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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1889)
TTTE OMATTA DAILY BBE TUESDAY , APKIL 23 1889. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , "Wheat Fairly Aotlvo at a Lower Rango. CORN CLOSES AT AN ADVANCE. OntB nt n Nnrrow KntiRo TcntllnR to I'rovlfilonH Unlntcrcst- { Cnttlc Active A Down Turn In Hogg , CHICAGO I'UOOUOB MARKETS. CHICAGO , April 23. [ Special Telegram to THIS UKn.l The wheat markets were fairly iictivo to-day , on a unmowhat lower ran BO of vnldco. May and Juno moro especially were depressed and a decline of Sic per bushel oc curred In these months , there being , how ever , n partial recovery. The feeling at the ( lecllno was better than It ha * boon during the we ok , and the expectation seems to bo ; cncral that the markets nro likely to Im prove , or rather , that n reaction Is In order. The visible supply decreased 707.000 bushels , or twlco ns much ns last year , and the stocks nt nearly ovciy point of accumulation show reductions , Minneapolis about 100,000 bush els , New YorK 800,000 bushels and Uhlcapo about 1200,000 bushels. Worn the opening nt navigation , tip to Saturday , about fiOO.OOO hiisht-ls hud been sold hero for shipment , nnd on Saturday and to-day additional lots were worked , the amount and price not being - ing named. The stuff appears to bo moving out of sight as rapidly ns could bo desired , considering Ihosnmllnc3s of the supplies. The , weakness in Mav and Juno was the feature ) of the early trading. The offerings of both months were nuito frco , und under their weight May brolto IromSi-lc to 81c , nnd Junu from 8Jio to SOJ.fc , the outsldo buing Satur day's closing range. The opening to-day was J c off. The price advanced to 81J o soon afterwards. This break In May anil Juno contribute in an important sense to the decline lu July , mid Hutuhinson contributed largely to keep the price down after it pot there. July opened nt TOl c , advanced to 7 ; < e. nnd worked off to 78c , sliding up toward - ward the last and closing Jfc above the in- side. During the early half of tbo session n big lot ot long wheat came out and thcro was exceedingly liberal covering by the shorts. Kcnm , Uoclic , Ocorgo Smith , Swltzcr and the whole list of the local professionals and tholr brokers wcro gooil buyers. This alone kept the market , from breaking seriously , for the offerings wcro on u largo scale , llutchlnsonyas nn open seller , but ho might have bought moro than ho sold , The firmness which developed toward the lastwas traceable in a largo degree to the understanding that the market only needed steadiness to insure considera ble activity in cash grain. Inquiries are nu merous nnd the bias nro close to the market. Ono lot of fi.OHO bushels of Dakota choice wheat was bout-ht by Miller for SSJfc. Tills is merely n straw. It is difficult to trace the gos > slp down to the actual business , but good wheat is evidently wanted. The closing .range wrw Slic for May Sljfc for Juno and ? llif @ 70fo , for July. As compared with Sat- urduv this shows a loss of 2u in May and Juno and Xc ' " July. Thcro wcro no foreign markets to-day andtho news from the Amer ican markets was ijit particularly interest ing. Wheat wii Solt everywhere on the brilliant weather nnd the softness here. Now York reported 8 boat , loads worked for export. There was a steamer market for corn after the opening weakness. May , which under the influence of the declining wheat market sold early at 4 > c , steadied itself and worked back tolj : ( o on the decrease of l141,000in ! the visible supply. Tlio export clearances were heavy , and demands from foreign and domestic shippers wcro us aetivo ns over. There were Wi.OOO bushels cleared ? rom Now Orleans on Saturday , in addition to the outgoings from the Atlantic ports. The receipts wcro below thu estimates made- on Saturday. Trade was of a light , scalping character , nnd was void of activity or signill- O'lice. The outside markets wcro firm and eh ouraglng to holders , and , with wheat , closed somewhat firmer than It ruled for the most ptirt of the day. The closing prices of corn wcro at the best figures of the day. The fluctuations were extremely narrow , und the changes from Saturday's closing quotations were only about Xc ' " favor of holders. May and Juno gained J c , July l-ld@ } a nnd Sen tombcr ) gc. Oats soli ? within a narrow range , tending to easiness , with a good aggregate trade recorded. The so-called clique houses were free sellers of May , and with the support Confined chlolly to the shorts , prices declined ? jo from Saturday's ' latest llgure , with a frnc tional recovery following. There was con- eldcrablo demand for May around 23 > .fc , ana the operators showed a willingness to change Into Juno tit % o difference. The long months especially July , exhibited relative steadiness The withdrawals ft om store were less than rcecr.Uy and the receipts continued largo with free sales of No. 3 to go to store at 2'J c , or c below the fonnnr inside prico. lu provisions the day passed iu r somowhai featureless manner. Traders In pork tint iu companion articles transferred some o : their May holdings to July , but there was no spirit or life to liuaiiicss. Outsiders paid little tlo or no attention to the market , and an un interesting state of affairs generally prc Tailed. The tendency , however , was agalns the sellers , and the closings all around wore easier than these of Saturday. Jn pork the final auotations showed a dcclino of 7M&.W * In lard of y > i@ 5c , and in short ribs of 2 > tf CHICAGO HTOOK. CiiiCAfio. April ! 22. [ Speclal Telegram to TIIK UEE. ] OATTI.B The market was active o the extent of the supply , which , ns will bo scnu , Is only 8,000 , and the lightest , with two or thrco exceptions , for any Monday this year so far. The salesmen quoted good 'steers , either light ur heavy , from strong to lOc higher than the low prices of last Thurs day. There wore live loads of Texan among thoarnvalsf nil of which sold at satisfactory prices. Low stock and all manner o uutchers' stock shared in the upturn. Vca calves tire not wanted. As is usual on Man day , business was light in the atockur and feeder trade. Choice to extra beeves , $1.