Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1889, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered by carrier In Any Tart of ho City n
jucnty Cents IxrVcok. .
II. W. TlI/fON. . . . - - . MANAGE1I.
HtfMNFfR OrriCE NO. 43.
For Master Sunday.
The day will bo ono of special Interest
nmontf Uio churches. Nearly nil hava
arranged for special services anddecora
The presbytery , which has boon in session
for days , having drawn hero n
goodly number of prominent ministers , ad
vantage has been taken of their pretence ,
nnd numerous pulpits will bo supplied by
thorn to-day. The following are the appoint
ments made by the presbytery for to-day :
10:00 : n. m. The moderator , Rov. O. A.
Elliott , of Logan.
8:00 : p. in. 'Iho Lord's Supper. Hov. N. M.
Clute , of Afton , to presiilo and administer
the bread ) Kcv. H. C. Itowloy , of Brooks , to
administer the winoi Kldors E. 1C. Halley , of
ShonandoahL. ; C. lodd ) , of Itandolph ; S.
E. Norton , of Corning , and Henry Loran ? ,
of Chirlndii , to distribute the bread : Elders
8. C. Hunter , of Malvcrn ; A. 1C. William ,
son , of Woodbine ; R F. Thompion , of VII-
Hsca.nnd.T. distrib
ute the wlno ; also Ur. A. W. Hartupco , of
Couiicll llhirts , to assist In the distribution
of both elements.
7:45 : p. m. The ordination of Hov. George
B. Held , of Walnut , nnd Hev. John A. Fitch ,
of Bedford , the moderator to preside. Hov.
A. Li. Sarchot , of Bedford , to preach the
iermon. Hov. Stephen Phcips , of Council
Bluffs , to deliver the charge to the newly
ordained ministers.
Presbyterian Harmony Mission 3 p. m.
Rev , John A. Fitch , of Bedford.
Congregational Church 10:30 : n. m. Rov.
\V. S. Barnes , of Corning.
First Bnptist Church 10:30 : a. m. Hov.
W. V. J offrlcs. Of Malvcrn.
Broadway M. E. Church 10:30 : a. m. Hov.
T. C. Smith , of Clarindo.
Knox Presbyterian Church of Omaha
10:80 : a. m. Hev. U. C. Hughes , of Sidney.
Presbyterian Church of Kearney , Nob.
Hov. H. J. Hotrlclc , of Villisca.
Thcro will bo preaching at tlio Presby
terian Harmony Mission chapel by Hov. J.
A. Fitch , a recent graduate of McCormlek
theological seminary , of Chicago , at S o'clock
this afternoon. Sabbath school at 1:40 :
o'clock. Prayer meeting on Thursday oven-
ingat 7:45 : p. m. The 17th chapter of John
will bo the lesson.
Congregational Easter will bo observed
at the Congregational church to-day The
church will bo appropriately decorated with
flowers. Special music by tiio male quar
tette. In the morning tlio Kov. W. S.
Barnes , the brilliant young Presbyterian
divlno of Corning , will nroacti the sermon.
Easter oxoiciscs by the Sunday school after
the morning snrvico. In the evening a con
cert by the young people , consisting of songs
and recitations , will bo rendered. All arc
cordially invited.
Broadway M. E. church Rov. T. C.
Smith , pastor of the Presbyterian church , at
Clarlnda , la. , will preach nn caster sermon
at 10:30 a. in. The Sunday school will give
an caster concert at 7:30 : p. m. An excellent
programme will bo rendered. The entire
day will bo full of interest. Strangers and
the public cordially invited and always wel
come. Do Witt C. Franklin , pastor.
Borcan Buotlst church Place of meeting
Shubort blocli , on Broadway near Twenty-
fourth street. Tune 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p.
m. Sunday school meets at 11:45 : a. m.
Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at
Mr. Bnswell's , on Sixth uvonuo.
