Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : < TUESDAY , APKE > 10. 1889.
Eleven vngrnnt * were discharged In
police court yesterday.
The first mooting ot tlio Omahn prcs-
bvtory will bo hold to-day in the
\Valnut Hill church.
B. F. Redman was assaulted by a man
too big for him yesterday and secured n
warrant for his arrest.
The funeral services of Frank Wal
ters will bo conducted unaor the
auspices of the Danish society.
Sam Small will give his lecture ,
"From the Har Room to the Pulpit , " at
the First Baptist church May 20. This
is his best lecture.
Dick Dwyer , the well-known ball
player , yesterday received his app lnt-
mont as a railway mall clerk between
Omaha and Ghoyonno.
The cnso against Alex Gaudor ,
charged with carrying ort 0. S. Gard
ner's furnace in a scrap iron cart will
bo heard before Judge Borlm to-day. ,
A warrant was issued in Judge
Borka's court yesterday afternoon
charging Charles Kitchen with the lar
ceny of aijll watch from II. Ilartman.
A warrant was issued Jin police court
yesterday for the arrest of James Mc-
Cann , charged with stealing fifty cents
worth of load plpo from J. B. Barnnclo.
Chief Scavoy has recommended
Chnrles O'llara , late captain of police
at Shenandoah , Pa. , for the position of
block watchman on Farnam from Thir
teenth to Fifteenth streets.
Carl P. Mut/.oburg , a young man of
nineteen , who ran awav from his homo
at Elgin , 111. , is thought to bo -Omaha
and his mother has asked the aid of the
police hero in trying to find him.
O/llcor / Marnolland Sergeant Johnson
nro rapidly recovering from their
wounds , the hitter being able to take
nn occasional walk. Olllcor Fish is the
only olllcor besides tneso that ia reported
Frank Board will give a chalk talk
before the Y. M. O. A. this even
ing. Mr. Beard has an enviable repu
tation as a chalk artist and his enter
tain men ts are highly spoken of by the
There will bo an open meeting of L.
A. 7,625 , K. of L. , at. their hall , Twon-
jy-socond and Cuming streets , next
Wednesday evening , to which the nub-
lie is cordially invited. Good speakers
address the meeting.
L. C. Lowton , of St. Paul , Is at tlio Darker.
E. J. Krxlorielc , of Beatrice. Is at the Pax
ton.II. . A. Drown , of Detroit , Is n Millard
Leo B. Cobb , of Rochester , N. Y. , is at the
J. P. Hnthnwny , jr. , of Kearney , Is a Pax-
ion guost.
J. H. Drake , of Bancroft , Is registered nt
> ho Darker.
C. C. ICnnpp , oT Beatrice , Is registered at
Ibo Millard.
D. T. Kelley and wlfo , of Chicago , nro nt
, ho Mllliml.
S. H. Calhoun. jr. , of Nebraska City , is
It the Millard.
W. Wlnslow anil wife , of Crete , are stop
ping at the Darker.
W. G. Ward and wife , of Blair , are regis
tered nt the Barker.
John Fitzgerald and John P. Button , of
Lincoln , nro at the Lincoln.
J. P. Hurst , Esq. , of Denver , son of Bishop
Hurst , is the guest of his college class-mate ,
Mr. R. C. Patterson , nt 2013 Farnam street.
An Old Oinalnui.
On April 5 Somuol Herman
, nn ox-prcal-
iont of the Omaha city council , died at Lake
' Geneva , \Vis. , anil was burled at Indian
apolis. Mr , Herman , many years ngo , was
: onncctcd with the Union Puciilc In Omaha.
Ho had boon in failing health for a number
of years nnd and stricken with paralysis.
Tin-no America Committee.
Yesterday at the meeting of the direc
tors of the board of trade , President Martin
announced Messrs. D. H. Wheeler , Herman
ICountzo and J. J. Brown1 as n committee to
represent the board in opening of the great
exposition of the three Americas , which is to
bo held in Washington In IS'JS.
The board discussed the appointment of
in Omahit man to act on tlio inter-state com
mission , vlco Walker resigned.
Mickey Slmy , tlio lli iiwayinnn ,
Mickey Downey , alias Mickey Shay , an
tld highwayman run out of Omaha two
pears ago , turned up as n vagrant in the
pollco court .vestord.ty under the brand
aown.imoof John Brady. Detective Ormsby
recognized him , however , and related to the
| udgo some of the dcspcrato crimes in which
the follow has had n hand. The Judge gave
him thirty minutes to leave the city or suffer
n sentence of thirty days in the county jail ,
ten on bread nnd water. Mickey loft.
Acquitted of Kmbozzlemont.
