoll IJros , &
Co. No. 312 S IttU st. 8S.1
BUlLDtNGloA 8-Wo will buy lot. or'oay
Inctimnranc * i > n your lot nnd build for yon ;
small cash payWftit , balance In easy .inplnhly
payment-si iniftUehf death wo cancel the entire -
tire IndobtodttfssjnM. K. & T. Trust Co. . First
National baniffbnjJJlng. | P5-J-ml5
TT K , COLft lkah ) ngont.
B UILlHNO LOAN8-At7 per cent net. no iuT
dltloual charges for commissions or attor
neys' fees. W. 1) . Mo\klo \ , First Nat. banK bldg.
TZftTLDlNa loans n Specialty. W. M .lf arris ?
X > room 20 Fronzor block , opposite I1 , O ,
_ _
U O YOU want money ? If so , don't borrow
before getting my rates , which are the low
est oil any sum from no up to $ ioiJO.
Ilnako loans 'on household goods , pianos , or-
pans , horses mules , wacons , warehouse re
ceipts , house"leases ! , etc. , In any nmonut nt the
lowest possible rates without publicity or removal -
moval of property.
Loans can bo made for one to six months nud
yon can pay a part nt any time , reducing both
principleniuHntSroHt. It you owe n b.ilanca
on your furniture or or have a loan on
them 1 will take It up and carry it for you ns
long as yon desire.
If you ncedmunny yon will nnd it to yoitr nd-
vantHgo to sea me before iMirrowlng.
11. F. Masters , room 4 , Withnod building , 15th
nnd Harnpy , UJ9
/"UtCHAHljTtTLlj loans nt 41(5 ( Shooly build-
v-'liig at eight per cent straight. Samuel Tate.
( BJI.OOO TO $5,01 on Improved city property ;
Pcanbepnid In monthly Installments : deut
cancelled In rase of death ; will loan 50 to 00 par
cent of cash valuation. M. 1C. & T. Trust IX ,
First National buuKJmlldlng. Vi-nil5
"JITONKY to loan at ratna of Interest on
-1.'L real estate in Omaha and South Omaha.
Titles nna property examined by us nnd loans
madoatoncn. Cash on hand , uatos , Smith &
Co. room > tl itamge bldiig. 310-m'l
$1000 end upwards to loan on peed inside city
property. No delays. W. Fnrnam Smith ,
Gl'KH OKNTinonoyto loan. Cush on hand.
W.M. Harris , U 2J , Fronzor block , opp. l'O. _
_ _ L.
K. COltl'Vloan ngeut
m 8 $9 J To loan on i arras and city property.
tpUno. J. J'i\ul. 183 } Fnrmiin st. _ tiM
/ IITY Financial ngoncy will loan you money
won horses , furniture , jewelry or securities of
any kind. 1,103 Howard St. , corner S. 13th st.
_ _ _ _
T7IASTKHN trust funds to loan on Unproved
Jrenl cstnto In Omaha ; largo loans preferred.
U. S. Itlsbue , First National bane bulldln ? .
SPKCIAL fund of * H,00' ' ) to
latea on furniture , horses nnO wagons. CUy
Loan Co. , 11B S lHh st. _ _ _ _ _ ? : /0 J _
"OEOl'LirS Tlhanclal Kxcnnuge Largo and
JL small loans for long and short tlmo , at low
est rales of Interest , on real estate mortgage
notes , chattels ot nil k'n ' Is , diamonds , watties
nnd jewelry.' to call if you want fair
nnd cheap accommodations. O. llouscnreu ,
Mr. , roumOOJJ Darker blk , 15th uud Farunm.
MONEYT to lonn on Improvoft property at llrs-
hamls. No application sent nwav for apt
proval. Si'curlt ; unit titles oxainlnnd free of
charge to borrowers , Lombard Investment
company , 3) ) (3. ( lh st. tr.)3 )
frAN inakrt'a'fivr lonus on first-class chatt3l
securities nri'feirfonablo rates.V. . K. 1'ottor ,
room 10 Ilarkisr'MK UJ7
T OANS won'teij on Omaha real estate , three
JJaiid live J'darii' time , optional payments ,
favorable terms nnd rules , applications and
titles by us. und loans closed
promptly , mm will. Champ & Ityin , raom 0 ,
U.S. National Dank liulldtns. Iftii Farnaui st.
