Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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_ _
No narcrtlsciMcntfl will lie tnkan Tor
tlinnn coltimnn nflcr 1SOO : p. in.
TcrniH Cnnh In mlvnnoe.
Advertisements nnflw this head I3c ntper
flno fort no flrrt Insertion , 7 cent * for each subSequent -
Sequent Innortlon , and t\M per line per month.
jHo advertisement taken for Icn * than 25 cents
he llrit Injortlon. Savon words willboconntfxl
to the line ; they muni run consecutively and
b t be paid In ADVANCE. All nilrvrtlso-
tnoutR must be banded m before 12n : : o'clock p.
fa. , and under no circumstance will they be
taken or discontinued by telephone. '
1'artlofl advertlilna In these columns and hav-
fng tbolr Answers addressed In cnro of Tim Iltn
Drill please tisk. ( or a check to enable them to get
heir letters , ns none will b delivered except on
* resontatlon of chock. All iinswcrR to oarer *
Usoraonta should bo enclosealn | envelope' .
All ndTortlscmcnta In thesa columns are pub
lished In both morning and evening editions of
Tin IIF.E , the circulation of which aggregatci
morn thnn IC.OW papeni dMIy , ana gtres the ad-
Tortlscrs the benefit , not only of thn rlty circu
lation of TUP. lien , but also of Council muffs.
Lincoln und other cities and towns throughout
this section of the country.
Advertising for those columns will be taken
era tue above conditions , nt the following busi
ness houses , who are at thorlzcd agents for TUB
yjcB special notices , and Will quote th Bam *
rates as can be had ot the raaln
JOHN W. HELL , Pharmacist , 820 Bouth Tenth
IIA8E tc RDDY. Stationer * ami Printers , 113
Bouth ICth Street.
II. PAHNSWOHTH. Fharmt lUt , 211B Cum-
ing Street.
J. HUGHES , Pharmacist , C34 North ICth
. Btroot.
1 Eo7wT PARR , Pharmacist , 1809 Bt. Mary'a
' Avenue.
A N experienced traveling salesman desires i
} J > situation. Address V 112. Hoe. ( ,0113 *
WANTED-Sltuatlon in grocery , speak 3
i _ langungea. Address V IB. Hoc , 4U9 13J
\\rANTKU-Tho aadress ot 50 la.Jlos willing
V > to employ at ( Jl.M to M per week ) strong.
Beat clean Norwegian , Swede or Danish girls ,
Who nro willing to be ( might , but cannot speak
jtugllsh. Mrs , llroga. 3Hfl B. 15th. 770-16 *
FAKTIESdoslnngoxporloncod Btonograptior.s
can obtain Jn t the cany wanted without
delay or luconvenloiico from tno Western Ston-
pBraphlc ngcncy , Lincoln. Nob. 5 0-inO
TDAUTIKS desiring ospononced male or
JL fomala atonograpnera can obtain just the
linrty wanted without delay or Inconvenience
Irom the Western Stenographic agency , Lin-
coin , Neb. 4Til
GOOD bread and rake baker wants a situa
tion. Addiess Charles Still , Jollot , 111.
4t)5-q.OJ ) |
SITUATION by a lady stenographer and
bookkeeper. Operates a ltomluiton ; type
writer. Good city reforence. Address U11 , floo.
A gooTl draughtsman. Audross
0. M. D. , llox 17 , Superior , Nob.
" \7tr ANTED At onco. n first class sign painter
TT luqillro at 413 South llith St. , Omatia. Nob.
_ 039-13 *
WANTED A good carriage blacksmith nt
onco. Hastings carriage works ,
Hastlnga. Nnb. 4'liM2J '
w ANTED 2 or3 good news agents , apply
R. R. News Co. , Lincoln , Nob. 7M-16 *
WANTED Agents to soil , on commission , ns
a side line , the Peerless alilrts ot foreign
find domestic tlanuuls ciuslmoros , nnd imickl-
haw. Addrosa. Peerless Manufacturing Co. ,
fr-lutrolt , Mich. _ 75l-m (
A ( HINTS wanted In every city and town in
ytX thn state for the best selling article over
hiade , something everyone buys. Address
Drown ft Hradley , 123Springst. , NowHaveu , Ct.
WANTi ; ! ) linergetlcmen and women ovory-
whore for a genteel , money-making busi
ness , $ BO Weekly prolli guaranteed easier than
fOO monthly otuorwlse. Experience absolutely
unnecessary. Permamclit position and exclus
ive territory assured. $2 samples free. Write for
particulars. Address with stamp , Merrill Mfg.
Co. , 1153 Chicago. _ 714-1UJ2J
\\rANTED-A good solicitor to work on liberal
T > commission. Address with rotcrence V 40 ,
Boo lUco. cut If.
1ST ANTED Live single man for assistant
1 1 bookkeeper ) must bo a good penman and
Blvo peed references. Apply at 8 p. in , . 121"
ougjasjt. _ I11B
WANTED Good reliable men foraeU-ctlves
in every community. Address Kansas
Detective Bureau , locebox 231)Vichlta ) , Kan.
_ 715-21t
\\fANTKD Five traveling salesmen. Salary
TT and expenses ; no oxnorlenco necessary.
Address wltn stump , L.II.Lma&Co. , La Crosse ,
WlB. _ 639 17J
tiALKSMKN-Wowlshafowmen to 8 nil our
to goods by sample to wholesale and. retail
trade. Largest manur'rs in our line. Enclose
S-cent stamp. Wages ( .1 per day , Permanent
position. No postals answered. Money ad
vanced for wages , advertising , etc. Centennial
ManTg Co. , Cincinnati. O. _ B14 _
WANTED Men to solicit ; must deposit 823
and glvo security for money collected.
Salary $75 to { 100 per month. Cull on or ad
dress Quo. 8. Cllne.611 First National bank. 470
'TTUNTER.'t.llUBSELL , Grand Rapids , Mich. ,
JULwaut canvassers for electric door nlates ,
liqlls , mall boxes , house numbers tuul alarms.
t _ 2H7 lu *
ANTED Agents to sell the Pig Puzzle ;
everybody crazy to gel one ; sample by
mall lie ; stamps taken. A. A. Austin & Co. ,
manufacturers. Providence. R. I. 208m2J
" \JirANTKD 600 men for railroad work In
TI Washington territory ; good wages and
steady work. Apply at Albright's Labor Agency ,
1120 Farnam street. _ 207
| _ > OYS Am. DIst. Tel. Co. , LW4 Douglas.
.1 V2S
WANTED A good business man to take the
management of an olllce in New York city ,
one for Detroit and another forClnclnuatimust ;
Invest J2.MIO. salary 81.600 per year. .Address
Qcorco B. Cline , Wagner block , Dos Molnus. la.
wanted on salary. 87fi per month ,
and expenses paid , uiiy active man or
tromanto sell our goods by sample and live nt
> iom . Salary palil promptly and expenses In
advance. Full particulars ana sample case
free. We moan just what wo Bay. Address
{ Standard Silverware Co , . Boston. Mass. U
M ILLINJ3II panted Apply after 0:30 :
218 N 10th. ' OWJ-
WANTED Girl for general housework.
VV Apply at once. 32J N 17th. 73J 13t
\\TANTUD-83 oxpurlendoasalosladloH. ! ! )
T girls , 4 bundlu wrappers. Apply tonight or
Monday monlug at Ttio Fiitr , 13th and Howard ,
? *
WANTKU-A competent clrl for gotloral
housework , ut2jl ! Douglas. 7'J JlW
TV IANTED Uftsbinaker A Jlrst claen afoss
\ . ' : nakur torut , tit and drape. Address V 38 ,
Dru'aliq lloe. with ruterencea. (176-13 (
\XfANTED-3 mlddle-agod women ar. house-
T Kenpers lu very small families ; f dining-
room girls ; 4 nurses for children ; S girls in
juino family ; dishwasher. ) , kitchen girls , nil for
jenorul housowori : . Mrs. llrcga , 314lJ S. ifith.
W PANTED Girl for general houa worK. S.
W. cor. 35th and Cr.ldwoll sis. UKJ-EB
WANTED-A slrl competent to take com
plete charge ot cook in small family , A ] > -
t > ly Saturday morning at V2t North li'th ' street.
ANTED 1.1 good walit clrla ; callat Mrs.
Muudo Marti , the dr ssmakor , room 1 and
J , 3 E cor 15th ami Capitol ave. , Jacob's blk.
I 047 13 *
WANTED Uood , strong prlrl to do general
houseworkcooti wages , luqulre 610 S. 2-'nd.
