Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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Legal Status of the Oltlzon Who
Roaohoo Oklahoma.
RcNiitno of the Laws Ucnring Upon
tlic Methods or Taking Up
Clatnts mill Holding
The Tjnnd
Mr. Gcorgo U , Kvoritt , attorney of Bent-
rice , Nebraska , sends Tile IJr.r. the following
rcsumo of tlio law with reference to the
OpcninK up of Oklahoma. It will bo found
Of special interest at Una time. Mr. Uvcrltt
Was , lor flvo years , rcistor of the United
States land offlco at Mltclioll , Dakota , and
Is therefore thoroughly conversant with the
subject. No paper In the west hat , up to this
tlino , published a comprehensive statement
Of the procedure necessary to secure home
steads under this law. The Information hero
presented will bo luvaluablo to those who in
tend seeking homes In Oklahoma.
Section lllbf the Indian Appropriation act
punned by the lait congress , reudsas follows :
llmt the lands acquired by the United
States umlur oald ngrcomcnt shall bu a part
of the public domain , to bo disposed of only
nn herein provided , ttnd suctions sixteen and
thirty-six of each township , whether sur
veyed or unsurvoycd , nro hereby reserved
for the USD and benefit of the public schools.
to bo established within the limits of said
lands under such conditions and regulations
us may bo hereafter enacted by congress.
That the land acquired by conveyance
from tbn Scmlnolc Indians hercundur , ex
cept the sixteenth and thirty-sixth sections
shall bo disposed of to actual settlers under
ttio homestead laws only , except as herein
otherwise pi ovldcd ( cxcopt that section two
thousand thrco hundred and ono of the re
vised statutes shall not apply ) : And pro
vided further , That any person who having
attempted to , but for any cause , failed to
Bcciiru u title in fee to n homestead under
existing law , or who made entry under what
Is known us the commuted provision of the
homestead law , shall bo quallflod to make a
Iiomcstoad entry upon said lauda : And pro
vided further , That the rights of honorably
discharged union soldiers and sailors In the
late civil war as dollned and described In
sections twenty-three hundred and four and
twenty-three hundred nnd live of the re
vised statutes shall notbo abridged :
And provided fuithcr , That each entry
shall bo in nquaro form as nearly as practic
able , and no person ho permitted to enter
niora than one-quarter section thereof , but
until said lands tire open for * settlement by
proclamation of the president , no person
shall bo permitted to enter upon and occupy
the same , and no person violating this proVision -
Vision shall over bo permitted to enter any
Of said lands or acquire any right thereto.
' 1 lie secretary of the interior may , uftor
said proclamation and not before , permit
( sntry of said lands for town sites , under sec
tions twenty-three hundred and eighty-seven
nnd twcnty-throo hundred and eighty-eight
of the revised statutes , but no such entry
Blmll ombrueo moro than one-half section of
That nil the foregoing provisions with rof-
Orenco.lo lands to ho acquired from the SemInole -
Inolo Indians Including the provisions por-
ininlng to forfclturo shall apply to and regulate -
late the disposal of the lands acquired from
the Muscogcu or Creek Indians by articles of
Cession nnd agreement made and concluded
&t the city of Washington on lha nineteenth
day of January in the year of our Lord
eighteen hundred and olchty-nino.
Under the act , actual settlers can secure
bomcs and farms In Oklahoma.
to secure homesteads under this laxv must bo
ascertained from the rules and regulations of
the general land oQIce , prescribed to give
force and effect to the general homestead
law of ISO'- ! , and from the essential requisites
and directions laid down by the homestead
laws referred toby section 18 , above quoted.
* The original homestead law confers the
| lomostcad right on "every person who Is at
the head of a family , or who has arrived at
the ago of twenty-one years and is a citizen
Of the United States , or who has Hied his
declaration of Intention to become such , as
required by the naturalization laws. "
Section IB. under consideration , provides
thut the right of honorably discharged Union
soldiers nnd sailors In tha late civil war , us
defined nnd described In sections 2301 nnd
JJJiOj of the revised statutes , shall not bo
abridged. These sections nro here given ,
thut these rights and privileges may bo clear
ly appreciated and the law understood :
Section 2304. Every private soldier and
ofllcer who has served In the army of the
United States during the recent rebellion for
pluety days , nnd who was honorably dis
charged and has remained loyal to thu gov
ernment. Including the troops mustered Into
the service of.the United States by virtue of
the third section of an act approved fobru-
nry ID , 1S03 , nnd every seaman , marine , and
pftlcor who has served In the navy of the
United States , or in the marine corps during
the rebellion for ninety days , and who was
Honorably discharged and has remained loyal
to the government , shall , on compliance with
the provisions of this chapter , as hereinafter
modified , bo entitled to enter upon and
receive patents for a quantity of
public lands not exceeding ICO acres , or ono-
quarter section , to bo taken in compact
form , according to legal subdivision , Includ
ing the alternate reserved sections of public
land along the line of any railroad or other
public work not otherwise reserved or ap
propriated , and other lands subject to entry
under the homestead laws of the United
Btutes. Hut such homestead settler shall bo
allowed six months after locating his homo-
Bteud and Jlling his declaratory statement
vrllhln which to make his entry nnd com-
inenco his settlement and improvement.
Section ' SO.r . The time- which the liomo-
Btcad settler has served In the army , navy or
m.irino corps shall bo deducted from the
ttmo heretofore required to perfect title , or ,
If discharged on account of wounds re
ceived or disability Incurred In the line of
duty , then the term of enlistment shall bo
inducted from the tlino heretofore required
to perfect title , without reference to the
length of time ho may have snrvod. 13ut no
patent Blmll Issue to any homestead Bottler
who has not i slded upon , impravnd and cul
tivated his homustcad for u period of at least
ono year after ho shall have comuinncod his
Tin : poi.pir.its' AUDITIOXAI. .
