Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1889, Image 1

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A. Largo Party of Engineers Will
Sail Prom Now York.
President Harrison Taken n Trip
Down the Potomno and Hctiirnu
IlolVcnhcd Oklahoma Without
Civil Government ,
B13 FouuiKKNTit STIIEHT : , , >
WASHINGTON , D. C. , April 15. I
Chief Engineer Monacal , of the Nicaragua
Canal Construction company , arrived In
Washington to-day from Now York. Ho is
now completing arrangements to taken large
party of engineers to Nicaragua to bogln
kctlvoly and on a largo scale tha work of
constructing the canal to connect the two
Oceans. The party will sail from Now York
about the middle of next month , and will
consist of about fifty engineers , and within n
year it is expected that U,000 laborers will bo
it work. The construction will begin east
at Lake Nicaragua , the Initial steps to betaken
taken being the building of a railroad from
Groytown to a location west of the divide ,
or to Rockrldgo , which forms the deepest
cutting of the work. AVlth this preparation
ivdl commence on a largo sc.ilo the work on
the harbor at Groytown , and along most of
Iho canal line eiist of the lake. Mr. Mcnocal
ttatcd that reliable contractors of Now York
have expressed confidence in their ability
to complete thu excavation through
the "divide" within two years , if necessary ,
nnd that the work can bo done within four
years with the greatest case. This work of
the "divide" forms the keynote to the entire
problem , and further discussion bus devel
oped the fnct that It can bo accomplished
with loss expenditure of both time nnd
money than heretofore estimated. The work
between Lake Nicaragua and the Pacific
ocean will not bo commenced until that on
the other sldo is well under way.
President Harrison , nftor tovoral ineffect
ual attempts to get away for u vacation ,
finally lett this morning at 11 o'clock on the
light house tender Ollie , with the members
of his family and Secretaries Hlaino and
Wlndom. It was a cold , raw day on the
river , nnd the trip was not half as enjoyable ,
ns it was hoped it would bo , but it was about
the firat ihnnco : President Harrison has hud
to get away from the throng of persistent
seekers after ofllco who have almost worried
the life out of him since the 4th of March.
The llttlo vessel Btcnuied down the river fern
n distance of about forty miles and then re
turned to the wharf , which was reached
. about 0 o'clock. Although the glilcs were
leadened nnd the air decidedly unpleasant
nil day , " yet the relief from the strain was
perocntibla upon the president's countenance
when ho re-entered the white house this
evening , und ho seemed , ns did the members
of his family , to have thoroughly appreciated
the brief vacation.
Inasmuch as the act which throw open the
, territory of Oklahoma to settlement failed tc
contain any provision for the organization ol
a civil government of any form or character
there , that strip of land to which such an
emigration Is now on its way , will , alter the
S2d instant , bo entirely within the jurisdic
tion of the united States marshal for the In
dian Territory. Ho will have the support ol
the war department in maintaining order unt
for the purpose of com ing to some under
standing beforehand there huvo been several
conferences lately between the secretary ol
, war and the secretary of the Interior. At
torney-General Miller has been culled into
this conference on two .or three occasions
and it is understood that an arrangement bus
been entered into whereby General Merritt
in command of the army In that depart
ment , will bo given carte blanche
to proceed to bring as many troops to the
Bcono ns may bo necessary. It is cxpcctcc
hero that there will be a great deal of law
lessness for months to come , and the troops
will bo kept constantly busy in supporting
the United States marshal in maintaining
order where claim ; conflict. Those inter
ested in Oklahoma will take immediate steps
towards the organization of a civil govern
ment ot some fcrm at the earliest possible
moment after the assembling congress next
winter. Mr. Springer is conlklent that there
will bo no trouble now in securing the pass
age of a bill creating u territorial form of
government , especially after thu Cherokee
commissioners shall have made their report.
The treasury department has called for
the resignatlau of u number of employes of
the secret servlco division stationed in nil
Bcctlons of the country. The reason for the
demand for resignations at this tlmo is that
the appropriation for the maintenance of the
service Is about-run out nnd the department
docs not dcslro to create a deficiency. There
will bo no appointment to the vacancies thus
created until after the 1st of July.
In the case of the appeal of Charles E.
Jackson from the decision of the commis
sioner of the general land ofllco of April 25 ,
1888 , refusing complainant's application "to
have his homestead entry for the west hnlf
of southwest quarter of section twelve ,
township eight north , range twenty-six west ,
McCook land district , amended to embrace
in ad.di.Upn to hl present tract the cast hnlf
half of the southwest quarlor of said sec
tion , the secretary of the Interior decided in
favor of the claimant In accordance with un
net of congress of March 2 , ISS'J , providing
that a homesteader who has entered less
than one quarter section of land may enter
other and additional land lying contiguous
. , to the original entry , which shall not , with
the land first entered and occupied , exceed
1-1 the aggregate 100 acres without proof of
'residence upon end cultivation of the addi
tional entry.
James N. Currle , of Wnshinl.'on , la. , who
was , for a while , connected with the customs
ofllcu in Florida , died this evening nt G
o'clock. Death resulted from a compilation
of diseases. Puiiuv S. HBITH.
The MUwniikco'i Annual Statement.
NKW YOIK , April ,15 , The annual report
of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul road
for 168S shows n net revenue of $7,703,551 ;
disbursements for interest , dividends and
more than a year ago , but on account of de
creased rates the earnings from * frtlght !
traffic were $741,000 less than the preceding
year. The balance sheet shows that ut the
close of the year tha company had a net
floating debt of * la'J'Wl. , ' ) The heaviest in
crease In operating expenses was as follows :
Engineers , conductors , etc. , expanses In
creased , fy07,000 ; fuellncreased , $730,000 ; re
pairs to tracks and bridges Increased ,
600 ; station service und repairs to loconio-
lives and curs also required largo sums more
than tha preceding year ,
Clover's Ohnncoa Considered Good.
'Si'KiNQriKi.u , HI , , April 15. Lewis P.
Clover , a prominent young attorney of this
cltv , and nephew ol Abraham Lincoln , today -
day returned from Chicago , whore ho had
ii in consultation with Robert T , Lincoln
in regard to Clover's chances of filling the
position of second secretary of legation ut
London uudor Ills distinguished cousin.