G. W. Morrow , a sowing machine agent ,
rvho was arrested n few weeks ago at the
Instigation of Ooorgo S. Smith , general
agent for nn eastern sewing machine manu
factory , on the charge of embezzlement ,
was put on trial yesterday afternoon before
Justice Head. Morrow was discharged.
Smith claimed that Morrow , ns his agent ,
had either appropriated several machines or
the money realized from thuir sale , to his
own use. Morrow was working in South
Omaiiu. .
Iiookiuc for Grounds.
The young men of the Y. M. C. A. are
meeting with poor success In securing
grounds for tnclr athletic Hold. They had
hoped to get a sipjaro In ICountzo place , bul
have been disappointed In their expectations ,
Mr. ICountzo running to let them huvo the
ground lest the people of the neighborhood
would object. The youni : men say , hov/evur ,
that they have seen all the rcsidunts of the
nolghoorhood and they all declared that they
would not only ho willing but glad to have
the Hold located out thoro.
Foiled to Mntornli/.c. !
The carpenters who want to Mart a now
union made another attempt to Imvo n moot
ing last night. The call published announced
that the mooting would bo hold In Goodrich'
ball on Snnndors street. The early arrival
through some misunderstanding got th _
I word that Wolf's Hall , on Cuming street.
had boon chosen. Tuo meeting there turnei
put to bo that of the Amalgamated Carpcn
tors' Union , and before It was definitely do
elded where the meeting was to bo hold the
cnrpontcis desiring to attend It had becotno
BO badly scattered that there was no chanro
of getting thorn together again. Another
mooting will probahly bo called.
Klclinril'n Clinllongo.
Word hni reached this city that "Dick"
Shannon , of Nebraska City , has been In
vited by a man named Stuart , the builder of
the pontoon briilgo at that place , to moot and
enable the latter to kill him ,
It seems that Richard Is alleged to have
spoken in a disparaging manner of the
bridga In question , which has tnortnlly of
fended the nnntooncr.
Richard , It Is stated , Is doing considerable
thinking over the matter , but it is not yti
known whether ho will accept the challenge ,
or invite the brldpo man in nit on the rivci
bank and look through the murky lido Into
tlio nether region * .
"IJit-V , " luvural years ago , resided In Om
hha and worked on a number of tao earlier
public imp'ovemtu
T. OHA IU : HTJWAUT , M. D. , F. R
H , K. , rmJIrmry phytlclnn to II. M. , tlio
1 itaollmxl ; I'rofoufior of Pruc
i\M \ ( it ] ' \iyt\i \ \ : in Iho University o
wrll of Drlglit'e Disease
"Catarrh of the intcutine
occur * , eoinotlnioB pro
tixliuutttliw dinrrltnm. " War-
Cure < ; Uro thu Ului-rlia'it by
Uc ; CAUKO ,
mposln/t Ceremonlr-s In Honor of tlio
Lntn Cloncrnl Ilntcli.
Yesterday the remains xvcro removed
rom the botmttful room in which they hud
cmalnod durlnR the night. They wcro
tlaccd upon the roar elevator anil thus do
tended to the flrst floor alonjf which they
voro borne to the Farnam street entrance ,
fhoro stood thohoarno and n concourse of
uniformed officers nml variously nttlrcd cltl-
ens to receive thum.
On the south sldo of the street , their pol
ished rifles glistening In the sun' stood the
, < m companies of the Second Infantry , of
Tort Omnhn , nt pnnuto rest , under the com
mand of Lieutenant Colonel J. S. Fletcher.
The detachment of the Second Infantry ,
under Lieutenant. Arrasmlth , wns drawn
ip on the sidewalk near the hoarse. When
lie flap-enshrouded casket made Ita appearance -
anco nt the door , a number of heads wore un
covered , nnd , on order from Colonel Fletch
er , the lines wcro drooped nnd the line of the
Second , extending from Ninth across Tenth
and almost to Eleventh , presented arms. At
, ho same time , tho'banrt of the regiment , to
the right of the line , feelingly played a few
jars of n dirge , which continued until the
casket Imd been deposited In the hoarse.
The line of march nnd procession was then
.alien up , ns follows :
I'luttoon , eight pollco under Sergeant
Slgwnrt ,
IJand , Second infantry , under leader ,
Colonel Fletcher , Lieutenant Egbert
nnd Lieutenant Kltulo mounted.
Second regiment , ten companies with
arms reversed.
Hearse containing the remains of the
deceased nnd drawn by
two black horses.
Pall bearers , Colonel Mol'nrlin. Lieutenant
Colonel Hrcclc , Lieutenant Colonel Tcr-
rill , Lloutonnnt Colonel ll.vde , Major
Henry nnd Major liarrlger.
Guard of honor , composed of the ser
geants of the Ninth cavalry ubovo
named , and making an imposing
Brother ami son of the deceased.
