- \ Vm&u -UMBwiP1 I ' JIM * ' , * I" * * * * PU II * * THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SWDAY APRIL 21 , 18S9-SIXTEEN PAGES. The First Fnmllloa Only Wash Thoin- Bolvos Onoo a Wock. VERY PLATONIC LOVE-MAKING. A Style ot Courtship -\VJiloh Wouldn't Suit America's Vomit * And AlaldutiH And Yet elio Boer Girls Will IWru Bnthlng In Not. Ito Illixoiir. PuiiTOitiA , South Africa , Kob. 18. [ Snoolal Correspondence of Tun Bur. . ] Of the manners and customs of the Boors wo might say like tlio correspondent - ont writing of the Russian peasantry : "Customs. boi8tlymnn ; tiers , nouo. " Boor etiquette demands that v/lien a stranger arrives lit n house ho must shako hands with the Inmates all around without speaking , beginning with the oldest , down to the youngest. This is found nut to he iv very pleasant task , as the hands to bo .shakon uro never very clean. One of the favorite bon mots of the BOOTH IH that the English ( moaning all loroignors ) , must bo a Very flirty people Beoini ; they llml it nouuimry to wash so frequently , whilst they ( tlio lloors ) do not do so oftener than 01100 a .week , at moat. They gcncnnlly botx.o tlio opportunity of the prcbenoe of a stranger wjio ia a guest to indulge in n slight ablution , which la ilono aa follows : Before dinner the household assemble and scat thom- Eolvcs in asetni-clrcular form. One of the girls brings a basin of water and a towel , which she presents t tlio head of ' the family first. Jlo performs his ablu tion on minds nnd'face. The basin is then passed to.tho nrxt , the girl hand ing the towel , and so onright arounu the circle 'of perhaps a' ' do/on without changing the water or towel , the STHANOBIt'rt TUUKCOMINO LAST. Refusal on his part to participate would bo considered , a great insult t his hostess. Ono very sensible habit these people have is that when friends meet , men kiss the women , but women never kiss each other. The Boor houses are built cither of etono or mud , the Hopes being1 paved with a kind of cement made from the dropping ! ! of the cow-abed mixed with sand and clay. They also frequently iKiint their lloors with this material re duced to a thick liquid ; ami while it is yet soft they make pretty devices by drawing their lingers over it. This material is considered very healthy , and is free from any inoH'onsive smell when dry. It. albo has the advantage of keeping olT the insects , such us ants and cockroaches. The rooms , as a rule , are largo and airy. In many cases the Boors sleep on mattings spread on the floor , only the fathers and mothers having the luxury of a bed. In cases where beds are used they are largo , and five or six people sleep on one of them. A friend of mine now to the country WIIB traveling and put up at a Boor house for the night. Being weary , ho retired early to rest. Waking un during the night ho was AHTO.V1PHKD TO I'lSD T1IUK1S HAMSKI.S reposing in the same couch as himself. This is nothing unusual , however. ThcbO sleeping places are not too clean and have more than a suspicion of bugs and other disagreeable insects. There are no schools' amongst the Boers ; a wealthy man with a family often perma noiitly engages a schoolmahtor or tutor , who 'lives as ono of the family and is but poorly paid for his services , receiv ing little more than board niHl lodg ing. In the poorer families the chil dren are taught what they do know by their parents. Thosumof this tench- ing amounts to little more than being able to read the bible , a book found in every Boor house. The Boors arc very devout attend well to their religious ' duties and never omit to say grace be fore anil after each meal , and copiously interlard their conversation with pious ejaculations. As a rule they tire very hospitable to btrnngors , providing they uro not verdoomed ( damned ) English , for whom they have u great antipathy. They will of ten turn aside and hungry traveller KMi'TY I-'UOM Tinstu uuons if they know him to bo of that nation ality. One poor follow I know , an Irish man ifamud Donahue , riding through the country , being sick and tjrod , ap plied at a Boor farm for food and shelter lor tlio night , for which ho was ready to pay , but was driven from the door and refused even a cup of cold water. IIo fell from his horse and died 100 yards from the houbO. A young Boer , when ho goes wooing , cuts quite a conspicuous figure. Custom , r demands that ho rig himself out in a particular costume when , ho goes upon A COUKTINQ KXl-KDITION- . His costume includes corduroy breeches , line black cloth coat and vest , displaying an immense oxpanbo of frilled shirt front , and a largo , broad black hat. Ho is mounted on a black horse with a now saddle. Arrived at the house where he in tends to make a convuost , ho is cor dially received and joins in con versation , on current topics with the rest of the household until bed time , whan all retire to rest excepting young Adonis and his cnamorutn. The former being supplied vrith a pipe and an abundance of to bacco , the two arc conducted to an apartment by themselves. IJoro they sit as far apart ns possible and silently contemplate eaeli other. Meanwhile AdoniB is fill the room with clouds of aowko from his pipe. After the laspo of bovoral hours spent in this way the wooer takes courage and says : "Grotohon , gy wet ok hovt gy bynjo lelf. ( Mnrgrot , you know I love you dearly ) , and she replies : "Ya. " An other bpoll ot silence until towards morning ho asks the momentous ques tion : "Grotohon , will gy moln vrouw wordenV ( Margaroth , will you bo my vrifeV ) The anawer ia again "Ya. " Nothing more is stxld until when the family as sembles lor breakfast the preliminaries are bottled and the wedding day iixud. Rather too Platonic , I fancy , to suit the tastes of young America. The Boora do not have long engage ments. They last three months at the uioat , during which time the young couple may bo seen walking in public hand in hand or riding together. The Boor ludiod are great horsewomen using a man's saddle on which they sit sideways , balancing themselves cleverly with perfect ease and grace. The wedding is ft BCOIIO ol rejoicing and general festivities. The ooromony is first performed at the magistrate's ofllco ; and then , at tlu church , follow the religious exorcises ir the presence of a few friends. Aftoi church the party adjourns to the houst ot the bride's father , approaching which may bo BOOH , in addition to the church party , a long llr.o of carts ant man on horseback galloping and tear ing along in wild disorder , singing drinking and playing musical lustra monti , everybody being more or loss in taxlcatod. Arrived at thu house , feast lug , , drinking and Uonolng- hold swas until oiuetlv ut uiidntehUall iastopood a&'i.L. the brldo and groom nro conducted to their chamber and locked in together until nt exactly 1 o'clock , when they are brought forth again aifll the revel IH carried on till the morning aim breaks in , rovoallng and dispersing a motley group of haggard , weary and headachy revellers. The Uoers , as a rule , are good dancer ? . Hosldes a variety of square nnd round dances they excel In step-dancing , the Irish gig and sailors' hornpipe being favorites. The ladles arc hand some , tall and good llguro , generally , however , inclining to corpulency. IJluo eyes and light hair predominate. Feet and hands nro large. A young man going to a store asking for a pair of gout * ' shoes , NfMlir.lt XINK , KOH HIS SISTKlt , who is going to bo married , is not nn uncommon incident. They dress in n fantastic stylo. A Uoer young lady considers a dress of llvo or six colors , a headgear In which is blended thu most startling contrasts green , yellow , rod , etc. with a handkerchief to match , tied over the face to servo as a veil , do rigour. The climnto being always mod ern to , they dre s in light gnrmcnts and seldom wear stockings. Hustles and tight lacing are things unknown. A Uoor young lady is a Ilirt. Manv are the Himplu blandishments she uses to bring her beau to her feet. A very Hlight attention on his part mny bo con strued into bom , thing far moroHorlous than he intended , and thu unlucKy Hwaiti may have a big lubberly brother or cousin to settle with before ho is aware. Your correspondent once , at a dancing partysho\vod \ some attention to ajoungladyn20U-pounderdanoing with her sovurni times. After that she en tirely npproprmtod him , until Into In the evening wishing to escape ho made his way out nnd lay on a hay wagon. Being somewhat fatiguedho fell asleep. However tlio fair damsel was not to bo so easily eluded , for on waking up ho found her reposing by his side on the hay. Not being inclined to enter into the holy state , unpleasant consequences with th'o male members of her family wore avoided only by my discovering that a trip to another part ol the coun try was noccssarv for my health. The courts of justice are generally a farce , the man with the longest purse and who dips into itfarunougli wins the case , independent of right and jus tice. During the English occupation , the trial by jury was adopted , but a Uoor jury is not dilllcult to bribe nnd if the case is between a foreigner and a Boor , the former has no chanco. A co.se in point was that of Captain Campbell , who was brutually murdered by being driven tit night into the Viml river , then shot , ns described by Ruler Haggard in "Jess , " only poor Campbell did not es cape as Haggard's hero , .lohn Kiel did. ' 'The murderers were brought to trial , b'ut eleven out of twelve jurj men wore for acquittal , and finally the villains were freo. In another instance where an Englishman had his bend chopped oil with a blunt hatchet and was robbed of $200 , the miscreant Boer got oil' with a sentence of two year.s imprisonment. The Lioors are naturally of cruel dispo sition , but they arc outmatched bv the half breeds , ( half Boor and half Kalllr ) who bcom to inherit the vices of both without , the virtues of cither. , An Master Bonnet. II. C. Da'lijf fii .Vric Yntli H'orfd. Oh , well worthy of a sonnet Is the dainty , little bonnet That mv wife will wear on Easter When slio goes to church with mo ; Flowers , ribbon , lace and feather Hlundlm ; prettily together Make a poem most exquisite Ana a work of art to see. When it's time to wear the bonnet Uy the mirror she will don it And I'll see her sunlo of triumph As she , blushing , turns to show Mo that lovely Easter tre.isuro ; How her eyes will dunce with pleasure At ray Raze of admiration And the praise I .shall bestow. Then I'll walk besiilc that bonnet , tilaucIiiK , oh , so proudly on it , Up the aisle on caster morninif With thu dearest one on earth , And I'll nolico the attention , ( Which I afterwards will mention ) That the other women pay it For its beauty and its worth. Oh , all worthy of n sonnet Is the dainty little bonnet That till Easier must no hiding All its glory on a shelf ; Hut the sweetest thiutf about it Is thonuli other husbands doubt It That my wito , to save my nocket. Planned and made It all herself. A dim religious light