Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1889, Image 1

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ii Boomers Swarming Llko Files
Around the Oklahoma Border.
Four Deaths nnoult In n Flcht Over
a Quarter Section of Imnd Bo *
uvrcn Holders , Cntllc-
ineii and Police.
On ( ho Rordcr oftho Promised I/and
AUKANHAS CITV , Kan. , April 18. [ Special
Telegram to Tun Hnn , ] A rumor was circu
lated hero last night to the effect that all
could enter the Indian Territory this morn
ing en route for Oklahoma , nnd over thou
sand boomers broke camp nnd hurried to the
bridge which crosses the river south of this
place. A regular blockade was the consequence
quence , and nt daylight hundreds of covered
wagons were moving in all directions trying
to get to the forbidden lund that nil will bo
permitted to enter to-day. They nro
crossing the line in great numbers
nnd the moment the troops left there WAS a
great rush through the Cherokee Strip for
the Oklahoma border , nnd ns the recent
heavy rains have swollen the rivers , there
Will probably bo many accidents , for , ns
there ura no bridges over the streams , they
will all have to bo forded. Many of the
boomers have their wives and children nlonll
nnd nro going prepared to settle down in their
now homes. Novorwas ( there such n sight
ns Is now witnessed hero when u small portion
tion of this country , for which the pcoplo
have so long waited , Is nbout to bo opened
for settlement , nnd the eager thousands who
have broken up their homes elsewhere and
packed their things together to como hero
are perfectly happy at the seemingly bright
prospects ahead. Hut as there nro about
five times us many pcoplo in waiting as there
nro quarter sections in Oklahoma , there will bo
many pcoplo bitterly disappointed. As many
linvo spent all their means in coming to
Oklahoma , considerable want and destitu
tion will surely follow.
United States Marshal Needles , of the In
dian Territory district , lias just received in
structions from Washington to appoint such
number of deputies us may bo deemed nec
essary to preserve the peace in Oklahoma
und to co-operate with the military forces in
the territory. Marshal Needles loft this
morning for Guthrie to look over the situa
tion. He also goes to the soldiers' camp near
this place to confer with Captain Hayes , in
command , as to the bust course to pursue.
Marshal Needles says ho docs not apprehend
much trouble , but that he recognizes thu ne
cessity of preparing for emergencies that
may arise , and will appoint a largo force of
special deputies to assist the military In pre
venting trouble.
The hotels of this place are crowded nnd
hundreds of pcoplo are turned away without
being able to got oven a cot or us much space
on the floor us they would get in their coffins.
Tents nnd covered wagons furnish shelter
for many , and the number of cnmpllrcs is
hourly increasing. This seems to bo the gen
eral headquarters for the boomers from the
north and cnst on account of the railroad fa
cilities , and the pcoplo of Arkansas City are
getting the choicest plums out of the Okla
homa tftululng. _ Every huckster shop has
had to Incrcaso Its help , and the whole town
Is enjoying an unprecedented boom.
Tno postofllco presents n lively aspect and
those In search of mull urn compelled to form
into line and await their turn. Some times
the line of anxious people extends for several
blocks down the street.
The United States troops nro carefully
guarding every Inlet to the forbidden terri
tory , but to-morrow they will raovo south to
the southern boundary line of thu Cherokee
strip and will permit the boomers to enter
this btrlp as far jxs Oklahoma , but will allow
no ono to advance beyond thu line. Thu
troops on duty hero have been reinforced und
two more companies are en route to the bor
der. The military orders are very strict , and
no ono is permitted to stop off in Oklahoma.
Many devices are resorted to by people wish
ing to remain , but the soldiers on duty arc
inexorable , as they discretion in the
matter , nnd hence are sometimes compelled ,
to bo a little severe.
There is very little lawlessness at present.
Good order nnd good fenllng generally prevail
vail , but there seems to bo n desperate determination
termination on the part of some of the old
time Payne boomers to take and hold the
lands they formerly staked out , and trouble
is apprehended when the big rush begins on
the 'J'Jd , und with such numbers of deter
mined pcoulo the entire military force in this
department would bo unable to prevent dls
Wild Times on the Frontier.
Four SMITH , Ark. , April 18. [ Special Tel
cgrani to THIS UKE.J Four men were killed
on thu border of Oklahoma yesterday.
Word was received hero last evening of a
conflict between parties of boomers , cattle
men and the Chlckasaw pollco at ( he ford at
Chlsholui's cattle trail , forty miles west of
Oklahoma City , on the Canadian river. The
cattlemen were taking several hundred ani
mals from Frank Colbert's ranch in the
Chlckasaw nation toICnnsasbuttho mounted
pollco guarding the northern border of
Oklahoma refused to permit them to use the
celebrated Chisholm trail leading through the
new territory. A fight resulted , in which
the cattlemen were reinforced by u party of
boomers from Cook and Fanning counties ,
Texas. Ono of the guards , two cattlemen ,
nnd one boomer , named Gccss , were killed
In the mcluo , besides the loss of some valua
ble horacs. The cuttlcmon took the old
Ablieno trail und went around through the
Chovonno reservation.
WICHITA , Kim. , April 18. [ Snccial Tele
gram to Tin : Him. ] Tim first serious affray
union ; ; thu boomer * occurred yesterday uoout
ten miles north of K'owu. ' Two boomers
claimed u certain quarter section , aud ouo ,
named George Kramer , undertook to put tlio
other. Charles Hcidku , of ! the land. I loth
men drew revolvers und Kramer wus shot
through the head and instantly killed.
Heldlto wus shot through the groin nnd may
Oklahoma Harry Hill , ono of the oldest
boomnrs In Kansas , left for the territory
from this city last Friday und has , not
since been heard from , lla was expected to
return Sunday nnd hU disappearance is most
mysterious. The last heard of him was from
Purccll. Hn left thut village Sunday even
ing , saying thut ho would ride over to Okla
homa , City. Monday noou his dog wus found
Bbot through tbo head. A reward of fGCO
linn been offered for his discovery and this
reward will be greatly
The War Department and Oklahoma.
