Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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Sonbonrd Prlcoa Virtually Down to
An Export Basis.
Dntn Fairly Active in tlio Way or
ClmiiRcs 1'rovlHlonn IJrcnk
1-4-oni Their Itcnristi
-Cntllo Slow ,
CHICAGO , April 10. [ Spcclftl Telegram to
TUB Hnn.l Wheat wns easier to-day , nnd
ipcculatlvo values underwent an unfavorable
: linngo. Cables wcro Just "so so , " neither
one thing nor another , nnd In this respect a
aifinppolntmcnt , to those who had looked con
fidently forward to reports of stronger for
eign markets consequent upon yesterday's
display of firmness. July wheat opened at
82K < 3b2Xo , there belnf ? good selllnR at both
extremes. The market then sold oil to S2c ,
up to S2Jfc , off to 81J { , touching iho latter
flfii ro twice , During the last hour of the
trading , July ranged above 82c , and seemed
to bo steady and even strong. Wheat has
apparently found friends at around the cur
rent range of values. During the latter half
of the session the character of the buying
was drcldcdly better than at first. The Im
proved feeling was duo to some extent to bot-
tcr closing cables and a decided activity In
the cash market. The milling nnd shipping
demand was sufllclcntly brisk to cause an ad
vance of 2o , ana of Bo In some desirable sam
ples. Scrutiny of the blackboard also discloses
the fact that wheat Is moving out of
nil points of accumulation faster than it Is
coming In , Minneapolis being the only ex
ception , and there the Hour production nnd
shipments , together , cause n steady decrease
In the stocks. July closed at' 82iS2'e ( , or
J c lower than yesterday , and Muy and Juno
loft oft at 8SK ntul 880 , respect
ively. May opened at SSJ.fc , and
Bold ns low as 8 Kc. Juno opened
Iho same ns May , but sold ! { c
lower , touching 87c once. The final quota
tions mark n depreciation of % o In May nnd
J < c in Juno at compared with yesterday. The
outside news in addition to the points enumer
ated above was pcnrco nnd unimportant. No
export business of any account wns reported.
The clearances were moderate both In wheat
and Hour , und It is noted as n significant.
fact , that most of the wheat
that Is now shipped abroad is destined
for the Euglisn ports. This Is looked upon
as the best possible evidence that the sea
board prices nro at lust down to n virtually
legitimate export bus is. The local lake on-
cagcments for 40,000 oushols of wheat
lo-tlay , and it'ls commonly undcrstod that
negotiations are in progress fnr the sale of
cOiiSlaerubla qMtitlHel : fldliI6fs"6l" Mod' ,
choice grain are stiff in their views , nnd de
mand n handsome premium over May. A
bid of OSn for ono lot of No. 1 hard was re
jected to-day.
The Liverpool market was reported strong
for corn , and quotations from there were nd-
ranccd fractionally. The clearances from
the Atlantic ports wcro likewise heavier
limn for several days past. The receipts ,
however , was eighty-six cars over yester
day's estimates , and about -10 per cent of
thoin wcro No. 2. The latter circumstance
caused the market to open weak at about 3 e
amlor yesterday's closing price , but the esti
mates for to-morrow being only
501) ) cars , caused n firmer feeling ,
which wns supplemented by the llrinncss
and higher prices ruling nniong the buyers
of the day's receipts in the cash market.
IJocrbohm computed the amount of corn on
passage to the United Kingdom and the con
tinent as ( i3 > ,000 bushels less than on the
preceding week , and perhaps this feature
was tno cause of the very strong market re
ported from Liverpool. The arrivals at the
latter port for the past three days were
251,0ft ) bushels. The last half-hour was the
most active in trading nnd saw t io highest
prices , tlio shorts evincing n decided inclina
tion to cover. May sold at ! t4J c and was of
fered at that price at the close , making about
a Ke advance for the day. July closed at
35o bid , which Is an improvement of about
J o since yesterday.
Oats were fairly active In the way of
changes , while the volume of new business
was rather light. The three favorite futures ,
May , Juno anil July , were at , practically
Dvon figures , und there was considerable
buying of May and the selling mouth follow
ing ut the same price. This , taken with the
Increased ticmuml for'cush outs , caused con-
ildcrublo firmness , uud after n weak opening
at ! M } c , May advanced to 2l c , ruling more-
julet later. Ono operator bought 100,000
July nnd sold May at the common figure.
For April 24@24 } o wns bid , and No. 3 In
itciro sold at that range , with car lots to go
there at S4c.
Provisions broke loose from their lute
bearish leaning , and the continued moderate
marketing of hops , which wcro again in
light supply nnd higher to-day , turned tlio
tulo , and when tlio recent bears took hold to
protect , n portion of their extended short
lines , prices advanced slowly from tlio ouen-
Ing quotations. Pork subsequently sold up
30fii)35c ) , lard C@7 4c , and short ribs 7J @
CniCAOo. April 10. [ Special Telegram to
Fni ! BEE. ] CATTLK Trade-was slow from
iho opening to the close on all descriptions of
ihlpplng and dressed beef stcors , nnd this ,
too , In the fnco of an Immediate and prospec
tive light run , ns the supuly already shows
i deficiency of nearly 4,000 ns'cotnparcd with
'nst ' week. Exporters are not buying as lib
erally as last week , nnd ono or two of the
5lg ones nro not on the market. Big , heavy
itccrs sold a strong 10 cents lower , nnd nice ,
unndy stcors that were in such active demand
Inst week were only nbout steady ; in fact ,
lomo salesmen quote the same rather easier.
A few Texans hero sold steady , nnd all do-
icriptions of butchers' stock nro selling
about the same ns last week. The stacker
and feeder trade opens dull for the week ,
with the outlook showing little or no im
provement. Veal calves are selling hero ut
lower prices than In the country. There is
no certain demand nnd no fixed values.
Choice to axtra beeves , $4.40 ( < ? ( .00 ; medium
to good sUjors , 1850 to 1500 Ibs , $ .l.90 ( < ? 4.80 ;
1200 to 1350 Ibs , f3.CO@4.15 ; 050 to 1200 Ibs ,
| 3.40VT8.70 ( ; stocltors nnd feeders , 52.40@
B.70 ; cows , bulls nnd mixed , $1,70 ( 3.10 ;
bulk , $3.25(32.75 ( ; Texas steers , $3.40fi3.80.
Jloos Trade was slow , with a down turn
of lUc , the bulk of the mixed selling nt $4.80 ,
a few lots of rough packers us low ns fttin ®
i.7.ami a few lots of fancy heavy at 54,85(3 (
4,87 , and ono lot at $1,90. Light sorts
were neglected. Them were no regular
buyers nn the market , and prices were nomi
nal at $4.Mg4.85. ) ( '
NKW YOIIK , April 10. [ Special Telegram
to Tits HEK. | STOCKS The stock market
rnmo very near being stagnant this morning.
The only thing which relieved It was n
little activity In Atchlson , Union Pacillc ,
Oregon Transcontinental nnd n few others.
1'no market not only opened quiet and
featureless , but prices wcro fractionally
lower than at the close on Monday. The
losses were small , ranging nt } © > , ? per cent ,
put tils | was followed the first half hour by
further slight declines In the stocks named ,
nd together with Western Union and Denver
vor , Texas & Fort \Vorth milled X per
cent. At this point thcro wag n change of and fractional advances were re
corded. Atchlson moved up } { and the
aVtlvlty on the renctloh centered in St. Paul.
