Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1889, PartI, Image 1

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    V ' " : U1
Details of the Recent Disaster In
the South Paolflc.
Torrlblo Experience of the Seamen
in the Harbor at Apia.
Days and Nlghta Fraught with Un
speakable Horrors.
A Wonderful Heroism Displayed By
the Nntivos In the Work of
Rescuing the Shipwrecked
- Bailer * ,
The Samonn Stormfl.
W , l&O , I'll ! IV teni Associated Pretf.l
APIA , Samoa , ( per steamer Alamcda , San
Francisco , April 13. The llttlo group of
Samoan , or Navigator islands , which a few
months ago attracted the attention of the
civilized world by fierce civil combats be
tween two factions of natives , and the consequent
quent possibility of serious complication be
tween the two great powers of the United
States nnd Germany , have been visited by a
dlastcr more appalling than all the wars over
waged hero. The United States and Ger
many have lost nearly IfiO lives and nearly
83,000,000 worth of property. The most violent
lent and destructive hurricane over known
in the South Pacific passed over
the Islam ? ' on the IGth nnd 17th of
March , nnd as a result a fleet of six war
nhips and ten other vessels were ground to
atoms on coral reefs in tht > harbor or thrown
on the beach In front of Apia.
The United States frigate Trenton , the
flagship of the Parlflr- squadron , lies within a
stono's throw of the American consulate , a
total wreck. T'\o \ great hull of the magnifi
cent vessel which steamed into the harbor a
few weeks ago re-its on the bottom , fast
going to pieces. Tno United States steamer
Vandalia is buried out of sight between the
Trenton nnd the shore. Her shattered fore
mast und smoke stack rises from the water
to mark the spot where the gallant vessel
struck nnd lay far twelve hours be
fore the awful torrent of water swept four
ofllcors and thirty-nine men from the deck
and rigging. The United States steamer
Nlpslolay for several days alongside the
Vandalia , with her bow high on the bench
uid within five feet of the water's edge.
This vessel , though badly damaged , was
hauled oft n few days after the storm and is
the only war ship afloat in the harbor.
The force of the storm was never equaled
In this part of the world beforo. The-barom-
ctcr hud been falling steadily for several
days previous , und the wind commenced to
blow on Friday , March 15 , and con
tinued until Sunday irtorning. The
rain fell In torrents during the
whole time , and great clouds of sand swept
over the town. Hundreds of people stood on
the beach and watched the awful spectacle
in the harbor. The vessels all had n full
head of steam nnd three or four anchors out.
The yards nnd top masts were down and
oVcry precaution tn'tcn ' to insure the safety
of the 8hipsv but the wind constantly shifted
from northeast to northwest , and its force
was so great that the vessels dragged their
anchors all over the harbor , drifting from
ono skin to another and coming into collision
several times. Tremendous seas broke over
the decks and torrents of water rushed down
the hatchwav.s and put out the fires. The na
tives acted nobly , wading far out in the surf
win ro n will to man could not live , and many
n life was saved through their efforts. Out
of seventeen vessels which had been moored
in iho harbor , only two small schooncis re
mained afloat , and these were badly darn-
The men-of-war anchored in the harbor
were naturally very close together. Those
nearest the shore were the Kber and NIpslc.
The Ebor was directly in front of the Am-
crican consulate , about a quarter of a mile
from the shore , and the Nipslo was about 'JCO
yards cast ot the Kber. The Adier was Just
all a ail ot the Nipple , and the Olga
aiiil Calliope wore ahead of the Ebcr.
The Vundulln wus beyond the Calliope
n mile oil shore. The Trenton was the last
of the war ships to arrive here , nnd being
Eiucti larger than any other man-of-war In
the bay , there was no room for her near tbo
alioro , sn she was obliged to drop anchor be
yond the Vandnlia , Just within the outer
coral reef. The sailing craft were in shallow
water west ot the men-of-war. The Trenton
and Vnndalia had the most dnilgcrous berths
In thu harbor , while the position of the NIp
slc wai considered the safest.
When the daylight of Saturday came it
was Been that the position of thu vessels
bad entirely changed. The furious wind had
swept them from their former moorings , nnd
they were all bearing down in the direction
of the reef. Black smoke was pouring from
their funnels , showing that desperate efforts
wer being made to keep them up against
iho wind. Several small sailing vessels had
gone ashoio in the western part of
the l > ay. The Ebor , Adler nnd Nipslo
were very close together and only a few
yards oft the reef. The llUlo gunboat Ebcr
was making a desperate struggle for life ,
Vut every moment was being drawn nearer
nnd nearer the rcof. Suddenly her prow
Btrtirk the NIpslc , and the shock carried
nwuy several feet of the Nlpslo's rail nnd one
boat. The Ebcr then fell back nnd tiled-with
the Olgu , which checked her progress , nnd
then Hwunc around broadside to thu wind
nnd drifted slowly toward the reef.
In a moment more the Ebor was lifted on
the crest of n great wave and carried broad
side orx'tho reef , She came down with awful
force , and In an instant there was
not n vi'gtlgo of her to bo seen.
