Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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Hellvcrtdby oirrlcr In Any Part ot ho City a
TV cnty Cents 1'crVcelc. . . . , . _ , „ ,
II , W. T1I.TON . . MANAGE ! ! .
ncfiNEPR Orricr No. 13.
NIGHT KniToit , No , t.
N. V , Plumbing Co.
Business In tlio matrimonial marlcot is nt a
ftttindstill. No licenses have been Issued for
nearly n wcclt.
The church folks are busy preparing for
Easter. The promise Is made that the deco
rations will bo elaborate this year.
Articles of Incorporation of Morlah Lodco ,
No. 229 , I. O. O. R , were tiled with the
county recorder yesterday raornlne.
Cards nro out announcing the wedding of
Mr. Frank Slcccl Stclllng , of Omaha , and
Miss Matlo E. , daughter of J. M. 1'nlmcr , of
I1 this city , nt the Presbyterian church ,
i i Wednesday afternoon , April 41.
i In pollco court yesterday John Dickey was
\ fined f 10.10 for beating hh mistress In the
"coon dtvo" on Lower Hroadway. E. N.
Tliomai was required to taka out iv license
for canvassing and WAI released.
On Thursday evening next thcro will bo a
crnnd vocal and Instrumental concurt In the
Presbyterian church , under the nusplces of
the social union. The host musical talent of
Omaha nnd Council UlulTa will participate.
Secretary Xovoly has received 20,000 copies
of the "Tho Twin City , " an illustrated pub
lication Just cotton out by 1) . C. Uunbar &
Co. , of Omaha , under the direction of the
board of trade , ot thlt city , nnd all members
nro requested to call at once and receive their
Ctiarlos Hakcr and Mrs. Hill wore ar
rested last evening by Oniccr Mullen in a
yard on Upper Ilroadway , whcro they were
drunk and sound asleep. When taken to
the stntlon the woman demanded to bo
allowed to talk , which she did for several
hours In n key that kept the whom neighbor
hood awake.
Ono of the street car horses was severely
, injured yestordny nftcrnoon. The animal
has always been nfrald of the motor cars
nnd shies ns they pass. Yesterday It
crowded against Its mate , which tried to
push It back to Its place , when It slipped and
fell. The other bccatno frightened and
pulled the car on it. the brake rod cutting
terrible gash in its hip. The Injured ani
mal was taken to the veterinary stable of
Dr. Cady , where the wound was dressed.
A team belonging to the United States ex
press started on a lively dash up Broadway
yesterday afternoon , but had not pone far
when a young man in the employ of O. W ,
Butts Jumped Into the rear end of the wagon
and grasping the lines stopped the runaways.
No damage was done , but thcro were two
narrow cscaucs from serious collisions. Mr.
Elwoll. agent of the express company ex
pressed his appreciation of the young man's
act in the shnpo of a ? 5 bill.
It transpires that the "floater" seen in the
river Tuesday afternoon by passengers over
the now bridge was simply a dummy. Mr.
Arthur Hlckuian , who was driving over the
bridgn at the tlmo , states that ho had n very
good view of the llpurc nnd that It was a suit
of clothes stuffed with straw. This is rather
B tame ending for what seemed for a tlmo
qulto sensational. It wus probably used as
nn April fool attempt somewhere , however ,
nnd having failed in its purpose , came float
ing down.
It is stated that the electric motor com
pany are preparing to extend their line to
the south and cast. They will equip the
Main and Pearl street line and the East
Broadway line with electric cars , and it Is
reported that the course of the latter will bo
Bomcwhnt changed , so as to innko a loop and
include East Pierce street. When the uro-
posed Improvements are made the service
Will be greatly increased. The piouerty
owners on Pierce street are signing an agree
ment to donate the right of way.
At a special meeting of the city council ,
hold Tuesday QVcning , the bonds of Hobcrt
Iluntlngton , as city clerk and clerk of the
superior court , were approved , and the ap
pointment of Charles Fox , as deputy city
clerk , was accepted. Mr. Huntington nnd
his now deputy entered upon the discharge
of their duties yesterday morning. Ex-
Deputy Frank True will remain in the olllco
until the new incumbents familiarize them
selves with the details of the work.
