Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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The revenue collodions yosterduy
wore $7,109.60.
Tno waterworks company has com
pleted the laying of n now main on Fnr-
nam Btrcot as fur as Twenty-second
A warrant has boon Issued for the ar
rest of John Feng , the Chinese masher ,
and Minnie Andrews , his white in-
nmorata , charging them with ndultory.
Jim McDonald wont into u nolehbor's
house , in the southern part of the city ,
nnd amused himself hy smashing up a
lot of furniture. Ho paid $ -30 in police
courtfor his fun.
The street car officials who were ar
rested for tearing up the paving on
Tenth and Mason streets have filed a
hond for their appearance before Judge
Borlm when wanted.
Bishop Worthtngton will make his
annual visitation to S. Barnabas' to
morrow evening ( Thursday , 18th ) to ad
minister the sacrament of confirmation.
Services at 3 o'clock.
A sot of surgical instruments
stolen from Dr. Kohoo's olllco , hist
week , wore recovered by Ofllcor Mc
Carthy , Tuesday , in Smith's loan of-
llco , on South Tenth street.
Bella Montgomery , a cyprlan living
nt Tenth and Capital avenue , attempted
Biiicido by bwalloivlng a largo dose of
morphine. Uor life was saved by the
prompt calling of medical aid.
The board of education has granted to
the members of the African M. 13.
church permission to use the school ,
at the corner of Twenty-ninth and
Farnam streets , for holding eh urch
James Murphy and Wm. Crandalli
two young lads , wore arrested yester
day chargeo with having thrown stones
through the windows of Mrs. Murphy's
house at the corner of Eighteenth and
Ulnrk streets.
Herbert' II. Sharp filed n bill of s'vlo
yesterday with the county clerk con
voying his vinegar and pickle works at
1011 South Thirteenth street , to J. F.
tloimor. The consideration of the
transfer was $1,500
Local assembly 7625 of the K. of L. ,
will hold an open meeting at Twenty-
second and Cuming streets this oven-
Ing. Among the speakers will bo Jus
tice Dunn , County Attorney Shea , Con
Lynch and John Graves.
The Paid Fireman's association has
extended an invitation to the mayor
ind council to take part in the annual
parade , to bo hold on the 123d. The in
vitation was laid before the council
Tuesday night , but was not acted
The proprietors of the Erie chop
house at 1518 Dodge , say that the cause
of the accumulation of foul matter in
the cellar below them was a breakage in
the water pines. As soon as the condi
tion of alTairs was discovered they
called in the garbage master and paid
him $50 t& remove the lllth.
Manager Boyd of Boyd's opera house
received a telegram Tuesday from
John Hartz , manager of the Euclid Avenue -
onuo theater in Cleveland , stating that
the Booth-Barrett combination ap
peared there on Monday night to an
immense business. It was Mr. Booth's
first appearance after his recent illness ,
and Manager Hartz says ho was at his
Personal 1'arnfjrnpIiB.
C. C. Pnco , of Lincoln , te at the Murray.
A. J. Jorclon , of Chicago , is at the Millnrd.
E. It. Billions , of St. Joseph , Is at the Pax-
T. N. Sbcpnrd , of St. Louis , is at the Pax-
U. B. Stcclc , of New Yorlr , is a Murray
J. II. neck , of Sioux City , is recistercd at
the Millard.
Harry W. Steckor. of Cincinnati , is at the
James R. Miix-.voU , of Newark , Del. , is at
the Millard.
J. R. Hawkins , of the Chicago , Burlington
& Quincy at Creston , Is nt the Millard.
Serious Charges.
Daniel C. Jones , janitor of tbo Frenror
block was arrested yesterday ou the charge of
threatening to shoot his wifo. Ho Is charged
with brutality , drunkenness and failure to
provide for her. *
GoneroiiM Jones.
Mrs. Jones , in filing complaint against her
husband in police court , alleged that , in the
five years that they liavo boon married , th o
husband has contributed but So toward the
support of the family.
.Too Hess , who was arrested on complaint
of Mrs. Deck for living with her married
daughter , Mrs. ICato Uucher , was arraigned
before Justice Krocger , but owing to lack of
evidence was dismissed.
Kicked by a llorsc.
A child of J. O. Rhodes , chief clerk in the
general purchasing department of the Union
Pacific was severely kicked by a horse Tues
day. The little follow will recover ul
though the physician stales that his injuries
are sorlous. _
Myor.4 Absent.
Architect Myers , who was expected here
Tuesday , lias not arrived yet. The com
Ailsslonors , therefore , are in another qutin-
dry. O'Kcoffo agitates the dismissal of Mr.
