Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 21, 1889, Part II, Page 15, Image 15

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Mouoy Oontlnuos Easy and Very
Dnricrnl BiifllncHH in Improving In nil
IjlnoH nnrt Joliuora nro Very Well
Bntlnnod With the Year's
The Local Outlook.
The money market continues caiy and in
A very raUsfactory condition , and bankers
report a fair demand from both city and
country for tholr spare funds. The situation
nt the cast Is also pleasant , and financial au
thorities In Now York report the outlook aa
favorablofor a prolonged easy money market ,
ffho clearings of this city for the past week
Amounted to f 1,103,181.80 , , nn Increase ! of ex
actly 85 per cent. The balances were $372 ,
Monday , the 22d instant , is Arbor day , a
legal holiday , and the banks will bo closed
nnd business generally susDondcd.
General trade continues to Improve in all
lines , aud our Jobbers are very well content
vvlth the year's business to elate , Interviews
ivlth many of the heads of leading house1)
eliciting the fact that sales to dale uru
liberally In oxccsa of Inst year. Col
lections also are much better than n wool )
since , and there are no complaintc
of any kind heard la commercial circles , but
nil unlto in .laying that trade Is good , inonoi
easy and collections satisfactory. Crop pros-
pcctH are excellent nt present , and If noth
ing untoward intervenes prior to harvest ,
the people of Nebraska should , as a class ,
to well fixed by fall , and the business ol
Omaha show moro than the usual Increase
for thq year. Prices nro fairly steady ,
Sugar continues to advance and to-day1 ?
market Is up l-10u , making granulated 8 (1 (
Oo and very firm. All Boris of reasons arc
given to account for the advance. The latest
is tg thoolTcct that Sprockets , tlio California
Biigar king , having been snubbed by the
Now York sugar trust , of which the Have-
jneyors are tlio head , determined to bo re
venged and quietly laid his plans , nnd scc-ur
ing the financial assistance of the Roths
childs , who are known to have backed him
through the Bolmonts , their Now York cor
respondents , in times past , cornered the raw
sugar market by securing liberal aelvnncoi
tb the Cuban ulanturs enabling them to holt ,
their crops while Mr , Sprcelccls secured
what raw stuff there was to bo had iu the
other markets , and then applied the scrows.
It docs not appear , however , that the inter
erfts of the genial consumer were remembered
bored , nnd BO ho Is between the upper ant
the nether , a < > usual. Foreign dried fruit ;
bro very dull , and California scorns to have
driven Malaga raisins , French prunes , etc.
from the United States markets , nnd it li
confidently predicted that In a few years
importation ! ) of fruits and nuts to thi :
country will have wholly ceased. Cannot
goods ara selling slowly , and corn and torn a
toes were newer so cheap.
The metal market is somewhat lower
! Lumbcr is steady , with a slight decline to be
noted In sonio sizes of dimension stulT , com
mon yellow pine , flooring and shipping culls
Thu produce ! market is active , and commis
Blon men are fairly busy. Table dairy buttoi
is in good dcm.ind at 10 to 18c. Cheese li
quiet and in light demand. Heceipts of egg ;
tire liberal and the demand heavy , and price ;
stiff at lOc. Poultry is in liberal supply , demand
mand very good. Choice apples are scarce
Dud quotations nominal. Oranges and lem
ons are in active demand , nud stcudy at quo
tations. Strawberries and now vegetables
nro becoming plentiful , and prices are some
what lower.
The most important nowaon this side o
Iho Atlantic is that ono of the iudepcnden
Btigar refineries at Philadelphia has enlargce
its plant considerably , thus increasing it !
output. It Is Btatod.thafc the Independent re
lincrics now control 21 ! per cent of the pro
auction instead of 24 before the imurovemcn
was made at Philadelphia. When Spreckels
refinery , now building , is completed , the 10
dependent refineries will control U3 per cen
Und the trust 07 per cent.
The undertone In coffee is bullish owlni
to the expected short crop , but the prcsem
pupply is certainly liberal. At Havre then
nro 500,000 bags , 281,000 of which are Brazil
Ian , uii'J ' there ) are . ' )7',0K ) ) ( > bags in Uio an <
P75,000 bags In Santos. The stock of Bra
kiliaii coft'co Iu first hands ut New York , Bal
tlinoro and New Orleans , together with th
poffee 01 the way to this country fron
Brazil , amounts to 520,723 bags , as agains
B3U.01U bugs a year ago.
Notwithstanding the heavy purchases o
evaporated apples by the Now Vorlt syndl
bate , which used , it Is estimated , S'J50,000 ii
the deal , there U still plenty of dried apple
nround Hocheator , N. \ . , that can bo bough
nt low pruies , The syndicate paid price
ranging from Jl'jfo ' lo 5 } < o per pound. It i
claimoel Unit the cost to manufacture a pouu
of dried apples ia U. ' e. In many inscanbc
the farmers suld their fruit without a ecu
of pro lit.
The crop reports from different soetlons o
the country are generally favorable , rain
Jiavlng fallen recently throughout Iho dr ,
eei'.tions of the west and nortnwcRt.
Hides are again weaker , duo to recon
failures In the cast in thu hide and loathe
031 All a JUIVK STOCK.
Saturday , April 20 , 1889.
i The receipts were extremely hgiit oven fc
Saturday , and the lightest of any elay sine
Mil roll 14. With such light receipts it wr
only natural expect an Improvement i
prices , ami thu result fulfilled the expecti
tions. Thu pices paid were a litllo stronge
than ycslerday and the feeling was cnnside :
ably bolter. In some instances salosmo
\vure calling the market 5T ( 10c higher , bt
the buyers generally claimed to bo pnyin
xiot very much better prices thu
yesterday. What few cattle thei
were ' hero were mostly a
Bold Doforo midday. The dressed beef an
Miipplng steers sold at a range of $ 'l.)0@ib ! ) ;
but mostly at 1.4r > f < M.75. There was m
Diuch butchers' stoolc here , and nothing ver
choice. A few head of cows sold at ( li.OOl
8.05 , with tlio bulk at $2.20@2.85. Son
iirutty fair litllo cattlu sold for feeders :
IU.10 , aud a piece of a load whiuh had bee
corned somu brought f 'l.liO.
The hog market was a llttlo better to-dn ,
pud although the ( op was no higher the bu !
Of the sales were at least a shade strongo
Jlogs which sold on Friday at fl.50i$4.i (
Bold to-day at 4.5i@ ! I 57J4-
There was no lack of sheep to-day , b
four decks were consigned direct to tl
packers. Five loads of Nebraska shcarllui
old at f3.75 , a strong price for tbo quality i
tbo sheep. While thorc has not boon inue
licro of late ou which to basn aa estlmato i
tbo market , still It Is safe to cull the inurlc
trong. Tlio certainly good ai
Iheiro Is all the competition that any 01
could desire.
Uoooipw ,
Cattle. , , C
Hogs 2,1
eiioop , 1,0
I'rovJilllui ; I'rloes.