The "Ciiravnn of Songs and Scenes"
conducted by Dr. Tovis ut Lucy's hall ,
Soutli Main street , is proving to bo at
tractive , and closes to-night with the
exhibition of "war" scenes and songs ,
by request , and will be patronized by
the members of the G. A. 11. , as well as
many others. Don't mibs it. Dr.
Tcvis is a member of the Thomas Post ,
Kansas City.
Dr. C. C. , dentist , Opera house
S. B. Waclsworth & Co. loan money.
"Rooms to rent in the Merriam block.
B. B.Wadsworth & Co.,1230 Main street ,
Money loaned on furniture , pianos ,
diamonds , hordes , buggies or anything
of value at low rates of interest. No
publicity ; fair and honorable dealing.
A. A. Clarlc & Co. , otllco cor. Broadway
and Main , over American express.
' 1'ho liienmlcHCont. Ijlilits.
The new incandescent electric light plant
was started up about half past S last even
ing , and worked splendidly. There is but
one dynamo yet In operation , that being the
smaller ono of 750 light. The 1,500 light
inaehlnn will bo started next Monday or
Tuesday , as soon as the remaining boilers
are set. Until that tlmo only the lights ou
Middle Broadway will bo lighted.
These burning last night gave an excellent
steady light , each light of sixteen candle
power illuminating far bettor than an ordi
nary gas jot. The subscribers whoso lights
were burning expressed poncct satisfaction ,
and the Indications are that the company
will not bo able to supply lights as fust as
now subscribers wont them. The plant is
undoubtcdld a grand success.
Don't take your supper at homo to
morrow evening , hut come and bring
your friends to 600 Broadway , head of
Pearl st. , and patronize tlio 'Ladies Aid
society , for the benefit of the Boroan
Baptist nhuroh. Supper from 4 : ! > 0 to
8:30. : Also fancy and useful articles
for sale.
Have our wagon call for your soiled
clothes. Cascade Laundry Co.
J. G. Tipton , real estate , 027 B'dway
Headquarters for builders' hardware
Odell & Bryant , SI3 Main stroot.
Money loaned at L. B. Craft's & Co. ' *
loan otllco on furniture , piano : ! , horses
wagons , personal property of all lands ,
and all other articles of value without
removal. All business strictly confi
To the :
Mrs. PfellTer'd grand spring opening
at Nos. 2 < W Broadway and 14 Main St. ,
will tnlto place on Wednesday and
Thursday of this week. Lot all attend.
Itoyal Aroniiuin.
Regular meeting Fidelity Council No. 150
on Friday evening , April 19 , at 7:80 : p. in.
harp. All members are respectfully re
quested to bo present to witness our new ini
tiation services , also to meet a largo delega
tion of Hoyal Brothers from Omaha. iffe.
would lll < o for all members to usu a little
extra oiortlon , and lot nothing prevent them
from uttnndlng our next meeting In Itoyal
Arcanum hall , In John Bonu & . Co.'s block.
Jo UK T. Tiun , 1105 , Secretary.
Ilnrniony chapter No. 25 , O. E. S. ,
meets in regular session at Masonic hull
thlsovoulug. By order W. M.
The Mon Who Wear the Star Got
Ltttlo Honor For Extra Work.
Xlic Cases In Court The Sheriff
Tnke. ClinrKO of n i'roml-
iicut Grocery
Honor to "Whom Is Itic.
A morning paper spoalM of "tho Jewelry
captured by Clilof Lucas from several
cyprlans of the city , who had received It
from the fellow Noland. " As a matter of
fact , the Jewelry referred to was recovered
by Ofllcor Thomas , who personally hunted-
p and recovered every piece of the stolen
.reperty that has yet been secured , with the
. 'xreptlon ' of one ring that was recovered oy
Mr. Arnold , the proprietor of the burglarized
tore. For some time tlio credit for pollco
.mil detectlvo work has been similarly nils-
directed , and It U n gro. s Injustice to the
men xvho perform the work. They are
loorly oiioui.'li paid , oven If tlioy received
.ho full uicud of pr.ilso that actually belongs
.o them , and the papers should bo willing to
Her encouragement for good work by
.warding credit where it Is Justly due. It is
lut a few days since n telephone measure ,
ras received at headquarters that a pair of
lorscs had been found by n farmer near
.irccn's packing house , and Chief Lucas
ivent ou . and got the animals.