XKcrdT wuYft marked Increase in business
vvho prices thriiQd upward , and at the end
pf the hour prices were ut a nhado hotter
than the opening figures. The f eat urn uf
the advance was the action of Milwaukee ,
Lnko Shore nnd Western' preferred , which
moved up 2 points In short order , lloforo
noon the market became dull , nnd this snuio
itoqk loct 1 of its advance. The list ro
malnoil 11 rm until , noon without other
( Cultures. The stock market continued dull
to th'q cud , when prices wore liltlo changed
Irprn tlie ppening. Much weakness was
shown In the Oregon Railroad and Naviga
tion company , Mid the decline wns at onetime
time 4 points , with a net loss for the day of
point * . There Is llttlo promise of nny de
cided chnngo In stocks until the approaching
holidays are passed. The totnl sales were
light , only 120,893 shares.
The following were the closing quotations !
U. 8. 4s regular. 123 Northern 1'Aclue. .
U.K. 4s coupons. , . . 1-"J doprefcrred noi ?
0. &fr. w ions
ir. H.4ts ! coupons. . 107 ? doprererred 138
I'aclilcciof V5 . I'M N.Y.l'ontrnl 107 ? <
Central Pacific . fliy I'.O.iK Z1H
Clilcnco It Alton. . . .1X1 Hock Island , D3.S
Chicago , Ilurllngton O..M.&St.l > B4\
01 do preferred 101'4 '
P. . U& 8t.1'AUl&Omaha. . KIU
Illinois Central . 112 do preferred W
I. , II. ft W. . . 0 irnlon 1'acinc r ) V
W..8U I * fc I1 13
I.nko Shore . . . . . .ItB'l doproforrcd. . . . . . 2(1 (
Michigan Central. , rtt Western Union 81'f
MHtiOurll'ttdllc. . . . ( f > H
MoxfiT ox CALU Easy nt 2Jf @ 3 per cent.
Stcnuxo Exciuxon Dull but steady !
sixty-day bills , SI.86& ; demand , W.8SX-
puonubia MAUKETS.
CHICAGO , April 1(1. ( Wheat Higher ; cash ,
87Jfc ; ; May , bSc ; July , 83 5-likj.
Corn Firmer ; cash , 84 0 ; May , OJJjfc ;
July , 85J5/C.
Oats Firmer ; cash , 24'A , ' ! } May , 24 > < c ;
July , 24 tfc.
Kyo 4iKc. !
Barley Nothing doing.
Prime Timothy-1.3i@1.33.
Flax fl.R4@l.D3.
Pork-Higher ; May , tll.Og ; July , 813.10.
Lard Firmer ; cash , 50.S > 5 ; Muy , W.90 ;
July , * 7.00.
Flour Quotably steady.
Dry Salt Meats Shoulders ,
short clears , $0.37 (30.50 ( ; short ribs ,
Uultcr Unchanged ; creamery , 17i323e ;
dairy , 13K@22o.
Cheese Lower ; full cream Cheddars and
flats , 10@10 } c : Young Americas , 10K@llc.
EcKs-Slmdollrmer ; fresh , lOMlOKu.
Hides Unchanged ; heavy and light green
salted , Cyc ) ; green hides , 4c ; salted bull
hides , 4/o ; green bull , 8) ) 0 ; green salted
calf , Qi@Gfc ) ; dry flint , 7W@So ; green
salted hip. 44 } o ; dry calf , 7@Sc ; dry
salted , 7@dc.
Tullow Unchanged ; No. 1 , solid packed ,
4o ; No. 2 , 3c ; cake , 4 } o.
Hcceipts. Shipments.
Flour 14,000 7,000
Wheat..t 11,000 30,000
Corn 221,000 212,000
Oats 129,000 72,000
New York , April 10. Wheat Receipts ,
none ; exports , 89,000 ; spot , dull nnd % @lc
lower , with the 'market weak ; No. 2 red ,
SSJfom store ; 87 > 87c nlloat ; 80 < ® S8o
f. o. b. : No. 8 red , Tito ; ungraded red , 85Hc ;
options fairly active , with the market weak
nnd lower ; April 83Jfc.
Corn Receipts , 12,000 ; exports , 187,000 ;
snot , fulrly uctlvo but linn ; No. 2 , 42 @ 43o
in elevator ; 4II44o afloat ; ungraded mixed ,
41ff44c ; options moderately active , with the
market strong and higher ,
Oats Receipts , 22ffo6Y exports , 40,000 ;
spot -firm und moderately active ; options ,
steady and quiet ; April , 81c ; May , SOJfc ;
July ' Mi ; e ; spot. No. 2 white , 33J < (334e ( ;
mixed western , 3Q@33e.
Coffee Ontions steady nnd K@10points up ;
sales , 27,250 bacs ; May , ? 10.55 ( < § li.05 ( ; Juno ,
? 10.00@10.0o : July , $ Ki.75@l0.bO ; spot Hio
quiet ; fair cargoes , $18.75.
" - - -
Lard Firm and' higher ; western steam ,
87.2S ; May $7.25.
Uutter Steady ; western 12@27 c.
Cheese Quiet und steady ; western , 8X@
Liverpool , April 10. [ Special Cablegram
to TUB Her. 1 3:80 : p. m. close. Pork
fnpoor demand ; prime mess , eastern , C3s ,
steady prlmo mess , western , 55s , steady.
Lard In poor demand ; spot and April ,
85i 9d , steady ; May and Juno , 80s , steady.
Wheat in fair demand ; now No. 2 , win
ter , Cs 10 > d , easy ; now No. S , spring , 7s 8d ,
Flour In fair demand at , 11s , dull.
Corn In good demand ; spot , April , May
and June , 3s 10d , linn.
Milwaukee , April 10. Wheat Firm ;
cash , 82c ; Muy , 82) 0.
Corn Firm ; No. 3 , 84c.
Oats Steady ; No. 2 , white , 2S@2S } c.
Rye Steady ; No. 1 , 44o.
Barley Dull ; No. 2 , 57c.
Provisions Firm ; pork , $11.80.
MliinrupoUi , April 10. Wheat Wools
and lower for sample ; receipts , 201 cars ;
shipments , 41 cars. Closing : No.l hard , April ,
$1.02 ; May , § 1.02 ; on track. $1.04 ; No. 1
northern , April , 91c ; on traclr , 01 < ! ? 'J3c ' ;
No. 2 , northern , April und May , 80 } u ; on
track , 80@S5c.
Cincinnati April 10. Wheat Dull ;
No. 3 red , 85c.
Corn Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 3oj c.
Outs Liurely steady ; No. 2 mixed , 27c.
Whisky Quiet at tl.03.
Kansas City. April 10. Wheat Quiet ;
No. 2 red , cash , 82o asked ; May , 82e asked ;
No. 2 soft , cash , 87c asked.
Corn Quiet ; No. 2 cash , 23e asked ; May ,
25e asked ; No. " white cash , 25 c asked ;
May. 24Kc bid.
Oats No. 2 , cash , 20 } c asked ; May , 21e
asked ,
Ghlcairo , April 10. The Drovers' Journal
reports us follows :
Cattle Receipts , 7,000 ; shipments , 3,000 ;
market slow , und 70c lower ; beeves , $4 40Q
4.00 ; steers , $3.4004.80 ; stackers und feed
ers , $2.40@3.70 : cows , bulls and mixed , $1.70
3.10 ; Toxns steers , $3.40(13.80. (
Hogs Receipts , 12,000 ; market 5@10c
lower ; mixed ? 4.10@4.90 ; heavy , $4.65@4.90 ;
light , | 4.73@ I.-J5 ; skips , f3.45@4.45.
