SEVEN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS On the Way to Investment in Oma ha Realty. ALBRIGHT'S WESTERN TRAVEuS. The Ovcrbooincil Pacific Slope How tlic bWcHtcrn Mcccnn Compare with Oinnlia An Interesting Trip Graphically Described. To tlio Pacific , In upcnklng of his recent trip Mr. W. O. Albright said ; In .Denver the people nro crazy on the sub ject of real cetntc. There is no acreage suit- nblo for subdividing near the city nnd lots nro nil 25x1 M feet. Transfers on the 18th of February by warranty deed were (153,000 ; the 10th , 1130,000 ; 20th. $109,000 ; 21st , $353- 000 , nnd on the 23d , $ r 10,000. Eighty acres were sold whllo 1 wns there lor $80,000 , sev eral miles from the business center , nnd the nearest means of transportation being within two nnd a half miles , and that a circla road , similar to our belt lino. Ono hundred nnd sixty acres eight miles out sold for f30,000 j 103 acres for 8103,000. Among recent transfers were eight blocks In west Colfux addition , 25x125. three miles from the business center across the river through the bottoms , about as near the horse car line as West Albright , $80,000. Acrcngo Is being platted nnd sold into lots fourteen miles out , I consider that they liavo reached the extreme of their boom , and thnt and early reaction will bo the inovlta- * bio result. Hy comparing thpso prices with Omaha , you BCO that wo have never had a real cstnto i boom. ; They have no manufactories to spank of In ( Denver. They claim Unit the opening of the I Gulf road Ims boon of bcncllt to the stock , In bringing it In. I showed thorn n clipping > from ono of their own papers where the S Omaha Packing company , who have a retail l business house in Denver , were selling por- I torhouso steaks for 12J cents n pound ; and i thnt cnttlo they nro bringing in are shipped ; direct to Omaha nnd nro hero slaughtered. The wealthy citizens of Denver discourage manufacturers , claiming that they do not jj wish to bo bothered with the smoke. After I n careful investigation , the moro I coinparo ° Denver with Omaha , the moro I urn con- i vlnccd that vulucs nro thoroughly cstab- lishcd in the latter , and that wo are on the I eve of great activity in realty. ' Pueblo is n city of probably 80,000 to 30,000 1 population. The boom Is fur in advance of i public improvements. All choice acreage r nbout the town is controlled by Denver pco- I plo. It Is n typical mining town nnd there is I no chnnco to make money thcro nt present. [ Good acreage is selling nt $1.000 per ocro.nnd I business property from $250 to $050 per front j foot , unimproved. Salt Lakes City has an estimated population ' of 80,000. No sidewalks or public improvements - < monts of any kind. Business property ranges i from $1,500 to $2,000 per front foot ; residence lots from $100 to $150 per front foot. Three f miles from the center lots are selling from k 1300 to $500 ; acreage from $300 to $1,500. , / Ogdcn has a population of 8,000. I was of- r fcrcd six nnd one-quarter acres ono and one- h half miles from the business center for $7,000. if Forty acres were recently sold at about the " name distance for $40,000. There Is nothing i there , however , to Justify the belief that l town lots can bccomo valuable. At Ogden I mot a representative of an eastern syndicate that lias $7,000,000 to in- I rest. Ho says they have invested largely in I Omaha , Kansas City , Sioux City , Sioux Falls , i Minneapolis , St. Paul and Duluth , but have L closed all their Investments outside of Omaha. H Ho has made tlio entire tour of the west- It Denver , Pueblo , Trinidad , Lcadvillo , Salt I Lake , Ogden , Seattle"Tacoma and Spokane I Falls but has not invested a dollar. He will I , bo in Omaha soon , and I am satisfied ho will ft' rlo business here. I Ono thing that strikes a stranger ns pecu- F liar is that the nearer you get to the fruit I growing country the moro expensive the [ . fruit becomes nnd the poorer the quality. \ Fresno has a population of 10,000 ; business i property is valued at from 5300 to $1,000 per front foot. 1 The principal crop that has been raised In n California for the past eighteen months 13 mortgages. Eastern people have become tired of paying $2,000 to $3,000 per front foot for climate. Business property in Los An- ( roles has sold as high ns $2,700 per front foot , virtually unimproved. San