Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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    suss. 3CKS3SCK3S3
Etllvcrcd by cnrrlrr In Any Purl of bo City n
"ivtnty Cents 1'crWcek.
11. W. TIMON . . MANAGE ! ! .
flcMiir ! OFFK r. No. 13.
A building permit was issued to James
Cnffcll , yesterday , for n $1,000 dwelling on
Harmony street ,
Council Bluffs LodRO No. 270. ( Loyal ) A.
O. U. W. . moots In O. A. U. hall , every Fri
day evening , at b o'clock.
Special convocation Star Chapter No. 47 ,
It A. M , this evening , 8 p. in. sharp. Work
In the M. M. degree. 13y order of the M. K
II. P.
O'Hrlcn ' Camp No. 75 , Sons of Veterans ,
met last evening and initiated three now
members. J. H. Uarrctt was elected Inspec
tor of the camp.
If the owner of a silk hat , bearing the in
itiate AV. IT. . worked inside , will rail nl
Tnr. HII : : ofllco with the hut ho has , nn ex-
chanpo will bo gladly made.
Henry Johnson , n coon from "Tho Kow , "
was , ycsterdav , lined f 10.40 for keeping opcr
n disorderly house on Sunday. Three drunk ?
nlso received their medicine , nnd a couple ol
vags were sent out to work on the streets.
A marriage license was issued yesterday
to U'lllmiti Harris and May Prentlss , boll ;
of Omaha. They were married at the Con
grcgationnl parsonage by Hev. O. W.
Go to the Congregational church to-night
and sco the "Vormil Tree. " and sccuro sonu
of Its novel fruits. The entertainment pronv
iscs to bu nn enjoyable ns well as novel one.
Admission " " > cunts.
The Council Bluffs Medical society meets
In regular session , Wednesday evening ,
April 21. Question for dlcussion : "I ;
llright's disease over cured ; if so , wlnil
treatment Is most likely to bring about suoli
n result 1"
The taxes collected in this county during
March amounted to § 270,000 , of which
the city gets SIOS.OOO and the hide
pendent school district $ ! 2'J,500. That ii
always the heaviest month in the year , ac
then the llrnt half of the tuxes are due.
Mr. Isaac Piles , formerly ot this city , but
now D merchant of Ynnkton , Dak. , has pur
chased the entire stock of boots and shoes o
the late J. M. Phillips. Ho has not yet decided
cided whether to remove the stock to Yank
ton , or to again become n resident of Councl
U luffs , but it is expected thnt ho will agan
go Into business hero permanently.
The Council Bluffs ball team , of the scasoi
of IbSS , will visit Plnttsmouth , on the EOtl
hist , to play the team of . that city. T lies
clubs played a twelve inning guuio last sea
BOH , with a score of 7 to 0. The game wil
doubtless bo very interesting , nnd nrrangc
menta have been made to take those who dc
she to go from this city at $1 for the roun
Mr. William L , . Dalnoy nnd Miss Magpie E
Bolun , both of this city , were married , yes
terdny morning , at 11 o'clock , in Oinulii
The newly wedded couple loft over th
Northwestern for Chicago , where they wi
visit fern week , after which they will pre
cce-d to Wajhincton , thence to Houston , Tex ,
where tliey will make their future home
Both nro well-known in this citv , and th
best wihhcs of many friends eo with them.
Esther May , the four-year-old daughter o
Mr. and Mrs. Kdvvin Clcmenson , died yes
terdny morning. The little ono was in ho
usual plnco nt Sunday school nt the Broat
way M. E. church Sunday afternoon , who
she was taken violently ill. She was re
moved to her homo and grow rapidly worst
until death relieved her sufferings twelv
hours afterwjird. The funeral will tnk
place at 2 o'clock this aftmioou from th
residence. 'J23 South First street. Friend
invited without further notice.
. .William Lawrence is in durance vili
awaiting n hearing on the charge of Inrcen ;
It is said that ho is a worthless fellow , an
that to his wife it will bo an infinite relief :
ho is sent to Jail. It is also alleged tin
when ho can not ibid anything else to stcu
he taues the money she earns by washin
nnd spends It. She says that she can earn
comfortable livhiK if ho is only kept awn ;
Numerous petit larcenies In the eastern par
of the city are laid at his door. Ho has pu
tially confessed to some of .hem , nnd will b
kept out of mischief for n while , nt least.
