THE OMAHA DAILY BEE SATUBDAY APBIL 13. ' 1889. THE DAILY BEE. COUNOIlTBLUFFS. OFFICE. NO 12 TEAHlj STUnET. Delivered by carrier In Any Part of he City a TwcntyOnts I'erWeek. II. W. T1LTON MANAOKll. TELEPHONES ! IlCFIINr.Rft OmCE NO. 43. NIGHT HUITOR , No.2& M1NOH MENTION. n. Y. Plumblntt company. A tnarrlngo license was Issued yestcrdny lo E. L. Uavls , of UmahD , nnd Koxoy Wcv toy , of this city. There will bo ft meeting of the P. E. O. ocloty nt Mrs. Dr. Hnnchetl'a on Fourth street , this afternoon , tit D o'clock. The choir of St. Francls-Xavlcr's church Is preparing Mlllard's mass In 13 flat for Easter. The music on that day will bo qulto k feature nt this church. At the annual encampment ot the Grand Army of the Hcnubllo nt Burlington , Dr. P. S. Thomas , of this city , was elected medical director. This Is another compliment to a citizen of Council Bluffs. A party about twenty-llvo young people lurprlsoil Miss Dora Hood nt her homo on Plorco street last evening. A few hours were' very cnjoyably spent In various kinds of social amusements , after- which refresh- tucntsruro served. The coeds stolen by Noland are being recovered - covered In all parts of the city , principally from the sporting fraternity. A watch was yostcrciuv recovered from William Probvtlo "Dutch lllll. " who had received it from ono of the Plorco street denizens , who had secreted some of the plunder. It seems that Charles I3aughnwho became disgusted with tbo special assessment taxes of Council Bluffs a few years ago. and re moved to Kansas City , is now coming back. Ho will erect n $3,000 rcsidonco on North Madison street , and return to his llrst love , Council Bluffs , who will welcome him with open arms. Charley says the Kansas City boom was a great "catcher , " but it did not wear worth a cent , and Council Bluffs Is good enough for any man who Is willing to remain on earth. Notice to Wnrcr Consumers. Water rents are now duo nnd payable at ofllco , 114 Muln street. COUNCIL BLUFFS CITY WATKR WOUKS Co. Blank books mndo to order. Can f ur njsh patent binding for parties wishing the saico. Call and eco samples at room 1 , Evsrott block , Pearl street. Moitr.iiousE & Co. Rooms to rent In the Merriam block. 8. B.Wndaworth & Co.,230 Main street. Kcmcmbcr ! The blue ice wagon sells pure river Ico. Your orders solicited. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Telephone 1G2. Of fice 6021st avo. , under Citizens' bank. Have our wagon call for your soiled clothes. Cascade Laundry Co. Attend the millinery display to-day at Friedman's. J. G. Tipton , real estate , 527 B'dway Personal Par.igrnphs. C. J. Blanchard.formerly of this city , and now of Minneapolis , Is in the Bluffs , and will remain about a week. Ho finds It very convenient to stop hero occasionally in the midst of his travels. Rev. Q. D. William , of the McCormick theological seminary , Chicago , has arrived in the city to take charge of the Presbjterian Harmony mission nnd will preach to-morrow nt 3 o'clock. Mr. William will also aid in evangelistic work in other parts of the city. Loans on city and farm property. Best terms. A. M. Hutchlnson , 017 Broadway. Headquarters for builders' hardware , Odell & Bryant , 513 Main street. Pattern hats and bonnets displayed to-day at Friedman's. * * Real estate loans , F. J. Day , 39 Pearl. S. B. Wadsworth & Co. loan money. You will find plat and tickets for re served seats for Dr. Tovis & Co.'s "Car avan of Songs nnd Scones' ' at Bushnell'b book store , Main street. * In Police Co.nrt , Thrco drunlts.who danced Thursday night , paid the piper in police court yesterday morning. Two vags , who were unfortunate enough to strike Council Bluffs without gond and substantial testimonials of previous good character and healthy financial condition , wore turned over to the tender mercies of Qfllcer Tyson , who will pivo them employ ment at his real estate agency. Lou McCoy was placed In duranoo vllo on the charge ot keeping an assignation liouso on Lower Broadway. She denied the charge , and alleged that she was conducting both herself nnd her house In a proper man ner. It will bo remembered by readers of THE Bun that Mrs. McCoy is the woman who figured m the district court several months ago , as a party hi a case Instituted by her husband , who desired to secure pos session of his little girl , alleging that the mother was n common prostltuto.and unfit to liavc control of the child. The court granted his request , and the