Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1889, Page 7, Image 7
, , . , ntmd , . . . . . , , . i , * . , . . . . ' . . . . . .M. * T P ? * ' rW * r'ToiTww ' 'ttmlf9iimtmmr a - < fmamirmi. THE OMAHA BATLY BIDE- THURSDAY , ATKIL 18. 1889. SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA No ndvnrtlflctnrntn will l > n taken Tor Ilirxn cnlnmiin nftor IJJtllU 1 > . in. Tnrnm Onh In nilvnnor. . AdT rtf | pmcnt * imfltr thin brad 10 < * ntit P T Dan for the first Insertion , 7 centi for ouch sub pcqaent Insertion , and tlJft per linn per month. 2fo advertisement tnton for Iris tlmti Sit cents the first Insertion , Heron words will ho counted to the line ; 1)107 ) mutt run consecutively nnd piust 1) * p ! < l In ADVANOIC. All advertlio- nirntn tnuit bo handM in lioforo izio : : o'clock v. in. , nnd tindnr no clr'-mnstiinrr * will they lit Sakan or discontinued by lal < 4 > lionn. 1 artlet adrcrllslmr In these columns anil har tncc their answers nddreniird In rare of THE Him jrlll pl mionsk for ft rliock to enable them to get fcholr totters , as nonn will be dnllrornd except on presentation of rho < k. All Answers to ailvor. f ttnrients Minuld hi rnclof rnijln envelopes. All ndvnrtlnommis In thnno colunmi nro pun. lined In botn morning mid iivunlng editions of run Urn , th circulation of which negotiates more than I'.WM pnners dnlly , nna glres the ad- rertlnern the DonoHt , not only of tbii city clrni * tlonof TUB I IKK. nut also of Council liluffs. Lincoln nnd oilier cities nnil towns throughout Jils section of tlio country. BRANCH OFFICES. XdTortlsIng for thom columns will bo tnken on tne nbovo rnndltlonn , at the following hunl * Mcua houses , who nre at IhorUod audits fur Tin Tier special notices , and will quote tlio namt ITBIOK ns can bo had at the main olllco. _ * " ' " " J OIIN Tv7"n'ELU"plinrinacriit"ba ) SoulhTenth Utrocls . _ _ TSlI ABKTHlnv. Slnilonon and 1'rlnlers , 113 \J Bouth ICth HtrooU _ * " 6 "lTT rAltNawoilTH , I'hHrmi list , 2118 Cum. ing Ptrout W Xn , I'liarmaclst ' , < Bl North l h . Btrt-ct. nO. W. 1'AlUt , rhnrmaclnt , 18J9 St. Mnry'a Avcnuo , SITUATIONS WANTED. _ OI'I'UATION wnnti'd n hou.sokropcr In wld- Oowcr'M family by widow lady. Can Rlvo ) ) o t of rafuronco. Addrois or cnll " ( ) 2 Iliir- ( Iftto Htroot. hO-18" ) 'viT'ANTr.lll'osTti'on"liT'lumlier ' yard ! llvo T yonm oxpurlonco ; rnpablo of managing retail ymd. llunt I'dtvroiicux , nnd roromnionda * tlonn nfroin pant umployorn. Addrunn M. M. Mor.10. Kearney , Nnb. ff.7-10 * \A7ANTBO A place to do nocond work In T ' jirlvato family by n nlco American Klrl. Call or nddtuM 8. B. . 40i > Wllllnin _ Ht. flll ANTii : ) Hlttifttlon by young man 21 years nf agn : wlllltiK to go to work ut nuythlug ; pan glvo flty rut'jruiices ; nddross V KIleo. \ . , inji5l > .Situation by a young man (21) ( ) nn T clerk or ( talesman ; good clerical and ox- pcntlvc ahllltyt N , V. city references. Address. Btntlnglnnns , "V OT , " Hco olllce. KM I8 'l/Y/AN'J / UO-Umployinont ns bookkeeper or . , Inolllco ; good references ; good penman ; Bne , SI ; not afraid lo work ; willing to leave City. Addrosn V W. Ileo. 81H lb * WAN'l'i-Situation : ! In whole.salo or retail grocery ; Homo experience ; Biliary not so rnuch nn objoit IIR further knowledge of the iOMs ; good lefeienco.s nnd vocurlly : nd- V5I.Tltii. tCI-IHt vv I7ANTI3D A situation by n llrst-class cargo - ' go trimmer. Address V 57 , Ileo odlco. Hl.'l IB * WANTIJD Situation by nn oxporlcucod nnd prnctlcnl lady Ktenograplior nnd typuwrlt- fr : linvo n cullgraph ; rufureucui given ; address Vfil. lloo olllco. 8U1-17 * lAUTIKUdo'JrinK experienced stenographers can obtain just the party wnntod without flelny or inconvenience from the Western tqn- iprnpulo UKCiicy , Lincoln , Neb. i desiring experienced main or fcmnlo Htenogrnpuors can obtain Jnat the party wnntod without delay or Incoiivenlunco from the Western Stenographic ngoncy , Lin- fcoln. Neb. l"l WANTED--I7IAI.E HELP. \\TANTKI- For hotel , clerk vho can speak T > Dorinnii and Danish ; ulso porter , " yard- fnijn , ! 1 nocoiid cooks , pan washur.s , etc. Mrs. firega. ill4i < B lilh. ! atil-lHJ 1\7ANTUD A llvo' salesman lo control the T i nale of our UOOCIH In Omaha and Nebraska iVrlto quick with references , lloblu , V Henry , ' .IlnnenpollH . I , Minn. h7J 17t \ i/A NTKD y pantry cookfl. * .M ) ; "d cool : , * ll ) ; \ hotel butcher , $40. Mrs. Hroga , HUM H lAth. W.V17F . xl'KlURNOKnnian In hat niul rt- ' 'J'ho Fair. \\rANTJ3D-A goofl printer ; wtoady Job and T ? light work ; must 1 oo ulilu to run Washing- \ ton liMid < prons nnd do ordinary job work ; vngm lltl per w ok. Address NOWM , Waterloo , "Jouslns county. Neb. Ml lar TANTEJ ) A fowcnorgotlo solicitors to pro- cnri mombcrfi for the National Library nrgoclatlon. Ttio business Is pleanant nnd profitable ; llrst-class references roitulrcd. For terms , nddrcns National Library Association , IQiUtntoBt. , Chicago. IU. Kil 18 "A'OUNT WiTnteil Now , Kovisod nud Im- ( cVorlnl Killtlon of X.cll's Hnclyclopoala ( llvo volume * ! , ) ust ISHtiod. much nlavKfil , mul now Icnlurort. Also lor household Cycle , or It'.lKX ) rocnlptH. Tor exclusive control and liberal torniH , address T. UllwoodZoll , I'ubll.slier , I'lill- tulolphln. 1'n. 8117t 'f WILL glvo S" fora good iiorinanont Hltua- ULtlon.AddresjjJ2.J.J ) . . ma 8. fith at. 71)1 ) UU " flT\rANTKl7 Local nirontu , nfso"travolmu T nnlesinon nn flilo line , to Bell on a good pouunlsdlou a standard uakinn powder and llavorlng extracts. For particulars address clc llox nm , Cincinnati , O. BOO-'Ji * 8ALK8MKN wanted 0 men who havn mul ox- - iierleiico ax nuloHinen in country to travel with UH and sell drygoodslnpackngeson year's ; lmo In country ; vracos ' ) a month and o.\- leiHeu ; clianco of raho to $ l i. This business : lvcs goodnatlsfnctlon. Como at once or ad- . , Miinllla , In. 7f4-Sl ? A uooil dranglitsman , "Arturo'sa O.M.I ) . , TloxW , Supurlor , Nob. 771J-17 * _ iJuurgotlomenand women everywhere - where for n geutecl , monay-maklug btinl- , JO'J weekly prollt gunraiiteoil easier thnn GO monthly otnerwlso. Kxperlonco abnolutgly tuuecosnary. I'ormamcnt position nnd exclua- veturrltory assured. SJnainplortfieo. Wrlto for mrtlcularn. Addro&a with atainp , Merrill Mfg. Jo. . II Kl Chicago _ TIMuU'j \ArANTKU ( lood rollablo men for Octet lives i In every community. Address Kansas Petoctlvo Hiircau , locn box - \Vlchlta , Kan. 715-Jlt \VANTKD Flvo traveling alesmon. Salary p i nnil oxponacs ; no exiierluncu necessary. Address wltltRtmup , L.HIluu > VCo. , La Cro Wia. KJ ' ALI'.tf.MI.N Wo wlshnfow men toaoll our goods by nample lo wholesale nnrt retnll rude. Large&t manut'rs In our lino. E-conl stamp. Waces J per day , Pcrmaucnt ) oslllon. No postiils nnswereil. Money ud- rancod for wagoH , advertising , etc. Centennial A n n't'g Co. , Cincinnati. O. fd4 r\fANTKI ) Men to fcoliclt ; must dojioslt J- . TT and glvo security for money collected. Salary * 7D to flttl per month. Cull on or ad- arosa ( loo. H. Cllnp. Ml First National bank. 470 C\MNTHI-Agents to sell the Pig Puzzle : TT everybody crazy to got one ! Huniplo by maltric ; ntunips taken. A. A. Austin & Co. , hiunufiicturei . Providence , It. I. SOH m BJ I\T A N TKI ) IfO wen for railroad work In T T > vanhliigion lerrllory : uooil wages ami itciidy work. Apply nt Albrlglifa Labor Apency , Ir.'O Farnam nil oef. 3)7 ) B OYS Am. DUt. Vel. Co , 1S04 Douglas. _ W'ANTl'.D A goo < l business man to take the nmimpemont ot un oince in New VorU city. Due for Detroit nnd another for Cincinnati : mnst Invest Si.HX > , salary Jl.Wnj per year. Address Qeorge H.Clmc , Wagner block. Das Molutx , In. A Q1.NT8 wanted ou salary , tlfi ver month , f\- and oxnoiueH paid , any active man or troinuu to sell our goods by tiauiple and live at borne , ttalnrypald promptly and expenses In advance. Full particulars ana Knmple cane free. We mean just what we Bay. Address Standard Silverware Co. . lloalon. Muss. Ht ) WANTED--FEH1ALE HELP. % \rANlKD-One walet and skirt maker at T ? Mrsa 0. Heed , 15th and Capitol ave. , Ja- fobs blk , room f. comprtent girl for general oral housework , ( looa wages will be paid iPl'ly ' at No.0 , ' > 1 south 'r\\entlctli st. dC.V-17 V\rANTKD Neat , rnj-able girl for genera Ti tioiisovtork , at IWi Hurt ut ; German pro feried. V\7ANTii : ) Illuhobt wugos paid for waist liandi , M. A. Wallace , 151'J Howard. 