THE OMAHA DAILY.BEE' . SUNDAY APKIL 21. 188ftSIXTEEN PAGES. SPECIAL NOTICES. OffAHA _ _ JNo AdrcrtlHcniPiitH wilt bo tnkcti for thcnn columns after 1UJO ; ! p. in. i Tcrmfi Cnsh In nilvnncc. Advertieemf nU under thl hfn < J 10 cents pet fine for tno Artt insertion , 7 cent * for each ub eqttont Insertion , and 11.50 per tine per month. Ho advertisement taken for lc. than 23 cents the Oral Insertion. Boven words will be counted to the line ; they run consecutively and must bo paid In ADVANCE. All advertlse- fcents must he handed in bo Torn 12 :30 : o'clock p. BM nnd under no circumstances will theto taken or discontinued by tele/phone. Fftrtlen advertising In these columns and hav- tetr their answers addressed In care of THIS Unit will please nsk for a check to enable them to get ibQlr letters , as nona trill bo delivered except on presentation of check. All answers to ndver- Hiements should be rnclocaln | envelopes , All advertisements in thosa columns are pnb- tinned In both morning and evening editions of fffiKllKK , the circulation of which aggregate * more than If.Ouo papers dally , and Riven the ad- rertUers the cenuOt , not only of the city clreu- tatlonof TIIF. Hr.Kbut also of Council muffs. Lincoln nnd other cities nnd towns throughont this section of the country. Advertising for these columns wilt bo taken n me above conditions , at the following busl- eis houses , who nro m thorl7.od agents forTnr IJKK special notice * , and will quote tb earn * rates as can bo had at the main office. J0im W. Bouth Tenth Btreot , / 1HABK & BDDY. Btallonori and I'rlnters , 113 \J BoutU ICth Btr U . FA IIN8WOKTH , Fhnrnif list , 2115 Cum- Sn. ing Street. TOT" J. HUGHES , Pharmacist. C24 North 10th Street /3EO. W. 1'AHH , Pharmacist , 180g Bt. Mary's Avenue. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED Situation a * collector by ex perienced nmn. Security given , or will loan KM ) . Address XI ) , lleo. 1I4-21J PRINTER Wants country situation , flood job nnd nowH compositor. Single , temper ate , references. Address X. Ill , lice. 130-21J rpOUKlSTS Companion A European lady , JLwho hns had consldornblo expuricnca In traveling , wishes to take charfro of n small party goln ? abroad this siiinmor. Host of references furnished. Address box 220 , Lin coln , Neb. 141-21 * WANTIJI ) Position In office by younnlndy who understands boofc keeping and gon- cral onico work. Address V 71 , Hue. 'J7 22t WANTED Position In laundry ; experienced. Inquire 135 Jones. Iffll 23 $ SITUATION Wanted. A position in ofllcoor Btoro by nmn of ; i ) who Is a worker , can keep books , make bills ; am Rood llgurer and ran furnish llrst class references. Address X Z IJce. < JGfl-22 "DAIITIES desiring experienced stenographers JLcaii obtain Just the party wanted without delay or Inconvenience from tno Western Sten ographic agency , Lincoln. Neb. Mil-mil "DAllTIES desiring experienced male or X female stenographers can obtain Just the party wanted without delay or Inconvonlonco from the Western Stenographic agency , Lin coln , Neb. 473 WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED Cnnvnssers , mnlo nnd femnlo ; good wages. Address X 8 , lleo olllco. .121-54 * WANTED Lire , energetic men with small capital to Invest in an invention whereby thousands of dollars can bo made. No humbug. Sells on sight : big money In It. Address with Btamp C. 11. Westren , 1212 Douglas St. , Omnha , Nob. 11824 ? WANTED Two(2 ( ( good machinists. Apply before 8 a. m. or between 1 nud 2 p. m. to A. . Oi Collins. Waterworks oTllco. 11023 W ANTED Solicitor to go to Fremont. Must deposit ? -'a. SIS per week. Address X 10. 11V21J < W-ANTED Young nmn as cook , on n ranch , for K men. .Must bo neat , reliable and u " good cook , { 23. Mrs. Ilrcga , 314 M 8 15. U 0-21J TTUfl'LOYMENT for young man or lady. JLvJ References required. G. E. Thompson , 212 , /Bheeiy block. va " ' " 'W'ANTIJD-Experleuced milker at 4115 Saun- VV aera st. oio r ANTED A good carriage trimmer , steady iworKbydny or piece , guarantee work the year round to the right party. For further particulars apply to Lou Wehn , Heatrlce , Nob. I 038 24 t i i I WILL glvo K fora good permanent situa tion. Address E. H. T ) . , 1712 8. Oth St. 701 21 * Local agents , nlso traveling WANTED salesmen as side line , to sell on a good commission a standard baking powder nnd 'Havering extracts. For particulars address -Lock Pox 083 Cincinnati. O. EOi-22 ) "OALESMEN wanted 3 men who have had ex- O perience as salesmen in country to travel with us and sell dry goods In packages on year's time In country ; wages WO a month and ex- ponso.H ; chnnco of ralto to J12T . Thin business Dives good satisfaction. Coino ut once or ad dress Jonon llros. . Manilla , la. 784-21 * WANTED Knergotlc men nnd women every where for a genteel , money-making busi ness , 800 weekly profit guaranteed easier than tdti monthly otherwise. Experience absolutely unnecessary. Pormamont position and exclus ive territory assured. (2samples free. Write for particulars. Address with stamp , Merrill Mfg. .Co. . H 63 Chicago 714-ml2J a "TTITANTED Good reliable men for aetoctlvcs TV in every community. Address Kansas Detective Bureau , lock box 239. \ \ Ichlta , Kan. * * 71o-21t ( OALESMEN We wish n few men to soil our , O goods by sample to wholesale and retail .itrado. Largeht manut'rs In our lino. TB-cent stamp. Wages JJ per day , Permanent . .position. . No postals answered. Monty art- -yancod for wages , advertising , etc. Centennial < Jaan't'g Co. , Cincinnati. 0. 614 ' "MTANTED Men to solicit ; must deposit (23 J. TT and give security for money collected. .Falary * 76 to J100 per mont h. Calf on or ad- . , dress Qeo. B. Cllne.511 First National bank. 470 f I \KJ ANTED Agents to soil the Pig Puzzle ; 1. 'T everybody crazy to get ono ; sample by IV , 'Small ' V > o ; stamps taken. A. A. Austin A ; Co. , If Biann tncturers. Providence. K. I. aiHmaj I * ' T\rANTED BOO men for railroad work In I. TT Washington territory ; good wages and I' "teady work. Apply av Albright's Labor Arency , I ,1120 Farnam street. 207 OOYS-Am. DiBt. Tel. Co. , 1304 Douglas. AOENTS wanted on salary , I'fipcr month , and expenses paid , any active nmn or . .woman to hell our goods by sample ami live-at home. Salary paid promptly and expenses in advance. Full particulars una nampla case free. Womnun Just what we say. Address Standard Silverware Co. . Hoston. Mass. UW WANTED--FEMALE HELP. WANTED Cliainberinufd who can wait on table. 10JU Douglas et. nu-si TrjKESSMAKKHfrora Chicago , good cutter" JL/jitter and draper , desires work In fumllles 'ty ' the day. Address X 11 , lleo olllce. 148-X7J r ' TAnIKScnlllllK Monday can secure steady I , Juhomo work. It to W wookly. Materials " ( urntshod , 15W Cnss tt. , opposite JerTorson 137-31' \ oting liuly stenographer and typewriter for otlloo work ; only tlior- . .oughly conipeteut , rapla worker unJ ciirrcct IJ. "render need iipply. State salary and export- tnce. Addreta X11 , Hea Olllco. ] iu ; ' -"WTANTKD Au expert laay stonoKraphPr and TV typowiltertomakoutwo mnnthv trln to i Pacific coast , taking notes In return for pay ment of all expenses of trln. Apply at room | . KiUi 10th St. , Sunday and Monday. lua 2lt { .TTtTANTKD-A girl for gel housework , -TT ' Irish or American. Dr. llanchett , ana I Ht. Mary's avo. AtrInimornndHueslad.v. ! Oeulu Uros. , llOSUoiiBlaswt , 3j WANTED-Hond laundress , a ladles' clothes Ironer , t'ij ' ; lioiisekeoper on n stocK ranch , * K5. no objection to one child ; n dlntngroom iris for Wyo. . I.TI ; 4 kitchen for South Omaha , and for general housowork. Mrs. R \VANTED-Ayoungcolored girl for dining If TT room work , ISll Dodge at. tai-3l r * "IJl/'ANTED-Oood drensmaker , nutter and tit- fo J-Tf tori ; "PP'r ' W "o " IStu t. lHV-21t ; ANTED A young or elderly lady to make > tV nerUome with family of three. Address n * wlttiTeforencc , v re , Hceomco. 