Sheep Receipts , O.OJO ; market slow nnd
lOo lower ; natives , S4.00@5.CO ; western corn-
fed , 84.78&W5.40 ; wooled Texans , M,40@4.50 ;
lambs , $4 75@5.UO.
National Stoulc Vnrili , Knit fit ,
LoulH , April 111. Cattle Receipts , 1,801) ) ;
shipments , none ; market strong ; choice
heavy native steers , ? 4.00@4.50 : fair to
good , $2.10@3.25 ; rangers , corn-fed , ? 2.SO@
8.70 ; grass-fed , * 2.00J3.00. (
Hogs Receipts , 4,900 ; shipments , 400 ;
market llrm ; cholco heavy und butchers'
selections , M.70@4.SO ; packing , $4.50@4.05 ;
light grades , $4.00 ® 1.75.
Sioux City , April 10 Cattle Receipts ,
320 ; shipments , 218 ; market steady ; fat
steers , J2.9300 ( ) ; stockers , fi..T > ( g2.S , ' ) ;
feeders , W.40@.90 ; canncrs nnj Bulls , $1.0 (
© 1.75 ; veul calves , ? 2.00@1.00.
Hogs Receipts , 1.4SS : market steady ;
light and mixed , $4,45$4.50 ( ; ; heavy ,
KtinanH Clly , April 10-Cattlo Receipts ,
4,400 ; shipments , 1,000 ; the market foi
circled beef and shipping steers , openei
brisk nnd firm nt yesterday's close , closing
weak nnd lllo lower ; good to choice , corn-
fed , ? 4 , 1004.40 ; common to medium , (3.00@
4.00 ; stockers nnd feeding steers , steady ant
stronger at $2,00g3.C5 ( ; cows , steady to strong
ut $1.75@3.25.
Hoe * -Receipts 7,000 ; ' shipments , 340 ]
market steady to wcalc ; common to choice ,
Tuesday , April 10 , 1SS9.
The market opcnud steady , bat under the
Influence of unfavorable advK-i'4 from east
crn points , thu trade fell oil' , mid at mlddday
was 1 Oo lower , with n good many beef ani
shipping 8teorn unfold. Strcra sold at a
rangoof-i,15fi.4,00 ; , with tint hulk at fJ.OOQ
8.W , Them wore nuito u gooil many cows
among tha other cuttle to-day , and they sole
ut about steady prieoi. The quality on on
average was arMrubln , nnd there were cows
gooa enough to bring $3.00y8.M , while the
bull ; sold nt fcJtW ) < ; i } : > . .lj. The butchers'
stoolf was all cloarrd up early , the dcniaui'
being fully equal to the receipts , Quito a
number of bulls changed hands at prices
ranging from fj.OU@li.00. A tow feeders
wore on sale und some pretty fair cattle o :
that description Hold at $3.00. The same
price was uUo paid for some very ligbi
The hog market WOK steady with the re
colptn light , and the trade was teen over
Evoiy thing sold ut 14.50 ® 4.55.
The pens were full of sheep , but they wcro
nil held nt higher prices than eastern mar
kets would Jubtlfy. and the trade was slow
Lute In the day quite a string sold at t l.lKKi [
4.05. which was considered a high price , bu1
the demand was strong und the puckers
needed uomo good sheep badly , auil they hud
o pay the prices. Among the offerings
hero wcro nlno loads of good lambs thrco
cads of fair lambs and filx loads of sheep , all
Cattle 2,000
Hog * r. 1,800
Sheep 2,400
Prevailing Prices.
The following Is a table ot prices paid In
this market for the grades of stock , men
tioned :
Prlmo steers. 1300 to 1500 lbs.$3.CO @ 4.10
Prime ulcers , 1100 to 13)0 Ibs. . 3.53 ( Tjl.OO
Native feeders 2.SO < ii8.20
Common to good cows 1.50 @ 3.70
Cholco to fancy cows 2.05 OC3.80
Pair to cholco bulls 2.00 < g3,00
Pair to choice light hogs 4.50 ( # 4.55
Fair to cholco henvy hogs 4.60 0(4.55
Fair to cholco mixed hogs 4.50 f t4 55
Ktilr to cholco western sheep. , 3.90 ( ffil.95
Fair to choice Nvbrnskas , , . , . , 3.75 ( & 4.60
Ili'prcscntnllvo Bales.
No. Av. Pr.
15 10S3 $3.15
1 800 3.30
10 1005 8.a"
11 1183 3.40
9 1000 3.40
25 931 8.40
25 939 8.45
3 1125 3.50
4 975 3.5J
0 1050 3.50
30 1090 3.50
1 1170 3.50
8 1123 3.65
4 1P41) 8.55
a > 12:14 : 3.5-
89 1107 3.55
10 1243 3.65
83 107 ! ) 8.55
5 1070 8.00
20 1143 3.00
07 1119 8.00
41 10S3 3.00
10 1181 8.G9
9 1109 3.00
IS 1250 3.00
17 1092 8.00
15 1180 3.00
8 1354 3.00
20 10bO 3.00
3 1070 2.00 1. . 020 2.75
12 aw 2.15 1. . 1100 2.75
U. . . . . . .1023 2.20 1. . 790 2.75
4 1013 2.40 4. . 1192 2.75
0 1000 2.50 9. 1033 2.75
1100 2.50 19. . .1000' 2.80
1035 2.50 4. . 1107 2.80
1210 2.50 4. . 1025 2.85
1025 2.50 18. . 1133 285
935 353 1054 2.85
1090 2.33 18. 1087 2.90
1035 2.00 7. 1120 2.90
9SO 2.CO 29. 710 3.00
983 2.C.O 1215 3.00
1003 2.05 1. . . 1HO 8.00
1123 2.05 3. . . 1197 3.00
1040 2.70 41. . . 1230 8.15
.1043 2.70 1 1680 3.15
.1100 2.70 2 1210 3.15
. - J.VU1J 2rr ,
.1150 2.75 1200
.1230 2.73 1309 3.25
. ( .20 2.75
. .1140 2.00 .1720 2.75
. .1415 2.00 .1780 3.75
. .1770 235 .1920 2.85
.1730 2.40 .1840 3.00
. .1420 2.60 .2280 3.00
. .1490 2.50 .1380 3.00
. .13'JO 2.CO .1100 8.03
. .1930 2.70 .2210 8.10
. .1700 2.75 .1980 8.25
. .1010 .7
1 7SO 2.70 7. . 779 3.00
41 620 3.00 2. . 730 3.20
23 830 3.00 10. . 714 3,05
3 1050 3.25
14 1121 2.05 5. . .1137 3.55
.1233 3.10 8 1104 3.25
.1020 1.75
. 102 4.50
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk I'r.
