Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1889, Part II, Image 9

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Must be Sold Tomorrow We Can't hold If we would.
No Room
We Have
We Have No Room.
Every piece of the Milwaukee and Grand Island "Fire Dry Goods"stocks must POSITIVELY be closed out Tomorrow , COST OR VAL UE NO
SATEENS , Damaged bv Firo. From the Flro. From the Plro. From llio Piro. Gunrnntceil free from Sightly Burnoil.
From the flrc , burn
' Cents Per Yard. Cents Per Yard. . . Gouts Each.
Oonts yard ; worth up to $1.5O.
Fine Dress Goods A
, L
Frencti Sateens ,
FROM THE FIRE. From the Flro. Guaranteed free Guaranteed Free from Burn , worth up Prom the Fire , Gvmr.inloed Free
"Worth up to 60 Cents. from burn. to 30c. Slightly Burnod. Slightly Damaged. Slightly Soiled. Burn.
no 5JOSV 604 , 506 , 508 , and 510 South Thirteenth Street
L lid Corner Howard.
ft. national Shooting Tournament in
In Trnlnlnc I'ast of the Ducks Our
Twlrlers WUllama ra Stanley
Amateurs Race Wheel Notes
and Miscellaneous Sports.
A National Shootlnc Tournoy.
Charles \V. Hudd , the ehnmpion wing shot
jf the world , of Dos Molncs , and Frank S.
Parinaleo , the crack shot of the west , of
this city , made the preliminary arrangements
restorday for holding ono of the largest
iron-shooting tournaments in this city
luring the last week in Soptomhcr
Ivor given in the country. It isle
lo bo made a national affair , and such induce-
ucnt hold out as will bi ing the bust shots
from all parts of tbo United States hero , and
mo occasion will bo n regular saturnalia for
Uio levers of the trap and gun. The prestige
lent the affair by the names of Buad and
Parmelco assure an unqualified success
tgulnat a'l ' possible contingencies. In addi
tion tc the regular purses to bo shot for the
management guarantees to add $1,000 cash ,
thotuo ) > rlnclpal events being the prolos-
lional stakes uml the Omaha hotels' and
merchants' stalccs. It Is estimated that
10,000 llvo pigeons and treble as many aitlfl-
jlal targets , besides blaok birds and Knullsh
iparrowh , will bo necessary to carry this
TTiKrand tournament through. Communication
will bo opened up at once with all the best
mown shots from the Atlantic to the Pnclllc ,
mil a st luuuoua endeavor made to got un
issurauco from all the notable trap mon that
ihov will bo hero. The affair Is to bo man-
ige'd upon tt regular business basis , and will
ittruct attention throughout the shooting
circles of the entlru country.
Iloiurii of the Fair \Vhoolors.
Ono week from to-morrow , the 29th , the
lady bicyclers will begin tholr second six
Jay race ai the Coilsoui. This race will bo
ilx Jiours a day , Instead of thrco hours , as In
Iho first race , three hours riding taking plnco
n Uio afternoon , and three In the evening ,
rhoro Is no doubt about the success of the
affair , asIho , hist race was unanimously pro
Dout'ecd DUO of the -most enjoyable aniuso-
mont events that ever took place in the city ,
rho Indy lidcrs are assured of an ovation on
tholr icturn. Thcro will Uo several now
itarters in the coming race , in the persons of
\ couple of local unknowns , und In Lulu
llait , of Boston , Alice Loulso Sands , of Now
Haven , ami Marjorlu Montupuo , of Cincln
ontl. All the old favorites , "Heauty" Uuld
win , Kltuo Brown , Jesse Woods , Misses
Dnkcs , Lewis , Armaindo und Williams , wll
llso bo on hand , and a weak of genuine
ploasura Is before the levers of the wheel.
The DuolcH lluvn Gone.
