Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1889, Image 1
'ipppppl ' IHE OMAHA ; DAILY EIGHTEENTH YEAR CBLAHA , THURSDAY MORNING , AP1IIL 18 , 18SD. NUMBER 307 THE BOOMERS ASSEMBLING , Thousands Already Encamped On tbo Oklahoma Border. PREPARING FOR A GREAT RUSH. Indications of Sci-loiiH Trouble Within the Next Few Days Some Vnlu- nblo Points Kor Intend ing Settlers. AIIKANSAB CITY , Kan. , April 17. [ Snoolal Tolcgrnm to Tun BKE. ] Thirteen coaches loaded with Oklahoma boomers nrrlvcd on the Snntn Fo at noon , nnd wngontrnlns from nil directions nro arriving. The hotels nro nil full nnd hundreds of pcoplo are being turned nwny. The United Stntcs troops will permit no ono to stop off In the territory , All points nro being carefully guarded. The troops have been ordered to move to the borders of Oklahoma on the 10th , nnd on that day the boomers will bo permitted to enter the Cherokee strip , en route to the Oklahoma lands. The United States regis ter , receiver and Inspector for Guthrlo nro hero nwnitlng the arrival of their tents. There are no buildings at Gaithrlo except the Snntn Fa depot and ono or two llttlo shnn- tics , and these officers will temporarily re side in tents. A general fpulet prevails , but serious trouble is apprehended when the rush begins on tha opening day , for there Is not near enough land to go around , und n large number of old "boomers" scorn deter mined to hnvo their quarter sections. Some linvo their claims already plckcel out , and will have them rcgurdlcss of consequences. They hold that , ns they staked off nnd Im proved these lands four years ngo under Captain Payne , they hnvo n prior claim upon them , and will assert their rights. The Afllelavit Required. AIIKANSAH CITY , Mo. , April 17. ( Special Telegram to TUB Buu.J United States Uo- colvor C. M. Barnes , who is hero ready to move to Guthrie , Oklahoma , ns soon as shelter can bo obtained there , has just re ceived Instructions from Washington con cerning the entry of Oklahoma lands. For the purpose of guarding against fraud , a very particular nfilduvlt is required to bo signed by nil applicants for land , nnd every ono must bo familiar with the land ho desires to enter , nnd to hnvo passed over it und per sonally examined It. These instructions re quires each individual wishlne to enter land to malto affidavit that he is the identical person who is nn applicant for u government tltlo to that particular land ; that ho is well acquainted with the churactor of snld de scribed land , with each nnd every local sub division thereof , having frequently passed over the same ; that his personal knowledge of snld land is such ns to cuublo him to testify uatiertstnndlngly with regard thereto ; that there is not , to his knowledge , within the Hunts thereof any valuable mineral , gravel beds or ewment , und thut no portion of the land is being worked for mineral or is claimed ns mineral , nnd that the object in securing the land Is for agricultural pur poses. This affidavit is to bo rend to the applicant by the proper officer , who has in structions to call his special attention to It , and prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law If ho swears fnlsaly. This precaution is deemed necessary on account of the great scramble there will bo for lands since it is well known hero that there are thousands of persons who con template cntcrimr lands without even having seen them. Some trouble is apprehended on account of the supposed uncertainty of the law governing Oklahoma , under which ono person might cuter a trnct of land at the register's office nnd another might settle and improve the same land , slnco the locator has ninety days in which to make his improve ments. Tlio rule la to give the actual settler the preference , but that nil will have to bo settled by the receiver nnd register silting as n court subject to appeal to tha interior department. These are the matters that seem destined to cause serious trouble , be cause the boomers are wholly ignorant ol the law and Us application , and most of them are ready to fight for what they may consider an infringement on their rights. StockHlngci * Explains. WASHINGTON , April 17. Commlsslonei Stockslugor has inndo public n letter concern ing homestead entries In Oklahoma , ad drcsscel to V. D. Hulstcad , Purcoll. It runs thus : "In reference to n memorandum of five questions received from you under data ol the 15lh , I have to state that it is not usual to answer hypothetical questions ; but in view of the anomalous conditions affecting public lands in Oklahoma , I will state , viz : "A person desiring to become nn actual settler under the homestead Inws may initiate his claim by entry nt n district land ofllce , nftcr properly selecting nnd examining the land desired , In which case ho is allowed six months from date of entry within which to establish his actual residence on the land ; or , if ho so elect , ho may initiate his claim by nctual settlement on land which may consist Of some net or nets connecting himself wltl the particular trnct claimed , snld act or acts to bo equivalent to tno announcement 01 such intention , and from which the public Boncrnllv shall tiuve notice of his claim. Thereafter ho Is allowed thrco months within which to iiiuke his claim of rccoru by entry nt the district land cilice. Which ot the two methods should bo chosen is a matter for thu party's selection Recording to the ciicumstances and his own judgment. "Of two bonn fide settlers or claimants the ono whose settlement or entry is prior it tlmo will have superior right. When incop lion nf claims is simultaneous thnt Is. nt the name tlmo the legal rlcht is cciual. am : the question can not bo decided no cording to equities , the land shal bo awarded to the party having superior equities , If any ; If 110,110 , then it has been ho practice to put the laud up between the claimants and to nward the right of entry to the ono bidding the highest for the privilege "Tho net of Mimsli U , IhS'J , oniicts that untl such Innds are opened for settlement b ; proclamation no person shall bo permitted to enter upon nnd occupy the same , nnd nny person violating this provision shall never ba permitted to outer any of these hinds or no quire nny right thereto. The president's proclamation of March ) , IbS'J , calls uttun tlon expressly to this provision , nnd dlreota thnt it bo strictly enforced. "I am not prepared , la ndvanco of a case arising , to glvo nn opinion us to what par tlcular net or nets will bo considered u viola tlon nf l-nv in this respect. " Preparing For the Rush. AnKAX8\s CITY , Kan. , April 17 , The nn nounccmcnt of Captain Hayes , who Is com ranndlng the cavalry detailed to guard the border here , that settlers bo allowed to cross the line into the Cherokee strip Immediately after midnight on Thursday , created u grna itlr among the projectors here , nnd It 1 thought that the largo majority of thorn wll take advantage of the opportunity , nnd tha midnight to-morrow will witness a gram Hisu into the strip. The campers realiro tha nil cannot cross tuo border nt the same place nnd there will bo a guttering along the bor eter for miles. A terrible wind nnd rain storm passed ovc liuro last ulght , which played huvoo with til .boomers' tents , women and children wer drenched untl badly frightened , I'ostortiitca Voe Oklahoma. WASHINGTON , April 17. Smco March about llvo hundred changes have been mndo in the personnel of the railway mull service First AiuUtnnt Postinastor-Qencrul Clar k con , in npeiiklng of the matter to-day , said 1 has been the policy ot the department to , displace incompetent clerks and pi > ohit ex icricnccd nnd thoroughly efficient men , who eft the service during the last admlnlstra- lon , where such nro availablannd desirous f re-entering the service. The postoillco department officials nro making active preparations for the itnmo- Hate opening of txvo pos to dices in Okla- lomn , one nt Kingfisher Station , nnd the other nt Outhno. For the present nil malls vlll enter the territory from the north , over ho Atchlson , Topokn & Snntn Fo railroad. , o Its southern terminus , and from there will )0 carried forward by government con- rnctors over regularly established routes , t is expected thnt the mall facilities will equal the needs of the settlers. Assistant 'ostmastcr-Genernl Clarkson said to-day hut probably twenty-ilvo postofllccs would > o established In the now territory within the next thirty days. The Rivers on a Rampage. CAI.DWEM , , Unn. , April 17. Oklahoma ex citement is nt its height hero to-day. It U almost Impossible to getnlnng the streets , ns ho crowd Is so dense. Five hundred wag ons wo o the estimated nrrlvnls to-dny , vhllo reports of these to come to-morrow will double that number. Cnpt. Woodson , of the Fifth cavalry , says that ho will search every outfit to tnako sure that there Is no Iquor of nuy description taken into Okln- lomn. A bank wus organized by n company of capitalists , which will open for business on the 22nd nt Lisbon. The heavy rains last night have made the streams worse than over , nnd unless they subside there will bo great difficulty In reaching Lisbon ( formerly Kingfisher ) from lore. The country hero is very beautiful nftcr tha ruins , nnd the Cherokee strip south of Cnldwoll Is as good as nny. It is n fertile , rolling prairie. Cattlemen nro not yet recon ciled to the situation nnd look on the snttlcrs with ill-concealed dislike. The boom ers will all start together , with ; ho troops in front of them. It will bo n sight not often presented before In America a thousand or moro settlers marching toward their homes under the reg ulations of the wur department. The set tlers are of n romnrhablv good clnss. Most of them hnvo comfortable outfits. Every body seems to bo for himself , mid to bo jeal ous nnd auspicious of others. Some expe rienced frontiersmen say there will bo no trouble of any kind nt Lisbon , while others say it cannot bo prevented. A Perplexing Question. WASHINGTON , April 17. The prospective opening of Oklahoma has already resulted In applications for charters for national banks to bo established thero. These npplications hnvo raised n perplexing question , with which the nnd the attorney-general comp troller of the currency nro now wrestling. The Inw provides thnt applications for authority to open national banks sbnll bo on Hlo ono your before the charters are granted. The territory of Oldahoma , however , has not been open to settlement until now , nnd con- quently there hns hitherto boon no occasion for npplications for the establishment of national banks. With the opening of these lands there will bq nn immediate need of bunks , but If the law bo construed literally no national banks can bo established in Okla homa for n year to como. THE 1'OLiKS ARE FALiIANG. Mnjor Grant Vigorously Prosecuting the Work. New YOTUC , April 17. Wires came down with tuswish und a rush upon the cobble stones on Broadway this morning. In every direction , ns far us the eye could roach , were gangs of men hacking and cutting. The con tractors had their bunds full in keeping ven turesome pedestrians and drivers of vehicles from being crushed under the falling poles. The Brush company nnd United States Electric Ltgnt company huvo at la&t awakened to the fact that the mayor means business , and It dawned upon them to-day that miles upon miles 01 line copper wire was worth saving. They will strip everything along the proposed route of destruction. They have already taken down about sixty poles nnd several miles of wire. At the offices ofthe different companies this morning everybody looked glum. At the United States office they predict thnt electric lighting hns received its death blow. It costs $800 to strctcn n mile of wire overhead , they said. It will now cost $3,000 to lay a inilo of wire underground. In ad dition to this , the company hns to malto Its own connections from thesubwnys to houses , nnd ono to each building. They think thnl the increased charge necessitated by the heavy outlay will muko It hard to compete with the gns companies. To-night the upper portion of the city , from Fourteenth street to FUtv-ninth , it still shrouded iu darkness on account ol Mayor Grunt's war on the overhead wires. Fifth avenue was entirely blauk from Twcn- ty-olghtti to Fifty-ninth , und Broadwny from Fourteenth to Twenty-ninth , nnd nlso the principal cross town streets in that district There" are a few gas lights burning. PECULIAR COWnOYB. They Ijcavo the lioiinillnt ; Plains for the Purpotio of IlrconiliiK Scahs. Toi-niCA , Kan. , April 17. fSpcclalTclcgram to Tun BKE.J A special cur , bearing ' fifty cowboys , from Dodge City , Ingulls'and Garden don City , loft this city to-day for Minncap alls , Minn. , to take the place of the strikers on the street railway. The