Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1889, PartI, Page 4, Image 4
THE OMAHA DAILY BJGE : APRIL 14. 18S9.-SIXTBBN PAGES. DAILY BEE. MOKNINO. TKllMS 0V 8UIJSCUIPT10N. Dally ( Morning ndlllon ) Including SUNDAY I1KH , Ono Vi-nr HO JJJ ForPlx Moiltlm > ( O For Three Months . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8W THH OMAHA SUNPAT IIBK , mailed to any * address , Ono Year 200 WKKKLV HF.E , One Year * ° ° OUAIIA 0 r ire , Nos.011 and ! )1 ) < J KAHNAM STHBF.T. CincAno OrriCK , M : HOOKBIIV uuii.nina. NKW VOIIK ormn. ROOMS 14 ANII 15 TUIHUNB inm.niN0. WASHINGTON Omen , No. 613 FOOUTKKNXII BTIIBKT. COflHK31'ONIRNOB. All communications relating to nl > vs nnd cON lorlal matter Bhould be addressed to the l.nrron " " " ' c8S twrRllSL . All ImslnoM letters and remittances should bo addressed to TUB linn 1'unMninmi COMPANY , OMAHA. Drafts , checks and postolllce orders to bo inado payable to the order of the compauf , fle Bee PaWisWnE Company , . Proprietors , E. ROSEWATEtt , Editor. Motion to ARonts nn l Siibsorlbsrs Wo will consider It ft favor It agents nntl sun- Bcrlbers will notify us nt onpo when THE IIBI- falls to reach thorn promptly. In order to sue ccssfully remedy nny fault In the delivery of papers. It I * absolutely necessary that wo know the date on which papers wcro late or missing. If Into , give the time and train on which TIIK JlKii reached your town. lAlso state from what " direction BO that wo can locate the trouble and apply the proper remedy. Vapors nro fre quently carried by a town through the care lessness of the route agents , ana when this oc curs , wo can , with full lufounatlon , place the blame where It belongs. DAILY UEE. if Sworn Statement of Circulation. Ik Etnte of Nebraska. I R , County of Douglas , ) George II. Tzsohuck , secretary of the Hoe 1'uu- llshlng comnany. docs solemnly swear that the ctnarclrciilatlon of TUB UAILV HKM for the vcck ending April 13 , 1889 , was as follows : Sunday. April 7 . K jO 19.100 Mondav. Aprils . Tuesday. Anrlin . H-'Jv I' ' Wednesday , April 10 . Thursday. April II f Friday. April IS. . Saturday , April IS Avcrugo . 1O.SIB1 UEOW1K II. T2SCHUUK. Bworn to before mo undsdbacrlbed tolnmy presence this 13th day of April. A. D. 3889. Seal. J < . 1 > . FEIL , Notary Public. Btat of Nebraska. I - County of Douglai. f ° 3 < George IJ. Tzschuck , bnlnt ; duly sworn , do- TMwea and says that ho Is secretary ot the Bee Publishing company , that the actual average dally clrculatlo of Tin : Dur.y UGK for the month or March. 1889 , lo.cra copies : for April. 3888 , 18,74 * copies ; for May , 1BH8 , 1H.1SJ copies ! for Juno , 1888. " IP.atl copies ; for .Inly , ! . 1S.O.U copies ; for August , 1888 , IP , ! ? . ! copies ; for September , tSSIS , 151 conies ; for October , 1W8 , 1 .031 copies : for Novem ber. 1888 , 1H.IF6 copies : for I ) ( > rember , 18SH. 18,22. ) copies ; for January , IBKI , 18,674 copies ; for Fob- - Sworn to before mo and subscribed In my presence tnls 2d day of Mntrli , A. I ) . 188'j. N. I' . FKlIj Notary 1'ubllc. IK President Harrison should doom it necessary to tnko n vacation no demo cratic ofllcoholdor will objocc. PUT n little moro Bolder in the joint and don't allow a break between jour neymen nml master plumbers at this time of the year. WYOMING has three apoutinp oil wells , but the pipe line to Omaha , which spouted , so promisingly last summer , has vanished in the air. PRESIDENT DrAZ evidently knows a good thing when ho tastes it. In his message to the Mexican congress ho urges the admission of American lard. NKAV Youic now proposes to honor the memory of John Bright with a monument. New York proposed to build a monument to the memory of General Grunt several years ago. Tnn Western Union 1ms invoked the aid of the courts of Now York to perpetuate - potuato the overhead wire nuisance. It eimply prolongs the day of reckoning , 'but cannot change the decree which , BOOH or or later , will consign the wires to the subways. THE report so generously circulated and devoured by the democrats , that Senator Edmunds was not on speaking 'terms with the administration is effec tually disproved by -appointment of Lyman E. Knapp to the governorship of Alaska. Knaj5p is a Vermonter , en- dorscd by the senator. Tnis recent rains wore quite general It throughout Nebraska and Iowa , and a "boon to the purchpd earth. Fields car peted with nature's richest colors , trees bursting with gladness , and small grains IS , sprouting vigorously , combine to fill the farmers with good cheer and robe the country in the brightest of spring suits. TIIK serious illness of the venerable Dr. McCosh , of Princeton college , likely to terminate fatally , owing to his ad vanced ago , will be rogrotod by the * rholo educational world. For moro than twenty years ho has boon at the head of Princeton college , and hasdono fnoro than anyone man in making Princeton the great seat of learning Which it is to-day. Tun eminent American citizens who are to represent the United States in the Dorlin conference are on the ocean. They will undoubtedly receive a cordial welcome on tholr arrival in the Ger man capital , because Bismarck appar ently has things so nicely arranged that ho can afford to fool kindly and act courteously. Indeed wo suspect that good treatment socially is about all our representatives will realise from their mission , Doubtless Bismarck could toll now just how the conference will result. TIIK prohlb'ltlonists of Massachusetts i virtually concede the defeat of the amendment. A complete poll of the 1 elate confirms the prediction of the opposition - , position that the majority against it , will nuiRO from five to ton thousand , The example of New Hampshire and JJnsuticluisotts will bo followed and om- "phasizod in Pennsylvania , where the commercial , professional and laboring , classes are practically a unit against Constitutional fanaticism. AB a fabricator of stupid dialogues tind bogus interviews Judge Cvounso's ' Bon-ln-Uuv IB a stupendous success. The ( judge ought to como to town once moio from his retreat at FortCalhoun and dill another citizen's mooting to help the young man out of tlio hole into which ho has plunged himself hoola Over head In his ambition to bo a great newspaper man , Since the lizzie of the Croat Sunday edition the desperation of h the judgo'a son-in-law has well-nigh Wilde him a At subject for the asylum tor Incurables at Hustings. A LITTLE C0.1WOA * SENSE. Wo nro told that our real estate deal ers were struck with paralysis when it became known that the now postofllco location would remain in doubt , This is almost lee absurd for serious dlbcus- sion. ' Suppose that it was known to day just oxactly'whore the now posl- dfllco will stand , what offeot would it have on the real cstntomarket , , except' perhaps upon the blocks immediately ndjoining ? Suppose it bo located to-morrow in the Planters' house block , what would bo the effect on the general rcol estate market ? It would take fully two months to condemn the prop erty nnd pass upon the titles. If any of the titles are dofoctlvo or tlio owner of anylot appeals from the appraisement , it might take six months before a dollar could Do paid over. In any event it will take from three to four months to prepare the plans , and at best the foundation may bo begun by the time winter sots in. Arc all parties who have prop erty to buy or sell in Omaha holding buck for the postofllco location V Is this city swinging on ono pivot , nnd is the coinintr postofllco that pivot ? Candidly speaking , what great build ings nro being held back In the Im mediate neighborhood of the Hitchcock and Folsom lots ? Will Judge Crounse pull down his block nnd build u palatial structure on the site ? Will Judge Neville favor us with great blocks of granite and cut stone on his Sixteenth nnd. Seventeenth street lots this Boas6n ? If so. there Is a great sur prise in store for Omaha. Is not all this talk about the terrible dnmago to our building prospects tlio sheerest non- penso ? Sixteenth street is oound to re main a great retail thoroughfare , nnd those who have faith in the future of this city and the nerve to back tholr faith with _ their own money nd the money they can procure n a building loan nro not likely o shrink buck upon the possible loca- ion of the postolllco on upper Farnani , specially in view of the fact that it vill take at least live years to complete ho building. The only parties that may bo affected jy the delay are speculators who hold iptlons on lots that are located in the oighborhood of competing blocks. That class of people seldom build any- hing. HOMES Fen THE HOMELESS. Chicago is experiencing a great exoiius of residents from the business districts Into the suburbs. The change s ascribed to high ron ts , but back and encnth it is the natural desire of people ple to own and occupy their own homes. The advantage of living near the work- hop or place of business will not weigh n the balance against the disagreeable crowding and confusion of flats , and the mpossibility of securing domestic privacy and peace- . Life in such quar ters is a continual protest. It is an in centive to practical economy in order that sufliciont moans may bo secured to ay "tho foundation of the homo , and ac quire that independence nnd happiness which cluster around the hearthstone. The movement in Chicago has had its counterpart in Omaha for years , on a smaller scale. The magnificent heights and charming valleys surrounding the city nro being dotted with the elegant homos of the rich , nnd the cozy cottages of people of moderate moans. The res- dent population is steadily , moving away from the noise and bustle of trailic into the purer atmosphere north , west and south , where homes can bo secured at moderate cost , with grounds to adorn and make the surroundings attractive. Freedom from the landlord is only ono of the benefits enjoyed. Every improve ment made , every flower and shrub and tree planted contributes to comfort and happiness and are living evidences of the taste and thrift of the occupants. The facilities for reaching suburban homos are keeping pace with the move ment. The "Bolt Line local trains have contributed largely to the growth of the northern and western sections , benefit ing alike the company and the people. Prollting by this experience the Elkhorn - horn and the Omaha roads have put on local trains to encourage the upbuild ing of the country tributary to their linos. The street car companies are reaching out into the suburbs in every direction , and with the completion of the lines projected , every section of the city will have convenient and rapid transit to and from the business center. Those facilities will accelerate the injvoirtiont of residents toward the west ern limits of the city. It cannot to resisted or turned aside. It is the tidal wave of homo builders , the realization of hopes and aspirations long deferred ! nt d the gratification which prosperity brings. Here they can enjoy the comforts of life without jostling. Schools and churches are convenient , paved streets penetrate the districts most sought for , and water and gas nro within reach. Every desir able convenience for a homo can bo had , free from the clatter and dust of busi ness. Suburban property in Omaha is un surpassed for homos or as a moans of profitable investment. Its