Myors , but the balance of the board think
there Is no cause for being in a hurry to taiio
tlmt step.
A .Newfoundland.
Joseph O. Bond claims that Mrs. M. E.
Is 11 Witurcll has his flno Newfoundland dog and
k has issued a writ of replevin from Justice
Krooger's court for the possession of the
same. Mrs. Withroll bought the dog from a
third person and brings that individual for
ward us a witness.
Illicit Infatuation ,
A negro named George Francis who Is
married and has a family has become in *
futimtca with a deaf mute white crlrl natnod
Emma Enijueat. On u number of occasions
ho annoyed her with his attentions and , Tues
day night , throw a kiss to her. Helen Knquest ,
the sister of the girl , caused the arrest of the
negro and ho was fined $17,50.
Knspcr'H JlabtlmcntH.
At an early hour yesterday Councilman
Kaipor's ' overcoat and umbrella were dis
covered hanging oa tlio south wall of the
council chamber where they had evidently
remained all night. It was a matter of con
siderable debate in the city hall as to how
they had got there , as the councilman was
not present at the session of the city legisla
ture Tuesday iilght.
Blooded Oar Horses.
The t jam attached to rtrcot car No. S3. "J
Inn Thirteenth stroql Uno , loOluio unman
ageable at Coswllor yesterday morning on
tUu ddwn town trip"ixnd ran nearly ell the
Vray to the bridge. Two passengers , w'rin
wcro In the car when the team star'.ed to
run , Jumped and were slightly liurt. The
'driver ituld with them until no Dually cot
them under control. TLo e-r jtct , tUolrack -
and no damage was doi'.G.
DU. WM , ItOllteiiTa , Professor of Modi-
clno in the Qwon'a College , Manches
ter , Entr , , In wilting of Bright's di
sease , sivys : l > Thu blood becomes
speedily do.ttirloratod by the unnatural
drain through the kidneys. It becomes
moro Vmtory and poorer in iilbumon ,
whl'.d ' urea , urlo acid and the extrac
tives are unduly accumulated in it. "
"wnrnor'8 Safe ( Juru will restore the
kidneys to a healthy condition mid
purify the blood ,
The Totlcc Investigation Finally
Coninn to NniiRlit.
The word "fizzlo" will bo written In largo
loiters In red Ink across the face of the rex
x > rt of the committee appointed by the coun
cil to investigate charges against certain
members of the police force and to examine
nto the general working of the department.
The damaging disclosures that wcro prom *
scd bcforo the committee began Its work ,
IBVO not been forthcoming , and the report ,
f It shows the actual result of the alleged
nvcstlgatlon , will bo a literary curiosity.
The committee was to have met at 0:80 :
o'clock yesterday morning. At that hour
Messrs. Shrtver , Davis and Sanders were
irosont. Mr. Kaspar , the chairman , was-ah-
icnt , as was Scrgoant-nt-Arms Butler , who
Is supposed to attend the meetings of the
committee and secure the attendance of wit
nesses. An adjournment was taken until 8
o'clock In the afternoon , when the same
members of the committee were present. As
Chairman Kaspar had the names of the wit
nesses who were to bo summoned , the mom-
lors present wcro unable to proceed with the
Investigation , and after working until nearly
U o'clock , adjourned slno illo and Instructed
Mr. Davis to prepare n report to bo presented
to the council. Many of the friends of the
proposition to Investigate the workings of
the police department thought that the
action of the majority of the commltteo was
somowhatof a snap Judgment upon Chairman
ICnsnar , and was simply u scheme to stop
further Investigation. A 13nc ronorter
learned from Councilman Knspar last night ,
liowover , that the mannur of ending the In-
vcstlp.Uion flasc-o had been agreed upon , and
that ho had absented himself from the com
mittee on purpose.
"Why aid you drop the examination 1" was
"Chiefly for the reason , " replied the chair
man of the committee , "that I was unable to
accomplish the object for which the comniit-
tco was appointed. The committee was so
organl7od that every movement I made was
reported to the police commission boforcil
had time to act , and they had everything
ready to furnish Just the kind of ovldcnco
that host suited them. I had n talk with
Chris Hartman , which convinced mo that it
was of no use for the committee to pursue
the investigation any further. Then I had
personal reasons. I did not want to pull
other folks out of tho'hole at the risk of
getting into ono myself , and so 1 decided to
let the matter drop. "
"Will the matter bo taken up again 1"
"Not by let . "
me , mo ussuro you.
