Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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I" '
f in
Season is Fairly Under DUNDEE
If you have not seen Dundee Place since streets have been graded and houses built , go and look it
over , especially if you are contemplating buying or building a home ,
And its conditions and surroundings make it a most desirable place to live.
There are no cheap or poor buildings. Every house must cost at least $2,500. We sell on easy
terms and if you desire we will contract to build you a house of your own planning. We can have it
built cheaper than you can. Why ? Because our contractors buy in large quantities , and can therefore
make better terms. We give you the benefit of this advantage.
Do not buy or build without first seeing what we have. Youcan own your own home in five years for a very little more
than you would pay for rent , and at the same time have the advantage of the increase in value , If you are not satisfied af
ter seeing this property you arefunder no obligations to buy. We will show you the property at anytime yon may make
an appointment with us. Price of ground $25 per front foot , or $ I,25O , per lot. No less than lOOfeet frontage sold.
Room 25 , Chamber j of Commerce , DUNDEE
W. H. CRAIG , President. N. B. ALLEN , Vice-president. W. K. KURTZ , General Manager
Text of the Bill to Bogulato Mon
etary Institutions. .
( System By Which the Examination
of Each Depository Will Bo
Easy and of Frequent
To Itcgnlnto Banks.
Tie new banking law , requiring nil cor
porations , firms , nnd individuals , transacting
n banking uuslncss to make a report to the
etato auditor , and providing for n state bank
examiner , is ono of the most Important on-
nCtmcnts of the hito legislature , and a
lengthy synopsis of the measure is printed
for the benefit of the public :
Section 1 provides that It shall bo un
lawful for any corporation , linn or uidi-
Vldunl to transact' banking business by
receiving money on deposit , buying nnd soil
ing exchange und the like , unless sucii cor
poration , firm or individual .shall have prop
erty of cash value as follows : In cities ,
villages and communities having n popula
tion of less than 1,000 inhabitants , 5,000 ; in
cities and villages having u population of
jnoro than 1,000 and loss than 1,500 inhabl-
tnntn , $10,000 ; In cities and villages having a
population of less than 3.000 and moro than
1,500 Inhabitants , { 15,000 ; in cities having a
population of less than U.OOO and moro than
D.OOO inhabitants , 520,0i)0 ) ; in cities having a
population of less than 5,000 and moro than
11,000 inhabitants , $25,000 , ; in cities having a
population of loss than 10,000 and moro than
0,000 Inhabitants , $30,000 ; in cities having a
population of moro than 10,000 inhabitants ,
3 provides that every bank or
n , Hrm or individual , transacting a
business , shall , at least ton days be
fore commencing business , transmit to the
auditor of pubho accounts , a report of tbo
character But forth in section 4 of this act.
Section 3 provides that every bank and
every corporation , Hrm or individual tran
sacting a banking business , shall make to
the auditor of publiu lie-counts , not less than
three reports during uach year.
Section ! provides that such report shall
Btato the amount loaned upon bond and
uioitgage , the par yuluo aud actual market
viilun of all stock or bond investments , des
iccating each particular kind , and the
nmouut invested in each ; the amount loaned
upon notes , bills of exchange , over-drafts
nnd other personal securities , with the
actual market value of such securities ; the
nmouut of rediscounts and of commercial
paper past duo ; the amount Invested in real
estate , giving the cost of the same ; the
nmouut of cash on band and on deposit in
bank * or xust companies , with their names
nud the nmouut deposited la each ;
the amount of oil other ustots , not
enumerated above , nnd such other In
formation a * to the auditor of public
Recounts , state treasurer and atlornoy-gen-
cral , or auy two of them , may require. Pro
vided that commercial paper not In process
of collection , six months past flue , with in
terest unpaid , shall not bo included in the
repot t of the mauls. Kach report shall ktuto
BUCU resources and liabilities at the close of
business on any past duv by the auditor of
publiu accounts spoclilud , and shall bo trans-
milled to him wilblu flvo days after the re
ceipt of a request or requisition therefor
from him. And n summary of such report ,
iu the form proscribed by the auditor of pub
lic Accounts , BUUJ treasurer and attorney-
eoiieml , elmll be published In a newspaper
ID tlio place where such banking builncss is
transacted , or if there } * no newspaper in
tlio place , then In the one published nearest
thereto In tbo same county , at tbo expense
of thu banK ,
Section 5 provides that the auditor of pub
lic accounts , state treasurer and ntturney-
tfsnonil , or any two of them , shall have
power to call for apodal reports from any
particular bank whenever , intholrjudgment ,
the sumo ara necessary , lit order to a full and
cc-uipluto kuowlcdco of his or its condition.
