Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1889, PartI, Page 5, Image 5

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Next week , commencing
Monday , we will cliscovnt .nil
yrices advcrtisecl.Wc arc bound
to double the sales in our car
pet department. Did you ever
hear before of
At 12& Yard.
A nlco cnrpot nt Me and 8-3c. Our 50c
Ingrain ; bent them till.
If you have tnndo up jour mind to
luy iv Brussolls Carpet , loolf at ours lit
BOo und Ode ; nnd u beautiful body
Brussolls nt ! > 8c-
The best Mnrquolto Carpets , 31.75
Roinombor , quick Bales nnd bmull
profits ia our motto.
Wo hiy nnd inuko old and now car
Last week wag tbo greatest sale we
ever had , and wo Und that we have
iiDout 150 pairs of odd curtains , some
wo hiivo only 1 pair , sotuo there are 3
pairs , und wo are uolnn to clean thorn
out. Come in and take them away ut
halt price. Poles free.
tn\o \ of T.nillcV JorwrH tvcr held In
Oumhn. Ladles' black , nil wool lerfey In pluln
braided , for Monday only , mo each , wortu up
Third ward to the fact that the bosses found
10 know too much , and ho had to go down.
A Depot Bite Sold ,
The state to-day deeded twenty acres of
ho saline lands to the Omaha & Republican
Valley railroad company for ' 'depot , turnout
and sidetracks. " These lands lie a little
south and east of tbo Burlington depot , near
and including a portion of what has been
considered the Union Pncillc'8 site. The
company paid the state * I,10J for the land. It
may be well to state that this land formed a
part of the lands that the saline land bill in
tended to put on the market at the maxi
mum price of (30 per acre. But , let it bo re
membered , It failed to connect.
Railroad Assessment.
The state board of equalization will meet
In State Auditor Beaton's oftlco on the 18th
Instant to equalize railroad assessments.
City News and Notes.
The City Water company of Kearney filed
amended articles to-day increasing capital
stock to $300,000.
E. P. Roggon and wife returned from their
visit to Hot Springs , Oak. , last evening.
Steve King was released yesterday after
having served a year' * sentence In the state
pen for illegal votlr.g. Instead of socking
the shades of obscurity ho proceeded to bowl
up , and before 10 o'clock last night was
drunker than n lord. Despite kicks and
snarls und bltos. however , ho ivaa taken
iu by u member of tbo police force
nnd spent the nightlu the city bastilc. Steph
en's reformation is very doubtful.
A r.ow school house will be erected in the
southeast part of the city during the summer.
Architects are now at work en the plans and
specifications. It in intended that the build
ing shall bo ono of the most attractive in the
Dr. J. T. Duryea , of Omaha , will lecture
before the Woinaus' Christian association
next Thursday evening at tbo Congregational
church. This will bo the first visit of the
talented doctor to' Lincoln , and it is hoped
that a large audience will greet him.
Ex- Warden Hoyors will remove to Platts-
mouth some time during the coming week.
Ho will go into the real estate and loan busi
ness among his old neighbors and friends ,
whore ho thinks ho can do better than to re
main hero.
Colonel T. J. Majors , of Peru , was in Lin
coln to-day. "Nothing In the political line
that I want on earth , " ho replied to an in
terrogation of Tun Bun man. "lamoutof
politics until the proper time to get in again. "
The announcement In n local paper that a
site had been nurchasod in Nebraska City
for an Episcopalian theological seminary has
boon declared unfounded by Bishop Worth-
The funeral services over the remains of
Edgar Alexander Schous were hold in the
church of the Holy Family and not in the
Collegiate church oi St. John , us was an
Hiram Sprlggs , the aged colored ox-soldier ,
died of consumption at the residence of his
son-in-law , yesterday. The story of the old
man dying through starvation pcovod to have
been unfounded.
Articles of incorporation of the German
Lutheran St. Paul's congregation of North
Omaha were tiled yesterday with the county
clerk. The articles are signed by Otto
Wreck , elder and trustee.
The frame dwelling at 2010 Lake , owned
by Gcorgo Blood , was damaged $10 by a lire
caused by a defective Hue yesterday morning.