7 7 lUL tor cenetal honee worlr.2105 Douglas. i LADY violinist la wanted by H llrst class muilcAl attraction now en route ; excellent 'Position * nd long enK , ucreentto nnv lady ca Kblftof foloororcnestril Murk. Addroa " M , Patee. Lincoln , Neb. ANTED-Qood Ctrl for giuaral house- work. Mia. 0 , W. Loonns , 1014 B 30th av . 014 A nr i-cats Uorse noer. ono who fan turn shoos ; state wares -.vautod , Ad- 4ircc * Chu. Murray , Urcnd lauurl , Neb. X * VU2-31J _ girt lor ecneral omuewo/kj W ANTED Highest wages ; paid for wnlst hand * . M. A. Wallace , 1S1U Howard. 873 21 WANTKD Good girl for genera ! housework. 3 In family ; must bn good washer nnd Ironer. German preferred. 1715 Cans. Rid W ANTED-A girl to tlo housework at 2719 Jackson st , 972-2J * WANTED Two" competent lady Instruct" ressoi for the Improved Singer Sewing machine. 1518 Douglas tS7-24 ousoworE Apply"217 8. EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. M H3. Iliir.OA , Canadian Kmp. olTlco , .1l4i ! S > 16th. Kefercnco Omaha National bank. 341 m'lj OMAHA Kmp.bureau. 110N Kith ; established 8 years. Most reliable In city. H. K. White. g74-m2J T ADIES Information and employment par- JJ lors ; strictly llrst-chiss ; perfectly reliable. Itoom 10. Ilushinati block , N , 1 ! . cor. Doiiclas and ifltn st. iM-A-it it _ MtsdELLA'NEOUS WANTS. VVAN'finf-lluyer for a"good"lot on CaTTltTTl TT avo. , within four blocks of high school. 2.121 Davenport st. laV27 * \ 'ANTED Homes fern girl ot 7 nnd a boy of S ; must bo with reliable people , Mrs. llrtgn , ni > ' ,4 8 16th. ) 2lj A contrnctor to build a frnmo WANTED warehouse and take all or part In good clear lots. Address X il lleo. WK-2it \XrA NTKlP-8eccmd-liand counters nrid'shol- V > ving. Address Vfll. lloo olllce. irjji 22t WAN7ED-TO RENT. WANTED May 1 , furnished or unfurnished cottage ; family of two. AdJross V 4. , Bco. 708-21 * WANTED to rent by family of two , an un furnished cottage { n good condition con taining 0 or 7 rooms ; must hnvo terms and lo cation to receive any attention. Address U BS , llee. II FOR RENT-HOUSES. FOR RENT For summer -room house , furnished. Inquire at promises , 628 So. 2Mb OR KENT Two elegant brick Hats , well located , each 0 rooms , 7 closets , all modern Improvements , are worth $ .V > , but will rontthem to good parties at (27. Apply to T. C. Ill-minor , Farnam ht. _ TT10H 11RNT A 10-room house , largo yard and J-1 and shade trees ; two blocks from P. O. Kent leasonnblo and can bo paid by the renting of rooms ; wish to Fell n small part of furniture. Address , X 7 , lien. _ U7- POIt UKNTroom Hat , all modern conven iences , good location , cheap to good party. U S : S. Itental Agency , room UIO , Sheoly block. F w' HUNT Nice live room cottage to family without , children ; fil I N 15 st. 031-21J [ j-tOR RENT y-room house and barn25U I ! Chicago St. Apply ffl8 S 19 St. Uff-2U ! TJ10U RENT May 1 , a nice ( Vroomcd cottage. J2 furnished ; the finest location in the city ; beautiful lawn and shade trees ; only 7 blocks from P. O. ; on cable and horse car line. Ad- diess V07. lleeofllcc. _ 1)15 ) 28 "ITIOR KENT A now 11-room house with large -L' yard and all modern conveniences , 22 in Cal- ifornla st. _ _ all 3i * FOR RENT Ono ton-room and ono elght - room house , all modern conveniences , llcst pait of city and within f > minntch walk of post- olllce. Nathan Shelton , ir.Uj Fnrnain st. C42 171OH RENT Nlco fi-room house to family J without children ; 1621 N. llitli st , near Grace , 'JI8-21 ? _ rpo RENT Furnished cottage , 1310 North JL Twenty-seventh st. , furnished complete , rur- naci1. Southeast exposure , soveu rooms nnd nttlc. Enquire C. If. llrown. 122 No. Twenty- Secqndbt. Imnu'dlnte possession. _ UKi-211 /JlOUSlfB { centrally locnted wheru the fitrnl- * ' turois for sale. Co-operative Land and Lot Co. . 20.-I N. 16th " St. _ i"L. . 'I71O11 RENT "House of all modern linnrove- JL ! ments , perfect repair. Inquire 712 N. l th st /"COTTAGE nicely furnl hed for roomH , \/closo to business ; references. HI1IO , Sheoly blk. _ POIJ-24J 8 ROOM hou--e for rent , city water. $2.'i. Room 207 Sheely block. _ 870 filOR RENT Hoautlful 8-room nouso with -L modern Improvomonth , splendid location. Apply at once , C. F. Harrison , Mer. Nat. IJ'k. _ | _ MO TT1O11 KENT Good houses atJW. 4030J25.120. JC nndf2 per mouth. If you wish to rent call nnd see me. I ) . V. Sholes , 210 1st Nnfl Hank. 7h'J TjlOR KENT S room house ; centrally located ; JL : modern Improvements. J. F. ll rton. 2016 Capitol avenue. _ _ _ l 7-21t TJ'OR RENT A choice 0 room nouse. tcnced JLl' lot , gas , city water , furnace , bath room. cistern , large well equipped Darn , 2343 Capitol avo. Inquire 2d house east of premises or room 14 Omaha Natl bank bid. 1) . 11. Robison. 7J8 FOR RENT Five room house , corner Leaven- worth and 15th sts. Apply to Dr. Mnttlco , 1U03 Dodge st. 7U2 _ FOR RENT Some n w 0-room houses In Millard i Caldwoll's ndditlon , IK miles from po.stolllce. Apply early. Spotswood , Mu < ; tia ICth st. TOO _ FOR KENT Hou e of 10 rooms , modern im provements , range , n Inrgo lawn ; cheap to right party. Apply to S. A. Orchard , 15th and Farnain sts. _ C8U-21 Iium HUNT 14 room brick dwelling , all con- J. vonlenceB , 211 ! N. Iflth st. _ n07 (1GOOD houcefl for rent centrally located , . 'furnlturo for snlo on time. Co-operutlve Lund & Lot Co. _ 74 TJWI RENT 7-room flat , JvW month. Inquire JJ at The Fair. 18tn nnd Howard. 074 7 BOOM house with bam , out a little distance t-X ) per month. C. F. Harrison , Merchants Nat , bank bldy. _ 4U8 1T1O11 RENT Two 3 room flats on N. 17th st. JL ! 112 and 113 : one 5-room cottage N. 17th St. , (14. Apply to Green & Williams , 1st Nat. Hank llulldlng. _ 603 FOR WENT Elegantly furnished rooms with all modern Improvements , at uui S. lllth t. > _ 4 < 8-m-a T/lUKNltilUSU house for rent In 1-nrkTorrace , JL' opposite Hanscom Park ; all modern con venience" , Inquire Lee & Nlchol , 28th nnd Lcavonworth. ft)5 ) IjlOR RENT U-room modern Improved house , JL : A 1 locality ; rent moderate. Apply to M. Elgtittur. Ml Eamnm st. _ KB TjVOR RENJ--Cottngc , 6 r6oms. 272H Charles J ? st. nnd 1S21 B Btli st. Inquire at room 212. Sheely b Kick. _ TO HUNT When you wish to rent a House , ! store , or oflico call on us , H. E. Cole , room II. Continental blk. _ U43 _ "IjiOR RUNT The ii-room residence. 2107 JL' Douglas nt. . nil modern. Improvements. In- qulro S. Katz laid Farnam. DCS _ FOR RE\T'ROOIVS ( ! | FURNISHED AVENUE rooms , at 1013 and Hilfi Capitol avo. , 2 blocks from P. O. , newly furnished , prlvna boardlnffhouHo.pluasnutroomH.ailconvonlencos 31 2. . ! * TTIOK RENT For on or two gentlemen , largo JL' front room with alcove , nicely furnished. On cable line , north sldo Dodge at. , opposite 25th nvo. 131 27f RENT Several nlco rooms at lail N. Prices reasonable , 147-2IJ TJIOK RENT Nicely , nmvly furnished , all JL ! modern convenience" , 221(1 ( Douglas. V2 ! "ITIOR HUNT Nicely furnished front bed room JL' in nko cottage , JO per month , 4'Jt ) William at. MB FOR RENT 3 furnished rooms for house keeping , for man aud wife ; rent taken In board , Ulli N. nth. Wl 2M OK KENT Koom 1C31 Howard ] Ir 1 , 095 TmOinTKNT One furnlslieiiroom witlicloATt JL' nnd every convenience , gas , etc. , bath rooni on name lluor ; uultublo for ono or two gentlo- inim. 2214 Kuruam , UVO O1IO HAKNKY Furulshed room , t1 month. J l Tl- ! * FOR KKNT Two nicely furnished Jront rooma nt U21i ! S. 10th nud Haruey. U30 21T 030-22' _ 'L rooms with board In private ; handhomely situated ; referenced ex changed ; 2130 Harney , IHJI-'JJf 170OM8 torrent , newly furnished , all modern JLVconvonlunceH ; 1721 Davenport. l''iJ-2-.l ' F rOR RENT Furnished rooms slnglo or on Biillo. lOOU llouglai' . 