The quack of the mallard is no longer ace
co nun on sound amidst the tilpughs aui
niarohcs , and the honk ah-honk of thn Can
ml a goose it > but infrequently heard frou
ethereal spare. The birds have pretty gen
erally winged their way to U.o farther nortl
mid wilt not return until the cool days o
September und October. The season of lay
ing and nldltlcation Is coming on apace
and the wild fowl are all hurrying off for the
breeding grounds in the desolate fastimsse
of British f.'iiliimbla. The spring shooting
whIUi hm been mcugor , ut its best , Is ovc
fo'r ISSO. To bo sura the green uud the blue
winged teal lli'cr : ; among thn Hags and rood
about thn low-ljmjt lakes , ns 1C roluctunt t
leave 80 delight fill a territory , nmt a few
wnlto geciso und speckled brant may still b
found in small HocUs along the bare of th
legendary Plutt . Hut so far us good * per
is concerned It Is all over and past , for an
other four months ut least , The Jacks ur
% tlll with us , and butter ba ; < s tLr.i
vcro expected nro being made daily , but the
uselous little galllnago will have soon ] olned
tis congeners utnong the swampy brakes
and lagoons of the far north , and , like
Othello , the sportsman will find his orcupa-
ion gone. But as a consolation the fishing
cason Is coming in , and already local Izauk
Vultons ore planning excursions off up the
Elkhorn , to Horseshoe and Spirit Lake.
Black bass and croppies , although a trillo
early , nro already taitlng the hook , and sev
eral line creels have been taken at Cutoff
' . .ako , mostly by trolling , but not a few by
ino and rod , Fine iishlng in Nebraska ,
lowovor , is an unknown quantity , and
anglers , for a genuine day of exciting sport ,
must go a long ways beyond adjacent waters ,
Articles of Airropmont About to bo
lOntcroil In.
The devotees of the wheel in this city may
expect n rare treat within tno course of the
next six weeks , ns the creat match between
; ho local female champion , Miss Lily Wil
liams , and the alleged champion of America ,
Miss Lottlo Stanley , is now next to an
assured fact. Miss Williams is In corres
pondence with Billv O'Brien , of Now York ,
und the backer of Miss Stanley , and says
slio has little doubt but what satisfactory
renditions will bo reached within the next
few days by which the great race will como
off at the Collsoum , this city. So far this
has been tbo only sticking point with the
eastern lady , ho adhering to nor determina
tion to have the race ridden In New York.
She has boon finally convinced , however ,
that there \yill bo moro money in the affair
for all concerned to have It come off here ,
and has promised to plvo her ultimatum on
the question bv Tuesday next. The race is
to bo for $1,000 n sldo , and all the gate re
ceipts , and of six-hours six-days continuance.
The j'50 ! deposited by Senator Morgan
with u Now Ybrii newspaper man , has been
covered by Stanley's backer.
Amateur Bicyclers.
To-morrow evening the throe-hour-slx-day
amateur bicycle cliusu opens ut the Coliseum.
It will bo ono of the best attractions yet seen
within this mammoth Inclosuro. Amateur
races uro.tho most bomi lido struggles of all.
There is always an intense rivalry existing
and combinations xvlthln their ranks nro uu-
ttnown. Auiatnurs are ambitious to win , and
It Is generally the best man who carries off
the laurels. To-morrow evening there will
ho no lots than twenty-two starters , and
twenty-two whirling wheels upon ono
track , it Is safe to say , will
afford como very thrilling amusement.
Among the entries wo are enabled to
mention : Pied Temple , Jim 12. Fisko and
Harry Mordaunt. Plum Creek : Dick W.
Cole , Grand Island ; Frank Harlow and
Percy Sinclair , Lincoln ; John II. Kastman ,
F. L. Mlttnuer. P. II. Sufkln. W. O. Urlau ,
O. W. Boaid , II. K. Tagger , H. 11. Smith ,
Seth Uhoilos. Low Fletcher , O. O. Fran
cisco. Kay Hutchison , Will Pixloy and
Charles Poauoy. The prizes will ho as
follows : First , a $140 wheel ; second , * BO
gold medal ; thlid , H'i gold modal ; fourth ,
) - > medal ; fifth , $ r > modal ; sixth , $ JO
medal , and a f 10 medal to every man who
co\crsT5 ! ! miles ,
Interesting Ujolliii ; New * .