Clover declines to glvo uny Indication as to
bb > visit , but his friends ir. this city , par
ti nlarly the old time friends of too Lincoln
5'imlly , feel hopeful that Uis aspirations will
U Bratilled.
A CountertelUT Arraigned ,
, BOSTON , April 15. Lovl G. Pr.itt was ar-
x 'iifiicd for trial In the United States district
' 'court to-day for passing counterfoil Unltcc
Btiucs notes. Ho was tried and convlcttv
Ufor a similar oiTonso In Iowa and stntencec
lv to dve years hi prison. After nerving two ol the term , he wa * pariioaod by P.-cul-
lieav Clovclacd In 1&3.
A Supreme Court Decision of Interest
to Army Officer * .
WASHINGTON , April 15. An opinion was
cndorod by the supreme court of the United
States tc-day In the case of Adam Badcau ,
appellant , vs the United States. This suit
was brought by Badcau in the court of
claims for pay ns a retired captain In the
army from April , 1870 , to September. 1831 ,
during which tlmo ho was consul-general to
London , nnd from November 2o , 1882 , up to
the date of the filing of the suit , during
which ho was consul-general at Ravenna.
The United States filed a counter claim ,
slating that Badcau was Indebted to the
United States for money er
roneously paid him as an army
officer for portions of the period
from December , ISC'.i ' , to October , 1882. The
court of claims , by a divided court , dismissed
both claims. The supreme court holds that
General Badeau , wlillo drawing a salary ns
consul-general , was expressly Inhibited from
receiving uny additional compensation for
discharging the duties of any other office.
It Is true , the court says , that it has been
decided that a person holding two offices
under tlio government , when thu services
rendered or which may bo required ot them
were not Incompatible , Is not precluded from
receiving the salary or compensation of both ,
but the treasury department did not appar
ently regard this case as falling In this excep
tion and thu court agrees with that conclusion.
It Is hold that though under the act of 18T5
certain army officers may hold diplomatic or
consular appointments without being hold
to thereby resign their plnco In the army ,
this docs not entitle them to pay ns army
officers. When they nro absent from their
country in the discharge of continuous
duties inconsistent with subjection to mili
tary rules , officers , though they innv still bo
borne on the retired list , can not receive
double compensation ,
The court uUo rofuos to disturb the
Judgment of tlio counter claim of the United
States. If ho was not un officer in law ho
was serving such In faith , nnd no reason Is
seen why ho should bo required to return
what was paid him wlillo ho was discharging
duty as an army officer. The opinion Is by
Chief Justice Fuller.
tV University How.
\Vyo. , Aorll 15. [ Special Tele
uram to THE BIH. ] There is trouble at the
university of Wyoming. The literary so
cieties are the Phllomathcan and the Adclphi.
The usual jealousies which exist between
college societies have existed between these ,
nnd have been very marked through the
winter , nnd in sorno instances have taken the
form of personal rows. A great deal of hard
feeling has boon engendered , and finally
some of the Plnloinutheuns wont to the
faculty with talcs of the Adelpliis. The
faculty investigated the matter , nnd ns the
result made nineteen charges against the
Adelohls of insubordination und calumniating
their instructors. The Adelphia society was
ulso ordered adjourned without delay. Most
of the Adolphis are residents of Lurauilo ,
and naturally their parents have espoused
their cause. The calling of a meeting of the
regents and appealing the matter to them
was at one time contemplated , but an effort
will bo made to settle the matter without
such resource. Five of the Adelphis have
ulrcady withdrawn from the university on
account of the faculty's action.
The Sainonii Commission's Tank.
NEW YOUK , April 15. [ Special Telegram
to Tun BEE. ] Two hours boforotho Samonn
commissioners sailed from New Vorlc a spe
cial messenger from the state department at
Washington handed William Waltir Phelps
a largo envelope bearing several great red
seals. It contained official instructions
They wore guarded carefully , but neverthe
less an accurate abstract has been obtained.
The commissioners have no light task before
them. They will insist upon the autonomy
of the native government. They will resist
all attempts to hold Americans rcspon siblo
for disturbances on the Island. They will
endeavor to lighten as much as possible any
burden that m y be placed upon the Samo-
ans. They will demand equal representa
tion in the local government of the island in
the event that any foreign Influence Is per
mitted to share in It , und finally they will
Insist upon the restoration of the status quo.
No ono can predict the length of the confer
ence. Sessions will bo held from time to
.line , nnd it is not expected that the commis
sioners , if successful in their mission , wil
cturn to this country for several months.
i'lio commission is limply provided with
funds , the entire appropriation of 5500,000
mudo by congress to settle the Sainoan
.roubles being available for their expenses.
Their Tale Still In Doubt.
Nr.w Yonic , April 15. There is no news of
: ho missliip steamer Danmark. The ques
Lion that now occupies fie minds of marino
men is , when will the National ship Den
mark arrive and will she bring news of the
Danmark } The National steamship Is now
two days nnd several hours overdue. There
I ? a possibility that the delay of the Denmark
s duo to nor having collided with the Dan
mark. The National line stoatncr Ucumarl
left London March 30. The Thingvalla
steamer Danmark left the port of Christiana
March 20. The vessels could not , therefore ,
bo far apart when the latter was seen water
logged by the City of Chester. Sovera
ships came Into port to-day , but so far none
of them bring the wished for news.
Swedish Singers on Board/
HUDSON , Wls. , April 15. Mrs. Ingobong ,
of this city , aud Miss Bertha Elckstrom , sister
tor of Mrs. Emil Olund , also of this city
wcro nmong the passengers on the ill-fate
Daumurk. Miss Lofgron nnd Mrs. Olund
wore members of the famous Swedish quar
lotto which made n tour of this country
Both ladles hud made arrangements to sing
in a church choir in Minneapolis.
Testimony Aualnst lloulantjer.
PAHIS , Auril 15. The Evcnemcnt says : A
number of documents proving that General
Boulangcr hud tampered with the army have
been submitted to the commission of the sen
ate which is to conduct the trial of General
Bouhmgcr and other leaders of the Boulun-
gist party. Thu arrest of a number of mili
tary men Is imminent. The warrants that
wcro issued for tha arrest of Boulaugcr , Roch-
ofort and Count Dillon huvo been served at
their respective residences , this being a for
mality which Is required to prove- that the
defendants uro guilty of contumacy.
