Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1889, Page 7, Image 7
OTE OMAHA DAILY BEK * r.iFlIDAY. . APUIL 10. 1889. NIM'HMAIi ' N'OTICIOB , OMAHA h.iMMf / li fiiiMil Hill liii Ink MI lor litt I iillMIIII * flHff lll'lltl | l , Ml. 11 rin * I nili In HiUrtiiM * . rj ' 'm i r"iij IMF f-n n iii t * H llMMI f , MVI lL' | | * ffllWI > f lllllflllli 4M Hi < M fM'i i p i ITnt'l * t ' ' li I' * | in , ii j ftitMl fiiii i n r ill/ ! Mid In i i i in | Pi AliT\fcf < l All ' 1n-Ml i - fl , | , ' ! < < ' * Mtl'l" ! ' ! > I" I I" lit ll > l I l'l lt II. I I i. lift III ! 'If lllii 'sii < ttlll tilbl ) ri il m fiiilili'l''l I. . ) In 11 l iif | IK m .i ii in. lull , * * . oi'i'titM ' ' ftttil Imr. 11. < r nh'n f * iifilf > > * * 'it in ft' nf rim linn fl i ! * Miif i h i k In "i.ihin . Ihd'ti ( ntjfl 41 I < i"i Nl fi' H" Will llji ili'li i frili' e itillltl i'tr , ' | ' 'h'k All ltii i M In Md ! lliiiii ii | ri"iiin In ( Mlf I' " " illi | ripTrii'i'T-- ' A ! i l > ' ' iiiMi | nt < i ' iiiiiinin f pub II ( l < < n ( MnitllUC It'i'l ' ' tfiilliK It'llMum'it ' Hill I'lf ' Hi | | < tH'fli 'I Will'll nKMrPICttM III d fin i im IIHIIKI * iiitnr. mxi Kltns thi < .1 ) tufil a * ii ii rtnl ti"l 'ill/ 'if III" iltyilt'il ' i " I ' * ( Iff'ill * " " ' 'if I'oiitirli ' ( ' IIIHT4 , I. , * , , i ' ) , ( , M | | I lliroiiliout ( ( iliU II ii nl MIH "MM rURANCHOFFIClES. " _ 4i1f fl | lu < frtf Ih"iitMllin" Will Im tnKrn ii' | rn . | m.ltlHin. | * l Hin follottltig liusl- , li ii * . ii itiui tf" M lli"M-iid nui'iiis for Tun ri t | UI Iliillr * * rttld tfill lllllti | ) th milH Ikli > i' mil tin Irnddt tliit tintlli olllco , I I'llr ' * vv IIKI.I. , I'linrinxIM ' , no Houth Tenth ( UI t'll * f , | ! MIV. | niuiliiiixr * mfl ! I'tlntern , III i illi i Hi ftri-di. _ ) I Mi1 * 'UUIITII. ' PhnrmiiF't , ZII5 Ctinv HI . ing \ \ ' Hi iillliK , I'lmriniieUt , ( tll Nortli ICth > > . i I. _ / 'Mu U plltl , riinriuncht. It * * ) Ht. Mary' * \ A 1.1 nun " HIT WANTED. VVxNII'li rflttuilliitili ) llrMtdiiss man rook. n il N l.llli st. WMSJ- \\\N'II'.I itiifllloii bv youim mnn 17 * > ' ius < i. | in ilrltn dnlltitrr wnii > n or nnv KII I 'W'IIK , pniK iliirinnni Komi rufiirnnu'K. Mil' s J"U " IlilVi-llliiilt , UIO lUf * \V' XMTnir"'ii'slllnii | us trnvi-llim i nlrsmitn ; J ' < 'UK ' ujpi'lli'liri' ' ; uood rufuruuius. Addreis Vfll wr ) A 'M NO mnn wants K position nt HOMIO mini Iliivn Knpt n riirnlliini utorc I yearn , inn Niiiiid tiniki'r , c nil talk and write ( lorinitn. Ail Hem \ IV , IKP. | s-iMiij Sl'l'l \Tii.N | wntiti'dnn hoUH'tkenper In "id- iwi-rn fiiinlly by widow Indy. ( an ulve Imsl "f ritfuriMiiit , Aildrp s or call ' 'il-J llnr- llrlln lli'iil ' \\'ANTI D I'o ltlnii m lumlier yard ! tlvo ' veiiin inperleiire ; cnp.ibto of managing li-tiill tnr l ( lent n feriincns , and rerommnnda- l n fl'iin | m-.I iimpluyeri. Address M. M , Muni' Kenrnev , Nub. dW-IU * " \\ANTII ! > -A plnni to do nocond work In 'I ptHnln fiiinll ) by n nlin Amnrlcnn girl. ( n > > ur ndili. . H. H. , 111 Illlams si. Ml -Hitnatlon by n young mnn f-li as ' clerk or ale man : good clerlcnl mid ox- rr Hlvn uliitj ) | j N , V. eliy reft'ieiues. Address , fitntlliU tertiiK. "V M. ' llee olllco. KM H * U'SII.I ) I'.iiiptnt meiit us bookhiieper or III ' < lli guild rnferenecs ; good penman ; nt | > Mot afraid to ttmk ; willing to leave \ ff , , lli'o , HIH | ' \ \ ' \NTii ; | Hltuntlon In tthoh'-nlo or retail ii ur-ic > ry , mime experience ; salary not so lull'i > nn iil'je , t an further knoulcdgit of the lni-.lni' . , : , , , , referent ON mid security : nd- tin s \ f , | . | | i. | . . hSU-ltf \ \ ' \NI'II ! -A Bltnntlon bv n Mrs ! class car- ' i lln ; o lilinmer , Address V r > 7 , llee olllce , HI ! ) IK' I > AllTIPHdi > slrilign\pprlonred ntntingruphers < uli "iilnln jiint the. ti'iftyanteil without ib'liti or iiM-.iiiti'iili'iiii < fiom ilioxsteriisten - nirciii't , Lincoln , Neb _ 1 ) , \ltTIIs ; drilling rxperionued male or fi'iMiil. ilnnourapners i nil nbiiiln just the iinrt wnnlix ) tM'Iniiil ' dnhit or Inconvenlenie iif f n in liic Mi'sioru hitriiogriptilc ngoncy , Liu- um Neb. ii ; : WANTEO WIALti HELP. \ \ ' \NTPI ) Twoyniii'ir men cm se.Mire light ' work iill'l giKMl wanes all KUmmer by call- Inirnt ui tnom , No 17JJ ) N. 1 . ttU-13 * -\\rANTID ! A large boy IU or 1 to take c.ue il of Inningentlymnn. Apply 17 ! 'l liodgo t. "V4rANTI'D- good cmrlago trimmer , sternly T ? tturic byditt or piece , guarantee work the ynur i niiul to the right parly. For fuither pin Hi umr apply to Ixmehn , llor.trlcs , Neb. ( US SIr " \ \ \\TFD-A mnn to prissorntmentnl brick i ' bj hand press. Address Itiver I nils.Nt'ls. I' . O. llox ! II7. Inll I'jt AUIINTH Wnnlod : ( It ncrnl mid local agents < o handle the now patent Cnemlcnl Ink la-us ing poneil , ur. itlevt mny | | utor produced ; runes mi , m i uoiiuoi.d-i. noubraston of paper ; V1 I i. , ui per i cut piolll ; sells at .sight ; tern- tort nii i.luti > l > flee ; Miinrt to fjiiod men. For liiMiisutii rml piirtUnl ii-.uddri"-M The Monroe liaio lo I S. i\pre-n : tiulldtug , l.a I'tos e. t'ANI'UD Man to wash illOicH. l.ouio i Mot iar , ii."i llio.idwa ) , I uuncll Illulls \ ' \NIID Tttn shnemakeis foi t.oi end hand work l l N. lOlhst. KU-UO * \\'ASIF.D For lintel , clerk ttlio can ttpenk i ( > t rnian and Dunlsli ; also porter , S yard- ini'li. i m nml inokfl , pan ttaslivm , etc. Mrs. llrrm III , . 60I-18J jV\l'Kltil'N'KI ( > man In hnt and ( npdepnrt- J iimni t riio Talr K-'I ( t > \\r.\NTKD A fowenorgotlc Follcltors to pro- i' euro members for the National Llbuiry n oriati"ii 'Jho biMlnu-.i Is pleasant nnd prulltiiblo ; nrt-class ref riiiceii leiiulied. For Ifrmi , nitdross Nutloiinl Library Association , III' Htntt st . Chicago , III. Wl 18 J \MI.I gtte fi for n gooit pfriiianent sbTuT- H m Addrr-n | { , | | . D. . I7li H. I'.th st. 7'J1 Si : ' \\'SILD Local iiKontu , al-o tiavelmg i' sali'smeti as l'o line , to sell on n good rutnii l Inn a ntmubird o.ikitu powder mid tl t.nliiB fiirmts For iiartli'ul.ns nddioss Lork Hi t "X , , | Inrlntlitl , O. Hrj.-r. " S\l I sMKN ttnnted 3 men who huvii mid ox- itcrlnice an nnlc inei ! In cnnntry to travel t ul > us in..I rii dry goods In puckug' s on year's I linn ill o n'r ; truces * iiii a month and o.\- JienJ rlini in of raiM ) to il- " . 'Ihis bunlnois Clus ( 'noil KHtufaitlon Como al OIIIP 01 ad- llr > s I ne HUH . Manilla. In. _ 741 1- Y\f \ N I'l n i MI rgctli men mid wonionoteiy- i w' ere for K geiiii > l , moniiy-mnklng bu l- ni * i Mt-ckly pinlli guaraiitepd easier than Mm nililj iiu > inl < u lIxpiTlencn abxoluiely linnc < s-iarv. I'erinaii out position and exclim Itplr rltorv ajxiirnl ? ' -'sample" free. Write for tmri ilurs A.ldim with tmnp , Merrill Mfg. to II .i ( ii B3i , 7II-ml'j " \\r > NThir-ll < Kiil reliable men foi o.