- . K n _ -"L
Ij IUST mortgage loans at low rates nnd no
J. ' delay. D. V. Bholos.210 First National bank.
* m
_ -
- . - _
TV/TON13Y / to'Ldah Wonroriiarty tor apnllca-
JJAtlons for In amounts fromgliOto J10-
000 on imnrorVA Uinalin. or Douglas county real
estate. i''iilltLufyruitlon : as to rated. Loans
proniDtly closed. Good notasvlll be purchased
by us. CaH.ilpon'Us or wrlto. The McCasuo
Investment Co. . „ , - . _ _ iq >
ANl'nmoiilt.ilOianad on ' .furniture , pinuos ,
teams , etc. ffotos bought at les tlinu usual
rates , monthly payments reduce interest. Key
stone Mortgage Co. , room 203 Hheely blk , S. Ijth
_ 3VJinl > _
C. F. IIAUUISON loans money , lowest i-atos ,
. 4U3
. O. F. Davi.s Co. , real estuto
and loan auents. 111.1 l < 'nrnam st. 101
B UliTlTlNR loons. D.V Sholea. 210 First Na-
ttonal bank , ! f.K
LOANS madoonreal estate and mortjagfs
bongnt. Lewis 8. Heed & Co , 1521 Farnam.
DON'T borrow money on fiirnitnra , norseo ,
wagons , etc. , or cell literals until you see
C. It. Jacobs. 410 First National bunk building.
M4 > NKVtoloancasnon ; hand ; no delay. J.
W. Squire , U'U Furnam st , . First Autlonal
bank building. 1US
"iDKOPLK'S Flnauclil K.xchanga-Tiia raliu-stT
X milctuat and most liberal nijiioy oxchongo
in the cltv ; money loaned without delay or
publicty , lu unv amount , largo or xnuill , Ht the
lowest rates of intoruit , on anv available se
curity ; loans may bu paid at ony time or renewed
at original rates. O. Uouscaron , Mgr , , loom
WH , Itarker block , liith and Farnam. 1L I
TjHlLA'DKLl'HIA Mortgage & Trust Co. . IliF
X nlsh cheap eastern money to borrowers :
purchase securltie * . perfect titles , accept loans
at their wcbtern olllco. Oeorgo W.
7 , Itoard of Trade VJl
SKK Sholes , room 210 First NatTbank before
making your loans. VJ !
ONKYooan Ilarrls ICK. &
M room 411. First NaUimal bank. IIJ3
TDUILU1NG loans. Lmahan if Mahonoy.
OF. IIAUUISON luuns money , loivo.-t ) ratos.
4M !
( I > 500C < X ) to loan at n per cent. Llnahan & Ma-
Phoney , Kooin 6X51'nxton ( block. 110
MONEV to loan In largo sums at the lowest
rateano doUy , K. C. Patterson , 318 3 15th ,
MONKY to loan on furniture , horseswagons ,
etc. . or on any approved security. .1. W.
Ilobblns H. 208 , SUeoly blk. , 15th and Howard.
M : ONKV to loan Lowest rates. Loans closed
promptly. H. Ii , Cole , H t ) Continental block.
-Flrit class Insldo loins. lowest
rates. C.UI and aeo us. Mutual Invent-
mont Co. . U. 1. Ilarker blk , ] 5th Si Farnam. Wll
N'UUUASKA Mortg. Loan Co. will make youa
loan on household goods ,
horses , wagons ,
land contracts ,
fine jowolry. or securities of auy kind ,
without publicity , ut reasonable rates.
Itoom 7. Itowloy blocV. South Omaha.
Itooms 618-.MU , I'axton block , Omaha , Neb.
MON KV loaned for M , 0) or UJ days on any
kind of chattul security ; reasonable Inter-
Rst ; businessnoaQdentlal. J J. Wilkinson , 1417
Farnam sf | 10 J
T OANS on biifllnais property , 81.00J ) to J50ui > J
J-Jwantod. .troflclont Trust Company , room
30' ' . First National bank building. I'm
MONKV Loans negotiated at low rates with
out delay ana-purchase good commnrclal
paper nnd morti se notes. B. A. Bloman , cor.
lain ana Farnaifr 10.1
SCONFKC'ISlONKUV etorwi. 3 hotels , feed
dtoro , btoo.of millinery and other buHlncss
chances. Correlative Luna ana Lot Co. , 205 N.
loth at. gflfys , lutt y
TJVU BALK MsfcMk of drugs and wall paper In
J- town of M , ( K/n6lng ) business of over lo.iUJ
a year ; will liLV < | ct > M.BOO ; will hell for fcl.SOO ;
must be BOliKttMtftuifih. Address X. 24 , Hen ,
BUSINKSS frtunlty : K.itabltsliod bual-
uess. Oivnjrniiuat Hell on account HlckneHj ,
Small capital required. Address N , room XI.
board trade buliqing. Omaha. 207 24 *
fpOll BALK llestnurant connected wlth 15
X' furnished rooms. 1120 Capitol uve. 177 Si"
TTIOlt BALE liarber shop ; ( 'OOd buslncaa.
J Call 7tm Le > vcn\\ortli , 1B720 *
AdOOD established feed Dimness ; requires
but ttuiall capital. Inquire at the O. U. K.