713 rooms will : lrct-class board at 2013 Douglas Ht. b'/i-'itt _ _ "tnURNISHED front room with board ; first E lloor ; 2W H. iiUlibt. turiciet _ T/1RONT parlor aud btdroom wltn large rlotet .V slnulrt oreniulte to 2 or U gentlemen. Gas , bath and liaat. B14 so. 10th st- tint 0. P58-21 ? I > LKAPANT furnished rooms from (8 to (13 per month. N. W , coiner lath and Howard ta. OJ8-2S * _ _ TT10R BKNT-Fnraliih a room with all modern JL1 convtinlf nce , 724 B 19th fct. 833 KKNa\-NlcelT furnished rooms with or JL : without board t Alt 8 25th BW. i < 3ti 24t TJIOH HBN'l Pleasant south front room , 1013 JL C t'-to1 ' avenue , half block from cable Hue. I7IRONTrooms ; oil conveniences ; 23l7pomtlag 7M-2B' , . . . . . , „ i Room with board , suitable for ono gentleman , VXA Par * nve. 124-SC * T7iotr RiNT Small furnished front room. J3 Also large room , 1322 Capitol ; 3rd llnt. O Furnished rooms with all modern convon- lenccg. 1811 Capitol nvo. _ 117 23t T710R RKNT Largo furnished room for two JL ! gentlemen , (12 per month , line summer loca tion , modern Improvements nnd half block from cable , 110 S 2,1th avo. _ 1J"2" * _ LAROK well furnished front room ; bent , bath nnd gas. No. 1824 St. Mary's ave. , first flat. T71OK KENT Three rooms furnished tor J. housekeeping , modern Improvements ; near high school on cnr line , ono bloctc from cable ; references. Address X 12,1121 Fnruam st. 23' . 21 * rilO RENT HirnlMiodor unfurnished rooms JL in prlvtti family. Hoard If desired. : r0 No. 20th Rt , 110-21t "ITIOR KKNT FurnUhod rooms , terms modor- JL' nte , no children ; use of piano nud bath ; IKI4 North 17th. 104-22' " 17IOR RENT Tliroo furnished rooms for light JL' housckeejilng , 2020 Bt. Mnry's nve. OGfS-22t QUIT of 2 furnished rooms , modern convcn- K-Jlcnccs , 3 blocks from P. O. , private family. A. Ilospe. jr. l.M'l Douglas st. KHi TTIURNISHEDroom with board , cas nnd bath JL' in house , prices reasonable. 2220 Loavnn'th. 814 22T URN1SHED UOOM8-1302 Douglas street 012 rUUNlSIIKD rooms , 113 S 23th st.noar Dodge. 424 OS * TZ1UKN18HED room for rent , all modern con- JL1 Tonloncos , 2120 Hnrnoy st. 1131 Sit ihURNlSlTlftTrobm forTent ; must give rofir J3 _ 1 ! I Dodge. _ 4 > 0 " ' ' OR ItKNT "O'no'd basement. 1615 Dougltm st. rooms for rent nt 181(1 ( Do dge t37-n27' _ _ TjlURNlSHEI ) roonif , to rent nt B20JJ S. 18th st , JL1 All inodorn convent UIICCB. _ J28 2..J "IJlOUlt rooms , JS. 1S13 S. Ifith , near Dorcas. JJ 8UI-2U _ O FUKNISIIKU frontrooms sinulo or en suite , ln cottage , with beautiful shady lawn , 414 N 14th st. b71-23J _ _ _ ROOMS nnd board , 1010 Webster st. 782 inHt _ _ _ fJflUKNISlfKI ) rooms by day , WCOK or month. -I ? St. Clalr hotel , cor 13th nud Dodge. 1)33 ) "IJHJRNISHED rooms , single or en suite , bath JL' and btciim : for gents only. 1519 Howard. ROOM with or without board. 1813 Doilgo JLV oai O FURNISHED rooms for rent , with board ; must glvo references , nt l'J2l ' Dodge st. "OOOMS and board-1812 Chicago st. J-i JiNICE NICE rooms Sl.oo per week 1'cabody house , 14th ana Jones. WJ ) aSl * F1 1011 KENT * rout rooms at 1821 Fnrnam. 293 FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED F IOR ItENT 3 new rooms suitable for house keeping , $8 per month , 20th and Franklin st. T71OR HUNT Three unfurnished rooma for JL ! light housekeeping , 2u20St. Mary's nve. F OK RKNT 4 unfurnished rooms , 031 8. 17th St. , bet. Jackson and Loavemvorth. 970 21 ? Foil RENT I ot B unfurnished cnambors f o housekeeping , 31U .N 17th st. 8'JJ 2 ! "IjlOHHENT Ahnndsomo sulteof three un- JL' furnished rooms with bathroom1 and closets , ut 13GO Sherman nve. 882 FOR HENT 4 rooms , suitable for house keeping ; references required ; no children. Price ilo.UO. N. W. corner 17th and Webster st. 7117 FOR RENT- STORES AND OFFICES. OR RENT Cheap-llulldlng suitable for btove manufacturing or warehouse , ! x 0 , gap. water and sewerage , Saunders st , near Oddfellows' hall. Enquire at brown livery stable , next door. W22 2iCZJ -The 4 story brick building wth J or without power , now occupied by The lloo Publishing Co. . 010 .Farnam st. The building ' has n fire proof cemented basomeut , complete 'steam heating fixtures , water on all the floors , gas , etc. Apply at the olllce of Tno Hoe. I Dili FOR HENT Store and living rooms on Cum- Ing street ; also house on Cass st. Harris R. E.i L. Co. , Hoom 411. 1st Nat , bank. 814 s iTOUB ; 407 with bnsomont , Itnrago bldg. In- qulro Frnnk J. Ramgo. ( JO'J FOR HUNT Store 2-'xOJ ; 1118 Jnckson st. En- quire 1114 Jackson. 833 TJIOR RKNT 2 lloors 22x80 each , in brick build- JL ; ing , with elevator , close to express olllce , cheap rent , just the thins for wholesaling , good location. Apply to GooHoyn , 1108 Farnara st. 014 RENTAL AGENCIES. [ F yon wnnfto rent your houses call on flar" ris , It. K. & L. Co. , room 411 1st Nat'l bank. 128 T 1ST your property for rent with Remington JL-iSc Fryo , Northwest Corner 15th nnd Fnrnam. OOCa2S "MTANTKU 20 nouses nt once for which we TT can furnish good tenants. List your houses with the L & S Rental Agency , 1110 Sheely blk. 7U2 IF YOU want to buy , sell , rent or excnango. call on or address , G. J. Stornsdorff. rooms 317 nnd 318 i'lrst National bank building. G EO. J. PAUL , ICO ! ) Farnam st. . houses , stores , etc. . for rent. U4tf WE glvo special attention to renting and collecting rents , list with us. H. E. Cole , room 0 Continental block. 047 If OH KENT Houses In nil parts of the city. L1 J. J. Gibson. No. 3. Creluhton block. Gttt rj. GIHSON'B new system of renting houses , No. a Crclghton block. 604 MISCELLANEOUS. HAVING bought the outfit of Into P. Hoyer , I am prepared to do heavy haul lug of all kinds ; bares n specialty. Chos. A. , ll ) l So. 10th St. Telephone JJ23. _ D23 g \ \ riLL take horhes to pasture at Gilmore. TT Price f2 per mo , U. A.YoungjGllmore.Neb. banjo taught ns an nrt by Geo. F. Gel- lenbock. Apply nt lleo Olllce. WiO PERSONA- . I PERSONAL Do you rtotdro a bright , pleasant correspondent lady or gentleman. Address Mutual Cor. lluroau , Lock liox' " ! , Chlcaro. 10V21 * "IDERSONAL Ladles and gentlemen wishing J. correspondence In view of matrimony or amusement , send 10u. Address O , O. Bureau , lock box 2ill. Omaha. Nob. 1l22t TJEHSONAL J2.7G will buy a nlco banging JL lamp , with decorated shade , at Moody'n , ; 102 N. ICth st. lUKKil 1 > EKSONAL J5.T5 will buy a pretty decorated dinner set , suitable for small families. Call nnd see It. or write fur Illustrations to Moody'a china store. 302 N. llitli st. lQiiO-21 PERSONAL Nlckle silver tea spoons ( solid metal ) at flr > 0 per dozen at .Moody'o. : W2 N Ifltji st. 1000-21 I5RIVATl5courso'ln fencing , boxing or tancy club awlnglng , JH1. Address T14 , llee olllce. 2U niH * STORAGE. STORAGE At low rates at 1)21 ) Farnam st . - Omaha Auction Ac Storage Co. 117 rpRACKAGE , storage , lowest ratta. AV. M JL lliiBhmaii. 1 11 Leaveuworth. 118 JOUANCH 4 CO. , Btornge , 1211 Howard. 