Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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    . * & _ ; i
Dogs or Every Degree Now Stare
at Curious Visitors.
Some Gooil Shooting nnd Seine More
Xlint Wnn HIiockltiRly Itnd Creel-
Itcd to Omnlm and
Council niufTii.
of High Decree.
Manager Ingrain's spring bench show
opened nt 0 o'clock yesterday nt 1310 For-
tiam street , under the most flattering nu-
uplccs. The list of entries , especially of flno
thoroughbred dogs from abroad Is very
large , and all these who do dot -nttond the
exhibition will miss n rare and Instructive
treat. The late show In Chicago was voted
ODD of the most charming entertainments
that has been given In the city for years , nnd
from the immcnso attendance of ladies nnd
children one would Imvo thought that It was
Borne grand society event , Instead of n dog
show. So far ns numbers 'and beau
tiful high bred dogs go , Ingram's
exhibition will compare favorably
with that of the Mnscontat Kennel's ' bench
just referred to , nnd It ii pleasing to note
that his enterprise is being appreciated. AU
morning the commodious hull was crowded
with Indies nntl gentlemen , and the dogs In
return for all this attention made things ra-
Bound with their yelps nnd howls and barks.
U'lio gentlemen are much Interested nnd
critically Inspect all the points nf the most
notable animals In their respective claiscs ,
with the assumed knowledge of connolseurs ,
while the fair sex display tnelr enthusiasm
nnd Ignorance of canine lore In the most
charming fashion , They devote the
most of their time to the small or
toy dogs , fairly going Into costiiclcs when
they reach the pugs' beds. There are two
Utters of puppies lu this class , nnd they are
"just too sweet and cunnin' for anything , "
ns an aristocratic looking young lady ob-
nerved , as she bent her lissome form nnd al
lowed the old mother pug to rub his wrinkled
nose against her sea-shell tinted check. The
poodles , skycs , spitz , black-and-tans , nnd
Clossy collies come in for n full measure of
fpmlnino praise , while the big days , Urcat
Danes , mastiffs , St. Ucrnnrds , Newfound
lands and blood hounds are In favor
poxt. It seems to bo the female taste for
cither a largo or small dojr. The gentle
men , while they are lavish In their enthusi
asm nnd comment , have about as much time
for one breed as another , with exceptions , of
The sportsman lingers nt the bench of the
Betters and pointers ; the sport hangs over
the bulls and bull terriers , nnd ho of elegant
leisure and a well llllcd purse divides his
time between the cadaverous greyhound and
the slirowd llttlo lox tqrriers.
' "Oh " , niy Kooaness , " exclaimed n Jaunty
miss , as she stepped up to the big mastifl
from North I'latto. nnd despite his roro ;
clous meln , stroked his shairgy head ,
"this Is the very largest pointer
I ever saw ; ho don't look a bit like Frank's ,
docs ho Ohawloyl" and she turned and
beamed upon the sappy-looking escort fol
lowing rloso behind.
"Naw , " replied the young follow , evincing
nt once that ho wasn't ns big n fool a-s ho
looked , "that's no pointer , that's a shepherd
dng ; don't yor know nothln * 'bout dogaC'nnd
lie gave the head of his cane an extra suck ,
but the fair creature had spied the den of
poodles and was guno.
Following Is a list of the classes and their
entries :
Hull Terriers W. G. Ingram's Hlossom
nnd Royal Dandy S. II. Howe , Huffiilo ,
Koynt Prince ; Charles Williams , Chicago ,
Pit Uull Terriers Prof. Ed Miller's dog
I'ilot , and bitches Uabo nnd ISud ; Edgar
Itothary , bitches Pete nnd Hob.
Uull Dogs F. Arg.vll , Omahn , Pansy ;
Charles Willis , DCS Molnes , Cairo ,
English Mastiffs Arthur Hother's bitch
Itoxy ; O. T. Field , North Plattc.doprlUruno ;
Judge Dundy , Omaha , dog Don ; C. E. Coyt ,
Beatrice , dog Hero.
Fox Terriers Lieutenant TT. W. Wright ,
Fort Omaha , dog Hags ; Charles Adams.
I'lattsmouth , three dogs , Fngin , Jumbo and
1'ox Hounds A. J. Clarke , Omaha , dog
LoudC. ; H. Williams , Norfolk , dog Clar
Irish Setters F. A. Perry , DCS Molnes ,
flog Patsy and bitch Nine ; William Town
send , Juno : H. Wells , Dick.
Mexican Hairless A. Koth , bitch Midget
nud dog Jap ; Frank Herald , dog Joppo.
Newfoundlands Otto Loud , dog Kover ;
II. J. Dnrroll , Uovor D. ; T. 1C. Sudburg ,
dogs Urnntiuiu Nick ; J. Kopold , Jumbo.
German Poodles Charles Stortr , dog
Bhlrloy , bitch Minhor and thrco puppies.
Pointers James Beet , Wamocro , ICan. ,
flogs Dlok , Pupo and Snyuer , Jr. : Harumocic
Brob. , dog. ) IP. O. M. Small , dog Grouso.
Pugs uoorgo Pullmau , Silver City , eight
dogs ; J. Dunbauin , bitch Judy ; M. J. Dowl-
Ing , bitch Daisy.
Orey Hounds J. A. Woods , doc Kiloy ; C.
H. McGinn , dog Swift ; O. II. Waters , dog
Nacdlc nnd bitch Jesse. *
Spaniels C. It Campbell , bitch Madge ; J.
nopold , bitch Fannlo ; trick spaniel , D. M.
Scotch Collies D. M. Urlggs , Avoca , la. ,
bitch Flossy , dog Imp ; GraiT , dog champion
Hex and flfteca puppies.
