Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1889, Page 6, Image 6

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    "STiy * "
I'tllverefl by carrier In Any Part ot he City ft
Twenty Cents 1'crWeek.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Tlio Miller girl , who run awav from Oraalm
ft few days ago , wns discovered In a house of
Ill-fame In this city last night end taken
homo by her mother.
Thcro will bo a special meeting or Canton
Pottawnttomlo to-night. AH members must
bo present , UuMncss of importance. 13y
order G. W. Jackson , commander.
Tickets for Mr. II. 11. Uapan's Illustrated
trip around the world on May 4 , 0 , 9 and 17
nro In the hands of Misses Hello Snyder , and
Wmnio Marshall mid Master Willie Squire.
The funeral of Jamc § Driver , who was
killed by a kick from a colt , took place yes
terday afternoon from his homo In Uoomer
township , and was largely attended.
Modular communication of Hluff City lodpo
No. 71 , A. F. and A. M. , this evening. All
mnstcr Masons in good standing arc cordially
Invited to bo present. 13y order of the
W. M.
The hoard of innnno commissioners ycstor-
flny decided that Ucn Fletcher , the colored
man alleged to bo Insane , was not n charge
of this county , and ordered him sent to his
homo in Missouri. .
William Anderson , alias "Humpy , " and
Ocorgo A. Cook , were tried before 'Squlro
Kchurz yesterday for stealing a coat and vest
from Ed Hegall , at the Northwestern round
house Saturday evening , and were sent to
the county jail for thirty days.
On the Northwestern train last nlchttlioro
arrived nboy who was mipposcd to bo suffer-
inc from rheumatism , Examination showed
that both of his arms were broken. Ho was
taken to St. Ucrnard'a hospital. It Is stated
that ho had been struck by a switch engine hi
One of the employes of the electric llcht
company narrowly missed lulling through
the skylight at the court house yesterday , it
will bo ro'mombored that a dog toolc the tri p
u few weeks since , with disastrous results.
The man went partially through , but grasped
the fratno and oxtrlcatzd himself without
taking a fifty foot fall.
A meeting of the trustees and executive
com in lit co of the Chnutauqun , assembly was
called for yesterday afternoon at the ofllco
of Boll & Itorlinghoff , to take some action
with reference to the now amphitheater , but
owing to the absence of Mayor Hohrcr and
Lucius Wells frotn the city , no quorum was
present. A meeting will bo hold for the
same purpose , at the same place , to-morrow
Two of the now closed conches for the
Man awn motor line arrived over the Wabnsh
yesterday morninc from the Urownell Car
works , of St. Louis. They weio unloaded at
the Broadway depot yesterday afternoon ,
and will bo hauled to the lake this morning.
They arc of the most modern style , and nro
beauties. Colonel Heed evidently means
business this year , and will furnish a service
of which the pleasure seeking public need not
Last evening was the first of the scries of
entertainments being given by Kov. Dr.
Tovis & Co. , nt LOCP.V'S ' hall , for the benefit
of the now Trinity Methodist church. The
entertainment consisted of songs and scenes.
The views wcro both interesting mid
very instructive. The audience was
greatly pleased. A cheaper and more pleas
ant way of gaining Information concerning
other lands and places can hardly be devised.
The entertainments , with change of pro
gramme , will bo continued for three more
For $115.00 The N. Y. Plumbing Co.
will put a load service pipe mid liydrunt
in your yard ; also 60 feet extra hose.
Call at once at 114 Main street.
Buildings loans. Odell Bros. & Co.
Dr. C. C. Hazen , dentist , Opera house
At tlio Umr.iiiy Depot.
The small stock yards at the Union Pacific
dummy depot have been abandoned , and no
more stock will bo loaded from there. Nor is
there to bo any moro freight loaded at the
dummy depot. All freight will hereafter bo
handled at the Tenth avenue depot , except
carloads of live stock , which will have to betaken
taken to the transfer stock yards.
Have our wngon call for your soiled
clothes. Cascade Laundry Co.
J. G. Tlpton , real estate , 627 B'dway
Headquarters for builders' hardware ,
Odell & Bryant , 613 Main street.
