THE OMAHA. . DAILY BEE ; SATURDAY „ APKttj 13 ; 18S9. VICTORIOUS DOANE COLLEGE , She Htio a Walkaway for the State Oratorlal Honors. SIXTEEN MEN -DISCHARGED. Tlio I ) . & M. IlotrciichlriR at Hod Olonil .Sklllman'H Cno Goes to tlio Jury Millions fern n Ncbrnnkn Man. BlAto Orntorlonl Contest , CIICTB , Neb. , April 12. [ Special Tolo- prnm to Tun UEE. | The state oratorical contest took plnco this uvonlng , In Hand's opera house. At 3 o'clock a special train from Lincoln brought 803 persons to witness the contest. During the afternoon n game of base ball wan Indulged in. Lincoln won. Supper was served nt the Cosmopolitan. 13y 7 o'clock the house was packed. Mr. W. A. lion so represented Doano college , nnd Mr. II. C. 1'otorson represented the State Uni versity. The subject ot Mr. House's oration was "Homo Hulo for Ireland , " und Mr. Peterson's , "Hobcrt K. Leo. " Hoiiso had n walk nwny. Ho was marked llrst by all the judges. Doano college has never been beaten in thcso contest ? . " Tlio Flsti Commission MectH. FJIBMOXT , Nob. , April 13. [ Special to THE BEE. ] The members of the Nebraska flsh commission , consisting of B.lh Kennedy , of Omaha ; J. C. McUrldo , of Lincoln , the newly appointed member , nnd W. L. May , of Fre mont , together with Superintendent O'Brien , of the state hatchery at South Ucnd , held a meeting In this city last night. The purpose of the meeting was to lay out the proposed work to bo donu by the commission nnd to discuss tbo general Interests of pisciculture. The commission drew up and adopted a peti tion to President Harrison praying for the retention In ofllco of Mr. McDonald , the present United States flsh commissioner. Superintendent O'Brien wns Instructed logo to Bay City , Mich. , to procure 25 , 000,000 wall eyed pike eggs , and leaves on that errand to morrow. Thcso cKgs will bo hatched nt South Bond , Mr. O'Brien reported that ho had distributed 40,000 lake and salmon trout In the Niobrara river and its tributaries , nnd the reports from them are very satisfactory. Ho has also distributed -150,000 brook trout fry In the west nnd northwest part of the Btuto and will hitvo 200,000 mountain trout for distribution in Nebraska streams the 1st of May. _ How tlio Rnln Oninc Down nt Aurora. AUHOIU , Nob. , April 12. [ Special Tolo- Grain to TUB Bnn. ] A warm , drizzling rain lias been prevailing hero for the last forty- olght hours. Stock men nro jubilant , and the outlook is promising. Most of the small grain seeding is already over , nnd farmers are preparing their corn ground. The area of both small grain , nnd corn will bo BOIIIO- ivhat Increased this season. A few have the Oklahoma fever , but whore one will go nwny a dozen will coma in. Aurora is keeping pace modestly with the inarch of progress. She has just completed a splondld systoni of waterworks on the standplpo principle , at a cost of $25,000 , also a largo brick block costIng - Ing $25,000 , and quito a number of minor buildings. _ Surprised Saloon Keepers. Ken CLOUD , Nob. , April 12. | Special to Tnc BBC. ] The saloon keepers ot this city wlioso licenses for the past year date to the 10th instant , were surprised yesterday on receiving an order from the marshal to close tholr places ot business until they had secured now licenses. Inquiry developed the fact that the municipal year , for which licenses can only bo granted , expired one- week earlier than usual , the law reading to the second Tuesday in April. The saloons will have to remain closed about ono week. ' M'lmlen flutters. MISDEX , Neb. , April 12. [ Special ToleJ igram to THE Be ; : . ] John Maxontclerk of the district court of Kearney court , whiio out on a wolf chase this afternoon , was thrown from his horse and sor'lously ' injured. H. D. Harding , of Monmouth , 111. , who was thrown from the ilyer at this place last week , has recovered from his Injuries nud departed for his homo to-day. Business is having a lively turn for 1 ho bettor. The Northwestern will bo built hero In a very short tinio. MillionB in It. KEAKXET , Nob. , April 12. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BKE. ] John Hoscboom , a fanner living near Franks postoftlco , twelve miles southwest of Kearney , is likely to sud denly become a millionaire. Ho belongs to a line of ancestry extending back to Knicicer- bockpr times in the stnto of Now York. A f t vast amount of valuable property in the city of Poughkcepsio and other places along the I Hudson will soon fall into the possession of the rightful owners. There are eight heirs to tlta estate , which is worth several millions. An Enjoyable Kntcrtnlnment. EWINO , Nub. , April 12. [ Special to THE BKB , ] The entertainment hero last evening under the auspices of the G. A. II. and AV. R. O. was a gratifying success. Major Hen- dersh ott ana son were with us and thcso , assisted by the best homo talent , gave to a crowded bouso a very fine programme. The major , during the war , fought side by side with some of the Ewlng boys , and this post bespeaks for him u kindly welcome and an earnest support wherever ho may go. n. & M. Ituti'onclimonr. nsn CLOUD , Nob. , April 12. [ Special to TUB BKB. | The retrenchment order begun tome tlmo ago by the B. & M. , was put into effect at this point yesterday by the dis charge of sixteen men at work In the round house und about the denot grounds. The re duction will amount to over { 50 per day , or about I1UOO per month. No excuses were given the men save that of u reduction in tlio expenses being necessary , nor wore they given encouragement for future work. The Bcllovuo Floater Identified. BELLBVUE , Nob.Aprll 12. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tun Br.n.J Tuo body found floating In the Missouri rlvor at this place last Sun day was to-day identified by Mrs. M , IlinUcl , of Council Bluffs. The unfortunate man left hla homo in Council Bluffs the 23d of Jan uary to go to the store , when all trace of him was lost. Mrs. Hlnkel read In Tin : DAILY UEU of the floater found at this place , nnd caino on hero nnd identified the corpse as that of her husband. Uuslnuss Failure. COLUMBUS , Nob. , April 13. ( Special Tele- pram to Tin UKB.J Tuo grocery ilrin if Hlcoctt , Hului ft Co. was closed to-day ; lia bilities $3,000 ; assets , Including stock nnd outstanding book accounts , (13,000. The Columbus State bank and .May Uros. , of Fremont , are the principal creditors and are now in possession ol the Roods. A branch toro at i'latto Uontro belonging to the llrin was also closed. The Sklllinan Trial. AunanH , Nob. , April 13. [ Special Telegram - gram to TUB UBE. ] TUo Sklllman murder case \yas given to the Jury to-night at 11 o'clock. Church Howe , In his plea for the defenFo , said that , considering the provoca tion which led to the Ullllnu' , an acquittal would tend nioro toward alovatinit the moral , lly of the community than would conviction , IThe'KCnoral Impression Is that cither muu- laughter or acquittal will bo tbo result , llalololiiK Farmers. EWJNO , Nub. , April 13. f Special to Tim BBK. I The farmers In this section are ro- Julclust on account of the abundant rain that has lut-jly fallen , The ground Is now in good condition for the aoed already sown , ami K the present warm weather continues it will lo worth thousands of dollars to Holt county ulono , A Butlal'i olory Miltloinenl. OoiULLA , Neb. , April 13. Ifjpoeial to TUB Uea. ] S. A. Stone , woo wu ulosoJ up on a chattel mortgage oa his stock of general merchandise , has effected a natisfactory set tlement wltn his creditors and will continue business. IOWA XI3W8. Colonel Hatoli'R Comrade * . Dns MOINES , la. , April 12. [ Special Tclo- grain to THE Bin : . I The death of Colonel Hatch , at Fort Hoblnson , Neb. , brings much regret to his many friends In Iowa , Ha came to Muscatlno In 1S53 and went to the army from tliero. When the news ot his death wns received at Burlington yesterday the survi vors of his old regiment , the Second loxva cavalry , who wore present , ndoptod resolu tions 6f regret and rcspoctJor tholr former commander. \ Hey Suffocated. KKOKDK , la , , April 12.-Sni3clal [ Telegram to Tun Bnn.l An accident attended with fatal results occurred yesterday on the farm of Jcsso Moore , who lives some miles south west of this city. Two of Mr. Mooro's children wore engaged In play on a pllo of rails close to tha house , when the rails foil , burying ono of the children , a little boy of six years. Xho llttlo follow was so com pletely coverofl that before ho could bo ex tricated death had resulted from suffocation. The Tama City Cyclone. WATF.ULOO , Id. , April 12. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tin : Bcn.l Kamsdoll & Hopkins' mill warehouse at Tama City was wrecked by a cyclone yesterday afternoon. Shrocdor'a store building was moved from Its founda tion , and several other buildings were dam aged. No ono was injured. A Defliultur Sentenced. MI3SOUUI VAI.LIJV , la. , April 12. [ Special Telegram to TUB Br.n.V. | . C. Cadwoll , cashier of the Boyer Valley bank , received sentence to-day _ at 2 p. m. to twcnty-ono months In tlio uort Madison penitentiary at liard labor. Ho appealed. The Blonx'ciiy Club. Bioux CITV , la. , April 12. [ Special Telegram - gram to TUB Bin. | The whole Sioux City base ball team arrived last night and to-day. Manager Brosnon loft with thorn to-night for St. Paul , whcro a scries of exhibition games will bo played. For Selling Morttrnccd Cattle. AVOCA , la. , April 12. [ Special to Tua Ben. ] Howard Porter , a farmer living nine miles south of thU town , was arrcstod yes terday for selling mortgaged cattle. Ho has ilvon $1,000 bail for his nppcaranco before iho grand jury. The Fatn of Van Wyclc. The Farmer's Priond reviews the remarkable - markablo treatment of Senator Van Wyck by the people ho so ably repre sented and says : The fate of Hon. C. H. Van Wyck , late a United States senator from No- bruskn , is ono to point a moral if not to adorn u tale. Two years ago ho stood up for the rights of farmers in the United States sonata as no ono ever stood before or since. Now ho is rele gated to private life. The head nnd front of his olTonding was that ho made the land-grabbers and the railroad grant boodlors disgorge millions of land splonded for cultivation. For this and for this alone ho was retired , and what makes the ] ! matter worse is that the farmers did it and no ono olso. Ne braska is overwhelmingly agricultural in its population , and the farmers could have kept this faithful public servant in the place ho so ably tilled , had they desired to do so. Now they grumble because agriculture is depressed and railroads have possession of bomo of the moat fertile lands in the stato. This is not an exceptional caso. Farm ers quite frequently act in the sumo way in other states and forsake these who have always been true to them for some now "mash. " Agriculturists can't alTord to engage jn this kind of play , and Should never join with those who oppress them to down a true and tried friend. When they do this they should not growl and complain because they are muflo to bear more than their just share of the public burden. ' Mrs. 1'artlngloii's" Old ARC. B. P. Shillabor , bettor known as "Mrs. Partington. " now lives at Chel sea , ono of