St. Uornards 12. G. Hrodcrlok , Beatrice ,
four dogs ; M. P. Brown , Papllllon , onu dog ;
George Pullman. Silver City , throe dogs.
Spitz , T. D. Welland , Omaha , bitch Hon-
nie ; Mrs. G. D. Strcutor , Omaha , b I toll
Scotch Terriers C. W. Graham's dog ,
.Billy Graham ; Charles Alcock , dog Fleet
nnd bitch Flirt.
Lhvcllyn Setters George Kotchum , bitch
Fanny and seven puppies ; .lack GaUaghan ,
clog Shot. W. F. Hnlleck , Dos Molnci , dog
Von and bltcli Violet.
, DSUig Hounds John Kovcnchcck , dog
Cluto ; H. H. Herndon , dog Moro.
Skyo Terrier * George S. Brown , three
Manager Ingram Is expecting a largo con
signment of entries tnls morning.
Tlia First Onino.
On Saturday afternoon next the championship -
ship season of ISS9 opens udon the local
grounds with u battle between the Oinulms
nnd Sam Morton's stocky Minneapolis team.
The boys should bo given an ovation , and
thuro Is no doubt but that ono will bo no-
rnrdrd them. Game will bo cal led promptly
ut asfiO. The /allowing aril the position * : md
b.iltlug order of the two teams :
Onmtius. Minneapolis.
fUrmiss . right . Carroll
C'.twland . third . Kollly
Crooks . second . Werrlrk
C'oouoy . short . Plokctt
Andrews . first . Hawas
Kuplo . catcher. . Broughton
Lulghtou . . . .middle . . . . . .Murphy
Canavan . loft. . . Troadwav
Clarke . pitcher . Sawders
Competing Mnrksiuon.
The Hardln shooting tournumont began
yesterday at the Omaha Gun club's UQW
grounds on thojowa side of the river. These
grounds hnvo bcon admirably' chosen , lying
ns they do on the low meadow-land about a
quarter of a inllo from the bridge , and out ol
the sand district. A neat club nouso of twn
rninpm-tinontrt has boon erected for tbo no-
roinmodatlon of shooters , In case of inclom-
cnt weather , nnd ns a storeroom for their
puns , sliolU and other uppurtoruncos. Con-
von lent benches for the eunuors , vvhllo not
engaged , are scattered about the ground : ) ,
iiiul wiitoMauks nnd all other ncrommodn-
tlous have been bountifully supplied ,
The morning was cool and cloudy , making
nn mimlrnblo light for target and bird shoot
ing , and the largo altondnnoa was onthusl-
nstlo and confldont of \vook of great sport ,
Among the shoo tors from abroad m uttond-
nnco u ro Ciiarllo Budd , the champion wins
Bhnt of the world , nud G. K. Clarke. Dos
Molnes ; decree Hughes , Fonda , Iowa ; J. F
r.c h , W. V. Cave , E. Halrjrrovo and George
ftlitunlL Roncui , Kansas ; W. J. Legg and
AN. . Atty , Sutton. Nob. ; Juke Crayblll
Clarluda , la. : F. J. Palmar , S. B. Flock ,
tovo lieynard and W. H. Harrison , Gram
sland ; E.M. Westbrooko , Vail , la. ; J. It
Elliott and Frunlt Hamilton , Kansas City ;
lohn Suhuuctuan and It , H. kin , Clioy
> nne ; T. A. LowU. SU Louis , and Holla C.
litckos , Dayton , Ohio , and T. U. Alassoy , Joe
Van Dutnn and S. 1. King , of Logan. lu.
The tun began promptly at U80 ; with
tivooptAkoj thoot tundurd turgoti , i
traps , 18 yards rise , t3 entrance. The score :
Build. . . , : . . . .t.Ollll 11111 11111-14
Hughci 00110 (11011 ( 11001 3
Kctchom Hill 11011 11011-13
Hnrdln lllll 11111 11011-14
Halrgravo lllll 10111 10101-13
AUy. Ollll 11011 11111 13
Nicholl lllll 11011 00111-12
Crnvblll lllll Hill 11111 15
Pnr'meieo lllll lllll 11111-1G
Flook 11101 101H OOlll-U
Crayblll nnd Parmolcodivided Jlrst money ,
tas.50 ; Budd nnd Hnrdln second , JI8.2.V
Kotchom nnd Ally third , S12.50 , nnd Hair-
grave and Nicholl fourth , ftt.25.
The second event was 8 llvo pigeons , morti
fied English rules 80 yards rise , 80 yards
boundary , 97 entrance. The score : ,
Hughes. . 1 1111111-8
Budd 1 1111111-8
Elliott 1 1111111-8
Smith I 1111111-8
Hnrdln 0 111111 1 7
Parmelco 1 111101 1 7
Pawnee 1 1 0 1 I 1 1 1 7
Schuncman. . . . . I 1 1 1 1 0 I 1 7
WcstbrooKOr I I 1 1 I 0 1 1 7
Uoynard 1 1 1 1 1 11 0-7
Nicholl 1 1111101-7
Ellis 1 1111101-7
Flook 01011111-0
Halrgravo 1 001110 1 5
Crnytilll 0 I 1 1 0 1 U 1 B
Kotchom 1 1010011-5
Cave 1 001101 1 5
Kennedy 0 1 I 0 1 0 1 1 5
Hughes , Elliott , Budd nnd Smith divided
first money. $50 ; Ilardln won second in the
shoot olT , * 4i.0 ; Fleok third , $20 , nnd Cray-
bill fourth , 918.50.
The ilrst event on the afternoon card was
the English f > purrow shoot , which was the
first shoot of this kind over held in the state.