Chicago Is milking most elaborate arrange
ments for the colossal wheel tournament
which tukcs place In that cltv May 13 to 13.
J. J. Hardm and W. Q. In gram , who are In
terested parties In the big scheme , will jjo to
Chicago May 10. They will bo accompanied
In all probability by a large number of local
amateur bicyclists.
The races will bo run under L. A. W.
rules. Entries will close on May 6. In
events where four prizes are offered there
must bojit leant seven starters ; wnora there
are three , tlvo starters ; und wbero thorn uio
two , three starters , or the number of prizes
rcducod. No walkover will bo allowed.
Safety machines of the Rover typo will bo
allowed In such events us nrts given for safe
ties , only. *
Senator Morgan believes in safeties being
bhut out of ordinary ruees , unless Uio rider
Is of the steadiness of tbo most trained pro
fessionals. Ho thinks many of the riders of
ordinaries nro afraid to compote with the
safety rider , und predicts that inside of two
years the safety will hold all records. Tno
sedator says much moro interest , Is created
when the two machines meet in contest.
Wilbur F. ICnapp is talking of going to
Australia on a cycling speculation. The Den
ver lad is now in line form , and can bo
backed against any mau In the world for any
race from ono to one hundred miles. Knapp
is undoubtedly ono of the best riders of the
Tom Eck wears diamonds once moro. The
mascot for Eck this time is the lady racing
bicyclists , in whom T. W. takes both a pe
cuniary aud fatherly interest. As drawing
cards Eek thinks and knows they are su
perior to male 'cyclists , and a * long as they
please the public and bring In the shekels ,
and do good racing , the"only" is happy.
Morgan , too , has a finger in the niangcrial
Die. Chicago Kofereo.
Helen Baldwin , the fair bicycler , is only
known to the Chicago ncwspapojs by the
soubriquetof ' "Beauty" Baldwin , bestowed
upon her by TUB Bca during the late ladies
race In this city.
Jack Prince is suoiten of by the Now York
Sun as a probable winner of the six day pro
fessional race which comes off In Chicago
next month.
Miss Williams has not > et decided whether
she will enter the ladies race to begin hereon
on the U'Jthor not. If her race with Stanley
is set for any lime near this date she will not
Mr. J. H. Lathrop has been appointed lieu
tenant of the Omah.i Wheel ulub. Captain'
Mittanor hopes all members will acknowl
edge Mr. Lathrop's authority on ail club
runs in his absence.
The club made a run to Crcsont City , la. ,
and return , lust Sunday , uud a very enjoy
able ride xvas experienced by all. The
cyclometers icgistcrod thirty miles. Con
sidering that this was tno first road ride
taken by many this year , all stood the or
deal well. The roads were u llttio roughbut
there were no accidents of nnv moment to
the twelve men who made Uio run. The
writer hoard , however , that one who rides a
llftv-olght did hnvo some Itttlo trouble In
which Ids wheel came out on top , and Fran
cisco aid try and ride over a prostrate fifty-
two Inch they say , In practice for next week's
The big race begins tomorrow night at
the Coliseum. The following are the entries
from the O. W. C. ; Urluu , Francisco , Ilol-
ton , Mittnur and Emerson , and Peabody ,
Ithodcs , Flesher , Caspinun , Tagger , Hutch-
luson ( Oiogon ) , Beard , Smith , und i'luin
Creole , Grand Island and Lincoln are said to
he represented. This will surely bo.a great
race , and some say the greatest over hold In
the building. Nearly all ttie contestants are
very speedy and It would not bo very sur
prising If thu professional records were low
ered. At all events , the race will bo for
Don't forgot to ronnw In the L A. W.
Only tun moro days to do it in , too. Get In
your name and at least ono friend's.
At last the Bicvling World has noticed
Omaha , but then only In the naws and com
ment column. What is the Omuhu corre
spondent doing , anyway ) The fraternity
would like to see Omalu mentioned at least
once In awhile , and so keep before the pub
Who Is going to run for the Florence
medal I Stir up , boys and SO mln. If ) sec.
