Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1889, PartII, Page 12, Image 12

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    - itT ' , : -r
Will continue to strive for further patronogc , and in exchange for your'dollars , give you more and better value than any other house in the west.
This week will befcmade notable by the most magnificent display of MILLINERY ever shown in Omaha. vVe employ only the most experienced trimmers. Ladies leaving orders for
Hats and Bonnets early in the week will avoid the great rush of Friday and Saturday before Easter.
Barr's Colored Silk Department ,
Our ICiiHtcr ottering In tills department \ \ ill uo
undoubtedly the feature oCtliOHea < mn ,
Wo open Monday fO pieces or Knncy China
Silkn special lni | > ortatlun , now designs , now
colorings. Woplncothcm on our silk counter
nt T5c ynrd ; reaulnr vnhu > tl anil II.'S.
Colored I'nlllo KrnncMflo. 2 > dllTorcnt now
nprlng colon * . II.ynrd , we olfer at tl ,
in ) pieces soring weight ( Iros Grain at 7Go ;
rcRiilnr price tl.
Wo Invlle early Inspection as the above silks
nro rnro bargains ,
Barr's ' Black Silk Department ,
In lllack Bilks our IJaster offerings will sur
pass any bargains ever offered to the Indies of
Omaha ,
Road Carefully. Note our Prices.
21-Inch pure Mlk Gros Grain , ( we ; sterling
value IKC. )
22-Inch Armuro Hoyalo , OSe : vcryeheaDatJl. j
22-Inch Uros do Itnyulo , $1.25 : n bargain at 11.05
21-Inch Surah Silk at ( We : regular price 8 , " > c.
A largo assortment of Plain UlacK , China aud
Surah now In stock
At our Usual Low Prices.
Barr's ' Cloak Department ,
llarr's Cloak Department Is tilled to over
flowing with an oloimnt assortment ot Spring
Wraps , Jackets and Novelties. |
Kvory lady should have a now wrap for Easfor
and she will Hud JIAUH'S STOCK COMPLKTH.
Imported "Dlroctolre" Jackets aud Cutaway
Coats from * 10 to $25.
Walking Jackets , > i length , something now ,
in colors and black , $10.
Illaok Corkscrew. Serge. Diagonal and
Uroadcloth Jackets from J4.W to $20.
An olevnnt assortmnnt ot Fancy Lace and
Silk Wraps from $ 'J to m.
Barr's ' Underwear Department ,
llarr's carry the most complete stock of
Ladlos' Mu lln and Cambric Underwear In the
city , also Infants' Dresses , llobes and Under
Ladles' Muslin and Cambric Drawers from
25c to $3.
Lndlos' Muslin and Cambric Corset Covers
"fJulies * Muslin Night Dresses , GOc. Special
Andios' Mufilln and Colored Skirts from 75e
to $ ! 3.rx ) .
Barr's ' Shawl Department , .
llarr's Shawl Department is now more com
plete than over , ns wo have Just received a mag-
nlllccnt assortment of Kvonlug. Opera and
f Fancy Shawls , ranging In price from S.I.CO to $25.
Wo carry at all times a complete stock of
Chale's lllack Cashmere Shawls , ttto finest
made , from 13.50 to $18.
lllack Embroidered "VlsUos" from H.50 to
Barr's Dress Goods Department
IH now prepared to oiler for Raster nil the lat
est nnd most rochorcho novelties In both
foreign nnd domestic woolen materials for
spring and summer wear.
40 pieces SMncIi IlalfWool Challlcs at ate per
yard ; lovely coodtfor lister altering * .
l French. Combination Suits at J15 each ! Ilor-
dor oirocts.
imBSoMM'MiiS.11611'our ' ' own
Barr's ' Lining Department ,
Wo respectfully call the attention of the dress
makers of Omaha to our COSII'filJTK .ASi-Olir-
JIKNTOPHVKIIVTHINQ re.nilslto . rortlmllu-
ing of a dress.
liook at our Knst Illnck Super Satin Surah for
waist lining , our Manchester Wnrpi , Sattcon
SillclAS , 1'ercalines , Hlcllluns , Oxford Iloltnn
and Ix3i9dftlo811iclns. ! Our line of colors Is un
Barr's Glove Department ,
Wo wish to call the attention of the ladles to
tlils-spocUl department. Ladles wishing Gloves
for Easter will Mini all the latest shades In
Dressed and Umlressnd Gloves , prices 11.25 toll.
Wo keep n full line of Misses' Kid Gloves ,
with the latest stitching , $1 a pair.
Wonlsoki'opn variety of Gauntlet Gloves , in
the latest stjles. They range In price fiom 11.25 ,
II.CO and ti.
All ClovosKoptln Ropalr Free of
Barr's Ribbon Department ,
Wo have recalvod a hplondld assortment of
Itlbbons tor Easter , la all tha newest shades.
H-lnch Moire Sash with satin tilgo , $1.25 per
All Silk Gros Grain Satin Edge Itlbbnn. In
every width and shade , No. n , luc per yard ; No.