sheriff took the child from the mother nnd gave her to the father. Mrs. McCoy stated to the police ludgo yesterday that she was bound to have her child and , as she was living a virtuous life , would appeal to the Judge of the district court to rovcrno the decision of a year ago , and return the child to her custody. For & 25.00 The N. Y. Plumbing bo. will put a load sorvi'co pipe nnd hydrant in your yard ; also 50 foot extra hose. Call at once at 114 Main street. Buildings loans. Odol ) Bros. & Co. Money loaned on furniture , pianos , diamonds , horses , bugglos or anything of value at low rates of interest. No publicity fair and honorable dealing. A. A. Clark Ss Co. , olllco cor. Broadway and Main , over American express. * The Veterans at Home. Tbo Q. A. H. veterans returned yesterday morning from Burlington , and report a very enjoyable and successful encampment. Ono development connected with the event Is to bo regroted. The veterans gave thU city nn opportunity to have the encampment for next year , but no effort was made by tbo board of trade to secure it. It would have cost from 1,000 to f5,000 to have secured the encampment of IBOi ) , nnd the city would have benefited by five times that amount. The attendance exceeds 0,000 people , and the direct financial pain woulti have been con siderable nsldo front the attendant advertis ing , As it Is now , Dea Molnes will witness the next reunion of the veterans. . . . . Wonted Quo or two good residence lots within tlvo blocks of pottoDlco. Must bo cheap. Apply at once to S. B. Wnasworth & Co , , 30 Main stroot. Dr. 0. C. Bazon , dentist , Opera house block , Monov loaned at 1 * B. Craft's ft Co.'s loan olllco on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other articles of value without removal. ' All business strictly conn * dontful. _ Notice the beautiful finish given col lars , cuffs and shirts by Cascade Laun dry company. A cordial * invitation to nil to attend the millinery display to-day * nt Krioil- RlttU' , NEWS ABOUT THE BLUFFS , Tbo Woman Shot by Noland Clings Strongly to Llfo. NOTES FROM THE COURTS. A Ilnranr For St , IJornnril's Hospital Accident to a Thonclitlcaa Clmrlty In Controversy. Noln nil's Victim The cnso ot Klttlo Edwards , the woman who was shot by the sulcldo , John Noland , several days ago , is attracting considerable attention among the modlcal men of the city. When first visited by n physician , the latter declared that she could not live twelve hours. However , she did llvo twelve hours , and has been constantly Improving over since. That thin should bo so seems very remarkable , considering tbo course taken by the bullet , which was of thirty-two cnlibro. It entered the skull nbout half an Inch above the loft eye , passed through the brain , nnd the physician Is of tbo opinion that , after striking the rear wall of the skull , the ball plmiccd downward , and Is now located about two inches to the rcnr of the base of the left car. The patient has lost fully four ounces of bruin fiber and several small pieces of ttio skull. The woman has recov ered consciousness , and is able to converse with her attendants ami mnko known her wants. If she recovers , It will bo little loss than n mlrnclo , yet her physician says that slid luis n fair show of recovery. It. Is a case yery rarely mot with , nnd will go on record as ono of the remarkable affairs that are found in the annals of surgery. St. llornnrd'H Bnznnr. Preparations nro nearly completed for tbo bazaar to bo given for the benefit of St. 13or- nnrd's hospital , during the weak beginning April 22. The affair promises to bo the most successful ono of Its kind over hold in this city. Many alcgant and useful arti cles bavo been donated by kind friends , * and there will bo an abundance of well filled booths under the management of the various societies. A valuable cot will bo disposed of by tickets at $1 oach. An elegant gold watch will bo voted to the most popular youg lady. A beautiful dressing > case , the finest over brought to this city , will bo sold by tickets. A very line diamond ring and numerous other articles will also bo disposed of. Thcro will bo a snoclal attraction for each evening , Among them will bo a grand concert in which Mrs. Arnold , Lieutenant Klnzlo nnd Mr. Lombard , of Omaha , will participate. Tbo opera "Penelope , " full of fun nnd humor , will also bo given by homo talent. The Arlon club , of Omaha , has kindly consented to assist. Everybody