The Chcrokca Commission.
WASHINGTON , Aurll 15. George D , Robin
son , of Massachusetts , J. Otis Humphrey , of
Illinois , and Alfred M. Wilson , of Arkansas ,
members ot the commission recently ap
pointed by the president to negotiate with
thd Churokeus and other Indian Territory
tribes , for the cession of certain lands under
the act of March ' - ! , 1888 , mot to-duy and re
ceived their commissions. The written in
structions are elaborate and contain a com
plete history of the government's treaty re
lations with these Indians Irom the earliest
To Cnpttira Lower California.
Los ANOBLKH , Cal. , April 15. Tlioro Is a
well authenticated scheme on foot to capture
Lower California. A reporter yesterday
found two gentlemen who.have bueu asked to
join In the undertaking- . They stated that a
fitthciuu U being worKcd through n secret
society which has a largo membership
through the boutli. They uro well organized
and number now over 1.000 men in the mili
tary department. The civil department takes
In many prominent and inllueutlal men.
StramBhlp Arrival * .
At Glasgow Tbo State of Nebraska , from
New York.
At New York The Arlrona , from Liver
pool ; thu Slavonia , from Copenhagen , and
the Hainmonla , from Hamburg ,
At Antwerp Tbo IllicoU , from Phila
Sad Sulcldo of Peter Mo3off , of
Elmwoocl , Nob.
A. Bridge Builder nt Nebraska City
Anxious to Meet An Un
friendly Critic Umlcr
Any Union.
Died on His Wife's Grave.
Eoiwoon , Neb. , April IS. As some citi
zens were looking through the cemetery
they discovered the dead body of a man
lying ftxco downward. Examination dis
closed the fnct that It was the body of Peter
McGoft , a citizen of Elmwood , and formerly
foreman of the Missouri Pacific section here.
Mrs. MeOofT , was burled on Friday , and
since then 1'ota has been despondent and
down-hearted. Late at night ho procured
poison and wended his way to the lonely
: rave of his deiul wife nnd swallowed the
ose. Marks could easily bo seen wheru ho
lad lain on the grave of his xvlfo , but before
tfi came ho had wandered nwny about
rods , and was found face down with ono
eg cramped up under him and both hands
ilutchcd full of dead grass. Pete's wife hud
icon sick for three months , during which
line ho had often declared ho would kill
ilmsclf If she died , at ono time procuring a
ovolvcr and saying it was to take his life
Tlic Code oT Honor.
NEIIIUSKA CmNeb. . , April 15. [ Special
'clcgram1 ' to Tun Bic.J For some tlmo
hero has been an ill fooling of a serious nu
ll ro between Colonel S. N. Stownrt , of Phil-
.dolphla . , a pontoon bridge builder , and U. T.
Ihunnon , a railroad contractor of this city ,
rowing out of n personal matter. It culmi
nated to day In the following challenge :
NumiASKA CITY , April 14. I ? T.Shannon :
f any man who thinks this britlgo is run by
'cut throats" or robbers will meet , me in a
luiot place , with or without weapons , I will
do the best I can for him. S. N. STEWATIT.
The matter Is regarded as serious by Shan
non , and Stewart's friends assert that ho ,
too , Is in earnest. Stewart Is In Omaha and
his return is uwaltod with interest.
Didn't Shoot Straight.
ELMWOOD , Neb , April 15. Dave Kite , an
gcd farmer , living six miles northwest of
Elmwood , had a narrow escape from being
hot down in cold blood. Ho had some
ivords with John Marsh , n farm hand , who
, vas drunk , but the trouble was thought to
bo over , when Marsh , who Is a big 200-
[ lounder , went to the house and got a re
olver and returned to where the old man
vas pumping water , and without any wani
ng deliberately Urea twice at Mr. Hito. The
! lrst ball passed through the upper uiuscloof
his left arm and the second burned his richt
3ar. Marsh at once pulled out toward Ash-
and , but will probably bo captured , as a
.varrant . has been sworn out for his arrest.
Biirnlnj ; Box Cnrf ) .
DAKOTA CITY , Neb. , April 13. | Special
Telegram to Tun line. ] Tramps sot flro to
box car at South Sioux City to-day and
destroyed the entire cur aud demolished the
ends of the two at each end , and also came
near burning the box car used as a depot
nnd twenty-five cars loaded with merchan
dise , lumber , etc. Had it not been for the
ngent and section men , who pushed the cars
way , all would have been destroyed , there
being no engine nearer than Sioux City. The
new depot at this saino plnco was destroyed
by a fire sot in a box car last month. There
's no clue to the incendiaries.
n. & M. Magnates nt Kearney.
KEAIINEY , Nob. , April 15. [ Special Telegram
gram to Tun BEE. ] Two special cars , con
fining the 13. & M. and Chicago , Burlington
& Qulncy otllcials , arrived in the city , this
afternoon. J. C. j'oasoley and H. B. Stone ,
first nnd second vice-presidents of the Q ,
and Manager Holclrcgo , of the B. & M. , are
with the party. They visited the water
power nnd other places of Interest. It is not
known what their mission hero is , but it has
been hinted that the B. & M. will build
northwest from hero this summer.
Arrested For Kmuczzlomont.
DAKOTA CITY , Nob. , April 15. [ Special
Telegram to Tnc BEU.J Dakota City is full
of excitement over the arrest of Huns Mlth ,
city treasurer of Jackson , Nob. , on the
charge of embezzling $1,000 over three years
ago. A warrant was sworn out by J. M.
Sovcrson. Ho has boon treasurer for four or
five years , and thfs is a surprise to the com
munity. Ho gave bonds in the sum of $1,000
for Ills appearance nt u preliminary hearing
uext Friday nt J.0 o'clock.
A Now Bank.
KB MINGY , Nob. , April 15. [ Special Telo-
gratn to THE BEB. ] The Kearney Savings
bank opened Its doors to depositors to-day ,
This makes the seventh banking institution
in the city. The bunk has an authorized
capital of 4100,000 and responsible. The of
ficers arc : Ross Gamble , president ; F. J.
Switz , vice president ; J. L. Bennett , cashier ,
and J. L. Purrotto , assistant cashier.
A Hotel Closes.