Mr. Charles I3urtcns and the follow
Ing members of his Stryon-blaab Lus
club will appear in the musicale Thun
day evening in four beautiful selection :
Charles Bartons , conductor. Miss Boll
rjobinbon has kindly consented to pr <
side at the piano _ on this occasion. Vie
lins , Miss Virginia Hobinson. Mcssn
Herbert Rogers , Grant Williams , Em
Karboch , Fraud Woolbor ; viola. Mi
Martin Calm ; violincollo , John Browi
double bass , Mr. Woli ; Ilutes , Fran
Badolotto , Will Rogers , Gcorgo luu
boeh ; clarinet , Arthur Karboch ; coi
nets , Perry Badollot. Mr. MacConuel
Will Murphy.
Notice the beautiful finish crivcn col
Inrs , cuffs and shirts by Cascade Laun
dry company.
Loans on city and farm property. Be :
terms. A. M. Hutchinson17 ( ! Broad wa ;
S. B. Wadsworth it Co. loan money.
Headquarters for builders' hardwan
Odoll & Urynnt , C1U Main street.
H. H. Gray , of Hastings , was in the cit
Judge Duffy , of Omaha , was in attendam
at the district court , yesterday.
Lew Genuntr , of Mills county , was In tl :
city yesterday on couit business.
Mr. Adolph. of the Colby ( Kan. ) Demi
crnt , is visiting hl father-in law , Pete
Uechtelo , of this city.
DJohn Bcrcshclin will sail for Kuropo o
the 27th hist , f torn Now York. Ho will I
absent about three months.
John P. Organ , Esq. , county prosccutln
attorney , loft last avoninc for Avoca , to u
tend to business before the grand jury.
Judijo L.oofbouruw returned yestordo
morning from his homo at Atlantic , and wi
an attendant at district court during tl
afternoon ,
Miss Nora Brown.'who is attendlns schoi
at the convent of the Sacred Heart :
Omaha , Is spending the Knster vacation wll
her parents , on Fifth avenue.
Andrew Hill , for the past year driver i
Iso , 1 hose reel , lias resigned his position
the lire department , nnd will hereafter woi
for his father in the house-moving businos
H W. L. T. , who exchanged silk ha
( an Alvord for a Dunlnp ) with some oti
last Sunday , will call nt this olllco 1
can got his own for the one he now ha
Notice to Water Consumers.
Water rents are now duo and puynb !
at olllco , 114 Main street.
JIavo our wagon call for your tollc
clot 1)os. ) Cascade Laundry Co.
Cole ft Cole , 41 Main street , for tl
best Lawn Mower on earth.
Dr. C. C. Iluzon , dentist , Opera lieu ;
J. G. Tluion , real nbtato , 627 B'dwa
Buildings loans. Odoll Bros , ft Co.
For $15.00 ! The N. Y. Plumbing C
will put a load service pipe and hydrui
in your yard ; also 60 feet extra hos
Call at once at 114 Main street.
Rooms to rent in the Morrlam bloc !
B. B.V/adaworth &Co. . ! 0 Main ttVeo
Money loaned on luinlturo , plann
diamonds , horses , buggies or any thin
of vnluo at low rates of interest. !
publicity ; ( air and honorable dealin
A , A. Clark ft Co. , ofJlco cor. Brotttlwu
luiil Main , orcr American express.
jlboral Dormtlqna For the Coming
Ghnutauciun , Fair.
Shortening the Motor Line There's
Trouble In the 1'nmlly Ijl lit
That's Too Mcht City
Council Lessor News.
Kor the Clintitniiqtin 1'nlr.
Dentitions for the grand fnlr nnd festival
to IJQ given for the bonelltof thoCtmu.taun.uii
assembly , arc coming In , and the indications
nro thnt the display will bo an extensive one.
Among the articles already received nro the
following ;
Through Messrs. Cook & Lautcrwassor 0.
Sidney Shepard & Co. , of Chicago , sent two
largo boxes of tinware , charges prepaid.
Adams & Wcstlnke , n line gasoline range
with Uoublo oven. Walters Dros. , sadiilors ,
have secured n carriage whip from Mr.
