Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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    'i'HJB OMAHA DAHiY BEE : WEDNESDAY. APltlL 24 , 1889.
Wheat Vtvluoa Slip Backward sun
Onto Quiet anil Narrow I'rovlslotiB
Strongly Bearish In Their
Movements Jjlttlc or No
Change In Cnttlo.
CHICAGO , April 23. [ SpcclM Telegram to
Tim Hr.E.l The wheat market Clipped back
mill further to-day. About the only rny of
llfiht for the bulls was a London cable from
WntKor & Co. bringing conllrmatlon of the
reports of damage * to the Kusslnn crops by
frost nnd consequent firmness In the Russian
markets. , This , however , fulled to revive the
drooping American markets , except momen
tarily. The wtmthor was nKninst Improvement -
mont in tone or prlco , and foreign market
cables averaged rather easier. The export
movement from the seaboard falls to show
up us might bo dcvlrcd. In the local Holds
the bears covered steadily and an amount ,
enormous In the aggregate , was bought to
fill outstanding speculative contracts. On
the other hand long wheat keeps pouring out
by wholesale nnd fetall. The most stubborn
of the bulls arc the ones who have suffered
the worst punishment , and they arc at length
confessing defeat and getting out from
under the ruins of ono of the most promising
bull movements ovbr soon In this market.
T io rout seems complete. The decline has
been greater than the advance. It was sold
to-day that .Inly wneat had novcr sold so low
in April as thin morning. Such proves not
to bo the case , however , for on the 4th of
lost April July wheat sold In Chicago nt
( fl'fo. It got down to % c for u moment ,
to-day. There was some reaction from the
mid-scsHlon break to 73 ; < o on reports of exports -
ports business working nt the seaboard for
England und vho continent , and on the local
covering , but the market did not hold nt the
recovery , and during the last half hour n bad
break occurred , accompanied by trudinp on
a very largo Scale and considerable excite
ment. On this decline July went to 77 c ,
Mav to SOc and Juno to 80 0. Ono of the
principal factors of the weakness to-day was
the pressure of May nnd Juno wheat. The
linuidntlon of the concentrated lines for
these months has been progressing on a
large scale for some little tune , und to-day
corned to bo the culmination of the opera
tions in this direction. The market has
been plugged as full of May nnd Juno us it
pould possibly stand , and with the close of
the session , whatever fears might have been
entertained up to that tlmo of manipulation
were dissipated. The crowd seemed to" "fool
In its bones" that not only had the last rem
nant of the Fulrbank and Lyon wheat gene
by the board , but that Hutchinson had nt
last joined the procession. Hutchinson was
n big buyer early , but by common consent
he'was n great seller later In the day , and
towards the clone in particular. Ucani ,
Cudahy , Iilnn and most of the bear leaders
wore heavy buyers , and in proof that they
had evened up and perhaps gone the other
way for a. turn , it was noted that almost to a
man they were preaching ' reaction. " George
Smith and Captain Phillips were the ex
ceptions to this rule , und they were counted
largo sellers. Wheat opened at Slo and sold
oft to SO'.tfc , reacting to SIJtfc , but selling oft
oguln tobOo , und closing 10 above the bet
tom. Juno had action earlier than May , and
opened nt 81c , Just where it left , oft Mon
day , gold down tobOi < fe , ralltod to81 , ' c , sold
off to 8c ( , and closed at 80 } c. July opened
at 79c , gained 'go , sold oft easily to 78 } c.
scorned strong about 785 c , suddenly slumped
to 78 , ' c about 11 o'clock , recovered to 73-tfc.
and , us before stated , broke oil to 77J c , and
closed at 78c. As compared with yesterday ,
this range shows n loss of l o in May , le
In Juno and lltfo'y ; ' ' - 1 > ho acgro-
gate of speculative business transacted in
the pit was very largo.
The brilliant weather nnd the weakness in
wheat wcro predisposing causes for lower
' prices in corn , bin although business was
dull and the surroundings discouraging the
market for that article showed much steadl
ess , if not strength. The expert clearances
'coin the Atlantic coast were the lightest
which have been scon for some time. From
New Orleans 71,000 bushels wcro cleared for
Quecnstown yesterday. There was consider
able changing of May contracts into July nt
about Ic premium , but , taltcu all together ,
trndo wns lignt and principally between the
local speculators. New York showed symp
toms of weakness , but St. Louis was in sympathy -
' pathy with the steadier fooling hero. The de
mand J'or shipment was again good and
prices In the cash market wcro at a slight
improvement upon yesterday. The closing
weakness in wheat encouraged some selling
by the lorn ! scalping olcmont and made the
closing prices to near the lowest of the day ,
showing in the end u decline , compared with
the corresponding time yesterday , of from
, l-llio to J < c on May and Juno , while the more
remote futures wuro unchanged.
Oats were quiet nnd narrow averaging
fully steady to firm nt yesterday's close ,
with some trading ax. Jrfc to ifc improvement ,
There was considerable changing of May
Into the two following months with July nt
bout $ { c premium , and May was offered
with moderate Jrccdoin D.V n few prominent
bouses. After openlnir steady May sold up
Ji'c to 22J c and Pack n fraction , with Juno
nt a point above nnd below 28c. The receipts
were fair nnd a moderate business wns done
In No. 2 oats to go to store at 22 ? o , or
Improvement. It was reported that consid
erable contract grade Is being transferred
trom private to regular warehouses , whlcli
will tend to enlarge the available supply for
May delivery If so desired.
Provisions were strongly bearish In their
movements. Trading opened'at about yes
lorday's closing prices , and for i time the
market was held pretty steady under the
buying of parties engaged in transferring
May holdings to July. As the day advanced
however , the bears became more nggrcnsivc
ind meeting with less opposition thai
they anticipated , their operations were
converted practically Into a raid. During
the closing forty-live minutes of 'change they
Immmorcd trade with a good determination
and as the breaks forced in values brough
out largo quantities of poorly margined o :
top-order property , they were greatly as
listed by the general deslrn developed t
realize. From 12:1)0 : ) o'clock to ad
journmcnt the offerings wcro execs
give as a rule , nnd the lowos
prices touched wore quoted. The closing
were also at or near the bottom figures , and
as compared with similar quotations of yes
terday , showed u nut decline of 27K@8T o In
pork , 7 } < jC in lard , and 7A @lOu in short ribs.
Packers opunly took little or no Interest In
thu market , and failed to give any intimation
as to how they stood or folt. Speculation , as
ueual , wns coiillncd mainly to May aml'July.
The last named month ranged at a premium
jvcr May of 17 (330 ( on pork , 7 > o on lard ,
ind 15o on short ribs.
CHICAGO , April 23. [ Special Telegram to
Tim UBE.--OATTU--Tho ] big decrease In the
run of cuttle has not us yet advanced prices
to the point expected. To-ilay'atrado was by
no means uoUva and prifeu underwent little
or no chunuo as compared with yesterday ,
Out us before noted , there U a slight advance
Vi desirable steers , as compared with the
low prices of last Thursday , the lowest day
of last week , and that advance Is quoted at
HKglCc , aci'ordliig tu obHurvatlons of cool-
bonded nnd conservative talesmen , The fat
corn-fed Texan * that are cnnlng along are
making satisfactory uricca. There are no
graspers worth montloiilnir. Cow stock was
reported scurco by buyer * for big llrros , and
prices remain about the sauia as lait week.
Veal calves arc almost unsaleable , and are
not ; > ayiiijai ( prices they are selling at too
many arriving at South Water utrcnt in the
city. Tim Etockcr and feeder trade remains
dull. A few lots , ns a matter of course ,
chuiigo hands fiom day to day , but there in
no reliable or stcwly diinand. Milkers and
HprhiKora uro coming along , unit are pi.'l-
died rut nt from flS to { 40 per
head , fresh mi.Ucrs with calves by their
elJi-s sfllliiy from $25 to $35 per head , Choice
tttra brines , f4.40.i$4.GO $ ; medium to Rend
Hven , 1350 to JSOO Ibt , riMSVJ.I ; I'M ) to
MM Ihs , | : i.COvif,4.05 ; SW to 12U ) Ifif. 13.80.3
1UJ ; ktockor * Hut ! fceJcrt ; , SS.WHSS.W ; caw * ,
wlta nml mixed , 1.C5(7M.15 ( ; bulk , $2.40 ®
! . ! Texas fed steers , $3.(0 : ( < < ? ! .W ) .