02. . .230 100 4 50 03. . . .231 240 4 55
53. . .371 80 4 50 09. . . .220 40 4 55
09. . . .208 100 4 50 70. . .270 80 4 55
OS. . ,2sl 240 4 50 09. . , .237 4 5i
50. . .374 240 4 50 07. . .223 200 4 55
05. . .203 120 , 4 60 OS. . . .254 40 4 65
02. . .281 100 4 6(1 ( 53. . , .250 4 55
05. . .230 40 4 50 73. . . .247 40 4
07. . .241 80 4 50 CO. . . .200 80 4
73. . .214 80 50 07. . . .2JS 120 4
03. . .233 UK ) 4 5 % 70. . . .253 120 4
71. . .247 240 4 52) < 03. . . .203 40 4
O.J. . .271 800 4 52 00. . , 275 120 4 55
77. . .248 80 4 52 57. . , .242 bO 4 55
54. . , .804 40 4 60
75. . .123 S4 95 130. . . . 128 $4 95
214. . .130 490
Thrco Years' Ilnncc.
Showing the highest and lowest prices
paid for loads of hogs on this market on the
days Indicated in IbSO , 1SS7 and 1838.
April 1880. April ItttT. April
Llvo Stook Noted.
The receipts of cattle to-dny were about
the same ns last Tuesday in number and the
heaviest of any day since that time.
Cattle market closed bad.
Hops about steady.
Swift & Co. bought all the sheep that
were sold.
Sheep command hl'h ( , prices.
The IIOK market was higher than a wool :
ago. the hogs having bold on lust Tuesday at
Sl.45@-J.GO with the bulk at $ J.4.r4.50 , and
\\itli only ono trade at 34.GO and three loads
at ? 4.55.
Produce. Fruits , Etc.
BiiTTnn Creamery Funuy print , 23@'J4o ;
choice print , 21@'Jc ! ! ; fancy solid packed , SO
C' io ; choice solid packed , 10@30c. Dairy
Fancy roll , ITQlOos'iholce , 15@lOe ; good , 12
( it I4o ; low grades , lU@llc.
CIIHESK Full cream chcddara , choice 11 }
@l'JMo ; full cream flats , two in hoop , llJ Cfl
lite ; full cream Y. A. , choice , 13@llio : off
grades and skims , 5@9u ; llmburger , 10@12c :
brick , n < ( .t'12c ' ; Swiss , 14@15o.
EGOS Strictly fresh , SfijUc.
LIVK POUI.TIIV ChlekeiiB , per doz , (4,00 ;
dut'ks , $ . ' 1.50 ; geese , f3.00@9.00 ; turkeys , per
VBAI- Heavy grassers , 160 to 200 Ibs , 5@
Co Inferior calves 50 to CO Ibt , '
; , , 'i@5o : me
dium to good , TO to 85 Ibs , 4@0oj choice to
fnnry , 100 to 130 Ibs , 0@7o.
VEOKTAIII.ES Potatoes , Nebraska and
Iowa , choice largo , UO@2So ; common. } H@
lUc ; sweet potatoes , Jersey , per bbl , W.75fi ( !
fi.OO : ; carrots , ar40oj Cabbage , California ,
perlb , 2o ; pursnlps , perbu , SOSOOo ; onions.
red choice , ! 50o ; silver skin , ! 15o ; turnips. ' . ' 0@
' . ' . ' > oi intabagas , 85@40oj radlnhes , 20i'J. ( > o ;
lettuce , 2 , " > ( iaOc ; cucumbers , $1.00 : string
beans , per box , 1.23@1.50 : celery , 15 you
per bu ; spinach , 11.00 per bbl ; pie nlant 80
lOo per Ib ; parsley , per doz , 25c ; soup
buucnea. Sia ; caullllowerlMiU'l,75 ; asparu-
gun , b5c&$1.00 ; beats , now , 40o ; ijrcou peas ,
GAMB Mallanl , per do , ? J.OO ( a50 , red'
head , per dot.fM@'J.OO ; teal , per doz. $1.75
( 2.00 ; common small , per doz , tl.X ( ) < U'l.50 ' ;
rabbits , per doz , OOc@I.UO ; jack rabbits , per
doz , $ a.OO(3H.W ( ) ; soulrroU. pordozUOc | 1.00 ;
jack snipe , f 1.00@1.25.
Per bbl , fancy Now York and
, ,
toUlbs , lOo perlb ; bananas , ] ier bunch ,
tl.50ffla.00 ; lemons , fancy new , DOO to SCOs ,
t3.00@3.75 ; oriingen , Loa Angeles , f3.DU ;
Hlveraides , f3.60 : ' Navels , .00 ; Messlnas.
CIU.VUF.HHIES Hell & liugle , choice , W 00 ;
Hell & Cliorry , choice. f.Y5J ; choice Jersey ,
$7.5 ,
Ilii'K3-Urtcu lullcu No. 1 , & 3 o ; No. 3 ,
3 < ! ? 3J < 0 ! calf , SQ elaryTfllnt , TfgSc.
HBANS NftVies , hlndv1 picked , per bu ,
t3.10@2.20 ; Riotl clean country. $1.05@2.00 ;
oft or poor stock , ( l.OO l.&O } California , $2.00
. i , .
CIDKU Michigan , pcr ljt , f4.50g ( 5.00 : Now
York , per bbl , f5.000i3.adr half bbl , $2.75 ®
3.00.Fr.ATHEns Per lb/prlmollve ppeso , white ,
35 < i40cj mixed wlth grny , 2.l > @ 30ci damp
and musty , 10@20c ; prlmo live domcstlo
duck , 20@'J5o ; Wld duck , 15g20c. (
SAUEHKIIAUT Per bbl.yo gal , choice , $3.00 ;
per hnlf barrel , .w : T
Popconx Per Ib , flcof'l@lj o ; common ,
llosnv 1-lb frames. 'choice white , IGQlOo'
dark , 13@14c ; strained , 10012c.
Jr.i.LiGS 3X@4c per Ib ; preserves , 1012o
per Ib. , . .
Lum-TJ e In GOltiikgs. \ .
STiA\YiCKiiirb--yo@jOc ! per box.
Kovlscd prices nro ns follows :
UAOOI.NO Stark A , seamless , 23c ; Amos-
Iteag , seamless , \ } 4c' Lew'ston ' A , seamless ,
lOc ; American , seamless , 17c ; burlaps , 4 to 5
bu , ll@14o ; gunnies , single , 14c ; gunnies ,
double , 23c : wool sncks , 40c ,
TWISBS Flax , COc ; cotton , 185122C.
DitiEii Fnuiis Figa. in boxes , per Ib , P@
lOc ; tliUos , in boxes , 7@10o ; London Uolicsii
raisins , per box , f. > .00 ; Malaga loose raisins ,
$ 'J.0fJ'J.50 ! ! ( ; now Valencia raisins , porlb , 7'fc ;
California loose Muscatels , per box , $1.50 < V6
'J.101 California Londons , 18i8 , $2.30 ; plttei
illicit i t aiuti i ivo. | > \ i iisu w * i i'irt * * wi * ii >
pics , 0@ Xo < California unparcd evaporated
peaches , lee ; ovniwrntcd California apricots ,
14C < i17c ! ; currants , Co ; Turkish prunes , t % @
4u ; citron , 22@2lo ; orange peel , 15u ; lemon
peel , 14c ! California French prunes , 7@llc.
PICKLES Medium , in bbls , 5.00 ; do , In
hnlf bbls , (3.00 ; smnil , in bbls 0.00 ; Uo , in
half bbls , $3.50 ; gherkins , In bbls , $7.00 ; do ,
in half bbls. * 1.00.
HOISTED COITEKS German , 34fc ; Me-
LriURhllti's XXXX , 84 fc ; Arioso , 24 c.
COFFEES Grccn--Mocha , 27o ; Rio , pood.