Pollnsky , the artist who was charged with
obtaining money under false pretenses , wat
released from custody yesterday.
Their Iteiiuou Humored.
Two insane porsouj woie givea their lib
erty from the county jail yesterday. They
were KUward Lambert , who has been con-
lined about ten days , and Henry Schwark ,
who has been in the prison for the past four
months. Their condition v/as much improved
and the lunacy board Uncharged them from
Imprisonment. _
to Wnd.
Following at a the r.iarrwgo licenses Issued
yesterday in the county roart :
Name and Residence. Ago.
Clarence Litnhard , New York City. . . . . . 31
Jennie Wale. Cleveland , O . , . UO
Neb ) A , Lunberg , Omaha . 37
Ida Olsou , Oinaba . 'Jfi
David W. Ufuncr. Fnwport 111. , , . OJ
Amelia Quiic.r , Free ; ) jrt , ill . 19
| 150 PIECES
Just received on sale Monday
15c Yard.
Monday morning we open some
"Windsor Novelties
At2c \ Yard ,
In llluo nml I'nncy Colorings thnt nro Simply
Ladies' Wraps
Ladies * Silk Wraps made of
Faille Francaise Sillf , trim
med wlih chantllla silk lace ;
no jet trimmings , silk net
sleeves. The newest thing out
for fine trade.
Price $15 $ , worth
Mail Orders Filled.
Infants' ' Cloaks ,
Infants' Long Cashmere
Cloaks , made of all wool
Cashmere , in cream , tanblue
and mahogany , heavy silk
embroidered , $4.98 ; worth
Mail Orders Filled
It Is Wanted Dy Quito o Number or
Judge Baldwin has in his possession the
revolver with which kibble Bioohlor shot
Harry King , and claims it as a memento of
the great tragedy and trial given him by her
for careful preservation. Surrounding the
manner in which Judge Baldwin secured
this now curious , and by some coveted
weapon , is quite an interesting little story.
County Attorney Mahoney says ho delivered
it to the judge in compliance with Miss Bieeh-
lor's written request as made ia a note scut
to him Just before she took her departure
from Omaha. Immediately after the close
of tno trial it was la the possession of Ber
nard Gordon , but when the owner stipulated
that her friend , adviser nnd consoler , should
fall neir to the property , Mr. Gordon released
his hold. In the meantime Chief of Police
Seavey put in a request to the effect that his
title to the gun ante dated all others , and ho
thought Mr. Mahoney should turn it over to
him. But Mr. Sonvey finds himself disap
pointed. Judge Croft soys the weapon un
doubtedly belonged to Miss Biochlor nnd she
had a right to do with it whatever she
pleased. Sheriff Coburn received a telegram
from Chicago this morning Informing him
thnt the little woman arrived there safely
yesterday and would leave about noon time
for Cleveland.
Views nud Interviews Caught In lintel
Corridors and .Elsewhere.
Allen O. Mayors , the well-known Cincin
nati Enquirer man , was in Omaha yesterday
en route to Denver and Leauvillo on a mis
sion of charity and brotherly love. Mr.
Meyers is ono of the most enthusiastic Elks
living , and edits the Social Session. In 1S73
Charles Vivian , who did much towards
founding the order of the Elks , died at Loud-
vlllo , and there his remains rest in an un
marked grave. lie was an actor of con
siderable renown , a inimlo of great power ,
and possessed an unusually fine voice. While
not an Elk himself , his memory Is cherished
by Elks everywhere , and through the gen
erosity of Boston lodge , assisted by Omnhu.
his remains are to bo exhumed and
conveyed to the former city for
final interment in the Elks burying ground.
For this purpose Mr. Meyers is going to
Lcadvillo. For the past ton days ho has
been investigating the workings of prohibi
tion in Iowa under instructions of the En
quirer to write a series of letters on the
subject. During the course of a brief con
versation with Mr. Meyers ho referred to the
political situation in Ohio , nnd observed that
both piirtior , are organizing their forces and
laying the ropes for a senatorial contest that
promises to bo more desperate and bitter
than anything of the kind ever known.