First Bnptist The pastor has returned
from Chicago , and will bo In his pulpit as
usual. Hov. M. V. Jeffries , of the presby
tery now in session , will preach nt 10:30 : a.
su. Sunday school at 12 m. Young people's
meeting at 0:45 p. m. At 70 : ! p. m. the Sun
day school will give nn Easter entertain
ment. All cordially wolcomo.
Bethany Baptist church , corner of Bluff
'ftnd Story streets. Services with Easter
ermon at 10:30 : a. m. , and concert by mom-
bora of the Sunday school at 7:45 p. m. Sun
day school nt it p. m. Young people's meet
ing at ? p. m. Hev. E. N. Harris pastor.
Notice the beautiful finish civon col
lars , cuffs and slurtb by Cascade Laun
dry company.
Real estate loans , F. J. Day , 39 Pearl.
Loans on city nnd farm property. Best
terms. A. M. IlntahhiBon , 017 Broadway.
Tlio Hospital Bazaar.
The bazaar for the benefit of St. Bernard's '
hospital will be opened Monday evening ,
April 23. Great preparations have been
made for a week of pleasure and amusement
for all who attend. Monday , the opening
njght , will bo displayed all the articles gen
erously donated by friends of the Institution.
Tuesday n quadrille party will bo the attrac
tion ; Wednesday a grand concert by the best
talent in the city ; Thursday n beautiful
comic opera entitled "Penelope , " given for
the ilrst time in this city by homo talont.
; AU should attend nnd enjoy an evening of
Kcnuino'fun. Friday a quadrille party will
bo the chief attraction ; Saturday a line con
cert given by Omaha talent. The opera of
"Ponelopo" will bo given nt Dohany's opera-
house , 0110 ticket admitting to both opera
house and Masonio tcinplo Thursday even-
S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money.
Rooms to rout in the Merriam block.
B. B. Wadaworth & Co. , 230 Main Htrect.
* Money loaned on futnituro , pianos ,
diamonds , horses , buggies or anything
, of value at low rates of interest. No
publicity ; fail- and honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark & Co. , olllce cor. Broadway
and Main , over American express.
Money loaned at L. B. Craft's < fc Co.'s
loan oflico on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , poruonal property of all kinds ,
and all other articles of vaiuo without
removal. All business utrictly confi
The Mayor's Now I'uzzlo.
The Indications nro that Mayor Hohror has
found grlof in bigger chunks during the past
three days than any other man in the city.
Ills alleged authority to work the vugs was
usurped , the city marshal knocked him out
In a legal fight as to whether or not the lat
" ter was entitled to certain fees for the collection
lection of saloon lines , and to cap the climax
Judge Aylcsworth says ho can not collect
any more of these fines. Now the mayor is
nothing , if not persistent , nnd ho resolved to
lese no tune In devising plans for future
action , '
About 11 o'clock Friday evening the coun
cil convened to consider business of import
ance. All reporters were ruthlessly ex
cluded from the council chamber , nnd tliu
, body wont Into secret session. The purpose
of the meeting-was to consider the effect of
the ruling of Judge Avlesworth , mid to see
what could bo done. City Attorney Holinea
was there , and ha expounded the luw cover
ing the case. Any amount of suggestions
wore offered , but they did not seem to fill
the bill , nnd after tin hour of hard brain
work the council decided to lot tlui matter
rest a day or two and awult developments.
So that matter Is disposed of for n short
tune , but it is not definite and It leaves
Everybody "guessing , " especially the saloon
man. Opinions among the latter class vary
widely , BOUIO rejoicing , others roundly
wearing , and still others who do not know
what to do or think. The prospect of shov
eling dirt with the street brigade is not par
ticularly pleasing to any of thorn. The ma
jority seem to think , however , that the
move will result In trouble for them , uud
wish that they hod been allowed to puy their
ti'flne * nnd no questions asked ,
The difference between the mayor and the
marshal U not Buttled , and tnt ? latter adhere -
here * to tbe belief that the mayor has no
authority whatever to work the vagrants.