At llrst It seeinod as If cvury man on the
Ill-fated stcauier had gone to his death , but
presently u man was seen clinging to the
piling umlcr-a small walk , who proved to bo
1 Lieutenant tiat-dukc , of the Kbor , and was
the only ofllccr .of that vessel saved. Four
of the live sailors were rescued by the na <
tives and all taken to the American con-
, ulutc. Five ofllcen and sixty-six men were
I lost. The Adler was now coe to the reef , about
t ro humlied yards west " of where the
Ebor struck , and In half an
hour she WAS lifted on the top
of the reef and turned com | > tctury over , but
o far up that nearly the entire hull was out
of water and the decks facing tie shore , t > c
that the men were comparatively protected ,
They uud but a few yaras to swim and the
grca\fi Lumber were rescued. UI tbo 1K !
1 >
officers nnd men aboard , twenty were
drowned nnd killed when the Adltr struck.
Many of the officers nnd men were seriously
njurcd. .
The Nipslo was standing oft the roof with
icrliond to the wind , but thrco anchors
ivhlch she had out were not holding nnd she
; vas boating back towards tbo point where
ho Eber went down. The llttlo schooner
Lily got In her track and
was cut down. Of the thrco men aboard ,
Dnly Captain Douglass was saved. The
N'lpslc then got well away from the rcof and
the men were preparing to hoist the heavy
right-Inch rlflo on the forward deck over
board to assist her anchors , when the Olga
again came down upon her and struck her
imldshlps. The NIpslc wasunablo to keep up
loam , and as It was useless to try to keep this
learner from the root Captain Mullan gave
, ho order to beach her. When she struck
, ho sandy beach orders were given to lower
, ho boats. Five sailors Jumped into one , but
ho falls did not work properly : ono end
dropped. The men wore thrown Into the
ivator nnd drowned , Another boat contain-
ng Dorr and half a dozen sick men was
lowered in safety , but capsized before It
cached the shore. The natives who were
land In the surf seized the floating
men and passed them to the beach. Several
) ther men on the Nlpalo ran to the rail and
jumped overboard , among them Lieutenant
Davenport. All but two sailors reached the
ihoro in safety. By a desperate effort n line
, vas got to the bow ot the steamer and a
double hawser passed ashore. Mataafa's
men gathered In great numbers In the surf
and along the hawsers to assist the men
[ ishoro.
Captain Mullan and several officers stood
by the rail nnd directed the movements of
, ho men. The sick nnd Injured were sent oft
first , nnd after that the men came down the
ropes quickly. The waves wore rolling so
high that when the men had como ten feet
down the hawsers they would often bo en-
irely submerged , nnd nothing but the noble
sfforts of the natives urovontod them from
being washed oft and carried away by the
Captain Mullan was the last man to leave
the Nipsic.
About 10 o'clocit in the morning the Van-
dalla and Calllopo were seen to bo In u most
dangerous position , bearing backagainst the
rcof rapidly. The Calllopo was nearest the
ihoro and her bow was close to the stern of
the Vandalln. Suddenly the great Iron prow
of the English vessel came with full force
upon the port qu artcr of the Vandalia. A
hole was torn below the rail
and the water rushed Into the cabin.
Just alter this collision Captain Cane ,
of the Calliope , determined tolmako nn effort
to steam out of the harbor , and ho accord
ingly gave the order to let go all anchors.
The Calliope's head was swung around to
the wind , and her powerful engines * worked
to the utmost capacity. She seemed to stand
still for a moment and then made headway
Inch by inch , but gradually increased her
speed until it became evident that she could
clour the "harbor. As she passed abreast
of the Trenton n great shout
went up from the 400 men on
the flagship , nnd three hearty cheers were
given for the Calllopo , which were returned
with n will. The English vessel passed
safely out of the harbor and steamed far out
to sea , returning after the stoftn abated.
She sustained llttlo Injury outside of the
loss of her boats.
"When the excitement on the Vnndalia
which followed her collision with the Cal
llopo had subsided n little it was found
necessary to net quickly to save the ship.
Lieutenant Carlln , the executive oftlccr , was
practically in charge ot the vessel , as Captain
Schnonmaker had been thrown across the
cabin the night before and injured , his head
being cut and ono car almost torn away.
Notwithstanding his injuries , ho faced the
storm and stood by hfs first ofllcor until
finally swept off to his death , but was In
such n weakened condition that ho was able
to do but little toward directing the move
ments ot the ship. The highest praise is
given Lieutenant Carlln , who had been on
duty since the morning before and had not
tasted food In all the time. Though weak ,
ho kept his position by the side of Captain
Schoonmakcr and Lieutenant Wilson , the
navigating ofllcor , and encouraged every ono
around him.
The Vandalia was now fast bearing down
toward the point where the Nipsio lay.
Captain Schorimnkrr and Lieutenant Carline -
line determined to beach the vessel ; two of
her anchor chains were slipped and a full
head of steam put on. She came on until
her bows struck on the soft sand about forty
yards from the stern of the Nipsic. In half
an hour the vessel was filling will ! water
and settling down. By noon the whole gun
deck was under water. It was impossible to
get a line across to the steamer , as
there was no firing apparatus on shore.
Lieutenant Shearman nnd Ensigns Purcell
and Jones attached a small cord to the haw
ser and thrco natives ventured out in the
surf In an attempt to reach the Vandalln.
They entered tno water a quarter of a mile
above thu spot where the steamer lay , waded
out as far as they could , and then struck
out Into the curient with a cord tied' to their
bodies. Export swimmers as they were
they were unable to overcome the force of
thocurient , which rushed down liken cata
ract between the Vandalia ana the nhoro ,
and the men were thrown upon the beach
without being nblo to get within forty yards
ot the Vnndalia. Their chief urged them to
try again , and several other attempts were ,
mode , but with thu fama result.