It was an exceedingly Interesting match , but
old pigeon shots soon realized the dilllculty
of making n good score. Budd , the cham
pion trap shot of the world , missed his Ilrst
thrco birds. The conditions wore ton birds
each , national rules , 80 yards rise , bO yards
boundary , both bairels.
The sco ro :
Hughes 1 7
Smith I 0
Budd 0 I 0
Holkcs I 8
Parmelco. . . 9
Ellis 1 7
Elliott I 7
Pawuco 1 U
Fleck 1 8
Schunumim. . ! OOlOiaOlO 4
Uoynard 1 101110010-(5 (
Kitchen 1 0
Hardln 1 1-0
Parmelco and Pawnee divided ilrst money ,
587.40 ; Hlckes and Flcok second , ? 47.a'J ' ;
Ellis third on the shoot elf , $2.5 ; Budd and
Hnrdlu fourth , MU.
The second shoot was six single and three
pair double standards , 13 yards rise , SI.OJ.
Thoscoro :
Parmcleo. . ! 1 1 1 1 1 11 10 01-10
Ellis 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 10 11 10
Budd I 1 1 1 1 1 11 10 11-11
Hollies 1 11101111011 II
Flock 0 00 Oil I 8
Harrison..0 01011011010 0
Shields. . . . ! 11011001111 0
Kltchom. . . ! 0 1 1 1 1 10 11 11 10
Elliott I 111111010 11 10
Crnyblll,0 101 11 It 10 11 9
Cenneuy. . . ! 5 I I 1 I 10 10 11- ?
lardm 0 9
onoJaok. . ! I 1 1 1 1 11 11 10-11
Muma 1 7
Nicholl . . . .1 0 1 1 1 1 10 11 11-10
Budd nnd Jack divided flrst , 5J0.40 ; sou-
end , Ketchom , SJJfiO ; third , Holkes , 12.50 ;
foui 111 , Fleck , 3 5J.
The third match was a special shoot , 12
standard targets.
Thoscoro :
Budd 1 llllllllll 1 12
Heikes 0 llllllllll 1 11
Shields 1 00001110001 5
Harrison 1 10011111011 0
Brewer 1 11011111100 D
Muma 0 11111111001 0
Parmulco 1 llllllllll 1-12
Westbrooko 1 01100111011 8
Sills 0 11011011111 9
; Conuedy 1 01111001111 0
Lone Juck 1 00010011111 7
Smith 1 10111110101 9
Elliott 1 1011111101 1 10
Schuiicmun 1 1 1 0 I 1 1 1 I 0 1 1 10
AUy 1 10111111100 0
Kotchom 1 1 1 I 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 10
Hardin 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1.1 1 1 0 11
Budd nnd Parmaleo divided Urst , 510 ,
[ Imkcs and Hardin second , $30 ; Ellis ,
ICotehom nnd Sohunemun third , $3i ; Brewer
fourth , $15.
The following event was a live pigeon
shoot , 7 birds eurh , 20 yards rise , one barrel ,
American standard .rules. The score :
Helices 1 1 7
EUls 0 0 5
Budd 1 01011 1 5
Hughes 1 1 1 1 1 1 0-
Smith 1 1 5
Wostbrooke 1 1 I 1 1 0 0 5
Parmaloo 1 1 0
Shields 0 11001 1 4
Miissolman 1 00011 1 1
Paw.-ioo 1 1 0
Flock 1 0 5
Benjamin 1 1 15
Kennedy I Ollll 1 (5 (
Schunouian 1 11100 1 5
Snider 0 1 0
Muma I 11001 0 I
Lone Jack 1 11011 1-0
Hardln I lllll 1 7
Field 1 1 7
Uoynurd 1 11100 1 5
Holkcs , Hardln and Field divided first
money , * 90 ; Hughes second , on the shoot off ,
$70 50 ; Shuucman and Kcynolds third , * 5'J.10 ;
Shields and Muma fourth , $ IO.15. !
There wcro u large number of special and
sldo shoots , and altogether it was a busy day
ntiinnp the lovers of the trap and gun.
Shooting begins this morning at 9 o'clock
A. ISew Train.
The connecting link between No-
bruskiv and Kansas hns just boon placed
in Borvicaby the Union Hacillo railway.
This train loaves Council Blulls iluily nt
4:15 : u. m. ; leaves Oinnha nt 5:05 : a. in. ,
nnd runs through without chiuijjo to
Manhattan , Kan. , malting direct .con
nections tliero-with the Kansas division
of the Union Pacillc railway for all
points in Kansas and Colorado wost-
bouml , anil for Topeka , Lnwranco , Kan
sas City nnd points east and. south via
Kansas City. Returning , train leaves
Manhattan at 2:2-5 : p. in. ; arriving at
Boiitrico nt 11:25 : p. m. , Lincoln at 7:50 :
p. in. , uiul Omaha at 11:20 : p. m. , Coun
cil Bluffs 11:40 : p. in. , making direct
connection with Kansas division trains
from Kansas City , Lawrence , Topeka
anil the oust , and from Donvar , Salina ,
Abolino and all points west , enabling
passengers to visit the principal points
in Kansas nnd Nebraska in the nhortost
podslbla time. These trains Imvo first-
clans equipment , consisting of smoking
cars nud flrbt-olass day coactios of the
latest pattern. The now train will till
a long foil want , and is bound to be
popular. _ _
Dr. MorrlHou Wnitta to Got nn Im
partial llonrini ; .
Dr. Hoffman , who was arraigned before
Justice Dunn on the charge of threatening
the llfo of Al Blaufuss In a street car , took a
ohnngo of venue to Justice Morrison' * court ,
whoru the coco will bo tried at 10 to-day.
