Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1889, Page 4, Image 4

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BftllT ( Morning Kdltlon ) Including SUNDAT _
line. On * Year . . . . . . 110 00
Tor Six Month * . 6 ( O
J'orThrco Months . 2W
TIIR OMAIIStmoAT IIKR , mailed to any
nddrcsi , Ono Venr . . . "m
WMCKLY Ilr.e.OnoYcar . 200
CincAno OrricE , M : Kooxcnr limi.niNn.
NP.W YOIIK. Orncn. floniM 14 ANII 16 Tninuj
AH communications rotating to news nnd ten-
Jorlnl matter should DO addressed to the Kuiion
All huslnos * letters anil remittances should b
OMAHA. Draft * . checks iincl postollice orders to
be made payable to the order of tbo company.
MB Bee Pfllshingliipaiiy , Proprietors ,
E. ROSEWATEU , Editor. _
Notice to ARontfl anil Subscribers
Wo will consider It ft favor It agents nnd nun-
ncrlbors will notify us nt once when THE HB *
falls to reach them promptly. In order to sue
ccssfully remedy nny fault In the delivery of
papers , It li absolutely nocesiary that wo know
the date on which papers were Into or missing.
Jf late , glvo the time and train on which TUB
JlKB reached your to n. Also state from what
direction so that no can locate the trouble and
npply the proper remedy. Papers are frequently -
quently carried by a town through the care
lessness of the route agents , ami when this oc
curs , wo can , with full Information , place the
blame where It belongs.
Sworn Statement of Circulation.
BtRtoof Nebrnikn , I .
County of Douglas , f
OeorKoII. Tztrhuck , secretary of the Ilee Pub
lishing coimmuy , does solemnly swear that the
actualclrculation ot THE DAILY HKK tor the
I week ending April 13 , lbS9 , was us follows :
Fnndnv. April 7
Monday. April 8 19.100
Tuesday. Aurlin l . -l
Weiinrtdny , April 10 2I.VM
Thursdnr. April 11 1 .8
TrlilttV. April 12 18.S.10
Baturilay. AprlllS.- . .1S.S.7
Average 1 . : $ r 1
Sworn to before me nnd subscribed to In my
presence this 13th dnv of April. A. U. 1883.
Bcul. N. 1' . VEIL , Notary Public.
Stnto of Nebraska.
County of DoiiBlaf *
Grorgo II. Tzsclmck , being duly sworn , de
poses and says tlmt ho Is secretary ot the Hea
, Publishing company , Uiat the actual average
dally clrculatlo of TUB DAILY UKK for the
month ot March , 18SS , 13.6SU copies ; for AprlL
3888 , 18.7U copies ; for May , 1888 , 18.1(0 (
copies ; for Juno , 1888 , 19,211 copies ; for
July , 18m , 18.0,0 copies ; for August , 1K88 ,
] 8,1K1 copies ; for September , 188. 1M I conies ;
for October , 1888 , If.lWt cojilos : for Norom-
licr , 1f8S , 18.dffl copies : for December , 188S , 18,2iJ
copies ; for January , Ib8 ! > , lf,574 copies ; for Feb
ruary , 188 , 18.0M copies.
Sworn to before mo and subscribed luinjr
presence this -U day of Mnrrli. A. I ) . 188U.
N. I > . VE1I , Notary Public.
THE establishment of a boot and shoo
factory will give the industrial inter
ests of the city a sure footing.
* A LANDSLIDE is reported from Cham-
uorlain , Dak. , but it had nothing to do
with the attempt to relocate the cap-
it ol.
TIIK American moat company , of New
York , whoso scheme was tib organize a
great beef trust , has evidently bcon
gored by ono of Its own bulls.
THE Oklahoma boomer is advised to
lay in a stock of quinine and whisky.
The land beyond the doop-rolling Cimarron -
V arron is alive with fever and ague.
THE now British minister , Sir Julian
Pauncofoto , has sailed for Amo 'cu. It
is safe to predict that ho will not vent
ure to put his foot into politics in the
manner of Lord Sackvillo-Wcst.
INDIANA wants a few moro of the
f John Lansford stripe of fighters , and
R the white caps will retire from busi
I ness. Lansford , singlo-handcd , faced
twenty of the masked , rullians , nnd
filled five of them with lead.
f ,
Iff THE owner" } of property on streets
, that have boon ordered to bo paved
could bo protected against the impor
tunities ol contractors and their paid
agents , there would DO no trouble about
designating the right paving material.
SENATOK WASHHURN is lobbying in
the Minnesota legislature for the
passngo of a bill prohibiting the impor
tation of dressed moats from ether
states. Washburn imagines ho Is a
bigger man than the United States supreme
premo court.
THE cat has jumped out of that hoard
of trade meal bin at last. The con
certed raid on the board is inspired by
the fact that moro than two-thirds of
Its members have expressed a preference -
once for locating the postofllco on the
square between Purnam and Douglas.
, OMAHA'S section of the Oklahoma
boomers Is split wide open , with the
promised land three hundred miles
away. The best thing for the boomers
to do is to disband and return to their
homos. By doing eo they will avoid
countless hardships and save consider
able tlmo and money.
AHOUT BO von miles 01 street pave
ment will bo laid in Omaha this year.
The amount is considerably loss than
last year's record , but the work will
connect the main paved thoroughfares
north nnd south and west , and result in
greater benefits to the residents of side
THE slump in wheat has bcon the
feature of the speculative mnrlcot over
since the reports were confirmed that
the wheat crop of Minnesota and Da
kota was underestimated. The present
year will consequently ( bo known in
history as ono of the most remarkable
ever witnessed In wheat speculation.
THK suicide of the 'mayor-elect of
Colorado Springs , following so closely
upon the suicide of mayor of Iowa City ,
affords a roranrkt'.blo coincident sugges
tive ol the well known fact that rail
road accidents , fires , murders and sui
cides frequently occur simultaneously
In the moat rouioto places. It's In the
nlr , so to speak.
MAIUTIMK circles of the Atlantic soa-
Tioard are considerably agitated ever
the fact that Britishers are buying Am
erican vessels and are employing them
in the American coastwise trade , This
is undoubtedly n broach of the United
States shipping laws. But as these
vessels still fly the American flag by
vlrtua of a nominal ownership hero , It Is
dinicult for custom house otllcora to in-
tar/oro. / Relief , however , is promised
o thla unjust competition.