87ISI _ _ _ \irANTUD-A young or elderly Jady toTu ka T her homo with family ot three. Address Klin reference. V M. Hoe olllce. m A GOOD glil for general housework at ' " ' ! DoiiKUuBt. > A girl for general Housework lS8mh HT. 781 ladleK'wj hlni todotlielr O\MI ilrcis cuitluitocall t m : school to ImcMtlpato the Adams 'lallur t > y teui tl'lie only one thai ilraris the vuttie ( 'aiment on holluliiKi requires no running ; cutting , mak { eg and drpiiu Uuplit ; tuslmctloo * gtvna dty pr evening ; eatiafactlon mmrantoon ; cnttlni and detlfulug dou # : imttonw cut. Mlu M. t , t.rnch , rooiua 310 and 317 dhoeler block , Kth and Coward , 74G-3J 'n0-Votln lady to stufly for the WA Mage All Instruction free. Stain when ! can see you. Address VHI , tnls otllco. 810-IT " " ANTKDAtoncolie t'Wlllinit girl , R to asiiiit with babri wngen II , Appjy. 12 to I , room an , Chamber of Commerce , or aoH Wool- Torth ave. mist WANTUD-OIrl for gnn rM house work , nano but llrnt-clans nnod npplyj WAKCS tl per week , H W corKd nnd Mnson. hsl 17 \\f ANTI3I ) Two Ilrnt-Plasi inllllnnry nnlos- < > ladles ; no others need apply. Innutro J , I. HUM ! . IM4 Douglai SU IfA-lH ) WANTHD Lady mnnngor for 1st claim hotnl In Colorado. MtiKt bo n thorough business woman about in ) yr.s of , wages tV ) per nonth. Mrs Ilrcga , nUtiBintti , Hff 18 * WANTHD-OIrl tor Ronnnvl housework : munt bo nent , clean nnd good wnslior ami roncr , Mrn. C. li , Ilurmoster , U Park nvo. \Y ANTUD-Fpr.liit-rlmn Hotnl In.rolqrndo Bpt Incs , Col , , lady honsetteopcr , J.W ; a din * ng room clrM , p.ti ; 1 for lunch counter ; "plain onndronno.s , r.O ; linn Ironorn , f-'i ; faro will bn inld there nnd It parties xtay n yenr will lie lannod back ; nlso 0 good rooks for rlty , 10 din * n g room girls , 4 lautidrcflsoi , f,0 for gou- crnl hoiinaworlc. Mrs. llrpK , 01 IJ { 8 lAth. " \\rANTFD"-airl , ] foi general housework : Sf.7 VV Dodge. 843 WANTF.I-Lndy lo nollclt ; must deposit tin nnd giro security for money colUctml. Salary fV > per month , Cnll onornihlross tjeo. 5. Cllno.dl First Nntlonnl bank. 471 A : ' w anted Lmltos orgoutlomnn to neil the Hov. H. II , Dexter'n ( lolilon llnlnain ; 10 lollnrn n ilnyunxtly inndo ; nnnd'J-ccnt stamp. j.AniilowA : Co..Tlmmpsonvlllo. t'onu. qr.Mit G IHIi for guuornt housoworlc. Apply 217 8 , lth : ; * t. Kll _ _ _ _ W ANTKD-acruuncoolc at ? ' ! 8 IBth.KJ8 KJ8 Ifl ANTUD-A dining room girl nnd illih- wiiHlior , Minor's hotel , m N. inth st. 77r , \\rANTKII-At Dr. OolTman'a , 27lh mul at" > i Mnry's nvc , n good cook ; good wages iiald wnokly. _ 7WMBI EMPLOYMENT MI1H. HKKUA. 6'nnaillan limp , olllro. IIHVilT 15th. Itofvrencu Omaha National liank. _ : lilLn'y _ Km p. bureau. 1ION inihl osiabllnhod OMAHA . Mont rollablo In clly. 11. 15. Whlta. ' J" ADIKS Information nntl otnploymont par- - lorn ; Blrlctly Itmt-K-lnsH ) perfectly rollablo. lloom 10. lltishman block , N. K. cor. Douulas and intn nt. irri-A-ntn MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. TTTANTRIV Hvorybody to oxamlinTlIio'liar- V V gains otroroil by the Western It. K. Ac Mor canlllo Kx. , room 14 , Cunmber ot Commorco. CM T\rANTHI ) 10.00U women lo line "Wllcox's TT 1'ancy Compound 1'llls.1 Perfectly safe and nlwnys eirectnul. Hond for to "Woman's t nfo Uuard. " Wllcox Modlcal Co. , Phlladol- phla. IHAlB'ra V/AN7ED-TO RENT. WANTI ! ! ) To rent two nice lartfo rooms for llpht housukcuplng ; havu no children ; rooms munt bo well Heated. Call or adilrcsx II. C. Moses. 1111 Howard bt. HIT IS ? l7"ANTHn May I , furiilshoil or iinfiirinnhoil T cottugo ; family of two. Address V4.J. Ileo. TIN.1H" WANTKI ) to rent by family of two , nn un- furnlnhed cottage in good condition con * talnlngfl or 'rooms ; must liavo torniHanl : lo cution lo receive any attention. Address U rr > , I lee. .VJ FOR RENT HOUSES. " 1T1OH IlKN'l1 10 olognnt houses , centrally lo JL' cated , line neighborhood. Alea. ilooro. ; l Shffly block. 8KJ 1U 8 KOOM house for rent , city water , Wf > . lloom 207 Shculy block. F70 r.Oll . HUNT I louse 11 lar o rooniM , or the 'ground rooiim iilonu. W7 Howard. 802'U ? FOIt IIHNT llotifos , cottngos nnd unlur- nlslifd housckeBpIng rooniK. Aloa. Moore , Ml 8huoly block. btil IUf ITIOIt KKNT-lloautlfiil 8-room noimo with JL' modern ImprovomontH , nplenillil location. Apply at owcn , C. F. llurrloon , Mer , Nat. ll'k. EOK 11KNT 2 housus of 7 rooms each , well nud cistern , stable forolght horses ; situated on S.'Altli st. John l * . Schmlnko , 13UU Iliiward Btrcot. 8IU-17 ? T710K KKNT-Good houses nt.V ) , $40WOf2'.j:0. JL1 andf 1- per month. It you wish to runt call and soeino. 1) ) . V. bholes , ylO 1st Nat'HIank. 7MI "TTIOH UIJNT 8 room house : centrally located : JL ! modern Improvements. J. F. Harton , "Olii Cniiltol avenue. 1)7-"U ! ) UfiNT A choice B room nouse. tenccd lot , gas. city water , rurnace , balii room , cistern , largo wnll equipped iinrn , - " > M Oapltol nvc. Inqulro x'd hoiixo east of promises or room 14 Omaha Nntl bank bid. 11. II. Jtoljison. 7U3 TJIOK HUNT Five room house , corner I.oavon- 1 ? worth and J5th ats. Apply , to Dr. Mnttlco , lira I lodge st. 7J-J HENT Some nnw It-room housi-.s In FOR Mlllard Ac Caldwoll's nddltlon , IM miles from postonico. Apply onrly. Bpotswood , HOAii Bo liith st. 7 ! ! ' ) POU HUNT House of 10 rooniH , modern im provements , rnnso , a largo lawn ; cheap to right party. Apply to H. A , Orchard , . and FarnamHts. tj8'.l--'l ITIOK 11KNT An 8-room house and barn. SH ; JJ per month , nil nnil l.cavonworth. One 7-room house near inrt and l , avenxvorth , tMT. iniiuiro WcHtnrn Cornlco > VorkK , 1'itli , uoar Jackhon. * l > 17 TT oTt ifiJNT 11 room brick dwellingnil con X1 vonlonces , L'lUN. I'.ltli st. o07 fkUOOD houses for runt conlrally locnlud. -'fiirnlluro for unlo ou tlino , Co-opvratlyu I. a nil & Lot Co. l'7 ' plOH UKNT 3-room collage , 'iVi N. 13thtl2. ) T710U HUNT A 5-room brickcottngo convent- i ? eutto U.P. dopot.Mvad & Jamison , ol ( S Ulh aw JT2 ItKNT 7-room Hat. Kl ) month. Immlre at The fair , llttn and Howard. U74 7HOOM housu with barn , out n little distance SOI per month. 0. F. Harrison , Merchants Nat. bank bldg. < 'M I7IOH IlKNT Two 3 room Hats on N. 17th st. X' tlnnditlll ; one5-room cottugo N. 17th St. , * U. Apply to Uiccn & WJlllams , 1st Nat. Hank ItulldUig. MB TJ10H HUNT To nn elegant lady line new JL' Hats , llftoeu or thirty rooms , for Unit-class family boarding In choice locality. Address llox ! HcltyA FOH UKNT Klogantly furnished rooms with all modern Impioveuionls , ntd'Ji 8. 