future is as secure and Its growth as certain as the surrounding hills. DIVORCE LAWS A VAILUUE. The discussion of a reform In the di- vorcolaws of the country will bo mate rially helped on the affirmative side by the statistics given in the annual report of the National Divorce Reform league , recently issued. The most striking and significant fact presented la that while in the last twenty years the population of the country has increased sixty per cent , the annual number of di vorces granted mounted from about tan thousand to over twonty-uvo thousand. No ono can have any diffi culty in drawing the obvious moral of this appalling increase in the number of marriages annulled annually. It not only shows an alarming extent of in difference In this country to the sacredness - ness of the married relation , but it Il lustrates also the debasing influence on society of lax divorce laws. The south shovrs the greatest average , the number of divorces in that section for the last five years having been over three times the number granted in the yoara 18(57-1871. ( The showing for the west is very little , if any bolter. Its divorces in the last flvo years , since nro throe nnd pnc-half times the number given for the flvo years , 1807-1871 , Inclusive. In view of the fact that the population of the west Increased nearly four times as rapidly the south , the real average increase is larger In the latter section. The record of all localities , how ever , is so bad that nothing is to bo gained for nny by compari sons of this sort. The whole showing clearly points out the necessity fdr n re form of the divorce laws , so that they shall discourage-rather than stimulate , the severance of ths marringo tie. How this result can best bo attained is the serious question , complicated by numer ous considerations. Undoubtedly n uniform divorce law , enacted by con gress , would haVe the effect to diminish the number of divorces , but there is a very strong opposition to al lowing the national government to lop- islato upon matters of this nature. The regulation of marriage and divorce fs hold to belong wholly to the states , to bo determined by the people of each according to tholr own notions of what is expedient nnd desirable in the inter ests of their socitd and moral life. When an Illinois senator proposed to amend the fed oral constitution so its to authorize congress to onnct divorce laws , the question of per mitting the general govormont to Interfere in this matter was widely discussed , and the weight of opinion was against the proposition. Wo have no doubt that wcro the subject sub- milted to the calm judgment of the people they would not , while doubtless acknowledging the desirability of a uniform divorce law , approve the pro posal that congress should legislate on this question. If this view of the popu lar opinion bo correct , those who are agitating for a reform of the divorce laws should address their efforts to improving these laws in the several states. Wo have no doubt that agitation which goes beyond this will be found to bo a waste1 of time anil labor. Thcio can bo no question in the light of the statistics presented by the national league of the great importance of this subject in its social and moral bearings , " and the effort in behalf of reform should bo vig orously and persistently prosecuted. A SUliSlDl" DELEOATWX. Itis unfortunate that , with two or , hreo exceptions , the delegates ap- ) ointod by the president to represent he United States in the congress ot American nations are In favor of subsi- lies to private ship building. It is not upposed that this question will neces sarily figure in the congress , but men vho- are wedded to a subsidy policy as Lho only way in which the shipping in terest of the United States can bo re stored are very likely to have their visions blinded to other means of enabling this country to secure the ransportation facilities required for the bettor carrying on of its trade with other countries. Doubtless the repre sentatives of other .American nations will toll'tho congress , as our commis sioners who visited South American countries several years ace wore told , that tne United States is at n disad- . -antago in not having lines of rapid steamers plying between our ports and ; hose of ether countries in the western hemisphere. The fact is obvious , ind it presents a problem 'or which there must so mo day bo found a solution. This country cannot enlarge its trade as it should do until it is in a position to carry it under is own Hag. But the attainment of this position must bo brought about by some other moans than that of paying sub sidies out of the public treasury. No political party could survive the adoi- ; ion of a policy of this kind. It will bo unfortunate if the representatives of ; ho ether American nations are misled as to public opinion hero on this ques tion by the attitude of our delegates in , ho congress. There appears to bo fair premise that this congress will have good results. It is beginning to bo regarded by the tinanciul and commercial men of the country with a great aenl of interest. An association of bankers and business men has been formed in Now York to co-oporato in the work , and an effort will bo made to give the congress a practical character , at least to the ex tent of discussing practical mutters. And indeed not much moro than this can bo done. The pur pose of the congress is to ef fect a bettor international understand ing , which" is a step towards wiser laws and larger trado. Wo shall learn through this congress moro of the pres ent condition and the possibilities of the countries represented in it , and they will get