Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1889, PartI, Page 7, Image 7

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    I - -V t "TUT * J1-
y-w i 1(1 iniiiy
1 I I
HEYMAN & DEICHES 6 nt Of Farnam street !
$2.98 , $3.50 , $5 ,
$7.50 andjjSS.OO.
Imported Wraps
$10 , worth Double.
A lot of Black Jerseys ,
50c , worth $1.00.
A large variety of black and
colored Jerseys.
A choice of the lot $1.50 ,
worth twice the money.
An elegant assortment of
Jersey and Blouse Waists at
most reasonable prices.
Thousands to chose from. The
Wraps are 'all the rage in
New York.
Tea Gowns , and .
Homing Wrappers.
The choicest assortment to
b'e found west of New York.
In every popular style and
material at prices most reas
onable. Also an elegant va
riety of choice costumes and
suits direct from Paris.
Our own Positively.
Fast Black Hosiery is
Guaranteed Not to
AGuranteewith every
Monday morning we will
place on special sale
Sample Suits
in sizes ranging from 2 to 8
years , no two. alike , worth from
$6 to $12 ,
All at the uniform price of
All adapted for coming season
mountain and seaside wear.
360 to Choose Froin. .
Do not miss this opportunity.
1500 Yds French Sateens
Regular 35c.
India Silk Dress Pattern
Worth $16.50.
40- eel
NJeyKSpring Shades ,
.Wortli 65c.
40 inches \vidc , beautiful designs -
signs ,
43c , 56c , 68c , SOc ,
$1 , $1.20 , $1.35.
All worth more than double.
Irisli Point Embroidery.
22c , 28c , 35c , SOc.
1C . . . worth 6c
8c - worth i5c
25C - - worth 4oc
. . .
18C worth 3oc
23C - - woath 35c
55C - - - worth 750
Black Silk Flouncing
.Drapery Net ,
Kid Gloves ,
10 dozen pair Black , Tan and
Grey , 4 button ,
Regular $1.35.
FEE.&IN'S . real French 4
Qbutton Kid Gloves ,
Regular $2.0O.
5 dozen Skirts , 6Cp2worth
worth 850.
10 dozen Skirts , 70C ,
worth $1.00.
3 dozen Skirts , $1.25 ,
worth Si.50.
Beautifully trimmed Skirts in
both muslin and cambric ,
with lace and embroidery ,
$1.60 to $6 ,
Night Gowns
Trimmed in Val. and Medici
Lace ,
$1.75 - - worth 52,25
$2.75 - - worth $3.25
$2.OO - - worth $3.75
Cambric Gowns , tucked yoke ,
35c - - * - worth
50C - - worth 650
45c - worth 6oc
Corset Covers ,
Special Price. Regular.
25c , 350.
5Oc , 650.
65C , 8oc.
$1.25. Si. so.
Vests.l l !
Vests. * !
( Not Spun Silk ) ff ,
AT '
Cost all over the world $5OO ;
Only about 4 dozen left out
of i 8 dozen.
No more after these are sold.
Jersey Fitting
C. P.extralengtn$3.25 , , $
P. D. , extra .
J.B , $1.25 $ ; worth $150 $
The Largest Cloak atfjd Suit House in the West
Heyman & Deiches , if - 1518-1520 Farnam St.
What It Moans and How it Will Bo
Progress nnd n Variety of
Interesting Church cws From
Many ConKrcgatlons
In the City.
I'alm Sunday- '
1o-day is Palm Sunday , so-called in com
memoration of the Saviour's triumphal entry
into Jerusalem , when the multitude strewed
jmlm branches in the way. The feast will
1)0 especially celebrated In the various Cath
olic and Episcopal churches of the city , in
nil of which tlvirowlllbo special religious
services , accompanied by the distribution of
palms of various designs nnd sires.
Tlio Westminster Presbyterian church has
been greatly improved In Interior appearance
and comfort , by tbo addition of u carpet on
the floor of the auditorium and the substitu
tion of pews for chairs , the money for which
was raised by the young people of the
At tlic last meeting of the College Springs
prcsbytory of Iowa , Rev. W. R , Cox was
dismissed to the Omalm presbytery. Rev.