They had been stolen by two thieves who
.nd nlso burglarized n store. Olllcor Kemp
vent to the place , hid In the underbrush for
i half day , captured the thieves , and the
'ollowing day Jound part of the stolen goods
luried In a rnvlno. Octtain papers grnphi-
jally described the notions ot Chief Lucas in
.hls'clovcr capture , but OMlcer Kemp was
jot recogni/cd. The source of their information
mation is not known , and the apparent in-
ustlco might have been unintentional and
It is natural to give credit to the head ot
, ny organisation , and , to a certain extent ,
.his is lust. Upon the chief rests the rcspon-
ibility and to him is duo largely the ottici-
nicy or inoftlclcncy of his force. It is
jquully unnatural ind equally unjust to
icglcct , however , the privates , fqr they
if ten do the actual work.
However this may be , It will bo readily
.ecu that faithful and ofllccnt police work islet
lot encouraged in this manner , and can not
jo expected. Everybody is ready to "dress
.ip" the club wieldcr for sleeping on his beat ,
taking numerous drinks at his favorite bar
.viiilo . on duty , and countless othe'r short
comings , cither real or Imaginary , but the
many disagreeable features of his lifo uro
not considered.
Notice the beautiful finish trivon col-
nrs , cuffs and shirts by Cascade Laun
dry company.
Real estate loans , P. J. Day , 39 Pearl.
In the Courts.
In district court yesterday , the case of F.
fl. Davis vs Win. Kimball was on trial be-
'oro Judge Mncoy. Judge Duflle , attorney
'or the defendant , requested a continuance
is nn important witness could not be secured
ho case wont over. This is ono of the
'squatter cases. "
IJeforo Judge Deotnor , In the north court
oem , the case of Henry vs Evans was still
in trial. The evidence in the case was all
ntroduccd yesterday , and argument will bo
: ommcnced this morning. It is expected
.hat . the case will be submitted to-morrow
'orcnoon , as the argument will require a
ittlo over a day.
The grand Jury will make but ono report
.his . term , nnd that will bo either this after
noon or to-morrow morning. Tlio grand
Jury has transacted a largo amount of busi
ness this terin , und will undoubtedly return
a largo number of indictments.
In the afternoon Judge Macy heard the
case of Gerspacher vs Gorspaehor , involv-
"ng the possession of certain property under
.1 chattel mortgage. The case was taken
under advisement.
For $25.00 The N. Y. Plumbinu Co.
will put a lead service plpoind hydrant
in vour yard ; also .50 feet extra hose ,
" 'all at once at 1M Main street.
Buildings loans. Odell Bros. & Co.
Tlio Presbytery.
The Presbytery of Council Bluffs moots
n this city , this evening , at S o'clock in the
Presbyterian church. It will bo opened by
n sermon by the retiring moderator , Uov.
Charles Whetsol , of Avoca. The invitation
to attend is a general ono , and all will bo
welcomed. Tbo sessions will continue to
morrow and Saturday , and there will be
special services on Sunday. Tlio formal clos
ing will bo on Monday.
This gathering will include the pastors and
representatives of the Presbyterian churches
for about fifteen counties in this portion of
tlio state , there being about Ilfty churches.
There arc elsht such organizations in Iowa.
This is the semi-annual session.
The homes of tlio city have been thrown
open lor the reception and entertainment of
the visitors , many of whom will bo ladies ,
thcro bolng a meeting of their missionary so
cieties in connection with the sessions of the
Loans on oity nnd farm property. Beat
terms. A. M. Hutch in son , 017 Broadway.
Scottish Rite rings and charms just
received at C. B. Jucquoniiri & Co's.
Personal Paragraphs.
Secretary Xovcly of the board of trade , is
on the sick list.
II. T. Irwm , editor ot the Neola Reporter ,
was in the city yesterday.
John P. Studr , of Meriden , was in the city
yesterday on business.
Hon. D , O. Pinch , of DCS Moines , United
States , prosecuting attorney , is in the city.
General OioiiRol , of Mt. Pleasant , is the
guest of John Ward , ono of his old army
"boys. "
Mayor Rohror and Alderman Lacy re
turned homo yesterday morning from Cedar
Mrs. R. Foxloy and daughter Emily have
gene to California for a protracted visit with
Mrs. J. A. Kimball. of Salt Lake City , is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs , B. S. Stevens , on
First nvonuo.
