8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONPAT > APRIL 15 , 1889 WITH MUFFLED DRUM BEAT , Arrival of Uio Body of the Late Oolonol Hatch ATTENDED BY MILITARY HONORS , The Gasket Corno to Army llcml- qunrtcra nnd Placed In a Ilowcr of FlowcrB Tributes of Ilcspcct. Tlio Dead Holdlnr. lm Ycstorddy Afternoon at 4:35 : o'clock the trnln on the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri 1 Vnllcy road from Fort Hoblnson , found waitIng - Ing on IU arrival n representative gathering lit of civilians and soldiers , who haa ns- icmblcd to perform the sorrowful duy of receiving the remains of the Into Colonel Edward Hatch , of the Ninth cavalry , who died at Fort Hoblnson on Thursday last. Among the olMcers present wcro Urlgndlcr- Gcucral John 11. Urooku , commander of the department of the IMntto ; Lieutenant-Colonel Bnmucl Urcek , udjutant general ; Captain 1J. Henry Kny , acting judge advocate ; Major William 13. Hughes , chief quartermaster ; Major John W. Unrrigor , chief conimlssiiry of subsistence ; Colonel Thomas A. Mcl'ur- lln , medical director ; Lloutonant- Coionol Charles M. Terrlll , chief paymaster ; LlcutcnankColoncl J. S. Fletcher , Major John P. Unker. Colonel Ludlngton , Captain Corliss , Lieutenant Trultt. Among the civilians wcro Major Clarkson , 13. S. Paddock , W. G. Albright and Mr. mid Mrs. Hatch , of Fort Madison , la , , brother nnd slstcr-ln-lnw of the deceased. A detachment of non-commissioned olllccrs from the Second infantry at Fort Omaha , consisting of Sergeants Lloyd. K company , Moran , of 11 , Carper , of 11 , Klwcll , of O , Chfistianscn , of G , Fox , of D. was drawn tin opposite thu couch contalninlng the re mains. These wcro under the command of Lieutenant Arrasmllh. They wcro among the oldest members of the Second , and presented a handsome appearance. They reversed arms and , nt the moment , Colonel Guy V. Henry descended from the funeral train. Ho had gone to Fort tltoblnsou , to attend the obsequies of his deceased friend. Ho was followed by the staff of the general who made their appearance In about tlio following order : General James S. Urlsbln , Captain U. A. Stcdman , Captain M. 11. Hughes , Captain Garrard , Lieutenant . L. Flnley Lieutenant P. A. llcltcus , Jr. , Lieutenant ( J. W. Taylor , Lieutenant M.V. . Day , Lieu tenant Hitchcock. General A. V. ICautz , commander of the Eighth infantry , was also in the number. The ofllcers of the Ninth I wore In full uniform , their bright saffron helmet crests and trim- nil tips in no manner denoting the solemn undertaking In which they were engaged. Each ofticcr , however , wore the regulation badge of mourning upon his left arm. The casket was' taken from the car specially provided for it , by sev eral of the members of the Ninth cavalry. It was shrouded in a brlcht , now national flag. Upon thu surface lay the hel met and sword of the deceased , around which latter was twined n tiny spray of ivy. The casket wus borne to the hearse , fol lowed by a soldier bearing the saddle of the deceased , and succeeded by the depart ment officers , the ofllccrs of the Ninth , and the detachment of non-commissioned of llcers under Lieutenant Arrasuiitli. The procession then formed on the street , the detachment lending , then came the bcarso with a guard of honor , consisting of six of the oldest members of the Ninth cavalry ( colored ) , namely Sergeant Taylor , chief trumpeter of the regiment ; Sergeant Shaw , of A company ; Sergeant McKinzio , of I , Sergeant IJudlo of 11 , Sergeant Wil son of I , Sergeant Uurloy of the same com pany , Sergeant Saxo of 11 , mm Serucunt Fletcher of F. Then followed the staff- oftlccrs and then the department ambu lances. The cortege moved south on Fifteenth to Douglas , thence to Tenth , thence vo the department headquarters on Farnam. Along thorouto the procession attracted a great deal of respectful attention. The reception room between these Of General Brooke and General Brcck , at headquarters , had been beautifully transformed into an alcove , a becoming resting place for a beloved soldier on his last march to the grave. The walls were formed by a skillful arrange ment of the national colors , while the ceiling , of the same material , wus doilncd by two inverted arches springing from a tlo beam which extended across the room. The beam was painted white and the bottom and sides wcro divided into diamond spaces , with au inter lacing of crape. A column sup porting the beam was similarly wound round with black. With such sim ple means a moro iniposingjtrausforination could scarcely bavo been mado. The decora tion was the work of Mr. Thompson , ono of the attaches of