Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1889, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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Loco and Drapery Department Bnr-
gains For Monday.
A Largo ixml Elegant Line or Laccn ,
Chnntllly Flouncing ) ) , Lin
Toscn jDrnpcry Net ,
Just received another elegant assort
ment of chantilly llounclngs and drap
ing nets which will be placed on special
Bale Monday.
CO inch black chantllly fiounclngs , all
Bilk. Elegant designs in empire and
dlrcctoiro effects.
42-inch black chantllly fiounclngs , nil
Bilk , Thirty of the very latest designs
to select from. Prices range from 81.38
to 87.00 a yard
45-inch black
from $1.00 to 82.75 a yard.
45 and 48-inch black draping nets , all
Bilk , in dotted , striped , figured and do
esprit effects , from 81.00 up to $3.00 a
45-Inch hemstitched
Tucked and btripcd effects. Elegant
tlosicrns from 81.00 up to $5.00 a yard.
iUj ! and U'-inchOhomsUtchcd
Tucked and striped olTocts ( dainty designs -
signs for children ) . Endless variety
from 65c up to $1.75 a yard.
Wo are showing a complete line of
ladies' absolutely stainless black hose
( every pair warranted not to crock ) ,
25o , worth 37jc ; liSc , worth 50c ; 50c ,
worth 70c.
f\ > Children's heavy ribbed stainless
black hose ( double knees ) , correct
thing for school wear , sixes 6 and 6j ,
20o ; sixes 0 and 0 ] , 25c ; sizes 7 and 7i ,
80o ; sizes 8 , 8j and 0 , Me.
In addition to our largo line of New
markets , jackets and short wraps , wo
are showing a very largo assortment of
Paris embroidered cashmere and drap
do cte.
Handsomely embroidered with heavy ,
silk knoUcd fringe , at the following
prices : $2.2-5 , 83.16. $1.005.00 , 80,00 ,
87.00. $7.50 , 18.00 , $9.00 , $10.00 ; 811.00 ,
812.00 , 814.00 , 815.00 and $1(5.00. (
Corner Dodge and 15th streets.
Lost , Strayed or Stolen.
A small boy , about the size of a man ;
bare-footed , with his father's shoes on.
Ho were a mutton chop coat with bean
soup lining. Ho had an empty bag on
on his back containing two rail road tun
nels and a bundle of bung-holes. His
hair was cut short and combed
curly on the buck of his
ncclf. His too nails were cut pom
padour and his oars were modeled
a la elephant. He was born before his
older brother , his mother being present
on the occasion. When last scon ho
was shoveling wind off a bChoolhouso to
raise $9.60 to buy a bed lounge worth
915.00 , on easy payments , from the Pee
ple's Mammoth Installment Hougc. at
613 and 015 North Kith street. *
O. U. Moore & "Co.
Try our full cream cheese , 18c.
Finest quality of imported cdans ,
Imported vanilla sugar wafllcs , 25o.
Rock wood Brothers' line chocolot406.
The best Hour in the market , $3.30.
Jack Frost Hour ( winter wheat ) $3.30.
Try GIBBON CREAMER , the finest
butter in the market , 29c.
Valley View butter ( fine ) , 27c.
Best goods , lowest prices , consistant
with good quality a'nd honest quantity.
C. 13. MOORE & CO. ,
Cash Grocers , 1515 Dodge St. , Omaha.
Wanted 12 agents to represent our
household specialties in the city and
through the state. Apply 2223 Cuming st.
Piano tuning at Hospo's.
Finaloy & Shiolds/arehitcots , room
49 , Chamborof Commerce , Omaha.
K. .Barrett & Co. ,
Merchant tailors.
Business suits from 825 up.
Full dross suits from 8oO up.
Pants from $5 up.
115 North 15th St. , one-half bloclc
north of postollice.
Adamant wall plaster has bcon or
dered by A. W. 1'helps , the contractor
for his now house in north Omaha.
Canon Clt.v coal. $7 per ton.
Nebraska Fuel Co. , 214 South 13th St.
Pianos to Kent.
A good upright piano to rent , 85 per
month. A. Hospo , jr. , 1513 Douglas st.
Wo still have fine lots in Oklahoma
City , Texas , at $3.00 each. Call early.
Panhandle Tpwnsito Co. ,
15th and Hartley sts.
v -
I'lnnos Client ) and Knsy Terms
at Moinbcrg's , 1514 and 151G Dodge st.
Wnut to Traclo Upright Piano
fornorso and buggy. Inauiro at 1514
Dodge st. _
For Boys and Girls Monday-
4 p. m. at Grand Opera House ,
Bolton's Magnificently
Illustrated Trip to London.
Admibsion Children , 10 cts. ; adults.
25 cts. Tons of thousands have attended
in all eastern cities. Parents como and
laugh with children.