Diego has a pop ulation of 30,000. Lots four miles from the business-center , twenty-five feet front , were Bold at $400. The Omaha BBC is the only Omaha paper 1 i bad a chance to buy on the const. At the Palace hotel nowstand It sells at 10 cents six days old. I found it also at Los Angeles , San 1 Diego nnd Portland , Ore. , but they are gob bled up ns soon as they arrive. I San Francisco proper lias no suburban property ; when you leave the business dis tricts you run into barren sand hills. In the , county of which Sun Jose is the county scat seat the delinquent tax list wax only $760 , the actual foreclosures $97 , whllo in Los Angeles county the delinquent tax list ( Ills 209 col umns of the Herald. It contains about twenty thousand pieces of property and represents - , resents about $250,000 of delinquent taxes. ' The San Dlogo county list fills 133 columns 1 ft the Union , nnd represents nbout $100,000 f ol delinquent taxes , San Jose , I consider ono of the most beautiful " cities I have over visited. The ther j mometor doesn't change to exceed 80 ° in twelve months. The trade winds which nro 10 objectionable In Snn Francisco are thoroughly mellowed after coming down the pulleys when they strike San Joso. During tbo day from 10 to 13 it gets quite warm , but It is always comfortable in the shade , aud every night during the year you can sleep ' nultocowfoitnbly under a pair of blankets. ft is the county seat of Santa Clara county , mil has n poplution of 20,000 people. Four lines of railroad run nine trains u day to nnd I from San Francisco , ranging in time from I pno hour and ton minute ? to two hours , it I IB situated iu the center of wbut is consia- I ercrt the most substantial fruit valley in the I atato of California. Unjiko Rlvcrsido it IB I Dot entirely dependent upon ono crop , as I ( heir fruits are of a stnplo character. I Ibo hotel Vendomo recently com- I pleted cost $310,000. They have I fine schools and several state institutions. I There is n quicksilver mine nbout live miles I fromthu city employing 800 men ; the clti < L conn nro wealthy and society first-class , [ i Money is worth 8 per cent per annum , and I tbo market easy , whereas in Los Angeles it ti Is worth 3 per cent a month or 18 per cent a | year for three years , tirst-mortgago real I estate at ono-third valuation. Mount Ilnni- I llton in situated near there , upon the summit of which is located tiio celebrated Lick ob- 1 aervntory. with the largest telescope In the I world. There is a line of stages running tc I nnd from there daily. It la only two hours1 rldo by rail to Monterey , tbo finest sqasidc I retort in the state of California , D Good bathing , tine beach , n seventeen I tnllo drive and ono of the finest and heal I equipped seaside hotels In the world. The I grounds nro nil laid out with beautiful tropi [ oal plants blooming at all seasons of the I yuar. The service at the hotel is strletli I first-class. Sun Francisco has never had t I boom mid property is comparatively cheap I It has a population'of 400,000 people , ami t I burbor to accommodate tuo commerce o : I tbo world easy of access , perfectly nafc I After leaving San Francisco wo went bj I , vessel to Portland , struck rough weather uni I were most delightfully seasick. Were 01 I the oceun sixty hours. In the future wi I will confine our travels strictly to lapd I Reached Aotoria early In the morning I nd bad great diniculty in crosn I t Inu the Columbia river . bar r which is very dangerous and a I 'f times Impogtilble to cross. Astoria is 10' I * * miles from Portland , and it takes Just a da : I a , to mubo the run by vest.o ) , up the Columbii I § mid WHImoue riven. Portland Is a city o CV > 00 people , and tbo citizens are rer : wealthy. There are some lovely drives nui fine scenery. It has three lines of railroad and thcro is considerable real estate solllm In a quiet way , Transfers for tlio llrst thre months of this year were $3,700,000 , Ther is A great dcnl of heavy timber mrroundini Portland. Wo next struck Tacoma , Wash It is a city ot from 20,000 to 30,000 people nub Uintlaly ! built , situated onPuget Sound ml WUK built by the Northern 1'uciil railway company , Transfer * for th first quarter this year were K 000,000. Tito boom broke thcro ubru March 1. Koildeuco property Is valued u $100 pet- front fool ; buslneis