The first man to como to shore was Chlol
Engineer Green ; the next was Naval Cadet
Wlloy , who was caught by the bravo natives
just ns ho was sinking nnd was carried to
the American consulate. Insensible. It was
not long after Green tjnd Wiley were washed
over that four efllcers were swept from tbo
deck. Captain Schoomakcr was clinging to
the ral { on the poop deck , Lieutenant Carlin
doing his vtmost to support him , as the cup-
tain was becoming weaker every minute.
No ono knew It bettor than himself , and ho
remarked to those- about him that ho would
have logo soon , At last a great wave struck
the VanCalla on the port quarter und sub
merge to deck. Captain Schoonmaker hcM
on to the rail with all his remaining strength ,
but the torrent of water was so strong that n
machine gun near by was washed from Its
fasionlugH and sent whirling across the dock ,
Captain Schoonmakcr was struck on the
head by thu gun nnd either killed out ) Ifrht or
knocked Mtnscloss , as ho was swept oft the
deck nnd was seen no uioro. Paymaster
Armos und Pay Clerk Uocho were swept oft
together aud soon sank. Marine Lieutenant
Button died In much the same way.
During the rotn ilnder of the after
noon there followed a succession of
awful scenes of death and suffering.
The VcndalU continued to settle , am ]
the few men who had not already
taken to the rigging stood pa the poop decker
or forecastle , us the vyscol was aluost en
tirely under water amidships. The brave
Sntnoans , urged on by their chief , doubled
thulr effort * to rescue the drowning menanil
08 a consequent two natives who got out
tvo far were crrioJ uwy ( porUUlug witbla
sight of all with the men whom they were
trying to save.
By this time the only part of the Vandalln ,
vh'ch stood out of water , was the after
mrt of the poop deck and forward part of
ho forccasto. Lleulcntmt Culver , Dr.
ilarvoy , Dr. Cordoro and Engineer Webster
wore In the forotop. In the main top were
" lieutenants Wilson and Heath and Ensign *
Gibbons nnd Hlplcy. Lieutenant Carlln ,
who was the last man to lenvo the deck ,
climbed Into the rnlzzon top , where ho sank
down exhausted.
The sinking of the Vandalia had distracted
attention from the other two men-of-war ,
which still remained afloat. About 4 o'clock
n the afternoon the Trenton nnd Olga were
scon to bo dragging back. The Olgn was al
most upon the rcof where the Eoer had
struck. The Trenton "was coming down
ipon her nnd n collision seemed Inevitable.
The condition of the American flagship \vas
very bad. At 10 o'clock In the morning
icr rudder nnd propeller had been car
ried away by fouling with the wreckage ,
from which hour until 0 o'clock In the oven-
npr , when she foundered , she held out In the
storm without steam or rudder , and the skill
of her navigating ofllccr , Lieutenant Brown ,
ivas nil that saved the lives of every man on
board. Ho ordered every man into the port
rigging , so that the compact mass of
humanity could bo used as sails and at the
same time keep the weight ot the vessel on
.ho side next to the storm. The wind struck
against the men in the rigging nnd forced
, ho vessel out into bay again. She remained
there only for a short time , however , nnd
soon commenced to drift against the Olga ,
which wus still standing oft from the
rcof and holding up against the storm
bettor than any vessel in the harbor had
done. Suddenly th'o stars and stripes were
seen floating from the gait of the Trenton.
Previous to this 113 vessel in the harbor had
raised n flag , as the storm was raging so
furiously at sunrise that that ceremony was
The stern of the Trenton was ncarlng the
Olga's bow , but Captain Von Erhard.
believing that sure destruction waste
to bo upon him , lot go
tils anchors nnd attempted to
steam away. Ho was too late , however ,
for Just as the Olga commenced to move
against the wind her bow came In contact
with the starboard quarter of the flagship1
The Olga's bowsprit and figurehead were
carried away and the heavy timber on the
Trenton's quarter were shivered ; several
boats were torn from their davits , and the
American Hag which had floated from the
Trenton was carried away and fell to the
deck of the Olga.
The vessels drifted apart and the Olga
steamed ahead towards the mud flats In the
eastern part of the harbor. Captain Von
Erhard had determined to run her aground.
The engines were worked to their fullest
capacity and it was only a moment before
the Olga's prow struck and the steamer lay
embedded in the soft mud in the safest part
of the bay. No life was lost ,
The Trenton was not able to got out Into
the bay again after her collision with the
Olga. It was now aftorS o'clock and the light
was beginning to fade away. In half an
hour the Trenton had drifted to within a
few yards of the Vundalia's bow , and the
men who were In the rigging of the latter
vessel trembled with fear as they saw the
Vandalia approach. Presently the last faint
ray of daylight faded away and night came
down upon the awful scene.
