THE OMAHA DAILY BEE V.T EIGHTEENTH YEAR QMATTA SATURDAY MOKNING. AP1IIL 13 , 1889. NUMBEK 302 & WASHINGTON SENSATION , 3orgoaut-at-Arma Ganady Accused of Crookedness. FICTITIOUS SALES OF STOCK. Senator Jones' Name Used Without HlH Knowledge Palmer Gct- thiR Ucndy to Depart Alas ka's New Governor. WASHINGTON BUREAU , THE OMAHA BEE. 1 518 FouiiTBENTit STIIEET , > WASHINGTON , D. C. , April 12. ) The reports concerning the suit against Bcrgeant-nt-Arrns Cnnady for alleged crook edness In transactions relating to the sale of lock of the Crcosotlng company , In whlcn ho was Interested , created quite a sensation hero. It has been known for some tlmo that ugly stories concerning Mr. Canady's financial transactions hnvo been current among parties In Now York City nnd elsewhere - where who have boon Induced by him to In vest in various cnterorlses. ' The most serious ono of nil the specifications in the complaint cgnlntt him Is tnnt ho attached tlio name of Senator John P. Jones to COO shares of stock in the company , which had been issued in the name of Jones without his knowledge or consent , nnd that ho negotiated n sale ot n loan of this stock for his own individual In terest. Mr. Cnnndy's associates here arc qualified to speak ou the subject. It Is said that the difficulty has been pending for n year or moro , and that the suits might have been brought last yrar us well as this , but the supposition Is that the complainants wanted to glvo as much time ns they could fern n settlement of the matter. The impression is that the matter was permitted to go over until after the adjournment of the special icsslon of the senate , so ns to avoid any un necessary complications , und to have the case settled one way or another bcforo the rcorgnmz.itlon of the senate ofllccrs this winter coming. I'Al.MUU OUTTINO 11EATY. Ex-Senator Palmer , of Michigan , who was recently appointed and confirmed asministot to Spain , arrived in this city this morning tc receive his Instructions. Ho called nt the state department this afternoon nnd made an . appointment to tuko his first lesson tomorrow row morning. Mr. Palmer's instruction ! Will , it Is understood , contain nn outline of n treaty of reciprocity between Spain and the United States relative to exports and itn ports to and from Cuba. Mr. Adco , the as < Bistunt sccrctajy of state , says that no con siders Spain in many respects u moro ini' portant mission than the English mission nt tlio present time. Mr. Palmer will sail or the bth of May on the Travo. Ho says thai ho has already prepared the speech which he intends to deliver nt his first dinner in Mad' rid. It is couched In the purest Cnstlllan , nnd the ex-senator expects to astonish the Dons. LINCOLN AND ItEtD. Minister Lincoln will sail for London on the Ifith of May , nnd will bo followed about the last of the month by Mr. Whltolaw Reid , who will start for his post at that time. ALASKA'S NEW GOVEIINOII. The president has blighted the hopes of ox nctly twenty-five men in Michigan by his no lion In appointing n governor for Alaska to day. The present governor arrived in Wash ington' several days ago , and tendered hii resignation to the secretary of the interior Ho will return to Michigan nnd rc-outcr tin newspaper business , winch ho left to go t < Alasita. It was because Governor Swine ford was from Michigan that so many met from that state applied for the position whict ho hud. The appointee is Lyman E. Knapp of Vermont , who was indorsed by Sonutoi Edmunds. BEEF CATTLE. Secretary Husk said to-day that ho hai received a great many inquiries conccrnini the number and value of beef cattle on thi hoof in the markets of Chicago , Omaha Kansas .City nnd other great packing points as well as on the ranches. These inquiric1 Krow out of the efforts being made in vnnou states to secure legislation looking to thi suppression of the dressed beef trafllc. Thi statistician of the department who was re fcrrod lo for Information on this subject sale that the department had no data on which tc base reports which would tend to shov Whether or not the charges were true tha the drcsxed beef puckers in the .alaughtcrini centers , were engaged In depressing th price of beef on the hoof on the ranches am V in manipulating the price of the product t I the consumer. Ho has received numerou inqilrlcs for data of this ctmracto t embracing n period of many years , but n information in the subject has over neon se I cured by the department of agriculture , no docs the census glvo any adequate informs tion upon which to base tin estimate. Spcrc tnry Rusk Intimated that owing to Iho grcn importance of this subject at the preson time , and the many outcries wlUch uro bein made by local butchers nil over the countr ugniiist the dressed beef truffle , ho coi tomplutrd carrying on an Investigation whic would furnish the parties Interested with a ) ihoiitio.informatlon which might boused ! times such as thcso. It Is probable that th stnto agents ot the department may b authorized to report upon the number nn value of these cattle In the various region where the animals nro raised or fed froi month to month , and that hereafter info inatlon will bo obtainable at the dcp.irtincn IOWA I'OSTMABTKKS AtTOINTEI ) TO-tUY. M. S. Murphy , Argand , Jones county , vie E. Turner , resigned ; Jnmes E. Babsoi Hlocltton , Taylor county , vice V , Chipmai resigned ; A. J. Wolcott , Floyd , Floy county , vice I. A , Quiuiby , resigned ; Norvn Reeve , Newmarket , Taylor county , vlcp 1 A. Pace , resigned ; Amos .M. Hally , Ropul lie , Chlclinsaw county , vice J. J , Hall , r signed ; S. S , Morrow , Thuyer , Unlc county , vice J. Burd , resigned , and Cell Chlldrcss. Unlonvlllo , Appunoobo count ; vice A. Hicks , resigned. a'HUMPHl ' ) THK THUMPKIt. Glonuon Plays the liully and Is Lai Up 1'or Colo. April 12. [ Special Tel pram to TUB BKI : . ] The pugilist who we the Uleason-McCartln mill yesterday aftc noon was ono of the principals in nnotlu fight Into last night , from which ho emerge with laurels decidedly crushed. After r turnlug to the city yesterday evening ho pr cccdcd to fill up on poor whisky , and ube midnight went to the Windsor baths nnd d man dcd a Turkish bath. The ludy cashl requested fl , which the victorious sluggi with oaths refused to pay , nnd Insulted her the grossest manner. Billy Woods , inanac of the baths , happened along at this time , at walking up to Glcason slapped him the face , pushed him into the street , knock * him tlowu and kicked him Into the