property 81M per front foot. W next struck Seattle , wit Lro ) bcom to'Quaro tech on > l the vreu overestimated city whicn I have ever visited , They claim 25.000 people. A year neo , I was told , that an English syndicate had Invested M.UOO.OOO in nfi iron plant over on Lnko Washington , ta employ 5,000 men. Upon In vestigation t found that tlili was an enter prise on paper , as nothing has been done of n substantial character to Justify the belief thnt the works will over bo erected. It is environed by heavy timber. They have re fused $1,250 per front foot for business prop erty. Residence property three miles out , three-quarters of a mile from the horse railway , making hourly trips , nml a milo nnd n quarter from the cable , soiling nt $50 per front foot. West Seattle , situated four miles across the sound , a ferry boat being the only means of access , Is retailing at the rate of 15,000 to $0,000 per acre. Uoal ostoto Is handled in Seattle nbout on the same basis nnd with as much Judgment ns grain is handled in the pits of the board ot trade nt Chicago. Property values are from three to ten years in advance of the times , nnd In my Judgment will result nbout in the same man ner ns they did nt Wichita , Kan. There is no chance to Invest nny money there with nny degree of snfoty , ns everything is fig ured from n speculative standpoint. Town lots nro platted oltrht miles in the country , nnd enough has already been platted to supply n population of n million nnd n hnlf of people. Thousands of men nro walking the streets of Tacoma and Scuttle without anything to do and no chnnco for work. Wo returned on the North ern Pacific nnd trains were frequently stopped between stations , poles wore used by the train men to punch poor devils off of the trucks who were endeavoring to steal n rldo cast. When they emerged from under the cars they were covered with alkali dust from head to foot an inch thick. Spokane Falls , ! ! oO miles cast of Seattle , has nlso had n great boom in real estate , but at present Is simply an option business. noutnnjrer'fl Fnrcwcll. P. M. 1. In New York Jotir iiat. O flcklo Franco 1 O flcklo Franco 1 For many n year 1'vo wooed you. In pence or strife upon my life , I'd never have hoodooed youl My staunchcst friends nro all on strike , My budding hopes nro wilted. To toll the truth , I foci just like A maiden who's been Jilted 1 Otralt'rous friends 1 O tralt'rous friend si Has all your manhood vanished ! You sny to suit your sclllsh ends , Uoulnngor must bo banished. Ah I many a day for Boulangcr You raised triumphal nrches. And clapped your hamls and made brass bands Bray out Boulangcr marches I O flcklo land I hoped to sway I I sny It to my sorrow , You rnlso an idol up to-day To dash it down io morrow I So long I A long ndlou I wnvo. Your Boulangcr will seek A fortune nnd n patriot's grave In glorious Arncriquc ! An April Slestmee. Ktw York \Vnrld. \ The April showers lightly fall , The light of day gives place to gloom , The shadows gather over all And twilight tills the drawing room , Wherein a maiden stands by mo Wo watch the rain drops silently. Ah ! this is her reception day , But all the other guests have gone , And yet I am constrained to stay , I feel I am n favored ono. A subtle charm Is over all As soft the April sbowors fall. I strive to speak , but all words fail ; My voice I scarcely can command ; But she divines the sweet old tale And , holding out to mo her hand , Receives my love ah I well she may , For this is her reception day. Gcorcu's Occupation. CVitttioo Tribune. "George , dear , what nro you thinking of ? " Merrily queried the maiden fair ; "Do you Know you are looking straight through my head With n dreamy stnrol" And that bold young man ho passed his hand Through her golden ti esses rich and rnro. "Pretty Laura , " ho said , "I'm only building Castles in the hair. " Pineapple culture iu Florida yields 8400 per acre. DAYS OP Til 13 AUGONAUTS. The Time * When KlourVnn Worth Almost Its Weight In Gold. A well known Bostoninn , ono of tbo "forty niners , " who was n participant in the fierce rnco for gold which so stirred - rod the United States forty ycnrs npo , says the Boston Transcript , writes us apropos of the statement of the Los Angeles corrospodent , thnt in the ndwly developed gold region of Lower Califor nia $ -5 is the price readily paid for a