The doctor , referring to the statement of
his dtniculty with Dctoetlvo Blnufuss in Tun
Br.i : of Monday said : "Knowing the man's
reputation , I was fool enough to attend his
wlfo during nor Illness. Tnero is a b.iinnco
of $10 duo mo , of which no part was tendered
ut any tlmo. I nor or entered suit to recover
It before Justice Fonuiluroranyoneolso , but
I encountered Blaufuss on the platform of a
struct car ono day , and In a Ut of Indigna
tion I used language which , I acknowledge ,
was unbecoming to mo as a phjmninu , and ,
especially uiuulted to the plauo , and of
whloh 1 was afterward ashamed. HP dis
played his star , and mkod mo If I was aware
that ho went armed. I retorted that 1 was
not uruaml , but that If ho would kindly step
oft the car 1 would endeavor to got n liquida
tion of that bill In the only wnv which was
open to mo. Ho dhln't stop off. I am not
afraid of star * , and the Idea that u man of
this fellow's avoirdupois , with hU star and
the arsenal which ho carries under hi * coat
tails , should ba In danger of Croat bodily in
jury from on unarmed and gray-headed
physician , must bo rather amusing to the
readers. Witnesses will substantiate all my
statements at the proper tltae , "
Will you sufTor with dyspepsia and
Llvur complaint ? Shlloh's Vitalize ? is
truuraatacu to euro you.
Mr. Welch Itcprovcs thr > Fnnncr Who
Objects to ItlRh Price * .
Yesterday n representative of Tun BEB
met Mr. M. D. Welch , of Lincoln , who was
Just returning homo from the east , where ho
had been for some tlmo Investigating the
matter of the so-called twlno trust. Mr.
Welch Is the secretary and treasurer of the
Western Manufacturing company of Lin
coln , who are largo dealers In binding twlno.
Mr. Welch 1 * posted In regard to the twlno
qucttlon. Ho stated most emphatically that
that there was no twlno trust th < tt ho could
find ; that the newspaper talk to that effect
Is without foundation , nnd that the advance
In price Is duo solely to the fact that the sup
ply of fiber Is very much short of the do-
' The enormous demand , " said Mr. Welch.
"Is caused by the Increased consumption of
twlno each year. Sisal Is obtained only in
Yucatan , manllla In the Phllllplno islands ,
nnd the planters at these places are the ones
that have profited by the advance nnd not
the manufacturers In this country. The Im
portation of plsnl hem ] ) incroisod from 1SSO
to 1SSO at the rote of 3,001) ) balct per year.
Since 1SSD it hns not increased nt nil , but the
Increased consumption of sisal since 1SSO has
finally cleared the market of all surplus
henca the advanced cost of twine ,
"The pioduccrsof the fibers thnt make
twine lhavo pocketed the advance on their
product just as u farmer In Nebraska pockets
the advance on n bushel of corn In c.isoof an
inadcquato supply. *
"No amount of agitation , " said ho , "can
make cheap goods whcro supplies nroshoit.
If the grangers undertaku to boycott the
twine mills , or keep this matter stirred up
much longer , the factories will , in self-do-
fonsc , bo obliged to reduce their production
nt least one-half , ns It would bo exceedingly
dangerous for them to undertake to carry
suillciont slocic of binder twlno to bind the
harvest , and should' they adopt this plan , the
farmer who waits until harvest time to buy
his twlno will find that there Is nonu to bo
had at any price , nnd unless he has the most
favorable weather and plenty of help , ho will
probably 11 ml thnt his harvest will bo u par
tial or total failure. '
"Tho output of the National Cordage com
pany , of New York , which Is ono of the
largest manufacturers of twine In the world ,
Is twelve thousand tons loss nt this dnto
than It was last year at this time , and it cer
tainly must bo npnaront to any ono that un
less the dealers nnd farmers stop this agi
tation about twlno tiusts , and make their
contracts now , whlht twine Is at Its present
price , there will bo n great shortage , nud
none can bo obtained later In the season.
"Such articles ns the following , clipped
from the Stuto Journal , of Lincoln , shows an
entire lack of knowledge of the prlco of
twlno , and doe * harm to the farmer :
" 'Tho farmers of Nebraska are organizing
n boycott of the twine trust. They are meet
ing and ttlgnmg agi cements to bind up their
\\hcat In tlio old way , rather than submit to
the swindle of the trust in combining to rulso
the prlco of binding tv/ino thrco or four
times that of a year ago. The farmers could
do a pretty good thing by organizing for the
manufacture of some binding twine for their
own use. It Is liarilly possible thnt patents
would bo In the way of d.ovlSIIB ° sort of
twlno that would answer the purpose. '
" 1 saw an article In the Mlhvaukco Senti
nel , a few days ago , equally absurd. It nd-
vlsed the farmers to stand firm , and never
pay to the twiuo trust their nxtorttonato de
mand of an advance of 175 per cent.
"The Illinois State grange has issued the
following address to the farmers of Illinois :
'It Is now well known the country over that
n syndicate is formed to rob the farmers of
several millions of dollars at ono squeeze on
the price of Jliis year's binding twine. If the
supply was short wo would not grumble nt
honest high prices , but for a few mon to con
trol the nmplo supply for the sol opuruoso of
booming the price nnd speculating on our
supposed necessities is putting a thief's hand
into a breadwinner's pockets , and wo appeal
to the manly independence and sense of right
of our brother farmers of Illinois to join
hands with the gtango , nnd with the great
army of organi/ed farmers all over the grain
growing noittiwestern states , who have re
solved to break down this wicked twine trust
by refusing to buy the twlno at a cent
above last j ear's prices. Keep your money
until the twine goes begging for u market.
