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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1889)
TELE OMAHA DAILY BEE : OteUBSDAY , AP11IL 18 , 1889 THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS , HutchlnQon Looming Up In the Wheat Pit Again. CORN CLOSES ABOUT THE SAME. * Ofttn Active nt ft IJOWOF Ilnn n A Nervous Keeling In Proyldoiifl Onttlo Dull With Fat Steers Lower. t cnicAUo rnonuoB MAimiiTS. CHICAGO , April 17. [ Special Telegram to 1'iiB Bnn.l Four traders out of flvo looked Tor nn castor wheat market to-day , chiefly on account of the brilliant weather. The mar ket was , therefore , n disappointment to the majority , for prices averaged higher than yesterday , though the weakness toward the close was a partial vindication of the vlows entertained by tbo masses. To offset the bearish Influence of the weather , the dull cables nnd thu predisposition on the part of tbo trade to sell wheat , n marked nnd gen * tral activity in the cash nnd shipping trndo tvni noticeable. The out movement of wheat and Its product from nearly every Important point of accumulation cast and west was very free. The seaboard clearances of wheat and flour amounted to about 225,000 bushels , anil the shipments from the western points wcro nearly as heavy. This port started over 100,000 bushel ! ) out , nnd it was stated , jn good authority , that last night $10,000 $ , bushels wcro in the hands of the shippers ready to move. This morn Ing 115,000 bushels additional went Into iho tame category In ono block , turn Harper was iiuotcd as having disposed of the re mainder of the wheat In store in the Pacific tlovator. Ono cargo was sold for delivery in New York ut $1.02 , or lOc above the prlco if No. 2 red nt that point. It , brought Ic over the May prlco In Chicago. The move ment of wheat seems to bo general and le gitimate , though , as is usual when wheat "gets a move on" this wny , stories nro afloat that tho'property is being forced along by aji irtlflclal agency to give to the market the ippcaranco of healthful activity , not war ranted by facts. In this cnso Hutchinson Is mentioned as n posslbln motive power , ho saving been heard to say frequently of late lhat "Wheat must bo moved out , " if prices ire expected to advance. * Cables were very lulct and in some Instances lower. Now Vork , however , sent a good many dispatches Indicative of a foreign Interest in the market there. Several parties stated that there rvcro foreign buying orders in forjgood round 'ots very close to the market. From other tourers It was learned that several lota of Now York wheat shipped to English port had arrived in good and satisfactory condition. This about wheat that hnu been commonly blackguarded from ono end of the world to the other , may bo considered a good point. Northwest is very steady at arounu the surrcnt quotations. May wheat opened nt J8t.Cc , sold off to S3) ) c nnd up to SOc , closing itbSjSfc. Tlio r.uigo for Juno was SS@SOKc. inrt the close " SSjKc. July opened nt fc''c , sold up to E3o"and back to SS ifc , closing at 82c. I'lio advance from the beginning was stc.uly ind strong , nnd without important backset , 'h'o being tlio greatest reaction. At Silo the Offerings became larger than the market uould stand nnd It slowly yielded. During the middle of the day business was exceed ingly dull , nnd a similar state of affairs ex isted as the other points , Judrlng from the complaints that drifted over the wires. Dur ing thu last hour there was n fair resump tion of activity on a declining scale-of values , nd the close was soft nt only a "split" above- yesterday for July and KQj c nbovo for Slay and June. Hutchinson was quoted by eng odds the heaviest Individual trailer , his operations being on the long si Jo. The Improvement in wheat nnd tlio firm ness of the foreign market wcro the causes of BOtno strength and n higher rnngo of prices for corn. The demand for cash corn for shipment was active , and prices wcro advanced for tno lower grades , which ship pers prefer at the present at the difference In prlco which exists. The quotations of cholco No , 8 nnd No. 8 yellow are , however , DO\v close up with No. 2 , and the latter grade will doubtless bo wanted by the shippers when Its better keeping qualities como to bo nn object. Tlio most encouraging point is the steady continuance of the demand for export , notwithstanding the heavy ship ments. Trading at times was fairly active , and the demand from the shorts was good until May reached . ' ( oc , when the offerings became heavy , and toward the close business was dull ana the early advance was lost , with the closing prlco substantially the sauio as on the previous day. Oats were active , with n largo speculative business recorded ut a lower range , the mar ket declining M@jWo from the outside prices. Early in the Jay thcro was some demand from the May shorts , probably Induced by Iho recent free outward movement of cash oats , and the feeling was rather firm , with May nt2U @ 24jS < c , anil Juno nnd July at nbout c discount. The crowd was soon Qllnd up , and with the Increasing offering of all the months , led by n number of heavy op erators , n down turn was inaugurated to B3JiJ@21c for May and Juno. H was believed that iho Milwaukee crowd , which had been recently endeavoring to sustain this nmritct In order to sell In Now York , has again en tered the lists hero , nnd is endeavoring to un load its holdings nt ns little loss us possible. Marked activity was noted at the Inmilo prices , with cash oats quiet , and quotable at Iho close at 23fg23Xo ( toe No. 2 regular. In provisions the fccliiur was qulto nor- rous. They advanced nnd receded cosily , mil wcro consequently subject to frequent changes. The fluctuations , however , were confined to a