Stieun Granulated , 8jfc ! ; conf. A , 8V < te ;
white extra C , SJ 'c ; oxtru C , 7J e : yellow C ,
Kc ; cut loaf , Oo ; powdered , Oo ; cubes , 9c.
BEESWAX Choice yellow. 20@22' . c ; dark
colored , ii@llc- : *
ToiiAuoo Plug , 2fl@35c : smoking , 10@10c.
SALT $ l.85@1.40 per bbl.
ROPD SIsnl in. . 14c.
MAVLE Suau Isricks , ll@12c per Ib ;
penny calces , 12@18o lift Ib ; pure maple
syrup , $1.00 ncr gallon.
Suiuu Svnoi's 34@45c per gallon.
WiiArnxo PArnu Manilla , OJ o per Ib ;
straw , lJj@lXc per Ib ; rng , 2) c 5)cr Ib.
TnAB Young Hyson , common to fair , 18 ®
2oc ; Young Hyson , good to fancy , 30S55u ( ;
Gunuowder. common to good , 22023c ; Gun
powder , choice to fancy , 40@ 3c ; Japan , com ;
mon to medium , 12@0c ; Japan , choice to
fancy , 30@45o ; Oolong , common to good , 25@
40c ; Oolong , choice to fancy , 50 ( < i'70c ' ; Im
perial , common to medium ; 2oi635c ( ; Im
perial , good to far.cj'j 40@50c.
"CuACit ns = rCffl7rt per IE ; assorted cakes ,
8@15c per Ib , as per list.
CANDY Mixed. 012Kc ; stick , OW@llc ;
rock candy , I0y0c \ futicy candy , ® iSc.
iANu HEUUISOS 50$600c.
KCIIEI - Family , half bbls , 512.50 ; No.
STAUCH ! @ 7 > c
NUTS Almonds , 10@18c ; Pecans , Itto ; Bra
zils , 9c ; peanuts , 0@IOc.t
SVICES Wliole Allspice , 12c ; Cassia , lOo ;
Cloves , 25c ; Nutmegs , 70c ; Pepper , 20c.
BAGS Union square. U3 per cent discount.
Dry Goods.
COTTON FLANNEM 10 per cent trade dis
count. Unbleached LL ; n > c : CC , 6e ; SS ,
7c ; EE , 8c ; GG , 0c ; XX , lO o ; OO ,
like ; NN , liihfc ; AAa4.c ; DD , 15 > fc ; TT ,
l ( > Ke ; YY , 18c ; BB , 19c , ; blc.iehed , 20. 8 ] e ;
80 , 18J e. Brown oud , slate , 50 , 9c ; 00 , 12Jc ;
90 , lOo ; 70 , 12' c.
CAUI-ET WAIIF Bibb , white , 19e ; colored ,
" "
"BATTS Standard- * , Gem , lOo ; Beauty ,
12J4c ; Boone , 14e ; B. cased , $0.50.
PUINTS Solid colors-rAtlantio , Oc ; Slate ,
Cc ; Berlin oil , ( > XefiRrjiur oil , GaJ7c. :
PuiNTS Pink and Robps Allen , Oe ; River
Doint , 54c } ; Steel River , C ) c ; Richmond ,
OUc ; Pacific , 7c.
PUINTS Dress Charter Oak , 5' c : Ram-
ape , 4o ; Lodi , 6c } ; Allen , Oe ; Richmond , Oc ;
Windsor,0 > ft'o ; Kdd.vstono , OJjc ; Pacific , OJ c.
PUINTS Indigo Blue St. Lodger , 5 } u ;
Arnold , G } c ; American , G > e ; Arnold C ,
long cloth , Oc ; Arnolu B , long cloth , lOJ o ;
Arnold , Gold Seal , 10e ; Stoifel A , 12c ;
Windsor , Gold Ticket , lOKc ; Arnold A , 12c.
GINGHAM Plunkot checks , QcWhitten \ -
ton , O' c ; York. 7fc ? ; Norinnndi dress , 7Hc ;
Renfrew dress , SJ < © 12K ° i AVhittenton , 7 c ;
Calcutta , 7 } e.
CAMimicti Slater , 5c ; Woods , 5c ; Stand
ard , 5c ; Peacock , Cc.
BLEACHED SIIEETINO Ellerton , 7 } c :
Housekeeper , 8 } o ; New Candidate. 8'ie ;
Berkeley cambric , No. 00 , 9 c ; Best Yet ,
44 , O c ; Buttercloth , OO. 4 > c ; Cabot , 7 > o ;
Furwell , half bleached , 8 < c ; Fruit of Loom ,
8Jfe ; Green G , Oc ; Hope , ; > c ; Kinc Phillip
cambric. le ( ) ; Lonsdale cnmuric , lOc ; Lons-
dalot Xci New York Mills , JOc ; Pepperoll ,
42 in. , I0 > fe ; Pepperell.10 in , lljtfo ; Popper-
ell , 0-4 , 14 c ; Pepporoll , 8-4 , 20c ; Pepperell ,
9-4.2Jc ; Popperell , 10-4 , 24e ; Canton , 4-4 ,
84fc ; Canton , 4-4 , 9 } c : Triumph , Oc ; Wam-
suttu , lie ; Vutley , Be.
BHOWN SIIEETISO Atlantic A , 4-4 , 7 ;
Atlantic H 4-4 7c Atlantic D 4-4 O'
, - , ; , , - , c :
lantic P , 4-4 , Ce ; Aurora LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Aurora
C,4-4 , 4o ; Crown XXX , 4-1 , O&c ; Hoosier
LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Indian Head , 4-4 , 7 > fc ; Law
rence LL , 4-4 , Oc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 , 5 } < Jc ;
Pepperell , E , 40 inch , 7 } o ; Pepperell , S-4 ,
17c ; Pepporell , 9-4 , 21c ; Peppercll , 10-4 , 22c ;
Utien C , 4-4 , 4e ; Wachusett , 4 4 , 7c ; Au
rora R. 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora B , 4-4 , CJ c.
FLANNELS , PLUD Raltsmen,20c ; Goshcn ,
Clear Lake , UO e ; Iron Mouutuin ,
FLANNELS , \VjiiTi-G : H No. 2 , % , 2' a ;
G H No. 1 , J2 Xc ; B II No. 2. 22 c ; B II
No. 1 , § f , UOc ; Quecheo No. 1 , % . 42o ; Que-
ciieo No.2 , % , yUcQucchcoNo.3 \ , % , 2 c ;
Anawan , 82 > . , 'c ; Windsor , 22 c.
FLAN.NELO , Iliiii-C , 24-inch , 15 > c ; E , 34-
inch , Bltfe ; G G , 21-inch. 20c ; H A F , % ,
2oc ; .1 U ? ' . Jjf , 27c ; | G. tf , 23c.
Cousr.r JEANS Androscoggln , % ° \ Ifcnr-
sargo , 7o ; Itockport , 0c ; Conestoga , ( ic.
TICKS Oakland , A , 7 c ; International ,
YY , So ; Shotuclcot , S , b c ; Warren , No.
870 , lOc ; Berwick , BA , 18o ; Acme , 13c ;
York , HO-inch , 12Kc ; York , 3IMtich , 13 u ;
Swift Hlver , 8c ; TliorndikoOO. 8J o ; Thorn-
dike EF , 8Hc ; Thorndike 120 , 9 > fc ; Tiiorn-
dilto XX , 15o ; Cordis No. G , O c ; Cordis No.
