THE OMAHA DAILY BEE * TUESDAY APKIL 23. 1880 THBCITY. _ _ All of the city olliccs wore closed ycs- tordny. Fire filiglitly ilnmngcA n , store nt Twenty-fourth and Uumlngs yesterday evening. Arlo Fletcher IR in the talld on the toils on the chnrgo of stcnlinp $10 from M tittle Ilccil. Robert Ilnckort , a. Bohornlnn , was placed in the county jnil , yesterday , on account of hoinp insano. II. II. Rood wns arrested last night for bcatinff Ilattio Anderson , a Ninth Btroot fniry of the Trail ordor. Olllcor Cullen yesterday captured a bundle of soiled linen , marked with the name "Clausen , " in a Tenth struct hall way. way.Ed Traey. a thirtocn-yoar-old boy , was arrested last nlpht charged with broakinp into the dressing room at the ball park. All persons who have lost carpenter tools uurlntT the past six months arc re quested to call at Chief Seavoy's olllco at 11 a. in. to-day. Stephen Johnson , n pioneer of Casey , In. , and well known in Omaha , died at .his homo on the 17th lust. , after a brief illness , aged seventy years. It is claimed that the sidewalks on Farnam street between Twenty-second and Twenty-third and between Twonty- oijrhth and Twenty-ninth need re pairing1. Sergeant Frederick I. Wild , of com pany 13 , Seventeenth infantry and Ser geant Simon II. Drum , of company H , Seventh infantry , who have been hero for examination for promotion , have been ordered to return to their posts. Robert Ilackot. a young man subject lo spells of insanity , was taken into cus tody by ShorilT Coburn Sunday evening , at 1408 South Fourteenth street , and lodged in the county jail. Then ho was apparently entirely out of his mind , but boomed rational enough yesterday. A man named Dan Thompson was soon by the police coming out of Krat- ky's lodging house at 108 South Tenth street with a bottle of beer under his coat , and the ollieors scared him into surrendering it to them and admitting that ho bought it from KratUy. The chief clerk of the railway mail service received documents yesterday notifying him that F. S. Colin. Sutton - ton , and .1. II. Violet , Davenport , Nob. , have boon appointed to positions on the .13. & M. line. Colin will run between Fairmont and Chester , and Violet be tween DeWitt and Superior. Personal EH PorUlna is at tlio Paxton. Governor Tlmyor will bo in tlio city to il ny. ny.V. \V. W. D. FnrRO , of St. Paul , is at the Murray. Senator Church Howe , of Auburn , Is in the city. L ) . W. Hitchcock , of San Francisco , is at tlio Pnxtoii. H. Carter mid brother , of Sidney , la. , arc at tlio Unrltor. O. T. Nellls , of Loaronworth , is stopping at the Murray. P. C. Phillies , of Grand Island , is rcgis tcrcd at the Murray. Leo Clil Ko anil Uliow Fee , of Canton , China , are at the Mlllard. Mrs. L. A. Uombordncr , of Falls City. Neb. , is stopping at the Barker. A. W. Clarlr , F. A. .Tcnltiu and M. J. Sulli van , of St. Paul , are in the city. Thirty-five members of Dockstadcr's miastrols nro registered at the Uurlicr. C. E. Lutshuw , advertising agent for N. N. Fmrbank's soap , St. Louis , is at the Millanl. N. W. Clayton , ,1. H. Clivo and W. II. PcnniiiBton , of Salt Lake , arc at the Paxtoa. Walter P. Phillips , prcsidcat , and Andrew S. Phillips , secretary of the United Press association , are at the Paxton. Hon. John L. Wohstcr aad wife , and the Misses Duiidy , will leave lor Now York next Wednesday , to attend the centennial celebration. Dr. Horuco LudinBton has been called to Pennsylvania by the death of his fai'hor , Zahnon Ludincton , csq. , who died April 21 , at the residence of Colonel M. G. Ludington , U. S. A. , in Philadelphia , Pa. The fnllowinc appears in a recent Issue of the Norfolk Virginian , which will bo of in terest : Mr. ( ! ua Doiuhcs , a Norfolk boy and former councilman , out now a resident of Omaha , Nob. , where ho is engaged largely In business , is in fciio city on u visit to his family. Ho is tlio guest of his brother-in- law , Mr. S. Ilamburgor , East Main street. His friends and there are hosts of them are rejoiced 10 sco him again. Mr. Colly Gets Inlovlcatod. William Cody was arrested and lined ? 