Bpcolnl Inducement * in Ocmin Tickets
Special excursions to Paris. Franco ,
Bnlling from Now York on May 1 , Juno
6 , and July 10. For further information
Inquire at C. M. & St. P. ticket ollice. ,
1601 Itanium St. , Barker block.
Uprluht Pmnoa to It out
at MclnborgX 1514 and 1510 Dodge st.
ilnann , Illustrated
April 20 , A Summer hi "Spain and
April iiO , Belgium and Holland.
May 13 , Venice , Milan and the Italian
May 14 , Minimal Angola.
May 16 , Plcturosquo Iroland.
Season tickets for live looturos , 82.60.
Sale opor.s at Boyd's Thursday morn
ing , at 0 o'clock.
A Curd.
. I deairo to publicly tlmnl : Mr. O. E.
llnbcuok , special agent of the Under-
jrrltore and Citizens' Fire Insurance
companies of New York , for the
ktnughtforward , courteous and buai-
manner in which ho hns set
tled my claims against his companies in
the loss by lire of the Now York Dry
Goods b to i-o , 1310 and 1H12 Fnrn tit.
A. R. Loniu.
\Vninod to Hunt.
For the Minimal1 , furnished house of 7
or 8 rooms ; no household linen * table
vraro or kitchen utui.siU required. Kent
must be rcutouublo. AU\'rc ' < ; 3 Grand
Union Tra Co.
Letting Down the Prices.
Most remarkable sale of dross goods.
Two-fold cable twill , 12Jc , imported to
sell at 85o ; HO-incn summer fancies ,
checks and figures , 21c , worth 43o : 30-
inch Henrietta , all shades , 25c , worth
35c : 40-Inch Henriettas , all colors , 45c ,
wonderful bargain ; 44-inch nomalay
beiges , elegant summer fabrics , at 09c.
sold every where at 81 $ French wool
challles , 85c , less than imoort cost ; full
line albatross and brllliantinos , 50c yd.
A surpassing line French Henriettas
nt76c , 880 and 81.15 ; black silk warp
Henriettas , 85c , 91 , $1.25 and $1.60 ,
worth up to $2.60 ; sublime black silks ,
75c , 82c , 87o , Doc , 81 , up to 81.75. Tlicso
goods are positively 83 per cent under
price. French nrmurcs In black , 81 and
$1.35 , worth $1.05 to 82 ; black satin
rhndamas , $1 and $1.J(5 ( ; 100 pieces black
goods in plain Henriettas , fancy chocks
and stripes at 50c , worth 75o to $1 ; fancy
black and white checks and stripes , 05c
and 75c , reduced from DOc and 81 ; China
silks , beautiful designs , 48c , 05c
and 76o worth DOc to $1.25 ;
Black and cream silk scarfs and
flschus 76c , worth $1.50 ; 42-inch Span
ish llouncings , now designs , $1.75 ,
worth $2.50 ; trrcat variety chantilly and
valcncionnos flouncings , 40 per cent
under value ; chantilly edgings and
laces.Valenciennes laces , torchon laces ,
Spanish laces , fancy laces , mcdici laces ,
cambric and Swiss embroideries and
llouncings. All at specially low prices
to draw out comparison on those goods.
Extraordinary bargains in wail paper.
Dry Goods and Carpets.
IIoiiso Furnishing Goods.
Evofy article guaranteed as repre
sented. English iron stone china wash
bowl and pitcher , 60c , worth 81.25.
English stone china cups and saucers ,
Doc n do/ . , worth 75o. Milk crock , 6c ,
worth lOc. 0 papers tacks , 6c. Chop
ping bowls , 6c. Chopping knives , 60 ,
worth 25c. Rock tea pot. 15c. Rollins
pins , 60. 12 clothes pins , Ic. Largo
size wash tub , 48c , worth 81. Largo
clothes basket , 48c , worth 75c. Tea
kettles , 2oc , worth 60c. 0 cans best
sugar corn , 25c. 2 Ib can black-
barrios , 5c. Blueberries. 5c. Eagle
milk , Ifljc. Best corn starch , -Ho n Ib ,
Very best rolled oat meal , 3o
a Ib. 8 bars best laundry soap , 25c.
8 bars Union soap , 2oc ; 7 bars White
Star soap , 25o ; best evaporated raspber
ries , 20c Ib , worth -10c ; Coloman's mus
tard , 16jc a can. Wo buy thcso goods
in carload lots , thus getting the lowest
possible cost , and the immense quanti
ties wo sell make the cost of selling so
small that people can save money in
buying goods at thcfcp sales. We show
more crockery and kitchen utensils than
all the other houses together. That is
why wo can and will save you money.
- Immense bargains in wall paper.
Dry Goods and Carpets.
Melnbcrit's Great OfTor.
1514 and 1510 Dodge st.