WASHINGTON , April 18. It Is very apparent
thnt officers of the army are filled with the
liveliest apprehension regarding tbo opening
of Oklahoma. Tlio secretary oi war tuts au
thorized the statement thut tha government
Is fully awareof tbo situation und Imj ar
ranged to take nil proper steps to prevent
trouble. It is known thnt the subject bus
formed muny u tcplo for discussion nt recent
t'Cabinet meetings and the attornoy-gnncrnl
bas been called upon to decide the question
RS to the authority of the wur department to
act In cuso of strife , bloodshed or violence In
a newly opened country. Tha Instruc
tions Brut to the cummuiandnnt of the
troops in Oklahoma us the roxult of the
opinion rendoreil by the attorney-general
wore extremely guarded. They are underStood -
Stood to direct army olllceru to usaut In the
maintenance of the law , but to carefully ob
serve Uio regulations defining tltoirauthority
pud loiU'O arrests for violation of law to the
marshals. The president might , In cuso of
serious disturbance , declare inurtial law
over the territory , but this could not bo done
iu adyuuco ofjx breach oi tbo peace , aud ; ttc :
( \
machinery of the government would , It U
feared , bo too slow-moving to meet the great
emergency which may arise. The only nrtny
reculutions on the subject provide for inter
ference by troops in nn emergency only in
case of nn interruption to the carriage of
mall or nssnults upon United States property ,
but under a somewhat strained construction
it may form the reason assigned for the URO of
troops to prevent or restrain riotlngor blood
shed In the territory.
The Mad Hush of Multitudes.
AUKAXBAS CITV , Ark. , April 18. [ Special
Telegram to THE USE. ] The rush across the
Indian ferry line into the Cherokee strip to
day , has been like tlio uwful rush of multi
tudes llcelntr from n panic. Within a radius
of six miles over twelve hundred wagons
loaded with boomers nnd their families nnd
household goods , wcro seen on their way to
Oklahoma. At one point nn unbroken line
of covered wagons , ten miles long , could bo
scon this morning pushing on through the
Cherokee strip , und every road is literally
blockaded with wagons , carts and horsemen ,
while thousands of men nro wearily wend
ing their way on toot regardless of tbo mud
and water , 'l ho roads are already so badly
cut up that wagons uro getting stuck in mud-
holes , nnd all over the country Is
heard the shouts ot the impatient
drivers , urging their exhausted animals
forward. It Is estimated that fully ten thous
and pcoplo loft this vicinity last night nnd
to-day , and the campers that have not al
ready gone are pulling up and moving to
ward Oklahoma. It was first intended by
the Interior dcpartmcnt-to keep the military
on duty on the borders of the Indian Terri
tory till to-morrow , but when it was decided
to permit tlio boomers to enter Indian lands
en route to Oklahoma to-day , the boomers
wcro not long in finding it out , nud the rush
began at once. Some men wboso wagons
nro heavily laden are throwing away part of
their loads so they will not bo loft behind In
ho rush , and in many Instances the pcoplo
eem bcrutt of reason In their wild imuotuos-
ty to reach the forbidden land. Hcady-mado
louses are being loaded on flat
ars at various points nlong the
Santa Fo reudy to ship to Oklahoma on the
" 3d , nnd largo stocks of merchandise , hotel
iqulpments , drugs , cigars , and everything
slso necessary to start up a town are being
conveyed to the line , ready to cross nt the
earliest possible moment. It is estimated
hat within ton hours after the opening of
Oklahoma there will bo fifty thousand pco-
ilo In the territory , and the most rapid town
mlldtug over known will surely bo done in
his country next week. People nro arriving
icro nt thu rate of nbout a thousand n day ,
mil every road is lined with wagons passing
> y the town , hurrying on to get across the
ine. Parties just In from the south report
a largo colony of North Carolina negroes
an route to Oklahoma by wagons
ind on horseback from Fort Smith ,
iVrk. Tim colony is ubout three hundred
strong , nnd the intentions are to settle to
gether , have their own town , elect their own
officers nnd govern themselves. They nro
coming through the Cherokee nation , and ex-
icct to locate in ttio extreme eastern part of
) klnhomu. A soldier colony , ubout nlno
mndred strong , is preparing to enter the
crritory in a body nnd take up land in the
vestern part of Oklahoma. Many of the old
oldiers uro familiar with the country , having
) cen there during their service in the army ,
und all are extremely anxious to get homo
leads in the territory.
An UiHliiiiitilstiod Caravan.
Wm.i.ixaTox , Kan. , April 18. The stream
of pruirio schooners , moving southward , has
not diminished. The streets of the city
nro filled with boomers , nud they coutinuo to
) our in from the northwest and west. Fro
qucntly six to ten wagons nnd teams nro in-
pludud In ono outfit. Such an immigration
was never before witnessed in this section.
Old settlers familiar with the Cim-
marron river , which all settlers en
tering Oklahoma from the northwest
mist cross , says It waters are very high and
t is ns much ns a man's life is worth to cross
t in its swollen condition. Its bed is coin-
.lost'd in largo pan of shifting quicksand ,
mil where n safe crossing can bo made , to
morrow Jin all probability the same place
would bo u death trap. Many partfcs who
ntcndcd to go from hero with teams will go
jy rail , being fearful of serious accidents In
'ordlng this river.
Oklahoma Under It eve into
WASHINGTON , April IS. Commissioner of
Internal Hevcnuo Mason has decided that
under the recent act of congress and the
proclamation of the uresident in relation to
Oklahoma that li ceases to bo "Indian coun
try , " nnd that special tax stamps may bo
sold to wholesale and retail liquor dealers to
cnguco In business there , under the same
terms and regulations as in other states nnd
territories of the United States. The effect
of this decision will bo to allow wholesale
and retail liquor dealers to purchase special
stamps in Oklahoma undor-tho same terms
as in other sections ot the country. Arrange
ments nro being made to have a force of
deputy collectors and rovcriuo agents on
hand to see that the laws are enforced , and
that the interests of the government are pro
tected. '
Kami Sharks Heap a Harvest.
AIIKAMSVS CITY , Kan. . April 13. JSpocial
Telegram to TUB Bun. ] The eagerness of
the boomers to get land in Oklahoma is
bclnc taken advantage of by land sharks nt
several points. Ono sharp boasted to-day
that ho had already inado out papers for
twenty applicants far land , and had gotten
$50 from every ouo of thorn. Others nro
forming town site colonies and are devising
various schemes for making money out of
the tenderfoot. Oklahoma town lots are
being sold In several places , but as no
towns have been located , the lots arc only on
A.TKKKlBljK Oil IM12.
An Old Man Killed by Ilia 1'roillKnto
SrrtiNorinLn , III. , April 18. At West
Farms , n hamlet five miles from Wostflold
Centre , this morning , James King , n well-
known wealthy citizen , aged .Bowwty-cisht ,
was shot and killed by his eldest sou , Edgar
King , who afterward burned the houso.
