Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1889, Image 1

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Mighty Hosts of Boomers Bound
Across the Border.
Foolhardy Attempts to Cross Them
llnfiult In Death to the Invaders
Fuklr ICiiKnifcd In Imp-
the Unnwnry.
A Mlicrntory Mob.
ON TUB BoniiEH or OKLAHOMA , via
AKKANSAS CITY , April 19. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BKK.I The advance tu
Oklahoma continues to-day nnd trains of
wagons , droves of cnttlo and n largo number
of horsemen nro hurrying Into tlio Chero
kee Strip , undaunted by swollen streams and
the almost impassable condition of the roads.
Some of the iiomo-scckcrs passed to-day with
fine carriages and buggies which will scarcely
carry them ever the rough roads , which hnvo
been so badly cut up by hcnvy wagons that
it is almost Impossible for nn empty wagon
to travel them. Others had sulky plows and
rakes nnd other improved ngrlculturnl imple
ments. Some of the wagons had coops of
chickens strapped on behind , whllo several
had rcady-mado cabins set upon hay frames ,
so that the boomers , on reaching Oklahoma ,
can unload tholr houses on tholr quarter sec
tions nnd occupy them at once. Runners
from along the line report to-day that
eighteen boomers were drowned yesterday
nnd last night in attempting to ford the
swollen streams , out In the rush and confu
sion it is difficult to got particulars , and
owlnir to the poor facilities for going from
point to point it is nlmost Impossible to gob
reports of nil the things that are happening
along the line , nnd eighteen may not bo the
linlf of these who hnvo fouud watery graves
in attempting to reach Oklahoma. Several
colonies nre providing themselves with rude
fiat boats with which to construct pontoon
bridges ncross the deepest streams , whllo
b others are hauling heavy timber uud lumber
for the purpose of building bridges.
The Santa Fo is preparing to run special
trains from this point into Oklahoma every
ton minutes after 9 o'clock on the opening
day , nnd will probably carry 10,000 passen
gers to that place on the ( \ , for this Is the
great assembling point for boomers from all
northern and eastern points. The Santa Fo
rolling stock Is being concentrated here , and
to-morrow they will begin making up special
trains on the fifty miles of siilu track at this
and neighboring points. No engineer ,
trainman or conductor will know which
train will move first , until the orders to
start are given. This is deemed necessary
on account of the great rush there will bo on
opening day , when everybody would nmko
an effort to get aboard the first train if it
were known which would bo first to start.
Tickets are already being sold hero for
Guthrie and other points in Oklahoma , to bo
used on the aid. This is being done to avoid
the rush"as it would bo impossible to sell
tickets to nil that want to leave on that day.
It is ninety-four miles from Arkansas City
to Guthrie , the principal land ofllco in Okla
homa , and the point toward which the major
ity of the boomers will rush , Trains leaving
hero in the morning will get to Guthrie In
about four hours , tienco all of the home-
seekers can bo put In there before the land
office closes on thn opening day.
The town Is full of fakirs of all kinds , and
nil sorts of catchpennies nre congregating
hero and preying upon the thousands who
Imvo been held here until to-day. Bands uro
playing , drunken men are whooping and
yelling with Joy , nnd a general feeling of
hilarity prevails. Everything is in a state
of great confusion. The telegraph wires
nro kept busy day and night , ami yet it is
hard to get off a telegram , The town is full
of newspaper correspondents whoso specials
keep the wires very busy , and oven with u
double force of operators , there is constant
delays. The Western Union Is putting in an
extra wire , which will bo ready for business
to-morrow , and special arrangements are
being made for newspaper men to lisa the
trains for neighboring points in order to en
able them to file their matter wherever It
can bo handled earliest.
SGOIICR Aloni ; tlio Itoad.
ON Tim OKLAHOMA Bonncit ( via Arkansas
City ) , April 10. [ Special Telegram to THE
Br.B.l The scene along the "roads through
the Cherokee Strip , from the neighborhood
of Arkansas City nnd Caldwell , Kan. , to
Oklahoma , beggars description , and the gen
eral appearance presented Is similar to the
line of march of some great army on retreat.
The recent hard rams have softened the
roads so that the heavy Immigrant wngonn
cut them till they nro almost without bottom.
As n natural consequence , wagons stuck in
3 mud or broken down are seen all along
a line. The streams are all up , una the
determined nnd Impatient boomers nro hav
ing great trouble in crossing them , and HOV-
ernl lives hnvo already been lost. A beuvi
ruin last night added to the discomfort ol
the home-seekers , many of whom nro pro
vided with no shelter , but nro traveling in
open wagons , on foot or on horseback. Hun
drcds of women and children accompany the
boomers on tholr march , and In man }
cases women nro drawing the wagons , while
the mnn walk nlong , driving their smal
herds of cows and calves , Some of the
wagons are loaded with household furniture
and goods of nil kinds , whllo others contali :
but n scanty supply of provisions nnd a feu
old quilts nnd blankets. Some of the cini
grants arc provided with good teams anil
nro evidently possessed ol ample means ,
whllo others have spiked teams , rope bur
uess nnd old , worn-out wagons , Great num
bers of the boomers are in camp near the
Salt Fork of the Arkansas river , about ball
way between Arkansas City unit the Okla *
lioma line , unable to cross nnd waiting foi
thn roads to dry up , whllaimiuy other * nro
pushing forward , regardless of the roads ,
toward tha line , where they intend rcating
tholr teams nnd lightening them In order to
bo able to go into Oklahoma with it rush
on the oponlng day , Tlio boomor.s' camp ?
