Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1889, Page 8, Image 8
THE CBIAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY. APRIL 192 1880. THIS CITY , w lii llin M/imli/i / / iii fl His ftliM t | > w InW 11(4 K I IMr / p WM flnml M Hfijl fcu . iM M wl M4ll F In n pniitli n p iffr ! > * f hit Nwi IB Ujr Mglil Mi * tb fort f * H 1 it * . M4i top lh , ! * rtrti M lrtff w r frfwftmi iMim fur , o MI. * H w ifil If ) I * * wtllill i * Uf IHW ffft * Mil fll Itie i W i' ' ICI * wnpMn ( lf < ! lilfll Mutiny lkAiu , r U Ml * . in lliH xlFMfl till Ti.iM "Mli , ! . n irili fi ( ( 'nfilcp ' , 'I'liu ' ntu r ( MM WH rMffVprnl l Ilia lt0ul | i ifrWNilmfulfip pil | mil ( o ( Jfiittlift Ulrfi.f * kNltiiPllftt flHHPrifflllli llflll ( 'OP ' * nl III I'HMIM Unit Hid ( i > C , l/Nllrlrlll / Ililllljl ( III/ / Mly llmll * , | | NMFHI ( | hH/IPfti4tJl ( ( flint HitrrtlllH lp | | r < ll Hi ( tin Illllllllli MiMn MA IflPtfHlV flllnilllud. IIIUUl * liiu H ( llin ( 'Hntiiif ' I iiltiii K. ol In. fit Wiilf * Imli mi ( , 'iiniliil ' } MM'Hl ' ( < | | IU | ( > < ) ( Illttl , ii ljyM ( < lii r Pli l | ftin Hllll Alfi r ) i rtim MfHw | IIH ! ft Imn InrMl ( In K HIM wn | iii ) | MFA. Mil tit lilmflHt ) iUrirrti liilh IlllUltlui It * M until Iti HIM I'uuiily ' jiill ilnt , Tlim ftnif nl ill' ' ! Wttf ft ( i Mi/ ( . . . . u IH ft" tf nil HIII Illtli iiliil ( { Hi t Nhy fur HIH HIM M I' fi ( UMIMII4 Imt I. liu | l > Itl IlllWrt lllIHrttMIMtllt ( ( ) ) tnii f finifMH , In liu tflVMii ittixl I'tlrt ttlllOfimillllOII If ) IICU ' | 1if H futilPiiiiN fop Hit ) il H HI HimiuiimliiiiHi * tiniltfl' ' Hit ) | IH IHW l L' illllly. A Illlllltlrll' fll NHIfMt If" Ml ) lllMlt Wllll HlU 'lil * "I tlUlhlfl , MIHI ( , lltll lllM Illl' > ff i f > tllWllMM lllMIHIIIHU Ol lilt ) hitl | | ! " h ! , AlllMIIL' Ullt M Will ) IlllVt ) I Hll llM hllV IIH'lllltllHItl ' ill t'dllllUU' ( Ifilt Hill ) IIM ( ItlWllltlll 1(1119 ( fllP lll'O Mr fp/.lilill ' ! Cml l , jtiiiii i'4. ' tiMiiiiu , . , f > nnU Ift'mli Ijlclniftl HOP' lrl. .fiitiit . llfnnt Hllll W. ! ' . fJbt'lldli ' ti KIM \ , n//nlhilfl / ( ) / ( Mllnl Mf cl MuiliM , lit , M nl IMMllnl IM MMi IMA rtHd M , JfogeHi ( if ( JlilCrt d , ntd II Hf ljJ8fi lrt , ( h .l MM ,1 I' Client , ttf J'lillmlol- ' MM * . < if hliiwlfi , I * ntridhrf Hie lt ( ( Itfi H IrttMr. . IrttMr.fl < ) ( ft r.Hlllri ] hfi Illi- Hf ( i > , l < j nt tlia Aflllrird , .1 nRfitit tot ( fid IVCil .Vottdrthty Hi ? ftfUlltfllrlrtfV | lfctrtffltltilil | iiir * nf thrt iJo tl oil Fridny hot Week l Ml , lntri 4 NMlRfl Hill Ir.tVO tlili Iflri ' 'Mllllfitt ' Uttlft" | ) OCllll tdt . llntlrie ; tin Tl4lt on tlio ron l lid ill R lellfllKtltMhimlilrt. Ad ttlll InuUc ) h HM fnf h hMllh ftrtd will bo fcotid aboul AUhHIiMMl Hnff Ami JlffWaii Scliliilllcr lirttl ) * * dunk * In it Aaloort on llio cor- ( fwwiff flflfi And tjcntetlworlh niul it < wd tla/lfirf rfhlrfi HtUr drew n flf .1nttelil < ittlerJJff litrtdcrs li khflcltln lltifr tldwh und if > htm Tnb mllor t iw rtrrcilcui . . f , ff * p ftfnwri , wife of W. t1. Urown , ftf fM fitmlly hfime , Idl7 soulh Twon- * * , j- ' ti | 1nt''f ton tifnpllon. fnfW-ral wfll littte ( ilrtco la ility nl I" * bt , ffwij lt ft & Hfctfya iinilortnltlnff HWM Vm l ThSr nlrtlnwlll bo IntclrcU W IMWM'1 JltH rwtwlerj' ' , fm lh Oranha. liC "itteor , " it rmittc'inn coraplnlns frttpn in > n < 1 ititrleri lhal n cor- fnAn whrwa nnmo * ho docs ftnrtv * but tfhom 41io can polnl oul * , M f > her A counterfeit ' (1 ( , t < > tiirfiM > ] 5 hi powl tnonhy. A h * * b -m m ftl for the fellow' * arrcsl. I'M Hmrtha prc tyrtcry , which hold ll < nn- ifl fctl fit Walnut Kill church , ad- friJ Vctlm ilrty niRht. tlov. John M. m wnl mnile mtfJer.t lor for Iho jircahy- ft * 1 He ? W U. llentlrr on and J. 1) . twrc nWpMd d(5lrg ( t0 < to the efnoral wnfrh m 5emn Now York May 15. ifi * S fR Srtt Knew Him. Trnn R Tf > . nn elil tlmft confldPnco man th frnrlrffl tlmnhsx several years o o , fvw ip < t < ( T a trtHn from the west ycstor- flsy ftftMUfl u I itorfe he hnJ tlmo to wiwh ilirtt fM of bt oar | Rergennt IIiuo ( * urn eft ? J MI , under the oliarRO ol A il came down from " ' ( \ < * f ( MM o r londu f homes. Ho sold PTIP pw in a mdn w n pave hln nnmo us John Wxrft MnJ rprrtK n' il himself as an attor- t\rr \ Ww-d 1d for the team with a 1800 on rtw WWfirMlW NRttonal b.mlc. Mr. eotjld tot get any fumls on the l B aww looltfflit for Ms Ilv T M * Ki | liitTi1 , who has bwn eonflnod In t i * itranttf fm the past few months on the fit bttrt fwf ( powla under false pro- wiii rtrtettiwl from Imprisonment yes- Tlr JwniiiliJ ujwnybloh ho usoaped 1oii wlrfc insanity Sbenhard's hemet t MMiiritM , Ia. It will ba remembered h . y art rf rascatatlon , got a buggj tn < < apMtl i the Columbus Mst mrt. ! , nlinrcM Quit Work , Y * * * leT iMoralng Itf men employed bj w twvorka pcmjxiny quit worlt on of a rtdwtwa of their wages Iron t Ji f A day The m n at Floreac ( fer * t * W LW JHW dwr , and th man on thi | > wi W ( * orkv at walQu 4t t er nhn * * In th < dwprraiiiu | ii B * y ui , . . , _ t jrti * ta > at u 6e SB ( * * * - - , - , n3 ? t A-flft w > H t a r wweU wlUi a ful f r - * ' * W * K _ wwt , M. , F H. S csrtcluti te fl. M. thi n in i , Ptolcmav nt Pliy * * at FxM > it > urjh { , SH.\S lv Uie ouuso u flright's diuc , o . ? blcMMi " Wnrnor' IF m * < * > v th Ki'ij < i " 3c H an a preventive hy cur IKK Hi lllH ll WrtA llriillf flcorohnl f < tthe , " Hid feal flrobtltf who lit 0/imliH / ] U4t rt yeitf n o , nhd who rtCrcsled Ih IJ6loti lot otlior . lm JtMt been convicted of III Ilia Alil'CMof oHinihnl court nl tlinl jilftfo1 Will nlfllieod to fouP J'ont ' * fttid Imlf III HIM | i ( * iltohllnfy , Ijftko' * fdnl hnma VIM A It Alilrall , of Lnfrtyolte , Ihougli ho JIM l/WH Itliottli ( ilidftP its Irirtwy nllitses ns tlioro dffl PfllliQ Inld nl Ills doof. ll ftphflKf d III Ofimlm Jtlsl n year nye , lift l/tiifiiMllU / ( ! wuHliof furtitliifo from the ( fislnll/ftiil slofti on North Hlxteonth . He iisia tw in cnsh. llcforo his first lilf im.Vliififit ( 'rttno nrotind , lie llrod the hg wrti occtli | lil ( < oil Lnkrt street nnd ? ltfl insiifritifo frolfl the Oorinnn l Ilistlfrtlini coitlimtiy. no mndu ] < rt uyllifl tMlisHollnrt. Ho then sUltipod , In liM Iflitl , il Win disclosed thnt ho sot lira III ( ; hlcntfo , Lnrnvetto , Indlnim. , I3tml wood , llliffiilo , Uotroll All/any , Koiiiiestof , llnstoii , New K , gl. I'mit , Mlhiicripolli , Uinuliitintt , lsVHIrt , NHWrtfk , MVfncilso , 8t Louis , mi I 'IflMniid. ' It li Iwllovcdi howcvor , that fitil-o'liollinlr Iho ( iln es In which hn elf | lf | fMlld ( ) ( III * dlithollcnl wnrlt. In nil M ltiMillif's , It Is liiicitvti tlmt tlia iiinoiitit f itinitev tin hits bblnlilod nn Insiirnnaa up- , , , . . Tim IIBW * at Ills convldllon \ \ boon ro- lVrtil littfrt wllli lilfiftsure. tni It Is not tin- KUlV UitilWliUll his ( drill shall linvo o.xplrrd , id Will ha tirroslud nnd convicted under lliof votl fliatlirmllsiti ? I In Vii you dlitlmluB1/ ll/tvM / you llt'lf/lit'fl ' ( llllVO you liliv l < ldno.V trouble ? Mnvd you tfriivolV llttd .viiil liny blttddor dlniculty ? litvo you dfoiisv'/ IIIVM you il.Vfliui3in | | ? ' l/ivo / you liliv skin or blood dlsuaso'i1 M you It Vltitlirrol nlnoliollsm ? Artl you woitU nnd dobllllnlody If so llio Almighty lias provided In llo Wlll f of Hxuolslor 9prliiKs , MoM a info fi'oo ruinodVt Hiatus it dUiroiluiuid Ollkf , Will lilui'O nuiirly prove Infallible 'OP ' yoilP t'lito Hint ! any ollior ngenoy oil Uiitl Illld on unrllii ' "I'lio ' KIlilV "I Kxcotelor Spring" ) , is lOWll'Jl'U sUfptis dd ninong llrst-ulnss Ail t'liarL'oq ' very reasonable. . ( JOItlfort tlinl coiivanlencu. Sur- HJUIlillll(8 ( ( tiUi'ilCliVOj Ullinalo dolight- 'lll Hllll liclitlllfllli Twonly-slx miles .Klin Ititllstig (1lly , Mo , , on the C. , M. & HI , J' , ntlli'Oiid , U'H IH ttfiiitiuntl &tlierlttteili1etit | n ( I'lilmblnt } Uuncnn lint IHt'oVereil ' tlinl .Illlliu ItudowsUy. who wns | ) | illllcl ( ( o sco thnt llio waterworks com. nti.V | iruinrly | reil | < tun < tlio imvomont nnd lift III thu Knl-ilillM slrdot wnlor tronuh , hns icon too oniy on tlio company , allowing thu Vurkltlotl td t-Piiliicd Ilia tmvomontnftcr their jWM Ifiiilllieh Thlls , between Seventeenth ttlti KlKllli'6'itti ' ttreaN , the blocks were not HIlliiirK Will ) tiir us tlioy were originally hild II jiuiltltitli Ho hit ! * , therefore , subatltutod \Vtliililj nuo of the rc tilnr plumbing irgi far ilia I on lout , ofilcor. ( Allntltil CoBitltlitloti , Mnrch 17 , 18SO.J Allllllftl I'dlflllll. ! Tlie funffnl liicrcttso In tnnrtntlty , result- tli fiuhl UK ) lilies ( it rnbld niiltnnli U nlnrin- H i nhd thu fnut tlinl tlioro hnvo been fntnl Mtllli fralti tha liltcs af nnlnmls whieh hnd cxhlliitod ha filgtis of rubles , iidds to Iho nlrtHi ! < Tlio cnso In Wnlloti county , On. , Is nil Iliilrttice. Tlio | iol < < oii wns eoiiimunlcnted iy