Harry Rolmor , formerly In business here ,
but now of Hastings , Nob. , Is visiting
friends in the Bluffs.
Sheriff H. II. Palmer , of Red Onk. was in
the city yesterday , nnd dined with Judge
Decmer ut the Ogden.
Colonel L. S. Hullard , general agent of the
Northwestern Railway company , of Pierre ,
Dak. , Is visiting Ills family in this city.
M. I. Hears und Walter Rimer , of this city ,
nnd Dr. W. ( J. Klmor , of Davenport , leave
this morning for Honey Creek for two days'
P. M. Van Pelt , court reporter for Judge
Mucy. has arrived in the city , and will re
main hero the balance of the week , attending
to olllclal duties. *
United States Senator Teller , of Denver ,
nnd Prank M. Pnsey , of this isit.v , were pas-
songeri on the Denver limited out of Council
Bluffs yesterday morning ,
John MuAdums , who has for some tlmo
hud churga of the business of Uttrlcnlow
Hros , , M the transfer , has been tiansferrcd
to look uftcr their Interests at Donvei ,
Itttinoiiilier !
The blue ice WUROP. tells pure rivoi
ico. Your ordoru solicited. Satisfac
tion guiwuitoeil. Telephone 11W. Office -
fico 02 ibt nvo. , under tilt teens1 bank.
Nutlco to Wntor
\Vator routs are now duo and payable
atollloa , 111 Muln bti-oot.
CoiJ.saj. m.xiKKs CITY WATEI :
\Y011K8 CO.
A Financial Stress.
The Ktoro of the boston Tea company is in
the hands of the sheriff. Possession was
tokeu on a chattel mortgage held bj William
Pluuier , ono ot the members oi thu concern
The amount of the mortgage Is about $10,000.
Jo involco has yet been taken , ns the mom-
icrs of the llrmaro trying to malco some ar
rangements by which business may bo re
sumed. The firm 1ms been Involved In sev
eral financial complications In the past two
vonrs. and the i'n ' yat ay provo no more
astlng than the otiiers ,
Mother , may 1 go out and handle the hosol
Yes , my darling daughter ;
lo awfully careful of your clothes ,
And don't pet soaked with water.
This you can safely do with our pressure
> y using tlio best hose nnd n Puller spray
no/.zlo. Always kept in stock at J , C. BIx-
> y'B , 333 Uro ad way.
The Union nnd Southern Pacific Put
on MnrcTrniiR-Cnntlncntnl Trnlnn.
The oRlcials of the Union Pacific feel Jubl-
ant over the fact that the Southern Pacific
ins at last decided to put on nn additional
rain between Ogden nnd San Francisco.
This was announced by a telegram received
at headquarters yesterday. Immediately
UDorlntondent Rcsscquio , of the Noqraska
Uvlslon , with his staff , repaired tohundquar-
ors and began making arrangements for anew
now tlmo-card. The latter will take effect
iltiy r > , nnd under the now deal the Union
'aclflc will put on nn additional passenger
rnln between OmahanndOgden. Thotiuioof
running the trains has not been agreed upon ,
ml it is arranged so that two trains , ono In
ho evening and ono in the morning , will do-
mrt from hero dally , making direct coiincc-
ion with the Southern Pacific trains nt
) gdcn , thereby giving the Union Pacific
hrough service to the coast. This is an Im-
) ortant acquirement by the Union Pacific ,
or the reason that all along the road has
) cen handicapped by not having direct con-
lections nt Ogdcn. The wsscngor train
chcdulo on the line nt this plnco will under
go n radical revision. Under the now deal
ho Union Pacific is put on a footing with the
est of the trans-continental lines , and the
illlclals expect to secure additional trufllc in
llnin and Snow.
Superintendent of Telegraph Korty , of the
Jnion Pacific , received reports ycstcr-
ay that Indicate the rain of
'ucsdny night and yesterday general
hroughout Nebraska. The reports
rom Wyoming were to the effect that n
icavy snow storm was raging , but that no
jlizzard was anticipated. The temperature
at Rnwlins , Wyo. , was above freezing , nnd
ho snow at that point several Inches deep.
A New Device.
The Union Pacific has placed on engine
17 , an indicator for the purpose of asccrtnin-
ngtho amount of coal used In propelling
.rains. .
