Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1889, Page 5, Image 5

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* m
f His Forogrlnntlons In the Vicinity
1 of Omaha.
Another Vornlfjrlntt Tourist Kc-
turned tlio Cheese A DUncrtntlon
on tlio American Bin of I2xnu-
ficrntlon Samples.
' Send In Your Stories.
The commercial travelers of this slate
. Imvo shown their appreciation of Tnu
BKB'B efforts to afford themovorv Mon
day Intelligence peculiarly Interesting
and Instructive to the craft. They Imvo
contributed to our columns freely In the
| past , nnd during March moro communications -
' cations have boon received for our com
mercial travelers' department than
\ ever before In a , given timo. There
nro , however , a variety of subjects
which have not buoti discussed by them
in TUB Biu , and there nro h undrods
whoso personal reminiscences on the
road would make intensely interesting
To induce members of the craft to
contribute regularly to our columns , It
ia proposed to olTcr a thousand milo
ticket , good on Nebraska lines , under
certain conditions. The ticket
will bo purchased by Tim
BIK ever the line chosen
by the successful competitor , who must
either represent a Nebraska house or
travel exclusively In this stnto for an
outside firm. He must present a letter
from .his house certifying that ho is a
regular traveling representative of such
A thousand-mile ticket will ho pro-
Bontod , under above conditions , to the
commercial traveler who shall bo first
to contribute 0,000 words worthy of
being printed iii Tim BliE. Ho can
count only that which appears in print.
Don't bo afraid that your communica
tions will not bo acceptable.Vo want
\ the groundwork of your ideas or anec
dotes or , biographies , personal possip
( or anything that will interest the craft' '
nnd wo will tone it up if ncccssaiy and
put It in proper shape for the printer.
The second best man will bo given a
year's subscrictiou to the daily. Each
competitor must clip all of his commu
nications as fast ns they apnoar In Tim
MONDAY Bun , forward them to
this ollico , and sign his full name and
the house ho represents ,
O my-bcantlful level My fair Nannottol
Tho' the years have flown I can no'er forgot
The night of the dance , when ilrst wo mot ,
When I looked In your oycs of gloaming Jot ,
And gazed on your regal splondor.
And that other time , 'twas a night like this ,
The stars that night did their matins miss
To look upon us and share in our bliss ,
As I clasped you close with n rapturous kiss ,
\7hllst your eyes shone , soft and tender.
But alas , for the words that wo then spoke ,
They've ended , as such words do , in smoke ,
For wo afterwards vowed that 'twas ' all a
And kissed nnd parted , no heart broke ,
' 1 that small cause for wonder.
For my beautiful love , my lair Nannotto ,
"With her raven hair for a lover's net ,
Was naught but a guileless , gay coquette
Who never was caught , nor in Cupid's debt
For dart from his fairy quiver.
And I , also , If the truth were told.
Was a flirting man , gay in days of old ,
Merely n trnv'llng man , fresh and bold ,
To merchants and tnalds nliko singing "sold , "
An I floated down Time's river.
Englishmen who visit our country and
i become slightly acquainted with our
people , customs , and institutions , tell us
that ono of our most distinctlvo charac
teristics is the habit of exaggeration.
At the Dolrnonico banquet Herbert
Spencer said that wo were in too much
of a hurry , that wo seemed to havo.
steum and electricity not only in our
factories and mills but in the very muscle -
clo and brain of our people. Wo admit
that both charges are true to some ox-
ton t. Wo are in so much of a hurry
in our business that wo do not have
time to search for the exact facts , and
nnd in speaking wo generally make
etatomonts long enough and broad
enough to compass the truth , the whole
truth nnd anything that might bo truo.
Wo live in a great country , and a
grent ago. Our mountains are
BO high , our rivers so
long nnd wide , our territory
BO boundless , our inventions BO marvel
ous and the progress of our towns and
cities so rapid and astonishing that the
idea of bigness Is born with us. Our sur
roundings stimulate our imagination.
An Englishman living on a narrow striu
of country , out of which wo could make
n , nice Indian reservation does not have
to strain his imagination to take in his
country , or to express ideas suggested
by his surroundings.
Exaggeration is the chief element in
our wit. Statements which transcend
{ { nil bounds of truth , at wliich n Scotch
woman would he appalled , wo call humor.