Wo can bind grain by hand one season If it
conies to that pinch , or pub it up unbound ,
thus turning the twine money into honest
wages for worthy men. Wo owe it to our
selves as farmers and to the mutual claims
of honest laborers to break dowii these thiev
ing combines that prey upon our pockets. If
we beat this twine trust wo servo notice of
uoom on many a similar ring of rogues , but if
wo submit now it is only to bo robbed again
nnd again , worse and worse every year.
Brother farmers , in union Is strength
in n ritbtcous cause , and wo are bound to
win. Meet , organize , show the independent
colors of determined men , and adopt the bat
tle cry of the grange : "Down with the
twine trust. " '
"In all the newspaper articles , resolutions ,
etc. , that wo see in thcnowspaucrs , no prices
of twlno are named , nor any comparison
made with last year's prices. One would bo
led to believe nftor reading such articles
that the pi ice of twlno was likely to be nny-
whcro fcoin 50 to 75 cents per pound.
"What are the tacts concerning the price
of twiuo to-day } Dealers In Nebraska can
buy twine of the manufacturers and resell
It to the farmer nt IS cents per pound and
make a fair protlt. A farmer having 100
acres of grain to bind can buy now 150
pounds of sisal twine at 18 cents , cosing $27.
J nst year the bamo twine would cost him
at 15 cents per pound SJ2.50 , au excess of
? 4.50on lOOucios.
"Aro not the farmers and n great many
newspaper editors in Nebraska and other
states 'shouting ut shadows' when they
make such a hue and cry about the 'enor
mous increase' in the price of twine this year
over last , when the absolute Increase to the
farmer is only the small sum of 4 $ cents
The most common causp of sickness
among children is disordered bowols.
Something to open the bowels and tone
up the stomaoh is usually all that is re
quired. One dose of St. Patrick's Pills
will always cure. They are safe in all
cases. They are small , sugar-coated ,
easily tnkoti , and contain no injurious
substance whatever. For sale by all
druggists. _
A Hoart-BrolcoH Mother.
Mrs. Anderson , who lives at 1315 Daven
port , is heart-broken over the Ignominy that
ono of her daughters has brought upon her
by living with a Chinaman , nnd asks the aid
of the police lu breaking up the alliance. A
few weeks ago the woman's two daughters
told her that they had secured a most desira
ble position with n traveling troupe , which
was then plavliig at Boyd's , and \vished to
go with It through the west. Mrs. Anderson
at first refused to give her consent to such
n career , but finally yielded to the daughters'
entreaties. They left with the company tor
Lincoln , but nt that plaea ono of the girls became -
came enamored of n Chinaman , and If Is nl-
leged'that the form of marriage was gene
tinough with. After residing ut the o.ipltal
for awhllo the couple removed secretly to
Omaha nud U still living here. The mother
learned of the daughter's escapade In Lin
coln , and after considerable trouble traced
her nnd her companion to this city.
After consultation with County Attorney
Mntionoj , Mrs. Anderson learned that If the
two had been married the marriage was not
legal in this state. Warrants were then is
sued for the couplo.
No buffet should bo without a bottle
of Angostura Bitters , the South Ameri
can nppoli/.or. Manufactured by Dr. J.
G. O. Si age rt & Sons. Ask your drug
Grists Which Wcnttotlto JiiHttoa MlllH
The lury which heard the suit of Carolina
MoIcholU against Montgomery & Adams ,
brought.for $5,000 damages , after being out
all night , returned a verclot for f50. ! The
plaintiff's attorney gave notice that ho would
Illo a motion for a now trial.
A jury was Impanelled to try Hattlo
Dukes , charged with stealing HU from Wal
ter Johnton , a colored soldier ,
On account of the fact that Jndgo Hops-
well has a case beforu him the trial of Joe
Miller against U. M , Hitohcoclc could not
bo called yesterday as hud boon Intended.
Churles W. Hull has tiled a petition ID tbo
district court , according to showing- , that ho
nnd tihowmau. who together owned a houtu
mid let , sold the satnn to 1L W. Barnford
tot $5'JOO , taking fU5 cmh and agreeing to
Accept the bafanoo In monthly Installments.
Default Is alleged to have 1 been mado. H la
alleged thnt ? ftAnfon sold nnd trnnsfcred
the property to II G. Kingr , who gave least
of It to A. A. Ituymond , and since taking
possession ISnyAlond hns secured Sherman's
Interest , which virtually loaves hlpi sola-
Ocorgo Cronln , the chap who assaulted
Policeman Dick Monoll with n knifo.was put
on trial before Juugo Qrofl. The chnrgo
against him Is cutting with Intent to kill.
Apropos of the decision of Judge Doano ,
giving the motor railway company the right
to enter upon streets that It had boon re
strained from gothR on , the Omaha Horse
railway company tiled a motion in Its case
against the , inotOf nnd the board of public
works ycstortlay. The horse car company
nsks for an order , to strike out certain portions
tions of the defendants' answer nnd cross-
petition which was filed April 8 , ns the matter -
tor contained therein did not constitute any
defense or counter-claim to the nlalntlft's pe
tition. The allegations thnt the horse car
company wants stricken out are that portion
of the petition asserting that the defendant
had determined to construct n line of double
tracts on certain streets before the com
mencement of the suit.
A bill In equity was filed by Charles E.
Onrd against L. F. Weeks , praying fora decree -
creo of specific performance in n contract for
transferring nroporty in Walnut Hill for
lands In Koborts county , Dakota.
Charles W. Hull filed n petition m equity
against H. W. Bomford , H. S. King and
others , nsklng for the appointment of a re
ceiver to take possession and collect rents of
certain property In Kountzo place. If any
delay would bo hazardous to the rights of
thojplaintln , ho prays the court to put the
sheriff In temporary possession Until a re
ceiver can bo duly appointed. Hull nlso nsks
that all the claim and Interest of Bomford
and King ho foreclosed , nnd that the cloud
now upon the property bo removed.