present lively scenes this evening and as fai
ns the eye can reach nre groups of t ntsnml
covered wngoni. The pcoplo nro generally
traveling In crowds in order to bo bolter ublc
to assist ono another in emergencies. Most
of them seem to have staked everything or
Oklahoma and to have abandoned theii
homes elsewhere to ocok homes In this torrl
lory. They nre braving thn hardships witt ;
true pioneer fortitude and ttmir sccminglj
bright prospects enable them to chcorfuilj
endure nil trials and hardships , and even the
cold and chilling ruins can not dampen thcli
nrdur or affect them. The women nro us en ,
thusmstlo us the uien and speak very hope
fully of the bright prospects of happj
homed in Oklahoma. All seem tc
look only on the bright sldo and te
linvo lost sight of the fact thai
nt least three-fourths of their number nro
destined to disappointment owing to the fact
tbat there is not near enough laud to gc
around. Most of thcso people are hcadod
for Guihrio or points In that vicinity , nnc
from present indications every acre of lane
near tlio railroad between the Cherokee
Btnp nnd Guthrie will bo squatted on withlr
un hour after Oklahoma t opened. For fortj
inllcs through the Cherokee Strip the roads
nro lined with wagons , buggies , sulkies
horsemen and footmen , all bound for Ok hi
homa. Every iuiuglnnblo kind of convey
tinea has been brought Into requisition
Some are of the old style wooden tixlt
wagons , relics of other generations , but mofV
of the movers from this direction are of tin
better class , whllo the largo ina
Jority of the e pnthcring about Putrcll
couth of Oklahoma , uro of tin
poorer cltu and belong to the rcgultv ulo
mcnt of society that would bo termed rough.
All passers-by nro loudly cheered by these
boomers , who wave tholr hats , whoop and
yell In high spirits. The soldiers nro camped
at various points along the line nnd rein
forcements nro constantly arriving. Two
moro companies of Infantry arrived to-day ,
and the general Impression prevails hero
that , owing to the nbsonco of other law for
Oklahoma , the country will bo placcd-undor
martial law for the present , until suitable
laws for its government can bo enacted.
Captain Hayes. In command ot the troops-
hero , has permuted sovcral bridge builders
to outer the territory nnd brldgo some of the
most dangerous streams which the settlers
will have to cross. These men
will bo allowed to charge n
small loll to compensate thorn for
their work. The United States troops hnvo
been ordered to withdraw precisely nt noon
on the 'J2il , nnd to permit the settlers to
enter Oklahoma. In the meantime they nro
gathering along the line , nnd their numbers
nro hourly Increasing. A largo United
Stntcs Hag floats from ono of the boomer's
wagons. In other wagons are desks , chairs ,
law books , bank furniture , restaurant nnd
snloon fixtures and everything needed for
the business of n city , nnd on next Monday n
city will spring up at Guthrie with such
rapidity as to astonish the world.
Boomers Hold ti Town Hlto Mooting.
AIIKANSAS CITV , Kan. , April 19. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BCE. ] An Oklahoma
boomers' meeting was hold nt the opera
house hcio this morning to take action lookIng -
Ing to the reservation of land enough at
uthrlo for town slto purposes. The law on
this subject Is variously construed , nnd there
wns homo difference of opinion ns to the best
course to pursue. About six hundred men
attended the meeting , and nil were of the
bettor class. Ex-Mayor Constantine , of
Springfield , O. , presided. Several speeches
were made and great Interest was manifested
n the town site question , for it Is rumored
that certain persons have arranged to rush
men into Oklahoma on race horses Monday
in order to get them in ahead of all others
for the purpose of having thorn squat on the
juarter sections where Uuthrlo Is located ,
ind take possession under the homestead
laws. The law concerning town sites in Ok
lahoma Is said to bo defective in
many respects , nnd the meeting ,
after appointing a committee on res
olutions , adjourned until nfternoon.
This afternoon the committee's minority
report was accepted after considerable dis
cussion , and the president of the United
States will bo requested to reserve two sec
tions of land ut Uutiirio 7or townslte pur
poses. The majority report opposed making
this request on the grounds that if land is
reserved for n townslto the lots will bo sold
at public auction to the highest bidder ,
whereas if these who intend locating nt
Guthrln will go there and occupy the land
on the ± Jnd , the government will afterwards
donate the land to them and they will not
have to bid against speculators for Its pur
chase. There are already ever n thousand
men there who contemplate locating at
Guthrie next Monday. They are merchants ,
bankers , lawyers , doctors , druggists , hotel
keepers and mechanics , and from present
indications Guthrie will bo n city of from
five thousand to ten thousand Inhabitants be
fore it is twenty-four hours old.
Bnnkini ; nnd Newspaper ProJectH.
AHKANSAS CITV , Ark. , April 19. ( Special
Telegram to Tun BBC. ! Arrangements have
already been made to starta bank and news
paper at Guthric , Oklahoma , on Monday , the
opening day. Everything has been shipped
to the border , nnd the cars tire side tracked
there awaiting the tlmo when the freight can
bo rushed. The Guthrie bank is to bo opened
Monday afternoon , and the first edition of
the Guthrie newspaper will como out Tues
day morning. Heady-made houses in sec
tions are being shipped there , so they can betaken
taken from the cars and out up in an hour.
Sovcral merchants have their store houses
on board the cars ready for the Oklahoma
towns , and a largo number of complete cab
ins are being built and put on fiat cars ut var
ious points along the Santa Foroad , to bo run
into the Oklahoma settlements , and sold to
homesteaders on oponlng day. The growth
ot these towns will be something wonderful ,
and the woods of Oklahoma will bo transferred -
rod into busy cities in less than a day.
Home [ 'Icturosquo Out Ills.
CAMIWCLL , April 19 Two thousand camp
fires glimmered along the old Itono trail last
night from CaUUvoll to Pond Crook. To-duy
a thousand canvas-covered wagons art
slowly moving along the trail. The day was
favorable and notwithstanding the late
heavy rains , the trail was in very good con
dition. The most popular outfit Is a strong
canvas-covered wagon , drawn by two largo ,
stout horses , and the horses of the boomers
are all In good condition. Seine of the large
wagons have four or oven six horses. Some
parties are mounted on ponies and carry whoh
camp outfits behind their saddles. Some arc
crossing the Strip In buggies. Ono odd turn
out is n largo , high , old-fashioned buggy ,
drawn by two shaggy , yellow horses , with n
colt hitched by Its mother , and a black cow
tied behind. The driver is a woman , am
she. drove with ono hand while the othei
supported u llttlo child. A shocky-hoadeil
youngster of ten years followed bahind. The
woman was a Kansas widow seeking a home
in the "promised land. " All stones to the
contrary notwithstanding , it does not soon :
that there can bo any trouble among the mcr
who nro driving ever tlio trail
They nro us line a body as evoi
went into a new country. The most o
them are Kansas nnd Nebraska farmers , ant
although n gun is in every wagon and across
every saddle bow , the owners are mon win
will UHO them to keep peace , and not to make
trouble , Most of the wagon boomers got oui
of Caldxvell , yesterday , nnd this morning
There were about four thousand of them ,
Many of them huvo little or no money , bu
almost all are well equipped for camp life ,
Salt Fork. Pond CrcoK , nnd nil otnor streams
in the Strip , it is thought , can bo forded , al
though every ono Is very high. All is doubl
nbout the chances of fording the Oimarron
and u wagon loft Caldwell , last night , bear
Ing n largo boat , with which the owners expect
pect to start n ferry.