Murlr Twain , Bill Nye nnd Josh Billings
nro pleasant oxaggorators. Trim their
writings down to truth and they are
dull. Ho was u true American who wit
nessed the volcauio eruptions of
Vesuvius that roado the sky lurid
nnd remarked to a friend that "Niagara
could put horj out in two minutes. "
Our newspapers rolloet our senti
ments and feelings. In almost every
lieading there is a leap beyond the
truth. A grass tire in Dakota becomes
"A most destructive conflagration that
lays bare the country. Thousands of
homos In ashes nnd millions of property
destroyed. " An ordinary , killing be
comes "A horrible deed of atrocity. "
A doxon or two man go to Washington
to seek ollico and wo are told of "Tlio
most violent scramble for place ever
known in the annals of our country.
Qho ? city of Washington overrun with
patriots. " A little private party is "A
pplondld assembly of beauty nnd wit. "
" Our merchants show the same ten
dency. Where is the sioi-o that has
not the largest nnd the cheapest prices ?
How frequent are such signs as "Great
est reduction in prices ever known. "
"Torriblo ulaughtoriof our entire stock. "
"Positively soiling under cost. " The
elow Gorman soon catches on and tries
to Iccop up with the procession ,
and ever his saloon Is painted a largo
glass overflowing with offorvossconoo
and under it the sign , "A great big
lioor for 6 cents. " It is questionable
whether such methods of advertising
nro of any value. * Continued ovor-
BtaAomcnt becomes weakness. The
jnibllo long used to misrepresentations
I liavo little faith in the sign of a mer
r clmnt that ho Is slaughtering his entire
Block at hull cost. The weakest way n
fact can bo stated Is to load it down
with cumbrous superlatives. Truth IB
etroncrest when neatly dressed , but not
disguised , by art.
I The propensity to exaggerate reaches
Its height with the real ost&to donlor
His * nrt is to go near without crossing
the line where exaggeration becomes
humor. It is easy to double the popu
lation of n town because very few people
know the exact number of residents
and every Inhabitant is disposed to
bollovo what Is favorable. It is still
easier to picture the possibilities of the
future , wo have soon cities spring up
whore wo least expected n town , and
who knows but that Crosby's Cross
Roads may rival Omaha , for the rail
roads are nondod that way. Kearney
is n pluclcy town , with advantages nnd
possibilities of which few other towns
In the state can boast. Yet there Is
Bomothing of the humorous lu the ad
vertisements of her real estate ngonts ,
who parade the fact that Kearney is ox-
nctly midway between Boston nnd Sun
Prnnclsco. The nrtful association of
Kearney with San Francisco nnd Bos
ton suggests tho-remark of the rooster
picking In the stable with the horses !
"Gejitlemen , lot us not tramp on each
other's toes. " Kunopolis , Kan. , wo nro
told , is bound to bo n city because It Is
the oxnct geographical center of the
United States. Mark Twain says
Adam was horn In the center
of the world bccauso that was a very
advantageous place for him to bo born ,
nnd it cannot bo proved that ho was
born at nny ether place.
For many years nn exaggerated vnluo
has been placed upon Oklahoma and a
tremendous pressure forced the open
ing. Our people love novelty , license ,
nnd that which Is forbidden. The de
sire Is heightened by mystic orders and
BtrnnKO signs. The thousands of people
ple who Imvo gone there may in a short
time , suy with the pool :
"Tho priceless thing so fiercely sought
Hath lost half Its value by being caught. '
Uncle Sam will have to open the rest
of the Indian Territory to satisfy them.
In a school boy's oration wo nro not
displeased nt n little exaggeration. Wo
expect grandiloquence and wo
are disappointed if wo do not got
it. Every ono has laughed nt the bri
lliant sketch of the schoolboy who
pictured the American eagle as the
proud bird standing with ono foot on the
Allegheny the ether on the Rocky
mountains , with one wing dipped in the
turbid waters of the Atlantic , the other
"n the blue waters of the Pacific , with
lor head resting on an iceberg nt the
north polo and fanning with her tail
the soft breezes of South America. But
, n n grave legal argument anything approaching
preaching what the boys call a curl is
extremely distasteful ; The peroration
of ono of the speeches in the King trial
contained moro bombastic , high-down
eloquence than any smart school boy
would have boon guilty of. It does the
jury no credit to say that they were in
fluenced by this maudlin sentiment.