Divvld Inches , formerly of this pres'nytor.v ,
was accepted bv the former.
Bishop Worthtngtou will visit St. Marga
ret's clmrch , Pnpllllon , Monday evening ,
'April loth , to administer the right of con-
tlrmutiou. Some of the choir of St. John's
will uccompatiy him , to assist the boy-choir
nt Pupillion. Tno choir will also go down
Kastcr Monday evening , when Rev. C. S.
Withorspoon , the rector of St. Margaret's ,
will bold tlio children's Faistcr service.
Bids will bo received nnd contracts
awarded for the construction of the proposed
new First Methodist-church Tuesday at the
office of Mendelssohn , Fisher . & Lawrie ,
architects of the now oJlflcc. The excava
tion nt the corner of Twentieth and Dnvou
port btreoUi is now about completed. It is
thought that the church will bo constructed
by January 1 , 1S90 , or shortly thereafter. In
order to raise a fund of * 3.600 for furnishing
tlio liouno the ladles' Aid society has been
holding several meetings lately. H proposes
to raise the entire ) sum. For tha pnrchusoof
n largo pipe organ the members of the
church will give a centennial war concert at
the ( Jraud opera houao on May 10 and 11 ,
with a Saturday matinee on the latter men-
tloned date.
The various pastors of the city are making
< great reparations for holding services. Tues
day morning , April SO , at the Grand opera
bouse , In recognition of the 100th anniversary
of the inauguration of Washington : It will
be a national holiday as the president uud
j , the governors of every slate in the union
Imvo Isiiued proclamations for the observance
of the nnmvcrauay.
The advent of Kastcr Sunday is heralded
toy ( he announcements bf a number of
churches of their spools ! services for thut
occasion. Commencing to-day nnd contlnu
ing through the week "Passion and Easter'
services will bo hold nt the Evangelic-a
Lutheran church. Paulon week is tlio time
tbo church sets ap.irt for the ocm-
nemorutlon of the sufferings , death
and resurrection of ChrUU ThU
being Palm Sunday the Rev. J. ti. Detwilor ,
pastor of the church , will talk on the subject
' Hold Fast ; " at night he will preach o.i
'Christ Our King. " For tlio remainder of
the week the service * will be bold in tlio
evening * . Following are the subjoots : Mon
day , "Christ Betrayed.1 Tuesday , "Christ
Convicted. " Wednesday , "Christ RojiMMod. "
Thursday , "Christ Sentenced. " Good Fri
day there will bo three services as follow * :
J0:80n. : in. , "At the Third Hour ; " 8 p. m. ,
"At the Sixth Hour ; " 6 p. m. , "At the Nlnlu
Jlcur. "
For Eactor servloos the following U np-
ixmdpdi (1 a , in. , * unri u praise tneutiujr. 10
& . to. , prayer sorvioe , preparatory. 10aO : a.
an. , "Ilo URlseu ; " reception of new mom-
Vers : mUslonary offering ; th Lord' * up-
j > cr. 1'J in. , Sunday schoolfestival exercise * .
7 p. DI. , youus | > eope'B ! prayer meeting. 7U
p. ui. , "The Living One. "
DrTualn. . pastor of Plymouth Conyi-ega-
Moa l church , Kouutto pUce , will preach M
ordination sermon this morning at B church
in Ualcsburg , Ills. , from which place ho re
cently came , A young man who was an or
ganist and a member of the church which
Dr. Thuin was recently pastor of , will bo
ordained to the ministry. After his ordina
tion the young man will take charge of a
church at Prescott , Arizona.
The revival meeting which has been hold
for the past two weeks nt the Newman
Methodist church on St. Mary's avenue ,
came to a close on Friday evening. The
meetings wore under the ministerial charge
of Rev. J. E. Ensign. Ho was assisted many
evenings by other uastors of different
denominations. There was considerable in
terest manifested in the meetings from the
beginning , and the past week the nttendanco
greatly increased. At some of the gather
ings old-time Methodist fervor prevailed.