AT. C0..1S01 Karnam. 1E3-29J
TJ10U 8ALB 17.000 tocl of hardware , ntovea ,
JL' etc. ; ( lut ) stock of generiil merchandise ,
clothing , imota and shoes , Atldroad I > . O. box
ass , Co ttd , Neb. 153-81
"OA ltI"cTlANCK-Nlce clean stock Keneral
-LV merchandise , nxturon ana large storu build
ing and toi in llvo Nebraska town. Dlvlnlon
station II , Si M. , to trade for good Omaha rosl-
deuce. J.H. I'nrrotto , under Douslau Co. IlunV.
T7\OU \ BALI ! In ono of the best towns In eabt-
JL1 ern Neb. ; clean block of dry goods and
clothing ; will take part trade. Address W. F.
q. box SM. Itulo. Neb. U51 gjj
ITlOlt 8AL1-$10OJO ! stock ot merchandUo on
X1 easy terma. Address Y 03 , care 1J . tKW
T0n $ AT.B-TliOEeTT and c6nt ctlonery Jn ft
IJ town f nine thousand OUWOi , Rood triwl * .
locRtlou , etc ; rea on for flllnit want to retire
from business , Inquire at 1110 Howard t ,
Omalm.NBb , SS3 Sit
7J OTRIt for sale. Well furnished , paylnn IW
J-.I-R month rent. Address W , V. Anderson ,
Norcntur , Kas. _
ANliW roller mill for sale in a good wheat
bolt , and good markftt for Hour. For terms
ftddrossF. _ J Andreas. Uordon. Nob. P41o37T
' " '
( l a,6oo'"to' V , w wanted to put Into n good busl-
' ! ' ness ; Ilrst class acctirlty nnd good rate ot
Interest pahl for short or long time. Or will
take partner. For particulars address U43 ,
lleo office. : T
" ALOON for sale Inonoot the best business
- centers in omahacheap. llonson for selling ,
I must leave the city. Address V Id Ueoi
_ _ 4n.Vm7t . _ j
"I.TOTKL man wanted , with a few tnousamt
J 1 Collars , to Invrst ; house nil furnlshod and
business vial will pay out in 18 months ; tltlo
c. feet ; nn Incumbranco , Address M , A. Me-
8 innls , or 0. C. Churchill , Sterling , Colo.
AMr.MIir.USHll' in the Omnhi board of
trade can bn had cheap at lloom 23 U. H. Na
tional bank building. 023
STOOIC of general mcfcliaiiuTto valued nt
* lXt,00 to trade for boots and shors , .stocic of
Jnlllluory ll.TOl ; 3 good hotels also ROCH ! farms
to trade for hour's and lots In small towns.
nnd other business chnncos. Co-operative
Laud and Lot Co. , 2it5 N. IBth st. _ Imi 2.5
FOlt SALr or Trntle 2 h. upright boilers , 20x
0 ft , Iron lathe , iron drill tiress. 20 h oimitio
nnd boiler , 0 h eneluo mm bnilcr. H h , upright
engine , 4 h. mirlght boiler , 2d lintid shafting
audvulloys. Spruguo V Co. . Council lllulls , la.
$ 10,000 STOOIC dry good. W.OXJ.stock of dry
goods. JAOWi worth of olotnlng and several
K ° od farms to trade tor llrst-class Omaha
property. Omaha lots mid some good paper
to exchange rordrug stock. Address .1 , room
( W/U'axton block. _ iss-aj
BlUCK and building material wanted for
mortgage note , real cstnto farms , utc. , etc ,
William J. I'nul 1MB Farnaui. 100-23
Q 10 BXCnANOE 4iean stock of dry goods
. nnd clothing for uoot-s and shous. Address
W. I' . C. . bos X'l ) , Itulo , Nob. _ 05024 ! !
TTIOlt BXGHANU 12-For desirable residence
X1 property In Omiiha , any or all of following :
lo choice insldo pjslrtcnce lots In Hastings.
10) ) lots In Lincoln ,
nio acres Hun farming land , Lancaster county.
Kluo residence property , Lincoln.
Oood rental property , Lincoln.
Choice family residence , corner , Los Angelas.
A uoat residence property In llansconi I'lace.
Also , some good mortgage notifs.
Address , giving loratlun and in-lee ot prop.
orty. J. E. 11. , care llaum Iron Co. , 1217 Leaven-
woith. _ _ _ _ 101.
N13W U-seated flno carrlngo or top buggy for
mortgage city or county warrants , or any
good unsecured notes. W.L.SilbvH 13 U'd Trade
_ _
fjlOH KXCII.NOKDakotn , Hand county
X' What have 5'ou to olfor fora good farm
here , hll htly cncuniberofl ? Dakotn lauds nro
rising In value , and Its destiny cannot bo dls-
putiMl. Will tiiKo vacant lot or improved prop
erty ami assunio some oncumbrauco. O. J.
Stc-rnsdorlT , rooms 317 and 31S , Klrst National
bank building. _ 115.
