Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1889, Image 1

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Two Important Appointments Llko-
ly to bo Made Soon.
I'ntal Accident to the Wife of an
Officer President Harrlnon to
Keinovo His Olllctal
Buniuu , THIS OMAHA Bnn.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , April 14.
There Is every reason to bcllovo that the
president has settled upon two names for two
Important positions In the treasury depart
ment , und that these nntncs will bo announced
to-morrow , when the appointments will bo
made. The friends of ex-Congressman
Edward S. Lacey , of Michigan , * have never
had n doubt for a week past that ho would bo
appointed complrollcr of the currency , which
olllco has been vacant for some timo. Mr.
Laccy arrived early last week ana was pre
sented to the president. General Harrison
was greatly pleased with him , and said so.
Mr , Lacey intended to leave for Michigan
last evening but at the last moment ho re
ceived word which Induced him to remain
ever Sunday. It is understood that
this word was nn Invitation from
the president which led him to infer
that his appointment was forthcoming
to-morrow. The other place to bo
tilled at the same time is the second comp-
trollcrshlp of the treasury. Mr. John U.
Thomas , of Illinois , Is said to bo certain of
this position. Tlio duties rotate to the audit
ing of the accounts of Iho army and navy of
ficers , and Mr. Thomas' experience as a
member of the house committee on naval af
fairs will , It Is thought , provo valuable In
this ofllco. The present deputy comptroller
Is nuthorily for the statement that Secretary
Windom has said that Mr. Thomas has been
chosen for the place. Ono of the
officials of the state department said to-night ,
that the papers in the last seventy-five con
sular cases are ready for submission to tlio
president , and It Is thought m the consular
bureau of the department , that there will bo
n great many changes in the consular ser
vice during Iho remaining days of the month.
Except two or three of tlio most Important
positions in ibis service , there have been no
changes nnioug the consuls by the present
administration up to the present time. The
number of applications has boon greater
than was ever known before , nnd U is because -
cause of the crowds who have visited tlio
secretary of state In reference to these
places that Mr. Blalno has nol had time to
devote to selections. It is said that there
are njiough applications from Now York
stnto ulono to supply two consuls for every
consulate in the world.
A report Is current to the effect that the
president intends to abandon iho whllo
house entirely as a business oDlco , and Ihat
ho contemplates securing quarters in the
south wing of Iho slate department building.
There is room enough in that strucluro to
afford ample accommodations for the clerks
of the executive ofllco without seri
ously incommoding any of the pres
cut occupants. The wblto house is
entirely inadequate for the president's
private needs , and It has long been con
sidorcd a foregone conclusion that some
other place would soon be found to accotn
modulo Scorelnry Halford. Now it is said
that Ihe president has consulted wilh Secre
tary Blaine , and that the result will bo an
early transfer of the ofllccs to the building
across the way.
The case of John F. Mount , late captain of
the Third artillery , will shortly bo reopened
by President Harrison. It will bo remem
bered that Captain Mount , whllo serving at
the Washington barracks last winter , wrote
n conditional resignation , which he loft with
Colonel Gibson , and which was sent in to
President Cleveland before the emergency
requiring it , had arisen. The president ,
however , accepted the resignation ana re
fused to reconsider it , as was earnestly
fouuht for by Captain Mount's friends.
Since the now administration came into
power the case has been submitted to the
authorities , and It is understood lliat n hear
ing in the matter will bo shortly given Cap
tain Mount.
The findings in the court-martial case
against Major Lydcckor , charged with neg
lect of duty , nro still in Iho hands of Major-
General Schoflold. It is probable lhal ho
will submit them to Iho secretary of war to
morrow. Among army officers who have
watched the proceedings of the court , it is
the general belief that the recommendation
is that the major shall bo suspended from
rank for n period of not to exceed two years.
It is thought , too , thai Iho courl has com
manded Iho offending ofllcor to the clemency
of the president , and that the result will be
that the sentence will bo set aside. The
careless manner in which the work assigned
to Major Lydockor was done has caused nn
enormous loss upon the people of Washing
ton , but It was scarcely to bo expected that
ho could personally examine every foot of
the tunnel under his charge.
While out driving this afternoon Mrs. Ad
mlral J. C. Fobigcr received injuries which
will probably provo fatal. She was accom
panied by her son , Mr. Harry Johnson. The
spirited team behind which they rode bccom
ing frightened when going down F street ,
towards the treasury department , dashed
along at full speed. Mr. Johnson jumped
from the carriage , attempting to stop the
horses , but when the car track ut Fourteenth
street was reached , the driver and Mrs.
Fobigcr were thrown violently out , the lat
ter striking tbo pavement with great force.
Besides internal injuries , her face was terri
bly mangled , her eyes forced almost from
tholr sockets , the right ono being crossed by
n gash extending from the forehead lo her
cheek. The driver was but slightly injured.
'Mrs. Foblgor was married to the admiral
about six years ago , and was formerly a Mrs.
Johnson , and well known in society circles
The fight for Ihe position of adjutant-gen
eral of the army Is commencing to wax warm
as the retirement of General Drum , the pres
ent adjutant-general , draws near. Colonel
Kolton Is the oftlcor roost often spoken offer
for the position. General McICeevor and
Colonel W. \Vhlpplo are his strongest ri
vals. There will bo tremendous amount of
Influence , social nnd otherwise , brought to
boar on Secretary Proctor and General Har
rison. General Drum retires May 10 , and
ho will at once occupy his country homo
nearTcnnullytown , Md. , whore ho will lay
flown his sword after louur years of service ,
and substitute the pruning knife in its place.
Another Roulanucr Speech.