There was a largo number of converts
mndo. Tlio Sunday school of this new
church is now in a nntisfactory condition.
Its membership numbers abouttwo hundred.
This Is greater than many of the old-nstab-
lishcd churches , and members of the new
Kowuiun churcn are proud of their success.
Bishop Newman will dedicate a church nt
Jacksonville , 111. , this morning. He has
been absent from Omaha for nearly two
weeks , ut Toronto , Ont , , delivering mission
ary sermons. The bishop wrote the Rev. T.
M. House of the First Methodist Episcopal
church that bo had been very successful and
was pleased with his accomplishments. Ho
will return to Omaha Wednesday.
On Thursday and Friday of this week
the Omaha Presbyter Missionary society ivas
In session at the Westminster Presbyterian
church. Twenty-five delegates from outside
towns wore present besides a large number
from the city itself and others who were not
delegates. The meetings were very inter
esting to those concerned in the wonc and
the society witi put upon a firmer basis than
it has been at any time in the past.
The programme Thursday included devo
tional exorcises led by Mrs. J. R. Wilson ; an
address of welcome by Mrs. J. A. Chapman ;
response by Mrs. Van Grasbub ; a report
from the homo field by Mrs. Lee ; u paper on
tha subject , of "First Fruits" by Mrs.
Crolgh : reports of officers and news from
the foreign Held by Mrs. Fleming. In , the
evening there was a general meeting in the
church which was oUdrumd by Dr. Pbelps ,
of Council Blurts.
On Friday a letter from Miss Frederick ,
in charge of the society's school for Mormon
children , nt Malad , Idaho , vrn * rood. Miss
Fredericks wrote that she was much en-
counigcd In her work. That the school was
largely attended , and in esvry way flourish
ing. A letter from M Morgan , the socie
ty's missionary in Persia , was also rend.
Miss Morgan reported most encouraging
progress. Tlio treasurer reported that $1,100
boa been raised by the society during the
year for the maintenance of lhe.u mission
The following officers were elected for the
ensuing year : Mrs.-John Gordon , prosiacnt ;
Mrs. D. R. Kerr , "vice president ; Miss Hat-
tlo Collier , secretary , aud Mrs. J. C. Dculso ,
treasurer. *
After all business hod been transacted an
elegant lunch was served to the delegates by
the ladies of the church.
For the past week thn Omaha Presbytery
of the United Proibytorlan church has been
In sessional Central Presbyterian church , on
Seventeenth and Dodge streets , * and at tha
little place of worship ut Twenty-ninth and
Ma-sou streets. In coujuucllou with the
Presbytery the Wpicen's Foreign Missionary
society has alno held meetings. A large
number of ministers throughout the stiito
have boou in Attendance. Among the most
prominent reverend gentlemen \vero G , R.
Murray , of Murray , Mob. ; T. H. Pollack
and I * Proudllt , of Ewinjjj J. A.
Wilson , of Majors ; Clinton Riddle , ol Don-
bar ; W. U. Cox , of Rushvlllo ; L. Williamson -
son , of North Bund : Albert Gordon , of Al-
llunco ; J. C. Lynn , of Kearney ; J. D. Whit-
ham , of Norfolk ; J. M. Buchanun , of Ulli-a ;
D. McLaughlin , of Atkinson ; J. O. Stewart ,
cf Gordon : D. H. Blalre , of Ulica ; W. T.
Moftltt , of woonsockot , Dak. ; I. A. Hendor-
son , Tiioniua McCo.vno , Rufua Johnson. G.
B. Graham , J , H. Henderson. John William.
oa and John M. French , of Omaha. Tbo
raoetiui.-s have evidently been protitahlo anil
were well nppretiatod'by tlio&a who attended
A Roosevelt organ Ur.t booa ordered from
New York by th < 3 St. Mary's Avenue Con-
uroffational church. It will arrive hero about
September 1 , ai-S will coit ! 4,3JO.
