Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BE © SATURDAY. APltfL 13 , 1889.
No mVrortlBCinnnts trill bo tnkon for
tlicnn columns nftcr 12:30 p. in.
Terms Cnoh In ntlvnnce.
AdrertteemcBtH under this head 10 cent * per
line for tne flrst Insertion , 7 cent * for each nub-
tqucnt Insertion , and tlM per line per month.
Wo advertisement taken for less than 25 cents
the Unit Iniertlpn. Bovon wonts trill be counted
to the line ; they must run consecutively nnd
mutt bo paid in ADVAfc'CK. All advertise
ments must bo handed in before 1Z30 o'clock p.
to. , nnd under no circumstances Trill they b
tnkon or discontinued by telephone.
Parties advertising In these columns Mid hnr >
tne their answers addressed in euro of TIIR BEN
trill picnic nsk for n check to enable them to get
their letters , as none will be delivered excepton
presentation of check. All answers to adver
tisements should be cnclosrailn envelopes.
All advertisements In those columns are pub
lished In both morning nnd evening editions of
Xitn Itr.r. , the circulation of which aggregates
more than 18,000 papers dally , ana Rives the ad-
yertlsers the benefit , not only of the city clrcu-
Utlon of Tur. HKF but also of Council muffs ,
Lincoln and other cities nnd towns throughout
this section of the country.
Advertising for those columni will bo taken
n the above conditions , at the following busl-
ena houses , who are ai thorlzed agents for Tun
B B special notices , and will quote the sanit
rates as can bo had at the main o01c .
" 6lIN Btreot. W. nELU PhnrmBclst , B20 South Tenth
/ 1H A8B * BODY. Stntlonera and Printers , 113
yy south ieth atrotit.
SI1. PABNBVvbuTIlt Pharmulst , 211B Cum-
ing Btreot.
J. HUGH lift Pharmacist , 624 North ICth
/I KO. W. PAKR , Pharmacist , 1809 St. Mary's
A M axporloncod traveling salesman desires a
situation. Address V U2 , Hoc. 004 13 *
IJAilTlis : doslrmg experienced stenographer : *
4. can obtain Just the "Darty wonted without
delay or Inconvenience from tno Western Sten
ographic agency , Lincoln , Nob. 5U9-mO
WANTED Situation by experienced book
keeper , llcst references. Y 10 , Uoo , Coun
cil IJlulTn. WO-12
"VOUNO lady would llko position as coinpan-
.L Ion for au ulderly lady. Address 180.1 tit.
Mary's ave. 637 lit
W ANTED Situation In grocery , speak
languages. Address V 10 , lloe. 4M 13J
PARTIES desiring experienced male or
female stenographers tau obtain Just the
party wanted without delay or Inconvenience
from the Western Stenographic agency , Lin
coln , Neb. 473
GOOD bread and cnlto baker wants n ultua-
tlou. Address Charles Still , .lollet. 111.
QITUATION by a lady stenograpner and
Obookkcopcr. Operntos a Remington type
writer. Good city roforuuco. Address UII , Iloo.
WANTED Painters to keep away from
Denver , Cole , , until trouDlo Is settled.
Ilrotherhood of Painters. 5G3-12f _
W ANTED A good cook at N. Johnson's
lunch counter , 2o2j Cumlng st. 640-12 *
WANTED A youne man 18 or a ) for onico
work. Apply Frontier Stoain Laundry ,
1512 Howard struct. - 078 13 *
stenographer for lumber
olllco. Address IJox 3f , Lincoln , Nob.
070 II ,
W LTANTED An experienced bundle wrapper
at Nebraska Clothing Company. 641-12
C7ANTIJD At once , n llrst class sign painter
i Inqulro at 413 South 16th St. , Omaha , Nob.
C3U-13 *
W ANTED 3 young mon nt oncegood ; wages
nnd ; steady work , 1515 Howard st. WJG 13f
w L7 ANTED An honest young mnn$18 a wuok
Art Room No. 17. 22IJ N Wth st. U0 ! 12 *
\\7ANTED Live single man for assistant
VT bookkeeper ; muatlio n good penman and
give , peed references. Apply nt B p. m , , 1212
Jbouglas at. 018
WXKTED Ruglstorod drug clcrkpQormnn
preferred , with oxperlonco In wnll paper
lii.slness , 22 to 2S yoard of nge. Address with
reference , W. J. WnrrlcK , Plattamouth , Nob.
i > 84 12 *
Five tnivullng salesmen. Salary
and expenses ; no experleueo necessary.
Addicss wltu stamp. L.H.I.inu ACo. , Ln Crosse ,
AVls. 53917J
UALK8MKN Wo wish n row men to 8 oil our
O goods by sample to wholesale and retail
trade. Largest mnnut'rs In onr lino. Kncloso
{ . ' -cent Btnnin. WOKPS1 per day , I'crmnnent
position. No postals answered. Money ad-
vane'Si for wages , advertising , etc. Centennial
Mnn'r'g Co. , Cincinnati , O. BI4 _
WANTED Palmers nnd pnpor hangers In
Denver , Cole , 200 mon can find steady em
ployment. Apply to Mnstor Painters' associa
tion. J. K. Martin , eecr'y. 1114 ifith. IJ17-14'
WANTED A good carriage blacksmith at
ouccv Address Hastings carriage works ,
Has tiling. Noh. 4fi8-12J
\\TANTED Men to solicit ; must deposit J23
Vt nnd give security for monny collected.
palary tla to J100 per month. Cull on or nd-
drosff Goo. B. Cllne. 511 llrst National bank. 470
HUNTER & RUSSELL , Grand Rapids , Mich. ,
want canvassers for electric door nlatcs ,
a , mall boxes , house numbers aiul alarms.
2U7 16 *
WANTED-Agents to soil the Pig Puzzle ;
everybody crazy to get one ; Hamplo by
rnnll 15c ; stninpn taken. A. A. Austin & Co. ,
inauttfacturers. ITovUleiico. R. I. SbHm 2J
\y\rANTKD-fiOO mon for railroad orlc In
TT Washington territory ; good wages and
Bteady work. Apply nt Albright's Labor Aponcy ,
1120 Fnrnum Btreot. 207
> OVS Am. l > ist. Tel. Co. , 1JJ4 Douglas.
WANTED A good business man to take the
management of un olllco lu New York city ,
ono for Detroit nnd unothcr forClnclnnatimust ;
Invest J2.Mi. ( salary 1,6W ) per your. Address
Ocorco B. Cllue , Wagner block , Des Molnos , la.
AGENTS wanted on salury , * 7fi per month ,
nnd expenses phul , nny active man or
woman to sell our goods bynumple nnd live nt
homo. Salary paid promptly nnd expenses In
ndvnuce. Full partlculm-a aim Kample case
free. Wo mrsn Just what wo pay. Address
Standard Silverware Co. . llo.ston. Mass. glO
W ANTED llrst-class bisque llnUherH. Mlsa
Terrlll. room B. 1524 Douglau at. COS 13'
WANTED A competent girl for general
housework , ut 2.'il4 Douglas. flij I3t
\\7 ANTKD'tfrossnTaker A nTiTf cla s dross
T > mukiu- cut , tit nnd drape. Address V 33 ,
Omuha lloe. with reieruncea. 876-13
T\rANTED a middle-aged women ns IIOUHO-
f > Keepers In veryxmnll famlllost ; 5 dining-
room girl * : 4 nurses for children ; S glrloin
eamu family ; dtslrvashors , kitchen girls , no for
Konoral housuworlc. Mrs. Ilreya , ai4)j ) S. 15th.
IMS 13t
AGENTS w'antnd Ladies or gentleman to sell
the Rev. R. H. Uexter'rt ( iolden llaUam ; 10
dollars n Oftv easily made ; send 2-tout stamp
I. Anslow \ Co. , Thompsonville , Conn. 073-1 1"
"ANTEtiT Girl for uenorai liousoworK. s.
W. cor , 2.5th aud Caldwell sts.
WANTKD-3.1 oxparlcmled aalosadleMO cash.
KlrU , 4 bundle wrApportf. Apply Saturday
kt The Fair , 13th nnd Howard. 8 < r. 12
T-A lrl competent to t.iko com-
pl to charge of cook lu small family , Ap
ply Saturday morulcg at U24 North 10th street
W ANTED A good woman COOK. Address
Olfy Uotfll , Harlnn , lu. tefl-H *
WANTED 15 good wnlit girls : call at Mrs.
Maude Marti , th dre maker , room 1 and
8. S K cor 15th and Capitol avu. , Jacob's blk.
C17 13 *
* \rANTEl > A youut : girl 17 or Is years old to
V > do house work , iftfs Uthst. G. F. Elsassei
G IRL for genera ! houu'jwork. Apply 217 H
UtUit. C3i
_ _ _
" "
W "ANTKD A "competent girl to do genera
houiawork , wU ) payil a week Address
tSI8 Leuvenworth. 63 Kt
ANTKIV A nurxo girl at 427 S 2 < tU ave
between Hurney and St , Mary' * ave.