PAUIS , April 14. At a banquet at Vor-
i.xilles to-day , Deputy Laguorro read Gen
eral Boulanger's speech , * Ho contrasted the
doings of the present ' 'sham republicans"
with the doings of the republicans of 1780 ,
and said ttmt the ono hundredth anniversary
of the reforms then initialed must bo com
pleted. Laguerro and HerUso were arrested
on tearing the banquet hull , They protested
on the ground of the Inviolability of the
members of the clumber of deputies , and
Wore released.
Tire Mou Illown to I'ioccu.
WIU : UAHIK : , Pa. , April 14 , - Charles
Hodges and Evan Madden were passing
through an abandoned working In the Grand
Tunnel mine , this morning , when their
lights Ignited u largo amount of accumulated
fus and bath raea were blown to pieces.
A Colored Rapine lynched.
IlKuj'STCiK , Tex , , April 14. Masked men
' „ to day took George Drlggs , colored , wheT
T tva charged with uu attempt to ra/o u white
) > woman , iwid han a ' '
Tlio Financial Transactions of the
I'ast Week.
BOSTON , Mass. , April 14. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BEC.J The following table ,
compiled from dispatches to the Post from
the managers of the lending clearing-houses
of the United States , shows the gross ex ]
changes for the week ended April 13,1SS9 ,
with rates per cent of increase or decrease
ns compared with Iho amounts for the cor
responding week In 1833 :
Mou Who Seek Ofllco Under the Coin-
In i Stuto Government.
YANKTON , April U. [ Special to THE
BEE. ] The apportionment for delegates to
the constitutional convention is now , and- will bo announced to-morrow.
And Ihen Iho conlest will begin in
every county for seats in the convention , ns
there will bo many who will wish to servo in
that capacity. It is hoped that party lines
will not bo lee closely dra\vn nnd thai Iho
dotnocratic minority may bo allowed a fair
representation in Iho convcnlion. Chief
Justice Tripp , who is n democrat , will prob
ably bo elected from llns county. And then
there nro Gamble and Campbell , of Yank-
ton ; Ed erton , of Davidson ; Moody , of
Deadwood , and others of local reputation ,
who will , no doubt , bo members of tbo body.
But it is n foregone conclusion" that the
Sioux Falls conalitution of 18S5 will bo
adopted , nnd so Iho convention will have but
little to do other lhan pass Iho necessary
ordinances for the election in Oclober , when
a leglslalurc , slalo ofticers , congressmen ,
etc. , will bo elected. The legislature will
have the two United Stales senators lo elect
and seats in Ihat body will bo hotly
contested , for next to being a United
Stales senator , the average Dakota politician
would like to help make them. Mollutto will
bo urged for governor of Ihe new state by
some of his zealous friends , but there will bo
other aspirants , and some of them far abler
nnd more experienced than Ihe territorial
governor appointed by General Harrison.
Moody , of the Black Hills , who has been ac-
live and conspicuous at Washineton , Is
booked for n senaton > nip , but the fact that
ho is and has been for years the attorney of
the Homestakc company will operate against
him , and , in fact , it is said that the Farmer's
alliance people will knife him nnd render his
election Impossible. The Farmer's alliance
organization had control of the late Bismarck
legislature , and it will bo nn iinnortant fac
tor in the statshood business. In southeast
Dakota , Edgdrton , Campbell and Pettigrow
nnd olhers will have followers , but is it not
at all certain thai iho prominent candidates
will bo able to control Iho legislature. A. L.
Vim Osdol , a real farmer and member of the
late legislaiuro , will bo urged for lieutenant
governor of South Dakota. Ho is n citizen
of Yankton county , and owns and controls
largo farming interests hero.
A Bountiful Feast Provided for a
llordn of KaKUimilTliifl ,
NEW Yoitu , April 14. [ Special Telegram
lo THE BEE. ] A great horde of hungry
people was emptied into Essex street this
morning an army of latter domalions , with
Wistful eyes and gaunt faces. They came
from the rookeries In Poll , Molt , Chrlstlo ,
Baxter and Hester streets anU thereabouts.
For six years Mrs. Paulina Kosendorff , wife
of Morris Hosondorff , has irndo praciico of
giving awav on Iho day preceding iho feast
of the Passover large quantities of meat and
bread to whosoever should ask
for food. Friday Mrs , Kosen-
dorff distributed about four thousand
pounds of unleavened bread , and to-day ,
between 10 o'clock in Iho morning and sun
set , moro than four thousand pounds of good
beef. Each applicant received from flvo to
eight pounds. Even the poor who came from
various charitable societies whore aid had
already been extended , did not uo away
empty handed. "This gives mo moro pleas
ure than to build houses or lo wear diamonds
mends , " said Mrs. Roscndorff , when Iho big
day's ' work was done. "Did you sco how
happy it made them ) Of course , It was only
for a little while , but it Is botlcr than not at
all. Could you baliovo that there were so
many hungry people In this big cityl"
Statehood In North Dakota.
BisMAitcK , Dak. , April 14. fSpecl- ' Tele
gram to THE Bue.J Governor Molletio has
completed his proclamation , calling for the
election of delegates to the constitutional
convention of North Dakota und South
Dauota , for the framing of state constltu
tlons , and the proclamation will bo issued to
morrow , in accordance with the enabling
act of congress. Each of the proposed now
states Is divided into twonty-llvo districts ,
and each convention will have seventy-live
members. The issue of the proclamation
defining the districts will precipitate as
fierce a political ilgnt as has over been wit
nessed in North Dakota , owing to iho fuel
that the constitutional convention is looked
upon as the stepping-stone to the United
States senate.
In this , the Bismarck district , there are
throe ox-governors aspirants for the conven
tion. Ex-Governor Plorco , who was ap
pointed by President Arthur , ox-Governor
Ordway , who for several years has resided
in Washington , but who now returns to gain
a seat in the senate , nnd ox-Governor
Church , the'.recently resigned democratic
governor. Owing to the minority repre
eontutlon , the democrats hope to elect aboul
onu-bulf the convention , and are organizing
for a vigorous campaign ,
The Death Record.
