Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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    OTE OMAHA DAILY BEK * r.iFlIDAY. . APUIL 10. 1889.
h.iMMf / li fiiiMil Hill liii Ink MI lor
litt I iillMIIII * flHff lll'lltl | l , Ml.
11 rin * I nili In HiUrtiiM *
. rj ' 'm i r"iij IMF f-n n iii
t * H llMMI f , MVI lL' | | * ffllWI > f lllllflllli
4M Hi < M fM'i i p i ITnt'l * t ' '
li I' * | in , ii j ftitMl fiiii i n r ill/ ! Mid
In i i i in | Pi AliT\fcf < l All ' 1n-Ml i -
fl , | , ' ! < < ' * Mtl'l" ! ' ! > I" I I" lit ll > l I l'l lt II.
I I i. lift III ! 'If lllii 'sii < ttlll tilbl )
il m fiiilili'l''l I. . ) In 11 l iif |
IK m .i ii in. lull , * * . oi'i'titM ' ' ftttil Imr.
11. < r nh'n f * iifilf > > * * 'it in ft' nf rim linn
fl i ! * Miif i h i k In "i.ihin . Ihd'ti ( ntjfl
41 I < i"i Nl fi' H" Will llji ili'li i frili' e itillltl
i'tr , ' | ' 'h'k All ltii i M In Md !
lliiiii ii | ri"iiin In ( Mlf I' " " illi | ripTrii'i'T-- '
A ! i l > ' ' iiiMi | nt < i ' iiiiiinin f pub
II ( l < < n ( MnitllUC It'i'l ' ' tfiilliK It'llMum'it '
Hill I'lf ' Hi | | < tH'fli 'I Will'll nKMrPICttM
III d fin i im IIHIIKI * iiitnr. mxi Kltns thi < .1 )
tufil a * ii ii rtnl ti"l 'ill/ 'if III" iltyilt'il '
i " I ' * ( Iff'ill * " " ' 'if I'oiitirli ' ( ' IIIHT4 ,
I. , * , , i ' ) , ( , M | | I lliroiiliout ( (
iliU II ii nl MIH "MM
4i1f fl | lu < frtf Ih"iitMllin" Will Im tnKrn
ii' | rn . | m.ltlHin. | * l Hin follottltig liusl-
, li ii * . ii itiui tf" M lli"M-iid nui'iiis for Tun
ri t | UI Iliillr * * rttld tfill lllllti | ) th milH
Ikli > i' mil tin Irnddt tliit tintlli olllco ,
I I'llr ' * vv IIKI.I. , I'linrinxIM ' , no Houth Tenth
( UI t'll * f , | ! MIV. | niuiliiiixr * mfl ! I'tlntern , III
i illi i Hi ftri-di.
) I Mi1 * 'UUIITII. ' PhnrmiiF't , ZII5 Ctinv
. ing
\ \ ' Hi iillliK , I'lmriniieUt , ( tll Nortli ICth
> > . i I.
/ 'Mu U plltl , riinriuncht. It * * ) Ht. Mary' *
\ A 1.1 nun
VVxNII'li rflttuilliitili ) llrMtdiiss man rook.
n il N l.llli st. WMSJ-
\\\N'II'.I itiifllloii bv youim mnn 17
> ' ius < i. | in ilrltn dnlltitrr wnii > n or nnv
KII I 'W'IIK , pniK iliirinnni Komi rufiirnnu'K.
Mil' s J"U " IlilVi-llliiilt , UIO lUf *
\V' XMTnir"'ii'slllnii | us trnvi-llim i nlrsmitn ;
J ' < 'UK ' ujpi'lli'liri' ' ; uood rufuruuius. Addreis
Vfll wr )
A 'M NO mnn wants K position nt HOMIO
mini Iliivn Knpt n riirnlliini utorc I yearn ,
inn Niiiiid tiniki'r , c nil talk and write ( lorinitn.
Ail Hem \ IV , IKP. | s-iMiij
Sl'l'l \Tii.N | wntiti'dnn hoUH'tkenper In "id-
iwi-rn fiiinlly by widow Indy. ( an ulve
Imsl "f ritfuriMiiit , Aildrp s or call ' 'il-J llnr-
llrlln lli'iil
' \\'ANTI D I'o ltlnii m lumlier yard ! tlvo
' veiiin inperleiire ; cnp.ibto of managing
li-tiill tnr l ( lent n feriincns , and rerommnnda-
l n fl'iin | m-.I iimpluyeri. Address M. M ,
Muni' Kenrnev , Nub. dW-IU *
" \\ANTII ! > -A plnni to do nocond work In
'I ptHnln fiiinll ) by n nlin Amnrlcnn girl.
( n > > ur ndili. . H. H. , 111 Illlams si. Ml
-Hitnatlon by n young mnn f-li as
' clerk or ale man : good clerlcnl mid ox-
rr Hlvn uliitj ) | j N , V. eliy reft'ieiues. Address ,
fitntlliU tertiiK. "V M. ' llee olllco. KM H *
U'SII.I ) I'.iiiptnt meiit us bookhiieper or
III ' < lli guild rnferenecs ; good penman ;
nt | > Mot afraid to ttmk ; willing to leave
\ ff , , lli'o , HIH |
' \ \ ' \NTii ; | Hltuntlon In tthoh'-nlo or retail
ii ur-ic > ry , mime experience ; salary not so
lull'i > nn iil'je , t an further knoulcdgit of the
lni-.lni' . , : , , , , referent ON mid security : nd-
tin s \ f , | . | | i. | . . hSU-ltf
\ \ ' \NI'II ! -A Bltnntlon bv n Mrs ! class car-
' i lln ; o lilinmer , Address V r > 7 , llee olllce ,
HI ! ) IK'
I > AllTIPHdi > slrilign\pprlonred ntntingruphers
< uli "iilnln jiint the. ti'iftyanteil without
ib'liti or iiM-.iiiti'iili'iiii < fiom ilioxsteriisten -
nirciii't , Lincoln , Neb _
1 ) , \ltTIIs ; drilling rxperionued male or
fi'iMiil. ilnnourapners i nil nbiiiln just the
iinrt wnnlix ) tM'Iniiil ' dnhit or Inconvenlenie
f n in liic Mi'sioru hitriiogriptilc ngoncy , Liu-
um Neb. ii ; :
\ \ ' \NTPI ) Twoyniii'ir men cm se.Mire light
' work iill'l giKMl wanes all KUmmer by call-
Inirnt ui tnom , No 17JJ ) N. 1 . ttU-13 *
-\\rANTID ! A large boy IU or 1 to take c.ue
il of Inningentlymnn. Apply 17 ! 'l liodgo t.
"V4rANTI'D- good cmrlago trimmer , sternly
T ? tturic byditt or piece , guarantee work the
ynur i niiul to the right parly. For fuither
pin Hi umr apply to Ixmehn , llor.trlcs , Neb.
( US SIr
" \ \ \\TFD-A mnn to prissorntmentnl brick
i ' bj hand press. Address Itiver I nils.Nt'ls.
I' . O. llox ! II7. Inll I'jt
AUIINTH Wnnlod : ( It ncrnl mid local agents
< o handle the now patent Cnemlcnl Ink la-us
ing poneil , ur. itlevt mny | | utor produced ;
runes mi , m i uoiiuoi.d-i. noubraston of paper ;
V1 I i. , ui per i cut piolll ; sells at .sight ; tern-
tort nii i.luti > l > flee ; Miinrt to fjiiod men. For
liiMiisutii rml piirtUnl ii-.uddri"-M The Monroe
liaio lo I S. i\pre-n : tiulldtug , l.a I'tos e.
t'ANI'UD Man to wash illOicH. l.ouio
i Mot iar , ii."i llio.idwa ) , I uuncll Illulls
\ ' \NIID Tttn shnemakeis foi t.oi end hand
work l l N. lOlhst. KU-UO *
\\'ASIF.D For lintel , clerk ttlio can ttpenk
i ( > t rnian and Dunlsli ; also porter , S yard-
ini'li. i m nml inokfl , pan ttaslivm , etc. Mrs.
llrrm III , . 60I-18J
jV\l'Kltil'N'KI ( > man In hnt and ( npdepnrt-
J iimni t riio Talr K-'I ( t >
\\r.\NTKD A fowenorgotlc Follcltors to pro-
i' euro members for the National Llbuiry
n oriati"ii 'Jho biMlnu-.i Is pleasant nnd
prulltiiblo ; nrt-class ref riiiceii leiiulied. For
Ifrmi , nitdross Nutloiinl Library Association ,
III' Htntt st . Chicago , III. Wl 18
J \MI.I gtte fi for n gooit pfriiianent sbTuT-
H m Addrr-n | { , | | . D. . I7li H. I'.th st. 7'J1 Si :
\\'SILD Local iiKontu , al-o tiavelmg
i' sali'smeti as l'o line , to sell on n good
rutnii l Inn a ntmubird o.ikitu powder mid
tl t.nliiB fiirmts For iiartli'ul.ns nddioss
Lork Hi t "X , , | Inrlntlitl , O. Hrj.-r. "
S\l I sMKN ttnnted 3 men who huvii mid ox-
itcrlnice an nnlc inei ! In cnnntry to travel
t ul > us in..I rii dry goods In puckug' s on year's
I linn ill o n'r ; truces * iiii a month and o.\-
JienJ rlini in of raiM ) to il- " . 'Ihis bunlnois
Clus ( 'noil KHtufaitlon Como al OIIIP 01 ad-
llr > s I ne HUH . Manilla. In. _ 741 1-
Y\f \ N I'l n i MI rgctli men mid wonionoteiy-
i w' ere for K geiiii > l , moniiy-mnklng bu l-
ni * i Mt-ckly pinlli guaraiitepd easier than
Mm nililj iiu > inl < u lIxpiTlencn abxoluiely
linnc < s-iarv. I'erinaii out position and exclim
Itplr rltorv ajxiirnl ? ' -'sample" free. Write for
tmri ilurs A.ldim with tmnp , Merrill Mfg.
to II .i ( ii B3i , 7II-ml'j
" \\r > NThir-ll < Kiil reliable men foi o.-tectlte ?