Suddenly a shout was berne across the
waters. The Trenton was cheering the Van
dalia. Tno sound of 450 voices broke
upon the air nnd was heard above
the tempest. "Three cheers for
the Vandnlia , " was the cry that warmed the
hearts of the dying men in the rigging. The
shout died away upon the storm and there
arose from the quivering masses of the
sunken ship a response so feeble that it was
scarcely heard upon the shore , and then the
Trenton's band struck up "Tho Star
Spangled Banner. " ,
The collision of the Trenton and Vandalia ,
proved to bo the salvation of the men in the
rigging. As soon as the vessels touched the
men In the mizznn rigging crawled out of the
yards and Jumped to the deck of the Tren
ton. The men escaped Just in time , for as
the last loft the yards the mlzzen mast of
the Vandalia fell with a crash on
the side next to the shoro. The
men in the main mast next escaped
in the name way. The main mast
of the Vandalia fell soon after , and it was
believed that several men were killed in the
At midnight the Trenton was forced
against the rcof , but her draught was so
great that after she had settled entirely on
the bottom she was still about her usual
height out of water , Captain Farquhar , in
his official report to Admiral Kimberly , a
tow days after the storm , paid a high tribute
to Lieutenant Brown's skill. Lieutenant
Shearman , Ensign Purcell and several per
sons patrolled the beach until early morning
in the hope of rescuing any poor fellow who
might bo seen struggling In the waves. By
5 o'clock iho wind had abated , though the
sea was very rough. However , tljp natives
volunteered to man a boat to go out to tbo
Tientou. Kumanu , chief of the Apia district ,
took churgo of the crow. It was still very
dark and the trip a most perilous ono , but'tho
natives put the boat through in safety , and
reached thu Tronton. They were
given u havirsor , which they took back
to shore and made fast. All hands
weio ordered to remain on the ship ,
us the storm having subsided , there was no
Immediate danger. As soon as It became
light two mnro hawsers were stretched from
the 1 renton to the shore to guard against
danger In the event of the storm coming up
again. Two boats manned by natives In
Charge of X.umanu commenced the work of
removing the Vnndalla's men from the
Trenton , A few had arms and legs broken
and nearly all were badly out and bruised.
There were very few , especially among the
ofliccrs , who could walk without assistance.
By noon there were nearly 800 American
sailors on the streets of Apia.
The copra warehouse was obtained as
quarters for the shipwrecked sailors , and a
largo number were sent there , The Nipsio
wus found to be In n fair condition nnd her
olllcors nnd men \vcnS Jiuartcrcd on board.
Contract ? were made with various parties
for feeding the sailors , but it was a difficult
mutter to provide them with much food dur
ing the first day. A temporary hospital was
provided for n largo number of the men in
jured and suffering from exhaustion. Dr.
White , of the Trenton , took charge and
other surgeons assisted him. Dr.
Harvey , of the Vandalia , though
greatly ochnusttdlwont to work In the has-
pltul but soon broke down and was prostrated
from nervous exhaustion for several days.
Dr. Cordolro , of the Vandalia , though suffer
ing from a dislocated knco capwas , ut his re.
quest , carried Into the lioipital in u chair and
has since faithfully attended to the sufferers.
The men were controlled with great ditti *
culty , many being place ; ! under arrest. Cap
tain Frltzo , the senior German ofllcer , was
r < * oiiniic ( ( < ( MI Secund l'aue.\ \
Mlsa Anderson Batya She Never
Lost Her Mind.
A nd Denounces the Story as an
Absurd Fiction.
Ho and His Family Will Visit Her
In England.
Slio Has No Definite Plans For the
Future Tells About Importu
nate Reporters and IVonil-
ore at Tliolr Chock.
Mary Will Como Buck Again.
fCopi/rfo'it 1SS3 bv Janus ( Jordan nenrutt. ]
LONDOW , April 12. [ Now York Ilornld
able Special to Tins BED. ! Miss Mary
Anderson Is In London. The trala had
hnrdly como to a alandstlU In St. Patcross
station yesterday evening , when Miss An
derson sprang from the couch and rushed
nto the arms of Dnronness Von Hugo ) , who
was awaiting her arrival ut the station. She
were n traveling suit of dark blue , trimmed
simply with narrow black braid , a Jacket of
the same hue , trimmed with fur and a dark
purple hat of small dimensions , which was also
set oft with fur. More noticeable far than
tier attire , however , were the roses , which
nor many friends and admirers will bo glad
to learn were In her cheeks. As soon as the
greetings were over Mss | Anderson's party ,
excepting her brother , who remained to look
after the luggage , entered a four-whcolod
cab and drove to MacICollan's hotel , No. 17
Dover street , Plckadilly. Baroness Von
Hugcl accompanied them , The representa
tive of the Herald , having sent in
his card was received very cordially
and accorded an interview. "Tho Herald
welcomes you to London1 ' said I , as soon as
the formality of grouting had been gene
through , "and will bo glnfl to announces to
your friends your safq arrival , and to give
them any information concerning your voyage -
ago and plans for the fu ijro which you maybe
bo willing to impart."r (
"That is very kind of tUq Herald , " replied
Miss Anderson , smiling And resuming her
scat. "I shall certainly bo glad to have my
friends know that I am hero , and especially
that I am well , but I do not know that I can
say much that will interest any one. I am a
poor subject for an interview I am afraid. In
fact I thought I had escaped all newspaper
men , but here you arc ' > thq very first thing.
I have to laugh when" Jjtnlnk of it. Really
you must excuse me. " } i'-o3 k < tt tb1 Miss
Anderson aid laugh.a rirJlKilg , good natured
laugh , which indicated ' that if she did not
enjoy the situatipti she' was not annoyed
by It.