Soldicrx Hold a Conference.
AIIKANSAS CITV , April 19. Lost night th (
old soldiers , union colony of this city held it :
last meeting before going to Oklahoma. Tht
colony consists of 150 old soldiers. Ono ol
these will Icuvo Monday to look up n homestead
stead for each under the soldier clause. Tlu
members will go by train. They have startec
a wagon train with supplies of tents and pro
visions nnd a raft sufficiently Inrgo to fcrrj
nil nccoutorments across nny stream be
twcnn hero nnd Oklahoma. The old sol
dlers" colony of Wichita started tei
wagons yesterday , They will ontoi
nt Caldwell. Land Register Dil
returned lust night from Guthle. Ho says
the roof is on his land office and It will b <
ready for occupancy to-night. The land of
ficers , both at King Fisher nud iuthlo ,
held a consultation last night and guvo oui
official notice as to the manner in which nn
plications for claims should bo filed. Twc
hundred land filings per day will be the llmi
of each office. Word wns brought hero las' '
night from Purcell by a uum who was then
yesterday that a great deal of lawlessness
exists nlong tha southern border of Okla
houin , Ho said a man wcs "hold up" In th <
streets of Pureell in broad daylight nni
robbed of $300. Tlio boomers defj
the law. They have purchased or hlroi
every available horse In tbo neighborhood
and will mount and wade through the Ca <
nudlan river lilbt before noon Monday ,
When the signal flag drops at noon shart
there will bo u desperate land race on the
opposite bank. Gamblers and toughs declare -
clare they will let no ono pa. s a certain dis
tance who is not one of them. Tlio town it
full of special correspondents , who uro writ
Ing from Imagination and against space. A
cowboy from Caldwell , who arrived lats laal
night , says the Cimarron is very highcam !
that up t6 the time he loft , eighteen persons
been drowned while trying to ford the
No dcdulta informatlpu can b (
learned of th o drowning. At ono tlmo this
morning there were over a hundred wagons
on tha streets.
Itntjrond * Tnxcd to Tholr Utmost ,
CALDWELL , Knn. , April 19. The rush of
pcoplo who will try to take the
Hock Island route between to-day
nnd Monday will bo so great
that the Hock Island nhiTost despairs of being
nblo to accommodate tnom. Ono colony of
000 will leave Wichita to-morrow. General
Pnsscneor Agent Sobr > stlnn , ns soon ns ho
heard of the possible trouble nt Pond Creek ,
.olcgrnphcd to Wichita that the road would
furnish frco transportation to tennis nnd
ivagons If tickets were sold to owners , trav
elers to provide tholr own trnnsportlon from
Pond Creek. Manager Green , of the stngo
Ino , "Cannon Ball Green , " ns ho Is
known throughout the southwest ,
Is buying nil the horsoa to bo
had hero and In the neighboring country.
Ho shipped twenty-six to Pond Creek this
morning. Fourteen stages in addition to
these used by the old Fort Heno line , which
nro at Pond Creek , were shipped from Will-
Ington to-day. The Hock Island officials ,
who returned from Pond Crook this after
noon , say that the reports of high water have
been greatly exaggerated , nnd that Captain
Woodson reports from the frontier that there
will bo no trouble with the streams.
I'nwnco Bill's Colony.
WELLINGTON , Knn , , April 19. A special to
the Standard , brought by courier to South
Haven nnd from there telephoned to this
city , says- Pawnee Bill's colony , consisting
of ! iOO wagons , left Huunowoll yesterday and
is now water-bound nt the south fork of the
iVrkansas , twenty miles south of that city in
the territory. Whllo attempting to ford the
swollen nnd turbulent stream a man named
Frelthor nnd his team wore drowned in full
view of the frightened colonists , who were
unnbln to render him any assistance. The
sad accident demonstrated that fording was
out of the question , and the whole colony is
now engaged in the construction of a hugo
raft upon which they hope to float ever to the
other side with their teams and outfits. This
afternoon a tram of1S5 vehicles , containing
colonists bound for Oklahoma from the Salt
Lake Valley of Utah and points In Colorado ,
passed six miles west on tholr southern
Hlvcrs Hlslntr Kapldly.
ARKANSAS CITV , April 19. Tlio Arkansas
and Walnut rivers are rising rapidly. The
Walnut has gene up ten feet
since morning. Congressman Weaver ,
of Iowa , will nrrivo to-day.
Ho says ho will take up n claim near Guthric.
This morning , at. Chillicoco Station. 500
Texas cattle were let , loose on the prairie. A
train of boomers was passing at the time.
The cattle stampeded the cattle hitched to
the wagons. Tlio latter were mixed with the
Texas cattle and lost to the owners. A man
named Watson , trom Sterling , Nob. , In try
ing to save his outfit from the enraged cat
tle , was trampled under foot and badly in
jured. Cattlemen are making no attempt to
protect their fences on the strip , nnd the
boomers uro cutting them. Hundreds of
miles of fences will be broken to pieces.
An Oklahoma Lmud Opinion.
WASHINGTON , April 19. Secretary Noble
to-day , rendered n decision relative to town
sites in Oklahoma : Department of the In
terior To the commissioner of the general
land office : I am in receipt of your communi
cation of the 15th inst. . relative to the ap
plication of the Oklahoma Capital City
Town-Site nnd Improvement company , ask
ing permission to locate and enter certain
Innds In the Guthrie and Kingfisher land
districts for town sites in the Indian terri
tory , said application having been referred
by the department to your office. I concur
in the views expressed by you in your
said communication , that there is no au
thority to grant the application of the Okla
homa Capital City Town-Site and Improve
ment company to enter lands , as now pre
sented , and I am also of the opinion that the
provisions of the act of March 4. 1S89 , pro
viding for entries of lands for town sites ,
under sections 23TS nnd333 of the revisot
statutes do not apply to corporations ol
this character. Although the president might
have the power to reserve lands for town
sites under section 23S3 of the revised
statutes , such reservation could not bo made
for the benefit of a corporation of this char
acter , but would bo disposed of in the man
ner now provided by law.