gutto whore ho pummolcd hltn in the most u proved ntylo without Gloa on being abe ! got in cmo blow bcforo tnno wus called ai Wood taken off , Gloason would not 1 recounted by his most intimate friends , } wus taken to a hotel and will liiy up saver days lor repairs. The Stoli-n How Mill. Dr.TnoiT , April 12. A special from F jRiiaco , Mich. , says that Miles Brothci mills plant U B.ifo In Canadian waters. I the time the pursuers had overtaken the f glllven Urn night the latter had sawed thi way through the lea Into Canadian watci and there defied the American millionth , - < Seeing the holplcssncss of the situation t pursuer * turned bark. Tim barges nnd tu uro now behind the island In a afu posilio and will rcnmln thcro until tha Ice rocs e > \ to that they ca'i proceed to lliulrUesflnutio The Sioux CitAMiiot.m , Dak. , April 12. ( Spec ! Toleirniin to TUB Ura : . ] Tbo selection of t Sioux commission Is very satisfactory to t pcoplo hero. Tbo election of John H. Kin of tills city , Is very satisfactory , u It ul that Oi Mr , AV&rucr , of Mliwuri. OKLAHOMA LANDS. Some Letters or Interest to Persona Contomplntlnir Settlement , tf WAsnfNOTON , April 12. The commissioner of the general land ofllco made public to-day several letters ns being of general interest to persons contemplating settlement Id Okla homa. Commissioner Stockslagcr , in re plying to n letter from O. M. Wilson , at Ar kansas City , Kani , savs in part : " 1 hnvo to state that the lands in question nro to bo disposed of to actual settlers under the homestead laws only. A party desiring to become nn actual settler under the homestead - stead law s , may Initiate bis claim by entry nt a district land ofllco after properly ox- mniningand selecting the land desired , In Which case ho Is allowed six months from data of entry In which to establish his actual residence on the land ; or , If ho so elect , ho may Initiate his claim by actual settlement oti the land , which must consist of some net or acts connecting himself with the particular tract claimed , said act or acts to bo equivalent to announcement of such Intention and from which the public gener ally may have notice of his claims. There fore ho Is allowed three months within which to mnko his claim of record by entry in the district land office. Another letter to Senator Ingalls fiom Commissioner Stockslagcr , is ns follows : "I hnvo had the honor to receive by reference from you , nnd herewith return a letter addressed to you by G. T. Sommors , dated Oklahoma Station , Indian Territory , on the 20th ultimo. In reply I have to state that the net of March 2,18s9 , to which Sotnmers re fers provides , ns ho states , that no ono shall be permitted to enter or acqulio any right to any of the Oklahoma lands , to be disposed ot thereunder , who violates its provisions by entering upon and occupying the eamo prior to 12 o'clock , noon , April 23 , the date fixed in the president's proclamation of March 2J for said lands to bccoino open for settlement. The statute makes no exception to this pro vision. 1 am Inclined to think , liowovovcr , that when a person wns already within these lands at the duto of approval of the act by authority , his prcscnco thcro should not be regarded us a violation of this provision ot net. The priuiury jurisdiction to net upon application to enter rests with district land olllccs , and Sommors may present his appli cation for entry to them , with proper proof of his allegation. Should they refuse to per mit entry , ho may appeal from this action. " Commlsslou6r Stockslnger to-day ex pressed the opinion that 100,000 persons would cuter Oklahoma within n mouth aftei April 22. For these 100,000 people thcro arc only about 10,000 homcstouils The inevit able result ot this tremendous Influx , the commissioner thought , would bo n great mucy contests and personal conflicts. A further result , ho feared , would bo the spreading of this Immense surplus over the adjoining Indian lands , from which It would bo dlDlcult to dislodge them without mucl trouble and possibly so mo bloodshed. If the commission appointed to treat with the Cherokecs for n cession of the Cherokee outlet could complete their labors within the next few months , so that the new traci might bo open to settlement before congress again meets , this might , nnd probably would , relieve the pressure. Otherwise ho fearet ] that matters would become complicated unt equilibrium restored with dlluculty. The Boomers Jubilant. WiNFiBLi ) , Kan. , April 12. Hundreds o : Oklahoma boomers , camped along the Wai nut river hero , are rejoicing at the order ol Secretary Noble , allowing them to drlv < across the Cherokee strip before April 22 Most of them will break camp next Wednes day , to go into camp on the border of Okla homo. The final rush has set in , nnd everi train brings in scores ot men from nil parti of the country to await hero the Oklahom : opening day. No less than 5,000 stranger ! are now in the city waiting for the 22d. ' ROBBERS IN CUSTODY. The Canon Diablo Outlaws Captured and SulV-ly in Irons. DENVER , Colo.TApril 12. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] Sheriff O'Neill , o Prcscott , Ariz. , accompanied by Cnrllaltren James Black and Ed St. Clair , his deputies arrived In the city at 2 o'clock this afternoon having in charge u quartette of the wors desperadoes that over operated in this west ern country. Tholr names are Tobo Quince J. J. Smith , Bill Steiner und Charles Clark , nnd they are In custody of Sheriff O'Neil nnd posse only utter n desperate fight. The 21st of last March four men stopped nn Allan tlo & Pacific railroad passenger "train Ii Canon Diablo. They held up the exprcs messenger und secured about $1,500. Thi place where the robbery occurred was i wild , weird spot fur from civilization nnd th improving influence ofeducation. . Reward to the extent of $5,00 J hud been offered f 01 their capture. In an interview Shorif O'Neill said : "Tho morning after the ro I bery flvo of us took the trull nnd followei them to southwestern Utah , whore wo caji tured them utter a running tight lasting fiv days , during which u number of horses wer killed. Thcso fellows belong to the mos desperate gang of outlaws on this continent They have terrorized Arizona , New Mexic and Utah for years , and have operated sue ccssfully all this time. They have cludci officers ana killed many inoffensive people In tholr fights last year they tdauglitcrci thirty men and women who resisted the pel lodicul