Hoes The demand wa only fair with a
illght down turn In prices , the bulk of the
jest mixed soiling at (1.75 , a few at ? 4.77 } < @
1.80 , with common packers as low as $4.65(5 (
1.70 nnd n few fancy heavy at $4.82K@4.85.
Light sorts , f Is usual on Tuesday , wcro
jcslectcd nt (4.7r @ 4.S7K' A lot of so-called
Fcxas pigs , averaging IfrO Ibs , sold as low as
= 4.40. _
NRW YOIIK , April 2. % [ Special Telegram
to TUB UBK.I STOCKS The Irregular stock
market of Monday left the speculators nnd
Investors very much nt sea on the action to-
lay. The moro hopeful ones saw many rcn-
icns for Improvement , The better earnings
ilrcady reported , the better business which
must follow the present decline In
cereals , the better methods prevail
ing among the managers of railroads ,
the action of the inter-stato commission In
looking sharply after abuses , all these were
counted on the bull sldo to take effect as soon
us tti9 holidays hero , and on the other sldo ,
ixrooutof the way. Nevertheless business
In stocks opened In n mild way this morning
with the Interest confined to half n dozen
stocks , The list was positively dull with
the exception of Tennessee Coal , Consoli
dated , St. Paul , Union Pacific , Atchlson nnd
Louisville & Nashville. First prices ruled
J to per cent under the closa yesterday ,
and these wcro followed by declines of % to
J < In Tennessee Coal and Atchlson , nnd an
advance of % In Consolidated Gas. Cot
ton Oil was especially weak , and lost I'l ' per
cent early , after a slight per cent at recov
ery. Prices at 11 a. m. were about the low
est of the morning. The hour following was
extremely dull , and except some Intimations
in Heading there wns no feature to noon ,
with sales of but 01,000 shares for the fore
noon. The heavy feeling In stocks was even
moro marked during the closing hours. Ten
nessee Coal led the regular list downward ,
touching 3'JVii or u loss of 2 | per cent. Uur-
llngton , St. Paul nnd Atohison showed a not
loss for the day of Jf per. cent each. Cotton
Oil ami Louisville lost 1 to 1'ff per cent each.
Chicago gascloscd per cent be lor at 50J4.
The depression in prices was on realizing
sales nnd the prospects of dullness in busi
ness and speculation for n tlmo nt loast. The
total sales of stocks wcro 1,533,500 shares.
The following wcro the closing quotations :
CiiiCAno , April 23. Wheat Lower ; casW !
TO c ; May , 80J4c ; ; July , 73c.
Corn Steady ; cash , SMo ; May , 81 7-lCc ;
July , 3ic.
OatsSteady ; cash , " 2 } o ; May , 22 ? c ;
July , 23Jfc.
Itye May , -I0c.
Hurley Nothing doing.
Prime -Tlmotliy-l.i3 ; < < 8 1. 35.
Flux (1.05.
Whisky 51.0:1. :
Pork Lowur ; May , tll.42J { ; July , tll.CO.
Lard Easier ; Maj' , fO.SOMO.SSU ; July ,
Flour Nominally unchanged.
Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , Ki.S
short clear , t0.25@0.:5TX : : short , ribs ,
Huttor Ensi ; creamery , 17i < ! > 2i ! < fci dairy ,
" Cheese Dull : full cream Cheddars
and fluts , 'J@10c ; Younj ; Americas , 10@
He.ECRS Steady ; fresh , 10@10fc. } (
Hides Steady ; heavy and llfiht t-racn
snltcU , " > J4o ; saltud dull , 4'fc : green salted
calf , Oc ; dry Hint , 7o ; dry salted , 7e ;
dry calf , 7@So ; ilcncons , 25e each.
Tallow Steady ; No. . 1 , solid packed ,
4o ; No. 2 , SJfo ; cake , -l c.
Hccelpts. Shipments.
Fl&ur . lil.OOO 2.5,0(10 (
Wheat . . . 17,000 27,000
Corn . 103,000 420,000
Oats . 141,000 112,000
Now York , April 23. Wheat Receipts ,
none ; exports , none ; spot , moderately
active and lower ; No. 2 red , b'e m
store ; 6ty.@StXa { afloat ; S.'lX@S4'o f. o. b. :
No. 3 red , 7'3Kc ' ; oitions fairly active , heavy
and lower ; May b @S.1Jfc.
Corn Ueceipts , 2'i,0)0 ( ) ; exports , 00,000 ;
suet , active and steady ; No. 2 , 41@4U'o
in elevator ; 45CfGJc ullout ; No. 3 , 4'J c ;
unKraded mixed , Jl ( < 45c ; options null
und higher.
Oats Ueceipts , 85,000 ; exports , 40 ; spot ,
easier nnd moderately active ; options ,
fairly active , llrm , ami hlehcr ; May , 2S o ;
July20k'c ; mixed western , 2Si @ 3yc : spot ,
No. 2 white , 33 @ * 'W . ' .
ColTco OntioiiH iiuiot : sales , 31,500 huen ;
May , Jlo.Slti.7. ( ( ) ; July , ttO.yo@10.05 ;
spot Klo , steady ; fair cargoes , (18.70.
Petroleum Quiet ; United closed at SUtfc.
EIKS Quiet but steady ; western , 12 > < @
Pork Firm ; now , $13.GO@ii.73. :
Lard Lower ; western steam , $7. 15M
7.17K ! May $7.00.
Butter Easy ; western ll@27o.
Cheese Dull but steady ; western , S } @
Ijlvcrpool. April 23. | SpecIul Cablegram
to Tun BcB.1 30 : : ! p. m. close. Pork In
poor demand ; prime mess , eastern. ti s ,
steady ; do western , 03s , dull.
Lard In poor demand ; spot , April ,
May and Juno , Btis , dull ,
Wheat In poor demand ; now No. 2 , win
ter , Cs 8d , easy ; do spring , 7sd ) , easy.
Flour In poor demand at 11s , dull.
Corn In poor demand for spot nnd fair de
mand for futures ; Hpot , its lOd , steady ;
April , May and June , 3s OJfd , steady. .
Hecolpts of wheat for the past week from
Atlantic ports , 5,000 quarters ; Paclllo ports ,
none ; other sources , 40,000 quarters.
Itccoi'jts of American corn , 00,400 quarters.
St. UmlH , April 23. Wheat Lower ;
casli,80e , ; May , 83J c.
Corn Higher ; .cash , 30 > ; ® 30 fc ; May ,
Outs Cash , 24c ; May , 23fc.
Pork Dull and lower ; S12.00@12.25.
Lard Lower at ft ) 60.
Whisky Steady at 11.03.
)3ulter ) Quiet and \veaner ; cro.iojcry , 23@
21e ; dairy , 21@22c.
Oltioluniifl. April 23. Wheat Dull ;
No. 2 red , S.Vjt80c.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , % c.
Oats Weak ; No. 2 mixed , 20tfe. }
Whlsky-Sii-iidy ; Ji.iW.
Mllwuuktif , April 23. Weak ;
cash , 77 > fn ; May. 77o.
Corn Steady ; No. ! ) . 33 } 0f31o.
Oats Dull ; No. ? , white , 2fi2io.
Uye-Easy ; No. 1 , 42 0.
Harley K.isy ; No. 2. BiJe.
Provliiloiia Easy ; jionc , { lln.V
UanaiiH ( Jliy , April 23. Wheat- Weak ;
No. 2 red , cash , 70o naked ; .July , Mo ; No ,
2 soft , caah , 7lo * ; May , 70 > fo asked ; July ,
OO 'o bid. 04K < 5 asked.
Corn StroiiKur ; No , 2 cash , 25o nskod ;
May , 25o bid , 'iVM" i > sku'J ,
Oats No. 2 , ciixb , 0e aslceil ; May sales
at 2Jc ,
AtliincoiollN , April 23. Wheat Sample
wheat a shude ilrmer ; receipts , 170 curs ]
slilpmtr.ith , ( > .r ) Closing ; No.l hard , April.