KM 13 *
> \X7r ANTEU-Flrat cla-ss skirt nnd waist male-
T ; era. Mrs. Lucas , 618 u. ICth bt. 772-15 *
W ANTED-Glrl to work in kitchen , one that
tt : 15
ANTED Sewing girl who understands
cutting un > l tlttlne. ' Call 1718 Casa tit
W ANTED A girl to do housework at 2M3
Jackson at. 72010 *
A UENTH wonted Ladies or gentlemen to anil
Jrl-tlm Rav. R. 11 , Doxter'a Golden llalsam ; 10
nollara n day easily mudo ; send --cent stump.
0. Anelow i Co. . Thompaonvllle , Conn , cn-in
ANTED -A young girl 17or 18years old to
Y.idohouiework , lUdHUthxU O. lM'.Uiu > ser
} IRli for general houbuwork. Apply 217 S.
Uth n.
rAXTHD A girl for General nouiawork ;
O'crmnn or llohomuu yloferredi. BIN S 17th
A GOOD experienced girl tor general nouse-
w one at HQ7 Douglaa it. ata
75THU WAN 'ED-i'TTr general house work
VI Apply at Chicago anu32d fts. Wi4
WANTKU-Dreasuakcrs aud" ladles wishing
to do their own ilrims cutting to cali at my
cliool to i&vtutlgote tlio Adams'iVllor Syuteni.
J'lifl only one that drafts Ilia untlro carmrnt on
thollnltiRt reiiulrosuu rctutluit ; rutting , mak-
lug and draping tauRht ; Inntructlons given dny
or evening : aatiHtaotioa Kuarauteoai cutting
rnd deilKulnu done : pattorni tut. MU M. E.
tyooh. ruocia316uua31i6heelerbiock. IJthuna
Howard. 740--J
. . . . . . .
_ _ . _ _ ' . '
- to solicit ; mnst deposit
110 and glvo security for money collected.
Balnry l per month. Call on or address Geo.
a Cllne.611 FlratNatlonal bank. 471 _ _
- dining room girl nnd dish-
WANTED-A ' hotel , tma N. ICth at. 77B . .
WANTKD-fl chamborraaid/i / , 10 dining room
girls , 115 to 130 ; competent women to
woman to work on a farm near North Platte ,
good wares ; housekeeper on farm , no objection
o child ; 2 first-class girls for family of three.
120 ; 10 girls willing to work In ttio suburb of
he city , J20 : 40 girls for general housework.
JIr , llroga. ni4 4 S. 15th. 77MM
K sT Hlli50A7canadlan Emp. omcc314
16th. Reference Omaha National bank.
Emp. bureau. 119 N 10th ; established
OMAHA . Most reliable In city. II. E. White.
T ADI ES Information and employment par-
JLJ lora ; strictly Orst-class ; perfectly reliable.
Room 10. llushman block , N. E. cor. Douglas
nnd st. liVJ-A-iftt
"ANTED-Sccond hand desk. 115 N st ,
W 'ANTED A good Bocond-hand safety bi
; cycle. Inquire 1318 Farnain at. C'JI 13
W ANTED Man of capital to assist Inventor
ot the most wonderful musical instru
ment. Address Inventor , 1624 8.4th at. , city.
75315 *
WANTKD Everybody to examine the bar-
gains offered by the Western R , E. & Mor
cantllo Ex. , room 14 , Cnamber of Commerce.
cw >
"VArANTED-10.000 women to use "WIlcox's
V > Fancy Compound Pills.1 Perfectly safe
and always effectual. Send for 4c "Woman's
Safe Guard. " Wllcox Medical Co. , Philadel
phia. 114 AID'89
WANTKD May 1 , furnished or unfurnished
cottage ; family of two. Address V 4Bee. .
WANTKU to rent by family of two , an un-
furnlshod cottage In good condition con
taining ! ) or 7 rooms ; must Imvo terms and lo
cation to receive any attention. Address U t > r ,
Ike. 2Ji )
ONE 10 room house for rent in n good loca
tion for a boarding house and well laid out
for that purpose. All modern conveniences.
Inquire of Patrick Ford , No. 1004 Davenport at.
G84-13 *
) HKNT fl-ioom Hat In Sanderx block.
Inqulro 2112 Cumlng t. 501 lit
TTIOll KENT One ten room ana oono eight
J-1 room house , nil modern conveniences. Host
part of citv and within 0 minutes walk ot post
olllco. Nathan Shelton , 1505 Faruam st.
"IjlOH HUNT Five room house , corner Loavon-
J ? worth nnd 15th ats. Apply to Dr. Mattlce ,
003 ledge St. 733
FOll HUNT Some now 0-room houses In
Mlllard & Caldwoll's addition. W miles
from postoOlco. ApDly early. Bpotsivood ,
W)514 ) bo ICth at. 730
TTIOlTltENT 7-room house , 613 S l&th st. Tn-
JL1 quire next door south C80-15
Foil RENT Elegant now brlCK , 13 rooms ,
modern conveniences , choice neighborhood ,
walking distance oC postolllco ; moderate rent.
Alex. Moore , 01 Shoely block , 87-10t
FOU llENT Dwelllugs containing from 1 to
10 rooms. Alex. Moore , 801 Sheely block.
CSS-10 *
T71OU KENT House of 10 rooms , modern im-
X provomcnts , range , n larpo lawn ; cheap to
right party. Apply to S. A. Orchard , 15th and
Farnam ats. 18D-21
IT10U KENT An 8-room house and biu-n-$33
J- per month , 22nd and Lcaven orth. Ono
7-room house near 22nd and Leavonworth , K25.
Inanlro Wcatnm Cornlco Works , 15th , near
Jackson. C2o 17
'iJlOlt H1SNT 14 room brick dwelling , all con-
-I ? vonlonccs , 2iu N. inth st. o07
{ GOOD houses for rent centrally located ,
-'furniture for sale outline. Co-oporutlvo Laud
4 ; Lot Co. ' ' U74
UENTr-3-Wom cottage , 210 N. 13th.J12.60
T71OH KENT A 5-room brick cottage convonl-
JL' entto U.P , dopot.llead & Jamison , 314 S 15th
F IOT : KENT 7-room Hat. 831) ) month. Inquire
at The fair. 13tn and Howard. 074
7 ROOM house with barn , out a little distance
i'M per month. C. i' . Harrison , Merchants
Nat. bank bid ? . 498
ClOll RENT House of all modern Improve-
-L inents , in perfect repair. Inquire 712 N. llitli.
601 lOt
TI10R HENT A now 11-room house with nil
X' modern conveniences and large yard. 2215
California st. 574 10 *
ETK RKNT Two 3-room Mats on N. 17th St. ,
{ 12 and 13 ; one 6-room cottage N. 17th at. ,
114. Apply to Green & Williams , 1st Nat. Dank
llulldlng. 602
TJ10R RENT To an elegant lady line new
JC Hats , fifteen or thirty rooms , for first-class
family boarding in .choice locality. Address
llox 33 city. 42a
Two U-room brick residences , all con
$40 .
SJ5 0-room residence on W. Farnam St. , with
SW 8-room house , newly papered , citv water.
20 Three 7-room houses , city water , good
cellar. .
$28 Flat on 20th and Leavonworth sts.
D. V. Sholes , room 210,1st Nat. llanl : building ,
on RENT Elegantly furnished rooms with
all modern Improvements , at ( MM S. 13th st.
TjlUHNISHED housa for rent In Park Terrace ,
J- ? opposite Hanscom Park : all modern con
veniences. Inquire Lee & Nlchol,28th and
Lcaveuworth. U35
IJ1OR RENT D-room modern improved house ,
J2 A 1 locality ; rent moderate. Apply to M.
Elgutter. 1C01 Karnam st. OJ2
TjlOU RENT Cottages , 6 rooms. 27211 Charles
JD st. and 1621 S 6th t. Inquire at room 212.
Bheely block. 9J3
furnished rooms , modern conven
iences , 3 blockb from P. O. , private family.
A. Hospo. Jr. 1 3 Douglas st. 109
POIt RUNT When you wish to rent a house ,
store , or olllrn call on us. H. E. Cole , room
0 , Continental blk. U13
"IjiOH HUNT The U-room residence. 2107
JL' Douglas st. , all modern Improvements , In
quire S. ICntz , 1310 Farnam. 9C5
FOll ltENT l.argo south room In private
family , back of lilch school ; tnltmjl for
ono or two gcntlymon. 2J3 N 'd. '
RENT Elegant inrnlfched rooms , clienn ,
lor Udlca or ucnilumun , at SM N. Itlth at.