attacks. When they can not find ii noccnt pcoplo to murder they shoot cue ether , seemingly unable to load peaceabl lives. They are very strong , and Inhabit wild country in which a stranger stands n show nt all. Ono of them made a confessio of their work ot lust March , but at prescn It will not be made public. Wo have his fu. . story , und it wilt send his pals up to the fu extent of the law , I think the gang will coi titiuo to operate until wo got buck and one moro strike the trail. UOULANGUlt'B TK1AL. i The French Semite Decides to Prc ccud Without Delay. PAIIIS , April 12. When the senate mi to-day the president ronci a decree constltu ing thut body n trlbunul for the trial of Gei oral Boulangcr , Count Dillon and Rochofoi The procurcutgeneral then read a statomci setting forth the grounds upon which t ! prosecution of the accused Is based. Whc Iho reading was concluded the senate wci into secret session. The trial of Boulangi and his associates was formally begun. The following commission was appolnte to conduct the trial of General Boulangi nnd other accused ucrsons : Senators Merlti Casot , Coidclot , Ternraux , Munlcr , Demai cere , Do Mole , 1'Avortujon , Morolli and Humbert. Assistant commissions have also been appointed. A motion fro thti right declaring thut thcro was no groun for judicial Inquiry Into the conduct of lie lunger wns rejected by a vole of 209 to 5 The Bcnalo then resolved , by a vote of 210 i 55 , to proceed Immediately with the trio Le Roycr read the decree authorizing U fcnntc lo sit us it court and directing tbc.tri 10 proceed. Several members of the right refused t accept a scat on the senate couimtssioi Marshal Canrobort , In nn excited speed Bald ho would never bo a party to the prosi cutlon on such frivolous grounds of a gcu eral who hud nerved bis country well. Th sitting wus a stormy one. No Aid Wanted. NASHVILLE , Tcnu. , April 12. [ Special Tc egram to Tim BEE.J The Frank Cheathu bivouac , con fedcrato veterans , at a mectir to-night , passed the following : Resolved , That members of Frank Choa ham bivouac have seen with regret and ( no tlfiraUon thut certain organizations purpor ing to represent con fedcrato soldiers In tl Houth have scut committees to tbo north 1 beg aid for the support of indigent coiifedc Ue sohllcis. While wo fully appreciate ur proper expressions of sympathy from port ! rrn people ? for needy confederate soldier wo emphasize the declaration thai wu repi diato uuy effort , directly or Indirectly , to be aid for tueia In the upttu. FOUNDERED IN MID-OCEAN , The Stonmor Dannmrk Sighted in n Badly Wrecked Condition. 050 LIVES THOUGHT TO BE LOST. The I'nssonKcra nml Crew Supposed to Have Taken to the Boats nnd Perished In a Storm. Another Occnn Horror. QUEENBTOWN , April 12. The Inmnn line iteamcr City of Chester , from Now York to iivcrpool , which arrived here to-dnyrcports .hat April 8 she passed the Danish steamer Danmark from Christiana for Now York. ho Danmark had been abandoned by her row. Her stern was level with the sea , nnd or bow stood high out of water. She was pparcntly sinking. Tlio Danmark was a csscl of 2,200 tons , nnd belonged to the Thlngvalla lino. NEW YOHK , April 12. A dispatch from London was received nt the maritime ex- ihungo this morning saying the steamer Danmnrk from Christiana was seen April 8 Abandoned In mid-ocean. She is said to have 350 passengers on board , mostly Scandlim- lans. Funch , Edyo & Co. , agents of the jompatiy hero , say they place no reliance n the dispatch , but have cabled to the agents in London nnd Copenhagen for further information mation , The greatest excitement prevails in ship ping circles over the loss of the Danmnrk. The Thingvnlla line is probably the largest carrying immigrant line that plies between this port nnd Europe. The Danmark had 6n board when she loft Christiana for Now York , March 23 , C50 passengers , presumably Immigrants. The crew numbered forty men. The ofllco of the agents of the steamer , Fuuch , Edyo & Co. , has boon thronged with people all morning anxiously inquiring for 'liter news of the vessel. The Dunmnrk was formerly the freight steamer Jan Hydcl , of the White Cross lino. Last full Fuuch , Edyo & Co. , who are also pgents\f the latter line , had the vessel put "n condition for passenger tralllc , ro- : hristcncd nor the Danmark and transferred her to tho. Thlngvalla licet. This was the vessel's Ilrst trip from the other side under her new colors. The New York agents of the Thlngvalla Jno this afternoon said that tbo steamer Danmark had been overhauled , and it is thought by all that she was the best of the licet. There were on board at the time of her departure from 710 to 775 people , of whom 050 wore passengers. The Dun murk was com manded by CapUtn Gudson , nn old seaman , known for his courage nnd presence of mind , nnd ho is not a man to abandon n ship to the mercies of the waves when there Is one chance in oven a thousand of getting her into port. No incoming steamship to this time reports any life boats or rafts that might have belonged to the Danmark. Even If the Danmurk had been abandoned she had sunicicnt means to accommodate nil passen gers nnd crew. Further particulars of the sighting of the abandoned steamer Damn k by the City of Chester have been slowly arriving since noon. The Danmnrk was rapidly sinking when the ChoLter saw her. There were no visible signs of a collision. No wreckage was floating about. The boats were all gene from their davits , and nothing Indicating haste and panic was noticeable. No answers to cables sent by agents in this city to London and Copenhagen have been received up to 2 o'clock this afternoon. Ex citement is still intense and agents are losing hone. The steamship Iceland , of the Thing- valla line , which loft Copenhagen four days later than the Danmark , and which is duo hnro to-night , will probably bring some intel ligence of tbo disaster. fioino Reassuring Signs. Nnw YOHK , April 12. The following has been received by the Associated press from n ropresentatlverof the Thlngvalla Steam ship line : "As some of the comments on the reportet loss of the Danish steamer Danmark express apprehension thut this disaster may have been accompanied by heavy loss of lifo , wo beg leave to state , for the benefit of all per sons who have friends on board the ill-fated boat , our belief to the contrary. Wher sighted by the City of Chester , Monday last , in latitude 45 55 , north , longitude 47 10 , west , the decks aft and the sa'is ' were in