Bi.Ain , Neb , , April 15. [ Special to Tnn
Bun. ] The Commercial liotol closed its
doors to-day. J. W. Mnylo , of Blair , and .T.
II. Ilungatc , of Omaha , own the building.
There is a good chance for n good man to
start a first class hotel hero.
To Du Sold on Chattel Mortgage.
Ai.moN , Neb. , April 15. [ Special to TUB
BEE. ] Saturday night E. G. Hough , deale
in hardware , gave a chattel mortgage to the
First National bank. The stock was taken ,
possession of this morning by the bank
which will proceed to sell it.
To Attend tlio Norval Banquet.
LINCOLN , Nob. , April IB. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE.I Secretary Laws , At
torney-General Lceso , Commissioner Steen
nnd Auditor Benton went to Seward this
evening to attend a banquet given by the clt
izons of that place in honor of Senator Nor
val. _
Hurford Appointed.
LINCOLN , Nob. , April 15. | Special Tele
gram to TJIB BEE.I The governor to-day ap
pointed Nathan A. Hurford , of Hastings ,
quartermaster of the soldiers' and sailors'
A Well-Known Railroad Man Takes
III A Own Life.
MINNEAPOLIS , April 15. Charles F. Hatch ,
president of the Wisconsin , Minnesota &
Pacitlo railway , committed suicide this
morning In his ofllco by shooting himself in
the mouth with a revolver. The suicide Is
well nigh Inexplicable , as Hatch's business
and domestic relations were of the happiest.
Ho was ovcn-teinporcd , contented and his
friends are at u loss to explain the deed. It
Is hinted that ho hud been speculating in
wheat and had lost heavily and that this
caused despondency. His friends scout at
this story.
Kscnpo of a Train Ilobuer.
ALTJCQUEIIQUE , NM.Aprill5 Three of the
Canon Diablo train robbers passed through
Albuquerque to-day , en route to Holbrook ,
Ariz. , In charge of the sheriff , Last night
near fiaton , N. M. , one of the gang made his
escape through a window , while the oftlcers
wore napping. Two deputies started In pur
suit , and as the prisoner is shackled , they
will probably capture him.
A Bolt Creates Snd'ifiWoo In n Farm
er's Honso. " '
FiNnLAT , April 15.- The family of C. H.
1'crklns , living In Jackson township , this
county , had n remarkable experience during
n thunder storm yesterday. A bolt struck
the family residence , tearing away the tin
roof and cornlco , and .then descended by a
plpo to thu kitchen. Hero it knocked down
the furniture and throw a dog which was
sleeping by the steve so violently against the
utono wall ot the np'artmcnt that it was
killed. A servant who was standing by the
steve was stunned nnd shocked so "severely
that she Is notoxpcetod to recover. Mrs. Per
kins and babe , who were in the room , escaped
without Injury. In front of tha house was
the hired man with n team of horses. The
team ran away , throwing the man from the
wagon and severely injuring him. Mr. Per
kins was in the garden when the bolt struck
the house. Ho was so severely stunned that
ho did not recover consciousness for an hour ,
The house caught fire from the overturned
stove , but n hoavv rnln extinguished the
( lames before much damniro was dono.
One Hundred KnmillcH Loft Homeless
am ! in a Destitute ! Condition.
DDANVIU.C , April 15. Information has been
received hero of a terrible forest fire In
Patrick county , which swept everything be
fore It. Six horses , a largo number of hogs
, nd cattle and numerous dwellings and to-
lacco barns wore consumed. Many people
uro left In a destitute condition.
A special to the Sun says that the forest
fire extended from Patrick Springs to the
rltz , covering an area of ten miles long and
hrco to six miles wide. The llro commenced
Friday afternoon and burned until a heavy
rain aided the men on Sunday night in
stopping it. Over ono hundred families are
loft homeless , escaping with only the clothes
they wore. The latest report Buys that
sixty head of caltlc. ten horses and over two
hundred hogs wcro burned to death. It is
estimated that ono hundred dwellings have
been destroyed. Ono man is known to huvo
been burned to death , nnd four others nro
reported missing. The damage will amount
' .o many thousand dollars.
The Dentil Uncord.
NEW YOIIK , April 15. The death of Wil-
lam A. Cole , at ono time president of W. J.
Wilcox & Co. , was announced on the produce
exchange this morning. Ho was extensively
Icnown not only in this country , but in conti
nental Europe. The firm was the largest
doing business with foreign countries m
homo products , especially lard.
General Charles ICi Graham , ex-surveyor
nnd ax-naval ofllcer of the port of NoiV York ,
ilicd at Lakewood , N. J. , to-day , at 3 p. m.
WASHINGTON , April 15. Hear Admiral
, Villium Uodgcrs Taylor died in this city last
night from a complication of diseases.
Gi.oVEiivn.LC , N. Y. , April 15. Allen C.
Churchill , a prominent republican politician
and extensive glove manufacturer , died of
anoplexy this morning , aged sixty-nine.
hurchill was n pioneer In the glove Industry.
WASHINGTON , April 15. The department
of state received u cable dispatch announcing
the death to-day of United States Consul
Dittnmn , at Brcslau. Ho was appointed
Pleading for Mnckln's Pardon.
pitiNcriELi ) , 111. , April 15. Governor
Fifer to-day gave a hearing to R. W. Rath-
bone nnd Frank Collier in the application
'or'a paraon for Joseph C. llnckln. No re
sult was reached , however , and the chances
of executive clemency in behalf of the dis
tinguished politician arc not considered the
brightest to-night. It is no secret that Gov
ernor Fifor was disa'ppofnted to-day when
the only person who appeared to plead in
Joe Mackln's behalf was Frank Collier.
From the great mass of documentary senti
ment that has bcca spread before his ex
cellency it was expected that many of the
"euding lawyers and citizens of Chicago
ivould appear before the governor. The gov
ernor replied that he would take the matter
under advisement.
A Patent Decision.
WASHINGTON , April 15. Attorney-general
Miller to-day ruled adversely on the claim
that under the articles of .tho international
patent convention of Berne , a foreigner is
as much entitled as an American citizen to
secure a caveat in the United States. The
attorney-general holds that the treaty article
relied upon can only become operative after
legislation by congress abolishing the present
law , which requires of a foreign inventor de
siring an American' caveat , ono year's resi
dence in the Unitod'Statcs , and an affidavit
of intention to become an American citizen.
