Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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ttllrcredby carrier In Any Pnrt of bo City A
Tw rnt y Cents 1'crVcok. . . . _ „ . .
JH'MKF. Otricr. No. 43.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
HTho regular monthly mootinR of the Vct-
crun Firemen's association will bo held nt
the city building nt 8 o'clock this evening.
IJj order of John Uohn , iiresiilont.
Uulhllntf permits were Issued yestcrdnv to
n. U. Armstronj ? for two cottnncs on Third
nvcnue , to coil $ " > 00 each , nnd Peter Jacfcson
for a frVK ) cottage on Twelfth street.
Dr. Stewart , assistant stnto veterinary
surgeon , reports two cases of glanders dis
posed of during the past month. Ono of the
nnlmals wus killed nnd the other quaran
The grand lodge of the Troubund Insti
tuted a subordinate lodge in this city , wed-
ncsdny evening. It will bo known as Coun
cil UlufTs lodco , No. 03 , nnd starts out with
flattering prospects.
The first marrlago license Issued for n
week was taken out yesterday b.v A , K. Ax-
toll and Ida Hnlloy , both of Harrison county.
The couple were married shortly nfterward
at the parlors of 'Squlro SeliurA
A citizen who has Just returned from Chicago
cage gives tno Information Hint ho there snxv ,
on West Madison street , the missing deputy
city clerk of Council muffs. The young man
\vns trudglns along with n beefsteak in his
hand , as If ho lived thereabouts.
Alexander IJarr , of Harlan , was brought
In by Deputy United Stntcs Marshal W.yland ,
of that place , for "bootlegging" whisky and
placed under MOO bonds to appear nttho next
terra oLtho fcdeial court and answer to the
Thcro are many waiting anxiously for the
Electric Motor company to put on 5 cent rate
for morning mid evening , between the HlufTs
nnd Onmlm. Such n change would doubtless
provo a profitable one for the company. The
public would Eurely appreciate it.
Thcro will bo competitive recitations in
arithmetic and spelling this afternoon In
the auditorium of the Hlooincr school , be
tween the pupils of ttio third gnvdo In Miss
Morris' room , nt the Atkins school , and Miss
Mo.vers' room , at the Uloomcr school. The
public generally Is invited.
John McLaughlln nnd Charles Cleveland
were arrested , yesterday , on suspicion of
breaking open a tool chest belonging to C. J.
Anderson , a carpenter working In n house in
Squires' addition. About J70 woith of tools
were stolen , nnd some of them were recovered -
covered In nu Omaha pawnshop.
Preparations for Easter services of unus
ual interest in all the church.cs are nearly
completed. At the Congregational church
the services will bo In charge of the com
mittee of the Juvcnllo Society of Christian
Endeavor. A special song service will bo the
attraction at St. Paul's. The lloral display
will exceed that of previous years.
Dr. C. C. Bazon , dentist , Opera house
S. \Viidsvrorth & Co. loan money.
Hooms to rent in the Morrinm block.
S. B. "Wivdsworth &Co.UoO Main street.
Money loaned on fuinituro , pianos ,
diamonds , horses , buggies or anything
of value at low rates of interest. No
publicity ; lair and honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark.Co. , . , olllce cor. Broadway
and M i" ) over American express.
" Porsonnl
F. M , Gnult , general manager of the \Va-
bash , has guno to St. Louis.
Mr. Henry Cooper , of Oakland , Is the guest
of Dr. b. Stewart , on Fourth street.
Postmaster Carlisle and Captain Brown ,
of Missouri Valley , were in the city yester
Hon. E. L. Stm put was able to bo out for
a short tlmo yesterday , the lirst time since
his illness.
Mrs. Laura Klrby has returned from
Shcnandoah , whore she has been visiting for
several days.
Misses Nunio Wells and Georgia Bennett
nro. homo from school at Davenport for the
two weeks' Easter vacation.
Mrs. J. II. Hcrshoy , of North Platte , Neb. ,
Is visiting her parents , Mr. and Mrs.V. . M.
McCrary , on North Seventh street.