-tectlte ? ' n everv ii'iiimnnlty ' Adilre > s Kansas Dtti live linrfnu , lei K b i\ AIchita , Kan. _ jri.vsit ' " Wo ttuh ft'fott mon"to H i-n our noodi tiy AinpI to wrmlesato and retail trxilc I , r ; > t niauiit ra In our lino. Knologo Kern * Mainii.uuu II ir day , rrrinac < iii : portion No poittnli nnswucil. Money ad- VHlircJ fortraKcu. ndtrrtUmg , etc. Centennial Man r Co , < Inrlnnatl , O. fn \\rANrF.I Men tonolicltl mint dcposlt'isi mul ulr fcurliy for mun y lollnctoil. Puliir i' to'lii ) prr nioiith. CMU on or nd- drr ( Ieo. S i J'ljsl .Nali ! > iii't bank. 47t \\'AS'IHD ' AKfnis 1o ell tlie Pig PntFle" ; Ti o ry'iody < ni/y to ot ono ; cample by nwli I . - stamps taken. A. A. Austin , V Co , tnrTK. I'rovi Iciinll. . _ I. SiiSmaj " \\'ANTFD ) tnon for railroid work In > Uasbm > : toii terrltor > ; gooil ttagos ami itfudy work , . \ptiljr B\lb.lflit sl.nbor Aroncy , HSil Inrnnm ire t. _ " _ ai7 TJS ( Am. I l t U'I CbVlJJrTliiilsl.iT. XV AJfrfili A wxl biioTnoiis nuin to tuteTho T i innnairmc'nt of mi office in Nt > w Vork city , ono f r miother for Cincinnati.mi it li . st Mfiiii. mUry II.AI0 per year Address ' rc P. tlln * . vvazuor l-.ocV , D s Molncs , U. tiff U mciin Jtlst trhst tta fay Andres * l * ndir I H.'roiwiir * fo. . Itculon. Mass. U > | WAN1 ? . -FEMALEHELF' . E srrti _ \VAXltH " ' waist n < ! iik'rt maker tit Mr . B. L.-I d , IMh mil C'apltol ave , Ja- toUj blk , room 'A.Vfr7i Ncnt , capubltf girl for general I T tl ) ! ke\tl k. at r.'H Hurt it ; Uermun pre- _ V Ktrl for central nnu e\iork ; CI Slttli S4T. " fKD lodj their own dwtcnttlngtorall at my l M mtettlcnt. tlie Adains'lalloryatem. . 'lie 11 r < no Hut dratti tha entire gurmunt on } ii fi B'-ti re < iutrr > uo nMUtlng. 'titling , muk- It i * I > r i i taivl ' . lustnu.tloiii uhen dty it i . * ii' ' ' , nti < fci'"n guarantee i : c'ltt'n. ; ml 'UKu.r tlinfi pntMrn * cut , Mini M , K , , r > 4in > > iaBil3)ibac ) leybla.c. lith an j AV'AwtfJtl Atoti'C , n nl , vtllllnK Rltl , 14. to M nl l | ) | Imliri WARitufl , ApPlJ. l"tol , t'H'iii w , ( lifltnb < ref Commerc * . or 'nil Wirnl- 1t" " " " Kl' > n \\f AN'ri'.f ) li'iiKrkcepfr , f Vi ; i dlnlnwtonm girls , isij I fur intiMi rniint r. ! l Hn" ironers , MSI fare will Iw pnl'l ' Ilii-fi' , mid if ptrtlesstty n .far will bo pmil bn' k. Al o for clt ) . fl rooks , ilinlngroom rl'H. itnit'c "fltu ; rojupptont trnmnn lo tnkn dtilirn Hiruijr o * n bnliy. i : nurse uln to tend Intbt iliirltiKllin ilty ; girl for fnctnry ; Indy ns i inik niul lioiKekceprr oil n ranch , fjlj no ob- jftitloli lunclillili Niitlrln for private families In mid nut of city. Mrs. llrega , atl't ' S. IMli t. \ \ rANTiilllKhnst : Vrairerpiild for waist Imndt. M. A.allaic , lilii Howard. 87 1 21 " \\r AN rilD-A vonngor elderly lady to mnko i her homo with family of three Address wllli reference , V tii , llcenlllee. ' 117 \\'ANriii-Two : llrslclnss millinery sales- ' Indies : no others need npplv. Imiulro .1. ,1 IMMH. IMI Douglas st. KJ.I-HJ \\f ANTIJO ( looil > drl forK"nernlhon o\tork. TT l in fnmllv ; must be good nsher nnd Itonnr. ( lorinnn preferred ni'it'iiss. H.KI VrA NrFiTT"Vt : nlst u nA slcl rTTuil s liel s. ' MTss > > Mnggle Mcdonlgnl , dtoiamakor , III N bHIi \ \ ANTiT-Lnrtv : niRiingor for 1st Thiss hotel ' In ( olnrndo. Must boa thorough business wi'inun nbout ' ) yrs of ago , wages fv ) per month Mrs llrega , .MI'S S inth. H > 7 lb \V ANTIIDllrl ( for general housework ; ' ' must tie in-lit , clean and good washer mul Ironer. Mrs. C. K llurmoster , tcil'nrk ' nte. 8II-H 'l'tto competonl lady Instruct- > > reisos for the Improved Singer Sowing mai bine. IMS Douglas , H17-'I f 1 MILS- Wanted for dining room , second V I wi.rk , general hoiisowoik. Mis. Illnslo. Ill H Hih , employment olllce. ( W'Mi J \ \ \NTKD--A llrst-class horsoshoer. ono who i mi turn HJIIMH ; state wages wanted. Ad- die s Chas , Murray , ( Irand Island , Neb. Neb.W.GS1J "WANTF.D-dlrl foi gonoinl iiotisoworK ; S . ' 7 > > Dodge. . 811 \\rAN"f'i:0 : A competent girl In family of S. > > wu y. s.stn .st. wi ai V\TAiVni : > Lady to solicit ; must deposit i fill nml give security for money collecte.l. Hnlnrj jm per month. Cull on or nddress ( Ieo. H. ( 'line , "ill First Nutlimnl btlik. 471 C U III , for general housework. Apply 217 S- 1''th HI. Gil XVANTllD-aorman cook nt 7SJ S 1'Jtli.K8 ' > > K8 IB V\r"ANTr.l-At Dr. Collmoi.tTSTtiriinirst ! i' Mary's at o , a good cook ; good wages paid weekly. 7-e-lii ( ! EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS. \IIIS. HHIXJA , Canadian limp , olllce , . ) U'J S J.11 inth. Hoferenco Omuha National tinuk. 'lfi in'lj OMAHA Em p. bureau , HUN liith ; established S years. Most relinblo In ilty. II. i : . White. S74-m-'j TADIT.S Information and employment par- J lors ; stiictly llrst-class ; perfectly reliable. Itoom U' ' , llushman block , N. U. cor. Douglas and liitn st. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. - ono ttlth a nice home in WANTKD-Some Omaha to take a baby of 1) ) months ; Jill n mouth. Mrs , llrega. ill1-1. ! * ' V\/ANTIH / ) Uvervbody to etamlnotlio bargains - > > gains otrered by the Western H 1' . \ Mer cantllo Kx , room U , Cnamber of Commerce. \\r ANT1ID lO.OOj women to li'O "Wllco\'s ' Fancy Coiuponnil Pills. ' perfectly safe and nlways eirectuul. Send for 4c "Woman's t-nfo Guard. " Wilcox Modlcal Co. . Phil.idol- . phla. Ill AIN ! ) ) WANTED-TO RENT. \\rANTIM ) To rent two nli o large rooms for ii light honsokeeiilng ; have no chlldion ; rooms must lie tioll I icnted. Call or nddress II. I. Mo es , Illl Howard ht. b7 ! 1 W ANTTD M.ny 1 , furnished or unfurnished cottage ; family of two. Address V 4. . Heo. " * \\rANTr.Dlorcntby fmnllv ottwo , nuiin- T turnlshed cottage In good condition con- tnlulngil or 7 rooms ; must have terms an.l lo cation to receive nuy nttontlon. Address f 6" > , lleo. "l FOR REMT KCUSES. OliOl'SiS : centrallv located wheio tl.ofuinl- turi ) is for snlo. Co-operatlvo Land and Lot Co. , StO N. Ibth St. tilS-'M . HUNT House ot all modern imnrove- ntB , perfect lepalr. Imiulro 71N. . Hith st * riOTTAOi : nicely furnished for rent , r , rooms. V close to buslnesij ; references. HH10 , bhcoly blk. yj."j---'lj IpOIt ItHNT 10 elegant hon-ses. centrally lo cated , flne nolghbornood. Aloa. Moore , SOI Slucly block. bt 1U * SIIOOM hou o for rent , city wator. $ - > . lloom 1M7 Sheely block. b70 | 7"Oll lir.NT Honso 11 largo rooms , or the i. ' ground rooms alone. bDT Howard. HJJiO * IrOH HUNT Houses , cottages and untur- nlslud housekoepliig rooms. Aloa , Moore , 'All Sheely block. Kil VJt IJ1OH lir.NTlloaiitlful 8 room nouso with JL1 modern lmpio\omontb , splendid location. Apply at once , C. 1' . Jlnrrfoon , Mer. Nat. ll'k. ijioit UINT : ( iood houses at-)0 , $ ior err , . o. JL andjl per month. Ifyouwlsn toiontcalland Bee mo. I ) . Y. bholos , UIO Ut Nut 1 llank. 7t'J TT1O11 ItllNI Broom luniho ; coutr.illy located ; JL : modern tniprovemeiits. J. r. llatton.