110 CLAIRVOYANT r\ll. NANNlh V. Warren , clairvoyant medl- .L/cal and business medium. Female disease * a specialty. HUN 16th St. . rooms2and."I. mi SHORTHAND AND TYPEWR'ITINQ rilHE Standard Shorthand School , having pur- J. chased Valentino's Shorthand InatltiUe.Pux- ton block , opp. public library. Is now the larg est , best equipped , exclusive shorthand school In the west , graduates In good situations The school in lu charge of Mr , R. A , Smith , a stenographer and teacher ot many years prac tical experience. Twelve No. S Remington typewriters - writers in use. Bend for circulars. 411 SHORTHAND nnd Type-writing taupht the most practical way at the Omaha Commercial College , lienn Pitman system nnd Remington type-writers ; btudents complet inenunl in two weeks , and'vi rite from CO to 100 words per mln- , utt * In three months ; practical olllce drill made a specialty , Instruction In grainmnr , spelling and writing free. Address Itohrbough llros. , Omaha for circulars. 347m3 COARDINC. BOARD nud d slrable room * , furnished or unfurnished ; close to strout car. Mrs. C. V , 6torr , 241 * Cass at WANTED TO.BUY , WANTED-To buy n gooa'tisldonca lot ccn- trally located not over ono mil * nnd n halt from postomco ; none but owners need reply. Addrcxs X11 llee ofllce. 87 22 \\rANTKD-To buy ; a Rhtirtf In Coliseum TT building association : ndJresjiXfl , iljs. ANTED To ouy good commcrcla'Tpapor. T T H.c. I'attcra.on.aiaBisthatWi \\rANTKDy-Ftirnlture. carpets , Stoves and Tt household goods of all kinds. Omaha Auction A Storage Co. , 1121 Fnrnam. WX ) "FORWCE rVI ISQELLAN1OUST FOR BALK At n bargain. . first-class "Mil ler" hnric ; good as now ; run only months. Can bo seen at Simpson's Carriage works , or address X 15 , lice oillco. 1M-S7t T7\OR \ SAL15 2 good horses , both llrst-clas" ? J- ' drivers , double or single1. ( UI12J10 Davon Jjort st. L5J'-1L _ "T710R SALE A very nlro sideboard nud era- JL1 die at half price. 2IOH Douglas st. 1H-2U FOR SALK-Socond hand typowrllers. All makes. Western T. W. Exchange , St. Louis , Ho. 112-21 * 171OH SALE Second hand typo writers , all * - makes ; bargains. Western Typewriter Ex- hangei71il Ollvo St. , St. Louis. Mo. HE ) SU Tj OH 8ALIJ A small soda fountain with JL' marble plate , clicap ; 414 South llllh , clear store. rit-22 * F'OR SALE Cheap , household furniture , to bo scon from 10 to 12 nnd 2 to 4 , I'M Califor nia. L1"1- T710R SALE A good , sound horse , six years J old , price taflO. 317 8. lltll St. 1,14 2lt FOR SALE A good 3-uitnuto road horse , \ \ 111 sell horse , buggy and harness chonp. gOIQ Hnrney st. . UK ) 2lt 17IOR SALE or aVado-Tho best patent for big - * - ' money. Call nt room 4Is ) , Pnxtou block for pjartlculnrs- 102-21' A FINE Cabinet Grand rosewood CRHO upright - right plnno for tli2.60 ! ; cost when now IIOJ ; only used one year ; must be sold at once ; will give tlmo on nurtof It If desired. Address V 05 , care Omaha lleo. 023m 18 "IjlOR SALE Good work team , wnqon and bar- JL' nets ; get carpenter tools and chest ; full net . Mrglcal Instruments , nearly now ; household goods , etc. on easy payments. J. J. Wilkinson , ml" Furnam st. 143 FOR HALE Draft horses , buggy Horses , and ( small delivery mules. Wood's Sale stabl 1510 California. IKI _ TjlL'RNlTt'RE of 7-room house. Including up- JL' right piano , for sale cheap. 2010 Davenport. 840-22t SALIC 2riW ( tons ice. Adam Rodor , , Nob. i > ; t2 TTHH8T-CLAS3 lot of saloon furniture and bar J- fixtures for sale at a bargain. Inquire of the First National bank , Aurora , Neb. (115 ( n' J A FIRST-CLASS upright piano , very reason sellable , on easy terms ; very line Instru incut. a)10 ) Davenport. 839-S.t TTtOll SALE Coat and grain business In a live -L' town of G.OOll ] > opiilatlon ; a good opening. Address box 107. York. Nob. 07728 * FOH BALK Very cheap ; cottage organ , near ly now ; also good fclnger sowing machine ; address X 0 , lloo olllce. 087-22 FOR SALE A nlco and good phucton ; In- qulre at Dr. L. HotTman's olllco , so.cor. ltth : nnd Jackson ; or will exchange for itood horse. U74-2I * I1OH SALE The best grade Percheroii Nor man Htulllou in Nebraska for sale at Homnn & Terry's 1'loneer ' livery. 413 S. 18th. .I7fl-21t FOR SALE A good driving niare. weight about 1,0 U lbsor ; would exchange for a good business horse iOO Ibs heavier. H. K. Hundce. H47-2J 1T1OR OALE-Cheap.a nearly new top buggy ; Co- JL1 iambus mako. A. II. Comstock , 312 S. ICtn. _ _ _ M 747 FOR SALE 1 work team , wagon nnd har ness complete , very cheap for cash , 019 Puxttmblk. . n. | an FOR SA'LU-Shafllng. beltlnif , pulley * , etc. oed as now. Hip Jiw , cross-cat and band saws very cheap. 031 Douglas. ; 123 "VTKW bed room set and carpets for sulo clicap. JLX Inquire I14 Capitol nve. B14-24 ? FOR SALE Uorso and buggy , , Inquire A. Ilospe , 1513 Douglas st. t , , 015 mil ABSTRACTS OF , Tff LS. MIDLAND Guarantee & Trust fco. , 1WO Far nam. Complete a listracwfrtrnbhed , V titles to real estate examlucd.perfectcd & uuanmtecd. AH8TRACTS Llnahan & Mahoney , room 603 I'axton block. > ' . ' Wi3 OMAHA Abstract Company. InllJFarnaiii st. Mo--t complete nnd careftUlypropared set of abstract books and plats ot all real property In the city of Omaha and DougUp county. , 904 MONEY TO LOAN. G W. PRCIv loans money on Umaha real estate Uulldlng loans a soeclalty. R 4 , Kronzerb Ik _ M ONEY loaned on unimproved Inside Omaha real estate. G. W. Pock.H. 4 , Freuzer block. ! 0-nilht TTN1MPROVEI ) and Improved property ; l-J loans made promptly ; money on hand. ! ' . M. Itlchardson , s w cor 15th and Douglas.8iK 8iK ) T DANS made on Improved and ummpiovcd -LJrca ! estate at lowest rates , by Odcll Itios. & Co. No. 312 S 10th ht. 885 GOOD notes , Hhort or long tinio , unsecured or with mortgage , bought nny where In Neb. or la. Quick loans , city or farm. Call or write W. L. Solby , II. 13. Il'd. Trade. KIN TDUILDING LOANB-Wo will buy lot , or i > ny J-JIncumnrance on your lot nul build for you ; small cash payment , balance in easy monthly payments ; In case of doiith wo cancel the en tire Indebtedness. M. 1C. &T. Trust Co. , First National bank building. 852-mir > H.E , COLL' , loan agent. . 100 CHOICE city loans wanted in Omaha nnd Council mull's. Will imoto very low rates for the next few days. In dealing with us , you deal direct with the lender. Wu lean you our own money In all cams. No delays , lloth principal and interest payable nt our olllce. Central Loan and Trust Co. , 1205 Farnam st. MW-22 BUILDING LOANS At7 per > nt ad ditional charges for commissions or attor neys' fees. W. 11. Molkle , first Nat. bauK bldg. > UILDING loans a specialty. W. if. Harris , 'room20 Fronzer block , opposite P. O. 113 DO YOU wantmoneyy If so , don't borrow before getting my rates , which are the low est on any sum from 110 up to $10uX ! ) . 1 make loans on household goods , pianos , or gans , horses mules , wagons , warehouse re ceipts , houses , leases , etc. , in any amount at the lowest possible rates without publicity or re moval of property. Loans can bo made for ono to six months and you can pay a part at nny time , reducing both principle nnd Interest. If yon owe a balance on your furniture or horses or have a loan on them I will takolt up and carry Itfor you as long ns you desire. If you needmonny you < will find It to your ad- vantage to see m > ; before borrowing. H. F. Masters , room 4 , Wlthnell building , inth and Hnrnoy. IPoU O IRCHARD HILL loans at 4in Shoely building - ing at eight per cent straight. Samuel Tate. UJl-m' ) ttl.OOO TO W.OOD on Improved city property ; Vcanbopald In moutnly Installments ; dent cancelled In case of death ; will loan M to fiO per cent of cash valuation. M , K. & T. Trust Co. , First National bnnic building. K52-mir > MONEY to loan at lowest ratfw of Intere&t on real estate In Omaha ontU South Omaha. Titles ana property examined uy us and loans made at once. Cash on band , Abates , Smith & Co. room 20J Ramge bldng. " ' Illti-m3 $1000 and upwards to loan ou'goQfl ' inside city property. No delays. W. , Fnmam Smith , 1220 Fornam st. ' " < B35-a27t f\ \ PER CENTmoneyto loanipC'asu on hand. t\v.M. Harris , R 20 , Fronzer'blo , opp. I' . O. f ' " ' 103 E. COLE , loan agent. 