A Boublo-Biirrclcd Court.
Judge Mney was expected hero yesterday
morning to assist Judge Dcomor on the dis
trict bench for the next week , but did not ar
rive. Ho will bo on hand this morning. The
following assignment has been made for the
week :
Judge Deomer Nos. 5SSO , GSS5 , 5035 , 0152 ,
0220 , 0237 , 0251 , 0272 , 0318 , 0318,0322,030 } ,
6325 , 0320.
Judge Mncy Nos. 5SSO , 5922 , 5930 , 6932 ,
& 94S , 6091 , 0077 , COS4 , 0113 , 1072 , 0232. 0247 ,
0270,0289,5(555. (
During the forenoon the evidence in the
case of G rail 1 vs Shea was submitted , and
argued during the afternoon. The case of
Do Vol vs Shea will bo the next one called.
After that , the great equity case of Henry
vs Evans , Involving nearly fSO.OOO , will bo
called. The case relates to the ownership of
n ranch in Wyoming , In which the parties to
the suit were formerly partners. Wright ,
Baldwin & Haldano appear for the plaintiff
and Sapp < fc Pusoy for the defendant.
The grand Jury will probably make its
first report to-morrow.
Do not forpct the "Caravan of Sonfrs
nnd Scones1' this '
evening at Laoy's
hall , South Mn ! u st. , opposite 8th avo.
Real estate loans , P. J. Day , 39 Pearl.
§ . B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money.
Booms to rent in the Merriam block.
B. B. Wadsworlh &'50 Main street.
To the
Mrs. PfelfTer'a grand spring opening
at NOR. 202 Broadway ivnd 14 Main St. ,
will take place on Wednesday ani
Thursday of this week. Lot all attend.
Personal Par.igranliH.
Mw. Ooirgo II , Chomps Is visiting friends
In Chicago.
Harry lllrklnllno returned , .yesterday morn
Ing , from Kansas City.
Juilgo Hublmrd , of Crdur Rapids , attorney
for the Chicago & Northwestern rallroai
company , is In the city on legal business.
J. A. Hamilton , Ncola : It. L. Thorp and
wlfo , Stanborry ; A. \Vhlttomore , Boston
i ml A. G. Arnold , Columbus , Neb. , wcro a !
the Puclno , yesterday.
Rev. John Thomas , of C'astana , In. , Is In tin
city , visiting hlis MID , D. H. Thomas , of UK
police force. Ho U Just returning homo froii
Tcnnosseo nnd other points in the south
whore ho has spent a year in missionary
Rev. G. W. Crofts , of the Kirst Congroga
llonol church , Is given a place on the pro
grummoof tho" general association , U > mee
in Crcston , May 1U-20. Ho Is to road n papo
on "How Churches Should Treat Their Min
Inter * . "
Fromnnt Honjamln , Avoo.v Judge W. W
Macy , Hurlan i A. P. Armstrong uml Franl
Oleason , Audubon ; lU. . Uolton , Ccdai
Kaplda ; Colonel A. Cochrnn. Little Sioux
anil A. S. E may , Grand HnpidB , Mich. , won
at the Ogden , yesterday.
Roy , J. W. Taylor , paMorvpf the Congrepa
tlonal church at Aurolla , In. , la In tint city
looking over Urn Chautaueiu'.i grounds , and
will eoon leave on n trip through the state ir
the interest of that movement.
Notlco the beautiful finish ulven col-
lara , cuffs and shirts by Caicado Laun-
drjr company ,
Nolantl'a Orlmo Proraodltatod and
Hia Victim Wholly Unaware.
A Double Court-Cornlnc Field
Sport Freight CJinr es ixt tlio
Dummy Depot Stolen
. Goods.
The Crlmn Promcdlt.itnil.