The following I * a tabla of prices paid 1
this market for the gr.idos of stock moi
ilonod ;
J'rlmo atoors , 1800 to 1500 Ibs. . { 3.00 ® 1.00
1'rlmu stcors , UOJ to 13)0 Ibs. , : i.5 > ( yi.75 ;
Kativofeodors , , , . ' 2,70 OKU5
Common to good eovta 150 Q2.00
Choice to fancy cows 3.65 ( its. 15
Fair to choice tnilU 3.00 G 3.1fl
Pair to ehoico light hogs. , 4.55 @ 4.00
Fair to choice heavy hogs. . . . . 4.57 (44.57
Fair to choUxi mlxexl he > g 4.45 ( iW.M
Fair to ehoico western sheep , . 3'JO 04,75
Fair to ehoico Nobraskas. . . . . . 3.7S ( < 54.5Q
llupresontattvo Bales.
Ko. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
. . . . . . . . J3.35 13 . 1157 $3,55
n. , SCO 3.tu : ia. , . Ilia 8.55
18 7DO U.SO 23 . 1143 3,57
8 1127 a 5 a.45 11 . 1807 3.W
15 , . WO a43 54 . 1235 3.CC
tl 1003 8.45 18 . 111W a.f i
fil 077 3.45 5 . 1300 3.05
Tliroo Atonths'
Showing the highest , and ' lowest prices
iaid for loads of hogs on this market on the
lays Indicated durinir the past three months.
Hnniro of I'rices.
Showing the highest aud lowest prices
laid for beef and shipping stcors on the days
indicated during the past three yoars. Sal us
of cnttlo in less than car load lots not in
tilve .Stock Notes.
Cattle trade stronger.
Hogs soil a shade higher.
Sheep strong nnd all sold.
S. D. Mnrcor , editor of the Northwestern
Live Stock Journal , the leading authority on
the raugo live stock business , was a visitor
at the yards.
A.B compared with other markets the prices
paid for hogs hero are very high , and if there
ire any hogs in the country they ought to
Produce. .Fruits , Ktc.
BUTTHU Creamery Fancy print , 2i@ilo ; ;
choice ) print , 31G-c : ! ; fancy solid packed , 20
: ; ehoico solid packoel , 19@20c. Dairy
D'ancy roll-17310o ; choice , ir > @ 10o ; good , 12
( ! { } 14c ; lowgr.ules , 10C'411c.
CiiREsnPull cream chcddars , choice llj
@ 12 > fc ; full cream Hats , two in hoop , ! ! } < & !
We ; lull cream Y. A. , choice , 12j @ 13c ; ofl
grades and skims , 5@9u ; llmburger , l12c ( ) ;
brick , UXG ? ! " " ; Swiss , 1415c.
Jiaos Strictly fresh , 8 ( Uc.
Livu POVLTHV Chlqlteua. per doz , $4.00 ;
ducks , $ . ' 1.50 ; gecso. ! .00@J.OO ( ; turkeys , per
Ih , .
VBAI. Heavy grassers. 150 to 200 Ibs , 5@
Co ; inferior c-alvos , 50 to CO Ibs , : ! @ 3e ; mo-
dlum to good , 70 to 85 Ibs , 4@0o ; ehoico to
funoy , 100 to WO Ibs , C@7o.
VEODrAiii.r.s Potatoes , Nebraska and
Iowa , choice largo , 20@i3c ; common , lj@ (
l c : sweet potatoes , Jersey , per bbl , $2.7r. @
$3.00 ; carrots , 3T > @ 40u ; cabbagb , California ,
per Ib , 2o ; p.irsnips , per bu , 50@00o ; onions ,
red ehoico , 0c ; silver skin , a5o ; turnips. 20 ®
25c : rutabagas. 35@40c ; radishes , 'MQtfKa ;
lottucc , 25rt0c ( : ! ; cucumbers , $1.00 ; string
beans , per box , § 1.25@1.50 ; celery , 15 < 2-0c
per bu ; spinach , $1.00 per bbl ; pto plant 8(3) )
10i ; per Ib ; parsley , per doz , 5a ; soup
buncncs , : Kocmilllo\vor ; ! , .Jl,50a ( > l,75 ; usparu-
gus , t > 5cit-1.00 ( ) ; beats , now , 40u ; green peas.
GAMB Mallard , per do , $3.00@3.50 , red
head , per doz , $2.50g3.00 ( ; teal , per doz. * 1.77i
j.3.00 ; coiuinon small , per doz , $1(10@M ( | ;
rabbits , per doz , 00c@$1.00 ; jack rabbits , pet
doz , $3.0J@tt.W ! : Houirrols , per do/.iOcTSfl.OO ( !
jack snipe , $ l.)0@l. ( ) 25.
Aiii'i.its 1'er bbl , fancy Now York and
Mlcliigan , JJ.75 ; ehoico , $2.25 ; choice Mis
souri , f'J.'JT. : geed _ , S1.7f > @ 2.00 ; i > oor , 75c@1.00.
FOIIKIGN FiiutT Malaga grapes , kegs , 41
to 55 Ibs , lOu per Ib ; bananas , per bunch ,
$ l,50Viy.OO ( ) ; lemons , fancy now , ! JOO to 300s ,
f3.00foi.7r ( > ; oranges Los Angeles , $2 Til ) ;
Kiveu-sides , Si.50 ; Navels$3.00 ; MesBlnas ,
Uell .t Bugle , choice , W.OO ;
Hull & Cherry , choice , $5.SO ; choice Jersey ,
$7.25. *
HIDIH Oroon salted No. 1. 55Vo ; Np. 3 ,
; calf , C'35J ' < o ; dry Hint , 7 < rr.Sr.
S Navies , hand picked , per bu ,
$ a.lO@ii.2o ; giod clean country. 81.1 @ 'J.JO ;
on or poor hlock , $1.00i. < J1.50 ; Callfornlu , $2.01
© 2.10.
Ciunii Michigan , per bblM.50(2D.OONow ( ;
York , per bbl , $5.00 ( < 5.50i half bbl , $3.75(5 (
8.00.FKATIIBIIS Per Ib , prime live crcoso , whlto ,
per half lurrol ,
Porcor.x Per Ib , rice , l < $ \ % common
Hoxiit 1-lt ) frames , ehoico white , 15@lfio
dark , IJXgHu ; strained , I0rjl3o. (
Jiii.ifia ! 'y @ 4upor Ib ; preserves , 10@12 <
per Ib ,
L.IKII 7 > 'c In 50-lb pkgs.
MINCIMCAT U % ( < $7o per Ib.
SruA\vjir.iiuiiti S0@50c per box.
He vised prices are as follows :
HACIGIXCI Stark A , seamless , 22o ; Amos
keatr , f.oainlcss , 17 > o ; Lewatoa ! A , seamless
19o ; American , suamleu , 17o ; Durlaps , 4 to J
bu , 11(3140 ( ; Bunnies , sinu'lc , Ho ; gunnies
doublet , C3j ; wool sacks , -ilto.
raisins , per box , 95,00 ; Malaga loosu ralslus
nhorrlcs , 17o ; California pitted plums , per Ib
ftTdlo ; dried lilaekberrics , per Ib , OWTc
dried raspberries , per Ib , SOo ; evaporated ap
pies , fXiiWoj California unpart-d evaporates
poaches , lUoj evaporated CulKoruU aprlcoti
| UW17o : curruuts , 6c ; Turkish prunes , 4l ( e
4 > fc ; citron , 23@31c ; orange peel , 15o ; lemon
pool , Uc ; California French prunes , 7@llo.