pieces , but the vessel was floating , and although the reporting steamer exurcssed the belief that she would shortly founder , this did not oc cur during all the time that clupset from the hour she was first sighted unti ! lost sight of. The Dunmurk was floating directly in the track of transatlantic steam era and we believe beyond pcradventun that the passengers and crew were taken of ! some time , possibly as far back as n couple of days before the City of Chester sightet the wreck , since the Danmark , having lofi Christiana on March 20 , should under ordin ary circumstances have advanced consldcra bly beyond the position found in. If tin wrecked passengers and crow had not bcei picked up they would naturally , even if em barked in boats aud on rafts , have romainoi In tlio nolghbornood of tbo wreck , the presence enco of which would bo mucl moro likely to attract passlni steamers than small boats or rafts would The citv of Chester evidently did not llm the slightest wreckage near the vessel , sucl as might bo attributed to smashed or other wise incapacitated boats , whilst tbo steair.c bore no sign whatever of human life. Wi confidently believe , therefore , that , with tin possible exception of single casualties sucl as may occur during the transfer of so urnni people from ono vessel to another , the pas eougers and crow of the Denmark are safi and will ere long bo heard of as on board o ono of the trans-Atlantic steamers. " AVIND , LIGHTMMO AND HAIL. They Crcato Considerable Havoc Ii Portions of the East. PiTTSiiuna , April 12. A heavy thundoi wind and hall storm visited portions of west crn Pennsylvania , eastern Ohio and Mary land to-day , doing considerable damage. A Elk Garden , Md. , a flash of lightning in stantly killed John Wctzol , a farmer , an two horses. At Franklin , Pa. , a largo ire ; tank containing 3,000 barrels of nauhtha wa struck and destroyed. At Masontown , Pa the roof of a now public school building wa lifted off , plate- glass windows broken an store fronts blown in. The storm was ac compauled by hail. At Stoubonvlllo , O , , ha ! stones as large as eggs foil , breaking man windows. In this city there was a hoav thunder storm and largo hall stones fell , bu there was no serious damage. WHEELING , W. Va. , April 12. This over ing a llerco thunder storm prevailed , am some good sized hailstones fell. A barn be longing to Charles Adolph , across the rlvci was struck and burned will ) its contents , in eluding live stock. At St. Cluirsvllle , O. , the roof of Mui dough's mill was tossed fifty yards into vacant lot , and several largo plato gloss windows dews in the court house wern broken , A Powhatan , O. . the storm struck Hornbrook' three-story brick building nnd the roof wa blown off. It landed on UKTcu , Bean & Co'f drug store , a frnmo building , almost crust ing it by Us weight , and damaged the con 'icnU considerably. Mr. Colenwn , who wa in the third story of Hornbrook's buildlru was blown out into the utrcot and bndl , injured. The roof of the Ohio Hivcr rullroa depot was blown off aud the building caugli tire , but the flumes were soon oxtinguishei Many chimneys and windows were tlamagui The Voltes Zcltuni ; Indicted. BEIII.IN , April 12. The Volks Zeltung ha been indicted for attacking tlio memory c Kmperor WIHIam. Thocharcu U based upo the article which was tlio cause of tbo BU : pcciiou of that paper. AUMOUIl ft CO.tS SNAP. A Secret Contract \vlth the St. Paul Which Is Profitable , t CIUCAOO , April 12. fdpeclal Telegram to Tnn BEE. ] The discovery ot the fact that the St. Paul road had n secret contract with Armour & Co. , by the terms of which a mile age of n cent n mlle on refrigerator cars was given when the agreed rate was but three- quarters of a cent , was Iho universal topic of conversation to-day nmotiR railroad men. The matter was brought up'in a meeting of the Western Freight association. All the roads thcn said that they had no outstand ing contracts which would interfere with the three-quarters of n cent h mlle rate given by the railroad companies lo firms who owned thnlrdown refrigerator'cars. The rate was then made and , so far as known , all the lines stuck to It except St. Paul. That line paid the other packers three-quarters of n cent nd paid Armour & Co. n cent n rallo nillc- igo. No one soeins to know yet why the St. 'mil acknowledged tho'existence of the con- ract. which Is dated December 17 , 1937. The 'act is , however , thutttio St. Paul announced he existence of the contract in the Thursday meeting of the Western' Freight association. It created such a ! row that the board of managers of the Inter-Stnto Commerce Hallway association , which was 'n session In an adjoining room was called In .o settle the matter. There was an oxccod- ngly stormy time , but as the St. Paul con- , ruct with Armour & Cd. had over three years ongor to run , the other roads had to tnko .heir mcdlcino and nlfe'o adopt the ono cant n mile rate. A gonornljmnnagor of a promi nent western roads is quoted ns saying : ' "Tdo secret rate made by the St. Paul with Armour & Co. , is n practical cut in rates , as it gnvo the firm a quarter ot a cent a mile moro for the use of Its cars than it could have obtained over any other road. It comes under the clause In the inter-state commerce net declaring it illegal tt > offer any rebate or consideration calculated to influence trafllc. Then while the St. PauJ was paying Armour & Co. ono cent n mile fqr the use of their re frigerator cars , they were paying other firms but three-quarters of n cent. That is the ilainest Kind of discrimination. " "How will it end I" - "In nothing at all. Any Individual or cor poration could bring nn action under the intor-stato commerce jact , against the St. Paul , nnd undoubtodlv secure convictions under both charges. Hut no ono will bring charges , nnd the only satisfaction wo will got will bo in paying out thousands of dol- ars to packing firms who run their own re frigerator cars. " "Won't the president's association bring the charges in accordance with the resolution passed Tuesday , to nt as an association against any road which , Violated the terms of the inter-stato commerce act ! " "Well , I should say not You will bo gray- haired bcforo they over bring charges. The railroads ought to bring charges , but they won't. The packers , who have been discrim inated against , ought to bring charges , but neither will thoy. " Chairman Walker , of the Inter-State com merce Railway association , said in answer tea a question : "Wo are organized to punish any and all Inf motions of the inter-state com merce act , nnd wo shall do it. " Whether or not the association would or would not bring charges against the St. Paul , Mr. Wntker claimed not to know. " Ho said , however , that anyone could bring charges to the asso ciation against any road , uiul if substan tiated , suit would bo begun in thonamoof the association. In to-day's meeting of the West ern Freight association it was agreed that copies of all contracts In regard to cur mile- ace should bo submitted to .Chairman Faith- horn , ho to report wWip of the contracts , if any , contained tcrmS'or-'oDdltlons-calculatcd to influence traffic. ; " 1 * " Jlorso Thicvf-i Captured. PUEULO , Colo. , Apr : ? 12. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEC.J A desperate band of horse thieves has been at work in this sec tion and during the east three weeks nine valuable horses have been stolen. Two of them have como to grief. Tuesday night Robert Grant had his fie blooded team stolen. To-day three ranchers who live in the Red creek section , seine twenty-five miles west of Pueblo , saw two men riding along and suspected they were crooked. The ranchers bad the information at that tlmo of Grant's loss nnd the public reward offered. They took the liberty'to halt the two men , ono of whom , Santiago Torres , is'a Mexican only three months out of the penitentiary , and the other , John Yanks , a white man. At noon to-day the pcoplo of Pueblo behold a sort of scouting party riding through tlio streets. It consisted of the Mexican and the smooth-faced Vanks , both of whom were strapped with strong cords to tholr saddles , while the three ranchers , armed with Win chester rifles , rode beside them. The rear guard consisted of Mr. Grant and the horses which proved to bo those ho lost. There AVIll Ro Holes in Plenty. SALT LAKD Cur , April 12. [ Special Telegram to THE 13EK. ] An cxccntric ln > dividual named D. M. Jones recently died in the hospital. The authorities this afternoon visited the delapidated building in which he lived hermit-like in abject poverty , subsist ing on scraps procured around hotels and b.\ beggipg. The room Was forced open , nnO upon the floor , in inextricable confusion , were rags , bones and decaying material ol various kinds , emitting a horrible stench , Search was tnado among the rubbish , and In the old bed , and lii all sorts of odd places were found packages of money , rangingfrotr a , nicklo to $70 curefu ! ly wrapped and twistot in paper. Ovcrlifty if thcso packages wore found , aggregating nearly $2,000. No heirs nro known. I Potltlons for Ncubc's Pardon. SriiiNOFiELi ) , April 12. Louis H. Neobo , of Chicago , Is In the' city securing signature ! of members of the gohoral assembly to a po titlon for the pardoji of his brother , Oscai W. Neebe , who Is senving a fifteen-year soil' ' tqnco in Jollet for complicity in the notci Hoymnrkct massacrp , The petitions whicl ho will present to Governor Flfcr are unus ually strong , being signed bj some of tin best known lawyers , ministers and otho public men in the state. Among the signer are United States ; Senator Farwoll , Con grcssman Mi'-son , Mayor Roche and ex-Mayoi Harrison. There are pvor six thousand slg natures in all. j A Mad Dog Creates a Panic. FUANKLIN , Pa , . April 12. Thursday nftor noon a mad dog created considerable excite mcnt in Cranberry township , aud before 1 could bo killed bit two men and a number o : animals. Just as the scholars at ono of thi public schools were fcnjoyln ? a recess , thi dog made Its appearance , followed by a num her of men. The dog run into the hallwa ) of the school , whore It was finally killed During the excitement several children won badly hurt and a number fainted. The Arinea Court Martial. WASHINGTON , April 23. In the Annei court martial JudgaJIIbbcll , of this city , ap pcarcd as counsel for j the accused , Cup tali Knox having withdrawn. Captain Armes through his counsel , entered a plea of no guilty. Several witnesses testified as to the occur rcnces on Inauguration a ay , when Armei was removed from the parade by order o General Hastings , nnd the encounter in thi Rigga house lobby with Governor Beaver , Tbo testimony was centrally in line with the stories which have already been published , r * Found The Coal. YANKTON , Dak. , April 12. [ Spoclnl Tolo gram'toTiiB BEE. Parties from Center- vlllo , Turner county , who hud filed on i whole section of land to work it for coal made a second filing to-day , having dovclopci the existence cj coal. They will bold thi section as mineral land. The \\VatUcr Indications , For Nebraska , Iowa and Dakota : Fair preceded by rain in eastern Iowa , warmer _ southerly winds. NO CARS ALLOWED TO RUN , The Minneapolis Strike Assumes n Serious Aspect. A RESORT TO THREATS AND FORCE The I'olloo Apparently Powerless to Preserve Order , nml the lay Ends In n Slight Victory A > r tlio Men. The Street Car Strike. MINNEAPOLIS , April 12. There has boon no change In the status of the street railway nnd motor strike since last night. The strlk- rs offered to submit the matter to arbltra- Ion , but President Lowry refused to enter- aln tlio proposal. The company has ro- olvcd n great many applications for work , nd asserts that the places of the strikers can easily bo filled. The street car company made Its Ilrst for- nal attempt to raise the strike nt 1 o'clock his afternoon , The move was made at the fourth avenue car barns. A special detail of policemen was on hand to ride In the car ind see that order was kept. President Lowry and Manager Frederick drove to the pot In n carriage to sco the Ilrst wheel move. The car proceeded on its way , but had not rene twenty foot before It was stopped by ho men , the horses unhitched , and the car ihtivcd back Into the barn. Thopollcouion on .he . car made no attempt to arrest anyone. ST. PAUL , April 12. All the street car men n this city struck at 3 this afternoon. Shortly before 4 o'clock this afternoon , as Tourth avenue car was on its way back , it van surrounded by a hugo and excited ; rowd. Finally someone set the brake on .ho . rear platform and stopped It. At the unction n squad of mounted pollco dashed out of nn alloy way from the Central pollco station nnd rushed at full speed into the crowd , with clubs drawn. Once in the center of the crowd , they arrested three men and returned. Tlio crowd was constantly lugmonting nnd was getting very violent , fo make matters worse , a number of express vagons filled with strikers drova in front of the cars nnd succeeded In making n com- ileto blockade. The driver of the cur llnally unhooked his horses and went oft amid the sheers of the crowd , leaving the car stand- ng on the track. A little later another car on Washington ivonuo , while on Its way back , was blockaded jy two wood carts , which were dropped on , ho corner of Washington and Henncpin. The driver became disgusted , and , tmhitch- ncr his horses , drovo.ofT. < The situation was getthiB serious. A great many stones had been thrown nnd ex citement ran ut fever heat. Three mounted policemen charged the crowd , throwing down several people and injuring a number. Sev eral arrests were made this time and one man was unmercifully clubbed by six or seven policemen. Tha attempt to move cars xvas then abandoned and the crowd became less demonstrative nnd gradually thinned out , leaving two cars on the track. Thus indcd n day in which Lowry prophesied that Jo would have all his cars running on every line bcforo night. THE HO US 13 OF COMMONS. Dnlfour Evasively Itoplies to His Par- ncllitc IntorromnorH. LONDON , April 12. In the commons this evening Professor Stewart ( radical ) asked iBalfour whether the circular sent to the Irlsh poli'co' directing them , to collate all secret Information regarding the doings of members of the National league was de signed to aid the London Times. Ualfour milled evasively and Pnrnell demanded u straight-forward answer. The circularho said was n fact. The use made of Uic circular proved that the government was the prosecu tor behind the Times. Referring to tno use of battering rams In enforcing evictions in Donegal , ho protested against such cruelty and barbarity. Haltour ignored the question regarding the secret circular. Regarding battorini ; rams , he held that It was necessary to use them. Sir William Veruon Hnrcourt described the policy of Balfour as one of extermina tion. tion.Goshcn Goshcn declared that the Parnellites were responsible for that. They had substituted warfare between landlord nnd tenant for friendly relations based on recent laws , which put Irish tenants in a moro favored and protected position than any people In the world. Evictions were not taking place be cause tenants could not pay rout , but be cause they would not do so. Federal Appointments. WASHINGTON , April 11. The president made tbo following appointments this after noon : Lyman E. Knapp , of Vermont , to be governor of Alaska ; James P. Luso , of Da kola , register of the land oftlco nt Rupk City , Dak. , nnd Spencer Hartwlg , of Coving ton , ICy. , special agent to make allotments ol lands in severally to Indians under the pro visions of the act of congress approved Fob' ruuiy 8 , 1887. John Yost , of Illinois , nnd John S. Stldger , of Nebraska , have been appointed spccia agents of tlio land ofllce. Martin Uatly , ol Illinois , has been appointed law clerk in the pension ofllco. J. B. Burke , chief of the issue nnd enzetto division of the patent ofllce has been removed and J. W. Bnbson , for merly chief of that division , has beoi ap pointed to fill tlio vacancy. After Sioux Lands. CiHMBCULAiN , So. Dak. , April 12. [ SpO' cml to TUB BEI : . ! A party of gentlemen , who drove overland from Sioux City , arrlvet in this city last evening. .They represent i colony of Woodbury county settlers and an looking for a location on the great Slou : reservation. They say that if the roservn tlon is opened there will bo a grout imml grntion to this city. All along the line in qulrics are made In regard to the rcscrvn Hon. Thcso gentlemen uro going to proceei up the White rivor. arid when it opens wil locate there. The lands on the Whlto rive are tbo best in the reservation and hodircctl ; opposite this city. The Men Were'ed. BOSTON , April 12. Among the passengers on the steamship Iowa , from Liverpool , to-day , were twenty-six glass blowers whc were ticketed through to Plttsburg. Whei asked if they came hero under promise o work , all answered In the ncgutlvo. , It wa evident that the men had been posted in th answers they were to glvo the authorltiei who failed to get a single point by whlcl they could make a case against them. A Terrlflo Minn Explosion. BOULDEU , Colo. , April 12. Ycstordnj afternoon a terrific explosion occurred ut th Smuggler mlno , at Bnlarat , killing employe named Crook and Collins and wounding tw others , named Mclntyro and Sherman Mclntyre had ona eye blown out and an an : blown off. Ills condition is critical. Shci mun will recover. Hnslncus Troubles. LANCASTEU , Pa. , April 12. George Cnlder a prominent cotton manufacturer of this city and proprietor of the Fulton cotton mil ! assigned to-day. His liabilities nro aoou f 160,000. The assets may reach J50.000 , o which not moro than $20,000 will bo for gcr oral creditors. Kllrulii's Money. New YOHK , April 12. A chock for fS.OO WUB to-day sent to the Clipper oftlco to mt'rf : good the 10,000 stake In behalf of Kilraln li his match to tight Sullivan. ICilraln's frlmid desire the Clipper to bo final stakeholder. liiHpcctlon of Hoof. ST. PAUL , April 12. The house this ever ing passed tbo' senate bill providing for U spectkm on tbo boot of all beef uold In Mli ncsota. MISS niKGIILitiU , She AVI1I bo Taken to Kuropo to He- cupcrnte. CHICAGO , April 12. ISpoolalTologram to THE Unn. ] Libblo Blcchlor arrived In Chi' capo this nttoruoon. The Omaha train , duo nt 1 o'clock , onmo In at 1:10. : A orowil was nt tlio depot , nil eager to got n glmico nt the woman. A great ninny were ladles , nnil they pushed nnil Jammed toward the Rate , brushing tnon nsldo In tholr Imsto. From the last Pullman car , ntlor most of the ether passengers had alighted , stopped n stoutly built gentleman. As ho touched the plat form ho turned about and extended his hand to n plump , round faced puny woman , appar ently about twonty.Ilvo years of ago. She was dressed In mourning. Although her face was uncovered , she grasped the extended - tended hand mid jumped lightly to the plat form. . "There Bho Is. " "That's her , ' " were the expressions heard on all sides as the huly and her escort nciu-oa the iron galas of the depot , but the lady in mourning was Miss Bloomer's sister. Tlio icntlomnn handed the lady Into nn omnibus. A reporter fol lowed , mid the driver whipped up Ills horses for the Sherman house. . "I am Miss Blech- ler , but not the lady you reporters were ex pecting , " she said in n very sweet voice , nftor the reporter