the headquarters. In this transitory hall , tliu casket was placed. " Tim flag was partially removed and upon the lid over the breast was placed a silver plato bearing the following inscription : Edward Hatch , Colonel Ninth United States Cavalry , Brevet , Major General United States Army. Died April 11 , 18S9 , Aged 67 Years. On a shield of solid silver over the face , were engraved the expressive words "At .llost. " The flag was again wound around the casket aud upon the latter were disposed the floral tributes which bad been brought from Fort Hoblnson. At the head , stood a sheaf of beautiful wheat in miniature , forwarded by Mrs. Colonel Guy V. Henry. At the other extremity lay a bunk of white roses on which were crossed a pair of swords in yellow immortelles. This was the tribute of tbo garrison at Fort Robinson , Over the breast la'y a iloral wreath , the offering of General llroouo , within which rested the helmet of the deceased , The faith ful swords of the gallant olllcor lay acainst the side of the casket. Two men of the guard of honor from Fort Robinson remained on duty until 0 o'clock p. m. , when relieved by the guard under Lieu tenant Arrasmith , which , with relief overv two hours , maintained the -watch until this morning. Among the non-commissioned men from the Ninth are two Imposing- looking colored soldiers who had been with the general since the Ninth was organ ized in l&tM , twenty-two years ago. It was a tribute of respect to the deceased that front the moment of his death ho has been in sight ofn guard whoso watchfulness was a sorrow ful labor of love. It has been decided that the remains of General Hatch will bo interred in the Na tional cemetery at Leavenworth. They will bo convoyed thither to-day at lOi'M o'clock , the trt leaving from , the Missouri Pucillo ilcpot. The cortege will bo an Imposing ono , being carried out In strict conformity with the regulations , and with all the ceremony duo to u general. It will consist of the military band of the fort , escort , the -hearse , tbo Bleed of the deceased , the Second regiment unit ofllcers and friends. The proconjlon will leave headquarters at about Ui&O o'clock. Uotween the hours of 8 and 0:130 : acquaint ances mid friends of the deceased will bo allowed to view the remains. Comrades of the Grand Army of the Ko- pubUo ura requested to meet at the store of Ai M , Clark , No. 107 South Fourteenth etroot , .at 8:110 : o'clock this morning , for tno purpose of escorting the remains of com rade , Gen , Hatch , from army headquarters to the depot. Lost. "I don't know where , I cnn't tell when , I don't EDO how something of great vuluo to inoutul for the return of which I elml ! bo truly thankful , viz. : n good nppotlto. " Found. "Health nnd strength , pure blood , an nppotlto liku a wolf , regular dlrc8UonuU ( , by taking that popular mid peculiar medicine , Hood's Sursaparlllu. IP t 1 want everybody to try it this season. " It Is bold by all druggists. Quo hun dred doses ono dollar. Ilor Found. A nino-ycnr-old boy named Clmrllo VYhoeler ran away from bis homo at 418 South Thir teenth street several days ago , Ho was found yotterdoy ut Pacific Junction , la. Dr , Qluck oyg and oar , Barker blk , FIlANlk WAITERS DEAD. Ills Luna Btrneglo With DUcnso Ended With Ycslordny. Mr. Frank Walters died at 0:30 : o'clock last night at his homo , 723Soutn Sixteenth street after n lingering illness. The deceased was born In Denmark , flfty-c.no years _ ngb , nnd had been n resident of Omaha s'lnco ISC7. For the past fifteen years ho had taken an active part In local politics , and was widely known among the poli ticians of the district and stato. Ho was admitted to the Douglas count/ bar in 1877 , and has been a practitioner slnco that time. For a number of years ho had been In poor health , but has been able to attend to his professional nnd political labors until within the past four months , during which time ho has been conllncd to his homo , Ills life being slowly , but surely , yielding to the ravages of consumption , The wife of the deceased , a sisterof ox- Marshal and C. A. Wcstcrdahl , survives him. him.Tho funeral arrangements hnvo not yet been announced. Catarrh cured , health nnd sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Ronicdy. Price GO cents. Nasal Injector free. For sale by Goodman Drug Co . A Mammoth KstnbllHhmnnt. A BKIS reporter was politely shown through the warerooms of Dewey ft Stone's mammoth furniture establish ment , yesterday afternoontiml , while no was prepared to see n magnificent stoclc of goods , ho wus not prepared to en counter such a rich nnd elegant display , actually bewildering in its