Tortured anil Ilnbund.
CUMIIEHLANU , Md. , April 15. Masked men
last Saturday night Invaded the house of
Christian Yoder , near Meyersdale , Somerset
county , Pa. , and spent several hours tortur
ing the old man who was Infirm und ill. They
hanged him to a hook , took him down and
hung him up again , and then secured $183
and left. At the tirao of the robbery there
were five persons in the house a hired man ,
nnd two servant girls , besides Mr. and , Mrs.
Yoder. Yesterday a neighbor gained an
entrance and found the occupants on the
floor , all bound and gagged.
Indiana's Flnnnoos In Bad Shape.
INDIANAPOLIS , April 15. A suit to test the
constitutionality of the act of the late legis
lature , authorizing a loan of $700,000 , was
decided to-duy In the circuit court. Judge
Howland , in a brief opinion , held that the
net was unconstitutional. The case will bo
immediately taken to the supreme court ,
and If that tribunal holds that it Is uncon
stitutional , the state finances will bo seri
ously embarrassed , and it may become nec
essary to call a special session of the legis
lature to provide the necessary funds for
carrying on public institutions.
Cuutnlii Hohaak Ueinutatcd.
Ciiiotno , April 15. Ono of the latest offi
cial acts of Mayor Roche , whose term of
office expired to-night , was the reinstate
ment of Captain Michael J. Schaak , to the
north side police , who was suspended boino
weeks ago on tbo strength of charges made
by the Times , to the effect that ho was
leagued with Inspector Uonficld and Do-
tectlvo Loowenstlcn in various crooked
Manltolm Il'ralrlo Fires.
WiNNii-KO , Aprilj 15. Manitoba farmers
have suffered severely by pralrlo fires. Im
mouse damage lias been dono. At Capita
City , near the Dako'ta boundary , yesterday
a prairie fire was Been approaching. Ono
hundred and fifty men saved the town , after
a four hours' hard fight. Dense volumes oi
smolto have been hanging over that district
for several days. Rain commenced falling
- _ ,
Soft Steel Experiments.
THOY , N. Y. , April 15. The Troy Steel
and Iron company completed an experiment
in making soft steel under the process In
vented by C. W , Bildt , chief chemist for
Washbum & Moon , of Worcester , Mass
The experiment wa n success. This quality
of steel lias heretofore been imported from
Germany. The question of the cost of manufacture
ufacturo Is to bo determined to ascertain 1
steel can bo made here to compete with tbo
Imported article.
Given Up I-'of ! " > t.
PIIILADELVIIIA , April 15. The pilot boa
Enoch Turlcye 1ms been given up for lost
having been tea days out. Five pilots and a
crew of six were on board.
The Wpather Indications.
For Nebraska and Iowa ; Fair , followet
by light rain , higher temperature , southerly
For Dakota : Light rain , higher torn-
pcruturc , southerly winds.
Decision In a Suit Growing Out era
a Notorious Swindle.
JricnlncomidB for OradltiR the Sioux
City & Oudcn IlmlU Challenges
Carver Mnoullar Signed
by lies Mollies.
* Declared the Note Void.
CS MOINBS , In. , April 15. [ Special to
Tun Hnc. I A cnso involving what Is known
ns the Bohemian oats swindle , has Just boon
concluded at Marshalltown. A man who
md given his note In payment for Bohemian
oats , resisted the collection. The scaled vor-
tlet of the Jury was announced this nftor-
loon. It decided for the defendant , holding
hat thn note was void , on the principal
: rouml that the transaction was In the na-
uro of eambllnp , nnd therefore Illegal. If
.ho decision Is sustained , It will make void
over ? 10,000 worth of notes given for Bo
hemian oats In Marshall county.
The Gns Company Defeated.
IOWA CITY , la. , April 15. Judge Falrall to
day gave n long opinion in the district court
n the light between the lown City electric
, ight company and the city gas company , de
ciding against J. K. Graves , of the latter
company , and holding that the sale uv the
L lrst National bank , of Chicago , of half of
, ho stock of the Iowa City gas company to
the Iowa City electric light company , hold
as security by the bank for a loan from
Graves , was valid. The Judge restrained
the gas conmany from entering into a con
tract with lown City to furnish electric
lights ,
Brolco Ills Nook.
DES MOINES , In. , April 15. | Special Tele-
; ram to the IJcc. ] Yesterday , whiloCharlio
Ynnonburg and three companions wore ex
ploring n cave on the banks of the Missis
sippi , near Lansing , In Allamkoo county ,
young Vnnenburg ventured too near the edge
and fell over the cliff to the bottom , n dis
tance of ItJO feet. His neck was broken and
bo was dead when reached.
A Sioux City Failure.
CSioux CITV , la. , April 15. [ Special Tele
gram to the HUE. | The wholesale dry goods
and notions firm of Klmborly , Wilson & Co.
failed hero to-day. Chattel mortgages wore
filed to secure preferred debts aggregating
$2J,000. A largo number of attachments
were sued out for unsecured claims. De
pression in business on account of light
winter trniio is given ns the cause for the
The Sioux City ft Ofjdcn.
Sioux CITV , In. , April 15. [ Special Tclo-
grani to THE BEC. | Bids for grading the
first 100 miles of the Sioux City & Ogden
railroad were opened to-night. Eighty firms
| iut in bids. It will bo several days before
the award is made. The nfllcors of the road
announced that bids for grading 110 miles ,
from the Wyoming terminus , would bo
opened May 15.
Bttdd Challenges Carver.
Diss MOINES , la. , April 15. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE.J C. W. Budd , of this
city , to-day issued n challenge to Dr. Carver
to shoot 100 live pigeons , club rules , the
match to bo held in Chicago , St. Louis , Kan
sas City or Cincinnati , for the championship
of the world ana a purse of ? 200 a side. This
Is the outcome of the recent match in this
city , when Carver and Budd met under un
favorable conditions.
DCS Molnos biRiiH Maciillar.
i:9 MOINES , la. , April 15. [ Special to
THE BGE.J Macullar , who was captain nnd
short-stop of the champions last season , was
to-day signed to play in the same position
for DCS Moincs this year , und in addition ho
will bo manager ot the team. The team is
now complete , with seventeen men signed.
John IT. Pickctt llcnppnlntcd.