-tlltl Capitol avenue. D7-SU "IT'Oll IIK.ST A choice u room noiise , icuced J lot , gas , city water , furnace , bath room , cistern , lariro well equipped tmm , S-i ) . ) Capitol ate. Inquire : Mh < > iiB east of premises or room 14 Omaha Null bunk bid. II. II. Hobisou. 7H FPOll HUNT Plvo room housecorner I uveii- \ioith and luth sts. Apply to Dr. Mattlco , 1U Dodge st. 7iJ : FOH HKNT borne new 0-ioom houses In Mlllurd A : Culdwoll's addition , Ui miles from poitotflce. Apply early , hpotswoud , ! tO ' , fo H'th st. 7 0 "I7IUH Itr.NT House of 10 looms , modern im- Jl protvincn's. Hinge , a largo lawn : cheap to right patty. Apply to S. A. thchuul , l"ith mid rarnnm st > , _ - L1' 1 IjXW UCN'l II loom brlcU duelling , nil con- JP t enlancta , SIB N. luth bt. ' > 07 ( kJtOD ) houses for rent centrally lo < nt > il. 'furnltura for Main on tlmo. Co-oper.itlve L ind & Lot C'o. 1174 I7HV ! lliNT-7-room : ILat. J = tJ month. Inqulro JL1 at The Fair , and Howard. 074 7 ItOOM house with barn , out a llttlo distance J.M per month. C. 1' . Harrison , Merchants Nnt , bnnk bide. 4IW OOll IIBNT Itto 3 room llats on N. 17th st. JL1 ( l-'umlfU : ono-Vroom cottage N. 17th at , * IL Apply to Oreen vt Williams , 1st Nat. llnuk IltilldlltK. M2 Tj'Oll HUNT To an elegant lady flue new X1 Huts , tifteon or thirty moms , for Unit-class family boarding In cholu locality. Addreis llox as city. _ _ _ _ 4sa _ I fOll llIIN'lKlegantly fuinlslied rooms with all modaru Improvements , atO'jlri. ' lith st , for rent In l-ark Ten ace , - opi-oitte I tun com Park ; all modern con-'s. Iniiulre Lea * Nlchol , Stlth and Lenvonwurtli. W > I/OU HK.ST ' .i-rrpm modern Ininioved bouse , J-'A llomllty ; rent moderate. Apply to M Klgiittor. U01 larnam ! . UK ' ' " TJIOH'TtK'Nr Cottage" rooms. 27JI Charles J. si. und l.Ul B Mh st. Inquire at room "IS , bhcoly block. jlOH Itl'.NThen \ you wish to rent a house , JL store , or oincn call on us , II , K , Cole , room 6. Continental blk. 'Jll HHNl' The u-ioom roMdeuce. 2107 X1 DoiiElas st. , all modem Impiovoments. Inquire - quire S. Kutz lilii Knrnam. 005 ' RENT ROOMSFURNISHED7" FOL'Il rooms , ti. 1H3 S. 15lh , near Dorcas. Hil S fjUTTITlSH W ) rnonu to rent at b.'oi ! . * . IsthsL JU' All modernconvenloncrs. 7Sj jhj ' O ITIINISIIKD front roo'ms blnele or en suit * . in cott.ige , with beautiful bhuily lawn , 414 N Hth t. P7J-snj 17'Olt KKNT Kurnlshed alwpmg roonu. 11.50 Ju to ri.W ptr week. HJ7 , MO Howard st. bCt-SO * KOOMS and boar J , " 1010 Webjter s7. _ _ _ its milt ( Tirit.N'ISIIKD rooinn by day. tteoK or inonthT JL1 dt. tlatr liotel. cor 13tti and lodg . D.H CJUn of 3 fnriilshtHi rooms , modern conven- > , i | < afcs , 3 blocks from J1 , O , private family. Douglas at. Sl'ITot cast rooms suitable for gentlemen or lady and uvutlemauluurd desired.brick ml- ounce , moUrro luiyimeuiKuu. CJb S. IKth § t. TpHONTrootmt nil convcnloncosj 2317 Pouglas IprilNlSIIKDroom with bo.trd. gas and bath In house , prices rcasounbleM I.eaven'th. TKl .IfflTlTM.V'cool ( sulto , hick pnrloi and ' ' alcove , handsomely furnished ; SJ1U Douglas. * ITlt'ltNISIIKl ) KOOMS-fU ) Douglas strcot - r.D rooms. 111 3 30th st.tKMkMVMl /OlT llTXT-Kiirtilsliod : room "witiT lioartt JL Dult.iblo for two gentlemen. 1(111 ( Douglnfl , itn .M * _ _ _ K i lOVTsiiud nrst-cmss llotnoo.trd,17ls Dodge. 4HJ-III _ _ liM'HNlSllKD nxitn for rent ; must give refer- J1 enee. nt IWJI Dodgo. _ _ _ 4111 _ " ' HI. NT Uood bn < > mon"t , P > T5 Douglas'st. 'ir\C \ llN"JsiliD : rooms for rent nt l ln Dodge ju ! ' - : _ _ 37-nlL : _ IjirilNlSHUD rooms , single or en suit" , bath JL1 and gtenni : tor geuti only , 151V Howard. F ritNIBItr.U rooms with or without bunrd. i ll N. I7tn street. M.-1S room to ion ) , I8W Fmnnm. nil 1st TTIOH ItKXT Furnished room with nil modern X1 cent onlences. 7S4 S lllth st. KW lilOll HUNT Ono lingo furnlsliod front room. JL' Sut'I ' St. Mary's ntenuo. iVd-l1 * ; ROOM w 1th or Ithottt board. 1812 Doilgo lU-i 17VH Hi.N"l ; Furnished rooms sluglo or en JL1 suite. Ifloil Douglii" . 713 rooms with llr ! t-clnss bontdnt ail.l Douglas t. wu ait 9 rnilNISIino roums for rout , with board ; must give rotoreiiiosi , at llt-'l Dodge St. 4 U OOMS nml bonrd-1813 Chlcngo St. < T ICB rooms Ji.Oi ) per wcok Peabody house , - ' II tb nnd .lonaa. l..i. ) iVJl" wu HUNT liout looms nt Iffil J'nrnnm. FOR RENT ROOMS UNFURNISHED Foil 11KNT I of "i nnfiirnlshod cnambois fo hoiisekeoplug , : il N 17th st. bVJ KW TIIOH U1JNT Alimnlsomo Hiittoot three tin- JL' furnished rooms with bathroom1 and closets , nt loX ( ) Bhoimnn nvo. b. % IjiOIl ItliNT Housakooplug rooms , iintnrn- JL1 Ished or furnlshod. M)7 ) Howard. Hfil'O * FOH lir.NT I looms , biiltnblo for house keeping ; roferenres reiiulred ; no children , 1'rico J15.00. N.V. . corner I7th nnd Webster t. . FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. FOIt UHNT-Tlio Istorybrlok building with or w llliont pow or. now oc Miplod by The lleo Publishing Co . till. Farnam st. The building has a Ilio proof comeutod Dasumont. complete steam heating fixture"nter on nil the llnors , gas. etc. Apply nt the olllco of Tno lloo. ( 111,1 Foil HUNT-I.MS Hnrney Bt. . a nlco light olllco cm ground lloor , bi'J-llt ) IfOlt HUNT Stoio and living rooms ou Cum- Ing street : also bouso on Cast st. Hanls H. II. .V L. Co. , Itoom 111 , 1st Nnt. bank. 814 Ll'lOKi ; 107 ttlth imsement , llnmgo bldg. In- ' Frnnk .1. Itmnge. CW FOR Ill'.NT Store 2.'xUJ : 1113 Jacksou st. Un- nnlrollll.lnekson. 8.W _ I OH UTlN r 2Ti < ioT5a.l\8J eacli , ill brick bn lltH Ing , with olovntor , close to express olllce. cheap lout. Just the thing for wholesaling , good location. Apply to ( ieolloyn , DOS rmuamst , ' RENTAL ACEN'CISS. " \\711YvoiiKliouldllHt.vourproporty with the > Wi'-teui It. li A. Mer r.x. , loom 14 , I ham- ber of Commeice. It has Btw ) agencies through out the w ' 3tein stales , tluisi giving yon GUI chances to I dispose ot jour property , ( IIj i r you want to rout jour houses call ou llnr- iln , H. IJ. \ L. Co. , room ill 1st Nat'l b ink. LIST your pioporty for rent ttlth Homingtou \ Fryo , Nortliwoat Cornof nth and Km num. " \\rA.NTRD 2u nouses .u once Tor which weT T can furnish good tenants. Lut your housed with the L& S Hontal Agency , .110Sneoly blk. ITOU want to buy , sell , runt or oxcnungo , call on or address , li. .1 , Steiusdorir , rooms 317 and HIS Urst National bank building.Ht'i Ht'i G no. J. PA1TL , KiO'j rarnam St. . houses , stores , etc. . for rent. liltt \\riJ g'vo ' special attention to lentlng mm i Tr collecting rents , list with us. ILK Cole , loom U Continental bloi'K. 1147 rr > OK Itr.S'I-Hoiibesln all pnrtsof the city. t ? .1. J. Olbson. No. II. Crel''hton block. CO I I.I. UlllSON'S now system of renting houses , No. I ) Ci ulghton block. ftll W1ISCEILI.ANEOUS. V\riLL tnko horses to pasture nt ( Itlnmro. Y > I'llioWpormo. 