General llrooko. Major Vroom , Major But
ler , Major W. P. Hughes , Major Baker ,
Colonel Ludlngton , Captain Corliss ,
Lieutenant Truitt , Major Bon-
ham and Captain Bbstoln.
Oftlcors of thiJ Ninth ubovo enumerated.
Thirty members of the various local posts
of the Gnuut Army of the Republic.
The route lay north on Ninth to Douglas ,
north on Fifteenth to Webster. There the
regiment fell to one sldo nnd presented arms
ns the hcarso passed , the baud tncanwhilo
playing n dlrgo.
At the uepot the remains wcro placed on
board n special chair car , nnd promptly at
thg minute of the schedule the train pulled
out and the deceased general wns forever ro-
movcd from hosts of frienils who had revered
nnd loved him in life.
Hh escort to Lcavcnworth consists of
Lieutenants Taylor , Flnloy , Dav nnd Huteh-
msou , and the noncommissioned officers be
fore referred to.
The officers of the Ninth cavalry and rela
tives of General Hatch were much pleased
and gratified bv the arrangements mailo by
General Brooke , department commander , for
the reception , care nnd escort of their late
colonel. Nothing was left undone which
could contribute to the respect paid to the
memory of General Hutch. They are also
under Indebtedness to Mr. Burt of the Fre
mont , Elkhorn & Missouri Vulley railroad ,
who pluccd at the disposalof General Hatch's
party his own private car. in addition to an
other for the remains nnd the escort of sol
diers. _
A Great Battle
Is continually tfohifr on in the human
system. The demon of impure blood
strives to gain victory over the consti
tution , to ruin health , to drag victims
to the gravq. A good reliable medicine
like Hood's Sarsaparilla is the weapon
with which to defend ono's self , drive
the desperate enemy from the Hold and
restore peace and bodily health for
many years. Try this peculiar medicine.
Board of Trace Mnttcrs.
At n meeting of the directors of the board
of trade yesterday afternoon , a resolution
recommending the appointment of Judge L.
A. Groff , of Omaha , for the place made va
cant In the inter-state commerce commission
by the resignation of Anderson J. Walker ,
was adopted. The directors also recom
mended thut the president and secretary of
the board call n special meeting of the board
of trade to consider the proposed appoint
ment on Wednesday evening. The meeting
will bo hold.
The president appointed D. H. Wheeler ,
H. KounUo and J. J. Brown as a committee
on the appointment of n delegation to attend
the commercial congress of the nineteen ill'
dependent nations of thrco Americas , an ex
position to bo held at Washington in Octo
ber , 1VJ2.
Arrangements were about completed for
the western excursion of the board. About
foity members will go.
When you need a friend , select a true
one. Dr. Jones' Rod Clover Tonic is
the best fricnu mankind has for all dis
eases of the stomach , liver and kidneys.
The best blood purifier and tonic known.
60 cents. Goodman Drug Co.
The Passover.
During this week the progressive nnd the
orthodox Hebrews of all lands colobrnto the
feast of the Passover. It is a memorable
event of the Jewish calendar and is observed
with the most religious fervor. The celcbra-
bratlon of the Pesach or Passover will begin
this evening atsunsat. At the hour that the
sun goes down all the male Jews over thir
teen years of ago will go to their synagogues
nnd temples to begin the celebration. The
women of the household do not generally
go , but usually stay at homo to prepare -
pare the feast nnd illumlnato the house.
The Christian stranger who will go Into a
Hebrew temple ut the sundown service to
day will feel an uncomfortable desire to un
cover his head when ho enters the meeting
room , where the pews , the pulpit , the nrk ,
etc. , show that it is a pluco of worship. The
black silk hats , brown dorb.ys and fur cups
worn by the men in the synagogue will bo to
the Christian , or other unfamiliar eyes , ele
ments of incongruity difficult to forgot.
In the Temple of Israel , on Harnoy street ,
services will bo conducted by Kabul Benson
nt the hour named.
Cntni-rli Cured.
A clergyman , after years of suffering
from that loathbomo disease , Catarrh ,
nnd vainly trying every known remedy ,
nt last found a roolpo which completely
cured and saved him from death. Any
sufferer from this dreadful disoiibo bond
ing a self-addressed stamped envelope
to Prof. J. A. Lnwronco , 88 Warren St. ,
Now York City , will receive the recipe
free of charge.
Actors Murrleil.
Judge Shields' private office , adjoining the
county court room , | was the scene , yester
day , of a quiet but somewhat interesting
wedding , Clarence Llnhard nnd Jonnlo Wale
being the high contracting parties. His
honor performed the ceremony with true
judicial dignity , but did not kiss the brido.