The advantages these sections present over
the general homestead Jaw mo : 1 , The
privilege of tiling n declaration with thn
register and receiver which will hold a tr.ict
selected in person or by an n guilt , for six
months , without entry , resldenco , or cultiva
tion. It has been held by thu secretary
Of the Interior that the soldier must
make bis entry and establish his residence
within the six months from the date of his
flcchirutlon papers. 3. The right of making
final proof before the end of the usual llvo
years' ' residence , at least onu year's actual
unna lldoiosldcnco and cultivation of the
iinmeMctul U required of soldiers nnd sailors.
U'ho soldiers' additional homestead lav ; gives
the right to enter HO much land as will make
100 acres , where an entry for a less quantity
\vas inudo prior to Juno ! M , 1871 ; but con-
prom has recently exloi.dud the benefit of
this act to every homesteader without regard
to date of original entry. '
No land scrip of auy kind can bo issued in
Thu widow of a soldier , if unmarried , erIn
In case of hur death or marriage , hi * minor
orphan children become * entitled to his
rights and benefits under tlio homestead
law. To Buetira the uliilm they must strictly
comply with the requirements of the law.
to nottlenient further provides : That any
person who having attempted to , but for
ony cuusa failed to secure u tltlo lu fee to n
bomostoiid under existing laws , or who made
entry under what is known as the commuted
provision of the homestead law , shall bo
qualified to make u homestead entry upon
nald lands. This Is ono of the most Import
ant uliiiioca of the entire net , for It brings the
Ijniiost sooliiu- after a homo In Oklahoma In
direct conflict and competition .with the
professional land shark , and confer * unde
served credit upon this latter olim. U says
to Ar 11. that if you have made an entry un
der the homestead law , mid suld your relin-
quUhmont for uny sum of money , you maj
fake another claim in Oklahoma , or if you
abandoned your entry and it was cancelled
under an honoot contest , you may likewise
Iiivo the privilege of selling or leaving another -
other claim there ; and ovou Ifjou have re
oclvcd. under tha homestead law , 160 ncros
of land , you may have the opportunity of do-
Driving sotno man of a homo In Oklahoma ,
who has never yet received the slightest bon-
oflt from the homestead laxv. The schooled
observer finds himself unable to appreciate
such generosity as that , at the hands of con
gress , and till * action explains why there
nro 60,000 claimants for the 10,000 quarter
sections of land in the reservation.
Under the homestead law n light to n
claim is Inlatcd cither by settlement upon it
or by entry for It made at the local land of
Tnr. r.sTiir OP TUB CLAIM
In constructive notice to all the world that it
lias been taken for a homestead and is no
longer subject to entry , while an actual set
tlement upon the land serves the same pur *
| ) oso. Hut the settlement must bo
jf such a character as to Identify
the claimant with the land nnd impart nddl-
tlonal value to It , The ontryman has six
months , from data of his entry , to establish
tils resilience on the land , while again , the
actual settler must make his claim of record ,
[ > y entering the land , within ninety days
from the date of his settlement. For Illus
tration : Say that A U , and U I ) , on the ! J2r < l
dav of April , enter the land office at Guthrto
it the same tlino nnd present to the register
their application for the northeast quarter of
section six , township 100 , range sixty. What
is to bo donol The applications nro simulta
neous and the right of entry should bo sold
to the highest bidder. If , however , there is
any difference between the terms of the
applications then the "llrst in time Is the
first In right , " nnd first applicant will hold
Lha land. But in the evening of that day.
\vhllo A M Is making his entry at the land
oftlcc , O 1) was making his sottlomant upon
the land : now , when O D offers his entry
papers ho is told by the register that the land
lias already been entered by A 1) ) , and that
ns two entries cannofbo made for the siimo
claim , ho will have to reject his application.
3 D then alleges that ho segregated the land
jy his settlement bcforo A U did so by his
entry. Again In this case "tho llrst in time
will bo
and the register nnd the re
ceiver will have to order n hcnrinc
that this issue of fact may bo legally and
equitably decided. An aggrieved party has
thirty days within which to appeal from the
orders of registers and receivers and sixty
days within which to appeal from the com
missioner of the general hind ofllco to the
secretary of the Interior. H Is perfectly
evident that under the above circumstances ,
t would bo bettor for A. 13. nnd C. 1) . to
; ompromiso their honest differences by each
taking half of the claim than to engage lu
expensive litigation. This can bo done by
, ho ontryman rellngulshhiij SO acres for the
benefit of the actual settler , who , thereupon ,
makes his entry for the samo.
Does the law require the continuous pros-
: nco of the homesteader upon his land ) This
s an important question for Imperative
icccssity will require many settlers to leave
.heir homes this summer to obtain the means
with which to Improve their land nnd keep
, ho wolf from their doors. Having once gene
ipon the claim with the intent to muko It his
lomo nnd having shown the intout by
.ho honest settler can leave it for the pur
pose of making n living or to meet the
axtgcnclcs of business life. Under
iheso circumstances ho leaves with
Lho Intent to return to the land
nnd this intent makes it his homo.
An nbscnco of six months , however , from
Ills claim raises a presumption of abandon
ment nnd the claim is subject to a contest for
this cause. Hesldcnco cannot bo established
and maintained by proxy. Meagre Improve
ment and occasional visits to a , claim do not
establish nor maintain a residence. One
must take the land in good faith for a homo
and for a farm and must occupy and must
use It as such. This requirement of the law
Is easy for nn honest farmer to comply with
whllo the land-grabber llnds it exceedingly
annoying and difllcult. There Is no provision
in the act of congress under which town sites
can bo legally located in Oklahoma and the
sale of town lots to Innocent parties is a
flagrant fraud. There Is no machinery In
Oklahoma , nor will thcro bo until provided
by congress , through which the town site
section of the law can bo made to operate.
The homesteader should know accurately
the description of the claim on which ho
settles ; that his pr.pors presented to the local
land office are absolutely correct and then
should be prepared , If necessary , to defend
his rights before the general land ofllco and
the secretary of the Interior. This is all that
ho can do for himself and all that cau bo
done for him.