profusion nnd gorgeousness. The now designs in furniture ) nro both endless nnd beauti ful , and Dewey & Stone have everything there is in the market. Beginning at the basement of their Fariuun street building the reporter was piloted through iloor after floor , each ono of which contains a complete line of furniture of a distinctive char acter : ono iloor being entirely taken up with lovely parlor goods , another with dining room sets , nnothor with draw ing , library and sitting room furniture , and still another with exquisite novel ties of all kinds nnd descriptions , Tlioir chamber sot department occupies two floors , nnd including over two hundred different patterns , ranging in price anywhere from $16 UD to $1,000. The firm is now also making a specialty of fine upholstering work to order , and their assortment of costly poods in the piece Is an elaborate ono. Some of the parlor sots shown wore really dreams of ele gance , luxuriance and beauty , and but fcw houses in the country make such an exhibit in magnificent wares as Dewey & Stone. Another entire floor is devoted exclus ively to olllco furniture of nil makes , goods nnd varieties , chairs , tables , bookcases , shelves , desks , secretaries , in fact , every accessory that goes to make up a complete oilico outfit. They not only have cloven floors upon which to display their astounding stock of retail goods , but an acre and a half of flooring is utilized as wholesale ware rooms at the track. A commodious department is also devoted - voted to baby carriages , folding beds and useful and ornamental novelties. They handle upwards of 1,200 baby car riages yearly. Dewey & Stone nro the oldest firm in the city occupying ono location , having boon dointr business at their present Farnam street place for twenty-seven consecutive years. It is surely a great hduso. nnd will afford any ono pleasure to look through it. Buried by Ills Comrades. The funeral of Charles Lnmarsh , press man of the Republican , took place yesterday afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock , from Heafey & Hcafcy's undertaking establishment. The services were conducted by Father Carroll , of St. Philotncna's cathedral. Mr. Lcmarsh was twenty-eight years of ago nnd died at the residence of A. H. Clin ton , 1033 South Eighteenth street , last Tues day.His His remains were interred at Crcighton cemetery. The funeral and services were under the auspices of the Pressmen and Stercotypcr's union. Eacli body was rep resented by about sixty members , headed by the Ancient Order of Hibernians' bnnd. The procession was largo nnd the services impos ing.Tho The pull-bcaicrs were A. H. Clinton. Ed. Birch , Mat Hcincr , James Kcan , F. M. Youngs nnd William Quinlan. That hacking coug hcanbe so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. Wo guarantee it. For sale by Goodman Drug Co. Resolutions ol' Kespcct. At a meeting held yesterday by the Press man's union of this city the following reso lutions wore adopted : Whereas , It has pleased God to remove from our midst ono of our most esteemed brothers. Charles Lomarsh , at the beginning of a bright future , and Whereas , We , ills companions , recognized in him a most faithful friend nud earnest worker in our cause ; therefore bo it Resolved , That in this meeting assembled of his brother pressmen , storeotypers and eloctrotypers , that wo deeply feel his loss , aud extend our sincere sympathy to his rela tives ; and be it further Resolved , Thut a copy of these resolutions bo spread on the record of tills union ; that our charter bo draped , and a copy of these resolutions bo sent to the dally papers for publication. E. M. BIIICII , E. EOAX , , JAMLS M. KKAX. No buflot should bo without a bottle of Angostura , Bitters , the South Ameri can appetizer. Manufactured by Dr. J. G. 11. Siegort & Sons. Ask your drug- Kist , Hrothrrly Itccrention. Two brothers , Mike and John Stonhanok , being resoeetcrs of the law , laid in their supply - ply of refreshments on Saturday night. As there was nothing small about the brothers , they bought n keg of beer and took it to their shanty near Fulrbaulcs' lard refinery. Yes terday they tapped the keg and got gloriously full , ending their carousal in a light. To avoid interference by the police they barred the door before commencing the contest. Sergeant Haze and Oftlcor Rowden brolco in the door of the place and arrested thu bolllg- ttronts Just as they hud succeeded in whip ping each other. Jloth men were badly bruised about the head nnd face. The most common cause of sickness among children is disordered bowels. Something to open the bowels nnd tone up the stomach is usually all