That discrepancy was duo , probably , to the
fact thut her husband presented too much of
a muscular and dangerous appearance. Mr.
Llnhard and his wlfo nro artists of the
variety stage uud nro lilllnu' engagements
this weak at the Eden Musuo.
Fisher Printing Co. , 1011 Farnam st. .
telephone 1201 , blank book rankers , etc ,
- A Dootor'ti mil.
Dr. Ernest Hoffman was arrested yesterday
by Constable D. P. O'Connell on a peace
warrant sworn out by Dotoctlvo Al Blnufuss ,
of the Stnto of Nebraska Secret and Detect
ive association. The trouble which led to
the urrest occurred on n Thirteenth street
car Saturday afternoon. The doctor some
time ago attended the wife of the detective ,
the patient finally dying. He presented a
bill in settlement for 510 , but Blaufuss
claimed that it was only.H . , nnd tendorcuOlio
craountj The latter refused and entered sulf
t ? nnr ? . U0 muler , and. on summonses !
appear , Blaufuss again tendered the tS.
which was refused. Saturday both men me/
in liio street i-ar , and Blaufuss state * thntthJ
doctor at Urst tluoatenod to dust thei $
floor With him , but. when oxtanded un InvltF
Uou to do o , retorted Hut & * VfWlU lay f < i
him and kill him. This Is the version of the
case as given by Hlaufuss , nnd In view of
Ihls ho applied for * n warrant nt Justice
Dunn's court for the doctor's arrest , anjl the
arrest was mndo as ubovo stated.
Ho gave bonds in J300 to appear to-morrow.
Inillnn Territory.
I have used Swift's Specific for a scrofu
lous affection and nervous disorder reuniting
from blood poison , and pronounced it the
very b it medicine mado. it "sure cured"
mo , fr which I am very grateful.
JOHN HUXNICUTT. Leon , Indian Tor.
Always Recommends It.
1 have used Swlfl'n Succlflc In my famltv
for years for various disorders Incident to
this cllmato. nnd it has always given prompt
relief. I took It myself for n nervous disorder
produced by indigestion that had troubled
mo for flvo years , and It gave mo the long
sought rotlof. I Induced a friend of mine to
tavto It for n sere lop of over twenty j'oars' '
standing , nnd It cured him.
W. M. UUTI.KDOE , Sulphur Springs , Tonn.
How Crowilrt Enjoyed n Gor eous
Display Imst Night.
The Hnydcn Ut-othors dry goods store , cor
ner of Dodge nnd Sixteenth streets , wns the
heater of a busy and exhilarating scene
ast evening. It wns the spring opening of
, hU mninuioth and popular house , and for
liours there was n ruculnr procession of
liandsomoly drcssod ladles , gcutlomon nnd
children passing to nnd fro , ana It was all
ono could do to llnd accommodation within
, ho establishment. The entire house , from
basement to the top floor , was brilliantly 11-
uminatcd , and tropical plants nnd fragrant
flowers abounding upon every hand lout an
additional charm to Its already enchanting
realms. Ono of the mcst conspicuous , as
well as pleasing , features of the Hayden
Brothers grand emporium of the useful , the
novel nnd the beautiful , Is the exceptionally
Ino corps of attaches and clerks. It is cor-
.alnly ono of the most cfllclcnt ,
nccominodatlng nnd courteous forces em
ployed In the city. Every man and every
indj employe , Is pnllto , prompt nnd gracious.
No ono Is ever neglected , nnd It is a pleasure
to deal with such people.
The first floor of this colossal house Is devoted -
voted to n stock of general dry goods , cm-
bracinir silks and satins , velvets nnd dress
goods , laces and trimmings of nil descrip
tions , shades , designs nnd prices. There nro
many new things In spring and summer
silks , in both design and shade , that capti-
vuto the fair SOK and throw them into ccsta-
cics of delight. Then there are boots and
shoes ladies' nnd children's line
, wear , no
tions , novelties and a prodigious assortment
of ladies' and gents' furnishing goods. The
Jowclry department is also upon this iloor ,
and a glance through their rich and gorgeous
cases reminds one of Tiffany's. Gold and
silver watches , clocks , chains , rings , pins and
bracelets in such variety ns to fairly be
wilder a purchaser.
The fifth Iloor is occupied by the general
warcrooms for the reserved stock , nnd that
it is an immense one there is ilo doubt , judg
ing from the vast loads of goods that are
carried away from this thriving and bustling
mast every twenty-four hours.