Is Invited to help along this worthy charity , both by tneir presence during the bazaar and their contributions , which will bo thankfully received by the sis ters of the hospital. Bnilly Bumped. A passenger on the clcctrio motor line mot with a severe accident yesterday afternoon. As an cast-bound car ncarcd Twenty-third street , about 4 : 15 o'clock , 13cn Johnson , llv- inp nt the corner of Twenty-third street and Avcnuo D , stopped to the front platform , opened the gate and stood on the stop , in tending to got oft at the crossing. Ho closed the gnto after him , but It pulled through , throwing him from the step. Ho fell back ward , his head striking the end of ono of the tics. tics.Ho Ho was partially stunned , and assisted on board again and brought up town to the of fice of Dr. Bellinger , who dressed the wound. Thcro was n terrible s'calp wound , the cut bolng fully tlirco inches in length. The skull was not fractured. The unfortunnto man sustained several painful bruises about the back , but will entirely recover In u short 1 1 mo. No blnmo for the accident can attach , to the company , as the forward platform is reserved for tbo inotorman , and is not for the use of passengers. Civil and Uncivil. In tbo district court yesterday the case of Orahl vs Shoa was on trial. Grab ! holds a mechanic's Hen on Shea's rcsidonco. Shea settled In full with the contractor , and sup posed the sub-contractors were settled with. The case was not completed when court ad journed. During the afternoon three prisoners con fined In the county Jail were ordered ro- loascd. Charles Ummuin , who has boon in carcerated for the past six months for com plicity lu the larceny of a , watch chain from Robinson Bros. , was ono of tboso released. His pals were sent across the state. Charles Perry , the ether ono released , was indicted for forging a chock on D. F. Eichcr. Ho Is a colored man , and was steward at the rooms of the Council Blufis club at the time of his arrest. Tha third was E. A. Raymond , who was indicted for adultery with a woman who is now living with her husband in Omaha. The husband was the complainant anil prosecut ing witness , but bo now refuses to return to Iowa and testify against Kaymond. This took all the wind out of the sails of the pros ecution , and nothing remained but to dis charge the prisoner. * Sweet Charity. To the Editor of TUB BEG : I can not quite understand that article In your paper nbout mo. All I can make out of it Is that some respectable German citizens of Council Bluffs want to find out If I spent any of the dimes and quarters they contributed toward Gor- Icke's ' funeral for boor. Please toll thorn that I hadVlonty of money of my own to refresh - fresh myself on that occasion , but If any of thorn begrudge the dime or quarter they can como to mo nnd rccclvo that big sum back any time during my life. Once more I thank all contributors and remain , Yours Sincerely , J. M. LAMCKE. The Now Motor Lino. A petition to the city council bus bcon pre pared by the projectors of the now motor line , asking thnt certain streets in this city bo declared by ordinanceoucn to tbolr tracks and tliu operation of their lino. The princi pal routn will bo from the end of the Union Pacific brldgo up Ninth avenue to Third street , ftouta to Tostovln , east to South avenue , thcnco toward tbo Deaf and Dumb instltuto to tun city limits. Several other streets nro asked for , among them being Eighth strcot , from the north to south city limits , but this is strongly objected to by property owners. The route above stated Is the key to the whole situation , bow- over , as from the terminus on South avenue the Chnutauqua assembly grounds nro easily accessibleby v/uy of the Mosiiulto creek val ley , and Manawa Is close at hand on tbo southwest. Thus the line would reach those desired suburbs , ns well as covering the ontlro south ern portion ot the city , aba branch lines would roach to the north. The parties inter ested talk freely regarding the line on this sldo , but are silent whan the brldgo is men tioned. A deal is on foot to securu a leaseof the roadway of tbo bridge , and until some answer U received the Interested parties ro- fuBQ to mention It. The Incomes of Autors. The minor members of a dramatic company nro paid nbout as well as the members pf the staff of n successful metropolitan newspaper perhapsmoro , says the Philadelphia. Press. The stars fnro better than the editor-ln-ohicf. But so many