Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1889, PartI, Page 2, Image 2

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The Papers In the Oaso Not Yet
Beady For Submission. ,
A. Clerk Hufljr Making ft Synopsis of a
Bins * or Documents Rclntlng
Thereto The Oklahoma Fever
Strikes Washington.
lltmr.AU , Titn OMAHA. DEE. )
C13 FoniiTEENTii SrunCT , V
WASHINGTON , D. O. , April 13. )
Supervising Architect Wlndrlm said to-day
that ho had not yet had nn opportunity to
look over tlio papers in the Omaha cnso ; that
the clerk who was assigned to that duty hnd
not completed the synopsis which lie was di
rected to mnko some days ago , and of which
* mention was made In thcso dispatches. This
clerk Is still surrounded by a mass of docu-
iionts ) relating to the Om.alm site , and ho ex
pects to bo kept at It all duy Monday and to
have his report ready for submission by
Tuesday morning ,
Among the papers submitted is a lengthy
' legal plea signed by Judge James Movlllo.
The Judge asserts In snbstanco that under
the advertisement of the department which
requires n full square , the site between
Fnrimm and DouglaS and nil other sites
tUnt nro divided by an alley should bo
ruled out because the city has no authority
to vacate an alloy and cannot dispose of an
alloy legally , and if any such alley was va
cated by the city council It would have to bo
offered for sale to the highest bidder. The
only two streets In Omnlm tUut have no al
loys are Dodge street and Capitol avenue ,
hcnco the choice of sites must bo confined
to these streets. Judge Neville further adds
that \vhlla it Is true that the Planters'
house block must bo acquired by condemna
tion process , the parties making the odor
are willing to file a guaranty for § 100,000
that the cost of the site will not exceed
$ -100,000. This document is countersigned
by Senator Mnndcrson , us correct to the
best of his knowledge.
There never was u time In llio history of
the oflleo when there were so many snarls
growing out of the selection of federal build
ing sites. Omaha is up , and at the same
tlmo the secretary is called upon to decide as
to whether or not the report of Mr. Linton
shall bo adopted in the Milwaukee case. The
secretary has also a serious question for con
sideration arising out of thn selection of u site
for the now postotUca building In Buffalo.
On top of all this ho listened to a delegation
yesterday and again to-day , which came from
Bingliamton to protest against the site
selected In that town. Hero a site was
selected In such n location tlmt it Is In danger
of being Hooded every spring. A contract
was let for the building and S90,0X ( > has boon
expended on the structure , yet there arc
nearly half of the people of the town who
want the whole thing abandoned , the lot and
building , so far as it has gone ,
sold , and are willing to take their chances
oa getting another appropriation from
congress rather than have thu present struc
ture completed. There Is some dlfllculty
ever the location of the appraisers' stores in
New \oric and ono or two of the southern
cities have developed local sites over the selection -
, lection of the sites for a public building.
Altogether Secretary Windom finds that
* the supervising architect's cilice gives him
* moro trouble at the outset of the adminlstra-
> i tloa tli all any bureau in tbo entire depart-
4 mcnt.nnd that it takes as much of his time
. to decide questions arising in that oflluo as it
0 dpcs to listen to the onico-seekers who
* throng bis rooms ovcr.v forenoon.
There are indications that the Oklahoma
' 'favor has broken out lioro In an exceedingly
' "Clangorous form. Four chiefs of divisions in
' ' the general land ofllcc , besides several clerks
. to-day resigned their positions in
Border that they might proceed nt once
f ito the now territory. Some of these
I , gentlemen will try their chances as
Homesteaders , but the business which will
carry the most of them there is the belief
f > that there will bo an excellent chance for
men posted on the laws to do a thriving bus
iness. The entire department has been
flooded with letters during tbo last few days
unking for the chances of securing a homo-
Btcad in the new territory , which Imvo como
from all sections of the country , and while
there nro already nearly ton settlers for
every quarter section of land on the borders
pf Oklahoma , there is every indication hero
that the number will bo about doubledby
the time the clocks of the country nurk the
hour of noon on the 22d insk A former : it-
ncho of the general land office has prepared
& small piim plct on Oklahoma , and it is said
that thousands of copies have been sold in
all sections to settlors. It is understood
lioro tlmt there are fifteen or twenty men in
Washington who have secured control
ot cloven town sites and WJthin a
week after tbo proclamation goes
Into effect at least that number
pf towns will bo fully started on their way
{ towards the dignity of cities. Stock ia this
company is not ottered for sale , but some
ivoll known names are mentioned in con-
lioction with it , and it is expected thai the
piext few months will demonstrate the truth
pf the assertion so frequently made in con
I gress hist winter , that there was scrip used
'among ' members of the bouse in order to
encuro votes for the bill.
* There Imvo been quito a number of changes
in. the railway mall service during the past
jfow days , and it is tbo intention of thu chief
of that service to make a number of others
, ( within tbo next week. In almost every In-
bianco where such changes have occurred ,
the men who were deposed to make
* room for politicians by the last admin
istration Imvo been restored. Mr.
Bell , thu chief of the railway 'mail
division , has expressed his determination
to hove the boat men ho can possibly find
for this service , and ho says that as a rule ,
these who have had long experience are to
la preferred to men Who have no knowledge
whatever of the service. There was no
branch oi thu government which suffered so
much from ttio onslaught of the spoilsmen
H& this Important bureau. Thousands of ap
pointments wore made by President Cleve
land's subordinates solely on account of
politics , und the result was that during the
jiast three or four yours there was more
complaint over thu manner in which the
> n il were distributed than vor before la
the history of the government. Mr. Bell is
flotermlned to put the service back on the
efficient baeis which prevailed previous to
' filr. Cleveland's inauguration , and is taking
, too right course to accomplish this.
' . . B. L. P.vlo. Bromley , Marshall county , vice *
M , A. Wimt , resigned , A. L. Latsfclch ,
Butler , ICookulc county , vice O. Watts , n ? .
Blgncd ; John M. Arnold , Davis City , De-
butur county , vice B. Bowman , resigned ;
* Edwin II. Buxton , Deep Hlvor. Powoskolk
county , vice C. H. Jenltlns , resigned ; G. T.
NuUou , Faragut , Fremont county , vieoV. .
