Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1889, Page 8, Image 8

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The nromon's bull will tnUo plnco nt
the Exposition ball on Tuesday evening -
ing , April 23.
President Leo , of thd city council , is
absent from the city but will return in
tlmo lor this evening's meeting.
"Tho Celebrated Dunlap hats. "
Spring styles now ready. Frederick &
Co. . loading hatters , IliO S. 16th st.
The water works company had a force
of men working all Thursday night to
repair a break in the high aorvlco on
Walnut Ilill.
Several now seats have boon placed
In the police court room for the accom
modation of witnesses. This supplies a
long-felt necessity.
IJoc Glldon wont through the pockets
of an old drunk named Croston. Ho
was arrested , immediately nmilcnod
Mid hold to the district court In SSOO.
Scott Gilham , who robbed William
Preston of 800 In Kaufman's saloon on
Thursday , was hound over to the dis
trict court yesterday in bonds of S&OO.
The case against Dr. , T. B. Cornish ,
accused of selling liquor uulawfully.was
tried before a jury in Judge Borka's
court yesterday afternoon and dis
The old Yodfleld building on the
eouthonst corner of Twelfth and Doclgo
streets , in which Tun Bii : : was born , in
being torn down , and will bo replaced
by a three-story brick building costing
Prank Murphy and several other olll-
cors of the Omaha Street Railway com
pany wore served yesterday with iiotlco
to appear before Judge Bcrlca for fail
ure to replace pavement torn up by
them last week.
The representatives of the Utica
tlio rejection of their cement from the
city's public works.
The Olllcor Brady whoso name ap
peared in Tin : Bins yesterday in con
ncction with the police
not John Brady , who has boon on the
force for several years past. There are
two John Brady's in the department.
, T. II. Ilarrifcon was reported as hav
ing been arrested for the theft of a suit
of clothes. The statement was wrong
It was Mr. Harrison's suit that was
stolen , and the gentleman objects
naturally to insult being added to in
Peter Nelson , a former employe at the
city jail , foil out "of a wagon at the
corner of Tenth and Dorcas streets last
night and had his scalpj and liu badly
cut , Dr. Ralph was summoned and at
tended him. Peter was boo y at the
time of'tho accident.
% V. P. Curyl , of Chicago , Is at tlio Paxton
A. B. Koss , of Sioux City , Is at the Mur
ray.N. . Vnndcrpool , of Chicago , la at the Mil
C. L. Wilson , of New York , Is a Murray
Thomas Gnrrctt , of Now York , Is a Millard
J. C. McBride , of Lincoln , is a Paxton
I. J. Starbuck , of Salt Lake City , te at the
Paxton ,
George W. Hall , of St. Paul , is at the
C. M. Koss and wife , of Boston , are at the
- lion J. H. Millard has gone to Now York
and Boston.
J. H. Charles , of Stoux City , is rcgistoroc.
at the Paxton.
W. L. K ondlg ; of Lancaster , Pa. , is a gues
at the Murray.
Jules Low , tno great cornetlst , and wlfo ,
are at the Millard.
W. H. Kllpatrlck , G. W. Collins and R. J
Kilpntriuk and wife , of Beatrice , are at the
W. J. Gage , a wholesale dry goods mor
chat.t of Toronto , Cauuda , is rcgistorcd a
the Millard.
Colonel Guy V. Henry , of the Ninth cav
airy , lolt for Fort Uoblnson , Thursday , to bo
present at the obsequies of his late friend
General Edward Hatch , United States army
At the Arcade : N. G. Leroy of St. Paul ,
W. Anuorson of Lincoln , Ed Itoso , of Pen
der. U. S. Holduii of Burr , E. Ilershisor of
O'Neill , S. G. Munima of Lincoln. T. II ,
BayholTcr of Shelby , A. G. Hastings of Lin
coin , T. C. Brown and D. It. Buxton of
At tlio Barker : Chas. D. Stearns of New
York. E. Utlery of Chicane , J. H. Manning
and wife of Now York , Frank Gushing oi
Denver , P. II. Wheeler of Chicago , Orrin
Squires of SowarJ. Nob. , S. H. Hunter of
Nebraska City , P. Bcrgcr of Shelby , Neb.
E. J. Hardy of Wahoo , Nob.
CnlvcB Disappear.
Swan Anderson , who lives at Sixth and
Jackson , reports to the police that somebody
has stolen two red cows from lain valued a
Many flowers fade under one shadow ,
Eave the ( lowers of the family Irom th
shadow of the ' 9 ! ! destroyer , by using
Warner's Log Cabin Cough and Con ,
sumption Remedy.