Section t ) provides that tbo auditor uf pub
lic accounts , state treasurer nud attoruey-
gcueral , or any tvro of lUem , shall
suitable persons , having a practical knowl
edge of banking , to make an examination of
the affairs of every bunk ns often as shall bo
deemed necessary and proper and at least
once in every year , but no person shall bo ap-
Dointed who is un ofiicer , stockholder , mem
ber , partner or clerk in any banking institu
tion of this Btato ,
Section 7 provides that these examiners
shall have power to make a thorough exam
ination into all books , papers and affairs of
thobnnk , to administer oaths and affirma
tions and to examine on oath or affirmation
any individual banker and ofllcorB , agents ,
partners and clerics of such bank , and to
summon , and by attachment compel the at
tendance of any inhabitant of the state , to
testify under oath before him or them in ro
tation to the affairs of such corporation , firmer
or individual.
Section 8 provides that the bank oxamin-
crs shall bo paid 510 a day , which shall be
paid to him by the bank whoso affairs arc
examined , provided that the foes paid for
any single examination shall not bo loss
than 111) ) , nor more than $20.
Section 0 provides that every bank which
shall fall to make any report required by the
provisions of this act shall bo subject to a
penalty of } 50 for each day that It aolays
to make such report ; and every person
who shall willfully and knowingly make , or
cuuso to bo made , any falsa statement or
false entries in the books of any bank , or
shall knowingly subscribe or exhibit false
papers with the intent to deceive the ex
aminer , or shall make , state or publish any
false statement of the amount of the capital
assets , surplus or undivided profits , shall bo
guilty of a felony , nna upon conviction shall
bo lined not exceeding $10,000. and bo im
prisoned in the state penitentiary not less
than one nor moro than flvo years.
Section 10 provides that every hank shall ,
at all times , hava on hand , as a reserve , nn
amount equal to at least 15 per cent of the
aggregate amount of its deposits and im
mediate liabilities. That savings banks , do-
lug nn exclusively savings bunk business ,
shall have on baud , at all timesns a reserve ,
in available funds , an amount equal to at
least 5 per cent of its deposits and immedi
ate liabilities. The available funds shall con
sist of cash on hand and balances .duo the
corporation , firm or Individual , from good ,
solvent brinks. Immediate liabilities shall
lucluilo nil claims against the corporation ,
payable on demand. Cash shall Include
specie , legal tender notes , bills of solvent
banks , and exchange lor any clearing house
association. Whenever the available funds
of uuy batik shall fall below the reserve re
quired , such bank shall not Increase lie
liabilities by making any now loans or dis
counts , otherwise than by discounting or
purchasing bills of exchange payable at
Bight ; nor shall such bank malco any divi
dends of its profits until It has on hand the
nvallablo funds required by this act.
The auditor of public accounts may notify
any such bank. In its reserve shall fall
below the amount required , to make good
suuli reserve without delay , nud any failure
for tiio period of thirty days to nmko iron
any deficiency in the amount of deposits re
quired to bo kept on hand Hail be cause for
the appointment of ji-j-Ccoivor.