Meyers is a democrat , and , of course , gives
his attention to the movements of republican
lenders , tlioroforo ho talked only of waat may
bo expected to occur and what his kind of
icoplo bopo will occur in the ropub-
iica party. "Tho main fight , " said
he , " will bo waged between Foraker and
Mclvinloy , who nave been enemies for sev
eral years. Both of them aspire to the sen-
nt" . Sherman is getting old and wants
to retire. Ho and his trionds will support
McKInley , and they will do everything In
their power to defeat Forakor. The latter
is backed by n strong ring , known as the
machine , in Cincinnati , so between the two
factious , disinterested parties tulnlc they see
an opportunity for some very lively and in
teresting times.
Sheriff Coburn sat la his oftlco yesterday
looking very glum , and when spoken to sud
denly started up and gazed about the room
as though the interruption had disturbed
and awakened him from a sound druain. "I
was thinking , " said ho , "of
something that was told mo to
day , and which was very much
of a surpriso. Before the war I worked
two years fur a man by tho. name of Harris ,
in Cedar Fulb ) . Iowa , who kept a small gro
cery ttora and the nostoflico. Ills wife was
_ lho Imudaomest woman I over saw. They
were quito well fixed which enabled her to
llvo In good sty hi. Ono child , a daughter ,
was the only offspring. When I loft and
went into the army sue was just old enough
to wultt. My mforuiuut to-day BUJS thai Uo
Zephyr Giiigliains ,
Our buyer closed 1,000 pieces , the cntlrn lot of
ninghmiH , expecting that wo would sell thorn
at He to 13 < { c. The quantity being so Urgc-wo
have decided to cloiuoilt GCHI pieces , one-half of
the Int. nml give our customers a grant bcuctlt.
They conn1 In solid colors , browim , stools and
r.c n yard for n bcautlfulchally Dross.
Fancy Ladies' '
Sash Jersey
Ribbon RibbedYest
( Like Cut ;
[ As cut
This ribbon is I2c
9 inches wide
nnd usually Monday
retailsat $1.25
yard. Colors Only
are pinklight
blue , cardinal at this
and cream. Price.
grow to bo a very pretty elrl nnd married a
worthless , young man who wrecked lior life.
In the meantime her father failed in business
nnd was reduced almost to the lowest ebb
of circumstances , financially. The
loss of wealth and social station , coupled
with the suffering consequent upon nor
daughters awful misfortune so distracted
Mrs. Harris1 mind , that she lost all reason
and is now an inmate of the. state insane
asylum. When I heard that , it greatly
shocked me. "
Since Lotta arrived in Omaha a dapper
looking young man with rod face , largo nose ,
small mouth and invisible moustache , has
nightly frequented the box ofllco , and lobby
of Boyd's opera house looking after her in *
tercets and taking charge of the receipts.
John Dunn , is the name on a card handed
by him to the writer. "Are you the
Dunn who figured so prominently in
the St. Louis sensation last fall ,
when Heury Alooro managing editor
of the Post-Dispatch , ran away with John
Norton's wifoJ"
"I am the Identical Dunn. "
"What has become of the parties to that
affair ? "
"Tho last I board of Mrs. Norton sue was
living quietly with friends in Canada , nnd
Moore has an elegant position on the Non-
York World. Ho is living iu great style. I
was told that ho furnished a suite of rooms
at an expense of $3,000 , and Is flying high. "
' At the time of the elopement Mr. Dunn
was managing the Olympic theater in St.
Louis. He is now Lotta's treasurer.
About 9,000 living between here and Blair
are up in arms against tuo Chicago , St. Paul ,
Minneapolis & Omaha railroad com
pany because of the manner in
which its trains are run. They
complain bitterly , and want to know whether
something can't bo done to remedy matters.
A gentleman living near Calhoun , said yes
terday that ho had been greatly surprised at
the management of this road. "Six months
ago , " ho continued , "tho trains were run
just right , for the accommodation of every
body and I know that the business was good.
Wo could got into Omaha at 0 o'clock u. m. ,
transact our business and leave for homo at
f j > . in. Now the trains arrive and depart at
1 o'clock. Therefore , anyone coming hero
from the north to shop , must either remain
over night at an oxpcnso of $3 , or suffer the
agonies of riding on a freight that goes out
in the evening and will got them homo about
midnight. " _
Tlio lamented General.