S. E. , ordinary physician to II. M. , the
Qucon in Scotland : Professor of Prac
tice of Physio in the University of
Edinburgh , writes of Brltfht's Disease
ns follows : "Catarrh of the intestine
also occasionally occurs , sometimes pro
ducing an exhausting diarrhoja. " War
ner's Safe Cure euros the Diarrhoea , by
first removing the cause. Union Election.
At the annual election of the Omaha Musi
cal Union hold at their headquarters yester
day afternoon , the following ofUcers were
chosen for the current year : Julius Myor ,
president ; II. F. Irwln , vice-president ; I.
Kaufman , secretary ; E. Drosto , treasurer ;
J. Lumloy , .1. Allcs and A. Benediction , trus
tees. Article 'J of the constitution was
amended to read ns follows : 'Tho object of
thl s union is to unite the instrumental
portion of the profession for the
bettor protection of its interests In general ,
and the establishment of a minimum rate of
prices to bo charccd by members of such so
ciety for their professional services ; the crea
tion of n fund to bo known ns n sick bcnellt
fund for the purpose of aiding sick aud dis
abled members of the union nnd the enforce
ment of good faith and fair dealing between
the members. _
Advice to .Mothers.
Mr . Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup should al
ways bo used for children toothing. It soothe !
the child , softens the gums , allays all pain ,
cures wind co'lc ' , aud is the best remedy for
diarrhoea. 2o m Is a bottle.
Prisoners Discharged.
County Attorney Mahoney nollcd two
cases Against prisoners In the Jail and or
dered thorn released from custody. .One of
these was Norman Shepherd , the man who
obtained n vehicle from the Columbus Buggy
company lust fall under false pretenses , sold
it to the Pnliico livery stable people and un
dertook to got away. Ho was cauturcd at
Cheyenne nnd brought back. Slnco his con
finement , Shepherd has uliown such signs of
being demented that the board of lunacy had
its attention called to his condition and after
an examination pronounced him Insane. Lin
coln Do Boino , charged with Illegally voting
out of his iuvn precinct at last November's
election , was the otnor part } * liberated. Mahoney -
honey slated that this offender had already
been imprisoned a longer term than ho would
have been had ho pleaded guilty.
A New Trnin.
Tlio connecting link botwuon No-
braslca and Kansan has just been placed
In Borvlco by the Union Pacific railway.
This train loaves Council Blull's daily at
4:45 : a , in. ; leaves Omiihii at 6:05 : a. iu. ,
nnd runs through without chuiigo to
Manhattan , Kan. , making direct con
nections there with the Kansas division
of the Union Pauiflo railway for all
points in Kansas and Colorado west
bound , and for Topeka , Lawrence , Kan
sas ( Jity and points east anil south via
KruisaH City , lloturnlng , train leaves
Manhattan at 12:25 : p. in. ; arriving at
Beatrice atU5 ( : p. m , , Lincoln at 7:50 :
p. in , , nnd Omaha at 11:20 : p. ni. , Coun
cil UlulTs 11:40 : p. m. , making direct
connection with Kansas division trains
from Kansas City , Lajvrenco , Topeka
and the cast , and from Denver , Sallna ,
Abellnu and all points west , enabling
passengers to visit the principal points
in Kansas and Nebraska in tlio shortest
poaslblo lime. Those trains have Hrst-
clasa equipment , consisting of smoking
cars and flrst-cliisj day couches of the
latest pattern. The now train will 1111
a long felt want , and is bound to bo
popular ,
_ _ _ _ _
Tilml to Din.
A colored strumpet n a mini Ella Montgom
ery attempted to end her life in a Davenport
Airoutdivo Tunsduv night with morphine.
The other lumatcs of thohouaodlKcovercd the
condition she was in aud sent fcr a phynlcmn
who p'.impoU the poison out of hur stomach
and saved her life.
Pnnoy Oanlnoa Draw Crowds to the
Bench Show.
Tlio Bnho Itall Sciiflon to Open With n
Itniul Wagon nnd All Acecsso-
rlcs Minneapolis the
First Victim.
Tlio Hcncli Show.
The attendance at Mnnntror Ingram'a
bench show yesterday was very largo ,
considering the weather , and of all the people
ple who wcro there , it is safe to say not a
slnglo person wont away dissatisfied , The
display In rare nnd beautiful dogs surpasses
anything of the kind over seen in this part
of the country , nnd a half-hour spent there
Is a half-hour profitably disposed of , Indeed.
The arbiters wore appointed yesterday af
ternoon , aud the dogs will bo Judged Friday ,
the last day , when the prlres will also h/t
awarded. The attcndanca of Indies and
children was very large , nnd it would
bn difficult for thorn to find n
more pleasant or interesting resort.
Tncro are splendid specimens of dogs here
of nil classes and strains , and the opportunity
afforded to study their respective points and
characteristics is u line ono.
In the absence of n kennel club In Omaha ,
or oven a sporting contingent who cared to
omb.trk In an cntcrprlso of this kind , Mr.
Iiurram has taken the taste upon himself , and
most admirably too ho has succeeded. To
suppose that ho Is to do all this for the glory
there is In It , Is idiotic. Ho Is the only man
in the city who has sought to give an Impe
tus to the breeding of fine dogs In Omaha ,
and in fact is about the only man thoroughly
qualified to engineer such an undertaking ,
and the lovers of the genus cnnluo nro lib
erally and properly attesting to their ap
preciation by extending to him their liberal
The following special prlzns have been
awarded :
To Ed Miller , by Edholm & AUln , a mag
nificent silver cup , appropriately inscribed ,
for the largest and best display of bull ter
To Ed Miller , In recognition nf the gen
uincness of his famous lighting dog , Pilot , n
huudsomo cup , by n couple of admiring
To Mr. Brlggs , of Avoca , Iowa , for kennel
on exhibition , u beautiful gold lined cup , by
C. S Uaymond.
To Ed Uothery , for his promising bull ter
rier bitch , Hot , a silver cup , by n well known
dog fancier.