Ill atKcpisr yard.
The prettiest variety ot IlrocadodGauzo Neck
Ulbbons at lOc , 12 cand 20o per yard.
Barr's ' Wash Fabric Department ,
Our Imported Foulard Satteeus from Scheurer
Itott * Cie , France , were received this \\uek ,
and are without doubt the llnest goods yet
Hlio'\u. Designs und colorings are very app'ro-
priuto for Ea&ter.
23c rK-lnch Fancy Zephyr Ginghams , very
pretty for Children's Dresses.
We 32-inch Lace Strlpj Zephyr Ginghams ,
worth f > c. '
French Pcnangs. imported by us
aud guaranteed fast colors. The ONLY Hue In
the city.
Barr's Parasol Department ,
Our stock ot I'nrimolfl Is now complete , and
we aroreany to oiler all the latest novelties in
Ladles' and Children's Parasols.
Chlldren'n Parasols at DCc , We and 85c ; also
Fancy Checks iitl.
49 dozen Sun Umbrellas , gold top , at I1.2S
Ladles' I'arasols $1CO , K , J2.7C , W.CO and up
Barr's Hosiery Department ,
During the week , hi our Hosiery Department ,
wo oHer many desirable goods suitable tor
Kastor gifts.
Wo would crtll special attention to our Im- stock of novelties In I'Veni'li Lisle Thread
Silk Plated and Pure 811k Hose , at prices which
defy competition. j
Note a few specials for Easter Wook.
A now and elegant line of Krrnch Llslo
Thread Hose , Infancy stripes and boot patterns ,
also fctalulesB fust black , Kaster prlcoTAKin pair.
Our latest Parisian novoltv In Ladles' Hose Is
a black silk plated boot , with ecru lisle thread I
top , which we offer during Kastcr week at 7fc a
pair. j
A beautiful line of Llslo Thread Jersey Fit
ting Vests , low nocK and bleeveless. In white ,
ecru , pink and bluo. Easter price 75c each.
Barr's ' Art Department ,
We have Just received all the latest novelties
In East IT O reotlngs , also a full line of materials
for art necdlo work. o'call special attention
this week to our extremely low pilcesontho
following articles :
Silk Tassels , lf c dozen.
Filling Silks , oOc dozen.
And any design stumped for holt price.
.Wo cordially luvllo you to visit this depart
I'Barr's ' White Goods Department ,
I For Easter wo offer three special values which
will show that wo have the latest and llncst
line In the city.
i Just received a line of Sheer Mull Plaids. 32
Incies , lOc. ,
40-luch India Linoii , extraordinary value , 15c.
SiiMnch Sheer Mull Plaids , colored ellects ,
black , blue and red. Lie.
Wo Invite investigation of our Silt Mulls , .
French Welts , Colored Elleets , Indian Dimities. .
Apron Goods , A.-C , lie. J *
, Barr's ' Black Goo'Js Department
Is supplied with the best goods and latest" *
styles In the market. I
Some late novelties lu Stripes and Checks at
. 40-Inch All Wool Henrietta , fiOc.
40-Inch Tameso Mohair Ilrllllant. 75c.
.t'-lnch lllack and White Ilest French Challles.
Barr's ' Flannel Department ,
During Kastcr holidays wo will show many
now and attractive specialties In Outing Clothx ,
Tennis Suitings , lllcycle and Moating Flannels ,
mid an extensive variety of Light Flannels In
plaids and stripes for men's shirts and summer
coats.boys' waists , &c. , &c.
Subjoined are a row articles that nro well
worthy your attention :
ft ) pieces more ot the Outing Cloth at 12Je ! per
A new line of Tennis Suitings atTic per ynrd.
M-luch Ladles' Olnth , spring shades , at We per
Barr's ' Embroidery Department
Is turning over with rich and handsome goods.
Wo trust that the public will appreciate the
great efforts wo shall rinho to establish and
maintain business that ahull bo
a truly co-opor-
ntlvo ,
Corded Pique Flouncing , 22-Inch , K-c ; worth
l rordod I'linieFlouncing , 15-lncn , J1.5U ; orth
j Swiss Kmbrolderod Flouncing , 4.V Inch , OOc , 75c ,
Buc ; worth Tor ; $1 , J1.8J. _
Swiss and Hamburg hmbroldorlcs , excellent
quality , at Co and lOc yard.
Barr's ' Trimming Department
IB complete with all the Paris novelties In Trim
mings. The following goods v e guarantor are
not shown olseuheto :
All shades lu.Tlnsul ( Jaloon Trimmings at2T > c
per yard.
UlacK Coilo d Pure Silk Frlugo , 8 inches deep ,
lat-st style , nt * 5.r. < > per yard.
Knotted Silk Cringe. Hall 1'rlngo nnd Jet
An elegant assoitmcnt ot Persian and Ap
plique Trimmings.
Barr's ' Lace Nsckwear Department ,
Listen to the volcn of reason on the stu
pendous scale and with the most elaborate in
Hlack Lace Drapery Net , Spanish Guipure and
Chantllly Lace rlounclng. fcl.tO ; regular value
J2 yard.
