Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 22, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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The OhurohoQ Were All FlUod With
Decoration * find Hermann Appropriate
to the Dny A nrllllnnt Kml-
to the Lenten
Easter Sunday vrns a bright nnd bcnutlful
day , a tilling close to the Lontcn season. It
wns observed In tlio churches with more
than ordinary ceremony. At all places great
crowds were In attendance ; and at some ,
people wcro turned from the doors.
St. I'hllomoim'H.
St. Phltomcnn's cathedral was thronged
nt each of the four masses , beginning at 5.
n. m. , and closing at 12BO : p. in. The decor
ations wcro simple , yet beautiful. * The main
altar was tastefully draped with wreaths of
nmilax. Potted plants and cut flowers were
profusely distributed on spotless shelves ,
producing a delightful effect on a back
ground of pure will to marbto. Tlio sldo
nttars were also profusely decorated with
flowers and wronths.
The church was crowded to Its utmost ca
pacity when the first note of the Kyrlo an
nounced the beginning of pontifical high
mass at 100. : ! ! The latter was
celebrated by lit. Hov. Bishop
O'Connor , assisted by Fathers Kelley ,
McCarthy , Doxnchcr , Colanerl nnd Carroll.
A number of acolytes , attired In soutanes
nnd surplices , were in charge of Mr. Koonoy ,
who acted as waster of ceremonies. The
brilliant robes of the celebrants , the decora
tions and the Joyful music wcro in accord
with the great Christian event , typifying the
risen Kcdeomor. An interesting explanatory
address was delivered by Hcv. Father Mc
Carthy , In which ho scored the apostles of
Paganism , who seek to rob mankind of the
consolation of religion by repudiating divine
revelation , uprooting faith , and substituting
for the joys of eternity the shallow pretense
that this life ends It all.
The choir rendered Mcrcailantc's cele
brated "Mass In 15 flat , " onoof the most difll-
cult and varied compositions In Catholic
music. The orchestral score was written by
Prof. Hofmun , and the music wns delight
fully rendered by .his orchestra of ton
plfccos. The miisB does not posses the majesty
and volume of Mozart's Twelfth , which was
sung last Easter , but affords excellent scope
for combinations of voices. "Vcnl Creator , "
bass solo , by Jules Lumbard , with flute ac
companiment ; "Qul Tollls , " trio , by Messrs.
Arnold , Kcnzio and Lumbard , and "Kt
Unum Sanctum , " trio , by Messrs. Klnzic ,
McCreary and Jjumbard , deserve particular
mention. Luzzi's "Avo Maria , " soprano
solo , was sung with charming sweetness and
power by Misa Fnnnio Arnold. In fact , the
musical programme wns excellently ren
dered , In both vocal and instrumental parts ,
adding much to the well deserved fnmo of
St. Philomena's ' choir. Prof. Hofman
wielded the baton , and Miss Maggia Swift
presided at the organ.
St. Mnry's Avenue Congregational.
The ratline in front of .the chancel and
choir of the St. Mary's nvcnuo Congrega
tional church was converted into a beautiful
hedge of white and green. No flowers were
used save those of snowy whiteness. Lilies ,
roses and chrysanthemums constituted In the
main the floral decorations. The various
desks and the pulpit were draped in smilux
while on the top of each stood vases contain
ing largo bouquets of white roses. The music
for the occasion was very beautiful and ap
propriate , particularly the alto and tenor
solos. llio largo room was comfortably
filled with worshipers. Uov. Willard Scott ,
the pastor , preached an ollectivo "sermon on
the resurrection of Christ. At the close of
the service the church took another sig-
mflcent stop forward by raising § 11,230 ,
toward the payment of their new house of
worship. The amount aslccd for by the pas
tor was $10,000 , which was overrun by the
generous givers before the treasurer wns
able to bring the flood to a stop.
The church building is a largo structure of
two-story pattern , the nudionco room being
in the second story , with commodious chupel
ro'oms In the basement , which is nearly out
of the ground. The audience room is the
largest In the city , seating TOO In the pows ,
without the use of clmirs. It Is a churchly
looking room , with a chuncel of ancient
ecclesiastical pattern , which gives the whole
dignified and nnd worshipful character.
The cost or the whole , as stated by Mr.