KXCH7\NUK-lCIghty acres of the llnest
timber land iu Wisconsin , clear of encum
brance. What have you to oirer ? ( J. J. Storns-
dorlf. looms 317 and 3l ! < , First National bank
8HOrsr.Sii-ntfally mcatoirwfiero th'o turni-
tnro is for sale on time. Co-operatlvo Land
and Lot Co. . 2)1 ) N , 10th St. 1SIO 2.1
"JjlOR SALK A private bank in siiuTherii
X' Nebraska. Address to M. Catudal. Camp-
boll. Neb. _ tin in3
WALIiACn-Uoom S ! { . Crclghton block.
Lots 4 nntl 0 , block 21 , Carthage ,
each . 81,003
totsW , V * . 11' , 21 , block U , WestCuming ,
oaili . lro >
Lot 11 , block H. Walnut Hill . WO
Lot 11 , block "A , " Hodford. corner llrlntol
nud JXJtli. cast trent , a bargain , nt . 1,500
Lot 4 , block 15 , llodford 1'laco , fronts on
3 < lth street . I.MXI
LotSI , block 3llawthorne . l.fiTO
Lot 14. Ilurdftte Coiut . 7tO
Lots 21 nud 22. block i > . Orchard Hill. 100
feut front on Gurllch nnd l : < 0 tent on
Lowe avenue , n great bnrgalu.for both. . 1,750
All the nbovo on very asy terms.
Lot ! ! , bled : "V. " Shlnn's , 01 feet front , with
good fi-room cottage , will taku some trade , 01
sell on easy p lyments.
Wallace , Croiqhton Illoct. _ 101 27 _
TjVH ) SALK "room house In complete order ;
X1 1710 N..27tb. Inquire 170(1 ( N. 37th. Iffl-aiJ
"TJ OU SALlI-Atft D.irgam ; 2 nowes ; . sound ;
X ! work double and .single ; ono a good driver ;
call 2D10 Davenport at. _ 1GV25T
T AND I ImvelO.ilOOacroa of choice farming
Xflunds In eastern uud middle NobraHknwhIuh
I will sell nt from * > to * 12 per acre. Will ma'co
fipoclnl price for tlio whole 10,0,10 acres if taken
in u lump. Ceo. H. I'tJiotson , 1112 8 13th st. ,
_ < ! 4S mil
TJtOU 8ALn Lot 40x100 , Bouth of rair grounds
X1 lu Kirk wood ; juice * la > l , ono-fourtn cash.
.1. II. Loomls. 1'J-JJ Win st. _ f,73 St
TjlOU SALK-Tho llnujt rosidnnco site In West
X1 Omalia ; Just south ot Faruirn on .17th
street ; a corner 185x17 with Hr f''ot frontage
on paved Direct and Joining the handsome rest-
dunce ot IClrkeudall on the ust and llrady.Kus-
son and Martin on the south ; a perfect gem
and garden pot for an ntagaut home.
Hartley and 2lnt streets , 111x1117 , on pavement
within thice blocks of the court houss ; room
for suven line Houses that would rent as rap
idly ns completed. A splendid permanent In
r.inum and 22d stret-ts , 5)x133 ) , with new
threo-story brick .store buildlii ! , ' , rented to good
permanent tenants , llental recelpta $1,20) ) per
Sixteenth street near Nicholas , frontage 61
feet to ulloy. ( Jood bualiioss troportv.
Farnam street between IWth and JUth , f rout-
ago 4S or 01vl33 to alloy , south trout , 1 block
from pavement , nnd strout cars.
I'arn avenue , opposite Hanscom park , 50x15) ,
price ? 2aiJ , , easy terms.
Paddock Place , trackage , 00x112 , J3.0JO , easy
ICth street south of Vlnton st. , lot for sale or
trade for incise , or court farm land.
8. A. Sloman .1301 Farnara st. 250
S OUTH OMAHA I have a number of good
lots in various additions that must be sold
atoncoauJ c.m bo bought at prices that will
sultyou. O. .1. Stcrnsdorir , rooms 317 and 31S
FiTht National bank ) mlldlng. _ OM
TTIOItHalu or oxc'.iangu A resldojic * at 2Utu
X .Marys ava , has 7 rooms , bath
room , laundry , sewerage , gas and city watur.
Will tuko peed outside building Kite as part
payment. David .lumieson. 311 S iStli. 7iw
WOUTHY of your attention. Now bom- ;
completed on 2Jth t , north of Loavon-
wortn t , two houses ronvenloiit to buslnoas ,
very roomy , grate , mantel , furnace , gas. bath ,
toilet , 2 water closets , stationary wusn tubs ,
hut uud cold water , flvo bedrooms , 10 closets ;
only M-SSO , on terms to suit. Telephone 227 or
W.T , Seaman , Omaha'a largest variety ot wag.