WillUm Franulin , a special deacon of the
First Presbyterian church , loft for Chicago
.Ml Tuesday to take a month's course m
Moody's training school for bible work.
The attractions this -week at the Young
Men's Christian Association are not numer
ous , the only thing booked being a lecture
by Frank Board , who will eivo his
chalk tallc. Tho- lecture takes place Tues
day ov-oning.
One of the grandest receptions over given
by the Young .Men's Christian association
will occur on the night of April 23. Secre
tary Jenner and" his associates will banquet
the railroad men in general. This ovcnt is
looked forward to with much interest. It is
supposed that it will bo one of the largest
attended banquets over held in the building.
At the morning service to-day of the
southwestern Lutheran church on Twenty-
sixth street between Popplcton and Woolworth -
worth , avenues , the congregation will bo or
ganized. On September 1 , 1SSS , Rev. Luther
M. Kuhns was commissioned to talro ohargo
of the work by the board of homo
missions of the Lutheran church with
headquarters at Baltimore. In December '
last the tasty little chapel of this congrega
tion was dedicated , ana now is to follow the
organization of the church.
News has been received in this city of the
death of Rev. J. C. Zimmerman , secretary of
the board of church extension pf the Lu
theran church , ftow York City. Mr. Zim
merman's death will bo a matter of sincere
regret to his friends in this city and through
out the state.
The choir of the Both Eden Baptist
church , on Park avenue , has Just been or
ganized with the following members : Mrs.
Edith Davis Urcjubart , soprano ; Miss Delia
Day , alto ; Mr. J. X Maclean , tenor ; Mr.
Franklin S. Smith , baritone and director ;
Mr. H. E. Cole , organist. Mrs. Urquhurt is
possessed of a pure and remarkable sweet
soprano voice. She has received good mus
ical training , and has hod several year's ex
perience in church choir singing. Miss Day
is a daughter of Mrs. F. P. Dai" known to
all musical people of this city , to bo one of
the finest altos Omaha has ever had. Her
voice in a counterpart of her mother's , lock-
lug only in development. The tenor , Mr.
Maclean , is blessed with on exceptionably
flue musical talent and a very smooth ami
pleasing voice. Mr. Cole is an experi
enced , conscientious nnd reliable organist.
Franklin S. Smith , the baritone 'and direc
tor , has boon identified with the musical cir
cles of this city for yuan , having for a long
time boon director of the choir of the First
Presbyterian. Ho is devoted to his now po
sition , and Is determined to rnnko the new
organization one of the loading choirs of the
During the sessions of the presbytery of
Omaha in the Walnut Hill church , next
weoic. popular meetings will bo hold in
the interest of homo and foreign mis
sions. U Is expected that u popu
lar meeting "will bo hold Wednes
day afternoon at 4 o'clock , when Mrs.
P. L. Pcrine will speak on the subject of
Mission Bands , uud Willie Nay , of the'First
church , will tell the Presbytery about the
Boy's Brigade. On Wednesday evening at
7W : : Dr. T. L. Sexton will present the cause
of Home Missions , , and Rev. S. B. McClel
land the cause of Foreign Missions It is ex
pected that Uov. W. J. Palm will bo installed
pastor of tbo Walnut Hill church on Tuesday
At Trinity Oathcxinl , Eighteenth and
Capitol avenue. Serviced will bo conducted
by the dehn , the Very Rev. C. II. Gardner ,
assisted by Kov , C. T. Brady , us follows : S
a. m. , colebrulloii of holy communion. 11 a.
m. , regular morninsr service and sermon.
12.3(1 u. m. , bible class. Ul5p. : m. , Sunday
S''hc-ol. 3:45 p. m. , children's service with
an undress , shortened from evening prayer.
7u ; ! p. m. , evening sorvK'u and scroion. At
this service tbo bishop will administer the
rite of continuation. During holy week tbo
holy communion will l celebrated each
week day ut 0a.m. , except ou Good Friday.