Wo do not look tori a deep-seated reverence -
once for law or n very high estimate
upon human life in a now state whore but
recently cowboys shot men down on small
provocation and men wore hanged to the
nearest tree for stealing cattle. Yet
the sober BGIIBO of the people of Ne
braska will say it were bettor had that
jury plucked a feather from the wing of
heir sympathy and stuck it in the tail
of their judgment.
As wo got further away from our civil
war the desire to magnify all the little
incidents becomes almost a mania , .
Many n gray haired veteran wearing
badges and marked with wounds , may ,
under n grim countenance , toll a story
that will startle credulity itself. And
the story once told around a camp fire
loses uono of the particulars.
"The flying rumor gathers as it rolls ,
All who toll it add something now ,
And all who hear It make enlargement , too"
No wonder Gnnoral Sherman said , in
a recent number of the North Ameri
can Review , that ho had hoard so many
stories about what happened in the
"March to the Sea , " that ho
had begun to think some
other follow by the same name
conducted that campaign. Wo arc so
much In the habit of exaggerating , that
an undor-statomont gives us pain. 1
recently purchased ono of Rand & Mc-
Nally's guides toJNobraska. They are
sold on all trains ana in all book stores.
The book contains ns man'y gross mis
representations as it was possible to
crowd into ns many pages. The popu
lation of Norfolk Is given as 1'Jl'J ' ,
O'Neill is given 18. Chadron is put
down as just a postomco. Omahn is
credited in black typo with 0.183K. It
is stated that the statistics nro based on
the last census. It may flatter Rhode
Island and Vermont to quote the popu
lation ten years ago , but it won't do for
a growing state like Nebraska. Can
you not perform the ollico of thoLaputan
llappor and remind the Rip Van Winkle
of this publishing house that it is high
time to awako. Toll him that Nebraska
now is no moro like Nebraska
of ten years ngo than nn elegant dwell
ing is like a sod houso. It would bo ap
propriate to label this guide "Curious
statistics about the early days of Ne
braska. "
Traveling mon are said to exaggerate
moro than any ether class of mon. The
charge is true , if it is meant that travel
ing men can tell more and bettor stories
than ether people. The drummer has
n fine sense of humor , and he can ox-
nggorato in a way to cause great laugh-
tor. But ho does not seriously exug-
gorato. Ho is n man of wonderful in
formation , derived from contact with
the world. He has crossed the Brook
lyn bridge , gene under the Chicago
river , has heard the roar of Niagara ,
has followed the Mississippi to its
mouth , and has entered the Golden
Gate. Ho preceded Captain
Payne in Oklahoma , and led
the rnilrdaOs in the territories.
He has boon in hail storms , bliz
zards and cyclones. Ho is acquainted
with the great merchants and lawyers
of Now York and Chicago , and ho
knows the grocoryman at Bom'a Mill
nnd the justicool thopeacoof Buzzard's
Roost. Ho cannot bo called a citizen of
any town or city. Ho is a resident of
the United States. Why should ho ox-
nggorntoV Does ho not know the
truth ? Has ho not heard with his own
oars ana aeon with his own eyosV
While ether people- may draw upon
their imaginations for their facts , does
ho not draw upon his actual knowledge
nnd experience ? Lawyers , preachers ,
doctors and editors may learn from the
man who carries the grip things not
dreamt of in their philosophy.
To Contributors ,
Clip out your contributions as they
appear in Tills BKK and save them.
When they measure up six columns
send them to the editorial department.
The first arrlvnl gets a thousand-mile
ticket free.
Returned the Cheese.
A West Point firm , returning some
strong cheese to the concern from which
they purchoied it ; wrote :
"Gentlemen : Wo return this day by
freight the cheese you sent us in last
bill. If you will consult your own
safety you will have ton policemen de
tailed to moot it nt the depot on its
urrlvul , otherwise there is dungor of lie
doing much damage iu the city , as it
was considerably worked up when it
loft hero. Respectfully , etc. , J , S. "
BJIOKEN Bow , Nob. , April 10 , 18SO.