1'lth st. 448-m-il iriUltNIHHKDliousu forrdnttu l-urk Ten nr.o , JL1 opposite Hans com Park ; nil modern con- Inqulro Lee It NIchol , "Alii anil Leavenworth. utl | f\OK \ HliNl * V-ri > oin'modern Improved hous , JJ A l locality : rent moderate. Apply to M. F.lgutter. 1001V. Am urn gt. us : fpOi--Coitairtw , O rooms , ZTM Clmrles JJ ht. und 1W1 8 tth at. Innulro at room X\2 \ , 8heoly block. ieu you wUU to rent a IIOUBO. .a atoro , or olllce call on us , H. K. Cole , room fl. Continental blk. uu 1/iUlt KDNT-The n-room residence. Slot JL' Douglas st. , all modern Improvement ? , In- rjulroH. Kmz , 13I Farnam , ( K3 "FOR RENT ROOMS FURNiaHED" fTIUltNlBHKl ) HOOMH-l'JiU Douglas street JL' " 012 TTUJltNlSIIKD rooms , 113 B 20lh tnear Dodge. J ? 424 aS TTOK HKNT-Fu iInhea room wllh board , -L suitable for two gentlemen. 1011 Douglas. Kfl W IJOOMauudUrst-ciasa home baardiltl Dodge , JLk 4IU-19 irillHNlBIIKl ) roomi to rent at KMf B. ISth * t. JL' All modern convcnlunceH. 7831BJ TJVll HKNT Nicely furnished rooms with JL' board ut reasonable ratus. Iminlre at Miss Curl anil tin. Donaldson , GIB Bouth M at. 7CM7 * _ O FUHNISIIKI ) front rooms single or en suite. 'In ' cottage , w 1th beautiful uhady lawn , 411 N 14th au Kl-aj _ IT'Oll HKKT Furnished alueiiliig rooms , JI.M JL' toit.5U per week , tw , HlW Howard st. WU-x'O * "rjioOMS and boardT 1010 Webster st. t 78J milt rUHNISHKDroom with board , gas nnd bath In houso. prices reasonable , iij Leuvnu'th. OOM and boaid cheap for two in private family. ailK Hurt ni. UIO 17 ; fTIUHNIBIIKD rooms by day. vrrolc or month. JL' at. ( Jlulr hotel , cor 1'ltli and Dodga. UM SUIT of 2 f mulshed rooms , .modern convon- leucB , 3 blocks from P. O , , private family. A.I joape. ) r.M3 Douglas at. _ uau A HOOJIS furnUhenl or uufuruUlied cheap , all jXuioJeru courenl ncuj _ liiUllarney. 7 S 17" QUIT ot east rooms suitable for gentlemen or Olmly and ueutloiuan , board deslred.brlci ) rail- ueuce , modem luiprovtiuieats , 018 H , IVth tit. " ' JjinONT rooms t Ml convenience * ; S31j DKLldllTFlll.IY cool ull , n ck parlor and aicoro , handsomely rnrnlsiiedi S3f Doimlas. FUHNISHKD room for rent ) must giro refer- nceLat IKM Dodge. 4t _ nl HlsNf ( loo'iJ bnnomont , IMS Douglas si. rooms tor rent nt J8n | Dodge TTHJHNlHIini ) rooms , nlnula or en nuitn , bath JL' nud nlennii tor gents only , IfilB Howard , FUKNI8HMD rooms With or without boartl , mi N. I7tti titroot. . RI7-1D .IFFooin to lent , law rarnam. GU iar T710H HUNT rurnlnliBd room wltn nil modern JL' convunlcncfH , 7i.'l H Huh nt. KM Pffi lll'.NT Onn Inrgo furnished front room. Ht. Mnry'H avrnno. iViI-ISf 1 ? OO.M With or without board. 18ia Dodms , JLV ra HUNT KiirnlHhert rooms ulnglo or nn niillo. 1WW DotiKla * . 7l 2FIIHNIHII15n rooms for rent , with board ; muni give roforonro * , at HUl Dodge st- 150O.M8 nnd boanl-1812 Chicago t. TICi : rooms (1.00 per week Pcnbody h nnd.iojiM. iB'LFil ' HUNT 1 > rent rooms at 1K21 Fnrnnm. FORRENT riOONia UNFURNISHED 11 n- furnliihcd rooms with bathroom * nnd Closotn , nt IJfiO Bhormnn nvo. HK1 IPOH lll'.NT llousokoonlna rooms , tinfitrn- J Inhed or furnlshod , W7 Ifciwurd. Bdl-'U' FOR ItiNTi : rooms , miltablo for hottno. kc-oplug ; rofi'rnncos rnqulred ; no children. 1'rlco N.V. . corner Itlh iiud Webster * t. TTKIIl UKNT-1218 Harnoy St. , a nlc-i light J.1 olllco on ground lloor , MD-lut "I71OH HUNT Store nnd living rooms on Cum- -L lugstroot ; nlsohounnon Cnssnt. Harris U. K. A I , . Co. , Koom 111 , 1st Nat. bank. Bit S'lOHU41)7 ) with basflinent , Hamgo bldg. In- ipilro I'rank J. Itanigu. OVJ TTOIl UHNT-HtoroSJxOO ; lllS.lnckson sU'Kn i-Nmlro 111 I Jackson. 8.13 FOIUinNT B Iloors2x8' ! ' ) each , In brick bllllil- Ing , with elevator , clone to oxproHS olllce , clump rent , just the thing for wholesaling , good location. Apply to GooIloyu , 110 ! ) Karuam si. RENTAL AGENCIES. WIlYyounhould list your property with the Western It. I ! . fc.Mer. MX , room 14 , ( 'lam- ) bor of Commurco. It has MM nguitclui tnrou h- ont the wsturn Mates , tluu giving you 600 chances to 1 dlsposo of your propurty. (1U5 ( F you want to rout your houses call on liar- ils , U. K. V L. Co. , room 111 lat Nat'l bank. J1BT your property for rout with Ittiiiiliigton k Fryo , Noitliwust Corner IHth nnd Kariiam , WANTRO 'M nousos at onro for wjiich wo can furnish gooil tctmnt.i. Lutyour IKIUSU.S with the J/ & S Ituntal Agencyaioafiooly blk. IF YOU want to buy , soil , runt or exchange , call on or address , (1 , .1. Stornndorlf , rooms 317 and Ul 1-lrst National bank building. G r.O. J. PA Iff. , 1003 rarnnm t. , houses , tr. for rent. * Ulii _ Wi : ulvo special nttontion to renting nnd collecting runts , lint with us. II. K. Cole , room l ) Continental block. HIT JpOIl IllIN'l Houses In all parts of the rlty. 1 .1. J. Olbaon. No. ! l. CroUfhton block. Bill T J. (11 ( IISON'H now nyHtom of renting houses , J . No. i ) 1 Crelghton block. Gill MISCELLANEOUS. rplll ! nnnjo taught ns nn nrt by Oco. i' . (3cl- JL Ipnbni'k. Apply at Ileo Olllce.itfiO LOST. LOST Krom Uunilon 1'laco on Iniirnduy night at about 1 o'clock , ono mouse colored borne , clipped , with harness on. 1'lndur will bo liberally rownnl- bo returning to Dr. J. V. Cornish , corner i > nnd I.nKn HIS. r > ii PgRSON IL. . _ _ _ 'n fencTTig. boxliiKor fancy . Aiian-tid T II , Ileo olllcu. 8U mil * ATIIANCK MUIIU.M-Mmo. ) Hnndnll , tlio young Swede , tolls full names dt callers and the full nanio of your future husband or wife , wltn date of marrlago , and tolUwhothor , the onu you love Is true or false. Not > a fortuna teller , but n young spirit medium , iladatna cous Into ft perfectly dead trance. A VII I bring back the parted husband or lever , no matter If they be lO.lXM miles away. Will guarantee1 to settle family nuarrols. 1'arlors up stairs. 4i ( N. Itlth St. . third lloor 7C5 Wt STORAGE. STOHAOK Allow rates at 111 ! ! I'arnam st Omaha Auction & Storage Co. 117 rpllACICACiK. storage , lowest ratos. W. M JL Imshmnn , 1 'II I.oavcnworth. 118 B 11ANCH & CO. , storage , li'll Howard. 110 CLAIRVOYANT Mltti. LF.NOKMAN can be consulted on nil nllalrs of life , and Katlsfactlon guaranteed , through the magic mirror. HIS NlCthstup stairs DH. NANNIfc V. AVarron , clairvoyant mfdl- cal and bUHlneBx medium. Fomule diseases u specialty. 11 ! ) N ICth St. . rooms 3 and , ' } . VJl SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING rpllli Standard Shorthand School , having pur- jLriinsed Valentino's Shorthand Institute.rax- ton block , opp. public library. Is now the lurg- est. neat tiiiulppod , oxchiblvii ehorthand school In the west ; l'i' > graduates In good situations ThoKcliool Is Inclmrcoof Mr. U. A 8mlth , a stenoKfaphor mid teacher of many years prac tical experience. Twelve NO. " Remington typo * writers In USD. Send for clicnlart ) , 411 SHOKTHANI ) and Typo-wrlilng taught the . most practical way ut the Omaha Commercial ColleKo. Hunn Pitman system and Kcmlngton typn-wilters ; htudcuts complct luenual In two week1 * , and wrlto from ra to 100 words per mln- nte lu three months ; practical olllco drill inndo a specialty. Instruction In urnmiuar , spelling nnil writing free. Address Itohrbouuh 'llros. , Omaha lor circulars. 