Minneapolis company has endeavored to fill the places o the strikers with men at Minneapolis , but as fast as the men were put on they were intim Idated nnd coaxed out of service. The president of the company then toligruphet hero for fifty coxvboys nnd hns guaranteed them steady employment at n good snlnry The party was gathered together In u few hours. They are nil young men nnd nro drcsseel In cowboy uniform , Including big sombreros buckskin trousers und pistol bolts. In the party are u number of tough charac ters who have participated in county neat fights , and have had ninny during adventures on the plains. It Is not likely thut they wil bo Intorferred with when they cuter the Minneapolis street ralhvay service. Suicided While Delirious. GLENWOOU SruiNOs , Cole , , April 17. [ Special Telegram to Tim BEK. ] "Stoi that man I" was the cry that startled the guests rooming on the second floor of the Hotel Glonwood this morning nt 0:80 : o'clock The speaker was the city physician , nnd the man referred to was Richard Orth , shortstop of the Denver Blues. But the exclamation was too late , for Orth jumped the railing and landed on the second floor , dead. Orth came hero on the llth lust. , and was taken ill with pneumonia und wont to bed. Yes terday afternoon a physician was called to him. Ho was delirious duriup the night but quieted down towards morning. The at tendant loft him for n few moments , when ho escaped from the room and ran up ant down the corridor. Becoming exhausted nnd seeing tno doctor etnergo from a room ho fel ! over the rail , und the physician says the renl cause of his death was through par ulysis of the heart , caused by over-exertion Ills wife nrrlvcd cm thu Midland train tills nftornoon from Lcndvlllo with their two small children. Sue wus totally Igueirant o his illness and the blow is something terrible to her. Northwestern Crop Prospects. PT , PAUL , Anrll 17. Tno Pioneer-Press in tha morning will publish reports from a section covering about half the wheat pro duccd In'Minnesota and Dakota. From these reports It seems that 100 stations report a good to excellent condition of ground , thirty consider it fair , whllo only ten rate it as no good. It has rained within the past week and the dry spell U broken. Trnoy'H Trottars Sold , New YOHK , AprlV 17. A sale ot trotting Block of the Marchlaud stud , the property o Set-rotary Tracy , Vegan this morning. Tha troUorb sold nt goon prices. Tbo total for the day's ealo was fitfS30. an average per bcrco cf $1'J40 , The tale closes to-morrow IOWA BANKERS SWINDLED , A Nebraska Man Works a Sioux City Institution For $2,500. HE GETS AWAY WITH THE BOODLE Tlio Soldier. } ' Monument Commission In Session nt DCS Aloincs A. Hullni ; of Interest to Htnto Flron-.on. \ Clnlm Swindle. Sioux CITT , la. , April 17. [ Special Tolo- jrnm to TUB BBR.J Tha Sioux City Savings jtink to-day discovered tlir.t on the Oth Inst. It was ucntly swindled out of $2,500 , by n mim calling himself B. Simpson. On that day ho called at the bank with a letter of Introduc tion from Kov. GeorgeKnos , of this city , stating that Simpson was the owner of con- ' sldcrablo property nt Poncn. Nob. Simpson told u plausible story nnd deposited n elrnft for $3,000 drawn by the National bank of Urlstol. Tonn. , on the National bank of the Republic of Now York City. The arrange ment \viis that $4,000 was to remain on do- icslt six months , and Simpson drew $3,500 In -ash and took n certificate of deposit for Jl- 500. Ho disappeared and no trace of him can t)0 found. The draft on New York came back protested and Is found to bo a skillful forgery. Simpson appeared nt Poncn a mouth ngo with n forged letter from the Presbyterian church , on which ho was ad mitted to membership at Ponca. Ho brought to Rev. Mr. Knox a gcnulno letter from the Ponca pastor , and also newspapers contain ing an article about his alleged largo land Interests there. His talk was so smooth that lie got the conlldenco of Mr. Knox and a letter which helped to throw the cashier off his guard. _ The Monument Commission. DCS MOINES , la. , April 17. ( Special Telegram - gram to the lici : . ] The soldiers' ' monument commission met nt the capital to-day , all the members except ox-Governor Klrkwood being present. They found n collection of forty-eight models , drawings , plans nnd specifications for the proposed memorial to lawn soldiers. The commissioners have only advisory power so far ns selecting n design , but they have o'fTcred thrco cash prizes of $500 , $253 and S150 for the best designs sub mitted , in oidcr to stimulate competition. The purpose of this meeting is to award these prizes , nnd the model or design that re ceives the tlrst prlzo will bo recommended to the next legislature for adoption. After a brief examination the commission ers throw out all but thirteen of the designs submitted , and then began the hard work ol deciding between them. There is n great variety shown in the designs , ranging in style from n single granite shaft to a memor ial hall thrco stories high. Many of the old soldiers want n building of that kind con structed , which shall bo a receptacle for nil the battle flags of the state and other mili tary trophies and relics , and have also an as sembly room largo enough for regimental re unions. Others want an appropriate shaft with heroic figures symbolicalo the struggle for the union nnd liberty. Others contem plate an equestrian statue of some dlstln- guisU.ed Iowa or other soldier. It was the original intention to davothis , memorial monument upon the capital grounds , but the commissioners think that there would not bo room there for a memor ial as largo as Is proposed. Not having reached n decision this evening , they will continue the examination of dcsiirns tomorrow row , and probably award the prizes then. Flro Engines Exempted. DBS MOINCS , la. , April 17. [ Special Telegram to Tire UKB. ] The commis sioners to-day decided tno case that had been sbbmitted to them by citizens of Coun cil Bluffs with reference to the approaching fireman's tournament nt that city. They had asked a ruling of the commissioners that lire engines and apparatus belonging to the different cities of the state might bo carried to the tournament frco under the statute that exempts municipal property from the operations of the railroad law if the rail roads choose to carry it frco. The Council Bluffs delegation represented that the