To the Editor of Tim Br.u : Some time
ago I hud a talk with the representatives
of several Omaha houses In regard tc
merchant)1 und commercial travelers' '
rooms , nnd nil ngreo thnt suoh rooms
should bo fitted up , nnd Omaha not bo
behind Chicago , Philadelphia , Balti
more , St. Louis nnd Denver , In iho mat-
tor. It would add greatly in developing
Omahn , for there is not n loading hbuso
hut would contribute to making this
work n success , nnd If properly con
ducted by n board of merchants and
travelers , say five of each , I nm ccrluln
that there would not bo nny trdublo In
raising the money necessary. The fur
nishing would bo a secondary matter.
Wo should bo in n nosition to show the
merchants and travelers coming to
Omnha thnt wo nro not behind the
times. Omahn with Its location nnd increasing - .
creasing population nnd business Inter
ests should do everything to control the
trade west of the Missouri. Her loca
tion would make n strong bid if it were
shown to the country merchants , there
were faculties to sell goods nt Chlcngo
prices with freight added.
Hoping to hoar from the boys , nnd
suggesting thnt nt nn early date n nicot
ine bo hold to formulate- plans , I nm ,
The many friends of 0. O. Carpenter
will regret to learn that ho has sev
ered his connection with Koot , Drlofus
& Co. , nnd will represent the Qnrneau
Cracker company in Kansas utter April
15. Carp is almost "sho" to succeed.
Ed Leonard , with MoBrndy & Co. ,
says business is bettor than for months
past. Ed gets there if anyone does.
Jim Slushor bought n dog the ether
day. Ho carries it along in his grip.
Tom .T. Huteson spent Sunday with
ils sweetheart , "Jimmy , " in Omaha.
Reliable nnd Always the Snino.
BKANDIUTH'S Pn.i.s are the oldest , safest
and best blood purifier and purgative known. '
They nro purely vegetable , therefore harm-
loss. They are always the same ind always
produce the same effect. Other purgatives
require increased doses and finally cease act-
ng altogether. A course of ono or two of
BHAN'DHKTII'S PILT.S taken each night is a
Dositlvo euro for constipation , headache and
nil bilious disorders. If you can't ' take them
l > laln , get thorn sugar-coated.
The Omnlin Glub Enjoy n Lilttlo
llcixltliful Kccrcatlon.
ThaOmauas and the Uoacons , the colored
team , wont out to the park yesterday to have
a little fun with each other. They had it ,
and a crowd of probably ono thousand people
looked on with feelings of Joy , regret und ro-
irso confusedly mingled. All thrco of
Omahas pitchers took a baud in the game ,
but \Villis made the best showing of all ,
striking out no less than six , and not nllow-
'ing Pluminor's pounders a single hit. Once
ho performed the extraordinary foot of strik
ing out the side on nine pitched balls , everyone
ono of which the batters struck at. Coone.v
nnd Nuglo took turns behind the plate. In
justice to both Prosscr nnd Clarke , it is but
fair to state that neither exerted himself In
the least. Thcro was no occasion for them
to take any risks , and they took matters
onsy. It also should bo explained Unit the
colored team only embraced four of the
Ucacons' regular mon. The score :
Earned runs Omaha 0.
Two-base hits Cooney , Proesscr.
Three-base hits Crooks , Canavan2 , Proes-
ser , Finley.
Homo runs Messitt.
Double plays Walsh to Crooks to Messitt.
Hoses on balls Uy King 9 , by Proesser 1 ,
by Clarke 1.
Hit by pitcher Strauss.
Stolen bases Omabas 14 , Beacons 3.
Struck out By Proesser 4 , ClarkoS , Willis
0 , King 2.
Passed balls Evans 5.
Wild pitches King 2.
Time of Katne Two hours.
Umpire Rockwell.
A Ijlfo niiulo Miserable
By dyspepsia is hardly worth living. A
capricious appetite , heartburn , puzzling ner
vous symptoms , increased action of the heart
after eating , sinking in the abdomen between
meals , and flatulence after , are among the
successive indicia of this harrasslng com
plaint. Two things only are needful for its
removal. A resort to Hosteller's Stomach
Bitters , and persistence in its use. Those-
remedial measures being adopted , a euro is
certain. Taken immediately before or after
meals , thin great stomachic promotes accre
tion oftho gastriojuico , the natural solvent
of the food. The nervous and bilious symp
toms consequent upon chronic indigestion
disappear , as the complaint gradually yields
to the corrective and invigorative influence
of the Bitters. Appotlto returns , sleep becomes -
comes moro refreshing , and as a sequence ,
the body is oftjciontly nourished , muscular
power increases und the mind grows san
guine. Use the Bitters for chills and fever
nd rheumatism. _
The Divided Doomcru.