County Court.
Samuel H , McCtilloch commenced suit
against Jerry Hvan and Dennis Cunningham
for.J90.17 , money duo.
John J. O'ltourko was appointed executor
of the estate of Mary O'Kourko , deceased.
The rosy freshness , and a vnlvoty
softness of the skin is invariably ob
tained by these who use Po/.zonl's Com
plexion Powder.
OIT to the ninok Illlls.
On next Monday at 10 o'clock the board of
trade will start on Its excursion of ton days
to the Black Hills. It Is now certain that the
following merchants , capitalists and pro-
lesslonal in on will bo In the party :
Messrs. W. A. L. Gibbon , James Stephen-
sou , T. A. Creigh , Isaao Johnson , Henry
Puudt , George Ilolmrod , P. E. Windham , .1.
H. Erck , Joseph Garnoau , O. O. Lobeek , P.
S Lclsonrlng , George .W. Llningor , A. T.
Hector , J. Baumur , Louis Schroeder , J. G.
Willis , C. F. Goodman. Euclid Martin ,
J. J. Connor , William Cumnnngs ,
Max Meyer , H. G. Clark , Ben
Gallagher , L. B. Williams. Hugh McCaffrey ,
E. C. Prince , D. II. Wheeler. M. Calm , W.
E. Clarke , W. Colo. E. Uosowator , F. E.
Balloy , Mayor Broatch.
It is quite likely that several other gentle
men who are now considering the foasibllty
nf making ttie trip , will also nnuend their
names to the list before the dold of de
Advice to Mother * .
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup should al
ways bo used'for children toothing. It soothes
the child , sof.ieiui the gums , allays all pain ,
cures wind colic , nud is the best remedy for
diarrhoea , iiocon ts u bottle.
It Will Fdllovv tlie Next Meeting of
the numbers' Union.
Tho' relations' between the master and
journeymen > plumbers continue strained , nnd
it is not at a'l ! pVobablc that more serious
trouble can be averted. The union men still
remain out' of M. A. Frce's shop , and , nc-
cording to Mr. Free , do not stop there , bnt
keep other ihenvho want to go to work for
him from diingjso. The Master Plumbers'
association feel that the journeymen have
made this a test case to see which bhall rule ,
and , feeling so , have decided to act as unit
They emphatically declare that if men nro
not permitted to go to work at Mr. Frco's
shop within n very few days , a general lock
out will be ordotcd.
Speaking of the situation , N. B.
Hussoy , president of the Mastc1-
Plumber's association , said yesterday morn
ing that ho did not hope to sco the
trouble averted. "I do not sco , " he con
tinued , "how it can bo , considering the
tactici the jorneymcn me punminp.
Wo are not unreasonable in our de
mands and Imvo but few crlcvances to com
plain of , but the journeymen have adopted
arbitrary rules that wo cannot tolerate.
Lot mo illustrate. A few dovs ao I had
three gas litters at woik on the now BER
building and the Baker-Smith company had
n gang of steamllttgrs employed there. The
foivmin of this gang saw flt to put on his
overalls and do some llttlo puttering around ,
whereupon my gasllttors gathered up their
tools and refused to work in the building un
less the foreman would take oil his overalls
and qnit work or join their union , nor would
they go back until ho , or some ono for him ,
paid $10 into the union for his admission foe.
"Then another thing. If wo are doing the
gas-fitting in a house and it is necessary to
put In tnreo or four feet of wrought iron
pipe , under the rules of the union our gas
litters can't do the work , notwithstanding
they are perfectly competent to do so , but
instead wo must send a plumber out to do
the work of u few minutes , Involving nddl-
tional expense nud delay. If such rules are
not arbitrary , T cannot Imagine the meaning
of the word. "
The Journeymen will holdamoetlnsr Thurs
day nlnht , when It b oxpjcvjd they will take
definite uetion of some kind to allow men to
go to work. If they do not the master plumb
ers say they will act immediately.
Sleepless nights made miserable by
that terrible cough. Sliiloh's Cure is
the remedy for you. For sale by Good
man Drug Co.
Only Fl.ty Dollars.
Jim McDonald , who has just' como from
Syracuse , N. Y. , according to his story , cjlo-
bra ted his advent hero by gottlnc drunk , In
the coursa of his rumbles , ho knocked on the
door of n on Thirteenth street , near
Jones. Nobody responding , ho selrod n club
and battered the door down. Ho was Inter
rupted in his work by > a policeman , who led
him to the nearest patrol box. This mornIng -
Ing he was fined $50 and costs.
v ' ' " " n I M
Instantly stops the mot excruciating pMnv never falls to clvo CM to tlio sufferer.
rorSl'HAlNa HHU18K3. llAOKAbllKr PAIN IN TIUJ Cllfiai1 Oil atDKS. 1IKAI !
Ing tha
. . . . , . , , . _ , . .
VAJlJlV/t Ol XC'10i 4 rVJ ; * Mi 11 v * LJ > > iu * * v. ' ( tiii > iv' * * ' * ! * 'L- < * - - -
llovcd InstRntlv , and nmckly cured by taking Inwardly 2u to CO drops in halt a tumbler of water.