Boston's many suburbs , sajs the Pittsburg Commercial. Ho is seventy-four years of ago , and crippled with rheumatism. Ho walks about the house with a cane and goes out of doors only in a carriage. Ho has not been to Boston for seven years. Ho began life as a printer , entering the Boston Post in 18t8. ! Ho once gave two or three years of his llfo to a lecturing tour , and though ho was successful , he regretted it , feeling himself not cut out for that line of work. Now , ho says , ho goes nowhorp. "With pen , paper , pipe and pills I sit here from year's end to year's end , patient us may bo , receive my friends , and wait for a hotter life. " Dana's CoiupjHmont to Hhrriimn. Now York Sun : For ono fact we pay honor to John STierman , of Ohio : Ho stands by his friends. PARAU-.EL LINES. Every student knows that In close rea soning parallel lines of thought uro laid down and deductions educed. Wo have drawn the above visible lines simply to bring them prominently before your eye and to ask what they represent to you. A railroad man to whom wo showed thorn said , "To mo these four lines rep resent u double track railway. " A doctor replied to the same inter rogatory , ' 'The lines are tome the largo arteries and veins lying alongside each ether in the human body. " As every intelligent man or woman knows , the blood of every living person Hews with almost railroad speed through the arteries , forced by that wonderful engine , the heart. From the arteries it is side-tracked through the cnpilliurios and veins , and every drop of blood goes through the kidneys for purification no less than 2,500 times every twenty-four hours. If the kid neys bo diseased the impurities of the blood containing the ' worn-out tissues , nnd deleterious acid's nro not drawn outer or excreted as nature intended , but continually pass and ropass through every tlbor of the system , carrying donthand decay .with every pulsation. Unless remedied the heart becomes weakened , the lungs trying to do double work break down , the Hvor be comes congested , the stomach refuses to digest food , and the result is u gen eral break down. Why ? Bceauso the kidneys , the sewora of the system , are foul and stopped upnnd the entire blood becomes nothing moru nor leas than sewage. Now is U not criminal , nay , suicidal , to allow auch a state of things to contin ue when a simple remedy is within your reach , known for a certainty to do as represented which will open the closed pipes of the kidneys , allow the elToto matter to escape , relieve the overworked heart , lungs and liver , cauuo u healthy uppotlte , put the bloom of health on your check , the dove of hope In your breast and the light ol Hfo In your eye ? lo not a1 law prejudice to blind you to your best interests , but to-day procure Warner's safe euro and bo put on the straight road to health and correct liv ing.Our Our parallel and closing lines to you are , talto our advice and your experi ence will justify you in thanking us for brinj ; under your notice a remedy with out u parallel. THE IMPATIENT SQUATTERS , Soldlors Kept Busy EJootlnsr Thorn From Oklahoma. WAITING TILL BARS ARE DOWN. Jjnml Hungry Crowds Arc , Anxiously Ijooklng Korwnrtl to tlio Dny When They Will Bo l-'rco tp Enter. A. Plot Agaiiiftt Tciulorfcot. OKLAHOMA. CITV , Ok. , April 11 [ Special to Tun UF.C. ] The determination of the Oltla- liODin boomers scorns to grow greater ns the tlmo draws near for opening the coveted lands to settlement , nntl the l/nltcd / States troops are kept busy patrollng the country and ejecting Impatient squatters who nro un willing to watt for the opening day , April 22. Men are rushing In hero with tliosnmo avidity that they rush Into the booming min ing camp , and everyone scorns afraid that somebody else will got hold of a bettor quarter-section than ho will bo able to get If ho waits. They are kept moving on , however - ever , and are not permitted Uvpltch their tents and cump. llut the opposition only seems to tncreaso their anxiety , ana sorlous trouble is npprohondod hi consequence. Thousands of homesteaders are camping along the line In Kansas , ready to rusn Into Oklahoma at daylight on the 22d , and unless tlioro bo a largo force of United States troops and deputy marshals at hand , the light for spoils may become a serious matter. Many veteran boomers who have been hungering for Oklahoma for the past llvo years , and braved the hardships of Captain Pay no's campaign , feel that they uro entitled to first choice of lands , and many assort that they will have the land formerly located , at all hazards. They have selected and watched their claims for years , and now , fearlnjr that the newcomers comers may got the best of them , they have become desperate. They hold their meet ings in the various camps and scorn to have decided on a plan of action , but Just what course they Intend to pursue is not known outsldo of their gang. It has boon rumored lioro that these men have bunded together and intend burning the bridges and trestles 011 the Santa Vo railroad on the night before the opening day , In order to obstruct the in flux of homesteaders until they can nmko perfect their claim to the land they desire. A notice to this effect was sent by un known parties to the Santa Fo agent , and a forca of detectives' . said to have boon broucSt hereby | the railroad , and to hold thonibulves in < Dullness to prevent damage to the company's properly , and every possi ble precaution is ueuiK taken. But tho.boom ers sny they do not iw jose to jeopardize their chancei by allowing a flood of tender foots to drip in on the land they have