JB. TniUtimor , resigned ; A. S. Bnlloy , Larl-
pier , Union county , vice A. II. Marmaduke ,
resigned ; Hormuii C , Swun , Lovelia , Mon-
jroe county , vice M. S. Smith , resigned ;
Amos M. Hull , Niles , Floyd county , vice T.
P. Thompson , resigned ; Fanny Baldwjn ,
( Selection , Monroe county , vice A. M. Tate ,
resigned ; Jauios Harris , Steady Hun , Keo-
kuk county , vice J. Do marsh , rosienod ; Wil
bur H. 1'cct , Troy Mills , Linn eouuty , vice
T. Kelly , resigned ; Hajo Weasels , Wells-
burgh , Grundy county , vice George WolU ,
i removed. I'KUHV 8. HKATII.
1 - . -
tollman Commissioner * Hall.
* New YORK , April 13. Among the 300 sa-
'loon passengers on the Cnnurd steamer Urn-
pria for Liverpool to-day were the membcrtt
Of the Sauioan commission , John A. Kasson ,
"William Walter Phelpa and George U.
Bates , Hates was accompanied by his fam
ily. Ex-Mayor Hewitt and family wore ulso
On board , _
Weekly Hank Statement *
New VojiK , April 111. The weekly bank
Statement shows ttio reserve Increased
} aK05,000. , The banks now bold 1600,000 la
ucess of logul requirement * .
THE 011DY COPNCm 1 = 3
Mr. IVoufttor Declares the 1'nvlng
Specifications IllcgAl.
There was a crowded house at the council
mooting last night , the attraction bolng the
disposition by that body ot the paving con
tract muddle. Tno matter was the first itoin
on the list and came up in the form of a com
munication from City Attorney Wobstcr
upon the legality of the paving contracts as
awarded by the board of pubho works under
the existing circumstances. In Mr. Web
ster's opinion the specifications prepared by
two members of the board of public works ,
were not legal as the city engineer took no
part in * the preparation of the
specifications as provided by section 4
of ordinance 1453. Ho also hold that the
council had no authority to nmond the speci
fications prepared by the board of public
works , and that the amendments made by
the council on March 27 were illegal and
void. The board commenced advertising for
bids on March 8 In ona paper , and on March
10 In nnothcr , and that specifications were
adopted after the advertisements had been
Inserted. The specifications upon winch the
bids were to bo received should have been In
u completed form before tno advertising bo-
Kan. Ordinances Nos , 1031 and 1003 , di
recting the board of public works to
advertise for bids for paving , both contained
n provision directing the board to advertise
for bids for specific kind of paving material
according to specifications , and also directing
that bids for paving may also bo made upon
such specifications as the bidder may pre
scribe. The majority of the bids contained
such special specifications. Such bids do
away with competition , and are a
violation of section 113 of the char
ter , requiring this kind of work to
bo let to the lowest responsible bidder.
The specifications should have been adopted
by the board of public works and city engi
neer bolero advertisements were in ail o for
bids , During this advertisement no changes
should have been made in thoospoclilcntlons.
The bids should , on account of ttio great ir
regularities mentioned , nil bo rejected. )
The opinion of the city attorney was ap
proved and a resolution adopted by the
council Instructing the board , of public
works to readvertiso for bids upon specifica
tions adopted by the board of public works ,
all special specifications being barred.
A petition for the gradlni ? of West Ander
son and Gregg streets was referred to the
committee on streets and alloys , as was also
a petition asking for the opening of Twenty-
fifth struct from Lake to Cosslus.
Tbo paving of Nicholas street was referred
to tbo committee on paving , the city engineer
and the board of public works.
Mr. Hascnllgrow eloquent In his opposition
to a resolution establishing two gasoline
lamps in Orchard Hill , and became facetious
In his remarki about Mr. Davis und Mr. Van
Camp's efforts tn supply the surrounding
townships with gasoline lamps. The resolu
tion was carried , however.
A reduction of § 102.47 was made from the
bill of ttio Omnlm gas company for over
charges for the month of March.
The petition of the Omaha Motor co mpany
for permission to lav a double track on
Twonty-fourtii street four blocks eastward
from Vlnton street , went to the committee
on viaducts and railways.
The board of public works was authorized
to employ Thomas Gall and two assistants
to repair nurbing.
The ordlnanco repealing the elauso of or
dinance 433. requiring the closing of saloons
at midnight , came up for a third reading
and utter some discussion was passed by u
vote of 10 to Ons follows : Ayes Boyd ,
Counsman , Ford , Huscall , Kaspar , Lowry ,
O'Connor , Sanders , Suydor and Van Camp.
Nays Bailey , Uurnhaui , Davis , Schrlver , '
Wheeler and Leo.
An ordinance granting the right to the
Omaha Motor company to construct a double
track across the Eleventh street viaduct ,
under the usual regulations to bo adopted by
tbo council , the company to puy f5 per year
rental for live years and such icntol after
that time as may bo fixed by the council at
the expiration of that time , was road and re
ferred to the city attorney.
A number of grade ordinances wore
Owing to tbo absence of Mr. Chaffed , Mr.
Snyder was appointed a member of the police
investigating committee. '
The Fate of a Stock of Furniture
and Furnishings.
The Ore department was called , about 8:30 :
o'clock last night , to Hill & Young's large
furniture store , at 1311 and 1213 Farnam
street. Chief Galilean and his boys got in
their work at the front , the rear , on both
sides , above and below , and succeeded ia
conquering the blaze before it could got a
chance to do very much damage. The loss
was principally caused by a flood of water on
flno upholstered furniture , and will probably
reach § 10,000. Thq fire started among a lot
of mattresses , sofas and bed clothing , on the
third floor , and broke out so suddenly that by
the tlmo the department arrived it bud gained
considerable headway. For a time it threat
ened very serious results. Mr. Hill , senior
member of the llrui , said that no accounting
could bo given as to the origin , unless some
of the workmen , who had been in that part
of the building about an hour previous ,
Cither dropped a lighted match , or some lire
from a cigar or pipe. IJoth proprietors and
all the employes were ia the building at the
time , but wore ready to close up and go
homo when they hoard the alarm. Mr. Hill
said , also , that they bad recently put in their
spring goods , and estimated ntf50,000. It
is insured , though ho could not toll to what
While trying to get n hose into the window
H. O. Clements , plpoiuan of No. 1 station ,
cut his wrist vary badly nn a Jug of broken
_ _ _ _ _ _
Tough Experiences or a Steamer
During a Storm.