Sold by all druggists. 50 c and $1.
K-UPH Keiluoctl.
Thursday a material reduction In rates on
all the express lines of tbo country wont Into
effect. The principal companies arc tlio
Adauis , United States , B. & O. , National ,
American , Southern , Wolls-Fargo , and Pa-
clllc. UnUcr this agreement tbo rates from
Now York to Chicago urn $3 per 100 pounds ,
and from Chicago to Oinahit $ J for the same
weight. Tno through r.uo Uotweon Now
York and Omaha is $1. Thcso rates nro a
reduction of fit ) cents between this city and
Now York , und tlio satuo between this city
and Chicago. _
IMortitury ,
The funeral of Waldo E. Potter , aged 10
months , son of Charles S. Potter , agent of
the Wolls-Pargo and American express com
panies , took place yesterday. The remains
were Interred in Forest Lawn cemetery.
Mrs. Jerry O'Hcarno died at the family
residence on the corner of Twentieth und
Clark Thuisday night of cancer of the stem
ach. The funeral will occur at S-UO o'clock to
morrow morning from the Church of the
Holy family. ThQ remains will bo interred
in St. Mary's cemetery. Mrs. O'Hcafno was
very well known in Omaha , having resided
hurt ) twenty-two years , The husband of the
deceased has boon connected with tUo car
department of the Union Pacific.
A New Tiuln ,
The connocUiif link between Ne
braska and Kansas has just boon placed
in service by the Union Pacific railway ,
This train loaves Council Bluffs dujly at
4:45 : a. in. ; leaves Omaha i\f ( > ; 05 n. in. ,
and runs through without change to
Manhattan , Kan. , making direct con
nections there with the Kansas division
of the Union Paul do railway for nil
points in Kansas and Colorado west
bound , and for Topeka , Lawrence , Kan
sas City and points oust and south via
Kansas City. Uaturnir.g , train leaves
Manhattan at 2:25 : p. in. ; arriving at
Beatrice at 0:25 : p. m. , Lincoln nt 7:50 :
p , in. , and Omaha at 110 : p. in. , Coun
cil Bluffs 11:40 : p. m. , making'direct
commotion with Kunsas division trains
from Kansas City , Lawrence , Tonolca
nntl the cast , and from Denver , Snlinu ,
Abollno and all points west , enabling
passengers to visit the principal points
in Kansas and Nebraska in the shortest
possible time. These trains have first-
class equipment , consisting of omoking
cars and first-class day coaches of tlio
latest pattern , The now train will fill
n long foil want , nd is bound to bo
popular ,
SqnadflVlrcn , Tien , nml Engines nutl
Other TltlnRA at tlio Doctor's.
The Motor company had four squads of
laborers , numbering seventy men , at work
upon tholr lines yesterday.
Under the supervision of the city engineer
ho company U establishing Its lines on Flf-
ocnth street , between Jackson and Jones ,
mnktngn cut of seventeen feet In order to do
10. U Is extending Its line south on Flf-
ccntli from Howard across to Jnckson and
, lie working upon Us Fourteenth street
rosslng of the cable lino. Crossings of the
bolt line on Twenty-second near Nicholas
jiro also bolng put In to-day , mid switches nt
Twonty-llfth and Charles and Twenty-llfth
mid Grant. Dr. Mercer said yesterday
Lhnt the company would Immediately lay anther -
) ther track on Seventeenth irom Nicholas to
vlarko , nnd that ns BOOH as
, ho Injunction wai dissolved they
, vlll double the track on Sixteenth from
Dlnrko to the fair grounds , and would build
on Sixteenth from Lcavcnworth to Vlnton ,
Vlnton to Sixteenth , and from Sixteenth to
Twenty-fourth , nnd from Howard and
Twelfth to Eleventh , nnd from
Howard to Vinton , from Vlnton to
Thirteenth , nnd along Thirteenth south to
ho city limits. "Tho work , " said the doe-
.or , "will bo done ns rapidly as possible If
the Injunctions nro dcsolvcd that have been
laid upon us by the consolidated companies.
When those lines nro built wo will bo operat
ing about twenty miles of road. Wo are now
purchasing aiiotnor 400 horse power engine ,
' . ' 0 cars and over $50,000 woith of additional
electric equipments , nil In nddltlon to what
wo hnd already purchased for Juno dc-
'ivcry. "
Dr. Mercer nlso stated that the Hanscom
park line would not bo completed uutil some
time next fall.