The intinloror'B dead body was found lying
Ing a pool of blood shortly after about twenty
rods from the house , where King hud shot
himself. Young King n few days ago gave
to n friend a scaled manuscript , wliijli ha
requested him to keep and open somu time in
the future. The papnr wus reud to-duy uud
revealed the determination of Edgar to
kill his father and also an aunt and ihon to
end liU own life. The murdcror was worth
considerable property ut ono time , but had
squandered It , und slnco had led u bad life ,
KOtting what money ho could from bis father.
The refusal ot the father to glvo the son uny
more money Is thought to have boon tba
cause cf thodcctt.
Koswcll I * . Flower Visits Ohcypnno.
CIIKVKN.SK , April 14. [ Special TeJopram
to TJIE Buf-1 Hon. Uoswoll P. Flower
roachoii hero this afternoon , coding on a
special train from Denver. Ho was mot by
Governor Warner , Congressional Delegate
Carey , Hon. A , GllchrUt , and A number of
Choycniio's reprcsentntive business men. An
hour wns spent in discussing the question of
irrigation ii : the arid portbns of Wyoming.
Mr. Flower thought the territory should ro-
cotvo government aid lu carrying out a sys
tem of wutor storage nnd Irrigation , and
promised to old in the adoption of such legis
lation. Mr. Flowerlcft for California tills
evcniut' . Ho will return eu&t over the North
ern Paulllo.
Tho4 > eatli Ilocord.
OTTAWA , 111 , , April ! . MM. W. H. L.
Wallace , wldpw of General W. H. L. Wai-
Inco , who wai killed at SUIIoli , und. eldest
daughter of UolutoJudgo T. Lylci Diokoy.
died tuher mldenco in till * city lust night of
paralysis utter an illness of suvtrul months.
The Uitormei. * ' will take place Friday after-
* '
/ „
- - * *
JK. :
Tbo Steamer Everett Goes Dowu
Near Burlington.
Iowa's Hnilrond Commissioners Con-
siriictltiK n New Schedule of
Coal Hates Dos Molncs
lllvor Land TroubtcB.
A Haft H < mt Bitnlc.
BUIIMNOTON , In. , April 18. [ Special Tclo-
grnm to TUB Hic.J The steamer Everett , a
raft bout owned by the Hurlington Lumber
. ompany , was oa her way from this city to
New Uoston Hay this evening , when she wns
truck nbout7 o'clock by n tcrrllle gala of
ivlnd and sunk nt the head of Otter Island ,
about eight miles north of hero. She carried
sixteen persons In all , and as she sank hi
, bout twenty feet or water , all these persons
ivoro quickly flung Into the water. Ten of
ho sixteen wcro on the lower decker
or in other open parts of the
boat and these all managed to cs-
cajH ) by swimming to the overturned
craft and clinging to the small portion of it
ivhlch remained above the water. Captain
Vincent Peel , Mrs. Harry" Doll , the clerk ,
und her thrco-yoar-old Daughter , Ocorgo
Howard and wife , respectively Ural and second
end cook , ana n nurse girl , name unknown ,
, vero in the cabin. This was submerged and
filled with water , all but ono small corner.
Mrs. Howard found this and remained in it ,
calling for help until the roof was broken in
and she was rescued almost dead. All tlio
others wore drowned. Captain Peel leaves n
wlfo and several children , and Mr. and Mrs.
Howard a little child. The body of
Mrs. Bolt has been rescued , but
the others are supposed to bo
still in the cabin. The survivors called for
help until their cries were heard by Andrew
and Samuel Jacobs , who rescued them in u
skill. They wcro taken to the Illinois shore ,
where they nindo a ( Ire , the only man in the
company who couldn't swim having escaped
without a wottlup by climbing up the stanch
ions , and ho fortunately had matches in his
jiockct. The people are still out in the woods
unsheltered and a hard rain is falling. The
bout was valued at $0,000 , but will be raised
with small loss.
A Puzzle Tor Medical Men.
DUIIUQUI : , la. , Ap'ril 17. [ Special Telegram
to TUB Hnn.J A year ago George Lucas ,
whllo crazed with drink , fired a bullet into
his brain. After n long sickness ho recov
ered , and has since appeared daily on the
streets. About six months ago ho was at
tacked with an epileptic lit , and has had sev
eral since. The wound did not entirely heal ,
but has discharged matter and bits of bone.
Yesterday ho told his physician that ho felt
something in his head. The wourd was
probed and a hard substance was detected ,
und by forceps was drawn nearly to the sur
face. To-day Lucas was chloroformed , and
the doctor drew out a bullet in the shape of
a rivet fastened on the inside. It had pene
trated the front lobo of the brain over an
inch. Lucas began to Improve at once , and
it Is believed that ho will entirely recover.
Tnis case is the wonder of the medical mcu
of this vicinity.
Died From Ills Injuries.
WATERLOO , la. , April 18. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BEG. ] Hobort Shidloy , of
Mason , was buried to-day. His death was
caused by burns which ho received while
trying to save his -.vlfo from being burned , to
death on April 5. They were riding to town
in n lumber wagon during a hign wind , and
the hay in the wagon was sot on fire by n
spark from his pipe. 13oforo they noticed it
Mrs. Shidley's clothing was on lire. Ho got
her out of the wagon and tried to smother
the flames. In doing so the dry grass bcsido
the road caught iiro from her clothing , and
the heat was so intense that slip suffocated ,
lying in her husband's arms. His hands and
arms wcro fearfully burned , the flesh com
ing from them in shreds. Ho suffered In
tense pnln , but lingered until Tuesday , last ,
when ho too died. Mr. Shidloy was sixty-
eight years old and his wife sixty-four.
A Crcstou I.ilquor Joint Raided.
CKESTON. la. , April 18. [ Special to TUB
BKB. ] Marshal Donahue and two police
men made another raid on a "liquor Joint , "
over Nelson's second-hand store , and eight
men , who gave flcticlous names were ar
rested. The ofllccrs were as much surprised
as the men , who were so busily engaged in
playing draw poker that they did not see the
ofllcers until they \vero upon them. Before
the ofllcers reached the rear room , where
they expected to flnd liquor , every bottle
had boon smashed over a stove , and the floor
ot the room presented n "brokon-up" appear
ance. The broken bottles wcro labelled
"Blue Grass Sour Mash , " and as this is a
blue grass locality , it is not at all surprising
that about S100 In lines were collected.
Fixing Up a Coal Soiledule.