575 li ?
IXT ANTED - DIMiwusticr at Scundlnavlan
VV h otol. 707 , W-i B Hth street , 670-12J
WANTED A girl for general nouieworlt
German or Ilohemlan plofurrod. OU 8 17th
WANTED AH experienced waUt nnUhor at
1510 Douglas at. , upstair * . Sia lt
' * ,
\\rANTKi ) A ilrnt-clat-s givl forafuuillyo
f > two ; lIWi Capitol ayenun. _ 41)1. )
tlrl forgenoral homework. 3
lu family. 1714 Ca . S7l >
GOOD exporlonced girl for goutral nouse.
ort at 8107 Douglas it. _ m _ _
WANTED -For nnr.oral uotuii work
hicago aid iM t . Si4
ANTBD- poo-l womaiTpastrr c oTat
the New York chop hens , No , 11 1110
Douglas st. Wages t.OQ per eek. 61813
- - waist and skirt nnlth *
WANTED-Flrst-class 1S1B Howard. C23 14
ANTiiD-Oook nnd laundress and young
nurse girl. Apply 30U Cass st. CTi 12t
ANTED-Good , strong girl to do general
hoii9oworkgood wages. Inquire CIO 8. 22nd.
\VANTED Lady to solicit' ' : ' must deposit
YV no and give security1 for money collected.
Salary IV > per month. Call on or address Gee ,
i. Cllnc. fill Flrat National bunk. . 471
_ _ t
BOARDING , furnished rooms , gas , bath , nt
I3K1 N. 17th st. 07 18t
RsTHlfEOA. Canadian Kmp. offlco. 3I4H 8
15th. Refcrcuco Omaha National bank.
f\MAHA Emp. bureau. 119 N 10thestablished
V/fl years. Most rollablo In city. It. n. Whlto.
T ADIES Information nnd ortployment par-
JJ lore ; strictly Orst-class ] perfectly reliable.
Room 10. llushman block , N. K. cor. Douglas
and lOtn st
mUK Standard Shorthand School , having pur-
JLi naiod Valentino's Shorthand Instituterax-
ton block , opp. public library. Is now the larg
est , best equipped , exclusive shorthand school
In the west. i i graduates In good situations
The school 1 ? In charge of Kir. R. A. Smith , a
Btenogrnphor and toacner of many years prac
tical experience. Twelve No. a Remington typewriters -
writers In uso. Send for circulars. 411
nnd Type-writing taught the
most practical wny nt the Omaha Commercial
College. Menu J'ltman system nnd Remington
type-writers ; student * complet memml In two
NM'cks , nnd wrlto from CO to 100 woirts per mill-
ute In three months ; practical onico drill made
n specialty. Instruction In grammar , spelling
nnd writing rreo. Address Rohrbough IJros. ,
Omaha for circulars. 017 m3
fIj"AlN E6wInTFn ] famlllcn , by day or woolc ;
X by week preferred. Terms reasonable. Ad
dress Seamstress. 'Mil Dlnney st. 6K-12I
" \TTANTKO-10,000 women to use "VVllcox's
V > Fancy Compound Vllls.1 Perfectly safe
nnd nlwnys elTcctiutl. Send for 4o "Woman's
Sate Guard. " Wllcox Medical Co. , Philadel
phia. 114 A19 'K )
WANTED Mnyl. to rent h Cor 7room cottage -
tage west origin st. and south of Capitol
nvcnuo. Address V 3J lieo olllce. GSO-11
WANTED 2 tmfurnlsnod rooms centrally
located. Address V 30 , Ueo oflico.
WANTED A neai cottage of 4 on. rooms
within 15 blocksof thopostofflce ; will want
possession May 16 or Juno 1. Addio&a , stating
location nnd amount ot rent , V 20 , llea olllco.
" \A7ANTF.D-To rent , lour unfurnished rooms
V > onHrst lloor in goodotcallty. Address V
Hi. Uoo. fiNI 12t
WANTED to rent by family of two , nn un
furnished cottage In good condition con
taining U or 7 rooms ; must have terms and lo
cation to recclvo nny attention. Address U 5. > ,
Ilee. 2a >
7 VNH"lfl room house for rent In a Rood loca-
v/tlon for a boarding housonud well laid out
for that purpose. All modern conveniences.
Inquired Patrick Ford , No. 1001 Davenport st.
" 1J1OR RENT 3-room house , on pavement ,
Jt ? double car line , city nnd cistern water , largo
ynrd , rent SID. Co-oporatlvo Land & Lot Co. ,
05 N. 10th St. 04 14
mKN-UOOM frame boarding house , 2 blocks
JL from P. O. ; furniture 9-SXi , OJ cash , bal. 525
per month ; rentHJ. 12-rooui honso , ID-room
honso. 4-ropm cottago. 8-room house. 18-rooui
house , it-room house , all centrally located ; fur-
nlturo for saio on reasonnblo terms. Co-opera-
tlvo Land icLo $ Co203 N. Mth st. COl It
I/lull itiSNT An 8-room nouse and uarn , < t\ii \
-U per month , 22nd and l.eaveuworth. Ono
7-room house near 22nd and I.eavenworth , (2"i.
Inquire Wcatorn Cornice Works , 13th. near
Jnckson. 1.25 17
TjiOU RENT 14 room.brict dwelling , all oon-
JJ vonlonocs , 21UN. inthst.- " o07
( \ GOOD houses for rent centrally located ,
-'furniture for sale on time. Co-oporatlvo Lund
Ac Lot Co. * 74
ilOR RENT B-ioom flat In Sanders block.
' Inquire 2412 Cumlng tt. D0413t
FOR RENT-3-room cottage , 210 N. 13thl-.CO _
THOR RENT A S-room brick cottage convent-
JO entto U.P. depot.Jlcad & Jamlsoti , 314 S iJtli
FOT RENT 7-room nat. 833 month. Inqulro
at The Fair , liitn and Howard. 074
7 ROOM homo witn barn , out a little distance
? wO per month. O. If. Harrison , Merchants
Nat. bank bldir. 4'JS
POR KENT IIouso of nil modern Improve
ments , in perfect repair. Inquire 712 r < . icth.
TT1OK RENT A now 11-room house with all
JL1 modern conveniences and largo yard. 2215
California st. 671 10 *
TT1OR RENT Two 3-room Hats onr'l7thst.
JO J12 nnd $13 : ouo fi-room cottage N. 17th St. ,
} H. Apply to Green & Williams , 1st Nat. Dank
Hulldlng. 602
T710R RENT 8 room house ; centrally located ;
JL1 modern Improvements. J. F. liarton. MU
Capitol avenue. 197-Ht
T710R RENT To nn elegant lady nne new
JL' tints , lit teen or thirty rooms , for ilrst-class
family , boarding in choice locality. Address
110X33 , city. 421) )
POR RENT Pleasant 8-room house. SM nnd
Webster , C.F.Hnrrison. Merchant Nat. bunk.
< Jj40 Two u-room brick residences , all con.
* 16 y-room residence on W. Farnam Bt. , with
It ) S-rdom house , newly papered , cltvwater.
J2D Three 7-room houses , city wator. good
l j Flat on 2.1th and Leavenworth sts.
D. V. Sholes , room 210 , lat Nat. Rank building ,
iCO !
FOR KENT Elegantly furnished rooms with
all modem Improvements , nt Out 3. J'ltli ' at.
K boarding house. 1611 nnd 10Ir Capl-
tel nvo. . 2 blocks from 1' . O. . newly fur
nished , pleasant room- , all conveniences. 20112t
TflURNISHEDhouso for rent in l-arkTorraco ,
JJ opposite Hanscom Park ; nil moaorn con-
Imiulre Lee x NlchoU ' . ' 6th and
Leavenworth. _ U3.'i
"ijlOR itllNT l'-room ' modern Improved house ,
JO A 1 locality ; rent moderate. Apply to M.
Klgutter. 1101 Etti-nam st. _ Ui2
TjlOR RKNl' Cottages , fi rooms , 27211 Charles
JO st. und 1521 B Cth st. Inquire at room 212 ,
Sheely bloct. _ OJll
of 2 furnlshoa rooms , modern couvon-
SUIT . 3 blocks from P. O , , private family ,
A. Hospe. Jr. 1513 Douglas at. 03' )
T7UJR KKNT--When you wish to rent n nouse ,
JO store , or olllco call on us. H. E. Cole , room
0. Continental blk. U43
"IjiOlt KENT The 11-room residence. 2107
JO Douglas at. , nil modern Improvements , In.
qulro S. Katz , 1310 Farnam. MS
EOOMS-130 ! Douglati street , third lloor.C43
niUKNISIIKD room to rent , 18)9 Farnam.