fifty-pound sack of flour , and gives some figures from his own experience to show that the "Argonauts" had to pay for provisions. In the Snring of ' 60 ho travelled from Graham Bar. near Rat- tlesnnko Bar , on the middle Yuba River , California , "afoot and alone , as Paddy wont to Dublin , " to Little Door Creek , since Nevada City , a distance of sixteen miles , and paid $100 for a ilf , y- pound sack of Hour , and backed it to Graham Bar that afternoon. This un- ccdoto ho relates to temper the state ment that a now MO has dawned from Ensciioda. Any ono who can remember the rush for the mines forty years ago , or has heard ono who witnessed it tell of lt , | will accept with alargo alloxvanco the story that it is being repeated in this or that newly developed district. In the stirring days of the "gold fever" the blood of the whole nation seemed bub bling with excitement , as the thirst for gold became fiercer and llorcor. Men left shops , and counting-houses , nnd of- llcos , and ruthcd for the clippers that wore advertised to carry gold-seekers round the Horn. She scones on sailing days are said by old residents to remind them of a rush for a harbor steamer on a hot Summer day. Everybody wan ted to go to California , and their was always somebody late , who cursed the unkind fate that kept him forever in the rear in the race for the mines. Of course the fever was mild hero ns compared with Californfa. Gen. Sherman says that atone ono time COO ships wore anchored in Snn Francisco harbor without crows. The sailors had deserted and joined in the rush for the mines. Soldiers in the garrisons attempted to follow the example - ample of trio sailors , and it required the utmost exertions of ofllcors to prevent regimental stampedes. These wore the when servants commanded $300 a month ; rough board rooms roofed with canvas , renteU for $1,000 a month , nnd every thing else was as nigh in proportion. The golden days ol California wore not altogether golden for these at a distance from the mines. When Amabel n-5IllkliiK Goes. Woman' * U'orW. When Amnbol n-milking goes All in kerchief gay , If lightest wind but gently blows , When Amabel n-mllking goes. The dainty drifted folds disclose A bosom white as May , When Amabel n-milkiug goes , All iu kerchief gay. A Breath of Spring. Lucy B. Tlllcu. A dash of wnrm-brenthcd , blinding rain , a rush of sunshine through the gloom , And o'er the silent.drowsy earth tho.old gray orchards break abloom. A touch of mystic , hidden power , a silken cover thrilled in twain. And lol a winged Homo takes flight from where a creeping thing has lain. Then swift the hills are made aware , of what the valleys know before That Nature's younglings are awake , nnd spring is knocking at the door. AVlint's In a Name ? Now York World : I have a little boy who says many funny and original things. Though not moro than three and one-half years old ho is very fond of what ho calls "writing. " One day after having lostanumborof pencilsho asked for still another. I told him there wore no more to bo had. Ho looked up at mo and said : "Then what do they call this Pennsylvania for ? " NATJONAL LAWMAKERS. Agriculture , Trndo nijil jRnle In KtiRlnml , fiui Not Here. Almost every nation' itosscssinp nny kind of constitutional government 1ms borrowed from Groat. Britain itg methods of parliamentary practice , which are based on historical , ami In some cases oven prehistoric traditions peculiar to the Anglo-skxon race. Un fortunately , while th'6 foreign states have adopted and copied the exterior forms oi their model , they have neglected to pay adequate attention to one of the main principles of the Brit ish parliamentary system. The English hare over been of the opinion that in order to obtain an ofll- clont form of popular representation It Is absolutely necessary that the back bone of the latter should bo formed by the representatives of agriculture , in dustry , and commerce. The latter con stitute the foundation and basis of every commonwealth , more , especially in the case of great democracies such na the United States and Prance. And yet it Is just in those two countries both of them pre-eminent by reason of their contributions to the agriculture , Industry and trade of the niiiTian mmsi : or COMMONS. Total number of members 670 0 20 < 0 CO 80 IPO 130 HO 1M JfiO 200 220 ! ! 