YhuKdny there will bo a celebration also at
7 iu m.
A minister ouc day nail ) in hU pulpit i "Wo
pursue a * hadow the bubble bursts utid
leaves aide * in our hands. "
In Lcattti time U U not meet to think of
p.'rsonnl vanities uu < l adornments , but a aide
Klancu at u coming Ea ter bonnet may be
A IGuitusky sheriff who has boon con verted
confessed that ho once stole f 1.000 which bo
now returns with interest. Kentucky re
ligion must bo u power.
' Why , Marie , aren't you going to church
this afternoon ! " " .Vo , uot to-day , " "Why ,
! thought you wore so passionately fond of
klr. fligginson's preaching ! " "So I am , but
I've sworn it off for lent. "
The Rev. Dr. Alban Cope ( flrmlv to elop
ng couple-JI ) is impossible ) I will not
many anybody in lent. Will Marigold ( ur
gently ) For goodness sake , doctor , can't
you do it just this time ! Wo won't trouble
ou again.
According to the Detroit Free Press a
! corgi a colored preacher draws the line at
mules. Ho thinks the man who steals poul-
, ry , corn or wheat , can be forgiven , but the
individual who goes out deliberately and
steals a mule might as well set the shed on
lire and kill the whole family , for he Is out
side the pale.
"If I knock three times on the coffin lid
during iho church service you must let m-
out , " said James Dalley. of Pfidence , a
le was nearing his end the other day. Every
body waited and listened , but James did no
signal , and the burial went on. If ho for
got it the fault was his own.
The Result on Bidders Outside of tbo
Conn oil's Action.
The action of the council in rejecting the
paving contracts awarded by the board of
public works , while not unexpected , caused
quito a flurry among the contractors when
announced last night. Chairman Balcombo ,
pf the board of public works , called a meet
ing of the board for .Monday , when , with the
city engineer , the board will go through the
form of adopting specifications , and will re-
advertise for bids. "As far us the board is
concerned , " said Mr. Bnlcombo. "it simuly
means that wo will be delayed another month
at least before wo get at the actual work of
currying out the paving planned for tbo pres
ent year. "
"Tho scheme of certain paving contractors
to drive out foreign competitors has carried , "
said a gentleman considered authority on
contract work. "Tho paving ring will have
it Its own way now , for you can rest assured
that the men who came hero and bid on the
former specifications will not go to too ex
pense of coming back to run the chance of
being fooled a second time. The members
of the council who worked the amended
specifications through that body knew they
would render the contracts invalid. It was
a great schema well carried out. "
Mrs. M.C. Bothoreof , Council Bluffs ked
for the aid of the police yesterday in locating
her daughter ; Eliza White , who ran away
from her homo-several weeks ago and is sup
posed to bc-iivinglu Omaha. The runaway
is seventeen years of age and has always
been a moue $ < Uuughter until four weeks ago
when she dbmuicuccd running.around with
a rather fast ' "crowd. Her mother remon
strated with her to no purpose. One after-
neon Mrs. < o Bothers went to call upon u
neighbor ftijd returned to llnd 'that her
daughter had lacked her clothes and taken
her departures' >
9 .J ,
_ Now filnil DiHtriot.
Word has l > epn , received from Washington
that Omalift-wU ) soon bo made the headquar
ters of a suVdrfnteudent of the railway mall
service for n'how district to bo composed of
Nebraska aud-Wyoming. The Omaha dis
trict will be-kn'own as the Twelfth and will
probably bcRn'thnrgo of James B. Ellwood ,
an old postuT employe.
County Commissioners.
The county commissioner * did not have a
meeting yesterday afternoon. Richard
O'ICeeffe was the only member of the board
around the county building. Ho and Clerk
Webb waited till 5 o'clock for the other mem-
bera to put ] ri an appearance for a session ,
but none of them showed up. Mr. O'Ktieffu
thought it looked very like they were trying
to bo avenged on him for bis persistence iu
holding a meeting yesterday afternoon , when
all tbo other members desired not to meet
till next Wednesday.