The BOHI in the Country.
Horsemen are getting In their work track-
ng their llyors In great shupo at the fulr
ground course this pleasant weather. The
grounds present a very attractive appear
ance. The fresh green grass , the budding
trees and other uvunt couriers of the sweet
vernal season enliven and beautify the sur
roundings. The fair grounds course is ono
of the very best and prettiest In the country ,
ai any turfman familiar with the same will
tell you. If that won't answer , an early
morning drive out to this famous stumping
ground of the thoroughbred will convince
the most okopUcal of the truth of the asser
tion. "Thero are now between tvventy-llvo
and thirty horses to ho seen daily exercising
on tliu track , and many of them arc developing
great sneod and will doubtless bo heard from
before the close of t-ho season.
The Urocilct'H
The list of nominations for tbo present sea
son's meeting of tho. Nebraska Association
of Trotting Horse Breeders , to bo held at
some point In the state during the month of
August , reaches upward of ono hundred and
fifty. The place for holding the meeting will
bo decided on Friday , May 8. Following is
the programme :
Stake No. 1 for Nobrasita foals of 1887.
Stake No. 2 for Nebraska foals of 1880.
Stake No. 3 for 2-IO : stallions.
" SICONI : > ] > xv.
Stake No. 4 for Nebraska foals of 1SSS.
Stake No. 5 for free for all , foals of 1SS5.
Stake No.fl for f rco for all pacers , stallions ,
mares and geldings 5 years old und under.
TIIllll ) DAI.
Stake No. 7 for free for all , foals of ISSt.
Stuko No. for free for all. fouls of 18S7.
Stake No. ! ) for Nebraska foals 4 years old
and under ; pacers.
Stake No. 10 for futurity foals of 1SS7.
( Closed. )
Stuko No. 11 for free for all stallions ,
mares and geldtnga 5 years old anil under.
Stake No. 13 free for all , foals 1880.
Stuko No. 18 for tallions 4 years old and
under which have served at least 10 marcs
during the season of 18SO.
A Hustling I'ltnliliiK Corp ? .
This season's pltghlng corps of the Omaha
team Is made out of the right kind of stuff.
All three of them , Clarke , Willis and Proes-
ser. declare that they want to go in and
pitch in their regulur turn every time , and
if they nro not selected to pitch when their
turn comes round , it will bo a mistake , that
Is all. While notto of thoin nro conceited ,
they all huvo confidence in themselves , and
want to go In and show what they can do ,
and for ono , I urn glad that this is the way
they feel. Last season ' wo had a hospital
full ol dead-arm pitchers , and every time a
strong team came ul ng , it was like pulling
teeth to got u i > ltcer ) | logo in willingly und
without grumbling or kicking. Ono would
have a cold , another sprained tendon , und
another wasn't ' fecllog Just right. Under
such conditions , it was , of course , discourag
ing to the balance of thn team to go Into a
game. They felt that their indisposed
pitcher was not to be depended on , und it hud
u decidedly deleterious effect upon
their general work. Tils | season , especially
when the weather gets warmer , for Proosser
needs a trifle further acclimation , but little
trouble Is anilcipatcj.frooi the pitching de-
.partment. All three f pur twlrlers will bv
that tlmu'bo in perfect stmpo , aud as everyone
ono of them is brimful of ambition , great
work may bo looked forefront the occupants
of thu box. One would trot have any respect
for the pitcher posscMlrurutl the curves , and
Hhoots and drops there It In the science , If ho
is of the kicking and dissatisfied stripe. If
ho Is of the eager ; huatluig. anxious species.
who will light every t > noh of the way and
contend for over/ point , * the team behind
him will do ton-fold ieHer work. In fact
inlt lute uud emulate bis vigor and effective
ness. If ha Is ) nclhted4o tuko things in
differently its n gpod bet Unit the aggrega
tion behind him will Jatto'Uiings ns easy ns
ho. It Is getiprally beltcvpd that wo have a
trio of firat-claas , earnest , hardworking
pitchers this season , ami I i > | edict that the
team will ma o a line showing.