Fred W. Gray , the trustee , was § 31,000 , to
which must bo added $ . ' 1,000 for furniture put
in thus fur. Of this the present needs were
$10.000 , nnd n call was made for that amount ,
which was quickly pledged. The largest giv
ers were :
Mr. W. J. Council. $1,200 ; Mr. F. W. Gray ,
$1,100 ; Mr. Samuel Burns , SSUO ; Kov. Wil-
liird Scott , ? 500 ; Mr. James Forsyth , $300 ;
Mr. J\\V. Oriftith , S500 ; Mr. U. E. Gaylord ,
tlKor , J200 ; Mr. F. W. Taylor , 5250 ; Mr. D.
V . Sholcs , $200 ; Mr. Juines Vilos , jr. , $200 ;
Dr . A. S. Ullllngs. $150 ; Mr. E. A. Mills
SIM , ) ; Mr. O. W. Tillson , $150 ; Mr. W. A
Hlgglns. 150.
In addition , tlioro wcro twenty pledges of
$100 each , and many smaller sums. This
church is not yet quite six years old , and was
begun with its present pastor. It has received -
„ ceived nearly four hundred members , uiid in
cludes some of the best-known people of the
. Christian Clittroh.
The Insurrection was the thetuo of Key. J.
U. Johnson , ut the Walnut Hill Christian
church , yesterday morning. The speaker
said : The steamer Dunmurh , with near a
thousand souls on board , recently sailed
from Norway IJound for the American shoro.
That great stoumor has since been scon , her
fires extinguished , her mighty engines pow-
eqjhess , apparently on the point of plunging
to the bottom of tlio ocean. There wcro no
signs o' Hfo on that vessel so recently teem
ing with human beings. But where now are
the many hutidrcda of souls } Are they nt
the bottom of the sen , are they drifting In
open boats , at the mercy of wind and wave )
Huvo they been curried by some passing ves
sel to a dlBtaut Island of the seal Who can
toll ? Ilow many weary , anxious nnd sorrowing
rowing hearts would bo glad to know.
Whatever bo their fate , it Is true of us , that
nvory year millions of our race ouibnrlc on
the unknown sea , voyagorn to "tho undis
covered country from wliosu bourne no trav
eler returns. " And all our hope of ever
meeting the departed , hinges on the resur
rection of Jesus. "II Christ bo not raised
our faith Is vain. "
If there bo a God , Ho holds the power of
life and death In Ills hand. If tlioro bn u
happy land to meet the aspirations and yearn-
lnts of the human spirit , wo can readily bo-
Hove a good ( Joel would reveal the fact to
anxious souls hud conllriu it by ample proof.
Has God dona tblst
Nearly two thousand years ago a baba was
born in u stable at Dcthloucm. In tlmo the
babe grew Into manhood , was arrested as a
criminal and crucified between two thieves.
The mangled body was buried m a rock-
hewn tomb. Now behold a miraclol To-day
hundreds of millions of people , in Europe , m
Asia , in Africa , In America , in the Isles of
the , son , are thinking of that scpulchor I 13o-
.Tore His death this man Jesus said : ' 'A
Wicked and adulterous generation seeks a
Blgn but no sign shall bo given It but the
Ign of Jona . As Jonas was thrco days in
the whale's belly the Soli of Man shall bo
three days In the heart of the earth. " Jesus
itukcd ull on that wonderful sign , and if ho
arose not on the thlid day onr hopes of ,
heaven and immortality uro dashed to the
earth forever.
That tlio body of Jesus was buried , that a
great stouo was < > lace at the mouth of the
sepulcher , that a company of soldiers wont
placed about the tomb to guard the body ,
uobody has ever denied. That toe body
was 'missingon the third day nobody
lias aver denied. Tlio womnn visited
the opcnnd and empty sopulohcr.
'Xho apostles all ) saw Jesus after
tils resurrection. Doubting Thomas lilui.
Belt was convinced. Mora than tlvo hundred
disciples at once saw their Lord. All these
teslllled to his resurrection and that , too , In
ibo Xaoo of bitter denunciation and persecu
tion , nnd many seated their testimony with
their blood. To doubt tholr testimony we
mus either suppose them to have been mir
aculously smitten with blindness or insanity.