' n everv ii'iiimnnlty ' Adilre > s Kansas
Dtti live linrfnu , lei K b i\ AIchita , Kan.
_ jri.vsit
' "
Wo ttuh ft'fott mon"to H i-n our
noodi tiy AinpI to wrmlesato and retail
trxilc I , r ; > t niauiit ra In our lino. Knologo
Kern * Mainii.uuu II ir day , rrrinac < iii :
portion No poittnli nnswucil. Money ad-
VHlircJ fortraKcu. ndtrrtUmg , etc. Centennial
Man r Co , < Inrlnnatl , O. fn
\\rANrF.I Men tonolicltl mint dcposlt'isi
mul ulr fcurliy for mun y lollnctoil.
Puliir i' to'lii ) prr nioiith. CMU on or nd-
drr ( Ieo. S i J'ljsl .Nali ! > iii't bank. 47t
\\'AS'IHD ' AKfnis 1o ell tlie Pig PntFle" ;
Ti o ry'iody < ni/y to ot ono ; cample by
nwli I . - stamps taken. A. A. Austin , V Co ,
tnrTK. I'rovi Iciinll. . _ I. SiiSmaj
" \\'ANTFD ) tnon for railroid work In
> Uasbm > : toii terrltor > ; gooil ttagos ami
itfudy work , . \ptiljr B\lb.lflit sl.nbor Aroncy ,
HSil Inrnnm ire t. _ " _ ai7
TJS ( Am. I l t U'I CbVlJJrTliiilsl.iT.
XV AJfrfili A wxl biioTnoiis nuin to tuteTho
T i innnairmc'nt of mi office in Nt > w Vork city ,
ono f r miother for Cincinnati.mi it
li . st Mfiiii. mUry II.AI0 per year Address
' rc P. tlln * . vvazuor l-.ocV , D s Molncs , U.
tiff U mciin Jtlst trhst tta fay Andres *
l * ndir I H.'roiwiir * fo. . Itculon. Mass. U > |
E srrti _
\VAXltH " ' waist n < ! iik'rt maker tit
Mr . B. L.-I d , IMh mil C'apltol ave , Ja-
toUj blk , room
'A.Vfr7i Ncnt , capubltf girl for general
I T tl ) ! ke\tl k. at r.'H Hurt it ; Uermun pre-
_ V Ktrl for central nnu e\iork ;
CI Slttli S4T.
lodj their own dwtcnttlngtorall at my
l M mtettlcnt. tlie Adains'lalloryatem. .
'lie 11 r < no Hut dratti tha entire gurmunt on
} ii fi B'-ti re < iutrr > uo nMUtlng. 'titling , muk-
It i * I > r i i taivl ' . lustnu.tloiii uhen dty
it i . * ii' ' ' , nti < fci'"n guarantee i : c'ltt'n. ;
ml 'UKu.r tlinfi pntMrn * cut , Mini M , K ,
, r > 4in > > iaBil3)ibac ) leybla.c. lith an j
AV'AwtfJtl Atoti'C , n nl , vtllllnK Rltl , 14. to
M nl l | ) | Imliri WARitufl , ApPlJ. l"tol ,
t'H'iii w , ( lifltnb < ref Commerc * . or 'nil Wirnl-
1t" " " " Kl' > n
\\f AN'ri'.f )
li'iiKrkcepfr , f Vi ; i dlnlnwtonm girls , isij
I fur intiMi rniint r. ! l Hn" ironers , MSI fare will
Iw pnl'l ' Ilii-fi' , mid if ptrtlesstty n .far will bo
pmil bn' k. Al o for clt ) . fl rooks , ilinlngroom
rl'H. itnit'c "fltu ; rojupptont trnmnn lo tnkn
dtilirn Hiruijr o * n bnliy. i : nurse uln to tend
Intbt iliirltiKllin ilty ; girl for fnctnry ; Indy ns
i inik niul lioiKekceprr oil n ranch , fjlj no ob-
jftitloli lunclillili Niitlrln for private families
In mid nut of city. Mrs. llrega , atl't ' S. IMli t.
\ \ rANTiilllKhnst : Vrairerpiild for waist
Imndt. M. A.allaic , lilii Howard.
87 1 21
" \\r AN rilD-A vonngor elderly lady to mnko
i her homo with family of three Address
wllli reference , V tii , llcenlllee. ' 117
\\'ANriii-Two : llrslclnss millinery sales-
' Indies : no others need npplv. Imiulro .1.
,1 IMMH. IMI Douglas st. KJ.I-HJ
\\f ANTIJO ( looil > drl forK"nernlhon o\tork.
TT l in fnmllv ; must be good nsher nnd
Itonnr. ( lorinnn preferred ni'it'iiss. H.KI
VrA NrFiTT"Vt : nlst u nA slcl rTTuil s liel s. ' MTss
> > Mnggle Mcdonlgnl , dtoiamakor , III N bHIi
\ \ ANTiT-Lnrtv : niRiingor for 1st Thiss hotel
' In ( olnrndo. Must boa thorough business
wi'inun nbout ' ) yrs of ago , wages fv ) per
month Mrs llrega , .MI'S S inth. H > 7 lb
\V ANTIIDllrl ( for general housework ;
' ' must tie in-lit , clean and good washer mul
Ironer. Mrs. C. K llurmoster , tcil'nrk ' nte.
'l'tto competonl lady Instruct-
> > reisos for the Improved Singer Sowing
mai bine. IMS Douglas , H17-'I
f 1 MILS- Wanted for dining room , second
V I wi.rk , general hoiisowoik. Mis. Illnslo. Ill
H Hih , employment olllce. ( W'Mi J
\ \ \NTKD--A llrst-class horsoshoer. ono who
i mi turn HJIIMH ; state wages wanted. Ad-
die s Chas , Murray , ( Irand Island , Neb.
"WANTF.D-dlrl foi gonoinl iiotisoworK ; S . ' 7
> > Dodge. . 811
\\rAN"f'i:0 : A competent girl In family of S.
> > wu y. s.stn .st. wi ai
V\TAiVni : > Lady to solicit ; must deposit
i fill nml give security for money collecte.l.
Hnlnrj jm per month. Cull on or nddress ( Ieo.
H. ( 'line , "ill First Nutlimnl btlik. 471
C U III , for general housework. Apply 217 S-
1''th HI. Gil
XVANTllD-aorman cook nt 7SJ S 1'Jtli.K8 '
> > K8 IB
V\r"ANTr.l-At Dr. Collmoi.tTSTtiriinirst !
i' Mary's at o , a good cook ; good wages paid
weekly. 7-e-lii ( !
\IIIS. HHIXJA , Canadian limp , olllce , . ) U'J S
J.11 inth. Hoferenco Omuha National tinuk.
'lfi in'lj
OMAHA Em p. bureau , HUN liith ; established
S years. Most relinblo In ilty. II. i : . White.
TADIT.S Information and employment par-
J lors ; stiictly llrst-class ; perfectly reliable.
Itoom U' ' , llushman block , N. U. cor. Douglas
and liitn st.
- ono ttlth a nice home in
Omaha to take a baby of 1) ) months ; Jill n
mouth. Mrs , llrega. ill1-1. ! * '
V\/ANTIH / ) Uvervbody to etamlnotlio bargains -
> > gains otrered by the Western H 1' . \ Mer
cantllo Kx , room U , Cnamber of Commerce.
\\r ANT1ID lO.OOj women to li'O "Wllco\'s
' Fancy Coiuponnil Pills. ' perfectly safe
and nlways eirectuul. Send for 4c "Woman's
t-nfo Guard. " Wilcox Modlcal Co. . Phil.idol- .
phla. Ill AIN ! ) )
\\rANTIM ) To rent two nli o large rooms for
ii light honsokeeiilng ; have no chlldion ;
rooms must lie tioll I icnted. Call or nddress II.
I. Mo es , Illl Howard ht. b7 ! 1
W ANTTD M.ny 1 , furnished or unfurnished
cottage ; family of two. Address V 4. . Heo.
" *
\\rANTr.Dlorcntby fmnllv ottwo , nuiin-
T turnlshed cottage In good condition con-
tnlulngil or 7 rooms ; must have terms an.l lo
cation to receive nuy nttontlon. Address f 6" > ,
lleo. "l
OliOl'SiS : centrallv located wheio tl.ofuinl-
turi ) is for snlo. Co-operatlvo Land and Lot
Co. , StO N. Ibth St. tilS-'M
. HUNT House ot all modern imnrove-
ntB , perfect lepalr. Imiulro 71N. . Hith st
riOTTAOi : nicely furnished for rent , r , rooms.