5 for being drunk. This was not "Buffalo Hill" Cqily , but some other scion of the fam ily bearing the sumo illustrious name. Ijocturo on Wood En craving. Mr. Clement Chase delivered a lecture on "Modern Wood Engraving" before an inter ested audience at the meeting of the Western Art association at the Liniiiger gallery last 11I2U t. Ijnrcony of 1'ocKct K Thlovos olTcctcd nn onlrnuco into Jninoi Morton's store nt 1311 DodRO street , last night by breaking n window in the rear. They stele about sovcnty-llvo pearl handled pocket knives und four revolvers. I Kcsprctcrt I'nrt ol' tlio A thief effected an entrance into the Turf nnd Field saloon , adjoining IhqMlllurd hotel , on Thirteenth street , Sunday night , nnd stele $10 in chmijjo. Tlio thief , probably out of respect for the Sunday closing order , did not toke any of the liquor or cigars. His AssouliiMons Hail. Ed. Parker was arrested , lust night , for participating in a fight In n Tenth sireot sa loon. Parker is a young lad , who was ono of the A. D. 'J''s flist messengers in Omaha. Ills frequent visits to the bawdy district , in his work us messenger , proved too much for him , und ho Is fast degenerating into a tough. Won't CoiiBolUluto. During the past few days thuro 1ms been n rumor circulated that the street railway company nnd the motor company Intended consolidating. Dr. Mercer said yesterday that then ) wus no truth in the report and that thcro Is no arrangement possible by which a consolidation could bo mudo. Army Notes. General IBreck said yesterday that no data bad been Jlxcd for the removal of the quartermaster and ordnance stores head' quarters from Choycnno to Omaha , but that it xvould bo done some tlmo this spring. Colonel Henry is nt llullavuo superintend ing the work of ropalrinc the rlilo nuigo. Thcro Is no likelihood of troops from this department being sent to Oklahoma. Cnttto Mon to Ho Roimand. Lieutenant Mallory , with twelve men of the Second infantry , will leave Fort Omaha to-day and proceed to the reservation of the Omaha and Winnobago Indians for the pur. pose of assisting the Indian agent in clearing Ilia reservation of cattlemen , who have boon trespassing with tholr herds upon the reser vation. Tiii company will bo armed nnd equipped , and will probably spend the sum mer on the reset vation. Wife Hentiiijj , William MulUngcr , an old man who lives on South Twenty-seventh street , was ar rested last night , charged with wife beating. The compliant was inndo by his stepson , George Holmes. "I'll have some fun when 1 get out of this , " was Mulllngcr's comment ns Jailer Havoy was searching him. "Why , that maa Holmes bus whipped tils wife a thousand times , and I'll ' got cvuu with him if I have to have him urroatad for every offcuac. " kuii&i iSJIkrf EX-OOVKIlNOIl I'ATTISON , Ho Visits OnintmniidTnlkH on Several Interest Inn Snl\nctn. | Ex-Governor Hobort 13. Paulson , of Ponn- nylvnnln.wns In the city yesterday but loft for ( jhlcago nl tlio afternoon. It will bo remem bered thnt Mr. Paulson sojourned In Omaha about three weeks nearly two years ngo , when , ni n member of tlio Pacific rnllroiul investigating committee , ho went so much deeper Into Union Pacific matters than the onlclals cured to have ! him go , that some of them made AtroiiK though Ineffectual protests. Ho is out Lhis time on a tour of inspection with Thomas Hrndly , eastern neent for Swift & Co. , the South Omaha meat packers. They made n visit to the stockyards , for an examination of the llrm's property there nnd found an Institution that greatly sitrorlsod them. In conversation with n 13un reporter , Mr. Pattlson said that ho had learned enough to convince him that Omaha will soon bo the greatest stock market nnd meat packing center in this country. Spcamng of his experience ns nn Investiga tor In railroad affairs , ho said : "Tho only trouble with the Union , Central anu North ern Pacific corporations lies In the fact that they nro trying to compete with newer roads , which lost less than onc-lmlf what thny did to build. Their bonded Indebtedness Is so crcat that at the constantly fluctuating rates , caused by dis regard of agreements , It Is Impossible for them to pay running expenses nnd the Inter est on their bonds. As compared with the , original cost nnd amount of mortgaged obligations , thu now roads can linui freight and passenger business for one- third less than the old ones and make monuy , whereas the others lose. " Ho thinks thnt the Union Pacific people are foolish to nsk for an extension of time on their government