PICKLE * Medium , in bbl.i , 5.00 ; do , In
halt bbls , IJI.OO ; small , In obis < VOOj do , In
half bbln , taCO ; ghprklns , In bbls , $ r.OO : do ,
In half bbls. HOO.
HOASTED CorrEKS German , 3l5fo ; Me-
Lfttighlln's XXXX , 218fc ; Arlosa , 2lVo.
COFFEES Green Mocha , 27es : Hfo , good ,
SOo ; Mnndnhllnir. SOtU'JSc , roasting Ulo , 10o ;
O. O. Java , 2l@20c ; Java , Interior , 2223c ( ;
Ulo , fancy , 23o ; Santos nnd Maracalbo , 17 ®
19o.Suo An Granulated , SJfc ; conf. A , 8' < fc ;
whlto extra C , 8 , 0 ; extra C , 7J O ! yellow C ,
7/o ; cut loaf , Oo ; powdered , Oo ; cubes , 9c.
IlBKswAx Choice yellow , 20@22c ; dark
colored , IBQllc.
TOBACCO Plug , 2043350 : smoking , 10@t9c.
SAtT-l.a5@1.40 per bbl.
Korn-Slsal X In. . 14c.
MAI'LB StioAn llricks , ll@12c per Ib ;
penny sakcs , 12@18o p"tr Ib ; pure maple
syrup , $1.00 Dor gallon.
SiifiAU Svuttrs ! ) l@ 5c per gallon.
pAi'Kit Man la , OJ o per Ib ;
straw , 1JC1J < C per Ib ; rag , 3Jc per 11 .
TEAS Young Hyson , common to fair , 18 ®
2oo ; Young Hyson , peed to fancy , R0a55o ( ;
Gurtpowder. common to good , 22@25cj Gun
powder , choice to fancy , 40@05c ; Japan , comj
inon to ineelium , 12@20o ; Japan , ehoico to
fancy , 30@45c ; Oolong , common to good , 25@
40c ; Oolong , ehoico to fancy , 50ai70o ( ; Im
perial , common to medium ; 2335o ; Im
perial , good to , 40@50c ,
GaACKnus fl@7c per fbj assorted cakes ,
8@15o per Ib , as per Hat.
CAXDV Mixed , Oi ( * 12 ! c ; stick , 9V@llcj
rock candy , 10J @ 13c ; fa'ncy candy , 7@28c.
HOLLAND Huuiuxos 50rtOOc ( ,
MAuKKiini/ Family , half bbls , $12.50 ; No.
1 , $13.50.
COD FISH 5 } @ 3lic.
STAUCII l@7tfc.
NUTS Almouds,16@lSc ; Pecans , 13c ; Bra
zlls , 9c ; peanuts , 9@lOc.
Sricns Whole Allspice , 12c ; Cassia , lOo ;
Cloves , 25o ; Nutmegs , 70c ; Popper , 20c.
BADS Union square , 85 par cent discount.
Dry Gooiln.
COTTON Fi.AXxm.s 10 per cent trade dis
count. Unbleached LL , 5J c ; CC , OJfo ; SS ,
7Jfo ; EE , 8 e ; GO , U c ; XX , lO o ; OO ,
HKc ; NN , 13 0 ! AA , 14c ; DD , 15 o ; TT ,
KlJ c : YY , ISe ; BB , lOe ; blenched , 20 , 8tfc ;
80 , 13 > c. Brown and slate , 60 , Oo ; 00 , 12 } c ;
JO , 16o ; 70 , 12Kc.
CAIU-KT WAUI' Bibb , white , 19es ; colored ,
"BATTS Standard , 8c ; Gem , lOe ; Beauty ,
12Hc ? ; Booue , 14c ; 15. cased , $0.50.
VUIXTS Solid colors Atlantic , Oc ; Slate ,
Go ; Berlin oil , CJ < c ; Garner oil , f > 'ct o.
PuiXTS Pink und Hobos Allen , Cc ; Hivor
point , 5 } e ; Stool Uivor , Ol c ; Richmond ,
GKc ; Pacillc , 7c.
PUIXTS Dress Charter Oak , 5 0 : Ham-
ape , 4o ; Lodi , fitfc ; Allen , Cc ; Hichmond , Co ; ,
Wlnelsor , O c ; Kddystone , 0)ic ; Pacillc , 0 } < Ic.
PiiiNTS Indigo Blue St. Ledger , 5 > o ;
Arnold , O'Ko ; American , 0 } c ; Arnold C ,
long clolh , lie ; Arnold B , long cloih , lOKc ;
Arnold , Gold Seal , lOJ c ; Stolfel A , 12c ;
Windsor , Gold Ticket , loVe ; Arnold A , 12c.
GIXCIIIAM Pluukcl checks , CMc ; Whltteu-
ton , CJ c ; York. 7 } c ; Normandi dress , 7J c ;
Uonfrowdress , 8 } < f ( < j > 12i o ; Whlttenton , 7 > $ o ;
Calcutta , 7Jfc.
n CAMIIUICS Slater , 5c ; Woods , 5o ; Stand-
rel , fie ; Peacock , 5c.
BI.IUCIIED SIIEKTIXO Ellerton , 7 } < fc ;
Housokceper , SJ c ; Now Candidate. 8 > o ;
Berkelcv cambric , No. CO , ll c ; Best Yet ,
44 , C fe ; Buttercloth , OO. 4 c ; Cabot , 7 c ;
Furivoll , half bleached , 8 } e ; Fruit of Loom ,
8 rc ; Green G , Oc ; Hope , 7 0 : Kinc Phillip
cambric. lOc ; Lousdalo camoric , lOc ; Lons-
dalo8 } e ; Now York Mills , lOe ; Pepperoll ,
42 in. , lO&e ; Pepporoll , 40 in , ll c ; Pepper-
oil , fl-4 , 14j c ; Pepperoll , 84 , 20c ; Peppcrell ,
9-4.22c ; Popperell , 10-4 , 24o ; Canton , 4-4 ,
8ic ; Canton , 4-4 , 9 > c : Triumph , Oc ; Wam-
BUtta , Ho ; Valley , oc.
Bmnvx SiiiiCTixo Atlantic A , 44 , 7 } c ;
Atlantio H , 4-4. 7o ; Atlantic , D. 4-4 , 6 a\ \ At
lantic P , 4-4 , Cc ; Aurora LL , 44 , Co ; Aurora
C,44 , 4Jfo ; Crown XXX. 44. G&c ; Hoosier
LL , 44 , Co ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7 > Cc ; Law-
rora H. 44 , 7c ; Aurora B , 44 , i. .
FI.AXXELS , I'LAIB Uaftsmon,20o ; Goshen ,
' " „ Clear Lake , 80 > c ; Iron Mjuntain ,
" 32Uc ;
' ' ' '
chco'lvfo''s , % , SJMv Queclieo Na 3 , % , 33 > < c ;
Anawan , 32J c ; Windsor , 23 0.