V close to buslnesij ; references. HH10 , bhcoly
blk. yj."j---'lj
IpOIt ItHNT 10 elegant hon-ses. centrally lo
cated , flne nolghbornood. Aloa. Moore , SOI
Slucly block. bt 1U *
SIIOOM hou o for rent , city wator. $ - > . lloom
1M7 Sheely block. b70
| 7"Oll lir.NT Honso 11 largo rooms , or the
i. ' ground rooms alone. bDT Howard. HJJiO *
IrOH HUNT Houses , cottages and untur-
nlslud housekoepliig rooms. Aloa , Moore ,
'All Sheely block. Kil VJt
IJ1OH lir.NTlloaiitlful 8 room nouso with
JL1 modern lmpio\omontb , splendid location.
Apply at once , C. 1' . Jlnrrfoon , Mer. Nat. ll'k.
ijioit UINT : ( iood houses at-)0 , $ ior err , . o.
JL andjl per month. Ifyouwlsn toiontcalland
Bee mo. I ) . Y. bholos , UIO Ut Nut 1 llank. 7t'J
TT1O11 ItllNI Broom luniho ; coutr.illy located ;
JL : modern tniprovemeiits. J. r. llatton.-tlltl
Capitol avenue. D7-SU
"IT'Oll IIK.ST A choice u room noiise , icuced
J lot , gas , city water , furnace , bath room ,
cistern , lariro well equipped tmm , S-i ) . ) Capitol
ate. Inquire : Mh < > iiB east of premises or room
14 Omaha Null bunk bid. II. II. Hobisou. 7H
FPOll HUNT Plvo room housecorner I uveii-
\ioith and luth sts. Apply to Dr. Mattlco ,
1U Dodge st. 7iJ :
FOH HKNT borne new 0-ioom houses In
Mlllurd A : Culdwoll's addition , Ui miles
from poitotflce. Apply early , hpotswoud ,
! tO ' , fo H'th st. 7 0
"I7IUH Itr.NT House of 10 looms , modern im-
Jl protvincn's. Hinge , a largo lawn : cheap to
right patty. Apply to S. A. thchuul , l"ith mid
rarnnm st > , _ - L1' 1
IjXW UCN'l II loom brlcU duelling , nil con-
JP t enlancta , SIB N. luth bt. ' > 07
( kJtOD ) houses for rent centrally lo < nt > il.
'furnltura for Main on tlmo. Co-oper.itlve L ind
& Lot C'o. 1174
I7HV ! lliNT-7-room : ILat. J = tJ month. Inqulro
JL1 at The Fair , and Howard. 074
7 ItOOM house with barn , out a llttlo distance
J.M per month. C. 1' . Harrison , Merchants
Nnt , bnnk bide. 4IW
OOll IIBNT Itto 3 room llats on N. 17th st.
JL1 ( l-'umlfU : ono-Vroom cottage N. 17th at ,
* IL Apply to Oreen vt Williams , 1st Nat. llnuk
IltilldlltK. M2
Tj'Oll HUNT To an elegant lady flue new
X1 Huts , tifteon or thirty moms , for Unit-class
family boarding In cholu locality. Addreis
llox as city. _ _ _ _ 4sa _
I fOll llIIN'lKlegantly fuinlslied rooms with
all modaru Improvements , atO'jlri. ' lith st ,
for rent In l-ark Ten ace ,
- opi-oitte I tun com Park ; all modern con-'s. Iniiulre Lea * Nlchol , Stlth and
Lenvonwurtli. W >
I/OU HK.ST ' .i-rrpm modern Ininioved bouse ,
J-'A llomllty ; rent moderate. Apply to M
Klgiittor. U01 larnam ! . UK
' ' "
TJIOH'TtK'Nr Cottage" rooms. 27JI Charles
J. si. und l.Ul B Mh st. Inquire at room "IS ,
bhcoly block.
jlOH Itl'.NThen \ you wish to rent a house ,
JL store , or oincn call on us , II , K , Cole , room
6. Continental blk. 'Jll
HHNl' The u-ioom roMdeuce. 2107
X1 DoiiElas st. , all modem Impiovoments. Inquire -
quire S. Kutz lilii Knrnam. 005
FOL'Il rooms , ti. 1H3 S. 15lh , near Dorcas.
Hil S
fjUTTITlSH W ) rnonu to rent at b.'oi ! . * . IsthsL
JU' All modernconvenloncrs. 7Sj jhj
O ITIINISIIKD front roo'ms blnele or en suit * .
in cott.ige , with beautiful bhuily lawn , 414 N
Hth t. P7J-snj
17'Olt KKNT Kurnlshed alwpmg roonu. 11.50
Ju to ri.W ptr week. HJ7 , MO Howard st. bCt-SO *
KOOMS and boar J , " 1010 Webjter s7.
_ _ _ its milt
( Tirit.N'ISIIKD rooinn by day. tteoK or inonthT
JL1 dt. tlatr liotel. cor 13tti and lodg . D.H
CJUn of 3 fnriilshtHi rooms , modern conven-
> , i | < afcs , 3 blocks from J1 , O , private family.
Douglas at.
Sl'ITot cast rooms suitable for gentlemen or
lady and uvutlemauluurd desired.brick ml-
ounce , moUrro luiyimeuiKuu. CJb S. IKth § t.
TpHONTrootmt nil convcnloncosj 2317 Pouglas
IprilNlSIIKDroom with bo.trd. gas and bath
In house , prices rcasounbleM I.eaven'th.
TKl .IfflTlTM.V'cool ( sulto , hick pnrloi and
' ' alcove , handsomely furnished ; SJ1U Douglas.
ITlt'ltNISIIKl ) KOOMS-fU ) Douglas strcot
r.D rooms. 111 3 30th st.tKMkMVMl
/OlT llTXT-Kiirtilsliod : room "witiT lioartt
JL Dult.iblo for two gentlemen. 1(111 ( Douglnfl ,
itn .M *
_ _ _
K i lOVTsiiud nrst-cmss llotnoo.trd,17ls Dodge.
_ _
liM'HNlSllKD nxitn for rent ; must give refer-
J1 enee. nt IWJI Dodgo. _ _ _ 4111 _
" '
HI. NT Uood bn < > mon"t , P > T5 Douglas'st.
'ir\C \ llN"JsiliD : rooms for rent nt l ln Dodge
ju ! ' - :
_ _ 37-nlL : _
IjirilNlSHUD rooms , single or en suit" , bath
JL1 and gtenni : tor geuti only , 151V Howard.
F ritNIBItr.U rooms with or without bunrd.
i ll N. I7tn street. M.-1S
room to ion ) , I8W Fmnnm.
nil 1st
TTIOH ItKXT Furnished room with nil modern
X1 cent onlences. 7S4 S lllth st. KW
lilOll HUNT Ono lingo furnlsliod front room.
JL' Sut'I ' St. Mary's ntenuo. iVd-l1 * ;
ROOM w 1th or Ithottt board. 1812 Doilgo
17VH Hi.N"l ; Furnished rooms sluglo or en
JL1 suite. Ifloil Douglii" . 713
rooms with llr ! t-clnss bontdnt
ail.l Douglas t. wu ait
9 rnilNISIino roums for rout , with board ;
must give rotoreiiiosi , at llt-'l Dodge St.
4 U
OOMS nml bonrd-1813 Chlcngo St.
< T ICB rooms Ji.Oi ) per wcok Peabody house ,
- ' II tb nnd .lonaa. l..i. ) iVJl"
wu HUNT liout looms nt Iffil J'nrnnm.
Foil 11KNT I of "i nnfiirnlshod cnambois fo
hoiisekeoplug , : il N 17th st. bVJ KW
TIIOH U1JNT Alimnlsomo Hiittoot three tin-
JL' furnished rooms with bathroom1 and
closets , nt loX ( ) Bhoimnn nvo. b. %
IjiOIl ItliNT Housakooplug rooms , iintnrn-
JL1 Ished or furnlshod. M)7 ) Howard. Hfil'O *
FOH lir.NT I looms , biiltnblo for house
keeping ; roferenres reiiulred ; no children ,
1'rico J15.00. N.V. . corner I7th nnd Webster t. .
FOIt UHNT-Tlio Istorybrlok building with
or w llliont pow or. now oc Miplod by The lleo
Publishing Co . till. Farnam st. The building
has a Ilio proof comeutod Dasumont. complete
steam heating fixture"nter on nil the llnors ,
gas. etc. Apply nt the olllco of Tno lloo. ( 111,1
Foil HUNT-I.MS Hnrney Bt. . a nlco light
olllco cm ground lloor , bi'J-llt )
IfOlt HUNT Stoio and living rooms ou Cum-
Ing street : also bouso on Cast st. Hanls H.
II. .V L. Co. , Itoom 111 , 1st Nnt. bank. 814
Ll'lOKi ; 107 ttlth imsement , llnmgo bldg. In-
' Frnnk .1. Itmnge. CW
FOR Ill'.NT Store 2.'xUJ : 1113 Jacksou st. Un-
nnlrollll.lnekson. 8.W
I OH UTlN r 2Ti < ioT5a.l\8J eacli , ill brick bn lltH
Ing , with olovntor , close to express olllce.
cheap lout. Just the thing for wholesaling , good
location. Apply to ( ieolloyn , DOS rmuamst ,
" \\711YvoiiKliouldllHt.vourproporty with the
> Wi'-teui It. li A. Mer r.x. , loom 14 , I ham-
ber of Commeice. It has Btw ) agencies through
out the w ' 3tein stales , tluisi giving yon GUI
chances to I dispose ot jour property , ( IIj
i r you want to rout jour houses call ou llnr-
iln , H. IJ. \ L. Co. , room ill 1st Nat'l b ink.