BROOKLYN , Anril 4 , Ex-Congressman SI
mcon B. Chlttenden died this afternoon
aged teventy-flvo.
Iluuux , April 14. Dr. Brinknian , bishop
of Munstcr , m dead.
O'Brien Buos Salisbury for Libel.
Loxtiox , April 14. The Weekly Dispatch
snys that William O'Urlcn lias entered a
libul action against Lord Salisbury for ccr
tnin remarks made by the la'.tcr iu a rcccn
speech at Walerford.
Tholr Disposal a Matter of Worry
and Annoyauco.
Valuable SuggcstionR by the Stnto
Hoard of Health-Models and De
signs Tor the Iowa Hoi-
dlcrs' Montfmcnt.
Troubles ofa Concrcssman.
Dns MOINCS la. , April 14. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BEE. | So far there have boon
jut few changes In the important postofllcos
of Iowa , nnd yet the Iowa congressmen are
having their full measure of trouble over the
matter. Keokuk is the only first class 'city
that has changed postmasters under the now
administration , but there was a vacancy at
that place which hurried up the change. The
greatest trouble for the congressmen is over
the fourth class ofllccs. In the small places
every man feels himself duly qualified for the
position , nnd all of them have abundant leis
ure to devote to the business , especially when
they can carry it on In connection with what
ever other business they havo. The con
gressman who can decide between applicants
in : t country village , and satisfy n majority
of the people , needs the wisdom of Solomon.
Some of the Iowa congressmen are already
petting Into deep water over the matter.
The experienced hands go boldly to u town
whcro there Is a postofllcu light , cull In the
different candidates , hoar their story , size up
their relative infuonco , then take the bull by
the horns , and toll them whom they will
recommend , and why. But some of the now
congressmen think they can escape by stay
ing nwav from the scone of war , nnd seeing
no one except those who come to them. That
makes the party workers mad , and they
change their congressman with indifference ,
neglccl and ingratitude. The congressmen
who can steer safely by the postoftlco shoals
this year , need never worry about the future.
They can meet anything successfully If they
can dispense the postottlcos without making
personal cuomles of all the fellows who don't
got there.
Diffusing Popular Information.
DCS MOINES , la. , April 14. [ Special to
THE BBE.J The success of the state board
of health in diffusing popular information on
sanitary topics , 1ms suggested the idea of a
course of study in each of the state schools ,
upon the general principles of hygiene and
the naluro of prevalent diseases. The circu
lar that was Issued by the board on the sub
ject of contagious diseases , n few weeks ago ,
Is now being nsod as a text leaflet in the
state normal school at Cedar Falls , and all
pupils there are required to bo examined
upon its teachings. This leads the board to
recommend that the state university at Iowa
City , the stale agricultural college at Ames ,
the state normal school , and all the reform
schools and other educational institutions of
the state should have a thorough course of
instruction upon preventive medicine and
hygieno. The idea is that they should teach
all the pupils the general laws governing
epidemics ; the best means of arresting and
preventing the spread of infectious diseases ;
the general principles of ventilation , lighting
and hooting , and the best methods of con
structing public and priyato buildings ; the
disposal of garbage and night soil ; the pre
servation ol the purity of drinking water :
the importance and best methods of quaran
tine and disinfection ; also information about
the importilnco of cleanliness and vital statis
tics. It will bo seen tliat this covers a wide
field of information uuon hygienic topics ,
upon which there is much public ignorance.
The intention is that there should bo a separ
ate professorship of hygiene and sanitary In
struction in every state educational institu
tion , so that all students , who attend them ,
will have more deilnito. practical and very
valuable Ideas upon these subjects , which so
vitally concern the public.
ns a Diphtheria Ctiro.
DBS MOINES , In. , April 14. [ Special to
THE BEE. ] Some weeks ago the state board
of health wrote to Dr. Herr , the celebrated
Prussian physician , asking for information
about his discovery of the use of yeast In the
treatment of diphtheria and other diseases
Ho has sent a pamphlet in reply giving his
ideas of the remedial effects of brewer's
yeast. In his letter to the board of health ,
ho says that for ton years ho has been uslntr
yeast for diphtheria and has seen children
receive almost momentary relief in
severe cases of that kind. Ho says ho has
used it also with good results in scarlet
fever , measles nnd cholera infantum. He
has recommended to the United States
health officials that they give it n test in cases
of yellow fever. Ho has great faith that it
would prove effectual , for ho says ho has
broken up very severe cases of typhus fever
by administering largo doses , some 200
grains. In severe cases of diphtheria , ho
recommends that children bo given every
hour from six to eight grains of unformeuted
fluid yeast , and thai the mouth and throat bo
mopped at the su no intervals with a mixture
of ono part yeast and live or six parts water ,
These suggestions are given to the pubho by
the Iowa board of health , and if they shall
prove to bo what is expected , they will bo of
almost inestimable value to the homes ihat
nro so often imperilled by the dread dlph
thoria. '
The Ccntonnlnl Celebration.
Dns MOINES , la. , April 14. [ Special to
Tim BEE. ] Governor Larrabeo has re
ceived a special invitation to attend divine
service at Davenport April 30 , the conton-
nlal day. The service is to bo conducted by
Bishop Perry , of the the Protestant Episco
pal church , and ho will follow a copy of the
original service that was used in Now York
on the morning of the day that George
Washington was Inaugurated , 100 years ago.
Bishop Perry has taken a very patriotic in
terest in this matter and has Issued a pas
toral letter Inviting the clergy of his church
to use that service as far as practicable.