Preparations to Preserve the I'oncc
WASHINOTON , April 19. An order signed
by Assistant Adjutant-General Kelton , sup
posed to have resulted from the cabinet
meeting this afternoon , has just been sent tc
the commanding general of the Division o
tbo Missouri nt Chicago. By direction of the
mnjor-gcncrnl , the following is communl
catcd : The president directs General Mcr-
ritt to act in conjunction with marshals o
the United Stntcs courts having
jurisdiction In the country openei
to settlement under the president's re
cent proclamation to preserve the
peace , and will upon the requisition of such
marshals or their duly authorized deputies
send the troops under his command to all
them in executing warrants , making arrests
and quelling any riots or breaches of peace
that may occur. Ho will use his influence tc
promote peace and good order , and will take
otery proper measure to avoid any conflict o
arms between or with the settlers. Ho wll
also enforce the laws relating to tHe mtro
ductlon of ardent spirits into the Indlar
country. A careful enforcement of these
provisions will do very much to promote good
Itooincrs nnd Deputies Fight ,
WICHITA , April 19. A Daily Eagle spccla
from Purcell , I. T. , says the chlof deputy
marshal at that place , with a posse
all afternoon has been engaged in
hunting the boomers in tbo Oklnhomr
land opposite this city. They returned thK
nfternoon with ono party nnd have now
corralled in the woods nnd ravines a party o
300. Intelligence has also beer
received there that nn cngngemcn
took place between n party of boomers am ,
deputies , in which several persons wore
wounded. Tbo boomers , who were mostly
Texans , it is said , were attacked In a barra
cado of logs and stones by the deputies , am
commenced firing. Volleys were roturnei
with spirit for some time , but the boomers
surrendered after some had been wounded.
Postofllco Sites In Two Cities.
WASHINGTON , April 10. There are sovera
perplexing questions before tbo treasury department
partment in regard to the selection of site ;
for public buildings. Among tboso the mos
difficult of solution relate 19 the sites nt Mil
wuukco nnd Omaha. Secretary Window hat
decided to dispose- them all as soon at
possible , and to that end requested Asslstan
Secretaries Baohollor and Tichcnor and Su
porvlsing Architect Wlndrim to investigate
each case thoroughly and to report their con
elusions to him for action.
Oklahoma Ijnnd Office Clerks.
WASHINGTON , April 10. Two and proba
bly four clerks , who are thoroughly in
formed as to. the gen oral detail work of the
local land office , will icavo the general land
ofllco to-day Guthrie and Kingfisher -stage
station in Oklahoma to assist the local land
A Double Arkansna Jnrk.
ST. Louis , April 10. A special from Fort
Smith , Ark. , to the Post-Dispatch says
Malachl Allen , none-armed negro , and James
Mills , a half Indian and half negro , w rc
hanged there to-day for the killing of three
men in tbo Indian reservation.
Price or Whisky Reduced.
CINCINNATI , April 19. The price of whisky
which has been hold at tl.OU as a basis fo
sovernl months , was to-day reduced to (1.02
according to the agreement inado at the
i'coria uicotioe cm the 17th lust.
Ono Was Too Froah mid the Other
Has Boslgnod.
Editor Ivltis , or tlio Athens , Tennes
see , Post , the Oldest Democratic
Or/inn of the Soutlt , Has
513 FOURTEENTH Stunnr , , >
WASHINOTON , D. C. , April [ 10. )
His learned to-night that at ttio cabinet
meeting to-day about the only topic discussed
was the two comptrollers ot the treasury.
The arbitrary action and the dictatorial po
sition , assumed by the first comptroller , Mr.
Durham , In a llttlo controversy with the at
torney-general , a day or two ago , convinced
the president that the gentleman's useful
ness had departed , and that It was ttmo that
some one moro In harmony with the present
order of things should bo selected to succeed
him. Mr. Slgour.ioy placed his resignation
at the disposal of the president some tlmo
ago , and his place woiild have been illlod
before this , but for the deslro of the presi
dent , us well as the secretary of the treasury ,
to 1111 the moro Important position first. To
day It was decided that tlio two comptrollers
shall bo appointed Immediately , and whllo
the names of these who are to have the
places could not bo learned to-night , It Is un
derstood that they will bo announced tq-
morrow , and the current opinion Is that
Captain John H. Thomas , of Illinois , will bo
0110 of the chosen.
Advance proofs of the current Issue of the
Athens , Tenn. , Post , wore received hero ,
to-day. The Athens Post Is the oldest paper
In the state , and the oldest democratic organ
In the Botitli , published under it continuous
name. Its present editor and proprietor , .1.
J. Ivlns , has been the chairman of the demo
cratic couney committee , of his county , for
some time , and has held several prominent
ofllccs under the democracy , the last of which
wns United States marshal , for the district ,
during the llrst two and a half years of
President Cleveland's lenn. Mr. Ivins an
nounces that ho is no longer a democrat , but ho will hereafter lip found witu the re
publican party. The principal reason for his
change of politics isjj ho says , the recent
action of the state legislature in gerryman
dering thoThird congressional district , which
is a disgrace to tlio party and a blot upon the
state , a stab at her prosperity , uud a rcllec-
tion upon the memory of these who have de
fended democracy. Ho also thinks that the
state is moro prosperous under a protective
policy tnim ho believed it would bo under
any other. These reasons lead him to take
the course which ho Inys'out In his card.
There has been much talk about the probable -
blo construction the present administration
will put upon the timodf the commencement
of the four-year term of office , wliero it will
begin , from the date of the appointment of
ofllcials , or from their conlirmation. After
much delay a conclusion has been reached on
this important point , and though' it is not
settled cither positively or negatively , the
course of the administration on the subject
of removals may bo. partially understood.