fire apparatus was the property of the different cities , and therefore should como under this statute. The commissioners sustained them , nnd decided also that the railroads might make a passenger rate of one cent a mile for that occasion , provided it was made to nil travelers to Council Bluffs nt that tlmo. The Centennial Commissioners. DCS MOINES , la. , April 17. [ Special Tele gram to THE BCB. | Ex-Senator Ilarlan , of Ml. Pleasant , the Iowa commissioner to the Washington centennial , mot with the assistant commissioners at tbo governor's ofllco to arrange for the representation ol this state. There wore present Messrs. J. B. Grinnoll , of Grinncll ; Fairall , of Iowa City ; McMurrny , of Webster City , and Reynolds , of ISoonc. Havlnc no funds at their disposal , the commissioners could not arrange for any elaborate display , but it is expected that they will attend the centen nial , together with the governor and some of his staff. Their headquarters in New Yorli will bo at the Brovoort house. 1'ncillc Short Line Contracts. Sioux CITY , la. , April 17. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] The examination of the 123 bids for construction of the Pacific Short Line section west of Sioux City was com pleted to-day and the contract awarded tc E. P. Hoynolds & Co. , of Wymoro. Neb , The linn nro heavy contractors nnd have been at work on the extension of the Bur- llngton nnd Rock Island systems. Worli will oogin on the llrst 100 miles within ten 01 twenty days. " i Died From IHn Injuries. DBS MoiNue , la. , April 17. [ Special Tele grain-to THE IJcnJ Mr. Soheldlor , the old man who was so badly burned In trying tc save his wife from burning , died at Manson to-day. The clothing of bis wife caught fire from sparks from his pipe as they wore driving. She was so badly burned that she died nt once , and he received injuries thai killed him after two weeks of terrible suffer ing. Ho was one of the pioneers of Caluoui : county. To Become Lionn of Imramlo. IOWA CITT , la. , April 17. [ Special Telegram gram to TUB BEB.J Uov. S. N. Watson , rector of Trinity church , has resigned tc become dean of Laramie , under Bishop Tal bott , of Wyoming. The Honda Asked to Explain. WASHINGTON , April 17. The inter-state commerce commission this afternoon Issued ardors instructing u largo number of railroad companies , Including the most Important lines In the United States , to appear before it on certain dates in May , and make ex planations in the matter of free passes , free tranuportatlou , commissions on tickets , cut mileage , etc. A Nntnd Counterfeiter Gnnvlctcd. BOSTON , April 17.--Levl S. Pratt was to day convicted on two charges of passing counterfoil United States treasury notes He will bo sentenced to-morrow. Ho was tried and convicted for n similar offense ii lowu and served two years of n five-yean sentence , when he was pardoned by ex President Cleveland. - Su | ) rlnttiulcnl of Census. WASHINGTON , April 17. The president to day appointed Robert P. Porter , of Nev York , superintendent ol census. Recent Nnvnl Mnnpnvors Result In A Illftnircoaulo Surprise. WASHINGTON , April J7i Kccont reports of ho maneuvers of the British naval fleet con- aln some matter not entirely reassuring vlth respect to seine of our now naval ves sels , In these maneuvers about six vessels of the Archer typo participated , nnd the re sult was n dlsngrcoable surprise. It was found that the vessels pitched nnd rolled about to such nn extent in n moderately icavy sen as to render thorn very poor gun ilntforms , to use n technical expression , which moans that the guns were so unstable .hat they could not bo directed to any np- jroach to accuracy of flro. They were also fory wet ships. These effects nro supposed .0 result from the excessive weight of the ordnance , mid It wus recommended that the six-inch rlllos bo replaced by ilvo-inch guns , nnd the anchors moved further apart. The significance of this report to naval ofllcors hero lies in the fact that the now gunBoat - Boat Yorktowu is patterned after the Archer , and will carry the satno calibre ami weight of ordnance. Fnlluro has nlso attended the efforts of the British constructors to build n twenty-knot ship , of which the navy depart ment hero is attempting to build two , under direction of the net of congress. The Media , which was built for a twenty-knot ship , has never exceeded nineteen knots , but tins de veloped inoro than the estimated horse rawer , an Indication to constructors hero : lmt it is not possible to drive n vessel of : hat length at twenty kuots. The British authorities have taknn the same view , and will build another sot of these boats of greater length. Otlior vessels of the same typo have failed to dovolopo anything like the necessary 0,000 horso-powor , so that the promise of success for our boats is not bright. THE Respite Granted By the Governor Till May 1O. OZAIIK , Mo. , April 17. | Special Telegram to Tun Bun. ] The thrco condemned Knob- hers already feel the terrors of the gallows , having learned that the governor gives no intimation of commuting their sentences , as the Kansas City papers of the 15th reported. Tears were visible in Judge Hubbard's eyes yesterday on rending a letter from Delaney , of the defense , now at Jefferson City , settling the hopelessness of the case. The best citizens hero huvo signed petitions to the governor asking n commutation. Last night an attorney for the state wired the following to Jefferson City : "D. U. Francis , Governor of Missouri , Sir : I assisted In the prosecution of the Bald Knobbers for the murder of Green nnd Edcns , nnd as an attorney do iio-t think it was murder in the firsts degree. I will ex plain fully by letter if tleslrcei. 