DES MOINES , la. , April 15 , [ Special Tele
gram to THE BKE.I Governor Larrabeo
to-tiny rcappoiutcd John II. Pickett , of
Oskaloosa , us a "member of the state board
of pharmacy.
Will jRcsfst n Knductlon.
DUIJUQUE , la. , April 15. [ Special Telegram
to THE BEE.J The employes of the Chicago ,
St. Paul & Milwaukee road , at this place ,
are expecting a reduction in wages nnd they
say thatihoy will Join in a general strike on
the entire system if that is done.
Some Points on Which Judge Coolcy
* Is Asked to Throw Light.
CHICAGO , April 15. Chairman Cooley , of
the intcr-stato commerce commission , in n
letter received to-day by Chairman Blanchard -
chard , of the central traffic association , dis
pels the widespread impression that the long
nnd short haul clause is suspended between
numerous points. Judge Cooloy's letter says :
"I dcairo to call your attention to one error
into which you seem to have fallen , namely ,
that the commission has suspended the oper
ation of the long and short haul clause of thu
act for some parts of the country. There
was a suspension for a short timo. but the
original orders made were allowed to expire
and there are noiio now in force au.vwhoro. "
Judge Cooiey's statement was brought out
by a communication from Chairman Blanchard -
ard asking Information on several questions.
The first query was : If all lines from Pitts-
burg Jointly agree on u proportional tariff to
Burlington , to bo . applied only to
traffic going west of Burlington , and
which is lower than the local rates thereto ,
is the proportional tariff' proper nnd 1-jjjal ,
with something like the following notation
printed on it : "This tariff will not bo ap
plied to traffic consigned locally to Burling
ton. Through rates will bo arrived at by
adding the above proportions 10 liurliiu'toi )
to the published tarilt rates from Burling
ton.1' '
Chairman Blanchard added a note to the
above , stating that the method suggested
would servo every purpose of quoting
through rates , would bo as easily understood
by tlio general public , and would save much
money and tlmo to railroads. Another ques
tion was as follows : "In cases where
your board may suspend the long and
short haul clause of the act , by authorising
reduced rates to further points , does that
exemption apply to all companies which issue
bills of leading in connuctisn with such ex-
amplcd roads I"
Chairman Cooley was promised answers to
the above and similar questions , and tlio re
sult is being awaited hero and elsewhere
with Interest.
The St. Louis Sensation ,
ST. Louis , April 15. The suicide of John
Juckbon , president of the St. Louis Elevator
company , is still the loading topic on 'change ,
and the air Is filled with rumors as to the
causes leading up to the trah'lo event. From
Dr. Samuel lirackoit , Jiiuknon's physician ,
it was learned to-day that his Milcido was
not an impulse , for ho had frequently dis
cussed with the doctor various methods o :
self-destruction. Horace Gtiisolin , secretary
of the St. Louis Elevator company , states
to-day positively that the elevator company's
loss cannot exceed $50,000 , whereas it has
been placed at from 300,000 to WOO.OOO
The funeral of Jackson took place tbU after
It is understood that the liabilities of
JackKon will reach f 000,00(1 ( , and his family
will bo loft virtually penniless. It was also
stated la to to-night that thu elevator com
had overdrawn , but that the shortage
ad sluco been uiudo up.
f1 r tUfa-
Matters In General In the Now State
The Water Supply Politics.
HtmoN , S. D. , April IB. [ Special to Tim
nn.J Now the farmers nro all right , A
steady ram of two days bus wet the ground
so well that negctallon ot all kinds must 1m-
nodlatoly show Iti effect , The first good
wetting down wo huvo had for six months.
It Is neither too early nor too late , but just in
tlmo for sprouting the grain and enlivening
; lie greening grass. As iho years go by , our
fears of tlio lack of mosturo decrease. It is
so easy to secure line , flowing wells of water
that , oven though rainfall should entirely
fall us , n sufficient supply of water could bo
obtained from the constantly Increasing
artesian wells. In Miner county , forty miles
south of Huron , there nro already about ono
hundred of these wells. None of them nro
over ono hundred and fifty feet deep , and
three-fourths of them uro less than ono hun
dred feet deep. These Mow from ono-lnch to
three-Inch streams the entire your. Two
men can bore ono in a day ; thu piping
und fitting will not cost to
exceed f25. Totul cost not over f-15.
Once constructed , there Is nothing moro to
uo done for years. Once in awhile It may
lie desirable to put down a rod and stir up
the accumulated sediment nt the bottom.
The torco of the How ut once throws this nil
out at the top , ami then the How goes on as
well ns over. The auctioneer's chestnut has
nn almost literal application , "Warranted to
never fnde , ravel , wear out , nor got dirty. "
The pressure is not heavy In those shallow
In Huron. Aberdeen , Yaiikton , Hcdtlcld ,
Alloona , and some other points , it was neces
sary to bore to u depth of from 800 to 1,000
feet to get good wolls. But the pressure on
these Is correspondingly greater. The Huron
well has 175 pounds to the square inch. The
others vary but llttlo from this figure. All
of the ton power presses hi thu city are run
by water motors , which nro fed by this urto-
sum , Tlio last Icqlslatuto emitted a law uu-
thorlzing counties to buy well dlgcing ma
chinery und loan It to the people for u small
rent , und thus encourage the construction
of these wells. Each of these deep spoutcrs
is powerful enough to irrigate a township. If
it over becomes necessary to resort to this
style of moistening the earth , ot which there
Isn't tlio remotest possibility.
The Iowa chap who wanted "to see the ad
ministration that could change its politics
qulckor'n I can , " has his counterpart In
South Dakota. Hu published a democratic-
paper in Minnesota in 13SO ; came to Dultota
in 1&81 : rnu a republican pauor aim the post-
office till 1884 ; became a democratic editor In
1884 , and so continued till last week , when
ho again began to coddle the republicans. Of
such u fellow It is needless to add that ho
fled from Pennsylvania for incendiarism ;
changed his name in Minnesota ; served time
in Philadelphia during the last two years ,
and now wears his original name.
The principal political news is that two
Dakota editors have got good positions this
week. John H. Kinir , of Chamberlain , is nu-
polntcd ono of the Sioux reservation commis
sioners : T. D. Kunouao , of tlio Woonsockot
Times , is the now warden of the penitentiary
at Sioux Falls. Both of them are first class
men.By the very latest letters from Bismarck
it Is learned that ex-Delegato Glfford , of
Canton , is to be the new attorney-general.