40 SCO 200 WX ) Agriculture 102 Industry 1C1 Coinmoico nncl trailo. . . . . . . 127I I Professional inon. 10" Army nmlnavy CO. Olllco Holders 47 1HENC11 C11AMKKII OF KEPUTll.B. Number of deputies 530. 0 20 40 CO 80 100 120 140 100 1M 200 220 210 SCO 280 ! W Professional men 270 Olllco holders " 5 Industry , 81 Agriculture , Commerce nnd trade , . 02' UNITED STATES 1IOUSK OP UUt'llESKNTATtVES. Number of reprcsontaUve3-325 ; of territorial delegates * . Total 3.TJ. 0 20 40 CO W 100 120 140 100 180 200 220 240 260 2fO 30p Professional men 2C4 Industry 24 Commerce ana trade 24 Agriculture , 21 The 2C4 professional men in the Uni ted States house of representatives con sist of : ' ' Lawyers engaged in practice 290 Doctors i 7 Editors 12 Ministers i 5 Professional ijoltticians..i 18 Labor delegates , . , 2 Total 2W Of the 20 representatives whom the state of Illinois sends to congress no loss than 1C are practicing lawyers. Ohio likewise furnishes 10 lawyers out of a total of 21 representatives. Eigh teen of Pennsylvania's 28 representa tives are active members of the legal profession. Nine of the 11 congressmen world thai these three important fea tures of national strength are almost without representation in the parlia mentary councils of the nation. In the United States , as in Franco , the vast majority of the national dele gates consist of professional men mostly lawyers who , whllo personally most estimable and statesmanlike , liavo no vested interest in the country. The latter as well us their patriotism nro transportable , often In u carpetbag , which is apt to got lost. Self-Interest governs most things in public as well as In private life , nnd it is manifest that the man who possesses great agrU'ul- tural , industrial or commercial inter ests is moro likely , for his own sake , to have the countrys welfare at heart than n man whoso only ambition Is Olllco , and who has nothing but his per sonal alms and wishes to sway his action. From the subjoined somewhat start ling tables It will bo soon that , whereas the representatives of agriculture , trade and industry rule the roost in the British house of commons , both France , and , in particular , the United States , have confided their fate and their in terests to a body of professional men who , in the eyes of the public at any rate , have given no hostages to fortune : from Kentucky are practicing lawyers , as are also 11 of the 84 representatives of the state of Now York. The repre sentatives mentioned under the head of lawyers include only these who have described themselves in the Congres sional Directory as being engaged in the active practice of their profession. In every case where a lawyer or pro fessional man is described as being also interested in agriculture , trade or in dustry , ho has been included under one of these three headings. Of the 70 members of the United States senate no lebs than 50 are law yers and professional men ; 9 are en gaged in industry , 0 in trade and com merce in agriculture and 1 is an editor. STRANG & CLARK STEAM HEATING GO , Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating Apparatus and Supplies. Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc. vn We have a large and elegant line of Spring OVERCOATS and light weight garments of latest and newest styles , which we bought at our own offer , and these we have marked at prices whice are bound to make you purchase , if in need of anything in this line. ONE PR ICE CLOTHIERS CORJARNAtYled ? r I 4 Sprin Blaok or brown Corkscrew Worsted , serge Lined , only $ 6 6O 4J Light grey Oassslmero , silk faced , stylish , at 8 76 Olive Meltons , with heavy Farmer's satin lining , at : t , 11 5O J Chocolate Color Melton , serge lined , silk faced , very handsome , at 11 76 Light brown or ollvo Melton , full silk lined , velvet collar , something elegant , at 16 OO Imported light brown Oasslmers , full silk linod.Baglish back , at 16 OO 4 Extra fine brown Ohoviota , full silk lined , at 2O 00 4 ) - - - - - j i Qroy Plaid Cutaways , something new , at 00 Nice CaBslmoro , in brown and black stripe , only ' . " . . 8 50 Salt and Popper Grey Cutaways , at ' .S1. ' O OO Salt and Popper Grey Scotch , at T . ' , . , , ' 0 00 Dark Casslmoros , grey and black stripe , very nobby , at . ' j.