Oil-inch Clmnttlly Lace for wraps at $ .1.25 , $3.50 ,
3.75. W , J5.C.O.
4n-lnch Spanish i ace Flouncing at 85c ; worth
9I.X5 *
Special H.ilo on Veilings In colors , aho In
Itttdlni ; Veils.
Headquarters for Uuchlug , Collars and Cuffs.
WWrequest inspection.
Barr's Corset Department.
Uarr's Corset department takes the lead
variety style and quality.
\Vo can soil you an elegant flttlugcorsot fr
COn to 10.M ) .
Thompson's glovo-llttlng , extra length , $1.
Loomer's cutaway hip. { 1.25.
Dr. Warner's Healtlu , $1.25.
Barr's Millinery Department.
Ornnd openlngof Muster hats and bonnet * ,
Wo nro now ready to dhow the largest and llti-
est line ot Imported Huts and llonnots over
brought to Onmha.
We nro showing moro varieties In slylcs anil
prices than nil tlie inllllaory departments In the
city put together. In n stock as largo us wo
carry It U impossible to enumerate prices ,
Barr's ' Calico Department ,
Enstor Bargains In Qarr's Domostloo
Wo have umiftiinl liargatn < i In this department
this week. Just uoto n fo\v ot o\ir many
leaders :
-IX ) pieces Mcrrlmnc , Wlnsor , Pacific and
Cacheco 1'rlnts , worth 7c ! , this week ! iJc ! yard.
150 pieces Standard Ulugimms , worth lOo , this
week fii' yard.
100 pieces Host American Zephyr Ginghams ,
worth 1'ic yard , this week 19 yard.
Barr's Fancy Notion Department ,
1 Our line of Fans tor llaster will surpass anything -
thing over shown In the city. Our Kuropoan
buyer has cublul us that ho has noloctcd all the
now and latest novelties. Tlu'se goods nro on
route and will bo hare for Kastar. Also line of
1'oldtng Japs , Decorating Fans , Mikado 1'ans
and tlru S reens ,
KleRiint line ot 1'ockotbooks and t'urses. In
nsnorti'ri loathurs , iUe ; worth Me.
Cnrd Cases , In Seal. llusslun and Alligator
Leather , nt40c , ft'c , K'IC. J1.25 nud $2.
Just received , nnotherlot l-nz. Triple Hxtracts
In violet , wnlto rose , musk and white hoilotropo
worth OUc , for Sic.
Barr's Gents' Furnishing Dept ,
( ivntlomen will Hurt It to their advantage to
visitHarr's Gents Furnishing Department , as
here will bo found n complete utock of llrst-
class goods at the lowest pofslblo prices. See
, our Dress Shirts. Flannel Shirts , Medium and
Light Weight Unilinear , Socks. Suspenders ,
Collarsund CulTs , Neckwear.etc. . utc. Just re
ceived , 80 dnzKii Gent's Medium Weight Merino
. Shirts and Drawers , ntfiuc vnch.
) dozen Imported Scotch rinnnol Shirts at M
NX ) dozen Gent's now and handsome llnster
ScarCs at Me.
Lace Curtains.
We have juht received for Bister weak au 1m-
mensp involna of lace curtains. Come and see
the > emitlful patterns and gee llarr's prices ou
these goods.
Nottingham Lace Curtains. 3 ! { yards long , Gi
Inches wide. $ ! . - " > pair.
Nottingham Lace Curtains , 4 yards long CD
Inches wide , * 1.7"j pair. "
Handsome Corlngas draperies , " c yard.
Barr's Linen Department-
Enetor Crootlng.
Wo offer some special values this wejk which
yoil will appreciate ou examination.
r dozen 5-ixft-l lunch cloths
> - - bloachcd Damask ,
COc each , worth tl ; heavy llncu , haudsome do-
670 yards Unon Crash , 3o yard , worth 8c. }
Como early.
J.M dozen extra size Turkish towels , 12o each
worth ac.
Barr's Jewelry Department.
Our Jowoiry Department Is now complete.
Wo are showing the richest anil rarest novelties
In Jewelry , also now line ot llreast 1'lns Im
ported by us direct from Vienna. Wo ixro the
only house In the city having tneso goods.
Urcat bargains for the coming liustcr week.
Our nrlcod are the lowost.
Ladles'Heavy "old I'lated F.aoo Pins , < 0 dif
ferent styles and patterns , from ii'io up to $ ,1.75.
These plus are all now and worth douulo tiio
money wo are asking for them. Ask to see
Sldo Combs , In plain and fancy oxydtzoil trim-
minus , from Sao pair toK.WJ pair. Our patterns
and Htylcs are all tholatost.
Ladles' Uollod Pluto Sleeve Juittons , with and
without chain attachments , pearl tortoise and
diamond setting at " > c , iOc , bUc , T5o and SI pair.
Those goods won't last long at prices glvon.
Barr's Handkerchief Department.
For the Easter season special efforts have
been made to procure new ami choice designs In
ladles' , gent's and children's haudkerclilofs.