Violin , banjo and guitar strings $ 03
Fine accordcons , worth 8 6 ; only 2 00
Fine accordeons , worth 8 ; only 2 75
Fine accordcons. worth 10 ; only 3 25
Fine banjos , worth 10 ; only 475
Fine banjos , worth 14 ; only 0 75
Fine banjos , worth 18 ; only 9 60
Fine guitars , vorth 8 ; only 300
Fine guitars , worth 10 ; only 4 75
Fine guitars , worth 1C ; only 075
Fine violins , worth 8 ; only 3 75
Fine violins , worth 10 , only 4 50
E. P. McCartney.
The Elite Coak and Suit Co. , 1510
Douglas st.
Ladies' suits , costumes , tea gowns ,
wrappers , etc. ' etc.
All of the very newest design and nt
lowest prices.
Open on and after Monday , 22d inst.
Upright Piano for $175.OO.
Rosewood , full scale , , ? } octaves , per
fect in every respect. Terms $25 cash ,
balance easy. A. Ilo&pe , Jr. , 1513 Doug
las st.
Base ball Omaha vs Minneapolis
Via Omnhn and Council
Short Hno to Chicago and the east.
Finest dining cars in the world.
Through sleeping cars to Chicago.
The route of the first "Golden Gate
Special. "
Everything fir&t-clnsp.
First-class people patronize first-class
Ticket agents everywhere in the west
sell tickets over the Chicago , Milwau
kee & St. Paul railway.
Ticket olllco 1601 Farnam at. F. A.
Nash , General Agent.
Salt ) Continued.
Monday morning at 10 o'clock we will
continue the sale at Iliggins' restau
rant ; as soon as this is finishedwo , will
Boll the bar and fixtures. In the after
noon at 2 o'clock wo will sell the horses ,
buggies , harness , otc. Omaha Auction
and Storage Co.
heaven This Afternoon for ] Chicngn.
At 4 o'clock the Burlington Fast Vos-
tabule Express , composed of Pullman
Palace Sleeping Cars , ( furnished with
well-selected libraries , hot and cold
water in lavatories , etc. ) , Free Reclin
ing Chair Cars and famous Burlington
Route Dining Cars , serving dinner this
ovoninir and breakfast to-morrow morn
ing before arrival in Chicago at 8:20. :
Best train for the east. Makes few
stops and is always on tlmo. Ticket
olllco 1223 Farnam st. Telephone 250.
F. M. SCIlAPELLfeCO. , 218 N. 10th.
Auction , Auction.
Tuesday , April 23 , at 10 n. m , , at No.
1105 North 18th st. , 0 chamber suites ,
mattresses , bedding of all kinds , folding
beds , chairs , pillar extension table ,
china set , kitchen furniture , gnsolino
stoves , otc. Ten Brussolls and Ingrain
carpets , draperies. All In first class
shape. A. W. COWAN ,
For Sale.
Four 2d luind wagons in good order ,
one ok'gant span of mules and two
horsep. Tea , spice and coltoo cans in
good order. C. 13. MOORE & CO. ,
Cash Graci'rs , 1616 DodgoSt. , Omaha.
To tilt : Puhllo.
I desire my friondp and the public
gouerailj , ' to know that I am now loca
ted at22J3 Cuming si. ; am prepared to
Boll the following goods on time pay
ments in this city and the state : clocks ,
wringers , parlor lamps , American art
gallery rugs , silverware and family
billies , as well as the host &tandard pub
lications. I have 'secured the agency
of life Lovoll Manufacturing Co. , and
other eastern manufacturers ,
P. A , GAVIN , 2223 Cuming St.
Unity Carrlnjii's.
In the latest styles at liowo , Kcrr &
Co. , 1610 Douglas st ,
Dr. J. II. Peabody , ollh-eat reJtonio ! : ,
1900 Capitol nvosuiu , aftur .May I. Tola-
i phonu , 120.
Are OfTorlnR Kxtrn Good Vnlno In
Their stock Is all new , selection
targe , prices as always , the lowest.
Just received a line of nomp carpets at
15 , 20 an l 25o a yard ; ingrain carpets ,
now styles , nt 40. 45 and 60o. Extra
bargain nt CO and Ooc. Body Brussels
at 85c a yard , velvets , 81.25. straw mattIng -
Ing 15,25 and 800 , yard wldo floor oil
cloths , i5 ! , 35 , 40 and 60c a yard , Rugs
in all sizes and prices. Bargains in
fine feather pillows at 81.60 , 83.00 and
82.50 each. Soft pillows , etc. Special
bargain in double width lace curtain
not on Monday at lOo a yard , worth 20c.
Extra good value in lace curtains at
$1.75 , $2.00 , $2.40 , $2.60 , $2.76 and $2.00 a
pair. Poles and trimmings free with
these curtains. Six feet long opaque
window shades With fancy undo with
fixtures complete , only 60c on Monday.
Beatrice drapery , 10,12 } and 15c a yard.