101 | 1 ( , , . 100 CC ( ( I ( To loan on larms and ciiy property. jpooo.j. Paul. IW1 Farnami at.pi Jin / 1ITY Financial agency will loan you money V-/OH horsei , furnlturo. Jewelry or meurltlns of any kind. UJOU Howard t. , corners. 1'lthst. 23Jml 17 "IASTERN [ trust funds to loan . < pn Improved JLwreal estate liiOniaua'litrgo loans prefoirod , E. S. illsbec , Flrbt National IJHIIK building. , .0r' , 2Di-in21j QPECIAL fund of (10,000 tp flpan at reduced kJ rates on furniture , horseu and wagons. City Loan Co. , 116B 13st. TO "PEOPLE'S Fmanclal Kxcnnngo Large nnd J small loans for long and short tlmo. at low est rates of Interext , on real estate mortgage notes , chattels of all klnda , diamonds , watches and jewelry , Don.t fall to call If ypu want fair and cheap accommodation * . O , llouscaren , Mtr. , room 60 < i Ilarkor blk , 15th aud Farnam. 101 MONEY to loan on Improved property at firs- hands. No application cent awav for apt proval. Security and titles examined free of charge to borrowers Lombard Investment company , 80J B. 13th st. KG T I/AN make a few loans on tlrbt-class chattel Jl securities at reasonable rates. W. K. Potter , room 10 Darker blk. 107 LOANS wanted on Omaha real estate , three aud live years' tlmo , optional paymenti , favorable terms and rates , applications and titles passed upon by uu , nnd loans closed promptly. Klmball , Champ Ic , room 6 , U.S. National Hank llulldlne , , l&O Farnam st. 4i ml liMHST mortgage loans nt low rates and no J : Uclny. D. V. Bholos , 210 First National bank. ONEY tolxian Woaroraady for npplicii- tlons for loans In amounts from tfcu to 110.- UOO on Improved Omaha or Douglas county rc.M estate. Pull Information as to rates , Loans promptly closed. Good notes will bo purchased by us. Call upon ns or write. The McCairuo Investment Oo. 103 A NY amounts loaned on furniture , pianos , teams , etc. Notes bought nt loss than usual rates , monthly payments reduce Interest , Koy- stouo Mortgage Co. , room 203 Sheoly blk , S. l&th _ _ Q F. IIA1UUSON loans money , lowest rates , 408 MONIJV to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , real estate nnd loan accntt , IWVj l-'arnam st. lot B UILD1NG loans. D.V Sholos , 210 First Na- tlonal bnnkv KB LOANS made on roil estate and mortgages bought. Lewis S. Reed & Co. , 1W1 Farnam. BUILDING loans. Limhan .V Mahonoy. , 103 QF. HAKRISON loans money , lowest rates. MXXX1 ) to loan at n per cent. Llnahau > V Mahoney - $ honey , lioom CM I'nxton block. tlO MONfJV"to loan In largo sums at tno lowest ratesno ; delay. It , 0.1'attorson , U18 S 15th , 107 MONKV to loan on furniture , borsos.wagoni , etc. . or on any approved security. J. W. Kobbtns It. a , Shcnly blk. , 15th and Howard. HI M ONEV to oan on real ostiitu ; no commis sion. W. A. Spoucor.ltoom U , Muslim an blk. NEUltASICA Morti ? . Loan Co. will make youn loan on household goods , horsoM , wagons , land contracts , flno Jewelry , or securities of any kind , without publicity , at reasonable rates. Itoom 7 , llowloy block. South Omnhu , Hooms 618-)19 , I'axton block , Omaha , Nob. | 100U " \IONKY loaned forllO , BJ or 113 days on any i'Aklnd of chattel security ; reasonable Inter- cst ; business coutldontlal. J J. Wilkinson , 1117 Farnam st * 10D IOANS on business property , * . "iXW to $ Vtx ) > 0 wanted. Provident Trust Compauv. room 3as. First National bank building. 11(1 ( MONEY Loans negotiated at low rates with out delay , and purchase good commercial pnpsrand mortgage notes. 8. A. Sloman , cor. liltlMitul Farnam. 103 TJ10H SALE Horse , baniess ami phaeton , as JL' good as now , "I'JO Pacillc st. URT > Si * MONEY to loan Lowest ratos. Loans closed prommly. H. K , Cole , It 0 Continental block. 10(1 ( _ " DON'"T borrow money on furniture , norses , wagons , etc. , or colUttordls until you see C. . Jacobs , 110 First National bank building. J14 MONEY to loan ; casti on hand ; no delay. .T. W. Squire , Uiu Farnam st , , First Matlonal bank building. ioa pidl'Li'S : : Financial Exchange The tallest , J- quietest and moat liberal money exchongo In the city ; money loaned wltnout delay or publicity. In any amount , large or small , at the lowest rates of , on any available se curity ; loans may bopald atanytlmoor renewed at original rates. O. llouscuron , JIgr. , room M1J , Hurker block , inth nnd Farnam. 101 P IlTCADKilFTTlA Mortgage Jc Trust Co. . fur- nlsh cheap eastern money to borrowers ; purchase securities , perfect titles , accept loans at their western olllco. Oeorgo W. 7 , Hoard of Trade uai S UE Sholes , room 210 First Nat'l bank before making your loans. 932 SM1 M1 Harris It. E. & Loan Co. , room 411. First National bank. i > .O WANTED First class Insldo lo.xus. Lowest rates. Call and sea us. Mutual Invest- inent Co. . R. 1. Harker blk. Ifith & Farnam. B31 BU SINESS CHANCES TTlOR SALE or Rent The loading clgnr htoro J in Lincoln. Apply or address 111 N. lltn st , , Lincoln. Hob P.O. box 732. HO-21 * WANTRI ) Partner with $1,000 capital ; good paying business. X5 , Uee. 101-21 $ rilHADK-ETjtilty In n Hcdford lot for horse JL and buggy. X 4 , llee. lUK'l'B BAKE CHANCE Nice clean stock general merchiin Use , Dxttuotnnd largo store build ing and lei In live Nebraska town.- Division station II. & M. , to trade for good Omaha resi dence. J. H. Parrotto , under Douglas Co. Ilanlr. 120-27 J _ Foil SALE In one of tha best towns In east ern Neb. ; clean stock of dry goods and clothing ; will take part trade. Address W. F. ( A. box Ell. Ilulo. Neb. 'Ml 24J _ TJtOll SALE Good barber shop In thriving JL' town of about 800 Inhabitants ; iho only shop ; good reiisons for selling. Address lock box M , Cedar Rapids , Nob. _ 849 21J SCON F ECTION RY stores , ono feed store , 3 hotels and other business chances. Co operative Land and Lot Co. , 205 N. 16th st. 1112-21 _ 171011 SALE J10.0JO btock of merchandise on JL ? easy terms. Address V 62 , care lloo. IKJfl " 17KR ) SALE Stock'of "general merchandise JU involc o Jil.fiW. For particulars write to LOG Hex ( U. Loup City , Nebraska. _ UCO 21' FOIl SALE or trade 2 h. upright boilers 20x .I tt. Iron lathe. Iron drill press. 20 n. onglno and boiler , li h. engine and boiler , ( I h. upright engine. 4 h. upright boiler , 2d bund shafting aim pulleys. Sprague & Co. , Council Illuir.s. la. " 866-21 TJ'Oll SALE Ilakery and confectionery In a ? town of nine thousand (9.00J ( ) , good trade , location , etc. ; reason for Helling want to retire from business. Inquire nt 1110 Howard St. , Omaha , Nob. Bt-3 23t _ ANEW roller mill for sale In n good bolt , and good market for flour. For terms address F. J Andreas. Gordon , Neb. X4ra27T ffi.'I.WX ) to 8UOj wanted to put into a good busi- P ness ; llrst class security and good rate of interest paid for short or long time. Or will take partner. For particulars nddresi U 43 , lloo olllce. 