The fourth floor is occupied with the
carpet department , anuVhoro are to bo had
carpets from from the luxurious Axminstcr
nnd silk Hrusscls down to the cheapest
makes. Persian nnd Russian rugs , otto
mans and draperies of all kinds and prices ,
rich and magniiiccnt in design and coloring ,
and affording n picture for the oys that 19
rapturous to behold. Lice curtains , lambre
quins , porticrrcs , and so on nnd so forth , in
such profusion ns to delight the fancy nnd
confuse the vision. 'Ihuio is also on this
floor a department devoted to toys and baby
carriages , knick-knacks nnd novelties , a
mammoth wall paper department , where
everything that is both rich and expansive
and plain and cheap is to bo had at a mo
ment's notice. Everybody Is provided for.
The roady-mado clothing , and they carry
ono of the most famous lines of any city in
the west , is upon the third floor. Ladies'
suits , wraps , cloaks , and children's garments
in endless quantities , gentlemen's and youths'
suits , nnd everything to bo found in a com
plete store of this kind is to bo had
here. The millinery department is
very complete , and last night was
constantly crowded with a throng of
buzzing nnd emulous ladies and misses.
Such lovely bonnets and hats , trimmed nnd
untrimmcd , never struck the female fancy
before. Miss Craven is the leading trim
mer , and her beautiful work sueaks for
itself. Feathers , plumes , flowers , laces ,
birds nud gold mid silver ornaments nro
piled upon the counters and fill the cases ,
while nil about the spacious department ,
aesthetically arranged , are banks of cholco
natural flowers.
The basement , divided into commodious
departments , is given up to groceries ,
nucenswaro and chinaw.ire , household goods ,
fruits , nuts , bon.bons and everything that is
calculated to please the sight and tickle the
palate. There is no gainsaying the fact , but
the spring opening of the Hayden Brothers
was a success , incontinent nud unqualified.
"Bettor Into than no vet1 , " but better
never late when troubled with a cougher
or cold. Take Dr. Bigolow's Positive
Cure at once , which cures nil throat and
lung troubles sjiocdily and thoroughly.
Pleasant for children. 50 cents and $1.
Goodman Drug Co.
IjictMiseil to Woil.
Following arc the marriage Hconsas issued
yesterday in the county coart :
Name and Residence. Age.
( James Peterson , Omaha 37
1 Louisa Johnson , Omaha
1 Martin J. Smith , Omaha : > 4
I Lizzie Peterson , Omaha 20
( William M. Scries , Omaha 2fl
| Netty Van Devonter , Omaha 18
I Paul Andcrt , Omaha 23
Mary McDrcon , Omaha
Tuesday , April in , 1S89.
Strike at the Root. If there
was a weed on your lawn ,
would you lop off the leaves
and cut away the top and ex
pect it to die ? Wouldn't you
strike at the root.
Just the same way with those
pimples on your cheek , that
ache in the small of your back ,
or the uncomfortable feeling in
your stomach. To cure them
strike at the root.
There is just one root for all
these , a weakened nervous
system. Use Paine's Celery
Compound. Your complexion
will be clear , your back strong ,
and digestion perfect. Read
with us.these extracts from re
cent letters.
"The eruption is rapidly heal
ing , and I am five hundred per
cent better every way I believe
Paine's Celery Compound
saved my life. "
Alonzo Abbot , Windsor , Vt.
"I was fora number of years
subject to frequent attacks of
sick headache , dizziness , in
digestion and dyspepsia. I
found relief in Paine's Celery
Mrs. Wm. Denning , 55 Spruce
Street , Burlington Vt.
Strike at the root of your ilN
health. Strike with Paine's Cel
ery Compound.
At Druggist * , H.00 per bottle. Six far $5.00.
JJurUn/rton. vt.
Tills poder never vnrlos. A mnrvol of purity
Htrongtii anil w holcsomcuoss. Moro economical
than the ordinary Kinds , and cannot bo sold In
competition with the tnuUititdosi of low coat ,
short\\olKlit alum or phospnato powdors. Bold
only in can * . Itoyul linking L'oudcr Co. , I'M
Wnllstrcot Now lork
Only Genuine Sjritcm ofBIcmory Trnlnln .
i'our Hook * Learned lu one rending.
nilnil wandering citrcil.
Every clilld ami ndult Rrently ben * fitted.
Uroat lnducomoiit to Goirc pondcnc Classes ,
rroanoctns , nllh opinions of lr. Win. A , . llnm. world farnml StwcUUrt InlHnrl" "
10 rApntifin
nr tlio boirntist.
Hci > JiimInanJ
337 Fifth Avc N. Y.
Aslc Your Retailer Tor the
ou TIM :
According1 to Your Needs.