selected. Tiio.vlook upon these lands as th ir rights which they sty they will forcibly maintain. Tliero are already about twlco as many people on the borders us can be accommo dated with homesteads in Oklahoma , and more are arriving every day. They nro living in tents , dug-outs , wagons and every kind of shelter , and some are camping out in the open air. Many of thcso people repre sent colonies from Nebraska , Colorado , Kan sas , Missouri , and various other states. These color.lcs are said to number from twenty to 500 persons ouch , ana it looks Ilka all the world wants to settle In Oklahoma. The Santa ITo road is preparing for the open ing day rush and every available car on its entire system is to bo put in readiness to use on the i2nd. ! Many who can afford it are engaging private cars for their colonies and are putting up a handsome bonus for the pur pose of binding the contract. One of the veteran Oklahoma boomers , who has been dodging the soldiers for sev eral days , speaking of Captain Pay no's crtorts to open tUis territory several years ufeo , said : "Captain Payne , had ho lived , would douht- lebs liavo carried his point by his determined persistence and bold daring. He was a man of wondrous will and bravo as u lion. A giant in stature with little education and no personal neatness ; ho wes na'gentle' * , woman , and was'greatly ' .belovdd. by , all his followers , over whom ho reigned with im perial sway. Ills word was law , and uono over questioned Ills right to rule. . , "After having been arrested twlco by United States marshals , Payne and his fol lowers again entered this forbidden spot and built a village there. A company of the Ninth United States cavalry was ordered to remove them and destroy their village. Tha torch was applied and the vUlago Of , Okla homa was soon In ashes , " and'tho leaders were taken to Fort Smith to bo triea in the United States court tliero. 13ut after con siderable correspondoncp between thq'dlrtor- ctit departments , the president found that ho had nn elephant on Ins hands , for thcso men were guilty of nothing but trespass , and were soon released. Payne then brought suit for unlawful arrest against Lieutenant Jackson , the onicer in command ot the troop of United States cavalry that arrested him , but the ease wassubsequontlydisrnlsscd.and the bold plans of opening Oklahoma by force were aban doned. " Another part of the Indian Territory is sought to bo opened by anxious home-seek ers , for it is certain that the Oklahoma lands included in the president's proclamation are not enough to go round. This is what is commonly known ns the "Cherokee outlet , " or "Cherokee strip. " It is in the northern part of the territory and is considerably larger than Oklahoma proper. The tltlo to tuo "Cherokcq outlet'em , bracing over six million acres , is poculiarund anomolous. When the government ceded the Oklahoma lands to the Cherokee nation , the strip known ns the "outlet" was also em braced in the deed , but us a mer6 gratuity without consideration , not for occupancy , but for the purpose of affording the Indians an outlet to the hunting grounds of the llocky mountains. The outlet was supposed to bo necessary in order to give a larger area for hunting purposes ; but , not being necessary now , the Oklahoma agitators claim that it equitably reverts to the government. This strip has been u profitable source of revenue for the Cherokee nation for a number of years , and is leased to a cattle syndicate for grazing purposes for $350,000 a year. Tills lease lias been made a source for complaint by parties who seek to open this territory , and Attorney-General Garland , In an oQlcIal opinion , sustained their views. Ho hold that , us the Chcrokecs used this "outlet" for purposes other than these for which it was donated , they forfeited all right and title to their lands , which , therefore , reverted to the government. Renewed efforts are now being made to open the ChcroUoa outlet to settlement , and President Harrison has appointed a commis sion to treat with the Cherokecs and Induce thorn to relinquish all claims to this terri tory. This movement is being vigorously opposed by the cattlemen who lease thuso lands from the Cliorolteos for grazing pur poses , and they are bringing every Inllueneo to bear against opening them. The demands of homesteaders are so great , however , that all other pressure will have to give way and many people now camping on the Kansas line realize that they will bo unable to get a houiastead until the Cherokee lands uro thrown open to settlement. Many of the best citizens of the Indian Territory favor the Bootionizlng of the entire territory , dividing the lands in severally and seeking admission to the union us any other territory. One- thing is certain , the organization of the torrltoryrofj Oklahoma would tend very materially to decrease the amount of crlmo committed in the various Indian nations. In ita present shape , the Indian Territory offers a refuge to criminals from all overt lip world , for once within its borders they are safe from arrest , no mutter what their crimes may bo. There are no extradition laws to facilitate tbo capture and punishment of criminals who roam the forests of the Indian Territory. Here they nro as eafa safer in fact than if they wore in the wilds of Aus tralia or Central Africa. True , they can bo punished for crimes committed within Uio borders of the territory , but for no others , and us ovldcnco of this fact it is but neces sary to ulanco at the criminal dockets of the several United States courts havinu jurisdic tion over parts of the Indian Territory. At