lliO bile of nil ordinary hoiiao cat , which md never lOeined to bo Hindi The reporter loufd u toriln.V ol n remnrknblo cnso of n inly Who Wns bolsoticd b.v fondling nnd klsi- h ) , ' n lioodlo dof'i 1'no ' dot ; hnd distemper ntnl tiled of It nnd the Indy'i blood wns lOteolied to n ( lenrco thnt her body wns lirokoh out 111 f rent ulcers nnd snros from jicnu to font. From n bonullful nnd hcnlthy .vortinll . nho soon wnstcd to n more sUclclon , silfferlti ( , Rreitt ngoiiy < No trenttnent hone- ntleit Her1 iililll on Iho 23th of Kebruiiry slio fofnint-ticed to tn o Stvlft's ' apecino ( S. H. 3. ) which nt once bei nn to force out tlio mid slio Is how KetlttiK well rnfidly. I'll ) " , Scarcely n day passes that some fellow does hot get | ilncliod In police court for stealing Irolt or hrass piping from the Union I'nelllo shdps or .ritrds. Thomas Huhy was cottvlctpd'of the charge yesterday nnd son- tcnct-d to thirty' ' days til the county Jail. A warrant wits also issued for the arrest of Irit .foncS ) who lives nt the foot Jackson sheet , on n similar charge. "Uollof lalo than never , " but bettor tiofror laid when troubled with n cough Or cold. 1'ako Dn Blgolow's Positive C'lli'U at Oilro , which cures all throat and lllng troubles speedily and thoroughly. I'leasatit for chlldroiu CO cents and 91. Ooodmun Drug Co , i'lliiifi ) Works. The board of public works hnvo completed spcclfleatloDS for paving nnd will receive and open bids for this .season's ' work on May 4. JJids will bo recttlved for paving streets with Knmlto , Colorado saiulstono nnd Wood ruff stouo on snnil ; cypress nnd cellar blocks on plank nnd Aand nnd on concrete ; sheet nsphnltum , flvo years gunrnntoo , on forms "A , " "It" nnd ' ' 0 ; " and for vitrified brick on concrete. Hlils for paving alloys will be received upon stone , granlto nnd Woodruff stone on imiul nnd stone foundation. New Windsor lloh-l , Kearney , Nob. , bus opened under now management , relltled and refurnished , First-class accommodations for travel ing men. Two minutes walk from Hur- llngton and U. J' . depots. A. ST. JUMKX , Prop. TJio I'nwii-Httnti Itccord. H.Pnedman , pawnbroker on Tenth street , was arrested yesterday for violating the cltj ordinance requiring pawnbroicers to keep a record of all nrtlclcn left with them in yawn A number of stolen articles were found Ir his shop , of which there was no record or his books. Amonj : these was the case ol surgical Instruments stolen from Ur.Kchoo'i otHoo last week. Miitoripitn To the capitals of five European coun tries , $2iO. ( Longer tours , $ ; ! oO anil $160. All expenses Included. Send fet itineraries. M. J. Wood & Co. , 122 Farnam St. , Omaha , Nob. A liendly Mufllonl Instrument. Ocorpo Wilson , a rather respectable but needy-lookini ; young mnn was arrested on the charge of being a porter In a house of 111 fame. On his person wai found a chunk ol lead attached to a strap , and the officers en tcred against him also the clmrpo of carry Ing concealed weapons. Ho pleaded that h ( was out of work and had no money when h < took the lob and ho Intended to hold it onlj temporarily. The chunk of lead ho said was not a wai > on but the part of a harmonic at tachment devised by himself. At the rcques of the judge bo llxed up the contrivance anc played "Annie Lawrlo" and other tunes t < -satisfaction of the court and the aumso mont of the spectators. His honor then ac nulttod him with the admonition to stay awn ; from bis late resorts. The most common cause of sicklies- among- children la disordered bowels Something to open the bowels nnd to in up the stomach is usually all that is re quired. One dose of St. Patrick's Pill will tihvnvs euro. They are safe in al oases. They nro small , sugar-coated cushy taken , a ud contain no injuriou gubsutnca whatuvur. For uulo by al With noxpeotnlillliy. A number of eillum * of South Sixteenth In the vicinity of Mason , and also South Seventeenth onteonth street , at the same Intersection have complained to TUB HEB that theia local Ity is rapidly tilling up with disruputabl people , who have boon driven from tno burn dutrict In town , and who Indulge In uilO night orgies ami ether disturbaocca o ( th lonco , In some of the IIOUSLS occupied by tieso ticoplo. several encounters resulting orloUMV to the participants , have already nken plnco. The conduct of some of these jUtcnsta In rflprohonRlhlo In the extreme. It , B thought thnt some of the