0115 currniges. etc. , east ntae liith st , nortl : of
'Nicholas st. _ 1:12 : _
FOU SALI5-Acaaomy of Music building and
two business loU , ( i rand iHlaud , Nobr.iska ,
ground 4 IxitJ feet , building brick , two stonrx
high and utonn basements , all In good repair ;
terms easy ; pnro $ IHl K ) . Knqulro of Thompson
Bros. . Orand Island , Nebraska. 701iul2 *
TJlOIt SALK -The most pleasant aud best loca-
X ? ted little homo In town , suitable for a man
with a small family who wants something very
choice and not too expensive. Has nevur been
put on the m&rket before and will undoubtedly
be sold soon. It will puy you tu Investigate this
promptly. 'C. F. Harrison. Merchants Nat , ll'jc.
TTIOIt SALK Nine-room house , barn and lot
X in Hanscom 1'laco ; also 2 houtas and lots In
Bunny Bide. HarrU , room 411 , 1st Nat. bank.
f'J3 )
ThOlt HALK or Leasa Frame building ubou
X1 40x50 with thr u years' lease .of lot.WI Doug
lus st. Ut )
TjlOIl SALK or I'.xtiiaugu Improved stock
'X' furmof Hty acres , in eastern Nebraska , near
market ; also new lrooin housn , wltliall con
veniences , in desirable residence portion of
Omana. Andrew llavlns , nuornuy , < 22 and 423 ,
I'axton block , Omaha , Neb 957
" \TO rash payment required. Will sell you a
-U > lull lot lu Saiindni'S k IJlmebtugii's add
for MX ) nndtaku mortgage for full amount duo
In liyeai.snn condition that you build n housn
to cost not leas than * 1X ) . O.K. Heller , rooms ,
8 W corner loth and Douiilai , 4'1'J
TTWJU 8ALBCheap-Not for tradu ; 643.7B acres
X1 Und ( sec. M2-0) two miles from Marquutto ,
Hamilton county , Nebraska , Frame house , sta
ble , I'M acres under good barb-wire tence ,
round cedar posts , two utays. Jiving water.j : ) -
font channel , 2 well * , 'M ) bArrol' tank , corral ,
Kelt-feeder , a natural mock ranch , In H Una corn
1'rlco | 5OW
Cash In hand S.7KI
2 years'time fl percent 3.2.V )
Tin and look over lan'l ' Address owner. F. K.
livinj , mti Larimer t n n iv i r.n
FOU SAU'-5-roojii cottage on IBth st. bet.
Center and Dorcas , lot 31x17 , tV ! , < J. easy
tniin > ; iM'i Is a bargain. M , A , Upton Co. . Ititti
and Funuiiu. , cni
Foil SALE-Sonth and east toruer O'lxlSl , in
the neighborhood of the Milton Hogers
property. West Funmui tr t. very nightly.
'I lila Is choice property In n cholca neighbor
hood and \\lll b sold cheap. Jt will pay you to
investigate tits locality uud this imitlcular
piece of ground. C. V. Harrison , MorchanU'
National bank. ntyi
TjiOIt 8ALi-Or : exclinnge for Omaha prop-
X1 erty. m acrf . mlt iblu for platting ; will
make 400 lots , all clear , big money lu It for somu
one VYhocanim.jii thl . located Jiut ouUlda the
city limit * of Council lllullj. Inquire duo , J.
Hternjdorir. rooms yi ; vul 118 , Hrnt HiiUonal
bank building. > .
AOKSIUATILK residence lot with nonsp. ono
block from Kloctrio Motor line , luoilva in
Council muffs , for Nebraska land , 1. O lloa-
ham. ranriiird st , , Council nitUM. 81B-31
TpOH SALlfChoicest"property In Orchard
X1 Hull 10-room house , fill modern Improve
ments , and a full lots. D. E. Johnson , owner ,
&T , I'axtou bjock. foii-37
"l : > K"A7 > THt3 I have a customer for good
X\building lot vt ho will make n small cash
payment , build n house and make a building
loan nnd give a sucoiui mortgage for balance of
purchase money. It you have a good lot to soil
on these terms 1 can dispose of It for yon , or It
you have anything to sell very cheap for cash
list It with mo. ( irovor Stevens , 610 and 517
raxton block. Telephone 1115. 141-37
IjlOH HALU A beautiful residence In Hans-
X1 com Place , east front on 30th st. just south
of 1'oppleton nve , lot (0x111 to graded alloy ;
yard nicely sodded ; S-room house , bath , hot
nud cold water , gas , sewer , electric bells , hard ;
wood tlnlsh. IftaKen nt onre will sell this ilno
home for nmount much below its value. No
nicer nolchborhood in thn city. To those that
mean business we would like to show this
property. Wo will make thn price right. M ,
A. Upton Comptny , 10th and Farnam. 3JI
"JrUM HALK Elegant corner lot one block olt
X1 the street car line , running jreguUrly nud
where the electric motor will noon add their
lino. Lot lies nlcclv and Is ollcrcd rrioaper than
any lot In thl.s addition , 1'rico , * 150 , taxi cash ,
balance $5 per month. Inquire nt residence
401 N 15th st. Call In the evening or on Sunday.
ijlOH SALliNicunowiVroom house , barn for
X1 4 horses , well and cistern ; everything first ,
class ; full lot. In llodford Place , 2JO foot from
Stnto street (30th ( sU $ ; ,200 , $100 cash , balance 1 ,
Sand 3 vears ; or * 2OW , * 1I50 cash , balance A
years , M. A..UptonCompany. ICth and Farnam.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
T A sacrifice 12axl50 ft , oit ana north
trout , corner 'l-.Hh and Howard ( its. , ono
block west of Cos's nnd Klrkciul.ill'H nna resi
liences , two blocki from pared strout , two
blocks south ot Farnam at. : Just think of it ,
12(1x151) ( ) ft. and a corner at that , and only fl.WO.