General Purchasing Agent McKibben , of
the Union Paclllc , has returned from Den
ver , where ho wont on a tour of inspection.
ErnestSenn , of Cleveland , O. , has arrived
in the city , nnd will enter the employ of nis
brother.'Cnarles Scnn , the Upper Broadway
Mrs. Judge McLean , who has been visit
ing her sister , Mrs. J. W. Chapman , re
turned , last o von Ing , to her homo in Plats-
burg , N. Y.
Miss Swoaringen and Miss Graves ,
teachers in our public schools , have tendered
their resignations , to nccept more lucrative
positions In tfio Omaha schools.
Mrs. U. Cunkling , of Minneapolis , Is visitIng -
Ing her daughter. Mrs. J. E. Harkncss , of
this city. She will remain hero a few weeks
nnd then proceed to Denver , where she will
spend the summer.
F. A. Sprague and E. A. Haworth loft last
evening for Crrston to take part in the insti
tution of a ledge of Scottish Rite Masons In
that city. Several more from this city will
leave this evening.
General Agent Crnne , of the United States
Benevolent association , of this city , re
turned horae.'ycstcrday morning , from Madl-
BOH , Wifl. , whoio ho succeeded , before the
legislature , In having his companv permitted
to do business In that state. His was the
only ouo out of twenty-two assessment com
panies that succeeded In gaining this per
mission , which speaks * well for botli the
agent und the company.
IIuvo our wngon call for your soiled
clothes. Cascade Laundry Co.
J. G. Tipton , real estate , 627 B'dway
Headquarters for builders' hardware ,
Odoll & Bryant , 6111 Main street.
For Pure Milk.
The question of diseased Milk Is again
bolng agitatoJ , and Hoverul complaints luivo
been mndo to Tin : line. It is but a short
tlmo slnoo two cases of consumption were
found In Omaha dairies , and it is not Im
probable that similar cirtos should exist
iioio , and for this reason , * in order to protect
tbo public from milk from such animals as
well as to protect the honest dairyman , the
appointment of u dairy Inspector Is recom
mended. The services of n competent vet
erinary could bo secured without exiionso to
the city , the dairyman pitying for the In
spection of his herd at Muted periods. An
ordinance requiring all dairymen soiling
milk in the city to huvo a certlllcato from the
inspector , regarding the health of hU CO\VH ,
would cause unscrupulous mllkmon to quit
the business or to conform to the rogulu <
lions governing It. It Is stated that an ordi
nance of this kind will bo presented nt the
next meeting of the council , and that body
bo asked to pass U ,
Money loaned at L. B. Craft's < fc Co.'i
( onn olnuo on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of all lands
ana all other articles of vaiua without
removal. All business strictly con/I /
_ _
Mother , may 1 go out and handle the hosol
Yea , my darling daughter ;
Bo awfully careful of your clothes ,
Atid don't get Boukod with water.
This you can nafoly do with our pressure
by using the best hose and a Fuller siiraj
nozile. Ahvayn kept in stock at J. O. Bl\
Notice the beautiful finish ( jlvon col
lars , culls and alurts by Cascade Laun
dry company.
Real citato loans , F. J. Day , 80 Pearl.
Loans on city and farm property. BOB' '
term * . A. M. llutchiusou , 017 Broadway
' . . ?
ThoVotoran City Olork Points Out
the Increase of Rod Tapo.
The Contract tjct to J. A. Mnrpliy
For A 10,100 Pure Milk Wonted
Protecting tlio Fisheries
A Kicker.
Increase of Cltjr nuqlneni.
'It ' seems a llttlo strange not to have to got
around to the city building every morning , "
il ex-City Clcry Uurko yesterday , "bull
guess I am entitled to n plnco on the retired
1st If anybody is. I had a slcgo of It for
wcnty-nino years , nnd had almost become
one of the permanent fixtures. There has
been n great change In the amount of busi
ness done and the manner of doing It in that
time , In fact the whole system has boon com
pletely revolutionized.