NEW YOI K , April 13. [ Special Telegram
to TUB Bun. ] The tramp steamship Tropic
came into port last evening from Progress ,
Mexico. Everything about her decks was a
mass of wreckage , the captain reporting that
April 0 , at 8 a. m. , a gnlo struck the steamer.
It was accompanied by thunder and light-
nine. It continued all that day , and on the
7th increased to a hurricane. At 5 o'clock
on the morning of tho7th a hugo ball of fire
fell close to the ship , enveloping her with
red sparks. Tbo ball struck the water
twenty feet away from the fore part of the
steamer and then broke , the remains Hying
in all directions. The barometer vibrated
one-tenth each way at the time. The cap
tain thinks It was a meteor. Two hours
nftor tno appearance of the flr.o ball the en
gines of the vessel broke down and the
steamer lay helpless m the trough of the sea ,
heading cast southeast , until the 10th , when
the weather moderated and the engines hav
ing been repaired the vessel proceeded. The
i gale lasted with hurricane force from mid
night , April 0 , to midnight April 8.
Mr , lllcklo's Frlcnda. <
IL J. Bloklo , ofv Twonty-Bovontu avenue
and Burt itroot , got on speaking terms several
eral wooka ago with a couple of strangers
who called at his place for a drink of water
and something to cat. Ho took them in and
fed them and a few days afterwards bought ,
a lot of carpenter tools from them , While
Mr. Ulcklo was away from homo yesterday
his newly formed acquaintances visited his
place and carried off the tools they had sold
him along with a revolver , some clothing and
other property belonging to Mr. Uluklo. Tbo
case was reported to the police.
Valuable Garbage.
O. F. Gardner says he don't mind soolng
rag pickers collecting papers , rags and scraps
from the streets and alloys , but bo thinks It
about tlmo to call a halt when ono of these
dealers comes along and loads your furnace
into his cart. In carrying out his policy of
reform , Mr. Gardner yesterday secured a
warrant from tbo police court for the arrest
of Alex Guilder , u dealer in scraps , charging
him with having stolen a part of a furnace
from tbo premises of No. 710 North Sixteenth
NcbrankniiH in Ublongo.
CHICAGO , April 18. ] Special Telegram to
TUB BKE.I H , H. Suaberg , AlbaBroura and
Thomas Dlcksou , county commissioners of
Lancaster county , Nebraska , together with
O. C , Hell , county dark ; J. D , Knight , rec-
later of deeds , and Kd It. Sizar , olerk of the
district court , are ia the city , luspeetuig
county and city public buildings.
The Jury Brings In n Vordlot After
Bight Houro ,
Alnny Friqnds Congratulating HI in
The frovcrhlnl Km ply Gun. Nearly
Kills n "Woman Sportsmen's
Annual Tournament.
Bklllmau Acquitted.
Annonx , Neb. , April 13. [ Special to Tnn
BEE. ] The jury in the Sklllinan case re
turned n verdict of not guilty this morning
at 7 o'clock , after having been out eight
hours , The verdict Is received hero with
almost universal approval. The poor , crip
pled old mother , the wronged sister and the
distressed family present a picture of happl-
ncis nnd relief that cannot well bo pictured.
Young Sklllnmn will leave Monday for the
west. Ho Is receiving the congratulations of
his many friends hero to-day.
Court adjourned this morning until May S ,
when It will convene to try the merits of the
Injunction wherein the county treasurer was
enjoined from collecting back taxes on the
old Urownvlllo & Fort Kearney railroad
bond case. _ Tournament.
NORFOLK , Nob. , April 13. [ Special to Titn
BEB.I Preparations are well under way for
the fifteenth annual tournament of the Ne
braska State Sportmon's association , which
is to bo held hero May 81 , 22 , 23 and 24. Ten
of the solid business men of Norfolk have
formed a syndicate to give financial backing ,
of which J , I } . Barnes , president of the State
association. Is president : A. K. Leonard ,
secretary : W. W. Marplo , treasurer , and
B. F. Locke , secretary of the State associa
tion , manager. Thcso officers constitute the
executive board. Flvo thousand live pigeons
are to bo furnished. The shooters' will bo
classified according to their records 'so that
amateurs will have a fair chance.
A Nest of Criminals.
BrAiu , Nob. , April 13. | Special to Tun
BEE. ] H. E. Kodcnan , charged with shoot
ing with Intent to kill , was acquitted by the
Peter Stewart , charged with shooting at
his wife , Is hold for another trial. The Jury
could not agree. Ho is now out on $1,01)0 )
bonds. *
Hlchard Daniels was found guilty of high
way robbery on Julius Alshulor. Charles
Nelson is now being tried as un accomplice
of Daniels.
Charles Boroo was found guilty of bur
glary. Blair has struck a neat of felons that
did nothing for a living but steal.
Will Honor Washington.
ALBIONNeb. . , April 13. [ Special to TUB
Ban. ] A moctitii ; of the citizens of Albion
was held last night to make arrangements
for the observance of the one hundredth
anniversary of Washington's inauguration.
M. B. Thompson , 0M. . Ncedham , Prof.
Jenkins , Uev. / . C. Uush and J. E. Galbralth
were appointed as a committee to make a
programme for the day.
The delightful rains of this week have
made everybody happy , and wo all expect
good crops.
Grant's Waterworks.
GIIAXT , Neb. , April 13. [ Special Telegram
to Tun Bisc. ] The Lincoln Land company ,
through Its secretary , U. O. Phillips , entered
into an agreement to-day with the town
council , to put in a complete system of water
works. Excavating will begin as soon as the
contracts can be lot. Grant breaks tno rec
ord , being the youngest town in the state to
make such an improvement.
* ' " It was'Ijoaded. ,
OVERTOX , Neb. , April 13. [ Special to THE
The proverbial empty gun came near
doing its fatal work jostorday on the person
of Mrs. S. M. Chase , of this precinct , The
gun was in Mr. Chase's buggy and was acci
dentally 'discharged. Tbo bullet passed
through Mrs. Chase's ' clothing , and a
variation of two inches would have proved a
fatal shot. Mr. Chase supposed the gun was
not loaded. .
She Didn't Get It.