Don't Get Caught
This spring with your blood full of im
purities , your djgcstton impaired , your
appetite poor , kidneys and liver torpid ,
and whole system liahlo to bo prostrated
by disease but got yourself into good
condition , and ready for the changing
and warmer weather , by taking Hood's
Sarsaparilla. It stands unequalled for
purifying the blood , giving an appe
tite , and for a general spring medicine.
The Oklahoma Uoomcrs nro Branch
ing Out For Their Ne\v Home.
The Oklahoma boomers are preparing
to move. Last night and yesterday afternoon
the passenger depot of the Missouri Pacific
was thronged with boomers all anxious to as
certain the cost of the trip by rail to the prom-
iosd land. Last night several conferences
wcro hold at various places , and the situation
talked over. Although a largo number who
have enrolled their names on the list of
colonists , will not go , there Is still a goodly
sized gathering that intend to brave the
trials and tribulations. Arrangements wore
made last night for transportation for fifteen
over the Missouri Pacilic for Guthrio.
They will leave to-day in box cars
and will bo provided with pro
visions and farming utensils. At the G. A.
H. hall , on Douglas street , last night the vet
erans provided their messenger , Cumings ,
who goes In advance of the van , vested'with
the power of attorney , with soldiers' dis-
charccs , so that upon his arrival ho may file
claims by proxy. Those that have not fur
nished the messenger with the proper
papers can forward them to him
at Guthrio. Ho is now en route and will bo
mounted and ready for a dash to King
fisher at high noon April 23. From indica
tions Captain Smith's colony , if at all , will
go on the Installment plan. Last night a
boomer , who Is typical in the originality of
his title , was asked what ho thought of the
dispatches from Oklahoma reporting vandal
ism and crime rife , Ho said : "Oh , that
makes no difference. O'im going tharo to
poke load at anybody if my swing don't suit
them. Most people wrnkcn when they see a
gun. I'll get my claim all sura enough.
See I ( producing a fine specimen of Smith &
Wcston's ' latest revised edition on persua
sion ) . I'll bo tharo , and If you cum tor see
mo you'll find mo cuntcrly located. " But if
this is on the bill of faro in Oklahoma , thcro
nro others about to leave hero who will not
bo centrally located. The major portion of
the Omaha emigrants will leave hero to
morrow and Saturday.
Catarrh Cured.
A clergyman , after years of suffering
from that loathsome dibease , Catarrh ,
and vainly trying every known remedy ,
at last found a recipe which completely
cured and saved him from death. Any
sufferer from this dreadful disease send
ing a Bolf-addrossed stumped envelope
to Prof. J. A. Lawrence , 88 Warren St. ,
Now York City , will receive the recipe
free of charge.
A SliicKcr lt the Dnrlc.
Dr. J. A. Wade of Harlan , fa. , who is at-
tcndhig court at Council Bluffs , came over
to Omaha Tuesday night , and after taking an
hour's look at the Gate City , started to the
depot. Pat Sweeny , a tough character well
known to the police , offered to accompany
him , saying that ho was on his way to Coun
cil Bluffs , also. The doctor readily con
sented , and the two started down Tenth
street , about 11 o'clock. At the alley Be
tween Howard and Jackson , SwGOnoy
dropped behind the doctor , and pulling out a
sandbag or billy btruck him a blow on the
back of the head that knocked him
senseless. The thug then dragged the
body of the unconscious man Into the alloy
and rilled his pockets , securing a revolver
and about § 12 in money. The doctor was
found by a policeman In the alley , and was
taken to the police station and registered as
a "dead drunk. " AVhen ho recovered con
sciousness ho detailed his misfortune. Fro'u
the description given to Sergeant Hare and
Detective Horrigau It was believed that
Sweeney was the highwayman , and a search
of his room resiilt90. in the llndlng of Dr.
Wade's ' revolver ! SWconoy was arrested.
Sweeney was arraigned yesterday ,
and , the evidence of his guilt being over
whelming , ho was held to the district court
m the sum of 5300. All the witness , among
whom In a cyprlan whom ho threatened to
uhoot with Walto's revolver , were put uinlor
? 150 bonds each. Sweeney Is n powerfully
built fellow of about thirty years , and bears
a striking resemblance to Pat Ford.
New Windsor Hotel ,
Kearney , Nob. , has opened under new
management , rolittcd and refurnished.
First-class accommodations Tor travel
ing men. Two minutes walk from Bur
lington and U. P. depots.
A , Sr. JULIIJN , Pro ] ) .
liny Your Easter Novelties.