Fort Smith alone , where , until recently , the United States had jurisdiction over the flve civilized tribes , in. all cases except where only Indians are conccrnnd , the criminal business is astounding. Tbo court ls almost In continuous session , and bos before it from two hundred to three hundred criminals every year , ' for all classes of offense from murder down to violation of the revenue and intercourse laws. There have been nearly hundred Indian Territory murderers hanged from oao scaffold there.within the past twelve years , to say nothing of the many murdorow whoso sentences were com muted lo llfo ifflprtsonmbnt. The lawlessness of this country is owing to Its bnd government About forty tribes oc cupy the territory hnd by adhering to their tribal relations Arid Indian form of govern ment they inako the territory n rendezvous for thieves and.evtlaws from nil quarters , who scok safety 4q , ( this vast region , and once hero folloxv thofa nyll Impluscs and load lives darkened with crimes too horrlblo to picture. Owing to the JncroutQ of crlmo in the ter ritory , ninny of lhqmoro ( enlightened nnd In dustrious Indians , are seeking cltlzonshlpand are urging the opcuing up of the territory , for they are slcvtjofitlio barbarous rule under which their trlbp nra struggling. HUMAN SBNES IN A CARGO , P Demi Serving tn Fcrtlllr.o Aincrlcnn Fields. Eighty thpusand pounds of bones formed part of tlio cargo which the British steamer -Wingatcs , from Alox- andrta , Egypt , brought to this port n day or-two ago , anil which she is now discharging attho'docksof Uio National Storngo company , In Communlpaw , N. J. , says the Now Yorlc Times. The Wlngatos was brought Into public notice on her recent trip by thorough rough handling she experienced at soa. Just after leaving Gibraltar she lost the greater part of her sails , and nlnoty- llvo miles from Now York hop shaft brohoj For some 'tlmo she drifted about , but finally succeeded In reaching port. The steamer's hold was filled with longshoremen yesterday , who shovelled the bones into big baskets und qmptiod thorn Into canal-boats lying alongside. As they worked a Times reporter asked the mate of the steamer about the bones. "Woll , " said -ho , "a good part of them are human bones , and they uro gathered from the deserts of Egypt. The rest are the bones of camels , horses and jackasses. " Egypt , 'lo ' explained , has become u great source of supply for bones. The cargo of the Wlngatos was bought of a Gorman dealer In Alexandria , who has made a fortune by his business. Ho sontls out caravans Into the deserts , and there the natives glean a harvest without any other olTort than picking It up. The great quantity of bones newfound found is the accumulations of thousands of yoars. These who died were thickly buried in a foot or two of sand , and thus every strong wind , that blows reveals now "mines of ghastly treasure. The bulk of the cargo is , of cour o , made up of bones of boasts of burden , but parts of the human frame are to bo soon in every bucketful. The Egyp tians who gather thorn have only ono scruple about sending their fathers' skeletons to become American fertil izers. They will not send the skulls. These are carefully buried again by the collectors. OflVrotl to Sell Mini a Chew. A novel mbaWS'.of raising the wind was tried by aiColu man the other day upon a gontlcivufyi who was walking across Copley square , says the Boston Courier. The old ) man was a respecta ble-looking pot'bOTi , clean , and by no ranans recalling ho ordinary tramp. Ho was not oversfrong in appearance , and when ho saiUjtluvt he wished to go to Allaton it waS at least evident that ho had not the physical strength to walk. o % Ho accosted gentleman somewhat hesitatingly , butrhot in a manner at till sneaking. - ) "Do you Ube tobficco ? " ho asked. "Yes " the other , answeredsupposing the next word vjolijld bo a request for a bit of the weodji jf "Do you ohcw l 4jho man asked , pro ducing a big .plug of tobacco from his pocket. -5"1 ? - "No " the . , was reply. "Well , " the old maii said , with some thing of an air of disappcintment , "I want to go to Allston , and I have only 1 cent. I wish you'd take a ehow off this tobacco , und lot mo have 4 cents. " The idea of buying a chow of tobacco on the street for 4 cent ? struck the gen tleman as droll enough ; but as the old mini did not impress him as an impostor ho made him a present of a nickel , and had the satisfaction of seeing the old man got on board the Allston car with an air of being 'much relieved in hia mind. A AVati roe ! Vctornn. A Waterloo veteran began his 101st year on January 1 , in the province of I'arona , Brazil. The Germans assem bled to do him honor and put a crown of laurels upon his head , winch is not yet bald. FKISSH F11031. TI1K PlltiSS. "LiAny CAU , " by Mrs. Oliphant. The Judge Publishing company , Now York. If the mime of the authoress wero. not attached to this novel , after tabling the literary repast 'therein provided , i would bo evident that the menu had been arranged by the subtle hand of nn artist. The consistent rationalist and the lover of sentiment seldom approve of the same feast , but in "Lady Car" Doth these literary epicures can enjoy an umplo suHlcloncy. The story relates how Lady Car , daughter of Lord and Lady Lindens , was married to a rich Scotch landowner , the son of a navvy , against her own wishes , but at the in stigation of her parents , who had very little appreciation' the world in gen eral , and , in fact , considered that what ever enjoyment tliero was attainable could only bo derived from the power of inonoy. Lady