4 , lO c.
DENIMS Amoskeag , 9 oz , Ifi s ; Everett. 7
lie ; Beaver Creek , CO , lOc.
KENTUCKY JE\NS , Memorial , IGc ; Da
kota , 18c ; Durham , 27 > c ; Hercules , 18c ;
Leamington , 22 > < Ja ; Cottswold , 27Xcj Mel
ville , 25o. ,
Cit.vsii Stevens' B , , 5J c ; Stevens' H ,
bleached , 7c ; Stevens' A , To ; Stevens' A ,
bleached , 8u ; Stevens' P , 7oj Stevens' P ,
bleached , 8J o ; Stevens' N , 8 0 ; Stevens1 N ,
bleached , OJtfo ; Stevens' SKT , ll c.
Dt'CKVest Pojnt.ipt-incli ! , 8 bz , 10 > c ;
do , 10 oz , 12) o ; doj2 oz. 15c ; do , 40-lncti , 11
oz , lOc. , '
Mctnl | ' Stock.
Block tin , small pic. , . i .29
Block tin , bar. . . . ? ' . . . , ' ' , !
Copper , planished boiler sUrs , . . , . , -W )
Copper , cold rolled. . . ! 29
Copper , shoathing.r.'AVt 29
Copper , pittit rf..n , 30
Copper , Hats „ . ; . . . . , ' .23
Gal. sheet iron , Juntata , 50 , 10 uud
5 percent discount , , ' .
Pat. planished iroir , 2 to 27 A
Pat. planishod iron , 2H to 27 B PK
liooling , 1C , 14x2(1 ( , mfeheets 5.75
Hoofing , IX , 14x20 , IIS ! sheets 7.00
Hoo/lng / , JO. aoxiii , 112iheets 11,00
Uoollng , IX. 20x2S , 112 sheets 13.60
Sliout iron No. 2 < i , . . . U.5
Shoot iron No. 27 , , , 845
Solder. . , , . . . 14@10
Tin plate , best charcoal
1C , 10x14,2 .1 sneots 0.50
IX , 10x14,225 shoots. . . . , 8'iS
Tin plate , coke
1C. 10x14 , 2i5 shoots C.OO
Steel nails , per keg 2.SO
Steel wire nails , pur keg 2.05
Druija and ClieiulcalH.
ACIDS Sulphuric. IJ o ; citric , 5Sc : oxalic ,
15c ; tnrturio , 48c ; Am carb , 14 > .Jc ; alum , 2J <
Ci3u ; arrowroot , 30c ; b.ilsiun cupablu , (15M (
75c ; borax , 10@13o ; calomel , 60c ; castor elf ,
f l.VEg 1.10i cream turtur , S3c\ \ corrosive sub ,
bOo ; chloroform , 45 ( < lSUc { ext logwood , 12o ;
glyt-crine , 24c ; gum arable , HOe ; gum cam
phor , 35o ; gutu opium , .W ; morphia
2.CO@165 ; quinine , 354Sc : strychnia , f 1.05
Oit.3 Bcrgamot , t2.SO@3.00 ; lemon , 11,90 ;
peppermint , ? 3.35df2.40j wlnterErecn. TJ.25 ;
olive , $1.00.
IHmcnslons and Timber
12 ft 14 ft 10 ft 18 ft 20 ft 02Q24 ft
SxIJ . * 1B.OO 15.00 15.00 10.00 17.00 20.00
2x0. . . . . . 15.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 17.00 20.00
2x8 . 15.00 15.00 15.00 1000 17.00 50.00
2x10. . . . . 15.00 15.00 15.00 1000 17.00 2000
2x13 . 15.00 15.00 1500 10.00 17.00 20,00
4x88x3. . 10.00 10.00 10.00 17.00 17,00 ' . ' 0.00
No. 1 , 4 nnd 0 inch , 13 nnd 14
feet rough . $ IO.OO@10.f > 0
No. 1. 4 nnd 0 inch , 10 feet . 17.00 ( < { 17.50
No. 2 , 4 nnd 0 Inch , 12 nud 14
feet . in.50@14.00
No. 3 , 4 mid 0 inch , 10 feol.'J5.00 ( < ( nS.lO
1st and 2d clear , IK Inch s,2s. . 49.00@ol,00
1st and 2d clear , Itf nnd 'J Inch
B,2s . " . . 47.00fi50.00
3d clear , 1 X inch s , 2t . 43.00g40.00 (
8d clear , \X \ and 2 Inch. s. 2s. . . 43.00 < uMO.OO
B select , \ > { , 1 > and 3 inch s ,
2s . . 07.00(3.18.00 (
1st and 2d clear , 1 Inch s , 2s. . . 45.00
A select , 1 inch s , 2s . 34.00
B select , 1 inch s , 2s . 31.00
1st com 0 inch white pine . 34.00
2d " " " . Hl.OO
D " " " . 20.00
Com 4 nnd 0 Inch yellow pine. . 15,60
Star " " " " . . 18,00
1st and 2d clear yellow pine , 4
mid flinch . ' . ' 0.00
Poplar Lumber
Clear poplar , box ooards , % In
8,2s ! . . . .V ! . . . 35.CO
Clear poplar , f in panel . 30.00
Clear poplar , ° g in panel . S'i.00
Clear poplar , K l stock wide ,
8,89. . . . . . . . ? . . 28.00
Clear poiilur. corrugated colling ,
X In. . . . . . . . . . . . 30.00
Posts ,
White cedar. 0 inch halves . 13
" " 5 } " and
8 inch qrs . 11
White cedar , 4 inchhalvcs . HI
Tennessee red ccdnr , split. . . . 10
Split oak ( white ) . 8
Sawed oak ( white ) . 10
Shingles , per M
XX clear . 3,20
Extra * A * . 2.SO
Standard A . 2.00
5 inch clear . l.fiO@l 70
G inch clear . l.i5 ( < el.SO
No.l . 1.10@1.15
California red wood , dimension
widths . 4.50
Cypress , clcaivhcart , dimension
widths . 3.40
Lath , perM . 2.DO
Ship Lap
No. 1 , plain , Snnd 18 inch . 17.50
No. 2 , plain , 8 nnd 10 inch . 15.50
No. 1O. G . lb.OO
1st com , 12 nnd 10 feet . 22.00
2d " " . 19.00
3d " . 15.00
Fence " " . 1B.OO
Stocli Boards- ;
A 12-inch7 s. 1 s. 12 , 14 , and 10 ft 40.00
B " " " " 41.00
C " " " - " 30.00
D " " " " 23.00
No. 1 com , 12 in. s.l s. 12 feet. . 18.00
No. 1 ll " " 14 and
10 feet . 17.50(318.50 (
No. 1 com , 12 in. s. 1 s. 10 , IS ,
and 20 feet . 19.60
No. 2 com , 12 in s. 1 s. 14 mid
10 feet , . 17.00
Ceiling and partitions
1st com 2 in white pine parti
tion. . . . . 32.00
2d com 9f in wliito pine parti
tion. . . . . 27.00
Clear % in yellow pine ceiling. 20.00
Clear > ' | In Norway . 14.50
2d com % in Norway. . 13.00
No. 1 com s 1 s 12 , 14 and 10 ft. 19.00
No. 3 " " " " ' 10.50
No. 3 " " " J 14.50
No. 4 ship'g cull , add 50c per
1,000 for rough . 12.00
Battens , well tubing , pickets
O. G. Baits , 2X "lull . CO
O. G. Batts , Kx , s. 1 s . 35
3 in. well tubing , D. & M. and
bov . 22.00
Pickets , D. & H , Hat . 20.00
Pickets , D. & A. , square . 18.00
Lime , etc
Qulncy white lime , best . 90
English and German Portland
cement . 3.40
Milwaukee and Louisville . 1.30
Michigan nnd Fort Dodge plas
ter . 8.S5
Blue Hnpids plaster. . 1.95
Hair . 20
Sash , 00 nnd 10 per cent dis
count ; GO and 10 per cent dis
Tarred felt , per cwt . 2.01
Straw boards . 1.05
Mrs. Burnett's New Novel.