1) . A. i'ouug.Glltiiore.Nob. lli : niinjo tnuglit ns nn nit by Oeo. l' . < jel- lenboi-k. Appl at Heeflllce. ) 'JVI LOST. LOST I'lom Duniloo 1'Iaco on liiursday night nt about o'clock , 0110 mouse coloied horse , tlljipod. w lib hainuss on. rinder will bo llboially lew HI iled bo returiilmr to Dr. .1. V. Cornish , coiner i-'Qtli nnd Lake sla. H2J FOUND. rilAKKN UP March 15 , ono brown and end Jl yellow cnlt. Owner can have same by cai- lug ou l-'rcd Modeng , S miles , west of llnnliig ou and paving charge" . m UO-27-n 'MU-l't PERSONAL 1) HIV ATE course In feniiug , bo.xiug or fancy club swinging , $10. Address ri 14 , lleo olllce. : "J ml4 * ATHANCK JllIDIUM-Mini ! . Waudall. the young Swede , tells full namesof callers nnd thn full name of your future husband or wife , wltn dutoof murrligo , and tells whether the ono you love is trim or falsa. Not a fortune teller , but n young spirit medium. Madame goes Into a perfectly dead trmiC3. Will bring back the p trtod husband or lover , uo matter if they bo 10.0J ) miles awav. Will guarantee to settle family quarrels. I'urlors up slalrs , 403 N loth st. . third lloor ; GI : . ' 0t STORAGE. RTOKAGIJ Allow rates at 11S1 1'arnam Ht . . Omaliu Auction &Stoiago Co. 117 rrtHACKAiTr ( toraKoi li7\v < ) st rate \VT M" Jl Iliiahman , Ull Leavenworth. 118 llANCH iV CO. , storage , lill Howard. 119 CLAIRVOYANT p\H. NANN1I1. V. Warren , clairvoyant medl- JL/cal and business medium. Tomato diseases ahpoclalt > ll'J N IGtliBt. , rooms land ! l. I'll ' SHORTHAND AND ri I IE Standard Shorthand School , having pur- JLrliused Valentino's Shoithanit Instltute.l'ux * ton block , opp , public llbiary , Is now the larg est. best equipped , oxcluslvn'snorthand school in tno west , li'i graduates in good ultnntlonii Thoachool Is incharuoof Mr , It. A Smith , n stenographer and toucher of many yenrs prac tical experience. Tttuhe No , S Hemtngton typewriters - writers ID use. Send for circulars , 411 SI1OHTHAND and Typo-w rltlng taught the most pi actlcal \ \ ay nt the Omaha Commui rial College , llonn J'ltmun system and HemIngU > n typwilteis ; Htudents lomplet menual In two wefks , and write from I'O to 100 words per mln- nto In three mouths ; pi actlcal oflice drill nindo abpcylalty. In-Strnrtfon in grammar , spoiling anil writing flee. Address llohrbough llios. , Omaha for circulars. 3l7in'i BOARDING. BOA III ) and desirable rooms , furnished or unfurnished ; tloso to street car , Mrs. C. 1' . Storrr ) . 84H Cusi st. MtiSi * UAHDINC , furnished rooms , ! gas , bath , nt IM N. 17th st. U17 Ibt WANTED TO BUY. "IVANTBD-To i > urchase hair inteiest In i f plumbing and Kteaiu fitting business , by practical man. Address V 40 , Ilio olHce. 7W-"Of VVTfNTEDTobuyTTiouIo u > move ; "address 11 V 47 , Uea. 7fMtr WANTKD To ouy go > ) U coiumerciul pupor. II. C. I'atter.on. mj 8 at. Wl "WANTED Furniture , carpets , stoves and i T Household goods of all kinds. Omaha Auction & Storage Co. , MSI r'aruaui. tu ) "FOR 6ACE-MI3GEI.LANEOUS7 "IjTOH SALE ( Iood work team , wagon and hnr- Ji' neid ; set cariwiiU'r tooU and chtist ; fullfot /urKtcal Instruments , nearly naw : household coodi , t'tc. On easy paj incuu , J. J. \ \ llkluson , , iU T7011 SAI.R-Drftft her < e * . tntccy horses , mid X1 smnll delivery mulMj Wood's Sale stabl 1510 California. ; u ] ANTKD-To sell inrloids of potatoes to retailers , i heap. Adurosi n. II. Hotter , liny Springs , Neb. KM is * IJ JAtMlNlTrflK of 7-room lionso , tnclmlliiK up- 1 JL1 right piano , for snlo ihoap. .Mill Davenport. ' "ITiiltST-fLASS lot of suloon furnltnro nnd bar JL1 tlxtmes tor sain at ix bargain. Inqutro ot the 1'lrst National bank , Aurora , Neb. ( US a'M "T II AVI ? a No. I Tuft's sod.1 fountain , good ni -ItU'W , used I so.tson , 9 tyrups ntid S drnilithts , price when new JIlitill ; m-u ror J.U1 ! grent bmgnln. Win. Someklil , Wnyne.Neb , 871 IIW AriltST-CLASS upright plnuo , tery reason sonnblc , on easy terms ; tery line Instru incut. ailO Dnvenpoit. KW-SSt I ( toll SALT A good drhlm ; nmrp , ttelght nbottt Ii ) W lbsor ; would tnch.tUKn for a good business here OJ Ibs lieut lor. U. K. llendee. ITtOH SALK rurnlturo nnd lenso o7 7 room U tint Itoom rented exceeds lent of tint. L Itentat Acoili-y , : tlOShoelv _ bloek. _ 7lll 1 jIDU HA LI-Cheapn ! nearly now top buggy ; Co- L1 Inmbns make. A. H. Comstock , 31S S. liith. 717 IfUMI f-ALK I work toMii , wagon nnd har ness complete , tar } ' cheap tor cnsh , 6IH Paxtoiiblk. .sin 1710H SAI.I--Sh'\ftlng , Iwltlug , putlovs , ofc , JL good as now. Hip sw , cross-cut nnd bund sn\ts very cheap. I'M ' Douglas. IS < _ _ AJllW bed room set nndcnrpets for sale cheap. JInqulro " < H4 Cnpltol nto. UU-x'IT IruiH SALll llorsn nnd litiggy. 1 imniro 1\T 1 llospe. I'd , ! Douglas st. firnnll "ABSTRACTS OF TITLE ! T\f IDI.AM ) ( Junrnnteo & Trust Co , , tSB Knr- JH mini. Completonliittrarts fnrntxhed \ titles to real estate e.\nmluedporfected \ gunrnnteoil. W ! AllSTHACTS-Llnuhnu \ MnTionoy.ioomOW I'nxton block w.1 OMAHA Abstract Comptny , nil ) rnriinm st. Most complete nnd carefully prepared set of abstract books mid plats of nil renl property in the city of Omaha nnd Douglas county. MONEY TO LOAN. UNIMPKOVKD and Improved propoity ; loins made promptly : tummy on hmm. ! ' . M. lllclmrdson , s w lor luth and Uatiglas.TOO TOO LOANS madooiTlmprovcd and ummpiovFd rcn ! estate al loivost lates by Odell llios. & Co , No. HIS S 10th st. Wi C1OOD notes , shoit or long time , unsnrured > orwlth mortgage , bought any wnero In Neb , or la. Quick loans , city or farm. Call or tvilte W. L. bolby , H. 1.1. ll'iL 'rude. bfll ) 1 > UllDINl ( T.OANS-Wo will bny lot. or pay I Jlncutnbiancponyour lot mi'l build foi you ; small cash payment , b.ilauco In easy monthly payments : In case of death tvo caucol the en tire Indebtedness. M. K. &T. Tiust Co. . First National bank building. KT--ml,1) HT H , COl.l1. , loan ngont. 100 0 HOICK city loans wanted In Omnhn nnd Council Illuirs. Will quoin very low rntes for the next few days. In dealing with us , you deal direct with the lender. Wo Ic.ui you our own money In nil cases No delays , lloth principal and Intoicst payable at our olllce. Contra 1 Loan nnd Trust Co. , 1S05 Fatuain st. d'.ij-SJ V\7Tf W I SIT To buy Bomo good llrst mort- Y gages ; \\111 nlso toan on good real es tate security. The W. C. Ives Co. , , 'H 1 S nth st. B ril7iIN ) ( ! LOANS At 7 per cent net , no ad- dltlonnl clmiges for commlsslnns or attor neys' fees. \ \ . II. Melklo. Vlrst Nat. bmiKbldg. " "lrILDTNT"loixns ( n sireolally. W. M IInrris7 room SO Kreiuer bloclc. opposite 1' . O. Do YOU w nut inonoyf ir KO , don't borrow before getting my rates , tvliu h are the low- ist t > a any sum fiom SID up to J10.0JO. I mnke lonns on household goods , pianos , or- pans , lidrios mules , wagons , warehouse re- telpts , lieu > .o- , leases , etc. , Ill any amount nt the lowest possible rules without publicity or re moval of property. Loans can bo innila for ono to six months mid you can pay n part at any time , reducing both principle and Interest. K you owe n balance on your furnltmo or horses or have a loan on them I will take It up and carry it for yon m long as you desire. 