The "spill" of the Nebraska branch of
the Oklahoma boomers hold a short meeting
yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock in Kessler's
hall on South Thirteenth street. Capt.
Smith , the president , acted as chairman.
Tim purpose of the meeting was to com
plete arrangements for the trip , The chair
man asked those present to enroll their
names ns members , if they were not already
connected with the colony. Mr. Smith re
viewed the obligations which the members
would bo under , and It was decided that the
colony leave Omaha next Thursday for
the now country. Over 450 people have
Joined the colony , but only about half that
number will go to Oklahoma. Those who do
not go with the colony will lese their mem
bership fees , unless they are old uoldlers ,
woo can huvo agents to ace as their at
torneys. The moating was not largely at
Two JLIttlo GlrlH.
I have two little girls ona two and the
other four years of ago. They were oath
very badly afllictcd with eruptions on the
face and neck. Sometimes when they
would strike the sores against anything ,
they would bleed as long as ten mlnutos ;
they were in fact so painful that wo had to
tie up the hands of the younger with soft
rags to prevent her from scratching off the
flesh. They suffered in this way for about
eight months , during which tfmn wo tried
several remedies without any relief. Seeing
Swift's Spociflo was recommended highly , I
discarded all other remedies ana bougnt ono
bottle of It. and gave to the children , and it
cured both sound and welL and they arc now
entirely free from any trouble. There Is
nothing us good for blood and akin troubles
as S. S. S ,
Bowling Orcou , Ky. W. L. WOODWAKD.
Tlio IMnyor's Moving.
Mayor Broutch is moving his former resi
dence to room for his proposed now
houso. In the meantime the mayor and his
family will board at the Millard.
Starch grows sticky comraou powders
Imvo a vulgar glare. Pozzoni's 10 the
only Complexion Powder fit for uso.
Important .Problems Before the
State Bonrd ofTransportation. .
j , t-
A Mystcrlons Cnno or
Plnns fur Iinpriirlnc the I'ost-
ofllco Gro'ririUs Sent to
UUIIEAU or THB OMAHA , llns. )
1029 P STIIEET , }
LINCOLX , April 14. \
"What Is the state board of transportation
going to dot"
This question 1ms been asked wltn wonder
ful frequence la Lincoln during the past few
days. No ono seems willing to ronturo nn
annwor cr oven a prognostication. But the
opinion exists that the board Is going to net
cautiously , and will not nmko n move of nny
kind until the arguments in the Sutherland *
Manning complaints have been thoroughly
considered , Members of the board are very
n on-coinmlttol. The complaints alluded to
were fllod against the Klkhorn and heard
recently at Tcknmah , As TUB BEP. has
already stated , they were made to secure a
reduction of freight rates ou coal and live
stock. It Is understood that some , If not all ,
of the member * of the board favor making
nn order of reduction on tbo classification as
prayed , and that It will bo made
upon n digest of arguments , which
have Just boon received , the ten days allowed
for submitting the same having expired.
In Bomo quarters of Lincoln the argument
is freely urged that tbo late action of re
trenchment on the part of the Burlington
will huvo a tendency to raise the fears of the
tenderfoot. That is , the road seeks to con
vince that it has not been making expenses ,
has been losing money in fact , and chooses
to lop off employes and nccomimodatlous
rather than keep up the grind in the old way.
Again It is urged that the action of the roads
in Iowa in taking oft accommodations because
of railroad legislation forncnst their wishes
will bo repeated in Nebraska if a freight re
duction order of any moment Is made. So it
KOCH , mid the state board of transportation is
Kept In hot water day In and day out.
"I want to say to you , " said ono
of the board to-day , "that I
nm getting tired of sitting between two tiros.
The claims of the people , brought about by
newspaper agitation , on ono side , and the
railroads , claiming to bo half fed on the
other , furnished a variety that tends to keep
us poor devils in n restless .stato of activity.
Bled to death on ono baud and half paid ou
the other 1 Think of it. Now , the Burling
ton fellows are actually bout on lessening
expenses by reducing the force of their holu
In the various departments of their road.