W. V. MONO & Co. to Establish a
Factory to iMnko It ,
The fact has Just been announced that W.
V. Morse & Co. , the leading wholesale boot
and shoo dealers , have decided to establish
in Omaha an extensive boot and shoo manu
factory. Arrangements are so far com
pleted that active operntions will bo com
menced within n few days. Material has
been contracted for , workmen nro being
employed , nnd nil matters councctcd with
the enterprise nro being pushed ns
rapidly us possible. While the
location of the factory is , ns yot. kept secret ,
it is announced that it "will bo in an eligible
locality and of suOlcient importance to at
tract attention and add great strength to the
industrial importance of the city. While it
may not equal the larger boot and shoo facto
ries In eastern manufacturing centers nt
flrst , the proprietors anticipate rapid growth
and such additions from tune to time ns the
business demands. This is nn industry
which of all others ought to bo est-xblishod
in this vicinity , because all of the raw ma
terial required may bo obtained at our vary
Streets to 1)0 Pnvcil.
The ordinance nassod at Tuesday night's
mooting of the council for paving certain
streets , has received the signature of Mayor
Broatch. The streets to be paved are : Izard ,
fronTSixtccnth to Eighteenth ; Chicago , from
Twentieth to Twenty second ; Fnrnam , from
Soldcn to Lowe avenue ; Leaven woith , from
Sol Jen to wesfllno Lowe avcnuo ; Popploto
nvenuo , from Twentieth to Twouty-nmth ;
Woolworth avenue , from Thirty-first to
ThirtysecondWorthlngton ; street , from
Eighth to Tenth ; Pine , from Tenth to
cast line of Eighteenth ; Buit , from
Thirty-sixth to Pleasant ; Vlnton , from Twen
tieth to Twenty-fourth ; Eighth , from alloy
north of Washington to Pine ; bevontcenth ,
from Hnrnoy to .luekson ; Seventeenth , from
Cumiug to Chicago ; Nineteenth , from Har-
noy to St. Mary's nvenuo ; Twentieth , from
Center to Vinton ; Twenty-first , from Davenport
to California from Woolworth
port ; Thirty-second , -
worth avcnuo to Park street ; Thirty-sixth ,
fromCummg to California ; Pleasant , from
Cuming to Bnrt ; Lake , from Eighteenth to
Twenty-fourth ; Burt , from Sixteenth to
Twenty-second ; Clarke , ' from Suunders to
west line of Sixteenth ; Weostor , from Six
teenth to Twenty-second ; Haruoy , from
Twenty-sixth to Twenty-eighth , and Twonty-
sccimd , from north-sido of Dodgu to uoith
side of Davenport.
No Name.
My little boy , five years old , was attacked
with a disease for which the doctors had -no
name. The nails came oft to the middla
joint. For three years under various kinds
of treatment from many physicians , ho suf
fered terribly and got no bettor. I began tbo
use of Swift's Specific u short time nt'o , nni
ho is getting \vcll , JOHN DUIIIL.
Peru , Ind.Took
Took Three Bottles.
1 suffered greatly with blood poison for c
number of years. After taking Swift's Spo
cilic I was entirely cured , and I only tool
three bottles. KOIIEUT DEAK.
Jamaica , L. I.
A Brnco of I'nlnors.
The furniture of the Wilson-Branch maiv
sion on lower Douglas street has been dis
posed of at public auction for $300. The halls
and rooms of the structure are deserted mu
drear , the Inmates imvo been dispersed
throughout the city and country.
The uses to which the building shall bo put
have not yet been decided upon.
The palace was erected about eight years
ago by Dun Allen , nnd a life interest in it
was given to Miss Annie Wilson , at wlioao
ilc.ith the propei ty returns to Ethan Allen , a
brother of Dan's , who resides In th's ' state
about forty miles out of Omaha.
Of Interest to
Those contemplating n trip to Europe
should visit tlio Omaha National ban !
and obtain a letter of credit , as will
that they can travel without risk o
robbery or loss of any kind , it being un
necessary to have tit any time but little
actual cash on the person , the letter en
abling the holder to draw in such bums
ns may bo required , wherever ho or
she may bo , and receive in payment the
kind of money in use in that country
Letters are made for any length of time
required by the holder , and can bo hat
on application ut the bank by a doposi
of cash or good security , col
lateral or personal. Parties
visiting the Paris exposition will
find a banking house on the grounds
near the "Porto Kupp , " whore they
can obtain money on letters issued by
the Omaha National bank.