Knllroiui Note ? . .
George P. Knight , general freight agent of
, hu VVabash , is in the city.
Fifteen Oklahoma boomers have arranged
'or transportation over thu Missouri Pacific
nnd will leave for the territory to-day
'rom this city.
'One who was roasted , " writes THE Bnc
asking the date upon which the nntl-
jarnlsheo bill became a law. Governor
Thaycr signed the bill about two weeks ago.
Superintendent Gilmore , of the Belt Line ,
reports that the side track leveling to the
Murphy Furnitpro factory at this place is
General Purchasing Agent McKibben of
.ho Union Pacific has returned from Denver
where ho was engaged in inspecting thonuar-
ies and machinery of the road at that place.
Ho reports n vast quantity of available stone
"n that section.
A correspondent nt Exeter , Neb. , writes
PUD BKE concerning the award of the conTacts -
Tacts for the grading of 100 miles of the
Sioux City & Ogden. The btds.about eighty
n nil , were opened at Sioux City Mohday.
sut they will bo considered before any award
s mado. This will likely require about
thirty days.
The St. Paul & Omaha road is putting in anew
now track at Briggs to moro satisfactorily
accommodate live stock shipments which are
now routed to South Omaha via Briggs
A Colored Robber Deftly Caught.
Captain John J. Sexton did a neat piece of
work , yesterday evening. James Murphy ,
of the clerical force of Swift & Co. , loft his
[ ) ockotbook , containing 502 , in the Exchange.
Ho did not discover his loss for some time ,
and returning , found the book had been
taken from whcro ho had loft it. Reporting
to Captain Sexton , within a few minutes the
astute ofllccr found the money under a stone
in front of the Exchange , nnd by n bluff and
shrewd move , found what satisfied him that
Willard Pulling , a colored bootblack , had
taken the money. Mr. Pulling is In Jail , and
will have the tirno for his hearing fixed this
morning by Judge King.
A Judicial Morning Grist.
Judge King had a large docket Wednesday
Cornelius Fitzgerald , for changing a $ j bill
from M. Gump's hand to his pocket without
returning any legal tender , was dismissed ,
and the plaintiff had to pay the costs.
Mis. Ellen Breniff , a female vag , too fre
quent on the street , nnd too much neglect of
husband , homo and children , was dismissed.
August Hchov and Thomas Brandscl , for
fighting , were fined $2 each nnd costs.
S. K , Krigbaum drove too fast $1 worth
nnd costs.
G. Cullen and Peter Stinger will answer
at 4 o'clock to-day the charge of suspicious
W. H. Block , disturbing the peace , nnd C.
Lanigan , vag , were dismissed , and Prank
Summerville , vag , got ono day in Jail.
Notes About the City.
Peter McCrny has gene to Chicago.
J. R. Parsons , after an extended western
trip , has returned.
Mrs. Ella Uerry lias gene to Parnell , Mo. ,
to visit her parents.
William S. Anderson is confined to bis
homo by rheumatism.
Wade , son of Mr. and Mrs. John M.
Gostiam , is sick with lung fever.
Gus Scidlcr is milking extensive changes
and repairs at bis Third ward place of busi
C. J. Cannn & Co. will open a tailor shop
in room No. 'J , Rowley's block , Twenty-sixth
Richard Swift had n Jury trial yesterday
afternoon on n charge made by Simon S.
Rcmor of assault aVit battery at the Third
ward polls clcctioh dn.V. The jury did not
ngrco till after .Tudga King had gene homo
nnd so sealed the rordict.
Z. J. Uavls.of . GrcA City , Mo. , has bought
110 Hamilton tva and coffee store ; Lister
Mock' .
Jnmes Fallen , after a visit with his
brother , Ofllcor John Fallen , has returned to
New York. '
City Engineer R.'il. Lawrence , Wednes
day , left for a short business visit to DCS
Moines , la.
Webb Welmor , of Omaha , has bought the
saloon of Alfred A3 * Gary In the Clark build
ing on N street.
Patrick Rowley1ll open his now restau
rant , in room No. 8 of his block , for dinner
Thursday noon.
David Anderson has been appointed a del *
cgato to represent the South Omaha board
of trndo with the Black Hills excursion.
