THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , APKIL 21 1889.HSIXTEEN PAGES. 5 ENNISpN BROTHERS , ! Think ! The Greatest Prices Smashed all to pieces. Come early Monday and avoid the rush. Every item advertised is a genuine bargain and when we say it is a bargain , you can rest assured that it is , and you are on the right track to save money , at the crowded Daylight Store , of the Originators and Eve-Oueners of Low Prices in Omaha. KID GLOVES , Tn HlnckB. Tnus , Hrowni ntut Greys , A nlco ono. worth 11.00. LADIES' FAST BLACK HOSE , 25c. Itvery pair warranted ubiolutoly fast Hlnck. Will not crock the feet or hell the clothing. llonpy refunded If not ns represented. _ MLDWOOSE , 17e. Children's lllbued Hose , full rngulur made. Odd * and ends of broicon lines ! none worth lota your choice Monday tur 17c per pnlr. WK MAKE AND LAY CARPETS. LADIES' BALBRIGGAN VESTS 25e. Tills Is a lot wu closed out at tens than mnn- iifjirturers' coHt. l.o\v neck aud no sleeves ; vorth tUc : Monday only 'ic each. _ SOMH SlLKSr 25e. Just for a little excitement Monday , Surah Silks , all colors , only ic per yard. _ MOIRE SILKS , 25e. Just foP ono day , light and dnrk colors Morlu SllkH , 'JJio per yard. CHALLIES , Monday you can buy flno figured CliaUlos at 6c per yard. HARMONY WILL PREVAIL , Indications That There Will bo No Strike This Season. A REVIEW OF THE SITUATION. The Questions at IRSUO Between the Master anil Journeymen I'liimb- ors Reduced- Labor at the Shi i > B. Unity Prevails. t present there Is no rea son to bcllovo that thcro will bo any serious trou ble between workmen and tliolr employers in Omaha this spring. There is a little 111 feeling existing between , the journeymen anil master tor plumbers , but it is now hoped that any thing In the way of a lock-out or a strlUo will bo avortori. 'it is true that thorn has boon n strike of the Journeymen tailors this spring , but that was finally satisfactorily ondnd , and although in this strike both sides wore stubborn and the men remained out tire or six wcoks , It Is the only strike that uas been on and only a comparatively few men were affected. lu thu railroad circles there seems to bo unusual trauquillty , except , perhaps , on the Union Pacific , whcro thcro is some dissatisfaction among the men. Especially Is this true of these employed In the shops , who are Inclined to llnd fault with the reduction of tlmo and wages which wout Into eflcct last Monday. A majority of the men , or a largo portion tit least , would prefer to work eight iiours and receive inoro pay. There have boon some muttering among the younger men over this change , but it Is not supposed Unit any sori- ons results will ensue from this , or that , In fact , thcro will bo any trouble upon any of thu roads running Into this city. The bricklayers , carpenters , plasterorsand kindred tradesmen seem to be satisfied with existing scales and contractors and builders anticipate no delay in building this year on account of strikes. An occasional ruuiblo Is heard from the typographical union , but well Informed men in the orgifulzation say that there will bo no trouble this spring. Said u veteran 1C. of L. man , a day or two ngo , "It's Just us natural for workingmen to strike in the spring as It Is for the grass to grow , but 1 think this year will bo an excep tion to the rule , and um willing to wager u now hat that there will bo no strike this sea- eon. " "You'll hear all kinds of tulk about such and such Journeymen going to strike , but you don't want to pay any attention to It. They have to talk , you know , that is the youngsters , but us older heads can generally keep them down. " Ktnall strikes there may be , but none of any magnitude. Frank Johnson , who has been foreman of the section men of the Union Pacific yards for nineteen years , 'was discharged last Monday evening , no reason being given for the action. When wages were re duced by the company four months nye , Johnson interceded for his men and succeeded in securing thorn { 1.40 a day instead ot 11.25. and his action on this occa sion. It Is thought , had something to do with his discharge. lie will appeal his cuso to thu