R KENT Ono largo furnished front room.
2501 St. Mary's avenue. 051-18 ;
T31OR RENT Large south room in private )
JL' family , back pf nigh school ; suitable for
one or two centlemcn , 212 N 2r.'d. *
n 00 M wltu or without board. 1813 Dodge ,
TT OR RUNT Furnished rooms single or en
X1 suite. 1C09 Douglas. 713
T71URNI3HED room for rent ; must give refer-
J dice , at 1921 Dodge. 419
tJ 00MB and tlrst-ciata home board,1718 Dodge.
HR RENT Elegant furnished room , chaap ,
( or Udlcs or gentlemen , at Kii N , ICtli st.
633 13 *
CHEERFUL rooms with board In private
family , handsomely situated ; references
exchanged , 21.10 Ilnrney Bt. DOS-lit
ROOM and boaid cheap for two in private
family , 2218 Hurt st. uta ut
IfHJKNlSHEl ) rooms to ladlex , 1111 N. lith st.
C17 13
1LAIIGK nlcvly furnUhed room , nicely taken
care of , 1719 Davenport. fllJ 12T
"IIlUKNlSHEO aud un furnished rooms , light
JL' houi.ov - plur. | atiO Bt. Mary's avo. M 1CJ
GKNTLBMAN-H you wUh a comfortably
rurnUhed room \rlth a private family ( nu
children ) , u * of piano , bath , and terms moder
ate , call at Wl North 171U si. tJU 12 *
- . t *
' Sr ' - *
r' T 'n-
T7IOH IlENT FurnUhed room trlth board ,
JL1 suitable for two gentlemen , 1611 DOUR las ,
C37-13 *
A PLEASANT front room with all modern
convenience for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Cor. St.
Mary's ave. nnd 20 or 620 B. Jth ; brick residence ,
"TTlURNISHEDroom with board , ant and bath
JIn house , prices reasonable , 222U Lonvnn'th.
I KM lit
"IFOR KENT targe newly tnrnlshcd front
JL room , also A southeast room with alcove ;
All conveniences and first class board * 3J5
Farnam. B10-10 *
"T71URN18HKD roomsTwitrt first clans board at
JJ 2011 Douglas St. 4M-14 *
SUIT of front rooms ; modern conveniences
_ board It desired , lull Douglas. 677 H"
JJIO R HUNT Q oed basement , 151S Donplas st.
I71URNISHED rooms by day , week' or month ,
J-1 at. Clalr hotel , cor 13th nnd Dodge. IPS
plURNlSHED rooms , 113 3 20th stn6ar Ooclpce.
JpUKNISHED rooms for rent at 18ln Dodge
TI1UKNISHED rooms , single or on suite , bath
JL and steam ; for gonu only. 1519 Howard.M3 .
"ROOMS nnd board 1812 Chicago st.
T7IOR HUNT Nice south front room , choup ,
' for gentlemen , 1903 Capitol nvo. C0 (
NICE rooms by the week or month at the
1'cabody house , HOT Jones. 893 n21
TTWJK KENT Furnished room , all modern
-L ? nnnVATilAnrna . * > - 11 Vrtr nM f ini
F Oll KENT Iront rooms at IBS ! Farnam.
"IJIOK KENT Throe room basement to family
JU without children ; J7.W. 610 N. Seth st.
FOK KENT-Unfurnlshed , n sulto of 4 or 5
rooms , 1H8 ( Saith st. C63-12'
TT'Olt ' KENT A suite of rooms for family use
JL' in ono of the most desirable residing locali
ties In the city ; 1C21 Howard st ; price J30 per
month. W. F. Stoetzol. 1M1 Howard. .TO
T710H KENT Kooms suitable for housokeop-
J-1 int ? In suites of from ono to four ; In conven
ient location ; lowest price ? . Unit's Renting
Agency , 1WI Farnam street ; telephone 179.
STORK 407 with Dasnmont , Kamgo bldg. in
quire Frank J. Itnmge. 059
FOH RENT-Storo2.JxGUlUS ; Jnckson st. Kn-
quire 1114 Jackson. - 833
FOU HUNT 2 Iloors22x80 each. In brick build
ing , with clovator , close to express olllce.
cheap rent , just the thing for wholesaling , good
location. Apply to OcoHoyn , 1103 Farnnm st.
IF you want to rent your houses call on Har
ris , R. E. & L. Co. , room 4111st Nat'l bank.
T,1ST your property for rent with Heminfcton
-1-J& Fiyo , Noithwest Corner 15th and Fnrnaw.
TSTANTED 2U nouses nt once for which wo
IT can furnish good tenants. List your houses
with the I. & a Rental Agency , 1)10 Shooly blk.
TF YOU want to buy , sell , rent or oxcnange ,
J-call on or address , U. J. Sternsdorff , rooms
317 and 318 lrst National bank building.
GEO. J. PAUL , 1009 Farnam St. , houses ,
stores , etc. . for rent. Oitf
WE glvo special attention to renting and
collecting rents , list with us. II. E. Cole ,
room 0 Continental block. 017
FOR RENT Houses In all parts of the city.
J.J. Gibson. No. 3. Crclgliton block. CM
JJ. GIHSON'S now system of renting houses ,
No. 3 Crolghton block. 6ilt
ffMIE Danjo taught ns an nrt by Goo. F. Gel-
. .1Icnboek. . Apply nt Hee Olllco. ii50
/"lONTHACTING plnsterora uro invited tocall
\Jnt room 101,1'e.xton building , .and examine
"Adamant. " ' ' 'A 15
l OCKET-IlOOIClost , on Jones sK , near Tenth.
JL Finder please leave at 91U Jones and receive
regard. C2a'12t
T OST Steol-gray pony , -white face. 8 'years
JUold. Return or send to M ' Carroll , 30th nnd
Plnkney sts , North Omaha ; reward. 015 12 *
T OST From Dundee Place on Tnurt > day
JUnight at about 12 o'clock , one mouse colored
horse , clipped , with harness on. Finder will ba
liberally rewarded bo returning to Dr. J. V.
Cornish , corner 20th and Laku sts. 522
1\r | RS. SCO FIELD has returned fromjho east.
I'-LHus all the latest styles ; dresses made on
short notice , a perfect tit , and nil work neatly
done. Parlors 318 S 15th St , up-stalrs. K8-14
"PRIVATE course In fencing , boxing or fancy
JL Address T 14. Iloo ollicu.
329-aH *
A TRANCE MEDIUM M me. Sandall , the
j-yonng Swede , tolls full namesoj callers and
the full name of your future husband or wife ,
witn Oato of marriage , und tolls whether the
ono you love is true or false. Not a fortune
teller , but n young spirit medium. Madame
goes into a perfectly dead trance. Will bring
back the parted husband or lever , no matter if
they be lO.OOJ miles away. Will guarantee to
settle family quarrels. Parlors up stairs. 403
N. Ifith St. . third lloor 212 a 12t
QTORAGE At low ratss at 1121 Farnara st
kJOmalia Auction & Storage Co. 117
PPKACICAGK , storage , lowest rates. W. M
JL iluslnnau , 1 Ul Loavenworth. 118
{ RANCH & CO. , storage , 1211 Howard.
> 119
MRS. LENORMAN can be consulted on all
allalM of life , und satisfaction guaranteed ,
through the magic mirror. 318 NlCthst.up stairs
22f 17 *
TAR. NAN Nil' . V. Warren , clairvoyant modi-
JL/cal and business medium. Female diseases
n specialty. 119 N llith St. . rooms 2 and 3. 1K11
ANTED-Socond hand desk. 115 N IStli Bt.
\\7ANTfirt-A second hand transit chain and
T T pickets ; state prlco. Address V 20 , Ueo.
_ _ _
WANTED Hirnlture , carpets , stoves and
household goods of all kinds. Omaha
Auction & Storngo Co. , 1121 Fariiaui. HBO
WANTED To buy good commercial pa por.
K.C. Patterson. 31H 8 15th st. iLtOl
T71OR SALE Cheap , a canopy top phaeton ;
J- almost now. Enquire o A. MoU. Kobb , 1J.
A : M. local freight olllce. _ CU l&j
TJ1UYCLE Excellent order ; cheap for cash.
JL > Will trade for Safety. V 13 Ue .olllco.
T7\OR \ SALE-Shaftlng. belting , pulleys , etc.
JL' < oodasnew. Rip nw. cross-cut and band
eawa very cheap , mf DouKla $ . _ < K $
IJ OK SALE Good work team , agon and hart
J. ' ness ; set carpenter tools and chest ; full set
. - jrglcal Inbtrumonta , nearly new ; household
cooilu. etc. On easy payments. > j. J. Wilkinson ,
1417 Farnam at , 143
"IJTOHSALE Iledroom set.wardroba and other
J furniture at a bargain , 22JT DOJgo st. < BT
Oll BALE Cheap Flrst-cl ass faintly horse.