LIST your pioporty for rent ttlth Homingtou
\ Fryo , Nortliwoat Cornof nth and Km num.
" \\rA.NTRD 2u nouses .u once Tor which weT
T can furnish good tenants. Lut your housed
with the L& S Hontal Agency , .110Sneoly blk.
ITOU want to buy , sell , runt or oxcnungo ,
call on or address , li. .1 , Steiusdorir , rooms
317 and HIS Urst National bank building.Ht'i
G no. J. PA1TL , KiO'j rarnam St. . houses ,
stores , etc. . for rent. liltt
\\riJ g'vo ' special attention to lentlng mm
i Tr collecting rents , list with us. ILK Cole ,
loom U Continental bloi'K. 1147
rr > OK Itr.S'I-Hoiibesln all pnrtsof the city.
t ? .1. J. Olbson. No. II. Crel''hton block. CO I
I.I. UlllSON'S now system of renting houses ,
No. I ) Ci ulghton block. ftll
V\riLL tnko horses to pasture nt ( Itlnmro.
Y > I'llioWpormo. 1) . A. i'ouug.Glltiiore.Nob.
lli : niinjo tnuglit ns nn nit by Oeo. l' . < jel-
lenboi-k. Appl at Heeflllce. ) 'JVI
LOST I'lom Duniloo 1'Iaco on liiursday
night nt about o'clock , 0110 mouse coloied
horse , tlljipod. w lib hainuss on. rinder will bo
llboially lew HI iled bo returiilmr to Dr. .1. V.
Cornish , coiner i-'Qtli nnd Lake sla. H2J
rilAKKN UP March 15 , ono brown and end
Jl yellow cnlt. Owner can have same by cai-
lug ou l-'rcd Modeng , S miles , west of llnnliig
ou and paving charge" . m UO-27-n 'MU-l't
1) HIV ATE course In feniiug , bo.xiug or fancy
club swinging , $10. Address ri 14 , lleo olllce.
: "J ml4 *
ATHANCK JllIDIUM-Mini ! . Waudall. the
young Swede , tells full namesof callers nnd
thn full name of your future husband or wife ,
wltn dutoof murrligo , and tells whether the
ono you love is trim or falsa. Not a fortune
teller , but n young spirit medium. Madame
goes Into a perfectly dead trmiC3. Will bring
back the p trtod husband or lover , uo matter if
they bo 10.0J ) miles awav. Will guarantee to
settle family quarrels. I'urlors up slalrs , 403
N loth st. . third lloor ; GI : . ' 0t
RTOKAGIJ Allow rates at 11S1 1'arnam Ht
. . Omaliu Auction &Stoiago Co. 117
rrtHACKAiTr ( toraKoi li7\v < ) st rate \VT M"
Jl Iliiahman , Ull Leavenworth. 118
llANCH iV CO. , storage , lill Howard.
p\H. NANN1I1. V. Warren , clairvoyant medl-
JL/cal and business medium. Tomato diseases
ahpoclalt > ll'J N IGtliBt. , rooms land ! l. I'll '
ri I IE Standard Shorthand School , having pur-
JLrliused Valentino's Shoithanit Instltute.l'ux *
ton block , opp , public llbiary , Is now the larg
est. best equipped , oxcluslvn'snorthand school
in tno west , li'i graduates in good ultnntlonii
Thoachool Is incharuoof Mr , It. A Smith , n
stenographer and toucher of many yenrs prac
tical experience. Tttuhe No , S Hemtngton typewriters -
writers ID use. Send for circulars , 411
SI1OHTHAND and Typo-w rltlng taught the
most pi actlcal \ \ ay nt the Omaha Commui rial
College , llonn J'ltmun system and HemIngU > n
typwilteis ; Htudents lomplet menual In two
wefks , and write from I'O to 100 words per mln-
nto In three mouths ; pi actlcal oflice drill nindo
abpcylalty. In-Strnrtfon in grammar , spoiling
anil writing flee. Address llohrbough llios. ,
Omaha for circulars. 3l7in'i
BOA III ) and desirable rooms , furnished or
unfurnished ; tloso to street car , Mrs. C.
1' . Storrr ) . 84H Cusi st. MtiSi *
UAHDINC , furnished rooms , ! gas , bath , nt
IM N. 17th st. U17 Ibt
"IVANTBD-To i > urchase hair inteiest In
i f plumbing and Kteaiu fitting business , by
practical man. Address V 40 , Ilio olHce. 7W-"Of
VVTfNTEDTobuyTTiouIo u > move ; "address
11 V 47 , Uea. 7fMtr
WANTKD To ouy go > ) U coiumerciul pupor.
II. C. I'atter.on. mj 8 at. Wl
"WANTED Furniture , carpets , stoves and
i T Household goods of all kinds. Omaha
Auction & Storage Co. , MSI r'aruaui. tu )
"IjTOH SALE ( Iood work team , wagon and hnr-
Ji' neid ; set cariwiiU'r tooU and chtist ; fullfot
/urKtcal Instruments , nearly naw : household
coodi , t'tc. On easy paj incuu , J. J. \ \ llkluson , , iU
T7011 SAI.R-Drftft her < e * . tntccy horses , mid
X1 smnll delivery mulMj Wood's Sale stabl
1510 California. ; u ]
ANTKD-To sell inrloids of potatoes to
retailers , i heap. Adurosi n. II. Hotter ,
liny Springs , Neb. KM is *
IJ JAtMlNlTrflK of 7-room lionso , tnclmlliiK up-
JL1 right piano , for snlo ihoap. .Mill Davenport.
"ITiiltST-fLASS lot of suloon furnltnro nnd bar
JL1 tlxtmes tor sain at ix bargain. Inqutro ot
the 1'lrst National bank , Aurora , Neb.
( US a'M
"T II AVI ? a No. I Tuft's sod.1 fountain , good ni
-ItU'W , used I so.tson , 9 tyrups ntid S drnilithts ,
price when new JIlitill ; m-u ror J.U1 ! grent
bmgnln. Win. Someklil , Wnyne.Neb , 871 IIW
AriltST-CLASS upright plnuo , tery reason
sonnblc , on easy terms ; tery line Instru
incut. ailO Dnvenpoit. KW-SSt
I ( toll SALT A good drhlm ; nmrp , ttelght
nbottt Ii ) W lbsor ; would tnch.tUKn for a good
business here OJ Ibs lieut lor. U. K. llendee.
ITtOH SALK rurnlturo nnd lenso o7 7 room
U tint Itoom rented exceeds lent of tint. L
Itentat Acoili-y , : tlOShoelv _ bloek. _ 7lll
1 jIDU HA LI-Cheapn ! nearly now top buggy ; Co-
L1 Inmbns make. A. H. Comstock , 31S S. liith.
IfUMI f-ALK I work toMii , wagon nnd har
ness complete , tar } ' cheap tor cnsh , 6IH
Paxtoiiblk. .sin
1710H SAI.I--Sh'\ftlng , Iwltlug , putlovs , ofc ,
JL good as now. Hip sw , cross-cut nnd bund
sn\ts very cheap. I'M ' Douglas. IS < _ _
AJllW bed room set nndcnrpets for sale cheap.
JInqulro " < H4 Cnpltol nto. UU-x'IT
IruiH SALll llorsn nnd litiggy. 1 imniro 1\T
1 llospe. I'd , ! Douglas st. firnnll
T\f IDI.AM ) ( Junrnnteo & Trust Co , , tSB Knr-
JH mini. Completonliittrarts fnrntxhed \ titles
to real estate e.\nmluedporfected \ gunrnnteoil.
W !
AllSTHACTS-Llnuhnu \ MnTionoy.ioomOW
I'nxton block w.1
OMAHA Abstract Comptny , nil ) rnriinm st.
Most complete nnd carefully prepared set
of abstract books mid plats of nil renl property
in the city of Omaha nnd Douglas county.
UNIMPKOVKD and Improved propoity ;
loins made promptly : tummy on hmm. ! ' .
M. lllclmrdson , s w lor luth and Uatiglas.TOO
LOANS madooiTlmprovcd and ummpiovFd
rcn ! estate al loivost lates by Odell llios. &
Co , No. HIS S 10th st. Wi
C1OOD notes , shoit or long time , unsnrured
> orwlth mortgage , bought any wnero In Neb ,
or la. Quick loans , city or farm. Call or tvilte
W. L. bolby , H. 1.1. ll'iL 'rude. bfll )
1 > UllDINl ( T.OANS-Wo will bny lot. or pay
I Jlncutnbiancponyour lot mi'l build foi you ;
small cash payment , b.ilauco In easy monthly
payments : In case of death tvo caucol the en
tire Indebtedness. M. K. &T. Tiust Co. . First
National bank building. KT--ml,1)
HT H , COl.l1. , loan ngont.
0 HOICK city loans wanted In Omnhn nnd
Council Illuirs. Will quoin very low rntes
for the next few days. In dealing with us , you
deal direct with the lender. Wo Ic.ui you our
own money In nil cases No delays , lloth
principal and Intoicst payable at our olllce.
Contra 1 Loan nnd Trust Co. , 1S05 Fatuain st.