The olooing days ot the prohibitory
amendment campaign in Massachusetts
nro being marked by somWory earnest
nnd vigorous work on iflk sides. The
pronohorn nro taking iMBotnlnont part
in the fight , nnd the Bnt of Intellect ,
it not of motnbori lHn opposition to
the amendment. S p eminent pulpit
lights as Rov. PjMnips Brooks , Rov.
Philip S. Moxom , iKJv. Cyrus A. Bartol ,
and u dozen others of no loss ability ,
are arrayed against the proposi
tion lo put a prohibitory amend
ment in thu state constitution , and
advocate highlicense as the only prac
ticable pollV for dealing with the
liquor trnHtt' All these ministers are
as hcartiwopposod lo the saloon as the
most ardwt advocalcs ot prohibition ,
but they ijjU'o the wisdom to see the
prnctlcjjjttldo ot the question nnd the
conr < yplo stand upon the facts. They
knoW iat prohibition never has prevented -
vented the ealo ot liquor , and its failure
when tried under the most favorable
conditions , as it has boon once
in Massachusetts , warrants thorn
In believing that it must
inevitably fall if tried again.
They know equally well , on the ether
hand , that high license as a moans ot
regulating the sale of liquor has every
where proved successful , and the cause
of tcmpornnco has bcon aided by that
policy. As between nn onon traillc
judiciously regulated and made to pay a
revenue , and tlio secret sale of liquor in
violation ot law , with nil the evils in
cident to such a condition , such intel
ligent nnd sincere mon as Drs. Brooks
and Moxom have no difficulty in seeing
their way clear to the advocacy of the
former , nnd they are doing it with great
force and zonl.
The ether side is working equally
hard. mt some of the extremists are
giving olTonso and injuring their cause
by extravagance of speech. Ono of the
most prominent ot thorn recently as
sorted that the liquor dealers would
spend a million dollars In the campaign ,
largely In buying up the nowspanors.
The Boston Globe replies to this by say
ing that inasmuch as the leading news
papers of the state are unani
mous in opposition to the
proposed amendment a great
deal more than a million dollars would
bo required If that opposition had to bo
secured in that way. That journal
further says it docs not belicvo the liq
uor interest will spend one-twentieth
of the sum named.
The indications nro that the amend
ment will bo overwhelmingly defeated.
There Is an imposing opposition to it by
representative men ot brains and char
acter in all the various walks ot lifo ,
and they have on their side both com
mon sense and experience.
SOLOMON is said to have declared
that ' 'thcro is nothing new under the
sun. " The pulpit crusade against the
Sunday paper has become a back-
number , although some people in these
parts imagine it to bo strictly original.
The Sunday paper has become as much
a necessity with Americans as a warm
Sunday dinner , although hero and
there some man may bo willing to con
tent himself with a cold lunch in order
to give the cook a day of unbroken rest.
Preachers may como and preachers may
go , but the Sunday paper will go on
and grow moro voluminous from year to
year. It is an open secret , of which
oven mon of the cloth who are not
familiar with the mode of making a
great daily paper , cannot bo ignorant
that the greater part of the Sunday
paper is a product of Saturday's
labor , and parts of the Sunday paper are
written days before they are sot in
typo. The only part of the Sunday
paper produced after Saturday mid
night is the telegraphic and belated
local news , coupled with the final makeup -
up and press work. The Monday paper ,
not the Sunday edition , is really gotten
up on the Sabbath day , and the crusa
ders against Sunday papers should , if
they desire to compel strict Sunday ob
servance , direct their brimstone and
saltpeter against the publication and
circulation of the Monday morning
papor. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A NUMBER of employes of the Balti
more & Ohio railroad have refused to
sign papers giving that road
the right to reserve a cer
tain porcontngo of their earnings
for the maintenance of an employes'
insurance company. It is claimed that
the scheme is too one-sided to bo of any
practical benefit to the mon in service.
Whatever merits such an insurance
company may have it is undoubtedly
unpopular with the Baltimore & Ohio
employes. For some years the insur
ance experiment has boon tried by that
and other roads , but it has not been
supported in a manner to justify its
continuance. The truth is that cO-opor-
atlvo insurance schemes of this sort are
apt to bo looked upon with distrust , and
employes fool that it is an infringement
of their personal rights nnd independ
ence to bo comnollod to con tribute to
their support. For that reason such
compulsory schemes usually breed dis
content and seldom prove successful.
IK the figures presented by the Hail-
way Age , of Chicago , are trustworthy ,
the present year promises to bo ono of
the greatest for railroad building in
the history of the country. That jour
nal gives a tabulated statement ot the
now lines which have been brought to
public notice during the last three
months , which show that these include
six hundred and sixty-six roads of
fifty-throe thousand , four hundred and
thirty-six miles. Of this vast amount ,
nearly fifteen thousand miles are under
construction or have been contracted
for. There are moro roadu projected in
the south than in anyothor section , and
there is marked activity in Dakota and
in the Indian territory. It is noted
that the now ro'ada are mainly building
in parts ot the country \vhero they are
really needed , and that there is little
paralleling under way.
partment ot agriculture , will do the
country a great service if ho institutes
an inquiry into the number and value
ot cattle In the various states and ter
ritories whore the anluialsaro ) raised or
fed , The department reports that no
record has beo-i kept loading to show
whether boot packers hnvo ddprcssod
the price of boot on the hoof nnd have
raised the price ot the product to the
consumer , For the lack ot definite in
formation It would appear , therefore ,
that the charges made by local butchers
nnd brooders can not bo substantiated ,
nnd rash statements are made to jiro-
judlco tbo beef packing industries In
the eyes of the public. In the light of
these tacts , it scorns strange that state
legislatures should have passed local in
spection bills to keep out dressed boot
without first thoroughly investigating
tup subject.
OKLAHOMA has boon painted alto
gether in too glowing colors. The
farmer of this or any other state who
throws up his possessions for n , pcoplnto
the promised land will find his journey
a fool's errand. Not only is Oklahoma
insufficient to furnish any considerable
number of homesteads , but Its soil is
not so well adapted for farming as Iowa ,
Kansas or Nebraska , fit only to raise
hay or cotton. Thcro will bo innumer
able hardships and disappointments to
contend with for the pioneer who goes
along with the first rush. It is the wise
man who will stay at homo and lot the
army of adventurers and fortune hunt
ers blaze the way.