Wells , of Wollsvllle , Pa. P. C. UoVol has
nlso secured n gasoline range and oven. Mr ,
Bpotmnn has tv donation of six dozen cans
baking powder , from Chicago yeast pwd ,
Chiiwnan , Smith ft Co. liean & Co. , dry
goods merchants , donated u pair of bamboo
portieres. M. E. Smith , wholesale dryffoods
merchant of Omaha , has promised n
donation , ns 1ms J. Oberfcldcr , wholesale
dealer In fine millinery. Wior , Shugart &
Co. have a corn drill , donated by Farmer
Frlnml Manufacturing company , nt D.iyton ,
O. ; also n ICowaneo pump , from E. Ka.\cs ,
Galva , 111. Aultnmn , Miller & Co. glvo n
live foot cut Huckoye mower , and several
other valuable articles are now on the road.
Mr. Burt Butler , Omaha's favorite
violinist , will Hiipcnr twice on the pro
gramme Thursday evening. IIo plays
that beautiful anil brilliant hole , "Sau-
vonirdo liudo , " Leonard , and the well-
known , cxquisito "Eloglo , " by Ernst.
District Court
In district court , yesterday , the forenoon
was devoted to the arraignment of prisoners.
They were Thomas Hrooks , William Copeland -
land , H. F. Uowe , Adolph Kelp , Peter
Knccht , Andruw Loronson , Hans Peterson ,
Gcorgo Fierhaukon , M. Ulumonstoin , frank
Williams , Hichard Somers , John Sherwood ,
Clarence Ulakelcy , Fred Ilnrter , Jim
Shields , L. Casey , J. .1. Shannon , J. S.
Mercer and J. McLaughlin.
In the afternoon Colonel Snpp and Judge
Huhbard made the closing nrguincnts in the
great Henry vs Evans cattle c.ise.
Judge Carson held court In the south
room , having exchanged with Judge Miicy ,
who goes to Avocn. Judge Carson will re
main here this rest of this weclc , and open at
Avoca n wceK from to-day. He yesterday
issued n decree of divorce in the case of
Anna C. Gregory vs diaries Gregory. None
of the other cases in the day's arraignment
were ready for trial , nnd no business was
transacted In the afternoon.
Not Up to the Test.
There is grief in store for n number of
Omaha gasoline and kerosene merchants who
have been vending their wares In Council
lilulTa for some time past. It seems that the
ofllcial test i about ten degrees higher in
Iowa than in Ncbraslta. The Iowa test is
105 degrees and the Nebraska test is 100 de
grees. The other five degrees is made in the
difference between the cups used in testing ,
the Iowa inspectors usius : the Elliott and the
Nebraska inspectors the Foster cup.
The result is that oil is sold in Iowa that
will not stand the lowu test. Said Deputy
Inspector Lynchard , yesterday , "These
Omaha parties are doubtless doing this in ig
norance ol the law on the matter and I want
to warn them that they must desist. If they
do not , I shah have to prosecute them , and
the penalty will not bo pleasant for them. "
Hereafter It will bu unpleasant for any
Omaha linn which tries to dispose of oil in
the state without having it inspected here as
required by law.
Council Illufl' * Appreciates Fine Art.
The Chicago Fine Art Portrait com
pany is having its bharo of patronage
among the leadine people of this city ,
and rightly. Tliib company lias loiig
been acknowledged as doing the linest
crayon work in that city , and that their-
sueechs in Council Blutfs is assured is
bovond question. Vibit their gallery at
M'N. Main &t.
Trouble In tlic Family.
The domestic troubles of n Gardner town
ship family will be aiicd in Justice Uarrctt's
court next Monday. The outbreak is caused
by a rupture between H. C. Harris nnd
William McCampbell. McCampboll states
that Hums' wife loft him about three week * ,
on account of his alleged famlliantv with
tno servant girl. Last Friday evening , ns
McCampboll was returning homo from the
city , ho met Harris. The latter demanded
to Uno\v the whereabouts of his wife , nnd
McCampboll said ho know nothing about It.
Harris drew a revolver , and , pointing it at
"Mac , " exclaimed : "D n you , hero is the
thing that will miiko you toll. " McCampboll
drove on homo , nnd was not further mo
lested. Hairis claims that McCampboll as
sisted in spiriting away his wife , und that in
the encounter Friday evening ho became violently
lently demonstrative. These are the stories
told by the two men. In the meantime Mrs.
Harris Is in hiding , and a wrathy husband
holds the fort alone.
ICoiiieinhcr !
a The blue Ice wu < ron soils pure river
ico. Your orders solicited. Satisfac
tion gimrnntcod. Telephone 102. Of-
licu 60:5 : 1st uvo. , under Citizens' bank.