- O 00 Blaok Stripe Worsteds , serge llnod.only W. , 8 OO All wool , Scotch Cheviots , hi grey and brown . ' ( . ' 9 50 A Grey and black stripe , all wool Cutaways , at , . ' , O 76 Steel Groy Scotch Plaids , handsome goods , well made , at ( ! . tl , O 60 4 Light Fnnoy Plaids , very fashionable , at , l' ' . i O 76 4 Men's Suits. Dark Brown Plalcts , porfoot fitting garment , at 8 7 All wool Cheviots , fancy plaids and stripes , in light colors , at , 10 OO Black aud Blue Plaid Worsted Sack Suits , all wool , at ' 13 OO Blue Plaid Worsted Straight Cut Sack Suits , all wool , at , 13 OO 1 Meltons , In ollvo , grey , brown and snuff colors , at , $13 60 to 16 60 1T " ' 1w Genuine Irish Ohovlots , light groyat 18 75 w Light brown and grey , pin head , Oasslmoro Cutaways , at , 1O 60 6 Melton Cutaways , ha grey , ollvo , brown and snuff colors , at , . . . . $14 6O to 17 OO Cheviot Cutaways , blue wide wale , at , , 17 6O { Irish Tweed Cutaways , brown and black stripe , at , , IB OO 9 M. HELLHAN & CO. , Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts ARrlculturol ImplomontB. PAKKJ3H , Dcalcrin Agricnltmal Implements , Wagons . Jones itrcot , between WU nd Win , Omaha. Mobm-ka. A MK1VALV CO. , Agricnlt1 Implements , Wagons , Carriages nugglcs.eto. Wholositlo. Omaha. Ncbt k . PAltLM , OHKiYBOKP . MAHT1N CO. Wholesale Dealers In Agricultural Implements , Wagons&Bnggies ttltWK ) niHOT.Ionc lrcet , Omaha. _ MOLINE , MILIiUltlfA S1ODDA11D CO. , Manufacturers anil Jobber ! In Wagons , Boggles , Rate , Plows Etc , Cor. Wh and Pacino itrcoU , Omaha. _ ArtJBta' M a torln la. l. 110SPJ3 , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos anfl Organs , 1513 Douglas street Omaha , Nebraska. J1 n d Shoos. r. v. Monsu , t m , Jobbers of Boots M Shoes , 101 , 1101 , 1105 Dougln * itroot , Omalin. Manufactory , _ Hummer Mr eel , iKnion. _ Coj , Cko nnd Llrno. OMAHA COAL , COKE , v MME CO. , Mm of Hard and Soft Coal , 20i ) South I3lh street , Omulm , Xebniska. KKUHASKA MEL CO. , Ships of Coal a dCok 211 South 13th St. , Omaha , Neb. Crookoryjjnd PERKINS , OA'fciI A LA.UMA1T , Importers nod jobbers of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Silverware KUj. IMi Karnain street , new I'&Kon bulldlnir. RWDELL & 1UDDELL , Storage and Commission Merchants , Specialties Duller , tgf * . chconc , poultry , game. 1113 Howard ttroet. Onmhn. Nob. or _ DryjDoodB end fictions. _ M. E. SMJTII & CO. , Dry Goods , Furnisning Goods and Notions 1103 and 1104 Douglas , cor , llth street , Omaha , Neb. KlLPATRlCK-KOOIt DRY GOODS CO. , Importers and Jobbers in Dry GooflsNotions , furnishing snods. Corner llth and 11 artier streets , Omaba , Nebraska. HEL1N , THOMPSON A CO. , Importers and Jobbers ot Woolens and Tailors' ' Trimmings , 317 South liili street. Furniture. DEWEY A SrOATJS , Wholesale Dealers in Furniture Farnam street , Omaha , Nebraska. CHARLES SHIVERICK , FDrnitnre , Cmaha Nebraska. Groceries. PAXTON , GALLAGHER & CO. Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , 703,707,709 anil 711 South 10th St. , Omaha , Nob. ZloCORD , BRADY & CO. , Wholesale Grocers' 13tb ana , onvcnworth street ? , Omaha , Nebraska. Hardware IP. J. DROATCH. Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , wagon stock , hardware , lumber , ct'o. 1203 und 1211 Harnor street , Omaha. LEE , CLARKE , ANDREESEN HARDWARE - WARE COMPANY. Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate , Metalu , sheet Iron. etc. Agents ( or IIowo scales. Miami pomlcr niU I.yiuan barbed wire , IIIMETlAUaH & TAYLOR. Build rs' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop , Mechanics' tool * and llnffalo scales. 1405 Douglai itroot , Ocmlia. Nob. Oils. CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Ailo arcase , etc. , Omaha. A. II. Illehnp , Manager Paper. CARPENTER PAPER CO. , Wholesale Paper Dealers , Carrr n nice stock of prlntlnir , wrapping and wrttlui paper. Upcolal attention Riven to tar load orders. 