142 for sale In ono of the best business SALOON centers In Omuhacheap. Reason for soiling , I must leave the city. Address V Id lloo. ' 495-m7 ? HOTEL for sale. Well furnished , paying J.V ) n month rent. Address W. P. Anderson , Norcatur , KHH. 23 Mill * HOTEL man wanted , with a few thousand dolVU'9 to Invest ; house nil furnished and business IfltJt will pay out In 18 months ; title perfect ; no Incumbranco. Address M. A. Mc- Oinnls , or 0. C. Churchill , Sterling , Colo. AMEMIIERSIIIP in the Omaha board of trade can bo had cheap at Room 22 U. S. I\ft- tlonal bank building. 928 FOR EXCHANGE. BRICIC and building material wanted for mortgage note , real estate farma. etc , etc. William J. Paul , 1GOU Fnrnam. 100-23 STOCK of boots and bhoos , , to trade for good city property or Iowa farm. Giovi-r Stevens , Gltl and ul7 I'nxton block , telephone 1125. m-21 WIIATlmvo you to olfor for Improved lands in Western Iowa and Nebraska ? Address V 72. llee. IUfi-21 ? IMPROVED farms for exchange for inorchan- dlse. AJurcBrf X I llee. 107-21t SEVERAL farms In dllforeut localities ror ox- . change for building lotb , Western Land nnd Loan Exchange , ! I12 8 Idtu sf U1 22 TO KXUIIANOK 320 acres western Nebraska land to exchange for suburban proparty. J , P. Scott , 1112 Capitol nve. V7U SI * TO EXCHANGE House nnil lot.2itn ) nnd Grace sts. to trade for Htock of clothing nnd Kont'Hfurnlshlncs. Address Mr. Davis,32IN Itltll fit. IIB4-21 TO EXOHANGK-Clean fctock of dry goods nnd clothing for boots and shoos , Address W. F. C. . box 2d. Riilo. Neb. UM248 O GOOD hotels for trade , located 2 In Iowa Oaiid one In Neb. Also sonio good farm lund for houses and lot In hmnll towns. Co-opern- tlve Land and Lot Co. . No. rt N. Ulth bt. 1)12-21 ) FOIl TRADE A hoiiso and lot or good vacant lotti for horses and coivs , W , R. Homun , room 0 , Frenzer Illk. bUJ-21 BKAl'TII'TL Denver properly to oxclmnge for eastern property. Dextor28 Essex block , Denver , Col. B7722 * TMPROVKO o7"unlinprcvpcrfnrm8rt6 trndo ( or J-sale ) for lots or resldnnt property In irooa cities. Address , IIox UI , I'lattamoiitli , Nub. A DESIRAIILE rertinonce lot with house , ono JVblock from Electric. Motor line , 100x190 , in Council Hauls , for fiebraskti land , ] . 0. lion- ham , 823 Third t. , Council Illuirn. HIP 21 PollTsxciIANU E-For dflsTrnblo residence property In Omaha , any or all of following : 4U choice Insldo residence lots In Hadtlnga , 103 lota In Lincoln. WO acres line farming land , Lancaster county. Kino residence property. Lincoln , Good rental property , Lincoln. Choice family roslJenee , corner , Los Angeles. A n nt residence property In fluuscom Place. Also , some good mortgage notes. Address , giving location and price of property - erty , J , K , II. , care llautn Iron Co. , Ulf Loaven- worth. W51t NEW 2-ueated line carriage or lop buggy for mortgage city or county wnrruiita. or any good uiibcvurvd notes. W.L.belbyK 13 Il'd Trade RXCHANOK-Dakota , Iiaml county- wnnt have yon to odor for n good farm Jiore , slightly encumbered ? Dakota lands nro rlRlncr In v.Muc , and Its destiny cannot bo dts- putfd. Will take vacant lot or Improved prop erty nnd assume omo encumbrance. ( I , J Bternsdorrr , rooms HIT and 318 , Kirst Natlonn banlc bu lid I ng , _ UV8 JjSiVll EXCIIANUK-Klghty ncresof the nnest JL. timber land in Wisconsin , clear of eucum brnnce. What havoyou toolTor ? O , J , Storns- dortr. rooms : U7 anil 31V , First National bank . _ _ _ _ _ t02 _ IJWlVsAIili OU'EXCHANaE-For Iniprovod JL. city property , six ncros of land on llel Line ; especially xtiltnblo for milk dairy or brick yard purposes. This ground Is iiudorlald wltt n superior quality of clay , nnd has licit Line tracks on ono Ride nnd n goad stream of water on the other. Will tnkn brick in part payment. For Exchange WiVKW worth of goo.l 0 in aim property for good stock ranch. For Exchange Trackage property ; 1,1 flno lots on llult Line rallwnv at junction of Main St. . loading out of city. Will double in vnliu within two years. Just the place lor a KOOI coal nnd lumberyard. Has fi.xi feet trncKngo on Holt Line railway. Prlco t'.MW ; Incum branco | lwn , equity IS.1W. Will trade for good cltyprop rty. lor Sale or Exchange Summer garden prop rrty consisting of 21 lots with line grove and ln\vn located on Holt Line railway Just out.ilili city limits , station right on property. Only sixteen minutes to Webster st. depot A KOOI chnnco for a good enterprising mnn to cell money. Cull and get price. Wilt trade lor 1m proved property. To Exchange i4 ! nlco lots on boll line rail way. only half block from station , only novel blocks from present terminus of strcotcnr line Prlco H2.1XW ; Incumbranco H7u. > , duo In two throe , four nnd five years. Equity is $ C,3 < H ) ; wll trade ror good farm land. To Exchange l.'JUO acres of choice Nebraska farm land clear of Incumbranco , to trade foi resldenca or business block. To Exchange 2vw > acres of laud In Enstorn Nebraska , clear and free of Incumbranco , to exchange for city property , For Rent Houses and store buildings on al the best resilience nnd business Htreetx o Oinnlin , If you have good property to sell , exchange or lent , call and list It. Oeo. N. Hicks , room 40 llnrkcr block. 113-21 rpo TRADn-Sl.OOO cash n lot In Maunders fc J Htmobuugh's add nnd n lot In Windsor Terrace race for house nud lot ,00 acres unln cumbered land 2 miles from CounMl DlulTs for business property J1U.OOJ stock of boots nut shoes for residence property or Iowa lund U.300 stock of millinery for good city property 140 feet on Lake it , near 20th , for n farm am some money 2'4 acres In Council lllulfs for cltj property s-room house on Hamilton Ht , near 27th , for n smaller house 1,17 acres In Holmes county , Ohio , for city property liO ft on South 1.1th si for Inrge residence 2 lots In 1st mid to South Omaha for farm laud Clear lots In 1st ndd to Central Park for city property nnd assume sumo lucumbr.anco H-room house on Illnney st , near 17th , for smaller house In north part , ot city Clear property In Schuylor , Valparaiso , Grand Inland and fun us In Iowa nnd Nobraskii for city property Omaha lots for horses am' .s Hood property of all kinds nnd In nl parts of the city to trnun. drover Stovons. fii and 617 I'axton block , telephone 1125. H'l-'Jl FORjiALE-REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE A beautiful south front" lot in Orchard Hill. For a person that wants It fern n homo I will build a homo on this lot nnd sul ! it on easy terms at cost ot lot mid Improve ments. W. R. Homan , roomt ) , I'reuzer Hlk. _ _ TpOR SALE A private banlc In sou then -L Nebraska. Address to JL Catudal , Camp bell , Neb. 114,1 in 3 FOR SALE 10-room house In ICountzo place , south front with all modern Improvements ; barn room for four horses. Will tnko pnit trade cither In hind or vacant lots. W. R. Homan , room 0 , Frunzcr Hlk. K > 3-21 T AND IhavolO.OOOncres of choice farming J-Jlands In eastern aud middle Nebraskawhich 1 will sell at from $ i to $12 per acre. Will muko special price for the whole 10,000 acres if taken in u lump. Goo. H. Poteisou , 1412 8 lllth st. , 018 mil FOR SALE Lot 40x100. south of rair"grounds In Klrkwood : price (1,203 , one-fourth cash. J.II. Loomls , 1920 Wirt st. 678 SB TT10R SALE-Tho cheanost house In Walnut JL. Hill ; only ono MOCK from Dr. Mercer's ele gant residence ; 10 rooms , all modern improve ments , full lot , price J5dOJ ; terms , $1fiM ( cash , balance J3."i per mouth. W. It. Homan , room 0 , Frenzer Hlk. 893-21 FOR SALE The llnost residence site In West Omaha ; just south of Farnam on i7th street ; a corner 165xlH7 with 1S7 fi'ot frontage on paved street and Joining the handsome resi dence of Klrkendall on the east and Hrady.Ens- mm and Martin on the south ; a perfect gem and garden spot for an homo. Hnrnev nnd 21st streets , 141x11)7 ) , on pavement within three blocks of the court house ; room for seven flno houses that would rent as rap idly as completed. A splendid permanent In vestment. Kaninm and 22d streets , 60x132 , with new three-story brick store building , routed to good permanent tenants. Rental receipts $1,201 per year. Sixteenth street near Nicholas , frontage 01 feet to alloy. Gooil business property. Farnam street between 33th and IWth , front age 48 or 9JX132 to alley , south front , 1 block from pavement and street ears. Parn avenue , opposite Hanscom park , 60x150 , price 2,000 , easy terms. Paddock Place , trackage , 00x112 , $2,000 , easy terms. IGth street south of Vlnton st. , lot for sale or trade for nulso. or good farm land. S. A. Sloman. 