Ho is now in tlio capitlu arranging to tnko
the office. It is also virtually settled that
Jud Lamouro , of Pombinu , is to bo the
Northern railroad commissioner ; H. J. Hlco ,
of Bccdle , and Edmund A. Eukin , of Potter
county , are to represent the central and
southern portions of Dakota on the sumo
board. Lamouro is ono of the oldest resi
dents in the north and a good business man.
Hico was a railroader for many years , but
now n banker. Eakm is ono of the most in
telligent farmers In the territory , nnd u mem
ber of the Sioux IJalls constitutional conven
tion of 18S3. Tlio now board of trustees of
the Sioux Falls penitentiary will bo an
nounced this week. Major McDowell , of
Hlghmoro , is the new receiver of the Union
land office.
J. P. Luse , editor of the Rapid City Jour
nal , Is again appointed register of the Black
Hllis land office. Ho was n capital officer
under Arthur and is worthily returned to the
position which Cleveland let him out of. And
yet another is in clover. C. H. Hackctt , of
the Parker Now Era , has boon appointed
clerk of the court for his county Turner.
The Flaherty trial has been on a week
week hero , und will continue the most of
next week. Ho deliberutoly murdered u
courtesan because she wouldn't leave ono
bagnio und go to another nnd live with him.
Following the precedent of a late noted case
in Nebraska , ho should bo acquitted. But
ho won't for he isn't a woman. And a
mighty poor excuse for iv man. The evi
dence for the defense showed that his whole
family uro.a hard crowd much worse than
the Bnrrctts.
The flro sufferers have all been relieved
thanks to their neighbor ! ) nnd the generosity
of the border states. Their losses were
somewhat exaggerated oy the scared and
injudicious correspondent , but n sixty-six-
miles-un-hour mind , with tthcol accompani
ment , is enough to make uny correspondent
lose his head.
Hound Tor the Promised I and.
WIU.INOTON , Kan. , April J5. White
covered wagons bound for Oklahoma have
been passing through this city ull day long.
Pawnee Bill was hero this morning and
states that the soldiers have all been with
drawn from the stuto lino. Settlers urn per
mitted to go rlKiit to the borders of the
promised land. His coicn.V is now encamped
around Hunnewoll and will start from
Miller's Ranch Indian territory , Thursday
morning. There are 3,000 pcoplo wittl lilm.
AitictNSAS CITV , April 15. United Stales
Marshal Jones arrived to-day to prepare for
the rush of Monday. Ho appointed nine
deputies to-daywho will bo stationed through
out Oklahoma. Ho says ho will appoint
about fifty moro within the next thirty
days. Two or moro will guard every train
passing the country , ueporls heru from
Purcell ure to the effect that the South
Canadian is on a nimpago , and boomen , en
tering ti-oui thu south in wagons may have
Borne difficulty In getting to Oklahoma , un
less the Hood sub'iides.
ICAXHAH CITV , April 15. In addition to tlio
seventeen companies now In Oklahoma , thu
troops at Foit Elliott , Texas , will bo ordered
to Oklahoma , and It Is thought that by the
-.M ut least twenty-live companies will bo In
the territory.
Conun in lor Brood's Trial.
WASHINGTON , April 15. Tliecnurt-inortlal
convened to try Commander Book on charge
of absence without leave , and the accused
plcudod not guilty. Commodore Walker , of
the bureau of navigation , and Governor
Swineford , of Alaska , wcro examined.
Commodore Walker ICH tilled that Lieu
tenant Hook did not leavu the Pinta witii
permission of the navy department. The
accused stated to him that ha loll the ship
on his own responsibility , und had como to
Washington to Bocure certain repairs needed ,
For the defense , Governor hwmoford , of
Alaska , instilled that he hud rcqifstud puss-
age In tint Plnta to ono of the Islands where
a disturimncn existed , nnd had been in
formed that tlio vessel was unlit for servlco ,
The pcoplo of Sltka wcro anxious that the
vessel should bo put In good condition , as
they feared they would bo the first to suffer
in case of trouble with Germany ,
'H Hti-onxth Tost.
April 15. Elections for mnmbnrs
of local council : * were held throughout
France to-day , and Boulanglstn seized the
occasion to demonstrate thu strength of their
leader. At Clarendon General Uoulungcr
headed the poll with 8,517 votes , and at
Salute Fey he received I , K ) votes.
A ScodHmun
111. , April 15. Gcorpo S , Hits-
kcll , a bit ; seedsman of Rockford , and presi
dent of the state agricultural society , un
signed to-night. Ills assets are about f. ' > 0,0X ( ) .
The liabilities will reach double that sum.
The Kl , I'nul Strike.
ST. PAUL. April 15. The atrlko situation
In this city remains unchanged , It la now
intended attempt tu Murt cars to-morrow.
Cdltor Dnnlols , of Boston , Col. ,
Houudod by Toughs.
iV Cnnhlcr nt G rover , Col. , Hand *
Over All the Available Cash tea
a Polite and Nervy Sou or
the Plains.
Bloodthirsty Desperadoes.
Punm.0 , Col. , April 15. [ Special Tele
gram to THE Bnu. ] The gang otdespcradoet
who took possession of Boston , this state ,
lust Friday nnd Saturday , with the object ol
killing Dr. Brown and Editor Daniels , who
were not to bo found , however , rushed down
upon the town last night , surrounded Editor
Daniel's residence , and opened firo. Danlolj
ran out the back door and started to escape ,
liut was pierced by two bullets , and fell to
Lho ground. The robbers supposing that they
lind finished Dauiols rode to the resilience ol
Dr. Brown and commenced firing , but tha
doctor by this time had got wind of the raid
aud mndu good his escape. The robbers , nftot
running the town for u few hours und stealIng -
Ing such articles us they desired to carry
away , left for the neutral strip , where the I
officers of this county seat huvo no authority
to arrest , nnd which is very dangerous of ap 4 :
proach. Active measures will now "bo tukuil
by the state authorities to break up this , the
most desperate gang of outlaws that inhabit
Colorado. Daniels will probably dlo. Ho
was shot in the right side miditliu hip.