O. R. Koltor , room 5 , a. w. oor. 15th and Don las
FOOLS wo mortals bo" S12.IHO
buys ten-room house with Antique oak
and natural cherry finish , side tK > nnl In dining
room of sumo with all latest modern conven
iences ; nicely decorated , stationery laundry
tuns , nna a BCIII of n house nil through. Knst
front and full lot on Oeorgln nvo. Tnko It
quick ; party going to Icavo city.
fti.ooU buys 10,1x145 , on corner ifitu nnd Farnam
Bin. ; cast front and best bargain for money ill
tlio rlty : both streets pnvoil
JT.WHJ buys eight-room house nnd burn nnd nil
latest conveniences. Host front on So.3th
btreot. Tnka good lot In pat t payment ,
$ ; , wxiuys ) n good six-room house on easy ,
H0xl77-footlot In West Omaha to exchange
oar. for goo.lluniso.
$ -r , > 00 buys n good no\v5.-room house nnd full
lot on easy payments.
87 , < iOO buys a splendid house , 8 rooms In
Kountr.o 1'iaco on IHiniuy street , or will tnko
smaller honsu In part payment.
JI.7IX ) buys n good house and lot oil Grant
near 20tli .street. Take tliU quick.
JI.51X ) buys good six-room house with nil con
venience" . Take good clear farm or $2,000 ;
equity In one us part payment.
1 have wagon loads ot good bargains oltlmr
lor aalo , trade or ( give away cheap ) to wilt the
most fastidious.
Got n move on you some time nnd come In.
1) . V. Sholos. Sin 1st Nnfl Hank.
"To not know n bargain thut we sea. " 7HJ
OH , UlOKhoro ! An cast front , r > J ft lot. on
Anii HI , , south ot llurdetto ; very tine view
for * lroo. How's that. M , A. Upton Company ,
10th nnd Farnaui. _ JIJl
FOU SAI.K BO ft. on Iflth street noarMnr-
thn. with cottage renting if 10 per month ,
prlco f5,30U ; terms very easy.
Lota " 1 nnd , block 1 , Orchard Hill , prlco
PMleach ; tonun easy.
71 ft , on ; oth Htraet Iwtween Cass nnd Califor
nia .su. . only J 1,000.
Lot il , block 1 , J. I. Itcdlck's nub. street at
both ends of lot , prlco H OU ; terms easy.
( ! oed lot In block 4. Omaha View , prlco J1.100.
Iot 11. block 1 , I'lalnvluw , price JI.I.V ) .
Oood corner In Lowe's addition , CO ft , south
front , prlco only JW.
l.ot.'i'i , llurr Oak , fronting Hnnscom puik ,
price ? 1-V ) .
M ft. south front , lot on Jackson st. In Inane
& Solilen'.s add , jirlcu $1,700.
J.ot2blockU , Hlllsldu No. 1 , r > 0ft south trout '
on Cass ss , price e..COJ ; cash 81,00(1. ( bal live yn
at f per cent.
Uit 1. block 1. Hillside No. X. prlco I..TuO ; cash
tl.'M ' , bal II vu yrs at 8 per cent.
Joti : , block I. Hillside Is'o.2 , prlco $2.7W ; cash ,
$ lOJ-l live years nt 8 per cent. LOOK these
uu and sne what advantages they have over IDS-
idcnvo lots In other localities.
lxs In lllll-sldo Hoserve from K.W > to nr > 00.
ThU Ix fast becoming one of tha llncstroatdence
localitle.s in Omalia , uud wu are preunred to of
fer some of tne best of this property for sale at
tlio lowest possible prices , and to make special
inducements to parties who will build.
If you contemplate building a $ tn.W ( , S'JO.OO
or SHJ.UUO home this season lot ns show yon ono
ot tlie camera in the city on which to
build it. It Is l ilx-OJ ft and ft outs south and
cast.Kast front lot in block ? , Potter's addition.
1'rlco 81i5tl. :
Jot 4. block 1 , Potter's addition. 1'rics 81.475.
DoubVj oijrnor In t'ottar's adltlon , MJxl * ft ,
only J2m
Wi > il improved buslnojs lot , with sewer con
nections , rlty water , eu % , routing * 'i7il per year
nnd In a locality where renlB are advancing.