It is now settled beyond the shadow of n
loubt that Noland , the suicide , had fully do-
ermlncd to kill Kittle Edwards before ho
vent to the house on the evening of the
ragcdy. It seems that , on the day of the
crime , one of N. W. Williams' men , who was
vorklng on a now building near the transfer ,
quit work nt the usual time nnd started up
town. Near the corner of Sixteenth street
nnd Hroadway ho overtook a stranger who
walked along with him. As the follow was
considerably under the influence of liquor
ils companion did not think it strange that
10 talked n great deal , and paid very little
mention to what ho said. Subsequent de
velopments showed that It was moro than
thu foolish talk of a drunken Imbecile , Said
no stranger : " 1'vo pot It In for some folks
n this town. They have put the cons onto
no , and 1 will play oven with them for It.
There Is a d d up town who steered
them straight against me , nnd 1 will fix her
BO she will never plpo again. You will read
about It in the papers. "
Sure enough ho did "road about It in the
mpors" on the following morning , and ho
lastily repaired to the undertaking rooms of
? lold & Estop to see the dead man.
At the first glance ho recognized In the
jody of the sulcldo the remains of his com-
mnion of the preceding evening. Noland
md undoubtedly referred to the Edwards
woman when making his terrible
It is known that a informed him that the
> ollco were on his tracit , and that a woman
ind given him away. It Is also certain that
.ho pollco were looking for him , and wcro In
the ofllco of the Ogden house at the tune the
shooting took place , intending to visit the
Sdwards bagnio in a few minutes on u search
'or the young desperado. As ho told n news-
joy on the street three hours baforo that ho
was going to kill himself , It Is qulto probable
, liat the plans for the double tragedy had
been fully matured In his mind long before
10 started to carry them into execution. Ho
iaa committed a crime that would send him
to the penitentiary for several years , and ho
determined to rorengo himself on the woman
who ho thought hnu been instrumental In
bringing him to justice , nnd then take his
own life. The mystery that surrounded the
shooting is now entirely cleared away , and
, ho motive and its attendant circumstances
.aid bare.
Fortunately , the bullet intended for him
self faithfully performed its work , and the
county was spared the expense of ofllcially
nmwellng the mystery. The woman , his
ntcndcd victim , still lives , and is In a fair
way to recover. Additional facts , that have
atoly been revealed , show how very slight
was the circumstance that gave her a longer
ease of life. Since she recovered conscious
ness it has been thought str.uigo that she
did not know what was the matter , and had
no knowledge whatever of the attempted as
Maud Eaton , the only witness who saw
ho whole of the bloody deed , makes a stato-
nent that explains it all. She says that she
clt ns if something was going to happen , nnd
vns watching the door to see Miss Kittle up.
> ear. When the latter cnmo to the door , her
lead was bowed down and hur eyes wcro
Ixcd on the Moor , as if thinking of snme-
hlng. She did not look ui > . and did not see
ho would-be murderer. The bullet struck
icr , nnd she fell , without comprehending
that an attcmut had been made upon her
As has been previously stated , the ball on-
crcd about naif an Inch above the loft eye.
ilad her head been raised it would have pen
etrated an inch or two lower , and would
have been instantaneously fatal , as in the
case of the would-bo assassin. She had
been quite sick , and her idea now is that
her present illness is simply a continuation
of that sickness. Two attendants are with
ler all of the time , ono on either side , and
> rovent her from lifting her hands to her
Her physician states that If she can bo
kept perfectly quiet , her chances are good.
Any sudden movement or change In position
that would cause a rush of blood to the head
night rupture n blood vess9l , and death
would result. She is now rational , and con
verses n little with her attendants , but all
{ nowlcdgo of the manner In which she was
ujured is carefully kept from her.
The work of recovering the Jewelry stolen
jy Noland and hs pals Is proceeding slowly.
Officer Thomas has the matter In charge ,
and has thus fur secured about SSOO worth.
It has been found that the "swag" was
"planted" in the cellar under Jack Green's
saloon , and that after Noland suicided It
was "raised" and transferred to a point near
the Northwestern "Y. " The party who then
liad the property in charge is known to the
police us an all-around crook nnd tough. Not
withstanding the vigorous work of the police ,
the stolen goods are still being disposed of in
the city , and the channels through which
the work is being done can not bo located.