Klanliofl Proi { this Diamond.
Ho wants to bo a kicker ,
And with the kickers bland ;
Find fuult wjtU every umpire
And the way the pitchers stand.
Ho kicks about the pluyors
And about the scorer * , too.
Ho. thinks the man that never kicks
A meek and humble fool.
For he's u kicker from Kiekorsvlilo
And his pitron saint's a mule.
The Omahas uniform * are very natty.
Pitcher Hoffman fias signed with Denver.
Lelghton has signed with the Qulncy , 111. ,
team. ' '
John Hcaloy , of the Denver * , Is on the
sick list.
"Kid" Nicholb will , In all probability , put
his John Hancock to an Omaha contract this
Danny Shannon lias caugnt on big at
Milwaukee commences the season in a
badly crippled condition.
Omaha has thrco left-handed batters , In
Cooney , Lelghton and Proosser.
Kennedy has decided to go to Kearney a
the sl r twirler and manager of the team.
Doud & Hiiwley will give $1 for every
homo run tnado at the local park this sea
Thcro is some talk about Ted Kennedy
taking tbo management of the Kearney
Big George Wilson is still in Boston , out
of a job. Ho would like to come back to
.Tuck Flynn. formerly of this city , has
been appointed on the Eastern league uui-
piro statf.
Several of the National league clubs would
pay a good price for Burke , Sioux City's
southcin short-stop.
Maccullar has been appointed manager of
the Dos Molncs team , vice Jim Hurt , who
has gene to Boston.
The Omaha players are religiously adher
ing to the rules and regulations laid down by
Manager Sulcc.
Sioux City is making n big fuss over Monk
Clino. Ono would think ho was u Kelley era
a Ward , or some other $10,000 or $12,000
The Minneapolis team again this after
noon. A tremendous crowd will be on bund
and it will bo peed policy to go early und
avoid the crush.
Manager Sutton , of the Mllwaukccs , has
purchased oftVnn dor Ahe the release of
Pitcher Freeman. Ho cost the Milwaukee
club a round thousand dollars.
Van Dyke , left-fielder of last year's DCS
Molncs team , was brought back to the pro
hibition capital last Thursday from Toledo ,
and compelled to marry thu girl , or go to Jail.
Manager Pluuuner's full roster of players
has ut last reported , und the Beacons nro
now actually thirsting for baseball gore.
They would like to tackle Solco's men
Willis , of Omaha , has shown up id great
shape in the box in the exhibition games ,
und If ho can only uo as well in the chain-
piontthlp contests ho will be the star pitcher
of the Western association. St. Louis Globo-
Of last year's team , Lovett Is with Brook
lyn , O'Connoll with Boston , Shannon with
Louisville , Miller with Minneapolis , Tobcau
with Cleveland , Morllo with Hartford , Mo-
Gurr and Burns with Kansas City , Annls
with Worcester , while Crooks , Cooney ,
Nuglo and Clarke are still with Omaha.
MlHUellnncoiis tiportH ,
Burdlck is laid up with n sere arm.
The Nebraska State league Is a sure go.
McCook , Nob. , has the base ball fever ,
Lulghton has been released , Kearney Is
after both ho und Kennedy.
Omaha Is fust becoming recognized ns the
Mecca of the wheel.
Keas , thn ox-Cleveland pitcher , has not
been doing much work for Milwaukee on ac
count of weak eyes.
The Omahas 011211 Uio now grounds nt
Grand Island on the -3rd , uud on the -Stli ,
the B'jacons play there.
Water works nave been introduced at the
Coliseum , fcnd usulto of bath rooms udded
to the other conveniences.
Manager Ingraui , In conjunction with
William Lawlor , will hold a bench show In
Lincoln during the month of May ,
Omaha will huvo to secure nt least one
moro llrit-elass catcher to make the showing
In the pennant race tnat is predicted for her.