Ho will hold a very elaborate and interesting
service in the cathedral at Davenport. But
the governor will be > unable to attend , having
accepted an invitation to take part in the
celebration at Now York City , Ho will
leave , accompanied by Mrs. Larraboo , Adju
tant-General Alexander and other members
of his stuff , about the 20th inst.
A Peculiar Cattle Disease.
DBS MOINES , la. , April 14.Special [ to
TUB BEE.J A peculiar case of cattle disease
has boon reported to the state veterinary
surgeon from Farmers' Create township ,
Jackson county. Mr , Slipper , an extensive
stockman living there , has 100 head of fat
tening cattle which ho is feeding. But many
of them , and in fact nearly all , have been af
flicted with sore feet , or "foot fowl , " as it Is
called , which softens the hoofs. Ho says
that Other years , during some wet seasons ,
when his cattle ware kept in muddy yards ,
ho experienced the same trouble with them ,
but was able to cure it alone in a short time.
But this has been a dry season , and the
trouble seems to bo worse , and has become
too serious for him to handle alone , His cat
tle are all good , three-year-old steers , weigh
ing un average of about twelve hundred
pounds. Bui one of his neighbors lias had
any similar disease in his herd , and that In a
very slight degree. Dr. Stalker , the state
veterinary surgeon , will make a. careful In
vestigation of the disease.
The Soldiers' Monument.
DBS MOINES , la , , April 14. [ Special to
Tin : BEE. | Next Wednesday the soldiers'
monument commission Is to meet in this city
n d pass upon the plans that have been sub
mitted. The offer of prizes tor the boat de
has stimulated a great competition ,
there being forty-two different designs
awaiting Inspection. The commission offer n
prize of $500 for the first or best design , $250
Tor the second , nnd $150 for the third. This
bas enlisted the interest of some of the best
men of the country , Ono model now in the
governor's office Is about five feet high , nnd
was designed by Hobort Kraus , who made
the monument in Boston , which commemor
ates the famous Boston massacre , and was
unveiled on Boston common last fall. The
design of this is for a granite monument
sixty feet In height from the ground to the
crown of the head of the upper statue ,
twenty-two feet In diameter at the lower
base , or about thirty-six feet at the foot of
the stops. Symbolical figures would bo
carved upon iho sides representing the dif
ferent branches of the sorvlco with the
names of Iho principal battle Holds whcro
Iowa soldiers fought , together with interoii-
ing statistical information. The cost of this
monument ns completed and sot up would
bo $100,000. Another Imposing design is ono
submitted by the artist who designed the
monument to the Chicago policemen who
wore killed In the Haymurkot massacre.
The idea of this Is to have n granite mass
twenty-seven foot high for a foundation.
This would DO surmounted by a frlezo on
which would bo modeled n composition rep
resenting the four arms of the service.
Above this would extend n square column
tapering toward the top. It would contain
an interior ascent , through to the tower , and
nt a liolght of ilfty feet an exit would admit
to n promenade from which visitors could
got a line view of the surrounding country.
The top of the column would bo surmounted
by n bronze color bearer with his standard
in the wind. Ttio total height of this de
sign is 120 feet. So it can bo aeon that the
commissioners will have an opportunity to
make selections for a very high grade of
work. The successful artists will got n
good cash prize for their design , nnd , If they
get the commission from the legislature , will
have an opportunity to make themselves
famous by a monument worthy of their
ability and their ambition.
Sioux City's Grievances.
Sioux Citr , la. , April-14. [ Special to Tun
BEE , ] The railroads centering at this point
nro nil reducing tholr service. The Illinois
Central , the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul ,
the Chicago & Northwestern nnd the Chicago
cage , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha have
each dropped ono freight train. All these
roads , too , are reducing the number of em
ployes , shopmen , yardnicn , etc. There has
been no swooping reduction , but the lay-offs
and discharges have been , in the aggregate ,
quite numerous.
The representatives of all'tho companies
say that the reductions have been made on
account of dull business. Tronic is exceed
ingly dull. They deny emphatically that the
Iowa railroad legislation has anything what
ever to do with iho cuungea which have boon
made. Nor is there any complaint on this
score among shippers and business men
But there Is serious complaint hero against
the policy which the roads , with Iho possible
exception of Iho Illinois Central , are pursu
ing towards Sioux City. The Chicago
cage & Northwestern , although for
the most part complying with
the Iowa commissioners' , schedule , nullities
its effect by a cunning system of discrimina
tions in other respects , the purpose of whicti
is to carry live stock , grain and all other pro
duce to Chicago. For example , the Kingsloy
branch , from Carroll , on the main line , to a
terminus in this county within twenty miles
of Sioux City , drains a splendid stock region ,
but not a hog or a steer can bo brought to the
Sioux City market , although the rate Is lair
enough. The train on the branch tine Is run
so that it arrives at Carroll just in time to
miss the west bound freight , and just in
time to connect with the Chicago train. To
reach Sioux Cily involves a lay over of
twenty-four hours , in which time it could bo
in Chicago.
The same nnti-Sioux City policy is pursued
by the Chicago & Northwestern on all its
branch lines. The Chicago , Milwaukee & St.
Paul is equally hostile. The result is that
very little stock Is coming lo this market.
The receipts have not averaged over ton car
loads a day for two weeks. Every effort to
euro the situation has failed so far and it ap
pears to bo the deliberate and settled policy
of the roads.
Grand Islitnd'fl Nine.
Giuxn ISLAND , April 14. [ Special to
Tun BEE. | President Cohen , of the Grand
Island Base Ball association , says ho has the
best semi-professional club in the country.
The boys will report for practice to-morrow.
The grand stand is completed and the diamond
mend 1ms been changed , nnd the association
has ono of the finest base ball parks in the
The following are the players and their
positions : Catchers , Snyder and Ready ;
pitchers , Ilourko and Hughes ; first base.