The Uev , Joseph Cook. Sunday school toucher We are told here thutj the prophet rent his clothes. Why did be do that ! Tommy SquildiB P'raps ho couldn't afford to buy 'em. Sam Jones says that San Francisco and hell are not ten feet apart , and that there Is more Sunday wickedness in that city than m any other four on earth combined. At H revival meeting in Calhonn , Ky , , a shoris who became converted confessed that thirteen yours ago ho stole $1,000 from the county. He lias made restitution. St. Peter ( kindly ) "Enter. " Fair spirit ( hesitating ) "Uld Mrs. Do Fashion KO inhere hero I" ' 'No. She went to the other place. " "O ! Hog pardon for troubling you. Which way is it. ( "Brethren and sisters , " remarked a plain spoken pastor , "next Sunday we shall take up our regular Kaster collection. I trust the brethren will give according to their means and the sisters according to their bonnets. " ' Brethren , " said the pastor impressively , "as next Sunday shall bo the lost time I shall preach to this congregation , I trust thuro will be a largo attendance. " and to hi.s painful surprise ho bad tbo largest audience the following Sunday that tie had over soon in the church. Mr. Justice Studhen of England has as suredly a most impartial mind. In court recently - contly , alluding to the case of * a defendant who sought to esuapo liability for a certain expenditure by throwing the blame of order * ing it upon his wife , his lordship characteristically blurted out "That is old istically : aa ex- cu c. I often felt that Adam I mean that is well ! I Imvo always wished to hear Eve's accounts that transaction. " E. Handull , the mountain evuntcolUt of West Virginia , some years ago went over the state painting texts on rocks and walls. Hu decorated all sorts of. waste places with the text , "What shall I do to be oavodl" A patent medicine mini ciiino along lutar and painted Just below this , wherever ho could llnd It , ' 'Uso Blame's euro for consumption. " The quaint combination got into the papers , and Kandall , seeing It , wont back over his route with his paint pot ami added bolo w the toxV "And prepare to meet thy Qod. HINQUI/AIUTIK.S The cattle In the vicinity of Westphalia , Kan , , are dyiug of brain fever. El < ; ht seta of twins and one of triplets have bean born in PIku county , Georgia , within a week. The proudest mother in Maine la a down east pig with sixteen nlgleU. She is blun. while eight of Irur cbUdroa are red and olgln of them white. A baby with two distinctive bodies and but one head , was born in Now York oa Satur day night , but died an hour after Its birth A good many people who are born with mor < boay than bead do not die at birth. A few days ago a largo pond , about tw miles from , Abbeville , Go. , sprang a leak It the bottom and dried up. Tbo sound of thi escaping water resembled thuudor. Manj ilia were loft behind and picked up. but mos' of them followed the lake. A drunken man loading a horse tbrougl the streets of Whltofleld last week met an other Intoxicated mau. They both began i oouversutlou and both Tell under the uorse'i The Bagftoiavf muail , alter oarefullj picking hia master up , let fly both heel fit- the other drunkard , 'who p.ckcd himself up and got away. Two rctimrkablo Shetland ponlns were re cently sold at Invcriuw , Scotland.They ate four yearn old , nndUOnnd H7 Inches hiph , respectively. 'J hair hair is fully fi' ' lactic * long and tnolr heads uro almost entirely ob scured by tlio inane ami forelock , which measure 1SJ < Iches. The solo of their hoofs nro only 2xi ! niches , their combined weight being- but 141) ) pounds. N "Dylnu Atnonti tlio Ijnpors. " Htttr S. Kl/f / , in Ct-'relati < l Leatlcr. A young Belgian Cr.lnollc priest , Fattier Dnincln. gave up n promising career and vol- mtoorcti to take charge of the lepers at Mol- kal , ono of the Sandwich Islands. Ho is now himself stricken with the plague. Now York world. My Island homo the restless sou Wenrs line a Jewel on her breast , And lapsing time but seems to mo As foam upon the blue waves' crest ; 1 BOO the Southern Cross at night Burning ia splendor o'er my head , HAnil day but brinijs a new delight. . ' Breaking m blossoms 'neath my tread Hero In this paradise of llownra \Vlmt bliss to llvo so close to God , To laden all the languid hours With prnyor tmd incunso from the sod , All that I knew in that far land , Of love of hope and dreams of fame , I write upou the shifting sand , The only record of their name. Henceforth all , did that Jungle whirr Its blooming bronchos In my way , While nil my pulses rudely stir , As aspen orb-i shoot out their rnyl Thus I fot'Kot a deadly fee That lurks beside my altar stouc , , Thut follows mo whor'ur I go , Nor loaves mo by my couch nlone , I've known the fear , I've felt its breath Steal o'er tlio with its Uighliug sncll ; Sure Is the until that loads to Death , And I have learned Its power well. 1'vo seen upon thu human cheek Thu banners of a dread decay , And seen my own dark sentence speak In ghastly faces day by day. A stricken throng whoso steps go by Feeble and brolten in tholr tread , I cuuio to close each fading cyo And pray bcalilc each Uying bed. I'd fool my young blood's ' poisoned thrill And die thus slowly for their sake ; Even n leper at His will If closer at his feet to wukc. KIJUOA't lO.NATj. Fifty United Suites senators since 1700 have been Yale graduates. Forty-one books .have boon published by Ynlo professors within the lastsovon years. The University or Vermont has received from Miss Maria Loomis