debt. Hofcrrlng to the fight for prohibition In Pennsylvania , both the governor nnd Mr. U rail Icy expressed themselves ns feeling confident that the proposed amendment will be defeated. "The committee which has charge of the contest on behalf of the prohi bitionists , contend , " said Mr. Pattlson , "that they will bo able to se cure nn almost solid vote in the country , but I don't imagine they will bo nblo to overcome the larco cities. The ma chinery of both political parties Is being used against the amendment and t they are sure to defeat It. " It is n Curious Knot That the body is now inoro susccptlblo to benefit from incdicino than at and other season. Ilcnco the importance ot tailing Hood's Sarsaptirlllu now , when it will do you the most good. It is really wonderful for purifying and en riching the blood , creating an impolite , and giving a healthy tone to the whole system. Ho sure to got Hood' Sarsaparilla - parilla , which is peculiar to itself. Hoard ol'KiIitcntinn. The meeting of the board of education , last night , was not n meet. Yesterday was a local holiday , consequently , any nctlon taken by the board would have been illegal. For this reason the ten members present "in formally" talked for nearly an hour , and ns a motion to adjourn would have been illegal , the chairman quietly put on his hat , picked up his walking sticic and demurely sauntered out. Others followed. This ended the moot ing , which had been called for the purpose of taking steps for the issuance of $200,000 worth of bonds for the erection of new school buildings. In the meantime , however , Superintendent of Schools James was "informally" in structed to give all the schools a vacation Tuesday , April ! JO , which day would bo uni versally observed ns n legal holiday , on ac count of the centennial inauguration of Washington. Have yon rheumatism ? Have you diabetes ? Have you Bright's disease ? Hayo you any kidney trouble ? Have you gravel ? Have you any bladder difficulty ? Ilavo you dropsy ? Have you dyspepsia ? Have you any skin or blood disease ? Are you a victim of alcoholism ? Arc you weak and debilitated ? If so , the Almighty has provided in the waters of Excelsior Springs , Mo. , a purp free remedy.that as a diuroticand tonic , will moro nearly prove infallible for your case than any other agency you can llnd on earth. "Tho Elms , " at Excelsior Springs , is nowhere surpassed among lirst-class hotels. All charges very reasonable , livery comfort and convenience. Sur roundings attractive. Climate delight ful and healthful. Twenty-six miles from Kansas City , Mo. , on tlio C. , M. & St. P. railroad. A Fishing Party. Last night a party consisting of J. O. Phillippl , general freight agent of the Mis souri Paclllc ; Dr. Galbraith. surgeon of the Union Pacific ; ICrastus Young , J. II. Me- Council nnd Uev. T. M. House , loft in a special car for Mankato , Minn. They com pose n fishing party , and will spend their time alter the llnn.v tribe nt Luke Madison , close to Mankuto. The party will return next Saturday. Pears' soap is the most elegant toilet adjunct. _ The Druculnt Wan Sold. II. C. Hoyd , tno druggist at the corner of Fourteenth and Capitol avenue , wants to sell out. A few days ngo a young man , who gave his name as Charles Crane , called and offered to got the druggist n cash customer for his stock and wanted n commission of 15 for making the sale. The druggist agreed , nnd Crnno went out to find tlio purchaser. Ho returned the next day and reported that ho had the man in tow who would purchase the store and upon the strength of his repre sentations secured n W advance upon his prospective commission. Mr. 13oyd still has ins drug store and n $5 entry upon tlio loss column of his ledger. Crane represented himself as the nephew of ono of tlio bank presidents of the city. Tlio perfume of violets , the purity of the lilly , the glow of the rose , and the lluah of Holjo combine in Po/.zoui's won derful powder. 