The police have managed , however , to got
tiola of nearly every article that has been
thus given out. Thcro is no "fence" em
ployed to market the goods , but the thieves
are attending to the work themselves.
Money loaned at L. B. Craft's & Co.'s
loan ofllco on furniture , pianos , horses ,
wagons , personal property of all kinds ,
and all other articles of value without
removal. All business strictly conli-
At Mnnnwa.
Notwithstanding that the work on the dan
nnd other changes at the Inlet and outlet o :
Mannwa are completed , the improvements at
the lake are by no moans at on end. A large
force of men was at work yesterday on the
grounds around the hotel , making several
Important changes.
The hotel in being painted , and when com'
plo.ted will loom up In a cnat of white wltli
trimmings of dark red. Walks are bolnj ;
laid between the hotel mid lake and new out'
buildings are being erected.
J. J. Mahoney has commenced work on a
40-foot addition to his restaurant , the
"Omaha , " and will soon begin the erection
of bathhouses on the north bunk.
J. M. Hay has a grader at work laying oui
streets through the plat owned by him.
Work on the propeller "M. F. Uohrer" ha :
been commenced , and in thirty days she wil
bo converted into n side wheel steamer , wit !
much heavier machinery.
The water In the lalso Is now deep cnougl
to ( lout any of the boats and is constant ! :
rising. It Is thought that the banks will bi
full by the end of the week.
. . *
Great 8lniln Day Sport.
The following programme has been prepared -
pared for the exhibition at Union park 01
the aoth lust :
10:30 : Grand parade through the buslncw
pm-tions of the city.
1:30 : Addr.iss of welcome by Mr. O. W ,
Katon , of Cedar Utipldi , president of the
State Firemen's association ,
IMS Hosoracci , Entries , J , U. Baldwin ,
Jr. , nnd Eiscman hose teams ,
J:00 : 100 yard foot race. Open to all local
2:15 : Exhibition drill of the Dndgo Llghi
. 'J.30 Fifty yard foot race. Ojien to al
local amateurs ,
Ui-15 Exhibition run of the P. Lacy hoai
team. All members uudur eleven years ol
3:00 : 300 yard foot race. Open to all local
amateurs ,
U:15 : Hall game between J. J. Hardins , o
Omaha , and K. II. Odells , of Council lUufls
BIO : ! Hlcycloraco ; ono milo. Open to nl
uinatoura of Omaha ana Council Bluffs
Prize , jold medal , offered by Mrs. E. Uurn
3:45 : Cloy pigeon mutch. Ton slnglci am
five doubles. Council bluffs gun club.
A grand ball will bo given at Masonic tcm
plo in the evening. The proceeds of the da' '
will bo devoted to tournament uses.
Judge ) noetl Kept IJusy.
Juried Heed , congressman from this dls
trlct , Is home , and candidates for postofllce :
are thicker than flies in harvest. Ho vlsltci
the court house yesterday , nnd ns ho left the
court room four aspirants waylaid him nnd
each presented n weighty letter , at the
same time requesting Its prayerful consider
ation , When the Judge returned homo there
woroiTSO letters awaiting his parujnl , amllio
receives about twenty ave by each mall. Ho
landlcs the applications with n great deal of
system , Inducol by tlio Judicial precision of
n long term on the bench , and has his onico
so arranged that all communications rotative
.0 n certain subject or ofllco nro classed
together and are placed by themselves. He
is taking things very coolly nnd Is not worry-
ng at all. Major Lymaii , hit predecessor ,
called upon him ycstcrdav and sympathized
with him regarding the amount of work on
land. The communications will continue to
iour in for some titno , and Judeo Reed will
jndoubtodly have moro work of this nature
to perform than any of his predecessors.
Money loaned on furniture , pianos ,
diamonds , horses , buggies or anything
of value at low rates of interest. No
publicity ; fair and honorable dealing.
A. A. Clark & Co. , olllco cor. Broadway
and Main , over American express.
The blue ice wagon sells pure river
ice. Your orders solicited. Satisfac-
, ion guaranteed , Telephone 102. Of-
Ico6021st avo. , under Citizens' bank.