81 o r a B o iL F o r w ardlns & > Commission. . ARMSTRONG , PETTIS & CO. , Storage , Forwarding and Commission Ilrnuo homo of the llenney lluacy Co. Iluggleia wholesale anil retail. I.lus , Idle , till Irardttroct , Ouiaha. Telephone No. 7W. II. HARDY , t CO. , Jobbers nt Toys , Dolls , Albums , Fancy Goods , Douw furnishing good , children's rarrtajtcs , iOUl Jfcmaui street. Oa.uua.MuB. Lumber. JOHN A. WAKEFIELD , Wholesale Lumber , Etc , ImfOrteil and American I'nrllnnd cement. Sttt gnt tct llwauUce ocmcutand Qiilnoy whllo lluiu. OlfAfi R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwooil Lumlier , Wood carpcti nml parquotfloorlnir. l > th und IMUZIa Ueel , Omnha , N b. OMAHA LuSnTER CO. , AllRifluS of BiiiluiiMnaterial at Wholesale 18th Street unJ Union 1'aciaoTrack.Umalia , LOUIS URADVORD , Dealer in Lmlicr , Latli , Lime , Sasli , Doon , Ilto , Yards-Corner Ttli mia Douuliu. Come 10th > nd Luinoer , Unit ; Cement , Etc , , Etc , Corner Clh and HU , C. N. DIVTZ. Dealer in All Klafls of mincer , ntlmnil Culllorulu Rtroeli , OraHlm , Nt-briuka , I.OltEltlELDERAcO. , Inmortcrs&JolJliBrs in Millinery & Notion WlOhQd21JHonth Illliltruul Notlona. jr , T. HOIIINSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions anil Fnfnisliiiig Gooli JO ) and U houtU K'th troci , Ouuba. : PALMER , 'RIOHMAN A co. , Live Stock Coraniissioii Merchants , STOCK VARDS'CO. , OfOraana , UmUci Uobo r , Uo/a , uy nauoilent. _ * * * * T ? Mr = a3jc = aqw Bootn nnd Shoos , " 'KYRKRNDALLJONESAOO I Buett * on to ltf ilJond A Co. 1 Wholesale Mannfacturers of Boots & Slice ! AgcnU for notion Hubbrr Shod Co , HOT , 1101 ana UH Ilarnoj Street , Omabn , Nebraiia. ) Brewers. J STORZ A ILER , Lager Beer Brewers , 131 North KlgMcenlh tlrrtit. Omaha. Nat. Cornloo. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , Manufacturers of Galyaiitzeil Iron Cornice ? Window-rapt and tnMalte kjllnhti. John KpeneUn proprietor. lUJand HUboutli lOtUilrcaU Offloo Fl xti ro SIMMONDSManufacturers Manufacturers of , Office and Saloon Pixtnres , Mantles , BldnboarOn. Hook Cn < c , Drug fixture * . Wall Cn e > , rnrtltlnn * . Hailing * , Counter * , Uecrund Wind Cooler * . Mirror * . KISlartorj and otlW , 1730 South loth at. , Umaha. Telephone 1U4. _ _ Pnpor Boxes. JOHN JU. WILKIfi , Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory , ' Nos. 1317 add 1319 Douglas street , Omaha , Neb. Sash , Doors , Etc. M. A. DISliROW A CO. , Whola.'ivlo manutncturur ot SasD , Doors , BlinJs anil Monlnss , llrnnib tjClcc , 12lb nml linnl street Onmba , Neb. U011N MANUFACTURING CO. , Maniifectnrers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Mouldlnits , stair-work nnd Interior Innl wood finish. N. IE. corner 81 h nnd 1 A-nvcn\\crtL sin cts , Umaha , Neb. STK.IM ) A CLAHK STK.IM IIK.ITIXU CO Pups , Pines ana Engines , Bteam , water , rnllwnr nml rnlulng imppllei , eta. Mil , ita nnil inil Kurnum Blruet. OmMia. U. S. WIND ENGINE A PUMP CO. , Steam and fate ? Supplies , naMUla ? wind mills. 01' nnd ra Jones St. , Omaha , U. K. KofS , acting /iiunauor. ' nROWNELL A CO , Engines , Boilers anil General Machinery. Bhcctrlron nork , Ktonm pumrs > I\TT rallli. 1213-1219 l.oavcnworlh ilrevt , Oaiaba. Iron Works. STEAM 1J01LER WORKS , Carter A Bon , Prop's. Manufacturers ot allklndi Steaiii Boilers , TauKs and Sheet Iron Worlc Works Boutli aith and 11. A M. crostlug. * ll PAXTON < t V1VRLING IRON WORKS , Wrought and Cast Iron Bui ding Wort Snglncs , bras * work , general foundry , mac hlno amt blacksmith work , onico and worxa , U. 1 * . Itjr. and 17t'i Direct , Omaha. OMAHA WIRE A IRON WORKS , Manufacturers of Wire aud Iroii Railings Desk rails , window guards , llower stand * , wire slgni. etc. 1J ) North Itth street. Umaho. OMAHA SAFE A IRON WORKS , Maul'rs ' of Fire and Burglar Proaf Safes , Vaults , Jnll work , lion shutters and lira uscapoi. U. Andrccn , prop'r. Cor. llth nnd Jackson Ht ? -TUB- CHICAGO SHORT LINE OF THE Chicago , Milwaukee & t , Paul R'y , The Best lloule from Omaha nml Council muffs to EASTE = = T\\0 TBAIN3 DAILY UETWEKN OMAUA ANJ > COUNCIL BI.UVFS Chicago , AND Milwaukee , St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids * Kocklsluud , Frceport , Itockford. Clinton , Dubnque , Davenport , Elgin , . Madison , . .Tanoslite , Itcloll , Winonn , La Crossc , And all other Important points Kast , Northeast and Houttioast. For t'iroush tickets , call on the ticket agent at 1501 Farnam street , In linger uiock , or at Union 1'aclUo Pullman Sleepers nnd the finest Dining Cars in the world nro run on the ruitln line ol the Chloiiuo , Mil' waukcu & tit. Paul lUllway , nnd every attention II paid to passeuKora by courteous employe * of tut ) company. U..MIl'LKR.Uencral Manairor. J. K. TUUKKU , Assistant ( lunoral Manager. A. V. U. CAUl'UNl'U.n , Oencral I'usscncor ana Ticket Avent. tJKn. 1C. 1IKAKKORU , Assistant GoneraU'astenaar