BURNISHED rooms to ladles. 311 N. ISth Rt.
17 ii :
TpOU RENT Furnished room with board ,
JU1 aiiltable for two gentlemen , 1011 Douglas ,
B37-III *
ODITot east rooms anltable for gentlemen or
Clliulynnd gontloman.board dc lredbrlck resi
lience , modern improvements , 018 8. luth at.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms with
board at reasonable rates. Inquire at Miss
Curl and Mra. Donaldson , Dli ) South 2Jd at.
7CM7 *
TT\UllNI8HEn rooms Ono very largo and
X' handsome , mutable for gentlomnn and wife
or four gents. Four windows fronting 10th nt.
Very central , cars pas-i thudoor. Uu8 Notth loth
757-15 *
TTWRNISHIID roouu to rer.t ut B20H B. 18th st.
JL AIJiiiodernconvenlonceB. 7281PJ
ROOM nod board cheap for two In private
family , I8 Hurt t. Old 17T
FUllNlSHED and unfarniihod rooms , light
houaoy.:9plnc.tM ' St. Mnryjaave fej ) Iflj
KOOMH und Urst-ciais'lioni * bou ; d,1718 Dodge.
4lr iii
F URN1BHKU room * . 113 S 20th st.nuixr Docile.
< J4 as *
ELEGANT furnlshod front room , for gentle
men only , nt Idil Cass . ; every Jaodera
convenience , 713 li
f > OOMB-1'JC Douglas street , third ileor.
- ! - * 643
iriURNIKIIhD room to rent. 18JV > Farnain
JL1 044 18t
T710R HKNT-Oue largft lurnlshod front room.
JP aim St. Mary'a avenue. tol-lte
KOOM with or without board. 1813 Dodno KK ,
17HR RENlFurnUhea rooms single or en
JL' eulte. 1WB Doujlax. 713
O FUHNISIIUD room * for rent , with
WUM alvo refurcnces , atl'.Cl Dodge at.
"ijlUIlNISIinD room for rent ) must glvo refer-
JL1 ence. at 1B1 Dodge _ 449
A PLEASANT front room with all mortem
conveniences , for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Cor. St.
Mary's avo. and SO or 620 S.2Uth ; brick rosldenco.
TJimtNISHEDroom with board , gas and bath
JL1 in house , prices reasonable , 2220 Leavnn'tb ,
E20 15t
_ _ _
T7IOH RENT Largo newly furnished front
JL ? room , also southeast room with alcove ;
all conveniences and first class board. 22Jo
SUIT ot front rooms ! modern conveniences
board it desired , loll Douglas. C77 14 *
FOU RKNT Good basement , 1515 Douglas st.
fTIDRNISHKD rooms by day , week or month.
J2 Bt , Clalr hotel , cor 13th ami Dodge. 033
ITIUllNISHED rooms for rent at 181R Dodge
JU 837-027'
EUKNISHKD rooms , single or en suite , bath
and steam : tor gents only. 1519 Howard.Ml .
"ROOMS and board 1813. Chicago st.
It . CMaStt
\JICi : rooms by the week or month at tha
JPcabody house , 1107 Jones. 393 a21
F 1011 KENT Iront rooms at 1831 Farnam.
FOH HENT I rooms , suitable for house
keeping ; references romilrod ; no children ,
Prlco ei.OOO. N. W. corner 17th and Webster st.
T710K KENT A sutto of rooms for family use
JL' in one of the most desirable residing locali
ties In the city ; l 2l Howard st ; prlco t30 per
month. W. \ \ Stoetzel. IIHI Howard. H33
T710II ItKNT Ilooinn sultablo for housokoep-
X' Ing In suites of from one to four ; In conven
ient location ; lowest prices. Unit's Kcnting
Agency , 1504 Farnam street ; telephone 1TO.
SW-al5 *
STOKE4 < with uasomout , Unmgo bldg. In-
qulro Frank J. Itamgo. 059
FOK HKNT-Storo 2.xOO ; 1113 Jackson st. En
quire 1114 Jackion. KM
TmoiimNT : 2 floors22x80 each , In brick build-
JL1 ing , with elevator , close to express olllco ,
cheap rent , Jnst the thing for wholesaling , good
location. Apply to GooHeyu , 1103 Farnam at.
WHY you should list your property with the
Western It. E. & Mor. Kx. , room 14. Cham
ber of Commerce. It has 500 agencies through
out the w stern states , thus giving-yon 600
chances to 1 dispose ot your property. 095
F you want to rent your houses call on flar-
rls , II. K. & L. Co. , room 4111st NaJTbank.
T .1ST your property for rout with Remington
J-J& Fryo , Northwest Corner 15th and Farnam.
' 00fla28
"OTANTKD 20 houses at onco'1 or"which weT
T V can furnish good tenants. Listyour houses
With the L * S lloutal Agency 310 ' Shoely blk ,
i „ 7112
TF YOU want to buy , soll.'ront orf xcnango.
-Lcall on or address , 0. J. StornsdoriT , rooms
317 and 318 Mrst National bank building. "
G .150. .1. PAUL , 1809 Farnam at. , houses ,
stores , etc. . for rent. 018
WE give special attention to renting ana
collecting rentg. list with us. fJI.E. . Cole ,
room 0 Continental block. ' 017 "
llENl'-Houaes in all parts of the city.
J. J. Gibson , No. 3. Crelghton block. flat
F.T. OIHSON'S now system of renting houses ,
.No. 3 Crelghton block. - ' 601
$5.00 reward for returning lady's pocketbook ,
lost between St. Mary's ave , lOttt and Jack
son streets , containing $10 In bills and .TO cts.
change. Mrs. Mary Frey , 1010 Jackson strect.c
THE Banjo taught as an art by Goo. F. Gel-
lenbock. Apply at lloe onice. 050
PIONTIIACTING plasterers are invited to call
V at room 401 , Paxtou building , and examine
"Adamant. " 352 A 15
LOST From Dundee Place on Tnursday
night at about 12 o'clock , ono mouse colored'
horso. clipped , with harness on. Finder will be
liberally rewarded bo returning to Dr. J. V.
Cornish , corner 20th and Lake sts. 622
PERSONAL : Do you desire a bright , pleasant
corrcapondont lady or gentleman ? Address
M. C. Bureau , Lock box , 703 , Chicago. 743-15 +
"PERSONAL Flno carpet lltttngnud laying ;
X carpets cleaned by electricity. J. H. Mann-
dcr , lia N. 10th st . 702-15 *
A TRANCE .MEDIUM Mine. Sandal ) , the
-tXyoung Swede , tolls full names of callers and
the full name of your future husband or wife ,
with < late ot marriage , and tolls whether the
one you love is true or false. Not a fortune
teller , but a young spirit medium. Madame
goes into a perfectly dead trance. Will bring
back the parted husband or lover , no matter if
they bo 10.0K ) miles away. Will guarantee to
settle famjly quarrels. Parlors up stairs. 408
N. 10th st. . third lloor ,65 20t
QTORAGE At low rates at 1121 Farnam at
OOmaha Auction & Storage Co. 117
milACKAOE , storage , lowest rates. W. J
JL llushman , Ull Leavenworth. 118
( RANCH 4 CO. , storage , 1211 Howard.
* 119
MRS. LKNOHMAN can bo consulted on all
affairs of lite , and satisfaction guaranteed ,
through the muglc mirror.318 N16thstup stairs
r\R. NANNIIs V. Warren , clairvoyant mcdl-
JL/col and business medium. Female diseases
a specialty. 119 N 16th at. , rooms 2 and 3. V31
rPHE Standard Shorthand School , having pur-
JL rHusod Valentine's Shorthand ln tltutePax-
ton block , opp. public library , la now the larg
est , best equipped , exclusive shorthand school
in the west , lii graduates In good situations
The school Is in charge of Mr. R. A. Smith , a
stenographer und teacher of many years prac
tical experience. Twelve No. 2 Remington type
writers In use. Send for circulars ; 411-
SHORTHAND and Typo-writing taught the
moat practical way at the Omaha Commercial
College. Ilonn Pitman system and Remington
type-writers ; students complet menual in two
wt-eks. and write from 00 to JOO words per min
ute in throe months ; practical onico drill made
a specialty. Instruction in grammar , spelling
and writing free. Address itohrbough llros. ,
Omaha for circulars. * 347 m3
> OARDINO , furnished rooms , gas. bath , at
> 1323 N. 17th St. 007 Ibt
nMlHKi : adjoining lots , size each aboutSOxlTO ,
JL price total about J1.HK ) . Address , stating location -
cation , alzo and price , V 41. Hee. 718 Hit
WANTED Furniture , carpets , stoves and
household goods ot all kinds. Omaha
Auction & Storage Co. . 1121 Farnam. BOO
WANTED To buy good commercial paper.