'Ilie Ilminot Association Hop , Masonic hall was alive with the Irish beauty ana chivalry last evening , the event being the twentieth crand annual ball of thu Kmmct Monument association. The hall was decorated with the Irish and American flags. On three of the former wore the fol lowing mottous ! "Unity Is Strength ; " "Ire land Will and Must bo Freed ; " "United Ire land. " 'I'll'3 grand march commenced at 0iiO : and n urogrammo of twenty-eight dances was gonu through with. Among the dances wuro thu good'otd-fnsuioncd mmdrillcs.monoy musk and the Sicilian circle. Supper wus served at midnight , The event proved a great success. A positive guarantee is given bv the manufacturers of Dr. Jones' lied Clover Tonio that a fil ) cent bottle of thlu rem edy contains moro curative properties than any dollar preparation. It promptly cures all btamach , kidney and liver troubles. Goodman Drug Co , Hit With a IJcer Glnm. There was n nasty row in Corby's ' old saloon , on Sixteenth street near Capitol avenue , yesterday afternoon. The bartend er , n hackman und a tailor had a thruc-cor- ncrcd fight over the payment for some drinks when the hackman broku a beer glass over the tailor's head cutting him severely. No arrests were made. Aflvlco to Mothers. Mrs. WInslow'a Soothing Syrup should al ways bo used for children teething. It soothes the child , softens the gums , allays all pain , cuies wind cello , ar.d is the best romt'dy for diarrhoea. 25ccn ts a bnt'.o. \Vnnta To Ho Tougli. Young Fred Clarke , son of A. M. Clarke , the \vull paper man ut 107 South Fourteenth street , wants to bo a tough. Ho is fourteen years of ago. Two weeks ngo ho , wns expelled - polled from school for continued disobedi ence. Ills father then put him nt work In the store. This did not suit hltn nnd a week ngo ho left homo and slnco that tlmo has been hanging around n Douglas Direct saloon with a gang of younir toughs. Ho was nr- rested last night at the request ot his father. Chief Scnvev gave the lad a lecture nnd sent him to his homo , I'olfioncrt liy n Cnlf. My llttlo boy broke out with uleom nnd sores , the result of the saliva from n calf's mouth coining in contact with a cut finger. The ulcers were deep nnd very painful , and showed no inclination to heal. I used qulto a number of remedies , with nn benefit , but not Swift's Specific , nnd he Improved with Llio first few doses , nnd In a short time was sound nnd well Of the poison , nnd his gen eral health much Improved , JOHN T. HiiAiti ) . Auburn , Ala. , Feb. 15. l S'J. In 1SSU I contracted blood poison of ban tyno , nnd was treated with mercury , potash and sarsaparllla mixtures , growing worse all the time. I took seven small bottles of S. S. S. which cured mo entirely , and no sign of the dreadful dlscnso has returned. J. C. NAKCC. Hobbyvillc , Ind. , Jan. 10 , ISM ) . WHUUIJD AT HIGH NOON. Marriage of Captain Hay and Jlr.s. Clarion Itlnokiunn. At high noon yesterday , iu Trinity cathed ral Captain Hay , Judge advocate of the depart ment of the Plnttc.was united In marriage to Mrs. Marlon Ulackman , n sister of Mrs , Ernest lilnll , A largo number of persons ot social prominence were In attendance , in cluding n number of army o dicers in full dress uniform. The chnnccl was decorated with while lilies and white ribbons wei'o stretched down both sides of the center aislo. The bridegroom , at tended by Lieutenant Dempsey , mot the brldo at the altar accompanied by Mr. Ernest Illall , her brother-in-law. The ushers were Lieutenants Chrlsman , Wright nnd Arrnsmlth. The words that made the Lwo ono were spoken by Dean Gardner In nn impressive manner. The bride wns attired In n white silk dress , with orange blossoms at the corsage and a long llowinc bridal veil. At the close ot the service the brutal party left the church for the residence of Mr. Ernest Kiull , where n brief reception was held , after which the happy couple left for an extensive wedding tour through the east. Rumick-Klttq. Sunday Miss Hattlo Fills , n former so ciety belle of Omnha and Council Uluffs , was united in marriage to E. F. Homlck , at Port land , Oro. The groom is n conductor on the Northern Pucilio and is popular among his associates. Pearson-Wallace. Mr. Duane Pearson and Miss Hnttio Wal lace were married Sunday evening bv Itov IX H. Kcrr. liolh the bride and groom are cngndcd in Jiarr's dry goods house , nnd have many friends. ScliHck-O'ConncIl. Sunday afternoon Daniel P. O'Connnll and Miss Minnie Schlick were united In the bonds of matrimony by Justice Dunn. The groom is the son of Justice O'Connell. For Nervous Debility TJso Hcsfora's Acid Phosphate. Dr. H. T. Turner , Kusson , Minn. , says : "I have found it very