that is re quired. Quo dose of St. Patrick's Pills will always euro. They nro snfo in all cases. Tlioy are small , sugar-coated , easily taken , and contain no injurious substance whatever. For bale by all * druggists. An Unruly Muto. The people lu charge of the Deaf and Dumb institute hayo an incorrlgblo youth named Willie Martin , aged twelve years , who takes advantage of every occasion 10 run away. Ho has performed this featsooUcn that ho is known to every policeman on the force , Last night the patrolmen were given orders to look out for the runaway , ho hav ing left the institute yesterday. Ijlouicnant Mercer Promoted. Second Lieutenant William A. Mercer , company 0 , Eighth Infantry , has been promoted meted to bo first lieutenant of company A of tno samp regiment , and will proceed to Fort Mobrara to Join his now company. In No Alan's ' hit ml. Ja compliance witUCUkf Seayoy's orders Officers Snoop nnd Ellis visited No Man's Land , yesterday , nnd took the names of the six men engaged In the saloon business In that locality. The officers wcro not dis turbed in their duty as was threatened by the anonymous letter received nt the p61tco headquarters some days ngo. Bill. DnOATOlTwiIjIj VETO. Snloonn Will Not Iltin Alt Nltcht If Ho Can Help It. "I will most assuredly veto the repeal of the ordinance providing for the closing of saloons at midnight , " said Mayor Ilroatch last night when questioned on the subject. "It was a very foolish thing fo r the council to do. The scheme tn got the saloons open all night was Instigated by Councilman Kas- par. It was foolish on his part to make an endeavor to pass such a measure. Ho should not have any hope of getting the repeal through if ho has the liquor clement in view. I know that there wore ton members of the council who favored the repeal of the old ordinance , aud that there wcro six against it. Tuesday nltrht I will send In my veto , nnd the two absentees who are counted on to stay with the majority will not do it , nt least ono of them will not. It requires a vote of twelve to pass the repeal over my veto. This vote cannot bo secured In the council. "It Is not to public Interest nor will it benefit the saloonkeepers to have saloons open all night , There would bo only two or three places that would run the twenty-four hours if they wnro given that privilege. They would bo the only ones benefited. All decent nnd respectable people , except you newspaper fellows and police men , are Jn their beds at midnight unless they hnvo business out at that hour. However , the repeal of the or- dlnniico or that clause relating to closing saloons nt 13 o'clock will bo vetoed beyond any question , and I think there will bo n sufficient number of councllmcn present at Tuesday night's mooting to sustain my veto. " Ijrxlxmchcre's Grim Humor. London Truth : I fool it my duty sol emnly to nlllnn that , incredible as it may appear to Primrose dames , I did not bribe Pigott to commit suicide by promising him an annuity. How to Get Rich. Now York Times : "How did I got rich ? " quoth Commodore Vnndorbilt once , "why , chiefly by buying things when every body else was scared to death and bound to soil out. " A New Train. The connecting link between Ne braska and Kansas has just boon placed in service by the Union Pacific railway. This train loaves Council Bluffs daily at 4:45 : a. m. ; loaves Omaha al 5:05 : a. m. , and runs through , without change to Manhattan , Kan. , making direct con nections there with the Kansas division of the Union Pacifio railway for all points in Kansas and Colorado west bound , and for Topeka , Lawrence , Kan sas City and points cast and south via Kansas City. Returning , train leaves Manhattan at 2:25 : p. m. ; arriving at Beatrice at 0:25 : p. m. , Lincoln nt 7:50 : p. in. , nnd Omaha at 11:20 : p. m. , Coun cil Bluffs 11:40 : p. m. , making direct connection with Kansas division trains from Kansas City , Lawrence , Topeka and the east , and from Denver , Salina , Abelino and all points west , pnablin'g passengers to visit the principal points in Kansas and Nebraska in the shortest possible time. These trains have first- class equipment , consisting of smoking cars nnd first-class day coaches of the latest pattern. The now train will fill a long felt want , and is bound to bo popular. Personal Paragraphs. Miss Kate Castieton is at the Millard. J. A. Cain , of Chicago , is at the Murray. D. M. Lewis , of Atlantic , Is at tho'Millard. W. H. Fay , of Camden , N. J. , is aftho Pax- ' " ton. V. Danford , of Burlington , is at the Bar ker. ker.F. F. S. Plumb , of St. Joseph , is a Millard guest. W. H. Crosby , of Denver , is a Murray guest. R. C. Quigley , of San Jose , Cala. , Is at the Pax ton. David Moore , of Ashland , Wis. , is at the Millard. C. C , Knapp , of Beatrice , is registered at the Millard. P. H. Stretton , of Davenport , is registered at the Hunter. P. S. Preston , of Dubuque , la. , Sundaycd nt the Paxton. W. H. McCreary nnd Walter E. Wood , of Chicago , are ut the Barker. J. C. HPUC ! and daughter May , of Avoca , la. , were In the city yesterday , guests at the Barker hotel. Thirty-three members of the Johnson & Slavin minstrels , including the principals , are stoppinp ; at the Hotel Barker. Mr. Fred Pickcns , chief clerk of the Omaha postoffico , returned yesterday from the Paciiio coast , where ho has been recuper ating the past fortnight. Fisher Printing Co. , 1011 Fnrnam st. . telephone 1204 , blank book makers , etc , Notice. All soldiers , sailors and marines are re quested to meet in the onto room of the G. A. R. hall , 1310 Douglas street , at 8 o'clock ' p. ra. , to take action to locate claims to Okla homa. Caught a Burglar. The police have caugh t a burglar. At 3 o'clock yesterday morning the patrolman on Tenth street near the Union Pacille depot made a raid on a banana stand and dragged from It n sleepy tramp , Isaiah Hopklnson , who was jailed and charged with the crime of burglary. Momluy , April 16 , 1880. April Showers. Perhaps there's one in a hundred who doesn't need a medicine in the showery , springy April. To the ninety-nine we offer Paine's Celery Compound , with the guarantee that it is the medicine needed in the springtime. Why ? ( Becausc spring debil ity affects the whole system , and to overcome it a medicine that will purify the blood , strengthen the nerves and at the same time , regulate liver , kidneys and bowels , is needed. Paines Celery Compound is such a medicine. It is guaranteed entirely vegetable ; it is a physician's prescription ; your neighbors use and endorse it. General W. L. Greenleaf , of Burlington , Vt. ' who was in the drug business for nearly twenty years , is familiar with the medi cinal properties of its different ingredients , and says that as a general tonic and spring medi cine he does not fcnow its equal. With a leap and a bound Paine's Celery Compound has jumped right into popular favor. It ( possesses such superior merit 0mt itvjs going to stay there. Have ou tried it yet ? At Druggists. 11.CO per bottle. SlxforU.OO. A WELLS , lUCffAUDBON & CO. , JJurU acton. Yt. Absolutely Pure. Tills powder never varies. A marvel of purity strength and wliolesomcnods. Moro economical than the ordinary Kinds , nnd cannot bo sold In competition with the multitudes of low cost , shortwolghtalumor phoipnato powders. Sold only lu can . HoyiU lluklng Powder Co. . 120 Wall street Now lork. i Jly llttlo boy , 5 years old , wns pick I with a dlsciwo for w Iilcli doctors had I I no ntimc. Tlio nails came oil hla ling- Icrs , nnd the flnscrs came oft to the I middle joint. For 3 years ho Buffered I I dreadfully ; la now getting well , nnd 1 1 lam flattened Swift's Specific is tlio I chief cause of hti Improvement. Jens DRIIII , , Jan. 12 , 1689. I'cru , Ind. , POISONED BY A CALF-My ! _ I lUtlo boy lirofro out with eorcg and I _ ulcers , tlio result of the saliva of ft calf coming In con tact with n cut finger. Tko ulcers were deep nnd pain- jtil and showed no Inclination to heal. Icavohlm Swift's Specific , and ho IB now well. Feb. 15 , ' 89. Joii.s F. llEAnn , Aulmrn , Ala. Send for books on llloocU'otsons & Skin Diseases , free. SWIJT SPECIFIC Co. , Atlanta , Go. ESTABLISHED I SSI { ISO So. Chicago , Ills. iciarkSt. llio Regular Old-EstaNIslieu1 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON It still Treating with the Greatest SKILL and SUCCESS dironic , Neryons and Private Diseases , NERVOUS "DEBILITY , Loit Manhood , Palling Memory , Exhauatlne Drains , Terrible Dreams , Head and Back Acne and all the effecti leading to early decuy.and perhaps Consumption ci Insanity , treated scientifically by new methods with never-fauinc lucceu. G3- SYPHILIS and nil bad Blood and Skin DIs- eaiea permanently.cured. KIDNEYand URINARY complaints , Gleet , Gonorrhoea , Stricture , Vnrlcocele and all diseases of the Ocnlto-Urinary Organs cured promptly without injury to Stomach , Kidneys or oJier Organs. Jff No experiments. Age and experience 1m. portant. Consultation free and aacred. JKS- Send 4 cents postage for Celebrated Works on Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases. JX3 These contemplating MaiTiage send for Dr. Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each 15 cents , both as cents ( stamps ) . Consult the old Doctor. A friendly letter or calfmay save future suffer ing and shame , and add golden years to life. 43I3ook "Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " 50 cents ( stamps ) . Medicins and writings sent ererywhere , secure from exposure. Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays 9 to 13. Address F. D. CLARKE , M. D. , 186 So. Clark St. CHICAGO , ILL. DRS. BETTS & BETTS 1108 FAIINAM STIIKET , OMAHA , NEB. ( Opposite Paxton Hotel. ) Office hours. On. m. to 8p.m. Sundays , 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. Specialists In Chronic , Nervous , Skin and Blood Diseases. t T'Consulttttlon at ofllce or by mail free. Medicines sent by mall or express , securely packed , free from observation. Guarantees to cure quickly. Rafolv and permanently. WDDunnQ ITDnTITT'Vopermatorrlnrn. ' semi- flhKVUUlS IJbDlLlil nuUo3Hos.NlglitK.nls. . slons. 1'hytdcnl Decay , arising from Indiscre tion , Kxcess or Indulgence , producing Sleep lessness , Despondency , I'lmplcs on the face , aversion to society , easily dlKCouniged , lack of conlldenco , dull , unlit for study or buslness.and Ilnds llfo a burden , safely , permanently nnd privately cured. Consult urn. Hetts Ac Iletts , 1 < 08 Karnam St. , Omaha , Neil. Bloofl and SMnDiscusL"-----.s - - - - - results , complotelv eradicated without , the aid ot Mnrcurv. Scrofula , KryHlpelna. Fever Sores , lllotches. Ulcers , Tains in thu Head and Ilones , Syphilitic Sore Throat. Mouth and Toniftie , Ca- tarrli.o. . , permanently cured where others have failed. . . . . , , , . „ * I/iiliinrr TTninnntr and llladder Complaints , ftlllllGyi UriHaTY Painful. Dimcult. too fro- ( lucnt llurnlng or Illoody Urine , Urine high col ored or with milky sodlmont on standing , Weak Hack , Oonnorrluua , Gleet , Cystitis. &c. , 1'romptly nudSafely Cured , Charges Heasona- ble. CisTiT ? Tr * > T TTT ? T11 Guaranteed per- O X JXlI.\s X U JEffXi ! mancnt Cure , re moval complete , without cutting , caustic or dilatation. Cures affected ut homo by patient without n momenta pain or nnnovancc. To YOIM Men and Middle-Aged Men , A OITDD TTIDD The awful elfectn of curly a. UUtllj llUuD Vice , which nrlngs organlu weakness , destroying both mind and body , with all Its arcaded ills , permanently cured. TIDO DEOTC ! Ailrt'ss those wno nave Impaired UllOi DDllU themselves by Improper Indul gences and solitary habit' ! , which ruin both body and mind , unfitting thorn for business , study or marriage ) . , MAIUUEII MBN. ortho e onterlngon that hap py life , aware of physical d eblllty , quickly as OUR ! SUCCESS is based upon facts. First Practical Expe rience. Second IJvory case Is especially studied , thus starting arlghc. Third Medicines are prepared - pared in our laboratory exactly to Biilt each case , thusatrectlngcures without in jury. lT"rieud U cents postage for celebrated works on Chronic , Nervo-.ts aud Delicate Diseases. Thousands cured. rT A friendly letter or call inny save you futuie sufferlngand shame , and wlif golden years to life. ff No letters an- mvered unless accompanied by 4 cents in stamps. ° ° AaareSSl mS. HET'I'S & IIBTTS , HUH Farnam Srtoet , Umaliu. Neb. DRUNKENNESS C.1 lue I.lquor liable , I'osltlTely Cared by Admlnl.terln * Dr. Huluca' Uolden HpeelOc. Hcdiiue given in u cup of colfee or lu arti cles of food , without tlio knowledge of the pa- lout ; U Is ubKoliuely harmleus , ana will ef fect a permanent and speedy rnre. whether the patient is u moderate drinker or an alcohol wreck. IT NUVl'.ll JMILS. Over IOO.OOO drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken ( Jolden Bpeclllo In their coffee without - out their knowledge , and today believe they null drinking of thelu own accord. pugo book of particular * free. Kutm & C ° , agenta 16th and Douglas sis , 18th and Cuintng etreuts , Omaha. Neb. : Council lIluKs. Iowa ; Afeuta , A. D , Fester * ; Uro , L Extraordinary Bargain Sale This Week in the New Goods , Largest Wholesale Stock to Select from and the Lowes Prices Ever Named for First Glass Goods. We Offer the Following Bargain Lots This "Week in Boy's Long Pant Suits. lot No. 1. 