"You are looking very well , indeed , not
much as though you were ill , " ventured I.
t , "Oh , I am feeling splendidly , the sea voy
age has done me a world of good. I liopo to
bo soon ns well as I have ever been. "
Miss Anderson put her hand to her chcok
as she said this , and as if conscious that it
was Hushed added , "I am a little excited
now. I think it is owing to my petting back
hero after my long Journey , but I am sure I
shall feel very well to-morrow and that I
shall improve all along. "
"You had a pleasant voyage ! "
"Yes , very. I had hardly been two days
out of Now York when I began to bo over so
much bettor. It takes ino about two days
usually after starting on a voyage before I
cet to bo a very good sailor. On the whole
I enjoyed the voyage very much. "
"Are you subject to sea sickness ? "
"Oh nothing to spealc of , " Miss Adnorson
answered laughingly. "For a day or two I
did not feel quite natural , usually my appe
tite suffers a little , and eating docs not in
terest mo quito so much as it does on shore ,
but It is nothing serious. I am a fairly good
sailor I think. "
"Aro you willing to- speak of your illness } "
"Yes , and In fact I am glad of an oppor
tunity to contradict , sorno statements that
have been published about mo. It has been
said that 1 am out of my mind. That is ab
solutely untruo. I have not been out of my
mind for u moment. I-was 111 through ner
vous prostration , caused by overwork and
study. I began to feel ill at Philadelphia.
Before I wont farther west my work was too
severe for my strength , but I struggled
against It , giving up finally. My physician ,
Dr. Weir Mitchell , told mo I must stop and
go to England , und I obeyed , but I have
never boon put of my mind any more than I
am out of It now. It was simply nervous
prostration , but I ain very much better
already , ns I have said. Then the statement
was published that I hud quarreled with Mr.
Abbey. That Is absolutely untrue also ,
Tnero has not been the shadow of
a disagreement between us , on the
contrary , ho has boon yory kind and con
siderate to me. HQ cfimo to mo and and told
mo that ho did not want ino to act if I was
feeling 111. Ho offered to release mo from
completing my engagement , which was very
kind of him , for ho sacr'Hlcod a very largo
sum of money by dolng. ( Hu had to pay all
the salaries , you seov , lu addition to losing
the receipts. I thlnkto'lsa wonderful man ,
and so far from quarrollfhir with him , I am
very grateful to hlinV" JTho lust remark was
addressed to the Buroa'qsa von Hugel , who
was present. Continuing- , ' Miss Anderson
said : "And then it lias 1 > eeh said that It'was
hostile criticism to in some western
papers which caused'mj Illness. It is sufficient -
ficient in reply to that ip say that I did not
rend those articles at nl | , and I did not learn
of them until bngnfte'f Twos taken ill. It
has been published , too'tliatl ' had quarrelled
with my family. Tliiit 'rtlso ' Is wholly with
out any foundation. There has been no
quarrel or dlsagrcc'nvbnt at all. My
mother , step-father and their children
are coming over here next month.
They will arrive on the Gth , I
think It Is , and tjiey will bo with inn
during the summer , vb'ut Ida not know that
'I should notice these false reports. All I
euro about them Is that I do not wish any
bf my friends to place anybelior in them. I
want to say In this connection that the
Herald has treated mo wfth great courtesy
and that I appreciate it and1 am glad to ex
press my gratitude. "
"What are your plans for the future } "
"i can hardly pay that JThovo any , I have
not formed thogTyct. I have an engagement
for next season/In America with Abbey , of
course , but I cannot tell i' ° l whether I snail
be able to flll it. I hope to bo able to , and
expect to. I shall If I can. "
' . * morning paper baa stated that you are
en route to Paris and the Riviera , where you
will spend the summer months. "
"That Is not correct. I expect to remain
right hero In London. My plans are not
formed definitely , as I liavo said , but I ex
pect to spend my time here for the moat part
at least. To-morrow I leave the hotel and
go to the house of n friend. " One or two
questions elicited the fact that the frlond re
ferred to by Miss Anderson is Baroness Von
Hugol , whoso residence Is No. 4 Hnlford
Road , Hampstcad. Speaking of being In
terviewed , Miss Anderson laughingly said :
"In America , I think , Interviewing Is carried
to excess. It Is ovordono. I do not object
to being Interviewed within bonds and I
think no one should. The public Is doubtless
Interested In learning * .bout those who are , In
a certain sense , public characters , and much
Interesting Information which otherwise
wo should not got at all Is furnished In Inter
views. I am very often greatly entertained
by Interviews which I sco in the papers , but
I do not think the Interviewer should pry
Into one's private affairs as they often do.
It Is , I think , going too for when the papers
publish how many eggs ono oats , whether
ono takes a chop or a steak , or what ono maybe
bo overheard saying In private conversation.
I have often been annoyed by reporters In
America. They would sometimes make most
desperate efforts to got an Interview , throw
their cards over the transom and all that-
Reporters of llttlo papers ono has never
iieard of are usually the most annoying , as
far as I have observed.
Boston , Colo. , in the Possession of n
Gang of Outlaws.
Los Ajmus , Colo. , April in. [ Special
Telegram to TUB Ucn.l News reached hero
this evening by the driver of the Ferguson
stage line that.Boston , n now town of 500 in
habitants 100 miles south of here , and olghty-
flvo miles from any railroad or telegraph
line , had been taken possession of by n gang
of outlaws headed by Billy Thompson , an
old pal of "Hilly the Kid , " who Is now serv
ing a term In the penitentiary. A special
messenger who arrived hero later from
Springfield , a small town thirty miles this
side of Boston , brings the following message
to the sheriff :
"W. B. Chockby , the cashier of the Citi
zen's bank , of Boston , has just ridden Into
Springfield with the Information that out
laws from the neutral strip have taken pos
session of the stores and postofllco , and dam
aged their contents. The people have fled to
the surrounding country and towns. Mr.