Q"Whon I first wont into office , the offices of
city clerk nnd auditor wore one , and thcro
was no deputy. For years I transacted all
of the work connected with those two ofllccs
myself , with exception of what my son Fin-
-oy , who was then n boy at school , could help
mo on Saturdays. Intnoso days wo always
used to have the council meetings on Friday
night. Wo would copy the proceedings mid
straighten out reports the next day. "i oil
sec , thirty years ago there wasn't any of this
business that now takes up so much tlmo
the grading , paving and sewerage , and but
very llttlo sidewalk. There wasn't a group
of city contractors on every street corner
and half a dozen of them always hanging
around the city building waiting for certill-
cates or bonds. These things all came grad
ually , hownvcr. and ns ordinances were
granted for the building of water works , gas
works , electric light and telephone plants ,
the work of the office materially increased
nnd now from three to live men are em
ployed constantly to attend to the business
of the offices of city clerk and its offspring ,
the city auditor. Yes , thirty years Is a long
mo to stay In one office nnd as I said bo-
tore , it seems rather odd to bo" out of it , but
I tmpposo I will get used to it in a llttlo
Notice to Water CoiiHiinicrs.
Water rents are now duo and payable
at olHeo , 114 Main street.
Rngan ,
4 , 0 , 0 , 17 ,
Tickets ,
Before His Honor.
Judge Ayloswortb is meeting with great
success at the Bryant street recruiting sta
tion , and manages to keep the ranks f
Officer Tyson's street brigade f.iirly well
filled with recruits. Yesterday John Layton ,
John Murphy , Thomas Burke , Clnronco
Williams and Ira Bennett , vags , were en
isled for ten days.
John Fay had a fricasseed drunk , with
jmtrol wagon on the side , and it cost him
J. L. Bo.vd Journeyed in from Shelby
county , but bis legs became weary , and ho
fell by the wayside. His rest nt the station
cost him the same amount.
Mike Griffin , all the way from Ncola , mon
keyed with the Council Bluffs nerve tonic ,
nnd it got away with him. Hb was taxed
$ 8.10 in addition to the original cost of mix
ture. Ho was short of cash , and was put on
the streets to work it out. As soon ns ho
saw an opening ho Hew , but was real-rested
n few hours later , and will start in again
this morning in chains.
Charles Baker und Mrs. Sarah Hill , the
pair discovered Wednesday ovonlnp by
Officer Mullen aslocp in an alley in the east
ern part of the city , were chaiged witli
drunkenness and lowliness. The man was
lined $30 nnd costs , which he will work out
on the streets. As the woman has n family ,
and is ordinarily well behaved and industri
ous , the court fined her simply tS.10 on the
former charge. She will board it out with
Jailor White.
Scottish Rite ringa and charms just
received at C. B. Jncquomiu & Co'b.
Itoinonibof !
The blue ice wagon sells pure river
ice. Your orders solicited. Satisfac
tion guaranteed. Telephone 102. Of
fice 5021st nve. , under Citizens' bank.
A Sample Kiokor.
There is a class of individuals in this city
who fondly Imagine that they can give any
editor in the land cards and sn.ulei und then
tell him more about running u newspaper
than ho could over hope to know without
their advice and suggestions. A member of
this class had a few minutes at his disposal
yesterday , and devoted them to the enlight
enment of TUB BED office. Said he : "Why
don't you roast somebody ! You oucht to
have a paper that Is aggressive , anil to bo
aggressive vou must roast these fellows who
don't ' do right. The electric motor company
ought to bo rijipod right up tbo back be
cause they don't reduce ttio faro between
this city and Omaha to 5 cents. They will
never do It until the papers jump onto them
nnd toast thorn from h 1 to breakfast. You
keep on telling of the advantages to bo derived -
rived from such a move , but it will not do a
particto of good , and the sooner you give
them a ironulno red-hot loust tlio sooner you
will got the cheap fare.
Why don't you roast McConnell for fall
ing to come to tlmo and enlarge Hotel Man-
awn I Ho Is the man who kept the Union
Pucillo away from Omaha this year , but
none of the papers over peeped about it.