The Lii'.vlcr gold badge , to Arthur Uotliery ,
for llnest display in Mexican hairless dogs.
Brought Down by Huntsmen nt 'the
Ilardin TouriKimnnt.
Notwithstanding the second day of the
shooting tournament broke damp and dis
agreeable , the attendance , Instead of being
diminished , was materially increased , aud
the enthusiasm of the contesting gunners
ran ns high as over. Owing to the roln the
shooting did not begin until 10 o'clock , nt
which time , although there was still much
descending moisture , the eager shoot
ers could restrain themselves no longer ,
aud active operations wore commenced.
There is considerable talk among the
visiting sportsmen about a proposed
100-live-bird match botweou C. W. Budd ,
the champion of the world , of DCS Molncs.
and Uollo C. Hoikcs , of Dayton , O. , and
oaoof the crack shots of the country. Botii
men have many ardent admirers bore , and
there is no question but that both will bo
liberally backed. If the match can bo made
It will take place to-morrow afternoon.
The events of the morning wore as fol
lows :
Special sweepstakes , 5 live birds , 30 yards
rise , modified English rules , entrance $ -.50.
The score is as follows :
Cave i 0 Oil 1 fl
Lone Jack I 110 1 4
Mulford 1 Oil 1 1
Gwin 0 Oil 1-3
Nicholi 1 1 1 1 1-ri
Morgan t 110 1 t
NIcholl won the llrst money , $12.50 ; the tics
on four divided second money , & .
The second event was a similar llvo bird
shoot , entrance $3.
Smith 1 1 1 1 1 r.
Hardin 1 111 1 5
Shuenman 1 111 1 5
Nicholi 0 111 1 4
Craybill 1 111 1 5
Wellington 0 111 1 1
Parmeleo 1011 1 4
Ellis 1 111 1-5
Budd 0 0 1 1 1 3
Harrison 0 Oil 1 3
Hughes 1 111 1 5
Mulford 1 1 1 1 1 ri
Puwnco 1 111 1 5
Fleck 0 1 1 1 l t
Lone Jock I 1 1 1 1 5
First money shot out ; J'armeleo and Fleck
divided second money , $10.50.
The third event was 15 standard targets , 18
yards rise , entrance $3.00. The following Is
the score :
Hardin . . . . 11111111111011 1 14
Uravbill. . .11111111111111 1 15
Budd llllllllllllll 1 15
Purmolco. . 11011111111111 1--U
Harrison. . . 000011110101110 8
Crnvbllland Budd divided first money , $23 ;
Hardin nnd 1'iirmclco second , fctb.M ) , .and
Harrison took third , SlO.'j.
The fourth event six slnglo and throe
pair double , standard targets , $5 entrance.
The score was :
Pnrmclco 111111 11 1101-10
Ellis 1 1 I 1 1 1 1101 10 10
Budd 111111 111110 11
Hoiks 111110 1101 10 9
Fleck 011111 0001 11 8
Harrison 0010 1 01 10 10 (1 (
Shields 1110 1 00 11 11 9
Elliott 1111 I 11 11 00 10
Kotchom 1000 I 011111 10
Hughes 111111 01 0101 1) )
Crnybill 1 1 1 t I 0 11 01 10 9
Lone Jack 1 I I 1 1 t 110101 10
NIcholl 1 1 0 I 1 I 0101 11 9
Hardid 1 11 1 11 110110-10
Budd won first money , $30 ; Pnrmoloo and
Hardin second , $15.30 , and NIcholl third ,
Afternoon Kvents.
The first event on the card , yesterday after
noon , was 10 English sparrows , 2 $ yards rise ,
J5 entrance , The score :
Ellis 1 011000101 5
Huikos 1 1101111 1 1 U
Hudies 0 110110111 7
Parmolco I 0011000 ] 1-5
Field 0 010110011 5
Hardln 1 110001110 0
Pawnee. 0 111101111 8
Budd 1 11111111 1-10
Fleet 0 1 I 00 1 1 0 1 1 0
Koynard T. 1 1 0 0 1 1 I 1 1 0 7
Smith 0 111011101 7
Uudd won first , $20 : Helkes second , $10 ;
Pnwnco third in the shoot-off , ? 12.50.
The next event was 7 llvo birds , HO yards
rlso , modified English rules , entrance $5.
The ccoro :
Budd 1 111111 7
Hughes 1 111111 7
Fluet 1 111111 7
Holkos I 111111 7
Harrison I 111111 7
McUruor I 111111 7
Pnrmeleo 1 111111 7
Ellis 1 111111 7
Field 1 111011 0
Hardin 1 111101 0
Smith I 1 1 1 1 0 1
Pawnee 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 C
Westbrooke , . . . .0 111010 4
Hoffnuyor 0 I 1 1 0 0 0 ! l
First money. $35 50. divided lu 7 ; second
money , $27 , divided In ulx ; third money ,
SIS.SU , wan by Paruiclcc , and fourth , (9.40 ,
by Westbrooke.
. The closing shoot of the day was 12 slnglo
standard ! ) , 13 yards rise , $ ' ) Tlio score :
Craybill 1 1 I 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 10
Ellis I 0111011111 1 10
Harrison 1 10110000100 5
Holkes 0 1 I 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 I 10
Fleet 0 11010011101 7
Hardin 1 1111111111 0-11
Budd 1 1101111111 1 11
Field 1 11100011101 8
Parmolee , . ,1 11001110111 0
Ueynard 1 1111101011 1 10
Mcholl I 10011101111 9
Lone Jnck 1 01010000000 U
Pownoo I 10110101001 7
Suhunomun 1 1111101110 1 10
Nason 0 11010111011 8
Uudd nad Hardm divided first , t'Jl&O ;
Uoynnrd nnd Seliuncmnn divided
second. 810 ; I'armotod" hnd NIcholl divided
third , t(4 ( ; Field nnd Nnson fourth , (7.SO.