In support of bis position ho refers to page
$30 of the city ordinance * , sections 2 unu 9.
Aruiod with this the marshal demands to
know \rhoro the mayor gets his commission
-to run the chum gang , The uiumhal states
that ho put Pettlbono to work , a * there were
thirteen vagrants in the street gaug , and ono
Kan could not look alter them ull.
Offlcor Tyion says Ibal his orders are to
keep the men If possible , nnd do the best lie
can. They get nwny , however , ni ho can
never lonvo the gang to look after individu
als. Yesterday ho had sixteen men nt work
mill sotno of thorn did not report on returnIng -
Ing to the station. The marshal claims that
lie Is not anxious to work the vagrants , but
wants the public to know that ho has not
overstepped his bounds In any particular.
Notice to Water Consumers.
"Water rents are now duo and payable
at olllco , 114 Main street.
Ragan , ,
Tickets ,
An KvciiliiK "I" Music.
Concert to bo given by the Social Union ,
Thursday , April 25 , In the parlors of the
Presbyterian chunch :
I'lHT 1.
Strykund Ulas Lust Club
riolo Vocal . Mr. W. A. Derrick
I'Inno Solo . Miss Isaacs
Violin Solo . Mr. Butler
Vocul Solo . Miss Hattlo Palmer
Strykund Bias Lust Club.
Piano Solo . Miss Isaacs
Vocal Solo . Mr. Charles Palmer
Violin Solo . Mr. Hutlei
Vocal Solo . Mrs. Moeller
Piano Solo . Miss Isaacs
Vocal Solo . Mr. Denied
Strykund Bins Lust Club.
For &M.OO ThoYPluinblng Co.
will put a load service pipe nnd hydrant
in your yard ; also r 0 foot extra hoso.
Call at on co at 114 Main street.
Buildings loans. Odcll Bros. & Co.
Scottish Rite rings and charms just
received at C. B. Jacquomin & Go's.
Try a Santo Rosa. You will never
smoke any other.
Service * .
The following Is the programme for the
music at the St. Paul's church to-morrow
[ Easier Sunday ) nnd evening :
Professional "Wo March to Victory. " .
Anthem "Christ Our Passover. " . . Chuppcc.
Jubilate Plain Chant .
Anthem "Why Seek Yo the Living
Among the Dead. " . B. A. Clare.
Offertory "I Know That My Redeemer
Llveth. " . Messiah.
Recessional "Ten Thousand Times Ten
Thousand" .
Professional "Forth to the Fight Yo
Ransomed" .
Psalms Tenth Selection .
Responses . Tallla ,
Anthem "Ilnllcluah Choras. " . Messiah.
Offertory "Resurrection Song. " .
. H. Howe Shelly.
Anthem "Why Seek Yo the Living
Among the Dead. " . E. A. Claire.
Recessional Jerusalem the Golden.
Miss Lillie Chamberlain , of Omaha , will
bo the principal soloist , and the chorus will
Ije enlarged by the addition of a number of
excellent voices.
Cole& Cole , 41 Main street , for the
best Lawn Mower on earth.
Dr. C. C. Ilazen , dcntibt , Opera house
_ _
Have our wagon call for your soiled
clothes. Cascade Laundrv Co.
J. G. Tlpton , real estate , 527 B'dway
Headquarters for builders' hardware ,
Odcll & Bryant , 513 Main street.
See the Santo Rosa now ad.
The Clmutaiuiiia.