This week wn are prepared to suit every taste
with high class goods at low and popular
prices , in this department will also be found
a choice selection of ladles' China silk aud
Crape do Chono Neck Scarfs In nllCfn white hem
stitched and fancy embroidered. The following
are a few of our special prices :
lit ) dozen ladles' white and fancy embroidered
Handkerchiefs , U * > c each.
50 dozen cent H hand print haudkerclilofs , S'Sc.
10 dozeuladlcs fancy embroidered neck scar fa ,
Barr's ' House Furnishing Department.
At this season wo are In dally receipt of every
klujl and class of goods for our house furnish-
lug department , and throughout the Kastor
holidays wo will bo enabled to offer a thousand
and one special attractions In this department.
j Housekeepers will do well by Investigating tnis
. vast assortment of goods. In addition to our
1 stock of house furnishings , wo have an elegant
i line of Habv Carriages from $5 to ? " > . A full as
sortment of valises and hand bags from 50c to
I $10 , and a full line of picture easels from Co to (3
w ,
Samples and goods sent through the United States mail to all parts of the country , and safe delivery guaranteed when orders are addressed to the Wm. Barr Dry Goods Co. , Omaha , Neb.
, c
Bo Had the Casting Vote in the
Bridge Bolocatlon.
A Critical Time in New Xork-Dr.
Dnraiit'a Position A Midnight
Visit Final Victory
for Omalm.
Tiio Bridco Location.
PON referring to my
lust article , which noted
tny own call into the
bridge controversy by
the committee that had
boon in Now York sev
eral weeksoiideavoring
to secure the change in
the location of the
Abridge from Child's mill
, , drtT/dfi'l' ' to Onmntli vou w11 OD'
P /
f pJSSTBs S0l'vo l lmd notcd the
QfWujQia ; arrival ot Mr. Hiirford
find myself in the metropolis and the
condition of the bridge question nt that
time. It was everything but oncourng-
Jng' . But before I go further with this
Qarratlvo I will go back and roluto an
.ncldont which brings Mr. Henry T.
Slarko , of this city , into the question of
jrldgo location. It is a fact that nt
.that time , as before this , Mr. Clarke ,
jwlth his indomitable energy and ambi-
Itlon to secure Bellevue , which ho
.largely owned , as the great future city
of this country , was no small factorand
| say from knowledge that ho was a
dangerous factor BO far as Omaha was
concerned. It happened this wise :
V The day Mr. Hurford and myself loft
for Now York , in an omnibus , from the
Did Herndon house , Mr. Clarke np-
jpuarod in it , llko an appartion on that
Question , tr.nd accompanied Mr. Hur-
jford and myself as far as Dotrolt , and
Immediately joined us in Now York.
iJHo had an alliance with the then dls-
tlnguishod James F. Joy , of the Miehi-
Central , whom ho had enlisted in
San cause of Bellevue , and that gontle-
jpian wont to Now York iu the Interest
± ± pf Mr. Clarke and Bellevue with prono-
jlUIoiiB that were exceedingly throaton-
Juff to the Omaha intorost. They in
cluded largo offers of property in
JBollevtio , 1COO lots and 1,500 acres , tote
to the company , instead of to Individual
Xnombors of the company , to secure the ,
location of the bridge , as I understand
'it. Then the argument was cheapness
Of bridging at that point and
' .easy and cheap access to the
iPJatto valley , which was the objective
In all Pacific railroad enterprises ,
niid the coso was made out so strongly
j that after argument before the bridge
Committee of the board ot directors , on
square vote , Mr. Clarice's Bellevue in-
toroflt WAS defeated by a vote of six to
BOVOII , Sidney Dillon ousting the vote
which defeated Bellevue , as , it will
turn out , he afterwards cast the vote
iU that relocated the bridge at Omalm.
This is the much abused Sidney Dil
lon who , as president of the company ,
V f the lln > t to denounce the Union Pa-
' itro depot as a cow-shed , on hla arrival
: iorc , after Mr. Duff and Mr. Sickles.
, ho general manager , had the cow-shed
auilt up to about half a story. It was at
this time , I may say incidentally , that
Mr. Dillon begged the people of Omaha ,
in my hearing , to allow him time to tear
lown the cow-shed as far as it had been ,
built and build a depot in Omaha that
would bo worthy pf the roivd aud nto
city. The proposition , owing to a very
natural distrust , was rejected , and the
building went on.
To resume a fur.ther account of what
occurred to induce the Union Pacific to
relocate the bridge at Omaha , Mr. Hur
ford and myself , In a pelting rain storm
in Now York , wore instructed by the
committee to call on Dr. Durant at his
Madison avenue residence. At u lute
hour of the night wo arrived at hia
homo , and after a considerable wait in
the drawing-room , the doctor appeared ,
in dressing gown and slipper , evidently
annoyed at being intruded upon by his
visitors about the everlasting bridge. I
did the principal part of the talking in
the case , because of my near relation to
Dr. Durant during the period that ho
had been with us in building the road ,
and perhaps I was called to Now York
to see him on account of that relation.