KEAftxur , Neb. , April 13. [ Special Tele
gram to TIIK BUB. ] A damage suit in the
county court hero was" decided late last
night , wherein Mrs. Minnie Walsh brought
action againit Benjamin Swazzo , a saloon
keeper of Shcltou , for selling liquor to her
husband. She claimed $1,000 , but the court
failed to sustain her claim.
Bind DOR Scare.
UNAIHLLA , Nob. , April 13. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. ] A mad dog scare is agi
tating the farmers here. A few miles north
of this place several dogs affected with hydro
phobia have been killed , and owners of some
thoroughbred cattle In the neighborhood are
expecting losses from the ravages of the
rablu dogs.
Ovcrton Item1) .
OVKIITOX , Noli. , April 13. [ Special to Tun
BEE.J Overtoil needs a new school house ,
and a meeting has been called to vote on
bonding the district in the sum of 53,400 for
this purpose.
The postofllco was moved to-day. Mrs.
Chamberlain succeeds C. T. Brown.
All Ofllcer Shoots Five Who Try to
Intimidate Him.
EVAXSVII.LE , Ind. , April 13. John Lans-
ford is road supervisor in Madison township ,
Dubois county. One of his duties is to take
up stray hogs , and recently he has impounded
pounded a largo number of porker * , which
ho refused to release without the customary
fine. Last Monday ho received notice from
White Caps that the hogs were the property
of poor people unable to pay the fine ,
nnd If not promptly released ho
would bo visited Wednesday and
bo compelled to surrender them. Thursday
morning , about 1 o'clock , Lansford was
awakened by a body of twenty masked men ,
who demanded the hogs. Ho refused , and
they dismounted and proceeded to co
through his premises. He warned them to
desist , and when they disregarded him ho
opened tire with a double-barreled shotcun ,
wounding two at the first volley. The White
Caps immediately returned the fire through
the windows of the house , wounding a son
of Lansford. Old Lausford then took a
brace of revolvers and continued to pour
shot after shot .into the ranks of
his assailants , who , rafter discharging
their weapons , beat a hasty-retreat , bearing
three of their wounded comrades out of tbo
yard. Ono of them has eiuco been identified
by the serious wounds ho received and
through him It was learned that five of the
White Cups were wounded. Lansford Is
satisfied that ho knows several of tbo White
Caps and they will at once DO summoned before -
fore the grand Jury. The Indignation of
law-abiding citizens is great and It is said
that the result is tbo organization ot a vigil
ance committee to suppress them.
Fatal Stabbing Affray.
I'onrLAND , Ore. , April 13. A terrible fight
occurred between a number of men ata hotel
in Spokane Falls last night , In which flvo
men were stabbed , three of them fatally.
Ona of the men is Harry Johnson , of
Itain BtopH the Trip.
WASHINGTON , April 13. There was a
steady fall of rain during the entire mom-
Ing , and the president was forced to aban
don bis proposed trip down the Potomac
river to-day.
The Squirrel la 1'ioua.
In ono corner ot a church at Rook
Spring , oa. , a flying squirrel has his
nest , nnd on Sundays , every time the
congregation begins tosiutrtho squirrel
conies out to the edge of bis nest und
listens , returning whou the singing
IContjnucftlYom First Page. ]
asked to co-operate In providing police pro-
tcctlon , but notUUjd -American officers
that ho was ofradi ! trust his mon nsfcuards ,
as the American sailors woula attack them.
Ho requested the Americans to take full con
trol ot the town , oVifl this was accordingly
done and order waifcrftdimily restored.
On Sunday cronlpii | ho English war ship
Calllopo was slllKal Much anxiety had
been felt on her 4 < f4iytand llicro was a
general feeling of relief when It was found
that she was safe. As she entered the har
bor the next morning every ono In the town
supposed that tn the distressed situation she
would bo ready to offer every assistance to
the American and Gorman sailors , Captain
Kane announced , however , that ho would
take on coal nnd loavo'for Sidney ot onco.
The English residents criticized his aotibn
severely ,
The next day the Nlpslo was hauled off.
She was not leaking , but her boilers were
sprung nnd the propeller would not work.
The rudder , smoko-stack and most of her
boats were gone , nnd she was
badly shattered- above the water line.
Her officers and crew were living n"board
Admiral Kimberly has not yet decoded
whether It will bo safe to send her to sea.
The Vandalia will bo a total loss. A list
of the dead Is ns follows :
From crow of the Ebor , 71 ; Vandalia , 43 ;
Adler , 20 ; Nlpslo , 7 ; Schooner Lilly , 2 ; Tren
ton , 1 ; Natives , 2 ; total , 140.
Admiral Kimberly sent word by n small
schooner to the island of Tullla , requesting
the commander of the Alameda to call at
Apia , ns ho Intended , If possible , to send the
officers and survivors of the Vandalia crow
to San Francisco , if the Alauioda could tuko
them. She was only-ablo , however , to take
about fifty of the men. *
Divers have boon at work on tbo Van-
dnlla and have recovered many things. A
hugo derrick has been erected on the shore
and nn effort Is being made to lighten the
Trenton by taking oft" the two pivot rllles on
her spar deck , weighing about eight tons
each , after which 'tho Tranton will bo
pumped out if possible , in hopes that she
may get afioat. It'ls feared , however , tlmt
the flag ship is badly broken under the water
Hue , and It is not thought that the effort to
suyo her will prove successful.
The German corvette Olga hauled off
the mud flats on the 23th , and is
now afloat in the harbor. The nutlvcs dis
play the greatest kindness towards the
Americans nnd are ready to render them any
possible assistance. Two parties of natives
came to Apia yesterday , one from tno Island
ot Savay and the other from Manono. They
numbered several hundred mon , and marched
through the town singing , eaoh man carrying
in his hand a gift for the American admiral.
When they arrived , in front of the consulate
they placed In the'y'ard' ' great quantities of
chickens , cocoanuts Vams , tnra nnd other
articles of food. Admiral Kimberly thanked
the mon for the1 ! ? gVnerous offerings , ac
cepted the gifts aud distributed them among
the sailors.