This , on the surface , looks as though their
claims were based upon truth. But I got to
looking into the receipts of the road , the
real capital invested , and I nm forced to ntop
and actually exclaim , 'Tlicro is some-thing
wrong somewhere. " It can't bo that the
road Is not making expenses when not handi
capped. The great strike of last year
must have something to do with this
spasmodic move of retrenchment , and not
the possible order of the board for lower
rotes on freight shipments. "
The board of secretaries returned from
their visit to Covlntrton ycstcrda ) . In con
versation with Mr. Gilchrist it is learned
that the board did not fall desperately in
love with the place ; Nothing was done
toward adjusting the depot diOlculties there ,
but during the current week dcilnito action
will probably bo taken and findings made. If
the town gets the depot relocated it will Do
because of the ordinance contract accepted
by the road when the track and switches
were made and laid qom'o years ago.
Valparaiso shippers file complaint against
the Union Pacific for\mjust switch charges.
Notices of the complaint have been duly
served upon the authorities of the road , and
the case will bo heard at the regular Juno
session of the board.
A. Ca < 4O ofMUdnnppliiE.
Rumors of n case ol ! Kidnapping are cur
rent in the heart of the city. Enough is
known to state that such an event took place
last night , but this is all. The case is iu the
hands of Sheriff MulicK , but ho refuses to
talk. There are implications that will causa
some surprise m Lincoln and at other places
where the parties are known. Names , it is
said , nro withheld for obvious reasons. The
child is said to bo of doubtful parentage.
The Postoflloo and Grounds
The plans for improving the po&tofflco
grounds , contemplated by the recent act of
congress , have just been sent to Washington.
On their approval by the supervising archi
tect , bids will bo advertised , the contract lot
and work will commence. The walk is to bo
widened around the square and the rough
and uuovon stone replaced with something
bettor. The grade on Q street is to bo
loweied to a level prescribed by the city
engineer , and stone stcds to be buUt entirely
across the front of the building. In all , the
improvements will cost 5,000.
Apropos to improvements it is well to state
that the business of the Lincoln postoftlco for
the last quarter shows an increase of 10 per
cent over the corresponding period of ono
year ago. Excluding the money order busi
ness the receipts for 18SS were , in round
numbers , $70,000. The sum ia not sufficient ,
however , to ralso the salary of Watkins' suc
cessor' , whoever ho may bo , and it will re
main the same $3,200 per annum. The
prominent aspirants for the postmastership
now arc Dr. Gcorgo B. Chapman and Judge
Parker , with a growing faith that the former
is the coming man.
City News and Notes.
.Tho Sunday Globe appeared this morning.
Judging from the inititial number ttio paper
"will fill a longjeltwant. ; " It is a six-column ,
cight-uago journal and gleams for old and
young , both great ana small.
Uev , Green , the colored evangelist of the
Sam Small order , hold forth at Lincoln
to-day , at the corner of F ana Twclftti
streets. Ho sends hot shot after sin and
holes it to stay. The preacher is a great
Arbor day will bo celebrated nt University
Place in an extensive way. The village board
has issued an order compelling owners of
lots to plant trees on tneir property. Failiug ,
the marshal is ordered to do the work and
tax it up against the lot. Arbor day is to
continue there until Saturday ovening. Some
tinio in the future University Place is to bo a
city of maples and elms.
Lincoln will not bo without base boll sports
during the season of 1SS9. Eaton & * Smith
and Mayor Bros , have organized teams and
both expect to stand at the head of the State
league at the close of the season. It is said
that the management has secured "timber"
that will make old professional teams onvlous
when records nocomo known ,
The mooting of tho' Oklahoma boomers at
Fitzgerald hall lust evening was an enthusi
astic success. Centers' of this organization
are located ut St. Loiils , Kansas City , Omaha
and Wichita , The purpose is to locate town
sites una gather riches off the trees that are
planted lu the territory on Arbor day. Lin
coln's ' colony decided to join the "Nebraska
branch of the Oklahoma colony. " They pro
pose to start for the now TSldorado on next
Friday or Saturday via the Union Pacific.
H. C. Barnes nets as director and S. C. Rob
inson as secretary.
The mission at the pro-cathedral closed to
night with a lecture by Father Coglan on
the subject of "Modern Infidelity and
Morality. " Services were held at St.