V\7Tf W I SIT To buy Bomo good llrst mort-
Y gages ; \\111 nlso toan on good real es
tate security. The W. C. Ives Co. , , 'H 1 S nth st.
B ril7iIN ) ( ! LOANS At 7 per cent net , no ad-
dltlonnl clmiges for commlsslnns or attor
neys' fees. \ \ . II. Melklo. Vlrst Nat. bmiKbldg.
" "lrILDTNT"loixns ( n sireolally. W. M IInrris7
room SO Kreiuer bloclc. opposite 1' . O.
Do YOU w nut inonoyf ir KO , don't borrow
before getting my rates , tvliu h are the low-
ist t > a any sum fiom SID up to J10.0JO.
I mnke lonns on household goods , pianos , or-
pans , lidrios mules , wagons , warehouse re-
telpts , lieu > .o- , leases , etc. , Ill any amount nt the
lowest possible rules without publicity or re
moval of property.
Loans can bo innila for ono to six months mid
you can pay n part at any time , reducing both
principle and Interest. K you owe n balance
on your furnltmo or horses or have a loan on
them I will take It up and carry it for yon m
long as you desire.
1C yon noedmontiy yorj will llnd It to your nd-
vantage to see mu bsfore , bonovrin. : .
II. r. Masters , loom , Wltlmell building , 1.1th
! ! ' )
nnd Ilnrnny. >
OltCIIAItl ) HlLL lomls at Tlf. Shcoly build-
Ing at eight per cent sttalgnt. Samuel 'Into.
O l,000 TO $ "i.OO ) on Improved city property ;
Voan bo paid in monthly installments ; debt
cancelled In case of death : will lo.m r.0 to IV ) jier
cent of cash Miluation. M. Iv. A , T. Tiust Co. ,
rirst National bault bulldlug. R"i--ml"i
ONito : loan at lowest rates of intcrost on
realestato in Omini mid South Omaha.
Titles ami property examined by us and loans
made at once. Cash ou hand , llates , Smith &
Co. room IjtTJ Itamgo blilng. _ _ : iln m'l _
tJ'lOUO and upwards to kTaii on good mildo city
T piopeity. No delays. W. I'm mini Smith ,
lit ) I'nrunin st. _ . Sr-a'-T
( g * J i I 'I o levi on inrin nnd city oronnrty.
ip ( ! oo. .1. 1'ftui , PIH3 Tarn im st. oil
CITY I'lnnnrlal agency will lo.m youjnonev
on hordes , furnituro. Jewelry or socuritl s of
any kind. l.WO Howard St. , comer S. l.ith st.
EASTK11N' trust funds to loan on Improved
real estate In Omahajlargo loans preferred.
15. S. UiBbeo , Firbt National banK bulldlug.
: M.Vin2IJ
" "
"PKCIAIj fund offlii.uOI to loan at i educed
rates ou furnltuie , horses and wagons. City
Loan Co. , II8J5 Uth st. _ i ) fl _
"pl-OI'LIVS I'liiiiiPlal Kxcnango Largo nnd
J small loans for long and short time , at low
est rates of Intero-t , on real iMtato mortg.igo
notes , chattels of nil kinds , diamonds , wat 'lies
nnd Jewelry. Don.t fall to call It you want fair
and cheap accommodations. O. llouscareii ,
M r. , loom MI. ; Darker blk , r > th mid rnrnmn.
MONK if to loan on Improvort propflrtynt flr.i-
hnmls. No application sent aw a v for npt
provnl. Security niul titles examined free of
charge to liorrowen , Lombard Investment
company , 33 ) 8. 1'lth st. W >
CAN make a few loins on llrbt-class chattel
securities nt reasonable rates.V. . 1C. Totter ,
room lUllaiker blk. ! H'7
/ mortgage loans nt low rates nnd no
J delay. D. V. Sholos'II : ) I'irst National bank.
VM _
MONUY to loan on furniture , horses.wngons'
etc. . or on nnv npproved security.I. . W .
llobblus II. SUil , Sheely blk. , IJtli nnd ard .
MONKY to Loan Wo nro ready for applica
tions for loans in amounts from $ ) > ute # 10-
00 ( ) on Improved Omah i or Douglas county real
stato. lull Information as to ratos. Loans
promptly cloie 1. ( Joort notes will bo purchased
by us. Cull upon us or v.rlto , Thu McCaciio
Investtiient Q < > , 1U" >
G W. I'KCK lonuiinonsyoii Omiihareul estate
Ilulldliigloans a sDuclalty. U 4 , I'lenroublk
M ON'F.V to loin In largo sums at the lowest
rates ; no delay , U. C. Patterson , 'JUS 1'iih ,
MONI2V toloan : Ciislton hand ; in delay , J.
W. Sniiiro , 11'j ' rurnum t , , 1'irst Natloiril
bunk building. IUH
Tl.IX CULi : , loan ngont.
. j _ - IM
GPEIl CKNT money to loan. Cash on hand ,
W.M. . Harris , II SO , Vrenzer btotk. opp. P. O.
M ONKVto onn on reil estuto ; no commis-
blou. W. A. SpQiicor.Itoum U.llushmunblk ,
N'BUUASKA Mortg. Loin Co. will make you a
loan on household goods ,
horses , vagons ,
Und contracts ,
flne Jewelry , or securities of any kind ,
without publicity , at reasonable rules.
Itoom 7 , Rowley biockr.vp ( < ith Omaha ,
Uoomn MD-Slli , I'axtonfdck / , Omaha , Neb.
1' . HAHHISON loan money , lowest rntos ,
MoNIIVtoloan. O iMDnvls Co. , real estate
und loan ugonts. l.liS . Jfiirnam at. 1U1
T. ? , _ _
BUILDINd loans. if ) } Bholos , S10 First Nn.
tlonnl bank. W '
LOANS nuuloonrjil nstato and mortgages
bouglit , Lawls S. Ituvu li Co , irc'l 1'arnam.
_ _ 10J _
BUILDING lonns. Lm.ilmn i ; Mahonoy.
Or , IIAIUIISON luuns money , lowest rates. 4M
$ 'f \ n to loan at 0 per cont. Llnabmi & Ma.
honey , Itoom 6011'intton * block. 110
f OANS wanted on Omaha real estate , three
JUand llva years' tlmo. optional payments ,
favorable terms and rates , applications anil
titles paiihixl upon by in , and loans closed
promptly. Kluiball. Champ Jc Ity.ui. room U ,
U.S. National llank UulldlnjM ; \ l-'arnam t.
_ _
MONHV loaned on unimproved Inslda Omaha
real estate , O. W. I'ock , It. 4 , Krenzer blk.
6i7r > *
MONIIV loaned for30 , U ) or ill days on any
kind of chattel security ; reauonublu later-
est ; businesscoutldentlal. J J. Wilkinson , HIT
Furaaw si' ioj
ANYmnottnls loanpil on furniture , plnno * .
loams , etc. Notes bought at ln. s than usual
rates , monthly pnvmcnt'i reduce Interest. Koy-
stoito Morlgngt Co. , room 20J Sheoly blk , S. loth
* > M tn Ift
] ' OANSonbuslnoss protiortyXX1 ( to ffl.rtX )
Jtt anted , I'rovliUmt Trust Company , room
DOS First Nntlonal bank building , un
\ | ON'KV liontu negotiated nl low ratesttIth-
I * lout delay , nnd pureh.iso good eomniorclnl
impT niul mortgage notes. 8. A. Slommi , cor.
IJtli nun Knrnmn. IW
MONKY to IO.MI Lowest r.ttc-s. Loins closed
Iirointitly , II K , Cole , 110 Contlnontnl block.
"I VON'T borrow money on furniture , horses ,
1-Mtngons , etc. , or collaterals until you IPO
C. II. Jacobs , 410 First National bank building.
I > F.OPLF.'S riunnclitl F.xchanKO-Thu imtest ,
JL uitlMost nml most liberal money oxchonRo
tn tliu city ; tnonaUmuoil ttitnout tloliy or
pnblii Ity.ln nnt amount , largo or small , nt the
lowest rates of Interest , on miv nvntlalilo 10-
ciirlty : loans may be paid ninny tlmoorrotiottcd
nt orlglnnlrates. O. llouiptien , Mgr. , loom
Mil , Marker block , Iftth and 1'arnam. 101
plllLAOIiLl'HI V Mortgagor I'rnst t\i. , 7ur
4 til n cheap eastern moiioy lo borrowcis ;
purchase securities , perfect titles accept to'ins
nt their westetn olllco.loorgeW. (
7 , lioard of Trade WU
SKR Wholes , room 210 First Nat'I bank before
making your loam. ml
MONUY to loaiv Harris It. K. \ Co. ,
loom 411 , FlrsrNntlonul bank. _ UM _
A \ rANT.Drir | .t class lusldo loans. Lowest
ii rates. Call nnd see us. Mutual Invest.
ment Co. . 11.1. llarker blk. IMh \ I'm num. 'it'I. '
> CClNI'lIOTIOMIItY dtor-s , one feed store ,
) . ! hotels mid other business chances , Co-
opeiatho I.uud mid Lot Co. , 'All N , 10th HI.