IB put up In halvoa. pounds and four-pound pnckapros. Hotolls at 5. 10 nnd
2 5 C"nts yi r " cknpro. Wo ndvlso consumers to buy the four-pound pucknRO ,
Vy.-'n 15 aqu&Vto eight 6-cent pacltaerea of nny Washing Powder In tlio
" olil Bust Wnxliliicr rowitrr" Is purely vegetable , dl9 ol\os InMnntly In harder
or mft , hot or fold water ; ivlll not Injuio the Dnost fabric , Is poft and soothing to tup
pkln , nnd for bntli. laundry ( washing dishes , or scrubbing and rlcaulug of any Uluu ,
"Gold Dust" stnnda without nn orpin I
P. S. For a beautiful complexion , use Fairbank's "Fairy" Soap.
1408 TAIWAN RrunKT , OttviiA , NKB.
( Opposite Patton Hotel. )
aOlllce honrf , 0 a. in. to 8 p. in , Suml-n.s , 10 a.
- Specialists In Chronic. Nervom , Skin niul
Illooa Ulsuases.
t r"Consiiltitlon nt ofllce or by mnll fioo
Medicines st-nt by mnll or express , net unity
pacKeil , free from obMenatlon. ( Jnur.intcos to
cure imlrtly. safely anil pel muuontly.
slom Physical Dctny. nrlsliiB from Indlscro-
lion , Kxces * or Indulgence , prodiicini ; hh'Bp-
H"isncss , Despondency , I'lmples on tlia fact' .
aversion to t > odoty. eunily dUcouraKed , Inck of
conlldcnce. dull , unlit for htudy or biiHlness.and
Ilnda life u burden , pufuly , perniiuieiltly and
privately cured , Consult In.-f. llotU & llutts ,
40S riiniani St. , Omahn , N'oD.
Bloailanil Skin Disease ?
rfsiilti , oompletolv ei ail Icatcd without t
of Mnrctirv. Pcrnfnla , Ilryslpoliw. I'uvor Soroj ,
lllotchos , Illcura , 1'alns In the Mend and Itonos ,
ByphllltloSorol'hront. Mouth nnd rongin1 , Cn
tarrh.c. . peimnnentlv cured where othnw
Imvo failed.
nu ITnillflTiff nntl HlaiMor Compl-i nts ,
sy , urinary iMintui. iini.'uu . , fee tra.
t Iliirnin' , ' or Hloocly Uilno , Uilno hun : tel
orc-d ortth mlllcy aeJluiunt on Mainline , ' ,
\Veuk Jlaek , Oonnorrhdia , ( ileet , Cystitis , tin. ,
romptly nndSafely ( Jured , ClmrgcB Itoison i
movul Lumpli'te , ulthont cuttlni ; , oiui.itlo or
dilatation , Cuicsi-lli-cted ut homo by patient
without n moniontb until or nnnovuncu.
To YOIM Men anl Miflule-Agcil Men ,
A IJITOD PlIDIJ ' ' 'llB awful iicct cif < nrly
Jl OUltu uUllli Vlci' . hlfli Drings organic
wonknvss. dc trnylnu both mind und boily , with
all Its drctidcil Hit , pi rmtmently cnrvil ,
T1DC ! Bl ? PT J Adn ilioso \ \ no hnvo linpilrcd
Ullij. Dulli ) theinsplua by Improper tndnl-
penres nnd < iolltniy hiiblt-l. which ruin both
body nnd mind , unfitting them for business ,
Ki ) Mh.s. or thoio cnterliiji on that Imp
Py life , aware of physical it oblllly , quickly aa
ouit sua-uss
l.s based upon facts. First Practical i\pa. :
rlence. tfccoml KvorycnfeUespi-clnllyiitiidlml ,
tlniii Btnrtlilii nr'Kht. ' Thlid Medicines nro pro.
pared In our laboratory exactly to HUH nch
cuu. ttius aitectliiKcui K without Injury.
t 7 hend U centu po&tnce for ceiebrntuil uorks
on Chronic. Nervous and DePcate Dlsi'iis-u.
ThoiiHaiids cured , fU'A friendly tetter nr call
may ; uo you fntuip MiUerttm nnd Hlmiilu , nud
adil ( 'oldun years to life. t "No leturs un-
BW ure d unlt'ss accompanist by 4 cents lu nUmps.
Addresso al , o , ,
UOd I'arnum Kitcet , Ouialui , Neb.
) o t llirouyh errors er
Iuv/ii bud iiracticri. may fct
rxt'ci-ttjr rfjalnta ( if Ilif ner
pe lpn-Dupranemuile | .
hrnJ J
fur our lirw iltuilratrJ rr *
- . . i Hit. AiK > : ut > crtcjr. Varlco-
curcil uithbut rAlnor pcrition.
eslon-Dupro Cllnltiue , lUTicmont St. liotlou
rulTiirnor < : tmKH : no knlfo :
t ) < ikrrre. Lb. , lllli L B.B. ,
r. , I'uuuuu , iu.
MKN nnJVO.M MX auccosiftlllr truatoJ.
uirorlim from Iho rfTvrts nf jrnntlirnl follliu orlnitl ?
urclloti' ' * , or uru irouhlol with \VttnkiiOB9. Norrotit
Dutilllty , I.OR ! of Muuiur , l)05ponilouoy' , Avumlnn til
oolr > ty , KHnoy Tronlili'a or liny dlicn'n of lliu Uant-
ifUrlimry Orunni , ciin hiira Un I into anil ipuutljr
' * " L'liiiKcs roiismubk , i-Kpovtitlly lo tlia poor ,
Ilio rj ninny truuljluJ nlth too froimunt evucua
lui lilitiliii r , ul ion H'ciimiiuili'il by u Mlk'lit
iu r liurnhiK .uns.itluii. mid wuuKunlnu ul lliu
9)ju < ti ! laanitnntr : lliu patlont ciiiiuot acooiinifor.