"llol > " WrHtuott a Itotirdior.
Sunday morning Mr. R. 13. Wostcott , of
, ho Council I31uTs ( department of the Omaha
[ Icrald , stole a march on his unsuspecting
'rlonds In the Utuffa , and in company with
Miss Florence Bolan , quietly slipped down
, o Rod Oak , whore they were inailo man and
wife by IJov. Mr. Forscutt , of the Baptist
church of that placo. They returned Homo
in the evening train. "Bob" bribed TUB
Jir. : to keep it quiet , but that paper Is unable
.o hold It nnd calls upon the whole city to
iclp It In its mammoth task. Congratula-
.ions arc in order , nnd the genial Faber-
shovcr nnd his brldo will receive any amount
of them. Happiness and prosperity for all
future is the wish of Tun BED.
VIother , may I go out and handle the hosoi
Yes , my darling daughter ;
3o awfully careful of your clothes ,
And don't get soaked with water.
This you can safely do with our pressure
jy using the best hose and a Fuller spray
lozzlo. Always kept In stock at J. C. Bix-
by's ' , 333 Broadway. _ _
Sale Beginning Monday morning.
April 15 , and continuing until all is sold
at private sale , household goods , car
pets , bedroom sots , kitchen utensils ,
etc. , etc. Mus. ll. J. FISHER ,
140 Grant st.
Board ol' Education .
The school board met In regular monthly
session last evening , with a full board pres
ent. The resignation of Miss Stollr. Graves
was rejected.
Miss Minnie Hanson and Miss Boycr were
elected to retain the positions now filled by
Miss Morris was elected as n substltu to
On the thirteenth ballot , Mr. Thomas was
elected to the position of general Janitor and
superintendent , of grounds and buildings ,
Mr. Schoontgcn not voting.
The superintendent was authorized to cs-
: ablish au ungraded school in the Atkins
jiiililing for unruly boys , nnd to employ a
.cacher at iGO per month.
The loan of a c.iso of birds from the agent
of the Union Pacilic was accented , and the
president instructed to return the thanks of
; ho board.
The bill of the Glebe Publishing company
was allowed.
The bill of the Now York Plumbing com
pany was rejected. -
A largo number of small bills wcro allowed
as read.
Superintendent McNaughton made his
monthly report ,
The matter of locating a new school build
ing in fatrcctsvttlo was not takoo up , ns the
lioard expressed n desire to consider the
matter at a special meeting. The board then
Notlco to Wntcr Consumers.
Water rents are now due and payable
at oflico , 114 Main street.
Picturesque Europe , Guixot's History
of Franco , Longfellow's poems , Century ,
Harper , St. Nicholas , Youths' Com
panion and all magazines , hound neatly
and durable , at Morohouso & Co.'s ,
Pearl street , near Broadway.
Dodpc. ;
Sickness has been an uninvited and unwel
come guest in many homes the past week.
Orono Hatton , Goldie Hasson , Karl Garman
and Mrs , Rosa , have all been laid low with
typhoid malaria. All the patients are doing
well under the skillful treatment of Dr.
Mrs. Garmon presented her husband with
a line baby girl on the 7th instant. A fact
the latter signalized by cheerful smiles and
cigars to all inquiring friends.
Mrs. Woodruff is laid up with n violent
cold nnd Mrs. Fritik is an invalid from seri
ous causes. Both arc under the doctor's or
TUG DAILY Bnn has been loudly called for
everywhere while the great criminal trial
lasted , Llbbio Biechler having absorbed all
other topics hero for the time. General sat
isfaction is expressed on all sides with the
finding of the Jury , and Tun BKKS contain
ing General Cowiu's great defense have been
handed around until too much thntnmcd to
bear folding.
Mr. Johnson , of Scribner , has purchased
the interest of F. W. Moshago in the hard
ware store of Mosnago & Bauer and has lo
cated In Dodge with his family. * *
Tharo was a meeting of the Incal board of
insurance agents at the ofllco of G. W. Rosa
on Saturday. W. Hatton was elected presi
dent and A , R. Hasson , secretary.