Car at this time was deeply attached to Mr. Beaufort , n gen tleman In every sense of tlio word , but unfortunately enjoying only a small in come. This attachment alouo would have created a feeling of repugnance toward Mr. Thomas Torrance , the scion of iiuvvyclom. but''Lady Car's misery was increased bv iho absolute cruelty and utter brutujjty displayed by this man after their initvrlfigo. Fortunately , Torrance dies , mid loaves Lady Car most of his wealthy together with two very disagreeablechildren. . Shortly after his death * she marries Beaufort but his 6xporiorLC ( } of poverty has not nurtured any inconvenient senti ment urging , ' h\\n \ \ to refuse the woman he loves , because nho lias become - como wealthy. Immediately after mar- rlago thev leave England and travel for several years , Lady0Car being desirous of shutting out hitrTpast lifo , if possible , except that parlhc.onnected with her real lover , her present husband. On returning to England they aottlo down , buying a pretty pl Cb in Surrey. Lady Car was an enthusiastic idealist revel ling in fantastic aspirations , and had admired Beaufort in the curly days cniofly because be talked with her of his loty ambitions , his desire to Ira- prove the world. The rcmainder'of the book tolls haw ulio strovn to forgot her llfo with Terrence and her mental Buf fering at the discovery of Beaufort's loss of ambition. Everything combines to oppose her efforts to banish the past the children Inherit the brutal in stincts and features of their father , nnd Beaufort's cool and rational gentility unwittingly but gradually crush her spirit , till finally her son's miserable behavior and connection with a girl very much lower In the social scnlo , proves her deathblow. Lady Car's delicate nature Is drawn witliconBuminato skill ; the character at nrst appears allttlo morbid nnd weak but becomes more intorosUntr when she removes the mantle of Idealism with which flho had robed Beaufort for so long : a fooling of pity acquired by her carlior fantastic emotions gives plnco tea a sincere sympathy at the disappoint ment of hU her hopes. Beaufort is a .J-horouchly symmetrical study and on- tlroly frco from all incongruities , Tlio llnalo of the , story Is very pathetic , and beautifully told , with all the refined ex pressions for which Mrs. Oliphant is so celebrated. JACK of HnAtm , by H. T. Johnson , Judge Publishing company , Now York. "A ifian Is not what ho is born but what ho lives. " This truth the author undertakes to Illustrate In the first con tribution to n series of novels now being issued by the Judcro Publishing com pany. The story is called "Jack of Jlourts"- ' and is from the pen of Mr. II. T. Johnson. It is located In Eng land. Like Its predecessors the book is 'clovorly ' written nnd is calculated to ustivin the popularity of tha author. Tun QunEN'8 ' TOKEN , by Mrs. Cnshol Hooy , Hand , McNnlly & Co. , Chicago. ' The Queen's Token , " published by Rand , McNally&Co. , Is also a novel , ttho scone of which Is laid in John Bull's tight llttlo island. Both the characters and the scenery are drawn with the hand of nn artist. The author , Mrs. Cnshol Hooy. won her way into popular favor with "Tho Question of Cain. " "Tho Queen's Token" is calculated to please all her old friends and win many now ones. JULIA , WAUH Hnwr.'fl UiUTinuv HOOK , edited by her daughter , Lnur.i E. Klelmrds , Lee & Shcpard , lioston. The admirers of the gifted woman , Julia Ward Howe , will bo pleased with the birthday book just issued by Mosn-s. Leo & Shopard. The selection of the extracts is the work of Laura E. Richards , a daughter of Mrs. IIowo. Typographically the bookis very neat and attractive. Tun IXTKUWOVUX GOSI-KLS , by Rov. William Plttoneor , John 13. Alden , New York. A work which is calculated to prove very helpful to all classes of bible rend ers has just boon issued by John B. 'Aldon. It is called "Tho Interwoven Gospels" nnd is the work of Rov. Will iam Pitlengor. The four biographies of Christ are given in the language of the gospels but so arranged and blended as to form one continuous nar rative. The Revised version is used with the American readings incorpora ted in the text. PIVK L.ITTI.U PKi'i-niw AND HowTiiuv Gucw by Margaret Sidney , D. Lothrop & Co. , Boston. Of all the host of booksbig.and little , which have been put forth by writers , who dabble in juvenile literature , so- culled , few have taken such a hold upon the juvenile fancy as Margaret Sid ney's "Five Little Poppers and How' They Grow. " To moot the demand for this fascinating little story , the pub lishers I ) . Lothrop company have just issued a quarto edition in illuminated board covers with illustrations by Jesse Curtis and other popular artibts. Positively cured by ; these I/Ulo Pills. | They also relloAo Ila-j tress fro'ft Dyspepsia , In digestion and Too Hearty ting. A perfect rem edy lor Dizziness. Nausea , Drowsiness , JlaU Taste in the Mouth , Coated Tongue , Pain 1 the Side , TOUl'ID UVKIt. They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL , SMALL DOSE , SMALL PRICE , UNPRECEDENTED ATTB ACTION % y OVJSK A MILLION DisTitiiumiD. Louisiana State Lottery Company. Incorporated by tlio legislature in inus. for IMucAtionnl nnd Clmritablo purpose" , find Its franchise inudo n part of tlio present Stnto Con- Htitmlou , in IbiD , by auorurnholmlnt ; popular vote. each ot tlio other ten months of tlio year , and nro all drawn In public , at Uio Academy of SIuslc , New Orleans , La. FAMED FOR TWENTY YEARS. for Integrity of Jt * nraiulni/a and Prompt Paj/ment of I'rlzcs. ATTKaTKll AS FOLLOWS : " \Vo do hereby certify that wo supervise the arrangements for all the Monthly ana Seml-An- mml litawlnpsof the Louisiana Btato lottery Company , nnd In person inunagn and control tlio Unwinds themselves , und that the same nro conducted with honesty , fairness , and In Kood faith toward all parties , and wo authorize the company to use this certiorate , with fac similes of our signatures attached , In its adver tisements. co.MMissioNnns. We. the undersigned Hanks and Hankers , will paynUrrlzos drawn In the Louisiana Htato J.ottotles which may bo presented ut our coun ters : It M. WALSISM-n' , Pros. Louisiana Nat. Bank. I'IKItllK LANAMX. I'res. State Nat. Hank. A. I1ALDWJN , I'res Nnw Orleans Nat. Hank OAIUi ICOIIN. 