Monday and Tuesday evenings pretty Kate
Costleton , with her bewitching songs , shy
capers and gracefardnnlos ! , will bo at the
Boyd , in her new comedy , ' 'A Paper Doll , "
An elaborate excuse for its name figures in
the plot and involv'cs'a picture in a locket , on
which depends tip ! identification of an
heiress. Miss Cimlct.on ) 'plays the heiress
' '
und Mr. Tannchljl'pjays Ho'rbert Noblo. pro
fessor of r-DCtSSNMr-a humbug. Unlike
most farce comedicH- P-aper Doll" has a
Blot , well defined' ' aSn'mCelligcnt. In the
third ' 'The of
act a travesty on Merchant
Venice" will be introduced , ' With appropriate
costumes and stage settings. During the
progress of the play Miss Castloton will sing
"Tho Spider nnd the Fly" and "For Gooa-
ness Sake Don't Say I Told You. "
The Edon-Museo during the coming week
will bo a perfect panorama of enjoyable
sights. Perhaps the best of these will bo
"AJeob,71 an automatic chess and checker
player , which will play and beat the most
skillful players in Omaha. This marvelous
object has been showing in all parts of the
country , and the wonderful exhibition of
reasoning powers on the part of an in
animate object has aroused the won
der of all who have scon it.
Other , interesting features will bo James
Messenger , the modern Hercules , who
JugKles forty , sixty nnd eighty-pound can
non balls ; Smith and Fuller , refined musical
sketch artists ; Tyson and Vaughn , the tnl-
nnted irusical experts Emit Graffc Grofo ,
Gorman character artist ; Qulgloy brothers ,
double clog dancers ; Field nnd Burdell ,
song and dance loam ; Tom Mclntosh , king
of negro comedians ; Billy Gauze , the colored
female impersonator.
The favorite comedian , Mr. Roland Keed ,
will begin an engagement at Boyd's ' opera
house , Friday , Auril 19 , presenting his creat
success which has run for over 100 nights in
Now York , "Tho Woman Hater. " This will
ho repeated at the nmtinco Saturday , and
Saturday night the engagement will close
with the presentation of the late Fred Mars-
deu's capital farce comedy , "Humbug. "
Mr. Rood has been playing to largo and en
thusiastic houses. "Tho Woman Hater" is
on excellent comedy and deals with
the udvoutarcs of ono Samuel Bendy , u
supposed woman hater , who in renlitv adores
the sox but has through basbfulncss re
frained from proposing to any ono of them.
At lust ho shakes off thin timidity , and in his
reckless haste finds himself at the close of the
first act engaged to no less than three
women. Mr. Heed has a number of new
songs and medley duets.
Funny Davenport Will bo at tbo Grand
opera house Wednesday evening next In "La
Tosca. ' The present season | is not likely to
produce a moro interesting event , theatri
cally speaking , than the appearance of Miss
Davenport as the heroine of M. Sardou's
great play. No creation of recent years has
como to bo bettor known to the public by re
port and discussion , and none bus boon more
liberally patronized by the thoater-going
public. It survived tbo most hostile storm
of criticism over hurled against u play on its
first production in Now York City ,
and was seen by over 100 ,
000 people during its seven
weeks run there. It will bo produced hereon
on Wednesday evening with all the scenic
and auxiliary ovlronmont that marked the
London , Now York mnJParIslan production.
& Johnson's minstrels
To-morrow night SJoven
strels will hold forthciir great style at the
the Grand opera hou e/As tbo amusomont-
lovliift iwrtlon of Oinpln ) 'already knows this
is ono of the best prit\izattons { traveling ,
and the en tortalntno.uf given Is as neat , clean
and artistic as the 'tws 3 fastidious , would
wish to see. The piy-prniors , wear white
wigs , sing beautiful onga , crack funny Jokes
and present the VjgrVYyiest specialty busi
crasitan Paris.
A very largo nuniber- Nebraskans will
atto nd the Paris exposition this summer , If
only these go who hiive'askod permission to
represent Tun BUB thjfera fair-sized colony
Is insured. How ro 'qs jjig it U to know
that nearly evor.vbjtdi'uniniaglnos himself
capable of propanngmowapapor letters. Yet
it Is moro than UkelyJtU&taiot moro than ono
out of all applicants is capable of describing
what bo may see in Paris.
July U will be the great day m Paris. On
that date the centennial celebration ot
the fall of the Bastllo will occur ,
On July U , 1789 , tbo Parisian populace
took by storm tul * fortified citadel
and practically destroyed It. They kiflod the
governor , Do Launay , and released the
prisoners , sovou hundred in number. The
bastllo was built about -1370 by Charles V.
Additions were made by several successive
kings. Ita history records sooio of the dark-
eat deeds ot tnou.
It Is not'genorally known that the key of
the bastllo is now at Mount Vernoa among
tbo relics of President Washington. It was
brought over to America by General Lafayette -
fayotto upon his expedition la support of tbo
revolution , It Is about slxtoori inches long
aud weighs from four to five pounds.
No Additional News Ilooolvcd
About the Foundered Dnnumrk.
Omaha Hnq Ono rixuseriRCr , Onl-
bortson Tlirco and Ilastlncfl Ono
Still Hopes That They
Are All Alive.
Wnltlnir forNown.
NEW YonK , April 18. The Allcr from Ore-
men , arrived at her deck this morning. It
was thought that she might bring some
news ot the passengers and crew of the
abandonees steamer Danmark , but such was
not the case. The Alter has sighted no
wreckage of encountered any signs of the
disaster. The malls from the White Star
steamer IBritannlc , which arrived last
night were distributing this morning and
among the letters for Punch , Edyo & Co.
was one containing a list of tbo passengers
who were on board the nbnndondod steamer
Danmark , No news concerning their fate
has been received , but the nccnts of the
steamer , which Is by this tlmo on the bed ot
the ocean , nro hopeful that some passing vessel -
sol may have taken oft the passengers and
Telegrams nro arriving every hour at the
oflleo of the agents asking for Information
concerning friends who were to bo on the
steamship. Ono came from Omaha , Neb. ,
asking If Benedict ! * Porsow , of Malmo ,
Sweden , was a passenger. A glance nt the
list rovcaled the fact that she was. A great
number of people , who by this time had ex
pected to grout their friends , linger around
the door ot tbo passenger office anxious to
hear tidings of their friends.
Among the passengers on the Ill-fated
steamer Danmark whoso destinations nra
given are the following , who embarked at
Copenhagen :
NUspotor Nilson , for Lockport , 111.
Nlla P. Urynhoff , Hilda Urynhoff , Wilda
Brynhoff , all for Culbertson , Nob.