317 Mi BOARDING. BOAltf ) and rtealrnblo rpoms , ( urnlslieil or unfurnished ; close to street car , Mm. C. P. Sierra , SW Cass st. 819 Si * BOAltDINfl , tutnlshed rooms , gas. bath , at lffi.1 N , 17th nt. lW71bt WANTED TO BUY. To buy a medium Hlzo lire-proof safu. Itoom , U , 8. Nat , bank. bCH-17 WANTKD To purchase half interest In plumblne and Ntoam llttlng business , by practical man. Addruss V 4 , Hue ollice. 7B7-W TXTANTE. ! ) To buy , house lo move ; address > V V 47 , ) lee. -UJ-lit * ' 'J'o tmy goodcoiumerclal . WAN'TUD paper. 11. < ; . PattDraon. tffiBlSlhst. liui W ANTKU Furniture , carpe's , stoves and household goods of all klndn. Omaha Auction tt Storage Co. , 11'I farnam. WO FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. IllAVKn No. ITuft'H sod * fountain , good ai new , used 1 neasou , fl tirrups and Z draughts , price wneu new < 1IS | will Hell lor tXW : great bargain. Win. Homekln , Wuyiie.Neb , 874 W * T710I ( EALi ; 1 work t am , wagon and har- JL' ness complete , very cheap for cash , 619 Paxtonblk. ltf 'IJ10K HALlI-Bliaftlng. belting , pulleys , etc. JJ Koodusnetv , Illp jaw , crow-cut and hand saws very cheap. UJf Douglas. IM TplKST-CLABS lot of saloon furniture and bar JE llxlure * for sale at a bargain. Inquire ot the First National banK , Aurora , N"- , , . , A FIUST-CLA83 upright piano , very reason Jxsonublp , on easy terms ; very tine Instru ment. SUIO Davenport. _ t3a-at TTtOlt WALK A Rend driving niaru , weight JL' about l.OJO lbsor would exchange for A good bublnetaliorco OJ Ibi neavior , 11 , K. H ndce. OK SALE Furnlturo and lease of 7 room TTItl at. jtooni rented exceeds runt of Hat. L X' Hental Acency. am sneely bluer. 7UJ 'IjlOK SALU Good work team , M-agon and bar- J. ' n ; set carpenter tools und cheat ! full set ( arulcal instruments , nearly new ; household goods , etc. On tusy payments. J. J. tVllklnson , 1U7 i'arn ua st. 1U TJlOn flAfiK Draft horiwv biifrgy horsni , and JL1 mnali delivery uiulos , , .Wood's Bale stnbl 1MO C'allfornla. V ! ml _ _ \\7ANTUU-To sell catktads of potatoes lo retailers , chrap. AdorcsiV. . 11. Honor , Hay springs , Nfb. m _ nmi IH inrHNITIMU ! ofroom house. Including up- J. right piano , for snlo clicnp. W)10 ) Davenport. SJU-Sit - _ _ _ OH DA nnarly nowtopbiiKpyiCcv lumbus mako. A. II. tiinutock , flu H. Ifltn. _ _ ? 747 'fTlblt SALT ? llnrsn ami'bnggyi Iniiuiro A. JL' llospo , 3 I3 Douglas ni. Bin mil " r i T L E. IILANl"aiiafnnico "JTrrust C < > . , "iribl Far- nani. Cnmplrto AtMtractn furnished .V tltlen to renl estate examined , pertocted Ariiunrnntecd. AIlBTKACTa Llnahnn ft llahonoy , room too _ Pnxlon block. _ Wil _ _ T fMAirATAbstract Company , 1'il'J ' 1'arnam st. V/Most complete and carofnlly prepared net ot abstract books nnd plats of nil real property in the city of Omnhn and Douglas county. MONEY TO LOAN. GOOD notes , xhort or long time , unsecured or with mortage , bonnet any wnero.ln Nnl > . or In , Oulck loans , city or farm. Call or wrlto W. L.Bolby. H. lit , ll'd. Trade. 8(1J ( BUIIiDINU LOANB-We will itiy lot. or tmy Ineiininriince. on your lot nnd build for you : ninall cash naymnnt , balance In easy monthly payments ; In canoofilnath wo cancul the entire - tire Indebtedness. M. 1C. AtT. Trunt Co. , Flrut National bnnk building , HK-ml.1 K , COLU , loan ngont. 109 OIlOIUi : city loans 'wanted ' In OmalTir and ( 'oiincll iiimrs , will < iuoto very low rates for thn next few days. In dealing with us , you deal dlroci with the lender. We loan you our own money In nil catus. No dolnyn , Hoth principal nnd Interest paynblii nt our olllce. Central Loan nnd Trust Co. , 12UO Farnani nt , ) iuj.gj Wl ! WIHII to buy seine good nrntmort- gnKOH ; will also loan on good rnal OH- tnle socurlty. Tnev , 0. Ivos Co. , an K nth si. 7g. ' lilt _ _ > lTilUINl ( LOANS At * per cent net , no nd- JJilHlotml charges for commission * or Attor neys' fees. W. H. Molklo , First Nut. banK bldg. TJlTfITINi ) loans a specially. W. M.Ifarrls , JDroomSJ Frouzer block , opposllo P. O. Ty ) VOU want money ? If no , don't borrow JL/beforo gelling my rates , which nro the low est on nny sum from (10 up to J10.0JO. 1 mnke loans ou household gooiln , pianos , or gans , horses iniilos , wagons , warehouse re ceipts. housoH , leaNCH , oto. , In any ninonntnt tlio lowest possible rates without publicity or re moval ot properly. Louim can bo made for ono to six months and you can pay n part at any time , reducing both principle ami Intel oil. If you owe n balance on your furniture or liorsen or have n loan ou them 1 will laku It up and carry It for you ns long an you donlro. It you need monny you will find It to your nd- vnmngii to sco inn before borrowing. II. I. Masters , room 4 , Wlthnell building , Kith nnd Harnoy. ! ) JU O itCllAKD IIILLloansat 110 Hhooly build- lug at eight per cent straight. Bamuel Tulo. qjl.WX ) TO M.OOO on improvud city property ; Jcan bo paid In monthly Instnllmcnts ; dutit cancelled In cnuo of death ; will loan W ) to no per cent of cash valuation. M. K. As T. Trust Co. , Klrat National bank building. _ MONKY to loan nt lowunt ratns of Interest on real estate In Omutia , mill Houtli Omaha. Tlllos and property oxamlnoJ by us nud loans mada at once. Uanh on hand. Dates , Hmltli & Co. room : w.l Itamgo blilng ; , . _ Ulu-mll $10(10 ( nnd upwards lo loan on Rood innldo city property. No delays. W. Faniain Hmith. 1SJJ Knriinm HI. 8J5-ai7t > $ $ ( $ To loan on tarms 'and city uroporly. 3(3oo. ( J. Paul. PW'J Faruim st. iJOl f M1'\ ' Financial ngoncy Srill loan you money V/on horses , furnlturo , Jewelry or Hociirltlns of nny kind , lawi Howard s , , poruor B. Mill st. EASTKItN Irust fundsto Joan on Improved real uslato In Omahalnrgo ; loann profnrrod. E. 8. Illsboo , First National Ijanic building. ' r- SW-mSlJ Sl'KCIAIj fund of JID.OWi to loan"at reduced rates on furnlturo. horses and wagons. City Loan Co. , 118 8 llth st. rfj UW TDKOPMVa "Flnanclani-wnango I.arg'o ami J Hinnll loans for long and short time , at low est rates of Interest , on real eiunlo mortgage notes , chaltcln of all klnilivdlnmonds , watches nnd jowulry. Don.t fall Jo call Jf you want fair und cheap accommodatlgas. O. lloiwcaron , Jl r. , room MJJ llarkorljlk/l.'HIiund L'arnum , 101 PHILAnnU'HlA MortgaRO & Trust Co. . fur- nlsli cheap eastern money to borrowers ; purchase Hocurltios. perfect titles , accept loans nt tholr woHtern ofllco. Ueoigo W. I' 7 , Hoard ot Trade VJl S KK Hholes , room -10 First Nat'l bauk before making your loans. IWJ M ONllv ( to loan. Harris IMS. & Loan Co. , loom 411. First National bank. 1U.I WANTKIJ-Hlrst class inside loans. raU'H. Call and BOO us. Mutual Invest ment Co. . K.I. Ilarkorbjik.jtth & Kariiam. VJl MONKiT to loan on Improvud property at Urn- hands. No application sent n\vav for apt proval. Security nnd titled exnmlned freu of charge to borrowers. Lombard Investment company , 'M'J 8 , Mth st. ! . " . T CANmakoa few loans on llrst-clasi chattel AfiCciirlttt'H at reasonable rates. W. If. 1'ottur , room 10 llarker blk. U37 i " inTSTTnortgimo loans at low rates nnd no J" delay. I ) . \ Sholes.iJIO fc'lrst National bnnk. J JW ( _ MONliV to loan on furnlturo , homoswagons , tc. . or on any approved ocurity. J. W. Itoublns U. WO , Blieely blk. , IDthnnd Howard. RTONBV loljoan Woareroaily for nppllca. -L'J-tloiiH for loans In amounts from t Mo to 410. . ( XX ) ou Improved Omaha or Uouglas county real estate. Full Information as to rates. Loans promptly closed. Good notes will bo purchased by us. Call upon us or wrlto. Tlio McCairuo 1 n vest in mi t Co. lOi'i G "WVI'HOR loans money on Omabnrcal estate llulldlng loans a'speclalty , It 4 , 1'renzon blk MONIJV toloanln Inrgoflimis at the lowest rates ; no delay , H. C. Patterson , HIS S inth , MONKV to loan ; cash ou hand : no delay. J. W. Hiinire , 1UU ) Farnam St. , First National bank building. IDS tl " "K. COLF. , loan ngont. XI t 101 GPUIl (1BNT money to loan. Cash on hand. W.M.Harris , H W ) , Fronzer block , opp. P. O. - \\ft \ NKUHA8ICA Mortg. Loan Co , will make you a loan on household goods , horses , wagons , land contracts , flno Jewelry , or securities of nny kind , without publicity , ut reasonable rates. Itoom 7 , Kowloy block. Eolith Omaha , Itooms MS-51U , Paxlon block , Omaha , Nob. / 1 F , HAHKISON loans money , lowest rates , MONEV Loans negotiated nt low rates with out delay , and purchase good commercial paper and mortgage notos. S. A. Blomun , cor. lath and Farnam. 