Notwithstanding the Inclement weather
the Easter market being hold
by the Woman's Christian assocla
tlon nt the Woman's exchange , was
very largely attended and patronized. Tbo
rooms were filled with beautiful Mowers and
Easter novelties of all kinds , turning the exchange -
change Into a bower of loveliness , Protllly
decorated Easter eggs , choice cut flowers ,
toothsome confections , decoratlvo needlework -
work , calces and Jollies , and a dulnty
luncheon tempted tlio purchaser
and made his hands frequently seek
the receptacle of his money , Tto :
ladles who presided over the different tablet
last . \leht wore Mrs , Dr. Tlldon. Mrs. Hail.
Mr * . Stlger , Mm. Heath , Mm. Tavlor , Mrs.
Reynolds , Mrs. Collins , Mm. fgoo , MIsS
Stigor , Miss Clayton , Miss Crowo. Miss
Stuavous , Miss Koisso and Mrs. Van Gelscii.
The market will bo continued throughout
the \vuok.
Tlio Trunnt Conclltnon Making Thnir
"Tho people don't ' want to run away with
.ho Idea tlmt the councltmon who aosontod
.liomsolvcs from the meeting Tuesday night ,
did so from any desire to avoid bolng pat on
record on the mayor's veto of the ordinance
repealing the 13 o'clock closing ordinance , "
said ono of the truant , councilman to a BBB
"What did you suy away for then ! "
"Wo staid away In order to put the matter
over until next Tuesday night and If wo had
been successful wo would have passed the
ordinance over the mayor's veto. Bedford
would have boon with us by that time , you
know. "
"Bedford would only have made your side
cloven In number. You needed twelve. "
"Tho twelfth man would have como In nil
right. Wo would have bcon successful , too ,
If Sanders had stood by us. Ho promised to
stay away from the mooting last night and if
ho had done so the mayor would have had
an opportunity to furnish the supper ho had
promised the faithful members , for they
ivould not have secured a quorum If they
wfl staid in that council room all night. "
Councilman Pat Ford stated to a reporter
that "tho fun aint over ylt. mo boy. We'll
pass the ordinins Friday night , shuro. "
It has been learned that the truant mom-
Dors of the council were not in Council
Bluffs as reported. They took refuge In the
Grand opera house until Hascall was cap-
Lured and then secured positions from which
.hoy could hear if not see all that was trans
acted at the meeting , "It was hard work ,
said ono of them , to Iteep Pat Ford from
giving us away by applaudlnir Judge Has-
call's . "
speech. _ _ _ _ _
The moat common cause of sickness
imong children is disordered bowels.
Something to open the bowels and tone
up the stomach is usually all that is re
quired. Ono dose of St. Patrick's Pills
will always cure. They are safe in all
cases. They are small , sugar-coated ,
easily taken , and contain no injurious
substance whalovo- . For sale by ull
druggists. _
Protect Inn IJH Carpet.
The board of public works yesterday put in
its third day nt revising specifications.
Finding the gate in tlio railing that divides
the portion of the room devoted to the board
from that given over to the public barred
against htm by n twelve- foot table , the re
porter peered over the top of Major Bal-
combo's desk and asked for Information.
The gentleman said the board was "review
ing" the work done duiing the past two
days , which consisted of changing ono para
graph in the paving specifications.
Heretofore reporters have been allowed to
go inside the railing and look over the
papers of the board and extract the no ws ,
but this privilege , seemingly , is a thing of
the past. _
Coal iue for sale by the single barrel
or in car load lots. Address
Sioux City , la.
Frank Walters' Funeral.
The remains of Frank Walters , , who died
Sunday , were Interred ycstcrday'aftcrnoon
at Forest Lawn cemetery. '
The funeral cortege left thejlatc residence
of the deceased nt 'J o'clock , .ami , preceded
by the Union Pacific- band playing a solemn
dirge , proceeded to tbo liountzo Memorial
church , whore the funeral service was read
byHcv. Dr. Detweller.
After au impressive prayer , the hymn ,
"Jesus , Lover of My Soul , " was impressively
sung. In a few brief remarks , the minister
offered consolation to the bereaved widow ,
relatives and friends of the deceased.
After the service the remains , ) accompa
nied by many mourning friends and the Dan
ish society of Omaha , of which ho was a
member , were takcu to the cemetery and laid
to rest.
The pall-bearers were Frank E. Moorcs ,
William H. IJams , Samuel Borgstrom , W. J.
Council , B , F. Madscn , John Chnstophcrson ,
Charles Rasmussen and N. C. Nelson.