Fifty pieces of raw silk drapery at 60 ,
05. 85c , $1.00 mid $1.25 a yard. Fancy
embroidered table scarfs , l)7o ) each. Got
our prices on baby cnrrlnpos , for by so
doing you will save money.
This week wo will place on sale a fine
hand turned kid Oxford patent tips at
$1.25 , they tire lioautles. A fine dongola
Kid hand turned shoo this week $3.00 ,
worth $4.60 ; don't ' miss getting a pair ;
all widths and opera , French and com
mon sense lasts. A nice tan goat Ox
ford tie for $1.00. Wo are headquarters
for children's shoos. Our great sale on
slippers continues. Men's shoes at re
duced prices this week.
Dry Goods and Shoos.
llnydon liroB.
Just received , 500 doz towels , among
this lot you will find the best line of
Turkish towels which were over dis
played in Omaha. Fancy striped and
plain Turkish towels 6c each ; fancy
striped or bleached Turkish towels , lOc
each ; fancy colored Turkish tidies at
12Jc , 15c , 25c and 60o each ; unbleached
do. 1'Jc ; bleached at 25c , 60c and 75c.
All linen Turkish towels nt 60c , a de
cided bargain. Turkish. table covers
60c each , 25x52 , all linen ; huck towels ,
"our loader , " at 25c each. 100 do18x38
all linen huck , knotted fringe , 12Jc
each. Fine towels nt bargains to close.
Our § all linen Gorman damask nankin
at $1 a doz is u bargain you find only at
Haydon's. Our stock of sateens con
tains all the newest styles out , and cut-
prices you will find the lowest , se < j out
bargains on Monday at lOc , 12Jc , 16c ,
25c and 35c yd. Ginghams at 5c , Ojc ,
7jc , 8jc and lOc yd. Muslins and double
width shooting at factory prices. Law
rence LL yard wide sheeting only 5c a
yard. Remnants of table linen , white
dress goods , sateens , ginghams , etc. , to
close. Special bargains on Monday.
Yard wide India linen lOc yard. Also
India linen at 5c yd.
Dry Goods and Carpets.
B. Hans , the florist , has opened a
branch at 1515 Harnoy st. , where ho is
prepared to furnish plants and cut
flowers of all kinds.
\Vo still have fine lots in Oklahoma
City , Texas , at SJ5.00 each. Call early.
Panhandle Townsito Co. ,
15th ajid Harnoy sts.
Women Who I'uint.
Women of the upper and middle
classes have far too generally adopted
the harmful and detestable practice of
imparting1 artificial color to their faces
and fictitious whiteness to their nocks ,
according to the Daily Telegraph.
Some oven enamel their shoulders and
arms at leastso wo are told animated
by a feeling akin to the professional
enthusiasm of the provincial actorwho ,
upon being unexpectedly cast for the
part of Othello , promptly blacked him
self from head to foot , in order to bo in
perfect keeping with the important role
assigned to him. The application to
the skin of these red and white com
pounds , the basis of which is too fre
quently some poisonous mineral sub
stance , is a dangerous and silly usage
plainly speaking , a barbarous custom ,
more honored in the breach than in the
observance. Actors and actresses ,
whose faces arc exposed to a strong arti
ficial light whilst they are on the stage ,
are compelled to use pigments in order to
heighten their natural color , as well as
to disguise their individuality , as the
fraying goes , ' "beyond recognition , "
They are , however , for the most part
extremely careful not to apply anything
but vegetable preparations to these portions
tions of their epidermis which have to
undergo superficial treatment in obedi
ence to theatrical exigencies. Many
ladies in private life , we regret to shy ,
are not so particular ; consequently they
ruin their complexions and impair their
health by "beautifying" themselves
with cosmetics and powders , into the
composition of which enter such dele
terious matters as lead and zinc , bismuth
and belladonna. Wo entertain all man
ner of objections to beauty shows , too
numerous to sot down in this place ; but.
if the coining display in Paris should
servo as a practical protest against the
prevalent abuse of "maquillago , " wo
shall unhesitatingly accord to it the expression
of " . ' '
pression "mitigated disapproval.
A Deluge of AVllcl Duclc.
An immense flock of wild ducks
alighted along Mahoning's crook in
this town this morning , being bewild
ered by the heavy snow storm , says a
Punxsutawnoy special to the Pittsburg
Dispatch. The crook was lined with
sportsmen on each side for a distance of
throe or four miles. Hundreds of ducks
wore made to bite the dust. Twenty-
live or thirty of the birds were caught
alive. They would alight in the deep
snow , and , being unable to nriso , were
captured. One "man caught lifteon in
this manner. Another follow gotllfty-
two with a shotgun , and still another
slow twelve with a revolver. Nearly
every citizen of the town could bo soon
this inornini' witli throe or four dead
ducks in Ills hands. It would , perhaps ,
bo understating tno truth to bay that
1,00(1 ( dutiks were killed in the vicinity
of Punxsutawnov this morning , and at
the present time the slaughter is still
going on with unabated vigor. The
ducks are of several varieties. Ono
wild geese was caught alive right in the
center of the town.