of the stars are spend thrifts notoriougly "Adonis" Dixoy and Stuart Robsoii * It is impossible to give the average incomes of Mrs. Lang- try. Mossra. Booth nnd Bnrrott.bocuuso , "while they draw crowded houses in ono place they plat to omjity seats in another. Kyrlo Bellow receives $350 a \voak for forty weeks ; Churlos Coghlan the snuio ; Mary Anderson's profits this season will bo unusually Inrgo , about 84,800 a week for forty weeks , or $192- vvcolc from the Gaiety company , and wiia offered $800 a week by Rudolph Aronson ; Ellen Terry is paid $000 and George Alexander 8200 u week. \ WOMEN DISSECTORS. Wliy Bless Yotn the Fair Ktil To Welders Don't Even Wlnoo. A reporter for the Cincinnati En- qulror recently visited the dissecting room of tno woman's medical college there thus describes the sights there : On the common wooden table lay n corpse. It was that of n woman past middle ngo. Around It stood seven women , whoso yonrs ranged from eighteen to forty- live. live.They wore long aprons thnt came from their noclcs to their heels , their bonnets were off nnd they were eagerly working over the remains with their heads oont close nnd their nlmblo lingers moving back nnd fro , ns if they wore plckintr out nuggets of gold. . Ono of the Indies , short nnd plump , with her hair done up pompadour , and n nluIn gold ring on her loft hand and n seal amethyst on her right little linger , wns nt the head of the table , nnd as she stood over the head of the corpsowhoso ghastly features almost touched her lips , she pcorod as If looking into the very Intricacies of the head and faco. In their loft hands THE -VVOMKN AM , HAD nxcnnfl or forceps , and with those they deftly grabbed the llcsh , and with n scalpel In the right hand they slit little cuts off from the skin. Then muscles were grabbed by the forceps that they hold , and , lifting thorn up , all the material was cut from them until Iho muscles stood out like n long string. The women were dissoctlng. The scene wns in the garret of the Female Medical college , on Qoorgo street. A small cannon stove nt the foot of the body wanned up the room sulll- oiontly , and when the blnzo wont down bits of material thrown in flashed up with n siz/.lo and n glow. Ono of the pung ladies had just como from some town in Kentucky. She hold her forceps at arm's length nnd stood npart and off from the stiff ns though there was something corrupting about it. She hnd n long nose nnd bright , black eyes , and snnppcd out with vigor , "Oh , mercy , I shall NEVEU GET USED TO THIS XASTY IVOIIK. "Oh , yes , you will , " said the amiable nnd scholarly demonstrator. "Don't be nfraid ; get right up to the material. There , do you know whnt that muscle isV" "No , T do not. " "It's the Sartorius. It enables the tailor to sit cross logged , " nnd grabbing the muscle that runs from the hip down the inside of the thigh to the knee-cap she pulled it , and up came the foot nnd nnklo of the corpse close by the Ken tucky girl's hond. The lady was working on n corpse all by herself. Its sides had been tak ° n out , and about all there was loft thnt hnd not boon chopped up or hacked to pieces was the loft kneoi nnklo nnd foot. This looked white , but shriveled. The demonstrator , Dr. Lewis , were anapron like the ludios , nnd hold the scalpel and forceps like an expect. Ho adu long LATIN NAME FOIl KVKttY MUSCLE And sinew , every artery nnd nerve , and as ho selected them out of the dif- horont parts of the body nnd asked "What is this'r" "What is it functions11" ' it soon became evident that dissection was no child's play , and that ono of the first requisites was a prodigious mem ory. There was no odor in the dissecting room no putridismoll of dead nnd de caying matter. The corpses had been carefully embalmed , so that there was not even the faintest aroma that could otTcnd. ' A noticeable feature of the dissecting room was that the women nil appeared In earnest. There were no jokes , and each scorned bent on learning , no mat ter how disagreeable the work. Several of them had been nurses and were used to the sick , the dead and the dying , and some of thorn had the appearance of women who would scream at a mouse ergo go into hysterias at a ghost. The demonstrator at last took a posi tion nt the head of the body , and , call ing the attention of nil , said : "And this is for all of you , " proceeded to make ti couple of INCISIONS IN TITE TIIKOAT and pointed out the dolloronce between laryngotomy