n pittof $10,000tho Income of which is.to bo used in buying bouks for the lllmu.v A banning system was introduced in the publlo.schools of L.ong Island Clity , N. Y. , three .years ago , and already the pupils in the nine schools have Sld.T'Jl to their credit. President Patton says that after Juno 1 , ihu Princeton , college will Imvn added to its permanent , endowment fund $ . ' "lO.OCO through thu kindness of many old and seine now tri i'ii i h. There nro now 2,500 women in the United States having diplomas from cither Ameri can or foreign medical schools The llrst medical degree given to a woman In America was but forty years ago. "Ucal" education is practiced in Cornell university : Two hundred and tlfty students will go on- different trips In various direc tions in search of information. Cornell is teaching the old colleges some valuable ob ject lessons. Mrs. Eliza A. Clark , of Cleveland , has given flCO.OOO to the Cleveland College for women , a dcpaitmant of the Western Ue- scrvu university. One-half of the amount ia to bo cxiicndcd in electing the Clark Hull of Liberal Arts. The wonderful progress of the people of Japan in assimilating- western ideas is illus trated by the graduation exercises of the Jiipun-Englibh law school at Tokio , which took p'uce recently , and in the course of which the United Status ministur to Japan , U. IT. Hubbard , delivered the address to the graduating class m English. A largo tract of land in West Philadeluhifi has been purchased by the University of Pennsylvania. 'Ihis tiact , which includes three plots varying ftom two to live acres in area , belonged to the city of Philadelphia , and adjoins the present university property. It is understood that the university will ctler advantageous terms to suverul literary and scicntiile institutions , m thu hope of inducing them to build on this newly-purchased ground. The Kingdom of Italy had , in 18SIJ , public elementary day-schools to the number of 40- , 07. ) , attended by 2,075,1)41 ) pupils. This num ber is 7.29 per cent of the entlro population , and O0. : < 5 per cent of the population six to twelve years of ago. As regards secondary education , there were in thu kingdom , m 1837 , secondary schools to the number of 1,553 , with an enrollment of ' . (7,059 ( students. The same year 'the 21 universities of tuo Kingdom were attended by 15,517 , distributed among the faculties ns follows : Jurispru dence' , 5,244 ; philosophy and literature , 03 ; ) ; mathematical and physical science , l,7Sti ; medicine and surgery , 7,854. IJcnv , Gushing Amellc. Mrs. Atnolio Rives-Chnnler , upon her recent visit to Washington , stated to a friend that the ono woman in tills city whom she desired to meet was Mrs. .lohu McLean , daughter of General Kd- ward Bcale , bays a Washington special to the Baltimore American. Why this ' invidious distinction should have' been made is one of those things which , ac cording to Lord Dundreary , "no follow will over llnd out ; " but because the de sire existed in the young writer's breast the friend determined to bring about an introduction , which , as may be im agined was easy of accomplishment. Mrs. McLean has been a great invalid for a month or six weeks past , and though on that account she was denied to her friends generally , she acquiesced at once'in the request for a meeting with Mrs. Chanlcr. When the visitor was announced , Mrs. McLean lay on a luxurious lounge in her bondoir , sup ported on a downy pillow covered with rich eastern stuffs. Her dressing gown was a marvel of the dressmaker's art , with cascades of soft lace falling back from the throat and down the front. After a brief convorsaUonduring which the visitor's eyes wandered about the apartment , taking in every , sumptuous detail of the furnishing and the perfect harmony of color , she drew from her pocket a small note book , upon which , after a moment of abstraction , she wrote the opening stan/.n of a poem to her hostess which is shortly to appear in one of the leading periodicals. Marriage and Art. The moral of Miss Mary Anderson's break down.accordlng to the Now York Sun , says the Boston Herald , is "that celibacy and the pursuit of an arduous , intellectual , brain-exhausting profos- hion do not go well together. " We sun- pos.0 from this that our contemporary is inclined to recommend marriage us u restorative to Miss Anderson. Marriage in a reasonable degree might bo of advantage in the case , and no ono who knows the purity of this lady would expect anything else in the way of marriage from her. The trouble with many' actresses , however , is that they overdo this matter of marriage. It is not uncommon to llnd women among thorn with several husbands , all living , and more in prospect. Whether this U an aid in the pursuit of an arduous , intellectual , brain-exhausting profession ie questionable. It is clearly not an aid to reputation in other re spects' . It Made the Arabs Sick. The Arabs attached to Barnum's show in Now York have joined in a protest against bolng obliged to oat eausagoi and other dishes furnished by their boarding houso. They have all got dya. popaia , TRfltBI HNAILI SETTLED Dr. Mlllor 11s of the Agreement WlMifho Union Pacific. U A COMMITTEE VISITS BOSTON t ; ; Omnhn'H Oomnmls Submitted to the Olllocrs of lie Knllrond Company nnd the IJOIIR Fight Kndcd nt Imst "XVrltfen lit * the Ilond. In our last conversation , nsl remember - bor , wo had brought the history of the bridge location down to a period which I think would dale iu 1808. A now bar