UAo ; May , OTiXn ; on track , ' . ) f > o ; Mo. liiorth'
orn , April ami May , b.iUoon ; traca. tSoviOci
No , 2 , tior'.ltcrr. , April iiticl May , 74(40 : on
trivok , 70c.
. April CO. The Irotr n > ' Journal
rcixirt * ao follow * !
Cattle HncAjipts , V.OOO ; uiarul ! steady ;
beeves , H.40Q4.CO ; btoui-it , J3.'ei.25 : |
Btoukors and fvcdoifi , l2.u\K3.tiO ; cows ,
bulls nnd mixed , $ l.C5ift ( : 15 ; Texas
Horn Hecolpts. 13,000 ; umrkot steady ]
wlxc.T. K.WK .e' y ; heavy , f4.WQ4.bO ]
natives , t3.75g5.40 ; western corn-fed , $4.00
(35.80 ; lambs , .75 < 30.00.
KiYnnnn City , April 23. Cattle Receipts ,
4,000 ; shipments , J , 000 ; market weaker , ex
cept for fat cows nnd heifers ; common to
choice , ; corn-fed , W.OOQ4.25 ; stockcrs nnd
feeders , $2.00@3.00 ; cows , ( LrsCit SS.
Hogs Hcccipts 1,000 ! shipments , 8,000 ;
weak , lower ; good to choice , f4 42
common to medium , f4.25@4.75.
Nntlounl Slock YnriN , 12iU St.
L/oiils , April 23. Cattle Receipts , 2,300 ;
shipments , none ; market strong ; choice
heavy native steers , J3.SO@4.40 ; fair to
good , MOOcHK ( ( ) ; stockers nnd feeders ,
? 2.10@3.10 ; rangers , corn-fed , f2.75Q3.50 ;
grass-fed. fcJ.OO ( < r,2.$5.
Hogs -Hocelpts , 0,000 ; shipments , 400 ;
easy ; choice heavy nnd butchers' selec
tions , $4.(10@l,75 ( ; packing , ? 4.50@4.05 ;
light grades , $4.00(34.75. (
SloiiT City , April 23. Cattle necclptu ,
40 1 ; shipments , ; stcany : f at steers. W.lXXjj
3.50 ; stockers , $ J.3o2.83 ; feeders , J3.40C . 0 ;
cnnners nnl bulls , Jl.OOQl.80 ; veal calves ,
? 2.00@4.00.
Hogs Hecolpts , 1,03d ; 7Ki510o ( lower ;
light nnd mixed , (4.45 ( 4.50 ; heavy ,
Tuesday , April 23 , 1880.
The trade opened with handy little cattle
In good request , and the supply being rather
light , they sold strong. Heavy cattle were
not In qulto so strong demand , fortho reason
that they wcro moro plenty , but they sold nt
stcadv prices during the morning. Toward
the ctoso the market showed some signs of
weakening , and the close was easy. Taking
the market ai a whole , the prices paid were
about 20c higher than last week's low point.
Butchers' stock was not very plenty , nnd
commanded fully steady prices. There wns
n little trading in feeders mid stackers , but
the demand was good , and the only reason
for the limited amount of business was the
scarcity of that kind of cattle.
The hog market was 5@IOc lower , but the
demand was good nt the decline , nnd nl-
though the receipts were the heaviest for
several weeks , the pens were cleared by mldj
day. Two loads brought $4.55 , nnd there
were quite a good many trades nt $4.50 , but
iho popular price was $ l.4.i. The receipts to
day wcro the heaviest of any day since
March 12 , when 5,804 hogs were received.
As compared witli thu corresponding day
last week , the receipts to-day were two nnd
n half times larger. The prices paid were
the lowest in over a. week.
The market was steady , with n moderate
number on sale. The supply o' sheep was
not very large , but there were n few loads
on sale. Two loads wcro shipped In direct
o the packers , nnd of the number on snlo
, here were two loads'of fair Nebraskans , part
ambs ; ono lotui of light common shearlings ,
nnd a load of good Nebraska sheep and
attlo . i . 1,700
Hogs . - . . 4,800
Sheep . 000
I'rcvnilliii : I'rlces.
The following is a table of prices paid in
this market for the grades of stock men
tioned :
Prime steers. 1300 to 1500 Ibs. , ? 3.70 © 4.10
Prime steers , 1100 to 13JO Ibs. . 3.0'J ( < : i.S5
Native feeders . 2.70 ' . )3.15 )
lominoti to good cows . 1 50 (5J ( > 2.'iO (
Choice to fancy cows . 2.0.1 ( . ( 3.15
Fair to choice Dulls . 2.00 @ 3.10
Fair to choice light nogs . 4.45 ( a'4.5."i
Fair to choice heavy hogs . 4.4 ° 5 " (44.55 (
Fair to choice mixed hogs . 4.45 ( < $4.50
Fair to choice western sheep . . 3.90 @ 4.75
Fair to choice Nobijaskas . 3.75 ( < $4.00
Representative Sales.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
. 895 S3.25 40 1285 $3.70
. 8S3 8.25 15 11)3 ! ) 3.70
17 . . 8S2 a.4o 18 1412 3.70
20 . . 774 3.40 18 1229 3.70
14 . .10:10 : 3.45 18 1211 3.72
4 . . 915 3.50 22 1135 3.75
0 . .1103 3.50 18. . 3.75
9 . .1255 38. . .1280 3.75
KJ . .1253 87. . .1210 3.75
is . .1000 22. . .125 ! ) 3.75
3 . .1083 3.00 31. . . 14CI5 3.80
3 . 10S3 20. . .1285 3.80
5 . 13. . .1304 3.80
14 . 913 30. . .1200 3.80
1 . .1100 3.B2K 21. . .1400 3.85
0 . .1145 3.03 * 10. . .1J504 3.83
33 . .1127 3.63 18. . .1801 3.85
37. . . . . .1037 3.05 37. . .1420 8.87K
. . . .1172 3.113 38. . 3.K ! )
. . . .1123 3.05 13 1370 3.00
. . . .1038 3.05" 18 1405 3.00
10 . HO',1 3.05 58 1439 3.05
18 . 1000 3.07 } * 0 1333 4.00
34 . J221 3.07 } *
I. . SC4 1.85 12. . 950 2.00
I.a. . .1174- -.00 8. . 870 2.05
22. . t'i-7 ' 2.00 18. . 974 2.70
2. . U7t ) 2.00 1. .1100 2.75
3. . 1170 2.15 18. .1074 2.75
1. .1100 2.23 9. .1070 2.75
10. . .170 2.25 1. .1150 2.80
.1021 2.45 3. .1000 2.85
.1041 2.45 21. . 970 2.90
.1120 2.50 .1014 2.90
10. .1030 2.55 .1195 2.90
1. .1102 2.00 . 990 3.00
12. .1180 2.00 .1530 3.00
12. .1157 .1147 3.10
.1510 2.00 1. . .1300 2.50
.1440 2.25 1. . .1340 2.CO
.1440 2.40 1. . .1500 2.00
.1700 2,50 1. . .1530 2.75
.14UO 2.50
. 370 2.75 18. . . 820 3.00
. 070 3.00 2. . .1005 3.00
. 850 3,00 80. . . 5'J3 3.10
17 bulls , Hay State 1717 2.CO
55 bteers , liny State 1414 3.90
88 steers , Standard Cattle Co. . . . 14UU 3.90
, 180 4.50 29. . . , 105 4.00
123 4.50
SOO 3.10 4. . . . 003 3.10
1070 1.75 0. . . , 000 2.75
20155 3.25
010 1.75
HANOI : cows.
72. . SO. " 1.80
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shit Pr.