Price JMHO. A good Investment for nomeone'
nTwo new houses and lotH in weitoru part o
the city , with modern convenient-OS. Price
SJ.r.O an dn,500 respectively. Terms , tJX ) cash ,
bal monthly.
A few Hue residences In Kountzo place and
Ilanpcoin place that wo should llk to uhow
parties wanting homes.
Lots is Couicil IllullH within three quarters
of u inlloof the postolllcc fro I'.M to 83H.O
U'orms easy.
A few ot the best corners In Council HlulTs on
llroartwayln tlio vicinity ot the motor power
honre and carriage factory.from 1.,0 to tl.anu.
Fomu of the ntiovo list nro oil eivd at from 10
per cent to 2'i per cent below their actual rnluo
and we should be pleased to have the propcry ,
investigated. Potter & Cobb , 1001 r.inmm -
TNSTjlirjlllNTB placed on remrdrius uu
Jyesterday. .
W It Klston and wife to H St Gillaspoy , a
a of n o 17-15-10 , w cl . 1 1,300
E .1 Albright to .1 A Gumming , lot 1'J , blK
2 , 1'riiyn'B sub of lota Jlydo parK. w a. KIO
O ( ! MonrotoC A WlUon. lot 5 , blk 'J ,
Woodlawn , So Omnhn , wd . J.OOO
M KUwurds to I' Leonard. 1st In n e cor a
wB-lS-13.wil . 3.000
C IJaumlcy to K llaumley. tiartsub lots 16
nnd 111 of lot il. Capitol add , w il . 1&,0K ( )
C KllnxthiUHpn to J Knvan , part lot Z ,
blk 12 , Jmprorcmeut nsboulntlon add ,
w < l . 2,705
So Omaha Land Co to 1) ) A and J B Har
rington , lot 4 , blk 113 , Bo Omulia , w rt. . . tj
Q UCmudall to II .1 1'ruyu , H ) , lots 11
nnd 12. blk2 , Hillside No. X' , wd . 2,500
D U Patterson nnd wife to 11 1C 1'axtoii ,
lot.0 , blk fi , r tter on park , w d . 700
I , and S Miller to 0 Miller , und JJ w H a w
14-1'W' ' ' . w d . 5H
Ii SchroeitHi' . trcasuror , to rV Hand-
hauor. lot 22 , blfc , Drown park , w it. . . . 600
M A Hillings und wlfotoO Hmith , lots 9
und 10. bk4 , Ulvorsldo add , w (1 . 460
S 1C Keltou and wlfu to II II Crunk , lot 10. -
blkH. Orchard Hill , w tl . 2,500
Union Stock Yards Co to John Stubon , lot
I. blk : ) , 1st add to South Omaha , w A. . . uw )
M K ClnrK to ( Jcorgu ( iardnor 14 lot R ,
blk 2H , Omaliu , < i c it . 10
M 8 Johnson ot M to t , Morgan , lot U. blk
0 , Meyers , Itlcliardn & Tlldeu'H add , q
c cl . / . 3
( J 15 Darker and wife to VV II 1'hnmp.son
etnl. lots \ " \ nnd 24 , Mnyno's add to
Orchard 1 1111. wil . 1,000
I , fchroodcr , trustee , to C Melltz , lot 1 ,
blk 14. llrown park , w d . 3M
J J Mackudon amivlfe to J Golden , lot
27. Tuttlti's snb , wd . B.OOO
JUoldeu ( o TAUolden. lot 27. Tuttlo's
nub , .
T A ( lolden to K B Vex , lot 27 , Tattle's sub ,
wd . B.OOO
I M Ht Jolm and husband to J Mnder-
holin , si ' lut M. blk 1 , Park pluuo , iiml a
K lot I , ink 0 , Control I'ark. u ml . 100
J Kuvnn and wll'o to C lluxthansen , vV
lot 20 , Kensington , w d . I,2u0
Bo Omaha Lund Co to J 1 * Iforn , lot s blk
1IH , So Omaha , w d . 510
A Kuiint7e and wife to K AtiKtistln , part
lot 27 and : % Komitr.d add , w d . WO
D VHholes tel ! V Wehllng. w < , , ' lota 11
nnd 12 , blk 3 , 1.1 ti ton place , vf A . COO
D U I'atturaon ami wlfoto IS 1'nlr , lot 4 ,
blk f > , I'attereon park , w d . , . . COO
K A Kuhn , treasurer , to A Christian , lot
Id. blk ! ) . Crelgnton Heights , w il . 400
Heirs of J 8 Shull to J ttteel , lot 20 , blk 15 ,
Khnirs2d.iild.-wil. . . , ; . . ' . aV )
I Trlnborth and wlfo to H Townsend , lot
U-blic 1 , Cunnlngham'H sub. wd . . , . . . . JMX >
Jl Townsenil tu J Trlnberth , BBIUB as
abovu.wd . , . , . 1,000
M 31 iiur.sli all aid wlfo to J Ilodpc , lot 4 ,
blkti. Hillside No. 1 . 1
W H Mills audwife to J J Hrhmltz , imrt
lot fi , lilk 15 , Iu > provom nt At > n'n mid , n
u d. . . , . , . 1
Y 3 1'orr.ons and wlfo t < > J II Wftlltroric ,
pai r lo 2 , blk I , 1st add to So Ouiaha ,
wd . CM
K A Ikouon nnd wlfu to O J llollbudor ,
lot 3 , blk B , Ilrlg s 1'Iace , w d . 2.00J
KJ Furil nml Imnuana to O J Viclcnnl.