Sandy Grlswold , of TUB Bee , was ap
pointed ofliciai scorer of U.o Omaha base
ball ulub ut the directors meeting Friday
Manager Barnes , with his crack St. Paul
team , will be here for three games , Thurs
day , Saturday and Sunday next. Milwaukee
follows on the aotH , and May 1 and 2
Kd. Ilothory has slg Milled his Intention to
witness the coming light between Johu L.
Sullivan and Jake Kllraln , if ho has to travel
2,000 miles to do so.
Holla C. Helkes and Charlie Budd , the cel
ebrated trap shots who have boon in attend
ance at the Hnrdln shooting tournament ,
leave for Dayton , O. , and DCS Molncs , re
spectively , to-night.
Jack S. Prince , In practice for the great
Chicago race , did five miles in 15 minutes
and IS seconds , on the Coliseum track
Wednesday , the last mlle being ridden in
2:58. : Prince is in elegant form and riding
like a cyclone.
An omission occurred In the publication of
premiums awarded at the late bench show.
Billy Townscnd's handsome thoroughbred
Irish setter took first , and was voted by the
Judges to bo ono of the finest animals , barr
ing u defect or two , owned in the west.
Following Is Grand Island's roster of play
ers for 1SSU : Snydcr , catcher ; Kourko and
Hughes , pitchers ; Keudy , first ; Pond , sec-
onk ; Camp , third ; Thompson , short , and
Ilockonborger , third ; out field , Huyes. Moody
und Quinn.
The Iowa amateur rowing association will
hold their annual regatta at Spirit Lake
some time In June. Cedar Haplds , Dubuquc ,
DCS Moines , Sioux City , Burlington , la . and
Omaha will bo represented by crows. There
will bo two days' races on the first : i junior
four pair , double and single , und the second
the same in senior races.
It is believed that .Too Quest , the old second
end basemen , will never bo able to play boll
again. The forefinger of his right hand has
been orokon In three places , and the bone is
badly splintered. When ho started In to play
with Toledo this season , the linger became
so swollen that lie was unable to oitch a ball ,
and ho was accordingly laid off.
The Gate City Atliietlo club has almost
doubled Its membership , and Is In u vigorous
and healthful condition. The club's gym is
ono of the most complete In the west , und the
amount of muscle being developed there
dally and nightly Is astounding. Secretary
Billy Wagner is making such rapid advance
ment In the art of solf-dcfonse , that by a
little Dorsuaslon ho could bo Induced to chal
lenge Jack Denipsoy ,
The Scotch stag hound" Speed , " owned by
Mr. Frcnk Men ell. gf Mankato. Minn. ,
which was on exhibition nt the Into bench
show , is one of the finest animals of his
species In tlio country , and Is. valued bv Mr.
Merroll ut $ J,000. Ho hu overhauled and
pulled down his black-tall deer on the open
prulrio within n single hour , and has run
down antelope without number
The Gate City base ball club has organised
with the following plavers : Daniels , can-
tain and second baseman ; Sawyer , third
baseman ; Salisbury , first baseman ; O'Toole ' ,
pitcher ; Smith , pitcher ; Beeton , catcher ;
Newman , catcher ; Couradt. loft Holder ;
Wldcnor , right fielder ; Koch , center fielder.
The club is anxious to meet amateur teams
In the city or vicinity. Address II. 1C. Smith ,
secretary 1421 .laekaon htreet.
QllOHtloilf ) 1111(1 AllNWOrH.
To decide u but you will ploaco Inform a
subscriber through your Sunday sporting
columns , whether Paddy Hyan over knocked
John L Sullivan down ! Baltimore Sport ,
An . He never did ,
I requested you several weeks ago to In
form mo of the Impoit of the figures 4-11-14 ,
but as 1 have never semi un answer to my
nuory , will you nublish it Sunday ? K. A.
Julian , Sixteenth street.
Ans. Your question was duly answered ,
too , but hero it Is again. The numbers 4-11-41
symbolize the famous 'nigger ' row , " or a
combination that is such u favorite with the
colored people that it has b'on denominated
In the above significant manner. It is the
negro's lucky "gig , "
Can you toll mo anything of the flight of
birds , particularly the wild duck family ?