51. . . .290 100 4.40 IX ) . .278 bO * 4.45
CD. . . .233 100 4.42 > < J J0. ! 4.45
53. . . .2iO 4.45 40
68. . . .200 1(10 ( 4.45
BO. . . .275 2-10 4.45
CO. . . .27b 120 4.45
43. . . .245 4.45
01. . . .284 80 4.45
05. . . . 'Ml 4.45
70. . . .24S 120 4.45
70. . 4.45
G8 . . .253 100 4.45
77. . 80 4.45
01. . ! i277 200 4.45
& 7. . . .251 100 4.45
70. . . .27 * bO 4.45
f > 5. . . .303 120 4.15
. 201 SO 4.45
59 ! ! . .203 120 4.45
. .270 4.45
5l ! ! . .253 80 4.45
01. , . .270 SO 4.43
73. . . .227 4.45
CO. . . .247 60 4.45
00. , . .234 120 4.45
72. , . .220 40 4.40
05. . . .2(13 40 4,45
07. , . -ay 40 4.45
75. , . .SJ4 4.45
51. . 4 0 4.45
75. , ! ! . ' 120 4.45
CO. , . .269 40 4.45
CO. . . . X ? 80 4.45
02 , , . .200 120 4.45
41) ) 4.45
7o. , ! ! 240 4.45
73. , . .25S 40 4.45
65 , . .254 4.45
& 5. , . .2 JO bO 4.45
52. 4.45
71. ! ! 203 4.45
No. Av. Pr
137 Ncbra Ua natives 75 4.05
Iilro Stock Note * .
Hogs lower.
Light cottlfl strong.
Cattle market dosed weak ,
The top on oattic ono year ago to-day wa
14.20 ; two yew a ago 4 00. and three year
ago Sl.ifi.
Oub yejr URO to day lioga ttohl at a raiif-
of $5.05(35,25 ( ; two ycafs ago , f5.05S5.30 , nnd
hrco years ago , | 3.JTK38 80.
Heavy rccoipu ot hog * .
To-da > 's arrivals if I 'cattle wore liberal ,
and the heaviest ( slnco Wednesday , but
ightor than Ian Tjucsdny by nearly 1,000
hond. , . ,
In splta of the decline , the hog market
icro Is still higher In proportion than other
makcts , nnd nlthoirgh'a Uccllno Is never en-
Ircly satisfactory to the selling Interests ,
nothing else could mnra been expected to
Krultfl ,
Table , aalry , 10@lSe ; packers'
stock , S@llc , CrcXmcry prints , fancy , 2-1 ®
20c ; choTco , 20@22c ; solid packed , 20@22c.
Eonn Strictly fresh ; Hc lOc. Young America , full cream , 13o ;
twin lints , 12o : oft grndcn , 8@10c ; Van Hos-
som Edom , ll50c ; sap sago , 19c ; brick , 15c ;
Imburgcr , 12c ; domestic Swiss , J4o ; skims ,
( gttc ; chccso safes , bronze medal , No. 8 ,
PoUi.Tiir Live hens per doz , $3.25(38.50 ( ;
roosters , M.00@3.25 ; turkeys , lOWllu per Ib.
Arri.ns Uenltems , per bbl , fi.OO ; Wine-
saps , per bbl , $2.75 ; N. Y. Baldwins , per bbl ,
CIIAXIIKIIIIICS Hell nnd Huglc , per bbl ,
7.00 ; Hell nnd Cherry , per bbl , $0.00 ; Jcr- >
soy , per bushel box , $2.50.
STiiAwniiiiniES Per case , 21 qts , $ C.OO@
OiiANonh Fancy Washington navels , $5.00
® 5.25 ; Hlvoruldo , $3.00 ® 3.25s fancy paper
rind St. Michaels , $3.754.25 ( ; fancy Duarte
Mediterranean sweets , (3.75&3.S5 ; fancy
bright mountains , $2.25 ( > 12.75 ; Los Angeles
fchoico ) , $2.25@2.50.
LKMOSS Choice , $3.25@3.50 ; fancy , $3.75
COCOANUTS Choice Huatans , per 100 , $4.00 ;
ess than 100 , $5.00.
HAKAXAS According to size of bunch , $2.00
( T3.00.
EAIII.V VnoKTAiu.KS Lettuce , per dorcn
leads , 05@40c ; radishes , per doz bunches , 30
i35o ; green onions , 15@20o ; parsley , 25 ®
SOc ; soup bunches , 85/40e ( ; ; beets , OOtgGOc ;
carrots , 50 ( < ? G5c ; turnips , 50@55c ; oyster
ilant , 30$35c ( ; celery. i5c < JJSl. 00 ; caullilower ,
? 1.752.25 : cucumbers , b5cJ1.00 ( { ; green
icas , bu boxes , $2.00@2.25 ; string Deans , K
m box , ? 1.50@1.75 ; tomatoc.i , } < bu , $ t.75 ( ; $
2.00 ; nsiinrngus , per Ib , 10@12c : pieplant ,
icr lb , 8@5e ; new potatoes , per Ib , 23c ;
cabbage , 23c.
Fitnsii FISH White fish , frozen , per lb ,
7ij ; herrings , frozen , per lb , 5e ; trout , fresh
caught , per lb , .9c ; white perch , fresh
caught , per lb , 7c ; buffalo , fresh caught , per
b , 7e ; pickerel , fresh caught , per lb , 8c ;
ilnck bass , fresh caught , per lb , lie.
OAMI : Jack snipe , jl.00@1.25 ; plover ,
" 5c@S1.00 ; mallard ducks , $15003.00 ; teal ,
$1.00 ( 1.23 ; mixed , 5l.HO@1.25.
UKAXS Choice hand picked navy , $2.25 ;
choice hand picked medium , $2.00 ; choice >
land picked country , SI.75@1.00 ; clean coun
try , $1,50@1.05.
POTATOES Choice , sacked , nor bu , 23Jc30. (
ONIONS Per bu , 2r.30o.
VEAT. Choice , sni-dluiu size , 7@8c ; choice ,
icavy , 4@0c.
HIDKS , PKI.TS , TAI.I.OW , ETC. Orcon salted
ikies , 5 } o ; dry salted hides. Cc ; dry Hint
lilies , 8c ; calf hides , fi' tic ; damaged hides
2o less ; sheep pelts , green , each , 23@1.00 ;
sheep pelts , dry , per lb , 0@12c : wool , aver
age , 14@18c ; tallow , No. 1 , 4@4c ; tallow.
No. a , : i > { @ : i > c : grease , white ,
grease , yellow , 2 } * ( < iSc.
Cinru Hbls , $5 ; hf bbls , $3.
i ! 14cl5c ( per lb.
MAI-I.K Sue < n 12j@15c } per lb.
HONKT l17c ( ! Her lb.
Pitr.sKiiVKS 9J/10oper , lb.
JELunb83iJ4e per lb.
( roccrieH.
The sugar market is active nnd fluctuating ,
and quotations are unreliable , except when
made on day of sale. . Early vegetables are
cheapening daily.
HAOS American A , seamless , § 17.25 ;
Jnion Square paper , discount , 33 per cent ;
klikado Square papcr dlscount , 33 per cent.
BEANS Dried Lima , bags 00 Ihs , per Ib , Oc ;
California navy , 00-lb bags , per bu , c ; me
dium , h p. per bu , $1.90 ,
CANNnif FHUITS Apples , per gal $2.15 ;
> lackberries , 2 Ib , 75c' .blueberries , 2 lb , 75c ;
) lucborries , 2 lb , $1.50 ; cherries , red , 2 lb ,
> 5c ; cherries , white , 2 Ib' , $1.55 ; pros , figs , 1
b , 52.90 ; goosbor.rles , 2lb | , $1.10 ; pine ap-
) les , 21b , $2.75 ; pine apjtlos'a lb , $2.50 ; pine.
apples , 2 lb , $2.23 ; pine tipples , 2 lb , $1.00 ;
strawberries , 2 lb , $1.15 ; strawberries urcs. ,
Jib , 5-2.00 ; raspberries , 2 lb , (10 ( syrup )
! 1.20 : peaches , H. & It. extra yellow , 3 lb ,
3.00 ; H. & R. yellow sucared , 8 lb. f3.K ( ) ;
fcnnctt imperial yellow , 3 Ib , $1.90 ; Credit's
standard , 3 lb , $1.75 ; Monitor seconds , 3 lb ,
$1.35 ; Atlantic , 3 lb , $1.30 : Booth's pics , 3
b , $1.10 ; Credit's , 31b , $1.00 ; Myers' , 0 lb ,
* 1.90. _
Cnniictl J'lsl ) .