lota 1 and II to 17 bllcal'jkurd'8 a.UU to
Westlawn , wd . „ . . J.OOO
FOHoyttoA Wankel. let 4. blk 23. Morsn
fi Itriiim'ir's add. w d . i V )
II (1 ( Clark and wife to II A Jcnuen , lots
24 uud Si , Htewurt I'Uce. w d. . . ' . , . . . 5.0CO
OttoLobock am ! ulfn toYIHIitu Me.
Afee , loUO nnd 7 , blk 3 , Lincoln I'lur.o ,
wd . , . _ H ° °
1'orty transfers. , . , . IT..O-'I '
Mo 1 1 d n ,
Department of the I'latte. Chief Quarter.
matttvr'a Olilcu , Omaha , { tab. , April I , > > > ' > .
Tlmol5th ( in t ut ) for ii ) > tfnlni ; proposals for
construction of olMcur * ' quartorn , .
etc. , ut Tort Mobrara. Nohriulcu , s txttby \ \
my udvurtUoiuent of I'Jtli uitmo , U Ueferrml
until ' o'clook p. HI. , central tlm . tlio 27ili In-
utailt.VM. . 11. HUGIllW. LlJi't. l > l. uiul
Deputy QiiartcruMstor U aeral , U. K A.
' '
" _ _ pouNunr
Leave. I Arrive.
A No.S Uip.m. ) A No.l 7:00 . in.
O No.O 0OUa.mJo : No li r.:50p-.m. :
A No.4 , . . U:4ln. : ) tn.iA No. U 0:45p.'m. :
A No.4 U:51a.m.A : | No.S .78:15a. m.
A No.C . . . < Uf : > Sn. m.A | No.3 nwp. : m.
Kxdopt Saturday. * Fxcoiit Monday ;
No. 0 H:40n. : m.'No. ' 7 ' .1:4,5 : n.m.
No.8 4l : * > | 3 000aim. ;
No. 4 HMO p. m.lNo. 6 0:15 p.m. !
All Trains Dally.
A No.2 0:40a. in. A No. l 0:50a.ra ,
A No. 4 . , . . .7Wlp. : m.'A No.3 7:10 p.m.
JI It U I111 D
No , : . . . B:3.r : a. III.IA No.3 n:10a. : m ,
No.4 i ) : : p. m.lA No. 1 fl.-alp.ih.
No. 10 7tt1 : a. in.'A ' No.ll 8.Vin , in.
No. 12. . .7M : ( ii. ni.'A No. 11 0UOp'ui ,
No. 8 . . . .4:15 p. m. A No.7 12:00 m.
A d .illy : n dally except Saturday ; 0 except
Sunday : I ) uxcopt Monday : * fast mull.
Mho time gjvnn above H for , thora
being from live to ton' minutes between Trans-
er and local duDots.
\TOTICR In hereby given IliatllRns Wnlf lm
JlilcU with thi ) city clerk of Florcuco , Nub. .
an application for llcon-.ii to Bolt malt , spiritu
ous uiul vinous lltiuor.s lu u bulldtnu lornu l oil
lot H , block S. In tlio Hrst wurd of Md city , from
May .let. IhW , to May l t. IM > , and unless uro-
inonsiruivv , objection < " ' protest against Issu
ing the Hnmo Is Hind , ns ruiitilrcd by law. said
license will b granted.
. , " ' 'H Wtir.r , Applicant.
It , „ . OI.MSTKIJ. City Clork.
Ddtoil at FlorennNob. . , April IStli ,
, , Holloo to Cradors.
Boated proposals will bu riiuelvoltnt the ofllco
of the county clerk , until 2 u'lo-k p. m. , B.itur-
day , April ft tu taut. , for the riiiinlug ot irmdors
NOH. I and 2. Heiiu-rutu bids v-i | | bo iwclvod for
hill ami turnpike work , auil mrbld * uiimt be
nipompanlfd by certified check tar IIOJ. Plans
niul HHrlflrntlons ] to t > a s cn nt the omco of the
county clerk. M , D. HOUHK , County Clone.
- - - -
Graceful Form ,
Combined In
Skirt Supporting Corset
It In cnu of Hie mull popular In thn mrfc 41 Mn4iiU
1 lD iHnttdii ler liiOiu lm , | Vlc U. & .
Ttj , Harmon k 3haivrlck , H