Whca questioned on'tajTjmtpr" ; } . to-day the
attornoy-gdneral said i j "It , h'os "boon deter
mined to make no rule to decide whether tlio
term of ofllco shall begin with appointment or
confirmation , but rather to Judge each case
separately , as it may como uu. It is thought
that will bo the most satisfactory method. "
With this explanation otHcials who are wait'
luir patiently to find when their term of of
fice expire may rest in sweet uncertainty.
At the interior department it was said
to-day that the Oklahoma proclamation has
brought moro work upon the land oflieo than
any previous action of the executive. People
ple from all parts-of the country write to
know all about the new territory , how to se
cure lands , when to go" and all the rest of it.
They fail to recognize , soemin'gly , that there
are only 10,000 quarter sections to bo thrown
open to settlement on Monday , and that
there are already quite that number almost
within the boundaries of the territory ready
to take up their acres. The department
ty-day assigned four clurks from the land of
fice to go to Oklahoma for the purpose of as
sisting the registers and receivers at the now
land offices recently established at Guthorlo
and King Fisher , in thq territory. They loft
this evening for their post of duty. There is
quite nn exodus of would-bo settlers from
Washington , who also loft to-night. They
propose to go right through and take up
lands If they can got them , and if not to con
tend themselves with speculating in town
lots. Most of the Washington colonists have
money and expect to make a great deal more.
W. B. Kerr was appointed postmaster at
Silver Crook , Morrick county , Neb. , vice .T.
W. Kiddle , resigned.
Clarence C. Kilbourno , Akron , Plymouth
county , vice A. L. McGinnis , resigned ; Olif
Sampson , Delton , Kookuk county , vice M.
W. Chandler , resigned ; B. F. Chapman ,
Derby , Lucas county , vice O. Bovard , re
signed ; 13. C. Stark , Gresham. Blnckhnwk
county , vice D.M.Tobias , resigned : H. G.
West , Little Sioux , Harrison county , vice A.
Mlnton , resigned.
The first assistant secretary of the Interior
has affirmed the decision of tlio commissioner
of the general land oflieo , who sustained the
action of the local ofllco in the case of Susan
C. A. White , rejecting her application to
iimko final proof in support ot hur homestead
outry for lots 1 and 2 in ttio cast half of the
northwest quarter of section III , township : tl ,
range 18 , Valentino land district , Nebraska.
A contest was pending at the time claimant
made her application against said entry
under which circumstances it is well settled
by the decision ' of the interior department
that final p'roof cannot bo uiado.
In the case of the appeal of Joseph Hurgol
froir. the decision of tlio commissioner of the
general land office of Qutobor Kl , 18SO , can
celing his homestead entry for the southwest
quarter , section 31 , township 151 north ,
range 00 west , Grand Fork district , Dakota ,
but denying His petition that such cancella
tion bo without prejudice , and that ho bo
permitted to transmute into a homstcad his
pre-emption declaration statement for tlio
southwest quarter of section 0 , township IK )
north , rupgo GO westIn said district ,
n The secretary of the interior to-day re
versed the decision umjor an act of congress
of March , 1889 , which fives all pre-emption
settlers upon the publlq lands whoso claims
were initiated prior tb ttio passage of said
act , right to change their entries to homestead -
stead entries , notwithstanding they huvo
heretofore bad the benefit ot the homestead
The first assistant secretary of the Interior
has modified thodccisionof the commissioner
of the general land ofllco in the matter of the
application of Elonor M. Ellsworth as the
inort'gageo of Sandford T ) . Ellithorpo for the
roinfatatoment ol the pro-ouiptlon cash entry
of said Ellithorpo for the northeast quarter
of section'J , township 113 north , range US
west , Huron land district. Dakota. Tlio
commissioner's action In refusing reinstate
ment was based on the ground thut
alnco the cancelution of Kllithorpo's
entry and prior to Ellsworth's application
the adverse homnstcad claim of Emma Har-
ker had intervened , but a further investiga
tion having shown that her entry has been
canceled by rollnquishment , no objection re
mains to the reinstatement of Elllthorpo's
entry , who will bo afforded an opportunity
to satisfactorily show the validity of his
claim , and , if such U done , his entry will bo
AHMY oiminis.
By direction of the secretary of war , Pri
vate Bernard Wagner , company 1C , Second
Infantry , now In confinement at Fort Omaha ,
Nebraska , will bo'discharged the service of
Uiu United States , to data September 14 ,
16ST , on receipt of this order by the com
manding officer of his station.
Tlio Boiilniiaer Coinmlnslon'H Work
Progressing In Hcarot.
ICopi/rtflfiJ / 1SSO by Jama Gonlnn ItennM. }
PAIUS. April 19. [ Now York Herald
Cable Special to Tun Bnn.1 The proceed
ings of the commission ot the high court of
Justice nro as yet n profound secret. The
members of the commission nro said to bo
hard nt work examining documents which
have boon submitted to thorn. It is not
known what they have discovered. There
are , however , reasons for supposing that It
Is their Intention to glvo the widest possible
range to the Investigations and to Include In
them a long period of tlmo. It Is not at nil
doubtful It would bo n chimerical under
taking to find in the facts of the case as laid
down in the demand for permission to prose
cuted General Boulangcr , and addressed to
the chamber of deputies by the procurour-
gcneral , the constituent elements of a plot
against the state. Even supposing tlio ele
ments of conspiracy to bo found
this would not suffice tinder the
constitution to justify the Jurisdiction
of the senate. It would bo necessary to send
the case through the court of assizes. It Is
probable that the commission is going to
innko every effort to discover tho. facts , going
back to the time when General Boulanger
was minister of war , or to the days when ho
commanded n corps of the army at Clcr-
inont Forrand. As n matter of fact , the
general would bo subject to the senate for
all criminal acts Imputed to him. . In such
case the competence of the senate would not
bo restricted to nn attempt against the
surety of the state. On the other hand , if
the commission found fault with certain ac
complished facts which relate to the time
when General Boulanger commanded nn
army corps , the case ought to bo referred tea
a court-mnrtlal. It certainly occurred to the
commission that it would do well to concern
itself about the events which took place
when General Boulanger commanded an
army corps. The commission Is also to
consider events which took place when M.
Cnrnot wnselected president of the
republic. There wore held at
that time many consultations in
the house of M. Lagucrre , nt
which General Bouhmgor wns present.