Brook trout , 3 lb , $2.50 ; salmon trout , 2 lb ,
$2.85 ; elaius , 1 lb , $1.25 : clams , 2 lb , ? 2.00 ;
clam ctiowder , 3 lb , $2.25 ; devilled crabs , 1
b , $2.25 ; devilled crabs , 2 Ib , $3.50 ; codfish
balls , 2 lb , $1.75 ; cavUir , > * lbri.25 ; eels , 1
b , $3.23 : lobsters , lib , $2.00 ; lobsters. 1 lb ,
$1.90 ; lobsters devilled , ; * lb , $2.25 ; mack
erel , 1 lb , $1.00 ; mackerel mustard sauce , 3
b , $2.90 ; mackerel tomato'sauco , 8 Ib , $2.90 ;
mackerel tomato sauce. 8 lb , $3.40 ; mackerel
mustard sauce , 8 lb , $3.40 ; oysters , 1 lb , S5c :
oysters , 2 lb , $1.50 ; salmon , C. H. , 1 lb$2.10 :
salmon , C. H. , 3 lb , $3.10 ; salmon , Alaska , 1
b , $1.85 ; salmon , Alaska,21b$2.90 ; shrimps ,
1 lb , $3.03.
CANDLES Star , Ss , 10 07 , per lb , 9c ; Star ,
! s , 14 oz , per lb , 9c ; Stearic , wax , 1C oz , Cs ,
> cr lb , He ; Stearic , wax , 14 oz , Cs , per lb ,
ilc ; half boxes , ' 40 extra.
CANDV 9 } ( al2c ! per lb.
CIIOCOLATI * ANO COCOA 24@39c per lb.
Coppsn Roasted , etc. Arbucklo's Arlosa ,
L lb packages , 24c ; Dilworth's Standard ,
I lb packages , 24Jfc ; McLaughlin's XXXX ,
L lb packages , 24o ; Lion , 1 lb packages ,
24c ; German , 1 lb packages , 24c ; Mo-
kaska , 1 lb packages , 24J/c ; Tomson's es
sence in tins , per gross , $3.50 ; essence , in
bulk , half bbls , per lb , Gc ; essence , 1 lb
> apcrs , 00 Ibs in box , per lb , Gc ; Franuk's
German chickory red , 8c.
COFFUKS Green Fancy old golden rio ,
Ic ; Fancy old pcnberry. 23o ; Illo , choice to
fancy , 22c ; Hlo , prime , 21c ; Uio , good , 20c ;
Mocha. 2Sc : Java , fancy Maudehliug , 27c ;
Java , good Interior , 24c.
COIIIIAOI : AND TWINK Manilla rope , basis
} * in , 17c ; Sisal rope , 13 > o ; Good's ' New
Process rope , 9 } c ; cotton rope , > . ? < f nnd } *
In , ICe ; cotton twine , line 4-ply , Bibb , 22o ;
do medium , -Oc ; do coarse , 18a ; hemp twine ,
No. 10823c ; flax twine. No. 18 , 20c ; cotton
mops , Hlb , per doz , $1.50 ; cnnulowick , 23c ;
sail twine , H , 3-plv , 22c.
CuACKKits AM ) CAKBS CV * lSc per lb.
DitiNiS ( Grocers' ) nlurri , 4c : borax , lie ;
copperas , 2u ; Epsom salts , 3c ; flour sulphur ,
4c ; sulpotro , Oo.
DniBi ) FRUITS Per lb , nprlcots , 1417c. ( !
Apples , Mich. , 4 c ; stars , ( io ; nldcns , OX ©
8c. Peaches , Cal. Y. , peeled , 17i20o ( ; fancy
unpcolcd , ll@18o ; sun dried , H > o ; SaltLake ,
Oc. Prunes , Cal. U. C. , 7Ka510 ( > * c. Cur
rants , 0@7c. Turkish prunes , 4 } a Citron ,
peel , 23c. Lemon peel , 14 c. Fard dutcs. lOo.
Figs , ! ) ( 10c. Ualsins , malaga bunch , deho-
sas , $5.00 per box ; vaicncias , per lb , 7o ; Cal.
G. &S. $3.40 per bQx. Dried grapes , 5c.
Blackberries , 5 | c * .Pitted cherries , 17e.
Pitted plums , 9@llc. ' Raspberries , 21c. Nec
tarines , 18@14c. ( Uinger , Jamaica , > { pts
$3.00 per doz. i ,
forina , 4 } o : peas , 8c : oatmeal ,
macaroni , llKo ; vcrnilcelll , ll * o ; rico ,
7o ; sago and taplop'a , ( ) @ 7c.
Fisu Salt Drled'cpdflgh , 0 > * (38Ko ( ; hall-
but , 12o ; Healed horrlir'g , 25o per box ; 1ml.
herring , dam , 50a | Hamburg spiced herring ,
$1.00@1.10imp. ; holharnngl70c ( < il,00 smack-
ore ) , hit bblfl , , $13.50 ; largo family ,
$12.50 per 100 Ibsilwhttollsh , No. 1 , 17.25 ;
family , fJi.50 ; trout , .55.25 ; salicon , $8.50 ;
anchovies , 10 lb palls , SOu.
NUTS Almonds'lOJlSo | ; Brazils , Oo ; fil
berts , 12o ; pecans , illlo ; walnuts , 13o ; peanuts
nuts cocks , 8c ; roa'stcdiilOc.
OILS Kerosene ( ? . , W , lOo ; W W , 13c ;
headlight , 18o ; a'al d , oil , $3.65@7.00 per
PICKI.KS Medium , per bbl , $5.00 ; small ,
(0.00 ; gherkins , $7.00.
WiiArrjNo.Pu'KH Straw , per lbH@
3o ; rag , 3Kc ; mnnllla B , Oo ; No. 1 , Oc.
SALT Dairy , 140 2-lb pkgs , $2.70 ; do 100
3-lbpkgs , $3.IXjdo006-lbpkgs ) , $3.00 ; do 23
10-lb pkgs , $2.40 ; do Warsaw , 50 lb bags ,
Ashtou , bu bans , 60 lb , 85o ; do 4 bu bags ,
234-lb , M.4U ; do M S A , 5C-lb bags , 55u ;
SKEDS Bird , 4 @ 0c.
SAI.SODA Ia2 o per lb.
STAUCH 5 } ( ( J7o l' ° r 'b. '
STOVK POM H ti.00 ( < iri.87 per gross.
SI-ICES Whole , per lb Allspice , 12c ;
Cassia China , lOo ; cloves , JCunzibar , 25e ;
nutmegx , No. 1 , 70o ; pepper , 20c.
St'OAioi Granulated. 9@9)fc ) ; confection ,
A , ' .i. standard , extra C. 8 h(28Ko ( : yellow
C , 7'j'c ' : powdered , 9 01014'- ( ; cut loaf , JO e
cubes ) , J0o.
er gal , 27ICc ; N. O. uio
- c.for gal , 13@20c.
Dry Goods.
COTTON FANNKH-10 per cent trade dis
count. Unbleached LL , Sc ! ; CO. OJfo ; 88 ,
7Jio ; KB , 8Jfe ; OO. OJ/o : XX , lo' c ; OO ,
like ; NN , ia < c : AA , Uo : DD , UKc ; TT ,
! Gc ; YY , ISe ; UB , IHo ; bleached , 20 , She ;
80 , 13J c. Brown and slate , W , Oc ; CO , 12 > fe ;
PO.lOc ; 70 , 12) < c.
CAWKT WAiir-lilbb , white , ICe ; colored ,
UATTI Standard , 8cc : Gem , 10 ; Beauty ,
ISJfc ; Hoono , 14c ; 11 , caned , $ fl.50.
1'iiiNTs-i-Solld colors Atlantic , flc ; Slate ,
Co ; Hcrlln oil , 0fo ; Garner oil. 0@7c.