As Charlie Hepburn was hltchinc the team
of W , F. Moshago to his wagon , the horses
became frightened and ran away. They
reached the school house , three miles west
of town , before pulling up , and fortunately
did no damage.
Mrs. Mozicr and her daughter , Mrs. Kelly ,
went visiting friends in North Bend the fore
part of this week.
Chris Baysol , the county surveyor , C. G.
Bowles , president of the Dodge State bank ,
Dr. Cushman of Howolls. C. W. Stlckloy ,
secretary of the Wyoming Improvement
company , Z. K. Doano , John Haylct and C.
Murquott nnd wlfo of Scribnor have been
visitors at Dodge the past week.
Farmers come Into town smiling since the
ruin , The small grain Is looking promising
and the early spring work now nearly over
bids fair for the future.
Our new postmaster , Mr. Kaysor , boars
his honors with becoming dianlty. Ho is
making great improvements in his store. Ho
hai hud It newly painted inside , and every
thing shines llko a now pin. Miss Kaysor
presides at the desk and dispenses stamps
uml letters when called upon.
Mr. McClarky is building a neat cottage on
the brow of the hill overlooking the railroad.
The college faculty look smiling because
the trustees have boon here and looked over
the ground preparatory to selecting a site for
the new dormitory. They have hopes that
this one will bo built upon terra llrtna. All
former ones have been built in the air and
failed to materialize.
The spring election went all ono way anti-
llcenBO , But to supply the place of any ex
citement a mixed board might have aroused ,
tbcro is another casus belli that promises to
be quite Interesting. Part of the board are
desirous of granting the request of II , T.
Clarke and fencing the blocks go'as to funco
up about half the streets , while others con
tend that neither the board nor any indi
vidual has a right to fence up n street that
has been properly net apart as a struct , So
tbo contest wuxca warm.
Another old citizen bus boon carried to Inn
IOIIK home. Mr. Dyer , formerly a resident of
this place , but lately living in Ouuihu , died
April 8 , and t'iu remains were brought to
lielluvuo. Services were conducted by
President Bloznoy , and the body wii * in
terred In the cemetery north of town , .
The flue rain Wednesday night has glad-
dcucd the hearts ot the farmers and dairy-
men , nnd on every HKo ? Micro Is rejoicing that
the long dry spell , ls ended.
II. T. riarkc , of Omaha , wns In this city
The spring term , of the Bellevue public
school opened last week Monday.
Miss Vlcklo Trcftt visited In Omaha Thurs
Fishing Is reported''good ' In the surround
ing lakes.
Our base ball teaai'Is preparing for n came
between the reds of this city and a picked
uino of Paollllon.'r
Farmers report crops In good condition , es
pecially small gram.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Ashley , of Dccatur.
nnd their daughter , Eva , were gucsw nt
Bov. J. Warner's List week. Mr. Ashley's
chances nro good for getting an appointment
ns United Stntci agent to the Omaha nnd
Wlnncbago Indians.
Mr. H. L.Howard has completed his school
enumeration of Hooper district , and the re
sult Is 215 children of school ago. According
to Omaha's rule of figuring wo have over
1,500 inhabitants.
The school board mot last week to maka
arrangements for opening up another apart
ment In the school. The fourth room has
been ready nnd furnished for some time.
They decided to employ n fourth teacher.
Miss Blair , of North Bond , was employed
to relieve Miss Carpenter of n part of the
primary pupils , and she commenced teaching
Monday morning , April 8. Miss Carpenter
has had nearly sixty little ones to look after ,
nnd , whether from overwork or some other
cause , she has been unable to attend to duty
the last few days.
Tim widow McBroom , whoso husband died
last fall , has been very low for nearly two
weeks past.
Mr. G. S. Peyton nnd family have taken
their llnal Icavo of Hooper. Ho shipped a
car load of furniture to Goodland , Kan.
Mr. A , Y. Sutton nnd his son Horblc , hnvo
started across the country with his drove of
horses for Hastings.