1 J. J. BIIOWN. " A telegram just received from the gov ernor grants a respite to Bill Walker nnd John Mntthows untillMny 10 , which t ay was fixed by the supreme court for the execution of David Wnlker. The prisoners , do not seem nt nil relieved nt the .reprieve. John Matthews droops his head In'gloomy silence. Bill Walker says , "Well , something bettor may como yet. " FOIl PUBMO CONVENIENCE. Another Oreler of the Ijiist Adminis tration Reversed. WASHINGTON , April,17. The postofllco de partment has rescinded the order issued dur ing the last administration , having for its ob ject the discouragement of the practice by trainmen of carrying special newspaper cor respondence and otbjCij , matter , In other than * mail trains. It Is' said , nt the department , that there are n verytlorgo number of small towns throughout the country which have meagro telegraphic 'facilities. In many of those villages the post and telegraph ofllrcs close early , and to prohibit trainman from carrying to n neighboring town or city , small packages containing , possibly , information of the highest general importance , is re garded as unwise and unjust. The news papers of the country , it is maintained , should recoivv every possible facility for ob taining the news of the day , and to this end trainmen have been { encouraged to lend aid. AN OMAHA MAN IN TROUBLE. Sucel for $0OOO Damages Tor Broach or Contract. CnioAoo , April 17. [ Special Telegram to Tun BEE. ] The Century Book nnd Paper company to-day began suit in the circuit court against Adam Baker for $5,000 dam ages for broach of contract. Bnkcr is the man from Omaha who made n contract of agency with the company , deposited $500 and them n draft for $500 to make up the favo his contract called for , and then , be lieving himself swindled , fllod n bill enjoin ing the collection off the draft. Attorneys for the company assert It is a responsible and worthy institution ; that the contract was fair and legal , and that Baker rushed into court without knowihg what for. They pro pose to see if the case will work the other way now. | Piano Manufacturer Fails. BOSTON , April 17. Thomas F. Scanlan , doing business as the Now England Piano company in this city und in Now York , with a factory nt Roxbury , Mass. , has made an as signment , with IhiDillties of § 200,000. The Now York branch of the business was incor porated under the Now York laws , nnd was styled the Now England Pinno comnany ot Now York , with n capital stock of SUUO.OOO. The Boston business was incorporated under the laws of Maine , With n capital stock of § 75,000. The Immediate cause of the failure was the suspension of Freoso & Sons , piano dealers of Dallas , Tex. Scanlan had been backing the Dallas company on its paper , amounting to ? 100,000. The firm's paper is believed to bo mainly in Boston banus , nnd thu authorities place it considerably above $200,000. The nominal assets are half a million. The Denmark Arrives. NEW YOHK , April 17. The National line steamship Denmark arrived at the bar this morning. This is thp stenmcr which was ox- pcctcd to bring some news of the foundered steamer Daumnrk. % A Mr. Strausso , engaged In the foreign fruit business , was reported to have re ceived a cablegram to the effect that a ves sel in the foreign 'trade had picked up the passengers and crow of the steamer Dan- mark. Investigation proved there was no foundation for the rumor , as StrausRo , when seen , said ho had received no information on tbo subject. The steamer AUatia , of the Anchor line , was rpnortod ns leaving the Hock of Gibraltar April 1 , and as she passed near the spot whore the Daninark was seen , It is thought Jlkoly she may have fallen in with her boats. A Big fitandarl Oil Doal. PiTTSiisita , April 17. A special from Lima , O. , says : The Standard Oil company to-day closed a deal whereby they become possess ors of a majority of the stock of the Ohio Oil company. This gives thorn control of a largo Held , The Ohio company is composed of an'association ot producers in this Hold. Their louses cover 15,000 , acres , with n daily production of 5,000 barrels of oil. A consid erable portion o.f the territory Is yet unde veloped. The prices paid for the stock are said to range from 50 to 7D cents. C. F. Lufkln conducted the business for the Standard company , They have a largo force nf men engaged in enlarging their refinery grounds hero , with the intention of making the works the greatest rollnery in this country. Killed by a Falling Tree. WHEELING , W. Va. , April ir.-Perry Wino , u well Jtnown citizen livinc In Brock ton county , wus foiling n tree to-day when it broke across tbo stump , demolishing the house and killing bis wife and thrco chil dren. ' V fS'SSKt The Famous Dlvoroo Onso of Carter vs Onrtor. KYRLE BELLEW FIGURES IN IT. The Actor Manlier G.-wa Her 1'rlccd IJCBHOIIH In Dramatic Art She Charges Cruelty and Unnatural Crimes. Chicago AH CHICAGO , April 17. [ Special Telegram to Tun BEH.I The famous dlvorco case of Carter vs Carter has nt last como to trial , nnd is now being hoard before Judge Jami son. Owing to the promfnonco of the Car ters In Chicago the case has from the first attracted great attention , nnd over slnco tuo original bill mid cross bill was fllod both sides hnvo employed every nrtltlco known to skillful lawyers to obtain some ndvnntngo over the other. Both hnvo had half n dozen iromlnont lawyers in their employ nil the , iuie , nnd depositions hnvo been taken in nil > arts of this co'untry and in England and franco bearing on the caso. It Is now two fears slnco the legal fight was begun. The Sartors are 0110 of the best known ami most respected families in Chicago , and Lcslio Carter , the principal figure iu this case , was a rich young lawyer when , hi 18SO , ho mar ried Miss Carolina Dudley , a very striking young lady from Dayton , O. , who was creating something of n sensation in Chicago society. After their marriage the couple occupied u handsome house iu Dearbon avenue and entertained lavishly. A year or two later , however , the establish ment was given up , nnd Mrs. Carter spent most of her tlmo away from Chicago and her husband. The summers she generally spent nt Cooperstowu , N. Y. , nnd her wmtoiti in Europe. There was , of course , n great deal of gossip , and finally , iu November , 18S7 , Mrs. Carter filed n bill for divorce , chnrging cruelty and unnatural crimes. In response ! to this Lcslio Carter filed a denial rind cross bill , in which ho charged adultery , naming Kyrlo Bellow , Stato' Senator James 1 \ Penrco , of Now York , und several others of less renown , as co-respondents. About n year ngo Judge Jamison decided that the child , a boy of nine , should divide his tiuio equally between father und mother , spond- Inc ono month with the former and the next with the latter , pending n final decision. Mrs. Carter , since this decision , lias boon living with her mother in a mall hotel on Twenty-second street , while Mr. Carlo r has been nt the family rcsldonco on the North Stdo. The final trial of this celebrated case has at last begun. Yesterday was devoted to