Clark D. Forsyth , late of the Armour-Cud-
any clerical force , will start Thursday
through Iowa as a traveling salesman for
that house.
The Housofrlond , the new Gorman monthly
paper , edited by the Rev. Gusta Becker , has
made its anpcnranco. It Is a well edited ,
newsy and neat paoor.
Complaints are made about the dangerous
condition of the Q street crossing caused b.\T
work on the viaduct. Lights and danger
signals , it Is claimed , or needed.
Manager Cox , ofV. . S. Hamilton's tea and
: offco house , Lister block , Is gono. Mr.
Hamilton was in the city yesterday and loft
it 7 o'clock In the evening and has not boon
licard of since. "
Mrs. Bowley , aged fifty-nine , wife of
llonry Bowloy , after a painful nnd lingering
illness with cancer , died yesterday evening
nt 0 o'clock. Mrs. Bowloy was an estimable
ivomnn. She leaves a husband , Henry
Uowloy , and four children , Prod and Cor
nelius Bowloy nnd Mrs. Thomas McGuire ,
of this city , and Mis. William Allen , of
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jacob Brcnoff had a domestic
struggle on N nnd Twenty-sixth streets yes
terday afternoon over the possession of a
daughter. Mrs. Brcneff was arrested Tues
day night as a vng , after having boon repeat
edly warned to keep off the streets. Her
liusjband claims that she has forgotten her
sense of honor and her duties to him und her
Peter Stinger has given the pollco con
siderable anxiety by his late hours nnd sus
picious doings , hence ho was warned to bo
at homo bo-tlmcs. At 3 o'clock Wednesday
morning Captain John J. Sexton found him
out on the streets and ordered him homo.
This brought on hard words and Mr. Stinger
drew a knife on the onlccr , whereupon Cap
tain Sexton dropped his revolver In Mr.
Stinger's mouth and with a steady nerve and
lire in his eye , made him hold his hands up
nnd march to Jnll. Mr. Stinger will answer
before Judge King.
Some of tlio conservative business men ,
who wish nothing done to interfere with
business in this city , arc talking of banding
together to counteract the effects of some
persons , headed by the resident ministers to
nave the saloons closed on Sunday. They
say that since the order closing the Omaha
saloons on Sunday has been enforced that
It has benefited this pity from $3,000 to
? 5,000 a Sunday nnd that to close the South
Omaha saloons on Sunday will injure this
city Just that much , and if those narrow-
minded Puritans persist in their anti-busi
ness course that the business men will stop
contributing to nil the churches and that
every church congregation will bo in debt
and the churches closed in three months.
A Butcher. , ' Supply Trust.
CHICAGO , April 17. Manufacturers of
butchers' supplies nrxs attempting td form a
national organization to regulate trade and ,
prices. This afternoon twenty representa
tives of largo western firms met and dis
cussed the subject , A temporary organiza
tion was then effected , and a committee up-
pointed to formulate a plan of action.
w -
Renowned Swimmer ,
writes : "J don't see Aoio
/ could get along
For "S * without Si.
Seamen , Jacobi
O , .
Yochtmon , Q.
Boatmen , &c.
HIE CHAS. A. VOaCLES CO. , BaltlQOie ,
T71OU SALE nr ExchaiiKO A good stock of
J ? hardware with store bullrtinK nnd dn ailing1.
In southwestern Town. Will cxcmuiRe for good
farming land. Kerr iV Gray , OUJ 1st avo. , Coun
cil Hliills. la.
T\7 ANTED At the deaf and dumb instltu-
T.I tlon. Council UlnUs , la. , n HowcrBiirdoner.
Apply In person or by mall to tlio superintend
WANTRD At onco. f > horse collar makers
None but experienced men need apply ; at
at 33d street and Avenue A.
ISTANTED Good girl for general lionse-
V > work. Apply to Mrs. A. C. Woolley , a.
Front street.
T710II 11KNT Two dwelling houses , 8 and 10
J-1 rooms , and two centrally located ollices In
Council Illulls. Horace Uverett.
FOH HKNT Nine-room Swiss cottage In
Jamoi block on Third avenue , uetwoen
Eighth and Ninth streets.
ENGINE FOR SALE Ono0x12. twenty-horse
power , mostly new. Union Iron works ,
No. 1,107. ad st. , Council llluirs. la.