FLANNELS , Hun-C , 34-inch , 15 } c ; E , 24-
inch , 21M : G G , 24-inch , 20c ; H A F , Jf ,
25c ; J U F , J4' , 27c ; G. % , 25c.
Cousin-JBAXS Androscofcgin , 7 0 ; Kear-
sarge , 7o ; Roekport , CJ o ; Conestoga , OJ c.
TICKS Oakland , A. 7KC ; International ,
YY. 8c ; Shetuckel , S , Xc ; Warren , No.
S70 , ICc ; Berwick , BA , 18o ; Acme , 13u ;
York , 30-inuh , 12Ko ; York , 32-iuch , 13Kc ;
Swifl Hiver , 80 ; Tliorndiko OO. SJ c ; Thorn-
dike EF , 8Kc ; Thorndiko 120 , 94o ; Thorn-
dine XX , 15c ; Cordis No. 5 , 9 > c ; Cordis No.
4 , lOJ c.
DKMMS AmoBkeag , Ooz , l ? } 4c ; Evcrotl , 7
oz , 13' < u ; York , 7 oz , 13J c ; Huymaker , SKc ;
Jaffroy , XX , U c : Jutfroy , XXX , 12Hc ;
Beaver Creek , AA , 12c ; Beaver Creole , BB ,
lie ; Beaver Crook , CO , lOc.
ICiiXTUuicr JIIAXS Memorial , Ific ; Da
kota , 18c ; Durham , 27Kc ; Horeulcs , 18o ;
Leamington , 22 > o ; Cottswold , 2Ko ; Mel
ville , 25c.
Ciusii Stevens' B , 5 0 ; Stevens' B ,
bleached , 7c ; Slovens' A , 7c ; Stevens' A ,
bleached , So ; Slovens' P. 7/o ; Stevens' P ,
bleached , 8o ; Stevens' N , 8 0 ; Stevens' N ,
bleached , ! > > 5c ; Stevens' SHT ll } c.
DUCK West Point , 29-inch 8 oz , lOJ c ;
do , 10 oz , 12) ) 0 ; do , 13 oz , 15o ; do , 40-inch , 11
oz , ICc.
Mctnl and Tinners' Stock.
Block tin , small pig .29
Blocktln. bar , ,33
Copper , planished boiler sizes ' 3(1 (
Copper , cold rolled ,2'J
Copper , sheathing , . , . . . .29
Copper , pills . .30
Copper , Hats .23
Gal. sheet iron , Junlata , 50 , 10 and
5 percent discount. , , . ,
Pat. planished iron , 24 to 27 A ' . 10
Pat. planished iron , 24 to 27 B 9 > , '
Roofing , 1C , 14x20 , 113 sheets 5.75
Hoofing , IX , 14x20,112 shoots 7.0d
Hoofing. 1C , 20x23 , 112 sheets 11.00
Hoofing , IX , 20x23 , 112 shoots 13.50
Sheet iron No. 2B .ai
bheet iron No. 27 3 45
Solder 14Q1G
Tin plato , best charcoal
1C , 10x14 , 223 sheets 0.5Q
IX 10x14,225 Bhcots 8.25
Tin plate , coke
1C. 10x14,323 , shoots 0.00
Steel nails , per keg 2.20
Steel wire nails , per keg 3.0.1
Dimensions and Timber
13 ft 14 ft 10 ft 18 ft 20 ft 23@24 ft
3x3 $15.00 15.00 15.00 1(5.00 ( 17.00 20.00
2x0 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 17.00 20.00
2x3 15.00 15.00 15,00 1000 17.00 20.00
2x10 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 17.00 2000
3x12 15.00 15.00 15.0 ! ) 10.00 17.00 20.0(1 (
4x88x8. . 10.00 10.00 10.00 17.00 17.00 20.00
No. 1 , 4 and 0 inch , 12 and 14
foot rough | 1 .00@16.50
No. 1. 4 and C inch , 1C foot 17.00@17.5i ]
No. 3 , 4 ami 0 inch , .12 aud 14
foot , 13.50@14.00
No. 2 , 4 and G inch , 10 foot. . . , . 15.00@18.UC
1st anel2d clear , 1J < Inch 8,2s. . 49.00@5l.00
1st and 2d clear , 1 % and 2 Inch
s,2s 47.00C350.0C
3d clear , Ii I \ inch s , 3s 43.00 ( | 4U.C ( )
3d clear , \ % and 2 Inch , 8. 2s. . . 43.00(34.OC ( ! ( )
B select , IKX nnd 3 inch ,
2s , U7.00@SS.Ot ]
Island 3d clear , 1 IncU e , 3s. . . 45.0C
Asolect , 1 Inch s,23 34.0C
Bselcet.1 inch s , 2s 31.01
1st coin 0 inch white pine K4.0C
3d " " " 81.01
3d " " " 20,01
D > i ' 2AO (
Com 4 and G Inch yellow plno , . 15.51
Star " " " " . . 18.01
1st and 2d clear yellow pine , 4
and Cinch 20.W
Poplar Lumber-
Clear poplar , box boards , 3f > In
B,2s 35.W
Clear poplar , tfin panel , , 30. ( K
Clear poplar , ? f iu panel 2.5.K
Clear poplur , If in stock wide ,
8,3s' . . . . . . . . . 2S.X (
Clear poplarcorrugated coiling ,
K in . , . . . 80.W
Post *
White cedar , 0 Inch halves , , . . . 1 !
" " 5K " and
Smcheirs 1 ]
White cedar , 4 iuchtmlvcs II
Tcnnossoo red cedar , split. . . . II
Split oak ( whlto ) I
Sawed oak ( whllo ) , 11
m i
n , Vi
Wheat" TiPlmp as n Bnff With a
Biff 'tfumblo ' In Prices.
Onis ARnlntTer n Dcollur An Unusually -
usually fillet Hny in Provisions
Cftlflo Active anil StrunR
CntcAcio , April 20. [ Special Tolegrnm to
.I The glorious weather nnd ro-
icrts of marvellous crop prospects mndo
vhcnt as limp as a rag to-day. The outlook
hook the courage of the "stayers" md there
vus n general unloading of long wheat at n
sacrifice. The boars covered liberally early
n the day , but they kept putting out lines
as tlio session progressed , and there wora no
signs of substantial improvement. The
> roaks were sharp nnd severe , and th ral-
los only occasional. It was n victorious day
for the boars. The market opened 1 @ 3X °
off , as compared with Thursday , with May
quoted at 85o nnd July 81@S1C. A break
occurred Immediately and carried May down
to 83 > ( c , Juno touching 84o and July SO c.
jiuigcd by Thursday's closing quotations
.his . range indicated a decline of 4c in May ,
8 ? c In Juno and l o I in July. The
lear months rallied soon 1$1J ( { ° and July
advanced J < o under buying by the
shorts. The market worked back from 80J o
for July to 80Vc , und recovered to S0 > o
where it rested momentarily and ; thcn
started on the back track about 13 o'clock.