- ) Q-l.W ; medium to good steers , 1850 to ItilK Ibs. f3.60dj.-U5 ; 1200 to 1830 Ibs , $ a.6Q@3.85 050 to 1200 Ibs , $3.80(33.00 ( ; stackers and feed ore , .yj.50@i.GO : ; cows , bulls and mixed , $1.75 C.75 ! ) ; bulk , ? 3 ( : > ; Texas steers , J3.250 IIA'5. IIA'5.HOOK Trade was active , wltti n down tun : of BWlOc. The Uurlingtou and Northwcs orn divisions shnro In the outsldo reduction The bulk of the mixed sold at W,7itH.7rX ( ( a few prlma and funuy at M.SO@-i.b5 ; a few 'pots" of speculators' stock nt f4.50J-U5 ( ! and a few "stiffs" at $4.iO@4,40. ! Ugh norls sold uniformly at $4.Sk'4.87J ' , am miythlnggood enough to pass for siugo ser at f 1.00. FINANCIAL. NKW YOUK , April 22. [ Special Tologrnm to TUB HEU , I STOCKS There was promts of a bettor fcollng and better action In stock shortly after the opcnlnc , to-day , but th morning hours passed and loft the list littl Jlstiirbcd from the closing prices of last week. The opening was fairly firm , and the "general list showed galim of } to ? / per cent. Union Ptiolflo was the weak stock , nnd * { under , first prices were followed by very fcllght gains in many of the stocks which have been active for weeks past , and the volume of business the first half hour was good. Thou the list became irregular , AtchUou , Now England , Louisville and Union fuciflo were tbo active blocks , In the Irreguiar movement St. Paul and Atohlson gained X per cent , while Chicago Gas and Hocking Valley lost 1 per cent each. At the end of the hour tlio market was quiet and bcr.vy , with prices liltlu changed from the opening , The market became still moro dull toward noon , and the fluctuations wore few nud slight. Oregon Short line lost 2 points and Hocking Valley another point , with only Insignificant changes iu the other stocks. liuforo 1 o'clock Louisville & Nashvlllo showed some strength and sold up a point to 67 , Now England and AtchUon lost f each , and Union Pacific , after touching M % returned to CO' , ' . The following were the closing quotations ! P11ODUGI3 MARKETS. CniCAOo , April S3 , Wheat Firmer ; cash , c ; Mny , b2c ; July , 79 B-l(5c. ( Corn Steady ; cash , 34Vc , ; May , 34Vc ; ; July , 3. > K c. Oats Steady ; cash , 23 'c ; May , 22 c ; July , 23/c. ! Kyo Mn.v , 42c. Harlo.v Nothing doing. Prime Timothy J1.S2. FlnxI.W5. . Whisky $1.03. Pork Stonily ; Mny , $11.72) ) 11.75 ; July eii.s-y n.oo. Lard Steady ; Mny , 10.87) ) ; July , fO.95. Hour Steady. Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , M.25R5.fiO ( ; short clcur , (0.So@tl.37X ; short ribs , $5.05 ® Uutlor-Wcak ; creamery , IGytSIc ; dairy , l@2lo. Cheese Quiet : full cream chcddnrs nd Hats , 0 @ 10c ; Young Americas , 10 ® Ic. Ic.ICgCS ICgCS Quiet ; fresh , lO lOJ c. Hides Steady ; heavy and light green altcd , fi..Ce ! ; salted dull , 4c : green salted nlf , Oc ; dry Hint , 7c ; dry salted , 7c ; dry calf , 7 < 3Se ; deacons , 20c each. Tallow Steady ; No. 1 , solid packed , B ; No. 2 , 3 > 4'o ; cake , 4 } c. Receipts. Shipments. 'lour lil.OOO 5,000 Vheat ' . ' 5,000 11,000 ? orn 158,000 3111,000 Oats 123,000 145,000 Now York , April 22. Wheat Receipts , 00 ; exports , 2ilCOO ; spot , moderately ctlvo and lower ; No. 2 red , 83JrfC < ftSi3fo : > toro ; 85@85H'o afloat ; 84tf@SO } c f. o. b. : 3o. II red , 77 ( 77 } < c ; ungraded rod , S3@SSc ; plions active and lower ; April , 8HJ c. Corn Ucceipts , 30,000 ; exports. 170.000 ; oot , dull , weak and lower ; No. 2 , 43(34U40 ( n elevator ; 44JfC'i-l5e atloat ; No. -lycrtj-Wj c ; ngraded mixed , 41TJ45c ( ; options dull , Iphcr nnd steady. Oats Receipts , 44,000 ; exports. 400 ; spot , uiot nnd weak ; options , llrm , moro active ind lower ; April , 29o ; May , 2Sa : July Oc ; mixed western , 233c ! ) ; spot , No. 2 vhito , 83i @ ! ! ,1 > c. Coffee Ontions steady , 10 to 15 points up ; sales , 31,000 hues ; April $1(1.050 ( 10.70 ; May , $10.70@10.SO ; July , $ Ki.'JOrJl7.00 ( ; pot Hio , quiet but steady ; fair cargoes , ' 18.75. Petroleum Eggs Poric _ wl. Lard Hsisler ; western steam , f7.23)tf ( ' .25 ; May $7.20. Mutter Steady ; western ll@27J4c. Cheese Quiet ; western , 0 > @tOc. Cliioiniiiiti , April 22. Wheat Quiet ; No. 2 red , SOc. Corn Pinner ; No. 2 mixed , SOc. Outs Dull , lower ; No. B mixed , 27 c. Whisky Steady ; * l.0i St. ijotilH , April ' . ' 2. Wheat Lower ; : ash and Mny , S2c ; July , 75 } e. Corn Hotter ; cash , 30 > c ; May , 30) . @ I0 ? < c. Onts Firm ; cash. 23c ; Ma.v , 23Vc. Pork-Quiet at * 12.25 ( 12.50. Lard Nominal at 10.05. Whisky 51.02. Hutter Dull and steady ; creamery , 23 ® 25c ; dairy , 2022c. Milwaukee , April 22. Wheat Easy ; : ash , "SJfc ; May , 7S c. Corn Dull ; No. 8 , a3K@3lc. Oats Easier ; No. 2 , white , 27@27 c. Kyo Easier ; No. 1,43o. Hurley Dull ; No. 2 , Wic. Provisions Easy ; pork , $11.05. KaiiHnH City. April 22. Wheat Quiet ; STo. 2 red , cash , 7So asked ; August , ( Wo bid ; No. 2 soft , May , 81c asked ; August , SOu bid. bid.Corn Corn Quiet ; No. 2cash , 25c asked ; Mny sales at 24Jfc ; No 2 white , cash , 85c asked. Oats No. 2 , cash , 20c asked ; May sales at 2Jo. Mintioapnlis , April 22. Wheat Sample dull nnd wcakjrcccipts for two days 2S4cars ; shinuionts , & 5 cars. Closing : No.l hard , April nnd May , 97c ; on track , l)0c ) ; No. 1 north ern , April and Mny , KlIKc ; on trad ; , S5s c ; No. 2 , northern , April and May , 7Gc ; on * .rauk , 70' ' 7Sc. LilVK STOCK. C til en HD , April 22. The Drovers' Journal reports as follows : Cattle Receipts , 8,000 ; strong and lOc higher ; steers , $ : ) .80 ( < 61.15 ; beeves , $ -140 ® 4.GO ; fitockersand feeders , S2.50@3.tiO ; cows , bulls and mixed , $1.75@3.75 ; Texas hteers , $3.25(33.05. ( Hogs Receipts , 18,000 ; market slow and fiiUu ( ) lower ; mixed , S4.G5@4.S5 ; heavy , $4.GOOP-I.S5 ; light , $4.70@5.00 ; skips , ? 