a" bettor knowledge of the wealth and resources of this country. It Is hardly possible that the enlarged information thus obtained can fail to have good results , but the Influences of the congress may bo easily Impaired if it shall bo made u channel for the ad vocacy of the fallacy that commerce can bo created by the payment of subsidies and that trade may bo fostered by arti ficial stimulants. . TIIK governor of Idaho has issued a proclamation , calling a constitutional convention , to moot at Boise City , in July. The only opposition to the movement for statehood comes from the Mormons , who have a wholesome dread of local legislation. In Utah , where they hold the balance of power , statehood would bo a blessing to the "dlvlno institution , " but in Idaho they arc in a htyeloss minority , and could not shape legislation to suit their plural ideas. The movement , however , moots the approval of all progressive classes , nnd will make itself felt in the next congress. ALTHOUGH a republic , Mexico is not free in her government from some of the methods of monarchy , President Diaz administers with a firm hand , and in some respects he is hardly loss auto cratic than the czar of Russia. Ho is unquestionably a very able man , a statesman who has accomplished a great deal for the prosperity and progress of Mexico , but ho has inuny dad strong enemies , The report of a conspiracy to overthrow him Is not , therefore , ia- credible , , but thqrpl very little proba bility of its succosl , FO coyipioto Is his grasp on the nrmjl Jtiul so thorough his. means of discovering nnd crushing con spiracy. SovoraU tlfnes since ho be came president thjorohavo boon ropoiin of a threatened revolution , but Diaz has boon found too strpngj for his enemies heretofore , nnd will anublloss bo again , If they seriously Ii cmpt his overthrow. TUB establishment ot nn extensive Boot and shoo manufactory in our city has boon announc&l. j From the reputa tion of the flrm projuctlng the enter prise there can bo little doubt but that the manufactory will bo on a scale com mensurable with Its Importance. Omaha presents unusual advantages for the manufacture of boots and shoes. It Is n now industry. The field it can su pply immediately extends from the Missouri river to the Rocky mountains. There is , moreover , every prospect that In a comparatively short time the manufac ture of boots , shoes and kindred indus tries will bo centralized in our vicinity for the reason that the raw materials are at our door. When wo nro able to take the raw hides from our slaughter houses and convert them into leather the problem of making Omaha a great Industrial market is solved. Wo have the hides and should convert them into leather. We need the tanneries as the connecting link , nnd it Is only a ques tion of time when the process ot tan ning can bo carried on here as profita bly as it has boon elsewhere. IT Is barely two weeks since Mr. Wlndotn , the now supervising archi- eel has boon installed in the United States treasury. Mr. Windom has not iiiul timu to turn around in his ollico : ind become acquainted with his sub ordinates. IIo has not had time to fam- liarizo himself with the responsible duties devolving upon him. But our ivisuacres are furious because of the delay In locating the Omuha postolllce , when they ought to know enough to know that great bodies niovo slowly. The fact is , there has been as mucli at tention given the Ouviliu postotlleo as to any other. Talk about delay ! It took cloven months to negotiate and complete a building loan for the now ii building after application had boon made , and there was no defect in the title to the property , but merely a "cw trivial errors to correct in the ocords. IT looks as if it will be a delicate mat ter for the Inter-Stat'o Commerce Com mission to regulate , thp traffic on the Grand Trunk railroad , from a point in the United StateJthrough a lofoiffn country to anothdtiVo nt in the United States. The American olllcials of that road however have boon summoned to appear before the commission and to answer why the regulations of the interstate ter-state law should n9t apply to the casein question.r/Thtoir plpa .will bo that the commission has no jurisdiction over traffic in Canada whatever con trol the commission may have over traffic the momouXit touches the terri tory of tlio Unite.tlTltafes" , The decision in the case will b fijakgu' for with interest " terest , as it is the first" "time tlie com mission has boon called upon to con sider the nroblom. Tun"suggestion that President Harrison risen should appoint a western man to the vacancy in the interstate commerce commission is a good one. It , will un doubtedly bo vigorously opposed , however - over , by the commercial interests of the east and particularly of Now York. They will claim tLat Mr. Walker being an eastern man Mb successor should be , and they will doubtless insist also that both Judge Cooley and Mr. Morrison are western men. Still it ought not to bo difficult to oresent an argument in favor of the great west having a repre sentative on the commission who would carry weight with the president. the geniuses who are at the head of certain Omaha dailies demand' that the board of trade bo disbanded at once and supplanted by a body made un of men who oun show Onuihn what they win do. Would it not bo moro in the public interest to disband the. gang that has bankrupted the papers that are making nil the clatter about the board and nearly ruined the proprietors , so as to lot some live , practical , self-respect ing journalists take their places and give Omaha at least two great dailies that will bo bolf-.supportlng by reason of their