The raid was inaugurated by Ueam nnd
others , and the prieo wont to 79c. A big
jattlo was fought around SOc , and tnui-
sactions nt about that figure were very largo ,
is indeed they were all the way down from
S0 > c. This proved to bo the most exciting
lassago of the session. The market rallipd
: o SOj c , but there the offerings wore liberal ,
md further improvement seemed hopeless.
Again prices wont to SOo and hung there
[ or qulto a while , with trade active. Shortly
jeforo 1 o'clock the price dropped to 70a@
70 } c , and the market showed no moro
strength than It had at any time previously.
1 hero was undoubtedly good buying below
SOJ c , but evidently the mass of the wheat
camoout-on stop orders , and as the shorts
were seemingly no longer anxious to cover , the
market broke through the sentimental bar
rier that bad been erected nt SOc. There
was nothing for the longs to buy on to-day
beyond the fact that the rush to the selling
side is getting too unanimous. "Shoestring-
crs and tailors" are swarming to the short
side just as they did to the long sldo when
May was ubovo SI. 18 und July around $1.05 ,
because it was a sure thing. On the lust
break May wheat went up to 83KC ut > d July
under 79Mc , n loss of 4' c in May , 4J c in
Juno and 'JJfc in July , as compared with the
last quotations Thursday. The covering of
the shorts carried the price of July reluc
tantly back. to 71 > % c. The final figures WTO
84e for Mar , tj > fc for June , nnd VUJfo for
July. Hutchlnson was an active open buyer ,
and ICont was apparently operating the same
way through Poolo. Tnoro was n suspicion
that Hutchiiisdn was a seller on a big scale
"on the quiet,11' but there was nothing to
show it in the pit.
Operations in corn opened fro m J c to } o
under Thursday's closing figures and de
clined quickly about MC more. Them was
the usual Uullnbss after this reduction in
price , but no recovery took place , the closing
quotutlonsiboitfg generally the lowest of the
day. Thojosssinco Thursday at the close
was ? d'o in May , % c in Juno and M@7go in
July. Thq market feir corn was depressed
by the heavy receipts. The weakness in the
wheat inaqkef ; was also a discouraging fac
tor , but-pojrhOBa the most influential point
bearing upoii 'Speculative values was the
magnificent wottthor , with its crop promise ,
Expert flctacanccs for the past two days
were comparatively light , although that was
understood to be more on account of the
scarcity of vessels than any lessening of the
demand from abroad. Sellers were largely
in the majority and trading was mostly con
fined to the local operations , who inclined to
the bear side from the considerations ubovo
Oats were again subjected to a decline ,
which was moro marked than on any pre
vious day for some time , with prices at one
time ruling Ji@lc below Thursday's closing.
The actual , volume of business was mot'ur- '
atoly liberal , and the weakness was duo to
the general desire to .sell and the lackof buy
ers. Aside from some support given by the
shorts filling in , after opening lower at 3J c ,
May sold off % n to Zc , with u subsequent
slight rally. The so-culled clique was ap
parently out of the market for Iho day , and
trading was largely between the local opera
tors. June was at l ( St'aa premium , and
both that month and July were rel
atively less weak than May , while
cash and April shared thu general
depression. There was a largo business in
regular cash oats , with car lots to go to
store at 22 ? @ 22 > c. The weakness in the
other markets , together with the fine crop
weather nnd the Improved receipts , tended
to help the down -turn.
Provision traders passed an unusually
quint day. There was some covering of May
shorts in pork > ; ind short ribs , and also moro
or loss transferring of May contracts in the
same articles to July , but the now business
tiunsucted made a poor showing. Operators
were disinclined to branch out , though there
was a strong undertone , and the market in
its movements favored the holders. Based
on Thursday's last prices , the closings indi
cated an advance of 5c on pork and U ° on
lard. Short ribs closed unchanged
higher ,
CiucAoo , April 20. [ Special Telegram to
TUB UIK. ] CATTLE The market to-day was
fairly active and values wora strong. Some
desirable cattle sold a shade bettor , but there
was uo quotable change in prices. The
week's market has been a bad ono , but closed
rather moro satisfactorily. Prices are about
2 > e ! ubovo the low point before the last ad
vance. Thcro was a fair clearance maao nnd
the market closed with a steadier feel
ing. Choice to oxtru beeves , $4.10
@ 4.40 ; medium to good steers , li. ! " > 0
to 1500 Ibs , $3.7G@t.OO ; lliOO to 1859
Ibs , fJ.45@U.BO ; 950 to 1200 Ibs , S3.iOg : ( )
U.OO ; titookcra and feeders , f3.50@U.40 ; cows ,
bulls and mixed , $1.CO@U.15 ; bulk , & , 'XM >
2.U5 ; Texas steers , 1.00 ( 3.70.
Hoo-i Th6 ( 'Pporal market opened steady ,
and closed' ' to Uc higher than the lowest
price of yesterday , Eastern shippers , pack
ers and speculators wore all doing more or
loss buying'tcr-day.and the nous were cleared
before noon. Ill general very heavy mixed
sold oround-Sl O , light mixed , $4.85 , good
heavy packm&f lots largely at S4.8U , and good
heavy shipping mainly at ? 4.80@s,8'JX , with
choice up tu-fWMI. Light hogs were in a
shade better demand than heavy ; sorts , ISO
Jus und down.making F4.DO , and 2'iO Ibs and
down , M.t&t ) Hancy singe sort commanded
early $4.)0@4.K ) % , and later $1.05.
NF.W VOIIK , April 20 , [ Special Telegram
to TUB Ui' . ( nSToeiCs ! There was no de
cided ch unco anticipated In stocks at the
short session to-duyund the mild action of the
market was 'lip 'disappointment. Most of the
attention was given to less than a dozen
stocks aud only half that number were ac
tive enough to deserve notice. At the open
ing the volume of business was light , with
the list on ttio whole n trillo bolter than the
closing figures of Thursday , whllo Hurling-
ton and Oregon Trans-Continental were off
about per cent , iiofore the cad of the
hour there was a better fooling , with fair ad
vances in Chicago Qas , New Kiifjland , Louis-
vilie & Nashville Atchison , Hock Island and
St. Paul. "Burlington recovered nearly a
point , w&ilo Cotton Oil was weak and lower.
Sugar Trusts moved up \ } { per cent. At 11
o'clock price ? were at the host point of the
morning. Hut for the extreme dullness
which followed , the favorable bank state
ment might have caused further advances ,
as the reserve increased $0,000,000 , Xiiere
was no force to the market , however , ana
half the dny closed without a feature , with
prices sllnhtly under the best figures and
eenorally bettor than at the opening.
The following were the closing quotations :
1) ) , 8. 4s regular. I2t Nortncrn l' cinc 25IS
U.S. 4i coupons. . . .12U.S do preferred
II. H.4 srosulRr . .ion 0. AN. W . 10rt
U. B. 4 ils coupons .108 cloprororreil , . , , .137
Paclnoenof 'flj. . .iai N.Y.Contral..i07
Contrnl I'ncine. . aiMIM&K . . . . . . .214
Chicago A Alton. , . 133 Hocklslnnd , . . Bl !