FOIt KENT Cheap , two handsome , now six-
room cottages , north of transfer , Council
llluir.s. Inquire liland Klshtor , 5th avo. and
i Qvunil Opening
and I'lnny Display , which will
take i > lai'e about Man - * ' Their
fine bitiltllitv ,1 * beliifi overhauled
throtiyliont , ai\il \ Itclnf/ beautifully
decorated and pitintcd. When / / / -
inhsd It will be tlio hanilauinca
block In the twin cities.
For thtt occasion elyhtecn m'lff-
nljlcent pianos , of new and elcyant
designs , h'tve been csjtcclally order
ed. will be exhibited. Jn ad
dition thefo will be an Informal
concert In wh clt nnmbei-n will ba
presented by Ilia beat vocal , and In-
tttriiinental talent In Council Jlliitfa
and Omaha. It it III tie t , < (
? & .
WatchTheSlGNS VtQ n\ \
, _ No,3l Spufh.MamSt. You % jst Buv Your - T i
Cwffcoyf fit ten t w/y.-w / 1" t 'ainted by s. , o Fie o E : m E : sl
Weinvile"Vour potronaoeV P.C.MIUUEf ? , v E.B.GARD . i N E R :
No3'.llfltl3 PoarlSt.r\ \ /VO. / BFOAD\AMVSV \
BSSs W ! *
ea 'i SwAV.
0m BWS.6
tiomoerorGia.iirce//03 Peart St.
Is good on presentation for
$1.00 on each pair of pants
bought of the
London Tailor.
Good for Thirty Days.
o S
Si >
tr *
td O o
I Ul o
H ui
s t ) uiW
* O W
2 | >
S oo
* *
Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Pro
tectors , Etc ,
Agents wanted.
C. II. JUI > D ,
Council IIufTn la ,
Corner Ham anil Ilroadway ,
Dealers In foreign c.nd domestic exchange.
Collection ! ) made itud Interest paid on tlmo do-
Hidesjallow , Pelts , Wool &
Highest market prices. Prompt returns. No. 820
and KSi Main-fit. , Council HlulTs , louu.
No. 27 Main Street ,
Over Jaequeuiln'H . ( e\vclry Store.
-110 KROAOU'AY ,
I'rlvato watchmen fuinltlicd at any and all
Special attention given to collection of chat
tel mortgagex and noteti.
Money to loan on good chattel Kociirlty.
Koforunco Any bank , attorney , or business
man In tliu city.
DR , Rice's ' Hernia ! Support ,
Tlio only perfuct abdominal ( support tot chll.
( Iron and udnltH. Huccobsfully curcj the WOHHT
C'ABJd OK 11KUNIA. AdUrens
UK. L. U. KUE , 27 Main .Street.
o > A Pierce , Proprietor. No.ll4MamSf.
Turnitura Be Stoves
on v/cc/t/y / oftnonttily
porrnents. Best .
, .
° prices. Likoralditetunt
_ ITS as
N.Main St. Tele horse \A-\-
ow/i Dress in'tf OLD
' ' Pine
.Brands PinoOaudios
Oaudios ,
& . Dempsey
8 Cfafes * Skt.iehia9c3. Bo-fcolJ ffCtife Arty nixes. Butler ,
25 TO 300 T 1PIITHTP
HORSE POWER. Mills and Elevators
Bpeclllcatlons and estimate * ( urnlnhed for complutp stcnin plant1 * . JtopnlntKm. Durabllitr Q\ur \
ttnteecl. Can sho\v lottt-ra from warn whom I'nel Ki'onnrnv I1 * cfjunl wjtli ( 'urllm , Nou-Coudeiulns
E.G. HARRIS , Agent ,
Send for Cataloguo. No. BIO Pearl Street , Council Bluffa
Taxidermist and Naturalist.
-rm ntlyoK
. Illrda and antniiiU mounted naturally anil in iho
.v-s"- mclhed nt
- , , - , - . - * * thfsHrt. WmiAUtcOto pru-oiv * for yo.irt. ror 1iii ; birds u | > i > Uea
n Bhor t notice. IMcbot price paid for owls and lmwk of ull kind * , rtrsony mmulun
BMnea ot perfect Butisfactlou. l'ur Urowlnu A ixtclalty , WrJta for vsvilculavv ,