had apologized for Intrud ing. "Mrs. King , my sister ; wished to avoid tlio crowds and the reporters at the depot , nnd so she got oft ut Westurn avenue , while I donned her mourning clothes and rode down hero to fnco the reporters. " "How is your slsterl" "She is quite ill. You know she has not had the best of health for two years , nnd the excitement Incident to the trial has not im proved her condition. Wo have made all the necessary prop'.iratioiisniid , in two weeks mv sister will sail for Europe , where she will stay until she recovers. She Is so 111 that wo will have to remain hero several days before wo resume our journey to Clove- lnudl" lnudl"A A MEXICAN 0111319. A Belief That tlio Diaz Government is About to Itc Overthrown. NE\V Yonic , April 12. A private letter re ceived In Now Yorit to-day from a , trust worthy eontloman residing In the Oily of Mexico , says : "Four of the men arrested on .ho charge of being implicated In the derail- ng of President Diaz's train n few weeks ago have been shot. The execution was car ried out very quietly , ns not Infrequently Happens in such cases in this country. News papers nnd news agcnclrs did not publish the ! act , ns editors stand in wholesome nwo of imprisonment and do not give publicity ,0 events which the governmental authorities jirofor should remain in obscurity. Tno prospect now Is that wo nro going to linvo exciting times hero bcforo long. The Jmprcssion is deepening In many minds that President Diaz will not bo able to maintain his position to the end of his present term. Indeed , many think Gonznlo will succeed to tlio presidency before eighteen mouths have ; iassed. THE SAMOAN COMMISSION. The Get Together nml Hub Nosca on the Situation. Nnw YORK , April 12. [ Special 'Telegram to THE Bui : . ] Some very important gentle men , who will decide soon whether to knock the Gorman empire nnd Bismarck into the middle or next week or let them run a little longer , got together to dav for the first tiuio and rubbed noses on the situation. They were members of the Snmoan commission , who sail for Liverpool to-morrow at 3 o'clock on the Cunardor Umbrja. , JTJieso wpro John Kasson , ox-congressman from Town , who can talk Gorman better than old "Bizzy" him self ; William Walter Phelps nnd George Hates , of Delaware. Herold M. Sowall , the shrewd and fearless little man who , us consul to Samoa , stood up for what he bolivod to bo right and was not afraid of Bay- ard nor Cleveland nor anyone else , repre sented the commission In the titular role o ( disbursing agent , but really his position is that ot an cncj'clopaidia. It will be his doll cato duty to put the commission on the right track and keep them there. Lieutenant Par ker , of the United States navy , who is to be the naval attache , completed tlio list. It is expected that sovcmlladios will accompauj the party to Berlin , and see to it that thoii lords and masters uphold the dignity oJ America us it should be upheld , must Pay Taxes. ST. PAUL , Minn. , April 12. A decision hw been given by Jjidgo Vunderburg in the casi of the St. Paul & Sioux City railroad com pany. appellant , vs George F. Hobinson , ai county auditor , and H. A. Cone , as county treasurer of Cottonwoodcountyrespondonts Thp order denying a now trial is affirmed , The case grow out of u land grant to the Sioux City road which Bold Its franchise chiso to the NorthwostuHn , now the Chicago Minneapolis & Omaha toad. The land gran was hold iiutrust by the ilrst ineorpornton who claimed that the property was frci from taxation. This land is found to bo tax able. Several similar cases nro pending ing and altogether some hundreds of thoua ands of dollars uro involved. German Advice to Harrison. BEHLIN , April 12. The Cologne Gazctti advises President Harrison to reconsido the nomination of Mr. Bales to bo commis sloncr to the Samoan conference. In tin course of a long editorial It says : "In Eu rope It is not customary for u political agent previous to his departure on a mission , to an nounce to the world In n newspaper , ns Bate did , his views on a disputed question wit ! which ho is about to deal In u diplomatic ca paclty. The Americans , however , have way of tholr own in diplomatic matters , am the old world will have to got accustomed t the ways of tlio new world. " A Southern Tiln/.o. NEW Om.ntNS , April 13. A fire , whic broke out yesterday evening in the Btcan ship Chilian , continued to cat Its way int 2,500 bales of cotton , nnd the Imprnsslon no\ is that nil the cotton will ho moro or Ics damaged , while 1,200 bushels of corn In on of the forward compartments has been saUi rated with water. Loss on cargo estimate' ' at $100,000. to Visit Dakota. YANKTON , Dak. , April 12. fSuccial Tele gram to TUB BEE. ] BUhop Walker , of Nort Dakota , will preach the sonnon ut the d ( dlcatlon nnd consecration of Christ enure ! at Ynnkton on the 25th of April , on whip occasion both ha and Bishop Hiiro , of Soul Dakota , will bo present. A Western Union Victory. NEW Yonic , April 12. Judge Wallace , I the United States court this morning , hando down n decision in the case of the Wester Union telegraph company against the mayo aud board of electrical control , rcatralnin the latter from interfering with the poles c wires of the Western Union company. nnU QuakliiK. N w YOHK , April 12. Advices from jlnyl by the steamer Doltu , which arrived thl morning , state that heavy fighting took pluc March U9 between Saint Muro aud Connive ; and that on'tho same iluto grnat damage wo done by earthquake at Port do I'aix , man houses being wrecked , and several parson Injuviid. No lives lost. An Incorrect Hojiort. \VASinvmtf , April 12. Secretary Trac ; requests that a positive iloniul bo nude of th published report thai ho asked for the ir vo&tlgation of Paymaster-General Fulton , o the navy , . Catoher Klnco Demi. KANSAS CITY , April 12 , Frank H'.nijo. th well known ball player who took n dote c morphine with suicidal lu'.cut ia. t r.lgb died tUI * morning , POCKETED ALL TDE RECEIPTS Ex-Oollootor Booohor Ohnrffod With Glaring Ilovonuo Frauds. HIS BOOKS IN VERY BAD SHAPEi Sufllcicut Kvldonco Discovered to 1m/ plloato Him In a Korlon ot Wholesale ItoDlinrlos of Government Funds. < j nccohcr Indlotnd. PORTLAND , Ore. , April 12. A Port Town send , W. T , , special says : The United States grand-jury has found twonty-llvo indictments against William Hnrncdox-deputy collector ; cloven ngutnst Herbert F. Bocchcr , ex-treas ury agent , nnd twelve against Qulncy