A list of bankers abroad , in whoso
euro travellers can have their mail ad
dressed , is furnished by the Omaha Na
tionnl in connection with thu letters o
credit ; ninny of those bankers have i
regularly organized mail system , nnc
give special attention to the forwarding
of all correspondence.
TJio Stenographers.
The Omaha Stenographers' association
mot Thuisday night in the roomsof the Stand
ard shorthand school , Pnxton block. Aftci
the reading of the minutes of the previous
meeting by the secretary , a committee 01
programme was appointed and a very Inter
cstlng programme arranged for next Hirel
ing , when papers on shorthand , typewriting
nntl other subjects of interest to stenogra
pliers generally will bo read and discussed
Severn ! now members were admitted , am
the organisation is now on a linn basis.
Iho association meets again next Tliurs
dtty c\enlng In the aamo hull ,
Fisher Printing Co. , 1011 Farnnmst. .
telephone 12(11 ( , blank book makers , otc ,
A 1'crcgrlnntlng NiiinlHinntlo.
The police have arrested a follow giving
the name of John FiujjeniUI , but whoso rcn
nnmo Is II. J , Wush | , on suspicion. Ho has
on hie person nc < money , but n largo col lee
tlon of rare unit valuable coins of England
Italy , Germor.y and other nations. These
ho has L'Ofii trying to dlsposo of to collectors
of coin * , ana the police ran him In on BUS
pii-lon of having robbed norno numismatic
collection. Ho hud on Ul person an express
receipt showing that ho hud tent a grip from
Tracy , Minn. , to Hod O.Uc , la. , a ml Chief
Scarey hat telegraphed to oath place * con
In n Liquor Firm to Bt > Itcltl lie-
uponslblo fhr Consequent InmnRC8 ?
Ono of the most peculiar cases of litigation
lint has over been contested In tnls country ,
a case that Involves several fine points of
aw ns well ns the possible establishment of
a precedent , is on trial before Judge Groff
nd n Jury. It grows out of the murder ,
committed about twelve months ago , in
fontgomcry & Adams' saloon , when Wll-
lam Ferguson , a colored boy , shot and killed
31o Olcson , Mrs. Carolina , . Mlchnclson , the
mother of Oleson , sues the Urm for tr ,000 ,
claiming that , througn the selling of liquor
> y them to Ferguson , they nro responsible
or her son's death nnd the loss to her of his
itipport. She alleges thnt , Just prior to his
lealh , ho hail promised to provide for mi a
nko care of her so long ns she lived.
It was Sunday night In the early spring
nearly two years ngo thnt a gay pixity 01
wing pocplo , enjoying themselves in dnnc-
ng In Mueller's park on Vhiton street , hnd
, holr pliinsuro suddenly turned to sorrow by
n qunrrol , which subsequently resulted in the
shooting of John Quintan. Uhnrlos Vollmor
vas nrrostcd nnd hold under heavy oonds
'or the murder. L-ist fall Judge GrolT nnd
n Jury tried the accused , found him guilty of
murder In the second degree , nnd sentenced
ilm to Imprisonment for Tito. His attorneys ,
lowovcr , succeeded In getting n motion
.hrough for n new trial , nnd a second hoar-
ng Is sot for Monday noxt.
Saturday , April 13,1P ! )
"Balmy Sleep , Tired Na
ture's Sweet Restorer. " If
you cannot sleep , do you ap
preciate your condition ? Med
ical authorities condsider sleep
lessness one of the most seri
ous nervous disorders the
advance agent of insanity.
We offer you a proper hon
est , herbal remedy , that will
bring sleep to your weary
brain. Paine's Celery Com
pound soothes the irritated
nerves , and regulates the bodily
ily functions , giving that per
fect health which causes sound ,
refreshing sleep.
Mrs. J. Donahue , of Burl
ington , Vt. , was cured of
slecpnessness after using thtee
Mrs. E. Autcliff , of Peoria ,
111. , was entirely relievd of
sleeplessness with less than a
Zenas Sanders , of West
Windsor Vt. , couldn't sleep
more than an hour at a time ,
but after using Paine's Celery
Compound he slept clear
through the night :
An so on , and so on.
We guarantee Paine's Celery
Compound to be harmless , and
with no injurious or unpleasant
after effects.