R.C.Patterson. 3188 15thst. Ml
T7\0ll SALE Cheap , a canopy top pnaeton ;
E almost new. Enquire of A. Mcu. Robb , 11.
Ac M. local freight office. titl If.J
Troll SALU-Shaftloff , belting , pulleys , etc ,
-L Kood as new. Rip * aw , cross-cut and band
sav/s very cheap. UJ1 Douglas. laa
'I/1OII BALK Good work team , wagon and bar-
JL1 ness ; set carpenter tools and chest ; full Bet
iijrglcal instruments , nearly new ; household
poods , etc. On uosy payments , j. J. Wilkinson ,
1417 Karnam st. iU
T7WR SA LE Iledroom set.wardrobe nnd other
-L1 furniture at a bargain. 2 7 Uodgn st. ( CT
A FIN K lot of violin wood and umber varnish
for sale. Enquire 1K1 ( Douglas. ' ( (1 15 *
"IJWR BALE Draft horses , buggy horses , and
Junali ! delivery mules , VS'txjiVs Sale atabl
1510 California. ! KI
IT\OH SALE A boy'u pony. Inquire at 028
JJ park uve. 6W14 *
TpOR SALE Span matched ponies. 1310 Call-
JDlornla. C5015 *
T7IIRBT-CLA8S lot of saloon furniture and bar
J-1 fixtures for sale at a bargain. Inquire of
tba First National bank ; Aurora , Neb.
815 aa
TjAOH 8ALK A ooda fountain chape. Innulre
JD liui Varnam at 63ai
jiOB HALE Furniture and lease of 7 room
43 flat. Room rented exceeds r ut ot Hat. L
* S Rental Aijnucy , 810 BQeoly blocc. TKJ
WDll 8A1TR Fnralttfra era boanllng Tioitso
JL1 at a big bargain ; mtiinbe sold by Uie 17th.
Will sell at half cost. K.perryman , , Nebraska
Clothing Co. 77V-15 *
TOOK SALT ! Cheap Hgrsjss , wagons , buggies
JL1 and harness sultablo for heavy and express
work. Apply Room 218. In'Mat , bank. ( KB 13
FOR RALE Stock of dry. Roodslmd groceries
In a live county seat town , dolni ; an average
business ot lire ) per drtyf reasons for dolling :
want to retire from bnsdiass. Tills Is a good
opening for the right mail. " Address L II 137 ,
Hebron , Nob. C7M.1t
TOOK SALE Am going U Oklahoma , will sell
JL' ray meat shop wlthr horses , harness , 2
wagons , cooler , tools , llxtnros and a peed trade ,
dally receipts KM , for mi cash ; good location ,
cheap rent ; n good oponUiUifor a five man. Address -
dress V37 , lleeofllce. C4i ) 13
Y3 AIIIIRU sbop to aeli. ' inquire United States
JJ hotel , room 14. ( B8-13 *
ANTED fo soil or trade the Commercial
hotel , in Illrd City , Kansas ; Rood reasons
for disposing of this property. Full particulars
by addressing William vogel , Ulrd City , Kan
sas. G2013T
WANTED To sell carloads of potatoes to
retailers , cheap. Address W. II. Honor ,
Hay Springs. Neb. oca 18 *
17101115ALl-Chonpa ! nearly now-top buggy ; Co-
Jlumbus mako. A , H. Comstock , 312 s. lotn.
EOlt SALE Horse and buggy. Inquire A.
Hospe , 1513 Douglas at. 015ml !
1DLAND Gtmrantco & Trust Co. , IBOTi Far-
nain. Gomplctoahstracts furnished & titles
to real citato exauilucdperfoctod * guaranteed.
A118TR ACTS Llnahan & Mahoney , room 500
Paxton block. UC3
O MlHt A Abstract Company , isio 1'arnam st.
Most complete nnd carefully prepared sot
of abstract books nnd plats or all real property
in the city of Omaha and Douglas county. .
/"CHOICE city loans wanted In Omaha and
V-/ Council UluITs. Will quote very low rates
for the next few days. In dealing with us. you
deal direct with tha lender. Wo loan you our
own money In all cotes. No delays. Both
principal and interest payable nt our office.
Central Loan and Trust Co. , 1205 Farnam st.
K WISH to buy so mo good Ilrst mort-
gagcs ; will also loan on good real es
tate security. The W. C. Ivos Co. , 313 S 14th st.
725 10t
BUILDING LOANS At7 per cent net , no ad-
dltlonal charges for commissions or attor
neys' fees. W. 1) . Molkle , First Nat. bank bldg.
U1LDING loans a specialty. W. M. Harris ,
room 20 Frenzor block , opposite 1' , O.
DO YOU want money'It so , don't borrow
before getting my rates , which are the low
est on anr sum from 10 up to 810.000.
1 make loans on household goods , pianos , or
gans , horses mules , wagons , warehouse re
ceipts , house ? , leases , etc. , lu any amount at the
lowest possible rates without publicity or ro-
nioval of property.
Loans can bo inado for one to six months and
you can pay a part at any time , reducing both
principle and Interest , If you owe n balance
on your furniture or horses or have n loan on
them I will take it up and carry it for you as
long as you desire.
If you needmonoy you will find it to your ad
vantage to see mo before borrowing.
II. F. Masters , room 4 , Wlthnoil building , 15th
and Ilarney. ! > 99
a IltCHAUD HILL loans at 410 Shoely build-
lug at eight per cent straight. Samuel Tate.
i . o 3J4-m3
Y to loan at lowestratns ot Interest on
. real estate in Omaha and South Omaha.
Titles ana property examined by us and loans
made at once. Cash on hand. Uatea , Smith It
Co. room 20 } ttainge blilng ; 310-m3
$1000 and upwards to loan on peed insldo city
property. No delays. W. Farnam Smith ,
122U Farilim st. 8J8-a27t
$ $ S To loan on terms' and city property.
$8 . J. Paul. 1803 Farnam st. 861
/1ITY Financial agency \xjll loan you money
\Jon horse . furnlturo. Jewelry or securities of
any kind. 130S Howard at. , corners. 13th st.
233m 11 ?
EASTERN trust funds to loan on Improved
real estate lu Omaha ; Wrjro loans preferred.
E. S. lllsboo , 1'irst National bank building.
T OANS wanted on Omaha real estate , three
JLJand live years' tlmo , optional payments ,
favorable terms and rates , applications and
titles passed upon bytiV and loans closed
promptly. Ktmball , Champ & Ryan , room 0 ,
U. S. National IJauk Building , 12iti Farnam st.
SPECIAL fund ot $10,000 to loan at reduced
rates on furniture , horses and wagons. City
Loan Co. . 118 8 13th st. 030
"PEOPLE'S Financial Excnango Large and
J. small loans for long and short tlmo , at low
est rates of Interest , on real estate mortgage
notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watches
and jewelry , Don.t fall to call it you want fair
and cheap accommodations. 0. llouscaren ,
M r. , room & 0 > i Barker blk , 15th and Faruam.
PHILADELPHIA Mortgage Trust Co. . fur
nish cheap eastern money to borrowers ;
purchase securities , perfect titles , accept loans
at their western oflico.GcorgeW.
7. ISoard of Trade il ) ! )
s EB Shales , room 210 First Nat'l bank before
making your loans. W-
M ONEY ( to loan. Harris R.E. tc Loan Co. ,
room 411 , First National ban k. IIU3
WANTED First class Inside loans. Lowest
rates. Call and see us. Mutual Investment -
ment Co. . R. I. llarker blk , 15th & Farnam. 1KI4
MONEY ; to loan on Improved property at Ilrs-
hands. No application cent awav for apt
proval. Security and titles examined free of
charge to borrowers , Lombard Investment
company , 30i ) B. Mth fit. _ Oi)5 )
T CAN make a few loans on first-class chattel
JLsecurltles at reasonable rates. W. 1C. Potter ,
room 10 Barker blk. OS7
IjURST mortgaso loans at low rates and no
: delay. D. V. Sholes , 210 First National bank.
MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons ,
etc. . or on any approved security. J. W.
Robblus R. 200 , Sheely blk. , 15th and Howard.