and Ticket Agent. T. J. CLAUK , General Superintendent. ' FOlf INDIAN 8U1'PLU5S AND PIUH'OSALS . Department ot tlia Inteilur.UUIco ol Indian AlT.ilr.s , Washington , Jlnicli ! M. JSb ! > . Soalotl proposals. Indorsed " 1'ioposals for Iloef , ( bids for lieof must bo sub mttted In separate envelopes ) . Dacon , Flour , Clothing , or TinuspirlnUon , Vc. , " ( ns the case may be ) , nnd directed to Iho Commlsslom-r of Indian A iTnlra , Nos. r > nnd 07 Woostor street , Now York , will bo received until I p. m. of Tues day , April18d9 ) , for fnrulablnK fortlio ludlau service about UOO.tHJO pounds bacon , UIlOl ( > , UX > noumlH beef on the hoof , 1,030,000 pounds not b ef , aru.0',0 poundH beaiw. 71,000 pounds baking powder , 500,000 pounds corn , 477.0JO pounds cor- fee , K.iAWO.Oix ) pounds Hour , 74.0U ) pounds fooa < 1B5."OJ pounds hard bread , 65,001) ) pounds horn * Iny , aj.wil ) pounds lard , 871 barrofe mess pork , 17,1)00 ) pounds oatmeal , i7' ! > , UOJ pounds oats , IW(0) ( ) pounds rlco , , fW ( ) pounds tea , JMO.OOfl pounds salt , StO.OOU pounds soup , U2U.OUU pounds sugar , and IOOJ pounds wheat. Also , blankets , woolen and cotton goods , ( con sisting In part of ticking. L'5,000 yards ; standard call < x > , luo.iioo yards j drllllnir , ll.uw yards ; dnclr , free from nil slzinir , CVXM yards ; denims , 17,000 yards : ( Ilncham , ! i oOUfl yards ; Kentucky jeanu , WHO vnrd ; cheviot , I'.tiOi ) yards ; brown sheet- Inif , iilft.ouo yards ; bleached r.hoc-tlnt ; , ai.OOO yards ; hickory shitting , 10.001) yards ; calico slili Uni ; , 5r > UO yards ; wln.sey , D.U03 yavdxt ; clotu- liiK. Kior't-ilos , notions , haidware , medluAl HUP- plloH , school books , &r. , and it long lint of mfa cullaucotis artlcloH , nuch as harness , plows , lakes , folks , &c. , und for about tl',0 wagons re- quli-fl , ! for tlio xurvlro , to be delivered at Chica go , Kansas City , ami dloiix City. Also for sucli wucons as may 09 rouuirou , adapted to th cllmatu of the I'aUllo'ooft , vith Callfornt litKkoB. dellwrea ut gun Finnrlsco , Alno , transpoilatlon forsuuh of the articles , gooda , jflid supplies that may not lie contracted for ta bo dellvined at tlio agencies. llidH must bu madu out on Kovninnn'iit blanks. Hclioduloa sliovi liij , ' flu klnil" anil ( luautltlob of snbulHt''nca supplies rcipilrvd for card ii uucy mid school. and the kinds and iiuanlllles in ( jro s , of all fithi-rj-oods and articles , togutnur wlttiblanlc proposuli , conditions to bo observed by bl'lilors , tlmu und place of delivery , terms ot ootilract and Tuynient. transportation routes , and all other necns < ary liibtnictlonsMill ba furnished r.pon application to Dm Indian Ofllcn In W.isH- liifitnn , or Nos , tifi and 67 WoostQrstrent.Now York ; the Conunlssuilch of hnuslstujicu U.S. A , , ut CheyunnoChIc.iio. t < oaven\\onli.Oniatia , H.ilnt , l.ouls , Saint Paul , and Han 1'iandsco ; the l'o.tina ! t > jrs ut bloux Oily , and Yankton ; and to the 1'ostmastors utthe lollu lnu iminyil plaiea in Kansas : Arkansas City , Calihvoll , Topcka , and Wlclilta , Tlio right Is reserved by tlie KOV < finniont to reject any and all bldor any paru of any bid , and tlioao pioposuls are InrHed under proviso that appropriation uliull bo mada for the BUpplU-3 by ( 'ontri'oss , Illils will bo opened at tun hour and d.iyubnvn dtatcd , and bldUei H aru Invited to bo proaoilt at the opeulni ; . Certllled Checks , All bids miiRt bo nccom < panleil by ccrtllled fheckH or drafts upon some ) llnltcxl Btul < > s IK'posllory or the I'lrut Natlnual Hank of IMS Auenlci. Cat , , for at least Uvu pec cent of the amount of the proposal. JOHN H. OliKltLVUorniutMsonor , , _ _ _ _ inch'iodrit State Line. To Glasgow , Jlclfasf , lliililln and Lhcrpool From New York Every Tuesday , Cabin passa o W tn JW , ni'corcllni , ' to locitloa of state room , Uxcuidiou ic < to 4M fiteor.aKi" to jiud fioin Rurope at l.owost Kates , AllfaTIN IIAI-DU'IN &l ( ) . . Cen'l Auoilts , M lirondway , N > r vorjt. JOHN ItLEQKN , Oen'l Western AKOIII , , , . , . W Kunilolph St. , CUtcajfo. IlAJtHY U. MO'JUis ' ; , Asent , Omulia , Rcdueoil < ; ubln Hutos to Glu ' 'ow Kx- lilbltiou. r JrS ucrowiuljr { | used moottily liy omr 1U.VOO M Ladles. Aru & / < , Kft'tuulnml I'liaimit - _ . . . . . . . . | ; * taniiii , AildrnH TUB ttJiKKA Citkuiuui Co , DunioiT , r Far xala nn < l hit mull ( ni