3.i5@ 4.CO. Sheep Receipts , 0,00) ; market slcady ; nalives , $3.COS5.35 ( ; weslern corn-fed , $4.00 035.80 ; lambs , W.VBgO.10. KnnstiH City , April22. Gallic Rccolpls , 1,500 ; shipments , none ; offerings mostly or dinary ; market strong , active for all classes of beet steers ; good to choice , corn- fed , W.004.80 ; common lo medium , $8.00@3.l0 ! ; siockers and feeding steers , t-2.OOOfi3.GO ; cows , $1.75@3.00. Hogs Receipts 4,000 ; shipments , 1,400 ; weak. 5c lower : In many cases 5@lOo lower ; common to choice , fi.3U ( i.55. National Stock V.-mN , K.ast St. LionlH , April 22. Cattle Receipts , 1,000 ; shipments , 100 ; market strong ; choice heavy native steers , $3.80014.40 ; fair to good , $3,0003.00 ; stockers and feeders , ? 2.10@8.15 ; rangers , corn-fed , $2.GO@3.50 ; graso-fed , $2.00fa2.60. Hogi Receipts , 3GOO : shipments , 1,200 ; sleady ; choice heavy and butchers' sclcc- Uons , $4.70@4.80 ; packing , $4.5001.05 ; light grades , J4.00@t.7fi. Sioux City , April 22 Cattle Receipts , 15 ; shipments , G : stonily : steers. J3.U005 8.50 ; stockers , $2.35@2.S5 ; feeders2.400J > 2.90 ; canners ani bulls , $1.CO@1.75 ; veal calves , $2.00@4.00. IJogs-Rocclpts , 1,000 : steady ; light and mixed , f4.45@4.52& ; heavy , * 4.504.GO. OMAHA LIVI ! 8TOCJC. Cattle. Monday , April 23 , 1SS9 , Tie ) yards had something of a holiday a3 pccu The banks were closed , the rcwipw were light , the trade was soon over and everyonu wont homo early. With only thirty- four fresh loads of cattle in the yards , it was not possible to have much of a market , so far as the volume of business was concerned. Desirable dressed hoof and shipping steers sold 20u higher than at the low point last week , as a comparison of the sales given below - low with those of a week ago will show , Some good 147Mb : steers brought $3.95 , while the bulk of * the medium weight catllo brought f3.05u3.75. ( ! Butchers' Block was In light supply and sold at n range of $2.0U to $3.00. The week has opened with a favor able outlook for a good cattle trade , but all will depend upon the sl.o of the receipts. Thn situation is entirely in the hands of the country , and If shippers and feeders will tend forward their catlln in uioderalo numbers , giving the beef trade nn ouportuuity to re cover from thu effects of Lent , there lu no reason why pn.-es should not improve , or , at the very least , hold their own. In the pres ent state of the trade , all that Is wanted to send prices down agula Is the injudicious marketing of cattle. * Hot's. Thcro was nothing satisfactory In the hog trndu , to-day , for salesmen. It opened weak , was slow nnd closed 5o lower , with seven loads unsold. The fact of the mutter was , there were not hogs enough to make n kill ing for all of the packers , and more than enough for one , ur.U no ono cared to buy the balrnco of the hogs to carry over , unless they could get enough reduction in the price to make It some object. Summed up In n few words , thcro wcro not hogs enough to make n marliot. The bulk sold at 44.55 , while over half of the talcs on Saturday \voro nt$1. Sheep. Thcro was not ft load of sheep In the yards , The market was nominally steady , with the demand good. _ Hccelpts. Cattle . JOO Hogs . . . . lojO Prevailing Prices. The following Is a table of prices paid In this market for the grades of stock men tioned : Prime steers. WOO to 1500 Ibs. . $3.70 01M.10 Prime steers , 1100 to 13M Ibs. . 8.0J ( jf3.85 Native feeders . 2.70 'rf3.15 Common to good cows . 1 50 ( 2.60 Choice to fancy cows . i. 2.05 W3.15 Fair to choice mills . 3.00 ( p.10 Fair to choice light hogs . 4.55 ( # 4.CO Fair to choice heavy hogs . 4.55 OJ1-00 Fair to choice mixed hogs . 4.50 ( 4.55 Fair lo choice western sheep. . 11.90 04.75 Fair to choice Nobraskos . U.75 054.50 Ki'prcRontatlvo Sales. STKE11C. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. II . 950 $3.27) ) < f ! I4 . 1231 $ : ) .07K III . 1011 3.40 20 . 1165 3. 7' $ 3 . HIM 8.40 24 . 1123 8.70 4 . 1097 3.50 85 . 18K ! ) 8.75 14 . 114U 8.GO 1(1 ( . 12G3 3.75 19 . UteG 3.G5 20 . 13(11 ( 3.75 40 . 1195 3.G5 40 . 1417 3.82)4 19 . 1148 8.05 47 . Will 3.85 22 . 1101 3.G5 31 . 1172 3.95 cows. 1 . 100 2.00 4 . .1010 2.05 2 . 1200 2.00 1 . 1100 2.75 1 . 910 2.00 2 . 10GO 2.75 10 . 877 2.10 1 . 18rO 2.85 1 . 1000 2.20 7 . 1078 2,90 1 . 970 3.40 4 . 757 3.00 8 . 1157 2.00 2 . 1425 2.50 2 . 1555 2.50 SfACIS. 1 . 1GSO 3.25 MIXKI ) . 14 . 1107 3.10 HOOS. No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shit Pr. 88. . . .207 1.50 15. . . .83' ) 60 fl.55 01. . . .842 200 4.50 15. . . .388 SO 4.55 l. . . 201 40 4.55 5. . . . 850 4.55 CO. . . . 254 210 4.55 57. . . . 23(1 ( SO 4.55 01. . . 243 SO 4.55 09. . . . 270 80 4.55 07. . . . 245 40 4.55 09. . . . 231 SO 4.55 73. . . . 210 1'JO 4.55 77. . . . 251 4.57K 01. . . . 279 80 4.55 GC. . . 2GI SO 4.57) ) < j (12. ( . . . 301 4.55 G3..294 40 4.00 Live Stock Notes. Cattle higher. No snccp on sale. Seven loads of hogs unsold , Very light receipts all round. J. P. Fall , the well-known shipper to this market , has gone to his ranch , at Catalpa , Kan. S $ Warren & Wlnn. Wood River , marketed n load of hogs at ? 4.G'J. Thomas Langan came In with them. II. T. Adams , C. W. Campbell and H. Hitchcock , of the llrm of J. H. Campbell & Co. , are at the yards making arrangements to open up a commission business under the above name. Burke & Frazler will open a live stoclt commission nouso at the Lincoln stock yards , to-morrow. Nels Purinton , who has boon at the yards here since they were first opened , and an experienced stockman , will have charge of thu business. OMAHA AVIlOIjI'JSAIjlO MARKETS KrultN , Ktc. UtiTTBit Table dairy , IflOZISc ; packers' stock , SO ? lie. Creamery prints , fancy , 24@ 2Go ; choice. 2022o ; solid packed , 20a22e. ( KGGS Strictly fresh , 9Vi)10o. ( ) CIIEUSC Younir America , full cream , 13o ; twin Huts , 12c : off grades , b@10c ; Van Ros- som Edom , ll ( ( 50e ; sap sego , 19o ; brick. 