Fisher Printing Co. , 1011 Farnamsl. .
telephone 1201 , blank : book makers , etc ,
Oiuiirlit by a Derrick.
Richard Wearno , of the firm of Wcarno
Bros. , foundrymcn on Jackson street , near
Fourteenth , had a close call for his life yos-
tcrdny morning. Ho was using a derrick to
hoist a heavy piece of casting , when the
derrick broke and fell in such a
manner as to catch Mr. Wcarne's
head between it and the casting.
Mr. Wearno was removed In an unconscious
condition to his homo at 609 South Eighteenth
street , and medical attendance summoned.
Ho sustained a broken Jaw and the loss of
several teeth , besides being very severely
crushed about the head and face.
"Bettor late than never , " but better
never late when troubled with a cougher
or cold. Take Dr. Bigolow's Positive
Cure at once , which cures all throat and
lung troubles speedily and thoroughly.
Pleasant for children. 50 cents and $1.
Goodman Drug Co.
Licensed to Wed.
Following are the marrmgo licenses issued
yesterday In the county court :
Name and Residence. Ago.
Henry G. Soudor , West Omaha 2Q
Katie Kockor , Omaha 23
Peter Paulson , Omaha , 21
Mary Urlnkman , Omaha 10
John F. Herbert , Saunders Co.fNeb . . .as
Grcs Johnson , Omaha , 21
S. Christ Peterson , Council Bluffs 49
Margaret C. Uuttuchjon , Council liluffs.SS
"When you need a friend , select a true
one. Dr. Jones' Rod Clover Tonic is
the best friend mankind has for all dis
eases of the stomach , liver and kidneys.
Tlio best blood purifier and tonic known.
60 cents. Goodman Drug Co.
The Hoard of Trndo illrto.
Jim Stophcnson has had his two stages
painted in a most beautiful manner , his har
nesses oiled and his horses shod for the
grand excursion of the board of
trade to the Black Hills. Ho
will take thirteen horses along , six of which
are gray and bay. And as Mr. Stophcnson
says they nro all beauties.
A letter was received hero yesterday sug
gesting that the board pay a visit to Sioux
City on Its way north.
Thursday , April IP , 1880.
Let Reason Rule Let it rule
in health as in all else. We
put it to your reason if Palne's
Celery Compound isn't the
spring- medicine you need.
An eminent physician's pre-
scripton. Entirely vegetable.
Cleanses the blood and
strengthens the nerves at the
same time. Satisfaction guar
anteed * Every user a friend.
Let reason rule , and you'll ' buy
Painc's Celery Compound when
you go to the druggist's for
spring medicine.
Use it this spring. You'll ' be
stronger , healthier , heartier ,
happier. Your weak nerves
will become firm. You'll gain
in flesh. Appetite will be good.
As one user says , "You'll feel
like a new man. "
Formula furnished to any
physician. Many physicians
use it in their practice.
11,00 per bottle. Hix for J5.W.
Absolutely Pure.
Tills powilnr never varies. A marvel of purity
Ktrcngtli anil wholcsomcncss. Moro economical
than the ordinary Klud , nnd cannot bo sold in
competition with the multitudes of low coit ,
Bhortwoluht nliiin or pliospnato powders. Sold
only In cans. Hoyal linking Powder Co. . 120
Vt'aUstroet New York
Depot luth nnd Jtnrcy Bts. Omahn. Omiilm.
1'nclllc Kxprcss 7:55 : p in 7:10 : tx in
Cheyenne Kxprcss , 1:65 : p m 12ai p ni
Denver Kxprosa 10OJ : H tu 3:45 p m
Kansas City , Lincoln &
Heatnco Express. . . . . 6:0i : a m 11 tt > p m
I'upHHon 1'nssonger fi'.vO p 111 7:10 : n m
All nbovo trulnsjilnlly.
C.VST. P.'M. .fc O. Arrive Leave
Depot 16th & Webster sta. Omaha. Omaha.
Sioux City Express 1:00 : p in 1 : M pm
Hmeraon Accommodat'n ; iM : : n m 0:1" pm
"Oakland Accommod'n. . 5:0) : ) p m 8r > n m
St. Paul Limited H : < - > a. m 7Uu : p m
Florence 1'assoiifrer . . . . 7:1 : > n in 0:40 : a in
I'loronco PasieiiKer iis'M p m G : " ) p m
t Florence Passenger 10TO : a m 9HO : n m
tFlorence Pnssenicnr 4:20 : p in 1:30 : p m
Dally Except Sunday.
tSunday only.
C. & N.-\V. H. H. Leave Arrive
Depot 10th ami Mavcy sts. Omaha. Omaha.