9i light.mmftflisa . , Itfluutcnn
[ gtocklnsr , and ItEQIUJlKS
! 0 " llKEAKINCintN , " be-
1 Ing perfectly easy the tint Umo It
l worn. It will ratlsfy the rco t
ftsjJdlons. OAMI-.S MEANS
SIIOi : Is cbsolutcly the
ily shoo of Us price which
1ms ever been placed cx-
. tcnslvcly on the market
* In which durability
13 concldcrul bcfbro
tncro out-
Jt. ntEAKS & CO. , lloston.
HUCH of I lu ) iibovo fthoua fur Htilo br
Norris & Wilcox
and Geo.S. Miller
lOpposlto P.ixtou Hotel. )
Olllce hoar ? , 0 o. in. to 8 p. in. Sundays , 10 a ,
m. tel p. m.
Specialists In Chtonlc , Nervous , Skin and
Illoocl Uiscascs.
rsr"C'ons > iltatlon at olllco or by mail free.
Medicines stilt by mall or express , securely
pacKocl , free fiom obsetvatloii. Guarantees to
euro ( inlcklv. safolvjiml permanently.
> piTinatorrlm > a , semi
slous , I'liyMcal Decay. arlsiiiK fiom Indiscre
tion , Excess or imlulyeiice. prodnclnt ; Hleop-
lesneaa , Despondency , I'lmplcH on the tacu ,
aversion to society , easily discouraged , lacte of
coiillilencc , dull , unlit tor btudy or buslness.and
finds lifo n burden , safely , permanently and
privately cured. Consult lira. Delta X Huttd ,
HflS Karnam M. , Omaha , Neb.
Blood anflSkin Diseases" " .
results , completely eradicated without , the aid
of Mercurv. bcrofula , Kryrilpelni , KuverHorei ,
lllotclioM , IJlcorn , rains in tliu Head and Hones ,
Syphilitic Sere Throat , Mouth and 'longuo. Ca
tarrh.e. . peimanently cured where others
have failed. , . , , , , „ , , .
Virlnnn ITninnnir and Hlailder Complaints ,
JVulIluy , Ulllldly rammi. DIIII uit , too fro.
( liicntilurnliiKor Illoody UrlinL'rlno ' liign tel
orpd or ultli mllkv sediment on landing ,
\\eak Hack , Oonnorrlnca , ( Jleot , Cystitis. Xc. ,
Promptly nndSafely Cured , Charges Itoasona-
movnl complcto , without ( .titling. I'linstio or
dilatation. Cuii'soiructod nt homo by patient
w ithoiit a inomentb miin or uimovunce.
To Yoiiiii Men and Midille-AgCu Men ,
A CriDDTIITDP Tlw awful ellects of e.uly
iUUttlJ ulJnlj Vice , vhlch tilings organic
wenkiiess , ilcstroylngbotli mind and body , with
all Its in t-adcd UN. permanently cured.
nD < ! IPTW } Ailrcsa tliosu WHO Have Impaired
IJriOi UfjllU themselves by impioper indul.
KenccH and solitary habit ) , wlilc-h inln both
body and mind , uuflttlug them for buainoss ,
study or marriago.
MAiutiKii MK.N. or these onU'iiiiKon that hap
py life , aw are of physical d eblllty , quickly as
is based upon facts , First 1'rncttcal Kxpo-
rleneo. Second Kvery case is especlallystudled ,
thus starting atIglit. Third Medicines nro pre
pared in our laboratory exactly to suit each
case. tluiB affecting cures without injury.
fiT'riend 0 cents postage for celebrated works
on Chronic , Nirvous and Delionto Diseases.
Thousands cured , t * A friendly letter or call
may savn you future sutfeiintr and shaino , and
add ( 'oldttn years to life. fr'No letters an
aw orcd unless accompanied by 4 cents in stnmr-s.
ms.0Br/rTs & KK-r-rs.
HM ( 1'urnam Brteot , Oniahu , Neb ,
Try One *
Improved nlth BHliwiiiK hacH < on on
( ld .En le8trlillna ' ' ' 'f < niJ ; < . 'nieiijnn alBnfth.
en and eUorten necuramit to tba weight pat on tli m.
eiuiallr nvll tu rouch country or tine
Vlty drives Will gln yen l ) t xatlnfaotlOfi.
VVC/trV / / urrrririi ; from tl. . cf
icii or > cuiiifui cr
- g torr , r i Ijr w. lou
l , eta. Ivrlll KiuTa tuluahla Innllxi ( Malt-dl
liiii full laillmUn for IIC/UMI turr , Inv ut
Moodvi , Conn.
Special Easter Offerings ,
This is the week for Boys Clothing and wo propose to raako it memorable. You
should see our goods before you supply your boys with an Easter outfit. Wo never had
such a big stock , never named such low prices , nor over displayed such beautiful stylos.
Suits in all the newest patterns of cheviots , cassimoroa and worsteds.