J _ 1U321
1J10K SAI.H-JlO.n Hi stork of merrlmndlbO on
JJ easj terms. Address V ( ) . ' , euro lleo. IWH
1710U SALT , tork of conoTnl morclmiidlso
J-MnvidooiriW. ; 1 or pnrikuliirs wilto to loc
llo\ . ' , lioitp City , N ebr.iska. IK.U SI * _
YrOH SALIIortrado-a h , nprlght boilers ftlx
J1 ! i ft. lion latho. Iron drill piess , ) ji. engluo
and boilor.llh. oimlue nil I boiler. H h. upright
ongliip. I h. upright boiler , : 'd hand slinftlng
mul pulleys. Sprauuo & Uo. , Council HlnllH , la.
Pr.Kl ) STOltr. In one ot tno best locations on
Military nvc , nitons the btlilgo. A good
store building with r > runtns up Matin. Inquire
a promises or at the O. II. K. , tjr. Co.JJVMUt _
'IJIOU SAIil' Wiigou ) iop mul Btoct , nit com"
-i ? plote. will bo noli ! cheap , in Hastings , Nob.
Illqlllie ot ,1. U. McDowell , Hustings , Nob.
A IIAItUAIN I'or sale , nt Harvard. Nob.
J-i ntlrst-clnss ctemn el ivntor. fiodmill , cribs
nnd ton ! buslnesH. Appl } up to' "ndlnstnnt to
1'nlrlck igmi. : r.lncoln. _ bTii 1U _
? Slj | { llaitory and coiitoctlonerv Inn
Mownot nine thousand ( 'i.uOJi , gooil tr.idc.
location , olu. ; reason forselllnc want to letlro
fiom business. Inqnlro nt 111U Hownrd st. ,
Umahn , Nob. _ hSjjsit _
PALlf ltostaurmit connected"Ailth In
rutnl-llod rooms , lisa Capitol nvo. _ HIVJW
rplllIStoirs House Is the oulhotcf In Unit-
-L dale. Antelope county , Iscb. ; Is a nice ,
woll-arinuued hoiue. doing n good business ,
Lease nnd furniture for mile. A desnablo oiion-
Ing tor n good hotel mnn. Address 1'iop. Stnirs
lliiuso. Oakdalg. Nol ) . _ HI Ms *
ANHW roller mill for s.xlo In n good wheit
belt , nnd good market for Hour. Tor terms
nililross 1' . J Audi eaa. ( iordon , Neb. S'ia"7r
OJ.I.II O to \iXjj wanted to put Into n good bust-
T ness ; tlrst class security nnd good rite of
Interest paid for rfhort or long time. Or will
tnko paitner. Tor particulars addro s U 13 ,
lloo olllce. 1
ALOON for halo In ono of the best business
centers lu ( Jmnha.cheaii. Ite.iion for soiling ,
1 must le.ivo the city. Address V lb lieu.
TTfoTIUi for sale. Well fuinlshed , Dnylng $ V )
i I a month rent. AddtessV. . 1 * . Anilorson ,
Non ntur , Kns. _ SH ml *
HOTKL miin wanted , with n few thousand
dollars to Invest ; lionso nil fiirnKlied nnd
business that will pay out In Ismfniths ; tltlo
peifeit ; no Incuiubiniicu. Addicts il. A. Me-
Cilmils , or O. C. Churchill. Sterling. Colo.
7i)8 ) qgQ1 :
RAltDWAllK for snlo Small neat stoct. Tin
shop In i onnirtloumnst ; bo solil nt oni-fl lor
tnsh. Address O. M. Yauglimi. I'lumln , Colo.
Mr.MlinitSHll' tn the Omaha bonul ot
trade can ! ) had cheap at ltoom U. 8. I\a-
tloiml bank bulldlii'- . V2i
o n UOD hotels for tiude , located " In Iowa
> jvud ono In Neb. Aluo some good farm land
for boiibos and- lots In small towns. Co opera
tive Land mid Lot Co. . No. ai' ) N. liith M. ItU-Sl
T7V1K KXCIIANCK-Uood land for newspaper
JL ! oiitlit. Address with particulars , K.S. John
ston , Mt. Veriion , Dak. WU-IUJ
POH THADII A house and lot or good vacant
lots tor horses and cows. W , II. I Ionian ,
room fl , Fronzer lllk. H31-SI
BlIAl'TIFI'L Denver propoity to exchange
forenatern property. Dexter-"M USSOT block.
Dent er. Col. b77 *
IMl'ItOVHI ) or unimproved ( arms to trade ( or
sale ) for lots or resident pioperty In gooct
cities. Addiess , llox 81 , I'lattsmouth , Neb.
8.U-S1 *
17IO11 rHANoF ( : III' ' ) acres No. 1 land. GO
JU itLies under cultivation ; wmall finino house ;
! l'i miles from Albion , Hoone Co. . Neb : Srull-
loads ; l.SJi Inhabitants ; want house mid lot ;
ttlll pay cnsh dllleruiieo for suitable property.
It i : . Copson , I3th nnd Pacific nts , hll-lt ?
" 1710H i\l : HANOI : I room house and lot , MX
JL1 1'H ' , in Wnluut hill ; want good furniture or
viu nut lot.
A f w tncant lots lu Hensnn for lots nearer
In ; lite stock or persona ! propcity.
1 hioo good Improve. ! farms , slluntly Incuin-
bored , lor house mid lot. tacant lots or per
sonal propoity. What have you to olfor/
V B'l , lleo olllce. itU-TOt
ADUSirtAlILK raslaenco lot with house , ono
block from Kloctric Motor tine , IDJxl'.M ' , In
Council lilutls , for .Nebraska land. 1. C. llou-
hiim fiil Third St. . Council muffs. BIB SI
fl'H } i\"CH : A NO IJ Improved and unlmprovoi\ \
JL land In Nebraska , Kansas , Inwn , Cole , Wyo.
and Dakota it room 11 , Cnnmber of Commeice ,
Sonneiischelu A : Valontlne , Mgrs. C3i
SKVF.ItAL farms In dlllorent localities for ex-
thniigo for building lots. Western Luml and
Loan Kxthnnge , HIS 9 int'i ' nt , ' , ' . ' - . ' SJ
\\7"ANTiD-To : exc'inngo ' oiinlty InSIDmro
ii farm , ifl.'WJ for m'dso Will pay Jl.ojo
to fLCUJdltleronce , Itlsoley , Shenaniloih , la ,
fKs | IHJ
Oil KXCIIANi-For : doslrablo resldeneo
property in Omaha , any or all of following ;
In choice Inside ro-ddcnco lots In Hastings ,
IU l lots In Lincoln.
wiiucrei linn farming linil.L-menster county.
Une residence property , Lincoln.
( Iood i pittal property , Lincoln.
CholiH tnmlly rosldouce , ccruor , Los Angolas.
A ni'iit resldeneo pioporty In llnnscom Placa ,
Al o , some good mortgage notes.
Address , giving loiation and nrlco of prop
erty , J , i : . D. , care llauiu Iron Co. , l.'I7 Leaven-
tvoilh. Vol.
T7UW i.vrilA"js'rR-Dakota : , Hand county-
JL' What have you to offer for a good farm
here , slightly encumbered. ' Dakota lands uro
rising In value , and lt destiny cannot bo dls-
puti d. Will t.iko vacant lot or Improved prop ,
uity and assntmi homo encumbrance ( I , ,1.
fateinsdorir , rooim U17 and ills , National
bank bulldlug. n"ii _
Ij'Oll i\'HANur.-iighty : : ncrosof the llne t
JL1 timber land In Wisconsin , clour of uncuin-
lirHiict ) , What have ton tooirer/ I ) .1. Htnrns-
Juill , looma ill ? anil ilH , First National bank
TKW S-seutoiTllne Larrlagoor tot/ buggy for
1A mortgage city or county warrantN. or nnj
good nnnfcureJ notoJ.W.L.Hulby.ll II ( I'd Trndo
Foil S A I. KTliu clu-ane-it hoiuo In Wulimt
Mill ; only ono block from lr. MercurVcio-
gaut ii sldence ; 10 looms , nil inoilein improvo-
iiumtH. rnll lot. price : , , ( ) ) ; teiniH , i\Hn \ inslt.
balMiicniM.1 per montli. W , It , lloinan , room n ,
rrcn/or lllk b'.U l
\\rALNUT Hill east of Halt line , full lot ,
> * l.i w. One of nlti'st rtmldences In Windsor
] > lnco ; must bo sold sunn ; u bmgain. llutcliln-
son & Wenil , ! Douglas bt. HVJ | H
FOlt SAI.i : Nine-room house , him anil lot
In llnnscom Place ; alftoS bunion and Ion lu.
Hunuy Hide , ilarrln , loom 411 , In * . Nut. bank.
T71OH SALKor LcaToKramo"bulldlii - ' nlioir
JL : 4UxW with lhre year > ' loaio of lot.WI Douu
lusitt. VI )
nv > lt HAD ! -Or nvclmnge fur Omulii prop.
- * - ' urty , NI acrrn , tullihla for plattliiKj will
make I low. all clear ; big mutiny In It for itomu
ono who can mull this ; lO'iited Jimt outsldu the
city limits of I.Vinncll Illilirii. liuiulrn ( leo. .1.