Our mission was made known and the
first answer wo got was that ho had just
returned from Kuropo nnd know noth
ing about what had been done and did
not have power to change the location
of the briugo at that time. Ho stated
further that if the change was made at
all it would have to bo olToctod by Mr.
Dillon and the other gentlemen having
the matter in charge. I made a distinct
appeal to the doctor personally , and re
cited to him the condition of our town ,
saying to him that it was u wrong that
ho could not afford to allow or to bo a
party to , to strike a blow of that kind
at us , men who had for years boon
planting homos here and hud little pro
perties. That it would be simply destruc
tion and ho know it , and that ho owed
it to the men who had stood by him in
Omaha , including myself nnd my news
paper because 1 never lot go of him , to
take hold of and adjubt this matter on
a right basis. Ho was told of what
Omaha was willing to do in a linuneiul
way , that the commlttoo was there au
thorized to do anything he might dic
tate to make up the dilToroncc in cost
in the construction of the bridge
between the Train crowing and
Childs' Mill. And 1 think sums
wore named that wo had boon in
structed to name which would bo freely
given if the bridge could bo promptly
relocated at'Omaha. Ho then urged
postponement very strongly und be
lieved that it would bo impossible foi <
him to do anything unless he could have
time , The answer was that time was
the essence of the contract und Unit delay -
lay was just as bad and worse than the
permanent location ot the bridge at
Childs' mill. Everything was paralyzed
in Omaha and this relocation woulu re
vive the town and save u grout many
interests from utter wreck. I renewed
my personal appeal to him nnd finally
took his instructions for u stop next
day. In other words , ho would under
take to do what ho could , Ho de
nounced all idea of wanting to got
money out of the people of Omaha ,
and when 8600,000. $700,000 and $1,000-
000 was discussed as the amount ,
ho than and afterwards scouted it , and
said it was not what tiny proposed to
do , and would not take any suuh sum of
money. The only basis on which ho
could operate would DO to have Omaha
pay the difference In cost of the bridge
between building at Childs' Mill aud
this place and furnish depot grounds , Is
m y recollection.
The next day the matter took form ,
and Mr , Dillon was approached by mo
on the subject with a menage from Dr.
Durant , which I was authorized to de-
.ivor. By this tlmo the contention be
tween Bellevue , Council Bluffs and
Omaha over this question had disturbed
things very much. Dr. Durant was to
see Mr. Dillon that morning , and Mr.
Dillon seemed to bo surprised at the
suggestion , und said ho would see Dr.
Durant when ho came to the ollico.
And they mot. The matter was now
largely in the hands of Mr. Kountzo ,
Governor Saunders , Mr. Millurd , Dr.
Lowe and the other gentlemen of the
committee. The inside particulars of
what occurred need not bo related.
Consulting Engineer Seymour was en
gaged to deal with mathematics , nnd
ho was to reduce the alleged cost of
building at Omaha that Mr. Williams
haa produced in defense of the Childs'
mill site.
Dr. Durant took hold of the matter
with his accustomed energy , and in
order to stimulate his zeal , I remember
that $50,000 was offered to him on behalf -
half of Omaha and Douglan county , by
a gentleman , first to reduce the amount
that Omaha would have to pay to get the
bridge back and then to reward him
for his cordial effort to chatigo the loca
tion pf the bridge. This ho promptly
declined , saying that ho did not want a
dollar and would not take a dollar of
the people of Omaha and Douglas coun
ty. And I say with knowledge that it
was through the efforts of Dr. Durant
and Mr. Dillon that the sum total that
was to bo paid by the people of Omaha
was reduced to more than ono-hnlf the
figure that they stood ready and wore
anxious to pay if necessary. What the
amount wau the record shows. But it is
an essential part of this history , and ono
that has boon disregarded by gentlemen - '
men in Omaha who have differed with
mo about the history of this question ,
that from the bog'.nning no bonds were
contracted to bo given nor wore given
nt that time for building depots in
Omaha or shops , or any other improve
ment. All these questions and Inter
ests ivoro expressly excluded from the
contract made at the time with the
Union Pacific road. And the question
of terminus also was wholly excluded
by this ono question of the location of
the bridge , It was for the fixing of this
bridge that the bonds were voted and
issued , to bo paid in installments us the
bridge was completed and grounds pur
Then Omaha demanded other condi
tions to the contract , as my recollec
tion Is , und refused to deliver the bonds
until these conditions were complied
with. Ono of our lending county com
missioners and a commlttoo of gentle
men wont to Now York , after refusing
to deliver the bonds , to confer with the
company , and finally delivered the
bonus after obtaining u now agreement.