outraged citizens tnav , bo fora lonp , bo compelled to resort to ttrlngcnt means to rid their neighborhood of hcso nodal outcast * . fjnoatcd In Oinnlm. Doctors of Iho Mngllsh staff of spoo- allflts hnvo opened nn olllco at Hotel Inrkcr , whore they will remain until lay 7 , Olllco hours , 10 to 12 a. m. , 2 to mid 7 to 8 p. nil Those surgeons return every throe months , and to establish n wldo ronutti- lon in Omaha they oltor their sorVieos. his first trip , free of charge. They will tot tnko any case to treat without tlioro s it moral certainty of giving entire mtisfaotlon , Those doctors have had argo experience in the hospitals of Europe and America. To show the ox- ont of their skill they offer a largo iromium If they fall to euro any case Hey undertake of catarrh , constnnp- Ion , cancer , nervous doollity , dyspop- In and llvor complaint , skin , car and yo diseases , rheumatism and ague , tend olllco , London , England. Es- abllshod in 1870. . * Stowliiic Paul Awny. Speaking of the nltcgcd appointment of Vnndorvoortna superintendent of mails In tha ocnl postoftlco , n gentleman yesterday said : 'From general superintendent of the railway null norvlco , which ho sought , to so small n ilnco ns superintendent of mails , u position jolow that of chief clerk , is coming down Vlth n vengoanco. However , It Is no sur- rise to mo. Paul is desperate nnd wili ng to take almost anything. I umlcr- itand the salary amounts to $1,000 n year , .vhleli of course Is bolter than no salary nt ill when n mnn has hungnround Washington eng enough to know what n salary means. " Tlio position belongs to the railway depart ment , H below In authority that of the chluf ilcrk , wlio receives but $1,4'H ' ) , and , in this . 'cspect , hard fculings are likely to bo on- Kondercd. Why too HUpcrlntendciit should 'ccolvo ' moro for his services than n superior ifllcor on whoso shoulders rosti the rospon- ilblllty , is hard to understand , and the boys nterosted nro already complaining. Thoj' nV the chlof clerk's componsitlon is too mull , If the new ixisltlon commands $1,001) ) , IH ! salary , tlioy think , ought to be f l.SOJ. Advlcn to Mothers. Mrs. AVInslow's Soothing Syrup should nl- ivnj'B boused for children tucthmg. It soothes ho child , softens the gums , allays nil pain , iiirrs wind colic , nnd is the best rouieiiy for dlarrhuxi. ZTicon ti : u battle. How Wim lie Injitri > ( l. About midnight the trainmen on the dummy picked up nn old colored mnn named Sen Fletcher , on the track uctwccn the transfer and llio Union Paeillc bridgo. Ho Buffering from two or three broken ribs nnd otner bruises. Ho was brought over to this city , ns ho has n son -vho works at the Paxton - ton , nnd was taken to the police station. Ir ? Halph attended the Injured man. Fletcher was taken to his son's homo on Davenport , icnrTwalth. The old man Is said to bo do- nentetl , nnd cannot tell how ho got hurt. The rosy freshness , and a velvety softness of the skin is invariably ob tained b.v these who use Pozzoni'a Com plexion Powder. Don't Flhli In Cut-on' li. A number of fish caught in Cut-Off Inkc yesterday by n gentleman Hvingon Cuming street were found to bo full of parasites similar to trichinic in pone. Tno gentleman noticed peculiar tmnuto spots in the llosh of the llsh while they were being prepared for the table nnd picking them out discovered that they were worms almost microscopic in their smnllncss. The lish wore handed to Special Olllcor Vaughn , who turned them over to Dr. Ualph , tlio city physician , who pronounced them unlit to cut. Catarrh cured , health and sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price CO cents. Nusal Injector free. For sale by Goodman Drug Co . , VIciOtlH Dnns. Two men complained nt the police station , ycstordny.of having had trouble witli vicious dogs , Ullly Grove , n Union Pacific brakoj mnn , hnd n leg badly gashed and his clothes nearly torn off by a vicious brute on Pierce street , near Tenth. James Elliott wns the second complalnnnt. While passing i09 Williams street , ho was attacked by a big bull dog , nnd narrowly escaped being chewed up. Warrants were Issued In both cases for the owners of the dogs. Doolor.H In Session. The Omaha Homeopathic society met at the Mlllard hotel last ovoning. An interesting paper on diphtheria was road by Miss Dr. Smith , of Council Blurts , and evoked n dis cussion that was participated In by all of the members of tlio