103 ONKVtoloan. O. F , Davis Co. , real estate and loan auents , 1205 I'arnum st. 101 UILDINO loans. D , V Wholes , f-'lO First Na tional bank. VJS OANB made on real estate and mortgages bought , LewU S , Keen i Co , , V > 1 Farnatn. 1 > UILDINO loans. Lmahan If Malionoy. OF. IIAHHISON loans money , lowest rates. 4'J3 ' $ rXM.OOO to loan at fl per cent. Llnahau & M u- honey , Itoom 60 > l 1'axton block. 110 T OANB wanted on Omaha real eytate. three JJaud live years' time , optional payments , favorable terms and ruiei , , application * and titles passed upon by H.'niid loan | * closed promptly. Klmball , ChumptCc ly.\n ( , room 6 , U , a. National Hank Hulldln l 1 uj Farnam nt. . loaned on unimproved inside Omaha M real estate. 0. W. PuctyUt , 4 , Frenzer blk. _ _ TVT ONF.V loamxl for.'W , fi ) or ID days on any X"l kind of chattel socurlty : reasonable Inter- ei > t ; business conlldentlal. J J. Wllkluton , 1117 Farnam f _ 10J T OANS on business property , 5.000 to IW.OOO JLJwanicd. Provident Trust Company , room UCM , First National bank building. 110 5" : to loan Lowest rates. Loans closed prpmutly. H. E , Cole , H 0 Continental block. TTVONT borrow money on fiirmlure , norses , JL/wagons , etc. , or collatterals until you see C. II. Jacobs , 410 First National bank building. , 1i 14 OFXPLU'S FlnancUl Kxchange Ttta latieut , JL nuletest und moat liberal money exchonge In the city ; money loaned wltnout delay or publlclty.ln auy amount , large or email , at the lowenl rates of Interest , on any available fee- curliyilotn * may be paid at any llnieor renewed nt orluluul rates. O. Houncaren , Mgr. , room WV { , llarktr block. IRth and Farnam. ID ! M ONBV to oan on real estate : no commls- slou. W.A.8pencer.lloowllllushmanhllc. A NT amounts loan * ! on furniture , pinnds. teams , rtc. Noton bought nt low than usual rates , monthly pavinrnt * rnditco Intnrrnt. Kny stone Mortgage Co. , room a bhecly blk , 8. I5lh an mi * UU8INE83 CHANCES _ _ THOU HALI5 or trade -3 h , uprlKht bollrrs 3)x J ? D tt. Iron lathe , Iron drill nron * . ! M h , enulnn Mid boilerOh. nKlno nnd boiler , o h. uprluhl engine. 4 h , tiprtuht bollrr , < 1 hand fthattlng and pulleys , Sprague \ Co. , Council lllttlTn , la. llHKII i BTOlir. Inme of tnobontoctlonion JL' Military nvo. . ncroiH the brldgo. A good Btoro biilldltig with ft rooms up stmts , Imiulro ut premises or ntilie 0. H. K. A T. Co-hro-ipt "Jj OH HA lilVagoti \ BTToiPmuT mock , nil com" Jplete , will bn nold chcnp , in Hnsllncn , Neb. Inquire ot J. K. McDowell , Huntings , Nob. [ mm _ _ _ _ A IlAHOAIN-ror nalo , nl llnrvanl. Neb. -tVMlrBt-clam nteam tlivntor , fuml.nilll , rrlbs mid coal bustnonn. Apply up to'nd inntnnt to pntrlc l Sgnn , , Lincoln. 8m ill _ ' Tj'o'irBTl.K llnkory and contoctlonory Inn IJ town of nine thousand liy W ) . good trade , location , otc.ircnHon for nolllng want to retire from buiincsi , Imiulro nt lilt ) Howard nl. , Omnhn , Nob. _ fl S3t ino'lt tTALIlloiTtRtiraiU connacfml1Mllh IS JU turhlshod rooms , 1 13) ) Capitol nvo. Blfi got riMlf. Rtorrn llouxnln the only hotel In Oat- JL ilnlo. AntHopii county , Nob.i In n nice , wcll-nrrangnd IIOIIHC. doing n coed blinlilnss , Lease nnd furniture fornnlo , A uosirnblo opcn- Initforn good hotnl man. Address Prop. Ktorrs House , Oakdalc , Not ) . Hll-ln * T > tJBINI&8 Clmnco 1 wnnt n man to tnko JJchargo of nownpnporolllcoi must have JI.Oi/0. ( lood nncurlty for money , nnd will guarnutoo Upor cent per nnnumi will nlso pay Rood sal- nry. Addrnnn V''H. Hoc. _ Kill 17 roller mill for sale In a good wheat ANIJW good mnrkot for ( lour. For terms nddross F. J Anilrean. ( lorilon. Neb. H. " > a37t iruntNrriJIli : anil umlortaklng businenH for JL' sale In thriving city of 2.UM people ; nearest compollllon lumllos ; clcnnnuw ttlockwlth line honrna ; wilt Invoice , \W ) ; will rent building for term of yearsibunlnons entabllnhod 10 yearn , This Is n rare chance for n good business. Ad dress V , T ) care Ileo olllco. ( O ) 17 _ TJ OH SATll-"CrKar ntori ) . llrnt-class nTninfJong JL' GAtabllHhod , doing good paying liuslnesn. Knoulro Frank Darling , Koom ti : , llarker block. 7IU 17 * _ _ _ _ UJ3,000 to StX)0 wnnted to put Into a good biinl- T > ness ; nrnt elms Hcciirlty nnd good rate of Intorefit paid for Hhort or loiitf tune. Or will take jmrtnor. Kor particulars address IT 4:1 : , Ileo olllco. 112 fur sale In one of the host business SALOON coiitora In Omnhn.choap. HCIIHOU for Hulling , 1 must luavo the city. Address Va \ Heo. 4Um7t _ HOTF.L for sale. Well fiirnlnhnd , paying $ M a month rent. Address W. P. Anderson , Norcatur , Kas. HOTKL limn wnntod , with n few thousand dollam to invest ; hoimo nil fiirnlshod nnd business that will pay out In 1H months ; title perfect ; no Incumbrancc. Addioss M. A. Me- Uluuls , orO. C. Churchill. Btorllng , Colo. 71 > 3 t&tt _ for sale Bmall n at Block. Tin HAHDWAKK shop In coniKtctlonimunt bo sold atoncn for cash. Address O. M. Vanghan , Fleming , ( 'olo. K&alUt _ _ _ MKMIinitHHlP tn the Omaha board of tradocan bo had cheap at lloom i ! U. H. Na tional ban ) : building. HM FOR EXCHANGE. BHAUTIFUL Denver property to exchange for eastern property. Jlcxter-'S Ksaox block , Denver , Col. _ B77 gi * "STfUHCII ANDIHK , homes nnd cnltlc , Whnt 1'Ahnvo your F. E. Oarrott , HantlnuK. Nob. 870 I7t _ _ _ TMPHOVKO or unlmpnived farms to trade ( or JLsalo ) for lots or resident pioperty In good cities. Address , Jlor VI , PlatiHUlouth , Neb. - * _ gai-ai 1T1OH HXCH.VNOII-lffl ) acres No. 1 land , M JL' ucreH under cnltlvntlon ; Hinall finmo house ; < m miles from Albion , lloono Co. . Neb : arnll- roailK ; 1,20 > Inhabitants ; wunt house nnd lot ; \\lllpnycashdlllerenco for xultublo propeity. H , I. . Ciipson , 15th and I'aclllcHtH , Bll-lBt KXI3II A"NOK Trodm House and lot , Wx ) iw , in Wnlnnt hill ; wnnt good turnltura or vacant lot. A few vacant lots In Henuon for lots nearer In ; llvo stock or persona ! property. Throe good Improved farms , slluhtly liiciim- bercd , for house unil lot , vacant lots or por- honal property. What have you to olfor/ V W , lito ollloo. BB-aU ADKSlHAIir , : : residence lot with house , ono block from Klectrlc Motor line , lOOxlUO , In Council Illnlls , for iSebranka land. 1. O. llon- liaui ua Third St. . Council Illulftf. BIO 21 rpo KXOlfANlTu Improved and unimproved JL land In Nebraska , Kansas , I own , Colo. , Wyo. and Dakota ut room II , Chamber of Commerce , BonneiiHcholn & Valentine , Mgr.s. C'jj farms lu dllruront localities for exchange SKVKUAL change for building lots. Wustern Lantl and Loun Kxchauge. HI ; ! 8 IBtli st. 72 , ! 