After a good deal of controversy and
u great deal of figuring pro and con ,
.taking a week'or so of time , a vote was
finally taken by the board on the ques
tion of relocating the bridge under the
bargains made with Omulm nnd it was
agreed by one vote , Sidney Dillon
casting that vote , that the briugo loca
tion should bo clumped to Omaha ,
I do not fool in the way of talking
much more about this question to-day
and I will close our Boanco by remark
ing that from the beginning to the end
ing of this controversy of the location
of the bridge at this point the difficulty
of reaching the Plutto valley ever the
Omaha hills was a standing menace to
the interests of this city. In no place
hud this controversy been tuora danger
ous than It was In the location of the
bridge and shortening the line to the
Plutto valley and lessening cost. The
trouble was as much upon the gradients
and the length of the line to the Plattc
valley from Omaha , In the bridge ques
tion , as It was upon the actual cost oi
the structure itself. Whether this ap
pears in the reports I have not had
Linio to examine , but this was the fact
in the discussions in New York ns
everybody knows who was inside of
what happened.
Our people seem to forget that the
Bluffs was a power in these days , that
Nebraska was but a territory with one
delegate in congress , and that the
Blulls was the state of Iowapractically ,
backed in all its efforts by senators and
representatives from that state in con
gress and by the unanimous voice of
the people of the state as against Ne
braska's interest. All of wiiich told
more effectively afterward upon the
later question of the legal terminus ,
which was another question that put us
in a great deal of peril and held Omaha
back for several years to an extent be
yond my power to estimate.
This is the history of the location of
the bridge as I observed it , nnd it is not
too much to say that J was a part of that
history , at a critical moment , and had
to do withevorything that was doneand
that I was in a position to puss as cor
rect a judgment us perhaps any other.
It has always scorned to me to be absurd
to sav that such men as Augustus
Kount'/.o , Enos Lowe , Alvln Suuiidor.i ,
Ezra Millurd and their associates were
deluded by any game in regard to
Child's Mill that did not mean any
thing , nnd it wus ubburd inifuel. That
location was fixed upon aa the yito with
as much faith us was manifested when
Train's crossing was selectedand every
ciindid man in the controversy know
that as well as I know it now" and us
well ns T know it thon. That's all.
A Mnzarln bible brought ? 10XK , ( ) at a recent
auction sale lu London.
Hov. Nicholas Halleis , the oldest Catholic
priest , in Now York city. Is dangerously 111.
He was born lu Austria iu 1803 , and ordaiucd
when twenty three years of age.
Princess Eugene of Sweden In paying the
expenses of n missionary house for the Lap
landers in the nortnern part of Sweden , over
two hundred miles north of the Arctic
The Itov. Joseph Jordan , who was or
dained in Philadelphia Sunday , Is the first
colored man to enter the ministry uf the
Congrogatlonallst church. Ho Is to engage
iu mission work iu the south.
The co in mil too having in charge the cen
tennial celebration of Nyanhlngton'H first in
auguration has sent id Clergymen through
out the United States 'a' ' package of printed
documents pertaining td the religious aspects
'of ' the subject. ' ' '
The managers of the building fund of the
temperance temple of-'thb ' Woman's Chris
tian Temperance union in Chicago have
issued 500,000 worth of ato'ck In order to fa
cilitate the collection'Of 01011300,000 neces
saryfor , the structure , ' } F
The article in the now constitution of
Japan guaranteeing freedom of religion Is as
follows ; "Japanese nubjocta shall , within
limits not prejudicial to/pcaco / and order , and
not antagonistic to their dutlca as subjects ,
enjoy freedom of religions bbllof. "
The largest congregation In the world ,
numbering 4.500 members , Js on the Island
of Hawaii. Over ninety thousand FeeJIans
gather regularly for * Christian worship.
Madagascar , with Its queen nnd 200,000 of
her subjects , is mngod on the side of the
cross. In the Friendly Islands there are
80,000 Christians , who contribute $15,000 a
year to religious objects.
The Uotnan Catholic church In Great Brit
ain is well organised. In England aud Wales
there IB ono archbishop ( Westminster ) , six
teen bishops with two suffragans , and ono
cardinal ( Newman ) ; there nr2,880 priests ,
serving 1,800 chapels , churches and stations ,
with a considerable number privately em
ployed. In Scotland there are two arch-
bUuops , four bishops , and 841 priests. Ire
land lias four archbishops , with twenty-
eight bishop * .
Pblladelpbla'0 Minstrels.
Philadelphia supports a permanent
company of minstrels , and is the only
city lu the country that does ,
A Combination Which Proposes to
Corner the Coffin Trade.
Tlio- Time Seems Fust Approaching
When the Poor Man Cnn't Afford
This Ijiixury False PrIUo
at Funerals.
A Mortuary Monopoly.
T OU BEIC folks are in.
( .crested In o very thing
tljnt runs in the line
of monopoly. Now toll
mo , what do you think
of thiH ? If that isn't
monopoly of the rank
est kind I don't know
what to call it. If things keep on in
this way much longer , even death itself
will become as exclusive as a trust , and
the rouiuindur of us poor mortals will
have to plod along hero on earth
whether wo want to or not.