Shooting opens promptly ut 9 o'clock this
morning ,
To Tnka 1'lnoe nt Association 1'nrk
Day nftor to-inorrq\v the championship
season of the Western Association opens with
games nt Omaha , Slou * City , St , Joseph nnd
Denver. At no other place wilt the opening
ceremonies equal thosi of thl * city , as the
management has decided to act upon Tun
Br.r.'s repeated suggestion" to make it n gala
day. A good deal ot expense nnd much
trouble will bo incurred to mnko this tn.ui-
Rural day of the ncnnnnt race n memorable
ono. The grand stand will bo decorated with
lings , nnd the Musical Union band , forty
nieces , will glvo n grand open nir concert ,
beginning shortly after 1 o'clock. Preced
ing the game , a grand parade of the princi
pal thoroughfares will bo made by the
players of both teams in barouches ,
headed by the band. The players will , for
the llrst time , wear their their now uniforms ,
nnd the parndo Itself will bo of the nature of
nvrcnt. Many Indies have already signified
their Intention of being present , and some of
the most prominent business mid society men
will occupy reserved souls In the grand
utaiid. It Is expected that the largest crowd
over scon nt a week-day ganio will bo at the
park on this occasion. The strong Minne
apolis team will nrrivo to-morrow evening ,
nnd ns all nro lu line condition , they will
give the Omahas n great battle. Again act
ing upon a suggestion of TIIR Bir's : , com
mencing about the 15th of May. every
Wednesday will bo sot apart as ladies' day ,
on which occasions the fair ones will bo ad
mitted free.
Tlio Clilcnuo ImdlcH' Unco.
The ladles' bicycle nice now In progress nt
Chicago , stood as follows up to last evening :
Name. Miles. Laps.
Woods 84 0
Oakcs S4 7
Baldwin 80 9
Brown 73 7
Lewis 74 0
Mmo. Armutndo did not npponr , because
the management differed with her about al
lowing her husband to bo free nnd numerous
about the truck , and when they ruled him oft
lie disappeared , too. Oakcs , Woods and.
Baldwin , however , moro than compensated
for her disappearance , and made a very
spirited finish when tluio was called.
Beauty Baldwin , In the full spurt of a
closely contested lap , fell from her wheel ,
nnd Misses Woods , O.ikes and Brown collid
ing wltn her , fell in a confused mass upon
the track. The plucky tidors wcroinilcklv
upon their wheels , however , and whirling
away again as briskly as over.
Iiocnl Sportliij * Notes.
The Omahas play the soldier team at the
Fort to-morrow afternoon.
Leighton has been released. Ho and Ken
nedy both may go to Kearney.
The Minneapolis team will nrrivo hero to
morrow uvcning.
A cocking main , flvo battles , took place
near Lecdor's road house , yesterday after
To-morrow night Prof. Arthur Hothery , of
this city , nnd Pi of , Jack Day , of Now Yorlc.
will glvo an eight round glove contest at the
People's theater. Day was , until recently ,
Instructor of the manly art in Wagner's
gymnasium , New York City. The contest
will bo governed by Marquis of Quccnsberry
Wniiiulcd In the Army.
I was wounded in thq legal the battle
of Stone Rtvor. Dec. , aiat , 1802. My
blood was poisoned 'from the olToots of
the wound , and the leg swelled to double
its natural size , and remained so for
many years. The poison extended to
my whole system , ana I suffered a thou
sand deaths. Nothing did mo any good
until I took Swift's Specilic , which took
the poison out ot my blood , and enabled
me to tool myself a man again. S. S. S.
is the remedy for blood poison.
Catarrh in.Childron.
Our little boy stokes , now cloven
years old , had catarrh from the time ho
was throe until ho was seven years of
age. Sometimes his breathing was
heavy , and a constant discharge from
the nose. Ho had moro or le&s treat
ment for four years , but without uny
bcnolit. Wo gave him Swift's Specilic ,
and it hoon cured him sound and well.
This was four years ago , and there has
been no return of the diboaso.
Mus. W. P. KBNNOX , Salem , Ala.
How the Motor Company 1'nys for
Tonrlnc tip I'nvoincnts.
The Omaha Motor company yesterday
paid the city treasuier $2,470.82 , which
amount , the city engineer estimates , was
the original cost of the two blocks of pavinc
on Sixteenth street on which the company
asked a permit to extend its lines.
The officers of the company express tfielr
belief that a majority of the members of
the council who voted for the ordinance did
not fully understand its provisions when
they did so , but thought that It applied alone
to pavements that hud been laid less than n
"It Is a great hardship on us , " said Chief
Engineer Adams to u icporter. "and if wo
were not so determined to complete our sys
tem , it would cause us to suspend work on
paved streets cntlicly , but as it is , wo will
go ahead and comply with the ordinance , but
under protest. It will necessitate the ex
penditure of thousands of dollars In absolute
cash , spot down , b.vus , whereas the property
owners have ten years to muko tlio pay
ments. If the consolidated compinlcs had
succeeded in their attempts to secure u
monopoly of the street railway business in
Onialui , you would not have seen a foot of
track laid on paved streets this year if that
ordinance remained in effect. "
Thu motor company will attempt to secure
a repeal of the ordinance.
Tho'Omaha Street railway company yes *
terday morning applied for n permit to
build on Vinton , thico blocks west from
Sixteenth , evidently with u dcsiro to
stop the motor company from pursuing its
proposed route to South Omaha , but as the
same company bus enjoined the board from
Issuing the motor company a permit to build
on these blocks , the board hold that it could
grant n permit to no company whatever tote
to build on the street in question , until the
temporary injunction was either sustained or
dissolved , us in thu latter ovctit the motor
company , having iiled.Hs application first ,
would bo entitled to 1)19 ) permit.
The Melancholy Termination of A
YotiiiR Sinn's MCc.