beneficial in nervous doyillty.from any causo.aim for indigestion. " Sonvoy is Satisfied. Chief Scavo.v , who opposed the proposition of the reporters wearing stars ns insigina of their business , expresses himself ns satisfied with the now devise n shield. There is now no possibility of n detective being mis taken for a newspaper man. Do you relish your food ? Is your di gestion good ? Are your bowels regu lar ? Do you have li tired or languid feeling ? Is your tonpuo coated ? Does your back ache ? Is your skin sallow ? If your system is in a bad condition takrc St. Patrick's Pills ; they will aid your digestion , improve your'appotito , regulate your bowels , correct your bil ious disorder and malco you feel like a new person. For sale by all druggists. Stolen I'ropi-rty Recovered. Dctectivo Al Ward has recovered a chest of carpenter's tools from A. Wolf's second hand junk shop on South Tenth street. The tools belonged to C. A. An drews , of Council Bluffs , nnd were stolen from his premises Friday night. The thief pawned them at Wolf's Saturday. Have used Dr. Bigolotv's positive euro in my family as a general cough medi cine. Ono of my children was quickly relieved of a severe attack of croup by it. I cheerfully recommend it. II. L. Lovcll , Grand iapidsMich. Goodman Co. Drug _ b A Specimen of Police Vigilance. Ono of the mailing clerks of Titn Bnc was pulli'd by a vigilant chump named Van- ous at 3 o'clock Saturday morning. The boy was on his way to the oillcc to work , and ex plained his business to the officer. I3ut no excuse would bo accepted. He was taken to Jail nnd kept until 0:30 : , when his parents ar rived nnd secured his release. Dr. Swetnatn : Diseases of the thrao and lungs. Shcoly block. A NRW Industry. Articles Incorporating the American Veftilmo and Natural Soap company have been tiled , with General W. W. Lowe , E. L. Eaton , Herman Kcinbold , Philip Andres , Henry HnubcnB , J. ,1. Stevens and Joseph llor , incorpointors. The capital stock is placed nt"iOUX ! , ( > , and Omaha is to bo the principle plueo of business. The object of the company is to manufao turo a lubricating and hot-box cooling com pound for railroads , which has for some been tested by various roads , and is said to bo made on nn entirely now principle , being a process to solidify kcroslno oil by means of chemicals. The company has also secured in the patent otllco tlio use ot mineral or natural soap which has recently been tound in largo quantities in some places of Wyoming terri tory , in connection with other sonp , The American Voftilino and Natural Soap company owns n factory on Woolworth and Second streets , where it can make voftlllno or natural soap compounds at the rate ot 85,001) ) pounds n day , nnd expect to put on n largo force of workmen , especially ns it is intended to have n general chemical manu- fauluring business connected with it. Absolutely Pure. Tills powder noyorvfxrle1 ? . Amnrvolof purity Ktrengtli nnd wliolcsomencs' ! . Jloro economical tlmti thu ordinary Kinds nnd cannot bo sold In competition with tlie multitudes of low cost , sliortwcluhtalumor pliospnnto powders. Sold only In cnnt. Jloynl flaking Powder CoJ"0 AV nil street No\v Vork QiirnfnpAcT I ESTABLISHED 1851 ( ISO So. DUTO W1TIBSI } Chlong0 | | | | 0. \ ciarkSt. The Regular Old-Established PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON li ttlll Treating with the Greatest SKILL and SUCCESS ' M , Clirouic , Neryons and Private Diseases , NERVOUS DEBILITY , Loit Manhood , Polling Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible Dreams , Head and Back Ache and nil the effect ! leading to early decuy and pcihaps Consumption ot Insanity , treated scientifically by new methods with never-failing success. OB" SYPHILIS and all bad Blood and Skin Dls- casea permanently cured. * ) -KIDNEYand URINARY complaints , Oleet , Gonorrhoea , Strictu re , Varlcocele and all diseases of the Genito-Urinaiy Organs cured promptly without injury to Stomach , Kidneys or other Organs. US' No experiments. Age and experience lm portant. Consultation free and sacred. 