THE annual report of Superintendent
James , of the city schools , verifies the
increase in population shown by the re
cent school census. The attendance at
the opc.'iing of the ppring term of the
schools is thirteen hundred more than
a year ago , an increase of sixteen per
cent. These facts demonstrate the
steady growth of Omaha and place the ,
population at one hundred and twonty-
ilvo thousand.
MAJOR BALCOMIIH points out n loop
hole in the paving ordinance which
permits contractors to bid on their own
specifications. That provision should
bo promptly repealed. It was mani
festly designed to prevent fair competi
tion , which becomes impossible fao long
as every bidder for paving can muko
his own specifications.
a decided impetus in railroad building ,
due to the discovery of oxtonslvo coal
and iron beds in the last two years. If
the ( low of capital and development of
natural resources continue in that sec
tion of the country for another year
Washington will begin statehood in a
very prosperous condition.
KANSAS CITY is steadily extending
its railroad interests into southern Ne
braska nnd gobbling the trade of that
section , while Ojnaha looks on indiffer
ently and permits a rival to gather the
commercial plums from under her nose.
Where is the Omaha. Dodge City &
Southern ? Where is the Rock Island
extension ? Echo answers , where !
AVIiy I'coplo Marry.
SliMman ( G < i. ) Ileralil.
The reason why a great many people marry
is because the wife wants u homo ana the
husband wants a servant.
The Uriy of tlio Mugwump.
Boston sidvcrtlfcr.
As well might wo expect from a rdonkey
any other sound than a bray , as to expect
from nn "independent" organ any otner po
litical topic than Blaino.
lie lias n Knio Opening.
Clitmao 'limt * .
The Fool Killer is camping on ono border
of Oklahoma , the Ueautiful Laud. If ho
doesn't got in his work it will bo bis own
fault , and ho need not couio back to tbo
states complaining of hard times.
Mr. Bucksniblo's Destruction.
OihHotU Time * .
Mr. Bucksniblo , senator from Winnobatro
county , has finally distinguished himself. As
an orator he is not great , ns n constitutional
lawyer ho is not great , as n statesman ho Is
not great , nor is ho crroat as a legislator But
as nn adopt in the art Disputing , ho is with
out a poor in the legislature of Wisconsin.
Our lni | > r'veil Mall Service.
Although the postmastor-gonoral isn't
making any boasts , ho was doubtless grati
fied by the prompt arrival of Stanley's letter
only a few days after ho took hold of the
mall service. It had boon mailed by Stanley
moro than six months before the blundering
democrats had failed to deliver It.
Mr. Frouilc's Novel.
Kcw Yoil ; HIM M.
James Anthony Froudo has written a
novel entitled "Tho Two Chiefs of Dunboy ;
or , An Irish Romance of the Last Century. "
Ono critic says'of it that it is "history
clothed In n thin veil of fiction. " Much that
Mr. Froudo has written hitherto , especially
with reference to Henry Vllf. and Mary
Queen of Scots , 'has boon characterized as
fiction clothed In a thin veil of history.
Grand Old Man Glaustono Is to bo honored
.vltli n great natural monument. The High
est peak af the Finlstorro range in Now
Guinoar is to bochristonodMount | Gladstone.
It is said no white man has yet reached its
The czar of Russia , according to an Eng
lish traveler , wears a silk strap around his
waist In place of susnondors.
Senator Spoonor , of Wisconsin , is tbo
smallest man of stature of the members of
the United States sonnto , but ono of the
brainiest mon in that body. When ho first
went to Washington ho was subjected to no
end of rldlculo about nls size , which touched
his sensitive nature not a little.
Governor Biggs , of Delaware , owns a
dozen peach farms , U heavily interested in
several railroads , and is the possessor of
wealth In ether forms. Ho does not Bhow
this In his dross , however , for ho wears . a
swallow tall coat , a low cut vest and wldo
trousers , all of the style of forty years ago ,
while a high white hat covers his head.
Dr. Edward Bodloo , who is talked of 'as
consul general to Cairo , Egypt , is the famous
wit of the Clover club , Philadelphia , and as
ha was a resident of Egypt for a numbar of
years , ho speaks the language and is familiar
with the laws and business methods of the
country. His appointment would bo pecu
liarly appropriate and a creditable ono to the
Ono of the earliest recollections of the late
Lewis Ha.vdon , the well known colored man
of Boston , was an amusing experience that
ha had when ho saw Lafayette , Ho was
parched on a fence , Joining heartily In the
enthusiasm. Ha attracted the attention of
the distinguished Frenchman , who looked di
rectly at him and lifted his hat. This so
frightened the little fellow that ho foil back
ward oft the fonoo.
The oldest Episcopal clergyman in Massa
chusetts , and ono of the oldest in Now Eng
land , is Rov. Dr. Thomas R. Lambert , of
Boston. Ho is nearly eighty years old , and
has retired from actlro service , but his
mental faculties i nro well preserved. Ho
held pleasant sficill relations with General
Jackwn , Daniel Webster , Edward Everett ,
General Cass , Senator Benton and other
prominent men 'of ' forty years ago. For
twenty years H6 was a chaplain in the navy ,
nnd ho has been a Free Mason for nearly1
sixty years , the 1 thirty-third degree beluR
conferred uoon him in 1809.
Vlco-ProsldCht Morton says ho grows
younger every dny. This comes of his regular
lar habits and the /net that ho is on the rlgh t
side of the pohllcal fence.
Sir Julian lVuncefoto } , Is a man who will
not bo popular In.Wnshlngton. Ho bollovos
that democracy Is an Impossibility , und that
society is as sure to crystallize as certain
Mr. Parnoll , It Is reported by the London
Stock Exchange , has discovered iold ? In payIng -
Ing quantities on his Wloklow estnto.