'M WANTKO To oxchanvo equity ln2IOncro farm , tl.for ) ) m'd7Ha. will pay tl.000 to 21,600 diirurencv , Itlsuley , Bhoiiundoah , la. FOH KXOHANOK-rFor desirable residence property In Omaha , nny oral ! of following : 4U choice insiile resilience lot.s In Hastings. 100 lots In Llhcoln. B40acr. ' llnii farming laml.Lancaster county. Kino resilience property , Lincoln. Good rental property , Lincoln. Choice family residence , corner , . A mint i esldenco property In llunscom I'laco. Alho , Homo good mortgage notes. AdUresn , Klvlng location and prlco of prop erty , J , K , 11. , care Damn Iron Co , , 1J17 heaven- worth. Oil. Foil "KXCHANOE-Dakota , Hand county- Whnt have yon to oiler for a good farm here , Kllghtly encumbered ? Dakota lands nro rising In value , and lln destiny cannot be dls- put'u. Will take vacant lot or Improved prop- city and assume homo encumbrance. O , J. HternKdorlT , rooms W and Ills , Hirst National bank building. IKi'i 1TUK liXCIIANOKlghty acres ot the finest JU tlmbi-r land In Wisconsin , clear of encum brance. Whatliaveyoutooirer'O.J.Hturns - dorll. rooms U17 and 'JU , First , National bank ! ! ! H _ "M'HW ! J-seated flno carriage or lop buggy fo7 J- mortgage city or county warrantw. or nny good unsecured notes.W.L.isclljy.K 1'i H'd Trade FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE FOH BALU-Kniith und east corner iKixirIn the nclghVorhood of the Milton Hogcrs nroperty. West Farnam Btroi-t , very Bluhtly. Thld In eholco properly In a choice neiKlilior- hood and will bunold choap. H ulll jiay you to Investigate the locality anil this particular piece of ground. C. F. Harrison , MorchantV National bank. N LAND I ImvolO.OOp acres of choice farming lands In eastern nnd mlildlu Nebraskawhich I will Hull ut from * ) lo il pur acre. Will make fipeclal prlco for Iho wlioo ) I'WM ' acre * If taken In u lump. Oeo. H. Peterson , 1412 Bl.lthst. , Cjj mH ITIOII -Nlconow.r-room houso. barn for JL1 4 homes , well and cistern ; everything IIrut clans ; full lot. In Heilford Place , n feet from Ktato httcet ( iioth htl. ti.'MI. iMl cash , balance L "and : J yours ; or J-UW , < I,1W , iMlauco l > yenrd , if. A. Upton Company , loth nnd Farnam. 7710H BAM ! Nine-room benne , barn and lot J. . In llunscom Place ; also" homos anil lots In Bunny Bide. Harris , room 411 , 1st Nat , bank. mi OK BALK or Lease Frame building iibou 40x50 wllh IhroB year * ' lease of lot.VJl Duug las st. Ulv TjTOH BALK -Or exchange for Omaha prop- J eriy. ) acres , niiltaUla for platting ; wfil make n > ) lot-s , nil clear ; big monvy In It for POIUO one who cuu jiush this ; located Jnsfoutslile ( ho city limits of Council HluIN , liujnlra ( ] oo , J. Hternsdorlf , rooms UI7 and 018 , Firut National bank building. yy > _ 171011 BALK Tlipmost plcAsantaifdbest loca- JL' ted little home In tr u , nuttuble for a man with aBiuall family who \iantn Hoijmtlilng very choice and not too expensive Has ueryrbeun Cut on the market befori and will undoubtedly u old soon. It will payyou to Invextlcate this promptly. 0 , F , Harrison. Merchants Nat.i'jc. \ . _ fc 'i i \\THAT FOUf i wo moitaU be" 12,000 IT buys ten-roqm house vlth Antliino osik and natural cherry nnlnh , 8ldu board In dining room of nunioIUi all latest modern conven iences ; nicely decorated , stationery laundry tut > * , and u gem of a IIQUHO nil through. front and full lot on nt-orida , nvo. Take U quick : party going to leave city. ) Imyu Jiilx m on corner UTth ami Faro am stu , ; east front and host bargain for money in ineclty ; both streets paved J7l n ) buy * elent-rooin nonso and barn and all latest convenience * . Kast front r > n o. uith Street. Take gix > d lot In part payment. tijHiOlmysn good six-room house on easy , terms. Uxl77-foot lot In U'et Omaha to exchange ear , for good House. I : . * * ) buy * rtj'iKwl news-room house and full lot on cosy payments , tr.OUO buys a splendid house , 8 rooms In Kounlze Place on lllnney street , or will lake smaller houua In part naymeut. $1,700 buys a good lioute und lot en Grant near > th street. Tuke ttiU quick. ( I..VJO buys k'ood uu-room liouuo with all con- TaK < < good clear farm or | iuw ; equity In one OH part-paymont. i IIH re vragan loads of good bargain ! either for sale , trade or ( give away ( .neap ) to suit Uie most raslldtona. ( jet a move on yon some time anA come In. U. V. Saoloi. 31'J 1st Nat'l Hank. "To not know a banralu that we ba. " itl FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. - County AbstrActnun . . \un \ Purnnm , InRnlllnRlotaon a payment of 11.1 down nnd bnlnnrn In fiiy monthly iinymcniH iRMnt niMiyp oplohnrelninnimnnro indtlo monny , nnd If you vrnnt to bo conrinrad nn to thn vnlnn of thoiu lou \M > nronovvnolllnjj on suoli eniy pnymentii iom nnil o tham , Hipy nro In ilia tlly llmlU. Tliny uro not In n HwnniD. They nro ou lilKli RroanJ , TlicyoverliMiV tim rlty. i.lihotto4 ) nro htilMllitf , Thny nrni-tory ! hutiie * . Vim cnn ice Dili. It ro.Mx notlilni ; . Thera U no luincomb * . Thpn m A I loin , And pcojila buy thflln. l oma nnd tnvimtlKntn. 115 down nnd lie n month. Oon'lddny. Hnv * your money. BO thin Kroutid. lloinomboryoiu-nnnot buy nlot In ( iiirrottnj. ln nildUlon for less thnn douola whnt wo nrs now itullltiK for , mid It you know n good ttiliiK nn tlionn rnay torma , Von cnn non tlio monti now hclnir.mndo ou thM Hroiind nnd no one cnn noli > 'ou micli lots nt our priori or on our terms. If you doubt thow ntnloiiionta como nnd Bco l'or youm lvei. fornll ntnlflintmt * hvromnde will b rnrined , nnd If you renlly wnnt to innko lotnn inoncj' . to nnvonomo moiioy , toeet nhend , hnr 1 n mfn nnd siiro ctinnco to do HO. Amen , Vtfl Knrnnm , a go _ _ IjMHI HAIJ : Ci-rooiii cottngo on IRth nt. bat. JL1 L'cntor nn < l Dorcim , lot a3xl'i7 , tflKt , cn y tormfi : this li a bargnln. it. A. Upton Co , , loth nnd rnrnmn , _ M\ \ 1710 It BAM ; 1 lie flnon runidnncu iilti ) In Wont JJ Oiniiim ; jiint HDiith or I'uwnum on ; nth Hlri'ot ! u corner liWxlHT with 1H7 fcot fronliiKO on pavvd ntroi'lmid jolntiiKthu hninlnomorctl. dimenor Klrkanilnllontho iiHtnnd son nnd .Miirtin on the noulti : n perfect K III nnd K'irdun ' npot for nn aloKitnt homo. lliunoy mul "iNt HtruatH , I1U1U7 , on pnvnmrnt within thrco blocks of the court ItnUDf ! room for KIIVGU linn hounoii tlmt would rent n rnp- lillyim coniplotcil , A Bplcnilld pnrmnnont In- runmin' mid r.M nl route , filxlDJ. with now thrcD-itoi-y brlclc Htoni biillillnu , ronlcd to KOOI ! pormmiont toimnts , Itutitnl raculpts 11'AJ ) per Hu't ! nth Btrnut nnnr Nicholas , frontn o fll font to nlloy. ( lood liimlnoij propurtv. Kiirnnm utrool botwuon iinli mid iUth , front * ft o48ir 11.1x133 to nlloy. miuli front , 1 block from pnvomont nnd .itront cam. I'nrK nvonue. oppoiito Hanscom pnrk , Mxiw , prlcn $2OiX ) , ( i y iorini. Pnddock I'lftoo , trnckaKo , OflxlLJ , J2.0JO , easy inth'ntruotHouth of Vlnton Ht. , lot for xalo or trudu for nulno. or cond farm land , H A. Hlomiuu 1 Wl rarnnm nt. _ 'Kf > TjVH aAIi-Iot ; "tOxlCO. Kouth of imr Kroundn J' In Klrkwood ; prlco Jl.00. ouo-fouith rmli , .1.11. l.ooinln. lual Wlrtgt. _ MS B 'I NCONV15NT riuco-B of thu boil loto for J Hiilu'ipor cent choapnr In price , nnil on unalcr terms thnn nny other properly olfurod In Omahn. An especially Iluu hit fronting on Ht. Mury'H uronlio , \ > 111 b cold to nny roinoiiidblo party tlmt will build ou torniM tlmt will milt. IlcntH nrhiinco to nocuro building lots In the heart of town nt your own tornm nnd at tlio lowest prlcon ovur OlTlTt'll. Aine-t. Polo Agtmt , IMRJ-'ornnm Ht. _ WMII WAlNUT IIIH eait of t I , ( KI. One of nicest ruHldPiiccs In xvindnor place ; niUHtbn nold noon ! a Imrnutii. llMtrlilu- BOII .1 Wi'iul , IKI DoilKlm Ht. _ MX ) IB _ IjlOlt BAI.I5 or nxchaniju Improruil Htock J-1 furm of NV ) ucrori , In eattonj Neliriiilcii , nuar nmrkot ; nlxo nuw 1room housn , with nil con- vuulvticua. in doiilrablu rcildunce portion of Omnna. Amlrcw BovJiH , attorney , ti und < i ) , 1'axton block , Omnhn Noli t > 'i7 _ _ IWIMi HulliiKood payliiKninrcnntllo buol- nctia nt a barualii , Kooil ro.iwni for Halllck' . roqulro cush. All ruiwors ploane lvo adilrosu. V , eo olllce. _ 7M-17t IK you wish to noliTTJuy or oxcTTanKa property , cull on thu WiMUirn H. B. ilor. llx. , room II , CliainbiT of Commerce. Honncnschtitn.V val- online. > Itrn. _ _ _ ' n'J _ rilAfjItof bargain * ! ( inzoon tliU : JLcoriuiriVith and Hainlltou , frontx ! ) dtrootn , nt urnilo , for JI.UV ) . 