3- Send 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works on Chronic , Nervous end Delicate Diseases. # S-Those contemplating MatrisKc send for Dr. Clarke's celebrated guide Mole and Female , each 15 cents , both 35 cents ( stamps ) . Consult the old Doctor. A friendly letter or call may save future sufler- ine and shame , and add golden years to life. 3 Iiook "Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " soccnls ( stamps ) . Medicma and writings sent everywhere , secure from exposure. Hours , S to 8. Sundays 3 tn la , Address F. D. CLARKE , M. D. , 186 So. Clark St. CHICAGO , ILL. Ask Your. Retailer for the MEANS SHOE OK Tin : According , to Your Needs * JAnCCS MEANS S4 SHOB gia light nnd Etyllsh. Itnts llknn ratocklnir , anj RKQUIUES X JSO " llEAKlNflN"be- ' Ing perfectly easy the nrst time It . U worn. It will satisfy the most fastidious. JAMES MEANS ? j S3 SHOr ; Is absolutely the nlv shoo of Its prlco which has ever been placed cz- ' .tenslvclyon the market la which durability Is considered befora rucro out- wanl S. niCANS A : CO. , JloBton. Full Ilnca of the ubovo shoes for aulo by Norris & Wilcox and Geo.S. Miller DRS. BETTS & BETTS 1103 FAKNAM STiir.r.T , OvtAiiA , NEIJ. ( Opposite Paxton Hotel. ) Ofllco flours , U a. in , to 8 p. m. Sundays , 10 n. m. to lp. m. opcclullsts In Chronic , Nervous , Bktn nnd Blood Diseases. Consultatlon nt odlco or by mall froo. Medicines sent by mall or o.-qnesn , bocttrnly pncked. free from observation. Uuarantceso euro nulckly. mifelv nnd permanently. liPDlffllTO TIDBIT TfliVtspfrinntorrhuja , Boml- NhKYUUv ) IJbDlljlll iml I.osws.Nlehtinil8. : Klein Physical Decay , nrlslnpj from Indiscre tion , Excess or Indulgence , producing Sleep- Jcssness , Despondency , I'lmples on the fnco , nverslou to society , catlly dNcour.iKed , luck ot conlldencc. dull , unlit tor study or business.and finds llfo n bunion , safely , permanently and privately curi'd. consult IKH. Uotts 6 : IJetts , 4.M V arnambt. , Omaha , NOD. Blood ana Skin results , completely eradicated without the aid of Mnrcurv. Scrofula , r.ryslpol-w , rover BorcH. Illotchcs , ITlcorH. I'alns tn the Head nnd llonos , Byimllltle Bora Throat , Mouth and TongueCa tarrh.c. . . permanently cured wheru others T/iitnnu Ilninintr nn(1 ( Dladdcr Complaints , K1U116V , UllllaFy 1'aUitiil , Dllllnnlt , too frequent - quent llnrntni ; or llloody Urine , Urlns hlgn col ored or with milky sediment on fitumllng , Wrnk Hack , Oonnorrluca , Oleet , CystltK tec. , 1'romptly nndSafcly Cured , Clmrpes Koasonu- STRICTURE ! , movnl complete , without cutting , cniistlo or dilatation. Cures Directed at homo bv patient without a moments imln or unnoviince. To YOIM Men and Middlc-Ageil Mon , A QIIDD mlDP Tl' awful OIICCIN of early Jl UUltti uUrlD Vlco , which urines organic weakness , destroying both mind nnd bodv , with nlllUurnadrd Ills. permanently curen , T1D5J UDTTt ! Attrebstno'oviionavo Impaired JJfiOi DDllU themselves by Improper Indul gences nnd solitary Imblt'l. wbli-li rnln both bodv and mind , unfitting them for buainos-f , study or marriage , MAIIUIRU MEN. or these entering on tliithap- Py life , aw are of physical debility , quickly us OUR SUCCESS Is based upon fart * . First Practical IJxpe- rlence. Becoml I'.very cane U especially studied , thus btttrtlus aright. Thlid Mudlclncs are pre- parvil In our Uoor.itwy exactly to suit each case , thus aljectuigcurja wlt'aout Injury. I CTVenil B cents postage for celebrated works on Chronic , Nervu'.H nnd Delicate Disease * . Thousands cut od , f& A frlrndly letter or call inav Have you name sutrerfni : ami shame , nnd niltl KOldon year * to life. { aVNo lett-i'M an- bw erecl unlcM accompanied by I cents 111 stamps. TTS & BCTTS. 110 $ I'nruam Silent , Omaha , Neb , ; , AIj TVAI'UKB ere _ JS micctis f ully used monthly by over 10,000 P "iLadlci. AroSa/e. Kffeclualanit I'tcatant ' SI pcrbox hymatl.oratdrUKKUts. fiealtd J'artlculari 2 pottage cUmi > . Address TDD EivEt Caeuicu , Co. , Durr.oiT , ilicu. Forbttle nnd by mail by Goodman Drug Company , Ouiulm. FURNISHING DEPARTMENT , In medium weight and light underwear wo are in a position to boat all competition ont of sight. We are largo buyers which means low prices. Wo buy these goods direct from the mills and commission houses pay no jobber's profits and we guarantee to save you from 25 to 50 per cent , and on the finer goods oven more. Our assortment comprises over 50 different qualities as "Specials1' we are offering this week. 75 dozen fine medium weight Merino Shirts and Drawers of an elegant clouded shade , Shirts witli satin fronts , full fashioned , at 50c each. Those goods are worth fully $1.00. . 