No.O U:15 : a in
No.fl , Vestibule : i:45 : p in
No. 4 dally except Safely (1:15 ( p in
No.3 Dally except Jlond'y 10:03 : a in
No. 7 , Vestibule 10OJ : a m
No. 5 7:05 : p m
Depot luth and Masou sts. Omalia.
Chicago Vestibule Kx. . . . 4:00 : p in < j : a a in
Chicago Mall Uo : n in G : . " ) p m
Chicago Local fl:4r : p m tS:5'j : a in
Denver Vestibule Kr. lUUr : n in 3:45 : p m
Lincoln & Concordat l.o'l U:15 : a in 0:11.1 : p in
Colorado Mail 7il : ) p in U:40 : u m
Kansas City Kxpross. . . . 0:00 : n in fi:4-i : a 111
Kansas City Express. . . . HM : p 111 flro : p in
Except Saturday. ? E.\cnpt J onday.
Leave. Arrive.
No.2 . 0OOp.m.A No.l . 7:00 n. m.
No.O. . 0:00 : a. in. No. 5 r < : M p. in.
No. 4. . . . U:10n. m. No. ! l fi:4r : > n. in.
A No.4 Uu9a.m.lA : No.5 * : ]
A No. 0 . . . . < 0:5Bt : > . m.A | No.8 ( UK ) p. in.
Except Saturday. JKxcept Monday.
No.O DMOn. m.lNo. 7 ) l:4'ia. : m.
No. 8 4lfi p. in. No. 3 9yJn. ; ( in.
No.4 0:40n. : m. No. 5 0r : > p. in.
AU Trains Dally.
A No.a U:40a.m.A : | IMO. 1 :
No.4 " 7:00p. m.lA 7:10n. : in.
A No.i 0:3.'i : a. m. IA No.3 0:10 : a. in.
A No.4 tfW ; p.m.lA No.l 0&ip. : in ,
BIOUX"CITY' . .ti ' Aii' " " ' .
A No.10 7Oia.m.A : | No.ll 8 : .r.a. m ,
A No.W 7OJ p. m.lA No.ll 0:00p. : in.
A No.8 4:3. ' . p.m.lA No. 7 12:00 : m.
A dally ; II dally except Saturday ; C except
Sunday : D except Monday : * fast innll.
The time glvon auovo. Is for Transfer , there
being from live to ten minutes between Trans-
cr and local depots.
AVcsiw ird.
Ilunnlng between Council Bluffs ana Al
bright. In addition to the stations mentioned ,
trains stop ac Twentieth and Twenty-fourth
streets , and at tno Summit In Omaha.
T. E. CH.PIN ,
Room 03 Trader * ' Rulldluc ,
BefCf ncoUetrot > oHt n fiatlonal.IU
Special Easter Offerings ,
This is the woolc for Boys Clothing and wo propose to make it memorable. You
should see our goods before you supply your boys with an Easter outfit. Wo never had
such a big stock , never namorl suoh low prices , nor over displayed such baaufciful stylos-
Suits in all the newest patterns of cheviots , cassimeroa and worsteds.
To give an idea of the values we are offering , wo mention the following lots , which
will bo on sale to-morrow :
Boys' darkbluo flannel sailor suits , blousoa with embroidorad collar , aud kuoo pants
sizes 4 to 10 , at 75o.
Boys' good , strong Union Casshnoro Suits-coat nicely pleated and of neat appearance ,
sizes 4 to 13 , at 95c.
Boys' strictly all wool cheviot suits of a nice , stylish pattern , with pleated coat and well
made up , sizes 4 to 13 , at $1.GO , .This is an extraordinary bargain , as we are positive such
a suit has never been offered for loss than from $2.50 to $3.00.
A largo variety of handsome Jersey suits at $2.50 , $2,95 and $3.25 , actual values $4.00
$5.00 and $ G. 00.
Equally astonishing values will be offered in long pants suits , of which wo have an
immense assortment. All the approved styles in cheviot , plaids , etc. , for spring wear ,
We have long pants suits from $2.50 upward.
An immense variety of long and Knee Pants at prices loss than you could buy the clot1
for that is in them.
All our Boys Clothing is strong , reliable and will give satisfaction-every garment wo
sell is warranted.