150 Boy's Brown Striped Cheviot Suits , coat , pants nml vest , inntlo from n pure nil woo cheviot , mnnufnctural for our own use nnd innilo in our own work rooms. Guaranteed to he perfect in every re spect at § 7 per suit. Wo claim that this is less than these goods can be manufactured for in the regular way , hub we have them made in large quantities and in this way have reduced the cost , so have decided to ofl'er them his week at the extremely low price o § 7 per suit. All sizes from 10 yeai-3 to 17. Samples of the goods sent to iiy address. Boy's Short Pant Suits , SpecialJPrice , $5. Lot No. 2 Is a lot of 200 Boy's Scotch Cheviot Knee Pant Suits , ages 1 to 13 , made from a genuine Scotc Cheviot , of a neat brown check. In appearance and wear it is equal to any suit sold as high as 88. We unhoa tatingly recommend this suit as perfect in fit and reliable in every respect. Sample ? o goods sent any nddres ? Special Sale of Men's Cheviot Suits , Prices $8 , $10 and $12. The Cheviot Suits advertised in the men's department last week will provo to be very popular , judging from tlie number sent out last week to parties at a distance. . Men's Blue Cheviot Sack aud Frock Suits , $10.00. Men's Fancy Cheviot Sack Suits , $8.00. Men's Genuine Sawyer Cheviot Suits , § 12.00. Send for samples aud self measurement blanks. OMAHA Freeland Looinis & Co. BOSTON , NEW YORK Proprietors ! DES MOINCS * Corner Fifteenth and Douglas Streets , 20to60 DAYS. This is a disease which has heretofore Baffled all Medical Science. When Mercury , Iodide of 1'otnsslum , Sarsapa rllla or Hot Springs fall , we guarantee a cure. Wo have n Remedy , unknown to anyone In trio World outside ot ourComptiuy , and one that has NEVEll FAIIMSi * to cure tlio most obstinate cnaos. Ten rtttya In recent caiea does the work. It is tbo old chronic deep seated cases that wo solicit. Wo have cured hundreds who hare been abandoned by Physicians , and pronounced Incurable , and wo challenge the world to bring us a case that wa will not cure In less than sixty dayH. Since the history ot mealclno a true speclQc for Syphilis has 'been sought for but navor found until our ITIAftBC REMEDY was discovered , and wo are justltled In saying It Is the only Itomeay m the World tnat will pos itively cure , bocnuso the latest Medical Works. pubUsned by the beat known authorities , say there was never a true specific before. Our rem edy will euro wheu everything olao hits failed. Why waste your time and money with patent medicines that never had virtue , or doctor with physicians that cannot euro you , you that have tried everything else should come to us now and gt permanent relief , you never can get It else where. Murk what wo say. In the eud you must tnke our remedy or NKVErt recover and you that have been adllcted but a short time should by all moans como to us now , not one In appears .galn In a more horrible form. This is a blood Purifier nnd will Cure any Skin or Blood Disease when Everything Else Faila. THE COOK REMEDY GO , Room 10 and 11 , U. S. National Uauk Uulldln ? , Onwlm , Neb. Health is Wealth Dn. E , 0. WEST'S NKUVK AND UKAIN MKNT , a Kiiarnntcecl tmecillc for llyhterlu , Dizzi ness. Convulsions , Fits , Nervous NenralBla. Headache. Nervous Prostration mused by the tiseof alcohol t/rtohacco. WakofuliiesH , Mental Depression , Softening or the llraln resulting In Insanity and lonillni ; to misery , aoray und death , Premature Old Ago , liarrennesi , Iioss of J'ower in cither sex , involuntary Losses mill Spermatorrluca caused by over-exertion of the Drain , salt ubuso or over indulgence. Kach box contains ono month's treatment , llabor , or alx boxes for $5 , Bent by mall prepaid on re ceipt of jirlco. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each oruer received by us for six boxes , accompanied with W , o will Bend the purchaser our written guarantee to re fund the money if the treatment dons not elfoct acute. Guarantees Issued only by ( ioodinan Drug Co. . Druggists , Sole Agents , 1110 Farnam btreet Omaha eb. EXHAUSTED VITALITY Adreat Medical Work for Young and Middle- Aged Men. SHOW THYSELF , Voupg and middle-axed toeii who are suircrlnir from tlie Innrscretiuns of yuuth , Kzhausted Vitality , herr. ous and I'Jiynlcnl Dutilllty. 1'rematuro Decline , &o. , und tlio tliouiuiid untold miseries consequent tliuro- uii , aril ull wno uro sick und suflerlnic , anU < to not know what 8U | them , can bo cured without tall by fnllowlnic tile Instructions In the Kclcnce f Life or belt rroervutlon. t'rlcoonly It , by nmil. post-pHld , > aled. It l a book for eTeryraan.BUO piiucs. fulfullt , 123 Druncriptlons for all acute and cbronlo diseases , fully IndorM-d by tbe National Medical Association , who awarded Ibe gold auU jeweled medal to tbe author. Jlluairi- sample , nltli Imlorteinenti of tno press , free If you ftuply now. Address the I'ea- il InsiUute.or Dr. W. II. I'AKKtiU. No. Wo are now prepared to show one of the most complete lines of medium and fine suits , In lioth sacks nnd cutaways for bus iness or dress wear , that you may desire to look at. Itemomhor , wo have two well lighted sales floors , 4,400 square feet , in which to dl.