TITONEY to Loan Wo are ready for appllca-
jLiJLUoufl for loans In amounts from 8.XXJ to 110-
000 on Improved Omatia or Douglas county real
estate. Full Information as to rates. Loans
nromotly closed. Good notes will be purchased
by us. Call upon us or write. The McCugue
Investment Co. _ 105
GW. PECIC loans money on Omaha real estate
llulldlng loans a SDeclalty. R 4 , Frenzen blk
_ _ 462alBt
MONEY to loan in large sums at the lowest
rates ; no delay , R. 0. Patterson , 318 B 15th ,
MONEY to loan ; casn on hand ; no delay. J.
W. Squire , 12UI Farnam at. , First National
bank building. _ 103
HE. COLE , loan agent.
. , 100
PER CENT money to loan. Cash on hand.
W. JI. Harris , R 20 , Freuzer block , opp. P.O. _
NEBRASKA Mortg. Loan Co. will make you a
loan on household goods ,
horses , wagons ,
land contracts ,
fine jewelry , or securities ot any kind ,
without publicity , ut reasonable rates.
Room 7 , llowloy block , Bouth Omaha.
Rooms 618-611) , Paxton bfafck , Omaha , Neb.
T OANS on business property , M.OOO to t' V > ,000
J-Jwanted. Provident Trust Company , room
B08. First National bank building. HO
( C500.000 to loan at 0 per cent. Llnahan & Ma-
Phoney , Room 608 Paxton lijock. 110
DON'T ' borrow money olurniture , norsos ,
wagons , etc. , or collaCtrola until you see
C. U. Jacobs , 4l6 First National bank building.
W.i 114
O , F. HARRISON Joatw'nWney , lowest rates ,
MONEY Loansnegotlatnil at low rates with
out delay , and purchui- > good commercial
paper and mortgage uoteilJ3. A , Sloinan , cor ,
10th and Farnam. 100
MONEY to loan. O. P. Davis Co , , real estate
and loan agents , 1503 t'aruam st. 101
JUILDINO loans. D. V.pioles , 210 First Na-
Jtlonal bank , VU
OANO made on real estate and mortgages
Jbought. Lvl8 S , Reoa * Co , , 1621 Farnam.
lit !
1DUILD1NG loans. Lmahan ic JIahoney ,
M ONE Y to loan Lowest rates. Loans closed
promptly. H. 1CCole , RO Continental block.
TT E. COLE , loan agent.
F. HARRISON loans money , lowest rates.
A NY amounts loaned on furniture , pianos.
teams , cto. Notes bought at less than usual
rates , monthly payments reduce Interest. Key
stone Mortgage Co. , room 20d Sheely blk , 8. lith
OK ml *
ONEY to oanon real estate ; no commis
sion. W. A. SpencerltoomHuahmanblk. :
FONl'.Y loaned on unimproved Insldo Omaha
L real oitatr. U , W. Pock , R. 4 , Freuzer blk.
TlfONKYioane U < ) rSO , ft ) or M days on any
I'l-klnd of chattel security ; rcaoonablo inter *
rst ; business confidential. J J , Wilkinson , 1417
Farnam at * 103
PEOPLE'S Financial Exchange The taltost ,
J. nuleteat and most liberal money exchange
In the city ; money loaned without delay or
publicity , in anv amount , largo or small , at the
lowest rates of interest , on any available se
curity ; loans may bo paid at anytime orrentxved
at original rates. O. nomcaron. Mgr. , room
MM. Marker block. IMh and Farnam. 101
du SN EsF
Brllagood paying mercantile busi
ness at a bargain , good reasons for selling ,
require cash. All ansn ers please C'vo ' address.
V , 4fi lloe oHKe. 7SM7t
AOHA1N trade , a bargain , for aalo foTlirst
class elevator. Cribs , fowl mill and coai
business. Apply for one week to 1'atrlck Egan ,
Lincoln , Nob. 773-15
ANEW roller mill for sale in n good wheat
belt , and good market tor Hour. For terms
address I" . J Andreas. Gordon. Nob. 84Sa27T
I71U11N1TIJUI ! and undertaking busmoss for
JL1 sale la thriving city of 2.MJ people ; nearest
competition 10 miles ; clean new stock wltn line
hearse ; will invoice W.OOO ; will rout building
for term ot yearsibusluess established 10 years.
This is a rare chance for a good business. Ad-
drcss V 30 care Ileo olllco. ( S3 17
TJTOR SALE Cigar store , first-class stand.long
JL1 established , doing good paying business.
Enquire Frank Darling , Room Ki , Darker block.
71H 17 *
_ _ _
03,000 to tbW3 wanted to put Into a good busl *
P ness ; Ilrst class security and good rate ot
Interest paid fur abort or long time. Or will
take partner. Tor particulars addrosi U 43 ,
Dee olllce. 142 i
TTlOll SALE or exchange for dry goods or
JL' groceries , two farms ot la ) ncroa each near
Rrokeu How. Nob. lloth farms routed for this
year for one-third of the crop. Address C. E.
Young , Sheuandoali , la , 583 IDf
for sale In ono of the best business
centers in Omahacheap. Reason for selling ,
I must leave the city. Address V 18 Hoe.
HOTEL for aale. Well furnished , paying ? W
a month rent. Address W. 1' . Anderson ,
Norcatur , Kas.
HOTEL man wanted , with a few thousand
dollars to invest ; house nil furnished and
business that will pay out in 18 months ; title
perfect ; no Incumbrancc. Address M. A. Mc-
Ulunls , or O. C.Churchill. . Sterling , Colo.
for sale Small neat stock. Tin
shop in conncctiontmust bo sold atoncn for
cash. Address O. M. Vaughan , Fleming , Colo.
Kii'ftlP ?
A MEMBERSHIP in the Omaha board of
-txtradocan bo had cheap at Room U. S. Na
tional bank building. 023
V\7 ANTED to Trade > -A flno piano for horse
TT and buggy , inqmro at 1510Dodge street.
rpO EXCHANGE Improved nnd unimproved
JL land In .Nebraska , Kansas , Iowa , Colo. , Wyo ,
and Dakota at room 14 , Chamber of Commerce ,
Sonncnscholu & Valentino , Mgrs. 093
SEVERAL farms in tllfforont localities for ex
change for building lots. Western Land aud
Loatt Exchange , .112 S 16th st. TO 20
WANTED To roxchango equity in 240 aero
farm. J4K > 0 for m'd7so. Will pay Jl.OOO
to 31,001) ) difference , Rlsoley , Shcuanuoah , la.
J ! 083 J8J
_ _ _ _ _ _
TGIOIl EXCHANOE-For desirable residence
JL' property lu Omaha , any or all of following :
40 cholco inside residence lots in Hastings.
100 lots In Lincoln.
640 acres line farming lamLLancaster county.
Fine residence property , Lincoln.
Good rental property , Lincoln.
Choice family residence , corner , Los Angeles.
A neat rosldenco property in Hauscom Place.
Also , some good mortgage notes.
Address , giving location nnd prlco ot prop
erty , J. E. B. , care llaum Iron Co. , 1217 Leaven-
worth , , t)51. )
TJ10R EXCHANGE-Dakota , Hand county
JL' Wnat have you to oiler for a good farm
here , slightly encumbered ? Dakota lands are
rising in value , and its destiny cannot bo dis
puted. Will take vacant lot or Improved prop
erty and assume some encumbrance. U. J.
Bternsdorir , rooms 317 and 318 , Elrst National
bank building. 032
EXCHANOE-Elghty acres ot the llnest
timber land In Wisconsin , clear of encum
\Vhathavoyoutooiror ? O. J. Hterus-
tlorll. rooms 317 and 318 , First National bank
"VTEW 2-seatod flno carriage or top buggy for
J- > mortgage city or county warrants , or any
good unsecured notes.W.L.belby.R 13 U'd Trade
ATA sacrifice 12irl50 ) ft , east nnd north
-cxtront , corner 83th and Howard sts. , one
block west of Coe's and Klrkendall's line resi
dences , two blocks from paved street , two
blocks south of Farnam St. : just think ot It ,
120x150 ft. and a corner at that , and only $1WO.
C. E. Relter , room 5 , s. w. cor. 13th aud Douslas
ELIMN PLACE , * ilX ) per lot.
Kelpln Place lots are south fronts.
Van lion re n sells Kelplu Place lots.
Kelpln I'laco , on llnnletto st.
Kolpln Place Is very sightly.
Kelpln I'laco , 4 blocks to car lino.
Kelpln Place let mo show it to you.
Kelpln 1'lace. ? 28 per front foot.
Kulpln Place , lota 123 feet deep.