nnd tracheotomy. The ono wns performed above Adam's apple , the other bolov. Ho soon found the artery that had to bo tied , but some thing took to bleeding , and hence the danger , then picked out each of the muscles and hung a jaw-breaking Latin name on to each that made the young ladles say "OhJ dear , " and ono of thorn got her anatomy , and , shutting her eyes , repeated it over and over ngain so ns to tack it fast on the tablets of her memory. The demonstrator minutely described the operation on the Emperor Fred erick's throat , and explained what Sir Morroll Mackenzie aid , at which the medical world stood nghnst. The WHITENESS OF THIS BODIES wns something that astounded the ro portor. Neither of them had the dried- up , mummified appearance so common to material that is ordinarily found in the dissecting room. The features of each were preserved so that identifica tion could have boon a matter of no dif ficulty. Though the whiteness has a dead sort of paleness devoid of that of the living , beneath the flesh of which courses the warm arterial blood , giving the flush of health nnd glow of vitality. Ono of the lady students cumo in late , nnd she neither took oil her hat nor put on an apron , but , removing her gloves , took up a pair of forceps and scalpel and preceded at once to scraping the flesh oil ono of the logs without any hem ming or hawing. Perhaps she had just como from a late breakfast. At any rate , the work seemed to have no more effect on her than making a bed or washing a pan. pan."Doctresses do well , " said the doan , Dr. Rood , as ho passed rapidly through the room. "Why , n young lady who graduated two years ago , and who was a fine anatomist , settled out in Washing ton territory , and now she writes ano that SHE HAS SA 'ED THIItTY'THItEE HUN- DICED DOLLAItS. " "Yes , but this'handling of dead bodies there's something ghastly anout it , especially for u womanV" "No , there is not not a bit of it. That is all mawkish sentiment. There is no reason why a woman should not rrmlco as good a surgeon as a miui , with perseverance and intelligence , Why , the orriporor of Hayti was operated upon by n woman surgeon n few months ago in Paris. And the time is fast approach ing when to ladles will bo delegated certain delicate surgical operations , which possibly they may bo fitted to dexterously perform. " A HAUNTED PALACE" CAR. How a Railroad Man Saw the Ghost , of A , A. Tnlinuie. "No , I wouldn't ride in that car If the inducements were a free ride from San Francisco to Now York. It is an un- luoky vohlclo. " So spoke Colonel J. H. Woodward of the Wabash road , according to the Sun Francisco Examiner. IIs attention had just bcon called to n dispatch in ono of the morning papers stating that O. M. Hays , general manager pf the W abash road , had u few days ago placed kis private car at the disposal of the family of Russell Harrison , son of the president , to convoy thorn from Omaha to Indianapolis , "tfio generous offer was nccoptcd , nnd Iho trip proved thor oughly onjoyablo. 'Tho dispatch had evoked reminiscences in the mind of the colonel. "Hays ! car , " Bald ho , "Is never mentioned wmong cortnln mon without recalling queer memories. I am one of those men' . "Tho car is an olegnnt piece of work manship and was built expressly for A. A. Tnlmngo nl the time thnt ho wns general manager of Gould's Missouri Pacific system. Later on , when ho became - came general manager of the Wabash system under Its receiver , ho still re tained the car nnd traveled hundreds of miles in it. "In the summer of 1877 ho wns tnlton ill , nnd ono day started northward from St. Louis in this car , bound for n short vacation in Michigan. The train had hardly reached Peru , Ind. , when ho suddenly died , Hays then became his successor and the car wns assigned to his use. In Mnrch ot last your I wns In St. Louis , nnd wns Invited by Hays to travel to Chicago with him in the car , und Chnndlor , the gonornl passenger agent of the road was in the party. Wo pulled out of St. Louis in good style about 1U p. m. , and were soon humming merrily along. Probably an hour after starting Chandler retired , nnd Hays pointed to the bedroom nt ono end of the cnr nnd told mo it was nt my ser vice. I wns tired nnd prepared to tnko n good sleep. I locked the door of the room nnd turned out ono of the two sus pended lamp lights. I foil asleep al most instantly. ' 'How long I had bcon asleep I cnn- no't toll , but I was