PIIINTS Pink and Hobcs Allen , Co ; Iliver
point , CT o ; Steel Hlver , C o ; Hichmond ,
C > f ; Paoinc , 7o.
PHINTS Dress Charter Onk. 5 > c ; Ham.
npo , 4c ; Lodl , C.fc ; Allen , Cc ; Hichmond. Co ;
Windsor , O 'c ; Eddystone , 0 > c ; Pnclllc ,
1'niNTs Indigo Hluo St. Ledger , fij e ;
Arnold , Ojfc ; American , 0c ; Arnold C ,
long cloth. Ho ; Arnold H , long cloth , 10 } < e ;
Arnold , Gold Seal , 10'tfo ; Stelfol A. 12o ;
Windsor , Gold Ticket , 10c ; Arnold A , 12c.
GiNdiUM Plnnket checks , OKc ; Whltton-
ton , OJij'c ; York , 740 ; Nornmndl dress , 7c ;
Kcnfrow dress , bX@12Jc ; Whlttcntou , 7 > * c ;
Calcutta , 7'/o.
CAMIIIIICS Slater , 60 ; Woods , Bo ; Stand
ard , Co ; Peacock , Cc.
Housekeeper , SJc : New Candidate , 8Jio ;
Berkeley cambric , No. W ) , OUe ; Host Yet ,
44 , 02fc ; Huttcrrloth , OO , 4fo } , CaOot , 7Jc ;
Parwell , half blenched , SJ u ; Fruit of Loom ,
8 4'c ; Green O. Oc ; Hope , 7Ko ; King Phillip
cambric , lOo : Lonsdalo cainuric , lOo ; Lona-
dale , 8)40 ; New York Mills , lOo ; Popporoll ,
42-in , 10c : Pepucroll , 40-ln , ll } o ; Penuor-
ell , 0-4 , 14Jfc ; 1'cppcrell , 8-4 , SOc ; PcppcroTT ,
0-4.22c ; Pnpperoll , 10-4 , 2 e ; Canton , 4-4 ,
8Jfc ; Canton , 4-4 , OMO ; Triumph , Oc ; Wain-
suttn , lie ; Valley , Co.
IJitow.N Sui'.iiTiNd Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7c ;
Atlantlo H , 4-4 , 7e ; Atlantic , U , 4-4 , O o ; At
lantic P , 4-4 , Oo ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Aurora
C , 4-4 , 4Jfe ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , ll fc ; Hoosler
LL , 4-4 , Oo ; Indian Head , 4-4 , ic\ \ Law
rence LL. , 4-4 , Co ; Old Doinlniun. 4-4 , 6c ;
Pepporoll E. 40-ln. 7 } c ; Pcpjicroll , 8-4 , 17c ;
Peppcrell , ( M , 2lo ; PeppereU , 10-4 , 22c ;
Utica C , 4-4 , 4c ; WnchUBett , 44 ,
Aurora H , 4-1 , 7o , Aurora 1) , 4-4 , 0c.
VI.\NXILS : , J'LAID Hnftstncn , 20o ; Ooshon
n2Kc ; Clear Lake , 30 } c ; Iron Mountain ,
FLANNELS WIIITU-G H No 2 , ? f , 22Uo ;
o H NO. i , % , 20 > jo ; n n NO. 2 , 2210 ; 6 H
No.l , % , SOc ; Quoehue , No. 1 , ? / , 42c ; Quo-
phee No. 2 , ( , 37c ; QueclHio No.3 , K,82 > < Jc ;
Anawan , 32 > * c ; Windsor , 22e.
FI.ANNI-I.S , KiiC ; , 24-inoh. 15J < o : E , 21-
0 fc
TICK'S Oakland , A , 7o ; Internatiohnli
YY , So ; Shotueket , S , 8c ; Warren , No. 870 ,
ICe ; Berwick , 13A , 18o ; Acme , 13o ; York , 30-
inch , 12 } < fc ; York , 32-Inch , 13n'o } : Swift
Hiver , 80 ; Thorndike OO , 8c ; Thorndiko
EP , SJc ; Thorndlko 120 , 9fc ; Thornailte
XX , 15o ; Cordis No. C , 0e ; Cordis No. 4 ,
Ur.xi.MS Amosltcnir. 9 oz , lflc ; Everett , 7
oz , 13V o ; York , 7oz , 13Jo ; llnymukei6o ;
.TalTroy , XX , ll c ; Jaffrcy , XXxTl2kc ;
IJeuver Creek , AA , 12e ; Heaver Creek , LjJJ ,
lie ; Beaver Creek , CC , lOo.
KENTUCKY' JEANS Memorial , ICc ; Dakota ,
18c ; Durham , 27o ; Hercules , 18c ; Learn-
ington , 22 > * o ; Cottswold , 27c ; Melville
25 o.
o.CIIASII Stevens' B , fie ; Stevens' 13 ,
bleached , 7c ; Stevens' A , 7c ; Stevens' A ,
bleached , So ; Stevens' P , 7/c } ; Stevens' P ,
bleached , 85 0 ! Stevens' N , ble ; Sloven 9j
N , bleached , 9 > * o ; Stevens' SHT , lljo.
DUCK West Point , 29-inch , 8 oz , 10o ;
do , 10 oz , 12 > * ' c ; do , 12 oz , 15o ; do , 40-inch , 11
oz , ICc.
BLOCK TIN Eng. Kef'g , small pig , 23c
bar , 29e.
Cowcu Planished boiler sizes , 82e ; cold
rolled , SOc ; sheathing , SOc ; pitts , 30c ; Uats ,
GALVANIZED SncnT JUON Junlata , 00 per
cent discount.
quality , per lb. 10 > ; c ; No. 24 to 27 , B quality ,
9 > * c. For less than bundle add } f/c per lb.
Uoopisa ( Best Charcoal. ) 1C , 14x20 , 112
sheets , $5.75 ; IX , 14x20,112 sheets , $7.00 ; 1C ,
20x27 , 112 hheets , $11.00 ; IX , 20x28 , 112
sheets , $13.50.
SnnuT IIION No. 23 , $3.40 ; No. 27 , $3.50.
SOI.DEU Hoyt Metal Go's half and half in
1 lb cases , per lb , IGc ; commercial half nnd
half , 35c ; No 1 in bars , 14c.
TIN PLATE ( Best Charcoal ) 1C , 10x14 ,
225 sheets , $0.50 ; IX , 10x14 , 225 sneets , $ S.25 ;
1C , 12x12 , 225 sheets , $0.50 ; IX , 12x12 , 225
sheets , $ $8.25 ; 1C , 14x20 , 112 , $0.50 ; IX. 14x20 ,
112 Bheets , $3.25 ; IXX , 14x20 , 112 sheets , $10 ;
1XXX , 14x20 , 112 sheets , $11.75 ; 1C , 2x28 , 112
sheets , $13.20 ; IX , 2x28 , 12 sheets , $17 ; IXX ,
2x28,112 sheets , .120.50.
COKE 1C , 10x14 , 225 sheets , $0 ; 1C , 14x2 ,
112 sheets , $0 ; 1C , 10x2 , 225 sheets , $9.50 ;
steel nails , $2.20 ; steel wire nails , $2.05.
and Clicmicnla.
ACID Sulphuric , per lb , 2c ; citric , per lb ,
COc ; oxalic/.per lb , 18c ; tartanc , powdered ,
icr lb , OOc.
ALUM Per lb , 3c.
AMMONIA Carbouate , per fb , 15c.
Aituo-vitooT Bermuda , per lb , 40c.
BALSAM Copaiba , per lb , GSc.
BOKAX Refined , per Ib , 12c.
CALOMEL Am , per lb , S'Jc.
CASSIA BUDS Per lb , 18c.
CiiLonorortM Per lb , 47c.
CUEAM TAUTAK Pure , jicr lb , 42c.
EXTKACT LonwooD Bulk , per lb , lOc.
GLYCEIIIXE Bulk , per lb , 28c.
GUM AHAUIC Selcct.per Ib , $1.00 ; assafoc-
Ida , per lb , 18c ; cainpuorpcr lb , ! ! 8c ; opium ,
> er lb , $3.25.
IODINE Rcsublimatcd , per oz , $3.80.