more moderate range than might have been expected. In pork they amounted to 27 > < @ 30o ; in lard to 2 > @ 5c , ind in short ribs to 1-Ko. The shorts cov ered pretty freely , nnd the spurts of llrm- acss shown at times wcro due moro to their buying than to uny other cause. Cuduhy and the other well known boars showed an increased disposition to sell , nnd prices all iround touched a higher point thiin yostor- lay. though the closings were lower. The lay'a ' actual decline in pork was lOc , atd in ihort ribs 10@12 > fc. Lard closed unchanged to a shade easier , ClllOAliO IAVK BXOOK. r CHICAGO. April 17. [ Special Telegram to THIS Bcu. ] CATTI.C The supply shows a ( air and steady decrease , but in the face ef this undisputed fact trade continues ilow and dull , with n quiet but steady down turn on all classes of fat steers , most sales men quoting big cattlu 2 ! > @ 3'a ) lower than at this time last week , and light little steers , on which sellers depended to sustain prices , lOo to Ifx ) lower than a week ago. Exporters uro nominally out of the market , nnd none of the transient buyers are hero this week. Ad vices from the English markets are discour aging , American beef nnd cuttlo arriving In largo quantities and in largo numbers. A prouiinunt factor against tlio native steer to-day was the largo number of prime corn fed Tcxans on sale. Buyers preferred this class of stock to natives ut the prlco , ami would bid no moro for natives than tlicj paid for Texnns. Native butchers' stock and cow stock generally are In fair dcniam : nnd steady , especially ou prime cows anil lioifcrs. The stacker and feeder trade is moving along at the former prices , Cholco to extra steers , fl.OOMl.BO ; medium to good ulcers , 1350 to 1500 Ibs , fJ.80W4.10 ; 1300 to 1350 Ibs , * 3.40u(3.H ( ) ; 050 to 1200 Ibs , W.25 < ii3,00 ; stackers and feeders , $3.40(3 ( 8.00 ; cows , bulls and mixed , $1.7503.15 ; bulk , $2.25(23.75 ( ; Texas cattlu slow , J.50Ji ( 3.75. 3.75.Hoos Hoes The general market opened active anil u shattu strounor , but closed weak am fully as low us at uny time yesterday. Tbo bulk of the early sales were at tl.8X24.S7X in thn Hock Island and Burlington divisions , but In the northwest values wera fully 5o lower nil day than clsowhoro in the yards , and at the close about $4.80 was thu prlco for good mixed lu the Burlington nnd Uock Island division ! ) , and { 4.70,34.75 in the north west division. Buyers for the packers were boosting that they would got "good stuff" aa low U8.ti.05 bcforo the day closed. What some of these boaxtera call "good stuff , " other buyers would not take at uny prlco. Light Boris sold at * 4.60@4.VO. F1NANGIAU NEW YOIIK , April 17. [ Special Telegram o TUB Unr.,1STOCKS There was the usual etato of affairs n . the opening of the stock market. Prices wcro little changed from nut night and the activity was confined to n small part of the list wnllo the balance moved slightly with the loaders. The Hrst ialf hour was marked by a decline led by LJurlingtoii and Hock Island , which lost nearly n point each nnd the other declines extended to > 4 P ° r cont110 Oregon Hall way and Navigation company was erratic again , nnd quickly lost 3 > per cont. Sugar Trusts dropped 3 per cont. Heading A ; Louisville showed fair staying ability , but thcro wore no strong stocks early , lloforo .ho end of the hour thcro was n slight rally in prices , but the early losses were not re gained , Later in the forenoon there was firmness and dullness , nnd Just before 13 o'clock another weak spell , with prices but fractionally changed. Pullman was thu Feature about midday , and moved up nearly } points. The sales for . the forenoon were but 1)5,000 ) shares. The following wore the closing quotations ! t ! . S. 4s regular. 120U Northern 1'Rclflc. . U. H. 4i coupon-i. . do prof erred. . . . . .103 i IT. k > . 4'sreKUlnr.,108 0. .VN. W , . . . If. 8. 4'4 coupons. 108 do preferred HflJi racllIcllHOt W . . .11.1) ) N.V.iVntral 107'i Central 1'nclflc : 4- I'.O.A-K 21J4 CliluutoA : Alton. . . 133 Hock Iilnnd ttiV Chicago , Burlington 0. . M. .t St.I' Rl AQumcy ni < iln preferred tOIJj 1) . . I.AW. IMIJ , St.I'liul , V Omaha . X.i ! Illinois Central. . . .m dniueferreil 1UJ4 1. , W I'lilon 1'aclflC CO.'i Kimsn-iAcT . . . . ' , ' . .St. L. \ ! M l.nlco Slioro Wi iloproforred "i3 Michigan Central. . B'.i'f Western Union i-i Missouri I'acldc . MV4 Mo.vivoxCii.L Kasyat 2@3 percent. PniMi ) MKHCAXTIM : PAWJH IJfQO per cent. STCIIUXO ExciiASon Dull but firm ; sixty-day bills , $ I.SOX ; demand , PltOllUUK MAU1CBT3. CHICAGO , April 17. Wheat Weaker ; cash , 875fc ; May , bS c ; July , b2-3B'c. Corn Easier ; cash , 34-B' ) ( < 134)iC ; May , 31 13-lOc ; July , ! fc. Oats Lower ; cash , 23J c-May ; , 24 1-lCc ; July , 23 15-lCc. Hyo13Ko. . Barley Nothing doing. Prlmo Timothy--M.85@l.37. Flax-I.54@1.53. Whisky 51.03. Pork Lower ; April , $11.80 ; May , ? ll.6D ; July , J12.00. Lard Steady ; cash , $0.85 ; May , fO.OO ; July , * 0.orK- Flour Nominally unchanged. Dry Salt Meats Shoulders , $ . ! 5.2o < 35.50 ; short clears , $0.37 00.50 ; short ribs , $0.00l ( 0.03. 0.03.Uuttor Uuttor Unchanged ; creamery , 17@25c ; dairy , 13K@22c. Cheese Unchanged ; full cream Cheddars and Hats , 10@10J c ; Young Americas , 10 > @ He. He.ECRS ECRS Firmer ; fresh , 10 > @tOc. Hides Weaker ; heavy und light green salted , Oifc ; salted dull , 4.fc : green salted calf , Oc ; dry Hint , 7e ; dry salted , 7e ; dry calf , 7Jbc ( ; deacons , 25c each. Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed , ic ; No. 2 , 8 c ; cake , 4 } < c. Koceipts. Shipments. Flour 15,000 4,000 Wheat 18,000 112,000 Corn 278,000 301,000 Oats 111,000 180,000 Now York , April 17. Wheat Receipts , dull and lower ; April Corn Receipts , ill , 000 ; exports , 213 ; soot , firmer nnd active ; No. 2 , 43u In ele vator ; 4l ! ( < 5@4iKcullout ; No. 3 , 42 > @ 43 } c : ungraded mixed , 40X < J- / u ; options dull and wuak. Oats Receipts , 51,000 ; exports , 2,000 ; spot , quiet and weaker ; options , more active and lower ; April , 80 c ; May , Wa ; July 20 > fc ; spot , No. 2 white , 33 } ( cZ,34e ; mixed 30 ( < ii3o. : Coffee Outions dull , 5@10 points down ; sales , 0,2.0 bacs ; May , $10.r > 0lfi.CO ; June , flO.05 ; July , S10.70 ; spot Rio , fair cargoes , $18.75. St. IjoulH , April 17. Wheat Lower ; cash , 85cMay ; , S4 > o. Corn Uctter ; cash , SO o ; May , SO c. Oats Lower ; cash , 24c bid ; May , 24Kc. Pork Easy at $12.25. Lard Nominal at JO 05. Whisky Steady at $1.03. Huttcr Steady ; creamery , 23@25c ; dairy , .Milwaukee , April 17. Wheat Firm ; cash , 82Kc ; May. 83c. Corn Firm ; No. 2 , 34c. Oats Steady ; No. 2 , white , 2728c. Rye Higher ; No. 1 , 45o. IJarloy Dull ; No. 2 , 5Sc. Provisions Steady ; pork , $11.50. IMluneapolif , April 17. Wheat Sample wheat tinner ; receipts , 104 cars ; shipments , 5:1 : cars. Closing : No.l hard , April , $1.02 ; May , $1.01K ; on track , $101 , ; No. 1 northern , April , 'Jlc ; May , 91o ; on traclc , 02'ft'J3c ; No. 2 , northern , April , 80j ; May , SOo ; on track , S2@Slc. Clnuinnnti April 17. Wheat Stronger ; No. 2 red , 85 } c. Corn Firm ; No. 3 mixed , 85S35 ( > . , 'c. Oats Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 27c. Whisky In fair demand at1.03. Liverpool , April 17. [ Special Cablegram to THE linn. 1 8:80 : p. m. close. Pork- Holders offer moderately : prime moss , eastern , 05s , steady ; prime mess , western , C5s , steady. Lord Holders offer sparingly ; spot and April , 80s , steady ; May and June , 80s 3d , steady. Wheat Holders offer moderately ; new No. 2 , winter , Cs 10 > d , easy ; new No. 2 , spring , 7s 8d , easy. Flour Holders offer moderately at 11s , dull. dull.Corn Holders offer sparingly ; spot and May , 8s lO d , llrm ; April and June , 8s lOd , llrm. Kanans City. April 17. Wheat Quiet ; No , 2 red , cash , Sic asked ; May , S3' c asked ; No. 3 soft , cash , 84o ; May , 8-le bid. Corn Quiet ; No. 2 cash , ' > } { a asked ; May , 24Xobid ; No. 2 white cash , 2.Wo nskrd. Oats No. 2 , cash , 21c asked ; June , 2\e \ asked. _ tilVK STOCK. Glilcniro , April 17. The Drover * ' Journal reports as follows : Cattle Receipts , 18.000 ; shipments , none ; market slow , mm lOc lower ; beeves , $ -4 00@ 4,50 ; steers. fr'l.25@4. 10 : stockers and feed ers , f ' 3.40(3:1.70 ( : ; cows , bulls and mixed , (1.75 8.73 ; Texas cattle , $3. ) < < 83.75. Hogs Receipts , 15,500 ; market strong ; mixed , * 4.70@I.UO ; heavy , W.70@I.OO ; light , t4.75@5.03 ; skips , $4.00. Sheup Receipts , 7,0 JO ; market strong ; natives , $4.005,00 ( ; western corn-fed , $4.90 1 :5.40 : : TC.XCIIS , fl.70@5.20 ; lambs , tt.7. > @ 0.00. National Htoolc Vnrilo , Knst St. tiouls , April 17. Cattlo--Recoipts , 000 ; slilpments , 400 ; market strong ; choice heavy native steers , $4.00@J,00 ; fair to good , * 3.20i4.00 ( ! ; stackers and feeder * , $2.15 @ 3.25 ; rangers , corn-fed , $2.80Q3.70j gruss- fi-d , $2. < W 2.50. Hogs Receipts , 5,000 ; shipments , 700 ; market steady ; choice heavy and butchers' selection ! ) , $4.70@4.SO ; packing , $4.5U@ > . < > 5 ; light grades. $ IW .4.73. Sioux City , Ain-ll 17. Cattle Hecelnts , 431 ; shipments , 407 ; market steady ; fat steers , $3.00@'J.50 ; stackers , f j.ltt S.bS ; feeders , fJ.4t'a5-J.OU : canners unJ bulls , $1.00 01.78 ; veal calves , $2.00 ( < SI.CiO. Hogs Receipts , OS2 ; market 5o hlchor ; light and mixed , f4.45tf4.5 ; heavy , H.47 ( S4.65. ICaiiBia City , April 17 Cattle Receipts. 4,000 ; shipments , 2UOO ; market null and weak ; heavy shipping steers , slow ; 15@20o lower ; drcsocd beef steers , 10gl5o ( lower ; good to choice , corn fed , $ l.00 ( < $4.20 ; com mon to good. f3.0003.S5 ; slockers and feed ing steers , slow ; 5Q 10o lower at $3,00@3.GO ; cows , In good aemund at $3.50. Hogs Receipts 0,000 ; shipments , 1,100 ; market steady and 2o } higher : common to cholco , H25@4.CO. OMAHA iilVK STOCIC. Cattlo. Wednesday , April 17 , 16S9. The very thing which every ono was afraid of and which the country has been warned against lias como to pass ; the heavy receipts have demoralized tlio cattle market and all that Is needed now to sot the market back where It was a month ago la for the heavy ruu to continue. In addition to t&e surplus of cattle ftml the extremely unfavorable ad vices from eastern points , the rain which fell during the greater part of the forenoon helped to make a very dull nnd dragging market , Although a good many cattle changed hands before the close , the bnlk of them did not sell until afternoon. The mar * Itct upon thu whole WM 15e lower on dressed beef nnd shipping stccrc , and 25o lower than on Monday. Butchers' stow'c did not suffer so much decline , but It was in n good many cases lOo lower. The cow stuff sold largely nt $2.50@2.SO , but had there been something really choice the showing undoubtedly would have been much better. There Wni practic ally nothing doing In the way of stockcrs nnd feeders , Although other markets wcro not quoted any burlier the trndo hero took on upward turn of 5@10c. The market was active at tic advance and nn early clearance was of * fcctcd. The bulk of the sales were atgl.GO , but a sort sold as high ns M.70. Sin-op. There WM not n load of sheep In the yards nnd the market was only nominally steady. Kccelpt * . Cattle . 2,100 Hogs . . . 1,700 Prevailing Prices. The following Is a table of prices paid In this market for the grades of stock men tioned i Prime steers , 1300 to 1500 Ibs. . $3.00 ® 4.00 Prime steers , 1100 to 13JO Ibs. . 3.5'J &I.SO Native feeders . 2.70 ' .rf3.10 Common to good cows . 