Chockby Is asking thn aid of the citizens to
free the town of the gang. They
have threatened the lives of prominent
citizens and fired the town in several places.
Anxiety is felt at Springfield and the town
Is guarded. Aid has been asked from Trini
dad , but owing to the distance it is not lixely
to arrive in time to save life and property. "
Another message to Mr. Ferguson is as
follows :
BOSTOX , April 11. Wo have boon at the
mercy of the outlaws for three davs and
nights. It is impossible to transact-busincss
expecting the town to b6 burned every night.
Billy Thompson , who Jieads tftiu gang.has
a record of killing amah'about a year ago.
Ho is an ox-deputy sheriff and ox-marshal of
Boston , and a close friend of "Billy the
Kid. " Six weeks ago the same gang took
possession of the postofllco of Collins , in the
neutral strip , and it has not been run since.
Registered mail for Boston will bo held hole
till the trouble abates. The object for which
the gang visited the town was to capture Dr.
Drown and Clint-Its Daniels , editor of the
local paper , against whom Thompson has a
grudge and threatens to kill both of thorn on
sight. Both Brown and Daniels were out of
town , and when then outlaws learned this ,
they proceeded to sack It. The latest information
mation is that Thompson and his comrades
loft the town to-night , but promised to re
turn soon and complete the errand on which
they came this time.
B. & O. Employes Take n Stand
Against the Insurance Scheme.
CHICAGO , April 18. Several hundred em
ployes on the Baltimore & Ohio railroad , In
cluding engineers , firemen , shopmen , switch
men , brakemen , conductors and section
hands on the Chicago division , were called
into the ' ofllco and
company's to-day asked
by the officials to sign papers giving the
company the right to reserve a certain per
cent of their wages to defray the costs of in
suring employes against loss by sickness , ac
cident , etc. , while in the service. There has
been much dissatisfaction with the workings
of the scheme for seine time past , the men
claiming that they received practically no
benefit and that the arrangement was a very
one-sided affair , resulting chiefly in a sub
stantial addition to the company's exchequer ,
This feeling manifested Itself to-day in the
unanimous refusal by the men to sign the
company's papers. All those refusing to
sign were given to understand that unless
the papers were signed by Monday they
would bo discharged. A mass meeting of
men was held to-night at South Chicago to
protest against the company's action.
A Dcsporato Character Killed.
TOI-KICA , Kan. , April 13. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BKB. ] A desperate encounter
took place this morning near Burlington , re
sulting In the death of a ilesueruto character
well known In this state. Ellas Rich and
Stanton Rich , father and son , ivho were
charged with stealing hogs , escaped from
the deputy sheriff last night. They were
followed by Dotcctivo John Chess and two
assistants , who discovered them this morn
ing hidden In a hay stack twelve miles south
of this city. They rcsistoj. A desperate
fight ensued and the old man was captured ,
but the son , SUnton , attempted to bialn
Chess with a club. That officer filled him
buckshot , killing him.
* - i.
Caught In the Act.
DENISON , la. , April 13. fSpocIal Telegram
toTnu BEE.J About a year and a half ago
a young man wus working for the Jagger
house , of this place. Homo misunderstand
ing arose about his wages and ho quit , b'or
the past six or seven months Mr. Jaggcr has
found himself short of cash in the drawer all
the way from $2 to frf , and could not account
for It , as it was locked aud always looked as
though It had not been touched. Through
the "bus" driver ho learned that his former
clerK was In the office nearly every morning
when ho returned from the early morning
train. Recently the plan was adopted of
marking all the silver loft In the druwur , and
It soon told the tale. The former clerk was
the thief. Yesterday morning a trap was
act and hu was caught In thn act of taking
money from the drawer. Ho is now in jail
awaiting a cession of the grand jury. The
young man has a wife and two children ,
A Land hlldo.
CiiAMjiiviu.AiN , Dak. , Apill 1 ! ) . [ Special
Telegram t/ > TUB UEB.J Considerable ex-
cltcinent was caused hero to-day by a land
slide near the city , About QUO und one-half
acres of luud dropped nearly live feet.
As Soon ne She l Able Site Will Go
to Enulnml ,
Ci.rVRi.ANi > , O. , April 18. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEE. ] Lizzie Blceljjcr arrived
In Cleveland this morning at 8:3J : o'clock
over the Lake Shore road. She was unat
tended , and started at once to walk to the
homo of her parents on Carter street. Her
arrival was unannounced and unexpected ,
but was very far from unwelcome.
The mother and little brothers and sisters
welcomed , the wanderer to the humble
parental roof with n love and cordially that
redeemed poverty of half of its forbidding
features. The traveler was weary , and
soon retired to the front room nnd remained
In seclusion most of the dny. A reporter
traversed the now well-beaten path that
loads to the Blccblcr residence Into In the
afternoon. Ho noticed before knocking nt.
the door that the window of tno fi out room
was heavily curtained. A rap nt the door
caused It to bo opened Just far enough to
show a bright black eye and part of n fair
yet pallid fiiuo. In response to this silent
but expressive bit of Interrogation the vis
itor asked :
"Is Mrs. King in I"
"Yes , " replied a gentle voice , so totally
foreign of itssurroundtncs that Its ownership
could not bo questioned.