At Druggists , $1.03 per uottlo. Six for $5.00.
on , Vt ,
rinl-stnmlChC'ipeU MeatHavourlnzS-tock forHoupi
Made 1)1 ille and amoAi lleul leu , "an invalua
bio tonic. " Annual sale 8UWWJ ( jars. ,
Genulno only \vltli fno Plrallo ot Justus von Llcblz
slcnntiiro In bluuaero H labol.
Snlil lijr Storekeepers , ( ! ioc ' < nnd Dnigulsta.
Liuiiui's i\ritAerr : OK MUAT co , iui , i imion
bold by llldmrdsoii Drui : Co. uti'l ' lllukc.Uruco A.Co
( Opposite Taxton Hotel. )
OMIcu hours , Oa. in. to 8 p. m. BunaayB , 10 n.
m. to 1 p. in.
BpoUullstM In Chronic , Nervous Skin and
Illood PUe.ifiM.
tJ7 CoiiRiiU.itlon nt offlco or l > y mall fren.
Jlonlclues sent by mall or express , soturoly
pnckod , frco ( i out observation. Oiinrantuos to
Blond , 1'hyMcnl Decay , arising from Imllscro
tlon , Kxcesj or Indulgence , producing bleup
lessuoos , Despomlrncy , I'linplcfl on tlio face.
aversion to society , easily dlhcour.igeil , lack of
commence , dull , unlit ( or atudy or Imnlutm.iind
finds life n biirdon. safely , permanently iina
privately cured , Consult Drs. Uetts Aj IJetta ,
1 < OS Farnam St. , Omaha , Net )
Bloau and Skin Dlseu
rcBtiUa , completely eradicated wltliQtlt the aid
of Mrrcurv. Bcrofuln , KryHtpelas , Fever Boron ,
lllotclies , Ulcei-8. Tains in the Head nml lionet ) ,
Syphilitic Sore Inront , Mouth and Tongue , Ca
tarrh. tk.o , permanently cured where others
Imvo failed.
tfiMnow TTriiii'lPtT nml niaddor Comiilalnts ,
ixlullByi UrilldFy I-alnnU. Dllllcult , fee freQuent -
Quent llurnln or Illoody Urine , Urine hlKli col
ored or with milky aedlmont on t > tandlng ,
Weak Hack , ( lonnorrlKon , Uleet , CystlttH , & .C. ,
Promptly audSafely Cured , Cliarpes Reasona
' ' auaranti-ea
CjmUTr'niTrWC'l . .CvJ. VJL UXbJUS maneut Cure , per- re
moval complete , \vlthout cutting , cuiibtlo or
dilatation. Cures effected at home by patient
\\lthout a momentHpalnor annoyance.
To Yomii Men and MWdle-Agcd Men ,
w 5JIIDD T1ITDD The nwful etrect"of t-arly
AUUnlJ uUfllj Vice , which urluKH orgunlo
eaknosii , debtioyln both mind und body , with ,
nil Its ( Headed UK permanently cured , ,
nDO DPTTvl AuressthosiMUio have Impaired
LI fllJ i DDllO tlieinsehts by Improper Indul-
gunces ud solitary hublU. which ruin both
body und mlinl , unfitting them for business ,
study or marriage.
MAIIIIIKU MuN.ortho oentnrlnKontliatliap.
py life , auhvo ot phjulcaldtibjlUy , ( julekly us
based upon fuels , First Practical Bxpe-
cn e. tnus anectlut'ciirtf.i without injury.
tVbend U eenta postngo for celebrated works
on Cliioiilr. Norvuiu and Delicate Dlsousen.
llionnantls cured. tff A friendly letter or call
may suvo you futuie xutreilnit nnd shame , and
nilil ( 'olden jears to life. rtf .Ho letter * an-
su ei ed iinleaj Hccompamed by 4 cents in stamps.
Adill tux or rail on
UN. i ! OTTO & MC-rrs.
11U31'arnaiu Srtcut , Oin&hu , Neb ,
Tills powder never varies. A marvel of purity
KtroiiRUi nndIiolc omoiics8. Moro economical
than the ordinary Kinds , nnd cannot bo sold In
competition with the inultUudon of low cost ,
shorlvv olRlit alum or phospnato powdam. Sold
only In cam. lloval lluklnn 1'owder Co. , 1W !
Wall street Now York
Chicago , Ills. < ClarkGt ,
Iho Regular Old-Established
li still Treating with the Greatest
Ctoonic , NerTons and PriYate Diseases ,
falling Memory , Exhausting Drains , Terrible
Dreams , Head and Back Ache and nil the efTecli
eadiim to early demy and pettups Conuumptton 01
Insanity , treated scientifically by new method ! with
'lever-foilinc tuccrsi.