John Logan , of Cross Roads , York county ,
Pa. , hni bcon postmaster nt that rtlaco since
1839. Ho was npixjlutod by President Van
Tlio bishop of Bedford says , m response tea
a London clergyman who denounced boxing
as an unchristian oxorclso : "I see no possi
ble harm In boxing. It Is n capital oxorclso ,
nnd calculated to promote good temper and
self-control. I do not know why every man
should not know how to defend himself. "
John G. Whlttlor is now well along In the
82d year of his tranquil and noble life , yet
ho still walks with noble step , his frame Is
erect , nnd his fnco is always serene. It Is
evident from the productions ho has recently
given to the public that his poetical facul
ties nro yet blooming ns they were half a
century ago.
Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria may bo deposed -
posed , but will not probably bo kidnapped as
his predecessor was. Three hundred young
men have voluntarily formed themselves
into u bodyguard and sworn to defend him
to the death. Their badge is n death's head
and they are nruicd with swords , revolvers
uud yatugaus made entirely of Bulgarian
A creamery is the latest thing in the pro
gramme at York.
A stock company is being formed at Alma
to erect a $15,000 brick hotel.
A lack of patronaito has resulted in the
demise ol thoLouisvillo Observer ,
Dr. C. M. Kutton , of Syracuse , has suf
fered two paralytic strokes within n month.
Charles H. Gardiner of O'Neill has pur-
clmsod a controling interest in the O'Neill
Church IIowo Is walking around Auburn
on n pair of crutches us the result of a
sprained ankle.
A number of the mon who have been dis
charged from the B & M. shop * nt Plain-
mouth have secured work as farm hands.
There arc 120 men in the Beatrice llro de
partment , und the equipment consists of
threu hose carts and ono hoolc-ujid ladder
truck. ' -
The supervisors' Hnrlan county have
called a special election for May 17 to vote on
the issuing of ? 23OJO in bonds to build a now
court houso. > .
All the old city oftlcers of Grand Inl.uid
have been rcnppointcd except chief of police.
the now incumbent of that ofllce being
Joscuh Killian.
Lightning struck the house of Elijah
Glcason at Utica' during a recent storm , de
molishing ono end of the building and shock
ing the Inmates.
A company Is bolng organized nt Kearney
to manufacture sugar from bor'hum ( , and a
committee has b'oen sent to Fort Scott to in
vestigate the plant thoro.
Dakota county jhntico is thus summed up
by the Dakota City Eagle : The murderer
goes free , the safe-blower goes to the pen
lor eighteen nioptbs , and the man who steals
a S20 watch gets l ireo years.
Harry Wilson , n big bully of Luraar , re
turned from Colorado in an intoxicated con
dition ana tried to run the town , but was
laid out cold by a little man whom ho In
The Wahoo saloonmcn nro having a hard
time , four ot them having been arrcstcu for
selling liquor on Sunday nnd election dav
and fined SIOJ , and ono of them getting u
double dose.
A Chase county hoMesteader named Davis
was knocked senseless ; ind robboa by high
waymen the other day , but foitunatclv ho
had placed ? 200 in a bedtick before leaving
home and the robbers did not secure much.
ICeokuk has a bonded Indebtedness of
S302.000 and a floating Uobt of ? 'J,4ia.
The Boone tile nnd bnclc company has in
corporated with a capital stock of SIO.OOJ. .
The state temperance alliance is making
preparations to hold mass meetings in ovury
district in the stato.
The Congrcgationallsts of Cedar Riplds
have approved plans for a now st3iio church ,
and the work of construction will bo boon
A mun named Wctmoro , who foil from the
Sioux City corn palace last full while ut
work on tlio structure and was badly inJured -
Jured , has been awarded § 5OJO damages
against the contractors. _ >
Two young ladles who nro stuck on walk-
in ? , because it's English , you know , waltted
from Fort Madison to Burlington the otner
day. nineteen miles , took dinner nnd supper
at thu Hotel Duncan , und returned homy on
the evening tram.
W. H. Kent , u fnrmer living near Winter-
set , was arraigned before n United States
commissioner at Dos Moines the ether day
for using tlio mails for lottery purposes nnd
held in 8300 to appear before the grand jury.
It scorns that Kent has a scheme to sell corn
for ? J a bushel and tbrow In a ticket for his
cllt enterprise , thu prizes aggregating ac
cording to liis circulars , S100UJO. For send
ing the circulars through the mails ho was
A Resident ofOmnliii n I'nshongcr on
tlio Dnnitmrlc ,
Bcnedlcta Person , who has resided in
Omaha during the past six years , was a
passenger on tbo ocean steamer Daumnrk
and her friends anxiously await tidings of
the fate of those who were on board , hoping
that she may have been saved.
bho came to thU country from her homo in
Mnluio , Sweden , about eight years ago , us
far west as Chicago , where siio remained
three years , removing then to Omaha. She
was engaged by Mr. Sydney Bnrlcalow as n
nurse and has boon in ono fiiuiily'b employ
over since. Tnoy found her possessed of
such n sweet disposition and gcntlo ways
that the family bc&iuiB very fond of her and
practically inndo licrn , member of the homo
circle. Last October she crossed > the
ocean to tier old homo und sinmt tlio winter
there with her aged parents and other rela
tives , She intended starting on her return
voyage on the 13tU of-Mnrch , but was doluycd
until the 2l > th.
As soon as Mr. Barknlow heard of the
wreck of tlio RtcitmeV. ho tolcgraphod to the
Now York agent af the company asking If
Miss Person was on board , and received an
ufllnnatlvo replyHo then telegraphed
some of his relatives fit Now York that in
the event the passengers were saved und
brought to Now York to care for Miss Per
son until ho could bqieard | from. C3
She has a brother hero cmoloyed in thg
Simpson Carriage factory , and ho , ot course ,
Is greatly distressed and anxious. Mrs.
Barkalow is also greatly worried , and the
children whom Miss Pcrsow used to care for
grlovo deeply. They all continue to hope ,
however , that she was rescued by some passIng -
Ing vessel and will yet be restored to thorn.
tlin Sioux Itcscirvntlou.
Dak * , April 14. ISpecial
Telegram to THE BEE. } A courier has Just
arrtyod in this city from Rosebud and Pine
RIdge agencies , and brings the news that the
Indians at the agencies are strongly la favor
of tbo Sioux bill , and that thcro is but llttlo
doubt that it will bo signed by the Indians ,
by which 11,000,003 acres of line farmlands
will bo thrown open to settlement. John I ) .
King , who la mentioned as a member of the
commission , buys the commission will bo appointed -
pointed within a week , and that they will
immediately proceed to work.