'n ' pvatnlmn , ! tliu uituitry iluioslii ; : a ropy Kuillinunt
nlll olti-ii I'll Immil , unu Miioiiuioi inirlloloa otnllju-
iiiL-nwIII iiiii | > iir or tli > ) culor bout a Ihlii , mlluhli
liiii' , lunln niiiinizlnic Ion dirk or turphl
'Ilicnutru iimat men wliuUluuf iIiliUllliLiilty , Un runt -
unt o ; tlio ciiu9i ) . tvlilcli i * ihonrro'il ktHxuofioiiil.
mil wonkiicst. 'lliu iluttur will nituu u porfiict
( iinUiuill auoli i IIIHK , anil n boiltliv inturutlon of
llioKi'nllo uriunry nr iuis , coii-ult mon freo. Honil
' rent Mump lor "Vounu Mnn'H Krleiid , or Oulilo to
\Vi'.Uoi . k , " line 10 all. AiMroM
Main nnd 12th St. , Kansas City , Mo.
llou this i > iti > er.
Gi'aceful Form ,
Combined In
Skirt Supporting Corset
It IHOIIB or thij muni iiopul.trln Ilio mnrkot nnl Hold
liy liMillnn diMilcrc In Omnlm. 1'ilco f l.U.
FoEarraca ft Chalvrtcfe , UOTT Haven , Conn.
State Line.
ToOlnsirtm , Helfusl , Dublin ninl Lhcrpool
From Hew York Every Tuesday ,
Cabin paHs.igo t,13 to0 , nccoidln ; ; to location
of ntutu i ooiii. Kxcnrxlon i&'i to tn > ,
Ffperace to Mid from Huropo at l.o e. < t Hutes.
A06T1N UALDW1N .A : fO. . Uan'l Agents.
Hcducoil Cubin Itatoa to Oliisgow Ex
I'ENNYHO-yAI , W A runs are
, niccuuf nlly uned monthly by over 10,0X1
N OLadles. AroBujt , fLJectualattii Plcmant
y SI prbox by mall.or et drufCKUU. fUaltd
_ -J'arifctJari 2 po tnjo ttamp * . Artdrcu
TUB BCMKA Catiiicii Co. , OBTUOR , Micu.
For sixlo nnd by mnll by Oooltnan : Drug
Company , Otiiabu.
Hunnlng between Council niulTs ana Al
bright. In addition to the stations mentioned.
tnUus stou M Tn'ouUutu. nnd Twenty-fourth
No.a (1:10 ( : a. in. No. 7 , 0:45 : a , m.
No. H 4:15 : p. m.lNo. 3 000a. ; ra.
No. 4 0:10 : p. m.No. , 6 0:11 : p. m.
All TraliiH Dally.
A No. 2 . . . .0:1(1 : ( a. in. , A No.l 0OTn. : m.
A No. 4 . . . .7:0 : 1. m. A No.1 7:10l.m.
A No. 2. . . . 0r : : , a. ni.lA No.3.,0:10 ni m.
A No.4 . . .r : : n p.m.Lv No.l 0:35p. ra.
A No. 10. . . .7U3 : u , m.A | No.fl :
A . .7OUp.m./ : ' No. U UlWl ) , m.
A No.8 .4:3i : p.m.lA No , 7 , . 12:00 : in.
A imiiy ; II dally except Saturday ; U except
Sunday : Doxoupt Monday ; fast mat ) .
The tlmu ulven aooTH la for Tranitfer , the ?
being fiom live to tun minutes botwoouTrano-
cr and local dtipou.
Dll. K , 0. WUHT'B Nr.IlVK AND till UN TllKAT-
MKNr , n Riiarniiteed 8pm > lllc for Hymnrla , D1//.1-
ne H , qonviiUloim , l > lti , NurvouH Nouralirla ,
lltmluchu , Ner'ous 1'iostintloiicausoil by Hie
imoof alcohol i/rtobiwo , VViikofiilneNB , Mental
DttjnuHHlon , Sorn.nlni ; or th ilruln resulting lu
Inxunlty anil lending to inlmiry , douny and
Uenlh , Preniiitiiro Old ARC , Darreiinesn , I/oaa of
rower in cltl.i'r xax. luvniuntary IOHHI > H and
HjiprinatorrlKr-a caused by over-exertion ot
tn main , MiiruiiusoDi- over imlulKunce. Jfucli
box contains on month'H tn-ntmont , einbox ,
or six boxen for l > , Bent by mnll prepaid on ru-
celpt ot prlc' .
To cnronny caso. With eioh order received by
IIH for six UoxiM , accompanied with V , we will
jeml the piuclumcr our wiltten gniirantoo to ra
fund the inoiiuy If thu truiitmvnt does not orfcct
a cure , nuaruuti'fs las-ut-d only by ( jooilmnn
] > niKX > . , Di iiBKlktii , Kola AB ntn , 1110 Varnaia
htieot Omahn ob.
C. ' tlio Jilauorllnbll , I'nuhlrrlr Cur 4 -
l 7 AJralnUtorlnB llr. UnliW
( Julauii tipeclflo.
Itcanb * given inn cup of colfoo or lu artl-
fl itri > oilwtUouttlJMicnottl | , < jBaof UK. pv
Itnt ; It la itbholiuuljr ImrmlijH.i , and will ef
fect a portnnnput and speedy cure , whether tho.
IMtlent Is u muderato drinker or an alcohol
wrnck. IT NK\'Kll \ 1'AII.H. Over loo.OOO
ilruukuuls have bu n madotoniperato "inn Xyho
tiavo takaii Holden Specific In their coffr < , wHll-
out their know ledge , anil today belieVa Uny
milt drlnktiift of thela ownaw-orrt. 4 n& &
boolcofp nlciilarsfi. . Kulm * Co. ! /
isth and Uouela * uts , isth aud Cumlnu tr < i u