society present. The so ciety's hospital committee made a report , showinir that the scheme of u new hospital , on the plnti proposed by the society , is meeting with substantial encouragement. For a disordered liver try Ueccbam'sPills. Coiirlw as Collectors. A colored girl , named Gertio Davis , wns nrrested yesterday afternoon on the charge of larceny. The charge was inado by the girl's landlady who has n bill ngainst the prisoner for W for room renl. The clerk of the police court made n roar when the chnrgo wns read nnd announced that the pollco court could not bo turned into n collecting ngency. The cnso will bo Investigated to- ; .Indue Graff. President Euclid Martin , yenordny , ap pointed II. a. Clark , John A Wnkefleld nnd Mayor llroatch as a committee to seeing the Indorsements of boards of trade nnd business organizations of the slnto for tlio appoint ment of Judiro L. A. Groff to the inter-stnto comimirco commission. The committee of nttornoys to pet indorsements from the bar , the supreme , United Stiiten circuit mid dis trict Judges , will bu appointed to-day by Mr. Martin. That hacking coug hcanbo soqulckly cured by Shiloh's Cure. Wo guarantee it. For sale by Goodman Drug Co. Killed Ills Doer. After Dan H. Honln of the Railway no- porter returned to his home In Kountzo plnoo Wednesday night , ho discovered thnt n pack of dogs hnd killed his pet deer. Mr. Honln has had the deer nbout a year and a half , having paid $75 for It In Idaho when It was about three weeks old , The beautiful creature was very bright and tame and boctmotho great pet of the family , fir. Honln has de clared war on all dogs that enter his prom ises hereafter. A JNew Train. The connecting link between Ne braska and Kansas has just boon placed in service by the Union Pacific railway. This train leaves Council Bluffs dally at 4.45 a. m. ; leaves Omaha at 5:05 : a. m. , and runs through without change to Manhattan , Kan , , making direct con nections there with the Kansas division of the Union Pacific railway for all points In Kansas and Colorado west bound , and for Topeka , Lawrence , Kan- sab City and points cast ana south via Kansas City , Iloturning , train leaves Manhattan at UI5 : ! p. in. ; arriving at lleatrico nt 0:2-5 : p. in. , Lincoln at 7:6(1 : ( p. in. , and Omaha at 11:20 : p. m. , Coun cil Bluffs 11:10 : p. m. , making direct connection with Kansas division trains from Kansas City , Lawrence , Topeka and the east , and from Denver , Saliim , Abolino and all points west , enabling passengers to visit the principal points in ICaiibUH and Nebraska In the shortest pobsiblo tlmo. These trains have first- class equipment , consisting of smoking earn and llrst-class day coaches of the latest pattoni. The now train will 111 ! n long felt want , nnd is bound to be popular. THINKS IFOR HIMSELF. Mnyor Dromon Wnnts Neville to Tcml to Ma Own Huslnoss. Judge Nevlllo'ft ? letter relating to the Eighteenth and FAfnnm street site for the postoOlco wns handed Mayor Urontcb nnd the attention of the factor was called to the para graph In which it Is stated that ho ( the mayor ) , being in fever of block SO as n slto for the postoftlco , j would certainly vote the ordinance vacating the alloy of block 11C. "I do not know , " said the mayor , "on what authority Judge Novlllo makes that state ment , I do my own thinking and hold my own council in such mnltors. It Is true I endorsed block SO ns a good location for the postofflco , but yet I ucllovo tlioro nro bettor sites than that. "Tho city has the power , " bo continued , "to vacate any alley in the city nnd there can bo no dlfllculty on thnt score. As to the statement up abovohero about what Hascall will do , I think the pcoplo will find out soon that Hascnll cnn't run everybody. "I don't see ns there Is much for mo to say about this letter. " When you need a friend , select a true one. Dr. .Tones' Red Clover Tonic is the best friend mankind has for all dis eases of the stomach , liver and kidneys. The best biped purlllorand tonic known. CO cents. Goodman Drug Co. Hcvliod KpeolllcntlonR. , The board of public works has finished the revision of the specifications for city work and turned them over , as revised , to Sec retary Wnpplch to bo copied in the records of the board. Hut few changes have been made , nnd these lire of but liltlo moment , the revised specifications being practically the same ns those of 1SS7. Coal tar for sale by