Theresa's four times each day throughout
the past week. They were well attended.
Tho'mission fathers dcoart to-morrow for
other fields , accompanied with the best
wishes of many whom tuoy brought back tea
a sense of religious duty.
The society event of the week will bo the
marriage of Senator Taggart to Miss Lulu
Williams , which takes place Tuesday even
ing at the First Presbyterian church at 7
o'clock. After the reception the bridal
party will leave for the east over the Bur
lington on an extended wedding tour , The
cards rena "At homo to friends Juno 1 , nt
Hastings. "
He Was "Well-Known in Omnha and
Once a Frequent Visitor.
The telegraphic dispatches in TUB BED of
yesterday , from Philadelphia , contain the
announcement of the death , at that place of
John P. Usher in the University hospital ,
Mr. Usher was well-known throughout the
United States by reason of having been ap
pointed secretary of the Interior by Presi
dent Lincoln in 1E03. Ho was well-known
in Omaha , and in years back his countenance
was familiar to the major portion of the rest *
dents , His son , together with n Mr. Russell ,
established n foundry hero which was lo
cated at a point which is now termed "Bed
ford Place. " The firm of Usher & Russell
conducted a good business nt the start , and
among Its patrons was the Union Pacific.
After the latter established a plant hero of
its own the business of Usher & Russell
was somewhat curtailed and the firm finally
closed out. It was durinc this period that
ex-Secretary Usher was a frequent guest of
Omaha , and at ono tinio was considering
making this place his permanent homo.
Hood's Sarsiyimrilla is peculiar ? o
itself and superior to all other pro para
tions in strengtheconomy , and modioa
merit. _
Eustor market.
An Easter market will bo nold at the
Woman's Exchange , 1015 and 1017 Farnam
street , on Tuesday , April 10 , when there
will be displayed choice Easter novelties ,
( lowers , fancy work , and Easter eggs n
specialty. Sale tables will bo presided over
by Mrs. George Tildon , Mrs. John M. Thurs-
ton , Mrs. Dr. Van Gicson , Mrs. P. H. Jgo ,
Mrs. D , J , Collins , Mrs. J. H. McDonnell ,
Mrs. Cadet Taylor and Miss Margaret Boyd.
A choice .lunch will bo served during the
afternoon and evening by the young ladies
interested. _
Advice to .Mothers.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should al
ways bo used for children toothing. It soothes
the child , softens the gums , allays all pain ,
cures wind colic , and Is the best remedy for
diarrhoea. 2T con ts a bottle.
Fair white hands.-1
Bright clear complexion
healthful skin.
11 PEARS'-Be Great EngHsfi Coiplnlon SOAP , Sold Eveqwliert. ?
VInMCVandttlurlnarT | troubles easily , quick
M Un CI ly and safelv cured byUOOTtfllA Cap
BUles. Beveral cases cared In seven days. Soul
11.60 per box , all druggist ! ) , or by mall from Doc.
tira Jlfg Co.'lLJVuTt < t8t. N.Y. Full directions.
urner * cured , SO jeers'
iperUmx , > u Knife. Hook
free. L.D.UtMlCIUEIB.o.
mUearDomBu , CUiovjoi aarlcelruai ti jmn
it > crleaco ; biuiuej * quloUr ana liumij trinustol
fMrii t. Mfmlt n .
Special EasterO fferings ,
Thia is tlio week for Boys Clothing and wo propose to make it memorable. You
should see our goods before you supply your boys with an Easter outfit. Wo never had
such a big slock , never named such low prices , nor over displayed such 'beautiful styles.
Suits in all the newest patterns of ohoviots , cassimoroa and worsteds.
To give an idea of the values wo are offering , wo mention the following lots , whio
will be on sale to-morrow :
Boys' darkblue flannel sailor suits , blouses with embroidered collar , and knee pants
sizes to 10 , at 75o.
Boys' good , strong Union Cassimoro Suits-coat nicely pleated and of neat appearance
sizes 4 to 13 , at 95o.
Boys' strictly all wool cheviot suits of a nice , stylish pattern , with pleated coat and well
made up , sizes 4 to 13 , at $1.60 , This is an extraordinary bargain , as we are positive suoh
a suit has never been offered for less than from S2.50 to $8.00.