'llils 1 bod-rock ; not n , n Ickd lull will nvnr buy it , nnd It miiHt bo Krablxid uooiint that , price. M. A , Upton Company - pany , Ihth and Karnnin. _ fi'.t ) ROUTlf OMAHA I have n number of good lota In various additions that must bo Hold ntoncoauj can bu bouxht at prlccx that will null you. O. J. HUriiidorff , roouit 1117 und ills Hrrtt National bank bulldliiB. _ 9 VI WOltTHV of your nttontion. Now completed on UJth nt , north of J.oiivou worth Ht , two houacii rx > nvcnlunt to bimlnexa , very roomy , wrato , mantol. furnace. K&I. bath , tollut , " wnler cloaetn. stationary wasn tubs , hot nnd cold water , five bodnxjmi , 10 clonota ; only J..ry.O , on tHi'ins to suit. Telephone or \V , T , beaman , Omalm'H larcost variety of wnj- . ons. carrlaKcu. etc , , eaHt HlUB ICtli at , north of A Bftcrlllce-lMxISO ft. oant and north AT , cornnr 3ith * and Howard Hts. , ono block w st of ( Joe's and KlrkouJuH'H 'Una resi dences , two blocks from paved Htrunt , two blockx iiouth of Knrnnm nt , : just think of It , JlMxIW ft. nnd a corner at that , nnd only IWW ) . C. E. Itultvr , room 5 , 8. w. c < jr. 15th and IJouulm T\IIIV1 { out nnd look at the Houthwnst corner J-fnt 10th und Muitha Ht9 , paved nil thu way : thuro yon will HBO as Imndnome n plat of ground as ovur plcanud the artistic oyoof man ; anoaet front cornur 1'IJxHl. with nlcu cottJKw , wir- roundo'l by forunt trues Htich as el ID , ilndun , walnut , oak. etc.'o havu the exclusive Halo of thin line property and will sell Iho wholu erIn In part. M. A. Upton Co. , lUth and l-'nrnam. "ITlfiH.salo or exclianKo A regldonco at JWth -L1 nt. , and .St. Maryti nvo. has 7room > j. bath room , laundry , uettroriiie , Kan and city water. Will t.iko ( 'ooil outside liullillnx Hltuaspait paymout. David Juiinmon , UU b iutli. , m T IIAVR 10 line lots in HrlKKS * J'laco mid. , J Omaha , for caah , on oed terms. Tor further Information Inquire of K. Jolfroy , Ualuna , 111 , IjlOH KA U'-A beautiful rnsldonco In Hans- X' cum I'lace , oant front on : totl > at. liut south Of I'opplvton avu , lot WxlU to graded alley ; yard mc 1y sodded ; S-roorn boimv. liath. hot and rold water , cai. Bower , electric belli , hard ! wood llnltih. If taken atonco will sell ttjlo nno homo for amount much below its valiui. No nicer neighborhood In th city. To tliow that mean bualnen wo would like to nhow this proi > erty.Vo will make the prlca rljjht. M. A. t'pton Company. lUlli and Karnam. JIJl TTlOll HAIiU AfJidemy of Sliulobulldmif and -L1 two litiMnessIotn , Uraml Julauil , Niibraiks , LroundUxl't. . ! feet. muidlDg brick , two ntoruis blK'i ' and atone banuinonts , all In coed repair ; terms easy ; iirlro * ! , ( . I'.iiqnlre of Taompxon Ilro.i , . Oraml Island , Nolirr.s' . "MiuK" OH. LOOKhornl An cast front. M ft lot , on iitliHt. , toiith nt llurdutte ; very Una view forflM . How's that. M , A. Upton Company , lilth and rarnam. ifJI "VTO ronh payment rcijulrcd.V1II nell you a -l- > lull lot In Haundeiv IHniuljnURn s ndd forJ/VW and taka mortice for full ninonni duo In B yearn on condition tiintypn liullcl IIOUUM to cotl not less than J'l/J. C. li. lU'ltor , roomf , B W corner ] li and Dounlai. < " ! 3 OIt 8 A KK Cheap Not for trade ; M'l.Tfl ' acres 1-ind ( bee , Mu'-C ) two miles from , Ilamllum county , Nebraska. 1'rame hoiiftu , sta ble. . ) acres iinaer good barh-wlro round cedar posts , two f'.ays , living water , ! W- foot channel , 2 well * , UM barrel tank , corral , naif-feeder , K natural stock ranch. In a line corn bolt. ' " ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' CaVhin hanii'/-.1. ] ; ! ; ! ! ! , , ! , ' , slTM a years'time per cent HiW ( ioimd look over land. Address owner , F. K. Atkins , 1V Larimer nt Denver Col. rui EIUHTroom h&uselnOrchard Hill Wllll mod ern conveniences. Thr 7-rootn house * at 37th and Doilge sbj. ; modern wmvejilcuwa. Aliiou number of other houses and lots In df. | fcrent part.1 ! ot thu city , If yon have nnyttinu to sell or trade , call and me ns. Western Land and l/o n lixchnngo. Ul- Hiethst. Tif'M TjlOU BALK KM acres good farming land , 80 -U acres under ciiltlvultou , ttO head cattle , niontly cow * , " work horse * . C brood sows and pips. A coed lot. farming Implements , one-half In terest In crop now growing , price tl.'M ) . Also one-half Interest In etpro buldlugand ! stock genera ) merchandise therein , will ICVOJCB KAUoou acrp land gdiolnlng Ihu vjljaso of Campbell , \\t\\i \ \ good iltyeuing and stapju jljtre- on ; will Ht-lt all or In part. Will give 8 per pent discount for cash buyer for whole outUt. Heason for belling ixxir health. C. 'if. Hudlong , Campbell , Franklin Co. , Neb , C7J 1ft "TTinit SAIJi-Choicest projxsrty In Orchard J- Kill ; ID-room house , all modern Improve- niiints , ami B lull lolj , 1) , 12 , JpJinson , ow\er. Wi. 1'axton block , 7W V Guardlnii Sale. In pursiianc < of an or Jtr of the DUtrict Court , road * nt the 1'obruurjr Tenn. JB y , upon upplia - tlon of iJartln Itlner , Uuardlap of the cins'.o of Horace II. Ittncr , Kru t Anthony Miner and Hi-iirtrjjtta Juaud Jttner , lulnorv. to feell real eg- Uti * of ald tnlnoni I will on tint lith day of April , ! * , offer for sate ana eell at public auction IU follovrlng detcsUied real estate In Uoagluw ( bounty. Neurosis. vz : Nortb Kast comer tt lllondo and 25th , In Shtnn'a Beconcl Addition to the City of Omaha , Hiihjcet to a taaie to run about four years ; also Ixjt No. J7 , Cumlng st. In the CMty of Unuihu , ubjeot to a learnt for about four 3 ears. Eald tala ylstvbebeidatlbftnorttidoorotibe Court llouxo tn Jiald County , oelweeu the hours of 10 o'clock and II o'clock a. in. ot i > ald day. Terms ne fourth cash , balance 1 , 2 and ! years , at 7 per cent. HAUTIN ITTCKII. A IB dill" Quardlan. THE REALTY MARKET. L yesterday. 0 PMnrn to ( ' 1) Mil I. Majr. n tracts IU139 fiach , Inn vr , nefl , IB , ILwil . . . . . MKX ) J II liungntit mid wlf to M Hptilmnn , lot ablli i , llcdford Park , wd . 830 Morns , v llrnnnertoJ .Mnck , purl of lot 4 l > lk III , Improvement iiis'n ivlil , wil , 1.900 li A llnnnon. nr.lo II ( lullck. lots 11 nnd IS , htkiCI , llennou.wd . . . , . 703 J Knlirr nnd wlfoto II Pclmfer , mil ) H of loix , bin I , Improvement AM'nndd , , j. wd. . . , , . . . . . . . . 1,000 1 A H Francis to I ) Little , lot li , HtuVs nub ! wil . , , . . , . CM JI.M llendcnnnd lUlsliHIld to I ! B Hood , pnrt or lots III and II , blk K , Drnko'n odd , nil , . t . , , , . , , . 