1 ( 'Inntrlnc the Motor Tjlnc.
a Colonel F. C. Kecd , of the Manawa motor
line , states thnt he will shorten his line to
the lake this week , by changing Its course
just after it leaves the city limits. It now
turns west from Ninth to Eleventh street ,
thence south to Hay's landing. It will con-
tluuo straight south on Ninth street after
the clmnga Is made , leaving Hny's landing
two blocks to the west. This wilt do away
with two curves , and will shorten the road o
quarter of u mllo. This will lessen the run
ning time very perceptibly , ns good speed
can ue maintained throughout the entire dis
tance. The work will bu completed oy the
end of the week.
Tcmjioranco Meeting
At Smlth'n hall on Sixteenth uvenuo to
night. Hovs. Taylor Hacheiibuch , and
Phelps -.vlll bo there to address the people.
Take your Gospel Hymns and aid in the
Blueing. The children are all invited , as
well us the adults.
AD S. Uhnso will exterminate goph
ers and nits from farms and private res
idences for the season for $3 and up
wards. Work warranted. Address Ab
S. Cluibo , Council UluiTd , la.
St. Itcrnartl't. llnzuar.
The bazaar for the beiielit of St. Bernard's
hospital opened at the Masonic temulo last
evening. The attendance was fairly good
for the opening night. The hall was very
attractively decorated , and the numerous
booths showed to good advantage. Notice
nl'lo among the booths were those of the Med
ical Stuff , Anclnnt Order of Hlhurnhi ns , In-
isfall , St. Fr.uiris' ami St. i'eter's boclotles.
All were tastefully conceived , and tilled to
repletion with various articles for sale , the
Ubof ul as well ns the ornamental. No special
programme was arranged for last evening ,
and the visitors employed their time to good
advantage in looking over the largu and
vailed collections , Supper was served In the
anto-room , the coffco being prepared by a
traveling representative of Woods' Acme
colieu house. This evening the special at
traction will bo u quadrille party ,
Death of Mrs. Joiner.
Mrs. Nnncy Joiner , a resident of this city
for nearly forty years , died , yesterday after-
ttoon , at her homo on YiuUrn street , at the
advanced neo of sovcnty-flvo years. The de
ceased was among the oldest settlers in
Council Bluffs , her residence hero dating
back to about 18W , and was well known
among the older citizens. She lind been 111
for some time , and a few days af6 ? nor doctor
performed a innst dangerous nnd dinicult
turglcnl operation , n4 the last resort to sfivo
tier life. The shock was too much for her.
She was the mother of Mrs. J. N. Casadv , of
this city. The arrangements for the fun
eral are not yet completed , and the date will
bo announced later.
Money loaned at L. B. Craft's & Co.'s
loan olllco on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of all kinds ,
nnd all other articles of value without
removal. All b sliioss strictly confi
Klister Miifilcnlc.
To bo given by the Social Union In the
parlors of the Presbyterian church , Thurs
day evening , Auril 25 : *
I'HOO \M\IC. .
( ( i. Spanish Dnnco Moscowskl
( b. IJoloro Moscowskl
Slrykcn-blaas Lust Club.
Song The Old Sexton
Mr. W. A. Derrick.
March Militulro-Schubert-Tanslz
Miss Lizzio Isanc.s.
Violin Solo , Souvenir the Uiulcn
11. Leonard
Mr. Uurt Uutlor.
Vocal Solo Selected
Miss Hnttio Palmer.
I'd. Klgatidon KafT
/ > . IJarcarolo (4th ( concert ) Sterndalo-
. Elfenreli'on Kroegcr-Ucnnett
Miss Lbzlo Isaacs.
Selections , Pirates of Pcnzance Sullivan
Str.vkcn-blaas Lust Club.
Duct , Sleep Well Thou Sweet Angel. . . .
Cornet and Flute , Messrs. Perry and Frank
Song The Sands O'lco
Mrs. Kobcrt Mullis.
Violin Solo , Elcglu Ernst
Mr. Hurt Butler.
Song , Calvary Paul Kadnoy
Mr. W. A. Derrick.
( ( i. Study for Black . )
Piano Solo-j Keys ( O. P. 10 , No. 5) ) [ Chopin
( li , n Ecassaiscs )
Miss Li/zio Isaacs.
The beautiful selection , "Sleep Well ,
Thou Sweet Angel , " which Perry and
Frank Badolot will play this evening ,
was composed especially for them by
Prof. Uaotons.