management , and it is said will bo supported by the Knights of Labor. L. A. No. 8.010,1C. of L. , Union No. 113. C. and J. , and the tailors and clear makers' ' unions have decided to organize n central labor union , mid with this object in vlow held a meeting lost Monday night , The resolu tion * of the Omaha central union woru udoptod and other necessary procedure dis cussed , Another meeting will bo held at K. of L. hall this evening. Tlio Pressmen. Stereotype and Electro- toyora * union wishes to extend thanks Ho Jleafey & Heafoy , the Typographical union for their ktnduois durlug BLACK Jtist.nrrlvqd , C > pieces rnvprlta.IUnrkOrps drain SIltH livery jurii nnrrnnlrd and north $1.W ) per yurd. On sum Monday and Tuesday at Sl.lfi per yunl. .Mall orders Illlcd. Cur lend Wall J'npcr , now pattern * . He roll. FEATHER PILLOWS , 49c , 3lb Kcatlicr Pillows , a good quality feath crs , nt lie ench. WE MAKE AND LAY CARPETS. BLACK-AND WHITE PLAIDS , 75c , A non-lot of line all wool lllnck and White I'lnldH , 4lliiiliiilo ! , Monday at 75c per sard ; clump , at tux ) . Lurgust line Tin Ware nnd Wooden Ware In Omaha. Dress Goods , 49c , Monday we will place on sulo all of our Me , 7fic und Kio coloiod wool Dress Goods , -lOto U- Inches wide ; } our choice , 4'Jc per yurd. FANCY STRIPE Dress Goods , 9c , Monday (10 ( pieces I'ancy Stripe nnd Plnld Dreea Goods , only Vc per yard. WE MAKE AND LAY CARPETS. New Satines , 25c. Another large Invoice of fine French Sntlnes. clemuit patterns , better than ever , pnly S c per yurd ; worth U5c and 40c. the Biclcnoss nnd death of their brother , Charles Lo Marsh. Typographical union , No. 190 , will consider important business of u secret uuturo at a meeting to bo held next Sunday. The situation among the plumbers Is un changed. The Journeymen do not seem to bo disposed to vako action , neither do the masters' association. The latter await the word of M. A. Frco alone to order a lockout , they say. A reporter dropped in to see Mr. Free , yes terday , and asked him for his side of the matter. "Here It is in n nutshell , " said he. "Tho journeymen and master plumbers made cer tain agreements a year ago , and ono of these , was that ono jobber should bo em ployed to every four journeymen. I intend now to stick this thing out and I will not give in ono lota. I have been lined $50 by the nnion which I shall not pay. I have here In my desk 191 ! applications from men In the cast who are anxious to go to work for mo , so that there are no lack of men. 1 don't ' want to make trouble or cause n lockout if I can help it , nor will I unless absolutely compelled to protect myself. " The journeymen contend that they are not trying to run the business of their employ ers , but simply ask for that which Is right nndequaltlc. They held a meeting Thurs day and Friday nights , but took no definite actlou. _ _ _ _ _ A lilttlu Strike. The strike among the men employed by waterworks company on the Furnum street trenches , caused a little rlpplo In labor cir cles this wcok. The men's wages wore re duced , on Thursday , from $1.75 to $1.50 per day , and as soon as the men were notified of the reduction , 125 of them walked out. The company assorted that it would bo able to put other men to work immediately , but failed to do so. The strikers hung about the works , and three men wore arrested for jeerlnt ? pipemen at work in the trenches , but thcro were no snrious outbreaks. The men are still out , and no sliovelers have boon hired to take their places. Thuy say that they will not return to work for Icsi than 11.75 , and the company says it will not pay more than $1.50 , and there the matter stands. Labor Notes. There Is plenty of work in Omaha for day laborers. Everything Is again scruno among the tail ors. ors.The The journeymen plumbers , in anticipation of u strike , have published in eastern papers u statement of the situation horn and warned all mombera of the craft tu keep uway from Omahn. There nro n great many carpenters In the city who are not satisfied with the course of Union No. 5S and who 'have taken slops to organize another union. The first meeting was hold lust Monday night , when prelimin ary stops were taken towards organisation. IiOOAIj IIKISVITIKS. Henry Peterson , n Union Pacific conduc tor yesterday , paid f 0 in police court for the privilege of keeping n big bull dog thai bit a little child a few days ago. John Quinu was lined { 20 by Judge Borka yostciday. for pasting counterfeit money in a Davemiort street bawdy house. The revenue collections , yesterday , amounted to $8,751.4-1 , John Alderman , n cash boy for Haydcn Bros. , was arrested for the larceny of f 1,80 from his employers. Qlt. Vonuto , the Italian musician , and D. Q. Merlio , the son of Italy , who parades occa sionally In the uniform of nn Italian ofllcer , hud a quarrel yesterday , which resulted in Morllo breaking a hickory club over his countryman's head. Both men were ar rested , John Womerly wa fined $50 aud costs in police court yesterday , for resisting arrest by Deputy Sheriff Low Urcbo. Striken * are Quiet. Thcro was 110 Interference with the water works company's trench at Twenty-fourth and Farnain streets last night by the strik ing laborers. Everything was quiet and only one policeman was detailed to look after the mutter. No more trouble la expected aud Vloe-PreHldcnt Hall of the company thinks that the strikers will return to work at the reduced wages of $1.60 a day. HASSOCKS , 25c , Monrtav you can have choice of 400 nesv handsome Hassocks at 'Me each ; worth 7ic ( WE MAKE AND LAY CARPETS. PLUSH STAND COVERS 75c , 100 Drocaded Pltifili Stand Covert with fancy Tinsel Uorders , only Tl > c euch ; don't pass these covers. Wo nro all right ugaln on ; k ) Wnll Paper. HOCK TOWELS , 9c. 800 dozen Tow els , jonbers'f.amplesall kinds ; your choice Monday , no each. WE MAKE AND LAY CARPETS. LONSDALE MUSLIN , MONDAY , 12ys Yards for $1.00 Car load Wall Paper , now patternsScroll. Silk Wraps , $10 , This Wrap Is something very nobby ana nlco for tine trade , tnarto of Fiiillc Kranclsa Silk , trimmed with Silk Clmntllly I.ace nnd Silk Braid , no Jot trluimluir , at only $10.03 ; worth 31H.UO. Mall orders Illlcd. THE SOLDIERS' HOME MDDDIJ5 Grand Island Oitizons Insist on Hammond's Removal. THE CAUSE OF THEIR ANIMOSITY. A Probability That the Governor Will Make Another Inquiry Into the Affairs of the Institution. LINCOLN tJuiiniu OP TUB OMAHA. BBB 'I 1020 P STUKBT , LINCOLN. ' April 20. I Grand Island is anxious to get rid of Com mandant Hammond , of trio soldiers' and sailors' homo. In fact , the citizens of the place are more anxious for his resignation than the inmates of the charitable institu tion ; and , moreover , they want one of their number appointed In his stead. It is learned that petitions numerously signed have been received by the board of public lands and buildings nnd by the advisory board of the homo , praying that recommendations bo passed to the governor asking for his resigna tion. It is also learned that this will not bo done. "Thn governor was present at the recent Investigation , and knows the situation fully , " said n member of the board tO'duy , "and ho certainly can act with wisdom without advice from us. As the papers have stated , thcro has been some kicking on the retention of Hammond , but ho is a pretty good old fellow , cranky , perhaps , and petulant , but whatsoever ho docs is done honestly , and I believe with pure motives. Most of the in mates , in fact , liku him and speak very kindly of his management of the institution. It is my opinion that the shoo pinches Grand Islanditcs Because Hammond buys whore ha can buy the cheapest. Ho gave the contract for the furniture of the home to u Kearney lirm because the same class of furniture could bo boueht tbcro for less money than nt Grand Island. Other Incidents of this kind could be mentioned. Business men there want to furnish the supplies for the house at their own figures , without competition , mid boc.iuso 'the old man' will not toady to their whims he has fallen into bud repute. This cry li maao worse nnd more effective because live or six old croakers churgo abuse , Insunicioncy to cat , lack of clothes and other things equally absurd nnd nonsensical. J doubt not that Hammond is something of an old boro. Wo all know that ho is very Irritable nnd manifests too much temper ut times. The trouble is , Ham mond's position has given him the 'Dig head , ' and K ho is removed It will bo because of re sults of this human frailty. Hut It won't dote to appoint a Grand Island man In his place. 