Nils Person , Jens Hanson , for Emmetts-
burg , In ,
Bencdlctn 1'crsow , for Omaha , Nob.
Nils Person , John Larson , for St. Paul ,
John Anderson , for Duslmcll , 111.
P. J. Olafson , for St. Paul , Minn.
Apncs Engostrom , for Minneapolis , Minn.
Nils Person , for Joliet , 111.
G. A. Carlson , for Chicago.
Nils Nilson , for Hustings , Neb.
Nils Eghnatrom. for Emmcttsbur ? , In.
Matilda Kngstiom , for Minneapolis.
BeHovcs They Were Heicuort.
LOXDON , April 13. Tbo captain of the
steamer City of Chester , who sighted the
steamer Danmark , behoves the crow and
passengers of that steamer were rescued.
He bases his belief on the fact that tbo Dan-
mark's boats were gone. Ttio chain cable
was seen bunging over the bow of the Dan-
umric , und thislcads Captain Bond to bcllovo
sbo has boon in tow of another vessel.
A Fortiinnto Delay.
NEW YOHIC , April 13. The steamer Island ,
which belongs to the same line of steamers as
the Dannmrlr , has arrived hero , but brings
no news of the latter vessel. On board her
were many steerage passengers who in
tended to sail on the Daumarlc , but through
a delay that proved fortunate for them , they
had to wait for the steamer Island.
The Passenger Lists.
LoN'noN , April 13. A dispatch to Lloyd's
from Copenhagen states that the steamer
Danmark bud on board 623 passengers and 54
oiUcers and crew. Another dispatch from
Copenhagen , however , states that there
were on hoard ! ! CS passengers from Copen
hagen , 131 from Christiana , 79 from Christ-
ianscud , 75 from Malmor and 14 from Guttcn-
burg. Thei o were twentysixcubin passen
gers on boatd , including five children.
Nebraska I'asseiincrs.
The news of the abandonment of tbo Dan-
mark steamship of the Thinpvalla line , which
reached Omaha two days ago , was intensi
fied by the information that there were
Omaha people on board. It is now known
that LJetsv Pearson , a young lady who form
erly worked for Mr. Barkalow , ot this city ,
was amonp the passengers. She was on her
way to this citv from u visit to her parents in
Malmo , Sweden. Her passage ticket was sold
here by P. Flodman ot this city. There are
three other passengers bound for this city
but whoso names are not known.
O. Wolff , of Danncbrog , says bo sold four
teen tickets to passengers bound for various
parts of Nebraska , six of whom were bound
for this city , three for Grand Island , while
the others were destined to several other
There arc several other tlcltot agents of
thoTtilngvnlla line in this city , but they
could not tell \vua t was the destination of
the purchasers.
Applications Ity the Score For 1'osi-
tinns On the Police Force.
There have been SCO applications for posi
tions on the police force. At the meeting of
the police and flro commissioners yesterday
eighty-three applicants were examined , six
ty-two of them were before tbo board yes
terday afternoon and twenty-one last night.
The force will bo increased ubout ten in
number. The appointments will bo made by
the commissioners the early part of this
After the examination of applicants the
board got down to business. Mayor ISroatch
and Bennett were absent. Hartimin pro-
Charges were preferred against Police
Ofllcer McMahon , who has been dubbed
"Soda Water Goupor , " by Street Commis
sioner Joseph Kent , claiming that the
policeman maliciously arrested two of his
sons lust Sunday night. An * aftldnvit was
attached to the complaint , but was not read.
The hearing of the case will como up nox
Saturday night. *
Assistant Chief of the Fire Department
Baiter filed a complaint against Captain
Grebe , of the department , for drunkenness
and neglect of duty. This woo also laid ever
until next Saturday night.
James Connolly , a pipctnan of the fire de
partment , was grunted leave of absence for
five days.
In a communication tbo chief of police
asked that the patrol wagon bo repaired nnd
repainted. Ttio wagon underwent such Im
provements lust summer. Mr.Hartman was
In favor of getting'a new wagon. The mut
ter was referred to the property committee.
Police Captain Green was granted leave of
absence for twenty days. Al. Bebout , ono
of the jailors at central station , was given a
leave of absence for ten days.
Tbo-board accepted un Invitation from the
president of the P. F. B. association to
part in its annual parade , which takes pluco
April 33.
A communication from H. ICount o and
others asulng for an engine house near
Twenty-fourth and Sherman avenue , was re
ferred to the committee on finance.
W , J. Canon , a tailor , presented accounts
of six or seven policemen , asking the board
to take some steps to require the ofllccrs to
pay thorn. Tbo matter was referred to the
chief of police.
The American Waterworks Company
Hhows Ita Karnlng Capacity.
The American Waterworks company is
DOW advertising In eastern papers that
It has put upon the market (1,000,000
of Omaha waterworks 5 per cent
first consolidated mortgage bonds , Is
sued by the company on Its Omaha plant.
In a lengthy letter to eastern brokers Preil-
dent Underwood gives a history of the com
pany ; Ita earnings and its prospective gains
tor the next ten years. To show what the
waterworks people are making off the public
a portion of the letter , showing the earnings ,
is reproduced ;
' In l&U the approximate gross earnings
wore $10,000 , and in 1889 $00,000. For the
year 131 the actual earning * wore 133,391.43 ;
In 1SS5. * 103,05UO ; In IS'O , ft2S.3tl.535 ' "
1SST , * 103OSn.Oi ( ; In 18SS. f M.OJ'J.OS.
"ThO rapjd and regular Increase In the
earnings will bo scon uy the fact that for the
first six months Of 18S7 the earnings were
177,833.70 , or nt the rate of IMOI7.&S per
annum , while during the last nix months of
1SS7 the earnings were $91,030.81 , or at the
rate of $183,019.03 per annum ; nnd for the
first six months of 1883 the earnings were
1103,737.07 , or nt the rate of fi05,474.U per
annnm , while for the last six months of 18S3
the earnings were $137,315.01 , or nt the rate
of $2 ! > i,03l.S3 per annum.
"On the first day of January , 18SO. the
earnings , baaed on thu actual consumption of
wntor on } .liat date , were at the rnto of $370-
000 per annum , which will bo the income of
the company for the year , even though there
is no Increased consumption. It 19 estimated
that tbo actual receipts from water rates nnd
hydrant rentnnt.ts year will not bo loss than
$300,000 and will probably roach $ J. " > ,000 , but
this will not represent nil the gain during the
year , ns the largest number of now con-
tumors are taken on In the last half ot the
year , and as they pay only for a portion of
the year , the Income will not receive the full
benefit until next year.