Van llouren Bells Kelpln I'laco lots.
Kelpln Place lots am 23x133.
Buy a lot in Kolpln Place.
Kelpln Place Mold on easy torms.
Kelpln Place lots , only 7100 cash.
Kelpln I'laco sold on 6 years time.
Kolpln Place , Interest only 7 per cent. 037 13
Douglas County Abstracts ,
Ia07 Farnam stroot.
To those who wish to Invest a small aura of
money safely in a manner that commends itself
to the prudent buyer , wo oir r lots
lusido City Limits.
In a locality where hundreds of good houses are
already built and being finished , for the small
sum of
by paying $15 down , and balance 810 or more
per month. Hundreds have made money in
Omaha by such investments as this who could
have bought In no other way , and
Thousands In Chicago
have Invested and are now investing m the same
manner. You can como and BOO those iJ-WJ lots
at any tlrao , aa conveyances are
Alnays Ready
to show property , whether you buy or not
When you BOO these lots and the improvements
surrounding them you will have to admit tha )
No Ono Con
duplicate them'ln price , location or terms. Re
member that t hcife uro not lots In a a wiimn or In
the country , but are splendidly located , sur
rounded by bulldlngs.and you can BOO them any
time aud make up your
Own Mind
aa to their value. Terms are niiulo easy so that
people can buy ami save tlielr money without
feeling it. When you buy such a lot on such
terms you make n
Safe Venture ,
and if you never venture anything you'll never
have very much. Come and see tlio lots and
make up your own mind as to their value ; you
will then understand why they are selling , and
admit them to be
M Pur Cent
cheaper than hurroundlng lots. Don't delay !
como ana see for yourself ; put your money
whcro It will make you more , and remember
price , terms , nnd that you can judge for your
self at any time as to real value of this prop
erty. Amos , 1M7 Farnam. C81 13
DHIVE out and look at the southwest corner
of 10th und Martha Bts , paved all the way :
there you will see as handsome u plat of ground
as over pleased the artistic eye of man ; an east
front corner 132x144. with nice cottage , inir-
rounded by forest trees mien aa elm , linden ,
walnut , oak. etc. Wo have the exclusive sale
of thlH line propcrty.and will noli thu whola erin
in part. M. A. Upton Co. , loth and Farnam.
li)3 ! ) 17
FOR BALE Choicest property in Orchard
Hill ; 10-room lionnu. nil modern improve
inents , and H full lots. D. E , Johnson , owner.
Iu5 , 1'axton block. 707 1 ! )
TTHIt BALK That elegant Bite on 37th aud
JL1 Farnam ; 2 paved ats. , east front , cor 1HI } {
XH81J , $ Um.M.AUptuu Co , , ICth and Farcam ,
THU Unit one that gota to our olllco with the
money takes that very llneat rnbldeiira site
in Omaha , cor ilitn and Farnam , 2 paved fta. ,
oust front , cor 1UHJXU8M , jj.sio , M. A. Upton
Co. , inth aud Faruam. C02 Itl
T AND I havelO.COQ acres of choice farming
XJlunds lu eastern and middle NobraHku\\lilch
1 will sell at from $5 to 112 per acre , Will make
special price for tlio whole 10,000 acres If taken
lu u lump. Geo. JI. Peterson , 1112 8 13th at. ,
048 mil
1710It SALE-Nice new A-roosii houso. barn for
J4 horses , well and cistern ; everything Ilrst ,
class ; full lot. In Itedford Place , 200 feet from
State aticet (30th ( at ) . . ' .200. tiuo cash , balance I ,
2 and 3 yearn ; or (2,000,11,4W cash , balance 6
years , M. A. Upton Qpuipany , ICth and Farnam.
FOHSALB-East front lot on Georgia ave.
In Hauscom Place , most sightly lot on inn
whole street , overlooks Omaha and Co.mcll
llluIfB , * V x ) , one-third cash , balance one und
two yearn. C. F. HarrisonMerchants Nat. Dank
T71OU SALE or Exchanco Improved atock
JL' fgrm of NW acres , in emtarn Nebraska , near
market ; aUo new 13-rootn hoiurt , wltn all con-
venlences , in desirable refldenue portion ot
Omaaa. Andrew llevlns. attomay , 4 i and 4X\
1'axton block , Omaha , Neb 937
U LOTVOklahoma ( TIty-M.00 per lot.
pinorder to interest 300 Omaha people Immrdt-
tely in Oklahoma City , the comma metropolis
ottiie Panhandle of Texas , we will sell 3W lots
or W Ipor lot , Kvery lot level and dry , and 23x
127 trot In size. Tltlo absolutely perfect. Tins
prlco Is good only until. 100 lot * have b on sold.
after which prices will bo advanced to $25 and
KOperlot. Oklahoma cltyH aitualod on the
extreme eastern border of llemphlll county ,
Texas , and tmmodlntoly adjoining Oklahoma ,
or the Indian territory , ana Just at the point
where the Atlantic * Pafillo railroad loaves the
territory entering the 1'nnhandlo. lx > ok at
your map and see It thorn are not crowing
cities at the points where the railroads either
enter or leave the territory. it was for this
nnd many other reasons that Oklahoma City
v a s located upon Its present site. Those who
apply Immediately will have choice of lots. All
orders by mall will rocelvo prompt attention.
Omco open every night until Uo'clork. Apply
to or address Panhandle Townslte Company ,
comer 16th and Harnoy sts , Omaha , Nob.
Inferences : First National bank , of Kansas
City , Mo. ; Hamtuitr , Davidson k do. , bankers ,
Kansas city. Me. ; 8. P. Orltllth & Co , , bankers ,
Kansas CUT. .Mo. : Prathor bank , Canadian ,
Tex. ; W. S. Docker. county attorney , Canadian ,
lOX _ 2ol
$ B.OD 1'KU LOT-Oklahoma Clty-M.OO per lot.
1 The first 3JO lots In Oklahoma City , taken by
Omahn people , will bo sold at K < .00p r lot.
Panhandle TownSlto Companr ,
Cor. ; uh and Harney sts.pmahaNeb. 581
2jsOiV PEil LOT Oklahoma City. Boo adver-
P tlsement.
Panhandle Townsllo Company ,
Cor. ISth and Ilarney sts. , Omana , Neb. 591
TAOlTT bo deceived ; thooltlco of Oklahoma
A- ' City Is at the corner of 1Mb. and Harnoy ats.
1'auliandlo Townslto Company ,
Cor. ISth and Harnoy Eta. . Omaha , Neb. SSI
. PEIl LOT Oklahoma City. See adver
$3.00 .
Panhaudlo' Townslto Company ,
Cor 15th and Harnoy sts , Omaha , Neb. S31
CJJ3.W ) I'Ull LOT Oklahoma Cltyt } 3 per lot.
3) The llrsc 30) ) lots InOklahomaClty taken by
Umaha pcuplo , will be sold at U per lot.
Panhandln Townslto Company ,
Cor. IMh and Harnoy ats. . Omaha. Neb. 21
T OTi > 3xl53 east ana Boutti corner west Far-
JLJ nnm st. near Milton Itogers property , IT.-
000 , Kasy terms will shade this for all cash.
C. K Harrison Merchants Null bank bldg. 493
DON'T bo ilocolved ; the olllco of Oklahoma
City It at the cnrnor of 15th and Haruoy ats.
Panhandle TowiiBlto company ,
Cor. IBtn and Harnoy sts. , Omaha. Neb. 231
$ ; i.uo 1'KIt LOT Oklahoma City. See adver
tisement. Panhandle Townslto Company ,
Corner 15th. and llarnuy 8tg..0malia , Nob. 281
CB3.00 PKH LOT-Oklahoma City ; W per lot.
PTho first JWO lots In Oklahoma City taken by
Omahn , people will bo sold at frl uor lot.
Panhandle Townslto Company , cornerloth
nnd Hamey sts. . Omaha , Net ) . _ 231
d > 3.00 per lot Oklahoma City W.OO per lot.
iDTno first 300 lots in Oklahoma City taken by
Omaha people will bo sold at 1 1 per lot.
Panhandle Townslto Company ,
Cor. 16th and lUnicy sta. . Omaha , Neb. 281
. per lot Oklahoma City. ' See adtortlso-
$3.00 .
mout.Panhandlo Townslto Company.
Cor. 15th and Itarney sts. . Omaha , Neb. 281
T \ONTbo decolvod ; the omco of Oklahoma
JL/city la at the corner of 15th and Harnoy sts.