Hternsdonr , rooms ai7 and 318 , flrnt National
bunk building , VJO
. . . . SALK The HWxt pleasant ami but loca
led Illlle bomn In lown , i-ultablu for a man
with usmull family who want * iomoUdng very
choice and not too oxnonMve. Hua never beoli
put on the marki-t b-'fori and will undoubtedly
bo sold soon. It will pay you to tnvi'itluatu thu
promptly. C. K , llartUon , .VKrchuiui fim , n K ,
IHOIl HALIl-.Vrooni ixittnuo on 16th st , bet
'Center and Dorc.u , lot U.'i U.7 , I . / / , fn y
teruisi tills U ft b.irtftilu. il. A. Ulitou Co. . Wit
ftnai'aruatn. cit
liSroom housRln l\onnln plnrc , '
oontli front with nil modern Improvement * ;
burn room for four homes. Will takn putt trnilo
either In Inml or tacnnt lots. W. II. llotunti ,
room 0 , Trenror lllk wvil
inOH HALK-A bemitlfnl south front lot In
1 Orclmril Hill , 1'or n person llmltt mils It for
u homo 1 will build n homo on this lot ntid neil
Itonoasy terms at cost ot lot nnil Hiipiovo-
inonn.V. . II. lloiimn. roiMitfl , Tren/er IllV ,
County Abstract * .
I.MI Viininm ,
ItnelllnqloM on A piymout of US down and
balance In easy monthly imvmnim a , great
many people heroin omunuliuic tuailo money ,
nttIf \ \ j on wnnt to boconvlncoil us to Uuiiluo >
of tli ( < t < lotmn nro iu > \ \ Milling ou ilicli easy
t 01110 ami 100 ttioin
Tlii-y nro tn this rlty llDlt- " ,
'I'lioy nro not lit u nvvnint' .
'Ihoj nrouu high Krouuil ,
Tin1)1 o\crliH > k tliu rlly.
-M ) houses nro bnlMltm' .
TH y nri " story liousuj
ntt rnli RPO tilts.
It cost. nothing.
Tli"io Is no twni'omuo ,
Tlioi ar A I loin ,
Attil vi'oilo ] buy tliKtu.
cotno anil liui'stlnah' .
tlf > down nnit i\a \ n month.
IKin't ilolny.
Smo your ntontiy.
OB this Kiotinil. .
Kimwmberymirnmiot buy nlot In surroiina-
lilt ; iililltloiis I'orli-ss tlmn tlotitila nluit no nro
now RoliU'.K for , nml If jou know n good thing
lion j ou HCO It j ml
Will Ituv
on tlio o t > .T < y toi mi. \ ou run SPO ttii * Itui'rovt1-
luviiiH inn * bolni ; niailu ou tills Krotttul nml no
onn can Koll jou Biu-h lots nl our prlivs or ou
inn torius ICyou doubt tlioso Ht\toniouts ; tonio
SPI 1'or Your'olvo" .
for all stntoini'iits hole iniiilo \ > lll b vrrlflvii ,
nml Kyoii i cullyniit to nuikulOinu tnoncy. to
savonoiuo inoiiny , tnirct nhoml , here H a info
nml Hiiro cimnio to ilo so. Amen , I" > U7 I'mnnin.
l10ll SAll ! The llnixt roinlnnco ttltn In \ \ i'st
J1 Onmlni : Just Houth of I'arntni on .ith
stivoti a corner ItttxHT with is * foul fraiitnitu
on paved street mid joining the hnnitsnnu < rusl-
iluiuoof Klikonilnll ontlionnst nnil Ilrndy.Kas-
mm nnil Mai tin on the south ; n perfect tioni
niiil Kanb'ii Himt for an cUinunt hoinv.
llnrnov mul ' . ' 1st ulii'ots , i < lxl 7 , on pixvonu-nt
within thu'e blocks of the i-ourt hous : loom
for so\un line houses that would rout ax rap
idly us completed. A splomlld permanent. In-
raiimm mid il stionts , COxlW. with now
throo-story brick Htoio bullillin ; . roniail to cond
potmiinont tounnts , Ituntul rooelpts fl.'JJi pur
BUt'-onth Btreet nonr NIcliolns , frontage 01
foot to nlk'y. llooil bualnoss proportv.
h'nrnaiu street botwoun iHtli nnil ! Bth , front-
npo IS or WIS2 > to alloy , south front , i block
from pavomoDlmul strunt cars.
1'arn nvctiue. opposite llnngcom park , OOxlW ,
price * -OX ! ) , easy terms.
raihlock I'lnce , trackage , COxlU , t2OXcaay
Iiith'stroot south of Vlnton st. , lot for snlo or
trndo for milso. or coed farm luml.
_ 8 A. Sloman , 1J01 I'arnnm t. _ SVi
_ . . SAliIJ Now llioomcottaKUM , llnlnlicil In
irnid wood , cltrMitor , cesspool , cumonted
cellar , walkn. fonr.pH and outlmlidluis : all com-
jileto ou monthly pnymeiits. Will tnko treed
vacant building lots ns Hist pnrmeut. \ \ . It.
lloiiian , room ( I. I'reiuor lllk. M.l-81
I'Nt ONVHNlMMaro- thu best lots for
Bale , Oilier cunt cho.ipur In prlco , and ou
oniler turnis
thnu nnv other proporlv oircrcilln Omaha. An
especially line lot I routing ou
ft. .Mniy'ii avoiiuo.
will bo sold to any rcsponstljlo pnity that will
build ou terms that w 111 suit.
Here Is a rhniico
to secnro building lots In the heart of town nt
your own terms uiul nt tuo lowest prices ever
_ Ames. Polo Agoilt. 1507 Knrnam st. PIQ-21 (
Foil SAM' or Kxclmuco Improved stock
liiimof NW acres , In eastern Nebrnslcn , near
market ; nlso now li room house , wltn nil con-
\ enlincoin ! desirable rosliUnico portion of
Oiualin. Andii'w llovlns , attoraoy , tsi and 1SJ ,
I'.ixton block , Omaha , Neb _ ! ' " > 7 _
ITyoii wish tosollTbuy oroxclmiiKO property ,
L-iill on the Wuitorn It. 12. & .Mor. I'x. , room
II , Chamber of Commerce. Soniienscliuln A. Vnl-
1'iitliif. '
rilALKuf birg.llns liii/uou this : I.IKIaT u.w.
JL corner Jl'ith nnd Hniidltou , fronts . ( streets ,
nt grade , for fl.'J'ii ) . This Is bed-rock ; not n
n Ickel loss will ever buy it. nnd It miint bo
giabbedsoonat thnt price. M. A. Upton Com
pany. 1 .111 . and 1'arnam. iV )
K IM'I'll OMAHA I have a number of good
lots in various additions tint must bo solil
nt on conn J can bo bought at prices that will
sultyou. I. . J. SternsdorlT. rooms u7 ! and Ills
rir < t Nntloual bank building. 0 1 _
I71OH SALiNicu now -room house , barn for
JL1 4 hoisos , well and clsteiu ; everything llr-a
clan ; full lot. In flodford I'laco.SJ ) feet from
S-tatH stteot ( .rath st ) , ? . ' , ' . ' 00. $100 tash , balance 1 ,
Unml ; i voars : or fOUiJl.l'iO cash , bilnn a 5
years , M. A. Upton Company , lllth mid Pimmm.
" \\rOUTHY ot your nttoutiou. Now being
> ' completeil on ajth at , ninth of Leuvon-
worth st , two houses convenient to business ,
very roomy , grate , mantel , furnace , gas. bath ,
toilet , U water closets , stationary wasn tubs ,
but and cold water , llvo bedrooms , ID closets ;
only (5Vi ( 0 , on teims to suit. Telephouo-7 or
\f.'V , Seaman , Omaha's largest v.ulety of wag
ons , carriages , etc. , cast slilo ICth st , north of
Nicholas st. 41 ;
A T A sacrlllco UixI'iT ft , east and north
J trout , corner : nth nnd Howard Hts , ono
block ttustuf I oa'Mind Klrkendnll's linn resi
liences , two blocks from street , two
blocks ROiith ot 1'nruim st. : Just think of it.
l-fixliu ft. and a coiner nt that , and o ily JI.'I'iU. ' '
C. E. Hotter , room > , a. w. cor. 15th aii 11) > iul u
FOHsMo or oxHinnpw A residence atflilh
St. , and St. Marys nve. has 7 ro.nns , b th
room , laundry , sowiirago , gs and city watsr.
Will take gooa autsldu building sltua-ip.iil
paymout. David Jamiosou , 111 I S 15th. { ss
HAVI3 10 line lots n Ilrlggs Flaco uM7.
Omaha , for cash , on good tei ins. I'or fuithur
Information Inijulro of H. Jellroy , nnleno. 111.
TT1OII SALK A beautiful rcsldancn Hi linns-
JL com 1'lai.o , east front on .rJth Ht. Just south
of I'oppleton ave , lotMxll'i to graded alloy ;
jnrd nicely socldoil ; s-room house , bath , hot
nnd cold water , gas , sewer , electric bells , hard ;
\\oodllnlali. Ir taken at oncu will tell this linn
homo tor amount much below Its value. No
nicer neighborhood In thn city. To thOM ) that
mean business un would Ilku to Hhow thl.s
property. Wo will mike the price rljjhl M.