'Whenever this is dona there will bo trouble In earnest. In my judgment , If Hammond has to go , his plnco wilt bo supplied by some person with conscience enough to spend the state's money whore It will go the farthest. " U Is said that Governor Thayer has gene to Grand Island to take another peon into affairs nt the homo , But this is not curtain. Ho loft yesterday ostensibly for Kearney , nnd it will not bo surprising if ho answers a summons to the former place before ho re turns. The board of public lands and build ings Is evidently anxious that ho shall act in the matter without pressure or restraint. I'nnr UiToivllUftd Lincoln. Despite the efforts of Stewart McConlga and L.V. . HIlllnKsloy , before the city coun cil last night , the ordinance providing for Sunday opening of the Eden Musoo. was do- foatod. The petitions of the church people , the remarks of Father Walcli nnd Councilmen - men Pace , Hushnnll and Dean did most ex cellent service. It bad been given out before - fore the meeting of the council that enough votes bad been secured to insure the passage - ago ot the ordinance law , and the friends of Sackctt & Lawler were on hand feeling in Jubilant spirits. McConlga addressed the council notrly an hour , assailing religion , re ligious people , the church end churches , and closed hli plea in 1 > half of the Musoo , to take ino place of the churches , and prayed the passage of thu law to show to fUo world that Lincoln was advauccd In civilization and freedom. Dllllugsloy followed. Ho , too , talked tor a half hour or more. PERSIAN SHAWLS , 98c , Monday only. Just for fun ; come early and get ono ; only We. WE MARK AND LAY CARPETS. BEADED WRAPS , $1,98 Wonderful bargain , Ladles Headed Wraps with solid Headed Net Hli'exe , Monday only Jl.tflj uorth4.M. ( Mall orders filled. Largest Hue Tin Ware and Woollen Watju in Omaha. Omaha.BEADED WRAPS , $8.50 i f * Ladles Headed Wraps _ , as cut above , a b au tlful garment worth" "iiiD'.OO. on "Moiitl'ay "only . Mall qrd d nllod. \VEMAKJ13 ; LAY CARPETS. CORSETS , Special salmon Monday of 50 dozen Lndlos roRUlur 100 Corsets nt only ll'c per pafr. Don't forget we are hettdquarters on Corsets in Omaha. The vote was then taken , nnd nine votes became a matter of record to table the ordinance , the sure passage of which had been promlsod. Great surprise followed. Blllintrftloy was so much sur prised that ho took Councilman Dean by the collar and accused him of treachery and lying. McConlga was in a white heat bo- causa the churuhcs and schools and morals of Lincoln had triumphed over the Museo nnd kindred theatrical entertainments. No Longer Guess Work. It is no longer guess work that Urink , of Hoono , McNnughton and Saunders , of Seward , have been appointed bank inspec tors. Though not oDIoIally announced , this information comes from parties who know All three appointees are experienced and practical bankers. It Is said that Saunders will bo assigned to the work in the first congressional district and McNaughton in the Third. The position of bank Inspector will pay a salary of about I2.0DO a year. Precocious Boya. Two boys , giving their names ns Jumns Leo and Prank Waters , wandered into the police station last night and stated that they cnmo ' from Harvard after the father of 'Waters , whom they supposed to bo in the city. They were apparently eleven or twelve years of ago each und penniless. The story they told was straight , nnd they were given shelter In the cooler for the night. About 10 o'clock n telephone message was received from the Nebraska Coal and Llmo company In Omaha , asldnc if two boys unsworing the description of the hoys "sleeping the sleep of the Innocent , " in ono of the rooms of the cooler , had bocn seen in Lincoln during the evening. The information was given back that such lads were hero , when it was learned that tuoy had run uway from homo a few days ago