There could bo no stronger proof of the
resurrection than this. Shortly after Hii
death In the very city In which ho hnd been
condemned , crucillcd undburiodnnd the body
inndo secure by n Kuunl of soldiers , the em
boldened disciples openly proclaimed the
resurrection of JCSUB nnd supported their
clnltn by such proof that thousands of people
in n nlnglo day accepted tholr testimony In
tlio fnco of threats , Imprisonment and death.
'And from that day to this the story of the
open sepulcher nnd the risen Lord has gone
on conquering nnd to conquer until every
great nation is illuminated by the sunlight
of heaven that burst through the open grnvo
of Jesus , and to-day every mighty potentate
bows the knee to the babe of Uctblohora.
Trinity Cntiicdrnl.
Trinity cathedral wns packed to its doors
nt the 11 o'clock service nnd many people
were obliged to turn nwny nnd seek other
plncos In which to worship.
Thontmosphcro of the church was heavy
with the porfuma exhaled from the bank of
( lowers. Tno chnncol nnd nltnr were one
mass of blossoms of varied hues. The lltnny
desk , the lectran , the baptismal font , the
altar nnd nil the rending ilcsic were beauti
fully decorated with llowcra nnd Binilnx.
On cither sldo of the litany desk , stately
lilies bloomed nnd sweet hcllotrono sent
forth itH dnlicnto fragrance. Hoses beautified
the recesses of the chnueel windows , nnd
potted plants inndo n veritable garden of
llowcrs of-tho church.
When tlip-whllo-robcd choir nnd the sur-
pllccd priests enmo out , from the vestry nnd
took their positions the sccno was ono of Im
posing grandeur.
The service was high celebration of the
Holy Eucharist , conducted by the Very ttov.
C. U. Gardner , nssistcd by Uov. T. C. Urndy.
The music wns simply crand , and especially
Is this true of the To Deum , sung by the en
tire choir of nearly fifty voices. Mrs. Cotton
sang for the offertory the anthem , "I Know
thnt My Redeemer Llvcth , " very beauti
fully. The sermon by the dean was n glad ,
triumphant laudation of the risen Lord.
The other services nt the cathedral during
the day were early celebration nt 8:45 : n. in. ,
children's service nt 2:30 : p. m. and festival
service In the evening.
First Presbyterian.
While it Is not the custom of this church
to make nn elaborate or particularly special
effort on Easter , the services there were
both appropriate nnd interesting. Tlio only
noticeable display as a distinguishing feature
of the occasion consisted of nn exquisitely
arranged bank of flowers , calla lilies nnd
potted plants about the pulpit nnd choir box ,
while the clinndollors and railings supported
quantities of smilnx wound in fantastic
shapes around them. The congregation
llllcd every seat nn\l much standing room ,
now hats and bonnets adorned the feminine
bends , and altogether , the sccno presented nt
11 o'clock wns sufllcicntly impressive to re
mind ono of tlio historical ovcnt
so closely allied to the worship
of nil religious sects nnd denominations , llio
regular choir rendered nn excellent pro
gramme of music , nniT while the collection
was bcintr talicn Miss Bertha Unl.vs uang , ns
a solo. "Tho Resurrection , " by Ilolden , in
splendid style. Her voice was clear , strong ,
musical and sympathetic.
Uov. W. J. Hurshu presided. To him the
day was doubly important. In addition to
its religious specialties , wns coupled the
twelfth anniversary of his imstorato at that
church. His sermon , therefore , was devoted
principally to n roviow-of the work accom
plished since his installment ns the pastor.
When ho tool : hold the congregation was not
only small and poor , but divided by dis
sensions. But ho kept , his counsel , soon
reunited the contending factions , labored for
now converts and in a short time
hnd increased the nttcndanco until the
capacity of the church was wholly 'insuf '
ficient to meet the requirements. As n re
sult of Mr. Harshn's twelve years , work
eleven now churches and six mission schools
have been established m this city and South
Omabn ; his congregation has grown until
tho.roll of membership now uumbors 1,0-11 ,
while the totnl list of communicants in the
prescribed territory foots up 14,031. , In that
period , also , the money receipts us contribu
tions to the board for regular work and mis
cellaneous collections amounts to the mag
nificent sum of ? 97oys. As a business and
financial review the sermon was rather re
markable In its tone nnd interest.