1'ros Union National Hank. &GRAND MONTHLY DRAWING , t the Academy of Music , Now Or leans , Tuesday , April 16th , 1889. CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000 100,000 Tickets at Twenty Dollars ouch. Hftlvcs , $10 ; Quarter , $5 ; Tenths , $2 ; Twentieths , $1. 1 1MH7.K OK xm , n is . 3nocon i PKi/.K UK KO.WW in . loo.nm 1 I'KIZK OK ) , ( 0ls . m.OQO 1 I'KIZH OK i\00ils . SV J B I'ltl/KS OK 10.IRW IS . U.-.OUO r PRIXIIS OF 6.roou . stvur/MSOV i.wwjs . 1XI ( PUIXKS OK COOare . 60.UOO 300 PHiy.KS OK iinoare , . „ . M > . ( > ) 600 I'Hl/.IJS OK MO are . 1WI.OOO API-IIOXIUATIO.V IMI17.KS. lflOPri7.0Hof f.'i(0ure . t W.OOO im Prize * of noflttM . . ' , nee looi nzcsof yuoaro . ao.uoo BOO Prize * ot 10) are 0 l Prizes of J100 are . 09.UOO rlzng. HinmintlnR to . ll.OW.KH TK-'TlcketH drawing Capital Prizes are not entitled to terminal prizes. fiT Von CLUII llATPAor any furtlier Inlonna- lee ( loulrckl. write leullily to the undersigned clearly stating your ronldunce , wltli Hlate.Viin- ty.Strcot and Numuer. More rapid return jnall delivery will bo anxiired byyour enclosing an envelope bearlnc your full uddresa. Heiid POSTAL NOTK8.Kxpr < 'H lonoy Orders , or New YorK Bxi lianue in ordinary letter. Cur rency by Kxpra8Sutour ( expense ) addresoed , M. /JAUPII1N. . New Orleans , La. Or Jl. A. DAUPHIN , Washington , I ) . 0. Address RegisteredTetters to NKW OJtLKANS NATIONAL HANK. New Orleuus , La , R E M E M BER * & 8s OUAHA.NTEBn UY KoUlt NATIONAL HANK * of NuM-Orleau and the tickets are signed by the President of an Institution wlione chartered rights are recognized In hlRhest courts ; there fore. beware of all imitations or anonymous " ONK DOLLAU is theTprlco of the smallest part or fraction ot a ticket IHBUEIJ 1IY UHluany drawing. Anything in our name ottered than one dollar la u swindle. You Need It Now To Import strength nnd RITO fooling of health unit tleor throughout tlio system , tliero Is nothing oquM oItoo < V Sftr * pnrlllii. It fcom pocullnrlr d ple l to orcrcomo Hint tire < t reeling cmi e < l by clmnco of reason , cllmMo or Ufa , find wlillo U tone * nnd stiMiOn * tlio system It i > nrtlo ! < nnd ronovntcs the blood. Wo cnnioMIr unto the Inruo nrmy of , metiers , lioufowlrps , opcrMIro nnd other * who hart been closely confined during tlift winter and who need n Rood sprltiK mcdlclno to tnko r cctT i Si t f rrtH'p "foryesrtnl Irregular Intorrnlf tn Ml tonion , I suffered tha Intolerable burning nnd Itotilnft ot blood polsonltm by Ivy. IttrouM break out on ray lcn , In raythroiUnmtcrc * . lj\st spring I took Hood's Snr- sitpftrtlln , h A blood pnrlOor , with no thought of It ns n poclM remedy for Iry poisoning , but Ifhns crroctcil n pormnnont nnd thorough euro. " OAM'i.v T. SIIUTK. Wcntworlh N. II. "I nulTorciln grout wlillo with ilyspcpstn. A friend urged mo to trr Hood's Snrsnpnrllla , nnd two bottles liaro entirely cured rue of dyspepsia , nnd n scrofulous nrrectlon. I cnn hnnlly (1ml wonl < i to express my high nppreclntlon of It. " AI.LKNU. . Jlsmon , city llotol. Lancaster , 1'a. At no other scnson does the human system no much nectl tlio nld of n rellatilo modclno llko Hood'l S rs < pnrilln.asnoir. The Impoverished condition of tha blood , the weakening effects of the long , cold winter the lost nppotllo , nnd that IIrod feeling , Ml make * Rood spring modlclno absolutely necoscnry. Hood's Farsai nrllln Is peculiarly ndaptod for this pnrpo o , nnd Increases In popularity every year. ( IIToltntrall. "Hood's Harsapnrllln h the cheapest modlclno 1 can buy. " V. U. mum. , Hellovlllo , 111. The Sprlnn Mqcllolno " 1'rcrjr spring for years I Itnvo mndo It n practice to tnko from throe to five bottles ot Hood'a Sarsapa- rlltn , because I know It purifies the blood and thor oughly clcansoi the system ot nil Impurities. Thai languid footing.sometimes called "spring favor" will never visit the system thnt has been properly cared for by this noror-fnlKnir remedy. " W. H , liAwiu.sci Kdltor Agricultural Kpltomlst , Indianapolis , 1ml. "Hood's araparllln cured mo of blood poison , pnTomon noble nppctlto , OTorenmo hendacho nnd illttlnoss , so thnt now I am nblo to work nlu. * LUTHER NAPON , si Church Bt. , I < owoll , Mass. N. 11. Uo sure to got Hood's Sarsaparllliv Hood's Sarsapanlla Bold hjr nil ilniBKlsti. tit lx for M. Prepared only 1 Pold by nil alt for . Prepared onlp byC. 1.111)01) A CO. , Ixiwcll , Mass. I by 0.1.HOOI ) A CO. , I'OWiill , Mass. ' lee Doaoa Ono Dollnr - | lee Doses Ono Dollar THE SPRING MEDICINE YOU WANT 9 . , SiPurifies the Blood , Strengthens the Nerves , v t / , Stimulates the Liver , i " Regulates the Kidneys and Bowels , ' -1 Gives Life and Vigor to every organ , There's nothing like it. " Last spring , boluK very much run down Mia flctmiintcU , Iproctircd somoot 1'ai no's celery compound. The use of two bottles maclo mo reel Itko a new man. As a general tonlo and spring medicine , I do notlcnow its cnual" W. L. aitRFJJLIUF , BrlcndJer General V. N. a. , Burlington , Vt. It.oo. 8lxforj5.oo. At Druggists. Use It Now ! "navlnff used your Pnlno'a Celery compound tlilB spring , I cnn safely recommend it as tlia most poivorfnl nud nt thn game tlmo most gcntlo regulator. It Is a splendid ncrvo tonic , aud Rlnco Inking It I lmn felt like a now num.1 ! . ET KNORII , Watcrtown , Dakota. WELM. ntciunDBON A Co. I'ropa. Durilngton , Vt , ADY RELIEF THE MOST CERTAIN AN1 > In tlio world thnt Instantly stops the most excruciating pnlns. It never falls to glvo case to thu suncrcr of 1'aln artslug from wlmtovar cause ; Jt Is truly the great CONQUEROR OF PAIN. It 1ms done more good than any known remedy. For BPHAINS. 