1C yon noedmontiy yorj will llnd It to your nd- vantage to see mu bsfore , bonovrin. : . II. r. Masters , loom , Wltlmell building , 1.1th ! ! ' ) nnd Ilnrnny. > OltCIIAItl ) HlLL lomls at Tlf. Shcoly build- Ing at eight per cent sttalgnt. Samuel 'Into. - O l,000 TO $ "i.OO ) on Improved city property ; Voan bo paid in monthly installments ; debt cancelled In case of death : will lo.m r.0 to IV ) jier cent of cash Miluation. M. Iv. A , T. Tiust Co. , rirst National bault bulldlug. R"i--ml"i ONito : loan at lowest rates of intcrost on realestato in Omini mid South Omaha. Titles ami property examined by us and loans made at once. Cash ou hand , llates , Smith & Co. room IjtTJ Itamgo blilng. _ _ : iln m'l _ tJ'lOUO and upwards to kTaii on good mildo city T piopeity. No delays. W. I'm mini Smith , lit ) I'nrunin st. _ . Sr-a'-T ( g * J i I 'I o levi on inrin nnd city oronnrty. ip ( ! oo. .1. 1'ftui , PIH3 Tarn im st. oil CITY I'lnnnrlal agency will lo.m youjnonev on hordes , furnituro. Jewelry or socuritl s of any kind. l.WO Howard St. , comer S. l.ith st. EASTK11N' trust funds to loan on Improved real estate In Omahajlargo loans preferred. 15. S. UiBbeo , Firbt National banK bulldlug. : M.Vin2IJ _ " " "PKCIAIj fund offlii.uOI to loan at i educed rates ou furnltuie , horses and wagons. City Loan Co. , II8J5 Uth st. _ i ) fl _ "pl-OI'LIVS I'liiiiiPlal Kxcnango Largo nnd J small loans for long and short time , at low est rates of Intero-t , on real iMtato mortg.igo notes , chattels of nil kinds , diamonds , wat 'lies nnd Jewelry. Don.t fall to call It you want fair and cheap accommodations. O. llouscareii , M r. , loom MI. ; Darker blk , r > th mid rnrnmn. MONK if to loan on Improvort propflrtynt flr.i- hnmls. No application sent aw a v for npt provnl. Security niul titles examined free of charge to liorrowen , Lombard Investment company , 33 ) 8. 1'lth st. W > CAN make a few loins on llrbt-class chattel I securities nt reasonable rates.V. . 1C. Totter , room lUllaiker blk. ! H'7 / mortgage loans nt low rates nnd no J/lIHST J delay. D. V. Sholos'II : ) I'irst National bank. VM _ MONUY to loan on furniture , horses.wngons' etc. . or on nnv npproved security.I. . W . llobblus II. SUil , Sheely blk. , IJtli nnd ard . 111 MONKY to Loan Wo nro ready for applica tions for loans in amounts from $ ) > ute # 10- 00 ( ) on Improved Omah i or Douglas county real stato. lull Information as to ratos. Loans promptly cloie 1. ( Joort notes will bo purchased by us. Cull upon us or v.rlto , Thu McCaciio Investtiient Q < > , 1U" > G W. I'KCK lonuiinonsyoii Omiihareul estate Ilulldliigloans a sDuclalty. U 4 , I'lenroublk GM M ON'F.V to loin In largo sums at the lowest rates ; no delay , U. C. Patterson , 'JUS 1'iih , 107 MONI2V toloan : Ciislton hand ; in delay , J. W. Sniiiro , 11'j ' rurnum t , , 1'irst Natloiril bunk building. IUH Tl.IX CULi : , loan ngont. . j _ - IM GPEIl CKNT money to loan. Cash on hand , W.M. . Harris , II SO , Vrenzer btotk. opp. P. O. IM M ONKVto onn on reil estuto ; no commis- blou. W. A. SpQiicor.Itoum U.llushmunblk , O.MOSI N'BUUASKA Mortg. Loin Co. will make you a loan on household goods , horses , vagons , Und contracts , flne Jewelry , or securities of any kind , without publicity , at reasonable rules. Itoom 7 , Rowley biockr.vp ( < ith Omaha , Uoomn MD-Slli , I'axtonfdck / , Omaha , Neb. 1' . HAHHISON loan money , lowest rntos , MoNIIVtoloan. O iMDnvls Co. , real estate und loan ugonts. l.liS . Jfiirnam at. 1U1 T. ? , _ _ BUILDINd loans. if ) } Bholos , S10 First Nn. tlonnl bank. W ' LOANS nuuloonrjil nstato and mortgages bouglit , Lawls S. Ituvu li Co , irc'l 1'arnam. _ _ 10J _ BUILDING lonns. Lm.ilmn i ; Mahonoy. 103 Or , IIAIUIISON luuns money , lowest rates. 4M $ 'f \ n to loan at 0 per cont. Llnabmi & Ma. honey , Itoom 6011'intton * block. 110 f OANS wanted on Omaha real estate , three JUand llva years' tlmo. optional payments , favorable terms and rates , applications anil titles paiihixl upon by in , and loans closed promptly. Kluiball. Champ Jc Ity.ui. room U , U.S. National llank UulldlnjM ; \ l-'arnam t. Sl4nil _ _ MONHV loaned on unimproved Inslda Omaha real estate , O. W. I'ock , It. 4 , Krenzer blk. 6i7r > * MONIIV loaned for30 , U ) or ill days on any kind of chattel security ; reauonublu later- est ; businesscoutldentlal. J J. Wilkinson , HIT Furaaw si' ioj ANYmnottnls loanpil on furniture , plnno * . loams , etc. Notes bought at ln. s than usual rates , monthly pnvmcnt'i reduce Interest. Koy- stoito Morlgngt Co. , room 20J Sheoly blk , S. loth * > M tn Ift ] ' OANSonbuslnoss protiortyXX1 ( to ffl.rtX ) Jtt anted , I'rovliUmt Trust Company , room DOS First Nntlonal bank building , un \ | ON'KV liontu negotiated nl low ratesttIth- I * lout delay , nnd pureh.iso good eomniorclnl impT niul mortgage notes. 8. A. Slommi , cor. IJtli nun Knrnmn. IW MONKY to IO.MI Lowest r.ttc-s. Loins closed Iirointitly , II K , Cole , 110 Contlnontnl block. "I VON'T borrow money on furniture , horses , 1-Mtngons , etc. , or collaterals until you IPO C. II. Jacobs , 410 First National bank building. I > F.OPLF.'S riunnclitl F.xchanKO-Thu imtest , JL uitlMost nml most liberal money oxchonRo tn tliu city ; tnonaUmuoil ttitnout tloliy or pnblii Ity.ln nnt amount , largo or small , nt the lowest rates of Interest , on miv nvntlalilo 10- ciirlty : loans may be paid ninny tlmoorrotiottcd nt orlglnnlrates. O. llouiptien , Mgr. , loom Mil , Marker block , Iftth and 1'arnam. 101 plllLAOIiLl'HI V Mortgagor I'rnst t\i. , 7ur 4 til n cheap eastern moiioy lo borrowcis ; purchase securities , perfect titles accept to'ins nt their westetn olllco.loorgeW. ( 7 , lioard of Trade WU SKR Wholes , room 210 First Nat'I bank before making your loam. ml MONUY to loaiv Harris It. K. \ Co. , loom 411 , FlrsrNntlonul bank. _ UM _ A \ rANT.Drir | .t class lusldo loans. Lowest ii rates. Call nnd see us. Mutual Invest. ment Co. . 11.1. llarker blk. IMh \ I'm num. 