The rcmains'of General Hatch , who died
Thursday at Fort Robinson , will arrive in
Omaha this * afternoon at 4 o'clock under
military escort. 'Jnoy word shipped fiom
that fort.yustqrdoy afternoon. As yet it has
not been determined whether the body will
bo taken to Fort Omaha or whether the re
mains will bo kept at Drexel & Maul's under.
taking establishment. General Hatch waste
to have boon buried in Omaha , but as there
are no military burying grounds hero the re
mains will uituer be sent to Fort Madison ,
In. , or to Washington for interment. They
will go east at 5:30 : o'clock to-morrow morn
ing , and wilP'bo escorted by the Ninth
cavalry of Fort Koblnson.
The Oklahoma people hold a mooting last
night and Ifstcned to repot ts from tno trans
portation conimittco. The Rock Island
offered a rato'from Omaha to Kingfisher of
5.70 ; to Pouil Creek * H.75j to Fort Reno
The boomers have spljt. Ono faction re
cently re-elected Captain Smith to the posi
tion from which ho had bean deposed. The.
faction which mot last night expelled Cop
tain Smith from the organization altogether.
An Inaano Girl.
Annie Hoagland , the young woman who
hod John Williams arrested , not long ago , for
betraying her , 1ms gonu crazy , and in now
confined in the county jail. She will be taken
before the county board for the insane for
examination. Thu unfortunate girl left
Omahii about two weeks ago , and went to
Kearney , where she was fouad wandering
through the streets , totally bcslilo herself.
The sTioriff there found out that this was her
home and brought her back ,
The city treasurer naively remarks that ho
is on the eve of a t' eat Huau of business.
Children's ' flose ,
Just arrived to-day. Children's Orcy Mixed
Jlibbctl llcxe.full regular made. Your choice
Monday oC nil sizes , ICc pair , not one-quarter
Beaded Wraps ,
Ladies' Beaded Wraps with
solid net sleeve , beaded all
over , would be cheap at $8 ,
our price $ 3.98.
Mail Orders Filled ,
Details in an Interview With a
Union Official.
How the Barbers are Endeavoring to
Extend Their Union Reduc
tion of Hours at the Union
Pacific Sliopa , Etc.
The Journeymen Plumbers Indignant.
A set of resolutions was adopted by the
Master Plumbers' association this week nnd
yesterday wcro posted in the leading shops
of the city. These resolutions stated in sub
stance that the master plumbers , feeling that
they had been unnecessarily interfered with
in conducting their business by the union
men , while they were willing to pay good
wages and believed the union ucncQcial in
some respects , could not countenance this
Interference , ana that therefore they would
thereafter cease to recognize the union.
This was iu reality brought on by the
strike in Milton Frco's shop , the master
plumbers having agreed to stand together
nnd in the event that the men did not return
to work in Frce's shop , would order a gen
eral lockout.
Ono of the ofllcors of the union was soon
last night. Speaking of the situation , ho
said :
"Mr. Prco has employed only one Journey
man during the past six month1) , and that
man has made little more than half time ,
but Instead ho employed Jobbers , or appren
tices , to do mechanics' work and charged his
customers mechanics' prices.
"The committee that mot with the master
plumbers a month or so ago endeavored to so
arrhngo matters that there would bo no con
flict , but failed to do so , Free being one of
the chief oppOHers of the attempt to imuto an
"It isn't customary in any city amongst
reputable firms to pay by the hour , and In
Omaha Mr. Free is the only one to do so ,
and , while ho pretended to live up to union
rules , ho broke them in that respect. Free
is now advertising ia ttio cast and south for
men , but what they are can bo told best after
the public has tried thorn ,
"Free was formerly n member of our asso
ciation and helped to frame the rules ho now
opposes , and was always one of the warmest
advocates of their enforcement.
"For the past year , anyway , the master
plumbers have not lived up to their agree
ment to employ none but union men , but
have hired whoever came along , leaving It
to us to make union men of them. Wo do
not care to dictate to them ; they can hire
whom they please , but in the event that they
employ non-union men they can nil our
places with such.
"A majority of the master plumbers are
not competent to run their business them
selves , but have to employ expert men to
conduct it for them.