But admitting that these ninncuvrcs came
within the scope of the law , justice will
find itself singularly hampered by the fact
that several of the radical deputies , includ
ing M. Clnmenccau and M. Lockroy , worp
present nt the meeting.
The commission is not nt all anxious to
embark on such a wide field of investigation ,
and it Is doubtless going to con line its
efforts to another branch of the question.
It cannot us yet bo safely predicted what
will bo the results of the Cabour Investiga
tion , which , in all probability , will bo very
long. As for the oficct produced on public
opinion by these prosecutions , it is evident
that General Boulanger is placed in a posi
tion for which It will bo very difficult to give
a plausible explanation.
It Causes the Wruck of tlio Salt Links
KxprejH and Two Fatalities.
SAMOA , Col. , April 19. [ Special Telegram
to Tnn BEB.I Whllo'ttTo ' Salt Lake express
was passing through Black Canon , last night
atl2'30 , the cngiiio was knocked off the
track thirty feet into the river. Fireman
North was killed and Engineer Uyan fatally
injured. The engineer stayed under water
until tlio steam escaped , and was nearly
fuozen when rescued. No ono else was In
jured. The remains of the fireman , in the
river , have not yet been found , but they nro
being searched for. The ] tram was running
at an ordinary rate of speed. Tlio Jar from
the train is supposed to have started a rock
to rolling , which started other rocks , until
the mass grew In volume and bconmo a tre
mendous slide. Tlio noise from the train
and the roar of the river , prevented the crow
from hearing the noise made by the slide. A
force of men was at once act to work clear
ing the track ,
A Hot municipal Content ,
Ei , PASO , Tex. , April 19. The contested
city election took a now turn yesterday , The
old mayor , a republican , before the meeting
of the old council , which was acting as a
canvassing board , and of which there was
not a quorum present , declared the repub
lican municipal ticket elected. The repub
lican contestants wore sworn in and the now
mayor began to swear in special police after
forbidding the old city marshal and police
force to act. lie then tried to get into the city
safe. While working at the combination
the marshal sent a policeman to guard the
safe and the officer pushed the now mayor
back and took charge of the safe , but found
himself covered immediately after by a
double barrelled shotgun , held by ono of the
now officials. Five cases of Winchester rides
were secured and placed in the hands of the
special police , sworn in by the now mayor ,
and other republicans who hud assembled.
The city hull wns then in clmrgo of
an armed pnsso , who refused admittance
to two regular city policomnn. The demo
crats wont before the district judge mid secured -
cured un Injunction restraining the now
mayor from acting and putting the city hall
in the hands of the court. Tlio sheriff served
the Injunction and the armed posse at the city
hall dispersed quietly.
At 10 o'clock last evening the old city
council mot again with a quorum present ami
adjourned until to-day , when the canvass
will bo continued. Tlio old miiyor having re
fused to recognize the old oouncll , Council
man Johnson presided and appointed a largo
force of special police to act with the city
Not ISnontch Money.
WASHINGTON , April 19. Tlio board of
bureau officers , which has been considering
the proposals received for building an
armored coast defense vessel , has completed
its wont and reported to the secretary of the
nn/y. H is understood that the board finds
that It is not possible to build n vessel under
the lowest bid ( $1,111-1,003) ) , and comply with
the terms of the act of congress , which fixes
the total cost of naval rams , batteries and
other naval structures to bo built
under its authorization at 2,000,000.
Out of this total must coma the armor
for a coast defense vessel , which Is not to bo
furnished by n contractor , and which will
cost ? 'J50,000 , anchors , boats , etc , , and a sub
marine boat , for which proposals were re
ceived some months ago. Altogether there
would bo a deficit of about $100,000 , if the
lowest bid for the building of this powerful
vessel were accepted. The next move of the
department , if the report Is accepted by
Secretary Tracy , will bo to roadvcrtlso for
proposals , and If thut falls to secure Deduc
tion , then to appeal to congress for an In
crease In the limits of total cost ,
Prohibitionists nt Work.
LINCOLN , Neb. , April 19 , [ Special to TUB
Ben. I A paper Is being circulated for signa
tures calling a non-partisan convention in
Lincoln on Juno 5 to devise ways and means
of pushing the prohibitory amendment cam-
nalgn. Lawyers Atkinson and Robinson ,
who are run mug the untl-saloon republican
Icnguo In this state , are at the head of the
move. The cull is being circulated quietly ,
but will bo published , it is thought , withm
three or four days.
Crooked Mlnnuuotn
ST. PAUL , April 10. At various times
during the present session of the legislature
there have been rumors of bribery , names
being mentioned m several Instances , but l\ \
remained until to-day for active steps to bo
taken. Investigation committees were np-
polntcd by cacti house , but the proceedings
did not dovolopo anything especially sensa
tional. To-day n statement was mndo that
warrants had been issued and will bo served
on thirteen persons , whoso names nro with
held , for bribery and corruption. These
persons nro not all members , but nro said to
have boon In various ways connected with
the proceedings of the legislature. Further
particulars have not been made public.
Loulso Arninludo's Hey Husband Cro
nies Trouble In Ohloniro.
CHICAGO , April 19. [ Special Telegram to
Tun BKI.J : Louise Armalndo and her boy
husband , who are well known In Omaha , nro
in trouble once moro. The fair , Loulso
shook her thriftless "hubby" nt the con
clusion of the recent Omaha ladles' race , mid
for two weeks things looked up in the Ar-
mnlndo treasury , but nlas for human hopes ,
n limited Omaha freight last Tuesday
brought the boy hnslmnd Chicagoward ,
where Loulso wns trying in vnln to keep In
slchtof the rear wheels of Baldwin , Oaks
and Wood. Arriving nt Battery D , ho was
refused admittance by the muimg.ors , Sena
tor Morgan mid Tom tick , and ho created
qulto a stir until a policeman Invited him to
depart. Miss Armaindo , who was hopelessly
out of the race , sided with her recent
lord niul left the track. Next day a warrant
was sworn out for Eck's arrest for detaining
Armalndo's wheel , the cnso being decided
against Loulso by Justice Bradwcll , ns the
wheel was Eck's property. During this
morning , Stewart , Louise's husband , used
abusive langtingo to Senator Morgan , mid
the Omaha professional responded by lloor
Ing him with a heavy loft-bander , for which
ho later puld $1 lino.