15 < ; ; limburgcr , 12c ; domestic Swiss , 1-lc ; skims , 4@Gc ; cheese safes , bronze medal , No. 8 , 52.75. Pour.Tiiv Live hens per doz , ? 3.2503.50 ; roosters , $3.00g3.25 ( ; turkeys , 10igllo ( per Ib. Ai'i'i.cs Gcnitoms , per bbl , ? 2.50 ; Wine- saps , per Ubl , * 2.75 ; N. Y. Baldwins , per bbl , S2.75023.00. CuAXiiniiiuns Bell nnd Bugle , per bbl , S7.CO ; Bell and Cherry , per bbl , $0.00 ; Jer sey , per bushel box , $2.50. STUAWUIIKUIIIS Per case , 24 qts , ? 0.00 ® OitANons Fancy Washington navels , 55.00 @ 5.25 ; Riverside , | 3.00@3.25 ; fancy paper nnd St. Michaels , $3.75@4.25 ; fancy Duarte Mediterranean sweets , $2.75S3.25 ( ; fancy bright mountains , $2.25@2.75 ; Los Angeles ( Choice ) , S2.25@2.50. LRMOXS Choice , ? 3.25@3.50 ; fancy , $3.75 COCOA NUTS Choice Ruatans , per 100 , $4.50 ; less than 100 , $5.00. BANANAS According to size of bunch , $2.00 @ 3.00. ' EAIII/V VROKTAIILCS Lettuce , per dozen heads , 85@40c ; radishes , per doz bunches , ! i ( ) @ 35c ; green onions , 15u)20u ( ) ; parsley , 25 ® peas , bu boxes , $2.00032.25 ; string beans , ) bu box , $ l.f)0ijl.75 ( ; tomatoes , % bu , S1.750S 2.00 ; asparagus , per Ib , 1012e : pieplant , per Ib , itOTs'c' ; new .potatoes , per Ib , 2 } 0 < ; 3c ; cabbage , 2K@3c. FunMii FISII White fish , frozen , per Ib , 7c ; herrings , frozen , per Ib , 5u ; trout , fresh caucht , per Ib , Oc ; white perch , fresh caught , per Ib , 7c ; buffalo , fresh caught , per Ib , 7c ; pickerel , fresh caught , per Ib , 8c : black buss , fresh caught , per Ib , He. GAME Jack snipe , Sl.00@1.25 ; plover , 75c@$1.00 ; mallard ducks , 52.50@3.00 ; leal , 81.00 ( 1.25 : mixed , fl.000fil.25. BEANS--Choico hand picked navy , $2.25 ; choice hand picked medium , $2.00 ; choice hand picked country , J1.75@1.00 ; clean coun try , $ l,50@l.CI5. POTATOKH Choice , sacked , uer bu , 25'Zc30. ' ONIONS Per bu , 25@80c. VEAL Choice , medium size , 7@Sc ; choice , heavy , 4@0c. . Hums , PELTS , TALLOW , Ec. Green salted hides. 5) o ; dry salted liules , Gc ; dry Hint hides , Sc ; calf hides , 5) < tOT' ' > c ; damaged hides 2e less ; sheep pells , green , each , 25@1.00 ; sheep pells , dry , per Ib , 0@12o ; wool , aver age , I4@18c ; tallow , No. 1 , 4@4 } e ; tallow. No. 2 , 3ifW3Jie : grease , white , grease , yelTow , 2KC82J/C. AVI'I.K Bl'TTEIl "C. CiiiKi : Ublti. $ > ; hf bbls , | 3. BUT7KK1NK 14@g 15c per Ib. MAI-I.I : SUOAK I2)o15o ) per Ib. HONUY 1GOJ17O per Ib. Pii : ssHVKS-9KlOo per Ib. JELLIES - 3)iC < 4i : per Ib. Orocci-lcs. The sugar market is uctivo and fluctuating , and quotations are unreliable , except when made on day of sale. Early vcgelablos are , cheapening daily. BAOS American A , seamless , $17.25 ; Union Square paper , discount , 35 per cent ; Mlkudo SUiiro ( | paper , discount. 35 per cent. BHAS : Dried Lima , bags GO Ibs , per Ib , Go ; California navy , GO-lb bags , per bu , o : mo dlurn , h p , per bu , f 1.90. CA.N.NCII FJIUITS Apples , per gal $2.15 ; blackberries , 2 Ib , 75r ; blueberries , 2 Ib , 75c ; blueberries , 2 Ib , tl.ftO ; cherries , red , 2 Ib , 05o : cherries , white , 2 Ib. $1.55 ; pros , figs , 1 Ib , St.VO ; goosberrles , 2 Ib , $1.10 ; pine ap ples , 3 Ib , $2.75 ; pine apples. 3 Ib , $3.50 ; pine apples , 3 ib , $2.25 ; pine apples , 3 Ib , $1GO ; strawberries , 3 Ib , $1.15 ; strawberries nres. , 2 Ib. $2.00 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , (10 ( W syrup ) $1.20 : peaches , R. & It , exlra yellow , 8 Ib , $3.00 ; H. & It. yellow suirared , ! ! Ib , $ ' 3.00 ; Kcnnctt Imperial yellow , il Ib , $1,90 ; Credit's standard , 8 Ib , $1.75 ; Monitor seconds , 3 Ib , $1.35 ; Atlantic. 3 Ib , $1.80 : Booth's ' pics. 3 Ib , tl.10 ; Grecht's , alb , * 1.0U ; Myors' , 0 Ib , Canned J'lsh , Brook trout , 3 Ib , $2.50 ; salmon trout , 2 Ib , $2.35 ; clams , 1 Ib , $1.25 ; clams , 3 Ib , $2.00 ; clam chowder. S Ib , $2.25 ; devilled crabs , 1 Ib , $3.25 ; devilled crabs , 2 Ib , $3.50 ; codllsh balls , 2 Ib , $1.75 ; cavlur. } Ib , $2.25 ; cols , 1 Ib , ea.25 : lobsters , 1 Ib. $2.00 ; lobsters , 1 Ib , $1.00 ; lobsters devilled , rt Ib , $2.25 ; mack- crel , 1 Ib , $1.00 ; mackerel mustard saucu , 3 Ib , $2.00 ; mackerel tomato sauce , 8 Ib , $2.00 ; mackerel tomato sauce. . ' ) Ib , $3.40 ; mackerel mustard sauce , 3 Ib , $3.40 ; oysters , I Ib , 85n ; oysters , 3 Ib , . * 1.50 ; salmon , C. II. , 1 lb$2.10 , : salmon , C. It. , 2 Ib , $3.10 ; salmon , Alaska , 1 Ib , $1.65 ; salmon , Aluska,3 Ib.f..KJ ; shrimps , CASUI.KS Star , Ss , 10 oz , per Ib , Oo ; Star , 6s , H oz , per Ib , 9a ; Stearin , wax , 10 oz , OB , per Ib , lie ; Stearlo , wax , 14 oz , Cs , per Ity llu ; half boxes , 'fo extra. OANIIV ( % < .4V.o per Ib. CIIOCOLATK AXII COCOA 24@30c per Ib. Cofi'CE Uoastedotc. ArbucUlu'a Artosa , 1 Ib pncltnges , 24o ; Dllworth's Standard 1 Ib packages , ! ; 454'o ; McLaughlln's XXXX 1 Ib packages , -lj'o ; JJon , 1 Ib packages 24c ; German , 1 Ib packaged , 24Xo ; Mo kuska , 1 Ib packages , 2c ; Tonisou's cs scnco in tin ? , per groso , $450 ; essence , In bulk , half bbls , per Ib , fa 5 esseni-o , 1 Ib papers , 50 Ibs In box. per lb.Cc , ; Franck's German chlckory rod , Sc. Comns : Green Fancy'olU golden rlo , IIUU1IU. .vOU UlkVII , iilllt Javn , good interior , 24c. Coiiiuor. AND TWIXE Manilla rope , basis 4 In , 17c ; SUnl rope , 13/4o ! Good's Now , 'roccss rope , PJ < c ; cotton roe. | if. & and \4 \ n , 10c ( cotton twine , ilno 4-ply , Uibb , 22c ; lo medium , 20c ; do conrso , ISo ; hemp twlno , No , 10S.22c ; ilnx twine. No. 18. 20o ; cotton nops , 8 Ib , per doz , ? 1.60j cnndlcwick , 23c ; sail twine , H , 3-ply , 22o. CIIACKCIIS AND CAKUS GJifSlSc per Ib. DHL-OS ( Grocers' ) alum , , -ic ; borax , lie ; copperas , 2o ; Epsom suits , 3c ; Hour sulphur , Ic : snlpotrc , PC. FnuiTS Per Ib , nprlcots , UtfM'c. Apple * , Mich. , 4 ? c ; stars , Oc ; aldens , tlj ! { ( ! $ 8c. Peaches , Cal , Y. , imolcd , 170J20c ; fancy unpnclcd , HQiac-.sun dried , G.U'e ; Salt Lake , Co. Prunes , ' Cnl. K. C. , 7) 10 0. Cur rants. 