Our Men's Suit stock does not need much advertising this spring. It is well known that
wo always carry the largest stock. The stores arp scarce that can show a line of Spring Suits
worthy of comparsion with ours. And wo want it understood right hero that wo not only
have the largest stock but also that in this stock can be found suits as choice ns any house
can show them , or as any tailor can produce. We have a line of Dress Suits Prince Al
berts and three button Cutaways- which in quality of material , cut and make are equal to
the best custom work. Our fine Silk lined Prince Alberts are marvels of beauty and fit
and the only difference between them and those of the fine Merchant tailors is the groaf
difference in the price. We are selling these goods at the same low rate of profit as wo soli
all our other goods , and whoever buys a Dress Suit with out at least looking at ours , faila
to consult his own interest ,
Don't ' forgot our new Shoe Department.
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha.
Dresses ME Perfectly ,
And it costs me but a trifle
more than the troublesome
ready-made I used to worry J
along with.
How things have moved *
up in the Tailoring business. I
The old custom of
Slow Pay
High Prices
Ancient Goods
i is an almost by-gone.
4 NICOLL broadguagej
? tailoring includes wears of 4
J clothes for $20 to $50 a suit ?
and gives an equivalent of
the $40 and $100 charged 4
but a few years ago. f
They're the tailors of this 4
t t
I Open Evening During
1409 Douglas street , Omaha
Ur * *
_ MIN I ror
. .
' . CUK *
Ibii | teim purr-o. or
T ii.'V r ; .J -r-'Miti > . Kouniiia , ( .tUuooi I'irroU ol .
XHclrlt. * -y\-.lljdlr.tll7ltrooik ll eik p rl , rutor.
. . .
lc < Ibcm LJU to ll llk i ) II.r o.Blp lb. KlesCrU
Currenl jf ' 2 ftlri iri it er fotfcU J.OUloc ib ,
CELT indBaipitur ; UapleU tl. u' > P > Woiil ixti . per *
sa&ovDIIv cur dlDlort * moaibi * RctUi | > tDpblitie.iUiDp )
ST.lOUIS , MO.U.S.A. ,
HUtrxMOO Dirirtnt Bljln of
100 Face IlluttrtUd Citilogue Free. PciUio 7 cU.
Divotioiii-A. St. o . CMic i ,
xv eri a i uunu ii galtUr
Wo are now prepared to s > how one of the
most complctu lines oC meillum nnd llnuj
stilts. In both sackb and cutnways for bus
iness or dress wear , that yon may deslru to
lookat. Kcraomuor.o havu t\vo well
lighted sales lloors , 4,100 bquaro feet , In
\\hlchtodlsjilay goods.
ealth is Wealth
MENJ- Kiiarnutccil npuclllc for HyMoria , Dizzi
ness. ConvtilHlons , HtH , Nervous Nt-uralKla ,
llradacho , Nervous 1'iostinlloncaused bj the
usBOf alcohol ( , r tobacco , Wiikefiilil'jds , Mintal
Depression , SoficnlnR of the Jlrnlu resultliiK In
Insanity and lo.idliiK to winery , ciocay und
death. 1'rciimtiiroOld AKP. Harrennemi , Loss of
I'eiwcr in either sex , involuntary Lo < sos mid
BpormalorrlHon , c.uihBd by over-exertion of
tne nriim , haifiiDusuor over ini1ulKuni * . Uucli
nox contains on month's treatment , * 1 a box ,
or six boxes torK > , sent by mall prepaid oiuo-
tolptof prlco.
To ciireuny ca3i. With each order received bv
us for six boxes , accompanied with M , wo will
Bend the purchaser our wiltlen Btiaranteo to ra-
fund tlio money If the treatment does not elfect
acute. Guarantees Issued only by ( loodman
DiiicCo. . Diugglsts , fjolo AKonts , 1110 Furnum
Street Omaha cb.
The I'ubllo nro not generally nwnro tliut by the
prenent mcthoili < if cooklnu fnllr one-lmlt r the
co/Tco / tlmt li mini l > thrown IIWHV in tlioKrouniu
unU wiututl. CliODiKtii connected wllli Ihli cnuip.iur
liiivaiuacDCdod In rarlnit thli vruilo > n that ( tin com-
imnrrim furnish rulleo niniloof tliu llneilJavn. put
up In iiiiiill portHlilo Jura mill WAlllUKTKU 1'tiiri cr-
iV I'liiiK anil Himranleod to bo only ubout ONIS-
HALF TUK COST to tlio conmimer or common cof-
Ice. Only liollliiK water li nonclml when preparing It
fur lUe tiible.-C'rown Mquld Correo C'oinpimy.