Tlio race is a decided success , and the
English girl , Oak-t , looks like winning , with
cither Baldwin or Wood a good second. A
great crowd was present last night. Ttio
Chicago all-around-tho-world base ball play
ers will bo present at the finish Saturday
night. Misses Oaks and Baldwin rode
thirty miles the first two hours lust night ,
which is record for n fourteon-lap track.
Lower California Wntors tlio Source
or a New Dispute.
SAN Dinoo , Cnl. , April 19. Tliero has been
trouble for some tlmo between the Inter
national company of Mexico nnd American
flsbine vessels , the company claiming the
solo control of the fisheries of Lower Cali
fornia in the Pacific ocean and Gulf waters.
The Mexican consul at San Dlcgo has Issued
n proclamation warning nil captains of
American nnd other vessels that ho has
ordered the authorities at Ensonada to com
mence nn active crusade againstand to confis
cate all vessels found fishing in the pro
scribed limits , together with the imprison
ment of the offending captains.
Business Trouble" .
BOSTON , April 19. C. M. Barrett & Co. ,
dealers in rough leather nnd hides , have sus
pended payment , and will cither assign or
call a meeting of creditors nt onco. They
nro reported to have direct liabilities of
$23,000 or $30,000 , and contingent liabilities
to a still larger amount. Tlio failure > is at
tributed to losses by other failures , nnd n
shrinking in business. Barrett lias an inter
est in the leather business carried on by
Frank Barrett in Toledo , O.
Nuw YOUK , April 19. The office of the
Callendar Insulating and Water-Proofing
company , which "fnllod"thls 'morningr was
closed to-day. The place Is in the hands of
the sheriff , and no business is being done
either hero or nt the factory in Newark , The
ofllcials deny that their suspension is duo to
WIG departure of William Calloudar , presi
dent and treasurer , for Europe , nor will they
admit that ho is a defaulter. The creditors
think the amount of the liabilities will run
up moro than $400,000 , and they do not ex
pect that uny satisfactoiy arrangement will
bo made.
Tlio Dakota Docket.
YANKTON , Dak. , April 19.--Special [ Tele
gram to Tun Ben. I In Judge Tripp's court
this week the territorial docket has been un
eventful and the term will probable close to
morrow. The cases against John and William
Carter nnd John Flood , indicted for larceny ,
were continued and the accused released on
bail of $100 each.
Tlio trial of M. T. McLauflilin for uttering
forged checks was commenced to-day and
will probably be concluded to-morrow. He
is a young man and forged ono or two checks
for small amounts.
Laura Lcoford , keeper of a public house on
the levee , wns indicted and has fled. For
several terms the court has imposed a fine of
$500 on these offenders , and intimated that if
they continued , Imprisonment would bo
added. The grand jury has been discharged ,
nnd the house and business has changed
hands and goes on ns usual.
WASHINGTON , April 19. Charges have
been filed with the president against ex-Hep-
rosejitativo Smalls , of South Carolinawhich ,
if proven true , are likely to prevent his ap
pointment us collector of customs nt Beau
fort , said to have been previously deter
mined upon. Ono of trio charges made
against him is that ho bolted the party ticket
at the last presidential election , uud has
committed nets nf treachery to the party
which make him unfit for ttio least recogni
tion at the hands of the present administra
Niiinvd Alter n Nchrn knn.
Kn , Cole , , April 19. [ SpccIaHoTiin
BcB.l The county commissioners of the new
county of Phillips held their first meeting
hero to-day nnd accepted the bonus of the
county clerk , treasurer , judge , sheriff and
assessor. Tlio new county was formed by
un act of the Colorado legislature nt their
lust session from tlio Houtneaslern part of
Logan county , and was mimnd in- honor of
H. O. Phillips , of Lincoln , Neb.
. -
A Plot to AHHiisHiiuiti ; tlio Czar ,
ST. PirninsiiL'nn , April ! ! > . The prefect of
police has discovered the existence of n Ni-
hlllstlo plot to ussnssinato the c/ar whllo he
was attending tlio funeral of General
Paucker , minister of roads. Tlio czar was
immediately warned not to attend the fu
noral. A number of persons charged with
being implicated In the plot have been ar
rested. The Nihilists Intended to use dyna
mite In their attack on the czar.
A ItlackNiiilth
CiiAMiiEiiLAiN , Dak. , April 19 , [ Special
Telegram to THE BEE. ] Ole Nyberg , a Nor
wegian blacksmith , who has beuli working
in this city the past year , committed sulclclo
this morning by shooting himself through
the brain. He had been on a protracted
drunk for n month nnd had run through a
largo amount of money ,
H. Ai O. BtrlUo Averted.
CHICAGO , April 19. The superintendent of
the Baltimore & Ohio railroad In this city
says the threatened trouble between the
company anu employes , growing out ot the
life and accident insurance plan , has been
amlcably'sottled. No employes will bo m-
required to sign unles _ so inclined ,
A Housler
INDUNAPOI is , April 19. Sylvester Grubb
was hanged at Vinccnnos at 11 o'clock thin
morning for the murder last September of
Miss Gertrude Downey , his sweetheart , A
few weeks ago ho broke- Jail and tnado his
way to Illinois , wliero ho' was afterward
At Baltimore The Oranmoro , from Liver *
At Now York The Saalo. from Bremen
and the Bothnia , from Liverpool.
Now York Olty Visited by the Woralf
Flro in Yoars.