J. W. Ford & Co. , Oil S. 10th at. Bll'Ut
T7 < JUST-CLASS lot of saloon furniture and bar
X' fixture * for sale nt a bargain , loqulro of
the First National bank , Aurora , Nob.
_ ( ) l oSi.
1710R SALE American power horse clipping
-L machine , only month Innao. Oood uual-
uess connection. Apply 420 N. Ittll street.
FOR SALE Cheap Horses , wagons , buggli-a
and harness suitable for heavy and express
H oric. Apply Room 310.1st Nat , bunk. 03. 13
EVR SALK A soda fountain chape , Inquire
1101 Farnam at. S32JW
T71OU SALE Furniture nnd lease of 7 room
JJ Out , Room rented exceeds rout of Hat. L
& B Rental Agency , 31U BUooly biooc. IVi
THOR BALK Draft horses , buggy horses , and
-L1 small delivery mules. Wood's Bale stabl
1510 California. 331
JJTOR BALE A boy's i > ony. Inquire at 02(1 (
JJ park uve. W.U4 *
. 8ALK-8pan matched ponies. 1310 Call ,
lornlo. B5015 *
R SALB-Furnlturo 10-room house near P
i cheap , cash. 1C3 Dod o ut. UUlit
Vt/TANTED-To / sell eAfloads of potatoes to
f retailers , cheap , 'Address ' . JI. Honor ,
Hay Springs. Neb. . , . ' oca 18 *
\O\I \ \ flAl.K Horse aad"buggy. Inoutro A
Hospo.1513 Uouglaa t. 645 mil
lOll DAt.l5-Cho pa nearly now top bnjrgy ; Columbus -
lumbus make. A. Itr.yomstock , 813 a. ifltn.
. _ r 747
MTlH7ANn aunrnntep\ ; < c Trust Co. , 1HB Fnr-
nnm. Complete absttacts furnljhod .V titles
to real estate cxamlnedt > &rfoctcd & guaranteed.
A llSTnACTS LlntxhoauV Mahoncy , roomHM
jtinxton blocR. t f , POU
/"VMAHA Abstract Company , 1S19 Farnam st.
v/Mqit complete and .caretull } ; prepared set
of abstract books and plats of all rcnrproperty
In the city of Omaha and Douglas county.
Al.OOO , Jl.OOOandflOOto loan for different pnr-
cDtlcs on llrst mortgage , or would buy good
tlrst mortgafro paper , llnllou llros. , rooml.
Continental block. Ifith nnd Douglas at. 679 12J
BUILDING IOAN8-At7 per cent net. no ad-
dltlonal charges for oommlsslon * or attor-
UOJ-B' fees. W. 1) ) . Xolklo , First Nat. bank bldg.
< xa
B UlliDINQ loans a specialty. W. M.Harris ,
room 20 Fronzer block , opposite P , O.
TV > YOU wnnt money ? if so , don't borrow
JLJbefore getting my rates , which nro the low-
cut on any sum from f 10 up to tlO.OOO.
I make loans on household goods , pianos , or
gans , horses mules , wagons , waronouso ro-
colpts , housor leases , etc. . In nny amount at the
lowest possible rates without publicity or ro-
inoval of property.
Loans can bo made for ono to six months nnd
you can pay a part at nny time , reducing both
principle nnd Interest. It you owe n balance
on your furniture or horses or liavo n loan on
them I will take U up and carry It for you as
long ns you desire.
if you needmonoy you will flnd It to your nd-
antago to BCD mo before borrowing.
11. J > . Masters , room 4 , Wlthnoll building , ISth
nnd llaruoy. 889
r\ CHARD HILL loans at 418 Sheoly build-
V/lng at eight per cent straight. Samuel Tato.
MONEY to loan at lowest ratns ot Interest on
realestnto in Omaha nnd South Omaha.
Titles ana property examined by us aud loans
made at once. Cash on hand. Uatoa , Smith 3c
Co. room 203 Rnmge bldng. 310-m3
$1000 and upwards to loan on peed inside city
property. No delays. W. Farnnm Smith.
1220 Fnrnam st. 83i-a27t
> $ $ ? To loan on tarms nnd city proporty.
) Geo.J. Pnul.1009 Foruuin st. 354
/1ITY Financial agency vrtll loan you money
Won horsei. furniture. Jewelry or socurltlns of
any kind. 1UOO Howard St. , corners , 13th st.
230 m 11 ?
EASTERN trust funds to loan on Improved
real estate in Omaha ; largo loans proiorrod.
E. S. lilsboo , First National bank building.
LOANS wanted on Omaha real estate , three
and llvo years' tlmo , optional payments ,
favorable terms and rates , applications nnd
titles passed upon by us , and loans closed
promptly. Klmball , Champ Ic Ity.iu , room 0 ,
U. S. National Hank Hulldlng , lx\0 Farnam st.
SPECIAL fund of 110,000 to loan at reduced
rates on furniture , horses and wagons. City
Loan Co. . 118 8 13th at. 030
PKQPLK'S Financial Excnango Largo and
small loans for long aod.short time , nt low
est rates of Interest , on Teal estate mortgage
notes , chattels of all klmls.1 diamonds , watches
and Jewelry , Dou.t fall toicall If you want fair
nnd cheap accommodations. O. Itouscnren ,
Mgr. , room W55 llarkor blk15tti _ und Farnam.
T > lflLA"bELPHIA MorteiBO & Trust Co" . furT
X nlsh cheap eastern1 money to borrowers ;
purchase securities , perfioct tltlas , accept loans
at thi'lr western onice. GcqrgoM * . P.Coates.rooui
7 , Hoard of Trade , t , KU1
S 1EE Sholcs , room 210 First Nat'l bank before
making your loans. , 092
M1 IONEY to loan. Ilarri-s R. E. & Loan Co. ,
room 411. Flrat National bank. 3J
WANTED Firstclasi'insldo lo.xns. Lowest
rates. Call nnd 8jofus. Mutual Inrest-
inent Co. . R. I. Itarker bk.15th & Farnam. DPI
11 TONE IT to loan on Improved property at flrs-
-L.TJL hands. No application sent nwav for npt
proval. Security nud titles examined free of
charge to borrowers , -Lquibard Investment
company , 303 S. iith : st. * t * oa >
n few ou first-class chattel'
secnrltlca at reasonable rates. W. K. Potter ,
room 10 llnrkor blk. SS7
"IjMHST mortgage loans nt low rates and no
JJ delay. D. V. Sholes.210 First Nntlonal bank.
flB !
MONEY to loan on furniture , horseswagons ,
etc. . or on any approved security. J. W.
Robblus II. 2CW , Sheely blk. , 15th nnd Howard.
\TONEY to Loan Wo are ready tor apnllca-
J-iAtlons for loans In amounts from $ ! IK ) to 110-
000 on improved Omaha or Douglas county real
estate. Full information as to rates. Loans
promptly closed. Good notes will bo purchased
by us. Call upon us or write. The McCaguo
Investment Co. 105
GW. PECK loans money on Omaha real estate
Dnlldlng loans a specialty. It 4 , Fronzen blk
M ONEY to loan in largo sums nt the lowest
.ratesno ; delay. H. 0. Patterson , 313 S Kith ,
MONEY to loan ; cash on hand ; no delay. J.
W. Squire. 1219 Farnam St. , First National
bank building. 108
H.E. . COLE , loan agent , 100
6 PER CENT money to loan. Cash on hand.
W.M. Harris , R 20 , Fronzor block , opp. P. O.
NEBRASKA Mortg.Loan Co. will make you a
loan on household goods ,
horses , wagons ,
land contracts ,
fine Jewelry , or securities of any kind ,
without publicity , ut reasonable rates.
Room 7 , Howloy block. South Omaha ,
Hooms 618-519 , Paxton block , Omaha , Nob.
LOANS on business property , $ .1,000 to $ .V,000
wanted. Provident.Trust Companyroom
SOS , First National bank building. 110
$ Imo.OOO . to loan at 6 per cent. Llnauan & Mahoney -
honey , Room 500 Paxtnn block. 110
T"\ON'T borrow money on furniture , norsos ,
JL/wagons , etc. , or collattornis until you see
C. It. Jacobs , 410 First National bankbuilding. .
o.F. . HARRISON loans money , lowest rates ,
. 498
MONEY Loans negotiated at low rates with
out delay , nnd purchase good commercial
paper nud mortgage notoa. "A. Slouiuu , cor.