A largo variety of handsome jersey suits at $2.50 , $2,95 and $3.25 , actual values $4.00 ,
$5.00 and $6.00.
Equally astonishing values will be offered in long pants suits , of which we have an
immense assortment. All the approved styles in cheviot , plaids , etc. , for spring wear (
We have long pants suits from $2.50 upward.
For the past few seasons it has been our custom to appoint a certain day on which we
almost gave away knee pants. Thousands of our customers remember these 'sales and
thousands are eagerly watching for the day. We shall have another such sale on
On which day we shall offer 2,000 pair good strong knee pants at 15c a pair. They arg
actually worth 50c , and 110 house would think of selling them for less. We will sell only
two pair to each customer and no mail orders can be filled on this lotj ,
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha ,
Room OS Tradora' BulliUaj ; ,
VI 4XJI W * * * V * I11U4 * Mr Ult1ULt
A No.4 11:50 : a.m. ! A No. 5 m.
A No.B . . . . 'fl:55p. : m , A No.8 0:30p : , m.
Except Battircluv. JExcept Monday.
No.O UilOn. m.lNo. 7 Ui : > a , m.
No , h 415 { p. in. No. II 000a. ; m ,
No.4 fl i top , in. No. 0 oslip. m.
All Trains Dally.
A No.8..9:40a.mA : ! No , 1 n:50am. :
A No. 4. . . . .7:00 : p.m. ' A 7:10p.m. :
A. No,2 Ditt'ia. in.lA No.3 fiilOd. m.
A No.4 Uw : : p.ra.U No.l Oifflp.m.
. , 810UX Ul'l & PACIWO ,
A No. 10 7:05 : a. ra.lA No.O 8:53 : o. m.
A No.w 7Ojj.m.A : No.n 0Wnm. :
A No,8 4:3Jp.m.lA No.7 13:00 : m.
A dally : 1) ) dally except Saturday ; Ouxcopt
Bunday ; D except Monday : fast mall.
Ttio time elven UDOTO Is for Transfer , there
being from live to ten minutes between Trans.
or and local uepots.
Wyoming Oil Lands
And all necessary papers filled ,
W , E , HAWLEY , Civil Enginosr ,
WEAK Vilna fmrn Ih. cf.
Tfl MirK.1 . ; !
I U . . m Ea B V ruri. > Arly Uu-ny. lo t
snunlioCK ! f etc. 1 wlU Mtiu * % ulunbl tm > UM > ju-kd >
conululne full "pjutlcuiafs fur Uomo cure , rc vt
ch rtAildreu ,
PROF , r , O. FOWLER , Mooduii Conn.
Went W ! ( ! .
Running between Council Bluffs and Al-
bright. In addition to tlio stations mentioned ,
tranis atop at Twentieth and Twouty-tourtn
streets , and nt tno Summit In Omaha.
EtiHt wnrcl
MKN and WOMUN luocuBSfullr treatoJ.
Sitatorlnc from the effocu of inntlilul folllci or Indli
crutlpni , or aru troubled with WimknoM , Korvoui
IJoLllltr , [ x > sj of Memory , Dinpomlimcjr , Aversion to
boclotjr , Kidney Troubleor nnjdlsoana of tbo Uanl.
to-urlnnrir OrKunican lioro llnd tt iafo and ipoedr
cure. Clmrxca reuiouablo , eipeolallr to tUo poor.
Tlicronre rnnnr troubled with lee frequent erncim
( lorn or tUo bladder , often incuuiimiiled by a tlliiut
( inarthig or ImrnlnK loiiBatlon , and weakening of tUa
yttem In a mnnnrr tlia pitlont cannot account fur.
OiioxaralDlnntlie urinary depoilu n ropy ( oillniunt
will often be found , anil someiliuei particles of nlbu *
line , again cIianglnB to a dark or torpid apuimranco.
Tlioro are ninnr men who die of Ihli difficulty , iL'Uor-
nnt o : tbo rauio. which is the second ttaiie of eral.
nalweakneii. The doctnr will Kuaranteo ft perfect
euro In all ucn catot , and a hoiiltliy ruttoratlonot
the Biinlto-urlnnry orgnni , Consultation freo. Bond
" '
Main and 12th St. .Kansas City , Ho.
rvueiillon tbli paper.
a > Meoobiu d. uuwinuiatli
\ "