To give an idea of the values wo are offering , wo mention the following lots , whio
will bo on sale to-morrow :
Boys' darkblue flannel sailor suits , blouses with embroidered collar , and kaoo pants
sixes 4 to 10 , at 75o.
Boys' good , strong Union Cassimoro Suits coat nicely pleated and of neat appearance ,
sizes 4 to 13 , at 95c.
Boys' strictly all wool ohoviot suits of a nice' , stylish pattern , with pleated coat and woH
made up , sixes 4 to 13 , at $1.00 , This is an extraordinary bargain , as wo are positive such
a suit has never boon offered for less than from § 2.50 to $8.00.
A large variety of handsome jersey suits at $2.50 , $2,95 and $8.25 , actual values $4.00
$5.00 and § 6.00.
Equally astonishing values will be offered in long pants suits , of which we have an
immense assortment. All the approved styles in cheviot , plaids , etc. , for spring wear ,
We have long pants suits from $2.50 upward. I
For the past few seasons it has been our custom to appoint a certain day on which wa
almost gave away knee pants. Thousands of our customers remember thosa sales and
thousands are eagerly watching for the day. We shall have another such gale on
On which day wo shall offer 2,000 pair good strong knee pants at 15c a pair. They ar < ?
actually worth 50c , and no house would think of selling them for less. We will soil only
two pair to each customer , and no mail orders can be filled on this lot
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha ,
Tt'c Ti ? ctor Ti (
lib Lab LCI llllIK' '
You're Mire to gut per-
fcul ntting garment.
4 New uiul choice I'ubrcsj ;
wno fast yeiti4"icciicrs"licrc.
A you'have the clothes at the
A appointed time.
? NJCOM. Uiilor promptly. , ,
Trousers and Suits made to
I measure as low as $5to $20. f
1409 Douglas Sirccf. Omaha
ealtli is Wealth
WENT , n guaranteed Hiieclllo for Hysteria , Dizzi
ness , UonviilHlona , Kits , Nervous Neuralffla.
Ileauacho , Nervous I'ro.stratlon ransed ly the
1180or alcohol < < r tobacco , \Vakcf illness , .Mentill
Depression , Bofu-nln ot tlio llraln resnltlnt , ' In
Insanity and leading to inluory , necny and
death. Premature Old -Age , Iliirreimcss , Loss of
J'ower in citLur gex. Involuntary Losses und
Bpermatorrha-ft caused by over exertion of
tlio Dram , uair aDusa or over indulKenco. Kach
box contnlna on" month's treatment , $1 a box ,
or six boxen for to , ucnt by mall prepaid ou re
ceipt ot prlcu.
To euro any cose. With each order received by
us for sU boxen , accompanied with ft , wo v\lll
send the purchaser our written fruarantea to rn-
fund the money if the treatment iloes not niiout
u euro , ( iuaruntceg Is ueil only bv Uoodninn
DrtiBCo. . DruBBliitB , bolo Aueoia , 1110 I'urnum
Htreet Umaha cb.
121 IMarDorn 8u , Cmc&joi Milooltwt n icstj
Uiuiau ] flUl9lr "Oli It
Wo are now prepared to show ono of the
most complete lines of medium nnd line !
suits , in both sacks and cutaways for bus
iness or dress wear , that y < xi may desire to
look at. HemcmbuT , we have two well
lighted Bales lloors , 4,400 square feet , in
which to display goods.
lnnm4 \ n& _
MKN mid WO.MUN succusslullr trcntuJ.
SuircrliiK from tlio cITectf of juutlifiil 1'olllos or Imlls
crollona , or nro troulilul with Wi'iiknc ? , Nurvoua
Debility , IiO s of .Memory , Dosponileiiuy , Averilonto
hocluty , ICIilnoy Tioillili'S or any dlneuiu of Hie Uunt-
to-UrlnaiyUriiiiii , tun liure Hml n mfo nml > puudy
euro. Clmrncs rcasonaUlo , especially to tbn poor.
Tlieru nro many troubled with too frequent cvmuiu
HOIIH uf Iliubladilcr , uflun nicumiMnlvu by n nllKht
nmnrllnK or liumlim > c'niatluii , ninl wenkenliiv of tliv
> teni In iiniHiiner tlio pntlvnt cannot uccouiit for.
On uxamlnliiK the urlnitry doposlts H ropy nudlinMnt
will olio n Do found , inn ! loinniliiiut pnrllclci of nlbu-
monnlll uppi'iir or Iliu Liilur UD ol a lliln , inlltl jli
line , njnlii clinriKlnu to n dark or torpid upii * runco.