Judtjo IScrltn as lleferee.
Ivcy Brown and Hattle Perry , two colored
washerwomen , bold a pugilistic contest at
the corner of Twelfth and Oass streets yes
terday afternoon. The fisticuff was declared
a draw by mutual content , and an adjourn
ment taken to the police court to conclude
the contest on a legal platform. Judge Beika
lined them { 6 cttcu auu conU.
It Is For Another Line From This
Other Matters Discussed By the
Business Men at Their Meet-
ill K Ycstordny General
bouth Omalm Noted.
Proceedings of the Board of Trade.
A score of two persons were present Sat
urday evening when President John A. Dee
called the board of trade meeting to order.
After transacting a little routine work Vice-
President David Anderson called on Major
J. C. Wilcox who stated his object was to
procure rapid transit for the southern part
of Omaha and to that end asked the cooperation
ation of the citizens of South Omaha. While
he had no authority to speak for Dr. Mercer
or Uio motor line , yet ho had the most posi
tive assurances that as soon as freed
from legal restriants the line wouid
be constructed and operated via
Sixteenth , Vinton and Twenty fourth
streets prov'dlng no impediments were
offered by citizens along the line , and to that
end iio wanted the support and co-operation
of the citizens of South Omaha.
M. II. Redfield then gave an Interesting
history of the efforts of the citizens in the
southern part of Omaha to secure rapid
transit , the committee meetings with Dr.
Mercer , nnd the assurances of Dr. Mercer ,
J. H. Millnrd and others , who owned three-
fourths of the stock , that Dr. Mercer's
promises would be fulfilled as fast as possi
ble. The object is to have rapid transit from
Council Bluffs to South Omaha. The motor
company had pledged that as soon as re
lieved from legal restraints , special legisla
tion would bo asked nnd matters would be
pushed as fast as possible. The motor
company "by its nets would give tlio
best assurances of its good
faith. All the company wanted
was the good will , encouragement and sup
port of the people of South Omaha. The
company had all tbo funds nccdod and did
not want financial assistance. The power
house would be built south of Hurncy street.
If a committee be appointed the motor com
pany would give any assurances , and if
ttocds bo a X > ,000 bond for its speedy and
faithful performance. Messrs. Andersen ,
Lawrence. Hunt , BlnghamL Carroll , Mo-
Koudr.v , Ervin , Van Duscn , saxe and Levy
all spoke in favor of the motor * lmo , pro-
Tided it would commence work in good faith
and complete Its lino.
Ou motion. C. M. Hunt , Fred M. Smith
and John C , Carroll were appointed to art
with a committee of three from tua city
council to co-operate in the matter. In regard
to grading Twenty-fourth street , Mr. Smith
reported the result of the committee's con
ference with the county commissioners , and
Messrs. John C. Carroll , Fred M. Smith and
John A. Doe wcra appointed to attend the
next meeting of the council to presents reso
lution requesting that Twenty-fourth street
bo graded from A to Q streets. City Engineer
Lawrence stated that it would not require
the removal of more than 70,000 yards of dirt
to grade that street. David Anderson then
opened up his pent up heart , and the way ho
cored election matter * was amusing and
telling , denouncing the Third ward outrages
as the worst over Nebraska , anil
offering to contribute llberajly to contest the
election , and in the most vigorous terms ex
posed the bulldozing and coercion pntctlcei
at the late election.
tJA discussion of the street railway question
brought forth the following , which was
unanimously adopted ;
"Resolved , That it U the sense of tub
ranting that wo ere opposed M the prnncmeil
ordinance granting the right of way over
any of the streets in the ntty to nuy street
.car company unless it will giro satisfactory
atjuruueca that a hnc will bo constructed
and operated within a reasonable time , not
more than a year from the date of the ordi
nance , to so010 point nt least as fur south ax
Q street , and then only on sucb ttreot or
streets as may be selected and named in the
ordinance and bo actually u&oJ , nnu that this
revolution bo presented to tUe mayor and
city council by a committee of three , consist
ing of secretary E. C. Lane , John C. Carroll
and F. M. Smith.