The speaker was a prominent under
taker uiul funeral director. As ho spoke
ho laid before TIIK BKI : man n circular
addressed "to the trade. " The meat of
the thing is in the following excerpt :
AVhcrcuA , It has been the custom of some
funeral directors to buy u portion of their
supplies from non-memburs of the National
Uurial Cnso association , and ,
Whereas , The members and Jobbers' of
said association uro unwilling to coutiuuo to
carry u full , complete and expensive line ot
goods and only sell such as cannot DO ob
tained from non-members ,
Therefore , it lias been agreed by the mem
bers and Jobbers of the National Burial Case
association Unit they will conllno their sales
of undertakers' supplies to funeral direct
ors who buy their ensus and caskets exclu-
Hlvcly from siilil members nud Jobbers , u list
of whom wo herewith unclose.
Now do you perceive the combination V
Tloro is n , ( Inn that makes nn excellent
line of goodfi. Their men form a com
bination into which they are trying to
force the funeral directors of the west.
You see they propose to Boll no "sup
plies1 ! to those who do not buy their
caskets and cases exclusively of them.
Talk about a gag !
Now look at this :
The policy of the National Burial Case
association declared at its Junuiiry meeting ,
Is to discourage new undertakers la places
whora the public Is fully and properly served
nt reasonable prices , und to protect ana pro
mote the interests of those now engaged in
the business ns provided in the ugrcemont
made with the International Funeral Direc
tors association at its meeting at Baltimore.
ami which was approved by the National
] 3urial Case association at its last meeting.
"You see , whorovur it is possible ,
they propose toput up the bars to all
competition , by refusing to sell to now
undertakers when ono of their patrons
is doing business in the same town ,
Then again , they bar these who are al
ready in the business from buying any
thing outside of the combination , ' '
'How extensive is this combina
tion V"
"It covers nearly every state in the
union , und the whole business is con-
iincd to loss than u hundred firms. Talk
about a coal combination , That IB a
pigmy when compared to it. In thin
case you can quit burning coal if you
don't want to pay the price , but in this
case you have got to die , and you want
to bo burled respectfully , of course.
"Sayas , long as wo are on this line lot
mo give you another hint or two. As
you know , I have always discouraged
expensive funerals. Of course , I am
not alone in this effort. I believe many
of the best directors all over the coun
try arc with me.
"Lot mo tell you how it works : Some
member of A's family dies. Ho can af
ford to have an expensive funeral and
doob so. B has a death in his family.
Ho is poor and cannot afford to expend
much in an interment. But lie must do
as well as A did , and a fine lot is pur
chased , and n long line of carriages
with a magnificent equipage follows
the body Dto the grave. Why , sir ,
I could show you from my books
whore cases like this have occurred
months , years ago , and the expenses tire
not yet fully paid. The expenses of the
family uro curtailed and sacrifices are
made to gratify this unwarranted and
inexcusable prido. "
"What would you suggest as the
readiest romedv of the oyilV"
"You have called it rightly an evil
nnd it is a growing one , too. It is
growing worse every year. The rem
edy ? Oh , yes. Why , as the rich al
ways set the pace in all matters of fash
ion and this is fashion I would have
them make their funerals loss expen
sive. Why , I have had in some of my
bills from fifteen to twenty carriages ,
all that could bo got , for the use of the
bereaved family. A half a do/onj was
all that wore required to convoy the
relatives to the grave. As though a
rich casket and long funeral procession
made the dead any more comfortable ,
or the grief of the relatives any the
loss. Iloro is ono of the most sensible
tilings on that line I have ever soon.
Under the head of 'Funeral Folly' a
prominent journal saye :
No survival of puRnn superstition In man
more distinctly mnrlcs Uiu progress of the
human race than fashions in fnncrala. The
most doRrauoil savages in the Islands of the
South I'uctflc are ns ceremonious and us
absurd in their way of laying away the
empty caskets that once enclosed life as are
the self-llnttcrinK western Europeans who
assume that in their otlquot of death they
have attained the perfection of dignity and
decorum , No satirist has yet seized upon the
paradox of mortuary pomp. The hldniK of
their deaa in the leafy boughs of forest trees
to prevent nnlmals from routing the Done *
out of the earth scorns to certain tribes of
Italians as moral ns the Christian infatua
tion of hired mourners , osis done In England ,
or of hitching four or oven ulx horses to a
huge catntalquu on wheels und dragging the
corpse through public thoroughfares , as is
done with even common clay In France.
The war dunce around the sculped remains
of their defeated chiefs by reds on the plains
is not loss fantastic than the metropolitan
mode of turnlnga privategriof Into a florist's
festival for public delectation. The climax
of contradiction nnd absurdity is reached
when penniless widows and shivering clill-
are found at the head ot a procession of u
hundred hacks Imposingly following to his
little cell in a cemetery a poor devil whenever
never had a second suit of clothes to'hli buck
nor thrift enough to cover his family with a
roof.The rich may make fools of themselves if so
they will and it's nobodya business. Hut
the extravagance of burials among the poor
Is a pitiful as well ns u grotesque rite whliili
Christianity ( should long since nave boon at
pains to end. In u few cities of the United
States the bishops have contributed nintorl-
ally to n mitigation of the evil by forbidding
the attendance at u funeral of more than
live carriages. In Chicago the evil has pro
ceeded until Its limits are ut last Intolerable ,
A young and practical ecclesiastic , the Hex ,
Maurice J , Uornoy. who has adorned the
southwestern part of the city with a beauti
ful church ami is a power for good sense and
good tnste among his people , has undertaken
to put a stop to funeral frenzy within his own
Jurisdiction. Ho has organized a burial so
ciety , each of whoso members subscribes a
small sum monthly for the puniosa of having
bis funeral expenses paid without taxation
upon the little he may leave his family. The
members nro bound to accept the style of
ceremonial ugioed upon , which u not to bo
varied by nuy post-mortem exaggeration of
their virtue * or mftgnltuda of the loss the
community euffen In their passing out of it.