and had not bocn heard of since. The olllcors were directed to hold them until they could bo sent for , and before this tiuio the anxious hearts of their parents are quieted. They were sent homo this after noon , The lads started young , but they cer tainly do much better than some old timers. They said that their ambitions were secured from the midnight perusals of dime novels , tbo heroes of which they were anxious to emulate. Fraudulent Conveyance Allowed. The Molina , Mlllburn , Stoddard company filed suit In the district court late last even ing , asking that a receiver bo appointed for the Hart Hardware company , of this city. In this petition they assert that Uorryman & Patterson , a Jinn doing business in Central City about a year ago , sold or purported to sell their stopk to F. C. Hart and A , L. Haven , who removed the stock to Lincoln , nnd engaged in business hero under the lirm name of tno'Haft ' Hardware company. The plaintitfs nllogo that at the time of the reported - ported transfer Uorryman & Patterson were practically insolvent and that the sale to Hart et nl was1 fraudulent nnd without consideration. The petition Is qulto lengthy but the foregoing is the sum nnd substance of the allegations contained therein. Owing to their sorlouiinturo ( | the suit will doubt less provo morp or less exciting. Unless continued the case will bo tried at the next sitting of the dAtrlct court. City ftnws and Notes , Mrs. WhliMe 'wIfo ' of the dairyman , Is the loser of a ( luo. . gold watch nud valuable chain. She laid the articles on a shelf for n shdrt tlmo to-'any , and when she wont to got them they were gone. Complaint has been made to tho. police , but so far they have railed to find thestolen articles , C. L. Demurest , a prominent grocer of Talma o , alter spending a day In Lincoln , loft for homo this morning over the Missouri Pacific. The college Y. M. C. A. conference ended Its session In this city to-day. Much im portant work was done for the canso throughout the state. Col , T. J. Majors , of Peru , Dr. S. W. Mo- Grew , of Auburn , and Judge Appeleot. of Tecumseh , were among the prominent Nebraskans - braskans in Lincoln to-day. The Western Novelty company , which has been occupying the room in tbo Burr block , adjoining that of the employment agency , ono of whoso proprietors skipped for Can ada , yesterday , has also vacated , leaving divers and sundry debtors behind , Cannon wan tbo man who skipped and tbo creditors seized on tbe otlior proprietor , Capps , who was arrested und lined for complicity In bis partner's guilt. It cost him In all about & 5 , and ho had betwtien one and two dollars loft wbon the judge got through with hit * . PERSIAN SHAWLS $1.98 OreatUargalnson Monday ; worth M.OO. Largest line of Tin Ware and Wooden Ware In Omaha. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR , 5Qc 75C , , , On Monday we will oirursomo special values in Ladles Muslin Underwear at'ioc , & 0cand7" > c ; . \ orth 50c , 75c und f Lot ) . WE MAKE AND LAY CARPETS. Portiere Curtains , $1.98 How is this ? For Monday 48 nMrs heavy Portlcro Cnrtiitns Silk Chomllo Herders , at only fl.03 per pair , and brass tilmmud curtain poles given nwdjr. Car load Wall Paper , now patterns , 3c roll. Portiere Curtains , $2,98 On Monday we offer some p-reat bargains In Portluro Curtains at li-M'S ' per piir ; worth. $ . " > .OJ ; brass trimmed poles given away. WE MAKE AND LAY CARPETS. Chenille Curtains , $9.80 87 pairs of olognnt Chenille Curtains , solid colors , with deep , rich borders , Monday , J'J.SO per pair ; \\ortliJ15.DO ; brass trimmed cuitaln poloi thrown In. Wo are all right again on ! ic Wall Paper. Nottingham Lace Curtains , $2.98. 