I'anhaudlo Townslto Company ,
Cor. 15th and Harnoy at3. , Omaha. Nob. 281
3.00 1'Ktt LOT Oklahoma City ! $3 per lot.
. 'The ' tlrst SW lots In Oklahoma City taken by
Omaha people will bo sold at Jl per lot. Pan
handle Townslto Company , corner 15th and
Harnoy sis. . Omaha. Neb. _ 281
d 3.00 PKR LOT Oklahoma City. See advor-
iptlsomeiit. Panhandle Townslto Company ,
Corner 15th nnd Hamoy ats. . Omalia , Nob. 281
3.00 PKH LOT Oklahoma City. $3 per lot.
The tlrst 30) ) lots In Oklahoma City , taken by
Omaha people , will be sold nt J.I per lot.
Panhandle Townslte Company ,
Cor. 15th am * . Harnoy sts. Omaha , Nob. 281
' be aocelvod. The olllco of Oklahoma
City Is at the Cor. of 15th and Harnoy ats.
Panhandle Townsito Company ,
Cor. 15th and Hartley sta. . Onmlm. Neb. 231
$3.00 PKU LOT Oklahoma City. See adver
Panhandle Townslto Company ,
Cor. 15th and Hamey sts. . Omaha , Nab. 281
rtO.00 PKll LOT Oklahoma City : * 3 per 16t.
3) The llrat 300 lots In Oklahoma City , takou by
Omaha people , will bo sold at J3 per lot.
Panhandle Towuslto Company ,
Cor , 15th and Harnoy sts. Omaha. Moi ) . 281
$ , PER LOT Oklahoma City. See adver
Panhandle Townslto Company ,
Cor. 15th and Harnoy sta. , Omana , Nobr 231
$ ; i.OO 1'Klt LOT-Oklauoraa City. 13.00 per lot.
The tlrst 300 lots In Oklahoma City taken by
Omaha people will bo sold at $ .1.00 pur lot ,
Panhaudlo Towuslto Company ,
Cor. 15th and Humor ata. . Omaha , Nob. SSI
3.00PEH LOT Oklahoma City. See advor-
$ Llsomcut. ,
Panhandle To\vnslto Company ,
Cor. loth and Harnoy Big , Omaha. Nob. 231
DON'T bo deceived ; the office of Oklahoma
City la ut the corner of Mth and Ilarney ats.
Panhaudlo Townslto Company.
Corner loth nnd Harnoy sts. , Omaha , Neb. 281
$3.0) PKIt LOT Oklahoma City ; see adver
Panhandle Townslto Company ,
Cor. l'ith and Harnoy sta. , Omaha , Neb. 281
DON'T bo decolvca. Thoolllco of Oklahoma
City Is at the corner of 15th and Harnoy sts.
Panhandle Townslto Company , corner 11th and
Harnoy stg. , Omaha , Nnb. 281
d > 3.00 PKlf LOT Oklahoma City ; $3 per lot ;
3)tho tlrst 300 lots In Oklahoma City taken by
Omaha people will bo sold at * ! per lot.
Panhandle Townslto Company ,
Cor. luth and llainoyata. , Omaha , Nob. 281
DON'T bo deceived. The olllco of. Oklahoma
City Is at the cor 15th and Ilarney sts.
Punhaudlo Vownslta Comnany ,
Cor , lotli and llornnyntB. Omahn. Neb. 281
CJ.1.03 1'EIl LOT Oklahoma City. See advor-
Ptlsemmit. _
Panhandle Townslte Company ,
Cor . 1.1th and Ilarney sts. , Omalm.NoD. 281
( 3.00 PER LOT Oklahoma City. M.OO per lot.
Priiollmtyojlotsin Oklahomn City , taken by
Omaha people , will be sold at SUK ) per lot
Pannandlo Townslto Company ,
Cor. 15th and Haruoy sts. , Omaha , Nob. 281
TT\ON'T bo deceived. Thoollicaof Oklahoma
J J City Is at the cor. of I'jtM und Ilarney ate.
Panhandle Townslto Company ,
Cor 15th and Harney bta. , Omalia Nob. 2811
FOU SALE C-room cottage on 16th St. bot.
Center and Dorcas , lot "iDxlliT , ti.ROO , easy
terms ; this Is a bargain. M. A. Upton Co. , IGtli
nnd l-'nrnam. cai
EOll BALE The flnost rjsidqnco Bite in West
Omaha ; just , south of Farnam on 37th
btrcot ; a corner 10."ixl87 with 1ST feet frontage
on paved street and joining the hanaiomoresl-
rtunco of Klrkoudall on the east and llrady.KuK-
HOII and Martin on the south ; a perfect com
ami garden spot for an elegant homo.
Harney and 21st streotH , HlxliiT , on pavement
within three blocks of the court lious ? ; room
for seven line nouses that would rent as rapIdly -
Idly as completed. A bplcndld permanent in
Karnam and 22d streets , 50x133 , with new
three-story brick atom building , routed to ( , ' 001 1
permanent tenants. Itontal receipts $ l0.i per
Sixteenth street near Nicholas , frontage 01
feet to alley. Uood business property.
Karnam utruet botwutm ; Wti and tilth , front-
ngu 4K or Uixlirj to alloy , south front , 1 block
from pavement und street cars.
1'arx. avomie , opposite Hanscom park , 50x150 ,
price ? -.000 , easy lurmn.
1'addock Place , trackage. 00x113 , 12.030 , easy
10th street south of Vinton st. , lot for sale or
trndo for mdse. or eood farm hind.
* Sloman. litUl Varnam at. _ iiM
/ 1 A 1L on II. U. Cole , northeast corner of 15th
v and Douglas sts. , Omalu. for Udwln 1C Al-
of California ,
231) ) At > rll IB *
T71OH8ALH Pine residence el to on Lowe ave. ,
JIHlxl'i'i , not far from lh6 Academy of the
Sacred Heart , overlooks almost the entire city ,
prlco IIO.MO , one-third casli , balance one and
two years. C. ! ' . H&rrlsonMerclianti Nat. bans
TJIOll BALE On monthly or quarterly pay.
JD ments.some : iBWO-room hottuos in Mlllard &
Cald-.Toll't ) udd. , Just \V \ miles irom oostolllce.
If you want a home of your own come nnd sea
mo. C. C. BpotHWOod , 'M , > i 8. 18th at. 1)51
' [ Tlim HALiJ-Acaaemy of Music bulldlns and
.U two business lots , Grand Inland , Nnbrunks ,
i.-round 4 < xl3J feet , building brick , two utonrtt
nigh and btone basomentn , nil in coed repair ;
terms easy ; price Hf.dW. Emiulre of Thompson
Uroj. . Grand Island , Nebrnakn.
IK yon wlnh to sell , buy or exchange property ,
call on the Woiturn U. 11. Ac Mur. lx. ! , room
II , Chamber of Commerce. SouneuscUeln & Val
eutiiuj , Mgrs. fiufl
E'-XTJiAOUDlNAItV jirrgalu-3 ncrei" of
thomost beutuiful CTounil in the city juit
the place for a home with all ltd appointments.
You cnn buy thin at your own price. Call ut
rime. C. I' . Harrison , Alurclmnta' National
bank bid. 081
"I7UMI 8ALK A nuw housu , 4 rooms , well , els-
Jturn , cellar , etc. ; fultlol , WlNeJc I'annola'B
addition , J.fKi , IJO c.inli and balance monthly ,
Ulirt'o hoti c . 4 rooms each , on iwtli anil
ClmrUBst , II.WJtoll.'XMIoach ; KW r-Rsh , bal
ance monthly ,
House. 4 roomi , full lot , Seymour' * addition ;
only 11,100 and on monthly payments.
lA > tn in wi e & Parade > addltloa on terms
to itilt.
New 8 room house , Clark , between 30th and
S1 t t. , rlty water , etc. , Ktv ) ; ; rJOO cash.bal-
unce monthly.
A bargain lu that soutti front lot on Howard
st. . near lit tli st , . at 17,000 ,
Money to loan , easy tormx. Lht your lots
etc. , with ( < eo. J , Paul , 1WJ Faroam utrret.
BALK or exchange Improved quarter
-L' section lu desirable locality ; good bargain
for BOine ont. Addruns it. I ! i3 B U'th at. . Omaha.
"IT'ia ' HT room house In Orchard Hill witn mod-
JuJcrn conveniences.
ThrcoT-room houses at 37th and Jodg ats. :
modern conveniences.
Also a number of other houses Anil lots In dif
ferent pnrts ot tha rlty.