Heady ; second base. Pond ; third base , Camp ;
short , Thompson ; right , Moody , loft , Quiun ;
cenlor , Hayes ; substitute , Hockcnburger.
The grounds will bo opened April 23 with
the Omaha team.
Thieving Tramps Corralod.
WOOD HIVEII , Neb , , April 14. [ Special
Telegram to TiiuBiu , ] This morning , while
the guests of tno Wood River hotel wore at
breakfast , two tramps , giving their names
ns Eugene Hughes nnd Harry Hart , went
through the different rooms and gathered
what they could Und of value. They were
discovered at tholr work and attempted to
escape by running out on the balcony and
sliding down n post. A crowd of men and
boys gave chase nnd soon captured them.
They nro now languishing in tue village
baslilo awaiting trial.
Electing a Postmaster.
HOWAHP , Nob. , April 14. [ Special to
TUB BED. ] Some time ago the four repub
lican candidates for thoposlofilco hero agreed
to submit their claims to the people , and to
day a republican primary election was hold
for the novel purpose of selecting a post
master. Captain Gcorpo W. Martin received
the highest number of'votos , and , according
to the agreement , lie will got the endorse
ments for the nostolllcp.
Ingratitude's Dark Stain ,
ATKINSON , Nob. , Apj-il 14.Special [ to THE
BEE. ] Two tramp acrobats or contortionists
are "wo" , 'ing" this part of Nebraska. Last
evening they were granted especial favors
by the G. A. K. at th < j entertainment given
hero , and repaid It by publicly and deliber
ately Insulting the okl soldiers. Tholr tour
to the hills will lack a little of being a howl
ing success on { .hat account.
Hendershut in Atkinson.
ATKINSON , Nob. , April 14. [ Special to THE
BEE. ] Major Hendershot , the "Drummer
Boy of the Rappahanock , " closed to-night n
very successful engagement hero. Ho was
with us two nights and crowded houses
greeted him on both occasions. It is gener
ally admitted that thoMajor can drum ,
Riotous mriker * .
BUFFALO , N. Y. , April 14. This evening a
number of striking switchmen entered the
dining room of the hotel where the now men
are boarding and began to quarrel. Ono of
the switchmen struck ono of the now men
and the latter drew a pistol und was about
to use it when a policeman Interfered. Last
night a similar disturbance was made at nn
adjoining hotel , where about forty now mun
wens boarding1 , but no blows were struck.
The Coopers' union hold a stormy meeting
to day upon the reinstatement of Boss Mau
ley in the Niagara elevator. Feeling ran so
high that the police cleared the hall. The
crowd filled the streets below for four
blocks , and were only dispersed by the po
lice charging on them.
Steamship Arrivals.
At Now York : La Champagne , from
Havre ; the Polarla , from Hamburg ; the
Suovla , from Hamturir.
Mall Advlcos But Confirm Previous
Gloomy Roports.
How Much or the Dnmntro to the
Trenton Might llnvo Been
Averted MetcnlfB
Kindly Olllccs.
The Sntnontt Wrecks.
[ CnpyrlgM ISSO lu irwfcrn Awtetaltd I'rws.l
APIA , Samoa , March 80 , ( via San Fran
cisco. ) After the great storm of March 10
had subsided , Admiral Klmborly was visited
by an Associated press correspondent The
admiral was found sitting on the porch of n
small house facing the harbor , watching the
wrecks of the American men-of-war. "Isn't
It awful ! " ho remarked to a correspondent ,
"In all my experience on the sea , I have
never scon a storm equal to this. I can
hardly realize yet the extent of damage done.
My chief unxlcty is to got those SOO or 000
sailors back to America. "
The admiral was nskcd regarding his own
experience during the storm. Ho told of oc
currences on the Trenton which have al
ready been described. Ho attributed much
of the damage to the Trenton to the fact
that the hawse pipes were placed on the
lower deck. It is a faulty construction
which government oftlccrs have been asked
several times to remedy. If they had boon
located on thodeck ; above , the water could
not have poured in on the Trenton in tor
rents ns It did , Hooding the lira room nud
putting out the llres. The admiral considered
this as" indirectly the cause of the loss of the
Trenton. The ship , ho said , was handled
most skillfully. It was impossible to steam
out of the harbor , as the engines were not
powerful enough. As It was , with every
pound the Trenton could carry nnd the an
chors out , the ship could not hold up against
the storm.
The confusion which was present every
where In Apia during the first few days after
the storm disappeared by the end of the
week. The quarters of the shipwrecked
sailors had been made more comfortable , the
dally routine of duty was properly attended
to , and marine guards had complete control
of the town. Working parties were kept
busy ull the time on the wrecks of the Tren
ton and Yaudnlia , and articles of every
description hud been brought ashore from the
vessels. It has not yet been ascertained
whether the Nipsio will bo able to leave the
harbor or not.
King Mataafa came down from his camp a
few.duys ago. A lighl rain had fallen iho
night before nnd tno water had leaked into
Iho tents occupied by the sailors. Malaafa
pointed out to the admiral the
danger of sickness breaking out among the
men on account of Ihls exposure , nnd on
behalf of his people offered to vacate ull the
Samoan houses in Apia and allow the Amer
ican sailors the use of them. Admiral ICim-
berly thanked Mataafa very warmly , but
stated that it would bo difficult to control the
men If they were scattered around among
the native houses. Ho promised , however ,
to consider the offer if the silualion became
more pressing.
On March 23 the Germans hold a memo
rial service at the French Catholic church ,
which was attended by Admiral Kimberly
and a number of other ofticers , and also a
guard of honor from the United States ma
rine forces. On March 24 American memo
rial services were hold , but noao of the Gor
man officers attended.
There is rio"lmportant change in the politi
cal situation hero. Both parties arc still en
camped In the same position they have occu
pied for months. The Gorman consul , Dr.