"Wo intend to enforce nnd llvo up to the
terms of the agreement wo offered them ,
which would have been accepted but for
Free. "
The master plumbers bold a meeting last
night until a late hour in room tO , Murray
hotel , but refused to admit a BBK icporternc-
tell him later what they had decided to do in
the matter of locking out their journeymen.
A delegation from the Journeymen Har
bors' Union No 8 , visited Council Ulufls on
Tuesday night for the purpose of organizing
a Council liluffs branch of the union. It
was found that the number of journeymen
barbers in Council Bluff * was too small to
warrant the establishing of a union and aa
the next bent thing tuo Hluffitca were iuvlttfrt
to odlliato with the Omaha slmvcra. Thu
invitation was ncreuted and a number of the
barbers from over the river were Initiated
the Omulm union at u meeting on Wednes
day uigtit. The name of the union has boon
changed to the Journeymen 13arbera' Union
No. 6 , of Omaha and Council Ululfs. At a
uioctlngof No..Won Thursday night resolu
tions were uJojitcJ thuukluj ; Frank Lovtu ,
Gent's ' Handkerchiefs ,
100 doxon gent's fancy striped bor
dered handkerchiefs , Monday , only 60
each , really worth ! ! 0o , and sold by
sonic dealers for 2oc.
Ladies' ' Newmarkets
Ladies' spring Newmar
kets made of an all wool
French broad cloth , fancy
puff vest front , puff back , bell ,
sleeve , satin faced. It is one of
th'o latest and nobbiest gar
ments out and is retailed by
others as high as' $25 , our
price $15.
Mall Orders Filled.
Bieaclied Damask , Bleached Damask , Bleached Damask , KNOTTED INFANTS'
' O Towels Long Cloaks $2 $
39c. 48c. Oi iC88c. . ,
On Monday place on sale another lot of In
SO pieces 1)lunched Table Damask. M Inches V , pieces Hlerdled Table Damask , 00 Inches 6 pieces JHeacIrea Sutln Table Dumnsk. full rants' nil wool caslirnoro long cloaks , Bilk 'in-
n Idu. Tois la thu best value over ollurod at this vide ; don't miss this number If you nro needIng - twoynrds wide'Worth tl.50 yard , during this no dozen fine Knotted Fringed Towels only brolili-reil collar. In cream und tau. At this
price. Ing table linen. They ar > . orth Just 7iic. sale , 880. , half price Monday , 12Jc } each. sale , $2 uacn , north $3.50.
of Council Bluffs , for the use of
his hall for the recent meeting 01
the barbers of the two cities.
The barbers nro still discussing the advisibll-
ity of closing on Sunday , The master bar
bers and the journeymen are divided on the
question. The journeymen would like to
have the shops closed Sunday if it could bo
done without the accompanying reduction of
wages which the master barbers favor.
There is dissatisfaction among the shop
men in the Union Pacific snops over a reduc
tion of the hours of labor from ntno to eight
hours per day. The order was made on Frj-
day by George Gushing , superintendent of
motive power and machinery. It is
also reported that a reduction will
bo * made at North Platte both in
the working hours nnd In the
number of men. The workmen hero are in
a very bad humor over the matter , especially
in view of the fact that the company i in
creasing the force of men at other points ,
notably at Kansas City. They fool , natur
ally , that it. is an injustice to furnish work
for men In Kansas City by a reduction of
the number of hours of labor of the men in
the Omaha shops.
There will bo a meeting at Goodrich hall ,
on Sauudcrs street , to-morrow night for the
purpose of organi/lng a now carpenters' nnd
joiners' union. Sixty carpenters , ninny of
them members of the present union , No. 58 ,
have signed the call. They are dissatisfied
with the work aud management of the pres
ent union in admitting to its ranknmcn ; who
are hot up to the desired standard as work
Cnii't Oull the Workiiigmcn.