# SYPHILIS and oil bed Blood and Skin Dis
eases permanently cured.
BDNEY and URINARY complaints , Gleet ,
Gonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Vorlcocele and all disease !
of the Qenlto-Unnary Organ ! cured promptly without
Injury to Stomach , KUneyi or o'Jier Organs.
tt5No experiments. Age and experience Im
portant. Consultation frcr and eacred.
ff-Send 4 cents pojtigc for Celebrated Works on
Jhronlc , Nervous end Delicate Disease ! .
3-Thosf contemplating Mairiacc send for Or.
Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Female , each
15 cents , both ai cents ( stampO. Consult the old
Doctor. A friendly letter or call irny save future suuer-
mu and shame , and ndd golden j cars to life. 3-Uook
"Life's ( Secret ) Errors50 cents ( stamps ) . Mediclna
-nd writings sent everywhere , secure from exposure.
Hours , 8 to 8. Sundavtg tn u. Address
F. D. CLARKE , m. D. ,
IBS So. Clark St. . CHICAOO ,
' '
- MteS SimU'MfflSSiSiSZfSzM'
Finest toned , mont oraWo. And IWBWCSI the only b.
nliUelir correct ecsla Warranted to ft nd In any
' A '
Special Easter Offerings ,
This is tlie week for 13oys Clothing and wo propose to raako it memorable. You
should see our goods before you supply your boys with an Easter outfit. Wo never had
such a big stock , never named suoh low prices , nor over displayed suoh beautiful styles *
Suits in all the newest patterns of cheviots , cassimoros and worsteds.
To give an idea of the values wo are offering , wo mention the following lots , which
will be on sale to-morrow :
J3oys' darkblue flannel sailor suits , blouses with embroidered collar , and knee pantsj
sizes 4 to 10 , at 75c.
Boys' good , strong Union Oassimoro Suits-coat nicely pleated and of neat appearance
sizes 4 to 13 , at 95c.
Boys' strictly all wool cheviot suits of a nice , stylish pattern , with pleated coat and well
made up , sizes 4 to 13 , at $1.00 , This is an extraordinary bargain , as we are positive such
a suit has never been offered for less than from $2.50 to $8.00.
A large variety of handsome jersey suits at $2.50 , $2,95 and $3.25 , actual values $4.00 ,
$5.00 and $0.00.
Equally astonishing values will bo offered in suits
long pants , of which we hive an
immense assortment. All the approved styles in cheviot , plaids , etc. , for spring wear ,
"We have long pants suits from $2.50 upward.
For the past few seasons it has been our custom to appoint a certain day on which wo
almost gave away knee pants. Thousands of our customers remember those sales and
thousands are eagerly watching for the day. Wo shall have another such sale on
On which day we shall offer 2,000 pair goo:1 strong knee pants at 15c a pair. They are
actually worth 50c , and no house would think of selling thorn for less. Wo will sell only
two pair to each customer , and no mail orders can be filled on this lot' '
Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha.
fee -a. .
Dr. OWEN'S Klcctro- I Galvanic Delt fiml Suepcnuory willet Cure the follow-
inKillscivsesnmlnll others ot n nenous character : Klicumn- tisin nt any kind ,
heintiui , I'arnl\Bls , Kpl- lepsy , ftptiml Diseases , fct. Vitua1 Dance , ifright'fl
Diecaec , J'iles , IlcartUls- cases , Lumbago. General and Nerv- OIIB Debility , Cos-
IhencBS , Kidney Dleca'cs Nervousness , 'licmbllnK , Wasting UackMovrr Ot the Hoily , all
diseases caused from In- di. cictlon In Youth or Married JJfo , Nervous IVoitratlon , I'cMonnlcakncs8or
j\li.iustlon. Female Coni- plaintB. infactaIliicnoii8 < ll6caRCspcrtniniii to JInloorl cmalo. Vt o clmllciiKo tlio
Woild to pinduco a bilt tliatwlll roimmiolth H. Tlio current Is uniler tlio perfect control of tlio ucoror ami
can bo made milil or stronpto bull any complaint ; this cannot bo done with any otlicr bolt. 'Iho
Sitbiicnsoi y for weakness of men IB connected ulrculylothoJBrittorr. " 10 d'8ks ' ftro B0 ndJiistciHliatbyineins of our appliances
tlio Electricity can bo cnrncd to -
Greatest imiirmcmcnt ever made Back View ,
tVton , I.liictro-Uiilvnnlo Hodv Holt Ins jus
tvauts the host , anil tlilslioilliind tlio Owen to bo. except onr No. 4 Full Power
tm\sni oo our book of testimonials In nee.-iled cn\ elope , gUInc instructions liow to ticat yourself with clcc rlcity
uthot toadofaiy ,
w nslo your money on Celts patented years ago. Wo hno pi i.ito consultation rooms Jor1 ladles ns \ \ ell ns cents , nnd nil n ho call orn rite us can i cfit at t re thnt Ihoy i \ i II r cccn o nil loiii cst opinion ,
audit the bolt Is not adapted to their case they will bo BO ndUsed. Open nt all times. Consultation at ofllcc , or by mail free. For information how toobtalutiialbeltBeol.S-pagopiimplilel.