Section 11 provides that the total liabilities
of nn.v corporation , Jlrrn or Individual to
any bank or corporation , firm , or individual
transacting u banking business for money
borrowed , including in the liabilities of a
corporation or firm tlio liabilities of the sev
eral members thereof , shall at no time ex
ceed 20 percent of the capital of the bank ,
mid in no case shall the total liabilities of the
stock holders of any bank , to said bank or
corporation exceed 50 per cent of the paid up
Section 13 provides that no bank , corpora
tion , firm or individual tmgagod in the bank
ing , oroker , exchange or deposit business ,
shall accept or rccetva on deposit , with or
without interest , any money , bank bills or
notes , or United States treasury notes , or
currency or other notes , bills or drafts , cir
culating as money or currency , wheu xuch
bunk or corporation , firm or individual , is in-
Section IS provides that If any such bank
shall receive deposits when insolvent , nuy
oQIcor of such bank who shall knowingly ro-
culve , be accessory or permit or counlvo ut
the receiving or accepting such dcponits ,
shall bo guilty of a felony , and upon convia
tiou thereof , shall be punlstfcd by a line not
cxcecdlDK 110,000 , or by Imprisonment in the
penitentiary not exceeding five years , or by
both fine and imprisonment.
Suction 14 provides that whenever It shall
appear to the auditor of public accounts ,
state treasurer and attorney-general , or any
two of them , from anv examination or re
port that any bank is conducting its business
in an unsafe or unauthorbcd manner nnd is
jeopardizing the interest o [ its depositors ,
and that it is unsafe and Inexpedient for it to
continuo to transact any bunking business ,
they shall communicate the facts to the at
torney-general , who shall apply to the
supreme court or the district court of the
county where the bank is conducted for the
appointment of a receiver to tuko charge , of
and wind up such banking business.
Section 15 exempts national banks from
the orovislons of the law and provides that
savings banks shall not bo subject to the
provisions of section 1. But no savings
bank shall carry on business in this state
with n paid up capital of loss than $13,000 ,
nor shall auv savings bank receive deposits
to an amount exceeding ton times the aggre
gate of its paid up capital stock and surplus.
Under the term savings bank is Included
only such banks as do a savings bank busi
ness exclusively , paying out money only on
presentation of pass books and certificates
of dopoMt , discounting and buying no com
mercial paper and reserving the right to de
mand notice before paying doposits.
Section 10 repeals sections 1 , 3 and 3 of
chapter 8 , of the compiled statutes of Ne
braska of 1887.
Du. War. RoiiEUTS , Professor of Medi
cine in Uio Owen's College , Manches
ter , Eng. , in writing of Uright's di
sease , says : ' 'The blood becomes
spcodilv deteriorated by the unnatural
drain through the kidneys. It becomes
moro watery nnd poorer in albumen ,
while urea , uric acid and the extrac
tives are unduly accumulated in it. "
Warner's Safe Cure will restore the
kidneys to a healthy condition and
purify the blood.
They Propnro to Enter Oklahoma
With tlio Flan t Pull Must.
About a score of veterans and several
marines assembled at the G. A. n. hall on
Douglas strept , last night , for the purpose of
devising u form of pre-empting claims In the
Oklahoma territory. Aftar an informal
lovce H , H. Klrby was uiado chairman and
J. P. Henderson secretary. Attorney Munn
presented a profile of the territory and also
a form , in law known as power of attorney ,
through which the old soldiers are entitled
to lllo their claim papers by proxy. It was
finally decided to appoint n committee of live
to meet at the Merchants' National bank ,
room 001 , at 10 o'clock ' this forenoon , before
which all old soldiers ) p.ft'ut ! appear and vest
tboir right , byAeluKating the power of attor
ney , in ona of the committee , to bo so desig
nated , the latter to go In udvanco of the van.
with necessary papers , and bo at the land
ofilco whr > n it Is formally opened. The fol
lowing was appointed on the committee : D.
O. Clemants , J. O. Cuming. T. J3. Munn , J ,
P. Henderson and Harry Garner. It was
decided that the individual appointed nttor-
noy-m-fact should louvo Oiauua to-morrow
morning , and bo provided with a horse and
saddle , and , upon arriving at the verge of
the territory to put spurs to his stood and be
among the Ilrst of the boomers oa tha spot.
It was also decided to colonlzo In a territory
near Fort Reno aad along the north fork of
tlio Canadian ,
The Council Committed Inquiring
Into tlio Practice.
The committee , consisting of Messrs. ICas-
par , Davis , Lowry , Shrivor uud Snyuor , ap
pointed by the council to Investigate the
methods of the police force , convened at the
council chamber.