City Council Proceedings.
At fifteen minutes to 9 o'clock last evening
the gavel fell in the council chambers and
the roll was called. Mayor Uohrer nnd a
full board of aldermen were present.
Mr. Preston , of the Hock Island road ,
presented a contract giving the city the
right to lay a thirty-inch brick sewer on
Thirteenth street from Broadway through to
the grounds of the road. It was read and
referred to the mayor , city solicitor and city
Petitions of John Danforth and Mr. Per
kins were referred.
A resolution ordering n sidewalk on
Seventeenth avenue was adopted.
Several petitions for reduction of assess
ment were referred to Assessor Patten for
On her petition , the tuxes against the prop
erty of Christine Bock , were remitted.
Alderman Kncphcr moved that the city so
licitor settle the "Indian creek" claim of C.
C. Honn for $100. Alderman lucy opposed
settling any of these claims without contest.
Alderman Knepher withdrew his motion.
The petition of John Short , for damages , was
referred to the city engineer ,
Tim deed of J. M. Palmer was referred to
the Judiciary committee for correction. The
estitnato of E. A. Wiokham , for f52 , was
audited and ordered paid when the deed is
properly executed.
A grading resolution , covering the avenues
U , C , D , E , and F , und the southern part of
the city , was adopted. The work to bo ad
vertised for , bids to close May iy.
The city supervisor was instructed to fill
the south side of Broadway , between Six
teenth and Seventeenth streets and charge
it to property owners. Also fill all intersec
Adjourned until Wednesday evening.
A Itnusiii r IjiUior Meeting.
Knights of Labor hall was tasked to Its ut
most last night nt the joint oucn meeting oi
the union of Caipouters and Joiners and the
Knights of Labor. William II. McCollestci
acted as chairman and had the honor of pre
siding nt as line , enthusiastic and creditable
a public meeting as was over held in Soutli
Omaha. A number of ladies were present
and were quite as much interested as were
their male friends. Messrs. Perry Parker ,
William Phillips and t'orry Pepoon handled
the single tax question in a manner
to show the audience that under
the present system all taxes arc paid by labor
and practically none by wealth , while under
ttio single tax system nearly the whole
of this burden would bo taken oft labor's
shoulders. Messrs. Charles Abornpthy and
Char03 ] Unit spoke on general labor organiz
ation and Mr. Con Lynch on the eight-hour
question. The speakers were all well informed -
formed , and gave excellent satistnction ,
Hoard of Trailo ComniittccH.
The following standing committees of the
board ol trade have been appointed by Presi
dent John A. Dee :
Ucal Estate Messrs. David Anderson , E.
H. Howland and C. M. Hunt.
Finance Messrs. E. II. Howland , Z. Cud-
dington and John C. Carroll.
Hailroads Messrs. Henry H. Meday , C.
M. Hunt and Fred M. Smith.
Live Stock Mesbrs. James G. Martin ,
Frank H. Boyd and Frank .1. Persons.
Manufactures Messrs. Gnorgo W. Was-
son , C. M. Hunt and David Anderson.
Uccoption Messrs. C , M. Hunt , George
W. Mosson and John C. Carroll.
Free For All ituiinwayt ) .
While several teams were standing at the
B. & M. freight depot Saturday , the drivers
loading freight on the wagons , a locomotive
was backed down and scared the horses.
One team , belonging to W. S. Glynn , and
ono one by James Hyan , started at the same
time und colliding did considerable damage
to the freight , wrecked the wagons and
badly injured ono of Mr. Glynn's horsrs.
James Crusscn , driver of Harmon & Cash'e
delivery wagon and John Johnson's were oul
delivering goods Saturday afternoon when the
horse became unmanageable nnd throw the
two out of the wagon. Mr. Cresson received
injuries on the arm and Mr. Johnson on the
foot and leg
C Mitral Ijahor Union.
Twenty-live delegates from four trades
unions and the Knights of Labor met it :
Knights of Labor hall Sunday evening anc
organized a central labor union , and elected
the following ofllcers ! President. C. W ,
Miller : vice pri'sldent. John MoDermott :
recording secretary , Edward Elsterj llnun.
cinl secretary , Charles Metcnlf ; treasurer ,
Dora Stout. A committee on constitution
and by-laws was appointed to report at the
next meeting , Adjourned , to meet li :
Knlglits of Labor hall , Saturday evening
next. State Foreman Con Lynch , of Omaha ,
of the Knights of Labor , was present.