LEAVES Buchu , short , per lb , 15o ; senna ,
Alex , per lb , 83c.
OILS LinsceO , raw , 5Bu ; linseed , boiled ,
09c ; castor , per gal , $1.20 ; Bergamot , San
derson's , per lb , $3.15 ; lemon , Sanderson's ,
) er lb , $2.23 ; peppermint , per lb , 42.50 ; win-
crgreen , per Ib , $2.25 ; olive , Malaga , per
gal , $1.15.
POTASS Bromide , per Ib , 44c ; iodide , per
b. $3.00.
Quixu Sulph. , per oz , COc.
SEEDS Canary , per lb , 4KO5c : Castile ,
mottled , per lb , gJ5Oc ( ; Castile , white , per
b , 18@15c.
Si-iiHTH NITIIE Sweet , per lb , 35c.
STKVCIINI A Crystals , per oz , $1,10 , .
SIII.I-H. CINCHONA Per oz , 18c.
WAX White , per lb , 55t3c.
Dimension nnd Timber.
1'J ft 14 ft 10 ft 18 ft 20 ft 22 ft 24 ft
2x4 . $15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 19.0020.00
2 i > . $15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 19.0020.00
JxS . . . , $ | 5CO 15,00 J5.00 10.00 10.00 19.0020.00
JxlO. . . . $15.00 15,00 15.00 10.00 10.00 19.00 20.00
2x12. . . . $15.00 15.00 15.00 10.0(1 ( 10.00 19.00 20.00
4x4 8x8.$10.00 10.00 10.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00
FENCINO No. 1 , 4 and 0 Inch , 12 nnd 14 it ,
rough , $10.00@10.50 ; No. 1 , 4and ; 0 inch , 10
ft , rough , $17.00@17.50 ; No. 2 , 4 and 0 inch ,
12 nnd 14 ft , rough , $13.50 ( < cl4,00 ; No. 2. 4
nnd 0 inch , 10 ft , rough , J5.00@10.00.
Fixitmixo First and 2d clear , 1 } * Inch b
2 s , $49.00051.00 ; 1st and 2d , clear , 1 } * and 2
inch , s 2 s , $47.00@50.00 ; 3d , clear , IJ/lnch , s
2 s. 43.00 ( < e40.00 : 3d. clear. 1 } * und 2 inch , s a
s , . ; , cear , inc , s s , . ; se
lect , 1 inch , 828 , $34.00 ; li select , 1 inch , s 3
s , $31.00.
FLOOUINO 1st com. 0 Inch white pine ,
$34,00 ; 3d com. Cinch white pine , $31.00 ; 3d
com. Cinch white pine , $20.00 ; D , 0 inch
white pine , $20.00 ; com. 4 and 0 In. yellow
pine , $15.00 ; star , 4 In. yellow pine , $1800 ;
1st and 3d clear yellow pine , 4 and 6 inch ,
Poi-i.AU LUMIIEH Clear poplar box bds , J {
In , s2B , $85-00 ; clear poplar , in panel ,
$30.00 ; clear poplar , % in panel , f25. < > 0 ; clear
poplar , } * in panel , stock wide , s 3s , $28.00 ;
clear poplar corrugated celling , # 1 J30.00 ,
POSTS White cedar , 0 in , iiAlvt's ' , 12o ;
white clear , 5in } , halves and S I. ' quarters ,
Ho ; white clear , 4 In round , lOn ; T iimimu :
red cedar , split , lllc ; split oak , ( while ) 80 ;
sawed oak , ICc.
SniNOi.Lh. LATH Pin M XX clear , W.20 ;
extra * A" , $3.80 ; standard A , f'i.i ! : ) ; 5 Inch ,
clear , $ I.COiil.70 ( ; Hindi , , H.7Vrtl. 0 ;
No. I , $1.10(81.15 ( : California red wnyl , dl-
menaiuns widths , f 1.50 ; c.ytircba. clear heart ,
$3,40 ; luth , $2.00.
'SinjLAI - No 1 , plain , Sand IS inch , $17.05
No 2 , plain , S and 1C ! ucb , * 15.5t > ; No 1 , O G
KIUIXO First com and 1C fc.ot , $22.00 ; 3d
com and 16 feet , $19.00 ; 3d coui and 10 fcot
$15.00 ; fence com and 10 feet , m.Oj.
STOCK BOAIIPH A 12 inch a 1 sl2 , 14 utid
IB feet , $10.00 ; H 12 inch 8 I s 12 , 14 and 16
feet. $41.00 : C 12 Inch s 1 a 12 , 14 and It ) t < ! ? t
$36.00 ; D 12 Inch s 1 s 12 , 14 uml II ! fcot
$3.1 00 ; No. 1 com 12 in s 1 n 12 feut , $14.00
No. 1 mm 12 In s 1 u 14 and 10 feet , $17.50 ®
IS 50 ; No 1 com 12 in s 1 H 10 , 18 and 20 feel
$19 .Ml ; No. U com 13 in A I B n and 115cct
whlle pine parHtlon , $33 ; 2nd , com ) ( In
white pine partition , $37 ; clear $ ' In yellow
pine celling. $30 ; clear -Y In Norway , $14.50 ;
2nd com \ In Norway , $13.
BoAnns No 1 com R 1 s 13. 14 end 10 ft ,
$19 ; No 2 com s 1 s 13 , 14 nnd 10 ft , $10.50 ;
No 8 com 1 1 13 , 14 nnd 10 ft , $14.00 ; No 4
com s 1 s 12 , 14 nnd 10 ft , ( shltiping cull ) ,
(15. Add 50 cents per M it tor rough.
BATTENS , Wni.u Ttinixo , PICKETS * O G
bntta , 3k.Inch , COc ; O G balls. Jx3 , SlS.85o ;
Mn well tubing , D & M nnd bev , $23 pickets ,
D ft H flat. , $20 ; pickets. D & H square , $19.
LIME , ETC. Qulnoy white limo , best , lKc ;
English and German Portland cement , $3,50 ;
Milwaukee and I oulsville , $1.30 : Michigan
nnd Fort Dodge plaster , $3.25 ; Blue Rapid
plaster , $1.95 ; hair. 30o ; sash. ( Wand 10 cr
cent d Is. ; doors , blinds , mouldings. 00 per
ccntdls. ; tarred felt , per cwt , , $2.00 ; straw
board , $ lcs. !
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank ,
3O5 South littli Street , Omnlm
BONDS "SI1 ? "
Cities , Cotintic.i , School ll trcsVnlcr [ ! Com.
panics , fie. We are in the market for the
purchase of round amounts of such bond ! .
Correspondence solicited.
N. W. HARRIS & COMPANY , Bankers ,
115-117 MonrooBtrout , CHICAGO.
00 DovoilDllIro Stroot. BOSTON.
Wo ilrnl In I.nml IVnrruntu nml Ncrlp ,
Applicable to Covet miu'iit IJIIHI. nnd Transact a
Itcitnlar HiiiiUliiir Hiinlncn.
Correspondence Sollcltril.
, na nnoADWAY , NCWYOHK.
Capital ' $ -100,003
Surplus Jan. 1st , 1889 . . . . 52,000
I1EJJUV W. VATKS , President.
LKWI8 H. UKiU. : Vice I'rcslilent.
A. E. TOII/.AL1N ,
W. V. MOKSli.
J.N. II. I'ATltlCK.
W.H7B. HUGIIKS , Cashlor
Corner 12th ant ) Farnixm Sis.
A General Dunking Huslne' nsn
BO t8 OndSJTOO8.
Buccs ors to llcod , Jones & Co.
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots & Shces
Agent ! for Uoaton Uubbcr Shno Co , 110 } , HOI and 11M
liurner btreut , Ouialm , Nebrankn.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1S1 North KluhtcCBth tro t , Omaha , N * .
Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice
Window-caps und mctallc akjllghti. John KnenoUr ,
puiprletor. lUSand IWSouth ICtUstrooU
Office Fixtures.