The Ilrst witness called was Jailor Bcbout ,
whu was examined by Chairman Kaapur. Ho
testified that when parties were arrested
they were always tried as soon as witnesses
could be proujred , and that all prisoners
confined in the city lull were furnisnod with
two meals a day. Also , that when a prisoner
is brought in jail drunk , ho Is kipt there
until ho Is soour uoforo gong | cm trial ,
ami that all moneys taken from prisoners is
kept by the jailor until the party arrested l
convicted or released. When a prlsonor Is
released on bonds before trial , the release If
upon the Instructions of the chief , the Judge
or 0119 of the police captains.
Patrick Havcy , the night jailor , testified
in substance to about what Bcbout had
sworn to. Ho said that all prisoners ar
rested ou a charge of "suspicious characters"
were not convicted , but often proven ijuitloss
nnd released. The jail docket was also ex
amined , but nothing startling was discov
William Hudson , police ofiicer , testified
that there is a law against gambling. Didn't
know of any games going on now , but
had no doubt there wore some in progress.
When ou special duty , looking into tlio sa
loon business , policemen wnro instructed to
buy drinks at all places they could get in if
possible. This was to sco If the law was being -
ing obeyed. This was on t ho Sunday par
ticularly. They were instructed to do this
by u superior ofllcor. If they spend any
money in this work they are reimbursed by
the chief. "Wo always wear our stars. "
said ho , "but do not display thorn. Wo do
not wear ouruniforms when doing such duty.
Wo don't make any arrests then. Wo take
the names of the offenders. I did not repre
sent that my wife was slcn when I got a
drink at Hajooks , 1333 South Thirteenth
street. I simply asked for a drink and got
it. There was a lot of Bohemians there
drinking beor. This was on Sunday. Wo
watch drug stores just the same.
I got drinks the Sunday I
was on- special duty at Rothcry's saloon ,
Hanson & Jensen's , 503 North Fourteenth
street , at Hajeck's und at 113 South Tench
street. Uothory was acquitted , tlio other
cases are pending , I think. I spunt $1.70 that
day , I make an arrest on an nvorngo of one
in every four or flvo days , mostly for drunk
enness and vagr.mcy.
"How do you tell a vagrant ? "
"By questioning and watching him. Wo
don't often go wrong on those fellows their
actions generally give them away. "
"What is a vagrant ? "
"A follow who sleeps In box-cars , hallways
and that sort of it thing. "
"What Is a suspicious character ? "
"A man who is soon loitering around bunt-
ness houses , and watching people , and ono
who can give no good explanation of his busi
ness or Identity. "
The examination was adjourned to 2
Dotcctivo Vaughn , of the police depart
ment , was the Ilrst witness called by the
police investigating committee in the after
noon. Ho defined Ills duties as bolug the
detection of confidence men iti particular ,
and the various violators of the law In general -
oral , Ho did all h's ' special work under the
direction of bis chief. Ho expreMca n will-
ingncss to furnish the committee- any
information in his power , but
declined to answer any questions
that would Interfere with his
work as a dctoctivo or. , make public any of
the plans which ho Imd'ln ' mind.
Tlio committee did not seem disposed to
press an examination tf Mr. Vaughn's career
and dismissed him. < >
V. M. Ellis of th6 < tnountcd police , was
called by the committee. ' The witness tostl-
lled that bo bad done snino special work dis
guised as a private citizen , espe
cially In looking out for viola
tors of the liquor law , Ho
reported eight cases oT saloonkeepers selling
liquor between inlarilglit and 4 a. m. Ho
claimed that ho had not resorted to any subterfuge -
torfugo to obtain drltiks in the saloons dur
ing the hours prohibit ( id , but wont into the
saloons and asked f or sv drink. If ho got it
ho inado a note of the /act and reported it to
the polico. If ho was refused a drink ho loft
without moro ado.
Ellis' side partnor.OW. H. Sheep , of the
mounted police , was then called.
While Ofllcor Snoop was on the stand Mr.