1.50 S2.70 Cholco to fancy cows . 2.05 C'W.20 Fair to chorea Bulls ; . 2.00 03.00 Fair to choice light hogs . 4.C.O 04.05 Fair to cholco heavy hogs . -l-ftO &J4.70 Fair to cholco mixed hogs . 4.55 M4.CO Fair to cholco western sheep. . 8.00 ( SI. SO Fallto choice Nobraskas . 3.73 M4.50 Kftrnsontulvc ] Sales. STUKHE. No Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 2 . 090 M.OO 40. . , .1311 $3.00 4. 1020 3.3' 47. . . .1121 8.X ( ) 11. 030 3.35 10. . , .1025 3.00 12. 1071 ! 3.35 11. . , .10S3 3.00 18. 1102 3.85 18. . , .13SO 3.00 13. 1043 3.40 17. . , .1301 3.115 3. 1050 3.45 21. . , .12vS ! 8.70 10. 1000 8.45 20. . . .12S4 8.70 18 01)5 ) 8.50 20. . 3.72 22. 1150 3.50 17. . .1301 3.75 17. 1133 8.55 20. . .1314 3.75 17. 11UO 8.55 STEEUS , YEAItUXOS. 23. 935 8.55 cows. 3. . 833 2.03 20 1010 2.CO 2. . OiO 3.00 1 1040 2.60 . S25 3.00 8 , 887 2.00 . 923 3.10 18..s. . 1041 2.05 . 755 O ( IT | 010 2.05 1. .1010 5-as i ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1240 2.C5 8. . S02 O OTj 055 2.G5 14a. . 0'J7 2.33 10. 1008 2.80 a. .1230 2.35 3. 1050 2.80 17. . 7b7 3.40 1. 1070 2.80 24. . 070 2.50 0. 1110 2.85 8. . 090 2.50 5. 1200 2.00 13. .1003 2.55 8. 1010 3.00 18. .10SO 3.55 1. 13M ) 3.23 21. .1021 3.01" " .1410 2.50 1 1010 8.00 .1540 2.50 1 1000 3.00 .1630 2.CO 1 1050 3.00 .1070 3.00 1 2310 3.00 HULLS , TiioitouonniiEU. .1870 3.35 1 510 3.50 CALVES. ISO ! .40 3 133 4.25 MIXED. . 13 000 3.50 11 1132 2.80 8TOCKKI19. 30 511 2.S5 0 620 3.00 STAGS. .1710 3.00 CAXNEHS. 025 1.50 noas. No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk Pr. 27. , . .237 120 S4.2K 57. . . .203 SO $4.CO 01. , . .247 240 4.53 CO. . . .207 SO 4.00 03. , . .264 SO 4.55 67. . . .203 240 4.CO 54. . . .204 40 4.55 38. . . .240 120 4.60 07. . . .220 80 4.55 62. . . .204 120 4.60 50. , , .27li 120 4.GO 72. . . .207 . . . 4.CO CS. , . .237 SO 4.GO . .242 40 4.60 CO. , .2C1 SO 4.00 43. . . .200 120 4.60 04. . , .214 40 4.00 64. . . .207 40 4.60 C2. . , .244 4.CO 50. . . .291 80 4.60 01. . . .252 . . . 4.60 CO. . . .248 40 4.CO CO. , . .272 320 4.CO 20. . . .230 40 4.CO 59. , . .250 60 4.CO 04. . . .200 . . . 4.62 03. , . .277 120 4.60 33. . . .293 . . . 4.70 Kangc of I'rices. Showing the highest nnd lowest prices paid for beef and shipping steers on the days indicated during the past three years. Sales of cattle In less than car load lots not in cluded. I March 1660. | Mnrch lab7. IMarch I I Tliroo Montlis * Showing1 the highest nnd lownst prices paid for loud s of hogs on this market on the days indicated during the past three months. April IBM. March 18SK. Feb. Ijlvo Stook Notca. Cnttlo way off. HORS 5@lOo higher. No sheep to inuko a market. licet ciittlo suflur the most decline. Kvon butchers' stock soils lower. Ono year I > BO to-day the top on beef stcera was ) , and the same prlco was the top three years ORO. Hogs sold hlKlior yesterday than on the corresponding day In March or February. Hogs sold a year ago at a range of M.80@ 5.33. Three years ago the top was $3.80. William Parsons , representing Squires & Co. . the Boston packers , arrived at tlio yards to-day. Ho says if any good heavy hogs como hero which ho can use , ho will buy them. Squires & Co , want good heavy hogs , and they always show a willingness to pay the top prices. OMAHA MAItKKXS. I'roiliico. PriiltH , Kto. DUTTCII Creamery Fanoy print , 23@21o ; cholco print , 21ilo ; fancy solid packed , SO @ o ; choice solid packed , VJg''Oo. Dairy Knncy roll , 1710c ; choice , ISQlOoj good , 13 ( * Uo ; low grades , lU(3iiic. ( CiiEKSK full cream cheddarH , cholco 1 IK Ql2 > < c ; full creaui Hats , two In hoop , UKOc lUv ! full cream Y. A. , cholco , 12K@iau : off grades and Hkiins. r 9o ; llmburgur , 10@12o ; brick , UKC12oi ? Swiss , 14S'15o. ( ' Koas-Strictly fresh , 6@'Jtf. Livu PouiTUY Chickens , per doz , W.OOj dtifkHi.5ii : ) geese , IS.OOOtO.OO ; turkeys , per lb , lOSl'Je. VEAL Heavy grassers , 150 to 200 Ibs , 5@ Co ; Infurlor calves , 50 to 00 Ibs. ! l5a : tno- dlutn to good , TO to 85 IbsXgOc ; cholco to fancy , 1K ( to 1UO Ibs , OQgTc. VKOKTAULKS Potatoes , Nebraska ana Iowa , cholco largo , " 0 ( < $33o ; common , 18 ( < d l'o * : sweat potatoes , Jersey , | > or bbl , ? 2.7S@ M.OO ; carrots , 3.i@-10u ; cubbago , California , per lb , 2u ; parsnips , per bu , 50igOOo ; onions. red cholco , 80oj silver skin , 35ot tu nlpst ' . > 0i ( 25c : rutabagas , SOQWo ; radishes , lettuce , 2 > ( 'J30o ; cucurrJtcVs , $1.00 ; Hiring beans , per box , $1.2 , " > M,50 ! ; celery , 16i'JOo pcrbu ; * plnHcli , (1.00 per libl ; pie plant 8c9 lOo t > er lb ; parsley , per doz , 25c ; soup buncncs , IVicjcaullllower.Jl.WKjtl.TS ; apara- pus S5c < 3l,00) ) beats , ndwJOc ; ( jrccn peas , Jl.OO. GMB Mnllnrtl , per iloz , W.CK a.00 , rc l > head , per doz , $2.f)0f3.00 ( ; teal , per dc > 7 , $1.75 ( r72.00 ; common small , tier iloz , $1.00 ( < el 50 ; rabbits , per doz , WcitJI.UO ) ; Jack rabbit1 * , per doz , W.OJtf3.0 ( ; goulrrols , per iloz , Wc@$1.00 ) ; Jack snipe , * 1.00l.'o. t AIIPI.ES Per bbl , fancy Mow York and Michigan. $3.75 ; cholco , f3.25 ; cholco Mis souri , J.5 ! : good , $1.75i ( .DO ; poor , 75c@1.00. Foitr.iox Fitt'iT Malaga Rntpcs , kegs , -10 toltflb * , lOo perlb ; banlitia * , per bunch , $1.60@3.00 ; lemoiiB , fan6y now , SWO toWOs ! , 13.00(53.73 ( ; orange * , Los Angeles , $150 ; Klversides , $3.50 ; Navels , $5.00 ; Mcsslnas , ? 3.25@3.00. CitA.Niir.mtins Hell & Iltiglc , cholco. $0.00 ; Hell & Cherry , choice , $5.51) ) ; cholco Jersey , ? 7.25. HIDES Green salted No. 1. 5 ( < ? 5J o ; No. 3 , 8@3Ko ; calf , fi5J c ; tlry Hint , , ( * & HE txs Navies , hand picked , per bu , $2.102.20 ; giod clean country. $1.0T > @ 2.00 ; off or poor stock , ( l.OOi.dl.60 ; California , $2.00 ( V12.10. Cinnii Michigan , per bbl$4.50(35.00Now ( ; York , per bbl , $5.00 5.50 ; half bll , $2.75 ® 8.00. 