Manufacturers of
Bant Office and Saloon Fixlnres ,
Unnlles , HlUeboards. Hook Cases , HniK Klxlures , Wall
Canes , Partitions , ItalltnnCounters. IleorHnd Win *
Loolers. Mirrors , IntoKurtorj and onlce , 1 JO undltM
Houtli IJtli 8t..Uinaha. Telephone 1U ) .
Paper Boxes.
Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory ,
Nos. 1317 aiJ ! HIO ] ) ougn3 ! street , Omnhu.Ncb.
Sasn , Doors , Etc.
Whol ae ! manufacturers of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Branch offlcc , 12th and liard street Omaha. Neb.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Moulding" , ntnlr-work nnd Interior liard nooil flnlih.
N.J5. comer bth nnd I/eaveuWfrtU streets ,
Utuiiha , Nob.
Stam FlUlnesj Punipa Etq. _
Pumps , Pipes and En lnes ,
Steam , water , rallirar und tnlnlna siippllei , ta
_ 8iOnr.'andM4 I'liriiiun < treot , Omaha. _
Steam and Wate,1 Supplies ,
Holiday wind mills. 018 end 12J Junes Bt. , Omnha ,
( I , K. Itois , acting AJHiiunar.
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Sheet-Iron work , stt > am pumps , sair mllli. 1213-1211
l.oareuuortli strrct Omaha.
-Iron Works.
Carter & Son , Prop's. Mamirncturcrs of Mil kinds
Steaia Boilers , Tante and Shestlron Wori
Worku South Will and It. iM.cronslim.
WrciiElit and Cast Iron Bni.diiig fork ,
Bnplncn. br.m wori. , I'ni-nil foundry , innchlnci and
blaiKSDJltli wcrk. Omco pdrurk , U. 1 * . It/ .
and nth street , OmtUa ,
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Deik rails , window guards , tlowcr stands , wire signs ,
etc. YU North ICth street , Omaha. _
Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ,
Vaults , jnll work * , Iron shutters and flrt' escapes ,
0 , Andruen , ptop'r. _ „ Cor. _ Ulh _ _ ami . Jackson His.
Chicago , Milwaukee & t. Paul H'y ' ,
Tlio Rest lluuto from Omnltii and Council
II In If * to
Cilcnt0 ! | AND Mlhraukcr ,
SI. I' A ( i I , Minneapolis CVdur Iluplils ,
Uuck Ihluud , i'rceiinrl , ItocUfonl ,
Clinton , OnliiKjuc , Daunport ,
Klgln , .Mitdison , Jancsilllp ,
llelolt , Wlnonn , Lit Crossc ,
Aud all other Imi9ilant iiilntt Kis , KorlbrMt B1
For throntn licked , tall ou thn IMet aaent at Ul
Kiirn iu street , In lUUr l I'n'.cn I'MIBO
I'ulluianSleepuu and the Hnitl Dhilnir ' " " ' I
world aru run un tba oinln lint of ib Chlni , llil-
wuukao 4 s. I'aul Hullwar , and nerutUiitlQi Is
ID p iinfcf ' / Laurtsaus irfpicrti ft ib *
H. Mll'l.Ult.rjcniTil Manager ,
J. IMIJCKrtlt. Anlitout Ueut7 l Mtnager.
A. V. U. CAIU'U.NTKli , tifnc l I'uuc.ifer aad
Vlei l A5 nt.
fl&i K HKAryOlil ) , Adiimr.t
MiOTIcke' Alttt.
ARrloulturnl Implomonta
Dealer In Agricultural Implements , Wagons
Curlagtt and buggies. Jnnos Krret , between Vth anA
> 0th , Omaha , Nebraska.
Agricnlt1 Implements , Wagons , Carriages
nugglps.tto. Wholesale. Omaba , Nebtaaka.
> Vbolesale Dealers In
Agricultural Implements , WagonsS Bniies
001 , HXMOJ and IV ? Jones street , Omaha. _
uanufacturqn and Jobbers In
Wagons , Buggies , Rates , Plows Eta
Cor. Vth and I'aclfle streets , Omaha.
Artists' Nlntorlnls.
A. IWSl'E , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1413 Douglas itreot Omaha , Nebrnika.
Boots and Shoos.
IF. V. MORSU , t CO. ,
Joocers of Boots and Shoes ,
101,1101 , IMS Douglas street. Omnhn. Mannfactorr.
Bummer street , HoJlon.
Pool , Coke and LImo.
JoDte of Hard and Soft Coal ,
3SK South l.tth street , Omnlm , Nebraska.
Shippe s of Coal a d Coke ,
ill South ISth St. , Omaha , Neb.
Importers itnd Jobben of
CMery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware
Et . iMt Kurnnm street , new 1'axtun bulldlim.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Spcclnlllci lliulrr , Pec" , clieonp , poultry ,
llL'll.mim . ! rtrcot. Oninhn.Ncb.
JJryCopdo and NqUpna.
. K. SMITH A CO. ,
Dry Goods , Farnisning Goods and Notions
110 ] and 1101 Douglm , cor. llth itrecl , Onmlm , Nob.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry GoodsNotions ,
J nti' lurnUhlntf Knodi. Corner llth Htiil llnruty
trcots , Oraalm , Ncbrnska.
Importnrs nnd jobbers of
Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings ,
817 South 15th itroct.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture
Karnnm ntreot , ( Jtunlm. Ncbranka.
Fnrnitnre ,
Cnmha Nebrnikk.
Orooorloau . . .
& CO.
Wholesale Groceries anil Provisions , ,
706 , TOT. 703 nnd 711 SoutU IQtli it. , Ouiivha. Nob.
& CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers'
13tb and ixjnrcuwortb ttrcots , Omaha , Nebraska
w. J.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , '
Sprlnus , wagon mock , Imrdwarc , lumhfr , etc. 1501
and 1211 llarnoy tlrcot , Umnlm.
Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plato ,
Uetnla. sheet Iron. ate. Accnt < foe Howe scalot
Miami | iowdcr anil I.ynmn birbcd wlrri ,
Build rs' ' Hatware and Scale Repair Shoa
MecUniilca' tool ) ami IlttfTnln regies. H05
Blrci > t.tnaim , Not ) .
Toy a.
s. & co. ,
Jobbcri of
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods ,
BOOM furnishing oed , clilMreii-s cnrrlagci ,
JUa Varuaw itrooi. Onuba.NaB.
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Dili ,
Aile uroae. tic , Onialia. A. 11. HUliop , MituaKCij
V/holesale / Paper Dealers ,
Carry n nice stock of printing , wruiiplim nnd irrltlnf
paper. Himclul attention glvta to turloml
WnolcsalG Lumber , Etc ,
iMBOrted anil American Portland ecmont.
a nt Icr Milwaukee nrdraulla cement and '
Uulnrjr whltu Ilino , i
CHAU 11. L.EE ,
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , i
VTood carpel * and pnrquet lloorlng. I'th nnd I ) tuitlM
ttceti , Umnhn , Neb ,
OMAHA LUMfiliit CO , ,
AllKinflsofBnildingMatcrialatWholesalP ,
16th Btrcetiuid Union I'nrlllc Truck , Omatia ,
Dealer in lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Ooorl , Ktc , Yardi-Cornet Tilt nnd Donnln. Cornel
10th mid DotiKluij
LMter , LlDiii Cement , Etc , , Etc ,
Corner Otti anil Uouiilttn Ht . , Onmhu.
Clv715 } 7'X.
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber ,
Ulh and California fUrceln , Ou ) m , Kcbriulca.
Millinery ami _ Notlone ' _ ,
i.'oiiEitrtiLDiiri'a : co. ,
Imporlers & Jobliers in Millinery & Hollow
JB , 21U uuU 2IJ Heat b I | tl >
Notlon .
Wliolssale Notions and Fnniisliing Gooft ,
4DJ nul iOS iioatU Idtli trv t , Cuiuha.
Liyo Stock Commission M
ovm Z4 , fls > i > o ltq , UrlM
Mock V rJi , Kuutii , Jlcb.
OfOraana , Liuiilel
ijohu y. itajt , Ba
I < curtain eu itit Ur Sir ,
Hur > ' ' < KlMlr4.Ma iUaflilU
oljr cci'lutta worldKinirilUK
tlrla f J/ajixll *