Doathof nn Old I'lrnte.
A messenger from the Grand Isle , in
the Gulf of Mexico , to-dfiy brought
news of the death of Captain Rigio , a
resident of the Island for many years ,
nnd who id credited with having been
a member of thu famous gang of pirates
who , under Iho command of Pierre and
Jean Lalitto. depredated the Gulf
Const from Texas to Florada , says a
New Orlcandw dispatch to the Globe-
Democrat. After the close of the career
of the Lalittos Rigio became a slave
trndor , and thus amassed a considerable
amount of money with which ho pur
chased the major portion of the island ,
con verting it in to a superb orange grove.
Humor has always had it that largo
sums of money derived by the f.nfHtcs
from their raids were buried on the
islands which sopnruto Uarataria Bay
from the Gulf of Mexico , and Capt.ltigio
is believed to have known the exact
location of the treasure. While talk
ative upon matters in general lie was
mutu upon tills subject , nnd the bocrot ,
if ho really posseB&oil it , has died with
HAYDEN nnos.
Bpcolnl Prices foKBfamlny.
On Monday wo will offon throe lines
of corsets , the best things over shown
for the money.
100 doz. summer cornets , 60c , worth
81.00. English sateen corsets in nil col
ors 75c , worth 81.2-5. Drt Warner's cel
ebrated Sunrise corset i75o. Wo keep
all the popular makes oK corsets at pop
ular prices.
Ladles' Jersey vests ISle , worth 25c.
Ladies Lisle vestsV front , silk finished ,
60o , worth 75c.
Wo have just rocoivod'/rom an oast-
em house , lately closed up by the sher
iff , an Immense lot of ladies' and child
ren's hosiery , to bo closed out Monday
at J price. Morloy's English sanitary
black hose for ladies 35o per pr. , worth
OOc. 1 lot of children's hose , all slxos ,
regular made , 12Jc per pr. , worth 25c.
1 lot split solos , 16c. worth 40c.
Ladies fast black cotton hose 25c ,
worth 60c.
Ladles Jersey fitting llslo gloves 12jo ,
worth 25c ; children's lisle gloves lOc ,
worth 20c ; children's Jersey ribbed
vests 125c , worth 25o.
On Monday wo will make special
prices on children's white dress , also
infant slips at prices lower than over
offered before this season.
Night gowns worth 81.00 mid 81.25 to
bo sold at 76c.
Bargains in wall paper.
Dry Goods and Carpets , 10th St.
, IMrn J. Ucnaon ,
Monday and Tuesday will give some
special prices in black lace skirtings ,
plain not , polkadot , striped and chan
tilly patterns.
Tea gown fronts worth 81.60 per yard
for 81.00 on Monday and Tuesday.
Now things in our fancy goods de
partment. Just in , a handsome line of
fancy fringes to match.
Now shades in plushes.
Satin duchesno for table spreads.
Paris tinted tapestry cushions.
Sorrento cloth for fancy work.
Paris tints for hand painting.
Wo have just received a most beauti
ful line of children's little white bon
nets and caps. Puritana styles and
visor caps. MRS. J. BENSON ,
15th street.
E. F. AloCartnoy.
The Elite Cloak and Suit Co. , 1510
Douglas st.
Ladies' suits , costumes , tea gowns ,
wrappers , etc. , etc.
All of the very newest designs and at
lowest prices.
Open on and after Monday ; 22d inst.
On Kvliihltlon.
The grandest display of Oriental rugs ,
portieres , embroideries and bric-a-brac
ever seen in Omaha now on view at our
salesroom , 1121 Farnam. These artistic
and beautiful goods will bo sold at auc
tion on Wodnosdny and Thursday.
Omaha Auction and Storage Co.
The now Commercial bank will bo
plastered with Adamant Wall Plaster.
Those expecting to build should ex
amine Adamant wall plaster and save
money. Ollieo 404 Paxtdn building.
Trees and shrubborydfour own grow
ing. Taylor Bros. , 1523 Farnam st.
First-Clans Pianos , Wholesale
nndat easy terms , Moinberg's.
K. 1 < \ McCartney.
The Elite Cloak and Suit Co. , 1S1G
Douglas 3t.
Ladies' suits , costumes , tea gowns ,
wrappers , etc. , etc.
All of the very newest designs and at
lowest prices.
Open on and after Monday , 22d inst.
M any of Them Eaten by Street
GntnlnR in Sandwiches.