excellence , and achieve a repu tation beyond the boundaries of Spoon lake. JAY GOULD has not yet succeeded in gripping the throat of the Santa Fo road , though ho has seriously con tracted its windpipe. He is now en gaged in scourin ? the country for proxies , hut enough of the stockholders have combined to prevent him con trolling the coming annual meeting. This fact has encouraged the supporters of the road to tender financial aid , and relieve the distress which has inter fered with its operation for months past. u THE stale board ot equalization will meet in Lincoln oh1 the 18th inst. , for the purpose of assessing-'tlio property o ! the railways of this/state. / Stockholders of these roads need Wot'bo , surprised at the low estimates of mileage valuation which local offlolalsjwiil present before the board. TUB BKJC as'suros them that on this account thoroiis ? no immediate occasion for alarm oi'orf the decline of railroad values. THE Tennessee ' | jro-oatero who re pudiate the tendora.of iuorthorn aid to the confederate soldiers' homo are in capable of appreciating a manly im pulse. The Choathnm bivouac is evi dently a remnant of the Fort Pillow butchers. _ Moro Gallant Than JU8t. Feorta Tratucrtpt. It would eeem , in the face of the evidence that the Jury had been more gallant than ] uit. Miss iilecnler is as much a murderer as many a poor devil that lias atrotchod hemp , and sympathy for her is almply sent ! mental nonscnae. At any rate , if she waa Insane then , she is equally Insane now , am should , ot least , bo kept in an asylum out o the way of the world. Wo had on instance in ibis itato , not long ilnce , whore a woman toqvntted of murder on the grounds of emo tional Inwnlty , afterwards killed her two hildrcn , and then nadod jolt-slaughter to icr pthor sins. The world needs protection gainst daft murderers , 09 well as the ordl- nry cold-blooded brutes , who do not allow ontimcntallty to cut nny figure in tholr vork. Tough ou the Jtlalr Vtlnt. The Douglas county commissioners did n borough Job nt whltotvaslitng tlio poor house imnngement , Tnn Ufcn places it right in aylng that Mahoney Is too useful to the dom- icrntio bonrd to bo deposed. The members iced him In tholr business. There \vai noupli of disclosure to damn nny decent man , but tlio commissioners find no cnuso for complaints. The Mahonoys , the board of commissioners and the public can probably stand such result very wall , but it's pretty ough on the pnupcrs. Should Tnko Ono More Step. Kaiitat CUu Joiininf. With n considerate regard for the comfort of citizens , tlio city council of Miullsonviltc , iCy. , has passed an ordinance forbidding ) rass bands to practice now pieces of musio within 500 feet of a dwelling house. The next stop should bo to nbute the nnlsunco ot lie Individual cornet plnycr , who holds pri vate muslcnles In his room. Our Honril of Trnilo. Kama * Cltu Jinininl. Thcro seems to bo a great deal of dissat isfaction in Onmlia with the board of trade. Hut really Unit organization has done some effective work. Omnlm Is now the metrop olis of Nebraska , and Is becoming more so every day. What greater achievement do the people expect J What Scnat.or I'nyno'H Klcctlou Cost. Cincinnati Commercial Gntcite. An Ohio phpor says Payne Is not a candi date. for re-election to the United States senate. The sumo thing was said several years ago , but when n democratic legislature was elected the sum of SWo.OOO was used to elect the old gentleman over Mr. Pcndloton. A J'ulntcr I ' "or llooillcrs. IfrtoYwit IPoiM. A correspondent asks us If wo have any extradition treaty with Urazll. No. There is no such treaty between the United States and IJnizil , and u fugitive from Justice from the states Is entirely safe in thut country. NobriiHka'H Modesty. Clitcayn Trlhtnie. Nebraska Is now setting up a howl because cause shu docs not got all the oQlccs she wants. Nebraska ought to bo ashamed of lierself. Let her wait till Now York has .mu u cliauco to obtain recognition. Nchr.tblcu Will Follow Suit. Denver Ifcn't. Prohibition was defeated in Now Hamp shire lust week by a two-thirds vote , and may be called a dead Issue in that state , which is favored with a good local option law. Nebraska votes next. as a 1'oct. Chlcauo A"CU' . The Hon. Murat Hulstcad ts reported to bo writing a horolu poem in which ho makes Germany" rhyme with "harmony" and "senate" with "win yet. " Murat might be In better business. Political Economy. AMitsun Qlobt. You may bo invited to "ride to the polls in a hack , but you can bet your life that you will not bo invited to ride home. - ' - SHUVi li Us. Kcw YotU Graphic , The great distillery owuer of Cognac is dead , but his spirit remains with us. A TRIBUTE TO GENIUS. 1 Tribute tn Emma Unman Tliaycr After a Catc- / ! Sfwli/ / Her liool ! , "Colorado Wild Flouttf , " She loves the mountain and the valleys low , From sky to sparkling stream , She loves all things that poet natures love Or artist natures dream. She tiuds delight in nature's varied moods , She loves the sun and Mowers , Hut most of all I think her artist's soul Finds Joy among the flowers. She walked with nature and the flowers looked up To cheer her as she passed. She saw their claries and with skillful hand Sbo chained their beauties fast. She could not hold their fragrance that was lost , Hut all the loving care With which she wrought , has fragrance born of love To make the world moro fair. I know the skillful hand that paints so well A wind-tossed , wildwood llow'r Would bo a blessed hand to calm and soothe A weary , pain fraught hour. I know the heart that loveth nature so , Sometimes to silence awed. Sometimes In strains of rapture breaking