gain in respect to terminus , depot grounds , shops , headquarters , etc. , which were not included In the original bargain for the relocation of the bridge at all , was Insisted upon by our people , and the bonds voted for the relocation , which were to have been delivered as the progress of the work on the bridge approached completion , were refused. Omaha , for what It hold to bo good rea sons , declined to comply with the orlgi- nnl bargain nnd insisted on new condi tions. And upon that question arose another which concerned the terminus , depot grounds , shops , transfers , finan cial headquarters , etc. etc. Now , coming to the second period In the progress ot this controversy , from which Omaha suilored continuously for many years , nothing was settled ; ev erything was unsettled. Uncertainty brooded over every Omaha Interest and continued to brood over it for two years. A gontlcman then connected with the Union Pacific railroad and now living in this city informs mo that Manager Sickles , himsjclf and ono other leading representative of the company had In 1808 , not the least belief that Omaha would over oo , what it has been since , the practical terminus of the railroad. Manager Sickles thought and said that the whole matter would go to the Bluffs inevitably. Omaha was under a paraly sis almost as damaging and liable to be as fatal as that which succeeded the location of the bridge nt Childs' Mill. It was the second period of our troubles , and it involved danger of ruin to every interest of Omaha , or at least perma nent injury that could not be repaired in many years. The uncertainty about whether Omaha was to bo on the west side or east siuo of the river was held by many to bo determined by the de cision of the question whether the trans fer , financial headquarters , shops , etc. , should bo on the west or the cast side. Counected with. this was the question of legal ternihubJCouncil Blulls claiming that it bemnpefi to the cast side of the river , and Ji\uUia claiming that it be longed to i thp | west side of the rivor. Hot deba 0 ai\d agitation lendiucr to other distorbojiec.s placed Omaha in a position w was compelled to take some steps < bjj'which u decision could bo brought about. 1 still decline to attempt dates , but I well rcmcmhcr that a now committee was raiscctin our citycomposcd of some of its mostpr6mincnt menamong others Major St. A. D. Balcombe , Hon. John I Kodick and several more , who , resent ing what they deemed a great injustice to our people , visited Boston to have a full adjustment in the interest of Omaha. * These men were much in earn est. They were sincere and competent men ; and'they resolved upon the settle ment of this question either for or again&t Omaha , or a Hghtas they put it. They went to Boston and called unoii the ollh'Iirs and directors of the company , btuting the whole case of Omnlui from their point of view , with clearness and force , of course. The response was ono of indifference. No satisfaction was gained by the committee as to what the company intended to do , and the com mittee 'returned and reported accord ingly. This did not bettor matters at all. It raised the spirit of our people , however , to try again and to insist upon the set tlement of the policy ot the company by some agoucy , no ono knew exactly what. 1 only remember that in the Very crisis of this depression and threat ened decay in Omaha of botli trade and values , it was suggested that three or four of the old committee should volun teer to go to Boston , under instruction from the representatives of the cityand see what could bo done towards a settle ment of the vexed questions. Governor Saundcra , the late Ezra Millard , Augustus'Kount-/.o and myself conferred upon the question and agreed that wo would volunteer to undertake that work and renew our efforts in be half of the city. The day was lixed for the stnrt to Boston , but Governor Satin- dors was detained by the intorcat of his state banks and Mr. Mllhird seemed to bo tinnblato loavp the city at the tlmo agreed upon. .Mr. Augustus iConnt7.e , always ready and always onorgotlc , never faltering in work for Omaha , was the only gontlcman who found it con venient to lenvo Omaha in my company for the Boston headquarters. Mr. Mll- Inrd and Mr. Snuntlors assured us that they would follow immodlntolv to Now York nnil join us in Boston , which they failed to do for wnnt of time. The journey to the Hub was longer at that day than it is at this , and before leaving the city Mr. ICounUo ivml my self had possessed ourselves of oral opinions and very many written docu ments its to what would satisfy our poo- pi o in respect to the matters'that were to bo discussed. The late S. S. Caldwell - well was conspicuous in presenting the views of ono sot of men , and other gen tlemen among us of similar character and strength wore equally busv present ing tholr views , but nil seemed to agree upon three or four general propositions wnich wcro doomed indispensable to an adjustment. Mr. Kount/.o had a poclcot full of memoranda which wo took with us to Boston for our guidance , ami after leav ing Omaha telegrams in great num bers , explanatory of what was wanted and containing n general idea of the best wants of property and people , and what wns ucmnmicd as conditions for the delivery of the bonds and the settle ment of the whole question , followed. Arriving in Boston with the expecta tion that wo would have mi open col lision with the olllcors and directors of the Union Pncilie , and that it was to