'J liurii uru maiir men who die of thin Ultllculty , Unoi
nut or the tuusu. wlitcli u tlio second stn oof ininl.
nil wcnKncti. TUB doctor will mmraulce a perfect
cure In nil > urli casui , nnd u Iio.ilthy restoration of
tliOBunlto-urlnary cirnant. Connullntlon floe. Hand
L'-CL'nl "Vounv Man's
utiinuitor trluiid , or Uulde to
U'eillock , " free lo nil , Adilrm
Main nnd 12th St. , Kiuisas City , Mo.
Tlio I'libllo are not centrally AH urn that by til *
proem mi'thodi of cunklnu fullr ono.half of HID
ixjircu that In tiiietl la lUrown nwuv in thuuroundi
ami wanted ( lionililnonmiuloj wlili thli cnmpuny
hnvuiuutnvclel In tavlnit tliu wmloKi llmt tliu torn-
rmny CHII furnlBli cont'e timduof the ttticil Java , put
tip In iinull porlnb'o ' Jiiri iirirtl AlllUMln I't.llf urr.
I.v I'UliK and uuiininlceU to IIH unlr about ONE-
IIAI.K THM COV1' Hi Iliu consunierul coiumua cur *
leu. Onlf bolllnu vratnrli nepdod when prey irlnt'H
fur tba table. frown l.lriild | OiffuD L'ompui'y.
Aak Your Crocor for
McCORl ) , HKADY It CO. ,
Wholcbiilo Grocers , - - Omnliu , Neb ,
( Successors to John U , Jacob ? . )
Undertakers and Embalmer
At tlieoU Rtaud HOT Karnain SI. Ciders by
U'l gr pli xollcltrd and promptly attended.
elephone to No. 2-J.
KlUricYiy'ai l oafelycured byl)0(5i'l/lti ( ! Can
suits. Herorulcusos cuied In aovcu day. ' . Hold
ll.t > 0por box , ttlldru KUU i by inall from Die (
N , W. Cor. I3th & Dodnro Sto.
Appliances for Deformities and Truso3.
Dun facllltlei , nppurntui and rompillen for Huccoif
tal traatmrnt of ovarr form of dlacuso requiring
Jlcdlcul orBurglCftl 'Iroatracnt.
Board and attendaucoi be-t liuapltal accooitaoda *
Uons in the west.
WHITE run cmcnLAns on Determine * and llrnccr ,
Tru e > , Club Vaat , Curratura of ttiu Kplno. I'llen ,
Tumors , Cancar. Cntarrli , llronclilils , InlinlnUon ,
IClcctriclty. I'lirnlrnla. Kpllapsv , Kldnojr , iilnjilor ,
Kye. Unr , Hkln iinu lllood.and allSumlcal opcrniloui.
Dlsoasoo of Women a Specialty.
AllUloodUlioaiosiucconfullr treated. Brpbllltla
Polien romoTod from tlio sjttem rscr:57j7
Moir rostorutlve tr ' 5int lot Ion nt Vital 1'otror.
demons unable to r''lt ni may ho I re mod at home tit
corrernundonco. All communication ! conndcntlal.
Modlclnai or Inslrumonli cant lit mall or eipron.
iniurelr packed , no marki to Indicate contents ot
fomlor. Una puraonnl Intcrvlorr proforrod. Call and
coa < nltn or tend Mtlutf ol jrourcoio , and vonlll
lend la plain wrapper , our
Upon I'rlvtte , Special or Nervous llsen oi , Impo *
tuner , Brpbllli , Uliet and Vurluocole , wllli nrioslloo
lltt. Addreu
OmaJia Medical and Surgical Institute , 01
Oor.lSto ana Dodge 6U. , - - OMAHA , NEB.
fATENTEO AUO. 10 , 1887. IMPROVED FEB. I , 1889 ,
of dlioiti. . . . mtntljiAll
1 ' and
" 5 ft Body. nii "
tli in Youth. Age , M
. Infm ll < IlituticiiiliilD <
, ( or > IlluitriU'l'tlit , xbleli
m jou ID pi. In il d .nitlopf. U < olloo llili j i..r. ailmil
300 Worth Bioadwoy. UT. LOUlti. Mtt
. , , , . .
n confer ! Tk nit.
ro.'tt mill or ilront. Ihli li | b. Zl \
Uclrlo Irun urt Ult i.r n.a. n
-M .l. , ni , "Jo ! . . , ? r.r' .
In"1. : ! ! r'r ' ! ? ° " " " ' ' "Pi" ' ' * i HIM r .
] n ol < , fol dr. tor lilt , . ,
. tfti lr. 1,4 /.iliill.l il.l.lj in i ti
.iOt/ou lu | Ulu..l.4 .unltr. HolV * ! / "r L.
J0t > Wu > '
Wyoming Oil Lands
A n-l all necessary papers IlllaJ
W , E , HAWtEY , Civil Enginoar ,