84 pairs of Nottingham Lace Curtains , 3'5 yards Jong , taped all around ; this Is a special price for Monday only ; worth JO.OO per pair , nud brass trimmed poles thrown In. A SUICIDE AT SCRIBNER , A Despondent Old Man Shoots Him self In the Mouth. MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARANCE. Xhn Assistant Ddorkccpcr of the Imto Nebraska Semite Misslnc Tkurs- ton County Democrats Issue a Gall. An Old Man Tired of Ijlfo. FHEMONT , Neb. , April 20. [ Special Tele gram to THE BBE.J Mr. Blessing , n man between sixty nnd seventy years of ago , com mitted suieldo at Scnbncr to-day about noon by shooting himself In the mouth with a ro volver. Ho has boon despondent for n long tlmo-and , ho told some friends of his Inten tion to taUo his own llfo. Newport Cololirntlnir. NiiwrouT , Neb. , April 20. [ Special to Tin : HKC. ] Newport is to-night celebrating her first victorious step toward regaining the scat of Hock county. The supreme court has ordered the canvassing board to assem ble and recount all precincts in the county before May 1 , 18i > 9 , and especially Lay and Gracy , which County Clerk Phillips and the canvassing board refused to count. As a conclusion to this , Newport will commence n contest suit to see what right Hasactt had to add fifty votes to their poll books after thu polls closed on election night. Criminal ar rests will at once bo made for what members of the Li.issetl election board boodlers and repeaters still remain In this country. IHit many of them during the past month have succeeded In nhaking the dust of the village on * their feet and have sought now pastures. Thurston Domoornts Stirring , PENDBII , Nob. , April 20. [ Special to TIIK DEE. ] The democrats of Thurston county , to-any , issued n call for a county convention to bo held at this place on Saturday , April 24 , at 2 p. in. Thcro are six precincts in the now county which are entitled to un aggre gate of twenty-six delegates , nine of whom come from Winnubago precinct , the Indian stronghold. The republi cans have not called their con vention yet , but. will probably not lese much more time in doing so , A lively struggle for supremacy la looked for between' the two parties in the new county , with the cliunciis for success pretty evenly divided. It Is claimed , however , by the independent ele ment , that the republicans have the iiibldo track. A Myntorloun DlfinppnAranne. FIIKMONT , Neb. , April 20. [ Special to TIIK BEB.I Mrs. E. L. OIllosplo , of Valentino , wife of the assistant doorkeeper of the last senate , was In the cltv yesterday. She was In search of her husband , who mysteriously disappeared from homo u day or two ugo , Ho took with him upon his departure u trunk , Into which , among other things , ho uackcd u number of his wife's garments. She Is at u loss to understand his actions , nud has no idea as to his whereabouts. .Sho thinks per haps his mind is affected. Tlio Fremont I'ostmtistorsliln. , Nob. , April 20. [ Special to TUB The tight for the Fremont postmas- torshlp , which has boon going on for some tlmo , and which lias recently assumed somu- what complicated conditions , was settled to day by Congressman Uoraoy announcing It av his intention to at once recommend the appointment of H : C , Wolcott , to whom ho has practically ] been pledged for several weeks. Wolcott is an old soldier , and this fact has strong weight in tils favor , Tried to Take a Street Onr. DDAKOTA CITY , Nob. , April 'M. [ Special Telegram to TUB HUB. ] A fang of toughs undertook to take possession of the street carat CovlnBton to-day. The driver , as- A good Stool Hoc 10o Elognnt plush Tables for $2.10 A Gnrilon Ruko 25 < " fiood Bamboo Fancy Stands 1.00 Hoy's combination Garden nml Floral Bamboo ICiibols 1,10 Sots , C'hiUlroits' llocs , etc. , nt half Decorated Paper Pails 2Co usual prices. 14-qnnrt Dairy Pail C8o Plusli Whisk Brooms 15o. Bird ( . 'ages SOc Best Clothes Rack mailo 69c Childrons'Rod Chairs 48o Knife and Fork Uo'xos lUc Combination Dinner Pails 5o Clothes Baskets 48o ColToo Pots ' . . . . 25o Clothes Baskets Oflc Tea Pots 25o Nice Chamber Sets $2.76 Rockinghum Tea Pots 35p G Hand Carved Goblets 40o 3-quart Dinner Pail ilOo 0 Plain Goblets 30c Fluted Cake Tins 10u 0 Efjflr Goblets 4ic ! Wire Potato Mashers ? 5o Child's cuno Ili li Chair.worth $3 Wire Potato Mashers JOe for S1.08 Pie Pans 2o Fine decorated Parlor Lamps. . . . 