"Tho total Interest charge of the company
for the ensuing year , Including the interest
upon the bonds now offered , will bo $170,000 ,
to meet which the company will undoubtedly
have net earnings of not loss than $3-10,000 ,
and probably $ JCO,000.
"Asldo from the hydrant rental thn present
Income of the company is obtained from
about tlvo thousand consumers , as compared
with 3,575 consumers January 1 , 1887 , nnd
on the present population of the city the com
pany should have at least 10,000 consumers ,
which number will doubtless bo reached In
the course of flvo yours , even If there is no
further Increase In population. The number
of now consumers this year will undoubtedly
reach and probably exceed 3,000. For the
three months ending April 1 , 1SSU , nearly
two nnd one-hall ! times the number of nojv
consumers were added ns for the same period
last year.
"It is universally conceded that waterworks
will obtain ono consumer in every six or
seven of the population. Detroit , Mich. ,
with 32.\000 people , bus 43,000 consumers ,
and Albany nnd Rochester , N , Y. , with
about the same population ns Omuha , each
have 15,000 to 10,000 consumers.
"Tho following is believed to bo n con
servative estimate of the net earnings of the
company for the next ton years :
IKS' ) . ' . $7-10,000 lb ! > 4 $500,000
Ib'JO 300,000 , 1S'5 ' tUO.OOO
1891 HIX,000 ) ISOtl 710,000
1SIB135,000 1S)7 ! ) SOO.OOJ
The American Meat Company's At-
lulrs luvpluinoil by Duvis.
Nnw Yonit.Aprll 13. [ Special Telegram to
Tin : BEH. ! These interested in the Amor-
lean moat company maintained their reti
cence yesterday , but enough leaked out to
confirm the story telegraphed west regardIng -
Ing the condition of affairs. Mr. Duvis ,
head of the banking house of John H. Duvis
& Co. , admitted tlmt their withdrawal from
connection with the company was duo to
the retirement of John H. Fluglor and
Joseph Moss , the president and vice presi
dent. Thcso gentlemen , Mr. Davis said ,
had assured him of their intention of taking
part m the administration of the affairs of
the company , and it was upon this assurance
and reports of experts who examined the
property that Davis & Co. had agreed to as
sist in floating tbo venture. When Messrs.
Flagler und Moss suddenly resigned , Mr.
Davis said his firm could take no other
course but to refund the money that they
had induced their clients to subscribe. All
of thin has been refunded exempt in the case
of ono subscriber , who was out of town , nnd
had asked them to Keep the money for him
until Monday. Mr. Davis declined to say
what connection "Stove" Dorsoy , of "star
route" fume , bad with the concern , but de
clared that the contracts had been drawn by
Alexander & Green , and that the properties
they owned were shown by experts to bo ex
actly what tfiey were represented to bo. O.
Ilamuiond , general umnauor of the com
pany , contented himself with saying that the
corporation would go on with their work and
got now men in place of these who had re
Tno Clmarrnn Hirer on the Ram
page anil Can not bo Crossed. .
WICHITA , Kan. , April 13. Reports reached
hero lust night of a new danger confronting
the boomers. The Cimarron river is rising
rapidly and sweeping everything before it.
A boomer named Gordon , concealed in the
bushes near Kingfisher , was caught in the
quicksand and drowned , und his team and
wagon swept down the rivor. Two railway
employes of the Santa Fo road are reported
drowned at Outline. oTbero ia but ono place
where the river can bo forded , and that is
near Outline. Die-importance of this biJ-
comes apparent when it is remcmberca there
are no bridges in Oklahoma , nnd that this
stiouin must bo crosaod to reach the
Released on n Technicality.
Dr. J" B. Cornish , charged in police court
with soiling liquor by the glass , escaped a
flno by the peculiar wording of thu informa
tion. Ho was given a Jury trial nnd found
guilty. When Judge Berka went to Impose
thu line he found that there is no provision
fora fine in such a case. The information
snould have charged the doctor with selling
liquor without having registered the amount
of it and for what purpose it was sold. The
verdict of tbc Jury was setasluo und the case
A Few SiiKucfltloiiH UH to the AViiy of
PutliiiirTlioiii in the 1'cn.
Now that the "pig" puz/.lo has become
the rage and every one is torturing hia
brain to do the trick the man who has a
sure way of bousing : the marbles bobs up
and olTcrs his instruction gratis. lie in
forms the New York tribune that it
tvkes him loss than forty-Jivo seconds on
the average to drive the pigs home ,
while ho hits done it the short time of
fifteen seconds. Fifteen is so short a
time that scorns almost impossible.
The man stiyd , however , that any ono
by following his instructions can , utter
a little practice , do the trick in loss
than a minute almost every time. Here
is his plan :
Always keep the opening through
which the marbles must llrstgoou the
side farthest away from you. Keep
them all in u bunch and cuvx ; all up to
the opening. Drop the side of the disc
nearest to you a trllo and the marbles
will fall through the first gate in rapid
succession. They will land near the
opening of the second ring. Turn this
opening tvway from you and repeat the
same process of bunching and coaxing.
The moht dlllcult part of the trick , of
course is to get the marbles into the pen
after they are in the last circle. They
are to be bunched hero again , just as in
the other instances. The dibo cannot
be lilted , however , in this cauo without
making the marbles , run oil on both
sides , so when they are bunched in front
of the door of the pen a series of rapid
Jostles given gently will Bond them Hy
ing inside. The waiter has soon the
man do this so quickly and skillfuly
that the four marbles seemed to go into
the pen almost simultaneously.
Qualified for United atates Heuator.
Washington Critic : When a hen
goes into cggseeutlve session she keeps
it btill until tbo business is transacted ,
aud tli on she gives it all nwuy. The
ben should bo a United States senator.
A Mugwump ConoodeH It.
Doston Hor/ild / ( Ind. ) : President Harrison
risen seems to us to have indicated in
all ho bus done a sincere desire to
make the country a good president.
We think wo have eeen in him , further ,
an Intention to bo something more than
the president of hia party. He appre
ciates the dignity of his olllce und
realizes tbo responsibilities attend
ing It.