13th and Farnam. 100
MONEY to loan. O. F. Davis Co. , real estate
and loan agents , 1505 Farnara st. 101
BUILDING loans. D. V. Slioloa , 210 First Nn-
tlonal hank , _ mi
f ' OANS made on real estate and mortgages
JUbougnt. LewU S. Keea & Co. , 1621 Furnain ,
* DUILD1NG loans. Linahan is Mnhonoy.
IONEY ' to loan Lowest rates. Loans closed
promutly. H. ECole. JJO Continental block.
, E , COLL' , loan ageiL , '
. y KM
/TFTHARRISON loan onoy , lowest rateal
ANY amounts loanedtqa furniture , pianos ,
teams , etc. Notes boaklit at loss than usual
rutes , monthly pay menu rtdiico Interest. Koy-
itone Mortgage Co. , room 203 tiheuly blk , S. 15th
1C *
M ONEY to oanon reals tate ; no commis-
alon. W , A. 8poncoru ijom3lUBhmanblk.
M ONKY ( loaned on unlfeproved Inside Omaha
real estate. G. W. I cX K. 4 , Frenzer Mk.
ONEY loaned for 30 , i br M days on any
kind of chattel security * reasonable inter
est ; business coulldentlaLN J. Wilkinson , 1417
Farflam at' . " $ ? * 109
PEOPLE'S Financial Kxishanse-The ralrest ,
JL quietest and moat liberal money oxchongu
in the city ; money loaned wltnout delay or
publicity , in any amount , large or small , at the
lowest rates of interest , on any available se
curity : loans may bo paid at any time or renewed
at original rates. O. llouscaran , Jlfr. , room
Cfli < , Darker block , 15th and Farnam. 104
17KIl BALE Stock of dry goods and groceries
JL' in a live county taut town , dolni ; an average
bualnoss ot f iu > per duy ; reasons for selling :
want to retire from business. This Is a good
opening for the right man. Address L II 137 ,
Hebron. Neb. 071-13t
HOTKI. of70 rooms , furniture and fixtures
complete , (7,500 , JI.OOO cash , bal (100 per
mouth , rent UMO per year. Feed store. I'lX ' ) ,
part cash , rent IS. Commission biuineja , two
confectionery itorca , well located. Oo-op ra-
tlve Laud and Lot Co. , 804 N lath st. CC4 14
OR SALE Am going to Oklahoma , will sell
my meat shop with 2 hones , harness , S
wagons , cooler , tools , fixture * and a good trade ,
dally receipts fU , for I10U cash ; good location ,
cheap rent ; a good opeulnif for a live man. Address -
dress VW , UeedBce. 01 11
IIlURNtTURE and undertaking business for
JL1 gale In thriving city of " .500 people ; nearest
competition in miles ; clean new stock wltn (
iio&rseVwiii "invoice'isYob J-wilffen ; t building
for term of years established 10 years.
This is a rare chance for ft good business. Address -
dross V W card USD olllce. KU 17
ID ARI1RR shop to sell Iniulro United States
J3 hotel , room 14. C5S-13 *
WANTED ro sell or trade the Commercial
hotel , in lilrd city , Kansas : itood reasons
for disposing of this property. Full particulars
by addressing William vogel , lllrd City , Kan
sas , C20 13t
HOTEL man -wanted , with a few thousand
dollars to ID vest ! house all furnished and
business that will pay out in 18 months ; title
perfect ; no incnmbrance. Address M , A. Me-
Uinnls , or 0. ( i Churchill , Sterling , Colo.
FOR SALE or exchange for dry goods or
urocarles , two farms of KM acres each near
Ilroken Row , Nob. lloth farms rented for this
year tor one-third of the crop. Address C. IX
Young , Bhcnandoah , la. 595 lot
"OU8INESS CHANCE I want n mantotnke
JL > charge of newspaper olllco ; must have
$1.000. Good security for money , nnd will guar.
antoo twenty per cent per annum ; will also pay
good salary. Address V 2 * . lice. 69114
C23.000 to ( V.ODO wanted to put Into n good busl-
P ness ) first class security and good rate of
interest paid fur short . or long time. Or will
take partner. For particulars address U 43 ,
lleool . 143 i
QALOON for Rale In ono of the best business
Ocontcrs In Reason for soiling ,
I must leave the city. Address V 13 Iloo.
T .1VERV stable for sale : is located In a thrlv-
JLJing town in the central part ot the state nnd
doing n good business ; splendid opportunity
Is olTcred to the right party. Address V 10 , Iloo
onico. 413 12t
HOTEL for snip , Well furnished , paying 8.X )
n mouth rent. Address W. P. Anderson ,
Norcatur , Kas. 233-ml *
ANEW roller mill for sale In a good wheat
belt , nnd good market for Hour. For terms
address F. J Andreas , Gordon , Nob. 845a2r
HARDWARE for sale Small neat stock. Tin
shop In conn ctlonmust ; bo sold nt oncn for
cash. Address O. M. Vaughnn , Fleming , Colo.
A MEMBERSHIP in the Omnhn board of
xxtrndocan bo had cheap at Koora2J U. H. Na
tional bank building. 028
A N improved farm to trade for city proporto.
xxl2.5iiperacrocnutn ; brauco f 4.10 , longtlmy.
Co-operative Lruid & Lot Co , , 205 N. Ifith Kt.
_ J | CM 14
$ Jooo stock gen. mdso. and store building
with $2DOO , to tritde for goodlty proporty.
3'good hotels. 81,000 stock of grocorloj. JW )
cash , bal. trado. Stock of millinery to trade
rorn lot. Good restaurant. Co-oporatlvo Land
& Lot Co. , 205 N. Kith st. Cfll 14
WANTED To trade equity In good 01014Tfor
gold watch. Address V 31 Iloo. 010-14T
VATILL trade city lot for carriage , buggy or
Vhorse. . Address V 33 Ilee. cu14t
"W" ANTED Tor exchange uqnlty In 210 aero
V > farm. Si.WJ for m'd'so. Will pay Jl.or
to 31,500 ( inference , Rlscloy , Sheuauuoah , la.
TJ10R EXCHANGE-For desirable resldonco
JL1 property In Omaha , any or all of following :
40 cholco inside residence lots lu Hastings.
103 lots In Lincoln.
CIO acres linn farming landLancaster county.
Fine residence propertv. Lincoln.
Oood rental property , Lincoln.
Cholco family residence , corner , Los Angeles.
A neat residence property In Hanscom Place.
Also , some good mortgage notes.
Address , giving location nnd prlco ot prop
erty. J. E. 15. , cnre Uaum Iron Co. , 1217 Leaven-
worth. 051.
T71OR EXCHANGE Dakota , Ilnnd county
JJ Whnt have you to oiror torn good farm
here , slightly encumbered ? Dakota lands nro
rising in value , and Its destiny cannot bo dis
puted. Will take vacant lot or improved prop
erty and assume fcorno encumbrance. G. J.
StornsdorIT , rooms 317 and 318 , Elrst National
bunk building. l 5'J
"IJTlOREXCHANUE-Elghty ncres of the llnest
J timber laud in Wisconsin , clear of encum
brance. What have you to ollor ? O. , I.iitorns-
dorff. rooms 317 and 318 , first National bunk
NEW 2-soatod flno carriage or top buggy for
mortgage city or county warrants , or any
good-Unsecured notes.W.L.SelbyR 13 U'd Trade
t i
1C10H SALE 100 ncres good farming land , 80
JL' ncres under cultivation.
20 head cattle , mostly cows.
2 work horses.
5 brood sows and pigs.
A good lot , farming Implements , one-half in
terest in crop now crowing , prlco & 1.200.
Also otto-half interest in store bulUllnc and
stock general merchandise therein , will invoice
Also one acre land adjoining the village of
Campbell , with good dwelling and stanlothore-
on ; will sell nil or in part.
Will give 8 per cout discount for cash buyer
for whole outllt. Reason for selling poor
health. C. E. lludlong , Campbell , Franklin
Co. . Neb. 072 IBt
/1IIOICE 100 acroH. tree claim , JS ml. of boom-
Vj' ing county soar , for merchandise. Price ,
81.600. c. H. Randall. Centropolls. Neb. 1155-13 *
FOR SALE That elegant site on UTth and
Furnam : S paved sts. , cast front , cor 10354
, S9.250. M.A.Upton Co. , Kith nnd Furnnm.