Noteti Aliout the City ,
Charles Baker , of Coin , la. , has rcaiovei
to this city.
Michael Doran , of Gretna , is visltinj
Councilman John O'Hourko.
Frank McCoy has returned after an extended -
tended Jaunt through the west.
Miss Julia B. Spaulding has rccovoroi
from her ill lies and resumed teaching.
Mrs. Fred Mulch or , with her daughto ;
Dora , is visiting Mr. and Mrs. U A. Melchcr
J. B , Moloy , of Little York , 111. , is visltlni
Charles S. Moloy , of the commission ilrin o
Moloy & Co ,
The Christian ledge will hold n buslnosi
meeting In the Methodist Episcopal .ehurcl
Tuesday evening.
Thomas J. Kyno of Denver , Is visiting hli
brother and sisters , W. H. and tno Misse
Julia and Mary K.vno.
Frank Plvonka and daughter. Miss Mary
will leave Friday for Europe , Ihoy will ge
to Baltimore and sail May 1st , gointr direcl
to Prat'uo , Uohemla. While in liuropu , Mr
? lvonka will visit tUo springs nt Curlsbad ,
Paris nnd some otner places of Interest.
Frank H. Marshall , who has boon very low
for some time , Is novr sufllciontly strong to
stnrt for Colfax Springs , Ii .
Thcro will bo a bUslncs ? meeting of the
Immco committee cy tbc ( ftng.roffsUlon of tuci
'rcsbyli-rlan church , Wednesday.
A. V. Plvonka gave nn Easter Monday
lance to his religions friends , who had been
abstaining from pleasures during Lent.
Messrs. O. S. and H. J. Polsloy , 6f Com ,
a. , nro visiting tholr brother , Edward E.
Polsloy , and expect 16 locate In South Omaha.
Agent L. U. Gortiam , of the Hock Island ,
vho has been traveling through the western
iart of the state during the lust week , ha
A. U. Jones , agent of the Street Stable
Car company , who has boon attending the
cattlcmcn'e convention nt Mlles City , Mont. ,
ms returned ,
C. W. Campbell , of Chicago , son of J. H.
Campbell , of the Campbell Live Stock Com-
nlssion company , is In the city and will open
a branch house nt the yards.
South Omaha Lodge No. 113 , I. O. O. F. ,
vill go to Beatrice Friday , the SlWh , on the
excursion on t'to ' seventieth anniversary of
he oganballon of Odd Fellowship.
The dance and reception , given by the
Clght Associates , In A. O. II. hall , Monday
evening , attracted as largo a crowd and as
veil pleased lot of friends as ever assembled
n the hall.
The Hov. D. H. Cooley , I ) . D. , pastor of
ho First Baptist church of Council Bluffs ,
spent Monday in the city , the guest of the
< ov. Daniel Rogers , in the Interest of
church extension.
Mr. Fred A. Huntley , of this city , for-
ncrly of St. Paul , Minn. , and Miss Mony f.
Cyno , of this city , will no married at the
family residence Twenty-Hftli mid J sticets
it 8 o'clock this evening.
A lire In the rcarof John S. Mullen's store ,
Albright , Sunday , gave the lira laddies of
the southern suburb work to prevent a de
structive conflagaatmn , und caused the citi
zens to begin to think about securing belter
lire protection.
F. W. ICen/ic , who has been conducting a
restaurant in the Lister block , under W. S.
ilornston's tea and coffee store , has "Ilyeddo
course , ' leaving many troubled and dlsap-
lolntcd creditors. Attachments to the
amount of several hundred dollars hnvo bren
rVt the Gun club shoot Jacob Young won
: ho badge. Twenty blue rocks were used ,
Ineob Young and Fred Bowloy each getting
11 , and on shooting off the tie Mr. Young got
fi and Mr. Bowloy out ofO. The other
scores were II. Kouert 7 , Joseph F. Ejrgler 8 ,
jit'ion S. Hcmcr 5 , Frank Martzuhn 5 and
Michael Hcmcr G.