A. Brooks , for stealing from the government. The records nnd accounts hnvo been thor oughly overhauled nnd presented to the grand Jury by government ofllclals especially sent from Washington by Iho treasury department In January , to mnko nn investigation of the many charges preferred i.V the press und public. Tlio records woro. xumlned for n year back. The first thing ound was that vessels had been overcharged n entrance nnd clearance , nnd private ro- olpts Issued , The government receipts camo. ut of what is known ns tlio "bluo book , " iiul muny leaves of this had been destroyed and private receipts issued Instead. By.thlrf method vessels were swindled out of small urns which aggregated many thousand dollars In each your. In other places it was ound that vessels were charged in some m- tanccs hundreds of dollars moro than crcd- tod. Two thousand government receipts voro found in n mutilated condition , con- caled in various purls of the office. The lurgdst steal discovered wus in duties. iald on n c.irgo of the Brillsh bark Madeira , rom Liverpool , lust JUIIB. Six thousand nnd thirty eight dollars were paid , of which ho government received $5,044 , 'Iho records udlcutod no money pnld during the month , nit ono of the consignees claimed to hnva > Md Harncd. Harncd acknowledgedappro- irlallng the money , and took n bag contain- ng $2,000 , to Acting Collector Cullom to mnko good his accounts. The clerk at Sox ittlo holds n receipt for $ liOO , and ? ara W credited to the government for the ontlrq nnnth. After Harnod was dismissed over ' 12,000 was found in various parts of tha ofllco , secreted under carpets , in flower pots , ilgcon holes nnd ether places. The records of the daily receipts during thd utlor part of Becchor's time uro also migs- ng. In uddltion , other records up to Har- : icd's dismissal last November uro gene , sinking it impossible to accurately determine .ho amount of the deficit. Brooks is short ) $15,000 in addition to Illegal fees tollcclcd , ' amounting to ? 1G,000. All three nro spccific- illy chnrgod with oxtorlion , removing public ) records mid fulsitying accounts. There are 038 opium stamps missing , valued nt (5 each , besides a large number of Chinese return certificates , which have been missing sinca the passage of the exclusion net. Harncd und Bccchor will bo nrrcstod to morrow. They refuse to talk. Brooks is ill Washington. Hnrned is worth $40,000 and lias muny warm personal friends on Puget Sound. _ _ _ _ _ The Customs Shortngcq. POUT TOWNSEND , W. T. , April 12. Herbert - t bert F. Bcechor nnd William Harncd , in. A 4 dieted customs officials , filed ? 5,000 bonds to- , day. The trials nro set for next October. Three of Bocohcr's bondsmen were on the grand Jury" vyhlch'indicted , hUnmeet received a number of sympathizing mcs < sages to-day from all over tha coast asserting confidence in his innocence. The best Icgnl talent In the territory haa be-on procured for the defense. Hnrned wa reported as saying that the dcllclencos ha could provo his superior officers Instigated. BATTLE WITH BUHGLAFIS. Ono of Them Shot by the Police and Two ICHcapc. CENTKALU , 111. , * April 12. Robbers cut tored the postoflico here ut 4 o'clock thl < morning. They were discovered by two night policemen nnd n pitched battle ensued , many shots being exchungcd. Ono of thi ; robbers was wounded nnd the other two ran ; away. The police pursued tbon for a distance and when they came back found the wounded man haet escaped , leaving his revolver mid shoes. Tnff robbers were dlsturoed before they got ta work on the safe and only secured whati money was In the stamp drawer , a lltllo eve * ? 1. A negro was found dead nt the Cuntral City bridge at 5 o'clock , terribly mangled. Ho had a number of coppers in his puckotf and no shoes on , nnd la supposed to bo thi wounded robber who was killed by a train while mailing his escape. He's Ills Father's Son. WASHINGTON , April 12. [ Special Tele gram to The BEE. ] The president wai busily engaged in his library with Secretary Hulford lust evening when a messenger en tered with n telogrum. LIgo opened It , nnd without a word of comment passed the mea sago over lo Mr. Harrison , The president glanced at It , read It over again , nnd then burst out laughing. This Is what ho road : "NEW Yonic , April 11. To Benjamin Har- 4 rlson , Executive Mansion , Washington ( ' 1 That chap Crosby has had mo arrested. Am. all right. " "Well , Lice , " exclaimed the president , "that Is what Ru-ss [ gets for being the son ol his father. If I was a lawyer down in In diana ho would not bo subjected to such art Indlgnltv. BccniiBu his father is president of the United States Crosby wants to create ; a sensation. " The president declined to talk to loportcrf 4 about the matter. j ' The Flaherty Murder Trial. Htmo.v , Dak. , April 12. ( SpecialTelegram to THE BEE. " ! This was a dull day In tha Flahoity murder trial. The time was occu < pied by the defense attempting by export tes < tlmony to provo that Flaherty was Insatiq wlion ho killed Hatlio Wilson. Several prominent physicians testified to Flaherty' physical condition , but no ono would swcai ho was insane any nt Iho time , though ha had symptoms of cpilopiy , Flaherty give * no heed to what is going on other than to np' parcntly enjoy the proceedings. An Island Submerged. BCAU/OUT , N. O. , April 12. During tha recent gale at Portsmouth , Narrow Island ) near Ocratontc inlet , In this state , was sub merged , drowning cattle , snoop and hogi , The water rosn to many foot in the houses , und there was much destruction of property. The inhabitants took to the house top ? , ro- tjialulni , ' thcro until the storm was pvcr , Great suffering was experienced , but uollvca were lost , _ A nellclons Mtuilnc'H Deod. ( SAVANNAH , Go. , April 18. Prince Law , ft negro living on the Springfield plantation ! flvo miles out of the city , killed bis live-year- old son yesterday afternoon , as a sacrjllcc ta the devil. Law 1 * craxv on religion , Ho wusaricstod und placed In jail , Saved From a Wreck , BAI.TIUOHB , Md , , April 12. The steamship Pirate nrrlvnd here this morning , having on board a shipwrecked crew of four men belonging - longing to the schooner Richard W. Deu- ham of Bath , Me. The Dunham wa clla * masted and leaking and wan set on ilro whcq ' abandoned , Steamship Arrival * . At Bulllmore The Wcser , from Bremen * At New York The Britannic , from Liver"- pool ; the r.lcler , from ilremcn ; the Stale 'ol JVtnsyh'jnlu , I rum UU govr ,