'it'I. ' BU SINESS CHANCES > CClNI'lIOTIOMIItY dtor-s , one feed store , ) . ! hotels mid other business chances , Co- opeiatho I.uud mid Lot Co. , 'All N , 10th HI. J _ 1U321 1J10K SAI.H-JlO.n Hi stork of merrlmndlbO on JJ easj terms. Address V ( ) . ' , euro lleo. IWH 1710U SALT , tork of conoTnl morclmiidlso J-MnvidooiriW. ; 1 or pnrikuliirs wilto to loc llo\ . ' , lioitp City , N ebr.iska. IK.U SI * _ YrOH SALIIortrado-a h , nprlght boilers ftlx J1 ! i ft. lion latho. Iron drill piess , ) ji. engluo and boilor.llh. oimlue nil I boiler. H h. upright ongliip. I h. upright boiler , : 'd hand slinftlng mul pulleys. Sprauuo & Uo. , Council HlnllH , la. NiOCl Pr.Kl ) STOltr. In one ot tno best locations on Military nvc , nitons the btlilgo. A good store building with r > runtns up Matin. Inquire a promises or at the O. II. K. , tjr. Co.JJVMUt _ ' 'IJIOU SAIil' Wiigou ) iop mul Btoct , nit com" -i ? plote. will bo noli ! cheap , in Hastings , Nob. Illqlllie ot ,1. U. McDowell , Hustings , Nob. _ A IIAItUAIN I'or sale , nt Harvard. Nob. J-i ntlrst-clnss ctemn el ivntor. fiodmill , cribs nnd ton ! buslnesH. Appl } up to' "ndlnstnnt to 1'nlrlck igmi. : r.lncoln. _ bTii 1U _ ? Slj | { llaitory and coiitoctlonerv Inn Mownot nine thousand ( 'i.uOJi , gooil tr.idc. location , olu. ; reason forselllnc want to letlro fiom business. Inqnlro nt 111U Hownrd st. , Umahn , Nob. _ hSjjsit _ PALlf ltostaurmit connected"Ailth In rutnl-llod rooms , lisa Capitol nvo. _ HIVJW rplllIStoirs House Is the oulhotcf In Unit- -L dale. Antelope county , Iscb. ; Is a nice , woll-arinuued hoiue. doing n good business , Lease nnd furniture for mile. A desnablo oiion- Ing tor n good hotel mnn. Address 1'iop. Stnirs lliiuso. Oakdalg. Nol ) . _ HI Ms * ANHW roller mill for s.xlo In n good wheit belt , nnd good market for Hour. Tor terms nililross 1' . J Audi eaa. ( iordon , Neb. S'ia"7r OJ.I.II O to \iXjj wanted to put Into n good bust- T ness ; tlrst class security nnd good rite of Interest paid for rfhort or long time. Or will tnko paitner. Tor particulars addro s U 13 , lloo olllce. 1 ALOON for halo In ono of the best business centers lu ( Jmnha.cheaii. Ite.iion for soiling , 1 must le.ivo the city. Address V lb lieu. 4'IVm7t _ TTfoTIUi for sale. Well fuinlshed , Dnylng $ V ) i I a month rent. AddtessV. . 1 * . Anilorson , Non ntur , Kns. _ SH ml * HOTKL miin wanted , with n few thousand dollars to Invest ; lionso nil fiirnKlied nnd business that will pay out In Ismfniths ; tltlo peifeit ; no Incuiubiniicu. Addicts il. A. Me- Cilmils , or O. C. Churchill. Sterling. Colo. 7i)8 ) qgQ1 : _ RAltDWAllK for snlo Small neat stoct. Tin shop In i onnirtloumnst ; bo solil nt oni-fl lor tnsh. Address O. M. Yauglimi. I'lumln , Colo. KX-nVlt Mr.MlinitSHll' tn the Omaha bonul ot trade can ! ) had cheap at ltoom U. 8. I\a- tloiml bank bulldlii'- . V2i FOR EXCHANGE. o n UOD hotels for tiude , located " In Iowa nuUOD > jvud ono In Neb. Aluo some good farm land for boiibos and- lots In small towns. Co opera tive Land mid Lot Co. . No. ai' ) N. liith M. ItU-Sl T7V1K KXCIIANCK-Uood land for newspaper JL ! oiitlit. Address with particulars , K.S. John ston , Mt. Veriion , Dak. WU-IUJ POH THADII A house and lot or good vacant lots tor horses and cows. W , II. I Ionian , room fl , Fronzer lllk. H31-SI BlIAl'TIFI'L Denver propoity to exchange forenatern property. Dexter-"M USSOT block. Dent er. Col. b77 * IMl'ItOVHI ) or unimproved ( arms to trade ( or sale ) for lots or resident pioperty In gooct cities. Addiess , llox 81 , I'lattsmouth , Neb. 8.U-S1 * 17IO11 rHANoF ( : III' ' ) acres No. 1 land. GO JU itLies under cultivation ; wmall finino house ; ! l'i miles from Albion , Hoone Co. . Neb : Srull- loads ; l.SJi Inhabitants ; want house mid lot ; ttlll pay cnsh dllleruiieo for suitable property. It i : . Copson , I3th nnd Pacific nts , hll-lt ? " 1710H i\l : HANOI : I room house and lot , MX JL1 1'H ' , in Wnluut hill ; want good furniture or viu nut lot. A f w tncant lots lu Hensnn for lots nearer In ; lite stock or persona ! propcity. 1 hioo good Improve. ! farms , slluntly Incuin- bored , lor house mid lot. tacant lots or per sonal propoity. What have you to olfor/ V B'l , lleo olllce. itU-TOt ADUSirtAlILK raslaenco lot with house , ono block from Kloctric Motor tine , IDJxl'.M ' , In Council lilutls , for .Nebraska land. 1. C. llou- hiim fiil Third St. . Council muffs. BIB SI fl'H } i\"CH : A NO IJ Improved and unlmprovoi\ \ JL land In Nebraska , Kansas , Inwn , Cole , Wyo. and Dakota it room 11 , Cnnmber of Commeice , Sonneiischelu A : Valontlne , Mgrs. C3i SKVF.ItAL farms In dlllorent localities for ex- thniigo for building lots. Western Luml and Loan Kxthnnge , HIS 9 int'i ' nt , ' , ' . ' - . ' SJ \\7"ANTiD-To : exc'inngo ' oiinlty InSIDmro ii farm , ifl.'WJ for m'dso Will pay Jl.ojo to fLCUJdltleronce , Itlsoley , Shenaniloih , la , fKs | IHJ Oil KXCIIANi-For : doslrablo resldeneo property in Omaha , any or all of following ; In choice Inside ro-ddcnco lots In Hastings , IU l lots In Lincoln. wiiucrei linn farming linil.L-menster county. Une residence property , Lincoln. ( Iood i pittal property , Lincoln. CholiH tnmlly rosldouce , ccruor , Los Angolas. A ni'iit resldeneo pioporty In llnnscom Placa , Al o , some good mortgage notes. Address , giving loiation and nrlco of prop erty , J , i : . D. , care llauiu Iron Co. , l.'I7 Leaven- tvoilh. Vol. T7UW i.vrilA"js'rR-Dakota : , Hand county- JL' What have you to offer for a good farm here , slightly encumbered. ' Dakota lands uro rising In value , and lt destiny cannot bo dls- puti d. Will t.iko vacant lot or Improved prop , uity and assntmi homo encumbrance ( I , ,1. fateinsdorir , rooim U17 and ills , National bank bulldlug. n"ii _ Ij'Oll i\'HANur.-iighty : : ncrosof the llne t JL1 timber land In Wisconsin , clour of uncuin- lirHiict ) , What have ton tooirer/ I ) .1. Htnrns- Juill , looma ill ? anil ilH , First National bank TKW S-seutoiTllne Larrlagoor tot/ buggy for 1A mortgage city or county warrantN. or nnj good nnnfcureJ notoJ.W.L.Hulby.ll II ( I'd Trndo 4S7 FOR SVLE--nEA.ESTATc Foil S A I. KTliu clu-ane-it hoiuo In Wulimt Mill ; only ono block from lr. MercurVcio- gaut ii sldence ; 10 looms , nil inoilein improvo- iiumtH. rnll lot. price : , , ( ) ) ; teiniH , i\Hn \ inslt. balMiicniM.1 per montli. W , It , lloinan , room n , rrcn/or lllk b'.U l \\rALNUT Hill east of Halt line , full lot , > * l.i w. One of nlti'st rtmldences In Windsor ] > lnco ; must bo sold sunn ; u bmgain. llutcliln- son & Wenil , ! Douglas bt. HVJ | H FOlt SAI.i : Nine-room house , him anil lot In llnnscom Place ; alftoS bunion and Ion lu. Hunuy Hide , ilarrln , loom 411 , In * . Nut. bank. OJi T71OH SALKor LcaToKramo"bulldlii - ' nlioir JL : 4UxW with lhre year > ' loaio of lot.WI Douu lusitt. VI ) nv > lt HAD ! -Or nvclmnge fur Omulii prop. - * - ' urty , NI acrrn , tullihla for plattliiKj will make I low. all clear ; big mutiny In It for itomu ono who can mull this ; lO'iited Jimt outsldu the city limits of I.Vinncll Illilirii. liuiulrn ( leo. .1. Hternsdonr , rooms ai7 and 318 , flrnt National bunk building , VJO . . . . SALK The HWxt pleasant ami but loca led Illlle bomn In lown , i-ultablu for a man with usmull family who want * iomoUdng very choice and not too oxnonMve. Hua never beoli put on the marki-t b-'fori and will undoubtedly bo sold soon. It will pay you to tnvi'itluatu thu promptly. C. K , llartUon , .VKrchuiui fim , n K , M17 IHOIl HALIl-.Vrooni ixittnuo on 16th st , bet 'Center and Dorc.u , lot U.'i U.7 , I . / / , fn y teruisi tills U ft b.irtftilu. il. A. Ulitou Co. . Wit ftnai'aruatn. cit FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. liSroom housRln l\onnln plnrc , ' oontli front with nil modern Improvement * ; burn room for four homes. Will takn putt trnilo either In Inml or tacnnt lots. W. II. llotunti , room 0 , Trenror lllk wvil inOH HALK-A bemitlfnl south front lot In 1 Orclmril Hill , 1'or n person llmltt mils It for u homo 1 will build n homo on this lot ntid neil Itonoasy terms at cost ot lot nnil Hiipiovo- inonn.V. . II. lloiimn. roiMitfl , Tren/er IllV , WM HI County Abstract * . I.MI Viininm , ItnelllnqloM on A piymout of US down and balance In easy monthly imvmnim a , great many people heroin omunuliuic tuailo money , nttIf \ \ j on wnnt to boconvlncoil us to Uuiiluo > of tli ( < t < lotmn nro iu > \ \ Milling ou ilicli easy tiayinuutH t 01110 ami 100 ttioin Tlii-y nro tn this rlty llDlt- " , 'I'lioy nro not lit u nvvnint' . 