"Will she sco a reporter ! "
"I cannot really do that ; I am too nervous
nnd too tired to sco any ono. "
"What tliHo did you leave Omaha ! "
"Lot's see , what day Is this , Friday 1"
"No ; this Is Saturday. "
"Well , then I loft Omahn Thursday even
ing , went direct to Chlctgo nnd arrived there
early yesterday afternoon. I wont to the
Sherman house with my sister nnd left there
early In the evening for Cleveland. I reached
hero at 8 o'clock on the Lake Shore train. "
"Do you stay long nt homo I"
"Only until I nm well enough to travel. "
"Where do you go thenl"
"To England. "
The Mayor-Elect of Colorado Springs
Kills Himself.
CoLOiun6 Srnixas , Colo. , April 13. | Spec
ial Telegram to Tin : Br.n.J Mayor-elect
George W. Thomas , of this city , was found
dead in n barn back of his residence on North
Nevada avenue shortly after noon to-day ,
with a bullet hole through his head. Beyond
a doubt It was suicide. Mr. Thomas came to
this city in 1S7T , from Illinois , and engaged
in the lumber business , In which ho was until
a year ago , when ho retired from active busi
ness life. Ho was widely known and gener
ally respected nnd liked. Ho wus nominated
and elected mayor on the republican ticket n
few weeks ago. Ho would have entered
upon his duties on Monday night had ho
lived. No cause Is known for the deed. The
mayor-elect went down town this morning ,
apparently in his usual health. Ho wont tea
a barber shop whore ho was a customer , bor
rowed a revolver , attended To a few business
matters , then went homo , entered the barn ,
securely fastened all the entrances , spread a
horse blanket on the lloor , removed his hat
and coat , placed a thirty-eight calibre re-
volvcr at his head aqd tired. Ho must have
died instantly. Hundreds of citizens gath
ered around the residence when the news be
came known , and the whole city is in a state
of intense excitement.
Marines Go to Paris.
Nr.w Yonic , April 13. [ Special Telegram
to THE Bun.-Thirty ] picked men of the
United States marine corps sail to-uay for
Franco on the steamer La Oascogno. They
are under command of Captain Williams ,
United States marine corps , who has with
him Lieutenant Paul Murphy , also of the
marine corps. This body of men will guard
the American exhibit In Paris durinc the
coming exposition. The request for the
guard was made a month ape by General W.
R. Franklin , United States commissioner to
the exposition. . The men were picked not
only for their good records , but for their
martial bearing and soldierly ucpoitment.
Boycotting the Twin Trust.
QUINCY , III. , April 13. Parties who have
boon experimenting several days , using wire
instead of twlno in binding with harvesters ,
claim that their device is a perfect success.
If this prove true it will render fanners In
dependent of the twine trust. The scheme
consists in the substitution of wire in place
of twine and a knottcr used on the binder.
Fanners can thcioforo use either wire or
twine , as the change can bo made in a
moment's time.
Starved to Death.
WATCUI'-OO , la. , April 13. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB Bcc. ] Sebastian Hiunmcl , liv
ing in this county , died yesterday under
very peculiar circumstances. About six
weeks ago ho was taken sick , and In a short
time his throat became paralyzed. Fo
nearly a month ho has not been able to swal
low anything , and ho actually starved to
death. During the last few days of his life
he was continually asking for food , but could
cat nothing. Ho had become almost a skele
ton when ho died.
A Directory of Doctor * ) .
DBS MoiNE-t , la. , April 13. [ Special Tele
gram to THE BEE. | - Some time u o the state
board of health was requested to furnish a
list of all the physicians In Town. The work
was finished to day , showing that there are
3,200 doctors In the state. It Is understood
that the lint is fur the benefit of the medical
department of the state university at Iowa
City , but it will be very handy for any ono
who wants a directory of all the doctors ot
KtcnniHhip I'nsHCjicurs I'olflonod.
HBIIMX , April 13. The hereditary Duke
and DuchnuB of Oldenburg nnd Count and
Countess Ilohcnhan had a narrow escape
from death recmitly while Journeying by
steamer. Their meals had been cooked In
uncluaned copper vessels. Seven passengers
Will Notltiin CUM.
, April 18.--Tho street rail
way management has dccldcd'not to try to
try to run cui a before Monday , Everything
Is quiet and it In not probab'o Jhcro will be
further trouble unless an attempt Is made to
run cars.
r in Had Health.
PAUIS , April 13. The Press ( radical ) states
that General Boulangor Is in bad health and
It has become n enema ry for him to again re
sort to the Ube or morphine. The friends of
the general , the paper says , are anxious con
cerning his condition.
Sir .Itillnn P.nmicofoto Bull. * .
LOXDO.V , April 13 , Slr Julian Pauncnfote ,
the new British minister to the UuUcd
State * , left London this looming for Liver
pool , w1icro ha embarked this afternoon for
New Yoik.
Very Heavy Liabilities ,
LONDON- , April 13. The liabilities of R.
Kcll & Co. , of Bradford , Yorkshire , amount
to l20,000. ; Including J .OOO duo creditor *
In iu > 'nlted State *
Two Objeotlotmblo Nowspnpora Ba
cnpo Prosecution.
Ho Personally Directs the Oasoo But
They Como to Nnugrht.
Prosa Opposition to His Appolnt-
mont On the Comtulsalou.