0 I , McCoy and htmmnd to M A McCoy , n ( S nt w oil of lot H , ( loot-go Forbcr' sub , Wll , . , . , H A McCoy to l ) I , McCoy , n M of w Oil ot lotK , Unorpo Forbes' < ul ) , wd. . . . , , . , t. . 11 ODnvrlennnd wlloloP I Coslolfo , lot lit. lilka.Mayne'1 mid , . , WV Koysor Hinllfo to A lladford , lot II 10 , blk ! lMiriror l'lnco , d. . . . . . . . I II M Chlttomlen In M A Upton , 4 lot * III llro\Mi Paric , wd , , , . . . , , . , , , , . , , . , . 0,300 : . J T Dillon nndlfo to FVloi , lot I , blk } aiH. Oinnlin , wd , , , 0,000 J W II Hinltii und wife to J 'i ? Dillon , lot I , lilKlllx , omnhn , wd . . . 0t > X ) A i : Cnrmlchol und hunbam ) to A > I Spaf- ford , lots 1H i\nil in , Idk li , nnd loin 17 nnd ) H , blk 111. AlbriKht'n annex , w d . . . 1,600 UDonahuo to J Denny , lot 4 , Ulvuisuoil place , wd , . . . . , , . . . . COO 0,1 Jolmiton nnd wife to It Howe , lot in. blk ia Central tint k. wil , . . 2,0)0 0 Kounlze to L K'umioiilmli , lot H , blk I , Kountzo's Drd mid , nod . . . . . . . I T Kozak nnd wlfu to J II Merchant , u ) ( lot 12. blk MI , Kouth Omnlm. w d 1,900 J ( liovc.s mul ulfetn.l J Hpollmnn , lot ill ) , > V llrcnnnn's ndd , wd. , . . J M I'lioljii nnd wlfu to M H MntliewmiHi , lot * ) , Windsor plnco , wtl . . 7.MQ jj Twcnty-tlireo trnnsfors . _ . . } 4I , )3 ) * ' IK I'oriilltM. Stipt. Wlutloclc yoslonluy Issued tlio fol lowing penults to IjulUli IMumil ( liirnka , four l- tory brick nnd frnmo duolllngn.Tliliiy-thlid nnd llurt.t 7,300 L , T. Kurtz , ; s Ktory frnmo dwelling , Thlr- ly.fourth und ( Irnnt . . . J.OW W II , Anilmnnn , l-ntory frame collage , SOU ( 'uldttoll . . . , 1,200 I'rml Hnrporl-nlorycoltiiKeBlll Hlondn , , OUO A. J. I'ruyii. two lH-Hlory frumo duell ings , Twonly-rocoml , nonr Mniiilursoii 8,10) 8. Morlonncn , 2-Uory frame nlore , Twen tieth , near Vlnton , . , . , 8/lUO / J. O. Wolnh , Ilj-Mory frnmo dVdllug , ti Thlrty-noventh , near CaHH 1,403 < , 0. W , Joy , 2-htory frnino duelling , * Thlr- v ! ly-noionth mm Ohio lft I * Kllon Aiintln. Hj-story framy dwelling , * I4IH North Nlnutiipiitn . , 000 II JeiiNen. l-ntory fraiiiu dwelling , Pierce und nn/i / . . . DO ) Throe minor pormlls 410 Hovcntoon pornills nggrcicatlng IW.fllO IMitillo Auction. TO III ! sold nt public nnr.tlon tin Rnturdixy April 'M' on thu rornnr of l"th and DoiiRlnn , in n. in. All thii llruirn * , furniture , htovcfi , rmiics ; , tnbln clotlin , Mlvunvani of tlio salocit nistuurant of (1 H. lllcKlnn. AUoB hornoscar- rlnueii , biifclea , harunnion. I. llrown. allilut Notlco to Crmlors. Bonlml propoinlM will bo r i ulvi'd nt tlio olllco of thu county clnrk , until "o'lo-k p. ui. , Hittur- day , April Sitli Innt. , for the riiiinlni ; of uradori NOH. I Hilda. HviutHID | bld willlioroculvwil for nil ) nnil tnrnplki ) oik , and ml bldn must do ncrompnnlnd uy mi tilled rhvck for III * ) . 1'loni nnil HpodHriilloiit to IIOHCUII nt thu olllco of the county rli'ik. M. l ) , UOUIIK , County Cleric. Nut ice * . Mntlor of nppltcntlon < if W. O , Lester for lliliior llontiHO Notice Is lieruby glvon thai W. O. Lflitnr ha : l Illud with the city clerk of Flon-nco. Nob. , u j ] application for Ilcennu to K"ll iiutlt. splrltiiou mill vlnoiiH HOUOIH ut the Dupliis building , o Main , I'irnt wnrd , of H.ilil rlty , from May 1,1H-9. to Mny l , IHK ) , midunlusHiiruinoiiNtmncp , objection or urotmtt I" thu innulnif of tlin xmna IM Illud as rufUli | < m bylnwnald HCUIIHD will b . 91 gnuilu'l. W. ( ) II > TKII , Appllcuut. - ' H , II , OIIMKTUD , City Clork. Dated , I'lorouce , Nob. , April 17 , 188'J. iv7-2l ! TPfll ( WPflK EHIF l\S"lrt'rr"Kfr'imll''f | > \ n HH \ ' WCHl\ > 3& l V'ri" ' i.f > ou ifui try - y lyj i fcBB C , SU ror , . . rutly ilii-nr , lout J UUUlic-o ! , tto. 1 will M-nUutKluaMnllrallMlM-Alril ) ' rnnuilnlhi- full paillvulun for Ivini * cur , fru o ('FOWLER ! , MooUuat Conn. Away AVIilln Dcincntcil. Utxvir.i.1 ! , III. , April 17. Mrs. K.W. Helm , wlfn of tuu inlssln ) ; grain mcrujinnt who dis- uppunrcd from Dauvlllo March 12 , rucolvcd a brlof letter from him datud last wcok at 611- vcr Spring , Fin , In which ho stated that ho wan unuoiisoioiiavliun 1m luft Oiinvlllo ! did not know how ho reached Florida ; wan ill and would tttart for IJanvlllo an soon n ho \vas able. HuHlncss troubles unbalanced Uia roinil. Ills uccounts uro all Out ol' K'NKi | ! > t tn Ufjlior. April 17. Out of ruspoctor the mornory of John 1' . Usher , who was sou- rctury of thu Interior under President Lin- coin , and who died on the 111th Inst. . Hocre"I tary Noble has Issuud nit ordur dlrocting ' > 'J lljnt Iho Interior department nnd nil its bureaus bo cloned Thursday , April 18 , the day of the lunoral. NoalIiH Hall for ICurojio. ,1 Knvf YOUK , April 17 Among thu passon ] gurs who sailed In the steamship Allcr for JJrcmen this morning wcro Krcd Grant , minister to Austria , nnd family ; Albert Q. Porter , minister to Ilalv , und Mr. and Mrs , VV. A. Proctor. Airs. U , S. Grant was also ouo of Fred U rant's pnrty , Three of the VIotiniH IturlcU. UOBTOX , April 17. Punoral aorvlces over the remains of Mrs. ICtnma Hurtt , Ilobort \V. llartt , her flflcen-ycar-old son , and Alice Wlnalow , Mrs. Ilurtt's niece , Iho victims of the railroad accident at Loron/o , 111. , wcro held yesterday ul HrooUIino. De l motion by Korcst Fires. DANVILLE , Va. , April 17 , Later reports of the great forest jlros In Patrick countyshow that tlfty odd fnrmara wcro burned out and , anil not u hundred , an rc | > ortod. The do- ntrucllon to cattle anil liotiit Is yury groat. Dr. Abe Itobcrt JON , a jirominan'cltlpn , V/as burneil 19 auuth v/lil)9 ) "ehMng tiu | lire. An OH Kpcuulntor Hiiloldcfl. NKW YoitK , April 17. William Gould , aged sixty , u speculator In oil , committed suicldo to-day in his room at the Ashland , IIOUHO by shoaling lilmscilf in the head. Ail- vorao hpetulatlon is said to liuvo been ttio cause. _ Tvrrlbln Iplclomlo of Cholrrn. SAX ritANciBco , April 17 , Vor'd wa. rp' cclvud hero bv stontncr that cholera Is epi demic in the J'hlllljiino islands , and that out of lUtccn hunUrcd pases a ( housand hnvo proved fatal. No H. & O. Dividend. IUL-TIMOUE , April 17. At the regular monthly meeting of Iho board of directors of the Ualtlmorc & Ohio road to-day , it was de rided not to declare a dividend on cominoa stock. AVnrrants Tor Hlxty I'Aias , April 17Lu Prcsso ay that yvar- rants liuvo been Issued ( or the arrest of sixty wombcr * of fho Haulanglat party. * Five Coal Jnor | Klfjcd. , Apr ) ! J7. An explosion occur/ed n Jlothschird'a colliery at Tfofblau , Austrlf , to-Uay. f/yo / persons wcro killed ana twp ' ' danirorously 'wounded. KIx oth ar'o wlsi- ' mg , - - rr * The I'lro ftocord. Nevr YOHK , Aprl } 17 , The flvo-story build * In/ _ occupied by" the Buffalo door , sash and blln'd.factory , burned Ihis mbrnlDgcaUslflg HlOr-of IWO.OQOi full/lnaured. Sainuol" K > Dawsoa , United State * ' army ( retired ) , died lit Orange , N. J. , this mom- Ing , after abrlef illness. Six Tliousurul JCml rnntJB Btart. LiveurooL , APril , 17. Six thousand pml- granU embarked'upon seven itteamshlps o'era to-day , Tlio majority o ( th'cm' wore bound /Or ' r' the United States. * ' nor Injuries i'rovo Frttftl. \VA8Uisnio . April 19 Mrs. Foblgerfif of Rear Admiral Foblger , who was throvm from ber carriage and badly Injured erenlnif , died this morning , ' , T. . , - , -3