securing n jury ana to-day the opening addresses were mado. Mrs. Carter , tircssed In black , nttcuded by her mother nnd hcrmnld , occupy n conspicuous place in the court room , and Mr. Carter , with hisbrothcr , and surrounded by his lawyers , is seated but u few foot away from nor. In his opening address Judge Sid ney Smith said that from within a very short time of their marriage Carter's ' conduct was hard and cruel. Ho said that If Mrs. Carter were separated from her boy It would bo her death , nnd ho stated further that Mrs. Car ter had completely refuted the allegations of infidelity charged against her. Spenldng for Mr. Carter his lawyer said that Mrs. Carter came homo from Cooper- town ono day and asked her husband for a separation , § 15,000 and the custody of their child. She gave no reason for it , and her husband refused to grant her request. Mr. Loesch then'tolS'Hpw she sailed for Europe , where ho said'sho cut a swath wide enough for the easy possum of the retinue of n king. It was on her return to this country that Mr. Carter suspected the infidelity of his wile , and telegraphed for hor. Kyrlo Bellow's character will bo thoroughly aired in the case , " said Mr. Loesch , ana then ho spoke of Mrs. Carter's relations with the actor in New York , which the actor had said con sisted In his giving her lessons In dramatic art at $25 per lesson. Mr. Bellow's dramatic instructions sootned to require pretty con stant companionship by him and the hund- some prosecutor. Ho was with her early nnd late. Ho attended to her moving from ono hotel to another , met her on her arrival from her travels , nnd was the last ono tc sco her off when slio departed on them. Mr. Loesch then spoke of the sums of money spent by Mrs. Carter during her European tour. Her husband had supposed they amounted to $1,000 , whereas they footed up to over $45OOJ , nnd this when she com plained of being ill. Mrs. Carter took the stand late in the aft ernoon , and told her story of Leslie Carter's alleged cruelty to her. She spoke In u low , soft voice and kept her largo blue eyes fixed upon the jury. Sna said she married Leslie Carter May 20 , 18SO , in Dayton , O. She had known him n year nnd a half when she became - came engaged to him. She first met him nt the house of General Anson Slagcr. She met him nt Wauke = liu und other places prior to the engagement. Lawyer Ilynes exam ined Mrs. Carter. "Afteryour wedding in Dayton , whore did you go ? " asked Mr. Hyncs. "Wo started on a wedding journey to Cin cinnati , and thence wo went to Baltimore , Philadelphia nnd New York. " "Did the defendant's , ill treatment of you begin on the day of your marriage ! " "It commenced on the evening of the wed ding. " "What was the nature of It ! " Mrs. Carter then told how , on their nr- rival at their rooms in the hotel at Cincin nati , after n tiresome journey , Carter com pelled her to submit to his desires immedi ately , notwithstanding her plea of hunger and fatigue. At this point Mr. Hyncs bald ho had n witness who wished to go to New York , nnd ho withdrew Mrs. Carter from the stand , and court adjourned until morn ing. The cpurt nnd lawyers repaired to Ilynes' ofllco across the street , whore tno testimony of P. E. Gilmore , the Now York theatrical manager , wus tnkcn. Mr. Gilmore moro testified that in September , 18SO , Mrs. Carter came to him and told him she was studying the dramatic nrt under Kyrlo Bellow , and asked Mr. Gilmore whether she could got n position the next season If she studied hard. Mr. Gilmore told her ho thought she could. Ho nlso said that Hollow made more money us an instructor than us an actor , and that his charges were i5a lesson. MORE LOU.VTION LETTERS. Mr. WinUrlm Still Working on the 1'ostollleo Site Matter. WASHINGTON. April 17. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE.I "I have received nn- other batch of letters in relation to the loca tion of the site for the Omaha federal build ing , " said Supervising Architect Windriui to-duy , "and am busily engaged In preparing a synopsis of nil the arguments in order thai they may b nropcrly considered uu stairs. I thlnic it will tuko nnothcr full day to com plete this work , nnd then the secretary will hnvo everything before him in such shape that ho will have no difficulty in digesting the arguments for and against each site , very readily. Until this Is done , however , It will bo absolutely impossible to give any Information concerning the status of the case. Neither myself nor Secretary Win- doni nas reached a conclusion up to the pres ent time. " The I'lillman Patent Valid. CiiiCAao , April 17. Judge Gresham to day delivered an opinion , Judge Blodgctt concurring , declaring that the Pullman- Sessions patent for vestibule cars Is valid , nnd that the Wagner Pulaco Car company was Infrlnglne- it The court made the temporary Injunction against tha Wugner company perpetual , und referred tlio matter of damage's to u muster in chancery. A dis patch from Now York to-night says ttiat representatives of the Wagner company claim ttiut they can dispense with the Ses sions portion of the vestibule and still usu U. DEATH T0 COMPETITION. _ President Groonhut Outlines the Policy of the Whisky Trust. PCOIIIA , April 17 , The annual mooting ot iho whisky trust was hold hero to-day. The : iollcy of the trust was outlined In nn address jy President Qrconhut. Ho said , In parts "While wo feel confident of being nblo to combat any competition on low prices , wo must not bo misled nnd nntlclpnto n largo dividend nnd attempt to vanquish outsldo competitors at the same tlmo. In other words , our policy should bo , run on prices low enough nnd for ns long n time ns may bo necessary to overcome these outsldo con cerns winch hnvo boon , or nro now , attemptIng - Ing to tnko udvnutngo of our position. This should bo done oven If it becomes necessary for accomplishing this purpose to put prices so low that the earning power of the trust would not permit tno paying of nny dividend or oven regular fixed charges during the contest for supremacy. It is for this pur pose , uud In anticipation of such n conflict , that the trustees considered It n wlso nnd prudent policy to have a InVgo surplus fund , which can bo drawn upon to pay the fixed obligations of the trust during such n tlmo. Outsldo competitors must bo made to understand that wo nro in dead earnest In this mutter : that they can hope for no