the single barrel or in car load lots. Address Sioux CITY GAS LIGHT Co. , Sioux City , In. Took Other I'conlo'o Goods. Thieves entered Klllan's barber shop nt 100 South Fiftcsnth , nnd stole n number of razors , hair cllppors'and other articles to the value of about $ oO. C. O. Howard is still after the fellow with n mule team who robbed his grocery nt forty-eighth nnd the Military road of $ t',0 worth of fruit trees. Ho now offers $10 re ward to tlio ofllcer who captures him. Fisher Printing Co. , 1011 Farniunsl. . telephone 1201 , blank book makers , otc , Tjlccnacil ( o Wed. Following are the marrmgo licansos issued yesterday In iho county coart : Niimc nnd He.ildenco. Ago. j John A. Johnson. Florence , Neb . 23 I Annie Thirtlu , Florence , Neb . 1 ! ) j James W. Uunson , Ellzabolh , III . 24 ( Enio Uanson , Media , la . i-'O j Frank Thomson , Omaha . 2li | Anne K. Nielsen , Oinahn . -0 Dr. Gluck eye and car ; Barker ulk. ? lcrnm < 9. Supt. Wlutlock ' .yesterday issued the fol lowing permits to build : II.V. . Crcmer. two-story brick and frame duelling , fourteenth nnd Chicago . S 10,000 llullmau A : Co. , onn- tory rramo dwelling , Sixteenth nml Oarflotii . 600 Denny A : O'llanUm , one undone-half story fraiiio dwelling. Twenty-eighth nnd 1'lntney . . . 1,030 ,1. K. llurdick , two-story frame dwelling , 1SH Hlnncy . J.OOO A. Ooldbew. ono Htory frame dwelling , Fifth aim t'oppleton . C33 J. M. Wilton , ono-story frame dwelling , Pleasant itml Davenpoit . 1,500 Four minor permits . 585 Ton. permits aggregating . JIP.'M Absolutely This powder never varies. A marvel of purity utrenstli and wholesomcnoss. iloro uconuinlcnl tlinn the ordinary Kinds , and cannot lie sold In competition with the multitudes of low cost , shortwelKhtaluinor pliospn.ito powders. Sold only In cans. Iloyul Uuklng Powder Co. . ISO Wnllstreet Now Vork SHE WOULD OUO : TO EltOVT IT. Tlio world oiiglit to know u hat S.S.S. has done for nc : In the cine of n malignant Cnr.ccr , \ ililchKI tobndnsto lie coaf-lilcrcd Incitru- bio by the i > ! ij > lclmi < ) tn Chicago , ulicro I \\cnttoljetrtakil.Ono of my jiclhlorrt ; cent me a copy of nn uihcr- Itfcnient In rrgaril to tin irt'Ht > [ M.tIfi& find 1 KCiiii titkln , ' ! it. I got relief from tlio ilrft few thu poison na gradually forced cut of my fjeluni. nnd 1i.a eoon cured found nnd v.cll. It Is now ten inonllisrlncolqnlttal- . - . _ . nnilllm\o liail 110 tl ti ol return of the dreaafu IIus , ANN BOTUWKI.L. Au S-ablu , SIlcIi. , Dec. 89 , ' 08. Send for booka on Dlood Dlseaoca nnil Cancers , raallcil free. Tin : SWIFT Srncino Co. tm . . Urawcr 3 , Allnnta , Ga. Ask Your Itctailor for the JAMES MEANS SHOE ou 'run JAMES $3 SHOE. According to Your Needs. JAMES MEANS 04 BTTOI1 fluillglitanaitjltoft. Itfluilhon * Btnculntj anl JlllOUlllEy . MO"JJHKAKJN " < rjN"b - ing perfectly caay uie first time It U worn. Jt wIU MUtfy the mo t i " - . . -oui. .7AMIJ8 MEANS hllOt ; li absolutely tha iljr thoa of Id price wlilcii tmi ever Lcen pUceJ ex- lYelyon tha market In which durability la cooililucd beton meroout- wuil tun W Shoe for noya J. MEANS & CO. , lloston. Fall lints of ibo'abovo klioea for mile 1)7 Morris & Wilcox and Geo.S. Miller K3ARVELQUS DBSCOVERY. Only flcniilne HTitrm offllcniory Trnlnlna. Four Jlaohs I.citrned lu ono reuillnu. Allud ivninlfrlnit cureil. Erery clillil nnit nilult creiitly brncfllted. CltSt lodtt .m ut. to Corre.poud DC CluJt . ol . \ \ . * " " ' Pnwuoctus with opinion * Dr. m.j " / r ' i if , * A Kiufl llkt In &lina bon , 837 FIAU Arc. , N. Y. CONTINENTAL CLOTHING COMPANY Special rnn CAQTCR U/CCW / Special Attractions E UK EMp I Cit IftCIV Attractions We Claim Your Patronage. . < j > Not only from the fnct tlmt wo occupy the largest nml most perfectly appointed cstnblishmonl In the United Stfttog , but nlso bccnusovo possess fiicilitios unsm-pitssod for the irmnufiiutiiro and sale of nil goods In our establishment , nnd wo base our'oxpocttvtlons of future Increase In business upon the growing londoncy among all classes to look for the best article of merchandise at fair priuoa , and to confine their patronage to the house that gives the moat thoroughly relia ble and satisfactory goods. Special Bargains in Meiis' Cutaway Suits , price $15 OT No. 1 Wo have conbolldatod several lines of Mans1 Fancy Worsted suits , in medium and dark shades ; sulta which have sold for $20 , $122 and $25 , and marked them all at $16 per suit. The sizes