Daniel E. Ilohnn , n young man apparently
about twenty-one years old , committed sui
cide in Ewall's lodging house at 1107 Farnatu
street ,
Ho came to Omaha last Monday from
Cnrrol , la. , where his parents reside , nnd ,
according to n postal card found among some
letters on his person , the deceased had ar
ranged to go into business with Uoscoo M ,
Wlor , of 2. 0 North Sixteenth street.
Tha supposition Is that Hohnii had boon
disappointed In love , and so brooded over
the matter that death was decided upon to
afford him relief.
Tuesday D. O'Neill ' , a friend of Itohan's ,
arrived here , nnd slept with him Tuesday
night. Both nroso bntwecu 0 and 7
o'clock In the morning , dressed nnd loft
the room together. O'Neill ' then
went outdoors , nnd while lie was
gene Kolian wont back to the
room nnd shot himself In the head , Just be
hind the right car , with n 33-c.illbro revolver.
As soon ns tha report was hoard , everybody
In the house rushed to the locality whunos
the report came and , in Kalian's roomon the
edge of the bed , they found the victim lying
Death must have resulted almost Instantly.
Anparcntly , the sulcldo hnd seated hlmsolf
on the bed , placed the weapon to his head ,
fired and fell over backward. Ho still
grasped the revolver In his hand. A bundle
of letters was found on the bed beside him.
Ono of the missives was addressed to bis
father and another to the police authorities ,
notifying thorn whcro to telegraph to apprise
his folks ot the rash act. In this p.iukago
was a postal card to WIer , saying ; " 1 can't
become your partner as aereed. "
Four or llvo sheets of letter paper wore
discovered on which ho hnd commenced to
wrlto to a girl whom ho addressed as "Dear
Fneud Emma , " but could not nerve himself
to do It. On another sheet wei a three or four
lines to Thomas B. Hohan , saying : "I have
given up my school nnd will rough it In the
west. Settle my business as best you can. "
The letter to the father was not opened ,
Coroner Drexel was notified of the affair
Immediately , ordered thu removal of the
body to his establishment , mid at 9 o'clock
held an Inquest. The Jury returned a verdict
to the effect tint the deceased had come to
his death by a gunshot wound Inflicted by
himself nnd with suicidal Intent.
The suicide's father and brother have been
telegraphed to and tire expected hero this
cventm ; .
John M , nnd T. B. Rohan , brothers of the
miieldc , arrived In Omaha last night from
Carroll , la. , In response to a telegram. Both
are slopping nt the Mlllard. They stilted
that their young brother hud been n school
teacher and came to this city to teach in
Rome educational Institution in or near
Omaha. They said tlmt ho loft Carroll lust
Saturday night nnd arrived here Sunday
morning. He scoined to have been in good
spirits when ho loft homo Neither of the
brothers over know of him being in love.
They claim that it was a fit of despondency.
They thought ho was mentally deranged.
His father icccivcd n letter from him
Monday , saying that bo was going to end his
lift ) . The brothers , when the communica
tion was handed them , looked at each other
aud simultaneously remarked , "D.ivo Is
crazy. " The letter was very much discon
nected , nud his sudden determination to Jump
into the depths of the great unknown was at-
tiibuted to the young man's loss of ro.isou.
Young Hohun's body will not bo taken to
Carroll , la. The remains will bo laid to rest
this afternoon ut3 o'clock in Holy Sepulchre
cemetery. The funeral will be private , nnd
will take place from Drexel & Maul's under
taking establishment.'nrd'M Acid 1'liosphato.
Beware of Imitations.
Mayor Broatcli Impresses Himself on
Severn ! Subjects.
Mayor Broatch was in an exceedingly good
humor yesterday. Ho was relating tlio
result of Tuesday night's council meeting-
ono of his clerks when n reporter dropped In.
"Yes , " said he , " 1 feel good. Victors have
a richt to feel so.
"I doa't fight and run away , " continued
the mavor , as ho motioned the reporter to a
seat , "that I may llvo to light some other
day. I have stood my ground In this affair ,
and I Intend to continue doing so , I under
stand that the saloon men and their friends
In the council will try to got another similar
ordinance through. Now , I think they arc
foolish to continue these tactics. If they are
not careful , 1 will enforce rcrtain strin
gent laws that will bo rather severe
on them. I can do it , and unless
they behave themselves I will. I have
tried to do what is fair and right in this
matter , nnd I think I have a majority of the
business men with me.
"The councilmen who walked out of the
meeting last night acted hlco a lot of school
boys 1 It was dissracoful I
"Hasnall 1 Hnscall 1 did you nslc me what
I thought of HnscalH" and the mayor's mild
blue eyes snapped viciously. "I think he's
a low , contemptible cur ; unfit to wash the
feet of a decent mnn. I know Hascall.
"How silly was his conduct h\st night , "
continued his honor after a pause , during
which ho had cooled down considerably.
"Sitting on the rail of the council
chamber , defying the council. Leo was
weak. If 1 hnd been wielding tlmt gavel I
would have brought Hascall inyide that rail
if I had to summon the entire polled force
nnd break every bono in his body in doing
so. The Bcrgeant-ut-arms , Butler , Is not lit
for the place. Ho was in sympathy with
Hascall through nil , and failed to do his
duty , " and the mayor signified that the In
terview was nt an end by taking up a paper
cuttsr and attacking a pile of letters that
lay before nitu. _
Tlio rosy freshness , and a velvety
softness of tlio skin is invariably ob
tained by those who use Pozzoni's Com
plexion Powder.
With Criminal Xoulltronco.
CHICAGO. April 17. A special from.Jollct . ,
III. , says that the coroner's Jury which has
been investigating the Santa Fo railway dis
aster , which occurred at Lorenzo , by which
several people were killed and others In
jured , have returned a verdict of gross crim
inal negligence against Conductor Fred
Hughes and Engineer Frank Connors. It Is
reported that the sheriff of that county has
gene to Chillicothu to arrest the men ,
A Ferry Ilont Burned.