A. I'pton Compiny. Pirli nml j'arnmn. . 'Ill
"I71OH SAIilJ Academy of Music building mid
JL' two business lots , ( irand Isliud , Nebraska ,
ground 14x1 U feet , building brick , tw > Ntories
high mul stomi basements , all In good ropnlr ;
terms uimy ; price JIK.HH ) . Liiqulro of Tliompsc-n
llros. . ( liand Inland , Nebinska. 7nlml. . "
OH. LOOKhoiot An east front , at ft lot , on
, " .itli st. . south nt Ilmdetti ) ; v ry Iliin view
for t I.M J. How's that. M , A. t'pton Conipnny ,
Kith iindjrnrnam. _ | IM _
"VT i ash paym"iit required. Will soil jou a
-L > lull lot In S.innitufs .V Illmobiugn'n hdd
H mid take moitgugc. for full diiiniint duo
In TiTuars on co'iilltlou that \o i build a hound
to cost not lo s than fixj. C. 15. Helter , roomr ,
ti W corner IRlh and Dougljw _ 4j _
TTIOIt HALKriinap-\ot fortrmln ; rill.7'1 arro
JL1 I md INOO. n-l.-tli tivo mlles from Mariiiutt | ,
Hamilton county , Nebraika. I'ramii huiine , Nti-
bio , : > nrres uii'ler guoil barli-wlro tenrn ,
round cedar posts , two i. . vi. llvlnc waldr. 'U-
foot fihnnnol , 2 wells , 'IM bnrrnl tank , corral ,
helf-feedur , n natuial stock ranch , In A line corn
Price . | i.W )
Cash tn hnml . 'i'M
2 years' time ft pfr cant . H.2.V )
< lo und look over land. Addruvi ownar , I' . K.
Atklm , ivrj l.irlmer MI Demer Col. _ IW' '
" 17HI1II I'rooin hr.ii In Orchard Hill witn moil-
.lUi'rn convenlonco
Three i-rnom IIIIIIKD * it 37th anil DodRD nts.j
modiirn cnmentoiin s ,
Alao a niimbur of ollior homes nnd lots In dlf-
fwrutil jiartsot the city.
If you have auytl'liiK to ll or trade , rail nnd
KHU un , Wentein Land and Lonn Kxclimun. VIU
S Pith it.
_ _ DLLEL.
IjlOH SALi : | 6i nrres good farming Unit , N )
X' acres under < nltlvail jn.
10 ! hend 1'iltue , in ntly town ,
' . ' work liorheH ,
& biood MIWH andpU ) .
A gond I > t , r.irmlng Iniplomfnt' , oni li.ilflii
terem In crop now yr'Hilin ; , prlcn * l'J i ,
Alsoonii-hnlf Inlerott In ctoro bullilliibt unit
stork Kcnrrul incrthaii'll ' e thnruln , will ll.trolc *
AlHiionn aero land adlululny the lllaao of
Cainpbell , with goo. I dwdtllni ; mid iatiethero. |
on ; will ill nil or In prt.
Will glvof per cent dUcount for r.uh bujmr
for whole niitilt. Hmuon fur ttlllnu poor
hfalili. ( J. I ! . UtidluitXi faiupbtfll , l'-i iiklln
Co. , Nub f.7J Id
iim HVl Cli. Ue t propirty in Orrhnrtl
i Hill , I" room I ion e. all modern linptiiin
ments , and s full Ion. D , i ; . Jnhuwiu , nttrnir ,
. * , I'HXton bock.
rtAlti.S ( : rear ( nlml I'urk , HOuut J' , iiillm
> N. W. of ! O , . Uy * lio'iiitiriil , prlcn jn h
J.Kiinioli , bal , Ki/iO / trry n IIIOK.I imriy will
pint muKliiK not l" > s thuu 31 UrKu/om. / Alui
other Iruitiuf Und or 'huliin * nlnl luU In unr
part of tha city , I'or particular * rnll onto
nprrutlvit Land ml Lot Co , , 'JV1 N. loth t.
_ VU3I
( ) U "HA r.lTfJTiiti i7Hii'iTTTcoriirii
thn nvlKliborli'iiid of HID Mlltiiu
tirnpuriy. \ \ < > jt I'arnum mrf 't. vury ilululy
'IhUH iholii ; ; property In iliok. n iKliuur >
hood and will bviold chvap , It will par yuu to
liw ttlj te the loralllr unit Dili purlloilhir
pl'cnor uriiiinil. C. Y HnrrUuii , > lrnh iit 1
N.nloiial bank. _ iv l
HOMI'.s fur r llro d ni n > | trill build iv.t"
iiiio ioiiuU pnrclinsori cm loti In North
Omaha nilillllon mid kull on mnnthlr p.tymt'tit *
of H'ltoJJjpvr ' montli. Thft * louuiw within *
iiiiHrltir of u mil * of .North Omaha d iHjl , W.
ft. lloiiiftu , room o , frunm liik. ta-si
i \\T1I.\T rOOI.S
> i bnri ton-room homo wltli Antliiuo tmk
nnd naturrtl iheriy tlnlidi , itldn liomil Inillnlnj
room nfsnmo with nil latest modern ronrnn-
nlioly derorntcd , itUtloiinrv laundry
tuns , and n cent of a housit nil IhroiiKU I' " " *
front nnd full lot on ( li < orglit ave TrtKv It
; parly ROlmi lo leaTcillr. .
s M\\l \ llt , on rorner .nth mid rmnittu
nls.l past front and boM burgaln for minify It )
tlinrltt ! both streets paved , . . . .
f7.l \ ) tniys eliilit-ioom luutsn nnd barn nml nil
latest coiiMMilnnces linst front on So. llli
nil eel. Take gnod lot In part payment
M.ttut imyi n good M\ room lionso on easy ,
im 177 foot lot In Woit nmntia to ovlmtiRit
otr , fiK gooil lumso.
jV ! i buys a good now "i-room hou o Mul full
lot on cany paymnnts.
tn l buys a splendid house , H rooms In
KouiiUn I'lneoon llliiney Ktruot , or will tnko
smaller house In pni t imymont ,
uvs n good hiiusn and lot cnUrnnt
Hiritol I'ltXn this uiilck.
JI.NOO buys good six room house with nil con
teiiiences. Take uood i leitr fnrin or I'M11' ' !
rnnlt > In onens part pnvmcnt ,
1 ( into ttngnn limilN of good bargains either
for sale. , tiitiio or iglte nwny thonpi to stilt tin
most fnitldlnus
( let n mete ou > on unmo tltn itnd cotnn In.
I ) . V Himluit , Sin Ist Nut'l Hunk ,
"To not know nbau'iiln that we m . " 7W
1AM ) I lintolO.oOJ ncros of cholm furmlnJ
'lands In eastern mid mldille N'ebi anka.w hlrli
I will sell nt from $1 to IIS pur itent Will mrtko
NpeiUI iiilco for Hut whobt li'.vi ' ( ) acres If taken
In u lump , ( leu. H , Potoisoii , HIS H liitli nt. ,
inn mil J
tjlOH SAliK Lot HixIM. Routhof fair urmindi
1 In Klrkttood ; iirleo ( I.AM , DUO fniiilli cnsh.
.1 , H , Loomls , iirji ) st lit si , MS " .U
rilO 111 ; soul at public nuctlon on Saturday
Jl April W on the corner of I'Jlh mid DoilKlan ,
Kin. m. All the llxturnt , furniture. Mines ,
mimes , table i lotus , Mlvoiwmc. of the nnloon
leslnuimit of C. lllKglus. Also s her es , cur-
ilngos , buggies , hmiiiiMses , I , llrowti. nlliUit
Notion tn Crndoni
Sonleil piopositls will bo rei elvnd at thn onicit
of lhiiionnt > clerk , uiilll ! n lo k p. m Satur
day. A pi II ' , ' 7lh In t , for the running of uritdnrit
NIO landSepmnte bids will be lerolvoil for
hill and turnpike wmk , mid all bids muni bit
ai'i'iimpnnled oy loitllledi he > k foi fill ) 1'lam
and Npoi Itlrntlons lo bo Heen at Iho olllco of thn
county clerk M. D. lloi'iiK , County Clerk.
Huniilng bntweon Council llluITi nun Al-
bright. In addition to tint stations mentliiiiinl ,
trams Mop nt Twentieth itn I Twenty-fourth
strcetN mul at thu Summit In Omaha.
llroadTrans - OniaTiu I JtiiiuTi' ' A"l-
tt ay , for. dep ) t Sheely. Omaha bright.
A.M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M.H M.
fj-4'i C \H \ no ; }
11:11 : ' ' ' ' "
: . V'SS
: ( ) 7 07 - '
7 r. 7:12 : 7-M H l
7:15 : Ul'i-i
H.V. :
' : . . . H'tt ) : l < ) l
10 : II ( : ' ; II Mil II T. II tl
lliWi I' . M. I' . M. P. M.
P. M. P. M. Mili : 'j'-Il ' ' I" ll
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ruw ISM ,
AtSouth' | | iiinnliiTTriinr"
bright. Om.tlm Htionley depot. t w y ,
A. M. A. M. ' " - tV' ' ; . A.MT
M.MV fiia i
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iiiiTi Jli
7V : , H.lll : HI ! }
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a nz a'un
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fl.r/l I.V. Vl-f , Vlit vm
V V. Mir '
Si. lniV , Il.i7 ( r I > i Itfl
IJ-ID li II I3.iuinlv. ! it
roilNdlli UMii'l M.
' *
1 $ , ,
A No. U IM4 , m. A
A No. IJ
wWl ir ?
A No liW P. III. A
Hu fi. i't
'flm tlni KJ n ooi 'l for Tr utf r
l'fln t.ffom n la tiu tuUuU * '