At the evening service Mr. Harsha had for
the subject of his discourse , "Was Jesus of
Nazareth Ucully liaised Prom the Deadl"
Ilountzo Memorial.
The congregation of the ICountzo Memorial
church was well represented at the morning
services. At nn early hour people began to
arrive , nnd when the hour of service was
reached , the largo gathering was inter
spersed with Eitstor bonnets and gay ap
parel. The pulpit was a parterre of ferns
and flowers. Resting in the back ground , on
canvas-colored cloth , was a design repre
senting the holy sepulchre , where the body
of Christ was law. At the entrance to the
sepulchre wns n largo stone , representing the
slab which lay at the entrance after the
Savior had risen from the dead. The im
mediate surrounding was covered with
flowers and evergreen , wrought into beauti
ful'designs. Extending across the pulpit
was a semi-circle bedecked with evergreen
slirubs , and bearing the motto , "Ho is Not
Hero ; Ho Has Risen. "
The service was opened with a hymn
sung by a quartette led by Mrs. Mar
tin Cnhn. Rov. J. S. Uotwuilcr then as
sumed his familial- place in the pulpit and
preached a sermon on the subject , "Christ is
Risen. " In dealing with his subject , the
orator dwelt to a considerable- degree on ttio
life of the Savior of maukind and the perse
cutions which ho endured while upon earth.
The service throughout wns interesting
nnd was preached according to the occasion.
Din the evening Rev. isir. Uutwuilur
preached on the subject , "Tomb in the Gar
den. " The attendance- taxed tbo capacity of
this ho.uso of worship.
Central Unltctl Pr csliyterlmi.
Easter Is not recognized In the United
Presbyterian creed nor does tbo day'occupy
a plnco In Its calendnr. Nevertheless , Dr.
Williamson preached n sermon bearing on
the resurrection. Ho ehoso for his topic the
query of that nfllictcd man of Uz the philo
sophical Job "If n man die , shall bo live
again I" nnd answered the question with this
verso Irom II. Corinthians , xv , 20 : "Hut
now Is Christ risen from the dead and become -
como the flrst-fruits of them that slept. "
In opening his discourse , the doctor re
ferred to the fact that there was no scrip
tural authority for cithur Christinas or
Eastnr , but custom had aollncd these days
and it w.ts well to diauuss the birth , death
and resurrection of Christ and tholr bearing
on Christianity. Ho also cnlled attention to
the Inconsistency of the date of Enstor.
Christmas Is always on the ono date while
Eastnr may bo almost any dale in March or
April ,
The choir rendered In n very nccoptnblo
manner tbo nnthcin "Mnko Ills Prnlso
Ulorlous. " The music U nlwnys good in
this church , being laigoly furnished by the
Arlons. The congregational singing Is ns
flno ns any In the city.
The ordlnnnco of Infant baptism was nd-
ministered during the service.
Methodist Rplscopixl.
At the First M. E. church the Easter Sun
day celebration , with Its grand nntl gladsome
muslo nnd profuse display of ruro and beau
tiful ( lowers , filling chnncol , nltar nnd audi
torium with tno sweetness of their delicious
perfumes , was n conspicuous ovcnt. In front
of the nltar was n bank of enunciation lilies ,
with graceful , bcndlntr curves , nnd artistic
groups of rows .everywhere Interspersed ,
making an effect both pleasing and pictur
esque. Behind the nltar tlio nrchcd panel
was n mas of smilux , their lone , fibrils droopIng -
Ing until they touched the lloor , ntul In the
center of this solid green were the words , in
snowy letters , "Christ is Klsen. " All nbout
was un environment of flowers , most promi
nent iimong which were callas , azaleas , prim
roses , rush leaved daffodils , lilacs , trailing
asparagus and maiden's hair. Uov. House's
sermon was a beautiful and scholarly nffalr ,
and listened to with rapt attention by nn un
usually largo cungrcgntlon.
The choir consists of Mrs. Dr. Bnldrldgo ,
soprano ; Miss Frances Hoedor , contralto ;
Mr. U. W. Brockcnndgo , tenor ; Prof. Leo
O. Krntz , bass und director ; Mrs. F. M.
Hills , organist.