A Gountorpnrt of the Ronklonoo of
Rldor Husffnrd's "Sho. " '
The Unplonsnnt Adventure of A Party
oflmillfis nml Gontlontoti Who
Uiuloi-took tn Kxploro a
Gloomy Cavern.
These Fish Nooil No Kym
PiurrouiA , South Africa , .fan. i0. !
[ Spoclnt Correspondence Of Tip 13iji ? . ]
The city of 1'rolorin , capital of the
TransVanl , is locntoil in n most bonutl-
ful spot. It stands In a vnlloy bctwoou
two ranges of niountnins clothed with
rich , dnrlc vordura nil the year round.
Vines loaded with ripening ( frnpos ,
monthly roses nnd pomegranates form
ing iv blir/.o of bloom nuiltlst the Hood of
Hood of suiiHhlno sklininoring like golden
wator. Under these mountiun range *
nro vast caverns , only tv few of which
htivo boon entered , ntul these only partly
explored. These eaves nro the orlglna 1
llnggnrds' cuvos of the Amiilmitgu , in
which thu wonderful "Sho" dwelt and
ruled. Right under this mountain and
through thosodarlc euvornarunanclour ,
sparkling river of wntor. The solimj
of this rlvor , which furnishes the wutor
biipply for the city , has never boon dis
covered. A curious fact is that its waters
nro highest during the dry season. This
points to the theory that it is fed by
rain , and that these rains do not reach
the river till about four to
tlvo months after they fall.
This river is inhabited by llsh
and a strange kind of crabs and lob-
Btors , all \\hiehhavo no eyes , This
species of aquatic animals having boon
bred in and inhabited this dark stygjian
stream for thousands of years , Imvo
never had any iifeo for eyes , and so ,
utter many gen orations , that organ hud
entirely disappeared from their blrue-
turo. Sum o friends of mine , two ladies
and three gentlemen , wont on an ex
ploring expedition through this cavern ,
got lost in its mv/.o : , and wore throe
days before they found their way back
to the outer world. Mr. Saunders , of
the American roiibiilato at Capo Town ,
thus relates their ox | > orionco while in
the bowels of the earth :
"Mr. J. II. Levoy , of the Northern
Pacillc railway of the United States of
America , Mr. John Sidney ami two
ladies , Miss Webster and AlissGootch
and myself started to explore the foun
tain cavo. Armed with two lamps and
provisions enough for two meals , wo
started. We got through the entrance
which is very narrow , with dilllculty.
Going a few yards wo found it neces
sary to light the lamps. Pro
ceeding we found on each
side of the main passage numerous
sideways and alloys apparently howti
out of the solid rock. All around tboro
wore evidences of the caves being in
habited by swarms of bats which con
stantly kept Hying in our faces. Pur
suing our way for n considerable time ,
wo came to a sMt ] whore the roof of the
concern , hitherto lofty , slanted down ,
gradually becoming lower and lower
until wo were unable to walk erect.
Finally "we came to whore the floor was
on an inclined piano and got more beach
room. We then doscjndcd a steep hill
at the foot of which was n dead wall
which completely barred further pro
gress in that direction.
"On the right hand a narrow passage
presented itself just wide enough to au <
mil of our walking Indian fllo. The air
hitherto cool and bracing became damp
and a cold clammy dew settled on our
faces. To the sides of the passage
clung a palo slimy snake-like subs tan co
which to the touch , produced a shivery
sense of abhorranco. We began to wish
ourselves well out of the undertaking.
However , being in , there was nothing
for it but to go on. Wo walked
up this passage , a distance
I should judge , of 300 yards ,
when wo arrived at an octagonal
court , from which ran eight different
passages , the four main ones being
about a width of fifty feet , and the four
narrow ones about four foot each. Under
our feet could bo heard u sound as of
the running of n river and. the violent
breaking ofwater , upon rocks. Wo
could perceive no mode of descent , and
the ground under our foot seemed solid.
Being weary , and the ladies some
what faint , wo resolved to go back , al
together disappointed with the result
ot our exploration. However , before
starting again we refreshed ourselves
with the victuals wo had brought , and ,
fortilied by a few draughts of capo
sherry , felt our spirits rise , and , curios
ity as to the cause of the sound under
our feet trotting the bettor of our judg
ment , wo began searching for a way to
descend , and tinally found n place where
there wore btono stops at irregular in
tervals. Sidney and 1 descended , leav
ing Leroy and the ladies above. Wo
followed these stops for about fifty
foot. The descent was very dif
ficult. The light of the lantern
grow feeble. However , we arrived on a
broad platform of level ground. The
sound of the water hud by this tlmo in
creased to that of a roaring torrent , 'and
on our loft wo saw the black , inky stream
rushing past. Wo sounded ana found
the river very deep and cold. Pausing
along the banks the air became heavier
still , and the lamp which had boon burn
ing moro freobly wont out altogether ?
Breathing became very dilllcult , owing
to the absence of oxygon. In this dread
ful place and in total darkness wo were
stumbling nboutftrying to find the stops ,
by which to return , tor hours , until be
coming quite weary , wo sat down and
fell into a torpid , heavy sloop. How
long wo remained in this state I do not
know. On awakening , with a great <
elTort wo aroused ourselves , and liually
hit on a passage which wo followed. An
wo went the noise of the waters becamq
loss audible , and finally wo lost the
Bound altogether. Still there was no
ray of light ; nothing but thick dark
ness and a noisome , pestilential air.
Wo groped about for hours from one
passage to another amidst a eilonco
( loop and urondful. The sound of our
voices appeared unnaturally loud , and
echoing through the vaults , gave the
impression that the place was haunted
by countless demons who were mocking
our distress. Quito exhausted by exertion -
ortion , anxiety and want of food , wo
sank down in despair , giving ouraolvea
up for lost. After a time , however , wo
determined to make another effort for
life. Wo found that the lump would
now keep lighted. Tills gave us frouh
hope , and enabled us to BOO our way'
about , Wo made bettor progress along
the darksome passage , und BOOH were
overjoyed at soolng my faithful New
foundland dog jumping and bounding
towards us. Wo now know wo were
suved. Following the dog , which
foomod to hare a correct view of the
situation , wo Boon discovered u streak
of light at the entrance to the ouve.
The spirit of enterprise being dumped
by three days spent in the tombs , wo
resolved In our minds not lightly tc
make another attempt of the klud ,