1301 Farnam st. 258 IJ1OII SALE Now 0-room cottngos , finished In JL1 hard wood , cltv wutor , cesspool , cemented cellar , wulKS. fences and outbuildings ; all com plete on monthly payments. Will take good vacant bullnlng lots as llrst payment. W. II. Homan. room 0 , Frenzor Hlk. 893-21 TN CON VENT Plnce-5 of the boat lots for J-salo , 25 par cent cheaper In price , and on easier terms than any other property otfcrcdln Omaha. An especially line lot fronting on St. Mary's avenue , will bo sold to any responsible party that will build on terms that will suit. Here Is a chnnco to secure building lots in the heart of town nt your own terms nud at tbo lowest prices over offered. Ames. Solo Agent. 1507 Fnrnam st. 80i > 21 TJ10H SALE or Exchange Improved stock JL. ' farm of 8UO acres , In eastern Nebraska , near market ; also now 12-room house , with all con veniences , in desirable residence portion ot Omaiiu. Andrew Kevins , attorney , 42d and 42,1. I'axton block. Omaha , Neb 1157 SOUTH OMAHA I have a number of good lots In various additions that must be bold at once an 1 can bo bought at prices that will Biiltyou. G. J. Stornsdorlf , rooms 317 nnd 318 FlMt National bank building. 9'0 I71OR SALE -Nicu new A-room houso. barn for JL. ' 4 horses well and cistern ; everything llrst. class ; full lot , in Hodford Place , * ) feet from Stnto Htrpot piuth Ht ) . $ . ' ,200. JWl cash , balance 1 , 2and 3 years : or $2,000 , JI.4M ) cash , balance 6 years , SI. A. Upton Company , 10th and Farnam. 3)1 WOR'FlIV of your attention ! Now bciti- ; completed on 2Jth Hi , north of Leaven- worth st , two houses convenient to business , very roomy , grate , mantel , furnace , gas. bath , toilet , 2 water closets , stationary wnsn tubs , hot nnd cold water , llvu bedrooms , ID closets ; only * 5B'.0 , on terms to suit. Toluphone 2 7 or W. T , tieamnn , Omaha's largest variety of wng. ons. curriiifces. etc. , cast side 10th st , north of Nicholas st. * 4'Ei _ AT A sacrlllco 1'J 1x150 ft , east and north front , corner 3.ith and Howard sts , one block west of Coo'o and Klrkendall'ri Una resi dences , two blocks from paved street , two blocks south of Farnam st. ; just think of It , l-flxliVi ft. nnd a corner at that , and only tIMU. C. B. Roltor , room 5 , s. w. cor. 15tlianrl Doiiulai 111 FORsalo or oxctiango A renldaiicu nt 20th stnndSt , Marys nve , has "rooms , bath room , laundry , nowurage , gas and city water. Will take good outside building slto as part payment. David Jaimoson , Ull S 15th. m FOR HALK-A biMUtlful residence In Hans- com Place , east fronton 'Will Ht. just south of I'oppleton ave , lot 50x11' } to graded alloy ; yard nicely so.ldotl ; S-room hnusu , batli , hot and colil water , ias , newer , electrlit bolls , hard ! wood Hnlsh , U taken lit once will soil this flno homo for amount much below 1U vuliic. No nlcor neighborhood Inthn city. To those that mean business we would like to show this pronorty. Wo will nnko thu prlca right. M , A , Ppton Company , Kith and Fainuin. 3JI T710R SALE -Acailemyof Music bunding and Jv two Imalnasiilotrt , Grand Island , NohraHka , ground Hxlif ; foot , building brick , two Monrs high nnd stone basements , all In good nipalr ; tcrmH oiny ; price SIH.n , i. Enquire of Thompson Ilros. . Grand Islam ! , Nobranka , 70iml2' OliLCiOKhoro ! An east front. V ) ft lot , on 2iitli ht , , aouth of Hurdotte ; very line view for if I/.00. HOW'K that. M , A. Upton Company , Pith anil Farnam. _ 311 NO canh payment rnimK'od. Will soil you a full lot In Saundm'.s , v lllmoljiu n'a add fori J and take mortga < ro for full amount duo In nysurn on condition tlmt yiri build a IIOUSH to cost not ln > s than 1'iTO. U.I } . Rcltor , reeS S W corner Ifith tnd Ooiiilu. ; _ 4'l'J 'ITIOR SALK Cheap- Not for trndo ; r.n.7d acres JItnd ( . < rc. i-12-flilwo mile i from Maniiett | , Hamilton county , Nobrailra , I'ramo lnui > n , sta ble , iiOj acres iin-ler good burb-wlro jonco , rotuul cedar instc , tv.o s , ay.s. living waltir. ; lj- rooftlmnnel , 2 wells , ttri liarral tank , corral , Beir-fcnlci1 , n.itural ; ock ranch , In u Mnororn bolt. Price . | 5/mj Obii In hand . -,76'J ' 2. rears' time ( i pur cent . 0ftVi , Oo and look orer I nd , Adilro's owner , 1' . K AtHnb. 1.VJ2 Larjiner t Denvsr t l. J I TJ'OTt SXLirroom"cottaito oh IMli st. bot. t1 i.'ontfir and Dorcas , lot 3."ixli7 , U.6ii , wisr ternmj tlilti Ua barutn , M. A. Upton Co. , lull uml Fttrnum. Ml HO.MKS fo ? raFlroad"m.'n . "l will build coT luc : to suit piirchuKerd on lots In Noitli Omuha addition and t.ull on monthly payments of no totr-M per month. Thcue lots iiru within a tjiiarter of a mile of North umaUu depot. W , Itllawan. . rnam a. i'jcczer > "k- iw-'il _ FOR SALE- REAL ESTATE. _ BARGAINS Klogant rnsldcnco , HnnsConi Place. Call for price * . llusines * lot , Vinton nnd 20th , , . ( t,2X1 ( Corner. HtlxliV ) , 11 and 24th . 3.80J Mfeeton South Iflth . . . . ' . 4,500 fvi tect , double front ape , 27th nnd Howard fl.KX ) lloautlful residence lot. West Omnha . l.fO ) Five acres on Holt Line railway , only . . . . 2,2M ) Corner fr.reo buildings , aith nnd Vlulon. . . (1.MX ( ) M feet on lilth , near Center. , . nKX ( ) Elegant residence lot , Hanscom Place . 2,400 ( tixl.Sd , onoblocK from Summit depot . . . . TOO Ituslnrss lot , M and 27th. south Omnhn . . . 2.0LO Choice ten-aero tract , Wc t Omaha . tsMXI "Choice business nnd residence property foe sale at reasonable prices , Geoteo N. Hicks , room 40. HnrKor block. 113-21 I710R 9ALK-Cholcost proiwrly In Orchanl JL. ' n nl ; lo-room house , nil modern Improve * nionts , nnd 8 full lots. 1) . K. Johnson , minor. 635 I'nxton block , IW-27 T > A1LROAD Men-Look nt this ! Lnrgoresl. 'j Jtdoncolot , liOxlM feet , two blocks from the I Summit depot , between this city and South. i Omnha , for a few days can price at * 7U ) . Rest i opportunity now on the market to necuro a ' home. HICKS , room 49 , Darker block. 113-21 V\7H ran olfer some of the llnest residence , t > lots In Hanscom Place at prices nnd terms that _ , - make them the . . . biggest . bargain In first- class residence proper ! } now on the markot. K you nro thinking off securing r. slto for nholno It 111 pay you to call nud Ictus show you this properly. George. N. Hicks , Ilarkor block. 