Organ Prelude
Doxology ,
Gloria P.vtri Mendelssohn
Hymn 15
Scripture Lesson
Festival To Dcum In G Dudley Buck
Hymn 231
Solo , tenor , "Uosurrrectlon" Holdon
Solo , soprano , "I Know That My Ile-
dcemor Llveth" Handel
Organ Postlude
Doxology i
Hymn 'M
Scripture Lesson
Easter Anthem , "Christ Our Passover , "
in U Hut Dudley Buck
Hymn 821
Trio , "On Thee Each Living Soul
Awaits" Haydn
Sermo n
Solo , contralto , with violin obllgato ,
"CUrlst the Lord is Uisen To-day"
Violin obllgato played by Prof. Buotons.
Hymn 248
St. linrnnbas.
Whlto lilies and heliotrope bedecked the
the nltar nt St. Barnabas. The services nt
the little church wcro more than usually im
pressive. High mass wns celebrated nt 11
o'clock , with nil the beautiful ceremonies
and pomp of the church's' liturgy. Tlio
music was splendidly rendered by the robed
choir of about twenty voices. Tlio anthems
rang with triumph , and the whole service
was permeated with a feeling of cladncss.
The communion was largely attended. Rov.
John Williams officiated , and preached tno
sermon. It was brief , but eloquent. "Wo
arc not hero to-day , " stud ho , "alono to con
sider the resurrection of n magnificent Jew.
ns an Infidel , upstart editor has said , but wo
como to worship the eternal God , without
whom there is no peace , no hopo. If , as this
man has Implied , Christianity Is loft to weak
women ana children , then let us all bo
women and children. "
All Saints.
This church , nt Twenty-sixth nnd Hownrd
streets , wns crowded , but them was no great
display of Easter bonnets. The Interior of
tbo edifice was gorgeously decorated with
fragrant flowers. The decorations consisted
principally of pinic hyacinths , Easter lilies
and roses. In front of tlio nltar there were
100 plants and palms. The cross on the nltar
was decorated with pink hyacinths ; the arch
before the rood screen was covered with
lilies and white roses brought from Califor
nia for the service ; the processional cross
was surrounded with lilies tied with n white
satin knot ; the hymn table contained
MarechnlNoil roses. Around the altar were
four largo vases of lilies. In the pulpit
were living flowers and palms ; the commun
ion table was festooned with smilax. The
litany desk was covered with hyacinths and
white and pink roses , nnd the baptismal
font , in the rear of the nislo near the en
trance , was covered with white and crimson
tulips. In its entirety the floral decoration
was very beautiful.
'iho choir consisted of ' forty-two voices ,
fortytnalo and two contraltos.
The Rev. Louis Xahnur , rector of the
church , preached an appropriate sermon on
the resurrection.
Ncxvmnii M. E. Cluiroli.
The decorations in tbo Newman M. E.
church , on St. Mary's avenue , were simple.
From the corners of the church to the pulpit
were hung festoons of smilux , fastened with
whlto lilies. In front of the rostrum were
fuclisiaslilies and heliotrope , while n bouquet
of aright colored tulips graced the sacred
The pastor , Rev. J. E. Ensign , took for his
text , Job xivll : , "If a man dlo shall ho llvn
again. " The speaker powerfully portrayed
the Bufferings of Christ on the cross nearly
1900 years iigo and the glorious resurrection
on Easter morn. A glorious awakening , ho
stated , also nwaltcu all those who dlo in the
The popular blood purifier , Hood's
Samipurilla , is having a tremendous
sale this season. Nearly everybody
tukcs it. Try it youroolf.
Tlio Iliisamn Jews' Enstor.
There wus trouble again yesterday , in the
Jewish synagogue on the corner of Twelfth
and Jackson , ever the crucifixion of Christ.