Which spoclcfl U the awiftost and what Is the
rate per hojri Oinllliologlst , Blair , Neb.
Ans. The canvas-buck Is the swlftea't
duck upon the wing , and has been timed at
the rate of 170 miles an hour. The rod-head
and fc'adwal come next , 100 miles an hour , the
pintail , whistler , scaup , teal , blue-bill and
tnoriianzur are all swift-winged , and lly anywhere -
where fioui & to 10J miles an hour. The
mallard and the dusky duck are the slowest.
and average about CO miles an nour. Any ol
them are swift enough , however , for tU
ordinary gunner , when crouched in his blind
among the willows on a cold and blustorlnfl
day. He'd bo willing to bet then , just oftel
an argravuting miss , that Mr. Mallard wa
going at the rate of 00 miles a minute , la <
stead of un hour.
Can you inform mo through THE Due Cap
tain Bognrdus' highest successive score on
artificial turgcts ? Trap Shot , city.
Ans. On July 4 , 1837 , at Lincoln , 111. , I3o <
gardus broke 800 galass balls straight , which
Is his champion record.
To dcoido a small wager , will you please
state In Siwi > A\8 ' Bui : what cities comprised
the national base ball league In 1870. An
Old Leaguer , Des Moines , lu.
AnsBoston , Now York , Hartford , Phil ,
adelphlu , Cincinnati , Louisville , St. Loui (
and Chicago.
Winch is the oldest , John L. Sullivan o\
Jake Ktlrainl Tom Cribb , Omaha.
Ans. Sullivan was born October 15 , 18S3 ,
and Kllraiu February 9 , 1659.
Please state in Sunday's sporting columni
the date of Dos Molnos' first game with.
Omaha on the local grounds.-- . G. Glr.ird.
Council Bluffs.
Ans. Saturday , May 4. They also ploj
here on the 5th und Cth.
Will yon plcaso furnish mo with Jaka
Kilraln's right name. I bet u binull amount
that Kilraiu is not his proper name. M. %
X. , South Omaha.
Ans. John Klllraln.
Will you pluaso Infoim mo how the gun
must bo held by u man at tno score In trap
shooting matches. Contestant , Grand Is
Ans. The shooter may hold nls gun In any
position , except against the shoulder , until
ho calls "pull. " If the position of the gun
Is challenged and sustained , the result ol
the shot , If a dead bird , shall bo declared
"no bird , " if a miss , "lost bird. "
ICnntcrn Holla.
Jo/iii / It/run Hi/an ,
In loft } tun eta swinging ,
The I&istor bolls are rin/Ine.
And far und wide uro flinging
The tidings they uro btlnginir :
Christ is risen 1 Hail the Klngl
No more the bolls are knelling ;
But , from Iron throats upvvolllnif ,
With a glad , triumphant swelling ,
Comes the btory they are telling :
Christ Is risen 1 Hail the
Wakening tlu slumb'rlnt ; , nlccplng ;
Comforting the mournful , vvocpliij , ' ;
With the thti story , onward swooping
From His gloomy prison's keeping
Christ is risen ] Hall the King !
Our doom of death repealing ,
Our hope of heaven seal INC
Oh I tno Easter bolls are pealing ,
Their tale of love roveallng :
Christ Is risen ! Hail the King I
All our doubts and fears dispelling ,
Alt our fondest love compelling ,
To adore our hearts Impelling.
With their music , Joy foretelling :
Christ Is risen ! Hull the King !
On the still nlr , lightly duuclng , '
Now receding , now advancing ,
The bells , like bards romancing ,
Still peal. In tones entrancing :
Christ is risen ! Hail the King !
Uonilnileil Him nl' Mlnorvn.
America : ' 'That , " ronwrkou the
u/.ur facetiously , us ho wutalioil the ex
plosion of ono of Ills royal residences ,
"that reminds mo of u Btut.uc of Min-
crvu. "
"And wliy , your ozarnossV" deferen
tially inquired the first { ( room of the
buolcwliout cukes.
"Well , you sec , It isnbiist of Pallas , "
Bald the c/iif a while.