ChicRBOllurllngtoii 1C. . M. .V 8U . Kl
.VQulncy . V eloproforrod . 1CHU
> . , L.\V. . . . . MiwIst.l'nul&Uinaha ai *
Illinois Central . mm tioproferred
I. , II. & W . n Union 1'acltic
KnnsMJeToxas. . . . U \ L. , V
l.nko Shore clopreforreel
Michigan Outrnl. Western Union
Missouri I'ncluc.
MOXKT ox CAM. Eaiy at 2 per cent ,
DSTr.tiLtJfo Exciuxoit Dull butstoadj-
unchanged ; sixty-day bills , , $1.SGJ { ; demand ,
Flour Steady.
Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , $5.25@r > .r 0 ;
short clear , ? fl.23QG.37K ! short ribs , $0.00 ®
0.0. " > .
Uuttor Weaker : creamery , 10\32lo \ ;
dairy , 14@'Jtc.
Cheese Lower ; full cream choddnra
nnd lints , 0 > iQ10c ; Young Americas ,
lie.KgKs Quiet ; fresh , 10@10Kc.
Hides unchanged ; heavy and light green
salted , DJ o ; salted dull , 4fc : green salted
calf , Oc ; dry 'Hint , 7o ; dry salted , 7c ;
dry calf , 7Sc ; deacons , 'J5o each.
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed ,
4o ; No. 2 , aifcj cake , 4 0.
Hccclpts. Shipments.
Flour . UOHX ( ) 0,000
Wheat . lt,000 ! 120,000
Corn . : . 434,000 502,000
Oats . 230,000 222,000
Now Sfork , April 20. Wheat Receipts ,
3,000 ; exports , H7.000 ; spot , moro active ,
weak and lower ; No. 3 rod , 84J c in store ;
'o niloat ; W@S7o f. o. b. : No. ! l
red , 7So ; options fairly active and lower ;
April , 84Kc.
Corn Receipt * , 29,000 ; exports , 103,000 ;
suet , strong , higher nnd moderately active ;
No. 2 , 4tM6f4oc in elevator ; 45 } < ( ( 4lio niloat ;
No. 2 , white , 4l417c ( ; ungraded mixed ,
41l tfZ43).ja ; options quiet , lower nnd weak.
Oats Receipts , 23,000 ; exports , 500 ; spot ,
dull , lower and weak ; options , moderately
active , heavy and IOWCB ; April1 , SOc ; May ,
2J c ; spot , No. 2 white , UJXc ( 34o ; mixed
western , 20t < g > ; )3c. )
Coffee Ontlons opened unchanged to 10
points up , nnd closed 10 to 15 points up ; sales ,
15,750 , hairs ; May , eiO.iO@10.U.V ( July , SlO.btiy
10.S5 : August , ? 10.yO@17.00 ; spot Rio , stcaely
but quiet ; fair cargoes , $18.75.
Petroleum Quiet but steady ; United
closed nt 85 } e.
Eifgs Firm ; western , 12) @ 13o.
Pork Quiet but firm ; now , 813.50@13.75.
Lard Stronger but quiet ; western steam ,
$7.25 ; May 57.23.
liutter Steady ; western 12@274c.
Cheese Quiet ; western , 8 } @ 10c.
Iilvorpool , April 20. { Special Cablegram
to TUB linn.1 3:30 : p. m. close. Pork Iu
poor demanel ; prime mess , eastern , C5s ,
steady ; do western , 5Ds , dull.
Lard In poor demand ; spot nnd April ,
30s , steady ; May and June , HOs 3d , steady.
Wheat In poor demand ; HOW No. 2 , win
ter , Os 10 > d , easy ; do spring , 7s Sd , easy.
Flour In poor demand at 11s ; dull.
Corn In fair demand ; spot , 8a 10 > d , flrm ;
April , May and June , 3s lUd , steady.
St. l.ouis , April 20. Wheat Lower ;
cash , 82c ; May , b2e.
Corn Easier ; cash , 80) o ; May , 30 } c.
Oats Lower ; cash , 2c ! bid ; May , 23 > ie.
Pork Quiet at $12.25.
Lurd Nominal at SG 05.
Whisky Lower at 81.03.
Butter Quiet ; creamery , 23@25c ; dairy ,
Cliiclunnti , April 20. Wheat Steady ;
No. 3 red , SG@S7c.
Corn Strong and scarce ; No. 2 mixed ,
Oats Barely steady ; No. 2 mixed , 27c.
Milwaukee , April 20. Wheat Weak ;
cash , 79 > ie ; May , bOc.
Corn Dull ; No. U , 33J @ 34c.
Oats Easier ; No. 2 , white , 37@27 > c.
llyo Dull ; No. l,44c.
Barley Dull ; No. 2 , 5Se.
Provisions Firm ; pork , $11.80.
Kansas CHy. April 20. Wheat Quiet ;
No. 2 red , cash , 80c ; July , 07c asked. No. 2
soft , cash , 83e asked ; July and August , no
bids.Corn Quiet ; No. 2cash,24V o ; No2 white ,
cash , 25o ; May , 2io bid.
Oats No. 3 , cash , 21c asked : May , 20 c
lUinncupnlii ; , April 20. Wheat Sample
wheat weak and lower ; ; receipts , 347 cars :
shipments , 247 cars. Closing : No.l hard , April
and May , ! ) Sc ; on track , $1 00 ; No. 1 north
ern , April and May , S7e ; on track , 88@i'.ic ;
No. 2. northern , April , 7tio ; May , 7 ( " > J/c ; on
track , 78@80c.
Chicago , April 20. The Drovers' Journal
reiwrts as follows :
Cattle Receipts , 1,000 ; steady and
fairly active ; choice to extra
beeves , $1 10@1.40 ; steers. $3.30@4.00 ;
stockers and feeders , $2.50@3.40 ; cows ,
bulls and mixed , $1.GO3.15 ; Texas steers ,
M.00 ( 3.70.
Hoga Receipts , 9,500 ; market strong ;
mixed , 8l.70@4.85 ; heavy , W.K ( ( < i)4.7 ) > 5 ;
light , J4.75@5.00 ; skips. $3.75@J.X ) .
Sheep Receipts , 00 J ; market steady :
natives , $4.005,30 ( ; western corn-fed , $5.00
(35.20 ; Texans , § 4,00@4.CO ; lambs , $4.75@
0.10.KunsiiR City , April 19. Cattle Receipts ,
721 : shipments , none ; heavy shipping steers ,
steady aud 5e higher ; medium dressed beef ,
strong and 5M10c ( higher ; good to choice ,
corn-fed , $4.05 ( 4.85 ; common to medium ,
3.00@UX : > ; stockers and feeding steers ,
quiet but steady at $2.00@3.CO ; cows , steady
at M.7503.00.
Hogs Receipts 4,700 : shipments , 1,700 ;
fairly active and 2J ehIghorin many cases 5c
higher : common to choice , corn-fed , $4.25 ®
4,00. ,
4,00.National '
National Htook Vnnl-f , Kast Rt.