An uncommonly pretty girl und a
popular Spanish bull fighter are the
two leading characters around which
moves the latest story which Mro.
Frances Hodp&on Burnett has written ,
says a Now York letter to the Chicago
Journal. Slio has given to it the title
of "Tho Pretty Sister of Joso. " The
tale is thoroughly romantic. Popita ,
the heroine , is a country girl whose
pride , wilfulncBS , imperious temper and
wondrous beauty got her into sorry
trouble when aho falls under the influ
ence of Sohastianano , who is Spain's
most popular bull fighter. All the
scenes nro laid in and around Madrid ,
and the story is unlike any Mrs. Bur
nett has heretofore dono. It will ho
published in a fortnight by the Scrib-
nors , the first edition running way un
in the thousands. As anything which
the author of "Little Lord Pauntleroy"
chooses to write is sure of success , a
large sale can safely ho predicted for
this story of Spanish love and romance.
Dr. Gluck eye and car , Barker blk ,
It ARtonfRlicd tlio Nuns.
The now statue of the Virgin in the
chapel of the convent of the Sacred
Hart at St. Louis has provoked con
siderable criticism , oven from the in
mates of the convent. It in described
us being the figure of a young girl in
the bloom of youth , and when it ar
rived the nuns wore more than as
tonished ; but they were assured that it
wns done in Rome under the supervision
of ono of the highest authorities of the
church , the desire 'being to have the
Virgin considered' ' in her youth as well
as in her maturity. 'The statue stands
seven feet eight inches high , and was
carved from a single block of Carrara
Fisher Printing Co. , 1011 Farnamsl. .
telephone 1201 , blank book milkers , otc ,
Donn Stanley used to toll this story
with relish , Uo sent a note to a shoe
maker about a pair of shoes that were
making for him , and the writing wns
so bad that ho couldn't make it out. So
ho returned the note to the dean , with a
a note of his own , saying that he was
"unaccustomed to the chlrography of
the higher classes , " and a Ucl for a
translation , In tolling the story the
dean said ho didn't propose to be held
responsihlo for the hanil-wrltlng of the
entire British aristocracy ,
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank ,
305 fsoulli latlt .Slrool , ' Omuliu
Aerloulturnl Implomonta.
Dealerin Agricnltnial Implcmonts , Wagons
Oirtlnpfi and Micclos. Jonri itrret , between tlh and
_ _ lUlli. Umahm Ncbrt k t. _
Agricnlt1 ImplemDnts , Wagons , Carriages
\VholO'ile DeMcni In
Agricnlttiral Implements , WagonsS Bnggies
tCl , Ktt , TO nml UT Jono Mroot , Omnhn.
Manufacturer ! nnd jotibcri In
Wagons , Baggies , Mes , Plows Eta
Cor. 9th nil 1'ncino streets , Onulm.
A. HOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
1M3 Douglai ftrocl Ouabn , Nebraska.
Ooots nnd Shooa.
ir. v. MORSE .t co. ,
Jokers of Boots and Shoes ,
1101 , HOI , IIM Inuiln H root , Omnlm. Mnnufnctorr ,
jjiimmer mroct , Iloaton. _
_ Goal , Coke end Llmo.
Jolite of Har anu Soft Coal ,
109 South itl > itrcot , Omnha , Nobrnika.
Sliippe s of Coal ai Cole ,
914 fiouth 1.1th St.Omnbn , Neb.
_ C rgokory g n d Cl a a svy n ro.
Importen and jobbers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware
Eto. 1514 Knrnnm street , now 1'niton bulldlnff.
Storage anfl Commission Merchants ,
Specialties Iluiter , eneii , rlionjo , imnllry , game.
llUUIiiwnid ftroet. Oinnlm. Nob.
Dry Goods and Notlona.
Dry Goods , Fornisning Goods and Notions
1103 and 1104 Douglm , cor. llth street , Omaha , Nob.
Importers any obtors in Dry GooilsNotions ,
Gents' furulshlnit goods. Corner llth and llsruey
streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
Importer ! nnd Jobbers ot
Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings ,
SIT South IStli street.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture
Knmnm street , Omntm. N l > rnak .
Furniture ,
Cmnha NobraikR.
f nolesale Groceries and Provisions.
7C6 , TUT , TOO And ill South 10th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Bolesale Grocers'
13th Una < / < nTcnworth streets , Omaha , Nebraska.
fey Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Bprlnus , wagon itork. hardware , lumber , etc. 130
nnil ISll lliirnoT street , Omaha.
Wholesale Harare , Cutlery , Tin Plate ,
JleUb , shcpt Iron. etc. AccnH for Howe scales.
Mluiut powiluruml I.ymaii bnrbcd wire ,
Build rs'Halwareand ' Scale Repair Snop ,
Mechanics' tools nnd IlufT.ilo nrnlca. 1103
street , Omulm , Nub.
Wholesale Refined and LubricatiiiE Oils ,
Axle arcisu , etc. , Or.inlm. A. II. Illshop , Mauaecr ,
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry i > nice utock of printing , wrapping nml writing
paper. Speolal attention given to car lontl orders.
Storage , Forwarding & Commission.
Storage , Forwarding and Commission
Brauc tionco of the HenncT HuBuy Co. Iluggleial
wholesale and rotnll. Kita , 1410 , iVih liara street ,
Omtihii , Talupuoiia No. TOO.
H. HARDY & CO. ,
Jobbers of
Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods ,
House furnishing uood , children's rarrlacet , Blfl.
ruaiu sudd.
Wholesale Luniher , Etc ,
Imyorted and American Portland cement. StnU
agint fcr illlnauki u hTdraullo cement and
( Julncy wliilallmo.
Dealer in Hardwood Luniher ,
Wood carpets and ptrquot Hooting , nth and Douglas
streets , Oiunha , Neb ,
AllKinfls of BnildingMaterial at Wholesale ,
ISth Stroejond Union I'acillcTructOmaha ,
Dealer jnluiiiher , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Door * . lite , Yard -Corner 7U > and Douglas. Corner
10th and
FRED \ \ : GRAY.
Lumlier , LiniB Cement , Etc , , Etc ,
Corner Cth and Douulas Uts. , Omaha.
C. AT. DIET'/ .
Dealer in All Kinds of Lumher ,
13th und California Htri/oti , Omaha , Nebraska.
Millinery and Notions.
/ . OltERFELDER & CO. ,
Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions
I2tiiauJ mHoutli Htli street.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
40) ) and < u& Booth 10th street. Ooiiili * .
Im Stock Commission Merchants
Of Omaua , Limited ,
cJohu jr. Uojt , BuperiuWndeni.
Butt * mort la ! < < ] , Jonoi A Co.