forth , Is near to Nature's God. Ax.s-iu WALL. PUKULO , ColO. AS OTHERS SEE US. Will He Send Our Mall There ? Glribc-Dc mocrat , Western congressmen arc passing around a story to-dny nt the expense of Mr. J. Lowrey Bell , the new superintendent of the railway mail service. They refer to Mr. Boll us 'a Philadelphia dudo. Ono of thorn went into Mr. Deli's ofllco the other morning to moke the now superintendent's acquaint ance. Ho introduced himself In an ofMmnd , western way , without putting any title In front of his name. Mr. licll , in a mild way , said ho was pleased to BOO him and asked : "Whoro are you from , Mr. 1" "Omnlm , " replied the statesman , who has a national reputation. "Oh , yes , " said Mr. Bell , "Omaha , Kan sas ; I know where that is. " Our Htilnvny System. Denver A'ein , Omaha Is considering the adoption of the Chicago subway system , to got the electric wires under ground , where they belong This should bo accomplished in Denver be fore paving is touched , Miss Dleclilor's Acquittal. Kania Cltu Journal. The acquittal of Llublo Uleohlor , who was charged with the murder of Henry King In Omaha , surprised no ono. Of rourso Miss Blechler killed him ; that was capable of easy proof , and was freely admitted. The strong points of the defense may bo summed up thus : Pretty woman , ready tears , susceptible Jury , temporary insanity dodgo. _ _ _ A Capital 'Crime. Detroit. Journal. A. woman named Biochler , the mistress of Henry King , the rich young Chicago profli gate , who was a poor imitation of some of the English nobility and Austrian royalty , killed him a few months ago for casting her off and marrying omo ether woman. The Jury acquitted her on the ground of Insanity. Tills , however , was a more excuse for expressing - pressing public sympathy with a woman who indulges her revenge upon ono who in formally sustains a husband's relations with her , until for family or social or business reasons ho contracts a Ioal alliance with some other woman. Public opinion in this country decrees capital punishment for that crime , because the law take * little or no cognizance of It. The man who commits It run * the risk of forfeiting his llto ns the penalty , which his victim has carte blanoho to oxccuto upon him. _ 3 > ! lss nicolilor's Morbid fllliul. Sf. iMit * The nooulttal of Elizabeth Ulcchlor for tlio murder of young King in Omnun was neces sitated by the court's instructions that if in "her morbid stnto of mlnrt" she really bo- llovod King meant to kill her , she bad a right to kill him. Under such law ns tbU a mur derer needs only to be supplied with a pistol nnd a morbid stuto of mind to bo sure of ac quittal. As all murderers are supplied with the morbid state of mind before using tlio pistol , the knlfo , or the bludgeon , it seems that this decision has reduced tlio science of safety for murderers to its extreme of sim plicity. _ In Omnlin. nnd Chicago. jYcio I'oi fc Vofc/ , Hon. W. S. Andrew stated the movltsblo effect ot high license very concisely when ho said before the excise revision commission of this state : "An extreme high license would drlvo out some of the best persons In the business , whllotho worst would cither pay or sell without license. " The "dives , " the saloons that nro tlio headquarters of gamblers , blacklegs , thiovcs , nnd these who combine prostitution and gambling with liquor-selling , as in Omaha and Chicago , can pay almost nny prteo. A Woman's llovotiRC. Hiirltnolon Oatcttc. Btechler Is as free to-day ns nny woman In the land. She shot a fellow-mor tal to death. Her victim was a libertine who toyed and played with her for his pleasure as long ns ho willed , and then cast her oft light ly and laughed at her desolation. Public sentiment said she had a right to revenge herself oven to the last extremity. Lawyers gava the Jury a peg to hang their verdict on , but the general facts cf the case gave the grounds for the vonlict. Her revenge was terrible nnd her remorse has boon great , yet sympathy tor her has been so strong that the people are not disposed to punish her , nnd put her grievances against her crime. Advice to Fast Youiif ; Men. Toledo itladc. Miss Biochlor , who shot young King in Omuha because lie married another woman , has boon declared not guilty a sympathetic Jury llndlng her insane. The verdict is of course a ridiculous ono , but as it will doubtless - loss prove a warning to fast young men who have extremely indefinite ideas as to their duty to women it is perhaps ( ust ns well , YOUNG AMERICA. Wanted Them Kor Kite Tnils. A lady living on North Elchtcenth street recently uiado herself a number of night gowns. "Mama , " observed ono of her two little boys the other morning , "if you should die before you get your gowns all worn out , could me and Willie have 'em for kite "tails ? " A Yuuiif ; Diplomatist. A ten-year-old nt the Long school who has recently been devoting considerable atten tion to a pretty little schoolmate to the neglcet of his studies , began to feel very un easy as examination day apuroachcd. Ho accordingly addressed the following nota to his teacher : deroTcechor : 1 try Awfull hard to be good but 1 can't 'keep ' frum whispering to Jessie B . cause I like her so. i ain a goiug to do bettor tho. 1 want to meat you In Hovon where evil " cometh not. do you think i will Pass to the next grade ? Your loving pupil , WII.LIP. D . He Wasn't Specific. A little miss who is sometimes inclined to bo a quite boisterous in her sport threw ono of ho"- toy dinner plates across the floor with considerable force the other day. 1 "You'll break If ' your crockery you're not careful , " observed a gentleman visitor at the house. "Q , mntnal" shouted the little maiden gleefully , "ho tant say dish. " CHOICE FREE WANTS. There Is great rivalry between two Omaha dailies as to which can do the most free advertising. Ono of them carries u whole nago of free gift wants which the ether un loaded recently in order to induce chumps ( who drop live nickels into its wont slot dur ing the next month ) to take ttioir chances upon getting a prize puzzle premium of $25. This presupposes a want of brains in Omaha which nobody hereabouts has suspected. Tim BBC has never given away any of its advertising in the wants column because it does not believe people place nny value on thwgs that are given away , but mainly be cause its columns are always patronised by people who want to reach everybody in Omaha , Council Bluffs and all other towns within a radius of 300 to 500 miles. Hut in order not to bo behind nny Omaha daily in the matter of enterprise and public spirit , wo maico an exception to our rule and dcvoto a limited space to a few choice want ads that wo deem deserving of benevolent treatment , and for which no charge has been made : WANTKD A few moro able-bodied lung testers , nho cnn dispose of n few copies of a Kroat 2-cent dally on the street corners ot Council IHulTs without bolng taken to jail by the city mnrennl. Aiipbeants will report to the InllftUon circulator. Tuiitli nnd Douglas , with proper references for voracity , WANTKD A few cowDoya , actors nnd poets to sell our jmiu'to luilr leatorer. llald- headed men , unless they ear wigs , ueod not apply. Address O. K. K. , Omaha. TX7ANTHII To hlro for about 0 months a Tf good , bound rhinoceros hide of not moro than two Indies In thlcknoaa , Address base ball umpire. WANTKI ) Situation A chap nholiaa Just completed n lerni In Nobesvllle roruttack- ing a defenseless woman , would like to not a Jou as dramatic critic on a Chicago paper. WANTI5T ) Situation A poor widow woumn Is deslroin or apprenticing her only Bon to Rome bloutod capitalist or monopolist. Would pay 11 Hinall premium If lit ) could bo tafught tlio buxluoss wltlilu two ycnis. WANTKD-Koradoption , 2 oiphan children whoso parents , for n consideration , will ro lliuiulsh all cliilm over them , FKHSONAfj AH a member of the board of trade I recorded my vote for Twentieth and Farnum , with Sixteenth and ItodKo as a xerond choice. Way down deep I am In nopg that r.lghtconth and I'arnam will win , but 1 luivo to keep up the racket for apponranco sake to Hatisfy my fntlier-lu-law , nnd 1 alsooxpectto make Home ( upltal ncnlnst Hosowuter nnd for my puper. This Is strictly conlldontlnl. O. .M. II , pKHSONAk-lf Mrs. Hrown. who left her -L poor , sorrowing husband n tuw days slnco , don't soon ret urn , there will bo another Mrs. llrown , PiltSONAJ/-U ; John Jones , who twenty years ago deserted Ills poor wlro and Inno cent bubo , will return , said babe will HCK tlio Bttiilln1 out of him , T > EHMNAlj Walter , have clvon Tiger Btuff X you Bent. I'oor , dsar papa has gout In too. tihall be nt homo this evening , Chtra. 75BHSONAL-WII1 the elegantly attired con- X tleman who mot the two yoimif Indies In tlio dime museum Saturday ovonliiK pleaxo rtaurn thorlnirha absent-mindedly put In hu pocuet iiflor examining/ T Offr Twelve hundred dollars per month In -LJ trying to buildup the Omaha Atlau. I JltOI'OSAI.S for a new prlzu piuzle that will X draw ami help to keep up the urtlllctal boom will be received up to tlio 1st of May. Kor further particulars apply to O , M , Hitchcock. L03T-lf the illiduHful wife , who. after Bwcurlnir to love , honor and obey her but- bund , left lilt ! bed and board n week auo , will return at once she will b allowed In future to retain for use of h r elf und children one- fourth ot all money sue earns by wanning ami Hewing. LOST A pocket-book containing 10. < XX > In cold ana greenbacks , tthould tlio person fortunate enough to IIml it ifltiirn It to the owner , who U a poor man , h will bo owed a very heavy debtor gmtltuda the rent o ? Ills Dfu , FOR MEN WHO THINK. In Europe cnch nation Justifies tlio mftlnto nance ot n largo standing army by the bclmv- ior of Its neighbors , nnd now the United States nnd Germany nro excusing themselves In similar fashion for maintaining war ships In Samonn waters , says the Philadelphia Ledger. The United States is to send three vessels there in place ot tboso lost , for fear Germany may got the upper hand , nntl the German naval necrotnry explains to the llolehstog that Germany must rcplaco the wrecked German cruisers because the United States is about to send out uow cruisers to the same station. If each nation is to do what the ether dee , why not como to nn agreement to do nothing , or to send only ono vessel each instead of three to look attcr na tional Interests ! It may bo that the best nnd quickest way to get rid of immoral fiction is to stand astdo nnd lot it run its course , says the Atlanta Constitution. The men engaged In writing this objectlonnblo stuff will grow bolder It loft alone , nnd n disgusted public will revolt nnd demand something bettor. In the nb- soncoof any other remedy His to bo hoped that the flood of trashy novels now rolling ever the land will shook mid sicken readers everywhere and cause n reaction in public tasto. The sooner wo got to the end ot this orotlo craze the hotter. Perhaps the president will soon BOO that Wlutoluw Hold was right twelve years ngo When ho told Hayes ho could servo the party nnd the administration better as nn Inde pendent editor than ns n federal onieoholdor , says the Chicago Tribune. Doubtless the spellbound newspapers have the heart to serve the president , but they nro faint oven in praise. Gratitude for reward