Emperor Francis Joseph Bnlil to
Contemplate AUdlontliiK In Favor
of Ills Nephew Honvy
Uunlncss l
liy the Ktw York Aftocttittd
Bciiux , April 13. The court of appeals'
revocation of the police dcoreo against the
Volks Xeltung and the decree of prosecution
of the Frcislnnlgo X.eitung , exasperated the
emperor. The emperor personally directed
the prosecution of the Volks X.oitunp.
Press comments on the appointment of Mr.
Bates as commissioner to the Satnonn con
ference were unfavorable. Press grum
blings against Bates will not , how
ever , effect the issue of the con
ference. Now dangers confronting
the Austro-Gorman alliance will have the
greatest influence on Prince Bismarck and
tend to bring about a speedy settlement ot
the dispute with America.
Advices from Vienna state that the em
press has been attacked by the family malady
insanity. She suffers' from long spells of
melancholia and entertains delusions , accus
ing several persons of the death of Crown
Prince Hudolph. She Is possessed with
the idea of suicide , thinking to
leave the emperor free to remarry.
Sometimes she dandles a cushion
or pillow , thinking it a now born heir to the
The emperor is greatly affected. He suff
ers from Insomnia and has no zest for work ,
taking only a languid interest in state affairs.
It is reported that he consulted with Count
Kalnoky nnd Count Von Taafe upon the ad
visability of abdicating in favor of his
nephew Franz.
It is nnnouncod that the liabilities of Emll
Freitol , the gram dealer who fulled recently ,
amount to 3,300OUO marks nnd the assets to
1,10J,000 marks. Zoltcr & Co. , also In tho. t ;
corn trade , have failed. Liabilities , 1,5UO- *
000 marks ; assets meagre.
The Bavarian government , replying to a
memorial from the Bavarian bishop , asking
to bo placed in control of the educational sys
tem , declines to allow ft dally school mass ,
refuses to make a denominational division of
the middle schools , and declarea that the recall - '
call of the rcdcmptionlsts is impracticable.
The government proposes to consult the
bishop In appointing teachers of the elemen
General Lewinski has becji appointed mill *
tar.v governor of Strasburg.
The duke of Nassau , speaking in Luxem
burg , uses French or the Luxemburg patois.
It is said that he intends to Germanize the
The pope will In May create the arch
bishops of Brcslun and Salsburg cardinals.
Sergeant Hanek , military tutor of the
imperial children , has been convicted of ro-
cciviijg hribcs from sub-ofllcers on hla
promises to secure their advancement. Ho
tins been sentenced to fifteen months imprisonment
prisonmont in the fortress at Span dan and to *
bo degraded.
A 1'ronitncnt St. Ijouis Business Mini
Jiangs HlniRpir.
ST. Louis , April 13. At an early hour this
morning , when the Janitor entered the St.
Louis grain elevator ofllce , ho found John
Jackson , president of the elevator company ,
hanging to one of the high posts of the coun
ter railing , dead and his body co.'d. ' Jack ,
son had evidently stood upon a chair
while adjusting Ufa rope und then
kicked the chair away , the noose closing
around his windpipe and death ensuing by
strangulation. The Janitor and his wife cue
the body down and laid it on a sofa , whore it
remained until Robert F. Owens , cashier ot
ho company , came Into the ofllco. Several
letters were found on Jackson's desk , ono
addressed to his son and others to business
friends. The contents of the loiters uro not
known. Word was immediately sent to the
family residence nnd the body and lettcri
sent down shortly afterwards. Jackson was
ono of the best known business men of the
city , with very large interests , and the now
of his suicldo caused a sensation on the ex
change. He Is said to have been heavily In.
tercstcd In May wheat. It Is reported on
'change that his gram transactions had
something do with his sclf-dcatructlon , but
of thu nothing definite has transpired ,
The lettcrH left by Jackson were later la
'the day delivered to the persons to whom
they were addressed , and plainly indicates
that the suicide was caused by heavy lossoi
Jr. May wheat. Investigation Into the af
fairs of the elevator company will bo begun
at once.
Enrnrst Clinutnuiiia | U'orkorn.
SIIRNAXDOAU , la. , April 13. [ Special Tele ,
grain to Tun Bru. ] Last Frldny evening a
meeting was held at the Methodist church
under the nmiplccs of the Chautatt < | tm Lit
erary and Kclontlllc circle of this city , In tno
interest of the Council Bluffs and Omaha
Chautaumm assembly , Mrs. Irwln , presi
dent of the circle , presided. Itov. J , W. made a stirring speech on the growth
und 'benefits of the ChauUmiua movement
and Illustrated the same with uiaglo lantern
views , Mr. Gelger reports a large and grow
ing Interest through thn country In tbo
Council Bluffs and Omaha Chautauijua ns ]
scmbly , Shenandoah has a strong circle ot
Intelligent workers , as * shown In this enter
tainment. Each ono takes the duty assigned
performs it to the best of his or her ability ,
and success is always an lusurcd result. J.
12. Hurkncss , of Council Bluffs , was present
and spoke of the business piano and expecta
tions of the Chautauqua for : lo : coming
season ,
Soldiers' lloini ) Auproprlatloii ,
Drs MOISM , In. , April 1J. ! [ Spot'lal Tole *
from to TUB Bun. ] fjtnto Trctsurer
Tuomhly has Just received from Washing
ton the BIIMI of (0,0 1 for the Jowu eoluti IK'
home , bel'ig the sum duo from thu Unit oil
States for the qa&rtfr ended March 31.