The remarks of the rabbi proved too liberal
for tlio majority of the hearers who rose al
most en inasso nnd objected to sucli doc
trines. A few sided with the rabbi und the
discussion became so loud and demonstrative -
tivo that Officer Rowden had to bo called in
to quell the incipient riot. No arrests wcro
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in 1PS31 contracted Jllood I'olson
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1 took 7 Email bottles S. S. S. which
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Ify lltllo niece had whlto fuelling
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flncil to tlio licit for a long time ,
llorolfcm 20 pieces of bone
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amputation was the only remedy to
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To Yoone Men aucl Middle-Aged Men ,
A < 311BP TIIDP 'J'h ° nwtiil elrects of early
A oUllD uUltli VI.-B. which urliiRH organic
eakness. destroying both mind nnd bodv , with
1 ltn dreaded HlH. permanently curca.
nHQ RPW3 Aureustnomi wno nave Impaired
UUUi Dm 10 theniKtlvi'S by improper indul
gences and solitary hablfl , which rtiln both
bodv and mind , unflttlni ; them for business ,
study or ninrrince.
MAKIIIKU MKN. or those entering on that hap
py life , aware of pbvHlcal debility , quickly us
W"MO >
Is based upon facts. tflrst-I'rnctical Expo-
rlcnce. Second Kvory case IH especially studied ,
thus Htartlnt'aright'Third .Medicines are pre
pared In our laboratory exactly to biilt each
case , thus aUYctltitcures without injury.
tjyt-'cnd U cents postage for celebrated works
on Chronic , Nervous and Dellcatti Diseases.
-Thousands cured. i-tr A friendly letter or call
may save you rntuie guireiliu ; and Bhainu , and
odd golden joars to life. { * No letters an-
Bwered unless accompanied by 4 cents In btnmrs.
Address or call on
ims. KF/rrs & IIKTTS ,
1403 l-'ornnm Srteet , Omaha , Neb ,
C tUe LiUuor Hftblr , 1'oiUlvelr Cored ,
by AdnilnUierliiB Dr. ilalue * '
Uoldcn Hpccldc.
It can bo ulveu nu cup of cotfee or lu art-
: les of food , without tlio knowledge of the pa-
eutjlt l.t iibKoliuelyImnnloas , ana \\lll ot-
fectupermununtundHpeedycure. whetherttie
mttent Is u moderate drinker or nn alcohol
wreck. IT NKVKIt FAILS. Over ( OO.OQO
Ininkardu have beun inadutmnperuto men wno
mve taken UoMen Specific In their coirce with
out their knowledge , and today believe they
quit , drinking of thela own accord. { ) nago
) oolc of particulars free. Kuhn fc.Co , Bgenta
Uhnud Douglas sl , 18th ana Cumlnc btreut * ,
) maha. Neb. : Council Uluffii , Iowa : Ae nts , A.
_ _ *
Attractions .FOR EASTER WEEK Attractions
We Claim Your Patronage.
Not only from the fnct thut wo occupy the largest and most perfectly appointed establishment In the United States ,
but also because \vo possess facilities unsurpassed for the manufacture and sale of all poods in our establishment , and wo
base our expectations of future increase in business upon the growing tendency among all classes to look for the best
article of merchandise at fair prices , and to confine their patronage to the house that gives the most thoroughly relia
ble and satisfactory goods.
Special Bargains in Mens' Cutaway Suits , price $15
LOT No. 1 Wo have consolidated several lines of Mons' Fancy Worsted suits , in medium and dark shades ; * < ult9
which have sold for $20 , $22 and $25 , and marked them all at $15 per suit. The on some styles are somewhat
broken , but the lot us a whole forms ouo of the most attractive bargain lots wo have ever olTorod. This line includes
goods manufactured by sonfo of the finest makers. In regular mons' sizes ) from 30 to12. . Price $15.
Sawyer Cheviot Saek Suite , Price $10.
LOT No. 2 Wo offer 1GO suits of double and twist cheviots Suits , manufactured by the celebrated Sawyer Woolen
Coat the remarkably-low price of $10 per suit. There are no goods manfacturod that gives such universal satisfaction
as thcsoand wo offer them unhesitatingly ns the best suit that can bo purchased for the price. These goods are told in
every clothing house In the country and in some cases as high as $15. Our price is $10. All sizes from 35 to 42. This
lot is' in MODS' Sacit Suits.
Kens' Cheviot Sack Suits , Price $8.
LOT No. 3. Wo offer another very popular line okChoviot Suits , in A darker shade , a pure all wool , brown striped
cheviot , well made and trimmed , and fora cheap business suit , It is one of the best we can manufacture. Our price , $8.