Hartman , of the lire and police commission ,
stated the position of the commission on the
investigation. Ho said the comiulwlon was
willing and ready to assist the committee
and the council In Investigating charges
against any member of the police force or
any ofllcial under the direction of tbo fire
and police commission , and if any wrong was
shown against any such ofiicer the commis
sion would certainly dismiss him. As to the
matter of sending ofllcors on special duty ,
disguised as private citizens , Mr. Hartinuu
hold that that was a branch of tlio police
work that could not be dispensed with. The
cnlof has a rlghtto do It. "You can't catch
a thief by announcing your coming and in
tentions by a parade of blue cloth and brass
buttons. If wo can't catch violators of the
law in policemen's uniforms wo must go
after them disguised us private citizens. "
A general consultation followed between
the members of the committee uud the com
mission , during which U was agreed that u
3ertaln other matter , upon which the two
jodios had hold some discussion , should not.
tor the good of the police force and the good
government of the city , bo inado public.
Resuming the taking of testimony , Coun
cilman ICaspar astccd Officer Sheep If ho did
not know it was against the law for him to
: > crsuado others to break the law , as ho was
reported to have done in coaxing Mr. Hub-
jurd to shako dice with him for monov. The
witness admitted that ho did. In reply to a
question by Mr. Davis , Mr. Sheep admitted
that ho had seen beer sold in the sporting
nouses and did not report it because ho was
not on duty at the time. After a further examination
amination of the witness on unimportant
joints , ho was excused , and , in the absence
] f other witnesses , an adjournment was
taken until 9:30 : o'clock Wednesday morning.
The most common causp of sickness
among1 children is disordered bowels'
Something to open the bowels and tone
up the stomach is usually all that is re
quired. Ono dose of St. Patrick's Pills
will always euro. They are safe in all
cases. They are small , sugar-coated ,
easily taken , and contain no Injurious
substance whatever. For sale by all
A Butcher Dlsannenrs.
"Closed by creditors , Paul Stoln , consta
ble , " is the legend on the door of the butcher
shop ut 110 North Twelfth street , until re
cently conducted by John Schmidt. Tlio
location was considered n good ono and
Schmidt was thought to be making money.
Some months ago , however , ho became
enamored of a cypriun in a house of 111-shupo
on Ninth street und married her. Ho found
her nn expensive luxury , so much so that his
shop receipts wore Inadequate to the require
ments of her style of living. Schmidt ran in
debt hcavilv and as a result was forced to
suspend. Some weeusugo ho sold his wlfo
his driving horse and then mortgaged the
animal to FOFK , the druggist , on Capital
avenue and Twelfth street , for$00. Schmidt
got an inkling on Sunday that his creditors
were going to force a settlement and , fearing
trouble over his shoddv transaction with Mr.
Fogg , skipped out. Ho is supposed to have
gone to Oklahoma.
The rosy freshness , and a volyoty
eoftncBS of the skin is invariably ob
tained bv those who use Po/.zonl's Com
plexion Powder ,
> *
Otslof Visits On I of.
An Omaha chief , named Elca Horn Cap ,
visited Judge Berlin yesterday and gave him
some pointers as to the way justice Is admin
istrated on the Omaha reservation. The
chief proudly exhibited a certificate from
the superintendent of Indian affairs setting
forth his virtues ns a good Indian chief and
n friend of the whlto man , A foot note on
the certificate was in very bad English and
read "plcuso to gob this man 25o or fifty
cents. "
Pears' soap secures a beautiful com
Ilun flown ,
When Fred. H. Smith , the architect ,
stopped off tbo street cur on Sixteenth near
Webster , a horse driven at a furious rate ,
struck him , knocked him down and run over
him. The driver of the buggy did net stop
to sco what mischief he had done , but
AT Dnuaoiai * AND
whipped his horse into a run and dashed off
at a furious pace. Smith was carried sense
less into VVhitchouso's drug store , where It
was discovered that ho had suffered severe
cuts on the head , hip and ankle. Ho also
sustained concussion of the brain , and his
condition was found to bo a dangerous ono.
Ho received nronor medical attention , and
Sunday oven lug had partiallv recovered con
sciousness and was pronounced out of dan
ger. Yesterday morning ho was still iu n
somewhat dazed condition.
Dr. Gluck eye and oar , Barker bile.
A Popular Onptaln.
Captain Cormack's manly breast is adorned
with a now police star that is a beauty. It
is the regulation size , the rim being of solid
silver , enclosing a solid gold star on which Is
engraved the captain's namo. It was pre
sented by Kdholm & Aikou.