To the Public : Wo icly upon the sub
scription pledge of the Council Bluffs and
Omaha Chautauqua assembly to meet the
expanses of buildings , waterworks , etc. ,
necessary for the opening session Juno 18 ,
1889. Wo trust that every ono will come
forward with check foi his pledge , and anyone
ono tnat can give financial assistance for the
completion of the work contracted will
promptly come forward with remittances. If
the work laid out is promptly done , and it
will bo if means are forthcoming , a full nnd
complete success Is assured for the Chautau
qua assembly of lbb',1 ' and for the coming
The person malcing the best rhyme
incorporating the following words 'will
bo awarded a course ticket to the Ragan
lectures :
"Ratran Illustrated Lectures Hol
land Ireland Spain Yoscmito Op
era IIouso May 4 0 n - 17$1.50. . ' '
Address , "Com , " this oflico , before
April'127. See Illustrated advertisement
at Opera House drug store , Lines not to
exceed fifteen.
Smoke Santo Rosa cigars.
In accordance with tbo recent proclama
tion of President Harrison , it was rcsolvod
ut the last meeting of the ministerial conference
once , of this ciiy , to hold n union meeting of
the various congregations In the Presbyter
ian church , at 0 a.m. , April 30 , the centennial
of Washington's inauguration. The pro
gramme for the occasion , us far as completed ,
includes addresses as follows : "On Wash
ington's Inauguration , " by Rov. S. Pholps.
D. 1) . ; on "Tho Character of Washington , "
by Hev. S. Alexander ; on "A Century's Pro
gress , " by Mr. C. M. Hnrl. Those will bo
pleasantly interspersed with other exorcises
of intnicst. A committee on decorations has
been applntod , and it Is hoped thus In a
worthy and entertaining manner to cclobrato
ono of the most important events in pur
country's ' history.
The Santo Rosa is the best 10 cent
cigar on earth. _
Foil SALE. Ono line driving mare
and ono family No. 0 Main St.
A M ht Slabber.
Oeorgo Smith , a night waiter employed at
Holslcr's restaurant , was the victim of a
murderous assault , nt an early hour , yester
day morning. Ho loft the icstauraut to go
homo , and was passing down South Main
street , when u drunicon railroad employe as
saulted him with n kulfo , slashing his arm
and baud severely. His cent sleeve was cut
to pieces. Ha managed to get away from his
assailant , and went homo. The wounds are
npt dangerous , but very painful , nnd will
keep the victim from work for a tuno.
Lost or Stolon.
Cortlflcato No. 518 , issued by the
Hawlcoyo Oil and Coal company , for
ten (10) ( ) shares of fully paid up stock at
$ 100 per share , in favor of Mr. Wells
Cook , has boon lost or stolen and is
hereby cancelled.
F. S. THOMAS , Sco.
M. M. MAIISUAUJ , President.
Sill nt Paul's Church.
Easter day services will bo as follows :
Early communion , 8 a. m. Morning prayer
and Easier sermon , 10:30 : a. m. Children's
service , II p. m. Choral service , with
anthems and hallelujah chorus , 7:30 : p. m.
A cordial welcome extended to all. T. J ,
MacRny , rector.
The blue ice wagon soils pure river
ico. Your orders solicited. Satisfac
tion guaranteed. Telephone 102. Of
lice 6021st avo. , under Citizens' bank.
Ruiulny School \Vorkorn.
The eighteenth annual Sunday school con
vention of Pottawattamlo county will be held
ut the Presbyterian church , Council DlufTs ,
Iowa , May 2 , 16S9. Every Sunday school
should tend two delegates.
P. J , MoKiaouunv , Secretary.
At Uio Boston Stort ) over exhibited In this oily. Everything iloslrnblo nnd tip-
propriivto for Knstor. A complete line of PARASOLS in nil Intcst novelties ,
for Indies , misses nnd children , nt prices lower thtin can bo found oulsido
of Chicago. Below are but n few of the in tiny bargains
to bo found on our counters.
Handkerchief Department ,
Ladies' Embroidered Handkerchiefs ,
lOc , 12jc , loc , lOc , y c and 63e.
Ladies' Ilumstltched Colored Bordered
Go , "c , lOc , 1123c , 15c , 20c and Me.