Bop9 and Chilsirens' department.
In no department of our establishment is there so great an opportunity to offer attractive novelties , pleasing to the
eye and a rollncd taste , as In our Boys' and Childrons' Department. No matter how cheap garmontH are offered In the
department the first requisite which must always bo kept In mind , is the siyle in which they are cut and made.
S@y ; Bargain Lots. Boys' Long Pant Suits , Price $7.
Wo have made an effort to continue the sale of suits at the popular price for boys from 12 to 17 years , and will offer
this week , two styles of pure all wool Cassiinoro Suits at 87 per suit. Wo do not think that those suits can bo duplicated
outside the Continental for loss than $10. You can't help buying them.
Boys Suits , Short Pants , sizes 4 to 12. Special Bargain Line at $5
Wo _ offer this week the very best value In a boys' Cheviot Suit , a perfect gnui in quality and in fit. The price this
week is $5 , and it will bo appreciated when you examine it. "
Boys' Knee Pants , Price 50 Cents.
Wo have decided to offer another line of boys' Knee Pants atoOc. Thcso are two styles of pure all wool goods and m
all sizes , 4 to 13 years. Price COc.
Our Boys' Hat Counter.
Attractive bargains will bo found on our Boys' Hut Counter , 60c , 75 and $1
OMAHA BOSTON f Looznis & Co.1
DES MOINES Proprietors ;
Corner Fifteenth and Douglas Streets ,
Men's Furnishings.
Every gentleman should consult His own
Interest and visit our store before purchas
Ing hla furnishings for Spring such ns Neck
wear. Gloves , Hosiery , Underwear and
Shirts , taster Neckwear and Gloves this
Jo. IHIT _ _ inriiovKii Hill. i , ies9.
" " "
& ! [ SMi
and Rusponiorj are gunrnnteetlto
CUM tlio follow.-- , Inn : Alllthojm
itlo Complaint * ,
riu nnd Norvotih'
ntM , Kidney 1) | - ' N * S rtane * . rrou -
064 , Trembling Hezual Kzhau *
' .Ion , Iiiuinnia Waiting of tin
Doclr , nieoiiMM cauxd 1)7 Inclli
crctlontn , . Youth f. or llu . . .allUUeaiei ptrtalu-
lim to the Womb or Eealtil orifani-
Tnl > Utbn LATFRTanddniATEST Improtementnet
tnaila. and Is eupotlor to nil otheri. KierlUjnr nt an
Klectrlo lie It wanti tha luUtt-tbli ho nlll tint ) ll.n
PWRII V'H. I tdldtri from all otheri , i It iHnllirrFliir
IIKLT , aid not a chain , volttlo or wire belt. UnlimilU
til t | iUlBii CarabU l j Klfdrlrli1 he electric current
can lie 'J EBTED by imrono before It U applied to the
body , and li worn onlj ill to ten liouri dullr. If you
will examine thli belt run will buy no otlmr. Tot lion
the fcNTiiiE OONriurNCE weliafelnourKle'-lro-Cliil-
jonlo llelu on'l , Appllnncti lll t d our .to. I lull
Unpltlt to lleipoiilblt 1'lrllti on Tblrtj llij. ' Trill. Head
Ho. po taK forourrBKEllluttrate < l nutnphlft.
Trt.r.lrctDr. O.m' . H.FITIllCI.\ ( , irl ( * l pfrl' lr.
( UeotloQ tbfi f i > rr. ) ilcor > * iitb Jt'vt Itib , Jf l. )
300 North Broadway. ST. LOUIS. MO.
State Line.
To ( Jlasgow , llclfast , Dublin anil Liverpool
From New York Every Tuesday ,
Cabin paxsuxo i-i't to t-'O. ncconlln ; ; to location
ot state i oom. Kxcnraton id ) to t'.H.
Btecragu to und from Unrojie ut l.o > ve t Kates.
AUSTIN IIAI.UW1N A : CO. . Oeu'l Autmln.
6.1 llroadway , Nmr lore.
JOHN IILKQIIN , Ucn'l Western Agent ,
lit Hamlolnh St. , Chicago.