George W. Holno has finished his course
at the Omaha Commercial college and has
resumed his music. Ho makes a specialty of
Matt King , who has followed tlio snmo
trade with Hclno Bros. , went out last week
with n friend In quest of a town where they
could set up business for themselves.
As Dr.V. . J. Smith has lolt the place , Dr.
M. T. Zollors has arrived to take his place.
It is bewildering to see the amount of now
goods the merchants nro bringing Into town
this spring.
The Germans east of town came in cn-
masse last week to haul lumber for a now
church which they nro about to build.
Colonel Hnsslcr Astonished to Find
So Mnny of Ills Comrades Alive. .
The number of original Harrison men
in Washington is now only exceeded by
the number of members of the Third
Iowa regiment , of which Secretary
Noble wnsj adjutant , says a Washington
letter. Every man wlio was 11 member
of that famous fighting rogimontduring
the war , in quest of ollieo , thinks that
he has u special claim upon the secre
tary of the interior. Ono day last
week Secretary Noble , Assistant Sec
retary Bussey , whd was colonel of the
Third Iowa , and Colonel Hasslor , the
democratic appointment clerk of the in
terior department and a great wag ,
were in tlio secretary's olllco , when the
door opened and a gentleman from the
wild and woolly west entered the olllco.
Ho was welcomed , by Colonel Bussoy
and General Noble , ana the former said :
"Colonel Htissler , let mo make you
acquainted with Major Pickoroll , of
Dakota , formerly of the Third Iowa. "
Hasslor a"nd the major shook hands ,
and the former with great gravity said :
"Major , that regiment , I boliovotook
no part in the war. "
"Well , sir , " replied the major , indig
nantly , "I should think it did. That
regiment fought in some of the severest
battles.of the war. "
"Why , Ilasslcr , " said the secretary ,
"what made you ask the question'1"
"Oh , simply because so many of its
members are alive , " was Hasslor's re
ply , and the secretary , appreciating the
sarcasm , almost fell from his chair in a
paroxysm of laughter.
Tinted Statues.
In reference to the question whether
the Greeks tinted their statues a corre
spondent of London Notes and Queries
says there is not the least doubt that
the answer must bo in tlio affirmative.
There is the amplest evidence of the
fact that the sculptures of the Parthe
non at least some of them were tinted
hut they wcro not painted with solid
paint like the statues in the Crystal
palaco. Architecture and sculpture
were often tinted , not alone by the
Crooks , hut by the Etruscans , Assyr
ians , and Fgyptians. Colored statuary
abounded in the middle ages , as anyone
may see for himself who examines mo-
ditcval monuments.
Anti-Pass Bonk System.
A good many merchants of Atlanta ,
Ga. , have adopted the "anti-pass book
system. " It consists of the issuing of
hooks with the merchant's and holder's
name written on the cover , the book
containing $ .50 worth of coupon tickets ,
numbered 6,10 , nnd 25 cents , and SI.
The theory is that when a customer
purchases a hook , whether for cash or
an advance , each purchase is to bo
made by these coupon chocks , which
will koo'p the purchaser informed as to
the amount of purchases and save the
merchant a vast and intricate deal of
Upset the
The British steamer Earl of Ulster ,
on her way from Pleotwood to Belfast ,
ran into a lighthouse and tipped it over.
The keeper was rescued with dilllculty.
The steamer's injuries were trilling.
' our ustBuvYou
\ - ' -f E.B.-
We invite your patronage. - E.B.GARDINER. ? .
V /rl / '
' . fflfjfe
WANTni-Mn "well acquainted in the city
to solicit and inko orders for tens and
coiree. Apply to U. p. Tea Co. , 100 llroiuhvay.
"I710H SALK My residence , corner ttn st. and
L1 Dtli PVO. , line locution , Uood H room house ,
city water , cistern , unni. etc. LotWixKJO ,
pnfn If sold soon. S. T. 1'rcncli , room-I , opera
house block.
T710II HUNT Two dwelling houses , R nnd 10
X' rooms , ami two centrally located ulllcos In
Council Illulls. Horace livorott.
FOlt HUNT Nino-room Swiss cottage in
J nines block n Third avouuo , between
IHghth and Ninth streets.