forbids thoni to criticise , while the consciousness that the people regard tholr motives with mistrust makes It Impossible for the spellbound press to defend or praise the administration heartily. An editor with an oillcc can hardly dare glvo the administration hearty commendation. Ho might face democrat lo Jeers , but it Is hard to hnvo his own readers question his motives and view his encomiums na subsi dized utterances. Only the country editors , who never pretend to make their papers any thing but party organs , can moot the de mands of such a situation. Hut the metro politan. editors , to whom the people look for fearless and independent expressions of opinion , nro getting into a pitiful plight by surrendering1 to the allurements of ofllco. The president , by his kindness , has really deprived them of the capacity to render him or the party vigorous and effective service. They are paralyzed choked on gingerbread. The story of Stanley's march of nlmost n thousand miles across the heart of Africa after leaving headwater on the Aruwimi is ono of incredible hardship nnd dlflloulty , says the Brooklyn Times. Hostile natives opposed the force through a good part of the way , men fell by poisoned arrows ana by swamp fever , or deserted by the dozen. Of tho.forco that made the march CO per cent. were In ono way or another lost ; of these loft behind at Uunalya under poor Major Barttolot about three-quarters wore lost. Stanley himself was 111 for a month with fever , an illness which occupies hut a sen tence in his letter , but which is eloquent ot the hardships inseparably connected witU African exploration. Ono might bo tempted to Inquire what end is served by all this suffering ana hardship , this slaughter of the natives , this ranging back and forth through the pestilential swamps and forests. Yet if somewhat simi lar hardships nnd experiences had not been undergone on. our own continent there would bo no United States to-day. Perhaps there is room on the Congo and the Upper Nile foe another nation as vast , prosperous and enlightened - lightened some day. General Boulnnger made ono of the great est mistakes of his lifo when ho fled from Franco to cscapo prosecution by the govern ment , according to the Philadelphia North American. The French admire daring , and especially foolhardy daring , and had ho stood his ground and allowed himself to bo ar rested ho would have boon the most populai man in Franco. His running nway , how ever , will bo regarded by many as cowardice , and If-his good fortune does not como to his rescue ho will flnd himself no longer an idol , but an object of ridicule. Ho has foolishly played Into the hands of his enemies , and to pose as a martyr under the present clrcu m < stances will bo an Impossibility. The gov ernment could have wished for nothing bet ter than las absence from Franco , and will no doubt bo glad to have him romaln Just whore ho is. If Boulangor is not careful ha will have all Franco laughing at him , nnd when Franco laughs nt a man his star has gone down. The recent report of the Castle Garden authorities that there had been a falling off in immigration to this country from Italy docs not necessarily moan that emigration from that country to the now world is decreasing - creasing , says the Boston Advertiser. It is n fact tliat Italian emigration is greater than over before , and it seems to bo constantly in creasing. The cause of this Is attributed tea a great extent to the excessive taxes that ara required from the Italian peasantry for tha support of tha standing army and navy. The exodus is so great that the Italian govern ment is becoming alarmed. Tbo Argentine Republic , with bonus offers to Immigrants , and a climate similar to thut of Italy , is to all appearances gaining largely at the oxpeaso of the latter country. Commercial organizations and Journals ol Canada have revived the movement for a bnuuruptcy law applicable to nil parts of tha dominion , says the Now York Commercial Bulletin. Thcro , as hero , the general law was defective and unsatisfactory , and was finally repealed and the regulation of bank ruptcies loft to the separate provinces ; but now the laws adopted by Nova Scotia , Now Brunswick and Manitoba are found to bo un just and Inodlciont ; the efforts to sccuro hotter - tor legislation In Quebec have been unsuc cessful , nnd the lack of uniformity and the complications arising under the inconsistnnt lawn have caused a strong reaction of com * n-.orclal sentiment in favor of simple and uni form legislation for the entire country. This sentiment Will necessarily strengthen with nn increase of commerce between the pro vinces. and the demand for uniform bank. ruptcy legislation throughout the country la ono which neither Canada nor the United States can afford to Ignore. Xb AND MIBBE8. Medical men express astonishment at tha persistent refusal of the Council Bluffs woman to dlo according to tholr plans. Tha bullet Intended for her brains simply found a vacancy there and took possession , Thu lira department's new wire cutting shears can only bo operated on Sunuuy with any doprco of safety. The moisture of ether days render * the operators llublo to a shock , Cook county paupers are stimulated with n barrel of whisky eyory month. Douglas county paupers subsist on hot tongue. The Elkhorn Valley railroad clerk who purloined a vacation and 13,000 ol the com- p.iny'n funds U a II [ o site model of au Knos * cent , kltl , The determination of Journeymen barbon to avoid Suuday work is worthy of emula tion. Thn barbarous master should not abridge tholr right to llfo , liberty aud ono day a week to ticrupo un acquaintance wltU their families. r -