98o Jolly Pans 2o Library Hanging Lamps 1.08 Largo sir.o Wash Basin lOo nice A Cuspidor lOc Ono lot Cuspidors 2oc ColTeo Fhibks 80 Another lot Cuspidors 30c Patent Lemon Squeezers lOo Another lot Cuspidors iUc All kinds of'Tin Dippers Co Mixed Candies , per pound lOc Gravy Strainers Co Toilet Paper , per roil Co Sot of six English white granite Custard Pans Co Good Wash Boiler 81.15 Cups and Saucers 45o Six largo Dinner Plates 45c Largo LookingGlass fiOo Wash Bowl with Pitcher 75c Glash Daisy Oil Can 25o Iron Boot.Tacks Don't compare these goods with American 60 Clamps for quilting frames can ware. 60 Fancy Toilet Soap , 4 cakes in a Decorated Tea Cans JOe box , regular price 25epor box. . 12c Largo Coal Hod 25o Largo si/e Dust Pans lOc Decorated Calco Boxes 680 0-hook hard wood Hat Rack 8c Brush and Crumb Tray 38o Hardwood Towel Rollers 8c Elegant Jars Slop 880 Largo size Folding Table 98c Frying Pans IGo Good Scrubbing Brush /ic / Dripping Pans < 8o A Bread Board for 2oc Flour Sieve Oo A Hercules Duster for lOc Large Pans Rinsing 25o Any amount of Hammers for. . . . 5c Sprinkling can 2oc WE MAKE AND LAY CARPETS We are nil light again on.1c Wnll Paper , sisted by the marshal , nftor dplng up throe of them , proceeded with the car , though badly bruised. Tlio tramps had the driver ni rested , but he was promptly discharged by the couit. _ Assault AVitli Intent to Kill. DAKOTA Cirr , Nob. , April 20. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEE. ] A warrant was sworn out to-day by W. II. Kennel'y ' for the arrest of a young follow named Johns , charg ing him with assault with intent to kill. Kcnnclly was badly hurt , and his recovery is doubtful , as ho is an old man. wlillo Johns is u mere lad. Ho was lined $10 and costs , amounting to $25. Will Hanqiiot Mr. LINCOLN , Nob. , April 20. [ Special Tele. gram to TUB UKE. ] A committed met to night to arrange for a reception to bo ten dered to PatricK Egan before ho leaves for his post as minister to Chili. The conclu sions were kept as far ns possible , a secret , but it was learned that a banquet at the Cap ital hotel will bo part of the festivities. Tlio Ulnlr I'osiofllcu ConlcHl. HI.AIK , Neb. , April 20. ( Special Telegram to Tin : BIK.I It is reported on the streets to-day that the applicants for the Blair post- ofllce , Gcorgo S. Cook and Dlnna Allberg , uro to determine ) who shall bo the successful ono by nn election. Tlio date is not set yet , but it is to bo held in the near future. Only republicans will Imvo a vote. Tlio Smcad SyBlcni. NiutiiASKA Cur , Neb. , April 20. [ Special to Tin : Uur : . ] The board of education to-day made u contract for nutting into the now 420,000 school house , thu Suicad system of heating and ventilation and the dry closet system. Work on the building has com menced. _ A Watch Stolon. NEIIIIASKA CITV , April 20. [ Special to THE BUB. ] Whllo absent from the house for a few moments to-day , Mrs. Hobcrt Grooblo had a valuable gold watch and chain stolen from her houso. No clue to the thief. The Now York Fire. NEW YOIIK , April 20. Four flro engines and two 11 ro boats woru busy this morning throwing water on the ruins of the ware houses und elevators destroyed in last night's flrc. Two thousand barrels of oil uro still burning nt the Wlicox refinery. The people Injured are nil doing as well us could bo ox- pcctcd , und no further deaths are nnticl- putcd. . The New York Central's loss Is footed up by Its onlcials ns $ MOOKX ( ) , but moro than half of the burned property was useless to tlio company and need not bo replaced , An other half million und over Is covered by in surance , so that the actual not loss of thu company , chiefly on freight for which It Is responsible , is about # 300,0K ( ) , Dopow titatod to-day that the total loss to property con sumed by lire will not bo far from $3,000OiK ) . Ilo'II Not Oninu linolc. NKW YOIIU , April 20. [ Special Telegram to TUB BUB.William | M. Callcndor , the missing president of Callendcr Insulating aud Water 1'rootlng company , is not ox- pccted to return. Mr. Callondcr is supposed to bo In England , of which country he Is n native , nnd the mombsrs of the clerical force suy they don't ' know who Is going to pay them their arrears of salaries. The coin- puny was tucornorted in 1873 under the laws of this Htiitu , with a capital stock of & 00XK ( ) . Its financial alTairs now stand : Liabilities , $ U2",000 ; assets , about f W.OOOj net liabili ties , | l,2bS , , 000. Guarded l > y tlio I'ollao. ST. PAUL , April 20 , The street car strike continues , but with four policemen to each car the company has kept a number of cars going all day , No trouble of any account has boon reported. Four i'notilii Orownoil. ST. Louis , April 20. Mrs. A , H. Lucas , of Carthage , Mo. , her two daughters and hired man. while attempting to ford a swollen creek below thut city In a wagon last evenIng - Ing , wore carried down tbo stream and drowned. A War Connor ! . Taking into consideration the chnritabl object for which they were given the Drum mer Boy concerts , yesterday afternoon and last night at the Grand opera house , wore not nearly so well attended as they nkould hnvo been. Artistically , however , they wore quite successful. An excellent programme of instrumental and vocal music had boon arranged , but two or three of the local sing ers failed to respond , which caused some dis appointment , though Major Hondcrehot sup plied nil vacancies and afforded those pres ent a very onjo.vablp evening. The major la a drummer and no mistake. He played "Marching Through Georgia , " "The Girl I Left Uohlnd Mo , " army sick call and a dirge in honor of the late General Hatch , in such style us was never before heard In this city. He also gave imitations on his drum of a locomotive nnd a battle that showed wonder ful skill. A quartette of mule singers ren dered three or four familiar old war eougs , and Mrs. I3ousccarcn sang two , or throe solos. Articles or Incorporation. Articles of Incorporation of two publish ing companies were filed yesterday with the county clerk. Ono Is the A. 13. C. Publish ing company , with a capital stock of $2,000. The corporators nro L. H. Kramer , Fred Uonzlngcr nnd W. A. Chundlor. The other is the Omaha Dispatch Publish ing company. It is organized for nn exist ence of KK ) yours , and will bo conducted with a capital stock of $75,000. The lucor- porntors are J , C. WIlcox. W. W. Lowe , P. N. 1C. Orff , Sturpos Whitlock and J. O. Fisher. _ A Watch llccovorcd , Sergeant Ormsby , last night , recovered from Weloy's pawnshop , nt the corner of eleventh and Faruam , a gold watch , valued at $ lt5 ! , that was sold by Edholm & Alkun , last October , to Mattlo Ilccd , and stolen shortly afterwards by the Hood woman's cook. Mm. Airio Fletcher , coiorod. The thief was arrested. Edholm & Aikon , who sold thu watch on the installment plan , offered u reward of $25 for its recovery. PnnotH Abandoned. The army quartermaster's depot at Chey enne has been abandoned. The orananco department will also bo suspended , and both ot the departments will bo removed to Omalia. Orders hnvo also been Issued for the abandonment of Fort Laramlo , which la nt present headquarters of the Seventh In fantry , Two of the companies have been ordered to Fort Iu ) Clicsno , and it is probable - blo that the rciniiinlnu' onei will go to Fort Sidney and Fort McICIniiey , Urglnir Oroll'H Appointment. The Douglas county bar association hold n meeting In tlio district court yesterday and endorsed Judge L. A. Gioll for a posi tion on tlio intor-stato coniuiorco commission , He has been endorsed l > v the board of trade , The liar passed resolutions eminently befit ting Judga Graff , nnd requesting Senators Manderson nnd I'uddock to urge President Harrison to make the appointment. I'uraurniN. Fourteen members of tlio Minneapolis base ball club are ut the Darker. George W. O'Noill , of Waterloo , Nob. , Is at the Baker , . T. J. Hill , of Freeport , III. , Is registered at the IliUkor. Mrs. John Ito.vrr , of Deadwood , Is in the city , visiting lior daughter , Mrs. P , A. C. Stevons. Mrs. ElUaboth Cady Stanton lust evening for Now York , Her address will bo 1C Broad Btrcot , new York , care of Hoburt L. Stanton , csq. Officer Howden mourns the loss of a pair of new gloycs which some of thu street Kttnjc over whom ho had charge , stole from Life ) , Weekly Hunk HtutomojU. NEW YOIIK , April 20. The weekly bank statement shown the roxorvo has Increased 10,031,000. , The banks now hold $12,037,000 la excess ot legal requirements.