Dns MOINES , la. , April 18. [ Special Telo-
gratn to TUB UEI : . | The railroad commis
sioners have spoilt several days in revising
the coal rates , and have not entirely finished
their work. For the present rate of 53 cents
per ton for a flvo-milo haul of soft coal a
rate of 'ft ' cents is proposed , and with this as
a beginning the rate gradually rises until for
100 miles the two schedule rates are about
equal , being 1 in the now as compared with
O'J cents in the old. From this point the
now rates are higher , the difference increas
ing roirularly up'to 175 miles , for which the
old rate is about 10 or 12 cents higher. The
rates then approach each other again until
for a 200 mile haul they are equal , and
beyond that the now rates arc lower.
Argument Aunlnst Kublmlh-Brenlclncr.
ESTIIUUVILI.E , la. , April 17. [ SpecialTale-
gram to TUB BEE. ] The funeral of Mr.
Joseph Scldcl , who was shot Sunday whllo
pulling a gun out of a boat , occurred yester
day at this place. Ho loft a wife and two
small children. Old citizens of Esthorvlllo
suy that of eighteen casus of drowning , or
fatal or serious shooting In that vicinity dur
ing the past eighteen years , all but ono have
occurred on Sunday. This fact appeared to
huvu weighed on the mind of the last victim ,
for he , being conscious to the last , sent for
the shop boys to coma and sco him , when ho
counseled them against Subbuth breaking ,
which had brought him to an untimely end.
Pen Mulnca Illvcr Imnil Troubles.
FoiiTDouoi : , la. , April 18. ( Special Telegram -
gram to TIIR HUB. ] The DOS Moincs river
land Bottlers are busy engaged In prepara
tions for u monHtcr public meeting to bo held
at Luhlgh , the center of the river land dis
trict ? at an oai ly dato. It is hoped to have
Governor Uurnibco , Senator William B.
Allison and Congressman J. I' . Bolllvor ,
representative from the river land district ,
at the meeting. The meeting will bo to do-
tornilno on specific plans for the prosecution
of the settlers' claims in the suit soon to bo
instituted by the attorney-general.
On a Tour of Inflection.
Dak. , April 16. [ Special
Telegram to THE Bun.l Koswoll Miller ,
president nnd general manager , A. J. Earl-
ing , general superintendent , A. G. Collins ,
assistant superintendent , and other officers
of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul rail
road company , were In the city to-day on a
tour ot inspection of the road.
A New Superintendent or Mail * .
CHICAGO , April 18. Captain Janies El-
wood , of Syracuse , 111. , lias boon appointed
, ut Dca Moines , la.
Expressions of Opinion , an to How It
Should Do Dnnlt With.
PnitAiEM'HiA , April Iff. * Tlio Inquirer
will publish to-morrow Interviews which It
as collected with itrdmloTont politicians of
ho southern states In answer to the quos-
.Ions "What Is the southern question ! "
nd "How to bo mot to produce the greatest
oed to the south J" The responses nearly
11 voiced the samp sentiment that the
race problem Is the great ouo to bo
olved , nnd that the south should
bo allowed to manage her own
nffalrs without Interference. Among the
most prominent gentlemen from whom re
plies were received are ! Governor Hichnrd-
on , of South Carolina ; Governor Lee , of
Virginia ; Governor Buckncr , of Kentucky ;
Attorney-General Miller , of Mississippi , nnd
jleutcuaut-Govcrnor Mauldln , of South Cur-
illna. The tenor or their roplics Is contained
mainly in that of Governor Hlchardson , who
ays : "Tho southern question Is the
rnco problem shall the African or
' .ho Caucasian predominate } The solution
s n strict avoidance by the general
government of any distinctively southern
liolicy , nnd leaving to the states themselves
ho management of thnir own domestic nf-
, 'nir.s. Governor Bucknor , of Kentucky ,
protests that there Is no southern question.
Such unpatriotic agitation , whether origi
nating In the north or the south , should .not
bo cncourngqd , nnd the Injury resulting from
such agitation , would'bo reduced to n mini
mum If the people of each state would con
tinue to attend to their own affairs nnd
unlto in supporting the general government
In Its just exorcise of all its legitimate pow
ers. Attorney-General Miller , of
Mississippi , says that the contrast
between the negro and white
government has boon so decidedly in favor of
the latter that the whltq pcoplo are deter
mined there shall bo no return to the former ;
indeed , n military despotism would bo pre
ferred. When interest and'judgmcnt instead
of passion and prejudice snail control the
southern negro , then the whole question will
bo solved. Llcutcnant-Govornor Miuilitin ,
of South Carolina , says the federal govern
ment can help the south by appointing to of
fice men of character and capacity , by deal
ing generously in the matter of internal im
provements , nnd by refunding the cotton tax.
'n other words , says ho , lot the south alone.
He Spanks a Boy Who Pretended to
Hnro Hydrophobia.
ANSONIA , Conn. , April 18. [ Special Tele
gram to Tim BEE. ] A few weeks ago n boy
living with George Curtis , a farmer of Cnmp-
villo , near Wntorbury , was out hunting
woodchucks with Mr. Curtis' dog. Ho came
homo and showed a few scratches which he
said had been inado by the dog just after
that animal had been worrying nwoodchuck.
Yesterday the b'oy showed signs of hydro
phobia. Ho wont through all the frightful
symptoms till a doctor was called. The doctor
glanced at the boy's eyes , felt of his pulse ,
and demanded a glass of water. He was
warned that the sight of water would cause
another and more violent spasm , but ho In
sisted on its being brought. Lifting the boy's
head on his arm ho held the water to his lips
and after some time persuaded the patient to
drink jt. This ho did , and to the surprise of
all no "spasms followed. Dr. Wiggins then
stood the boy on his feet , called for a slipper ,
and taking him across his knee administered
a strong- dose of practical medicine on the
bare sliin. This ncrolc treatment was en
tirely successful nnd thojjoy-now shows not
the slightest sign of rabies , acknowledging
that after all doing chores was'casicr than
shamming hydrophobia.
Another Standard Oil Swallow.
PiTTsnuim , April 18. A Lima , O. , special
says : The remaining stockholders of the
Ohio Oil company who did not sell out yes
terday to the Standard , were to-day notified
that if they wished to sell they could obtain
$70 per $100 for their stock. Certified checks
to the amount of 785,000 passed through ono
of the banks to-day in payment for the prop
erty. This not only gives the Standard con
trol , but makes them owners of the territory.