022 1U
rpHK first one Hint gets to our olllco with the
JL money takes that very ilnest residence slto
lu Omaha , cor 37tn and i'amain , 2 puvod sts. ,
cast front , oor ItclvixllSHi * ,250. M. A. Upton
Co. , 16th nnd Fariinm. GU2 in
T AND IhnvelO.OOO acres of choice farming
J-Jlanci8 in eastern and middle Nebraskawhich
I will sell lit- from $1 to (12 per acre. Will make
special price for the whole 10.0UO acres if taken
in u lump. Goo. H. Peterson , 1412 8 13th st. ,
C43 mil
T710R SALE--At n bargain , 8120 mortgage on
J-1 Kansas land and half section Colorado school
land. Address or call at COU S. 13th t. , 3rd tloor ,
after 0:30 : p. in. 601 13t
FOR SALE -Nice now iS-room house , barn for
4 horses , well nnd cistern ; otorythlnj ; llrst ,
class ; full lot , In llodford I'laco , 2J feel from
State street (30th ( st ) . $ . . ' ,200 , If 10 ! ) cash , bulnnco 1 ,
2und 3 years ; or (2,0110. (1,450 cash , balance 5
years , M. A. Upton Company , llith and Farnam.
103XI48M ! , swcor 37th nnd Kariiain , 2 paved
sts , lots graded down to within 2 foot of ut.
Krade.tlnost rasldcnco location in Ouiuha$9,2. " > l ) ;
must be taken at ouco. M. A. Upton Co. , ICth
and Farnam. CU21(1 (
FOR SALE Lot 40x100. south of fair grounds
In KIrkwood ; prlco (1,200 , ono-fourth cash.
J. 11. Loomls. 1920 Wtrt st. 678 1UT
HOW long are you going to let this snap stare
you In the face ? IMxl57 , south and east
front , corner 31th mid Hamilton streets , fronts
Hamilton. Charles and list h streetf. Nowifwo
should put this in at t < lOOJ Us real value you
would olferfl,000 , but we will tnko 14,251) ) for a
faw days. II. A. Upton Company , 10th and
Farnam. 672-11
FOR SALE Nine-room house , barn and lot
in Ilauacom Place ; also 2 houses and lota in
Bunny Sldo. Harris , room 411,1st Nat. bank.
ONE nndono-nnlf story. 7-room nouno city
wntcr , gna. largo barn ; convenient to ,
horne cars nnd cable ; good cnongh homo for
nny ono. Prlco , I.COJ. Terms , * 50 ( ) to 8700 cash ;
balancereasonable. . H. E. Cole , room tt , Con
tinental. 43 10
O .H.LOOKhera . ! An east front , 60 ft lot. on
20th St. , south of Rurdette ; very line view
for 11,500. How's thut. M , A. Upton Company ,
ICth and Farnam. 3JI
NO cash payment required. Will sell you a
full lot In Suuuderd Sc Htmebaugn'a odd
for I/WO und take mortgage for full amount duo
In 6years on condition that you build u house
to cost not loss than MX ) . C. K. Rclter , rooms ,
B W corner 15th und Douglas. 40
ELPIN PLACE , 700 per lot.
Kelpln I'laco lots art ) south fronts.
Van ileuren cells Kolpln Place lots.
Kelpln Place , on lluntetto st.
Kelpln Place Is very sightly.
Kulplri Place , 4 blocks to car line.
Kelpln I'laco let mo slio\v it to you.
Kelpln Place , t28 pur front foot.
Kelpln Place , lots 125 feet detrp.
Van Rcnren soils Kelpln 1'ltiot lota.
Kelpln Place lots are 29x125.
Ruy a lot In Kelpin Place.
Kelpln Place sold oo easy terms.
Kolpln Place lots , only 8U cnsh.
Kelpln Place rait ; ou ft years time.
Kelpln Place , interest only 7 per cent. 57 13
-TpOR front lot on Georgia nvo.
JL' in Hanscom i'Uca , most sightly lot on the
whole street , overlooks Omaha and Council
lllulTa , $3,000 , one-third cash , balance one nnd
two years. C. F. HarrlsonMirclianta ) Nut. UauK
\\7HA'i"8 thamatter with you that you don't
VT pick up that 105 foot , full depth , on corner
lllnney atroet and Mhorman aveuue ut (5,800 or
theconier lot Wtf feet forI.WJ. M. A. Upton
Company li'th and Faruum 5ll
FOR SALE or Exchange Improved stoclZ
farm of BU ) acre * , lu eastern Nebraska , near
market ; aUo now IJ-room house , wltu all con-
vuulencos , m deilr&ble realdeuco portion of
Omaha. Anilrew llevlni , attorney , 4iJ aud 123 ,
Paxton blocic , Oinuha. Neb ftil
TilOR SALE or Lease Frame building nhou
-L. 40xM vrltli three jrvar * ' lease of lot.Wl Uuue
- -
d > 3.00 per lot-Oklahoma City ja.OO per lot.
iPTnoArst 300 lots In Oklahoma City tnkon br
Omaha people will be cold at II p r lot ,
Panhand lo Townslto Company ,
Cor. 15th and. jUrncy sta. , Omaha , Neb. S3t
XtO per lot-Uklahonia City. See ndiertls * .
$ mont.
mont.Panhandle Townslto Company ,
Cor. 15th and Harnoy sts. , Omaha , Nob. SSI
TAON'T bo deceive ! ; the onico of Oklahoma
J- City Is at the corner of 15th and Harnoy sts.
Panhandle Townslto Company ,
Cor. 15th nnd Harnoy sts. . Omaha , Neb. S31
d 3.00 PKH IX.T Oklahoma City. See advor-
tptlsoment. Pnnhandlo Townslto Company ,
Corner 15th nud Harney sts. , Omaha , Neb , 281
( t > 3.00 PER LOT-Oklahoma City ; H per lot ,
tpTlio llrst .W lots In Oklahoma City taken by
Omaha people will bo sold at M per lot. Pan
handle TuwnMte Company , corner 15th and
Haruoyats. , Omaha , Nob. ! M1
FORSALE Fine residence slto on Lowe nvo. ,
184xl2. > , not far from the Academy of the
Sacred Heart , overlooks almost the entire city ,
prlco tlO.DOO , one-third cash , balance one and
two years. C. F. Harrison , Merchants Nat , bank
O 3.00 PER LOT Oklahoma Clty MOO per lot.
UJInordor to interest 300Omnhapoopio Itumcdl-
tuly In Oklahoma City , the coming metropolis
oftne Panhandle ot Texas , we will soil 3JO lota
or 13 Iper lot. Every lot level and dry , and 2i > x
121 feet In size. Title absolutely perfect. This
prlco Is good ouly until 3UO lots have been sold ,
after which prices will be advanced tof&l and
WO per lot. Oklahoma City is situated on the
OTtromo eastern border of Homphlll county ,
Texas , nud Immediately adjoining Oklahoma ,
or the Indian territory , and Just nt the point
whore the Atlantic A Pacltlo railroad loaves the
territory entering the Panhandle. Look nt
your map nnd see If there nro not growing
cities nt the points whcro the railroads either
outer or leave the territory , it was for this
nnd many other reasons that Oklahoma City
wo s located upon Its present slto. Those who
apply Immediately will have cholco of lots. All
orders by mall will rocclvo prompt attention ,
onico open every nlnht until 9 o'clock. Apply
to or address Pnnhntulle Townslto Company ,
comer 15th and Hnrnoysts , Omaha , Nob.
References : Flr t Nntlonal bank , ot Kansas
City , Mo. ; Hammitr , Davidson * Co. , banlft-rs ,
Kansas city. Mo. ; S. P. Orllllth tt Co. . bankers ,
Kansas city. Mo. ; Prathor bank , Canadian ,
Tot. ; W. S. Decker , county attorney , Canadian ,
Tex. 231
OJ3.00 PER LOT Oklnhom-x City $3.0) ) per lot.
P The llrst 3tO lots in Oklahoma City , taken by
Omaha people , will ba sold nt & ' .UO per lot.
Panhandle Townslto Company ,
Cor. : sth nnd Harnoy sts. , Omaha , Neb. 231
$3,0,1 , PER LOT Oklahoma City. See adver
I'liuhnndlo Townslto Company ,
Cor. 16th nnd llnrnoy ata. , Oiiinlin , Nob. S31
DON'T bo deceived ; the olllco ot Oklahoma
City Is nt the corner ot 15th nnd Ilarnoy sts.
Panhandles Townslto Company ,
Cor. 15th nnd llnrnoy ats , , Omnhn , Neb. 281
. LOT Oklahoma City. See adver
$3.00PER .
Pnnhnndlo Townslto Company ,
Cor 13th nnd llnrnoy sts. Omnhn , Nob. 231
AU.UO PER LOT-Oklahoma City : M per lot.
6) The tlrst : ) lots lu Oklahoma City taken by
Omnhn people , will be sold nt $1 per lot.
Pnuhandlo Townslto Company ,
Cor. 15th end Harney ats. . Omaha. .Nob. 231
LOTP3xl53 cast and south corner west Far
nam st. near Milton Hogors property , } 7.-
000 , Knsy terms will shade this for all cash.
C. F. Harrison Merchants Natl bank bldg. 493
DON'T be deceived ; tha olllco of Oklahoma
ultyls at the cnrnoruf 15th nud llnrnoy ats.