Knappe , is still pursuing the spiteful course
which always characterized his work here.
Notwithstanding their noble efforts in saving
the lives of Germans during the storm ,
ICnappo posled a printed notice a few days
later declaring that natives were stealing
products from the Gorman farms , und warn
ing the public not to purchase froui them.
The Associated Dress correspondent had an
interview with Mataafa a few days prior to
the great storm in regard to the proposed
Berlin conference. The king did not seem
to believe that the conference would
have any beneficial results for the
Samoans. Ho expressed strong doubts that
the American and British representatives
might bo able to effect a restoration of the
former Samoan government and insure pcaco
and prosperity to the islands. M.ttaafa de
clared that ho had nothing to hope for from
Germany ; that all Iho wars among the na
lives and the bloodshed which had occurred
during the past few months was duo lo Ger
man interference , nud the German repre
sentatives had made so many mis-statements
to him lhal ho could no longer
place any confidence In their promises
of their dcsiro for peace. Matafaa showed
the correspondent a letter received by him
from Consul Knappo after a recent fight be
tween the Germans and Samoaus , In which
Mataafa was addressed as "Your majesty ,
the king. " In the letter Knappo desired
that there bo no more war ; that the Sauioaos
should rule things on the island portainisj ?
to Samoa , and the Germans should rule over
all things pertaining to foreigners. Mataafa
did not reply to this proposition.
All Doubt * Ucmovcd.
SAN FUANCISCO , April 14. The Chronicle ,
commenting on the details of the wreck Jof
the American and Gorman war ships at
Apia , says :
"This account settles all doubts in regard
to responsibility for the disaster. It proves
that the American and German commanders
did everything that good seamanship could
to save their vessels , und that the escape of
Iho Brilish ship Calliope was due mainly to
the great strength of her engines. The Amer
ican ofllcors proved their claim to superior
seamanship and the saving of the crews of the
Srcnton nnd Nipsic , was due to the skillful
handling of those vcssols. Mr. Dunning ,
special correspondent of the Asssociatcd
press , hud the rare good fortune lo bo the
only newspaper man who witnessed the
disaster. His account Is a superbly realistic
picture of iho scenes of heroism and suffer
ing without a parallel In recent years. The
story of the fruilloss attempt of the war
vessels to escape Is full of pathotio features ,
and wo think no American can read without
emotion the thrilling cpisodo of the crows of
the Trenton nnd Vandnlla cheering each
other , and of the band of the Trenton strik
ing up "Tho Star Spangled Banner" as the
ship swept on toward certain death ,
According to a UusHinn Gimtlcmnn
They Are Very Sninll.
WASHINGTON , April 11. [ Special Corre
spondence of TUB BBB.J Of late a great
deal has been said and written in regard to
the Samoan question , which is now not only
agitating this continent , but also that of
Europe , and is eagerly watched by all
diplomatists who are greatly interested In
the outcome of the present complications
over those islands. Some of our diplomats
advlso the people of the United States to even
resort to arms in order to protect the king of
To-day your correspondent sought the vlowa
on this subject of [ Colonel Charles d'Arnuud ,
a native Russian who Is now a resident of
Washington , and who has given the relations
of the various countries ono to thp other ,
International laws and amity and comity , so
much study during the past twenty-five years
that ho is deemed to a most interesting and
instructive authority on nil international
topics. Ho made the wlioly situation so clear
that any ono can understand it. Colonel
d'Arnaud said ;
"There has been considerable diplomatic
correspondence between tLu country and
the courts of Germany and Great Britain on
that subject. But a glance by one who has
made a study of European diplomacy & d
the International law will convince him that
the United States government takes promi
ses on the question of Samoa which nro un
tenable. For reasons , In the first Instance ,
that the United States has no prior proprie
torship of the Islr.nds acquired either by
right of acquisition of territory or by treaty
obligations with the do facto government of
the islands ; and In the second Instance , at
no time have the vested Interests in the
islands been acquired by the United States
In what manner It may have boon man
aged either by Germany or Great
Britalu or any other power. The griev
ances on the pait of the United
States against Germany which cost such a
vast amount of money and lives already , nro
by mo classified In diplomatic term ns 'spec
ulative and prospective , ' which are not rccog-
nlcd lu international lti\v.
"In order to lllustrnto the nbovo wo are
obliged to examine the rights acquired by
the United States in the Sainoau islands ,
either to pose as n belligerent or champion
of the rights of the king of Samoa. The
United States In 1873 acquired by mi nproo-
mont with the king of Samoa the privilege
to establish n coaling station in Pnngo Paugo
harbor , and nt the same time the king of
Samoa agreed not to grant any such privi
lege to any other power. Mark this last
provision , which Is that the said king shall
not grant the privilege of establishing
a co.tltng station to any other government
than that of the United States. In
June , 1STO , just seven years afterwards , the
king of Samoa entered into n similar con
tract , or agreement , with Germany. As soon
as England hoard of the agreement between
Germany and the Samonu icing , she immedi
ately dispatched an envoy in August of the
same your , and entered Into the sumo agreement
mont with the king us did the Unlied States
and Germany. Hence the first treaty of
1S72 , entered Into with the United Suites ,
was broKun by the King , and the proviso
which existed in that treaty , namely , that
they shall not give the privilege to any other
iioworof establishing iv coaling station on the
Island , has boon broken , which releases tlio
United StutuH from Iho obligation of using
Its good ofllco in order to prevent n misunder
standing with other powers ; and in view of
this fact , iho king of Samoa has no right to
call upon the United States to interfere lu
any way in his disputes with liny foreign
"In 1ST9 , or thereabouts. Germany and
Great Briialn invited the Lnitod States to
join in n convention for the purpose of estab
lishing municipal authorities in Apia , then
the recognized capital , which , in other
words , means consular Jurisdiction similar
to that in existence in China , Japan und
Corea. The representatives of the United
Stales government signed the convention on
behalf of the government of the United
Stales , subject ad referendum. The govern
ment of the United States has never scut the
convention to the senate for ratillcation , for
the reason that It is contrary to the estab
lished policy of our government to iutorfcro
in any shape or manner , or close an alliance
with any king or potentate that will entan
gle us in disputes vital only to the other gov
ernment. Mark , this convention was simply
for the consul of the United States us well
as the consul of Germany and the consul
of England to have solo jurisdiction
to try and setllo any dispulea
which may arise nnioug subjects of the ro-
spcctivo governments. It has nothing to do
with the guaranty of nnv protective alliance
with Samoa , although the convention signed
In 1873 in regard to conceding to us the har
bor of Paugo Pango has taken tlio shape of n
trcaiy. Still , as I have stated , that treaty
has been violated on the part of tlio govern
ment of Samoa , inasmuch as they agreed not
to grant to any other government the privil
eges they extended to the United States.