lead to a prolonged contest with that company on tbo part of Omaha , we immediately notified the president , Oliver Ames , and Mr. DufT and Mr. Bushncll , who happened to bo thnro , of our arrival , and of our desire to dis cuss Omaha interests with them. Wo called by appointment on these gontlo- mon. Mr. Kountzo stated the case fully , ns wo understood it , nnd after a very cordial reception on the part of Messrs. Ames , DulT nnd Bushncll , who were in control of the company , wo were requested to put our demands in writ ing nnd call at the ofllco lo submit them the next day at 1C o'clock. It will bo nineteen years next December - comber since that visit to Boston was made by Mr. Kount/o and mvsolfandon the lath of that month 1871 , tbo follow ing memorandum in my own writing was submitted to the Union Paoillo direc tors. It was written under the eye of Mr. Kountze and by the light of all the documents , telcurams and other sug gestions that had boon given us by the people of Omaha , and embraced every demand which had bonn made upon the company in these documents , telegrams and other suggestions : BOSTON , Deo. 13 , 1871. To Messrs. Dun" . Ames nnd Bushnoll , Directors of the Union Pacific Koad : The under signed , a committee to report all matters - tors of interest between Omaha and the Union Pacific companv in respect to Douglas county bonds and depot grounds at Omaha , bog leave to suggest the fol lowing conditions on which an amicable adjustment may bo reached. Those conditions , atlirmod in a contract in writing obligating the com pany to comply with thorn , will , in our conlldont opinion , lead to a prompt and amicable settlement of existing differences , and the early delivery of deeds for grounds and bonds according to agniemontsmado _ in 1S68 : 1. The loca'tion of passenger depot and passenger transfer at Omaha.on the grounds which the people of Omaha propose to deed to the Union Pacific company , as already mapped and platted. That is to say , all passengers and freight coming from the east on all lines of road connecting with the Union Pacific railroad at Omnhn , shall , after the Union Pacific bridge is completed , ther6after deliver and transfer their passengers at the Omaha pnsson- ger depot , where the Union Pacific trains shall bo made up for the west. All passengers arriving at Omaha by the Union Pacific railroad from the west shall bo transferred to trains on con necting roads at the same dopot. 2. All machine nnd car shops , and all others that may bo hereafter required for the use of the company at the east ern terminus of the Union Pacific rail road , and all permanent ollicos of the comnany required for the transaction of the business of the company , including the land department , general superin tendent's olllco , passenger olllces , gen eral freight warehouse , etc. . shall here after bo and remain at Omaha. 3. Tlmt all railroads in Iowa and Ne braska seeking connection with the Union Pacific railroad , or with each other , at Omaha , or on the boundary of Iowa , shall have the right to cross their trains over the Union Pacific bridge under such rules and regulations as the Union Pacific company may proscribe , on equal terms and without un necessary delay or discrimination , nnd shall also have the right of way over the Union Pacific- depot groundstracks nnd approaches to Iho Union Paelflo brldgo for a reasonable compensation. Respectfully your obedient servants , OKOKUI : MU.I.KU , A. KOPNTSCK. I want to Add at this sitting that Mr. Ames. Mr. Dull and Mr. IJuahnoll re ceived the committee with great cor diality , gave every attention to our requests , nnd promptly granted what wns n.skod by Omaha In the above memorandum. They wont so far ns to olTor , in order to relieve Omaha of i tw ponso , to call a meeting of the exccu- tivo committo , of which Thomas L. Scott , ns president of the company , was chairman , in Now York , lo ratify the now contract with Omaha. That moot ing wns hold , Thomas L. Scott presid ing , on December 10 , 1871. The mem orandum was submitted lo the executive committee , and after considerable dis cussion , wns approved by a unanimous vote. Omaha was represented in the discussion , which was long and friendly , by Alvln Saunders , chairman of the committee , Augustus Kountzo , James H. Millard , Francis Smith nnd myself. I will toll the rest of this story at our next sitting. "A roller Nnmnd llnrte. " Of en .Vrtetm , > nuJi f AVw Viufc IPiiM. After the author of "Tho Heathen Chinee , " "Dow's ' Flat , " "Too Luck of Hoar- Inij Ci inn , " lite. That's mo Yuba Bill. .lost gain' to start You Ida rUle If you will All the way , or a part , For I'm ' dyln' to ask n few questions con- suniia a follor named Harto. From the cnstt I thought so. Well , the darn ouss I nnmo Lit for tlnir years ago. And may bo you've ' enmo Across of him trallin' around thar or maybe - be you'vo heard of the samal Ho kept pcRitln * about Did this Ilarte known as Bi-et , Till his claim petered out. Then his outfit ha let And leafed 'round the dlirtfin's n-workln' for whatever ho managed to got. At the next place wo stop , Which the sauio is Bar , Was a cattleman's shop Called the Overland Star , Which was kept by n pal named M'lisa and her slightly Inebriate par. tMost a year I'd n-boon Steady courtm' M'liss , When a foelin crept In Thar was somethin' amiss , And I learned that I'd Ilarte for a rival , which busted my vibitm of Dliss. Though it's jest the nqunr truth Much it pains mo to toll- But that long-legged youth Sparked the