Resolved , That a committee consisting of
Dwight L. Holmes , David Anderson , W. H.
Beckett , J. Levy and Frank J. Persons bo
appointed to draw up and have petitions
petitions signed by citizens iu accordance
with this resolution.
A Merited Presentation.
A score or two of friends nnd late em
ployes of Mr. Frank Burness met at the res
idence of Samuel Gibson last night and pre
sented Mr. Burness with a very fine and ex
pensive set of draughtsmen's Instruments.
Mr. Gibson made the presentation with fit
ting rcmarlcs , and Mr. Burncss. in a neat
and feeling speech , acknowledged the pres
ent and expressed his approciatlon and grat
itude , and assured his friends that he would
prize them , and try ever to be worthy of the
confidence and esteem of the donors.
No tea About the City.
Frank Taylor is one of the serious sick.
G. L. Sweeny was taken suddenly ill Sat
urday forenoon.
T. D. Hickey will remove from Albright tea
a farm nearGrotna.
James H. Van Dusen has removed his of
fice to the Suxo block , N street.
Miss Mnjrgio Cotter , an artist "of Omaha ,
is the guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. S. D. Kyncur-
Clark D. Forsylh has resigned from the
office force at the Armour-Cudahy packing
Mrs. E. O. Mayflold and daughter liavo
gone to Greenwood to visit relatives and
Dr. W. II. Slabaugh has taken the office in
the Saxo block formerly occupied by Dr. J.
John Mengher has been appolned chief
shipping clerk nt the Armour-Cudahy pack
ing nouses.
The gun club will hold its regular weekly
shoot nt the Third ward grounds this morn
ing at 'J o'clock ,
Joseph Gans and sister , Miss Barbara
Gnns , of Suonoudoah , la. , are the guests of
Mr. uud Mrs. Brockott.
Saturday Mlllspaugb & Persons bought
the entire coal business , yards , loams , good
will , etc. , of C. B. Havens & Co. , in South
Presiding Eider T. C. ClcnuYnlng will hold
quarterly , meeting and communion services
nt 10:45 : o'clock Sunday forenoon in the Meth
odist Episcopal church.
A christening of u son nt the resilience of
Mr. and Mrs. James Kennedy , Thirty-third
and streets last night , called together
a largo number of friends.
On account of the Minnesota law prohibit
ing the Importation of dressed bcof , notneaU
were ntiipped Saturday to that state from
some of the packing houses.
Branch No. . ' 1 , C. M. B. A. , will hold a
special meeting Saturday afternoon at 'i
o'clock In Knights of Labor hall. Business
of importance' will bo transacted and all
members are urged to attend.
The subject of tbo Rev. Robert L. Wheel-
cr's sermon in the Church of the Stranger.
Presbyterian , this morning at II o'clock will
bo "Tho Glory of the Temple of the Lord. "
Sundiiy school atr 10 o'clock. Easter concert
rehearsal ut 3 o'clock. Evening services at
S o'clock.
The Dakota Kx
The directors of the board of trade will
meet to-morrow attcmoon to complete
araugcments for the proposed western ex
cursion which will leave Omaha April 23 , for
Dakota. The directors will also consider the
best measure * to take to jiccure a western
man in the luier-stato railroad commission.
The board of trade party which will con-
slit of about fifty mem born of that body , and
a few notvsiiaper reprusontaliire * , will taku
a number of stages and horses along on the
trip in order to travel overland where there
are no railroads.
No Concert IJIIHI Nmtit.
The tvry concert company did not , per
form at the Grand lost night as billed , I. W.
Miner , the local manager of the house , re
futing to open the doors without receiving
rout in advance. Mr. Olaf Oicson , who
played the attraction , refuted to advance the
rent , and the crowd wu turned away , Tb
performer * had been paid iu iulL
Tbo Movcmont Towards Securing 1C
Urging to Tnko Form.