Mr. W. H. Ross , secretary to Harri
son & Barber , horse slaughterers of
London , told a Pall Mull Gazette re
porter the pthcr day that they have
seven slaughter-houses in the metro
politan area , the largest being that in
the York road , Camden Town. They
slaughtered 25,000 horses uyeur. When
a horse broke a limb or sustained other
irremediable injury on the street the
police at once communicated with their
nearest depot. The company had fre
quently been charged with cru
elty in allowing maimed horses
to lie about for hours before
sending men to end their suf
ferings. The truth was they were very'
particular in this respect , and if such
delays occurre d it was through no fault
of theirs. Was horse flesh much used
for foodV Yes , to a considerable extent ,
ho should say. Their charter did not
allow of their selling horseflesh for
food purposes , but there were such es
tablishments in the city. He had him
self oaten Horseflesh in Franco , and at
the company's annual dinner it was
served to the guests , some of whom de
clared they would not have known it
from beef , had they not been told. Fine
fat horses were slaughtered every week ,
horses that were perfectly sound , ex
cept for some accidental injury , and ho
saw no reason why this flesh should not
bo eaten. Ho had often soon street
gamins buy a shco of dried horseflesh ,
place it between two bits of broad , and
eat it as n sandwich ! Of course , most
of the prepared horseflesh passed under
the name of catsmeat , but it seemed in
credible that the cats could consume It
Every part of the horse was put to
some use flesh , hide , hair , hoofs and
bones. Now that ( and Mr. Iloss hold up
a small vial of beautifully transparent
oil ) was horsooll. , Ono.would scarcely
think such oil as that could bo got from
the horso. These othCr bottles con-
teiinod oils of inferior.-quality. They
ivero used for lubricating purposes and
for soap-making. Mont .soaps , nowa
days , contained horse grease.
Armed with a cigar mnd an order
from the secretary of the company , our
reporter , says the Gazette , made his
way to the premises in York road. The
obliging manager said ithoj' had had
only four horses in to-day. But about
seven thousand eight ( hundred were
slaughtered hero nnnurtlly. Most of
animals were cab'bus or tram horses.
The establishment turned out about
twenty tons of horseflesh every week.
They had forty-six dead and Twenty-one
live horses in now. They contracted
with the various cab , bus and tram com
panies lor injured horses at thirty shil
lings each , allvo or dead. Most of the
live horses they got in were injured in-
tornully by overwork or falling. A few
were gene with congestion of the lunirs ,
The work of slaughtering wont on day
and night , there b ° ln two gangs of
men for that purpose. Hornes were
killed nt night by thrco "knackers , "
Fifteen horses were considered n good
night's work. The sufferings of the
poor brutes were soon at an end , ns they
were rendered insensible by n blow
from a heavy axe.
How the Dolloa of Washington Go
Shopping on Horseback.
The Accomplishments of Uncle Tay
lor's Sls'cr Aincllc Klvos mill Mrs.
McLean A 8oubretto's llo
VOIIRC Woman Who I'nlnt.
Donror Hvcry Dny.
Kcw York H'orM.
They say I would ccnso to love licr
Wlion her freshness showed decay ;
They were wrong , for as the rlvor
Wonra Its chnnnnl more away ,
Deeper grow my love , anil clearer
Seemed her beauties In display.
She grow older , she grow dearer
Dearer ovcry day.
Had I loved her for her bcnuty ,
Had her heart been simply clay ,
Then mifjlit miiio Imvo ceased his worship ;
Hut her truth's resplendent ray
Pilled my soul tind drew mo nearer
To the fount where sweetness luy.
Still the older , still the dearer
Dearer every day.
Ago has laid ita hand upon her
Do 1 realize it ? Nay.
Her youth's bloom my heart remembers
Years her falthfulnoss portray ,
And it shall bo mliio to cheer her ,
So her winter shall bo May.
Still the older , still thu doarcr
Dearer every day.
nilmlctl by Hnlr Dye.
I am told of a well-known young lady
hero who is confined to her room mid in
much diuipor of losing her eyesight
from the use of huir dyosnys thoLouls-
villo Post. She was originally a lull ,
handsome brunette , but in the past year
has undergone a complete metamorpho
sis , so far as her hair is concerned , and
until lately appeared ns a most pro
nounced blonde. It is as well known as
any fact can bo that these dyes not only
very frequently cause the loss of sight ,
but of the mind , ana cases are frequent
ly published of women having gone mad
from the use of them. Notwithstanding
this , a great number of the young
women of Louisville nro to-day subject
ing themselves to these terrors for no
other reason than that they are dissat
isfied with the hair nature has given
them. And the worst of it is the custom
is rapidly increasing and there is no
tolling where it will end.
Shopping on Horseback.
The other sight , which struck mo as
bcincr far from commonplace , savs a
Washington letter to the Philadelphia
Times , was that of four or live young
ladies shopping in their riding Imbits.
They were all lino-looking girls and
their habits were well arid stylishly
made ; nevertheless they were not more
city or park riders , for the spattered
condition of their habits showed that
they had had a long ride through a
muddy country. A mule attendant hold
the horses of all as the latlics passed
from store to store and gave their or
ders for supplies to be scut home.