A llln Iinrd Keflnory nnd HURD
vntor * Consumed Loss of Ij
Heavy Hut no Details
A Klnnnclnl nnd Ilutnnn llolncnuafi
Nnw YOHK , April 19. The largest nnd
fiercest fire witnessed hero for years swept
the cast bank ot the North river clear to
day , from Fifty-ninth street to what would
bo Sixty-fifth street If that street ran to tha
river. It destroyed moro than $1,500,000
worth of property belonging to the Now
York Ccntrnl Itnllroad company , ami nt
least $ r > 00,000 worth of lard , Hour nnd tha
Ilka belonging to other persons , not *
ably N. 1C. Fall-bank , the great ChlJ
cage lard merchant. The llames destroyed
two big elevators of the Vundorbllt system ,
n big brick building , stretching from Fifty *
ninth to Sixtieth street , nnd occupied Jointly
by the Falrbank innl refinery nnd the
Hosslter stores , and wiped out the dock prop *
orty of the Now York Central railroad from
Fifty-ninth to past Sixty-fifth street. Henry
Bcnnlng , a workman in the Fuirbnnk refinery
finery , wns killed by n Jump from a third *
story window. Many others wore injured bj/ /
Jumping , but In the great confusion nttcudt
ing the conllagratlon , the names nnd cxtont
of the Injuries of but very few word
obtained. Uumors were rife all ovcni
Ins that a number of worltmoii
had been caught and burned In thd
refinery , but it has boon Impossible to verify *
them. The fire broke out in the southeast
corner of the Fnlrlmnk refinery , but now no
body knows. Soaked In grenso as the old
building was , it was In llames in nn instant , '
The men nt work in every story dropped
their tools nnd ran to snvo their lives. Tnd
stair cases were columns of llames and the
windows presented the only means of es
cape. Pursued close by the fire , the mcri
Hung themselves out headlong , nnd hov *
ninny there were nobody conld toll. Many
who came out were picked up and
carried away by friends. The fire had
soon swept throughout the length of tha'
building , and shot over towards the blri
grain elevators ( if the Now York Central
railroad. Between the place .whero the en
gines were stationed and tlio elevators word
twenty-seven railroad trains , which no fird
engine could cross , and next the Union Stock
ynrds , half n mile of broad enclosure nud
pens , equally impassable. There was no way
for n fire engine to reach the elevators ex
cept along Sixtieth street , past tha
burning buildings , nnd that street ) ]
after two engines had fought tlicic
way past , was blocked by falling walls.
Furthermore , near the elevators wns only
ono small water plpo. The fire boats wora
sent for nnd several of them began work ill
a heroic struggle to save the elevator , but it
wns all in vain. The tremendous heat from ,
the fire across dried and warped the wood
work of the big frame building under its
corrugated iron shcatnlng , and in a short
tlmo elevator "A" wns on fire and burning
fiercely. Soon after the walls of the Uossltoc
stores fell , releasing tons on tons ot
"burning merchandise that rolled in blazina
neaps in every direction. This increased
the hcnt and firnno , and tlio efforts of ttia
firemen seemed to bo entirely useless. About
this time the stock yards pens worp cleared
out. At 7 o'clock elevator "B" caught fire ,
and the scene hud then , in the growing
darkness , lurid effects that made a spectacle
of awful grandeur. The second elevator/
was entirely consumed also , and at 11
o'clock to-night , when the fire was gotten
under control , the half mlle of ruins sent
out u furnace heat.
An estimate ot the losses is as follows :
The Hosslter stores and contents. . ? 900,000
The Wilcox company , stock J50ODO
Elevator "A" 800,000
Elevator "B" 750,000
Dock "D , " contents 200,000
Dock "A" ! 15,000
The Wilcox building 220,000
Total ? 3,353,000
The loss to the New Yorlc Central com
pany is covered by insurance. Wilcox com
pany's stock was Insured for 5100,000.
Falfhury Items.
FAinuuuv , Neb. , April 19. [ Special to TUB
BISK. ! The Falrbury Driving association
will hold a meeting hero July 4 nnd 5. A
purse of over ? 1,000 has been raised , and will
be applied in payment of premiums , A scr
ies of races will bo given and a great tlmo la
A fine span of irray horses , belonging to
Houghtelin & McDowell , millers , which was
stolen by an unknown thief the first of tlila
week , have been recovered , They word
found nbout ton miles southwest of here , nn
it is supposed that being fat they could no
travel fust enough for the purpose of th <
ACnnndlnn Extradition TSUI.
OTTAWA , Out. , April 19. [ Special Tclo-
( jram to Tun Hii.J : Notice Is given in tha
house of commons of n motion by Sir John
Thompson , minister of Justice , to plncg
Weldon's extradition bill on the government
orders , The b'rll in question is to enable tha
government to volunteer the return of ref
ugees from Justice to countries with which
Canada does not happen to hnvo nn extradi
tion treaty. The sting of It lies in the fucs
that it is retroactive. Seeing that the gov
ernment has taken hold of the measure , it
looks as if there was a determination in
high rniiirtCi's to push it through.
A font Find.
FAiumny ; , Nob. , April 19. | Special to Tna
Biij--Coal has been discovered In this
vicinity. Ocorgo Fornoff , T. T. Berry nnd
others have , for weeks , been sinking wells
along the river ubovo and below town , but
no paying indications have appeared utitlj
very reituntly. They refuse to give parllc *
' .liars nt present , but steps Imvo been taken
to perfect a corporation with a largo capital.
A shaft will bo sunk at once , and Fair bury
looks hopefully forward to cheap fuel and a
genuine boom.
'Jlio JMInncnpolU Street Our Strike.
MiNNiur'Oi.iH , April 19 , There is no
change of consequence In tlio status of the
street railway strike. Sovonty.fivo cowboys
arrived from Kansas City this morning to
take the places of thn strikers , but they have
not yet been placed nt work. Cars nro run
ning more or less regularly on thcso lines
with minor disturbances.
Flalicirty Sinlluil.
HunoN , Dak. , April 19. [ Special Telegram -
gram to Tun BIK. : ] Judge Spencer pro
nounced sentence upon Flaherty this mornIng -
Ing for the murder of Jlnttlo Wilfton hero on
the 27th of last August , nnd Flaherty was
taken to Stoux Fulls this afternoon , to serve
n life sKntenno In the territorial penitentiary ,
Ho wns evidently pleased to escape bunging' ,
and smiled when the uonicnco was pro
lioiilnngcr Ouclit to Take u Tumble.
Diti.'BfeKl.s , April 19. The Belgian govern
ment has decided to send a second notice to
General Houlungcr , to the nffect that ho will
not ho allowed to consplro ngaln&t 1'ic.nce , a
nation friendly to Belgium , ,
An Illinois UiirrluHiie.
HiNCKM'.v , III , , April 19 , A hurricane
passed through this village , last night , un
roofing many buildings and tearing up sitlR-
wains and trees , In u putli about ono hundred
feet wide. No ciu : was seriously Injured ,