-'play goods. Haz Uoyer-Establlshed 1856-Adolph Moyar Max Meyer SIXTEENTH - AND - FARHAM - STREETS General Agents fur STEINWAT , CHICKERING , KHABE , VOSE & SONS , BEHRBROS , , and JAS , W , SIARR PIANOS ! Story & Clark and Slioiiingor-Bell Organs , SI'KClAb PltlUKS AND TEHMS , Write for Catalogue , "COFFET Tlio rubllo are nnt uenem/ ! ! aware tliut by Hie pruscnt incihoitu of coo kin * fully one-half ot the coirro thai Is useil l > thrown away m ihuuroumls und wasted. Cuemltls connected ulth this company have succeeded In arlni ; Hits wattuxi that the rom- pnny can'furnlslifonce umdeof the Unfit Java , put up In small portable Jars /mil WAIIIIA.STIII 1'Kitn in- i.r runt : anil Kuaruntced to l > u only about ONE- I1A1.K Till ! COnT to the consumnr of common cuf- fee. Only bollliiK watorls nerdPd when preparing U fur tlio tablu-Crown Liquid Coffee Company. Ask Your Qrocor for CJtOIW LJQUJ1) COFFEE. MCCOKD , BRADY & CO. , Wholesale Grocoru , - - Oraalm , Nob. FOR MEN ONLY ! for LOST or FAILING MANHOOD : Otntralnnd WZRVOUS DEBILITY ! Woknesi of Body and Ulaii Effect ! of Errors or Eictuu In Older Younr. t.ll. Xokl < MilllOnil f llf K < , l rr * . M. . I. t.ltr * ItMliUIr titlUt IIOII TRKiTlIllT-IUMlIt I. . - 4 > , Htm UtU/f trim 41 SIX. . . Tt'rll.it. , , nt f.r > l.l lrU > . T rll. l - BM > . ( .11 Itluttlo * , s 4 "r r > ill t " " ' " - toialiOfni. ttiitu II" OMAHA MEDICAL.-'SURGICAL INSTITUTE N. W. Cor. 13th & Dodge Sts. eon TIII : i IIKATMENT or ALL Appliance for Deformities and Trusc : . Dot Incllltlci , npp.irntut unit remedies for aticeol ful treatment of ovary form of disease requiring Medical or Bnrulcal Treatment. FIFTY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. Uonnt and nttcncJancoi belt hoaplliil accoinmoilt- t'onilr. tlio west. WIIITK rimOHCitr.Aiisnn Deformities and Urnco ) , Truism , Club rout. Curvature of tlio Snlno , riles , Tumors , Cancer , Cfttarrh , UroncMtlB , Inbnlttlon , Klectrlclty , rnralysH , Hpllepiir. Klilnoy , Hlitddor , Kje , tear , tikln ami lllood.anil nil Buricloal oporntloai. Diseases of Women a Specialty. BOOK ON DISCA6XS OP WOMEN KllEE. ONLY EELIADLE MEDICAL INSTITUTE UAXINQ A SFKCIALTV Or PRIVATE DISEASES. Alll'lnod I > lst > ainsfucccssfully treated. Hrphllttla ! * olseii removed from thu sv toni without muroury. Huw restoratlvo treatment for loss of Vital Power. Persona unable to r'.slt us mar ho treated at homo t > * eorri'stiondcnce. All comumnlealloni oonndeutlal. Muiltclnc * or Instruments sent br mall orozprois , Ml'irulr ' nnckuil. no marks to Indicate contents ot sender. One porsnnal Intervlotr preferred. Call nnd eonsult us or nerul history of rour casu , and wo will nnd In plain wrapper , our BOOK TO MEN , FREE1 Upon Private , Bpcclal or Nervous Diseases , Impo * t.ncjr , Srplillls , UUot uud Yurlcoceln , nltli question list. Address Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , or DR. JUcMENAlUY , Oo . l tt nfl Dodge Btt. , - OMAHA , NED. DB. OWEN'S BELT AND SUSPENSORY. PATENTED AUG. 10 , 1887. IMPROVED FEB. 1,1889. BE , OWEN'S ELECTRO- 'rt > GALVANIC BODY BELT " AND BUBrENBOUY Kuirtntted to euu iht fol. _ , lowing dli.Moi , uaaitljt All JJUlheuraatlo Complaints. JUjLumtago , General anj "jtNervous DibilitY. 3oi. , rftivenesiKldneyDIseases > ; * < . * Nervousness , Trembling. v BeiualEiliaustlon.Wast' ' : ' las ot He Ay , Diitasti eaused bjW Initlirrtllons In Youth , A e , Mar nedorSIn' gULlfe. ftjrtet l4l | i t | > frUlnlDsi lolbt womb - - or ntQlut orrani of mult or frntle. KtSrillHIIII.k rAKTUH Oh SU U1VH TIIIIU : Of Cl CPTOIf * lUCni EC PHICK , _ Hf8 CLtulnlu inoULCoti I'KKriiit , iiaxs far r > is Illuitrttcd i m'tiUt , whleli lll bs IDIyou la puiu ittlid carhop * . Mtollon ihli | tpcrftddrM4 OWEN ELECTRIC HE/.T & APPLIANCE CO. 300 Morth Ilroadwny , ST. LOUIB. MO RUPTURE ! ELECTRIC BELT AMD TRUSS COMBINED. OR. ISRAEL'S jaEOTRO.OALVAHIO TRUSS .th Or. Owsn'i Eleotrio Belt AtUebment.UmK7Tl li * VA " " * * * e i f rl. Tin tot.fSnfta \ tta It xu SIJ..11" * " sirjni. THIs li Iht * tiij1S&ff ) t nl.l < I ' iris iriiti mi C.lt . , , r m.J. . rt X i # ' . | | | tUfli nl""iA" ' " " , * ° u. * ° ' ror ran . erlpilou ef BE , . . . . . . . . . , Oven . itletitro ' Osltanls Hclli I , 8cU > l 4prlU ° cti.Triiu < i > i4 . In.olc. Mu4 lu. for msi lllu.lr.l.d iini'lilil lilck lll t- nt7011 la C- .UIai uitiiti , | , . . sat till , lr tf CEtECTBIO DEW fc APP/.IAJJCE HO. SOO North llroadwr , BT , . - SQGlR ) FOR _ _ = ; * CCle * iurftl without p ln oropcr tl < * > n. AdJreu ' * Ucalon-Oupro Cllnlquo , K ) Trcmoal tt c t gu -r y > ' > . / < r % - . . ) KtvSC S& Your Business by using our Cliromo and Uuiijncsl LariU , Advcrtlslne Novtlllci i'l r lo orj | > f Simpl MiKj prltts bRICE / ' rcss < RICE BROTHERS' 7jo North ntu at Pbiladcliihla , Pa ,