1IUU1SKS , HACICACIIK , PAIN INTllUCHKSTOKSIDKS. IIEAOAOlin , TOOTllAOHK , or any other extormil 1'AIN a fownppll- cations , rubbed on by hnnd udt like mncie. cnuslmj tno pain to Instantly stop. For CONGESTIONS IN.KLAilMATIp.N8. HHI3UMATI3M. . NBUUALQIA , LUMIIAdO. SCIATICA. PAINS IN THIS . 20 to ( W drops In half n tumbler of water , fit ) cents n bottle : sold by nil lnitglstR. ( _ WITH UAinVAY'S PlkLS there Is NU IIKTXUIt CUKE OH PltEvUNTIQX ot FKVEU or AQU1S Mention the Onmlm lico. . . . . i i > a jiir i > ii iTM iii"n n t \ ttmimisr - * * - - DR. HORNE'S iBBtro-MagnBlic Belts ! The Grandest Triumph of Electric Science Sci- . . . . Made and BenUemon'sflelt „ , „ ' cnllfically Practically Applied * with Suspensory. Klcttrlc 'DISEASE cuHEDWiriioiiT MEDICINES lBln,8clutlFnl > l > i iiiic > orKldnryii. Hplnnl I > | M-U > MI , Torpid T.tTrr , IJon , Kilinuitlon , fl CmUftloRK. n2.tlrnrt lll eu rf.lyipcprla.Coutlpat.lon * Kryntpelni , IndlceiitlanVpakn M.Iru * ui potency. Oamrrli.l'llctiKpllppir. Dumb Aoupl > l I ) > 'loo , Illdroeclo , Illaoil DjnnMlrop j , ol . , then Slbl * brlt In Junt what you novd. Elcclrinlv lntattlii frill Oon bo applied to uny part of the body. Whole anil cures fumll/can wcRr It. It'cloctricTn'tiiVllaoa ALL ELSE FABLS. Erorr nnoaenalno nnd tiled by perinltslon. 74i > ri2 tlin'rollowln\Tlin b re been OUItEDi A. J. lioaRland , K. B. f'arkar nnd J. M. Ha ilett , all on Ooanl of Trade. Chlco- iffot A. Orerory. ( conuulBilon iiiorcliantGtock Tnrdsi lludd Doulo. the rent horitomani A. U. Woodloy , M. ! > . , IMVMnln Streetnurralo.N. Y.I U. W. llellui.M. I ) . , Mormontown. lowoj I.omupl Milk. KnnkMceo , 111. ) JudRo I. IN.Hurray.NBiiervlllo , 1U.K. | ; Abbott , > uiit.cltrwntorworks.Houthll nJ , Imt i llobt.H.Bainpion , ChlraRO IpoBtofflcui I. . I ) . McMirlmol. M. lBuirnlt ) , H. Y. "Your belt fa ° l aceompllilii > < -nilat l no other remedy ban lUadyncrreiRDilcomfnrtablo slecpntnlght. " Robt. Hall , Mdennan , 1HO HuntSJthStreetNow YiirV. etc. DK. nonsR-s RKTIC BKLT poittlrtflr curca JTrtuB.comblneU. Uuuroa teed the BH l'BiTIHalKl'IUiaUUr- only ono in thn world ( reneratlna kU , KIUSKY and ozliauitlnsr acontlnnous Ettctria tf tl chronic digues of l > othf ? ioM. enl. Sclentlne , I'oworfuJ , Durable , Contnln 23 tolooclrgrocsot ble and KffectlTO. Ayold fraud * Electricity. CUiruXTKIiU the nroit. scientific powerfuldu ALSO .O nl'DICALBLUTmb IlKLTln the .trio . euiponsorles frvu with Wulo Delta. KEFEREKCESj-Anybanlt , commercial aconcy orATOlTboj5r ( oinlioVliS"w hK.Vf"allVs'onrt wVrtF- Ivrholesalo house - 'oagoi wbolcialodrasBUt SanJcwi Imitation * . ULGCTItlO Tlil'SSKH ' MB 3 Francisco and Chicago. 0.OOO cured BendetainprorilliutratodpamDhlet. W. J. HORNE Inventor 191 Wabash Avenue Chicago. . - _ „ , , . , . . _ . . . / . , . . „ . ; . , - . . . . - . . . . _ . - , r rJEOB FOR THE LAUNDRY. FOR THE TABLE. STBANG & OLARK STEAM HEATING Steam and Hot Water Heating and Ventilating Apparatus and Supplies. Engines , Boilers , Steam Pumps , Etc. HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , Hardware and Cutlery , Mechanic * ' loola , Fine Bronze Bullilor * ' Qootli anil Buffalo Sonlat. 1405 Douglas St. , Omaha. GHATEFUI-COMFOIITING Epps's Cocoa. KRllAKFAST. "llr ft tborouijb knowluJ u ot ilia lutaral lawi nblouKororn tliooiiurutloni of duuitloi unl nutrl ( Ion , end by ucuroful apDil''itlon u ( Uio line tlci of welf-ialectud Cuooa , Mr. Koi | < but pruvlUd.l our bnmkfiuC ULiloi nltli n aellcutoljr tluroruJ liufuru o wlilrlirunf iavo u > iLinj He irr rtoctOM' l lll . Itli bjr the Juillcloiu me or > uoli rllclu or illutllmta cunitltutloii may b. > uru'luullr built nil until itruni enouuli to rositl uifty tuiiiluiiuy tii ilUo.iio. Hun dred * of iuttl0 luulttciiHsnni tloatln/iiruuml un rett IT to nttnck w liurorvr tboru ii u wuak uulnt.Vu niiir ocapo initnjr n fatal ihuft by fccuplnu oiirti'lro * ull fortlHed wUlijmrulilooil nml a propnrljr nourliliol Jranio. " OlTllhurvIco lltuotlu. Ma > ln Umplr with IxjUliiK water or milk. Hold on/ ) In linlf ixiund tint br Grocer labelo-1 tliuti TAMD(3 ( TDD(3 ( 9. PO Hoinwopathio CliomUt JillutJU tilTU a uUn I.ONUO.V , INIIANI : ) . 100 BOOK-AGENTS WANM IUW UUUi co-ncuMt QIIAIIAKTCEDXO WlthBao eMfalKiP -/orMEWPIOTpltIAt BAXABLtS BOOK.M | MDV AtfdltM. AT OHUK. tuttn NOI MK Jpi > ot J MUnto r. rl.n , * N.I.TMIHr N U3.ea..UlCinoStlST.10UISlMI. . l rurf. rftrly ilecu ) ' , lu t oliinlod , tt * . I . .alaalif. trfBtUw < N-al dl rnntnlnlni full p rllcul r tar liu-n turr , fr i ui cpfio > . F''FOWLEH , Moodu. , conn. NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK U. 6. DEPOSITORY , OlIABA , UDB. Capital . , . 6100,00) Surplus Jan. Ibt , 1880 . 5U.C03 \f. V. WOltSK. JOHN 8. COLLINH , 11. O.CIIH1IINO. J.N. H. I'ATItlOK. \V. Il.ailUUIIKfl , THE IRON BANK , Cornur 12ti ! and rarnam fit * . A General Jlaukltiu IJualnoJi Traiact < t. < l EUROPE ! OUR CONDUCTED PARTIES J THOS. COOK A SON. 'n . ' .jvucr , S. . ft * . Ci rk t.i C