8.00.FEATHBIIS FEATHBIIS Per lb , prime live gocso , white , 3540c ( ; mixed with gray , 2.30c ; damp nnd musty , 10fi20c ( ; nrinio llvo domestic duck , 20rf'Joe ( ; vr\\A \ \ duck , ir T'JOc. SAUIIIIKIKUT Per bbl , UO gal , cholco , $3,00 ; per half barrel , SJ.VK ) . Poi'coitx 1'cr lb , rice , l@lKc ; common , "i (21C ( * ' Hoxr.Y 1-lt ) frames , cholco white , 15@lCcj dark , 13@14c ; strained , 10C § 12c. .IEI.UE3 3 > @ 4a pcrlb ; preserves , 10@12c per lb. LAUD 7J o in 50-lb pkgs. MINCEMEAT OJ4 ( < i7i ) per lb. STUAWIIEIIIUES 30Q500 per box. Groceries. ncviscd prices nro as follows : BAOOING Stark A , seamless , 2ic ; Amos- kcag , seamless , 17J e ; Lcw'ston ' A , scatnlcss , lOc ; American , seamless , 17c ; burlaps , 4 to 5 bu , ll@14u ; gunnies , single , lie ; gunnies , double , 33c ; wool sucks , 40c. TWIN-US Flax , 20o ; cotton , 18@C2c. DltiED FnuiTS Figs , in boxes , per lb , 0 ® lOc ; dates , In boxes , 7@10o ; London Dehusa raisins , per box , $5,00 ; Malaga loose raisins , $2.3002.50 : now Valencia raisins , per lb , 7 , ' c ; California loose Muscatels , per box , S1.CO@ 2.10 ; California Londons , 18bS , $3.U ! ) ; pitted cherries , 17c ; California pitted plums , per lb , 0@llc ; dried blackberries , per lb , Cffi7c ; dried raspberries , per lb , 30c ; evaporated ap ples , 6@7Ko ; California unparcd evaporated peaches , lOc ; ovajwratcil California npricnts , 14$17o ( ; currants , 5o ; Turkish prunes , 4 (3) ) 4a\ \ citron , 22@24c ; orange pool , 15c ; lemon peel , 14c ; California French prunes , 7@llc. PICKLES Medium , in bbls , 5.00 ; do , in half bbls , $3.00 ; small , in bbls 0.00 ; do , in half bbls , $3.50 ; gherkins , in bbls , $7.00 ; do , In half bbls. S4.00. HOASTED CoKrKES German , 3l o ; Mo Laughlin's XXXX , 3 We ; Ariosa , 24 4'c. COFFEES Green Mocha , 27c ; Kfo , good , 20c ; Manaahlinp , 20@3Sc , roasting Hlo , lOc ; 0. G. Java , 3l@2Gc.lava ; , Interior , 32@33c ; Illo , fancy , 23c ; Santos and Maracalbo , 17jj ( ! lOc. lOc.SUOAII SUOAII Granulated , 8c , conf. A , 8' < Cc ; white extra C , S'fc'e ; extra C , 7J c : yellow C , 7c ; cut loaf , Oc ; powdered , Oc ; cubes , Oc. BEESWAX Choice yellow. 2022)fc ) ; dark colored , 18@14c. TOIIACCO Plug , 20@3Jfo : smoking , 10@10c. SALT $1.35@1.40 per bbl. Horn Sisal > In. . 14c. MAI-I.E SUOAII Bricks , ll@12c per lb ; penny cakes , 12@13c pel * lb ; pure inaplo syrup , $1.00 nor gallon. SuOAit Svnui's 34@43o per gallon. VVitAPi'iN'G PAVEH Manilla , 6 c per lb ; straw , l@l' < c pcrlbirag , 2 c per lb. TEAS Young Hyson , common to fair , 18@ 25o ; Young Hyson , good to fancy , 30 ( < T55c ; Gunnowder , common to good , 22@25c ; Gun powder , choice to fancy , 40@05c ; Japan , com , mon to medium , 12@20o5 Japan , choice to fancy , 30@45e ; Oolong , common to good , 25@ 40c ; Oolong , choice tot fancy , 50jw70o ( ; Im perial , common to medium ; 25 ( < g35c ; Im perial , good to fancy , 40 ( < ? 50c. CitACKiits : 6@7o per lb ; assorted cakes , 8@15c per lb , as nor list. Ctxnv Mixed. 0 ! @ 12 } c ; stick , OK@llc ; rock candy , W Q lSa ; fancy candy , 7@aSc. HOLLAND HEHUIXOS BOfflOOc. MACKEHEI , Family , half bbls , 513.50 ; No. 1 , $13.50. COD FISH 5K@SJ c. STAIICII l@7Xc NUTS Almonds , 10@18c ; Pecans , 13c ; Bra zils , Oc ; pcanutB , 0@10c. SriCES Whole Allspice , 12c ; Cassia , lOc ; Cloves , 25u ; Nutmegs , 70c ; Pepper , "Oc. BAGS Union square , 35 per cent discount. Dry Goods. COTTON FLANNELS 10 per cent trade dis count. Unbleached LL. , f > Kc : CC , OJfc ; SS , 7J c ; EE , 8c ; GG , 9 c ; XX , lO c ; OO , llj c ; NN , WJ o : AA , 14c ; DD , ISJ c ; TT , KlVrfc ; YY , ISc ; UU , 19c ; bleached , 20. 8 c ; 80 , 13) 0. Brown and ulatc , 50 , 9c ; CO , 12 c ; 90. lOo ; 70 , 12i < fc. CAitrcT WAUP Bibb , white , 19c ; colored , 22c. BATTSStandard. . 8c ; Gem , lOc ; Beauty , 12J c ; Boonc , 14o : B. cased , $ .50. PittNTS Solid colors Atlantic , Oc ; Slate , Cc ; Berlin oil , OXci Garner oil , G ; < $7c. PIIINTS Pink and Robes Allen , Oc ; River point , 5 > c ; Steel River , 0 > c ; Uichmond , 0 > < o ; Pacitic , 7c. PitiNTS Dress Charter Oak , 5' c : Ram- ape , 4o ; Lodi , 5J c ; Allen , Co ; Richmond , Oc ; Windsor , 0 > c ; Eddystono , OJ c ; Pacific , ( i c. PUINTS Indigo Blue St. Ledger , 5 } c ; Arnold , OKcj American , G > o ; Arnold C , long cloth , 9c ; Arnold B , long cloth , JOKc ; Arnold , Gold Seal , lOJfc ; Stoifel A. me ; Windsor , Gold Ticket , 10) ) < c ; Arnold A , 12c. GINQHA5I Plunket checks , ( JU'c ; Whitten- ton , 0 > c ; York. 7kfc ; Normaudi dress , Renfrew dress , 8K12 o ; Whittcnton , 7 , } c ; Calcutta , 7 , ' c. CAMIIIIIOS Slater , 5c ; Woods , 5c ; Stand ard , 5c ; Peacock , 5c. BLEACIIKD SIIEKTJKO Ellerton , 7 } c ; Housekeeper , Sc ; Now Candidate. 8j e ; Berkeley cambric , No. 00 , O c ; Host Yet , 44 , 6oButtercloth , OO. 4 } c : Cabot , 7 o ; Fnrwoll , half bleached , 8X ° Fruit of Loom , 8c > ; Green G , Oc ; Hope , 7 > c : Klnc Phillip cambric , lOc ; Lonsdalo camorlc , lOc ; Lons- ilrtlo 8 > tfo ; Now York Mills , lOc ; Pcpperell , 42 In. , lOKc ; Pepperell. 40 in , ll e ; Pcppcr- ell , 0-4 , 14Ko ; Peppcroll , 8-4 , t0c ! ; Pepperell , 0-4 , 2.c ! ; Pepperell , 10-4 , 24c ; Canton , 4-4 , 8 > io ; Canton , 4-4 , li o : Triumph , Oc ; Wam- sutta , He ; Valley , oc. BHOW.V SIIKUTINO Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7Kc ; Atlantic H , 4-4 , 7o ; Atlantic , D , 4-4 , OK" : At lantic P , 4-4 , Oc ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , ' Ou ; Aurora C.4-4 , 4e ; Crown XXX. 4-4. O&c ; Hoosier l j , 4-4 , Oc ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7 c ; Lawrence - renco LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5 > c ; Poppcrell , 13 , 40 Inch , 7 > tfo ; Pcpperoll , a-4 , 17o ; Popporcll. fl-4 , 21c ; J'epneroll , 10-4 , 22c ; Utlcn C , 4-4 , 4Jfo ; Wachuactt , 4 4 , 7ic ; Au rora R. 