11.1-21 Rl'.ADTHIS 1 have n customer for a good hnlldlnir lot \\lio will make n small cash payment , build n house nnd make u building loan and give n BUCOIKI mortgage for balance ot purchase money. If you have a good lot to soil on thosio terms 1 can dispose of It for you , or It you have anything to sell very cheap for cash , list It with mo. llrover Stevens , 5IH nnd 617 I'nxton block. Telephone na. 141-27 00 acres , untncumborod , live miles from T Omnhn , to trndo for business propeitynnil will assume some lucumlirnncc. Giover Ste vens , fi 10 and 817 Paxton block , telephone 112.1. 145-21 FOR SALE Cheap ; new 7-room house , lln- ( shod In hard wood , centrally located on ca bin and street car lines ; terms easy ; address X 0. lice olllco. l'Sf-22 ' T710K SALK Uarroloton Hurt near ittth st. ' JL' Improvements { , ( OL On motor line , nlso lot In Meyer , Richards STIIdon's add. VC8 lloo olllco. U5I-2U ( K At RES near Central Pnrk. about Jl'j ' miles i N , W. of P. O. , lays beautiful , price fr.lUO ; ( JWleash , bal. JMH ) every 0 mos. ; party will plat making not less than 21 largo lots. Also other tiacts of land or'houses and lots In nny part of the city. For particulars call on Co operative Land and Lot Co. , an * N. Kith st. 1H2-21 1/HHl HALE South nnd east corner lUxlM. In ' JL' the neighborhood of the Milton Roger * property. West Farnam street , very sightly. This 1 choice property In n choice neighbor hood and will bo sold cheap. It will pay yon to investigate the locality and this particular piece of ground. C. F. Harrison , Merchants' National bank. yiifl T7KK SALE-Or exchange for Omaha propT JL' erty. so acres , suitable for platting ; will make 400 lots , all clear ; big money In It for someone ono who can push this ; located Just outsldo the city limits of Council Iliutrs. Inquire ( Ico. J. Stcrnsdorir. rooms 317 nnd 318 , First National bank building. TOO | 7KK SALE On monthly payments , several JL residences from 4 to 8 rooms lu all parts ot the city. Western Land & Loan Exchange. IID7.22 i \\HIAT FOOLS we mortals bo"I2.00Q T buys ten-room house with Antique oak and natural cherry finish , side board In dining room of same with all latest modern conven iences ; nicely decorated , stationery laundry tube , and a gem of a house all through. East front nnd full lot on Georgia avo. Take It , quick ; party going to leave city. $9,000 buys 10.1x14:1 on corner ; rrtli and Fnrnam sts. ; eaM front anil best bargain for money lu tno city ; both streets paved S'.OiH ) buys eight-room house and barn nnd all latest conveniences. East front on So. Stllli street. Take good lot In part payment. $ Zm , ( buys a good slx-ioom house on easy , terms. fiOx77-footlot ! in West Omaha to exchange ear. for good hoaso. Jj/ioo buys n good now fi-room house nnd full lot on easy payments. $7KX ) buys n splendid house , 8 rooms In ICountzo Place on lllnnoy street , or will tuko smaller house in part payment. Sl.'iw buys a good house and lot en Grant near 20th street. Take this quick. 81,500 buys good six-room house with nil con veniences. Tateo gooil cler.r farm Or 12tnW ; equity in one IIB part payment. J have wagon loads ot good bargains either lor sale , troito or ( give away cheap ) to suit tun most fastidious. Get a move on you Home tlmo nnd come in. D. V. Bholos.210 lat Nat'l Hank. "To not know n bargain that wo BOO. " . 7tfJ TJ OH SA LK The most pleasant and best loea- JL-'ted little home In to n , suitable for a man with u small family who mints &omothlng very choice nnd not too expensive , lias never been put on the market beforn nnd will undoubtedly bo sold soon. It will pay you to Investigate this promptly. C. F. Harrison , Merchants Nnt , H'k. M7 FOR SALE Nino-room house , barn and lot In Hauscoin Place ; also 2 houses and lots la Sunny Side. Harris , room 411 , 1st Nat. bank. 093 IIORSALEor Lease Frame building nbou 40x50 with three years' lease of loLV'Ol DOUK las st. UIo TTKHt SALE UI ft. on luth 'street near Mar- JL' tlm. with cottage renting fie per month , price (5,303 ; terms xory easy. Lots 21 and 22 , block l , Orchard Hill , price 89 0 each ; tonne easy. 71 ft. on JlOtli Htroet between Cans and Califor nia .sts. . only ( nOUU. Lot 3 , block 1. J. I. Redlek's sub , ( . ( root nt both ends of lot , price $ 'UOO ; terms easy. Good lot lu block 4. Omaha Vlow , price $1,100 Lot 11 , block I , Plalnview , price H.ira. Good corner In Lowe's addition , 1,0 , ft , south front , price only $085. Lot AS , Hurr Oak , fronting Hnuscom pnrk , pilcoiM.250. u : ft , south front , lot on Jack on st , in Isnao & Selden'u add , price SI.'iOO. Lot 2 , block 2 , Ililisldo No. 1 , HO ft south front on Cox * as. pilco2t > OJ : cash jl.owi , bal live yra ut 8 per cent. Lot I. block 1 , Hillside No. 2price 2,750 ; cosh (1.20' , bal five yrs at 8 per cent. Lot 3 , block 1 , Hillside Ko.'i , price (2,750 ; cash , ( l.OCX ) bal live years nt 8 per cent. LOOK these uu nnd see what advantages they have over resIdence - Idenco lots in other localities. Lots in Hillside Reserve from ? 2W)0 ) to f3.BOO. This I.s fast becoming ono of IhofliifStreHldenco localities in Omaha , and wo nro prepared to of fer Homo of tno best of this property for sale at the lowest possible prl < es , nnd to mnko special Inducements to partlen who will build. If you contemplate building a if 1(1,0 ( VI , (20,00 or 810,000 home this season lot us xhow you on I of the finest cornem In the city on which to build It. It is 120xtO ) ft nnd f touts smith and oast. oast.Kant front lot In block 2 , Potter's addition , Prlco f l.m Lol4 , blockl. Potter's addition. Pnco S1.47B. Double corner In Potter's adltlon , IKlxlCU ft , only J'.H'Hl. well improved business , lot , wlthsewor con nections , city water , etc , , routing ( Wii per year and In a locality where rents me advniiiiing. Prlco $4 , < no. A good Investment for homcone' OTwo now houses and lota In western pan of the city , with modern conveniences. Price WM and$3MOrespectively. Tcims. pjoo cash , bal monthly. A few tine /csldonces In Kountze place nnd Huiihcom plnco that \o should llku to show iiartles wanting homes. Lois i.s Council JIluUHvlthtn three quarters of a mllonf the postoillce fro JJoO to W 0 J'nrniH on y. A fo ot the bast corners In Council llluirH on llroadway in the \iclntly of the motor power houre anil carriage factoryrom Jl.a'O to ( l.SHJ. Some of ihoaliovu Hit are ollcrud at from 10 10r cent to 2 > pnr cent below their itchmlvnltio mil \\a should bo jileiised to hnvo the prop ry , Investigated. Potter Ic Cobb , liwl Farnam Uli7 2i > t. Notice to Craclorn. Sealed proposals will bo recolvodnt the oflico of tliBfounty clerk , until 2 'lok p. m. , Hatur- lay , April 27th Inst , ror the running of gnulcrx S'oh. I and 2. Ki-parnto bids will bo locolved for ill ! nnd turnpike work , nnd all bids must be accompanied by ( flrtlllfil chock for (10) ) . Plans mil Hpcrllli'iitloiiH tabohecn at tlm olllco of th county Hcrk. M , I ) . ROCIIU , County Clone. a-d-d-2 ' - finAihlctcH. . "f'litnnpion sliot-iinttorfi" Cannon. "Sliort-UlBtiinco Uiiiinors" Knt men , "A Cli-iiii Hcoro" i0 ! , "Grout Hocoril-Mttkors" Court btca- "Hoss llaminor-Thi'owcra" - LJlticl- SltlitilS , "On the Cinder Pulh" Aulimon. "Tho First Lap" Adam's. "Tho Last LUII" The shoomoltor'a. "In the HeavyWuifjht ChiBu'1 I'l s of ieail. "In thuLitfht- Weight CltiFB'Fiath ! - ors. "nuiitiunVolijlita" Most solf-con- coltcil niiiii. "Slruifhlfrorn the Shoulder" Collar "A Pnpor ChiiBo" The rico ; ( or { fronnbiioks , "Waiting' for the Word11 An import * UIKltO MlttCr. " the niffnl Tnwor , The foes for nBRonditijj tlic KlfTol tower - or are A francs to the top , U francs to the ecoiid ulatform , nnd Z francs to tlio Irst. The throe platforms will hold 0OUU , puo lu.