'Ihoj nrouu high Krouuil , Tin1)1 o\crliH > k tliu rlly. -M ) houses nro bnlMltm' . TH y nri " story liousuj ntt rnli RPO tilts. It cost. nothing. Tli"io Is no twni'omuo , Tlioi ar A I loin , Attil vi'oilo ] buy tliKtu. cotno anil liui'stlnah' . tlf > down nnit i\a \ n month. IKin't ilolny. Smo your ntontiy. OB this Kiotinil. . Kimwmberymirnmiot buy nlot In surroiina- lilt ; iililltloiis I'orli-ss tlmn tlotitila nluit no nro now RoliU'.K for , nml If jou know n good thing lion j ou HCO It j ml mlWill Will Ituv on tlio o t > .T < y toi mi. \ ou run SPO ttii * Itui'rovt1- luviiiH inn * bolni ; niailu ou tills Krotttul nml no onn can Koll jou Biu-h lots nl our prlivs or ou inn torius ICyou doubt tlioso Ht\toniouts ; tonio niul SPI 1'or Your'olvo" . for all stntoini'iits hole iniiilo \ > lll b vrrlflvii , nml Kyoii i cullyniit to nuikulOinu tnoncy. to savonoiuo inoiiny , tnirct nhoml , here H a info nml Hiiro cimnio to ilo so. Amen , I" > U7 I'mnnin. l10ll SAll ! The llnixt roinlnnco ttltn In \ \ i'st J1 Onmlni : Just Houth of I'arntni on .ith stivoti a corner ItttxHT with is * foul fraiitnitu on paved street mid joining the hnnitsnnu < rusl- iluiuoof Klikonilnll ontlionnst nnil Ilrndy.Kas- mm nnil Mai tin on the south ; n perfect tioni niiil Kanb'ii Himt for an cUinunt hoinv. llnrnov mul ' . ' 1st ulii'ots , i < lxl 7 , on pixvonu-nt within thu'e blocks of the i-ourt hous : loom for so\un line houses that would rout ax rap idly us completed. A splomlld permanent. In- \OHtmcnt. raiimm mid il stionts , COxlW. with now throo-story brick Htoio bullillin ; . roniail to cond potmiinont tounnts , Ituntul rooelpts fl.'JJi pur year. BUt'-onth Btreet nonr NIcliolns , frontage 01 foot to nlk'y. llooil bualnoss proportv. h'nrnaiu street botwoun iHtli nnil ! Bth , front- npo IS or WIS2 > to alloy , south front , i block from pavomoDlmul strunt cars. 1'arn nvctiue. opposite llnngcom park , OOxlW , price * -OX ! ) , easy terms. raihlock I'lnce , trackage , COxlU , t2OXcaay Iiith'stroot south of Vlnton st. , lot for snlo or trndo for milso. or coed farm luml. _ 8 A. Sloman , 1J01 I'arnnm t. _ SVi _ . . SAliIJ Now llioomcottaKUM , llnlnlicil In irnid wood , cltrMitor , cesspool , cumonted cellar , walkn. fonr.pH and outlmlidluis : all com- jileto ou monthly pnymeiits. Will tnko treed vacant building lots ns Hist pnrmeut. \ \ . It. lloiiian , room ( I. I'reiuor lllk. M.l-81 _ ' I'Nt ONVHNlMMaro- thu best lots for Bale , Oilier cunt cho.ipur In prlco , and ou oniler turnis thnu nnv other proporlv oircrcilln Omaha. An especially line lot I routing ou ft. .Mniy'ii avoiiuo. will bo sold to any rcsponstljlo pnity that will build ou terms that w 111 suit. Here Is a rhniico to secnro building lots In the heart of town nt your own terms uiul nt tuo lowest prices ever olToiod. _ Ames. Polo Agoilt. 1507 Knrnam st. PIQ-21 ( Foil SAM' or Kxclmuco Improved stock liiimof NW acres , In eastern Nebrnslcn , near market ; nlso now li room house , wltn nil con- \ enlincoin ! desirable rosliUnico portion of Oiualin. Andii'w llovlns , attoraoy , tsi and 1SJ , I'.ixton block , Omaha , Neb _ ! ' " > 7 _ ITyoii wish tosollTbuy oroxclmiiKO property , L-iill on the Wuitorn It. 12. & .Mor. I'x. , room II , Chamber of Commerce. Soniienscliuln A. Vnl- 1'iitliif. ' rilALKuf birg.llns liii/uou this : I.IKIaT u.w. JL corner Jl'ith nnd Hniidltou , fronts . ( streets , nt grade , for fl.'J'ii ) . This Is bed-rock ; not n n Ickel loss will ever buy it. nnd It miint bo giabbedsoonat thnt price. M. A. Upton Com pany. 1 .111 . and 1'arnam. iV ) K IM'I'll OMAHA I have a number of good lots in various additions tint must bo solil nt on conn J can bo bought at prices that will sultyou. I. . J. SternsdorlT. rooms u7 ! and Ills rir < t Nntloual bank building. 0 1 _ I71OH SALiNicu now -room house , barn for JL1 4 hoisos , well and clsteiu ; everything llr-a clan ; full lot. In flodford I'laco.SJ ) feet from S-tatH stteot ( .rath st ) , ? . ' , ' . ' 00. $100 tash , balance 1 , Unml ; i voars : or fOUiJl.l'iO cash , bilnn a 5 years , M. A. Upton Company , lllth mid Pimmm. " \\rOUTHY ot your nttoutiou. Now being > ' completeil on ajth at , ninth of Leuvon- worth st , two houses convenient to business , very roomy , grate , mantel , furnace , gas. bath , toilet , U water closets , stationary wasn tubs , but and cold water , llvo bedrooms , ID closets ; only (5Vi ( 0 , on teims to suit. Telephouo-7 or \f.'V , Seaman , Omaha's largest v.ulety of wag ons , carriages , etc. , cast slilo ICth st , north of Nicholas st. 41 ; A T A sacrlllco UixI'iT ft , east and north J trout , corner : nth nnd Howard Hts , ono block ttustuf I oa'Mind Klrkendnll's linn resi liences , two blocks from street , two blocks ROiith ot 1'nruim st. : Just think of it. l-fixliu ft. and a coiner nt that , and o ily JI.'I'iU. ' ' C. E. Hotter , room > , a. w. cor. 15th aii 11) > iul u 111 FOHsMo or oxHinnpw A residence atflilh St. , and St. Marys nve. has 7 ro.nns , b th room , laundry , sowiirago , gs and city watsr. Will take gooa autsldu building sltua-ip.iil paymout. David Jamiosou , 111 I S 15th. { ss HAVI3 10 line lots n Ilrlggs Flaco uM7. Omaha , for cash , on good tei ins. I'or fuithur Information Inijulro of H. Jellroy , nnleno. 111. TT1OII SALK A beautiful rcsldancn Hi linns- JL com 1'lai.o , east front on .rJth Ht. Just south of I'oppleton ave , lotMxll'i to graded alloy ; jnrd nicely socldoil ; s-room house , bath , hot nnd cold water , gas , sewer , electric bells , hard ; \\oodllnlali. Ir taken at oncu will tell this linn homo tor amount much below Its value. No nicer neighborhood In thn city. To thOM ) that mean business un would Ilku to Hhow thl.s property. Wo will mike the price rljjhl M. A. I'pton Compiny. Pirli nml j'arnmn. . 'Ill "I71OH SAIilJ Academy of Music building mid JL' two business lots , ( irand Isliud , Nebraska , ground 14x1 U feet , building brick , tw > Ntories high mul stomi basements , all In good ropnlr ; terms uimy ; price JIK.HH ) . Liiqulro of Tliompsc-n llros. . ( liand Inland , Nebinska. 7nlml. . " OH. LOOKhoiot An east front , at ft lot , on , " .itli st. . south nt Ilmdetti ) ; v ry Iliin view for t I.M J. How's that. M , A. t'pton Conipnny , Kith iindjrnrnam. _ | IM _ "VT i ash paym"iit required. Will soil jou a -L > lull lot In S.innitufs .V Illmobiugn'n hdd H mid take moitgugc. for full diiiniint duo In TiTuars on co'iilltlou that \o i build a hound to cost not lo s than fixj. C. 15. Helter , roomr , ti W corner IRlh and Dougljw _ 4j _ TTIOIt HALKriinap-\ot fortrmln ; rill.7'1 arro JL1 I md INOO. n-l.