That's another great chance for a roast that
you lot slm by. Then hero's the school
board. If over anybody needed roasting it's
that school board. The city voted a now
school house for the western part of the city ,
and now the school board says the district Is
too much In debt already , and the new build
ing must go over another year. What busi
ness IH it of tlioiis , if the taxpayers want to
pay for it I Is the school board going to run
the city , or the oily run tlio school Jjoard ) 1
want to know If that don't fall for a roast.
The trouble is that the papora are afraid to
climb onto these fellows and pound them ,
and none of them nro made an example of. 1
could give you pointers to keep you busy for
a week , but it don't pay to waste my time. "
For $25.00 The N. Y. Plumbing Co.
will put a load service pipe nnd hydrant
in your yard ; nlfco CO feet extra hoso.
Call at ouco at 111 Main street.
Buildings loans. Odell Bros. & Co.
Tlio IJIir AJitiihltlieator. '
The contract for the erection of the new
amphitheater nt the grounds of the Council
Bluffs Si Omuha assembly , was
yesterday awarded to Mr. .1. A. Murphy , ol
this city. The contract prlco is $10,100. The
next lowest bidder was Chi Is Boson , $10,251 ,
nnd the hlghnit bid was by an Omaha con
tractor , 8iy54. Mr. Murphy will bogii
work at once , and expects to have the structure
turo completed by tbo 10th of Juno. It wll
ronnlru nearly 2011,000 foot of lumber , SO.OOU
brick nnd . ' ,000 worth of Iron work to buih
it. It will bo a haniUoino structure when
County Colloclora.
Constable 11. B. Crofta and Henry Cooper ,
of Oakland , huvo been collecting delinquent
personal tavcs for some tlmo past , and came
in yesterday to make a return to the county
treasurer. They have collected about $1OOC
that would not otherwise have been col
lected. The law allows them 5 per cent , o :
what they collect , and the boaidof countj
supervisors i paying a small amount per
dlum in addition to that.
It is btutou that the board is inclined tc
oppose this means of collection , und is averse
to paying for it , and It Is not yet ducidei
whether or not the collections will bo con
tliiued , SilJ a county oQlclal yesterday , in
ipe&kliigof tbo matter. "Iho county wll
not have any too much money if It Is nil col-
cctod , nnd I think It is better to pay for col-
cctlng it nnd have the greater part of It in
cash than to refuse to pay and have the
vh < Mo amount on the books. It strikes mo
hat It would bo poor economy for the board
to refuse to pay it. "
Protect the
"A matter that should bo looked after at
once Is the unlawful seining that is bolng
constantly carried on by Ashormon at Mjm-
awn , " said a local sportsman yesterday.
'Those offenders nro dally violating Iho law ,
and ought to bo summarily dealt with. It
seems strange that the parties who have
argo financial Interests nt the In no do not
ako the matter In hand , ns it is greatly In
uring their Interests , yet they seem blind to
hat fact.
To have good flshtng grounds nt tlio lake
vould do as much to make Mntuiwa a popu-
nr summer resort as any one tiling. Thcro
nro hundreds nnd thousands who go to
Spirit lake simply for tlio llshlng , and par
ies living near there would prosccuto a man
'or seining ns quickly us they would for rob-
> lng their hen roosts or pig pens. Still nt
tlnnnwn. those who are the most deeply In
terested In the future of the lake sit idly by
vlth the greatest indlffcrcnco Imaginable
nnd maKe no attempt to mote out justice to
heso pirnto fishermen , I wish you would
: all their attention to the matter , and per-
laps they will see that they are neglecting
heir own interests. Mnnawa Is now splen
didly stocked , nnd with a llttlo cara line
iport may be had there for years to come ,
jilt If those follows nnd their solncs are per-
nlttcd to operate thcro much longer thcro
vill not bo u lln loft In the lake. "
District Court.
In dlstrlc'j court yesterday Judge Macy
disposed of a number of Injunction cases
Many were dismissed , but judgment was
entered In the following : Ovcrton vs John
"Ucrgon ; Jacob Barton and John Mcrcon ; Q.