The monument committee of the Grand
Army of the Rcpublio met nt the Millard
ast night. Those present were Champion S.
Chase , Chief of PolicoScavey , M. R. Risdon ,
B. R. Ball nnd S. 1C. Smiulding. Mr. Chasa
presided. The meeting was called for the
> urKMO | of furthering matter * inVxmncotlon
with the construction of a monument to the
memory of the soldiers of the rebellion.
Chairman Chase stated that in view of the
expense that would necessarily arise , u bill
: o incorporate n body known us the1 "Sol
diers' Monument association , " had bocmpro-
mred for passage by tlio legislature , but un
fortunately , the bill was laid over. H0 was
of the opinion tuat by incorporating , the mat-
.vr could bo moro judiciously conducted be
fore the people. It would , he said , involve
an outlay of about $30,000 , and that
n business of this kind must have
i tangible basis. It was decided to consult
egal authority and ascertain whether an In
corporation could bo formed under the exist
ing laws , uud if not Just what authority
could bo vested in an organization under'tho '
present code. On motion a committee was
appointed for that purpose , consisting oC
Messrs. Spaulding , Seavoy and , Cuaso.
Simon Goetz read a communication from M.
Kzoklol , the well-known American sculptor ,
whoso studio Is at Rome , Italy. A draft of
.he plan for tha monument was contributed
by John Hahuo , of Oinulut. As to the com
munication of Ezeklol it was derided to cenTer -
Tor with the sculptor regarding further de
tails. The secretary was authorized to open
correspondence with all prominent sculptor *
and enlist competition.
Hnxv They Arc to Bu Crossed Bjr tlio
Various Corn and Trains.
The inquest over the remains of the late
Mrs. Goodson , who died from injuries re <
ceivrsil by being run over by a horse car nt t
the corner of Twelfth nnd Farnam street * ,
resulted In the exoneration of the driver of
the cur of all responsibility in the unfortu-
i a to accident. The excuse of the driver was
that ho did not sea the victim , being at tha
time In watch for the motor car at the cross
This circumstance has led people to in
quire as to what understanding the drivers ,
the grip and cylinder men of the various
street car men have as regards the crossing
of intorccctlons ,
'Wo are instructed , " said a bprse car
driver , "that the car which first roaches a
crossing has the right of way , whether It is
n ntrcet , cable or motor car. Formerly , tbo
drivers of street cars were expected to claim
this right oven in case of collision ; bat of
late , since tuo consolidation of the street car
and cable lines , the drivers and gripmcu taka
the greatest care to avoid coining together.
If u collision doca occur , and the front
end of tha stror.t car Is struck , the street car
driver Is hold responsible. If the roar nd
of tbo r-ir rs struck the gripmun is hold to ac
" 'T' '
An Interview with n grlpmau resulted In a
corroborntlon of the above Htutomcat * .
A cylinder man on the motor Hue says that
the rules , under which ho is working , sp 'iiify
that the car which reaches the crossing firat
has the right of wav , If a cable und motor
cur reach a crossing nt the same time the
cable car has the right of way. On the In.
tersectlou of the cable and motor lines at
Tenth and Douglas the motor cam are. re
quired always to stop and give the cable car *
the right of way , as the cable croijlnj ; at
that plaoo U very rough.
Bitten by Dojfg.
A 4-yoar-old sou of a blacksmith at Mo-
Ardle precinct was horribly bitten' a few
daya ago. The lad was playm ? wllu hl
father's do K when three other dogs came
aloug. They surrounded tuo boy And U1 *
dog and nil got Into a fight. The lad tried to
escape , but before he could the dog * liad lao-
orated him badly ,
IVrannnl Paragraph * .
John A. Hendrlckson , of Philadelphia , U
at the llarkur. [ '
State Auditor Benton was In the city yes
terday ou butiuosi.
Mrs. I ) . Arkerman , of Qraud Inland , I *
rct'Ulerca at the Marker ,
Geortro Morchardy and wife , of
City , tvro guotU at the Uarker.