100 dozen very fine medium weight Merino Shirts and Drawers , regular made , at 75c. These are in new shades and we consider them an excellent bargain. Other houses are getting for like goods $1/50. French Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers at 35c , 45c and 60c each. Our selections in Flannel Shirts the extensive Spring fancy are most and varied over shown by any house in the city. We have a full assortment of the most elegant noveltioa of the present season , in all wool , silk and wool mixtures , and all silk. Ou all these goods we quote the lowest prices. AB an extraordinary bargain in this department we will offer to-morrow : 8 cases fancy knit Tennis Shirts , in several beautiful shades and stripes , sizes from 1-X to 17 , at $1.0O each. This is a new material for an ovorshirt , and excellently adapted for Spring and Summer wear. Other houses would ask ยง 1.75 or $2.00 for the same shirt. TTAT TWP ATPTwrFivrnn JLLJHL JL JL/Jia Jrklt ; JL lYlJjjl ! JL . Fresh arrivals this week , direct from the manufacturers of Spring Dcrbys , in all th latest and most fashionable shapes , in tan and light colors. We offer in this department : Elegant light colored Derbys , silk band and binding , at 85c worth Sl-50. Men's and Boys' Crushers , of an excellent quality , in all shades , at 40c. Othon houses sell them for 75c. Our new Shoe Department is a grand success. We have made an mmense hit with our Genuine Calf Sewed $2.50 Shoe in congress , lace and button. m Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha. Men's Furnishings. Every gentleman should consult his own Interest and visit our store before purchasIng - ' Ing his furnishings for Spring such as Neck wear. Gloves , Hosiery , Underwear andj Shirts , faster Neckwear mul Gloves this week. Graceful Form , E-3EALTH and GOK1FOFZT Combined In InMADAME MADAME FOY'S Skirt Supporting Corset' ol thii . the imirkul lunl sold l It In ouu iiioi.t ( inpulurln y IciulInK dealers In Omaha. I'rlrn ll. ' > . Po7 , Harmcn It Chadwick. Now Haven , Ccnn. TIMKEN SPRING VEipIs" VI n M C Vonrt all urinary troubles oaMly. iiu Jo' < MUNtllyandtarelvcurudbyUOari/ltACm buluri. Saverulcases cui d In seven ilav& bold H.HI per box , nil drncglsts , or by mall front Doo- ura Ufa Co. 11J WntteSt. N.V. Vuliaitectlouj. ELECTRIC BEI.T PATK1TEU jltl ) . 10 , ISST. DiriMUKII Vlill. 1 , IB S3. " " DR. OWEN'S. ELECTRO- GALVANIC BODY DELT nnd Hnsponsor } nrocniirnntto'lta ' cure tliu ini ; : Allltlieim atio Ootn o. Gene ral ana ncn , Kld Ofl p , 'Irenibllnc. IVVSV Hoiual Exlmns tlon , Insomnia , * /l ' * VV. AVnttliiB of tin Uodr. Iifien e8 t ; U v\ oausfil b7 Imll crctlon in nutli or M rteil . all UUaases pertain * Lru to the \Vorab or Ilil organs _ - ddiiEArEST Improvemontovor mnJft , nnd Usupotlor to all othuro. Krory buor of nn ICIfCtrlo Dolt wants the kt thin li Mill ( In.I Ihn Owxn IIIt. . It differs from nil others , us It ifl n lUTTKIir IJKLT , onrl not nrhnln , voltaic or wire bolt , llwlll tLKIt > ll tonipliloii furalilo l > 7 FlFclrlcllT. U ha ulectrlo current can he 1 ECTcn by nn > ono borore It In anplUd to tha body , nntl IH worn only six to ton haum dully. If lou will Piuralno thin belt you will buy no oilier , lodiott tbo bNTIIlK GONFII > FHCK no Itnvn In our Klertrn OH- | rnnlo Units uml Appllnnceii nn "Ml irnd our .to. I licit tomplrle lo Itrtpontlbl * rtrlle on 1 lilrlj ! > } * Trial. t5ead ' 'c. [ o tn q for our rr.rv lllustr te l pxmiililflt. Trr > l' lrofUr. O n' . II.CI 1 me l\SIH.fcsj.rlff l MrP lr. THE OWEN ELECTRIC BELT AND APPLIANCE CO. ( Mention thli Paper. ) ( Incospon TEb JUNK ifitli , ledT.t 300 North Orondwav. ST. LOUIS. MO. fiU > vX . * j- * * ; * * ; , Ipf. . HNEWATCH REPAIRING- \ A RECE1VE3 PROMPT ATTENTIOH J W W Munruus , CIIHOKIO anj IMUVATK DISICASUS of UKN nnilVOMlCi nuccc ifullr treutoJ. YOUNG MEN Siirrerlnif from tlio effcrts of roulliftil follies nrlnitls rrutioiif , or nru truilulcJ vrltliVualiiicss , Noivntu Uublllty , Ixjsi lit Mummy , liunpondimcy , AviiKlun to fxicliity , Kl'lnejr ' Tioubli's ut any d ! ca o of tint liiiiil' t ( > -lJrliiiry Ornnm , fan hcru tlirl n n fu nml speu ly < uro , I'iiarvi's reiisonable , r | ierlnllr lu the poor MIDDLE-AGED MEN Tin roiir * many troubled with lee frequent ovnrua Hunt of tliu bjiulder , elton iKComii.inli'd by u tllulit suiurtlnx ur btmihu eoiitutliin , und no ueiiln.