5G67c. Turkish prunes. 4 0. Citron , icel , .Me. Lemon peel , 14e. Fard dates. lOc. Fig ? , UG310c. Halsins , mnlaga bunch , dchc- sas , t5.00 per box ; valcnclas , per Ib , 7c ; Cal. 3. & S. fi.-IO per box. Dried grapes , f > c. Lllnckberrles , 5Jfc. Pitted cherries , 17c. fitted plums , 0 ( < illc. Haspburrles , 21e. Ncc- .nrincs , 13 ( l-Jc. Ginger , Jamaica , M pis fcl.00 per dozf FAiitNAC'EOfs GOODS Barley , forina , 4 u ; pens , 8cs oiitmcal , acaroni , lljj'c ; vormlcolll , ll > i'c ; rice 7c ; sago and tapioca , 0gc. ( FISH Salt Dried codllsh , OKSS'ifc ; hali- jU ( , I'-Vi sealed herring , 250 per box ; hal. lerring , dom , OOc ; Hamburg sticod | herring , $1.00l.lOimp. : liol.horring,70cM1.00mack- ; crel , lilt bbls , No. J , ? ij.50Targo : ; family , $12.50 per 100 Ibs ; white Ilsh , No. 1 , ? 7.25 ; family , W.50 ; trout , J5.2salmon ; , ? S.0 ; anchovies , 10 Ib pails , SOc. Lvc $1.7riC < i4.CO. NUTS -Almonds , 10@lSc ; Brazils , 9e ; fil berts. 12.- ; pecans , llo ! ; walnuts , lac ; pea nuts cocks , Sc ; roasted , lOo. OILS Kerosene V W , lOc ; W W , 12'e ; headlight , 13c ; salad oil , ? a.S5@7.0U nor lozcn. PifKi.Kb Medium , per bbl , $5.00 ; small , ? 0.00 ; gherkins , S7.0J. \ViiAi'i'ixo-PAi'rii Straw , per Ib , 1X@ 2 > Jc ; rag , y } < c ; manilla H , ( ic ; No. 1 , 9c. SALT- Dairy , MO 2-lbpkgs , 52.70 ; do 100 t-lbpkgs , $2.00 ; do OOfi-lb pkes , $2.50 ; do S3 lOlbpltgs , S2.40 ; do Warsaw , -CO Ib bags , Ashton , bu bags , 50 Ib , S5c ; do 4 bu bags , 22-l-lb , JJI.40 ; do M S A , M-lb bags , 53c ; Siui : > ! 4 Mini. 4l © ic. SAI.SODA l ? Q.tlu per Ib. STAUCH 'iJ.iQi7e per Ib. STOVK Poi.ibii § . > .00@ri.S7 per gross. Sriccs U'hole , per Ib Allspice , 12c ; Cassia China , Hc ) ; cloves , Zanzibar , 23c ; nutmegs , No. 1 , 70c ; pepnnr , ZOe. StiOAits Granulated , llQJ'.i'jfc ' ; confection , A , II , standard , extra C , S'VCffiS ' c ; . yellow C , -jft'e ; powdered , lQJ10'4c ' ; cut loaf , 10 > < Jc ; culics , lOc. SvHi-i-s Per gal , 27@4Co ; N. O. tno- lasscs , 85@-ISc. Vi.s-KGAH-Per gal , 13@20c. Dry CunilB. COTTON FANXIIS : 10 per cent trade dis count. Unbleached LL. 5''c ' ; CC , ( V'o ! ; SS , 7hc ; 12 E , SJfc ; GG , ! l c ; XX , 10 > 'c ; OO , ; NN , 12 } c ; AA , Mu ; DD , I5 > c ; TT , ; YY , ISc ; 1315 , 1'Jc ' ; bleached , 20 , S'tfe ; 80 , 13J < c. Brown nnd slate , 50 , Oc ; GO , 12 c ; HO , lOc ; 70 , 12Xc. CAiii'tTVAKP Bibb , white , 19c ; colored , 2c. 2c.BATTS BATTS Standard , Sec ; Gem , 10 ; Beauty , 2 } < c ; Boone , 14c ; B , cased , $ ! i..10. I'liiSTS Solid colors Atlantic. Oc ; Slate , Oc ; Berlin oil , O c ; Uarnor.oll , 0@7c. PIIIXTS Pink and Kobos Allen , Oo ; Hiver point , 5' < c' Steel Klver , OVc ; Hichmond , ( , ' , ; ; Paclllc , 7c. PJH.NTS Dress Charter Oak. r.ifc ; nnin- ape , 4c ; Lodi , 5 ; c ; Allen , Cc ; Richmond , Ou ; Windsor , 0'ic ; Eddystono , 0 > .j'c ; Pacitic , PIIIXTS Indigo Blue St. Lcdccr , rnold , ( iV , o ; Amcriuan , OJ c ; Arnold C , long cloth. 'Jc ; Arnold B , lonp cloth , lOUc ; Arnold. Gold Seal , 10 > o ; ' Steifel A , r.'o ; Windsor , Gold Ticket , lllVjjc ; Arnold A , 12c. GiXdiiA.v Plunkct checks , OVc ; Whitten- ton , ti > 4o ; York , 7'4c ; Noruiandl dress , 7 > < c : Henfrew dress , SK@l2)j'u ; Whittcnton , 7 Calcutta , } 4c. CAMHIIICS Slater , 5c ; Wpods , 5c ; Stand ard , flc ; Peacock , 5e. BI.CACIIEI ) SIIIIETING Ellerton , 7Ko ; Housekeeper , Si. < e : New Candidate , SJ c ; Berkeley cambric , No. 00 , 9XcBcst ; _ Yet , ,00111 , , cambric , lOc ; Lon'sdalc cambric , lOc ; Lons- dale , 8 } < jc ; New York Mills , lOc ; Pcpperell , 42-in , llJ < fc : Pepnerell , 40-in , HKc ; Pepper- ell. 0-4 , 14Kc ; Peppcrcll. 8-4 , 20c ; Pci > pcroll , 9-4 , 22c ; Pcpperell , 10-4 , 2lc ; Canton , 4-4 , 8 | c ; Canton,4-4 , } e ; Triumph , Oc ; Wain- suttn , lie ; Valley , 5c. UKOWN SiiunTixo Atlantic A , 4-1 , 7 } e ; Atluntio H , 4-4 , 7c Atlantic D 4-4 ; , , - , 0) c ; At lantic P , 4-4 , < > c ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Aurora C , 4-1 , 4S.ic ; ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , 0 c ; Hoosier LL , 4-4 , tic ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7 c ; Law rence LL , 4-4 , Ou ; Old * Dominion. 4-4 , 5J c ; Pepuerell E , 40-in. ycPeppurcil , 8-1 , 17c : Peppercll , 9-1 , 21c ; Pcppordl , 10-1 , 3ic ; Utica C , 4-4 , 4e ; Waehusett , 44 , 7'ic ; Aurora H , 4-1. 7c , Aurora U , 4-4 , O'rfc. Fi.ANNr.Ls , I'LAiD Raftsmen , 20u ; Goslicn Clear Luke , 30 } c ; Iron Mountain , YY , Sc ; Shotuekct , S , 8 c ; Warren , No..S70 , lOc ; Berwick , BA , 18o : Acme , 13o ; York , 80- inch , 12 > ic ; York , 32-inch , 13'u'o ; Swift Hivcr , So ; Thorndiko OO , SJrfc ; Thorndiko EF , bKo ; Thorndiko 120 , 9 > o ; Thorndiko XX , 15uCordisNo. ; 5 , 9Jc ; Cordis No. 4 , oz , Jaffroyv , . , . . , _ , " " Beaver Creek , A'A , 12c ; Beaver CrJck""isB ! lie ; Beaver Creek , CC , lOc. KENTUCKV JEANS Memorial , I5e ; Dakota , 18c ; Durham , 27J c ; Hercules , 18c ; Learn- ington , 22 Jo ; Cottswold , 27 > tfc ; Melville 25c. DUCK West Point. 'J'J-Inuh , 8 oz , do , 10 oz'iy \ do , 12 oz , 15o ; do , 40-inch , 11 oz , IGc. _ Ale aln. Br.ocK Tix Eng. Hot 'g , small pig , 23c bar , liUis. Coi'i'nii Planished boiler sizes , 32o ; cold rolled , 30o ; sheathing , 0c ; pills , 30c ; llatB , 80e. 80e.OALVANIZRII OALVANIZRII SIIIJUT JHON Junlatn , GO per cent discount. PATIINT PLAXISIIKD Ino.v No. 2-1 to 27 , A quality , per Ib , lOjtfo ; No ! 