The OWEN EIiEGEBIC BELT fe APPLIANCE CO. . 306 North Broadway , St. .Louis , mo.
Ml'.NT , a Kiiariiuteed bpncille for Iljuterla , Dlx/.l-
necH , Convulsions , 1 Its , Nervous Neuralgia.
Headache. Ner7ni"i Prostration caused by the
tiHoor.ilcoholf/r tobaeo.V'ak fnlnoss , Jlratal
Dejiroaslon , SofttnliiK of thu llralu resulting in
Insanity nn.l lending to misery , uccay and
death , 1'romattiro Old Age , liarrenncss , loss o
j'ower in sex , linoiuntary I.OIFOS and
Spcrmatorrlm'a caused by OVIT oxeitlou of
mo mam , half aDuAuor over indulgence. KncU
box contains ono month's trpntnient , Slnbox ,
or six to os forf" , sent by mail prepaid on re
ceipt of prlco.
To cure any case. With oich order received bv
us for six boxes , accompanied with Wowlll
Bend the put chaser onr written giiaiantco to re
fund the money if tlie tioatment does not olfect
a euro. Guarantees Is&ued only by Uoodman
Drug Co. , Drugglbta , Solo Agents , 1111) 1'
btreet Omaha cb.
Steck Piano
Koiimrknblc for powerful sympathetic
tone , plinblo notion and absolute dura
bility ; so years' record the best guaran
tee of the excellence of these instru
Car.nct U Excelled. They are ) Eltf tat in Dcilfn anil
very Low In Price. Alio , Court Hojie Furniture , and
Borne ICO Styles of Offics Detks , Chain , Tablet , Etc.
100 ftgt Illuttrnted Catalogue Free. FoUE * 7 CU.
TYLER DESK CO. . St. Louis , Mo. . U.S.A.
Wyoming Oil Lands
Aru\ all o < ctwiiary piijieri Ullo J.
W , E , HAWLEY , Civil Enginaar ,
MKN and WO.MHN euccessfullr treateJ.
SnirerliiK from the effects of youth fill follies nr hulls
cnjtfons , or are trouhlod with We ikness. Nervous
liphlllty , Ix)9 of Memory , Despondency , Aversion tn
Society , Kidney Troubles or any dlfuaiu of Iho iJonl-
to-Urlnury OruHiiK , tnn hero tin I a s.ifo anil speedy
cure. Umrucs reasunable , e pcclally to the prior
Them nro ninny troubled with too frenuont ovuiua
lions tit thu bladder , often accompanied by a Blluht
tmartlnuor bilrnhm sen ntlun , anil wcitkeiiln/ot the
n > Btcm In a manner the patient Kinnot account for.
On examining tbo mtniiry rlepoittn a lopy nedlmcnt
III olli'ii bo found , and tonictlmcs pnrtlLlei of albu
men will appear or tlio color ba ot a thin , inllulali
line , ii.-nln tnauiilne to a dark or torplit iippotrnnco.
'iliereaio many men whodliiof thladllllculty , iKnnr-
antofthecuuie which ID thuiicond ntsuoof miml-
nal weakness. The doctor will vuarantoo a perfect
euro In all until CII OH , and n heiiltliy realnratlon of
lliOKClllH ) urinary nruans. Connultallon frc > . hund
Voent nuiniptor "Vinnrl Man's Krlcnd , or ( iuldu to
Wedlock , " Ireo to all. A Idren *
Main nnd 12tb St. .Kansas City , Mo.
firilentlon this paper.