Ask Your Crooor for
WliolcBtilo Grocore , - - Oinithu , Neb
( Successors to John C , Jacobs. )
Undertakers and Embalmer
At thoold stand 1407 l-'arnarn St. Orders by
U-U'iiiapn solicited und promptly atteadud.
elcphono to No. 2J ,
mcctaufully unl monthly by of or JQ.MXJ
Jjullf * . MeKaftl. WectualanJI'lauant
f 1 ] HT box by mat l.umt drURKlsU. Scaled
Particular ! S tioaUge ttainpn. Aildruxa
Tui KUOUA CUXMICII. Co. , Ui/ruciT , ttica.
For sale und by mail by Goodman
Company , Omaha.
N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodffo Sta.
Appliance : for Daforinitio : and Trasss ; .
Dot facllltlo , apparatu * and remedial for luconil
fill troruim-nt of overr form ol illionte requiring
HedlcRlorHuriilcM TrontmtMit.
Hoard and attendance ) best llospltnl accomoioHl *
f.onila tun won.
WHITE KcmUiucin.AKScm DaformlUoi and llraco\
1'ruisei , Cluli Veal , Curvnturo of the tjnlne , I'lloi ]
Tumors. Cancor. Catarrh , IlronchltU. liilrjlatloo ,
ICloclrlclty , l'urnly l , Kiillopir. Kidney , IllaJdur.
Kyo. liar , Hkln nnd HlooJ.iuiJ allSurnlcnl nporullonii
Diseases or Women a Specialty.
All Iilood.llioa c3 suoocjifully tro'itBj. HyphllltU
rolscn removed from Ilia r tvm irltliont inorcuryv
Mow raitorutlva treatment for loss of Mtnlrowoiv
P&rnonimmulo to TlBll ua may tie treated nt Uouio b ]
eorrenuondunce. All communications contldentlalt
Madlclnci or InstnnuonU rent br mall orexproi *
> 1 rely jinckcil. no mnrki to Indicate ronUnti oj
Baadur. Onuporflonallntervlow prolifred , Call nnd
consult u > or "end liljtoryof your cannnd wo will
aoud in plain wrapper , our
Dpon I'rlvato , Hpoclal or Nervous DlncHies , Impo
tuacT , Hrpullli , Gleot and Varlcocolc , wltli quoillod
Hit. Address
Omalia Medical and Surgical Institute , of
UK. flIcltIEi\AHIY ,
Oer. IBtti and Dodge Bta. . - O11AT1A , NED (
MKN mid WOMliN fuccciilullr troatnJ.
Sufrerlnii from Ilia erTi'ctJ of roulliliil follies in Indli
rrclloni , nr nru troiililml wllli Wuiiknuii. Nnrruui
IHiblllly , IxisHOf Memory , lleipondi.'ncy , ATiuilunto
KOI loty , Klilnny Troublti nr nnr dlnvasu of Ilio ( iuul-
lO'Urhmry Ort'und , inn licru tlml it info niul ipaudy
euro , ClinrKus rcusiuiiiblu , nin'clnllr In tlm poor ,
'llicro nro nmnr truublod vtltli luu rrurjiiciiL OVHCIIA
lloni of tlio trimmer , of tun iiccoiiipunli'il hy u illiflit
nimrtlnii or tiiirnlnu miniutlon , unil wtn'tmilnu ' of tlia
yilnni fii nmuiuior lliu iiuilunt cannot uceoiintfor.
On viimilnliiK lliu iirlnnry Uuiiuilt * it nu > y > u < lfln nt
will olUtn t > o found. unU Buinuiliuo ! ! iiurllulci of albu.
men will npiicar or tlio color liu ol n Ililn.inllkliU
line , iiunln rh RII it I UK to n tl rk or torplil ftpiiuarnaca.
'Jliurii nru nmnr mm whoilln of tlil > ilinio'ilty , lunar *
nnlof tliociiuio. whlcli is Iho second slnnoof nouil *
nnl woknvBi , 'lliu iloclor will unuriinlor n perfect
euro In nil inrli , UK > , uml a liiiullliy rcoloriUlon of .
tlioKvnllo-unnnry iiruunn. < : oii > ullilloii fruu. Kaud J
2-rent pluinp fur "Vuunic Mun'i VrlunJ , or Uulilu to ]
WtMllock , " Ireo lonll. Aildruis ]
Main and 12th St. .Kansas City , Mo.
tVMcnllou llili paper.
Wyoming Oil Land !
Anil all nece ary nniern ) lllla.l ,
W , E , HAWLEY , Civil Enginaar ,
CAHI'Klt. WVO..or
lor powerful
tone , pliable notion und absolute dut-a-j
billty ; so years' record the host ir JimuH
too of the excellence of theuo Inatruj