Ho Got Away to the 11 UN.
CHEYENNE , Wyo. . April 15. [ Special Tel.
ogrnm to THU BEC. ] A successful bunlc
robbery was committed nt Grover , Colo. ,
this morning , the robber taking nil the cash
In sight and getting away with his booty to
the hills. The bank ut Grovcr Is n prlvnta
Institution owned by C. C. Smith &Co. Mr.
Smith is also cashier. This morning shortly
after the bank wns opened a medium sized
man , with light sandy moustache nnd wearIng -
Ing n cowboy suit , broad sombrero , chaps
nnd canvass coat stopped into the bank and
presented u check for payment to Mr.
Smith , who was alone. The choolc
was written witli palo ink nnd Mr.
Smith bent his head down for n minuta
closely. When ho looked up to tell the man
the check was not good hu looked into tha
muz7lo of n six-shooter hold within u few
inches of his head. The cowboy said vcu-y
politely : "Mr. Smith , I'll trouble you for tha
funds of this bank. " Although a Winches
ter rilln was nlmott at Smith's elbow , there
wns nothlncr for him to do but hand out the
cash. The robber pocketed nil that wns
given him , reached over the counter nnd
took the Winchester rillo and bucked out ot
the door. His horse , it dun-colored cowpony -
pony , was ut the curb. He mounted and
rode away.
Cashier Smith ruttncd to the door and
guvo the alarm. Ho noticed that the cow
boy had left the Winchester rillo leaning
against the front of thu bank building ; . He.
plcKed it up und got four shots atjtho fadtff
retreating robber. Ho failed , howovef to }
hit his man , who soon disappcared'ovorj a
range of bluffs just outsiuo of "town. A
pursuing party of cowboys and mer
chants was soon in the saddle and
on the trail of the robber. j.At , dusk ,
this evening his horse was found
grazing on thu prairie near Pine Bluffs sta
tion , on the Union Pacific railroad , " and it la
thought ho boarded a freight train at thlt
point. The amount taken is abotit a thou
sand dollars. There wcro four or flvo thou
sand dollars In thu safe. Descriptions of the
man have been sent out over the Union
Pacific , and it is probable that ho will ba
A Clever Swindler Jailed.
Nmv YOIIK , April 15. iRiiutz Rainitz , tha
swindling merchant who swindled the to *
bacco trade und the Commercial National
bunk some months eco to the extent of many
thousand dollars , was locked up this morn
ing. Ho arrived under guurd lust night. , In
January Roinltz deposited throe chocks , ug- ,
grcgatlng $7.780 , in the Commercial National .
bunk. Against the account thus established
ho drew $1,815. The checks were tnen found
to be forgeries , but Koiniu hud disappeared.
Detectives found that ho had gonu to Eu *
rope , where ho wns arrested. It had In the
meunwhilo been discovered that other firms
had been swindled. The prisoner spent the
stolen money fighting against extradition.
Ho fulled und wns surrendered to Inspector
Byrnes' men. It is said that , the losses of to * J
bacco merchants through his swindles will
oxcccd $50,000. Ho was committed in de
fault of § 12,000 bail.
In Jncic the Hipper Stylo.
MOIIILC , Ala. , April 15. Captain Jonus , of
the schooner Arthur , arrived to-day from
Bay Islands und reports that at Uuatuii , last
month , Kev. Henry Hobson , wife and her
companion , u young girl , all of Jamaica ,
wcro murdered by Joseph Burcs. BUrcs ,
discovering tliat Mrs. Hubson had money ,
entered the House nt night und cut the
throats of nil three persons. Ho robbed
them of what money nnd valuables they pos-
cscsscd. The next day Bures was arrested ,
nnd ho mudo a full confession of guilt. Cap
tain Jones says that thu butchery of tlio
three persons and tlio mutilation of the
bodies of both women bore u strungo reseni
bhtnce to the murders committed by tha
Wnitechupcl murderer in England.
KllVct ol' iho Moat Inspection Law.
DUI.UTII , April 15. Last Friday night the
legislature at St. Paul p.isscd the meat In.
spcctlon bill , which practically prohibits
Chicago nnd Kaunas City cuttlu from buinjj
sold in thla state. Ono result appeared heru
to-day , when Armour and Sw'ft ' withdrew
their beef business from Duluth und th
PI ices advanced i.r ! > per cent. Similar report *
Imvo boon received from other places.
Alter Their Amor-loan Mines.
IlAi'in CITV. Dak. , April 11. [ Spocinl Tel
egram to Till ! BiiJ : : JamiiH Wilson , chief
promoter of the Hnrncy Peak tin ruining
deal , accompanied by Piof , M. O. Vliicont ,
oflhoKoyul Geographical society , George
Baring Gould , H. Itumsny and. Richard D.
Atkins , stockholders of the company , arrived
on Saturday from England and loft to-day
for the tin mines , wliero extensive work a
will bo started , Tim thrcu parties last
named uro largely inturcKted in thu culu-
brated ICimburly diamond mines of South
Afilcu. Prof. Vincent will huvo churgu of
the work.
Mayor Crc iur'n Nominations.
CHIUAUO , April 15. Thu llrat official act of
Dowltt C. Crt-glcr , the newly elected demo
cratic mayor of Chicago , who was Installed
to-night , was to submit to the common coun
cil for appointment us city comptroller the
naino of William J. Onalian , Other nomina
tions by the new mayor wcru William J.
Purdy , commissioner of pnblio works , and
Jnnun Hutchlnsoi ; , corporation counsel.
Purdy linld tlui office under ox-Mayor Hur-
ribun , Hutchlnsoii U olmlnmin of the demo
cratic central committee. Tlio nouilnutloui
wevu unanimously confirmed.
Politics Will Hu Korcntton.
New YOIIK , April 15. Representatives of ii
various business men's politic ; ; ! clubs hold a
meeting here to-day , and it was agreed that
ull business men democratic , republican
nnd prohibitionists shall mlnglo tOKUtiibr In
one harmonious body to march in the grout
centennial parudu.
Coal liiuidloru Quit Work.
Ci.KVKHNi ) , O. , April 15--Tho coal hand
lers on thu docks fronting on tlio river have
struck against a reduction in the prlco for
loading coal , and ull docks except those ojt
tiit ; Pennsylvania company arc doiei'loJ ,