AccnU for noston llubbf t Shoe Co , 1101. 1101 and 119
Iitrnor Street , Om&h , Nrbrm ii.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
l l North Kljthtpcnlh Ureet , Ora h , N b.
Mannfaclnrcrc of Galvanized Iron Cornice
Window-raps and nirlMlo nkyl'clilj. John Kponcltrt
proprietor. lib and liu toulh 10th ( tract.
JOf flooJFIxtu rog.
Mnnufncturors ot
IM , Office and Saloon FixInreSi '
Mantle , Sldetionnls. Hook CMOS , Druu 11xl rc , W ll
lnM. rnrtllloni , ItiMIIni : " , Counters , llrvrand Wlnt
Cooler * . Mirror * . Icto1 Km tor ; nnrt onW , M3U and ird
South ijth 81 , , Omslm. Tclrplioiio 1)21. )
Proprietor Oraana Paper Box Factory ,
Koi. 1317 iM 1.119 lloimlM street. Omnhu. Nob.
Sash , Doors , Eto.
M. A. DISUROW .fc CO. ,
Wholifnlo manufacturer * of
Sash , Doors , Blin saiiuMoiiluto ,
Brunch Mfflco , lilh nml Imnl Mrcot Onmlia , Neb.
Mannfacturcrs of Sasli , Doors , Blinds ,
Moulding' , rtntr-work mill Interior lianl wood fl
N.I.cornerUli nml 1-onrcmurtti streets ,
Uiuiiha , Nob.
Stonm Fittings , Pumps , Eto.
Pnmps , Pipes and Engines ,
Steam , water , rnllwny nnd mining ( implies , et < k
Kl ) , 1C ! nnd 934 Furimin ttfot , OmMiiv
Steam and Wale11 Supplies ,
naMlday wind mllln. 018 nnd ISJ Jones Bt. , Omaha ,
(1.1' . Hots , noting AiuuiiKor.
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
BhoeUron work , itcam pumps , nw wllli. 1313-1211
Iioavcuwortli atrcol , Omaha.
Iron Works.
Carter A Son , Prop'- Manufacturers of all kinds
Sta Boilers. Tante and M Iron forfc
Worts Boutli 20th and 11. A M ,
Wrought and Cast Iron Building fort ,
Bndnc' , rn work , Kcneial foundry , murhlno an4
blacksmith work , onico uiul woris , U. 1 > . Ujr.
and 17th struct. Oiualin. _
Mannfactnrers of Wire and Iron Railings
UcskrallK , window guards. Honor BtnmK wlro lin ,
_ etc , Iffl Nurtli lull street. Omnha. _
Manf'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proof Safes ,
Vaults , Jnll work , Iron shutters nnd lire cscnpo <
U. Andreen , prop'r. Cor. 14th and Jackiun Bin.
Chicago , Milwaukee & t , Paul R'y ' ,
The Dcst Kouto from Omnlin and. Council
Bluffs to
Chicago , AND Mllwankcot
St. I'uiil , Miiincupolls , Cedar Itapidty
Itock Isluiid. Frcrport , Kockford , , '
Clinton , Diiliiuiiic , Dnronport ;
Elgin , Madison , Jnncsiille ,
Iteloit , Winonn , La Crosse ,
And nil oilier Important points Eu t , Northciut < in {
For through tlc'joto , rail nn the ticket naent At 1MJ
l'iiruani ntruL't , In llnrkur llloct.or nt Union I'uclfli
1'nlliimn filcepors and tha finest DlnlnK Cars In thf
wnrlil are run on tlio mnln Una of the Lblcnico , Mil
wuukpo & St. I'liul ltcilwuy , unit orcry attoutlon Ij
p lu to imsjunner.i by courtuous omployoa of tbl
H. SillI.Kit. Gencrnl Mnnncer.
J. K. TUCICHU. ABJlitiuitUeniiriil Manager.
A. V. K. UAKfKNrKll , ( iuiHTal roasonger ac (
Tlckut Avant. ,
( IKH. K. IIKAKFOUI ) , Anslatant GenoralPaiiuUCOl
nnd Ticket Acant.
T. J. Cl-AllK , General Superintendent.
PATFNTtO AlU. 10 , ItDT. IKHIOtl-U HtU. 1 , 1B6 .
OR. 6W"EN'S , TRO-
and 8npencorr' ) arosiinrnntoeJUl
euro tlie follow. Inas Allllhiuti.
utlo ComnUlnU. J Lurnhneo , Gear
rnl ana NorvoiiB' ' Debility.OostlT-
ntnn , Kidney IH | eaues , Nrrou .
ne , Trembllnc Haxunl KlhnuD.
Waitlna of th (
llodf , Dliaaitei , _ . rnustd by Inilli.
cretlon In Youth or JUrrim ilre. all Lltesioe jiottultt-
InK to the \iomb or K ultHl orvaiiL-
Thl U the LATEST midflniATErr Improvemsnteioi
made , and U lujini lor to all otlieri. l.vory liu > r of an
Klectrlo Halt wimta the lat t thli ha wlUlln.1 tha
( ) w n Il-lt. It dlffori from oil otlieri. ni It I. n lUTTKUlf
IIKI.T , ttiidnotachiiln , Toltnloorwlr belt. II.Ill HUM
ill Uu | > l > Mi I'uribli 117 m.tlrlcllr. 1 ho electric currant
ran be 'JEBTCD by rmyono before It U applltd to tha
bodr , and U worn only > li to ten lioura dully. If.ion
will inmlun tlile bolt you will buy no otlinr. To inoif
tun hNTlliK CoxriDFNOR no lHTilnourrloclro-lnl- ]
> nnlc lleltH am ) ApullHIicoi w * "HI i d our tic. 4 Htll
Uu.l tl ( a llripomUle r.rll.i on TLIrly U.j. ' Trill. Bead
ro. poitaKA fornurynPK lllntrftt&it nnmpliliit.
try of Dr. U n * > KLKITIIIV INSOI.KB , iirlf f ( I nlr I * > IN
( Ueutlou Ilili 1'itir. ) ( UcoaroilTiD Juiri Icih. 1ES7.I
300 North Broadway. ST. LOUIS , MO.
Capital . f . JOO,00
Surplua Jnn. 1st , 1889 . 6 ,00
HKNItY W. VATHH , 1'renlilsnt.
J KWIH H. ItKKD , Vine 1'rMldHlt.
A.K. TOU/.AI.Irf ,
w. v. Jioitsi : .
it. o-ci'sniNa ' ,
J.N.H. I'ATltlCIC ,
W.H.B. IIUOHi:3 : ,
Corner 12th and Knrimiu BU.
A flfiueral llanUInu llunlneas
Wo ilca | , In I.iiml 1Viirritnt > und Sci-fi. . .
ipI > Ucat.lii tw lliiYuniiiieiit land , and '
Itciftiliir lliinUltiu Jtutliiei
Corrripoiiilciica HolklU-l.
S.fl.KFflNSCO.Bmt.RS. 'I
. . . , . . ,
CUIe , Couiitlrn , licliool DlilrTcU , Water Conl-
jmnlo , ftc. We arc In the market for the
I > utc1me of round ntnounti of siu.l , tonili.
CoriMjxmdencc MjlWtf J ,
N , W , HARRIS & COMPANY , Bankers ,
115-117 Monroe Street , CHICAGO.
00 Onvonahlro ( ttroot , BOSTON.