A Olmrnotorlstlo Sermon by the
Rov. Ohnrloa W. Snvldgo.
Tlio Various I'itfnlUVliloli Lilo In the
I'ntli of the Physician nncl
How Dest to Avoid
Thorn ,
Pliyslclnn. Hcnl Thyself ,
ISLAND , Nob. , April II. [ Snocinl
to Tun UKK.I Hov. ClmrlosV , BavulRO
preached to n largo congregation In the
Methodist Episcopal church hero to-night.
His subject was the physician. Ho tooK for
his text Luko4:23 Physician , heal thyself.
In substance he said :
I address this sermon to the physicians.
In the blbla God spoaics to you by name
twelve times.
Looking Into this old oook I bcllovo In
medicines ns well ns prayers for the sick.
King Hczcldah wiw about to die. God himself -
self hod Bnltt : "Sot thuio house In order , for
thou shall die. " The king prnycd for Hfo.
Ills physician took n lump of figs nnd laid It
on the boil and ho recovered. I bullovo In
the faith prayer , but I bellovo In the pills ,
too. JJut Icnvo God out of the sick room and
ytm have bad results. So this book tolls us.
Look at this , tnkon from the blblo : "Asa , In
the thlrty-nnd-tblrd year of his
reign , \viis diseased in his feet until
his disease was exceeding grout ; yet
in his disease he sought not to
the Lord , but to the physicians. And Asa
slept with his fathers. " Just what ho might
have expected. Let God bo loft out and the
undertakers got n Job.
Ono whole book of the now testament was
written by n physician. Dr. Luke tolls us
how shamefully that ix > or fellow was treated ,
who fell among thioves. And ho drnws a
uever-to-bo-forgottcn picture of tlio woundf
of Christ. The body und tlio soul are Siamese
twins. The ono has n mighty Influence over
the other. Wo ought nil to believe in the
gospel of good health.
1 remark that the healing art Is ono of the
oldest nnd most honorable. Nineteen hun
dred years before Christ , Joseph told the
physicians to embalm his father. Hippo-
cr.Ues , the most celebrated physician of anti
quity , was born about -100 U. C. In the third
century before Christ , Hcrophilus distln
culshccl hlmsalf by the study of anatomy.
Tlio physicians of remote antiquity were
deemed super-human , nnd in our time no man
is moro truly respected than the skillful , con
scientious doctor. Some of the llnest monuments
ments wo have In our laud have been erected
to the memory of those men who died bat
tling With disease. You need preaching ,
because as n class you nro subject to great
temptations. If you nsit mo what two men
are most severely tried and tempted every
ituv , I would answer , "i'lio physician nnd
tlio minister. " There are five great tempta
tions which moot the doctor at every turn of
the road.
You are greatly tempted to drink. From
over-work and loss of sloop you are worn
out. You como in from n long ride in the
country on a stormy day urgent callers
await you at your olllco on your ruturn. You
take a glass of wino ; you feel refreshed.
The habit fastens upon you and you are a
slave. Ono of the ablest physicians in the
state of Ohio died a drunkard. There grad
uated in Chicago in IbSl a talented young
physician who is now in this state , a wreck
Irom drink. The cursed drink claims yet as
its victims many of the brightest and best
of our physicians.
You are tempted to lie. Old Job said to
tnroo men who pretended to practice in hli
days "You three doctors are forgers of
lies. " Old Job would tell a doctor what ho
thought of him. You tell lies to get and to
hold cases. You often tell the patient he is
worsp than hn is. You give disease a strong
coloring for the salto of a reputation. A
simple throat trouble has moro than once
been called diphtheria. I don't believe a ho
over permanently helped anybody. You
have told lies to the wife to shield the bus-
biind and to the husband to shield the
wifo. God has got every Ho marked
down against you , and it you don't stop
lying and repeat , you will go to hell with the
rest of the liars.
The doctor is tempted to lead an Impure
life , and many fall. Some are not only bad
themselves , but they tell young men tnat if
they would observe the laws of health , tliey
must not be over-virtuous. It is a wonder
the lightning doesn't strilco such doctors. The
physician wtio lives an impure life is bad
enough. But lie who will , by his evil ad-
vica , make young men his partners in siu , is
surely a candidate for the hottest corner in
hell If you Insist on it , I can give you ex
amples of physicians of sicill in their profes
sion who live badly in social ways and teach
young men that a chaste and virtuous Ufa is
not the most healthful. God help such
men I
You are tempted to commit murder. A
great pressure in brought on the doctor to
take the lifo of the unborn child. Ono of the
greatest inducements to abortion is in the
statement usually found in medical works
that lifo does not exist until about the fourth
month. It does exist from the
moment of impregnation for it grows. It
could not grow without life. There Is noth
ing dead In nature. The husband ami wife
cimo und beseech the doctor to commit this
awful crime. The wife says ' 'Doctor , you
must hoip me , wo are to poor to raise any
more children and I cannot live to boar
another. I will take my own life if you do
not hell ) me. "
The fact is they do not want the trouble of
children ns these little ones interfere with
the mother's going Into society. Money und
sympathy nro the means by which the physi
cian is usually caught.
Ono of the most eminent physicians in
Pennsylvania was offered f 1.000 to perform
an abortion on n young girl , but as ho de
clined , the nun said"Just name your price. "
The physician said , "there is not money
enough in tills city to hlro mo to commit that
crime. "
Oh , this sin of infanticide. Perhaps only
ono case in Hfty comes to the notice of the
doctor. It is practiced in the homes , In the
family circle. Many a professedly Christian
wife has become skillful in destroying the
lifo o * her unborn children. They are as
surely murderers as the woman who has re
cently bcmi on trial in the metropolis of our
You are tempted to lead an Irreligious
life. There are twelve physicians in this
city nnd only ono active Christian tlintlknow
of. 1 never heard but ono doctor pray. Tno
surroundings of the medical student In college -
logo nro not helpful to his faith. Some of
the teachers swear before the classes.
Then the hurrying physician llnds It dlfll-
cult to attend church. The very natureof
hla work Is apt to lead him into material
ism.If I were nblo I would draw the likeness
of the ideal physician. Ho comes from good
stock and is a manly fellow. "You can't
inuko a sllU purse out of u sow's ear , " Ho
understands his business. Ho Imtos quack-
ory. Ho U trustworthy , Into his car Is
poured the family secrets and troubles , und
they are locked in an iron chest. Ho is clean
and pure in his person nnd life.