- llio yktum inamuniiur tliu patlunt ratnmt acuiunl fur On exaiiilnliu llio uilnnry ilopusIKu inpy oil ) iienl will aiten tin found mid tnmethuai iiitrtlcloi ol aluu. inunivlll iippu r or llio rolur Lu ol a Ililcl. mllkli'i lnipiv/tilni.iaiijtiu ! tun ilarltor lorpld uiiiiuaMii-o. Tliero urd manv mun who dlu of tills dllllt iilty. UIIOP unt or the cause whlcli i tliuscconl n iooriil. . nal weakness. The iluctur will iriurantou n perfe-t i lira In nil sucb inson nn I u luMllhy rusinrnthi'i ' of the Kcnlto urinary iirsaiii. runsullatloii Irce. Urimt stamp lor "Vounir Man's rrlcud.or UuUo to Wedlock/'lreoioail. Ad < 1re BK , . SPINHEY & CO. Main and 12th St , , Kansas City , Mo. IVUtnticm lUl > paper. Dn. K , 0. WPST'R Niiitvr. ASI > Hit UN THIAT MP.NT , u Ruarantccd .siierlllc for llyhtcrlii , Dlzzl. , Convulsion * , Mts , Nervous Nutirulfrla , Headache. Nervoi's Prostration caused by tli useof alcohol < .r tobacco , Wakefiilneas , .Mental Dopipsilun. Softening of the Drain resulting In Insanity and leading to mlhery , ( lec.vy anil death. I'lematuro Old Age. H.UTenni'SS , l.osso { I'ower in cither sex , Invoiuntnry lossus ancj Spciinatorrliii'ii caused by over e.M'itlon 06 Jlio ornui , BairabiiM > or over mdulKcnro. llacli box cont.iins on inonth's troiitmont , $1 a box , or six boxes for $ " > , .sent by null prepaid on ie- celpt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To euro any case. With each onier received bv us for sis boxes , accompanied with Si , wo will solid the purchaser our willton gu.iriiutua to ro- fiind tliemonoy if thu trout incut docs not eltecC a cure. ( Suaranlocs Issued only bv ( loidmim JniB Co. . Dt lights. Solo Agents , 1110 1'uriwin Stiect Umnlut ul ) . The 1'nbIlP urn not ppnirnlljr nwiiro tlial hr tha prcnonl niplhoun of cooklnit niliy niio-lmlr ol tiie tolfco that IH \io < \ Is tliriinn iinrny in Hie iimunili Hint wmtcil. Clionilftf ciiniiPi'tu I with tjili ciiiiipuiiy liarn8HOPi'dr < l In cm Ink- this wunlono tlint Iliu tomj luny can furillih ( "IHii inailo of the llni-nt Hiivn , put iipln Hin.-ill puit.ibloj.irs ninl W litiUNlEii I'l.llH'jT , ' l.v I'liiiK unit c'liVKiit ' I lo bo only ntmiit IJM- . ' HAliK TIIK COsT In llio coinuniorotcciiniiiiiu LOT. leu. Only IxJlllim wiitur h nociliM wlion , .roi > urlnj. 1C lor the talilc.-l'rown Liquid Cotfuo Company. Ask Your Crocor for CltOU'N JsiyVJJ ) UOIWEK. McCORD , UUADY & CO. , Wholu&alu Grocers , - - Omaha , NobJ OMAHA MEDICAL . "SIIBfllOAt. INSTITUTE i' : HfJ'r'tf .l rgj'jt'r. . N , W. Cor. 13th Si Declare Sta. roil Til C THEATMF.NT Of ALL , for Doforaltie : and licit fatllltlcs , appwctui anil remedies for inccosl /ul uuiumi'iit ol oT rr form ot diieaio ruqulrlac Medical or 8ur Trestinunt. TIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. lloarj and sttondttncoi Lett boiplUI uccommodi' i'ftnt lr ilia wu t. VVunuronUliiClltAnsnn DoforulUeinnd llrnce , Vrutim , Club Keel , C'urvituru o ( the tiPino , 1'llei , Tuomrj , Cancer , I.Atarrlj , lironcliltln , Inliilallon , Klcc'.rlcltr , raial/ili , Kolloiisr , KMnor HlmMer , Ufc. Ear , Ukln r.iil llloort.tQtl allBurulcnl operalluni. Disoaoos of Women a Specialty. 11001C UN DISUAEB1 OF VtOUf.l KlIEL' , OMLV SSLIA3LB MSDIOAL W&TITUTH > IAUIKO A bi'vciAi.rr or TE DISEASES. ill I'.looa Dlieno iuccoiilully fretted. Syplillltlo Polscri roiuoiuil f.-'ju llio krttem without luurcurr. Nun roitumtlvu trefittni-Qt lor lo i ut Vltnl I'.iwor. > -ar < oui unnblo to Tiittaimty bti treated at liuina til rorrfi > oiideaco. All cuiauiuuloitllont conltd ntUI * Muillcluoi or Instruments sanl lir la all or exprms , ei-.urulf nackod , no m rti to Inulmtu cnnluntt ol ( tadcr. Ona | iar : nal Intervlovr ] < itilcri a. 011 nj coDsultas nr send lilsturr of jout caiy.ana wj will atad lo plain wrapper , our BOOK TO MRN , FREE ! Upon I'riTtto. rlpoclal or Korrous Ducases , Impo * inner , Hrpbllli , Ulnel end Varlcuccle , nltu iinoitlou list. Address AddressMedical and Surgical Institute , ot I > 5t. MetKNAUY ! ! , Oo . wife na noaao su. , . . OMAHA , UBD. fiurTrrJnaifrom tJift cf * ftcU of youthful rr- rnrlr d - < tij , t " " ' fV-iit nliii ful'"iVrJlcuiiiIi"fur'l iino cure. Jrco cf cl m ' AiltlrrM. i PROF , F. 0. FOWURi MoodUB , Conn , j