A New Train.
The connecting link between Ne
braska and Kansas has just boon placed
in service by the Union Pacific railway.
This train leaves Council Bluffs daily'tit
4:45 : a. m. ; leaves Omaha nt 6:05 : a. m. ,
and runs through without change to
Manhattan , Kan. , making direct con
nections there with the Kansas division
of the Union Pacific railway for all
points tn Kansas and Colorado wobt-
bound , and for Topeka , Lawrence , Kan
sas City and points cast ana bouth via
Kansas City. Returning , train leaves
Manhattan nt 2:25 : p. m. ; arriving nt
Beatrice at 0:25 : p. in. , Lincoln nt 7:50 :
p. in. , and Omaha at 11:20 : p. in. , Coun
cil Bluffs ll40 ! p. in. , making direct
connection with Kansas division trains
from Kansas City , Lawrence , Topeka
nnd the cast , and from Denver , Salina ,
Abeline and all points west , enabling
passengers to visit the principal points
in Kansas and Nebraska in the shortest
possible timo. Thcjo trains have first-
class equipment , consisting of smoking
cars and first-class day coaches of the
latest pattern. The now train will fill
n long felt want , and is bound to bo
popular. ,
napped by Ilnnp.
John Heine , a good-natured German , np-
pcarod before Judge I3erka .yesterday after
noon charged with having boon drunk. Ho
told a story of how lie had been assaulted by
Felix Haap on South Fortieth street nnd se
verely pounded. A warrant was issued for
Uaup's arrest.
The Union Warns JJrothcr Workmen
to Itcinniii in the Enst.
Up to last accounts the master plumbers
bad taken no positive stand in favor of lock
ing out their employes.
The latter , however , ore satisfied that they
propose to do something to annoy them , cspo <
ciallyin the way of advertising for non. \ \
union plumbers abroad. To undo "J
the effect such advertising- would
undoubtedly have upon eastern plumbers
the Journeymen Plumbers' association
has sent n statement of the condition of
the trade In tlio city , to the most widely
circulated papers in all of the large towns of
the country. The state is to bo inserted M
an advertisement.
Coal tar for sale by the single barrel
or in car load lots. Address
Sioux Crrv GAS LIGHT Co. ,
Sioux City , la.
Hill JtYounu's LOSH ,
The Insurance adjusters are busy figuring
the loss on Hill & Young's stock , caused
by the lire of Saturday night. The loss is
greater than was at llrst supposed , and will
bo about $ .13,000. The insurance nmouuts to
? 30,000 , and is distributed among the follow
ing companies :
City of London $1-IS5
Gcrmanla , , , , . . . 3,000
Louisville Underwriters 1,435
Urltish 3470
Spring Garden ] 480
Merchants' 8,000
Manufacturers' and Iluildors'N. Y , . . . 2.055
Standard , Now York IjCOU
yratm iuoo ,
Granlto State , , . 2,400
Western Home 1,000
Now Hampahiie , . . , aOCO
Hockfora 2,000
New Windsor Hotel ,
Konrnoy , Nob. , has opened under now
management , refitted nnd refurnished.
First-class nccommodatimiH for travel
ing mon. Two minutes walk from Bqr-
iington and U. P. dopotH.
A. ST. JUJ.JKN , Prop.
With Paternity ,
Wesley M. Craig was arrested this after
noon and nrraignei ) bo/orp Juilgu pgann oa
complaint of Miss Juno Kenny , who charges
him with being the /athor of her offspring.
Craig works in tlio IgcomoUvo department
at the Unlou Pacific nlioi > 2.
TTfdvy | the United StMei Government. Endorsed hy the heads of the Great nTerstw
1 ul'ilc ' ' . ' "J Auab'fts , an the blroueest , 1'ure.t nnd most Healthful. T > r. ITlce' .
L'U ' ° Vtf" do" not contain Ainmoola , time or Alum , fir , Trice' * Dellclom PlavorlncKv
( 'anllla1I.eiuouOraneeAlmondKoiieetc.doiiotcouUlaroUououiOU c < rCbenjtcaji
PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. . W.wYork. Chlcngo. m. touli.