The lubllo are not Kencralljr aware that br the
present mcthodi of cooklnir lully one-half of the
tutrte that In u od li thrown unar m tlio Kriiuinln
and waited. Chemists connected with thin cnrnpimr
liaronuoroedod In oarlnitthlii wnstosu that theiorn ;
pany can furnlili ciirtto matlo of the nneiit Java , put
up In Biinill portable Jnr and U'tllllANThl ) l'KlltK'r-
i.v ruin : and puaranteed to tie only ahout ONK-
HAM' 'JIIK COST to the toiuumorpf common tof
fee. Only tollliiK water U noedi-il when preparing It
for the table. Crown Liquid Corruo Company.
Ask Your Crooor for
Wholesale Grocers , - - Onmhu , Nob.
D < blllltl > 4 tfcr * '
mdlMr tlB % t
bF IM * tptltf tur | > i CURK or
fJKSHrUin K WEiKNESa ( Illoi
jrcrtlr ihroiifli ftll weak ptru. rciter.
lUiIlk itt tlt f Hr , jil , ritctrlt
E ! I ) u Z CTRIOColC ! lIb Ui'Bi ! > llItC&OOji !
ea coiirif > ' > " i > r , < ) ir Jf
i , rotittri Ui npd untie tcardttin
\Vo are now prepared to show ono of tlia
most completu lines of medium and lint
mitts. In both sackHund tutmuiyH for bus <
luess or dreHS wear , that you may desliu to
look at Hemembor , Via have t o well
llKhtvil sale8 Hours , 4,100 square feet , In
I llMjrJlollu > uiai lilit uiejj _ _ jry OnCI
Greatly Imnrpvedwitb nwinzln * ( hackle * cm on *
sld . Easiest rut Inn * We nuJt/rba eprlugi lanitb.
en tort lUJrtcii ucnrdlnc to tlia weight put on tUi-in.
Adtpted oqaall * rll ta routih country or tlno
Mty drives Willglwj u hofct fintUruotlon.
DtvoiiCKS-A. uuumutm ,
iritieiiruoraHi. . CiucsKoi Jiurlcdfrooi 41
zp eii ac ; bunuiK gulsiif * n < )
N , W. Cor. 13th Si DodKO Sto.
Appllancos for Doformltios and Trussoj.
Heat racllltlot , npinrntn. ami rcniLdloo for inrcoii
lul trentmrnt of nverr form of illtunso roqulrlns
Medical or Treatment.
Hoard and attendance ) teit hospital nccommoJiui
Condn tlia ITMU I
WiriTiirimiitCIAH3on Deforrulllci and Urnoor.l
Vruiiei , Club Veet , Curraturo til tlio Ki > lno , rile > 4
Tuniori. Caneor , Catarrh , llronihllli , liihiil tlon,4
Blietrlcltir. I'aralTsli , KpllepjT. KMnor , Illnddsr ,
tire , liar , bkln und Illoud.and all SurKlcul oporatlgus.'i
Oisoasoa of Woman a Speol.ilty.
UAtflNO A HI'1-eiAI.TV or
AIll'.loodDlionoiiuccoiidillr traaled. Srphllltla
rolicn raaioioil from tlia lyitom without mercury.
Nuw restarntlvo treatment for tun of Vltil I'wor <
Periont unnble to V.ill ui mit ? be truntod at liuroe k *
tonvinoatlvacf. All coimuunlcntlon * onnlldrntlal ,
Modlctnei or InitriinienH font br mull or oinruii.
muruljr packed , no ratrki to Indicate rnntwiiti oJ
ender. Ono purtuna Inturrlaw nrufc-rrcd. < \lxn \ < 1
coniull ni or tend lilitorr of rour cue. and He will
cad in pisln wrapper , our
Upon I'rlvito , Hocclal or Ncrvom Dliemet , Imno.
* ' * "d V'f'1-0"1' ' "I' "
fii.l'lrA/Jr Hlil - ' " l""llo i
Omaha Mcdiatl and Surgical Institute. Of
Dor. 1Mb and Dodge Bti OMAHA. NBD.
( Successors to John 0 , Jacob * . )
Undertakers and Embalmer
At theulil stand 1107 I'uinnm St. Ordor.i by
toK'frarm Kolliltrd and promptly 8ttond a.
tli'phono to No ZA
H'j"1 "inuthly by over 10,000
* - Particular , .
TUB tWIltKA Wwiwr
For anlfl nml bit ftoolntan
Ml'ltU Co. ,