1'anhandlo Townslto Company ,
Cor. 15th and Harnoy sts. , Omaha , Nob. 281
(23.00 PER LOT Oklahoma City. Sco advcr-
Ptlsemont. Panhandle Townslto Company ,
Corner luth and Harnoy sta.Omaha , Nob. 281
$3.00 PER LOT Oklahoma Cltv ; 93 per lot.
The llrst ! ! 00 lots in Oklahoma City takou by
Omaha people will bo sold nt $ t per lot.
Panhandle Townslto Company , cornerljth
and Ilarnoy sts. , Omaha , Nob. 231
ATA sncrltlce IS-lxlSl ft , east nnd north
front , corner ! KHh nnd Howard sts. , one
block west of Coe's and Klrkondall'H ' line resi
dences , two blocks from paved street , two
blocks south of Farnam st. ; Just think of it.
120x150 ft. and n corner at that , nnd only (1.600.
C. K. Relter , room 5 , s. w. cor. 13th nud DoiiKliu
TT ON'T bo deceived ; the olllco of Oklonomn
JL/Clty Is nt the corner of Hth nnd Hartley sta.
Panhandle Townslto Company.
Corner 35th and Harnoy ats. , Omaha , Nob. 2S1
" "So ) PElTLOT Oklahoma City ; see advor-
1'autmndlo Townslto Company ,
Cor. 15th nnd Ilnrney ats. , Omaha , Nob. 231
DON'T bo deceived. The olllco of Oklahoma
City Is at the corner of 15th and Harnoy sts.
Panhandle Townslte Company , corner 15th and
Hartley sts , , Omaha , Nob. 281
A3.00 PER LOT Oklatioma City ; ? ) per lot ;
3)tho llrst 301 lots in Oklahoma City taken by
Omaha people will bo sold at I ) per lot.
Panhandle Townslto Company ,
Cor. 15th nud Haineysts. , Omaha , Nob. 231
DON'T bo docolved. The olllca of Oklahoma
City is at thecor 15th and Iluruoy sta.
Pnnhandlo Towusito Comnany ,
Cor. 15th nnd Harney sts. Omaha. Neb. 281
QJ3.03 PER LOT Oklahoma City. See adver-
Panhandle Townslto Company ,
Cor. 15th nnd Harnoy sts. , Omaha , NOD. 231
ffl3.aO PER LOT Oklahoma City. ? 3.03 per lot.
Pj'ho first ifOD lots in Oklahoma City , tnkon by
Omaha people , will ba sold at D.r > 0 per lot.
Panhandle Townslto Company ,
Cor. 15th and Harney sts. , Omaha , Neb , 231
DON'T bo deceived. The olllco of Oklahoma
City la at the cor. of lith and Harnoy sts.
Panhandle Townsito Company ,
Cor luth nnd Harney sts. , Omaha Neb.
. PER LOT Oklahoma City. See adver
$3.03 .
PanlTZrfdlo Townslto Company ,
Cor. 15th nnd Harney ats , Omaha , Nob. 281
. LOT-Oklahoma City. M per lot.
$ The first OX ) lots In Oklahoma City , taken by
Omaha people , will bo Bold nt $ .1 per lot.
Panhandle Towusito Company ,
Cor. 15th ani * Harney sts , Omaha , Nob. 281
TT\ON'T bo deceived. The olllce of Oklahoma
J-'City la nt the Cor. of 15th nnd Harnoy ata.
Panhandle Towuslte Company ,
Cor. 15th and Harney sta. . Omaha , Neb. 281
$3.00 PER LOT-Oklahoma City. See adver
Panhandle Townslte Company ,
Cor. 15th and Harney sta. , Omnha , Nob. 81
. PER LOT-Oklahoma City ; * 'l per lot.
$ The first 3001ots in Oklahoma City , taken by
Omaha people , will bo aold at IJ per lot.
Panhandle Townslto Company ,
Cor , 15th nnd Ilarnoy sts , Omaha , Nob. 231
$3.00 PER LOT Oklahoma City. See adver
Panhandle Townsite Company ,
Cor. 15th und Ilnrney ts. , Oman a , Nobr 231
$3.00 I'ER LOT Oklahoma Clty.-t3.00 per lot.
The llrst iWO Iota In Oklahoma City taken by
Omaha people will bo sold at J.I.OJ per lot ,
Pauhundle Towuslte Company ,
Cor. 15th and Haruoy sts. . Omaha , Nob. 231
FOR SALE C-room cottage on 15th st. bet.
Center nnd Dorcas , lot 35x157 , tijroo. easy
terms ; this Is a bargain. M. A. Upton Co. , 10th
and Farnam. Ml
FOR SALE The finest resid nco site In West
Omaha ; just south of Farnam on 37th
street ; a corner 185x187 with Id7 feet frontngo
on paved street and Joining the handsome resi
dence ot Klrkondaii on the east and flrady.Eas-
son und Martin on the south ; a perfect earn
and garden spot for an elegant homo.
Harney and 21st streets , HlxMT , on pavement
within three blocks of the court house ; room
for seven line houses that would rent as rapIdly -
Idly as completed. A splendid permanent In
Furnnm and 22d streets. 51x133 , with now
throe-story brick store building , rented to good
permanent tenants. Rental rocolnta tl,20T pur
Sixteenth street near Nicholas , frontage tl
feet to alley. Good business property.
Furnam street between 'IStli and 39th , frontage -
ago 48 or OTxU2 to alley , south front , 1 block
from pavement and street curs.
Pur * avenue , opposite Hanscom park , 60x151 ,
price 2,000 , easy terms.
Paddock Place , trackage , 00x113 , 42.0W , easy
terms ,
16th street south of Vlnton St. , lot for sale or
trade for mdse. or ttood farm land ,
S. A. Sloman. it01 ; Farnam st. Z.10
pi ALL on H. K. Cole , northeast corner of 15th
Wand Douglas sts. , Omnha , for Edwin 1C. Al *
tip Jt Co'a catalogues of lands ot California.
CT ) April 18 *
TTIOR SALE un monthly or quarterly payT
X' monta.some newO-room/iouxea In Mlllard A
Paid well's odd. . Just Itf miles Irom ooatofllce.
If you want a homo of your own como and sea
tne. OUSpoUwood. atJUS , ISth st. U5
QHOLEb' special bar ulni .0tw buys a good
J.J7 room cottage and barn wltn Due plumbing ,
hot water heating apparatus , nicely papered ,
mantle and nil convenlonces.ful ) lot , east /rout ,
Jin-corner2 < ! th t. and Woolworth avenue.
H.SX ) buys a line new 10 room home , with a
good barn and all conveniences , balng nn east
fronton Popploton avenue and 2 < lth street ;
V < 00 buys a full lot , east front on Georgia
aveniu , half block south ot Lovj-onworlli at. ,
with a good 6 room cotUie , fine urno etude
trees. Very choice.
< ; oed H room home , furnace and all conven
ience ! , Nn.2413 I'oDploton avenue ; party going
tolMvotueclty , investigate this and aumult
, 1 have a good list of residences and residence
lot * which It will pay you to investigate if you
\vuh to purchase ; I alio hare IIUMHM worth of
good clem- property to exeh auge for elthr good
residence property , or inside btislneis proporl/
ami aiatime as snucn ncuinberance , or pny dif
ference In cash. If you have anything Dm
rlats for Bale or trade , call and see me. I ) , Y.
Kholc * . room 219 Vint National bunk IJldu' . , . , .
AUARGAIN 3 acres In HascaU'ii Sub. nd
joining South Omaha ; \rlll mao to nno lots ;
n Rood chance for speculation. Oo-oporatlva
tend A Lot Co. . a\i N. ICtli st. C6t li
" "
-A. Donglas Comitv Abstracts ,
1W7 PiirnMn street.
To those who wish to Invest n small sum of
money safely in a manner that commend * Hsolt
to the prudent buyer , wo offer lots
inside City 1.1 mils.
In a locality whor humlrodi of good houses ara
already built aud being finished , for the small
by paying $15 down , and balance HO or mor
per month. Hundreds have made money In
Omnhn by such investments ns this who could
have bought In no other way , and
Thousands In Chicago
have Invested nnd are now Investing mthosnmt
manner. You can come nnd see these 1 00 lota
nt nny tlmo , ns conveyances are
Aluays Ready
to show property , whether you buy or not
When you see these lots and the Improvement ! )
surrounding them you will have to admit thai
No Ono Can
duplicate them In prlco , location or terms. Its-
member that these nro not lots In a swamp or In
the country , but are splendidly located , sur
rounded by bulldlmsand you can see thaui any
tlmo and make up your
Own Mind
as to their value. Terms are made easy so that
people can buy and save their money without
fooling it. When you buy such a lot on such
terms you make n
Safe Venture.
and If you novcr venture anything you U never
have very much. Come nnd POO the lots and
mnkoupyotir own mind as to tholr value ; you
will then understand why they nro soiling , and
admit them to be
) Per Cent
cheaper than surrounding lots. Don't delay !
como ami see for joursclf ; put your nunioy
whore It will make you moro , and romemboi
prlco , torms. nnd thut you can judge for your
self nt nny tlmo ns to real value of this prop
orty. Ames. 1507 Farnam. 531 1.1
XTRAORDINARV" llargnln-5 acres oj
the most beautiful ground In the city just
the plnco for n home with all UN appointments.