Washington is bo accustomed to strange
varieties os the genus homo that it takes
something quite striking to attract a
second glance ; nevertheless the fair
girls I have mentioned drew many eyes
in their direction. How thoroughly
practical their proceeding was ! Every
one knows how much better one can
shop by personal inspection than in any
other way , and instead of being hamp
ered by the drawbacks which attend
upon getting stores to a remote country
homo these girls had jumped on their
horses and ridden right into Washing
ton's most fiifmiunablo shopping street
to shop at headquarters. Virginia
ladies did this very thing in Martha
Washington's day , but Washington at
that time was a struggling hamlet , not
the wonderful crcam-of-cream places it
now is. _
Only a Woman.
in-flfci for The lice.
Only a frail , delicate woman , hut she
had faced l.ho world in a thirty-years
war , and had been bulToted. jostled and
beaten , only to renew the attaelc in the
struggle for existence.
How many of the hundreds of men
and women who saw her pass daily
along the street over dreamed that be
neath the faded shawl beat a heart as
bravo and true as any found on the
field of Gettysburg or Shiloh. '
Men called her eccentric and odd ,
and women pronounced her a "peculiar
person , " accompanying the remark
with a shrug of the shoulders and a
knowing smilo.
Strange , is it not , how many volumes
may bo contained in a simple shrug
and a smile ? Many tin innocent porton
has been made to suffer untold tortures ,
has bcon cast aside by friends and
looked upon with disdain by those who
owed ilium nothing but kindness and
love , and finally in the darkness of
night has ended the life , which God
had given , by one umd plunge beneath
the waters , which leave no trace of the
agony which thev have stilled fprovor.
Only a woman ! but many a pale face
lighted up and many a dull eye grow
brighter as that Blender , black-robed
form crossed the threshold bringing
morsels of comfort and sunshine into
homes that knew little save sickness
and want. And in the silent watches
of the night when many a suffering
mortal's lips grow pale with agony that
quiet figure stole hero and there , ad
ministering first a quieting potion ,
then a draught of water , and always a
gentle touch and a kind word.
Her life was spent among the poor
and needy , but oven the children of the
rich , forgetting the contempt for pov
erty which fond parents had taught
them at homo , learned to speak kindly ,
almost lovingly of the quiet woman
whoso gentle hand had often raised
thorn from the pavement where thov
had fallen , and whoso low soft voice had
often soothed their fancied troubles.
Children meeting her on the street in-
fatinctivoly came to her for comfort , nor
did they come in vain. One glance
into those culm blue eyes inspired trust
and confidence at once ,
Only a woman ! but one day the hos
pital received a dying patient , and soon
tno tired hands were crossed over the
pulseless breast and the weary feet
rested from their wanderings. She had
saved the life of a little child , hut the
iron hoofs of the frightened horses had
trampled out the life of ono whoso heartbeat
boat only for others. For years she had
como and gone among thorn a verita
ble angel of mercy save for the weary
years of the civil war , when many u
dying soldier blcHsed with his last faint
breath the sweet-voiced woman , who.
while ministering to their wants , had
sung to them of homo and mother.
Whence she came HOMO could tell , and
none felt that it would bo right to in-
qulro. Sufllciont was it that her pres
ence brought sunshine and joy to all
Who was fahoV God ulono knows. She
died twenty years ago in the city of
Now York. She died unknown , hut not
uncarod for. Kind hands wiped the
death damp from her brow and children
of ixjvorty followed weeping to the
grave. _
A Smart Tcxnw "Cow-Woman. "
So much has been written recently
about the exploits of Hello Starr and
other during women on the western
ranches that U is only fair to buy a
Word about the most famous "cow-
woman" of Texas , writes n Willow City
( Tox. ) correspondent of tjio Now York
World. She IB Mrs. Mary 0. Evans ,
the sister of Buck Tavlor , known
through Buffalo Bill's Wild West show
ns "Icing of the cowboys. " She inada
her appearance hero twenty-four years
ago , wnon this was a frontier county.
At that tlmo the Indians were making
raids ovcry month , killing and scalp
ing the early settlers and driving off
their stock. The Taylor children ,
Hax and Buck , lost their parents at an
early ago , and Mary was raised by her
aunt , Mrs. Ivos. Inured to the hard
ships of frontier life she soon learned
to take ctu'o of herself , and
and at the ago of fifteen was
able to ride the worst bronco or rope
the most refractory old cow in the
At the ago of sixteen Miss Mary mar
ried T. A. Evans and moved on to the
ranch of William tSholton , on Grab
Apple creek. She ' took ohargo of eighty
cows , milking 'thirly-flvo daily , and
doing her housework at the same tlmo.
She often had to climb the fence to eave
herself from the horns of some wild
cow. but she always managed finally to
got her rope upon the animal and bring
her to terms. Buck Taylor , king of the
cowboys , has nothing to boast of above
his sister as an export with the rope.