nwakonod by someone ono pressing hard upon my nrm. My first thought wns that nf thief had got Into the car , nnd entered my room. It wns ns dark ns a closet , nnd I distinctly remember that I had not turn eel out the lamp. I foil convinced that a thief was in my room. "These thoughts passed through my mind quick as n flash , nnd yet all this time I felt the mysterious pressure on my arm. I was frightened , hut did not utter a word , except when first being disturbed , to ask , 'Who's thcro'i" nor had I jumped out of bed. My head was propped up Und I wns lying on my loft side. The pressure of the intruder's hand wnsnn my loft shoulder. "My feelings may bo imagined. It seemed that some ono had administered chloroform to mo , and as Its influence was dying nwny I was making n dospor- nto ollort to throw off the spell of the drug. "Suddenly I saw standing before mo , by the side of the bed , the figure of a man. I thought it must bo nil n dream , and with my right hand rubbed my eyes vigorously. Just then the figure said : 'So it is you , colonel , that I moot hero. ' Then I recognized the voice and figure of Talmnge. "I hnd known Him well when alivo. Ho was my brothcr-ln-lawnnd for .years wo had maintained relations of friend ship. I cannot givo'you ' an idea of what my thoughts were' a't thnt moment , I did not say n word. . I could not speak. Tt was not on account of fright. Some thing seemed to .havo taken away my will power. I toll like ono entranced. "Tho figure that stood before mo wns that of Talmngo as * I had scon him a hundred times in life. I wanted to utter a kindly greeting , but was para lyzed. Ho scomtid as if trying to stretch out ono of 'his ' hands for mo to grasp , but when I tried to reach out my , right hand 1 foil flat on my back in the bed , perfectly helpless and totally unable - able to raise my head again. " 'Colonel , it wagon that bed that I died , and had to lo'avo all my people and friends. ' With" thq36'words his figurts disappeared. Silently ns it had como into the room' it departed , and all I could hear was the clatter of the car wheels. "I lay awake until the first rays of dawn , and then got up. I found myself as week as a babe. I looked at the door and found it locked as tightly ns when I retired on the preceding night. Both lamps were out , and' ' the only explana tion I have ns to why the light went out is thnt it wns turned down so low that it was put out by the jolting of-the car. "You may imagine I did not feel par ticularly refreshed that morning. My mind was troubled , and ray face showed iU The hour was early and no ono was. up except the colored porter. Ho had been with the car two years or more with Mr. Talmage. Ho noticed 4ho troubled look in mjrfaco , and expressed surprise at my getting up so early. " "No , I did not sleep well last night , Jim , ' I said by way of reply to him. "Thon with a nervous twitch of the mouth nnd in n frightened whisper , ho asked , 'Did you see Mnssa Talmugo's spirit last night , kurnelV' " 'Did Mr. Talmago die In that room , Jim ? ' I asked. " 'Yes , kurnol' and free or four pee ple dnt have slept in dat room since don nave told mo doy BOO Massa Tnlmngo's spirit. I done don't like to go in dnt room nftor dnrk , kurnol , ' wns hlsVoply. "t then related my experience nnd told him never to mention the matter , nnd this is the fint time I have spoken nbout Itsinco. " A Mtisonlnr Christian. What a brnvo , muscular looking Christian Rov. Robert Collyor is , says the Now York Star. I enw him lately coming out of his Church of the Mes siah , nnd ho looked like n sturdy yco- mnn of n past generation. Ho is a marked contrast to many of his pulpit brothorn. There is very little of the regulation evangelist style nbout his dross or figuro. Ho is n modest man too , in his ways nnd lifo. Ho lives in n small brick house on East Thirty-ninth street , and , unlike many of his fash- ionnblo brethren , no butler guards him from intrusion. Ho requires no card or password from the strnngor who calls to see htm. His house is open alike to the poor nnd rich to the poorest , indeed , in preference to any ono olso. Ho has n good salary , ho lives moderately , but ho never saves a cent. If you would know why , watch his doorstops for n single day and note the mon and women to whoso appeals the great hearted preacher listens and 'responds. Then you will not wonder that ho has no bank account on this earth" . The High rnlms of Coy.'on. Ceylon people nro