I1. Wolfe nnd Mrs. Prlco Gltwon ; John Nor-
nan ; $50 and attorney's fees In each case.
In the case of Gorapachor vs Flickinger ,
ndmlnlstratorjudgmctit was rendered for the
ilalntlfr , foreclosure of mortgage ordered
and n special execution of sale thuroof.
In the north room Judge Decmor listened
0 the arguments in the case of Henry vs
jvans. J. N. Baldwin opened for the | > luiii-
tilt at 10 o'clock , nnd talked until 4 o'clock ,
when N. M. Pusc.y oagan for the defense ,
tie had not concluded when court adjourned.
[ Io will bo followed by Colonel Snpp , and
Tudgo Hubbard will close for the plaintiff.
It is hardly probable that they will got
through to-day.
The Presbytery Maotn.
The opening session of tin soml-nnnunl
meeting of the Council Bluffs Presbytery was
: ield at the Presbyterian church , in this city ,
last evening. There were urcsont about
eighty delegates from the sixteen counties
embraced In this presbytery. The attend
ance was unusually largo , owing to the cen
tral location of this city and tbo case
with which It is accessible by rail from all
parts of the state.
It Is expected that about twenty-five more
delegates will arrive this morning. The
opening sermon last evening was preached
by Key. Charles Whctzel , of Avocn , the re
tiring moderator , who took ns his theme
The Ue.Ulty of Unseen Things. " The
transaction of routine business was com
menced after the sermon. Kov. O. A.
Elliott , of Logan , was elected moderator. It
was decided to hoar Mr. J. E. Harkncss for
a half hour this morning on the Chautauqua
Assembly subject.
The Ladies' Presbytcrial society will bo
in session the entire day in the Sunday
school room. The annual address before
that society will bo delivered , this afternoon ,
by Hev. A. M. Borrctt , of Shcnandoah. The
presbytery will hold over Sunday , and will
adjourn Monday morning. Tne delegates
are warmly wolcomea to the homos of the
city , and entertainment is provided for many
more than will come. The following dele
gates are present :
Afton Kov. Dr. Cluto nnd wife , Elder
George Miller. Atlantic Dr. Thayor. Audubon -
dubon Kov. E. Dickinson , Kov. Cousins.
Avoca Kcv. Charles Whotzol and wife ,
Elder Hugh Leslie. Elder Irwin , Mr.
and Mrs. E. Fitch. Adair Kov.
W. J. Frazor , Elder Kobert
Carney. Brooks Kov.x K. C. Kowloy.
Bedford Kov. A. L. Sarchet , Elder J. M.
Windbor. Creston Rev. W. H. Snyder ,
Mrs. Snyder. Carson Kcv. W. V. Chapin ,
Elder J. K. Owens. Clarinda Kov. T. C.
Smith and wife , Elder Henry Lorenz , Mrs.
T. K. Stockton. Corning Kov. W. S.
Barnes , Elder S E. Norton , Kov. S. L. Mc
Afee and wife. Emerson Kov. Mr. Cath-
cart. Elder A. McClain. Greentleld- .
K. J. Duncan , tOldyr 11. Potter. Hamburg
Kov. A. H. Campbell and wile. Elder Sam
uel Holmes. Imogcno Elder C. H. Llnghty
and wife , Miss Cora Hock. Logan
Kcv. O. A. Elliott , Miss Frock.
Lenox Kev. Fred Harris , i ) . B. Harriott.
Missouri Valley Kov. P. S. Davis and wife ,
Prof. E. N. Coleman. Mt. Ayr Mrs. M. L.
Bovis , Mrs. C. L. KIchardson , Samuel II.
Wood. Malvern Kov. W. V. Jeffries , Elder
S. C Hunter , Mr. C. W. Black and wife ,
Mrs. J. Barnes , Mrs. J. F. Christopher.
Morninc Star Elder William Alton. Nor
wich Mrs. M. London. Ncola Kcv. it.
Christensen , Miss Christcnson , Elder
Hunter. Platte Center Mr. Bar-
tie , lied Oak Roy. McUlure. Kan-
uolph KQV. J. B. Taylor , Elder S. C.