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora B , 4-4 , GUfc. FLANNELS , PJ.AID Itattsmon'JOo ; Goshcn , 32Xo ; Clear Lake , 30j ( c ; Iron Mjuntaln , " FLANNELS , WiiiTBG.H No. 2. % , 23) ) c ; II No. 1 , X , 20 } o'B-H No. 2. li'JKo ; H H No. 1 , % , aou ; Quechoo No. 1 , Jf. 4'Jo ; Que- cheo No. 2 , Jf , 87Ku : Quuclico No , 3. % , 33Xo ; Anawnn , 82 \VindSo-r ; , 2 c. FLANNELS , Rnn-O2t-lncli ( , 15Kc ; E , 24- inch , 31tfo ; G G , 3-Hinch. 20o ; H A F , 25o ; J It K , > tf , 37c ; Q. % , 35c. COIISET JEANS Amjroscoggin , 7 40 ; Kear- sargo , 7Jfo ; Hockport , W/c ; Conestogn , ( l > fc. Ticicb Oakland , A , 7Mc ; International , YY. So ; Shotucket , ij , 8 0 ; Warren , No. 670 , lOo ; Berwick , 11A. 18o : Acme , 13c ; York , iiO-inch , 12Hc York. 32-Inch , 13 > o ; Swift Hlver , 80 ; Thorndlko OO. 8J o ; Thorn- dikoEF , 8K"i Thorlnliko 120 , 0)/o ) ; Thorn- dike XX , 15o ; CordlSj p. 0 , O o ; Cordls No. 4 , 10 } c. i , , . DBNIMS AmoskcngrO ] 07,10) c ; Everett , 7 oz , 13 > c ; York , 7 oz'lSXo ' ; Huymaker , 6 > o ; Jaffroy , XX , UKc ; ' Jaffroy , XXX , 12' ' c ; Heaver Creek , AA , 13o ; Beaver Creek , BB , lie ; Beaver Crook , CC , lOo. KKNTUCKV JKAXH Memorial , 15o ; Da kota , 18c ; Durham , 27 , c ; Horctiles , 18o ; Leamington , 22Uo ; Cottswold , 27Jio ; Moi- vlllo , 25c. CKASII Slovens' B , 5 } < e ; Stevens' B , bleached , 7c ; Stevens' A , 7c ; Slovens' ' A , bleached , So ; Stevens' P , 7' c ; Stevens' P , bleached , 8J u ; Stevens' N , 6 StovenH1 \ N , bleached , OKo ; Slovens' BUT , HKc' Di'cu West Point , 29-inch , 8 02 , IflKc ; do , 10 oz , I'JIaO ; do , 1'J oz , 15u ; do , 10 inch , 11 oz , lOc. Metal anil Tinners' Stock. Block tin , small pig 29 Block tin. bar. J'3 Copper , planished boiler sizes -30 Copper , cold rolled .20 Copper , sheathing , 29 Copper , pltts , , , . . . -HO Copper , flats. , , , .25 Cal. sheet iron , Junluta , 0 , 10 and 5 percent discount Pat. planished iron , 81 to 27 A Pat. planlMietl Iron , Ct to 27 U 0 * { Roofing , 1C , 14x20 , 113 sheets f > .75 Rooflnp , IX , Ux20,112 Miects 7.UO Roonng , ! C,20x2S , 1U sheeU 11.TO Roofing , IX. 20x2 $ , 112 sheets 13.W Sheet Iron No. 20 8.M bhoctlron No. 27 8.45 Solder. 14@10 Tin plate , best charcoal 1C , 10x11 , 2.35 sheets O.fiO IX , 10xl4,2ii sheets 8.25 Tin plate , coke 10.10x14,225 sheets 0.00 Steel noils , per keg 2.50 Steel wire nails , per keg 2.05 IrtiR4 nnd Chemicals. Anna Sulphuric. IJfc ; citric , 5So ; oxalic , 16c ; tartarle , 4Sc ; Am carb , 14 > fc ; alum , 2H [ it3c ; nrrowroot , 30c ; balsam capabla , 05 ® 75e ; borax , 10@13o ; calomel , SOc ; castor oil , fl.US l.10 : cream tartar , 83c ; corrosive sub , SOc ; chloroform , 45fi50c ; ext logwood , I2o ; glycerine , 24c ; gum arable , 90o ; gum cam- | ) her , We ; gum opium , $3.25 ; morphia sulph , $2.002.S5 ; nultilnu , a , > Q43c ; strychnia , $1.05 QUO. OILS Bergamot , $2.SO3.00 ; lemon , $1.00 ; peppermint , $ J.35(2.40 ( ( ; wintcrcrccn , $2.25 ; olive , $1.00. Imtnbcr. Dimensions nnd Timber 12 Jt 14 ft 10 ft 13 ft 20 ft 2224 ft ! x3 $15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 17.00 20. TO 2x0 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 17.00 20.00 2x8 15 TO 15.00 15.00 1000 17.00 20.00 2x10 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 17.00 2000 2x12 15.00 15.03 15.0J 10.00 17.00 20.CO 4x88x8. . 10.00 10.00 10.00 17.00 17.00 20.00 Fencing No. 1 , 4 nnd 0 Inch , 13 and 11 feet rough $10.00lO.i'O No. 1 , 4 and 0 inch , 10 feet 17.0ft ® 17.50 No. 3 , 4 nnd 0 Inch , 12 ami 14 feet 13.50@t4.00 No. 2 , 4 and 0 inch , 10 feet lu.OOMlS.OO Finishing Istnnd2d clear , 1)4 ) Inch s,2s. . 40.00@51.00 1st nnd 2d clear , 1,1J and 3 inch s,2a 4.0050.00 3d clear , 1 > / Inch s , 2s 43.00 ® 10.00 lid clear , l j nnd 2 Inch , s , 2s. . . 43.0040.00 B select , 1,11 and 2 Inch s , 2s 37.00033.00 Island 2 < 1 clear , 1 Inch s , 2s. . . 45.00 A select , 1 Inch s , 2s 34.00 B select , 1 Inch s , 2s 31.00 Flooring 1st com 0 Inch white pine 84.00 2d " " 31.0D 3d " " " 20.00 D ' " 0.00 Com 4 and 0 Inch yellow pino. . 15.50 Star " " " . . 18.00 1st and 2d clear yellow pine , 4 nnd 0 Inch 20,00 Poplar Lumber Clear poplar , box boards , % In s 2s. . . . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' * ' Cle'nr 'po'pla'r , & 'in panel' . . . . . ! . 8oot ! ) Clear poplar , Jrf In panel 25,00 Clear poplar , Jtf in stock wide , s , 2s 28.00 Clear poplar.corrugatca celling , H in. . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.00 Poits White cedar. 0 inch halves 13 " " 5 > " and Sinchqrs 11 "White cedar , 4 inchhalvcs 10 Tennessee red cedar , split. . . . 10 Split oak ( white ) 8 Sawed oak ( white ) , . . . 10 Shingles , per M XXcloar 3.20 Extra * A 2.80 Standard A 3.00 5 inch clear 1.00@1 70 0 inch clear 1.75iM.SO ( No. 1 1.10(31.15 ( California red wood , dimension widths 4.50 Cypress , clear heart , dimension widths 3.40 Lath , perM 2.50 Ship Lap- No. 1 , plain , Sand 18 inch 17.50 No. 2 , plain , S nml 10 inch 15.50 No. ] , O. G 18.00 Siding 1st com , 12 and 10 feet ; 22.00 3d " 1H.OO 3d " " 1500 Fence " " 1U.OO Stock Boards A 13-Inch , B. 1 s. 12,14 , and 10 ft 40.00 B " " " " 41.00 C " " " " 30.00 D " " " 33.00 No. 1 com , 12 in. s. Is. 12feet. . 18.00 No. 1 " ' " 14 and 10 feet 1 17.50@18.50 No. 1 com , 12 In. s. 1 s. 10 , 18 , and 20 feet 19.50 No. 3 com , 12 in B. 1 B. 14 and 10 feet 17.00 Ceiling and partitions * 1st com } { in white pine parti tion 33.00 3d com % m white pine parti tion 27.00 Clear % in yellow pine ceiling. 