-tli tivo mlles from Mariiiutt | , Hamilton county , Nebraika. I'ramii huiine , Nti- bio , : > nrres uii'ler guoil barli-wlro tenrn , round cedar posts , two i. . vi. llvlnc waldr. 'U- foot fihnnnol , 2 wells , 'IM bnrrnl tank , corral , helf-feedur , n natuial stock ranch , In A line corn bnlt. Price . | i.W ) Cash tn hnml . 'i'M 2 years' time ft pfr cant . H.2.V ) < lo und look over land. Addruvi ownar , I' . K. Atklm , ivrj l.irlmer MI Demer Col. _ IW' ' " 17HI1II I'rooin hr.ii In Orchard Hill witn moil- .lUi'rn convenlonco Three i-rnom IIIIIIKD * it 37th anil DodRD nts.j modiirn cnmentoiin s , Alao a niimbur of ollior homes nnd lots In dlf- fwrutil jiartsot the city. If you have auytl'liiK to ll or trade , rail nnd KHU un , Wentein Land and Lonn Kxclimun. VIU S Pith it. _ _ DLLEL. IjlOH SALi : | 6i nrres good farming Unit , N ) X' acres under < nltlvail jn. 10 ! hend 1'iltue , in ntly town , ' . ' work liorheH , & biood MIWH andpU ) . A gond I > t , r.irmlng Iniplomfnt' , oni li.ilflii terem In crop now yr'Hilin ; , prlcn * l'J i , Alsoonii-hnlf Inlerott In ctoro bullilliibt unit stork Kcnrrul incrthaii'll ' e thnruln , will ll.trolc * AlHiionn aero land adlululny the lllaao of Cainpbell , with goo. I dwdtllni ; mid iatiethero. | on ; will ill nil or In prt. Will glvof per cent dUcount for r.uh bujmr for whole niitilt. Hmuon fur ttlllnu poor hfalili. ( J. I ! . UtidluitXi faiupbtfll , l'-i iiklln Co. , Nub f.7J Id iim HVl Cli. Ue t propirty in Orrhnrtl i Hill , I" room I ion e. all modern linptiiin ments , and s full Ion. D , i ; . Jnhuwiu , nttrnir , . * , I'HXton bock. rtAlti.S ( : rear ( nlml I'urk , HOuut J' , iiillm > N. W. of ! O , . Uy * lio'iiitiriil , prlcn jn h J.Kiinioli , bal , Ki/iO / trry n IIIOK.I imriy will pint muKliiK not l" > s thuu 31 UrKu/om. / Alui other Iruitiuf Und or 'huliin * nlnl luU In unr part of tha city , I'or particular * rnll onto nprrutlvit Land ml Lot Co , , 'JV1 N. loth t. _ VU3I ( ) U "HA r.lTfJTiiti i7Hii'iTTTcoriirii thn nvlKliborli'iiid of HID Mlltiiu tirnpuriy. \ \ < > jt I'arnum mrf 't. vury ilululy 'IhUH iholii ; ; property In iliok. n iKliuur > hood and will bviold chvap , It will par yuu to liw ttlj te the loralllr unit Dili purlloilhir pl'cnor uriiiinil. C. Y HnrrUuii , > lrnh iit 1 N.nloiial bank. _ iv l HOMI'.s fur r llro d ni n > | trill build iv.t" iiiio ioiiuU pnrclinsori cm loti In North Omaha nilillllon mid kull on mnnthlr p.tymt'tit * of H'ltoJJjpvr ' montli. Thft * louuiw within * iiiiHrltir of u mil * of .North Omaha d iHjl , W. ft. lloiiiftu , room o , frunm liik. ta-si i \\T1I.\T rOOI.S > i bnri ton-room homo wltli Antliiuo tmk nnd naturrtl iheriy tlnlidi , itldn liomil Inillnlnj room nfsnmo with nil latest modern ronrnn- nlioly derorntcd , itUtloiinrv laundry tuns , and n cent of a housit nil IhroiiKU I' " " * front nnd full lot on ( li < orglit ave TrtKv It ; parly ROlmi lo leaTcillr. . s M\\l \ llt , on rorner .nth mid rmnittu nls.l past front and boM burgaln for minify It ) tlinrltt ! both streets paved , . . . . f7.l \ ) tniys eliilit-ioom luutsn nnd barn nml nil latest coiiMMilnnces linst front on So. llli nil eel. Take gnod lot In part payment M.ttut imyi n good M\ room lionso on easy , im 177 foot lot In Woit nmntia to ovlmtiRit otr , fiK gooil lumso. jV ! i buys a good now "i-room hou o Mul full lot on cany paymnnts. tn l buys a splendid house , H rooms In KouiiUn I'lneoon llliiney Ktruot , or will tnko smaller house In pni t imymont , uvs n good hiiusn and lot cnUrnnt Hiritol I'ltXn this uiilck. JI.NOO buys good six room house with nil con teiiiences. Take uood i leitr fnrin or I'M11' ' ! rnnlt > In onens part pnvmcnt , 1 ( into ttngnn limilN of good bargains either for sale. , tiitiio or iglte nwny thonpi to stilt tin most fnitldlnus ( let n mete ou > on unmo tltn itnd cotnn In. I ) . V Himluit , Sin Ist Nut'l Hunk , "To not know nbau'iiln that we m . " 7W 1AM ) I lintolO.oOJ ncros of cholm furmlnJ 'lands In eastern mid mldille N'ebi anka.w hlrli I will sell nt from $1 to IIS pur itent Will mrtko NpeiUI iiilco for Hut whobt li'.vi ' ( ) acres If taken In u lump , ( leu. H , Potoisoii , HIS H liitli nt. , inn mil J tjlOH SAliK Lot HixIM. Routhof fair urmindi 1 In Klrkttood ; iirleo ( I.AM , DUO fniiilli cnsh. .1 , H , Loomls , iirji ) st lit si , MS " .U I'nlilli' rilO 111 ; soul at public nuctlon on Saturday Jl April W on the corner of I'Jlh mid DoilKlan , Kin. m. All the llxturnt , furniture. Mines , mimes , table i lotus , Mlvoiwmc. of the nnloon leslnuimit of C. lllKglus. Also s her es , cur- ilngos , buggies , hmiiiiMses , I , llrowti. nlliUit Notion tn Crndoni Sonleil piopositls will bo rei elvnd at thn onicit of lhiiionnt > clerk , uiilll ! n lo k p. m Satur day. A pi II ' , ' 7lh In t , for the running of uritdnrit NIO landSepmnte bids will be lerolvoil for hill and turnpike wmk , mid all bids muni bit ai'i'iimpnnled oy loitllledi he > k foi fill ) 1'lam and Npoi Itlrntlons lo bo Heen at Iho olllco of thn county clerk M. D. lloi'iiK , County Clerk. THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES OMAHA. KUDUKIIAN TltAIXH. Wt'siwiiril. Huniilng bntweon Council llluITi nun Al- bright. In addition to tint stations mentliiiiinl , trams Mop nt Twentieth itn I Twenty-fourth strcetN mul at thu Summit In Omaha. llroadTrans - OniaTiu I JtiiiuTi' ' A"l- tt ay , for. dep ) t Sheely. Omaha bright. A.M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M.H M. fj-4'i C \H \ no ; } 11:11 : ' ' ' ' " : . V'SS : ( ) 7 07 - ' 7 r. 7:12 : 7-M H l 7:15 : Ul'i-i H.V. : IfWi ' : . . . H'tt ) : l < ) l 10 : II ( : ' ; II Mil II T. II tl lliWi I' . M. I' . M. P. M. P. M. P. M. Mili : 'j'-Il ' ' I" ll l-'ifi ISVi : I : if. I : IS - I PI I -M * : ! ' . 2:3 : 3 Si I. 3ii ii > ) 4 : HI 4 < n 4 : ' ' . uri 4.1) ) ' 41M 61 in A li f..r > r. . ' Ili31 5"/i 7:01 : 7 : IS 7iTi 7f ' M l'i H 0 Hr : ! H.VJ : ; iV.l'i W'Sft U ' IDU'l IU | . ) 11.INI ll , ! - ' , nr lv lirttl llil'if l.'lOl UiCU ruw ISM , ICiiMttvnnl AtSouth' | | iiinnliiTTriinr" bright. Om.tlm Htionley depot. t w y , A. M. A. M. ' " - tV' ' ; . A.MT M.MV fiia i MV , Ali : mm iiiiTi Jli 7V : , H.lll : HI ! } H III It-Si ' NiM mu M tl.'llS 111 10 V.'ti ' ' Ul.Vi IUU : M.a ; w''t , ( ' ID 10 II III VI HI-V. linn iiin 'te1 ' ll r , II V , > . M. M , . . , 'te1r P. M.p I' . M. I'i HI ' ! I3.V , I i < i7 lili r i'v llVl Jill StHI ' 11,31 a nz a'un ( Ml I \lff \ > UI1 iin ' f , l & ! ) ew l i 7. } : v , iit mt ; fl.r/l I.V. Vl-f , Vlit vm V V. Mir ' Illllji Si. lniV , Il.i7 ( r I > i Itfl IJ-ID li II I3.iuinlv. ! it roilNdlli UMii'l M. Hock ' * 1 $ , , A No. U IM4 , m. A A No. IJ wWl ir ? A No liW P. III. A Hu fi. i't 'flm tlni KJ n ooi 'l for Tr utf r l'fln t.ffom n la tiu tuUuU * ' f