Dodd. Sheldon Elder John Spratt. Shelby
Kov , J. N. Uai pouter. Sidney Kov. K. C.
Huchcfl , Miss Christie. Shenandoah Kov.
A. M. Barro.t , Dr. S. 1C.Bailey and wife ,
Mrs. Murphy , Mrs. Irwin , Mrs , Wurron.
vmiscn Ilov. J. Hetrick , Elder Francis
Thompson. Woodbine Kov. D. W. Cassat ,
Eider A. A. Williamson and wife. Mrs. H.
B. Kiing , Mrs. L. W. White. Yorktown
Elder O. Bosthwick. Walnut Rev. George
B. Hold and wife , Elder Phillips , Mrs. Lodgo.
Droppnil In tlio Ditch.
Fred Nicholson , living on Twentieth ave
nue between Eighth and Ninth streets , was
walking along the Rock Island track near
the Sixth street crossing , last evening ,
when ho walked Into the ditch in
the darkness and sustained ucvcro
internal injuries. The Injured man was
removed to the Emmett liouso. Ha was
afterward convoyed to his homo in a hack.
At a late hour ho had scarcely recovered
consciousness , and serious results are
Itoynl Arcanum
Regular meeting Fidelity council , No. 150 ,
on Friday evening , April 10 , nt 7:30 : p.m.
sharp. All members nro respectfully re
quested to bo present to witness our now
Initiation services , also to meet a largo dele
gation of royal brothers from Omaha.
\Vo would llltc for all members to lisa u llttlo
extra exertion , and lot nothing prevent them
from attending our next , meeting in Royal
Arcanum hall , in John Bono & CO.'H ' block.
JOHN T. TIIIII , 1105 , Secretary.
Srnixovinw , April IS ( .Special to Tun
BKK. ' | Gcorgo Babcock , ono of the men who
has been twice or three times "rounuod up"
by the vigilantes , yesterday came over from
Bnssott , Rock county , where he has been
temporarily utopplng and inado information
against several uf the vigilantes. Join :
Myers , Bob Akors , Levi Painter and Mcrritt
L. Taylor were arrested and taken before
Justice Ross , In the northwestern part of the
county , for examination , Henry Myors , an
other vigilante , appeared voluntarily. The
parties arrested waived examination anil
gave ball In the sum of $1,000 imch to appotii
for trial at the next term of the district court
The sentiment hero is about equally ill
vldod for and against the vigilantes and
thcro are good mon on both sides.
lioll Tolupliono Wntor.
HOSTOX , April IS. The hearing on the po-
tltlou of the lioll telephone company for an
increase of $10,000,030 in its capital stoclc
was begun thin morning. George D. Brooks
counsel for the company , stated that thi
new capital U wanted mainly to build a nou
long distance system , Including a double lint
from Boston to Chicago. Colonel W. M
Forbes explained the necessity of ( fupllcatt
linct , and said the company in the next foui
years will need over 10,000,000 in the con
structlon of new lines , mostly on the loni
distance system.
Arttansns Election Frauds on Trial ,
Linus ROCK , April 18 The trial o :
William Palmer , Thomas Harvey and Will
lam Hobbs , Judges of election , charged with
Interfering with the congressional election at
Plummcrvlllc , last November , begun In the
United States circuit court to-day. The
theft of the ballot box by masked men be
fore the votes word counted , nnd the auml-
nation of Jphn M. Clayton , nro the ( natures
In the case ,
Tholr rnto Still In Dnulit.
Nr.w YOHK , April IS. Inquiries about the
unfortunate passenger * anil crow of the
steamer Dnnmark , of the agents of the
ThliiRvnlla line , this morning , elicited noth
ing now.
NEW YOHK , April 18. Tlio steamer
Olympla , from the Mediterranean , reiwrts
having spoken to four vowels , but did not
hear anything about the nbamloncd steamer
Lox-notf. April IS. The National line
steamer The tjueen , from Now York , which ,
It was thought , might bring news of the
paisongers of the steamer Uanmnrk , lian
arrived nt Qucenstown , nnd reports having
seen nothing of the steamer or naiiongors.