The habits of drinking and gambling never
fasten themselves upon him. Nor does no
debauch himself witn concubines and har
lots. Ho knows ttmt virtue nlonu will nmko
him happy and enable him to withstand his
critics. Ono physician very fittingly soys ;
t'VVhnt right have I to approach the bodsldo
of a dclicato and , perhaps , hypersensitive
patient with my breath or clothing reeking
with liquor or tobacco ! " God's ' words to the
priests may bo spoken to you : "Ho ye clean
that boar the vessels of the Lord. " Ho Is a
pleasant , cheerful man. Like that little
child , ho has swallowed a spoonful of sun
shine. I bavo read of five men , who resolved
that they would make an experiment and sea
what they could do In the way of depressing
a healthy man. They resolved to moot him
at different points on his Journey. As ho
stopped out from his homo in tbo morning In
robust health , ono of the five men met him
and said :
"Why , you look very sick to-day. What Is
the matter ) "
Ho said : "I am in excellent health there
Is nothing the matter with mo. "
Hut passing down the street ho began to
oxammo his symptoms , and the second of the
flvo men mot him.
"Why. how bud you look. "
"Well , " ho replied , " I don't feel very well. "
After a while the third man mot him , and
the fourth and the fifth came up und said :
"Why you look us though you had had the
typhoid fever for six wcous. What is the
matter with you 1" And the man against
whom the utratcgom had been piled went
homo and died.
I want tny physician to bo a chrfottnn. A
croat man In this country hn lately Bald , "A
doctor who hrn gone through the college -
logo nnd the dissecting rooms has traversed
the wonders of the human mechanism and
found no God In any of the labyrinths. Is n
fool , nnd cannot doctor mo or mine. " Cuvlor ,
the grant scientist , whllo describing
tbo articulations of the thumb , paused
before his class nnd remarked that ho
had been skeptical , but In the wlsaom of the
movements of the thumb there must bo a
God.David , the king , must have boon studying
the anatomy of his own body when ho said ,
"I will praise Theo , for I am fearfully nnd
wonderfully made. "
There are nearlv ono hundred thousand
physicians in the United States. I would to
God they were all chrlstlan.s.
Your lives are moro brief than other pro
fessional men , nnd you are exposed to deadly
Don't put off the preparations for ctornlty.
I hnvo attended phvslclans when death
Bccincd Imminent nnd they were anxious
about the soul's ' welfare.
In the stnto of Illinois an old doctor was
dying worth nearly a million of money. Ho
said : "I hnvo made ono great mistake. My
whole Hfo has been given up to money-mak
ing. " Ho n Christian. Sydcnhnin , nnd Cooper
and Harvey , nnd Hush , could pray as well as
prescribe. May you all reach that happy
country where the inhabitants never say , "I
am sick. "
Uov. 1) . AV. Rcrr's Idea of Snhtmth Rest.
Hev. D. W. Kcrr , of the Southwest Pres
byterian church , preached n sermon yester
day morning from the text : "Tho Sabbath
was inndo for Man. "
Sabbath , ho said , moans rest , nnd when the
Sabbath was created a rest day was made
for man to meet the requirements of his na
ture. No man can forever stand the strain
of working every day in the year. Ho must
have rest. Yet at least ouo In ovoryjolght
men must do so. It has been found that
'Ji')0,000 men In the United States are com
pelled to labor every day in the year. Of
these 127,000 nro in the employ of the gov
ernment , 500,000 nro employed on the rail
roads and newspapers , nnd another 600,000
are at work in tlio saloons. Nine
hundred thousand labor in commercial
houses , shops nnd mines. This unceasing
toil tends to reduce men to n level with
brutes.It makes thorn rebellious and breeds
anarchy. It makes them resentful nnd ma
licious nnd crushes out homo Influences.
It reduces their strength until they cau no
longer resist the temptation to do evil.
Those who labor this way are grievously
wronged. What is the remedy I In the first
place It must bo understood what is good for
the capitalist Is good also for the laborer.
The laboring man is the foundation of nil
prosperity and must bo protected. The
church is nblo and should give him Urn pro
tection. It is the church's province to do
this nnd if she fails to do so she is derelict
in her duty. These two and a quarter mil
lions of people must have rest and the church
Joins them In demanding It. At least ono
day In seven is required by all men for rec
reation. Nnturo demands It and God com
mands it. The argument from inference is
How shall this day of rest bo sccurodl
In the first place the workmen must bo-
licvc that they absolutely nocd It ; must live
und talk as though they need it nud then the
law power must bo called upon. Of the two
nnd n quarter millions who work Sunday ,
137,000 toll for the government. The work
is unnecessary and the government could
und should give these men a day of rest.
People should not patronize Sunday papers
or ride on Suuday trains. They nro con
ducted only for the satisfaction of n greed
for money. In order that people may have
them men must work , If everyone
would refuse to buy thorn the men
could rest. All the people should Join in ask
ing tbo national congress to pass the Sunday
rest day bill now ponding. This can be done
entirely independent of any religious doc
trine , nnd after it Is obtained men can obtain
the rest in the manner they judeo best , and
not of necessity in religious worship. If my
neighbor wishes to rest at home , I should
not intrude my church on him. Hut from
Sinai , at the same time , shall bo heard the
voice of the Lord saying. "Komomber tuo
Sabbath day to keep It holy. "
The Closed Door.
The Rev. Dr. Williamson , of the Central
United Presbyterian church , took for his
subject last evening , "Tho Closed Door. " His
text was Matthew 25,1-13. the parable of the
five wise nnd live foolish virgins , the closing
words being "and the door was shut. " Ho
said in brief : "Tho ten virgins represent
the church. Tbo wise are those who are
rightfully there , the foolish are these who
have un object in being in the church , but
ore either careless or hypocritical and have
no right there. The oil is the grace of God.
The lamps are the church. 'The wise have
faith in God nnd rccoivo his grace in their
neart. The foolish do not. The meeting of
the bridegroom is the meeting of tbo Lord
Jesus Christ. At the resurrection these on
the earth shall remain and these that are
dead shall como forth to meet
our God. Tbo trimming of the lamps
doubtless means the awakening into lifo
of our slumbering energies. What Is meant
by tno shutting of the doorf First , that
these within nro with the bridegroom and
arc his friends enjoying his companionship.