Overland belle Till I got a quick drop on his flggor aud wasted u forty-four shell. Ho savoyod tlmt I Just intended to stick Nary sayin' goid-by Ho lit out pretty ciuieir , But ho waited and squared himself later by u low down and new fanglod trick ! Ho wrote up a skit And put UH all in Poor M'liss had u nt , Wo was miuldcr'n sin For he said that she lacked education and her par was n victim of gin. gay The consequent row Wur'nt no tenderfoot ono ; And when I thought how The whole circus begun Twns with Brief that I remembered the clianco that 1 missed with that forty- four gun ! M'liss Item to mo And said : "Pupa expects This ere Harto you'll ' go to sco And then cash in his chocks. And I cannot bo yourn till you do lost ex actly aa papa directs. " She's since married the man's One of Blonde Jackson's pards , Jim Oakhurst a gam , . . Who plays very queer cards And they're livin' with seven small children at the boardln' house back of the yards. Well , we're down to the Bar , So stranger , we'll part- That hotel over thar You'll llnd pretty smart , Good-by and say , If you sco him , give my love to that fellow named Ilurto I imops. The dearest spot on earth to the gambler s Jask's-pot. An official who has been fired naturally burns for revenge. A fight with moonshiners should taico place 'oft in the stilly uight.1 This weather sots the sap to running In the inaplo tiees and the spring poets. A good way of putting an extinguishar on a man is to cover him with a revolver. A round of dissipation is another round of ilrlnks not needed when the boys arc going lotnc. The "On to Oklahoma" craze now con tends for supremacy with that of the pigs in clover. Oklahoma boomers who hold their claim * ivnd survive will hereafter wear the proud title of 'fa'J-ors. ' Stranger ( to man with big diamond ) Hotel cleric , oh I Uojuwoled individual No , sir ; Iowa druggist. Honor to whom honor is due. Let It can didly bo saiu that some book agents uro bigger bores than others , The story that Mrs , Harrison has turned off all the colored pconlo employed In the white housa Is a white lie. Gadby , whoso father wns a oircus tumbler , now goes about boasting that ho Is one of the sons of revolutionary sires. We violate no confidence in disclosing the fact tlmt Mr. Garland's ' law ofllco In Wash ington will wet bo lighted by pan-olowvrjcity. The emperor of China Is said to employ ton men to carry his umbrella. ItIs quite evident tlmt this youthful potentate is prc- larod for a Muni reign. The lion mny bu negligent of her duties during the winter weather , but she generally manages to come up to the scratch in the timti of spring gardening. A llvo allegator has been placed In the white house by Airs. MeKi'o. It will require soinrlhlng moro ferocious th m an alienator to kcup the ofllco-uceUora away from tlio prcuidont. Old ox-Senator Tabor 3f Colorado has reached Paris wearing f'0,000 worth ol. diamonds mends , n red nucklio and u pttl * of bottlu- ciecn kid gloves. Tlwy nro thliiklngof catch ing him for exhibition at the Jardin tU's Plumes. "Those pictures , " exclaimed the art dealer proudly , as he looked over the eager crowd , "wcru exhibited iu St , Louis all lust month and admired by all. " In IDAS than ton minutes the room was empty , und the next dav the unfortunate dealer boxed uii his pictures mid l shook the dust of Kansas City from his foot. Drain Work and Mnnolo Work , The dyspepsia of brain-workers is generally charged to oxcohsivo mental 1 work. From observations wo are sitia- lied that this Is a mlstuko. It is not too much brain work , but lee little muscle work , and neglect of tlio commoiHitd principles of hygiene in Its relation to digestion , tlmt milieus Bueh peasinilelic authors as Carlyle , such ncuto theolo gians UH Ciilvin , such savage skeptics as i Voltaire. The latter once wrote to ) Lord Chesterfield : "My Lord Huntington - ton tolls mo that you have a good stomach , which ia worth moro than n good pair of ears. " Sydney Smith de clared that ho could feed or starve mon into virtues or vices , and that the > character , talents , virtues and qualities s are powerfully alloctod by beef , mutton , plo-crust and rich soups. Good humor r helps to keep a man in good digestion , but ia not a substitute for dietetic recti tude or ample muscular exorcise. Dors ford's Acid I'hoenhate , Bow'nro of imitations. HISTORY OF , IllEPASCn EGGS , 1 Ail Embloin of the Rosurrpotlon of the Christ. QUAINT AND PRETTY CUSTOMS. The Heal Origin of the Kaslcr Fostlrnl Olnorvnnoo of tlio Day In European Countries Ghildrnn'M Gainoi. Roster Iny nnd lln diatoms. Prom April Sunshine : Two of the plonsantcst festivities that wo keep are Christmas and Kastor.Vo celebrate other holidays , indocd Washington's Birthday , the Fourth of July and Now Year's but none are so dear aa tboso two which commemorate the two most important events In the world's history , namely : the birth of the Saviour nnd Ills resurrection. Of course all the children know why we honor Christmas but perhaps they do not know why wo welcome the Muster with llorul offerings and songs of ijlmlnoss. Some mny think that it is because the winter isovor and splriii ? has dawned , hut although wo rojofce at that It is not the chief reason. On this day Christ rose from the dond. So you will sco that It Is the central fact of our religion which you commemorate When you weave Kaster garlands and color Pasoh eggs. Shall I have to toll you what Pasoh eggs are ? Therewith is connected a bit of interesting history. The real origin of the