profits In the business , nnd sec that only ruination and losses are the recompense for their parasitio ventures. Aftorwei have succeeded by such n policy In convincing our opponents that there Is no possible chance for them to prey on us or force us to take them Into our fold , wo shall then bo nblo to proceed uniilolcstcd iu the pursuit of our legitimate business. "Tho trustees hnvo decided absolutely on n policy of not taking any moro distilleries into the trust. The policy originally pursued , of treating with every house that was connected with the western export association for en tering the trust , hns been faithfully carried out , nnd those few with which wo could not como to an understanding must now bo con sidered barred out. If wo nro to continue tnklng In moro houses , wo would simply bo offering n premium for new houses to bo built , and in time would become overloaded nnd unsuccessful In our efforts. " In verification ot this position Grocnlfut added that overtures nnd been inndo to the trust for the sale of the stock of the St. Paul distillery , about which there hnd been so much newspaper speculation , nnd thut the offer was declined. While the result of last year's business might have been much bet ter , it cannot be considered unsuccessful , for the reason that the trust baa been ublo to pay n monthly dividend , and also ndd some thing to the surplus. WESTERN PACKING INTERESTS. Western Packing Again Shows n Re duction in Out tint. CINCINNATI , April 17. [ Special Telegram - gram to THE BEC. ] The Price Current will say : This is the fourth week iu which a reduction is shown in the number of hogs handled by the western packers , the re turns indicating 140,000 against IB'i.OJO the preceding week and 140,000 , for the corresponding pending week last year. From Muroh 1 the totul is 1,225,000 , against 000,000 n your ago. BASIS nf the American Association ChntuploiiKhlp Season. , Anril 17. The champion sen- son of the .American association opened to day in the 'presence of over ton thousand people. The score : Cincinnati 0 00000010 1 St.Louis 0 * 5 JjoiiIsvlllovH Kansas City. LOUISVILLE , April 17. The opening game of the American association hero wus bo- twcon Louisville and Kansas City. The score : Louisville 0 00000400 4 Kansas City 'J 1080U10- 7 Postponcel on Account of Knln. PHILADELPHIA , April 17. The American association championship season wus to have been opened to-day between the Athletic ! und Brooklyn clubs , but rain obliged n postpone ment until to-morrow. BALTIMORE , April 17. The Baltlmoro-Col- umbus gatno to-day was postponed on ac count of ruin. TO GET KID OF J1EU PARENTS. A Girl Puts Koutch On ttatu In the Family Tea. MAIIINE CITV , Mich , , April 17. [ Special Telegram to TJIE BEC , ] Monday evening last , .Tamos Williams and wife were tnken suddenly very ill with symptoms of poison ing. They nrc still in n serious condition , This morning Matilda Williams , fourteen years old , daughter of Mrs. Williams by a former husband , admitted to the physician that she had put n tnblcspconfull of Hough on Uats in tno ton , The girl him cast her fortunes with a cowboy combination and was brought homo against her will. She saw no way to continue upon the high road to fuma thnt she hud selected , other than by remov ing her parents , and ae.ted accordingly. A COLORED 1IKIUKS3. FranolH Kblis lie ft S20.OOO hy Her Former HJajter. LOUJSVIEM : , Ky. , April 17. [ Special Tele gram to Tim BiiB.l Uy u jury's verdict to day , Frauds Kbbs , the colored mistress of James M. Roman , an old farmer recently de ceased. was given nil his property amount ing to § 20,000. Homun hud lived with the woman from slavery dnys , when ho owned her. At his death ho loft her and their chil dren his property. His nolco , Mrs. Mary Hydron , of Indiana , who had boon roared by Homun , contested the will , She claimed that the will wus raado under undue In fluence. Washington ItcllcH. NnwYonit , April 37. The loan collection of portraits , relics nnd silverware of Wash ington and his time , which will bo one of the pleasantcst features of the 'centennial cclc brution , opened for exhibition In the rooms of tlio metropolitan opera house to-night The portraits , of which there uro over fifty , of Washington , are hung In thrco rooms , ant the exhibition of newspapers by tno Fellow- craft club , silverware nnd rollcs , occupy two more. The relics of Washington nro numerous ous , nnd comprise everything from his nword and clothing to the trappings of his horse. Ijilinl Halt. LONDON , April 17.Parnell hns engaged Sir Charles UuMcll , Mr. Askwith nnd Ar thur Russell to comlucttbc libel suit brought by him against thft Times. The trial of the case will tuko place In London in autumn. The specific charges against the Times nro that It published fnc-simlles of letters which were fulsely usr-ribed to Partial ) . Panic ) will insist that the case bo confined to the subject of the issue of the forgeries , und thu nil questions of u political nu'.uro bo exciudci from consideration. To T.l ice Action on Trusts , N , 111 , , April 17. The prosl dent ot the recout farmer's convention hold here , has Issued a call for n state convention of the farmers of Illinois , to meet hero 01 April 25 and luy clown a line of action In op position to the binding twine uud ether truits. GUARDING AGAINST TROUBLE , Oonoral Morrltt Virtually Military Governor of Oklahoma. COMPTROLLER OF CURRENCY Eelwarel 8. Imoy of Michigan Ap- polntcd to Thnt Position llarrl * neil On the Consular Service-- The Corona famine. WASHINGTONIsuitmu. TIIRO\HIU HUE , ) fill ! FOUKTEKNTU STHBP.T , V WAHiUNeiTON. V. C. , April 17. I There was n conference nt the white house o-day which tnnv lead to Important conso- uonces. President Harrison was Joined by Secretaries Proctor nnd Noble nnd the uttor- loy-gonornl. The subject which occupied tils quartette was n tolegrntn received by ho secretary of war from General Morrltt , oniinnndcr of the Department of the Mia- ourl. asking for Instructions In case trouble nroso nt Oklahoma. General Morrltt lalrt tress upon the serious uspoct thnt Is pro- ontcd by the grout rush of the boomers , nut was emphatic in reciting his umburrn&s- ng position , resulting from lack of power , o net in case of nn emergency. The matter viis regnrdcd by the president nnd his nd- isors ns one , In its possibilities , ns extremely orlous , nnd its consideration occupied over nn hour