OMAHA , April 13. To the Editor of TUB
BKB : I notice thnt your friend Hitchcock has
made himself very busy for the last two
weeks about the delay in the location of the
pOHtomce. Ho pretends you are chiefly to
blame because there is not mpro work for
laboring men in the city. I notice that every
time bo prints ono of his Interviews with
Ilosowator he ends it up by bogging us
to stop TJIB BEU to punish
you for keeping : tbc worklngmen
out In the cold. This is awfully thin gruel
to food workingmen on , when he tells us In
the same article that you have mortgaged
yourself for $200,000 to put up TUB HUE buildIng -
Ing , which I happen to know has kept over
ono Hundred mechanics employed all winter ,
and will keep them at work for several
months yet. For my part , I don't consider a
man who brings ? ! iOO,000 of borrowed capital
to Omaha and puts it into u building ,
in addition to His money , an enemy of labor.
What's become of the half-million dollar
hotel which Hitchcock was going to build
for Omabal And what has bucomo of all the
great prospects which ho has been blowing
about BO much ) 1 am tired of his brags as a
worltingman's friend , when ho has been
trying to squeeze a whole day's work
out of bis own men on the
Sunday FUzIo without paying them
for over timo. In my opinion , it i all bosh
about this poatonico talk , gotten up by Hitch
cock to raise the wind and give himself some
If Hitchcock would build something
bimsolf and pay his own worklnnmen what
they they are entitled to ho might bn able to
work up itomo patronage. But no long as ho
is trying to pull himself up by pulling u man
down who lias done everything ho could for
labor , wo take no stock in him. J. L.
Honored Old .
Mr. It. J ) . Plorronnot , of this city , cele
brated hid fcovonty-oighlh birthday Friday
last by climbing two flights of stairs and
calling upon Tim BKK editorial forcn. Mr.
PJerronnct has been a resident of this city
for twelve years. Ho has never boon sick
an hour in his life , and coulldeiitty expects
to live to bo 100 years old. Ha voted for
William Henry Harrison in 1WO for presi
dent , and boasts that ho never votoil a demo
cratic ticket. His on , Thomas 1'lorromiel ,
now resides at Weeping Water , this tuto ,
and is a railroad conductor , nnd ut ono time
was deputy slierlff of this county.
TUo olu gentleman is halo and hearty , and
takes pride in the fact that ho can walk toner
or twelve miles a day without great fatlguo.
Ho Is in sumo respects a remarkable man ,
and during a long residence here ho kea
formed inuny warm attachments. Ho en
joys the conttdoncu and respect of an unu
sually large circle of acquaintances.
A Whole Car Load of
For Sale in llic Basement lonflay ,
\Vo open up n vorj Inrpo line of cnr-
don tools , consisting of Hi\Uus,3Jocsnnd
Floml Sots.
A peed Stool Hoc for lOc.
A good Garden Ituko for 2oc.
Boy's coinbinntion Onrtlon nnd Floral
Hots , Childrona' IIocs , etc. , nt Unit
usual prices.
Plush Whlsp Hrooins , 15o.
Beat Clothes Rack ninilo fi9c.
Knife nnd Fork 13oxcs lOc.
Clothes Uaskots 48o
Clothes Baskets C9o
Nice Clmmhor Sots 2.75
(5 ( Ilnnd Curved Gohlots 40o
0 Plain Goblets Mo
OKtfjr Goblets 42o
Child's cnno High Chairworth 58
for V ! l.flS
Fine decorated Parlor Lumps. . . , ! > 8c
Library Hanging Lumps l.tiB
Ono lot Cuspidors 5o
Another lot Cuspidors J0o !
1,000 mixed CnndloB. pound lOo
Tollot Paper , DOr roil Co
Sot of fancy Knglls white gruito
Cups and G Snucors ! . . , , 45o
Six largo Dinner Plates 45o
Wnsh Bowl with Pitcher 760
Don't compare these goods with Ameri
can ware.
1,000box fnncyToilct Sonp.l cnkcs
in a box , reg price iloo box 12o
Largo si/o bust Pans lOo
( i-hook hard wood Hat Rack Bo
Ilnrdwood Towull Hollers 80
Lurgo size Folding Table . . . r. . . . . JWto
Good Scrubbing Brush fie
A Bread Board for 25o
Medicine Chest 75o
A Hercules Duster for lOo
Any amount of Hammers for. . . . 5
Elegant plush Tables for 11.10
Bamboo Fancy Stands . . . 1.00
Bamboo Easels , . . 1.10
Decorated Paper Pails 25
Bird Cages 50o
Flour Solves lOoc
Largo Feather Dusters 25o
ChiIdrens'Red Chairs 48c
Combination Dinner Pails250 5
Coffee Pots 25o
Tea Pots. . . . ' ' 2Go
Rocking Tea Pots 85c
roth r "Week.