New YOHK , April 17. The Pennsylvania
railroad ferry boat Brunswick , plying be
tween the Pennsylvania railroad station in
Jorsoj City and New York , burned In Jersey
City to-day. The passengers escaped. Loss ,
ITted by the United Btatei novernmrnt. Rndoried by ( lie hesds of the Rrcat Unlverilllo
nnd rubllc Peed Analytts , as the Strongest , I'urest and most Jlealthful. Dr. I'rlcc'i Cream
llaklng Powder docs not contain Ammonia , J.lme or Alum , Dr I'rice's Dtllclous I'lavorlnc J'x-
tracts , Vanilla , I.cuiou , Orange , Almond , Rose , etc. , do not coutalu I'oltonoui OiU or Cbciulcol * .
PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. , Naw York. Chlcnjjo. Ot. Loulo.
Frrnil of tvcry pads-
agcof 1'carllnc should
be exactly like this
cut , or it is n fraudu
lent imitation
use an imitation of any
thing , much less imitations
of Pylc's Pcarlinc they are
dangerous. Peddlers and unscrupulous gro
cers will tell you the stuff they offer is
"Pearline , " "same as Pearline , " "or as good as Pearline. "
IT'S FALSE Pearline is the Standard Washing Com
pound to-day has no rival no equal never peddled
gives no prizes but stands on the foundation on
which it was reared MERIT. H4
aaietie Belts !
Grandest Triumph ol Electric Science ScI-
' _ , . . . cnllficslly Made nnd Practically Applied-
Gentlemen's Kelt . Nrlentifle
with Suspensory Klcttrie , Bcdit&DISEASE CURED WITHOUT MEDICINES
_ _ . _ . .
_ ruou ivrwv'T ) * i fiifR
< M. bflt I.Ju.t nhnt jrou nrrd. l > n bo aiiplknl to nnr pare ' of tlio ted jr.
XU0l' * " " ' ALL ELSE F'ABLS.
Krprr pn K'mitno nnd ns U ! > / | ierml > ilon fl.MOlK tlio rationing nlm Imre lif n
„ . _ _ _ llllElti-A.J.IIoiitl [ nlU.S.rArkiriinilJ Jt lli-tlntt.nllan lloanl ot 1 rnile. CWc '
I BOI A , OrOROrr , eommlulon nitrclmnt Block Tanlii llailil lobl . tlioftiat liortfmrxni A , O. WundUr , it. 1) ) ' ,
I R)5MilnStrut , ItufTMoK. Y.i O. W. llollui.M. 1) . , Mormontnnn , lowai l.ernnol Mlllc. K nk ken , 1II. ) JvilB I.
BN Nurrar.Noi'BMllln , III I E.f. . Abhott.nipt cltr wntorworkj.Boulli Itpnd , Inil | Holit. It. Haniiion , Clilc RO
Iroitomci ! L.I ) . McMlclmei. M.I ) .lluUnlu , N. Y , "Your Iwlt nai nccompll.hoil nlmt no oilier rcinodr liasl
I iteady norro * and comfort itl.ln gift pntiil ht. " Robt. Hall , Aklonnan , if > o K/itt S th hlnjct , NBW York , etc.
KKTIC I ! KIT tintlllTi'lr cures
. ALSO ELECTltlO IIELTB Foil mSKAHKS. r oaLDri o on irto i Banponuorlci > ctoiniCALBljiCTnibmiI.TIn f roe -with Wale Bella. 'ths
. REFERENCES ! Any Imntc , commtircml airfncr erA > 0iabogui coniiinnim vUUnmnr Mlmm ami worth-
jvthotetnle hou o In Chicago ) whoIf al ilrusil : U.B ni ( s unluiUonn lUiCTBIO TKVS8BS run IIUPTUUB.
j I rnnclico and Chicago. li.OOO turrj Gcndetiunp tor Illustrated immpbUt.
DR. W. J. HORNE , Inventor , .91 Wabash Avenue , Chicago
" - - " " ' - -
1513 Douglas St , Oinalie , Neteka ,
1103 TAHNAM , On VH < . NEU.
( Opposite 1'axton Hotel. )
Oillco hours , 9 a. in , to 8 p. m Sunday * , 10 a.
m. to 11) m.
.Specialists la Chronic , Nervous , Skin and
Blood Disease- ) .
{ Consultation at olilco or by mall freo.
Medicines Bi-nt by umil or express , securely
packed , free from observation. Uuiuautees to
cure quickly , hafelv unil iiermnnentlv.
TJPDuflTK' nTJniII'IlVsl'or"la'orrllcr'1' ' ' ' 8 < > int-
rUjriYUUi ; LmDlLllI mil lo4bos.Nightl iiils-
Blom I'liyslcal Decay , nrlulnt ; from Indiscre
tion. Uxtpsi or Indulgence , proiliiclim Sleep
lessness , ltspon < lency. I'lmples on tlio face ,
nvursion to society , easily discouraged , luck of
( onlldence. dull , unlit ( or Htudy or biiHlnem.nnd
Hilda life n bin dun. safely , jieimiuiently and
pthntoly cured. Consult Dr , Iletts A : lletts ,
4US I'arnam St. , Onmlm , Net ) .
151nrii1 nnrl CJI/in TlipfiQt'n'1 tsypnllls. tv dlneaso
DlUJU ullu Ufllll LliiudSuS most iiorrlbUi In its
results , comnlotelv eradltntod without the aid
of Mwrcurv. ficrofula. KrjhlpolnH , l' verHoios ,
lllotche-i , Ulcous , i'nlns In the lluiid und Hones ,
Kyphllltlc Sore Tiinmt , Mouth und Touguo , Cu-
tunli. &o. pcrmunentlv rured where others
huvu fallt-d.