The Regular Old-Established
It ttlll Treating with the Greatest
Chronic , Nervous and Private Diseases ,
tff NERVOUS DSB1UTY , Loit Manhood ,
'nlllnu Memory , Exhnuutlng Dreini , Terrible
Dreams , Head and Back Acne and nil the cffccti
radmg to enrly decuy and pcthaps Consumption 01
naanity , treated scientifically by new melhodi with
lever-failtnz success.
SYPHlLISnnd all bad Blood and Skin Dis
eases permanently cured.
WKlDNEYond URINARY complaints , Gleet ,
jonorrhoec , Stricture , Vorlcocele and all diseases
of the Qenlto-Unnary Organs cured promptly without
njury to Stomach , Kidneys or o'her Organs.
JTNo experiments. Age and experience lm >
portant. CcntvUallon free and sacred.
JOS- Send 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases.
JSlr"Tnose contemplating Marriage send for Dr.
Clarke's celtbrated guide Male and Female , each
15 cents , both as cents ( stamps ) . Consult the old
Doctor. A friendly letter or call may save future < uuer
ni * and shame , and add golden J ears to life. * t < * HooK
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " 50 cents ( stamps ) . Mediclns
nnd writings sent everywhere , secure from exposure *
Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays 9 to n. Address
. F. D. CLARKE , M. D. ,
186 So. Clark St. . CHICAGO , ILL.
Tuos. OFFICER w. n. M. PUSKV.
Corner Main and Ilroadwny ,
Dealers In foreign c.nd domestic exchanso.
Colluctlotib miule and lutoiost paid ou time du-
HidesTaloWjPeltSiWool , [ Fursi
Highest market prices. Prompt returns. No. S-'O
uml S Mtxln-st. , Council Dlulls , Iowa.
_ _ . - ,
. \ ! ) - A MlMl townnh < ll h < . nt I onto
Ur.\NTll- ' . & llronihrnv lolliu II Illnltn.
iron 8AIH or KtclmnKo-A goott Morjt uf
JJ hnnlunrnllh store Imllrtlnu itnit ilvrcllliu' .
InKoiitliucstorn ( own. Will cxvlnttiR for Ru-tl
fix mil n fi Inml Kerr .V ( iMy , IM lit nrc. , Connell -
ell llliHTB. In.
\VANTKM-At tliailoixf fiml ilumb
> > tlon , fomiril Illuiln , In , n Mow IT Kitrili-ncr ,
Apply In person or by tnnii to tlio miiierlntetxl
cut. _ _ _
IJlOtTNO-l'nlr of yoltl uprctnclcK. Owner CAM
-L1 K the m hjr cnllliiff itt llco oilico. _ _
TRD-Hivnl Klrl fur Reneritl Jinu i
ork. Apoly to.Mrx. A. 0. Woollry , 8 ,
Trent street , _ _ _
"nvfiFTnTNT- ilwolllmj iiniurn , f nml 10
.L1 roouiK. nml two centrally lofntitl < > HU-c In
Council Illuiln. llorncu livorctt. _ _ _
TpOH Itl'.NT-NIno room Swim rotuiro In
JL1 .1 runes liioo * on Thlnl nvunuc , uctwoen
Klghtli mill Ninth Mrootn.
Ni : roil SAK-Oiint ! < mly-Iinriio
ail power , mostly .now. Union Iron orkn ,
No. 1 W7 , 3il st. , Council llliiltB , la. _
FOR UI'.NT Chcnp. two hiinilsomg. now Mx
room rottaijot , north cif tninifcr. Council
Illuirn. Incjulro Miami lllahtor , Mil iivo. unit
SlRtst , _ .
ThoVI3t M oclorn Novolltl os
Artistic Decoration !
Sign , House nnd Ornamental Painting. Knlso
mining , Griunlns , etc.
Nos. 11 and 13 Pearl St.
No. 27 Main Street ,
Ovur .9ac < iucmiii' * Jewelry Store.