I1AHHV I ! , MOOltHS , Ac ut. Omuliu ,
HcducetV Cabin Itutds to Ulubgow Ex
Your Business by using our C'.irnmo
ind llnsltiess Cards , Advertitlng Novelties
&c. , printed to order , Samples anil price by
niall , ( lo liuslncss only ) 10 cU. Aildiesi ,
7io North 60th su PhilBdelnliJa , Pa ,
N , W. Cor. I3th & Dodo ( Sts.
Appliances for Deformities and Trusses.
Best facilities , nppnratui tuirt retnuillos for MICCPM
{ ul treatment ot over ? form of Ulsunna requlrlni
Medical or Hurglcnl Treutnient.
Hoard and attondaacoi best hospital accommoda
tion * Is me wosu
WHITE van CIKCIILAUS on Doformltle , and Urncc ? ,
Ttanset , Club tfoot. ( Jurroturo of the Hplno , riles ,
Tumors. Cuncar , CJturrh , llroncliltls , lulinlntlon.
JOIcctrlclty , 1'iiralysls , Kplloii r , Klilnojr , IllnUder ,
Kyu , Kar , akin nnd lllood.nnd allSurnlciil oporatloiu
Dlseasos of Women a Specialty.
All Ulood Diseases luoceMtully trcutoil. Syplillltli *
Poison raraovoil from tliu > rituiu wltlioiit mi-rcurr.
New roitorutlTO trofttinont for loss of Vital I'.iwcr.
Persons unable to T'.alt us ranjbo treatad nt homo br
cprresoouduQcc. All communications confidential.
Medicines or InstrumonU sent by mail or exprrst ,
WTuruly packed , no marks to Indicate rontcntl or
render. Ono pursonul Interview prelurrcd. Call und
consult ua or send history of your , und wo will
nand In plain wrapper , our
Dpon Private , Special or Nervous Diseases , Impo
icncy , H/pbllls , Uluet and Varlcocolo , wllu anc tloii
list. Address1
OmaJia Medical and Surgical Institute , or
Oor.lSttana Dodge bt . . - - OMAHA , NIB.
Mas Uoyor-'EstJoHansd 1865-Adolph Major
General Agent * for
, ,
* and JAS , W , STARR
Story & Marl and SWiiger-Bcll DOTS ,
Write for Ci
IIorno'aliectra.Mi.Ki : < ctluIlcll >
Tru , conjblni-d , Uua nndlLo
only imo lu tlm world KincratlnK
_ . . _ Accallnaotii KlretHoi * Uoynttit
CC rcafT < * if. hrlenllCc. I'oWfrful , Diirablt ,
j--/ComforUble uil IHtrllTu. irold fl ud ,
AI.HO i& tr iiiiKiVroHriiy ! F.W
Oe. UiKE.liivwiB8. : iQi * W H - - -
Halford MEATS FOR ,
Table SOUPS FISH , ,
Sauce. Ac.
How is it Archibald ? I pay my
tailor douhlo tlio price you paid
NICOLL for that swell Ruit'i1 Why I
is it ? I
Don't you know , Chuwlcs |
NICOLL'S do a big business I
tailors lot of clothes been at itf
n long time " f
Knows all about it , don't you Z
T know T
f f
A You promise your tailor $ GO pay g
A him 8,10 stand him off for the 1ml- <
] * and big loss you Know somebody
Y has to pay it.
NICOLL don't do anything „ , _
T that sort he's spot citsh turns his
goods and money brislclyNICOLLS y
O a broad guago tailor wlioro you get
100 cents for your dollar and the A
A ] ) rotlicst goods riglit from the cast. A
t Suits , " 20 to 45
I . M.
1409 Douglas Streel , Omaha
Steck Piano
Konwrlwblo for powerful fiymiwthotla
tone , pliable action ixntl iibsoluto dura
bility ; BO years' record the boit guaran
tee of the excellence of thcso instru
Wyoming Oil Lands
And all necenuary paper * Illleil ,
W , E , HAWLEY , Civil Enginsar ,
* uff rlnfr from t
" ' * " * " '
i u
! " " " '
iniil.r < > d. etc , I win MuftTii > luatf trrMlw'tM-i.UJ )
CjinUliiliiK full | . ) orlkul ri fur l.eiiie iur , Jtn fcC
PROF > F. O.