ENGINE POI1.8ALE Ona nxlS. twenty-horse
power , mostly now. Union Iron works ,
No. liiOT. 3d st. . Council Itluirs. la.
FOlt KENT Clieap. two handsome , new six-
room cottages , north of transfer , Council
Illuirs. Inquire lllnml Itlshtor , Kth nvc. nnd
21st st.
la good on presentation for
$1.00 on each pair of pants
hought of the
London Tailor.
Good for Thirty Days.
Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Pro
tectors , Etc ,
Agents wanted ,
C. B. JUI ( > D ,
Council niuffH In ,
Tnos. OFFICER. W. II. M. I'csiir.
Corner Main nnd Broadway ,
Dealers in foreign and domestic exchange.
Collections made and interest paid on time de
Mrs , C , L , GILLETT'S '
AndBPflherflne line of Hair
OKNAMBNIU In thu city.
WIRH , Iteiiuls , etc. , for Kent
or Halo.
G huh uml Coylo and Myera
U reuse 1'nlnU. Hair
Dressing , Hto.
No. iil ) Jtiiiin St. , Council IIIuilN.
Orders by mall receive prompt attention.
No. 27 Main Street ,
Jexvufry Slur *
\ STATION / ? ) < / , , , , ,
TL > M ? s fa.9
I wh4.s9 : ? S .
owesr. f Noll4MainSK
Si A PicreeProirietor. | ,
Furniturqi & Stoves
On wee.tortr / > ont/ily /
paypicntS , Best .
Selections. Lcnest
/ " /ces. Litieratdi'icaunt
A.O.MAKDEL 229&22S
r Se
* " - - - * - * - * oin _ ' -j
Jf tfr / 0..326 BRQftPVNAV. -J : X PV ° * fi
p < 6 8j/ > ie/.a K/A/Wo/-/ / Slpec\a\\vjXle | o *
! V \ ? - N.Mctin St. Teebhore \ \A-\ . " N
SIZES FROM Especially Adapted fa
25 TO 300
HORSE POWER , Mills and Elevator )
Specifications and estimates turnUhed for complete sfoam plants. Itcculntlon , Durahilitv Ouar
antoecl. fan show letters from u ers where Fuel Kronomy IH oqml with Corliss Non-Couclunsina
E. C. HARRIS , Agent ,
Send for Catalogue. No. BIO Pearl Street , Council Bluff *
HRI RKI N Rl W C Hydraulic and Sanitary Knginoor. Plans , Estimates
. UIIIIMIILMIIL. Specifications. Supervision of Puhllc Work. Brown
Building , Council BlulTu , Iowa.
NQC\ \ I I D7 Justice of the Peace. O/llco / ovcT mei lean Express , No.ilfl
. OU M U HZ. Brondwav. Council filulTs. lown.
Ri QIIWIQ Attornoyu-iit-Law. Practice in the State and Pod'
IX OIIYIO oral Courts. Itooms 7 and 8 Shugnrt-Bono Block ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
BURKE & TINLEY-Src7Bsrllw' Koom 10'
Taxidermist and Naturalist.
'Permanently located at No. North Sixth Street , opposite post.
olllce , on motor line , CouncllJIlulIs , Iowa.
11 lids and animals mounted naturally and In tlio best method ot
the nrt. Warranted to presei ye for yearn. Foreign birds Hiipplloct
n oh ort notice. Highest prlco pnlil for owls nnd liawks of all kinds. VtrRoiiH sonJInK orileri
sturcd of perfect satisfaction. 1'ur drussltiu n iputlulty , Wrlto for pattlciiliirv , ,
nijur flCUIUMM ?
liliAL tiMAlli
410 imOAlMVAY ,
I'rlvato nutchmuu tiunlilicj at any and al
Kpoclal attention clven to collection of chat-
att.l security.
Heferenco Any bunk , attorney , or tmtlnou
ui an In the city.
HidesJalWeool & Puts ,
Ko. KiO
DH Rice's ' Hernia ! Support ,
lR..r , L. KOi : , 27 Mttlu street.
m w.u i , AT. .