The Union Oil company sold their territory
to-tho Standard to-day. The price paid was
Century Book Frauds Arrslcd.
CHICAGO , April 18. F. T. Loomis and H.
G. Loomis , of the Century Hook and Paper
company , wcro rearrcstcd this morning on
another complaint of conspiracy to obtain
money under false pretenses. The warrant
this time was taken out by a young man
from Pittsburg , who claims to have been
swindled out of $2$5 by the same scheme
which men from Omaha , Dos Moines and
Toledo claimed to have suffered.
'B Complaint to Bu Hoard.
CHICAGO 18. The intnr-stnto
, April - com
merce commission announces that the case of
the Chicago board of < trade against various
western roads , claiming discrimination
against Chicago in the relative adjustment of
rotes on live hogs nnd packing house pro
ducts. will bo first heard at Kansas City
May 1. The hearing will bo resumed in Chicago
cage the following day ,
A Minnesota Gold Find.
CnooKSTOw.v , Minn. , April 18. [ Special
Telegram to Tins BEB. ] Several hundred
citizens of Crooketown took the train to the
lown of Tildon , this county , this mornlnir ,
to mnko a test of a gold find which promises
great results. Farmers there-digging in nn
.uhl river bed have found largo quantities of
gold , and old minors report the prospect
wonderfully good for big output. Samples
were sent to Chicago for assay to-night.
A Wi'n ' Slnnlorer Hanged.
IlAUTroiti ) , Conn. , April 18. John H. Swift
was hanged ut 10:10 : this morning for the
murder of his wlfo in July , 18S7 , because she
refused to live with him. This was the case
that was brought up in the legislature in the
shape of a resolution commuting the sentence
of dcatli to lift ) Imprisonment , The resolu
tion passed both houses , but was vetoed by
the governor. |
Frnnoo Taxes lAmorlonn hard.
WASHINGTON , April 18. The United States
consul at Huvra Informs the state depart
ment that from nnd u ftor May 1 next n duty
of 00 cents per 100 pouu'Us not will bo levied
on all importations ! fnto Franco of lard
mixed with cotton s6od oil , irrespective of
the percentage of sucu mixture nnd that nil
lard imported from , the UnitoJ States will
bo subject to governmental examination.
The Wontliqr. Indications.
For Nebraska : Fair , warmer , north
westerly winds.
For Dakota : Fujr , warmer , north
westerly winds.
For Iowa : Fair , preceded by rain In the
eastern portion , lower , temperature , winds
shifting to northwesterly.
Dudley's Suit Stands.
NEW Yoi'.K , April )8. Colonel Dudley's
cult ngaliiBt the livening Post stands , Judge
Beach , to-day , denying the motion to strike
out the complaint , because Dudley refused
to testify before the commission at Wash
ington. '
Au OraMIno Cave-in ,
HEADING , Pa. , April 18. At Farmington
to-day , an ere uilnc , the shaft of which Is
125 feet deep , caved In. Eighteen inon wcro
in the mine. OLO wus crushed to death.
The Dmlo hotting Popularity.
NEW YORK , April 18. At a meeting of the
entertainment committee of the Washington
centennial celebration to-day Edmund Stanton -
ton was elected 'director of the ball. His
duties will bo practically the saico us thobo
assigned to Ward McAllister ,
lUtAB 1V1D
A Cheeky Adventurer Seta Himself
Up as Its Ruler.
\iiil Two or Three Natives That Were
Mot Ills Style Ho Handed
German Domineering
In Samoa.
613 FoUllTEBHTilSTIlRBT , \ .
WASHINGTON. D. a. , April 18. I
About thrco years ago n man named Mc-
horson sailed from San Francisco nnd
eventually landed on Oonalaska , ono of the
Aleutian Islands belonging to this govern
ment. His entire outfit consisted of a suit ot
clothes , nn American ling , unbounded cheek
nnd n paper purporting to have been signed
by Attorney-General Gnrlaudappointing him
United States commissioner. After raising
ho flag , ho took command of the 400 natives
nnd forced them to address him as "King
McPhcrson. " Each season ho exacted heavy
.rlbutcs . from thorn , nnd altogether ho has
been having n lovely time. Some months
go , however , some of the natives did not
exactly suit him , so ho hung thrco of them.
A special agent of the treasury was sent to
nvcstlgate , nnd ho has reported to Secretary
Wlndom substantially the facts as
ivcn nbovo. A revenue cutter will be sent
, o Oonalaska , and MuPhcrson will bo ar
rested. It Is the Intention of the authorities
o bring McPhcrson to San Francisco nnd
ry him for murdor.
Interesting light Is thrown on the situation
n Samoa , and the superior manner in which
American interests have been protected
hero as compared with those of the British
residents. An nrticlo in the London Admir
alty and Guard Gazette , of April 0 , Just re
ceived hero says : After the German ships
nt Samoa had declared martial law , wo are.
informed that boats from that squadron
boarded all vessels arriving and an order
wus given that nil goods must bo landed nt
the Gorman firm's wharf and stored in the
German firm's store , to Do examined by
German officers. The British residents hud
to submit to this , ns did nil Americans with
the exception of Mr. Mooros , who declined
to allow some of his stores to bo taken any
where but to his promises. Captain Mullnn ,
of the United States' steamer , Nlpslo , also
demanded that what goods Mr. Moorcs re
quired for immediate use should bo delivered
to him after examination. This request was
acceded to , and Mr. Moores' goods were ex
amined nnd landed at his wharf. Mr. Col
ling , u British subject , went up
to Mataafa's camp as a tourist
and expressed his sympathy with Matuafa.
On this coming to the cars of the captain of
the German man-of-war , the Adlcr , ho or
dered the arrest oi Mr. Gelling and had him
brought on board his ship ns a prisoner. An
other British subject , Mr. Hall , was dragged
out of his canoe because ho did not answer
when challenged by u Gorman boat. Mr.