on some styles are somewhat broken , but the lot as iv whole forms one of the most attractive bargain lots wo have over olTorod. This line includes goods manufactured by bonio of the lincst makers. In regular mous' sizes from 3d to 42. Price $16. Sawyer Cheviot Sack Suits , Price $10. LOT No. 2 Wo olTor 160 suits of double and twist cheviots Suits , manufactured by the celebrated Sawyer Woolen Coat the remarkably low price of $10 per suit. There tire no goods manfacturod that gives such universal satisfaction , as these , and wo offer them unhesitatingly as the best suit that canbo purchased for the price. These goods are sold in every clothing house in the country and in some cases as high us $15. Our price is $10. All sizes from 85 to12. . This lot is in MODS' Sacit Suits. ' Ghevioi Sack Suits , Price $8. LOT No. 3. Wo olTor another very popular line of Cheviot Suits , In > i darker shade , a pure all wool , brown striped cheviot , well inndo and trimmed , and fora cheap business suit , it is ono of the best wo can manufacture. Our price , $8. Boys' and CEssldrens' Department. In no department of our establishment is there so great an opportunity to offer attractive novelties , pleasing to the eye and a red nod taste , as in our Boys' and Childrons'Department. No matter how cheap garments are olTorod in the department tlio first requisite which must always bo kept in mind , is the slylein which they are out and made. Sp@osa3 Bargain Lots. Boys' Long Pant Suits , Price $7. We have inndo an effort to continue the sale of suits nt the popular price for boys from 12 to 17 years , and will ofl'or this week , two styles of pure all wool Ciibsimoro Suits at $7 per suit. "Wo do not think that those suits can bo duplicated outside the Continental for less than 810. You can't help buying them. Boys Suits , Short Pants , sizes 4 to 12. Special Bargain Line at $5 Wo offer this week the very best value in a boys' Cheviot Suit , a perfect gem in quality and In fit. The price this week is $5 , and it will bo appreciated when you examine it. Bys' ECnee Pants , Price 08 Gents. Wo have decided to offer another line of boys' Knee Pants atCOc. These are two styles of pure all wool goods and in all sizes , 4 to la years. Price 50c. Attractive bargains will be found on our Boys' Hut Counter , 80c , 75 and $1. Freeland , Loom is & Co. NEW YORK _ DES MOINOS . Proprietors ; Corner Fifteenth and Douglas .Streets , Men's Furnishings. Every gcntlemnn should consult his own Interest nnd visit our store licforo purchns-j ' liighls furnishings for Spring such ns Neck- wear. Gloves , Hosiery , Underwear and Shirts. Easter Necku ear mid Gloves tlilb week. Mas Meyer-EstaWIshai 1866-AdoIph lloyar SIXTEENTH - AND - FARNAM - STREETS Cicncral A ocilH fur STBINWAT , CHIGKERING , KNADE , VQSE & SONS , BEHRBROS , , and JAS , W , STARR Story & Clark and Slioninger-Bcll Organs , SI'KCIAh I'HIUUS AND TK11JI8. Write for UAt Health is Wealth 1)11. U. C. VS'KST'S NimVB AND TIllAIN TllB T- MKKT , u guaranteed opucillo for Ilysterln , Ulzzl- nesH , Convul lon . FltH , Nervous NouralBla , Headache. Neivons I'rostrfttlon rnused by the. usoofalcohol < - rtobaccoukefnlneds. . Jlental Denreaalon. Sotanlntrof the llraln resuHIng In Insanity imd loudlni ; W jnlsery. decay uud death. 1'remnture Did Age. llarrennesH. Josiof j' sex. Involuntary iMittea nnd Bpcrmatorrhii-ft caused by over-exertion of tneurain. alfnDusoor over indult'encti. J'.ach box contains on" month's treatment , 11 u box , or alx boxes for W , ueut by mull prepaid on re ceipt of price , WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To rurenny case. With each order received by us for alx boxen , atcomimuled with M , wo will tend the purchaser our written guarantee to refund - fund thu money it the treatment does not tilled ncure. Guarantees laiued only by Oopdman o. , DiUb'Bibta , Kol Ak' nw. IH Om UU ub , OMAHA MEDICAL a d SURGICAL INSTITUTE N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodpro Sts. FOIlTIIETIlliATJIENT OK ALL , Appliance : ; for Deformities and Trussos. Heat facilities , iippnratus und remedies for HUCCGSI fal treatment of over ? form of disease rutiulrlni Medical or Surclcal Treatment. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Hoard and attendance ; beat hospital accomuioda- toniilr. tlio wot. Will re rnit Cntcnr.Ain on Deformities and Urace , Trusses , Club I'oot , Curraturo of tlio Hnlno , Piles , Tumors , Cancer , Catarrh , llroncbltls , Inliulntlon , UleclrlcHy. I'nralysls , Kpllepsy , Kldnny , Illaddcr , bye. Ear , Skin anil Ulood.unil all Surgical oporutluiu Diseases of Woman a Specialty. IIOOK OK DmnAsns or WOMUN KIICE. ONLY SSLIABLB MEDICAL INSTITUTE MAUINQ A BPECIAl.Ty Or PRIVATE DISEASES. All r.looj Dl oa c * lucoooffully treated. Syphllltlo Polgcn ranioTBrt from tlio oy t m without mercury. New roitoratlve treatment lor loss of Vltnl I'owor. I'crsom unable to rUll ui may bo treated at lion.o br corrvapondcncn. All rommunloittlonB ronlldt'jitlul Meillclnea or Instrument ! rout by mall orexpro , BT-.nruly packed , no mark ! to Indicate contents or sender. Ono personal Interview preferred , Call nnd consult us or sund history of your case , and we will uend In plain wrapper , our BOOK TO MEN , FREE1" Upon Private , Bncclal or Nervous Diseases , Impo tcccy.Hyplillls.Gieot and Varlcocule , with question lilt. Address Omaha JUctfica ! ami Surgical Institute , or ttil. ABcitZENAHlY , Oor. 18tb and Dodge 6U. , - OM2.HA , NEU , w S > _ . < 0 V RESIST ELECTRIC BEXT rATK.STKUild. 10. fHIT. IXI'linVKII mil. I , 1889. " " " "faIXI'linVKII DR. . , ELEOTRO- GALVANIC ; 1 BODY BELT and Ruipeni grenuarnnteedto cure Iho fell Inxi AllIlliBum- tla fViiopUl. I.uinhaito , ( J nv ml and ftervou * ' Debility , ( Who- ea ei , I4 rvou ' nun , 'J'rsioUllnB t Hniual Kiliaui. lion , Intomtija , rret'onln Voutli or SI rt7o'ri.'t ' ) "oll Jjliooioi peVtula- ln to tha Womb or fault il omaui- 'J'lilil llin jMTI.trandOiiEATUur lmprorero nt < irnr made , nnd Ineupeilor to til olliori. Every buyer of u Hlortrla Unit Hunts tha lalmt tbli ha Kill IIml liu Doen U lit. ltdlHT ( roinullotlieriuiltl Bll TIIIi lilil.T , and not n chain. olulc or wire belt. II lll I HIM > HUBilil liCiirsiil < by tlttlrltllr. 'Jbe eluclrlocurrent ran bo 'IrflTiU ur anrona befors ( t Is ul pllrd In tha bnity , and Is worn onlj > U to tan Lours dallr. If > ° u will namlna this bait lou will buy noolhor. To > how 111 * EHTHIK CoNriDKHCC ve ImvaluourKleclro-OsI * ronlo Uulu nnd Appllnnces " lll ' ' 1 * ur No. t lltll ( omiUI | < la I'irllri on Idlrly l ; i * TrliU buna or our TWK lllu.ln.lnl . rral'ilrvrilr. ll f ' tLtl 7ltUi\kCll.t8 : , \ii\ttHf'rFtlr \ , THE OWEN EUCTRIO BELT AND APPLIANCE CO. cUtciloa tbli l' [ er. ) ( l.toironiiiD Ju leili. 1967. ) 300 North Broadwiiy. ST. LOUIS. MO. DiUNKENNESS C.1 .be Manor.Habit , I'onllUrlr Cured br AilmlnlxlorlnB Dr. llnluen1 Lioldcu HpcclOo. H can be clvenlna cup of colfeo or lu artl- cles of teen , without thu knoHlodgu ot th I' " ' lent ; It Is nbsouuely ImnnlesM , utul will ef. ft-ct u permanent uuilnpeeilycure , whether ttio putUnt la a moder-ito drinker or un nlcohol wroclc. IT NKVKll FAII.H. Over ( OO.OOO ilruukurds have been maila toniperutu men who Imvn tuWeii ( lolden Siecltla In their coiiro with out their knonledge , and today believe they ( iiilt ilrlnklnu' of thela own accord u paj-o book of particulars fr e. Kulm * . ( > , iJKonis l h und Douglas bt * . Ibth and OuinlnB f > tr ets , Omaha. Neb.s CgOucll Ulutf * , Jowa : Aueuta , A. 1) . Fott r& Uro. I New York , March I , ' 89 , f t f MANAGER t f 'I DEAR SIR : ty Your goods are "satur- n Xated with water , " "dried" rand "cold"pressed , 7a a § I An excellent and perm a-1 ft tt | nent finish being the result. ! v y f * A You may guarantee all I j A ' Vl ' S rronrl perfectly shrunk , hvA ' j the best known methods. A | New Spring Suitings and 6 I Trouserings will arrive 4 weekly for next 60 days | 6 I Comprising the most | fashionable of fabrics. BUYERS FOR A W3ECSO 4 A IL < M09 Douglas Street , Omaha I 4 - - > - COFFEE The 1'ubllo are not itencrnllr nvraro tbat br th prosonl intliod ) ) of cooblntf fully one-half ot the convo that U uied In Ibrown iiwny in tboitroundi und witttoil. rbemliU cotinuctoj with thli conipunr liHvo mi ( ciliil In narliiK Ibli wniton ) tlmt tbuioiu- lianr ( un furnlili colioa uiado of Ibu UneilJarH , put . up In imiill iiorlnble jars und u/.iniANTkli rKUrjfOT. i.v CUIIK und irniirunteod to lie unlr about ONI ! ' 1IA1.KTI1K ( ; OST lo thu cnuiiniurot vomiuon cof- Ieo. Hnlr bolllnii watnrli ni'tld when proparlne It lor the table. Crown l.liuld i. geu C'oiumn/ | , | Aok Your CrOfcor for CJtOII'Jf JjlQUJJ ? CO WISE. MCCOUD , U AWi & CO. , Wholesale Grocers , , - Oinuhit , Neb ( Wyoming Oil Lands LOCATED , And nil necefiKury paper * IllleJ , W , E , HAWLEY , Civil Englnur. CASl'UB , \VVO..or OMAIIA , H