Knstor festival must bo looked for far hack at the tlmo when the poor Israelites wont out from the land of Egypt , that dreadful night when the llrst-born in every Kgyptlan's house was smote with death by the destroying nngol. The little ones among the Israelites were saved because on the doorposts of their IIOUMJS was sprinkled tho' blood of a young lamb. Every house that had this mark on it was "passed over" by the dcatli angel. In memory of that night the Jews insti tuted tlio feast of the Passover , which they observe to this day. It was at the time of this fonst that Christtho "Lamb of God,1' was crucified , and thus tha disciploB changed the Jewish feast into a Christian festival. Now the .lews always kout the Passover - over on the fourteenth day of thu month Nlsnn , which corresponds with the last of our March nnd the first half of April , but the Christians were not agreed whether they should observe the fonlivnl on that day or the succeeding X > | Sunday. Some hula that as ChrUt. the I true paschal lamb , bad been slain on the very day of the Passover , it was bettor to observe that day in commemo ration. These were called "fourteon- dny men. " The great majority , however - over , ntlnchlnc most importance to the day ot C'hrlbt's resurrection , which waa the llrst day of the week , hence called the Lord's' day , our Sunday , hold to Kastor being celebrated on tlio Sunday which followed the fourteenth day of the month of March , The question was finally decided by ft great council which met at Nloo in Asia Minor in thu year B35 , by adopt ing the Sunday after the full moon which happens upon or next after March 21 , and if the full happens 0.0 a Sunday , Kastor day is the Sunday after. By this arrangement Kastor may como as early ns March 22 , or as late as April 25. Thus you have the reason why Muster sometimes happens earlicrsomo- limcH later in the season. Paseh is the name given to the festi val by many of the people of Europe. It coinos f rom the Jewish word which means "He passed over. " St. Paul calls Christ "our Patch. " The Eng lish name Kastor is derived from the Anglo-Saxon Knstlc or Kastor , a god dess worshiped by that people , who dedicated to her the fourth month , an swering to our April , hence called Eas ter monath "Easter month. " When the Anglo-Saxons were christianized they gave up the worship of ttyo false goddess , but they gave her numa to this festival. So you know now what Pasch moans , and now about Pasch eggs. T OBO are Easter eggs boiled so hard that you can nlay at ball with them , dyed with dif ferent colors , and often having inscrlp- tions or l\tuisoancs : traced.uoou thorn. The custom of making those p/rgs / if very ancient. The little Nofltorlan boys' and girls , who live in Turkoy-in-Afl'a , have a gnmo that they piny wjth these eggs on Kostcr. Two start the game ] ) y knocking the oirgs together , pto ) ono whose shell remains unbroken \vlanlng the other. This ono then tries ' liis ogff with that of another boy , and so'lj good on. the ono winning the eggs who has a whole one. German children play the same triuno. In Kussin , in Germany , in England , in all Christian countries in fact , Pasoh or Kastor eggs still sneak of the roBur- reetion. For it is this that they syui- bolixo. An old writer quaintly 'ob serves : "As the bird imprigonpd in the shell comes forth to life and liberty , Bp did our Saviour , on Easter morning , burst the gates of death , and so shall wo at the last day arise nftor him. " * There was a former custom In Enflr- hind of having two very largo cakes di vided among tie ] congregation ( if nhui'oh on Easier , but parliament passed a law forbidding this In 104 $ , and provided that the money .usually spent for the cakes should bo used ip buy brand for poor people , a much bet ter plan I think. If you lived in the north of England to-day you might sometimes hoar the old rhyme : At Easier let your clothes b < j new , Or else bo nuro you will It rue , " And the little Northumbrian lads woiilfl tell yon tlmt if you /lo not put on some thing now on Easter day the birds will spoil your clothes. 1 have no idea , however , that thin would happen. In England they iihod to engage in a game of bull the day aftw EaBtoi'i both BO.VCS engaging in tlio sport. Eyon mit- iiiflipal corporations , with all Ino parade and dignity in the world formed Into contesting parties for the prize which wns somotlmcH n silver cup. At J3ury St. Edmund's until within a few ypara the game wns kept up with great spirit by twelve old ladies. After the sport was over old and young retired for re freshment ) * , which usually consisted of a dish of bacon , with tunny pudding this last symbolical of the bitter herbs they were commended to take nt the pascal fntifcl. In the county of Staffordshire , west ern England , and some tieii'hborinp districts , the day nftor Easter is still culled "Heave Monday , " from an old and now happily almost discontinued r custom of the men "lifting" the women on Easier Monday , while on Euntor Tuesday the women took their rovongp by "lifting" the man. If any ono tro- fused to bo "lifted" the poreon had to pay a forfeit of a kiss or a silver six pence , Another Easter custom , which ie really boaullful , was practiced by tUp early Christians , and Ia btill Jn vogue among the members of the Greek church. On the morning of Aho festal day , when ono enters a fritmd'M house , ho in saluted with the wo.rds. ' 'The Lord Is ribon , " and In answer to thU greeting ha replies , ullo is risen i | deed. '