Father Dorney la a wlsa and tiuuiano man.
" 1 really wish , wo could arouse a little
houlthy sentiment lu this city in this
matter. Say why don't THE Bnu take
tiio initiative in this matter as it usually
does in all matters of reform. "
litisBKEmau did not know why it
should not do so , and it has.
A daughter of Mmo. Judio was rccentlj
Dumas' "L1 Affaire Clemoneoau1' is a great
success in Uorlin.
AJa"s old's production of "Richard Ilf. "
cost $30.000 , the armor alone being accounta
ble lor $10,000.
Selena Fetter has the starring fever again.
She now talks of appearing in a version of
Hawthorne's "Scarlet Letter. "
"The Old Musician" is a new piece given
by the yokes company. It is an adaptation
from the French Dy Mr. Felix Morris.
Grossmlth , the English comedy actor , is to
write a book on his travels , nnd something
after the Mark Twain style is promisG .
Mr. C. W. Couldock has been raged by
Manager MoVIckcr , of Chicago , For "Tho
Tempest,1' nnd Miss Ida Muflo will bo the
"Mr. Uarnos of Now York" has been pro
duced at the Grand theater , Amsterdam.
1 ho Dutch opinion of U has not been re
Agnes Iluntlngton , the American girl , who
Iiai boon making n success in London ns Paul
Jones , has boon made an honorary captain
in the United States navy.
A Russian Joint stock company is building
an immense boat theatre to float up nnd
down the Volga river. Performances nro to
bo given at every largo town.
M. Cotiuolm saya that ho will play in Paris
next winter and in South America the fol
lowing summer. Ho expects to bo acting ia
Now York again In tho'wintor of 1890-1.
"Nowadays , " Wilson Uarrott's now ploy ,
deals entirely with race trnok matters , the
hero being accused of stealing Thunder
bolt , the favorite horse nt long odds for tha
Hcnrlk Ibsen is at present all the rage in
Germany , and his plays nro everywhere ex
citing the liveliest interest. M. Antoine an
nounces ono of them for production1 nt bis
Theater LlDro in Paris
H , M. Con way , n young English actor of
promliimice und reported high ability , has
iicen engaged by Daniel Frohman to support
Mrs. James G. Ulalno Jr. , when that young
woman Is presented as n star.
The ( lalcty ISurlesquo company , headed by
Violet C.imorun and Florence St. John , will
produce next season n now burlesque ,
"Faust Up to Date , " which Is now ploying
at the Gaiety theater , London.
It Is now announced that Miss Lydla
Thompson and her burlesque troupe will re
main permanently In this country , and that
next season the originator of this species of
entertainment hero will manage her own
company of blondes.
Jane Hading has reached'Paris after her
tour with Ciiuclin | In this country nnd begins -
gins to tallc. Him says that she wont to
America with him as a friend , but after her
success in "I.'Avonturlcro1' In Hlo Janeiro
ho became "ferociously Jealous , " and after
that was anything but friendly.
The regular Reason at the Madison Bquaro
theatre , Now York , will close May 4. On
the following Monday , May 0 , Miss Minnie
Mndduru will present "Fcnthorbrnln , " nn
English adaptation of "Tote do Llnotto. "
which bad a very successful career at , the
Criterion theatre , London ,
Mr. Hccrbohm Tree , of London , has In
contemplation tinathorShakosporlan revival ,
"A Midsummer Night's Dream , " of which '
there will bo a series of afternoon perform
ance * . Mr. Lionel Drough U cast for tha
character of Dottotn. At evening will bo
produced for the evening bill Mr. Henry A.
Jono'a now drama , "Mat IJuddocke , " ia
which Mr. nnd Mrs. Tree. Miss Norroys.Mr.
Conway , Mr. ISroolctleld and Mr. Wecdou.
Groasmlth will appear ,
Sara Uernhnrdt's long tour Is approaching
its termination. She recently arrived at
Trieste from Turin , whore uuo aid extremely
well , as In most of the towns la the north of
Italy , though hoc experiences hi the south
\vero not altogether BO iiatlsfaotory. The
expenses of the troupe are very heavy , averaging -
aging more than $1MU a day. The manage
ment Is said to have realized a clear protit of
$10,000 by the live ropruiealatioaa wticli tut
cave la Turin aloao.