The reason this stipulation was inserted in
the agreement was to prevent any enlanglo-
uicnt with foreign powers in these Islands ;
but the Samoa king broke this treaty by
granting similar privileges to Germany and
England ; hence they release us from further
interference In tiny difficulties which may
arise. But at the same time wo couhl main
tain our coaling station in the harbor of
Pango Paugo. Let us for ono moment examine -
amino the condition of the island ns created
at present by the Gorman complication with
the rival kings.
"Germany , whether right or wrong , has n
grievance against the existing power m
Samoa , and according to the established
rules and precedents governing such disputes
and well ebtablislied in American and
European diplomacy , Germany has a right
to treat as ono contracting povyor with iho
king , and enforce her rights in whatever
manner she may deem proper , nt the same
lime taking care that the interests of other
contracting troaly powers shall not bo vio-
lalod , What Germany claims is simply a
bettor protection for the interests of her cit
izens , whether by iho occupation of the
islands by themselves , or by receiving
sufficient guarantees from the do facto gov
ernment established on the islands. Falling
in ttili she has a right lo resort to arms with-
oul violaliiig Iho treaty obligations of any
power with thu said islands. But the vital
question in this is : England has
similar treaties lo that of Germany and
ourselves , yet she takes no nart in it
whatever. When Sir James Fitzgerald ,
under secretary of foreign affairs , wus asked
in parliament : 'What is the policy of Iho
government which shall bo pursued in Iho
case of Samoa ( ' ho answered Ihat 'wo have
no differences with Germany on this ques
tion or with the United States , nnd our
policy is passive. ' Why fluch an expression
from the under secretary of foreign affairs ,
when English interests in Samoa are greater
thanoursl But England , with great com
posure , allows Ilia United Slales lo pull her
chestnuts out of thu tire , for Ihat island is of
greater importance to England than to us ns
a strategical position. It is of the utmost
importance to England , ns It covers and pro
tects her own colony possessions , and she ,
under no circumstances , could allow Ger
many to hold the islands. Had thu United
Slates not taken the Initiative , instead of thu
question being an American-German
ono , it would have been an English-
German dispute. The United States is
simply acting for Great Britain , und out of
which iho English will benefit.
"Now , ns regards the value of the Islands
to us from u stalogicul point of view. It is
argued by Mr. Bates , ono of the Samoan
commissioners to Berlin , that the islands
would bo of Incstlmablo value 10 us from
this standpoint alone. I bog to differ with
him , us the Samoan Islands are thoroughly
nnd altogether useless to Iho United Stales
in case of war or for any other purpose than
simply us n coaling station , which Germany
does not deny to us or England , in case
of war with either England or Germany , if
wo should occupy thu island of Samoa , wo
first would naturally have to fortify it , and
us it is well known and an estab
lished fact that , with the pres
ent military appliance.isolated ) , Islands
like those , far away from tlio princi
pal base of operations , could not withstand -
stand any siege. In order to keep the
Islands frco from a siege wo would have to
send them our whole ficot , and thus leave
our extensive coast unpielected. My opin
ion is that thu United States should main
tain iho rights of her coaling station and her
consulur conventions , and let England mid
Germany fight their own battles , und lilt us
benefit from this quarrel , Instead of fight
ing the battled for England , and from which
that country only will benefit. Let us abide
by our established rules and ret use to en
tangle ourselves with any foreign alliances
for any purpose whatever , and at the same
time not close alliances with any monarch or
king for the purpose of maintaining him in
power. There is a. great deal that could be
said upon this subject , but this warning is
sufficient. The commission which bus been
selected to go to the Berlin conference
should beware , lest they entangle themselves
Into the establishment of precedents which
will be difficult in thc > future for us to over
come. " I'UIIKY S. HEATH.
A 1'llot JJout Sunk.
NKW YOKK , Aprjl 14. A steamship which
arrived to-uluhl from Hamburg , roporta that
on April 13 , in a dense log , she struck the
pilot boat , Camodoro Baioman. sinking her
and drowning the pilot , John llundran , and
the colored cook.
The Wimtlicr ,
For Nebraska , Iowa and Dakota ; Fair ,
except light rain in Dakota ; stuti-jnery icui-
licvuturo ; uastortv win , I * .
The Action of the Pronoh Sonnta
Stirs Up tv Rumpus.
A Move "Which May Lena tci n
Itrontc In a Party Which Una
Hitherto ( Voted With Unto
A Clash In the Senate.