Second , that they are enjoying the nuptial
ceremonies. When Christ brings home his
bride , the church , It is ours to congratulate
nnd praise him. The door that is shut keeps
in the friends and shuts out the enemies.
The happiest moments of our lives are
when wo associated with these wo love.
These who came tardy wished to bo regard
ed as friends and were thought to bo friends.
Jiut they were slothful and Indifferent nnd
thnir tardiness showed they were unworthy
friends. All who do not believe in God or
who know him but are neglectful belong to
the foolish virgins. The midnight cry of
behold the bridegroom cometh shall como to
all of us. Death comes with padded feet.
His approach is noiseless. Others by you
may not hear him but the cry will ring in
your cars with trumpet tones. It Is then too
late to fill your lamps. The soul shall go
forth from Its tenement of clay companionless -
less and shall bo dragged down by mocking
demons to the lake that burnoth with fire to
dwell forever in torment with the devil and
his ungolc. "
The Hiimlay Dance.
Rev. J. E. Ensign preached to a largo
audience at the St. Mary's avenue Congrega
tional church last night , In advocacy of the
"Opon Door" work of the W. C. T. U. Ho
chose his text from the twelfth chapter of
Komans : "Abhor that which is evil. " Ho
promised his audlcnco that ho would not
waste any time talking about dead Issues ,
but would apply the plumbet of God's truth
to tlio facts and ideas and wrongs of to-day.
Ho told the story of Nathan the prophet , and
the disaster that was visited upon the
traveler who took the lamb of the poor man
and loft the /looks of the rich man undis
turbed. The speaker referred to the six
Sunday dances that occur regularly In
Omnbu , nnd the Sunday ball games as being
'an evidence of the rapid manner In which
the city is mounting up the shining way. The
Sunday dunce he characterized as a fearful
institution , a mighty agent of death and hell
that is the greatest feeder of houses of
shame. The Sunday dance is a foreign Insti
tution , and should bo , In Mr. Ensign's opin
ion , confined to foreign countries. "This
deluge of Sunday pleasure. " said the speaker ,
"is not only unholy , but it'IB positively evil
nnd wicked , The country girl unused to
the clamor of city Ufa , falls a prey to the
patrons of the Sunday dnnco nnd the Sunday
theatre , and the firxt thing she knows she Is
'over the garden wall , ' wandering around In
the mazes of the Sunday dance , diuoil ,
drugged and damned , A dance at ono of
tbeso places Is a dance of hell. Flee these
things nnd abhor evil in every form. "
At WoHtinlnstor.
Rov. Henry T. Millar , formerly pastor of
the Sixth Presbyterian church of Chicago ,
occupied the pulpit of the Westminster Pres
byterian church last ovenlng , delivering an
eloquent sermon. Mr , Miller Is 011 his way
home fioin a trip to California for hU health.
A nnnnvolont Affair. *
May 1 , the Ladles' Uollef corps of Custcr
post , G. A. ! { . , will glvo a ball In Exposition
hall , the proceeds to go to the relief corps.
This Is a benevolent branch of thu Ouster
post , and already has provided food and
clothing for several families of the votoranb ,
It is expected that the ball to bo given on
tbo above datu will roplonUb the exchequer
to a considerable extent.
Some of the Hulmtnntlnl Improve-
merits Alrcnily Under AVny.
NEPIUSKVCITT , Nrb. , April II. [ Special
toTiin BRR.J NobrasUa City continues to
grow In its own qulot way , a way that Is
called miraculous by people who visit the
old town from tlmo to tlmo. Whllo real ci
tate values in other towns in the stnto are
constantly docllng , in Nebraska City the
market Is higher than It was last year , In
no year in ton has there boon so much buildIng -
Ing as nt present , and the growth of the city
demands it.
Among the public Improvements under
way. this spring nro paving , extending the
water mains anil BOWOM , and building new
street railroads. A (20,000 public school
house Is also under way , which will bo ono
ot the handsomest In the ntnto. Largo Im
provements are being made in the stock
yards and packing houses to do nn enlarged
business this coming year.
The Nebraska City Driving Park and Fair
association will hnvo grounds completed in
about four weeks , and preparations mndo to
secure the summer course of races. The so
ciety will join the American Trotting asso
ciation , nnd homo nnd trotting tournament ?
will bo a feature of Nebraska City's enter
The city will win ano .her feather as a
plnco for successful celebrations on Arbor
day , ns that day will bo observed In u
manner only second to the great
bridge celebration ot last fall. U Is
eminently proper that Nebraska City should
observe It in n lilting way , since It is the
homo of the originator of tlio dny. Mr. Mor
ton will also on that dny present to the city
Morton park , n natural weeded park nf
twenty acres. It will bo dedicated along
with the Arbor celebration. 1'ho driving
park will also bo given to the city on that
day. This Is done to iiiMtro the people n
permanent fair and driving park. Among
the speakers who will bti present to tnko
unrt in the day nro Bon. CSoorgo L. Miller ,
Hon. James \Voolworth and Hon. A. J. Saw
yer. Reduced rates will bo given ou rail
roads nnd over the bridges.
Nebraska City Is getting an cnvmblo repu
tation ns a desirable place for tournaments
nnd pleasure seekers. On May ! > , the Coun
cil Bluds ilro department will visit tlio city ,
nnd the homo department is mulling prepa
rations lo receive them royally , The citi
zens have extended liberal assistance , and It
is proposed to hnvo nn intor-stato dromons'
tournament , nt which liberal prizes will bo
offered to competing companies ,
About May 1 , the stnto university and
Peru Normal school cadets will go Into
camp at Nobraslta City for a week , The cit
izens have contributed toward their comfort
and expenses.
The only drawback the city has exper
ienced to its boom of 18S9 Is a disappoint
ment received f10111 railway sources. The
B. & M. DoWltt line , which had boon prom
ised by-thnt road this year , has again been
delayed. A prominent man of the road says
the line will bo built , but It is not probable
that it will bo done this year , ns tbo rend is
cutting down every possible source of ox-
ponso. Great hopes were nUo built on
the Rook Island and Wubash , ns ono or both
were expected to extend their lines from a
point in Iowa to tills city , The board of t ratio
recently presented a proposition to tbo Rocu
Island nnd received a reply that
while the rend would bo pleased
consider it , the company would not and
could not build a single mile of road in Iowa
ns long as the present anti-railroad laws ex
isted in that state , nnd consequently could
not build to Nebraska City.