20.00 Clear % In Norway 14.50 2d com < in Norway 13.00 Boards No. 1 com s 1 s 12,14 nnd 10 ft. 19.00 No. 2 " " " " 10.50 No. 3 " " " [ 14.50 No. 4 ship'g cull , add 50c per 1,000 for rough * ' 12.00 Battens , well tubing , pickets O. G. Batts , 2K inch ' CO O. G. Balls , Hx.'l , a. 1 s 35 8 in. well tubing , D. & M. and bev 22.00 Pickets , 0. & H , Hat 20.00 Pickets , D. & A. , square 19.00 Lime , etc Ouincy white Ilmo , best CO English und Gorman Portland cement 3.40 Milwaukee nnd Louisville 1,30 Michigan and Fort Dodge plas ter 3.C5 Blue Rapids plaster. l..T ) Hair , 20 Sash , CO and 10 per cent dis count ; 50 and 10 per cent dis count. Tarred felt , per cwt 2.01 Straw boards 1.05 SHROEDER GRAIN , Provisions i Stocks Basement First National Bank , ! 1O5 Soulli 13lli Slrcot , - Onuiliu NATIONAL BANK U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , 1TBB. Cnpltnl . $ -100,00) Surplus Jan. 1st , 1SSO . 6:2,00 : ; ) Ol'FIOKltS AND DlltKOl'OUd ! III2NHY W. VATIH , J'rcsldunt. LEWIS B. UI3B1) , Vlco 1'residont. A. U TOIJ/.AUrf , W , V. MOUHH. , JOHN B.CU'MNS , U. C.CUHIIINO , J.N.II. 1'ATltlCK , W. H.P. IlUailKS , Cnahlor THE IRON BANK , Corn or 12th and Farnam riU. A General Ilanlcin ? lluslness Tranacte. I BLAKE , BOISSEVAIN & GO , , ADOLPH BOISSEVAN & GO , , Amsterdam , Holland. Trnntact a itciiuntl MoUiiu business , Beciirltlut boiiKlit .ind tola en cumin'kiion ' 1'urt'Uu oxcliaiwoi. Coiiuueri In ) ami traveler' * Ictturn of croillt. Order * for bom' aiul mogln uxciufuilt/n cuininU luri In London unil mi * * ' C utli > u tal llourtcJ u ( oni of lUllwf.r , Stat j , City uml tU'H ' Ujnii.t u sycclalt/ . tilr lr - , - . - . .BUIAJUARC - . . . . , C < iiiittri lUti iiJUuiUhr-rd leu fl bcreafl cil > cr rcutdU * m * Hvtu usuy * E K.HiaCOX. MKU Ilrad r in Anrjciilturol Implomonta. _ CH vliCHILL PAltKEK , Dealer /gricnltnial / lomlements , Wapns Cstrlagci auj l > lc . , l < fll. trcct , between ttli and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Wtli Omalia. Nebraska. LlNlNGElt A MKTGZ { LF cb , Agricnlt1 Impleincnls , Waps , Carriages Wliulcralc. Omabn. Ncbr < ka. PARL1N , ORENDORP A MARTIN CO. Whotonalo lK alcM In Asricnltnral Implements , Wa oos& Bngojc n > lnnVOtaniltvr Jone ( trcct , Omnlm. MOL1NE Mmtnifacturcn mtnifacturcn nml jobber * In Wagons , Buggies , Rates , Flows Etc , Cor. 9th ami 1'tcinc Btrool * , Oionhv Artists' Wntorlnls. Sl'H , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos anil Organs , 1M3 Pouglflt strocl Omnha , Xobrnskn. Boots nncl Shoos. W. r. MORSE A CO. , Jokers of Boots and Shoes , 1101 , HOI , 1KIJ Doiiclm Mrppt. Omaha. Manufactory , Sum in or moot , limion. 1 C o ko n n d LI m . OMAHA COAL , COKE > v MME CO. , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , s-'outh nth street , Omnhn , X XKllllASKA VL'Ur. CO. , Sliipto s of Coal a d Coke , S14 South ISlh St. , Omaha , Neb. PERK1XS , Importers and Jobbers of Crockery , Glassware , Lames , Silverware Kto. 1514 t'nraaui street , new 1'niton bulldlnu. Com m 1 8 a j _ o _ n _ _ o n _ d S t orggo 1UDDKLI. & JJWDELL , Storage and Commission Merchants , Specialties Itmlpr , oces , chro o , imultrr , game. IHUluwnnl rtrcet. Dninlm. Nob. Dry Goods and Notions , jr. K. SMITH A co. , Dry Goods , FnrnisniDg Goods and Nolions 1103 and 1101 Donplas , cor. llth street , Omahn , Neb. KlLPATItlCK-KOCII DItY GOODS CO. , Importers and Jobbers in Dry GoodsNotions , 0 nt5' furnlshlim Roods. Corner llth mid IJurnej etrcetfl , Omahn , Nebraska. HVLIX , THOMPSON , t CO. , Importer nml Jobbers of f oolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings , 317 South 15th street. Furnlttiro. ' A S'J'OA'V ? , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture Fnrnani Ptreot , Omnlm , Nobrnskn. CHARLES Furniture , Cnmhu Nebraska. Crocorlos. P/lXTOiV , GALLAU1IEII & CO. Wholesale Groceries and Provisions. 705,707,703 and 711 South 10th at , , Omnha , Nob. McCOItD , 1J1IADY & CO. , Wholesale Grocers' 13th ana cavcuvorth streets , Omahn , Nebraska. Hardware ir. J. Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , wagon stock , hardware , Imnlx-r , etc. 1503 and 1211 llnrncr struot , Omaha. LEE , CLAItKE , AlfDllEESEN HARD. WAKE COMPANY. Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , Metals , nheot Iron. etc. Anentn for Howe scales. Miami powUerund I.ynmu barbed wire , A TAYLOR. Build rs' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Sliop , Mechanics' tooli nnd HutTilo iicnlcs. KOJ Douclai street.Omai.a. Nob. OIlB. 'CONSOLfDATllb TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils. Axle srcasc , etc. , Oiniilm. A. II , Illshop , Manager , Pnpor. Wholesale Paper Dealers , Carry ft nlco nock of printing : , wrapping nnd writing paper , aueclal attention ulven to car load orders. Storage , Forwarding & Commission. ARMSTRONG , PETTIIS A CO. , Storage , Forwarding and Commission Brauc liouio of tbn HoDncr Dufcr Co. llunitloiBi wliuletaloand rutnll. UIM , 1J10 , till UurJstreet , Omubn. Telephone No. 7W. Toys. _ , . -A * - * V - f * .V H. HAHDY A co. , Jobbers of , Toys , Dolls , Aim , Fancy Goods , Botue furnishing Rood , children's cnrrlauci. tto. aw ) ' * fpaui slrooi. Oualii > J < ab. Ltimlior. JOIIKA. Wholesale Lnmlier , Etc , laBOrtca nncl American rnrtlnnrt remcnt , B'.ati lMTaukt.u ttrdiuultoneincDt and Qulncy whltu llmo. OH AS n. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , Wood carpels and parquet llonrlnz. ith ) uoJ IXiuglas itroeti , Oinnliii , Kali. OMAHA LUMltEll CO. , All Kinds of Bnilding Material at Wholesale , ISth Street anil Union I'arinoTrack.Oniaha , LOUIS DltADFOrtD , Dealer in Linnlicr.i.atli . , Lime , Sash , Ooor > , Ktc , YiirriiTori' ' tl h anil Douglas. Corner lUtb unU i.oftElUS ) \ \ : an AY. Luintcr , Liinu Cement , Etc , , Etc , Corner t'tli nndouelu fcts , Omaha. C. AT. DIETX. . Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber , 13th and California tUrcets , Omaha , Nebraska. Mllllnory ancl Nc tlona. / . onnnFBLDisn AGO. , Importers & Jokers in Millinery notions 'LHlliluiU ZIJHonili llth sticot Notions. J. T. JiOIiltfSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods , 4UI anil 406 KuctU VAIi itrcct , Omitu. PALMER , RWHMAN A CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , OK tolloori 2 ( , < > ; iiioMto Ktclmngo Uullitloif , Union block y [ ili , South Omnha , Nel . OfOmana.Limitei . cJoho V , lio/d , BuptrtnteudeaU Doots nnd Shoos. KIRKtiNDALL , JONES A CO. , BucfMsors to IteoJ , Jones A Co. Wholesale Mannfactnrers of Boots & Sncel j\ccnts for lUi'lon Mioo Co , 110) . 1104 and 1104 llarncy i tt et , Omahn , Nfpraua. Browore. / STOKX & ILEIt , Lager Beer Brewers , 1U1 North KlRhtceath lrc t. OmahaNrt. Corntco. KAOLE CORNICE WORKS , Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornice Wlndon-fai > anil mctalld > Xjllchls. John Kpcnoton proiirlftor. HHRna llui-.iuth 10th Hrflot , Office Fixtures itanufncttirora ot EanK , Office and Saloon Fixtures , tlantlrs. Slilotionnlii. Hook Ca p , DritK VlxHirr' , W H t a ( i , Partitions. Ualllniis , Counter * , llrprnnilvinq Coo or ; , Mlrror , KtsI'm torj an.l onlro , I7W t < outh mh St. , UuiAha. Telephone Pnpor Doxos. JOHN L. W1LKIK , Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory Kos. 1117 mid lol'J Douglas street , Omaha , Nob. Snsh , Doors , Etc. M. A. DJSRROW A CO. , WlinltAMo manufacturer of Sasli , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , office , Kth nnct UnM MrrPl Unmhn , Neb. U011N MANUFACTURING CO. , Manufsctiirers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldings M.'tlrrnrl , anil Interior hant wooil Hiileh. N. 15. coriiirCth nnd I.onvemwrtli Mriot : , Oni.ihn , Neb * Steam FlUlnss , Punipa , Eto. STIUKU A CL.lltK STK.UI H11.1TIXU CO Pump ? , Pipes and Engines , Steam , water , mllwnv nnd mining siinplles. eta. _ li' , ICTJ mill M4 hiriiam uruct , Oinnlia. U. S. WIND ENGINE A PUMP CO. , Steam and Wate1 Supplies , juitilnjr : wlnil mills. U13 nnd tOJ Jones S tl. F. ltoi , attliiniianagor. . A CO , Engines , Boilers and General Machinery , Sheet-Iron work , steam pump ; , sair mills , 1213-121) hem onworUi atrcvt , Omnha. Iron Works. STEAM JiQILER WORKS , Carter Son , Prop's. Manufacturers of all klnjs Steai.1 . Boilers , Tanks and Sliest Iron Worfc Works South Will nml U. , V M. crossing. PAXTONA VIERLING IRON WORKS , WroiiEht and Cast Iron Bui'ding Wort , lnc . bras * work , poncrnl fnundry , machine aa4 lla.iiiilth ivoik. oiilru unit norks , U. I * , lly. ami nth street , Omahn. OMAHA Wl RAN WORKS , Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings Desk mils , nlnilow enards , tlowcr staml * . wlr etc. ia North loth street , omuha. . J , fc JRON WORKS , Maaf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar ProafMs , Vault * . Jnll work , Iron nhuttPM nml tire Mctpcl. ( I. AnJrccn , f.nip'r. Cor. lull nml Jncl.aonSU. -Tl 1 1 : CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF THR Chicago , Milwaukee &t , Paul R'y , . The Itcst llouto from Omnlia nnd Council fT to EAST- TWO TRAINS DA1I.V 11BTVVI5UN OMAHA AN COUNCIL 11I.UKFS y Chlcngo , AND Mlhrankco , St. 1'aiil , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapid * ) Uock Isluuil. Vrccport , Itoclcford , Jliiiton , DiiliiKine , Davenport , Illgin , MitiHson , JnniiSTillo , Ileioit , Wliionit , La ( Jrosso , Aua all otbor luiporlnnt points Kast , Nonhoait end toutliunst , Per tliroii h tickets , call on the ticket agent at 1601 Hriiain struut , In llarkor ) Jloc' ( , or nt Union 1'aclQo cpiit. 1'ullinan Sleepers and the llnc t Dlnlne Cars In th norhl are run un tbo luulii line of iho Chicago , Mil * waukco & f-t. I'aul nn'l ' every attention II paid to passengers by courteous employes oC th0 company. It.MII.I.KIt.Oenernl Mnnaiicr. J. 1' . TUCK lilt. AMlstantCeneral MnnaKOr. A. V. It. CAItl'lC.XTl'.K , rnsiencor anl Tlckot Anont. ( JK'i. K. 11 KAKKOHU , Assistant ( JoncraU'assenKer nncl 'I'lrkct Acent. T. J , CLAlIK , Ucnernl gnpcrlntondcnt. U. S. DEPOSITORY. OMAHA , - - NEBRASKA. Capital $000,000 Surplus 100,000 IIEUMAN KOUNTZR. Vroslilent. JOHN A. OKUUJHTON. Vlcu President. * ' . H. JUVIS. CiiHhler. W. H. Mr.aoUIHAssUtant Cushlsr Canllnl Slock $150,000 Lialiililius of Stofkholtlcrs ilOO.OOQ Five J'ar Cant. Intarcat I'nltl on Dei posUn Co ioiintl < : d Scinl- Innualli/ . ntAHl.KS K. MANOHItHON. president. L. ! l. IIKNNr/ri' . Vlro 1'rcildent , ! ' . W. WEdSKi.LS , ManiiKlilK Director. .KJIIN K. WIMJUlt , CasUlor STJOKtlOjl01tS ( ] : .1. W. flANNETT. flUV 0. IIAIITON , .I..I. IMIOU'N , I , . M. IlliilNKTT. C. I' . JlANIll'.ltSON , 'J'IIO.4. IClHIIAL IlKNIIV I'U.Mir , K. ( j. KTONII , OMAHA I , . AtT. Co. , 1 , . H. WILLIAMS , MAX MUVKII , TllUMAN IIIICIC , . .IAMKSv. . HAVAOK , K. W. NASH , J' . w. Wcs4ii.H : , 1.1 * . ANliONO. MCOOOK. N. W. Witr.s. : 11. NlEMAN , JOHN K. Wii.uuit. Corner lUlU nml I-'anwni .Streets , Cliumbor ot ( 'oiinnurtu lliiliaini , ' . Caplliil Stock . $100,000 Mabilltv of StoeKholdcr.s . 800,000 I'lvo per rent palil on iloposlts. loons nmile ou real Into nml pernumil ecurllj | nuti'S , warrauu , itoclu nil UonJn piirclmsaJ. JU1I.N U MII.KH. 1'rnililKiil. ttAMUKI. fOrNHIt. Vlrn I'rrsldonl. IM\TKH : i noAHii or iiiHirrousi : ( John I. . Mllus , ii llonxan. hiinuielotnur , John II. KVIUII. Andruw lie > uiv.iter , Morris .Morrison , W. A. I , . ( Illihun. Jeo. K. iuik r , ( Jur. Alvln P.tiinJurs. Doxtpr I. . Tlioma , Noruiun A. Kiihu , James 'rhoinpMin. ! > ' , II. Johnson. John Itusli. I ) , Anderson. I W MAI L HA. . The H iiiUuhloTriiHt Co. , OF OMAHA. J.EWIH P , JlliHI ) , J'n-s. . U.V. . YATK8 , Tre > 4 1202 J'\trn ' < t i mulct' Iron Hunk. Loans at the loweU rates nlitalnulila on lint nruvcil ( iiriiix in NttbratUu , nnd on Improved * ci-ntrully located Oinaiiu city prupoty. ilouer promptly furulolcd. furulolcd.C. . 11. SCHMIDT , Secretary.