Cusack , proprietor of the Samoa Times , waa
prosecuted , fined 20 , and had his paper tem
porarily suppressed for having reprinted un
nrticlo from n San Francisco paper on 'Our
Duty to Samoa,1 The British consul having
issued a notice that British residents wcro
subject solely to the jurisdiction of her majesty
josty , the queen , the captain of the Adler is
sued a counter-proclamation , In which ho
said : 'I herewith dcchiro that all British
subjects in Samoa are under martial law , und
that they will be tried by martial law if they
should interfere in any way with the Ger
man authorities. ' It Is not to bo wondered at
that considerable indignation was felt among
our countrymen , and it is gratifying to find
that some of the Australian papers were
outspoken on the matter. Our correspondent
has forwarded us some extracts in which
It wus poiutcd out that a friendly race had
been handed over to opression , and our trad
ing interests hud betti made subservient to
those of foreigners. Stress wns also laid on
the fact that it had been reserved for the
American government to defend the cause of
humanity and exact the respect of interna
tional laws. The position occupied by us
certainly appears to have been humiliating
and it is asserted that if English trade has
not progressed so much as that of the Ger
mans during the last few years it is solely
because the ono government has virtually
withdrawn its protection from its own sub
jects , whilst the other has pushed the inter
ests of its traders even to thu extent of em
ploying armed violence in their behalf , in
making unprovoked war upon the Samoans ,
abducting the lawful sovereign of the coun
try , und setting up in his place a puppet
whoso chief function is to favor German as
against English and American Interests.
Such are the views of those on the spot , who
should bo well able to judge. Wo trust that
before another Gorman squadron arrives in
those waters the situation may bo greatly
improved. "
The president was greeted to-day by the
first republican nominee for the presidency ,
General John C. Fremont. The old path
finder called and soon after was followed by
Representative Hanks , who was speaker of
tbo Thirty-fourth congress and who will
take u seat in the lower house once more ut
the beginning of the next session. Among
the other distinguished cullers on the presi
dent was "Alf. " Taylor , of Tennosseowhoso
celebrated campaign against his brother Bob ,
for the governorship two yearn ago. was
commented upon all over the United States.
There uro yet , and have been for several
months , two vacancies in the civil service
commission. Mr. Overly resigned to accept
the position of superintendent of Indian
tchools , prior to his appointment us commis
sioner of Indian allulrs. and Judge Edgorton
wns summarily removed by President Cleve
land , BO that Mr , Lyman , the remaining
member , constitutes the entire commission.
President Harrison , it is understood , has
been giving the matter considerable atten
tion , with u view to reorganizing tills body ,
but thu contention among those who desire
to bccomo members has , thus far , prevented
him from accomplishing u reorganization.
There is a decided feeling among the repub
licans m favor of thu now members. Mr.
Lyman being regarded by many republicans
as a "mugwuuii"whoso inllucnco was given
for the ro-oluctlon of Mr , Cleveland. The
law provides that both parties shall bo rep
resented on the board. President Cleveland
nominated Assistant Secretary of the Treas
ury Thompson , of bouth Carolina , to bo a
member of the board , but tbo senate failed
to confirm the nomination. Mr. Thompson is
being urged for appointment by Senators
Butler , Hampton and other democratic sen
ators , and n considerable number of repub
lican senators also Indorse him. Ex. Con
gressman Mcrriuiun , of New York , onn of
the democrats who stood with Randal
against thu Mills bill , Is being urged by Mr.
Randall , Charles A. Danu and other protec
tion democrats , and it ts thought Morrlman's
chances for appointment nro very goo'd. So
the matter stands , with everybody expect
ing u solution and a settlement by the presi
dent any day ,
The second assistant postmaster-genera
has awarded the following contracts for
carrying the malls In Iowa 'for two years
from July 1 next.
Bluff Creek to Albia , F , E. Smith. 100 ;
Boxholm to Pilot .Mound. F , E. Smith , $32 ;
BuckCrcok to Sumtor , F. B. Smilli , * 172j
Burrcll to Decatur , F. E. Smith , * 17j Car
roll to Coon Kaplds , W. B. Catchings , $35U :
Crathorn to LoMnrs. F. E. Smith , $ li ) ;
Drtsicto Yorktown , F , E. Smith. f51 ; Eagle
Center to Truer , F. E. Smith , * 233 ; Fielding
to Cherokee , M. A. Moore , $1U7 ; Fisous to
Audubon , F. E. Smith , 103 ; Grimily
Center to New Hartford , A. A. Oolegrovo
M10 ; Likens to Urbana , J. W. Jacksou , 40
Logan to UeoderR Mills , F. E. Smith , 1103
Mucksburgh to Creaton , F. E. Smith , i351
Midland to Truer , O. B. Sanborn , Sl-U
North DCS Moines to Dos Moines , Stewart &
Kelly , ilU ! : Qmtuitz to Belinda , U. B , Fiuck
* 01 : Persia to UnloAburgh , Stewart & Kelly ,
flNJ ; Prlmghar to Sanborn , W. H. Catching ,
$270 ; Hnmodd to ailbortvllle , F. 13. Smith ,
Jill ; Hedlock to Dunrcath , M. A. Moore ,
tf0Hockbranch / \ to Corrcctlonvlllo , A. A.
Colegrovo , $1W ! ; Sccor to Kldorn , F. E.
Smith , $177 ; Sutherland to Calumet M. E.
Moore , $188 ; Thurman to Sidney , J. W. Rob
erts , $24 $ : Voss to Swan Lnko , M. A.Mooro ,
fOfl ; Wnubcck to Central Clti' , M. A. Moore ,
AllMV OUDF.I19 ,
By direction of the secretary of war , Hos
pital Steward Albert Fonsch , hospital corps ,
vlll bo roll evcd from duty at Fort Nlobrarn.
Nob. , nnd will proceed to the Atlanta IJur-
racks , Da. , reporting to the commanding of-
Icer for duty , nnd by letter to the command-
"ng general division of the Atlantic.
Piiiiuv S. HBATII.
New Yorl * Workman Hilled nnd
Another Fatally Injured.
New Yoim , April 18. The removal of the
wires null poles on Sixth avenue this morn-
ng was attended by an unfortunate accident
whereby Michael Early nnd Hugh Kollly ,
linemen employed by the department of pub.-
Jo works , wcro dragged from n third-story
window by n rope attached to n falling polo.
Early being instantly killed nnd Hellly seri
ously Injured.
The men were engaged In staying n polo
that was being cut down. When the polo
wns chopped off nt the bottom , the base slid
nlong the sidewalk , throwing the top out ,
.Hilling both uic-u from the window. Early's
body was picked up in a terribly
crushed condition nndvaa removed to
Lho pollco station , whllo Ilallly was taken to
the hospital , llcllly had both bonus of both
logs broken , ns well as the smaller bones of
Ills right foot. > In addition there were severe
contusions on his hand and head. The sur
geon believes there Is a possibility that the
spine was fractured. If this is so , the
chances for his recovery are not good. . Con
tractor Busby and Inspector Hoth , who
were in charge of the work on Sixth avenue ,
and under whoso Instructions Eax'ly and
Hellly wcro working when the accident oc
curred , wore arrested and taken to Jefferson
Market police court. Both men stated that
it was nn accident which could not have been
avoided. A witness of the accident testified
that the polo was heavy enough to have
pulled the whole sldo of the house out , nud
that Uoth had been told so by some of the
men. Other evidence waa given to the effect
that Hoth was himself holding n guy rope ,
nnd that the letting go of that rope caused
the falling of the polo , with the above fatal
result. Busby was discharged and Uoth was
turned over to the coroner's ofllce.