Louis , April SO. Cattle Receipts , 700 ;
shipments , 400 ; market strong ; choice
heavy native steers , $ .1.85@4.40 ; stack
ers nnd 'fenders , $2.10@3.20 ; rangers ,
corn-fed , $3.SO@3.00 ; grass-fed , $1.90@3.80.
Hogs Receipts , 3,700 ; shipments , ,200 ;
steady ; choice heavy and butchers' selec
tions , I4.70@4.85 ; packing , $4.50@4.05 ;
light grades , S4.70@4.bO.
Sioux City , April 20. Cattle Receipts ,
273 ; shipments , 2CS ; steady ; fat steers. $3.00@
3.50 ; stockers , W.40ji2.00 ( ; feeders , & 2.J3@.85 ! : ! ;
canncrs nnl mills , J1.00@I,75 ; veal calves ,
Hogs Hecolpts , 1,400 ; slightly higher ;
light and mixed , 4.45@4.5'J > ; heavy , $4,50 ®
A Deaf Mute Itullo.
Mrs. Alexander Grnliani Boll , who is
n most youthful looking woman , says a
Washington letter , has boon a picture
herself , ut thu Gurfiold fair , in many of
her artistic gowns , wearing often u
midtoval gown of brown velvet , u prin
cess roba girded with heavy bilk cords ,
und the hodico squared front and back ,
with a gunnpo of smoeikod wliito silk.
It was wonderfully becoming to her , und
mndo her ti marked Ilguro in a roomful
of women. Mrs. Boll was Inft deaf und
mute after nn attack of scarlet fever ,
nnd has buon taught the lip language
so successfully by Prof. Boll that slie
now articulates distinctly , nnd can carry
on u conversation with oaso.
The Sinilirclte'B Hevonci ) .
The cleverest boubrotto on the Lon
don stage had a magnificent black cat ,
the admiration of all who naw that
"Enemy of the Evil Ono , " bays Dunlap's
Stupe News. One night nn ungullunt
lord , her neighbor , cruelly shot the cut ,
und a few days after she received the
stuffed akin of her pot. Miss Soubrette
immediately collected nil the mice she
could secure about two hundred and
hud them carefully boxed to the address
of his lordship's wife in the country.
When the box nrnvnd ut its destina
tion her ladyship opened it herself ,
expecting it contained bomo of the lat
est fashions. As she raised the lid the
mice Jumped out and literally tilled the
house. Of course there was conbtenm-
tion. At the bottom of the box was n
note , which read : "Madam , your huH'
band killed my cut , I send you oui
mice. "
It Hna Boon n Qulot Week In Ennk-
Tlio tncroaeml Dotnnml For Money
Kxpcotcd PA 11 ml to Mntorlnllzo--
Tlio Loading rrottuoo Plur-
kotn Active.
Trade Over tlio Country.
CntCACio , April 30. [ Special Telegram to
Tun BHB.I The week under rovlow has
been a quiet ono Iu banking circles. The do-
inand for money from the various lines of
business presented by the mercantile , manu
facturing and miscellaneous branches of
tiado have failed to show the increase ) which
many oxpcctod would como with uildnprlng
and the resumption of lake navigation , On
the reverse , the volume of paper ofTorcd for
discount has not exceeded the customary
average of recent weeks , and interest rates
are without change at 65K 1'or cent for call
loans on gilt-edged names and collaterals ,
and G@7)por ce > nt for tlmo paper. Bor
rowers on largo lines of grain and provisions ,
aud collaterals in city warehouses , generally
pay S5 } per cent , whllo loans of the same
character at other points pny 0@7 per cent.
The latter figures were also the ruling rates
for good mercantile and manufactur
ing pnpor nmdo by city llrms , while
? M Per cent is charged on outside
names , unless the signatures are str lolly
gllt-cdgcd. Money at the other llnunclnl
centers continues In good supply to takers
of prime paper. Now York interest rates on
call ranged at 2@8 per cent , and on business
names 5@7 per cent. The outlook is also
fair for the continuance of sloady ralos
during Iho remainder of the spring. Advices
from abroad indicate nil easier feeling in
financial circles , with Interest rutqs favoring
New vork exchange was slow and weak ,
but the pressure to sell was rather light ,
and rates remained steady at par to 23 diS'
count uer $1,000 , and closed at par.
The market for foreign exchange was firm ,
aud offerings of bills lighter thtin generally
expected. Shippers' sixty-days documen
tary bills on London ranged at $1.85X@4.Srt ,
The mercantile ) Jobbing tr.vlo was fair
during the past Wv-ok , but In ninny leadinp
lines sales fall to show any lucrnaso cvor the
corresponding time last year. These re
marks are also applicable to the snrinq
trade , which has scarcely mot thu anticipa
tions of the Jobbers , who were encouraged to
look for considerable expansion because ol
the favorable character of the weather since )
the opening of the spring season. There are
also complaints regarding collections. Nun
York stock market was destitute of anlma
tton the greater part of the week , and
although there was ono day loss trading , the
volume of business only reached half of thai
transacted during the preceding weok. The
London market was lirmer and higher early ,
and fair buying orders cama from thai
quarter , but they were not suflleiont to cause
an Important movement in value of anj
property. Wheat was , as usual , bearish ,
and the little business which was transacted
by the operators in that cereal was on the
selling side. The entire trading was pro
fessional , and talcing the week as a whole it
was a decidedly unsatisfactory ouo.
j\ The specialties were given an occasional
upturn , and some buying of good eliviUenel
properties was noticed , but the dealings ol
this character were the exception , not the
rule. Oregoti stocks , which a short time
ago were active and advancing , turnce
downward , and under the free realizing bj
holders , Oregon Navigation declined iboni
10 points. Oregon Trans-Continental , however
over , only receded 1 < S . A rally of \ % fol
lowed the depression , but the close was
weak. Western stocks were gonorallj
weak , but the net losses , did not oxoeee
1 } points. The strict maintenance o :
rates is having a decided cfiect 01
the business of thu weaker line !
from Chicago to southwestern nuel
Missouri river , points , who are unable te
compote with their stronger rivals , and several -
oral have boon unable to earn operating ex
panses of late. The feature of the closing
day was the sharp advance in Pullman
wtiich sold 9 points above the lowest poinl
of the week on free buying , induced by the
decision of the United States circuit court
declaring the Wagner vestibulcd trains ai
infringement on those built by the Pullmni
company , and Issued an injunction nguinsl
the Wagner company. Gas trusls nlsc
made a sharp advance and closed "K point :
higher. The aggregated soles on tbo Now
York stock exchange for the live days enduif
Friday were 783,578 shares.
The loading produce markets , both grab
nnd provisions , exhibited considerable
activity during the past week , especially ir
n speculative way , and prices ruled will
moro or leas irregularity. In a general-way
there was moro pressure to sell the
leading grains , duo to the favorable crop re
ports , while the demand was only fair , and
credited mainly "to the short" intoresl. The
prices of most descriptions close lower than
ono week ago. The advices from the foreign
markets gave the holders very little
encouragement , and the domestic market :
exhibited very little change.