Children's Colored Bordered , lc , 2o
and He.
A choice line of Ilanfl Embroidered
Irish Linen Handkerchiefs , ranging
from 50c up.
Hosiery Department ,
Children's Black Ribbed IIoso. Exam
ine Bargains , marked 12c } , lOc , 17o
and 2oc.
Ladies' Guaranteed Fast Black Hose ,
loc , lOc and 2oc.
Underwear Department ,
Jutt received , 100 dozen of our IGo
shaped ribbed Vests. Those wishing
to Bceuro more of thorn will please
call early.
At lc ! ) .Liidies' Ribbed Vests worth H3c ,
in cream only.
Glove Department ,
Children's Gloves , lOc and 12Jc.
A splendid line of ladies' black and
colored gloves at 12Jc a pair.
A special line of ladies' black and col
ored Taffeta Silk Gloveb nt lOo
and 2-5c.
Ladies' black and colored all silk gloves
ranging in price from 33c upwards.
Just received a manufacturer's stock of 100 do/.on Ladies' Colored Kid Gloves ,
in tans only note the price while they last only 41c a pair.
Our ladies * Black and Colored Kids at 7oc are equal lo any $1 kid in the market
another delivery of 08 do/.on just received.
At $1 wo have an elegant line of ladies' black and colored Foster Kids , every
pair warranted worth SI.37 latebt style of embroidered backs.
Leaders and Promoters of Low Prices ,
4O1 Broadway , : : Council Blqffs , la.
C-y tH , -ca 'Ll- ' C 3lT J ' I ' /J .T tH ! ! |
On iur entire Hlot'k. Call and HOC or write ( in.
COUNCIL , tsi.nrr.s cAatB"2rr co.
t to Consult !
P , 1
Unparalleled Success !
Will Be Sold ThisYear0
It is beyond n doubt , the best lO-centctgnr in the market to-day
and our immense trade on this brand confirms our assertion.
'lo the dealer who has handled them , flirther praise is unneces
sary. To the dealer who has never sold them , and is looking for a
cigar to increase his sales and is anxious to suit His customers by
selling an article of merit , we would ask them to give us a trial
We guarantee this cigar to be as represented. You therefore run
no risk in giving it a trial , as we pay all expenses if it does not give
Council Bliiifs , la.
XLSAPP .i-- -
Fuel Merchants. WatchTheSlGNS , fH PrrnTa yMqni
p.3l South Main St. J/o u ftiust 8u v Yo u rf1
rteous Attention. , . . Dinted by , GR.OO ElF = l I El ST
We invite .1 - your ffompfoeiivery- patronage. Re.MILUEf ? , * NO. f E.B.C5ARDINEF3 104. ? .
No3.lla.l3 Pearl St. . BROADWAtf
r li
Mrs , C , L , GILLETT'S '
And hco lii'r line line of Ilulr
( ( ioilH. Kl.M'.nT IIAIH
OltNAMENTS In Uio illy
WlifH. llcniilii.cti1. , for Hunt
orhMilt ) ,
Glutli mill roylo nnrt Myers
UrniiHe I'alntn. Hnlr
Dressing , lite.
No. 20 Sfiliiif St. , Council HI nils.
Order. ) by mall rocuivo prompt attention.
Electric- Trusses , Belts , Chest Pro
tectors , Etc ,
Council 111 u ITs la ,
; R ice's ' Hernia Support ,
The only pcrfuct ululomlnnl bupport for cjill.
dren and iwultD Successfully curca Hie WOlthl
Ol' HKltNJA. AaUrc
Ult. L. U. UOL27 Malu Str o c ( .
[ Blffr &
the'owesf. . . No.ll4MornSr
S. A. Pierce. Prcpflelor. A'b. S37 Broadway.
Furnitura & Stoves
on wee/f/y / of tnintt\lv \