Joseph Burns Institutes Another
Suit on His Water Contract.
.flow the Matter was to Co En
Rlnccred Through the City
Council A Depot Hlto
1039 P StnEKT ,
LIKCOLH. April 13 ,
Juno H last , Joscuh Burnsjeommenced suit
against the city of Lincoln , in the district
court , to recover the sum of $3,000 which ho
alleges was duo him on his contract with the
city to furnish an additional suuply of water
at the old well In the southeast part of town.
The contract was entered into July 18 , 1887 ,
and Us conditions required. Burns to furnish
an additional supply of 3,000,000 gallons of
good water In the twenty-four hours , the work
to bo done on or before December 1,1SS7.
Burns' petition roeltoi that the work was
done to the loiter of the contract , aud that
the sum of f2,000 was then duo h Im over nnd
above the { 7,000 that hud been paid him in
installments during the progress of the \vonc ,
together with interest from March 31,18S8.
The contract was entered into be
tween the petitioner nnd the
board of public works of the city , viz :
J. J. Butler. Austin Humphrey nud M. B.
Cheney. Tbo question upon which the con
troversy hinges is this : Were thu conditions
of the contract actually carried out ! The
city m answer alleges non-performance and
makes a counter claim for damages therefor.
Tbo suit was sot for trial in November , 1683 ,
nnd again in January > ast , but each time was
carried over for some good and sufllclent
Now comes the interesting part of the
story. When Mr. Burns wont to work on
his contract ho advertised for bids on ma
terial. Among the bidders wore H , H , Dean
and W , J. Cooper , both dealers in pumps and
water supply materials , and bo'h , also , mem
bers of tlio city council. Dean's bid was
somewhat the lowest , and the contract for
furnishing thu material was awarded to him.
When his bill cumo In , however , it was
found to bo several hundred dollars in excess
of which thu contract price called for. The
explanation vouchsafed by Doan was that ho
had boon Instrumental In securing the con
tract for Burns ; that the job had boon a fat
ono , and that It was no more than right that
the principal contractor should Bluiro the
profits with thu sub-contractors. It is not
known whether or not Dean's claim was paid
In full. But the inf < 'rsnco is strong that It
was not. Subsequently Bums' claim cumo
ut > before ono of the meetings of the council.
Before this , Horton , Dean's partner in the
nn nip business , approached Burns and said
that if ho would glvo Douu 10 per cent of the
claim ho would have no trouble In getting
suftlciont ayes from the aldcrnmnlo auto ,
crats to Insure Its approval and allowance.
Uurus uatod Horton what assurance ho
would have If ho should comply with the
terms that his clulin would bo allowed. Horton
ton Indicated thnt ho'would stand as the go-
between , and the only thing necessary waste
to put the percentage sought into his hands.
No questions were to bo asked. Burns wont
to Dean for verification o | liorton's proposi
tion. The opinion was ac.iln volunteered
I nut ho bad neon instrumental in securing
him tlio contract , and that It was eminently
fair that Burns should share the prollts.
Dean also said thnt there was a combination
In the council , uud that ha could not get his
claim unless ho sugared It. The grand
tlnalo came. Burns said "millions for defense -
fenso , but not one cent for tribute. " The
clMm went to the council unsupported by
any promise of a ' 'divvy. " and it wasdunieu ,
nnd the suit in hand is tno outcome.
The foregoing u MiS Burns' story of the
cause that leads him to seek rediuss In the
Interesting time * are ahead. Mr. Burnt
ays ho bus abundance of proof In hand to
show that there is much that "is rotten in
Denmark. " Ho attributes bis defeat Iu the
An liitcrcitlne Programme Read *
ing's Wonderful Hiding- Events
to Come.
A fair sized crowd assembled at the Cell *
soum last evening to witness the ten mlle
race between Neil Reading , the soldier , and
Signer Murdis. The race was a handicap ,
Reading giving Mardis eleven laps in ten
miles , for $50 a siao.