The crop reports from abroad were generally -
ally favorable , with some slight damage in
sections , which had litllo oiToct In a general
way. The favorable weather for farm worli
ami the good prospects for the growing
grain have oncourasrod the belief that the
yield of all kinds will bo plentiful. Thin ha ;
to some extent curtailed the consumptive do
inand and confined purchases to immediate
requirements. The stocks of grain are
gradually diminishing uttho larger markets ,
and the deliveries at the smaller stations are
somewhat limited. The movement ofgrair
towards the seaboard markets was in creased
considerably owing to the opening of lake
navigation aud the departure of fleeb
from the lake ports. The oxporl
movement of grain Is light , excepting ol
corn , whllo provisions are being shipped
with considerable freedom. The shipping
demand was lair nnd mainly for round lots
There was some demand for car lots to meet
the wants of Interior points. Among the
speculators there is moro than the usual desire
sire lo transfer contracts ahead , and mid
summer deliveries are mectlnir wiln more
favor , The movement of live stock has boor
moderately free , moro particularly of cattle
nnd prices have favored sellers. Hogs wore
iu lighter supply , and packing In the west l.
now about wjual to that of last season
though the increase gained early In tin
season is well maintained. Provisions close
somewhat luchor than ono week ago , but tin
outsldo figures reachcd'wcro not maintained
Ncwa or the Sntiirdny Kvcnlng Uo <
Bollnl Down ;
Admiral Kimberly ban sent In a full rnpor
of the wreck at Apia to the navy department
Ex-Postmaster Poarnon of New York cltj
died Friday morning ,
One of IJaumark's empty life boats Imi
been sighted at sea ,
Boulangcr lias decided to go to London.
Tim weekly bank statement shows the ret
serve has increased ? tlOJl,000. The bank :
now hold $12,037,000 in excess of legal ro
Princess Victoria , crown priuucss of Swc
den , has glvon birth to another eon ,
Callender , Iho missing president of tin
Callendor Insulating and Watorpronlini
company , is supposed to bo iu Kngland.
Thu heirs of the Hannah Hlllman estate ii
Bust St. Louis , involving $17,01)0,000 ) , havi
Itunnli Owners ,
Two Texan wornon nro the largest In
dividual Blioop und litocl : owners in tin
world , soya the Philadelphia. Prosa
Ono of tliolw , the widow Cullahan
owns r > 0,000 sheep , und when u lon |
train of wagons sturta out each sprlu
and fall for inarUol , loaded down will
the wool of her sheep , it is a High
worth Heointr. The other is Mrs
Uogors.tho ( , 'runt herd owner of south
western TOXIVJ , who is worth nbou
$1,000,000. Mrs. Honors owns no cai
riii e , preferring to ride on horsoliac !
in the froo-c-.iul-Ci'.sy style of the uovi
boy ,
TNSTHUMItXTS pUood on rsoonl dnrlajt
JL y atereUy.
il Wilson and husband to O It ami Ii 0
DMIou , lot 1 ? , bit i , 8outh Omalm. wd. 400
H A Koators nntt wlro to O Huudbors , lots
7 nnd , 1 > U a. KcMter * ' mid , w rt . > . . . . TOO
J A Johnson Mid wlte to M Foster , pti
lots 1 and 2 , blk 1 , West Omnhn el , , ,
8 Mason nnd husband to Mr J A Ullno ,
lot IS , blk 157 , Clriinavlon- el. . . , , OSO
W lloiison will Wife to 8 0 Iroy , 5 lots iu
North Omaha , eic el , . .
W llcnsou nrt wlro to A Ohrlsumn , IrtU
11 nnd IU , lilk 10 , North Omaha , a o A . . .
Win O Albright niul wlfatn J Mlohnl , lot
; iblk7 , Matthews' sub South Omaha.
' ' ' " ' *
H A Kos'tors nnd wlfo'fo's "ll'wKllniti
lot fi , Woodlnwn , w il. . , , . , . . . . . . , . . . . . 400
J n Kiikciiuoy toJuo Kllkpnncy , lot 9 ,
lllvervlow add , w il . . . . . . . . , . . , , , .1. < 1
II A Ollnon ct ill to Home Investment Oo ,
lot SI , blk \Vlsnt rnrmelfl.n ndd , wit G'H
MS Itoodnnd vrlfeto Mutual Trust Oo.
lot27 , bile 10 , Allirlulit'N annex , vr il. . , . 350
I ) 0 Patterson nurt wlfo to' 11 A Moore , lot
II. l > ) k 7 , I.inroln place , lots 8 ft net a
I'loreo's sub. . . . . '
151 Andrews to II A Moore , lot 11 , llonj
flcld.v . , . . . . . . . . . t. 3X1 (
S I ) llollulth rtml Imstmnd to. ) J Drop , lot
18 , blkO , Murray's mid , w il . . . . .
T II McCulleKh ami n-lfo to M K Hodolf. 11
40 ft lot II , blk 4. 1'ottor & Cobb's add t6
South Omiilia d , , . . . 603
0 Hpotswood to M K Hodolf , lot 0 , blk 3 ,
Kowlor plncov A ,
0 Spotswood to M U Itoilolf , w H lot H
blk 5 , Lincoln place , w d 7W
0 A ( lion nnd liusbiuid to M 8 A I 0 John-
Ron. lot il. blk 0 , Moyurs , Hlohanls * TII- [
< 1en n add , w rt . . . . . 715
V II .lohiHon nml wife to (1 W K Oorjtey.
POlotsInO KMnyno'saeUl to Valley , q
c d , i OJO
J Ullcy and \vifu to (1 ( W K Doroey. blks 1.
2,11. T , d nnd n , Mnyno & Hlley's nub of U
K Mnvnn'H ndel to Valley , and 80 lotB
V KMiiynu's 1st add , .
- - - - r - - * f > " " Illl | * C' ( It # | > ir pfB' - - - t *
No.8 4:15 : p. m..No , 3 , .903a.Bi. ;
No.4 8(0i : ( ) . m. No.6 , . n | , ni ,
All TraliiH Dally. . t
CIUCAUO. 4HI.WAUKKB 4ST. ; PAirfj. , j ,
A No. 2 tl:4H : a , m. A No.l BiWiUBl.
A No' 4 , . . .7:0ijp. : lnA . . . ; . . , . > , ' | Ml
KANHA8 ' ' ' * OOUllClt
CITV. ; V't , ; 2K''H
IIU ( if Yfjf 4
No.S. . . . 9:31 : n.m.A | Non..flUT'i ln.
" " ' " ? ' ' ' ' " * "
Biouxjrv & PA'ciwc'
A No.JIJ , . , : ; Nt ) . . . . . . . ,8fi6ig m.
A NolA,1lM : P. m.'A ' No. . , , , . . & : " , in.
OMAIfA & ST. l < OUIfl.
A No.8. , , .4T. p. JII.IA No.7. . , , i3lWm.
A dully : It dally except Saturday ; 0 oxmut
Sunday : J ) except Monanyj * fast mull.
'Ihe limit given Bhoyo Is for Transfer , tfcoro
tMiiiK rrom tlv Ui Uu minute l > tw n'A ' ncr * -
cr uud local * "