She never ropes on horseback , although
she is a fine rider. She is the oldest of
the three Taylor children , is thirty-five
years old and scarcely loous thirty , al
though the mother of nine children. If
the horses are out of the way she thinks
nothing of walking live miles to this
place for any supplies she may need.
She can tlirow the tie mark and brand
a yearling without help , and keeps an
oyc on the stock , which loaves time to
her husband to look after the farm.
The Evans ranch and farm is about live
miles from this place , and a hearty wel
come always awaits a stranger there.
"Yours Truly. "
There is a mania among fashionable
women for finding words or phrases
with which to precede the signatures
to their letters , says April "Table
Talk. " The generality of women use
"Yours truly ; " a lessor number , "Sin
cerely yours ; " and a few more , "As
over1 or "Cordially. " It is interest
ing to learn that Mrs. Cleveland and
Amelia Uivcs both conclude their pri
vate correspondence with the brief
"Cordially. * >
A hen and chicks in a garden some
times prove beneficial , us they destroy
many inserts , hut they should bo kept
away from plots that have been recently
Nights Only , Monday and Tuesday ,
April 22 and 23.
Direct from their I'einmncnt Minstrel Theater ,
corner of llroudway anil Twenty-ninth street ,
New York , where this great comp.inv of nallo
satirists mid vocalists have played continuously
for throe years. Sale of f-oats \ \ JH begin Satur
day moi llesular prices.
N. H This company nevQi makea nny sticot
parades , nor outdoor displays of any dc torlp-
Friday and S.ituiclay. April " 8 unil 27.
And J'helr Kxrcllcnt Company.
FVI'Xl'JO - \ Kntlro I'lay. (0 ( Acts. )
' 1 Mil. liOOTll - - SUYI.UCIC
, )
Mt. ) I100TH IAGO I
Jill. IIAKHU1T OTHIIU.O ) Al'ltlt , ii7.
HIM , , MH. IIOOTII - muTiJtcio ;
i'"iuwiu : , MU. l YOUICK
1'rlces Scats In Parquet and Parquet Circle.
Ki.Wleach ; scats in llrst four rowti of llalcony ,
frUOuuch ; la-t four , ouch ; general admis
sion to all parts of thu house. 4l.fiU ; gallery ,
tl.OO. Mutlnoe prices same as night.
Seats go on sale at 1) ) o'clock Wednesday morn-
HomeMade Giprs
* * , GM&g&3r.L '
" '
it's ' a Pleasure
To Trade at
A They show goods HO freely
Bso manof llioin mieli canll-
viUIn things for Suits anil
y Trousers.
T Why I save a month's sa'ary
J every liall'year by getting my
/S. .
I never fee ! anxious aliout §
( the hnlld of my clothes. A
Tlicy've been tailoring so f
® long ; they arc the safest , bcwt ,
fnuil broadest gnngc Tailors f
I I've ever seen , T
iTrousBrsioorde-jStollO ;
I Suits , " " 20 to 45' '
: DAY OK n
UXTBL , 8 P. M.
l409Dauglas Street. Ouialia
Capital J1W.OOO
Liability of Stockholders : woOUO
CIIA'HI.ES 1' . MASIIKHMW , 1'rosldent.
U M. llHNNUTr , Vlco-l'resldeut.
JOHN \Vii.iiun. . Casnter.
! ' . W. WifeSKi.r.R , Managing Director.
Twenty-seventh quarterly statement of
Omaha Savlnus bank , at the close of business
March .ll , .
Loans on real estate 8 7fi7.2 ± J.2fi
Loaiihon collateral lU'.iiOil.tii
Warrants J.'ii.KM.TS
Stocks and bonds J7t ! , < fiO.OO
Heal estate , finnlturo and fixtures. . 2I.IWD.05
Demand loans 15,000.00
Cash on hand and in bunks 104,31703
Total JI.SI1.05S.W
Capital paid in t Il'.DOO.OO
Interest account l-lU.ll (
Dnu depositors I.IIU.DSSI.U
Number of accounts opened to date , 18,007.
Uotmi.AS Cot'Nrv. ( " "
1 , .lohn H. Wilbur , couhler of Omaha SavlnRS
bank , do solemnly swnr that tno above state
ment Is tine , to the best of my knowlciluo and
belief. JOHN U , Wit.iiuii. ( 'ashler.
Subscribed and sworn to liuforo mo this Ibth
day of April , ] > > .
AUTiitm H. DAW : , Notary I'ttbllc.
SEYMOUR jTlielindReafci ! SEYMOUR
Week Commencing Monday , April 22.
In his startling exemplification of his marvelous power
of reading unuUcreJ thoughts.
A marvelous man performing marvelous feats. Endorsed
by many of the greatest thinkers of the iliy.
Every lady visiting the Musee this afternoon or evening-
will be presented with a handsome corsage bouquet of cut
Good attraction in all parts of the House.
Tiic Mind Reader