I7iiliinu ITniinnr nnd Illnddor Complnluta ,
KimicVi uniiary i > aintui , Himcmt , too U-B.
quont liuniliiK or Illoody Urine , Urine lilgn col
ored or with milky Hi-dlmunt on HtandliiB ,
Weak Hackflonnorrluca , ( lleot , Cystitis , He. ,
1'romplly nndSafely Cured , Charpcs Hoasonv
CJ TI'STfT'TTT ? T * 1 Guaranteed per
iw J. juvJLx/ v JCvJE * niiinent Cure , re-
mnvnl complete , \\itlinut , cutting , 'inmtlc or
illlntution , ( Jiiresulleeted at homo by patlont
\\lthout u moinontsnuluor unnuviuce.
To YOIM Men anil Miuulc-Aicd Men ,
A QTIDDTIIIDD The : iwful ellnclH of early
Jl uUlilJ uUlilJ Vie.- , which wind * oieanin
. deHtrnylnvboth mind iiii'J UOdy , with
nil Its i in > ailpil J1H. permanently cured .
DDQ nrTTI VXclrcHH tnosnito Juiye Initialled
IJllDi Dill ID tlii'iiiKulvcB by improper liidul.
L-micos nnd sollury hublt'l , uhlclt inln both
body and mind , iiiilUUnK them for bnalnesH ,
utudy or marrlugu.
MAIIIIKI ( > MKN. or those ontmliiKon t'lat hap
py life , nwaro of physical debility , quickly as
is based upon facts. I'lrat Practical Expe
rience. flrfcond Kvery case In especially studied ,
thus starting urlelit. Third Medicines at pro.
pared In our laboratory oxuctly to suit ouch
uii.0 , thus affecting curei without injury.
tiy'Hend U cents postage for celebrated works
nn Ulnonlc , Nervous and Dollonto JMsc.iscu.
Thousands cured. tSTA friendly letter or call
may save you futuie sutreiliiK nnd Bhamo , nnd
add Bullion jnara to llfo. jar1 No letturs an-
avvoi ed unless accompanied by 4 cents In fctamrs.
Addi uau or ' 'nil on
'nnmm Kitcet , Omaha , Neb ,
if nNFVanlalurlnarrtroubles ( | easily , itilclc
IXIUIILI ly and safBlvcurod byDOUTlfllA V ;
jultn. Woreral cxsea curoj In uavcn days. Heft
llj/u per box , ml druuulitii. or by mull from Doc-
u ilfg CoiJ3 , WWlB at. W.V , tMlldUecUona.
* *
SureCiiresI } ESTABLISHED I SB If 180 So.
Chicago , Ills , ( ClnrkSt ,
The Regular Old-Establlslied
It ( till Treating v.lth the Greatest
i * _ f _
Clironic , Nervous afluPmato Diseases ,
V - NERVOUS DEBILITY , Loit Manhood.
Polllnc Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible
Dreams , Head nnd Back Ache and all ihe effect !
leading to early dccuy and peihaps Contumptlon ot
Insanity , treated scientifically by new method ! with
never-failing success.
# B SYPHILIS and all bad Dlood and Skin DIs.
cotes permanently cured.
AV-KmNKYnnd URINARYaimnlalnti.Qleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Strictu re , Varlcocele nnd all tllseaici
oHhe Genlto-Urinary Organs cured pr'oniplly without
injury to Stomach , Kidneys cr o'.her Organs.
A'dNo experiments. ARC and experience lm
portant. Consultation free and tacred.
< K Scnd4 cenlh pottage for Celebrated Works on
Chronic , Nervous and Dellcnte Dlteaies.
3 Tliose contemplating MaiTiige send for Dr.
Clarke'a celebrated guide Male and Femnle , each
IS cents , both 35 cents ( stamps ) , Consult tha old
Doctor. A friendly letter orcallinay save fuluresuffer.
inp ant ] shame , and add colder , years to life. 43-Iiook
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " 50 cents ( namps ) . Medlcln *
and \\Mtlnci sent everywhere , secure from exposure.
Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays 9 to n Address
F. D. CLARKE , M. D. ,
106 So. Clark St. , CHICAGO , ILL.
t on , Iiisnmnlu , * } SfJ H K A\v * Wasting of tin
llortr , Id.oa , f > , " yct\\ \ causrd V India
crot on la i nut ! , or Marrif < TLI ? * . all Uliemoi pertain.
In * to the Womb or K nU l oruain
'Jhlili tin , luTirr nnd ( lmrroTem nt TM
, .uieiirtOBllotliuri | | > . literlni ) r of an
l.lcictrlp Holt Mnim the lutHit-thli Jio will flml lha
nll'll.Udlllor. . from .11 other. , n. It IsrilurTHHf
> ! i'l not ri chain , rolinioorwlrn Ijolt. ItollUIIll
itiiiiiinmlnaUiUlxiltrounllllitiriinolhrr. Tothow
the KNTJJIE OONyin HCK wo him. In our hleelro-UaN
vanlo IMU , m , | AH'lhmre.III trad our No. 4 l
300 North Droauwuv. ST , LOUIS' , rvio.
| U nJnJia/lho\uar.ibln uit. fiSfa Try OnOt
Ctentir Improved > tu nwlruiioH < u ckl on not
, itrllllnt"W rxtJ < . 'ril | irillK U'nKtU.
en ml tliarien accnrdlng tnllinwolKbt l > ct on th'itt.
witVii ? ' " * 1 " " . ' * ° roui'h COUI t7 "r "na
r - * mm mf ffmmfiG fi * * * fit
I Arrests discharges from tlio urtnury or4
I fans In cither MX 111 .18 Iimirii. I
i It la superior to t'ojiaiba , cubcbsi , ar
I Injections , nud tree from ull UJd n ell !
loroiticr Incouvtnlencra. .
1SANTAI-MIRY I * contained
lOHIilHU-ITIIUI In aniull ,
| ( ) sp ulb ( . lirli | be r tlio tisi.,0 lll
I liUckUtUr , withoutwbJcli uoucatuV