The question of levying nn occupation tax
of (500 on the saloons of Nebraska City Is
now before the council. The members of
that body are equally divided on the subject ,
nnd it is doubtful if the proposition will
oarry. The saloons of this city nt present
pay $500 license , although according to popu
lation , should pay 81,000. The city treasury
is In sere need of the money nnd that is tlio
reason the tax is proposed.
Tlioy Meet nnd Talk for the Good of
Their Cause.
The Omaha Single Tax club met at Gata
City hall at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon.
The mooting opened with an address by W.
D. Bcckot , upon the subject of "Reforms
and Reformers. " Ho referred to the fact
that all great reformers had boon stigmatized
as visionary dreamers by the great mass of
the people of the times in whioh they lived ,
and yet whoso rofoiins nro now part of our
civilization and the result of whoso great
work wo are now enjoying n the privilege
which each ono has of worshiping God ac
cording to thu dictates of his own conscience.
Ho spoke also of these reformers who
dreamed of establishing a form of govern-
in on t under which all should enjoy equal
political liberty , and how ttieir ideas were
scouted as bolng absurd and impossible.
Yet to-day wo are living under u republican
form of government which is but the
realization of what was then consid
ered n wild and Impracticable dream.
Then , having scon religion and political lib
erty established the speaker asked If It woio
too much to hopa that wo might yet see tha
realization of tnat great reform which is to
bring industrial liberty to tnantclnd. This ,
ho claimed , could bo accomplished by abolish
ing all taxes on improvements and substltut-
a slnclo tax on land values. The mooting
then listened to the reading of the first
chapter of Henry George's Progress nnd
Poverty , by Mr. John Hllcs. A general dis
cussion of the single tax followed. Speaking ,
reading and answering questions nro on the
programme for next Sunday when all are
cordially Invited to attend and participate.
The NCWA at Nelson.
NELSON , Neb. , April 13. | Special to TUB
Br.E. ] The creamery nt this place is Just
getting into good working order. It Is first
class in ovorv respect. Tlio cost of the plant
is fO.SOO , Including a flno separator for tak
ing the cream from the milk as soon as it
roaches the creamery. At present they nro
not turning out moro than one hundred
pounds n day , milk being a little scarce BO
early in tlio season.
The air IB full of rumors , rs to what will
bo done to build up the burbt district. Two
brick buildings uronluiost a certainty in the
near future. Others will depend upon n cer
tain corner lot , which U hold by its owner at
a very high prico. If that could bo pur
chased reasonably , a line hotel nnd other
good buildings would bo assured. Most of
those burned out have Rouurod olthor tempo
rary or permanent locutions nnd are contin
uing business , all losses having been ud-
lustod. _
A Trlhutu to Ijlricoln *
A. S. RItchjo received an invitation to
orate at memorial services hold under tha
auspices of General Hancock post , G. A , R ,
md the Sioux City lodge of Kilts. Ho ac
cepted and selected M his subject , "Abraham
Lincoln. " The event took place yesterday
nt a o'clock in Peavy's ' opera houso. Mr.
Hitchio's tribute to tno martyred president
was not only In every way lilting to the oc
casion , but n masterly rovlow of the good
ness , greatness and manly qualities of Lin
Constitutional Catarrh ,
No slnglo ( llse-itu mis uutnllud inoro fiuirering
or hastened thu breaking up of thu constitution
than ( 'utarrh , 'J'nuHenmj of ( .mull , at mute , tit
Ight , of hearing , the tinman w > ko , thu mind ,
uno or more , mid Houiotlmoa all , yield to lu do-
Btructlvb Inlluonce. Tliu poluun U dUttlbnuiH
throughout the system attuckM every vital force ,
ami lironksun the moat lubuitnf constltutlonx.
Junniecl , UecnuBu but llttlu understood , by most
phyBlcluiiH , Impotently uuHnllc.l by quacks and
jlmrlutiuiH , tlioje HUllcrlnif from It have llttlu
irmo t be relieved of U IhU blilo of the grave.
It In time , thou , tlmt the popular treatment of
tliIn lorrfhlu ilUimse by tuinedloi within tha
reach ot nil pnmed into hnmliint once competent
anil trustworthy. The new and nUhorto untried
methodiadopted by Dr. Bnnford In the prepara
tion of his lUnicui , CUKI : linn won thu h'wrty
approval of thonnnmlB. u U Inntuntuneous lii
nfrorrllnif rullcf ( null lii-ud coldu. Knowing , enuf-
Illng und obstructed bu-uthlnir. und rapidly re
moves ilio mrm opproslvo symptoms , clearing
the head swcotijnlni ; the ormUh , rmtnrliiK lha
. . . . . . . u. , . .v. . , . , . . , , . , , , , . , . , VMI 4UH , UUU HUlllrJIIlA
Ing the ronstlilimal - of
tonck-nry the illicaho
tott-anlii the IIIIIKS. liver Mini kidneys M
8ANiriiii ) > 'H HAIIIOAI.CUIIK coiislits ofono Dot-
tluoniidllAiiKUi.CiiiiB , one box of CAT \niuiAr.
SOI.VKNT , nnd Iui > noviu : IHIIAI.KII ; price , tl.
IVri-rnu DIIIKI & UMKMIIUI.UO. . llonro.v ,
jv TI-l'AIN ffiAHTKII r ltevee Itlll'lllllll-
of * H'W > HrlBllr HiiddDii , kharp uud nor-
' K ; von. I'liluK. Rirntiu , nnil ttVukuwud-a.
ThniiiHt and only 1'aln-Kllllnu' 1'hwler. Anew
Rud Inf alllbUi unlUlolo to pain , Inllitninlnl Ion sn d
vr akii ii Utterly nnllko und vnttlyiniiarloi | to
nil ether plmitcw. At nil i1ni l tflj t r nl * ! Uvo
for II.UU ; nr , poitnuu fr o , of I'OTII.II Iluun JLMI
CurMiOAtdo. , Uojlon , Mus .