24 to 27. B nuulity , For less than bundle add kc per Ib. sheets , $18.50. SHEET Ino.v No. 20 , 83.40 ; No. 27 , $3.50. SOI.UUK Hoyt Meta Cq'a half and half In COKE 1C , 10x14 , 225 sheets , 50 ; 1C , 14x2 , 112 sheets , tO ; 1C , 10x2 , 225 sheets , $9,50 : btcul nails , IJ.20 ; bteul wlro nails , 3.05. and Chemicals. ACID Sulphuric , per Ib , 2o ; citric , per Ib , COo ; oxallo.'pcr Ib , 13o ; tartiiric , powdered , per Ib , 50c. ALUM Per Ib , 3 > ; o. AMMONIA Carbonate , per Ib. 15c. AititowiiooT Hormudu. per ib , 40o. HAI.SAMCopaibi , per ib , 08c. HOIIAX Refined , per Ib , 12c. CAI.OMKL Am. , per Ib , 8-'c. CAbHIA Hl'Ds Per Ib , 18c. CIILOHOFOHSI Per Ib , 47c. Coniiosivi : SUIII.IMATu Per Ib , 72c. CIIKAM TAIITAII Pure , per Ib , 42c. EXTKAOT Loowooi ) liulk , per Ib , lOo. GLVCKHI.NE Hulk , per Ib. 2Sc. GUM AIIAIIIO Solcct.per Ib , 21,00 ; assafoc- tlda. per ib , 18o ; campbor.pcr Ib , 3So ; opium , per Ib , $3.25. IODINE Rcsubllmated , per ot , $3.60. LKAVUS Uucnu ' short , per Ib , ICe : senuu Alex , per Ib , 33o. MonriitA Sulph , per oz , { 3.SO. OILS Linseed , raw , 60o ; llnscoil , boiled , fiOc ; castor , per pal , $1.20 ; Hcrgnmot. San- iterson's , per Ib , $3.15 ; lemon , Sanderson's , per Ib , J2.25 ; peppermint , per Ib , { 2.50 ; win- tergrcen , per Ib , $2.'J3 ; olive , Mnlngn , per gal , f l.lft. POTASS Bromide , per Ib , 4Jc ; iodide , per QUNIA Sulph. , pcroz , COc. Sunns Canary , per Ib , 4V < i3e ; Cnslllo , mottled . , per Ib , tOHOc ; Castile , white , per 11 * n f.f t P * * . NITIIC Sweet , per Ib , .Tic. STIIVCIIXIA Crystals , pcroz , (1.10L St'u-ii. CINCHONA Per oz. ISc. WAX White , per Ib , M Dimension nntl Tlnilicr. 12 ft 14 ft lit ft IS ft 20 ft 22 ft 24 ft 2x4 $15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 19.00 20.00 JxO $15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.0J 19.00 20.00 .3x8 $ l5.rO 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 19.0020.00 JxlO. . . . * 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 19.00 20.00 2x13. . . . $15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 4x4 SxS.IO.lO 10.00 10.00 17.00 18.00 10.00 20.00 FKNCINO No. 1 , 4 nnd 0 Inch , 13 and 14 ft , rough , $10.00 10.50 ; No. 1 , 4and 0 Inch , 10 ft , rough , S17.00M17.50 ; No. 3 , 4 nnd 0 inch , 12 ana 14 ft. rough , ? l3.50 < gll.OO ; No. 2 , 4 ind 0 Inch , 10 ft , rough , 15.UOyUO.Oi > . FINISHING First and 2d clear , 1J inch s 2 s , $49.00@51.00 ; 1st and 2d. clear , IU nnd 2 nch , s 2 s , sM7.00-.iT50.00 ! 3d , clear , 1 4 Inch , s J s , 4X00(34(1.00 ( ( ; 'M , clear. IK nnd 2 Inch , s 2 s , 43.00@40.00 , H solcct , 1 > 4 , I" , and 2 Inch , s 2 s , 37.0033.00 ; 1st nnd 2d clear , 1 inch , s 2 i , $ l ! > .00 ; 3d , clear , 1 inch , s 2 s , $3S.OO ; A sc- eet. 1 inch , a 2 s , ? ; il.UO ; U solcct , 1 Inch , s 2 s , $31.00. Fi.oomxa 1st coin. 0 Inch white pine , $34,00 ; 2d com. 0 Inch white pine , $31.00 ; 3d com. 0 inch white pine , $20.01) ) ; D , 0 inch white pine , f-JO.iX ) ; com. 4 and 0 in. .yellow ilnp , $15.00 ; stnr , 4 In. yullow pine , $13.00 ; [ stand 2d clear yellow pine , 4 nnd 0 inch , $30.00. Poi-LAU Lt'Miir.n Clear poplar box bds , % n , s 2s , $35-00 ; clenr poplar , } { in panel , $0.00 ; dear poplar , ? < In pntiol , $25.00 ; dear loplnr , % in panel , stock wide , s 2 -rCS.OO ; . 'lear poplar corrugated coiling , J , $1)0.00. ) POSTS White i-edar , 0 in , halves , 12e ; white clear , &Vf In , halves nnd 8 in quarters , llo ; white clenr , 4 in round , lOc ; Tennessee red cedar , split , lOe ; split onk , ( wliltoi So ; snwed oak , Kic. SniNHLis. : LVTII Pint M--XX clear , $3.20 ; extra A * , $3.bO ; standard A , .fi.OO ; 5 Inch , clear , $1.00i ( < $1.70 ; 0 inch , clear , $1.75 ( . < $1.SO ; No. 1 , $1.10rtl.l5 ( ; California ml wood , di mensions widths , 81.50 ; cypress , clear heart. $3,40 ; lath , $2.50. SHIP LAP No 1 , plain , Sand ISiiicb , $17.55 ; No 2 , plain , S nnd 10 inch , $15.50 ; No 1 , O G , $18.00. SlDtxn First com nnd 10 feet , $22.00 ; 2d com and 10 feet , $19.00 ; 3d coin unit 10 feet , $15.00 ; fence com and 10 feet , $13.00. STOCK HO.VHDS A 12 inch s 1 s2 , 14 nnd 10 feet , $10.00 ; U 12 inch s 1 s 12 , 14 nnd 10 feet , S-ll.m : C 12Inch s 1 s 12 , 11 nnd 10 feet , $ : iO.)0 ( ) ; D 12 inch s 1 s 12 , 14 nnd 10 foot , $23.00 ; No. 1 com 12 in si s 12 feet , $18.00 ; No. 1 com 12 In s 1 s 14 and 10 feet , $17.f > Cfg ( 18.50 ; No. 1 com 12 in s 1 10 , IS and 20 feet , $19.50 ; No. 2 com 12 in s 1 s 14 nnd 10 feet , $17.00. CCII.IXO AND P.M1TITIOX ISt C0111 ? f in white pine partition , § 33 ; 2nd , com % in white pine partition , $27 ; clear % in yellow pitio ceiling , $20 ; clear ! < in Norway , $11.50 ; 2nd com ? , ; in Norway , $13. Ho.Mip * No 1 com s 1 s 12. 14 und 10 ft , $19 : No 2 com s 1 s 12 , 14 and 10 ft , § 10.50 ; No 3 com s I s 12 , 14 and 10 ft. $14.50 ; No 4 com sis 12 , 14 nnd 10 ft. ( snipping cull ) , $15. Add 50 cents per M it tor rough. UVTTKNS , WELL Tuiuxo , PIC-KUTS O G halts , 2'rf-inch ' , OOo ; O G halts , > < ; x3 , SISH5is : 3-in well tubing , D & M nnd bov.22 pickets , D .t II flat , $20 ; pickets , D & H square , -519. LIME , ETC. Qniney white lime , best , ! We ; English and German Portland cement , J3.50 ; Milwaukee and Louisville , ? l.UO : Miclngnn and Fort Dodge plaster , $2.25 ; Hluo Rapid piaster , Sl.'fl ' ; hair , 20c ; sash , Oil and 10 Dei- cent dis. ; doors , blinds , mouldings , 50 per centdis. ; tarred foil , per owl. , $2.00 ; straw board , $1.05. SHROEDER & DEM , GRAIN , Provisions i Stocks Basement First National Bank , S05 SoiUtt IStli Slrcot. Omalm DIVOUCI5S-A. UUODIIIOH. ATrullXKV.AT-UAW 12t Doaruorn at. , Chicago ; uavlcu tree ; VI yosM zuvricacoi buamuai uuluily "nil l trjuinctol I'LATTIS COUNTY'S CillzoiiH 1'ron-r to Sim the Iloucl Itnthcr Than Ui.-piullato. The exclusive report in this paper two weeks ago of Platte county's entanglement nnd light to repudiate S10J.OOO worth of rail road bonds ntlracled wide-spread attention and caused considerable commotion in iinaii- cial circles. It was staled then that a great many people and the endowment fund of Creigliton collcce , this city , would be ser iously affected , having something like -537,000 invested : while the stale of Ne braska has $35,000 ; a widow lady living in Lincoln , $12.000 ; llio eslale of Mrs. John A. Croighion $11,000 , and the Episcopal church of Nebraska ? 