S 5S5
Preparing for the
And Annual Opening ,
Finest Music Hall , Finst and
Largest Array of First Class
A Fine Programme will be rendered. Watch for the date.
25 TO 30f (
Bpecldcutlons nnd estimates turnlHljoU for complete stnam plants. Itcpulntlon. nnratillltr Onar
uiiteud. Can show letters from useis whole I'uel Uconomv Is crjuil with Corliss Non-Oonuonilns
E.G. HARRIS , Agent ,
Send fop Catalogue. No. BIO Pearl Street , Council Dluffa
I/1M Dl M _ " Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer. Plain , Estimates
, DlimmDlPlL. Specifications. Supervision of Public Work. Drown
Building , Council BlullB , Iowa.
* MI ID7 'Iu8 co of tno Pence. Olllco over Amerlciin li.xprcss , No.110
, oUnUll/.Droudwiiy , Council BlulTa , lown.
CTTMMIT S , QMQ | Attorn ° y8'flt''LllWt ' lji' etico In the State and Kcd-
O I UllU 06 OllVIO oral Courts. Rooms 7 und 8 Shupart-Beno Block ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
PY" AtUrno a"lit'"LaWt lioom 1Jt ( Shutfart Block ,
&TINI I . . Council BluiTd.
At tlio HoMon Store over oxhlhlloil In till * rlly , Kvorvtlilncdoslrablo nml nn.
( irnprlnln for I iiHler , A niinploto line of PAKASi > LS in all latest novelties ,
for IndlvH , inlMCN iinil elilltlron , lit prlivs lower llinn rmi bo found outside
of ( . 'lilt-nun. Holow nro liul u few of tlio inuny
to bo found on our counter ) .
Handkerchief Department ,
Kinbroldurod llnnilUerolilufH ,
II ) . ' , IS ! | , lAo , Illc , iWo nnd Alo. !
LadloH1 IIoniHlltcliuil Colored Hordorod
6e , "o , Ue ) , llMf , Ifio.lUK * nnd jyio.
Clilldron'H Colored Murdered , lo , i2n
nnd : ie.
A cliolco line of Hand Ktnbrntdcrod
IvUh I-lnoii HnndUeruhlefH ,
from uUo up ,
Hosiery Department ,
Children' * IllacU IMIibod Hoso. I'AIUII-
ine Dur iiiiiM , marked I'Jie , Ittu , . ITe
nnd sWi1.
Livdlos' Guaranteed Fiiwt lllaelc lloiu ,
ICe , H'o ' and -ou.
Uniiorwear Department ,
.hint rcuolvml , 1M ( diuon of our
Hliiiioil | ribbed Vests. Those w
t tucuru inoro of thorn will
fall curly.
At Illo LiidlcV Kibbotl Vests worth 33c.
in urcuin only.
Glove Department ,
C'hllilronV Cloven , Klc nntl VJJc.
A siiliiiitlltl Uno ( if Indies' bliich nml
colnrud ulovos nt IHJo a \rn\v. \ \
A Hpci'lnl line ol In.lies' blndc nml col
ored Tulfotn Silk Glovub at lla )
nnd ' - ! " > < ! .
bltu-lt und colored nil slllc ( jlo
in price from Ho ! ) upwards.
8 , Ull COLORS
Just received a mnnufauturor'H mock of 100 do/on Ladloa' Colored Kid Gloves ,
in tans onl.v ; note tlio price while they lust -only lie u pair.
Our ladies' lllaek and Colored ICIdd ut 7c / are onual to auv ; U ' : ld in the inarkot
another delivery of (18 ( do/on juwt received.
At $1 we have nn ole-iant , line of ladles'black and colored Foster Kids , every
pair warranted worth * ! ! 17 latest style of embroidered backs.
Leaders and Promoters of Low Prices ,
401 Broadway , : : Coun : il Bluffs , la.
On our eiillrc aloulc. Cull ami nro or ivrltu UN.
Too Oilit to
W * ! ! " / " " _
111 cj' ' ufii riav HI
. 330 BROADWAY. TEIEPirO3ffB NO. 260