A Snck of Gold Stolen From nn K.x *
press Ollloc.
BiuiNnitn , Minn. , April 18. A package
containing 515,000 in gold has mysteriously
disappeared from the oftlco of the Northern
Pacific express company in this city. Loss
Hohman , the night clerk In charge , received
from the train vestorday afternoon four sacks
of specictwo of which contained § 15,000 each
in cold , nud two foOO each In silver. The
money was consigned to the First National
bank of this city by the Northern Pacific
railroad express company to bo used in pay
ing the employes of the road. Hohmau says
ho is positive he locked nil the specie in the
vault. Halt an hour Inter , In cheeking up ,
ho found that one of the bags of gold
was missing. Ho at once notified his su
perior , but n close investigation failed to re
veal n clue to the missing money. Hohman
has been in the employ of the company for
several years , and is regarded us huncst and
A Combination "Which Results In a
Big IjtiwsiiiU
BALTIMOKE , April 18. Lewis Elmer &
Sons entered suits for $100,000 damages in
the court of common pleas yesterday against
Fleischmau & Co. and Alonzo Cochran.
Both firms Elmer & Sons and Floischumn &
Co. are manufacturers of ycastand the for
mer also manufactures vinegar. Fleisch-
man & Co. endeavored to have Elmer &
Sons rniso the price of their .vcast , which
the latter declined to do. Fleischman & Co. ,
then bought a quantity of vinegar , which
was placed in charge of Alonzo Cochran with
instructions to sell the same to the customers
of Elinor & Sons nt a price far below its
value , if necessary , to give it away in order
to affect the ti-ado of Elmor& Sons. A largo
part of the business of Elmer & Sons was
destroyed , it is charged , and it is threatened
with total extinction. As Floiscliman Co.
persist in their action an injunction is also
nsUea against them.
o "
An Unknown Thlcl * S'onls a Itcjrls-
torcd Pouoh In Chicago.
CHICAGO , April 18. The mail car on the
Lake Shore road which left hero at 7:45 : last
night was robbed bcforo it got outsiilo the
city limits. The thief secured a pouch con
taining 100 pieces of registered mull for
( Cleveland , O. , and was rifling the contents
n n freight car wlinn detected by a watch
man. The man Jumped out through the door
on the opposite sldo and escaped. Ho had
opened about n dozen registered letters and
succeeded in celling away with their con
tents. The pouch , which had been cut open ,
wus brought back to the postofllco. No guess
can bo made us to the amount of the loss ,
iMysterlotis Murder nt Kansas City.
KANSAS CITV , April 18. Early { his morn
ing a laborer found the dead body of Minnlo
Meyers , lying among the rocks Inn cut along
Baltimore avenue , n block from the heart ol
the rlty. She had undoubtedly bcon mur
dered , ns har shoes were not ns muddy as
they would hnvo been had she walked to the
spot. The tracks of a carriage were found
leading to and from the place. Frank Web
ber , a bricklayer , with whom the woman
had been living ns mistress , has been ar
rested on suspicion.
The Book Court-Martial Dissolved.
WASHINGTON , April 18. The general court-
martial in the case of Lieutenant Commander
Book , charged with leaving his command
without authority , has been dlaHolvcd , It in
understood at tiio navy department ihal
while commander Book hoa been found tech
nically guilty , his sentence will bu very
Flaherty Found Guilty of Murder.
Himo.v , Dak. , April 18. [ Special Telegram
to Tim BEE. ] The Jury in the Fmherty
murder case returned n verdict this morning
declaring the accused guilty of the murder
of Hattlo Wilson and fixing thu pnnnlty lit
hard labor in the penitentiary for life. No
now trial is likely to bo asked for , as
Flaherty Is glad to escape hanging.
A Big TriiMHiiciloii.
PiEHiiE , Dak. , April IS. [ Spcolnl Tele
gram to TUB I3KH.-1 To-day a controlling
Intorcst In t ho Western Land association was
sold to an eastern syndicate and sovcral
Plcrro parties for $300OtX > . This association
owns the \ Veils second addition to Pinrrc ,
which comprlrfos fully one-third of the area
of the platted city.
fttcaniHliip Arrivals.
At Quccnstown The Gallla and Adriatic ,
from Now York.
At Philadelphia The British Prince , from
Liverpool ; the Scandinavian , from Glasgow ,
and the Switzerland , from Antwerp ,
Neither bout had , news of the Dantnurk.
I'arnnll Honored at Kdlnhurt ; ,
EPINUUKO , April 18. The town council
has decided to confer the freedom of the
city upoti 1'arncll.
Judicial Bed Tape Hag No Torrora
For Her Quick Wit.
She Tells of HovlHltttiK Her Homo
and How Kmlety Her Husband's
Slhter Acted Her Hey
"Don't Tlclclotho Hauy's Font. "
Citic.ino , April 18. [ Spoclnl Telegram to
Tun URK. | As curly as 8 o'clock this mornIng -
Ing , there was a crowd around the doors of
ludgo Jumloson's court , whore the Carter
d Ivor co cnso Is being trlod , nnd when 10
o'clock came , there wns a mob large enough
to have Ill'cd ' the room twlco over. When
the doors were opened thu crowd rushed
frantically in , and in a few seconds nil tha
chairs wcro occupied , and Hioso who could
not flnd places wcro forced to louvo. Mrs.
Carter , dressed In black , us on yesterday ,
and with hur mother nnd maidwas promptly
on hand and when the court opened she nt
once resumed the stand , She told her story
with the most remarkable self-possession
uud cutcrcd into nil sorts of details without
tbo slightest hesitation. She was also most
skillful in evading the lawyer's objections
nud In getting what she wanted bcforo the
| ury. At ono time there wns a row between
the lawyers about the ad mission of n purl of
a conversation. Mrs. Carter soon caught on
to the purpose of tin objection by thu other
sldo and how to "evade it , and she
TOiicrully managed to got her whole story to
iho jury by adding the requisite condition In
inimnendod answer. As ono of the listeners
said : "There's no files on Airs , Cutter. " A
.ittlo later she told how she wont to Europe ,
tint remained only ton days , being culled
homo by a telegram thut her boy , Dudley ,
was 111.