District Deputy Gcorgo J. Seltrer , High
Ihlef Hanger , accompanied by a number of
: \\a \ ofllcers nnd members of Court Magic
3ity , will go to Omaha Friday evening , the
CCth , to organize a Court of Independent
Order of Forresters , nt Forest hall , Sixth
and Pierce streets. The meeting is public
and all persons interested are invited to at
Only President Persons , Secretary Carroll
and Mr. Van Alien , of the school board , met
with Architect Fischer , of Omaha , Mondav
afternoon at the high school building. An
adjournment was made to Friday afternonn ,
at i ! o'clock , when it will bo decided about
the ulans for cutting down the high school
lot and building another story and basement
under the present building.
A Bohemian mass , meeting to organize n
Bohemian Coopers' union , was held in the
National hull , Twenty-fourth and L streets ,
Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock , and was well
attended Mr. Corny andr. . Kubcc , of
Omaha , were present and conducted the
meeting. Adjourned to moot Sunday after
noon , May 5 , at 2 o'clock , to effect a perma
nent organisation and elect ollleers.
Three scoroof as well drilled and flue
appearing men as ever inarched in line in
South Omaha , under command of Marshal
James P. Miilonoy , marched from the A. O.
11. hall Sunday morning to St. Bridget's
Komau Catholic church to hear the venera
ble patriarch , the Kcv. Father Arnold
Damon , S. J. , preach. Division No. 3 , A. O.
II. , is ono of the liucst orders of which South
Omaha can boast.
Ingenious Method the Yankees Have
orCntcliiti ! ; Daiicnroim llcptllcs.
They hunt the rattlesnake every sum
mer in this country for his oil , which
is believed to ho a euro for deafness ,
and such is worth 5U an ounce , says an
Adams , Mass. , correspondent of the
New York World. But the Yankee
hunter's native ingenuity has hit upon
an ingenious method of capturing the
festive rattler , which may not be very
brave , but is certainly very effective.
Choosing a red-hot summer day in the
dry season , the rattlesnake hunter
saunters forth into the region where
the reptiles nro known to abound.
One mar. carries a lish-polo another
a sharp scythe. The lish-polo has
a btout wire attached to it , and
there is an ordinary piekcrnl hook on
the end of the wire. Moving cautiously
through the grass &o as not to disturb
the sleeping snake , who is always found
basking in the warm sun near a loose
ledge or rook , ono of the men prods his
fanakcship more or less gently with the
lish pole , being careful also to hold the
hook invitingly near the rattler's head.
Like any other sleeper suddenly in
terrupted , the snake wakes up an'grv ,
makes a dart at the nearest irritating
object , which is the flbh hook , and very
accommodatingly allows the sharp tine's
to penetrate his jaws. Hi > may rattle
and bibs and wriggle and writhe and
fehoot out ounces of his deadly poison ,
hut the poison meets but the vacant air.
The man with the lihh polo holds the entrapped -
trapped rattlesnake at a safe
distance , while his comrade moves up
nnd , with ono well-aimed blow of his
trusty scythe , severs the bnako's head
from his body. The body then is de
posited in a bag and the hunters go in
search of other game.
The most famous hunter of rattle
snakes after this provincial manner is
Isaac Spurr , who lives in the southon
part of the county , near Mount Ever
ett , a region long noted for its snakes.
Spurr always goes out just before a
storm , for at that time , ho says , experi
ence proves , the rattler comes out of
his hole. IIo has caught thousands of
these snnUcs in his time , nnd has ac
quired buch knowledge of their habits
that ho can trap one every time. Years
ago ho found thorn much more plenti
ful and much larger. IIo caught ono
once which was 'cloven feet long anel
thirty-Iivo years old. When Spurr
dressed the biinko for his oil , ho found a
young woodchuck in the stomach.
Spurr's reputation as a biuiko catcher
extends far and wide , and when the
zoological folks want a snake for ex
hibition they alw.ays drop Spurr a line ,
nnd they are rarely disappointed.
Throe rattlers caught by him were
taken to the Centra , ! park V.oo and are
hero now.
A Good Memory.
Brooklyn church member ( to pastor )
That was a beautiful bormon of yours.
Dr. Potts.
Dr. Potts ( blubbing with pleasure )
It's very good of you to say so , I'm buro.
Church member Not at all , I
thouglitsotho lirst time I heard it de
livered three years ago in Chicago.
At Di-URicI * ' " ul"1 Uoalori.
/S * > t rit 11 & * ' *
/ * . * tt ! i6s -
" ' - I X
fr /helGNS
Buy You
„ „ . /ttw/3 AffenrlonW&tt * -Paintod F 'E '
. - . ' ,4 . , * rprompt Delivery- „ i-- *
We invite your patronage E.B.C RD IN E R.