Yon can buy this at your own prlco. Cnll al
onto. C. F. Harrison , Merchants' National
bank bid. C81
TpOlfSALE Cheap Not for trade ; 6n.7fl ncroi
JU1 Und ( sec. 5-12-0) ) two miles from Marquette ,
Hamilton county , Nebraska. Frame house , sta
ble. ; wo acres under good barb-wire tonco ,
round cedar posts , two stays , living water. 30-
foot channel , 2 wells , 3-J ) barrel tank , corral ,
self-feeder , a natural stock rnuoh , lu a line corn
Prlco | n,0M (
Cash In hand 2,750
2years' time0 per cent 3,2M
Go and look over land. Address owner , F. K.
Atkins ! VB Larimer st Denver Col. 027
T710K SALE-Or exchange for Omnhn prop.
JL1 orty. NO acres , suitable for platting ; will
make 400 lots , all clear ; big money In It for soma
ono who can push this ; located just outsldo tha
city limits of Council lllnlls. inqulro Geo. J.
Storn-wlorir. rooms 317 nud 318 , First National
bank building. Pj6
mALK of bargains 1 Guzoou this : 120\157 n.w ,
X cornerU.ith nnd Hamilton , fronts 3 streets ,
nt grade , for 91,210. This U bod-rock ; not n
n lekol loss will ever buy it , nnd It must bo
grabbed soon nt thai prlco. M. A. Upton Com
pany. 10th nnd Fnrnnm. 5'J'J '
SOI'TH OMAHA I have a number of good
loU lu various additions that must bo sold
at oucoan.l can bo bought nt prices that will
milt you. U. J. Stornsdorlf , rooms 317 and ! 118
First National bank building. 050
WORTHY of your attention. Now bomg
completed on 2Jth l , north oC Lonvou.
worth st , two housoi convenient to business ,
very roomy , grate , mantel , furnace , gas. bath ,
tollut , 2 water closets , stationary wasn tubs ,
hot and cold water , flvu bodrooras , 10 closets ;
only &VKO , on terms to suit. Telephone 237 01
W. T , aoamnn , Oiualm's largest variety of wng.
ons. carrlnges. etc. , cast sldo 10th st , north of
Nicholas St. 432
"IT OR sale 6r exchnngo A rosldenco nt 20th
J-'st. , nnd St. Marys nvo , has 7rooms , bath
room , laundry , sewerage , gas and city water.
Will ttiko good ontslilo building slto as part
payment. David Jamioson. 311 S IBth. 7K3
NEAT , cosy home , convenient to cars ; 154
story , six-room ; J..UOJ. Terms. 8WO ta
J50J cash ; bnlanco , easy monthly payments.
H. K.Colo , room0 Continental. 4.15 12
I HAVE 10 line lots in llrlggV Plnco ndd. ,
Omaha , for cash , on good terms. For further
Information Inqulro of E. Jeffrey , Galena , HI ,
45 al8
1710R HALE A beaut If ill resldonco In Hans-
JL1 com Place , trout on 30th at. Just south
of Foppleton ave , lot fiflxllJ to grudod alloy ;
yard nicely sodded ; 8-room house , bath , hot
nnd cold water , gas , sewer , electric balls , hard ;
wood llnlsh. If taken at once will sell this ( Ino
homo.tor amount much below Its value. ' No
ulcer neighborhood In thn city. To those- that
mean business wo would llko to Bhow this
property. Wo will muko the pricj right. M.
A. Upton Company , Kith nnd Itanium. 3JI
HERE'S your chance 50x118H. cast front on
17th struct ( paved ) Just south of Fnrnam
for $1.12 , " ) . Only In market for a few days ;
don't let the grass grow under your foot If you
want ono of the finest building altos in Omaha
at Just ia7f > lesa than It is worth. H. A. Upton
Company , Hth and Farnam. 67--14
TNSTRU.MENTS placed oa record during
JL yostordav.
Otto Lobpck and wlfo to C Huxhold , lot 5 ,
blk ID. Hitchcock's 1st add , w d } COO
II C Young nnd wlfo to Hclntzman , lot 8 , "
block : > , KlKliorn. wd 975
W II Smith and wife to C F Woymuller , o
! , s w n w H.V13 , w d 4.500
J T Paulson nnd wife to A Travis , lots 1 ,
2 , 3 nud 4 , blk 1 , Win Hagcdorn's ndd ,
wd 1,000
C llelndorir to A F Rust , o38 ft lot 12 , ulk
0 , Reed's l t add. w d O.OW
P A Henley to W II Hull , lot 4 , blk 11 , Pat-
rick'a 2d ndd , w d 2.COQ
N HulsttoG L Graves , lot 2 , 11 Sblnn's
IMadd , ncd 6,000
G W Ames nud wlfo to R M Roger , lot 1 ,
Ames' add to Illllsilalo. wd 230
It Reed i-t al to N Hammer , pt lot 22 , bl °
4 , Campbell's ndd , wd 3B3
W O llroun and wlfo to J Appol , lot 10 , blk
0 , Mtllnrd , wd CO
TMCiutarand toV H 11 Stout , lot
I , Joustin'a Hub , w d 3.00(1 (
C A GOHS to A 11 Gosslot 2blk IS.Ouiaha .
Vlow , wtt . ] ,1X ( )
F 13 White ot nl to 0 A Goss , lot 20 , blc ] ,
and lot f > , blk 2 , Foreman's sub , tv d . ( SCO
Territory of Nebraska to M F lletu , n' { ,
ao H , 15 , 13 , tax deed . 13
J and M S Hcth to P W Hitchcock , n'A , so
H. ir > , ii : , qcd . . . 290
R h HItchcocK and wlfo to M E Realty ,
lot 20. blk 11 , Hanscom place , w d . . . 0,000
G F McDonald nnd wlfo to W Jt II Stout.
lotM.vblk P , Omuha View ; lots 11) ) . 11 and
12 , blk I : lot 18 , blk 4 ; lot 2. , blk 1 , and 4
lot II. blk 4 , Cottier & Archer's ad to 4n
South Omuha , nnd lot 7 , blk 3 , Lnko
Vlow.w d . 10fW
Seventeen transfers
Supt. Whitloclc yesterday Issued the fol
lowing penults to build ;
John Tannali 111. 1-story frame dwelling ,
Pierce , near Eighth . $ JCO (
Charlvs Deuol , 2-story frame dwelling.
Douglas , near 21st . . . . f. 4,600
D 1'ltzpatrlck , 2-story frame dwolllnir ,
37th und Iznrrl . . . . „ . 8,0
Goo E Clarke , two I'A Btory frame dwell
ing ! ) , 20th and IlriBtoI . 3.00C
Nine minor p rmit . ; . 1U3 <
Fourteen permits , . $17,47 (
Pulillo Auction. I
rpo ni : sold nt public auction on Saturday
JL April 20' on the cornorot 12th and Doualaa ,
10a.m. All the fixtures , furniture , itavea !
ranges , tublo clotim , ullvorwnre of thn saloon
restaurant ot C. R , Hlgglns , Also 8 horses , car-
rlagcB , buggies , liarnoHnei. I. Urown. alld9l
Notlco to Cradora.
Ho.ileil proposals will be received at the offlc *
of the county clerk , until 2 o'Iok p , in. , Satur
day. April 27th Iniit. , for the running ot grader *
Now. 1 und 2. Separate bids will bo received foi
hill and turnpike work , and ail bids must b
accompanied by certlfledchoclc for 1100. Plan *
amLapeclflcntlous to heonon nt the olllce of thi
county clerk. M. 1 * . Roour , County Cler * .
Capital Stock . $150.000
LlitlJllItics of HtocUholiloi-B
Five 1'er Ceitt Interest Paid on De
posits Compounded Semi'
Annually ,
L. M. UKNNRTT. Vice President
F. W. WEriSELLS. Managing Director.
J. . Oar 0. lUiiTotf. m
C , I' , MANIIKI 'raps. L. KIUUICL ,
MAX MElKfl , TllUUAhf I1DCK.
K. W. WrgSKM. ij'B Naoow ,
ANSOH a. . . .
u T w rt r t ,
Kmlr * .
IM Wftkfctk * -