in tlmo. The conclusion of the con- oronce was embodied In u telegram which vus sent to General Morrltt yesterday , nnd although It wus not inndo public through the ordinary channels , It Is learned that It gives ho commander of the Department of the Missouri extraordinary discretionary pow ers , making him in fact. If not In name , the ullltnry governor of Oklahoma in case a lot or any necessity should nrlso requiring ho bayonet to preserve order. General tlcrritt bus been diligent In preparing the roops under his command for Instant nc- Ion. nnd any trouble would bo mot > romptly. The postoffico department is making every iccessary arrangement to give the now set- tiers of the territory of Oklahoma nil the tostnl facilities which it will bo possible to ifford , nt the earliest possible moment utter ho opening of tl.o territory. Assistant Postmaster-General Clarkson says that within three months fiom the present time there will bo nt least ono hundred fourth. ; lass postoftlccs In Oklahoma. In his opin ion there will be moro than u hundred tiious- und pcoplo in Oklahoma within six months , nnd in his opinion it will bo ready for admis sion into the union within two years. 'Ilia department will afford the settlers every pos. siblo facility for communication with tha outsldo world , und each settlement will bo supplied with u postoillco just a rapidly us they can bo established. coMrTitoi.i.Eii or TUG cuimuxor. As predicted in these dispatches the prcsi. dent lias appointed Mr. Edward S. Lacy , of Michigan , comptroller of the currency. Mr. Lucy has boon n banker in Michigan for a number of years , und his appointment wna urged by the leading republicans of the state , ns well as by bankers from nil over ? the country. Ho was u member of the For ty-seventh and Forty-eighth congresses , und was n member of the committee on coinage. Ho said to the press correspondent this af tcrnoon thut ho bus the arrangements nil * made for the disposal of his Interest in the JaoUsou.blUic-iuid ) thnt ho will bo ready to nssUme his now duties within the fifteen days specified. inn CONSUI.AU SEIIVICB. To an applicant for n consulate who calUid upon him to-ilav the president sntd that the consideration of consular appointment ! * would not betaken taken up for nt loust three weeks to como ; thut in appointing the now consuls there would bo no clean sweeps and thnt the state department would net very slowly. The ap pointments will bo made on geographical lines , due repnrd being nt nil times hud to the commerciul fitness ol the upplicunts. Mr. Blalno this afternoon reiterated this state ment of policy. Ho nudcd incidentally thnt for the 210 consulships there huvo been 8,500 applicants. It Is believed that the consulate nt Liverpool will go to Mr. Thomas Shor- mnn , of Maine , who has been for years con nected with the consular service iu the state department. It is stated on good authority , however , that Mr. Morton has nskcd the president to promote his brother-in-law. Mr. Grinnell , at present the consul ut Bradford , England , to this office. Mr. Gcorgo Bain , of St. Louis , is believed to bo Hinted for tho' Glasgow consulate , und Mr. George Johnson , of Cincinnati , for the consul-generalship nt Berlin , und General Adam ID. King , of Baltimore , fur the consul-generalship at Purls. THE COI1HAN TA-MIXi : DENIED. Dr. Allen , the American sccrutury of the Coreun legation , mated to your correspond ent to-day that the reports printed of the famine which Is ullcacd to bo devastating Corcu uro exaggerated and untrue. He re ceived a letter from nn American friend In Corea to-duy from which ho rend thnt whllo the crop of rice In southern Corcu hud been short this year the shortage had been fore seen by the government nnd thnt ample sup plies hnd been stored up by the king both at private and public expense , und that all needy persons would bo fully taken euro of. Tim next crop will bo gathered this summer nnd will bo nn abundant ono. There had bran no deaths from famine , ho snid , nnd the principal distress among tlio pcoplo nioso from the merciless extortions of the govern ment tux gatherers. AN INTKIIEiiTINO QUHS'IION. One of the Interesting questions which fa now occupying the ofllco-seukcrs is the con struction the present administration will put upon the date of the commencement of tha four .Years terms of officials of tlio presi dential clnss. Representative Pnyson called on the uttornoy-cenoral to-duy for informa tion on this subject. "Whlio the nttornoy- gcnernl nuiil thut the policy had not b < ; cn definitely settled , " suid Mr. Piiyson , "still I feel justified in Biiyint , ' the tenure of ofllca will bo held to commence with the date of original appointment , . " A NiW : NlilWASKA rOST.MASTBH. Charles II. Woodruff , Keieno , Kearney county , Nebraska , vlco J. E. Johnson , re signed. IOWA rOSTMASTKltS Al'J'OINTBD. Kdwnrd Stoigiedor , Plow Crcok , Clay rounty , vice John Wutts , resigned , and A. 1C. Ktoddnrd , West Point , Leo county , vlco John Keinpler , removed. The first nsslstnnt secretary of the Interior has afilrmett the decUloti of the comniissicnor of the general land office in the case of Rob ert II , Wultz vs Abraham Graves , In the ap peal of Henry Carty , protestnnt , from the commissioner's decision of February 1U , 1S8S , awarding to Waltz his preference right of entry as successful contestant for the south west quarter of section fi , township ! )3 ) north , rnngo 47 west , Chadron , Noli , , land district. Thu first assistant secretary nays ho Is satis fied that the motion to dismiss the content should have been overruled ; that the evi dence fully sustained the truth of the charge against the entry of Graves , uud sald'tha entry should bo canceled and that Walt * should have tlio profei cmco right of entry , hut If for any reason ho could not make entry then the suld contest affidavit of Curty belnt ; nn file will fe'lvo him the preference right. PiiiitY : 8. HEATH. Killed With an A.vo. NOIIUSVIU.B , Ind. , April 17. John Week * nnd Kbentvcr Hccin , two Hamilton county wood-choppers , became Involved muquurril , this morning , nnd Weeks burled his uxa In * * the back of Hcom , cutting throughputs shoulder Into the backbone , und inflicting ' ' . & mortal wound. & I A-C K x The AVonthiT UTIi For Nebraska nnd Iowa ; Ralo , ' no 5 elded chaufo In tcmpcraturf , var winds. For Dakota : Liirht rains ' , warmer - , v * - nblowUUfc