1SS9 liy Jitmri ( Jonlou
PAHIS , April 10. [ Now York Horulil
Cable Special to TUB Bun. | The different
? roupi of the right In the olmuibor luwo
ihought proper to publish n protest against
.ho notion of the sonata in converting Itself
nto n high court of justice. They dcciaro
ihat they will not recognize this exceptional
urisdlction which monnces the free oxpress-
on of national will , niul thu.v protest against
It ns n parody on Justice. This protest is
aimed not only against the senate but also
the constitution , which expressly pro-
vldoi that that body shall exercise the
powers of a high , court of Justice. It Is ,
moreover , aimed at the monarchclal minority
of the senate which has consented to tano
urt In this exceptional Jurisdiction , which
their party and their friends lu the chambci
refuse to recognize.
The protest of the conservative deputies
docs not moot with unanimous approbation ,
oven in their own party. Some royalist dep
uties do not consider it exactly within the
jounds of parliamentary * courtesy for n
group of the chamber to take upon them *
solves to criticise in such n way the nets of
the senate. Others hold that they have no
right to dictate a line of political conduct
to conservatives who sit in the upper house.
Meanwhile the public is not att nil oxcitcd
over the proceedings of tlio high court of
Justice. They watch them with a certain
skeptical indifference which is In
striking contrast to the violence
of passion with which the chamber has taken
up the matter. It must bo remembered that
univcisal suffrage is generally looked upon
as representing modern ideas , and no doubt
it has prevented many faults which would
have been committed hud the chamber bean
left to Its own devices. The senate has not
been blameless lu all its acts , but it 1 Incon
testable that it has rendered great and real
services to the conservative cause. It is to t'k'j
this fact that is duo the unmeasured V
hatred of the radicals , who , In
season and out. constantly clamor
for Its suppression. In joining hand *
with the radicals in an onslaught on the don
ate , the right rislH losing the confidence
many moderate minds have for it , and shows
that they are under the inlluouco of an ox-
cltcmont which leads them into faults of nil
kinds. They also jeopardize the unity of a
party which thus far has pulled together
with rare unanimity. By Introducing fertile
sources of niscord between two of its loading
factors ; by seeking to push forward too pre
cipitately a movement that has apparently
sot In in their favor , the conservatives are
running the risk of stopping
it altogether. If they do not
moderate their combat ! vohess ; if
they show themselves too aggressive , 100
much under the influence of party passion ;
if they assume u revolutionary attitude , they
will frighten the moderates , and drive thorn
back Into the republican camp. The con
servatives of the senate , just now , are show
ing much circumspection in acts and words ,
and their attitude is certainly far more po
litic , under existing circumstances , than the
intempcrato ardor displayed so ostenta
tiously by the conservatives in the chamber.
The Question of uio Ownership or a
Claim Settled with Guns.
ST. Louis , April 11. A tratrody occurred a
few days ago in the western part of Okla
homa between two men from Kiowa , Kan. ,
and two men from Texas , for possession of a
claim. Guns were freely used and one of
the Kiowa men wus killed and a Texan mor
tally wounded. The other two called a
truce and , placing the wounded man In a
wagon , started for a neighboring ranch.
Before they reached it the fight was renewed
and the entire party was discovered later by
some cowboys , stretched out on the prairio.
The cowboys took the ono dead and three
wounded to the nearest stage station.
Uonoral Merrill , at Fort Leuvenworth ,
has issued orders to military ofllcnrs in the
territory to permit persons In cross Cherokee
in time to reach the Oklahoma line on the
2'Jd , the date set for the opening of the
A Thrivlnsr Colormlii Town.
AKKON , Colo. , April IS. [ Correspondcnco
of THE BIB. : ] Akron Is on the first division
of the Burlington , 112 miles cast of Denver ,
nnd is the county seat of Washington county ,
with a population of over ono thousand. It
has n good brick schoolhouse that cost $10-
000 , a handsome $2,500 Presbyterian church ,
and the customary business enterprises.
Within twenty-five miles of Akron are thou
sands of acres of excellent government lands
subject to entry under the homestead , pre
emption and timber nnd culture acts.
The stockmen who held possession of
eastern Colorado up to within the past three
years have given up this beautiful prairie
land to the sturdy pioneer hettlers. For
years it was extensively advertised through
out the cast that it wus SOU feet to water at
Akron. The Uurlmgton has just completed
a mammoth well sixteen feet In circum
ference and ninety feet deep , with twenty-
two feet of water in the well , which glvc
them an InoxhauHtable supply for their big
demands at a division point. The outlook it
promising for.lho farmers of this section.
Tin : Hiu : has many warm friends among
the farmers of eastern Colorado ,
Carw lliumlnc In Rochester.
UouiinsTBii , N. Y. . April 14. There wan
cornparailvo quiet to-day , after the row
which occurred last night between tha
strikers nnd their sympathizers and the po
licoincn , In which two police ofllcors were
severely beaten , and cars were run without
tioublo on many lines. It was reported that
ono car bad been thrown over on Hudson
street , bat no ono was Injured. The windows
dews Jn Bovoral cars wore broken. Early
this evening a mob surrounded thti boarding
house whcro four drivers live , but the po
lice succeeded in dispersing the ciowd before I
any. damage wau done , bix men were ur
The Street , Oar Strike.
MINNRAPOUB , April H , There Is no clmnt'i
In the status of the strike of street , railway
and motor line employes. The men continue
firm. President Lowry to-day reiterated hit
determination .to run cars to-morrow. The
mayor has lis'Jeil n proclamation warning tha
stiiueis against attempting to Interfere with
the running of cars nnd agaln'tcrMtlng dlsj
urbauces on the streets.
N > NUWH ( if tlio Dnuiiicrlc ,
Nr.w YIIKK , April U. Tbo ofllceni of tk
Tiiingvalla StoamMilp line kept opu all day
lo answer iiuohtiona of friendb of the | /at > Miir
j guraof the Hi futcd Duiumir ) ; , of thutt lint' ,
su , poicd to bo lotit hi the MM-Atlantic , tut
no news e-i'--