It you have nnyttlnp to sell or tftule , call nnd
s o us. Western Land and Coan Kxchnngc. 3W
BCth st , Kf 20
9 AI.U or Ie no Kramo bitlldtnR aboil
vi.1 40x50 with three yean * lease of lotwi Doug
fts st. Pl
_ _
TT1O11 SALIJ Or oxchaiiRo for Omaha prop-
J2 crty , W ) acres , suitable for platting ; will
make 410 lots , nil clear ; big money In It fornomo
one who can push this ; located Just outside the
city limits of Council Hlurrs. Inquire ) ( loo. J ,
itornsdorlT , rooms 317 anil 318 , Klrst National
lankblllldlliB. _ QT.6
TJlOlt SALK-IBO acres ( rood farming land , B4
JU acres under cultivation.
20 head cntno , mostly cows ,
2 work horses ,
C brood sous and pigs.
A peed lot , farming implements , ono-lmlf In
terest In crop now growing , price M.WO.
Also one-half lnt rest in store bulldtnc and
ttock general tuorchaudlso therein , \vlll Involca
. .
Also one acre land ndiotnlng thovlllaReoC
Campbell , with good dwelling and Btaulothero-
onlllscll ; all or In part. ,
Will Rive H per cent discount for cash buyer
For whole outtlt. Hoasou for Belllnn poor
lealth. C. U. lludlong , Campbell , Franklin
Ja.Jfob ; _ 6W 18t _
T\ALKot bargalusl ( lazeon tills : 13 > il&7n.w.
X corner aUh and Hamilton , fronts streets ,
at crude , for fl.&IO. This It bod-rock ; not a
n Ickol lois will over buy it , and it must bo
grabbed soonnt that prloo. M. A. Upton Com-
| ) any. inth and KBrnam. RU9
S"OlITH OMAHA I hnvo a number of good
lots In various additions that must be sold
atonconu.1 can bo bought at prices that will
suit , yon. (1. , t. Stornsdorff , rooms 1)17 ) and 313
First National bank building. DM
1\7011THY of your attention. Now boms
completed on SJth st , north of Loavon-
worth at , two houses ronvonlaut to business ,
very roomy , grate , mantel , furnace , gas. bath ,
lollct , 2 wntor closets , stationary wnsn tulif ,
hot ami cold water , Ilvo bedmoms , 10 closets ;
only l\WO. on terms to suit. Telephone S3T or
W.T , Seaman , Omaha'H largest variety ot wag
on * , carrlngos. etc. , cant side 10Ih st , north of
Nicholas st. 4J3
TTlOIlsnlo or oxchangB A wsldonro at 20th
JL1 st. , nnd St. Marys nvo , has 7 rooms ) , bath
room , laundry , sewerage , gas and city water.
Will take good outside building ilte as part
payment. David.laintoaon. 314 3 loth. , M
I HAVE 10 linn lots in IlrlKgs' Place ndd. ,
Omaha , for cash , on good terms. For further
information inquire of E. Joltroy , Gnlouo , 111 ,
111011 SAL13-A biiituticul rosldenco in llan -
com Place , east front on ! Wth t. just ioutli
of Popploton ave , lot r > 0xl42 to graded alloy ;
yard nicely sodded ; 8-room house , bath , hot
and cold water , gas , newer , electric bells , hard'
wood finish. If taken at once will sell tills fine
homo for amount much below Us value. No
nicer neighborhood In thn city. To those that
jiionn business wo would like to show this
property. Wo will make the prloo right. M.
A. Upton Company , lilth and Farnam. 8J1
TilOH HALE Nino-room house , barn and lot
JL ? In Hauscom Place ; also 2 houses nnd lots in
Sunny Side. Harris , room 411,1st Nat. bank.
6M '
ONE and otio-nalt Rtory , 7-room house city
water , gas. largo uarn ; convenient to ,
horse cars and cable ; good enough homo for
any ono. Price. * JCOO. Terms , KWJto 70U cash ;
balance reasonable. H. E. Cole , room fl , Con
tinental. 4M 18
OH.LOOKhorel An east front , 50 ft lot , on
2 th st. , south of Iltirdette ; very fine view
for 81,500. How's that. M , A. Upton Company ,
loth and Parnam. 'Ml
NO cash payment required. Will sell you a
lull lot In Sauudoi's & Hlmobaugn'a add
for JGOO and take mortgage for full amount duo
in 5years on condition thatyou build a house
to cost not less than K > 00. C. E. Reitor , roouiB ,
B W corner liith and Douglas. 4'19
103JxT48J ! $ , swcor ! )7th ) anil Farnam. 2 paved
sts , lots graded down to within 2 foot of BU
grado.llnoHt raaldonce location In Omaha$9,2uO ;
must bo taken at once. M. A. Upton Co. . Kith
and Faruam. U1210
FOR SALE Lot 40x100. south ot rair grounds
lu Klrkwood ; prlco $1,200. one-fourth cash.
J H. Loomls. 1JI2Q Wlrt st. 678 ll
SHOLES' special bargains W.OOO buys a good
7 room cottage nnd barn wltn flue plumbing ,
hot water heating apparatus , nicely papered ,
mantle and nil convunioncos.full lot. east front ,
near corner 2tth ! St. and Wool worth avenue.
$8,5 X ) buys a line new 10 room house , \vltlia
good barn and all conveniences , being an east
fronton Popploton avenue and 2Uth street *
fTi.DOObuys a full lot , east fronton Georgia
avenue , halt block bouth of Loavunworth at , ,
with a good 0 room cottago. line largo nhada
trees. Very cholco.
GoodBroomhoiuo. furnace nnd all conven
iences. No. 2813 Ponplcton avenue ; party going
to leave the city. Investigate this ana submit
I have u good list of residences aud residence
lots which it will pay you to Investigate if you
wish to purchase ; 1 also have JlOn.OUJ worth ot
good clear property to exchange for either good
residence property , or Inside business property
and assume as much oncumberance. or pay rtlf-
foronco In cash. It you have anything first/
class for sale or trade , call nnd BOO mo. D. V.
Bl > oles. room 210 First National bank hldff ,
ASfl.OOO residence in Walnut hill to soli loss
than IUKU ; SW.OOH hotel to trade for Omahn
property ; house and lot on Corby to trade for
Walnut hill lot. Hutchlnson & Woad , 1624 Doug
las. 7 : > 3 1(1 (
fjlOR SALE Cheap Not for trade ; 511.70 acres
JL' land ( sec. 5-12-0) ) two miles from Marquette ,
Hamilton county , Nebraska. Frame lioilio , sta
ble. ; KW acres under good barb-wire toaco.
round cedar posts , two stays , living water , 30-
foot channel , 2 wells , 3JJ barrel tank , corral ,
Bolf-feedor , a natural stock ranch , la a line corn
Prlco $5,000
Cash in hand 2,760
2 years'time 0 per cent 3,250
Go and look over land. Address owner , F. 1C
Atkins. VOS Larimer at Denver Col. 027
Public Auction.
TO RE sold at public auction on Saturday
April 20' on the corner of 12th and Douglas ,
10 a. m. All the fixtures , furniture , stoves ,
ranges , table clotns , silverware of the saloon
restaurant of 0. S. HlgglnN. Also 8 horses , car
riages , buggies , hai mimes. I. llrown. nlldot
Notice to Graders.
Sealed proposals will be received at the ofllco
of the county clerk , until 2 o'lok p. in. , .Satur
day. April 2Vth inst , for the running of graders
Nan. 1 and 2. Snparato bids will bo received for
hill and turnpike work , and ail bids must bo
accompanied by certified chock for $10) . Plans
and specifications to lie seen at the olllco of the
county ( lurk. M. D. ItociiK , County Clcr .
Kcinarkiiblc lor powerful sympathetic
lone , pliable action nnd absolute dura
bility ; .10 years' rocord-the host guaran
tee of tlio excellence- those instru
Cnpital WOO.OOO
Surplus Jrin. 1st , 1889 62.000
HENRY W. YA'l'BS , President.
LEWIS H. REED , Vice President ,
W. V. MORflE.
W. U , 8. HUGHES , Cashier
Corner 13th and Farnam Sti.
A General Jlanklng Uualnoss Trasact * . *
Cities , Counties , ftchool DlntrlcU , Water Com
panies , &c. We are In the market Tor the
purchase of round amounts oi such bonds.
Correspondence solicited.
N. W. HARRIS ft COMPANY , Bankers ,
110-117 Monroe Btreot , CHICAGO.
CO Devonshire Street , BOSTON.
Provisions i Stocks
Basement First National Bank ,
aos South I3lh Stlreeti