The evening's entertainment opened wltd
a ono mile wheel chase between Masters
Will Search and Will Burroughs , Search
winning In 8:32. :
Following this came a ono mlle Taco for
amateurs , best two in thrco , for almndsomo
medal. The starters were George Board ,
Low Fletcher , William Tagger nnd Wlllium
Pixloy. Fletcher took the first heat an 8:03 : ;
the second was a dead heat bntwoonFlOtchor
and Board , and the third and race -was won
by Heard In 3:03. : Beard took a ftaadorin
the first heat , but escaped with aIowibunip4
nnd contusions.
The next event was a thrco mlle - straightaway
way by the representatives of the Omaha
Wheel club , Mittaur , Holton , Francisco und
Urlan , for a handsome gold modal , offered
by the Coliseum association. Mittaur was
the winner. Time 9:375 : .
John S. Prince and Jack ICInnoman , the
man with the iron jaw , rode a dead heat In u
two mlle handicap , Kliincman being allowed
two laps. Tirao-fliia
After this came the premier event of tba
ovenlng. in the race between the redoubta *
bio soldier and Signer Mordls. This was
really a fine exhibition , Reading doing some
of the most remarkable riding ever scon nn
the track. The task , however was a trlito
too much for hlin.and Mordls won by twenty
yards or more. Heading made the firstflvo
mllcH in 15:37 : and the entire ten miles in the
extraordinary time of SI :13.
Next Saturday night Ingrain's grand wU
and fox chase , In which a pack of old Vir
ginia hounds and u young lot of fox terrier *
will take part , will take placo.
On the following Monday the six-day
tnroo-hour race , for amateurs , beams. Tim
will bo an interesting raco. Up to dato'tho
following entries have been made ; Fred
Temple and Jim E. Fisko , Plum Crooit ; H
W. Cole , Grand Island ; Frank Harlowo.
Lincoln , nnd John H , Kostmun , F , L. MtU
tour , F. H. Sutkln , W. C. Urlan. G , W.
Hoard , II. E. Tagger , U. H. Huiltli , Both
Rhodes , Low Fletcher , O. O , Francisco , Ray
Hutchinson and Charles Peabody , of Omaha.
The entries close Wednesday , the 17th ,
Friday , the 2ith ! , Beauty Baldwin , Jowe
Woods , Hattlo Lewie , Kittle Brown , Loulso
Armalndo. Lula Montague aud Alice Louie
Parker will arrive hero , and on Monday , tno
3'Jlh , their socoad six-day six-hour race will
bo on.
Miss Williams will not go in the Chicago
race next week.
In tlio Court * .
Albert Oloson instituted suit against the
Omaha Packing company for (1,500 damages
on account of Injuries received from a fall
while m Its employ.
Frank B. Brayton vs Henrietta O , Swartz ]
lander is the tltlo of a now suit instituted to
sccuio { 061.43 , claimed by plaintiff ai still
duo him on building contract.
John T. Denny commenced proceedings In
thu district court to require Charles A , Dou-
abuo to convoy to him two lots in Sldinigon
puce , according to the tcrmn of a certain
contract entered into between the partita .on
the transfer of the property.
The case of Patrick J , Barrett ngalnxt
Morgan Hoafy was appealed yesterday to
the district court. Th < > plaintiff was given a
judgment fpr $11)0 ) against Ileiify ia Justice
Morrison's court. The suit was 'brought to
recover thnt amount , as the plaintiff claimed
to have p ild $125 to dluchargo a judgment
hen on a lot In Httnncom place ,
I'unnral of a i'renoman.
The funeral of Charles Lotnnrah , a pre s-
man , will take place from Heafy & Heufy's
undertaking establishment , at 3 o'clock this
afternoon , undur tbo auspices ofthe Preat-
racn , Storootypors' ana Electrotype 1 union ,
of which he was a member. Tbo iiall-boaram
will bo A. H. Clinton , Ed. Iliroh , Matt
Kolner , James Kean , F , M. Youngs and
William Oululan. The remains will bo .In .
terred In HulyBepulchre'cemotory.