A'O.O4 ' S / = ? CM O WXVf \ Pearl o u.
T7OU IIFNT GoodO-rcom house , corner of
-C1 Otli st n iid 2d nve , ono block south ol dummy
dvpot. Apply to Horace IJvirett.
"VlT'ANTi ; ! ) A competent Klrl to do
> > housework. Apply at Ulfl IlluU" st , Council
WANT12D Ily three nilultM , by May 1 , two
nlco turnlsiicd or unfurnished rooms
Hioadwny depot. References given nnd re
quired. Address X , lloe olllco. Council llluirs ,
W' A NTKD A man to wash dishes , at loulo
_ &'s.Oi' llroartwjiy , Council Uhiirs.
FOR SALE nr Kxchango A "good stock ot
haidmiru with store building niul dwelllnir.
In southwestern Io\vn. Will exchange for good
fanning land. Kerr & Gray , & 03 1st avo. , Coun
cil Jilnils. In. _ _ _ _ _
"VA/ANTKD At the deaf and dumb instltu-
T tlon , Council Illulls , liv. , a llower giirdoncr.
Apply In person or by mall to the superintend
ent. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
FOUND Pair or sold spectacles. Ow nor can
_ get them by calling at lleo olllco.
TTToU FM3NT Two" dwelling houses. H and 10
JJ rooms , nnd two centrally located ulllces In
Council Hliiirs. Homes Kverutt " _ _
FOR KI2NT rflno-room"SftH COMORO In
.latnos block on 'Ihtnl nvouuo , oetwoeu
Eighth ami Ninth streets.
ENGINP. roil SALK-One 11x12. twenty-horse
power , mostly now. lTnlon Iron works ,
No. 107. ! 3d st. , Council Hinds , la.
No. 27 Main Street ,
Ovtsr .Bacqucnihi's .Icwulry Store.
Private watchmen furnished fit any nnd sill
Special attention given to collection of chat
tel mortgages and notj's.
Money to loan on good rnattel security.
Reference Any bank , uttoiuey , or business
man In the city.
Twos , umccn. \v. if. ai.
Corner Main and Ilroadway ,
Dcalt-rs In foreign r.nd doniostlc cxchongo.
Collectlouil made itud Interest paid on time do-
Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Pro
tectors , Etc ,
Agents wanted.
c. ii. .yuH i > ,
Council iiluffrt in.
Mrs. C. t. GIUETT'S '
And see her line line of Hnlr
Goods. KINKbT llAlll
ORNAMKNTS ill the city
WlKH , Ileiuds , etc. , for Rent
orSulu ,
Olnthimd Coylo untl Myers
Orraso Points. Ilalr
_ Dressing. Ktc.
No. ii ! ) niuiit St. , Council ISI iilI'H
Orders by mull receive prompt attention.
Modern Hovolltl OB
Artistic Decoration !
I. ui and Ornamental I'ulntlnK. Kaluo
mining. UraiiilnR. .Me.
Nos. 11 and 13 Pearl St.
< = 5AHD H DJiJ5 Jr
. , , ow/i Dressin
M.M.SCA/VJLAW , Fashioned
* - - Tel.2.0Fashioned
% ? S KF V
? P&
SIZES FROM Especially A'lapletl foe
25 TO 300
HORSE POWER , Mills and Elevators
S'lie-llltiit'ons and uatimat-js luriilsliM foi c. > ! 'im > u ataarr ii.r.nti. Kr-i.-nlatlon. Durability Onar
imteod , t ne rliow lmt < M from users wh < io Fuel Ilcono.nj Is en.n il with foillss Non-CoiidoiiMlna
E.G. HARRIS , Agent ,
Send for Catalogue. No. BIO Penrl Street , Council Dluffa
CASCA ! ' .i
k Itrll rcitgi
s U , lcb < > lf ure.i Icr.iiiU. Vl < crl
Currcci > r v riiTi .rtvrir.r v fcrflti3lcojQcnb. |
bKLT .d ) pBi r7cn.UIt 16. . .d. . WGutcuelMr.
EBiD < Bllr ur Jlbttre ia btt . htkUdria tl.Kl. K4DD.
D.H.MODANELD & co , ,
Hldesjata , Pells , W&
Highest maikt-t prlus. Pruinpt leluriif. No , J.'S
dud ilmu-au , I'suuvil liluilj , ID H ,