"Why did you como homo so aoonl "
"To snvo my boy , " said tlio witness , with
an expression of maternal love und sweilt-
noas thnt wus 'quite talcing. Mr. Walker
shot in an "I object , " mid the court bald.
"Tho objection is sustained.This wont do1
but they were nil too lute. In detailing her
story , Mis. Carter wns frequently Inter
rupted by Mr. Walker , who hud an objection
to make. Mrs. Carter wus equal to the oc
casion , nnd declared : "I am simply repeat-
Ine the conversation between Mr. Carter and
myself. " Then turning to Judge Jumlo.son.
siiouskmt : "Ami right ! " The judge had
to admit thut she was right , und 'replied :
" .Yes , go ahead. " "Shall 1 tolU" or "mav I
say ! " were frenucntquostlons uskod by Mrs.
Carter of her luwyor , and her attorney , Mr.
Hynes. could have reversed his position mid
taken n seat in the witness clmlr himself
without any diminution of the interrogatories
propounded to him by Mrs. Carter.Vhj3ii
the day's work begun , Mrs Carter's atten
tion was directed by Attorney Hynes to
Juno , 1SS1 , when she and her husband wont
to Coopcrstown. At Cooporstowti , Mrs.
Carter said Carter ropoutodly assaulted
her. She detailed un occasion when she was
playing with her baby's foot. Carter ob
Jeeted to her tickling Dudley's ' solos , nnd
when bho did not desist ut his word.of com
mand , lie struck her n violent blow in the.
fuco."Did Mr. Curler say anything , when you
obicetcd to his treatment , nbout bavlug
bought you und paid for you I" asked Mr.
llyiips. '
"Vcs , hosuid thnt ho had n right to da
with mo us ho pleased , bccaubO-ha.Jiucl
bougnt me , and I had to submit to his treat
ment. "
Mrs. Carter showed some willfulness la
persisting in giving her thoughts nnd Inten
tions when warned by the Judge to state
only fuels. Mrs. Carter consumed a great
deal of time tolling the facts nbout a visit
she paid to her husband's house in 1880 , M
after the separation. She wus looking for
her boy , Dudley , und found Miss Helen
Carter , the defendant's Histur , the only per
son at homo. Mrs. Carter dropped a tear In
narrating tlio harsh treatment she received
from her sister-in-law. Shu said tliut Miss
Helen told her thnt if she wanted to sco Car
ter hho must go to his olllce. She did go to
his ofllce , but did uot find him there , and she
returned to his house und met .fudge Drum-
moud. who told her ho came from Mr , Cur
ler. The upshot of tno interview was that
Judge Drummond brought Mr. Carter to her
ut ills houso. Mr. Carter said thnt he wanted
a confession from her. "I objected , " said
she , "to tlm word confession , but I said I
would make un explanation to him alone. I
did not want to talk in the presence of It
third party , especially Judge Drummond ,
who is ami bus always been nn enemy of
mine. Ho did not like mo , and none of the
Carters liked mo. I said that I hud said
nothing thut I was ashamed to say. I could
not bring myself to talk about my private
affairs to lawyers , because ,1 know' they
would distort my language und put in my
mouth words I never said. I went to Oak-
woods , n private retreat ut Lake Gendvft. . / *
There I was out. of my houd. I wus tiorVous
und couldn't sleep. 1 am not to say tbo
cause , am II Am H" - *
"If you know. " f
"I do know. " * -
" 1 object , " said Mr. Walker.
" 1 know from whut 1 think und what I was
told by the doctors. "
"Tlio doctors will toll tliomsolvos , " said
Judge Janueson.
"Well , ut any rnto , I weighed 109 pounds
when I went into the asylum and 1 weighed
113 pounds when I came out. "
"Whut is your present woightl" .
"I now wulgh 157 pounds. "
Mr. llynns finisnud his direct examination
at 12 o'clock uud Mr. Walker started In on
tlio cross examination. Mrs. Carter braced
herself firmly in her scut und took n sip ot
water us she turned to answer Mr. Wulkor'i
questions , Mr. Walker's first question was )
"Mrs. Carter , you have repeated thu
story of your wrongs before you cumo ou the
witness stand , Imvuyuu not ) "
"Yes , 1 have told the story before. "
"Did you lull your mothiir whim you came
homo from F.uropu about ills bud conduct ! "
"I think I told her. "
"Did , you not auy In .an ufTlduvit filed in
this cast ? that you never told your mother
until Onobor , 18871" ' -
" 1 thlnit it wus in Octobar , 1880. I am not
positive and will not muko un absolute state
ment nbout it , but 1 think 1 disclosed it , to
my mother ubout the tluio I wont to Now
York , I don'ttliliiKsho understood its exact
nature. I don't think uny womuu could toll
her mother , "
"Hut you told your lawyer , "
"I told him when I foiced to tell hlia. "
"Did you luu bill before you a were
toll ? "
"Tha bill was road to me , part of It.1'
"Am. Carter , do you suy thut , you have
sworn to the truth of this bill , without its
being road to yoii ( "
"PiirU of it were rod to mo , and I have
read it alnuo , but us to how much was first
road to mo I can not Bwour. "
The other points sought to bo inado by the
lawyer were thnt she accepted Curler us her
husband after only u brief ncijuulntanco
with htm ; that she saw nothing In his up-
pcaranro thut indicated brutality of nature ,
and Unit Mho hud been out In booioty for some
time before mooting him ,
She had been engaged before meeting Car
ter , but the mutch hud bean broken oft.
"Wrecked u I'IIHSOII OP Train ,
QitAND IlAi'inu , Mich , , April 16 , An at
tempt was made last night to wreck the
westbound passenger train on the Chicago &
Wcbt Michigan railroad , which loaves this
city nt 8:10 : p. in. While opprouohlng Grand-
villo nn open bwitcli wus encountered nnd the
cnglno and all the cars except the rear ono
run off iho trade , the onglno doing completely
demolished. Nobody was Injured.
Five Men Drowned ,
IJAi.NiutiDoi : , Ua. , April 18 , At the .Alar
bama Midland crossing of thoLOhaUahocohea
river two bouts , containing oljrtTt men o b
wuro cnjul/cJ , drownlug Hyo i " "