interested in a rlv- nlry ns to who shall find the highest palm troo. An English railroad builder named Cantrcll made the llrst record nt 110 foot , but Mr. Pnton-Crny has just shown a palm 117 foot high and takes the medal. SPECIAL NOTICES. TTlOn KENT Two dwelling houses , fi and 10 -L rooms , nucl two contrully located unices In Council lllulfs. lloraco Kvorott. FOU 11CNT Nino-room Swiss cottage In .lames bloc's nn Third n\onuo , ootwoon KlghtU and Ninth street ? . OTtcn Sealed bids for the plant of the Cpuncli 11 hi Its Knltt'na company , either In part or entire , will bo received oy tno co m- pnny up to April 15,1SSJ. Wight to i eject any anil nil bids reserved. . WANTED A girl for general housework at Atlantic houso. ENGINE FOU BALK-Ono0x12. twenty-hor-o 1io\ver. mostly new. Unlnu Iron works , No. 1307 , 8(1 st.Council Hind's , In. FOU HKNT-Omce No. 3 , over Ualrd's con fectionery store , latelv occupied by Wm. Ward , architect. Horace Ilverett. FOIl KENT Cheap , two handsome , now sir- room cottages , north of transfer. Council IlluITs. Inquire Bland Itlsator , 6th ave. mid Zlstat Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Pro tectors , Etc , Agents wanted. C. B. JUOD , Council UluITd la , No. 27 Main Street , Over Jnequomlii's Jcwcllry Store Tnos. OFFICEIU W. n. 31. Posey. OFFICER & PUSEY. BANKERS. Corner Main and Broadway , COUNUlti IHiUKFS , IOWA. Dealers In foreign uid domestic exchange. Colluctlonb made and interest paid on time de posits. D.H.HcDANELO & CO. , Wool & furs , Highest market prices. Prompt returns. No. 820 and ts ± J Jlalu-Bt. , Council Bluffs , Jowa. FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY. b Ion Ought to' _ _ _ _ mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 0 a otgjg i nte PROFESSIONAl DIRECTORY. Hydraulic and Sanitary Engineer. Plan * , Kbtlmtites i Specifications. Supervision of Public Work. Brown Building , Council Bluffs , Iowa. _ Justice of the Peace. Olllco over American Express , No. 419 N Broadway , Council Bluffs , lo vtx. _ J ? . C I M Q Attorneys-at-Law. Practice in the State nnd fed- Ot OllYlO oral Courts. Rooms 7 and 8 Shugnrt-Bono Block , Council Bluffs , Iowa. _ _ DIIDl/ET S , TIMI CV Attornoyb-at-Law. Uoora 10 , Shufart Block , DUni\L & IIINLLT Council Bluffs. FOR THIS WEEK AT THE Curtain Department. Curtain Scrim , from ; c up. Lace Curtaining , from ice up. Lace Curtain Sets , from 6gc up. Window Shades , with Hartshorn Spring Rollers and Fix tures Complete , 330 up , in about ij > different colors. Curtain Poles , with Handsome Brass Fixtures and Trim * i , 5oc up ; sold elsewhere for $ i .00. Wasii Goods Department , White Cross-Barred Muslin , 6j c up. White Lawn , extra quality , IDC up. Zephyrs , Stripes , extra fine , IOG ; worth 150. French Pattern Sateens , extra quality , ia c ; worth 190. Toil du Nord's , handsome styles , 12 * 0 ; worth iSc. Zephyr Ginghams , select patterns , 150 ; worth 220. HOSIERY DEPARTMENT Fancy stripe and regular made Balbriggan Hose , i2 c ; worth igc. Extra weight , fancy stripe , regular made Hose , IQC ; worth 25c. , Regular made Black Hose , extra weight and quality , 170 ; worth 250. In Children's Hose we have an immense line. Prices to suit all. Guaranteed the best value and finest selection in the city. . . . Ladies'Jersey Ribbed Vests , isc and 190 ; worth 250 and 330 Muslin Underwear Dep't. Ladies' Corset Covers from 15c up. Ladies' Chemises , hnndsomoly trimmed and well inudo , 23c up. Ladles' Muslin Drawers , 23c up. Lndios' Muslin Skirts , SUc up. . Ladles' Muslin Night Dresses , 60c up. In the above we show the finest selection to be found either here or in Omaha , and our prices we guarantee to be lower than either. Call and get prices and judge for yourself. FOTHERINGHAM , WHITELAW & CO. , Leaders and promoters of low prices , 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. NEW CURIOSITY SHOP SvO . Vy OXS. . . Ni SSti HfSv O * ! > < v. v t - TRANSFERCO. _ Under IstNaVIBIf SS&mritM ? sjis OLD Fashioned English N.I.TIBBETTS f < K\cy Kitchen p-BCERIETS , Flno ds. jic FlnoOandlos , FroahMado Made 505Jfit.Afe.Bet.M3in & Pearl- Every Day. Dempsey & Butler , SOPonrl-st Especially Adapted fof SIZES FROM ELECTRIC ' 25'TO 300 LIGHTING , HORSE POWER , Milts and Elevators AUTOM/ / TIC CUT-OFF ENGINE E. C. HARRIS , Agent , Send for Catnloyue. _ > No. BIO Pearl Street , Council Bluffs CASCADE LAUNDRY COMPANY. GOOD WORK : : PROMPT DELIVERY. NO. 330 BROADWAY. TELEPHONE NO. 2 GO