5,000. Now it transpires that there is great opposition among the moro substantial and influential citizens of PJutte counly against any repudiation of the debt. If Ibis bo Iruo Iho individuals and instltu- lions Interested will bo more than glad to hear it. The county , it seems , agreed , in 1SSO , to pay $2GOUOU for a competing line of railway. It is claimed there that thu obligation was ill-considered , recklessly assumed , nnd ban proven a worthless expenditure of money. Jt is the sentiment of Iho people that tiio Atchison & Nebraska railroad , to whom the bonds were issued , has acted in exceedingly bad faith , wllfuhy and intenlionally refused to comply with its obligations to the people , and were it possible every wheel on the entire - tire line should bo locked unlll the $100,100 bonds are canceled , the $ -0,000 interest refunded - funded and suitable damages paid tlio county for non-purfoi iimnco of contract. But , under the methods now buitig pursued , it is very doubtful , however lustiliablo , whether this could bo done. The people of Plntte county know they have been cheated , but think it is too late to kick. The bonds were voted by an overwhelming majority , hacked by slrong public sentiment , duly placed on the open market and sold to innocent pur chasers. According to such information ns THE BEE has been nblo to gather , the citi zens of Pintle counly f col that to attempt now , Iho repudiation of these bonds is not not only foolish , but damaging , and they bo- Hove it cannot bo done. On the other hand , they argue that thu county should stop tlio present action of repudiation and vigorously proseculo Iho road for $300,000. , The Sioux CoiiimlHiloM Appointed. WASHINGTON , April 22 , The president has appointed the following commlnsion to nego tiate with the Sioux Imllanu in Dakota : General Crook , II. S. A. ; General Foster , of Ohio , nnd William War ner , of Kansas City. Irving Miller , of Chicago , was appointed secretary r.nd disbursing oftlcor of the com- mUsion. The commission will meet in this city for consultation with the secretary of the Interior May 0 , and will at thai time re ceive their ilnal instructions from that ofll- clul. The duty of Iho commission ns aulhor- Ized by act of congress , ! & to treat with the Sioux Indians in iJakota for : ho cession lethe the United States of u portion of their rrscr- vallon , Comptroller Durham i. WASHINGTON , April 23. Comptroller Dur ham severed his connection with the treas ury department to-day. Ho tendered his resignation ut the changu of thu adtniniatrn- lion and it was accepted by Secretary Win- dom to-day to take placoat once. Secretary Windom said ibis afternoon that ho accepted Durham's rc&itrmitton In tno or dinary course of business and not because 01 uny fault with the laUer's ofliclal conduct but because of several newspaper items ri > fleeting upon the administration which wi said to have been lnspirc-d by the first comp trailer. i > . . Flahor Printing Co. , 1011 Farnam St. . telephone 1104 ! , blank book mnko.-s , ctu , HI ARrlcullurnl Implements. CH URciui.i , PA RKER' Dealer h Agricnllmal Implements , Wagons Cirtl m and tiiiHl . .loncs Mroot , between Btli und Win , Omntin. XcbtR'iin. LINING ER , t M ETC ALP CO. , Agrjcnlt' ' IfflDlemenls , Wagons , Carriages ' , Omnlm , " MAHT1N CO. \Vholel Ie lcr In AgricnltnralliuplenientsWagons&Bnggies , TOImit lnncmj7Jonc ! > trect , Omnbu. MOLINEMlLnumfA-STODVAHD CO. , Manufacturers nnd Jobbers In Wagons , Buggies , Ra'ies , Flows Etc , Cor. Plh and I'aclUo ttrccts , Onmliiv. Artists' Mntorlnls. A. llOSl'R , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , lM3LkniKla itrool Omnlm , Nobrmka. Doota nnd Shoos. IP. V , MORSE A CO. , JoliteofBoolsaiidSiioos , 101,1101,11(15 ( Douitlis ttrect , Omnlm. Mnnnfartorr , uminor street , llonon. l , Coke jnncl Ulmo. OMAHA COAL , COKK LIMK CO. , Jofc of Hard anil Soft Coal , Ml South l.ltli street , Oinnhn , Nobrn ka. KK1WASKA FUEL CO. , { MPEG s of Coal a d Coke , 211 SoiltU 13Ui St.Uiunbn , Neb. PEKKIXS , OA'l'VH A LA UMAX , Importers nud Jobbers of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware lite. Ult Knrnnm street , new razton biillillnK. "lllDDELL .t 11WDELL , Storage and Comniission Mercliants , ! -l > ccliiUlcs llniter , cps , eliro p , fmiltry , game. IIP llnnnnl Urcpt. Omnlm , Neb. Goods nnd Notion . . E. SMITH ACO. . , Dry Goods , Fnrnisning Goods and Notions nd 1101 Douglas , cor. 11th ntrcet , ( Jmatin , Neb. DllY GOODS CO. , Importers end JolJtiers in Dry Goods.Notions . Cents' furnlsbhin ynujs. Corner llth and llaruey streets , Umabn , Nobniskii. HELIX , THOMPSON A CO. ; Importers nnd Jobbers of Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings , BIT South llth street. Furniture. 11E\\'EY \ \ A STOKE , Wliolcsale Dealers in Furniture Karrmm Ktreot , Oinnlm , Nebraska. C1IA11LES SlitVEllWK , Fnrnittire. Cmaha Nebraska. Grocorlos. PAX'rOfT , OALLAU11ER A CO. Wholesale Groceries and Provisions. 70j , 707 , TO nnrt 711 South 10th sU , Omaha , Neb. McCOItn , 1SKADY A CO. , Wholesale Grocers' IStli and ixinvcnwortu btrccta. Omnha , Nebraska. Hardware W J. "itttOATCIL Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , wagon mock , hardware , lumber , etc. 1203 and I''ll lluruoy streutOnintm. LEE , CLARKE , AXDREESEX HARD- \\-AHE \ \ COMPANY. Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , . r-lioot . . for Howe . MctalJ. - Iron. etc. Ac nti scales. Miami | iow.R'ruid Lyiu.iu bnrbdd wire. H1MEHAUQH A TAYLOR. Build rs'Hardware ' and Scale Repair Shop , Mechanics' toul : > nd Iliirr.ilo sralos. 1405 Doueiu nlroct. OnuUiti. Nab. Oils. " CONSOLIDATED TANK LTNE CO. , Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils. Axle crease. * tc. , Onmbn. A. II. Illshoii , Mnunc Papor. 'CARPENTER 'PAPER co. , Wholesale Paper Dealers , Carry n nlcn stork of prlntlnc. vrrapplnc and n paper. tj | > eclnl uttenllun tflvi'n lu oar load orders Toys. IT. II'A ROY A CO. , Jobbers of Toys , Dolls , Altos , Fancy Goods , Home lurnlshln cooJ , chlMren't carrtujici. tic. UUJ F/sroaui atroei , Ouiuba.Nutt. Lumlior. JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc , Ixtyort d and American I'ortland cement. BAat * MtDtfcr Milwaukee avdraiUloocmcat und ( julncy wmtullino. OHAS It. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , Wood cirpcls and puniuolllooili'B. t'tli Bad I > iuKaa ) trcuts , Oinnhn , Neb. OMAHA LUMUER CO. , AHKinas of Building Material at Wholesale , Jk'tli Street nnd Union rucllloTrnck.Umalia , LOUIS Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sasli , XJocrs , ! Uc , YarO-Cnriio "Hi nnd Uouglns , Corner lUtli ttid lc.uilm ; ; Lnmlep , Limb- Cement , Etc , , Etc , Comer Mi and Douglas its. , Oumlit. C. N. DlMTU. Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber , ntliand CnllfornlH Stroutu , Omaha , Nebraska. Mllllnory and Notlqna. " ' " I. "bUER'FELUER A CO Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions Ml , ilU und 'M Eontli lllli ttruut. Notions. J. T. HOIIINSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Fiirnisliing Goods , 471 aud lUUiOBtli I'Jili ' sirect , Umalia. SUUTtt UHL PA LM EH , JtlCUMAX A CO. , Live Socl ! ( CoffiiBinSiflii Mediants , . a il-illlnz ! , tlolcn , f-outu ! ; u , ! ' il > . , f Jaho Y. lioyd , iju crlntendeat. Las LOCATED , Ami nil ueci-Kxary najiers llllo I. W , E , HAWLEY , Civil Enginaar , ( MBl'lJll , WVO.or OMAHA , NUUUASIU Boots end Shoo9. . KIKKSXDALL , JONES AGO. , Purco ser lo lco.lloncs ! A Co , WIiolesalG MannfactorcK of Boots & Slices Accnta for Uoston Uubtirr Stioo Oo , 1103 , 1101 and 11M llarney Miect , Omnlin , Nt > brai\a. Browore. STORZ A 1LER , Lager Beer Brewers , 1UI North Klghteeith urcel , Omaha , N . Cornlco. EAOLE CORNICE WORKS , ManniaclnrersofGalvaiitzetl Irou Corntco WlnJownps and mclallc nVyl'chts. John Kpenottr , proprietor. llBand llucoutli IDtli slreot. Ofdoo Fixtures. ' MANUFACTURING CO. Mnnufacturcrfl ot IM , Office and Saloon Fixlnrcs , Mantles , ShlohoanU. Hook Cn cs. DniK Hxturen , Wail ra es , I'artlllons , lUllliif.O miitcm. llvcrnud Win * rooters. MlrratK , lta' : factory and onicit" J and 173 boulh lih ; : St. , Umalia. Tolcplumo 1131. Pnpor Boxes. JOHN L. WILK1E , Proprietor Omaha Fancr Box Factory , Kos. lol'ftdd 1319 Don Rim street , Omaha , N'ob. _ _ _ _ i Doors , Et > " ' M' A. Disniiow .t co. , Wholoalo manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds and Honing ! , llrnnch > jOcc , Kth nnd linnt street Umalin. Neb. 130I1N MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Moulding * , rtnlr work nnd Interior hard wood finish. N.K. cornurbtli and lx > nvrnu < rtU streets , , Omiilia , Neb. Stoom Ullngs , Pumps , Eto. XirA CLAHKSfKAM IIKATIA'U CO Pmnps , Pines and Euilnes , Btcam , water , rnllnav and lulnlne supplies , eto. 8VO , \ < M nud Wi I'arnnni street , Oumlia. 17. S. WIND ENGINE A PUMP CO. , Steam and TO.1 ) . Supplies , ) tailday wind mills. UI3 nnd iSt. lonos St. , Omah * . II , F. Kurt , actlnit Ainnufor. nROWNErL A CO , Engines , Boilers and General Machinery , BbocHron work , steam pumpn , saw mills. 1213-121 } Lent enworth street , Omaha. Iron Works. STEAM UOILER WORKS , Carttr & Son , Prop's. .Manufacturers of all kinds Steaiii Boilers , Tanks and Sliest Iron Wort Works South aith and I ) . & M. crossly. PAXTONAVIERLINO JJION WORKS , Wrought and Cast Iron Bui din Worfc Euplno" , brass work , Kencral foundry , macMno and blacksiulth nork. Olllco antl workii , U. 1 * . Hy. and itb street , Ouinbn. OMAHA AlON WORKS , Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings Itcik rull . wlndnw Kuurdn , llowcr stands wlro signs. etc. m North KUli street , Oumbn. OMAHA SAFE A IRON WORKS , Mant'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Protf Safes , Vaults , jnll work. Iron shutters and tire escapes. U. Andrccnprop'r. Cor. 14th and Jackson Bis. -TH K- CHICAGO SHORT LIKE or TUB Chicago , Milwaukee & t , Paul R'y , The Best Itmite from Omnlin nnd Couucll to TWO TItAINS DAILY 11BTWKKN OMAHA AND COUNCIL 1I1.UKPS Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. I'uul , Minneapolis. C'cilnr Rapldg * Kock Island , lYeppnrt , Itockford , Clinton , Duhiiquc , Davenport , Klgin , Mmlis.oi : , Jancsvillo , Hclolt , Wiiionn , Ln C'rossc , And nil otber Important points East , Northca taaa Sonlheust. Kor throuKh tlckcla.cull cm thu ticket a ent at 1MI Uurkur llloct.or nt Unlun I'ucltlo I'ullmun ploopcra nnd the finest lllilns : Can In tha wc.ncl niv run im thu m.iln line of tlio Culctizo , Mil- wiiukcii A t. I'niil llullnny. nnil every iittontlon H pulu lo pusiciiKcra by courteous cmplofoa of tha coiup n ) ' . It. MMLEUicncrnl Mnnngcr. J. 1 ° . TUCKHll.H9l tiint liencral Mnnn'or. : A. V. It. CAHl'iNTICH , tiuniTiil 1'asioncor and Ticket , Axunt. ( ! ! ! ' ) . i : HKAKFOUU , Asalstnttt Goncrnll'aisongor nnd Ticket Ah'ont. T. J. Uti.lllIC , OenornI Silpt-rlnlfliulent. Itoninrknblu for jioworful syntiitliotia ] ) tone , ] iliiblo ! itctioii mill ubsohUo dura bility ; 30 years' record tbo best ( , 'uurari- tee of tbo excellence of these instrut inents. -MIDYI Arrests discharges fiom the urinary sr- | iir.iiiB in cither sex 1:1IK iu > ur . < j It Is superior to copalliii. Cuhebs. or hnjcctlons , nnd free from oU bad T , . . < I : I or other liiconvculeneea. TYLER 0ESK 60. ST. IOUIS , MO. , U.S. A. Eictuilit Owitfri It Han u for l'r § of TYI-ER'S ' KOYAI , TYPE WRITER CABINET & DESK , COMBINED. AJditcdtoEveiyMachlnenow _ used , AlinlANicoUlTERCDESKCSc Illuitrutcil CnUlotue Fieo. NATIONAL BANK U. S. DBP081TOBY , OHAIIA , USB. CitpHni . suoo.ooa .Surplus Jim. lot , 1889 . ftJ.UOQ OI'KICKHrt AND WltKCTCWSl IIIJNHVW. VATK8 , 1'roal.lont. . LI5WI8 H. IIHHIJ.'lc ' ' IIHHIJ. \'lc 1'rfSlilcilt , A.K. TOIJ/.AUN. \V. V. MUUSK. JOHN B. COU < [ N'i > , H. C.CUS1I.N'(1 ! ( , J. N. II. ' w. n s. < ; * hior THE 1HON BANK , Corner YMntul \ Kiirnntn HK. A Gem-ral llnnklni ; llmlansr uia cta.a T [ IRE INSURANCE BIMER , Itootu (13 Tradurs' CHICAGO. Ilo crcncos-Mc'crr.nolltan National : ianK. II. O. liw i ; Co. 'liie llradiuect Oft DREXEL & MAUL , ( Hiuxesiiora lu Joliti U , Jacobs. ) Undertakers and Embalmer At tlioolil ttaiul UU7 I'arnain 8t. Orders by fiollclteil uni ! promptly attcaduJ. lo Kv. VJ.